#fantasy meme
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eghostsofdeadchildren · 6 months ago
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Literally me rn.
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mascula-sappho · 6 months ago
modern d&d/high fantasy type elves: we're tiny and small and love nature and peace and are sooo fancy and mysterious we never get our hands dirty and we're so delicate we only live 700 years
Tolkien's elves: hi I'm seven and a half feet tall but my brother is taller than that, I drink alcohol so strong it would kill you, I survived torture and starvation for years uncountable, no problem though, I can rip out werewolves throats with my teeth and my friend over here has scars covering their body. We're all autistic and functionally immortal. I use ropes as bridges and am telepathic. Did I mention we killed each other over some jewels? no? Anyway we still like fancy and shiny things and looking pretty. Our hair is so strong it can be used as bowstrings. We have no gender roles except that women bake and men cook, but even that one is bendable if you want to. Do Not cross our army. Oh and our eyes used to be bioluminescent.
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notmorbid · 2 months ago
the silt verses, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from eskew productions' the silt verses.
there are tides that offer, and tides that seize.
i just couldn't keep going on as i was.
look to yourself first. you can't control how other people see the world.
everyone's walking their own path.
can i trust you to stay?
if you want us to fight, i'm ready to fight.
i've learned to weather as much as i need to.
haven't i given enough of myself to you?
i'm always tired. hasn't stopped me yet.
they couldn't listen, so they didn't know.
i can go. i don't mind going.
take my advice: make sure you're back before nightfall.
this is going to be very painful, like nothing that ever came before. i'm sorry for that.
there's so much out here. so much shape and color and texture and distortion.
there are so many layers of protection against your childhood.
i'm not really sitting here, am i? this isn't really you.
i'm not going to die down here.
you learn to love the wounds as much as what came before them.
i never found a god i could love more than fear.
if it was possible to create something better, someone would have done it already.
the least i can do is send you on your way with a full stomach.
i never had this, growing up.
may your peace find you on a lonely road. may your peace walk on with you for a while.
i'm sorry you've been through so much.
i'm lucky. i do know that.
everything's gonna be okay. i just thought you'd want to know that.
i'm sorry i caused a scene back there.
i don't think i feel the same way i used to.
it's like something has been stolen from me, but i can't tell if i should be grieving for it yet, because i don't know if it's coming back.
i don't understand, but that's okay.
i'm not as simple as you like to make out. i keep trying to tell you that.
i've already apologized twice tonight. i'm not doing it a third time.
i hated you, too.
you're not turning me into an allegory.
i'm sorry. i know that's not what you want to hear from me, but it's the truth.
this thing doesn't come with a face you and i can strike at.
that's my rage to carry. it's my hurt. it's my sorrow. you don't get to share it with me.
stop pretending. stop performing.
you know what hurts most, after all of this? you're still not listening to me.
doesn't that make you ashamed? to scavenge off our lives when they're all we have?
pleased with yourself, are you?
sleep. you've done enough. your work is done.
i wasn't expecting you to be so kind to me.
i thought i must have done something to make you leave.
none of them seem to know what to make of you.
what's in it for you? that's what i don't understand.
i don't think anyone cares who you really are, at this point.
we do have a choice, but it's just one: resist or comply. there is no third option.
it's a hateful thing, isn't it? when it turns out someone really knows you.
i thought your job was to make me talk.
it's good to see you, [name].
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troythecatfish · 24 days ago
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kikismemes · 1 year ago
𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱 - send ✨ for your muse to cast a spell on mine. For one day they can only tell you the truth, after 24 hours, it's all forgotten.
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balfazuar · 1 year ago
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merundil · 1 month ago
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It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
A cute photo of my pet hamster, ellena. I love her so much, she's so adorable😭❤️
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what-the-stark · 7 months ago
👀 (I slipped)
send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
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So are you asking if I ever exercise my impressive imagination in your general direction, or if said imaginary scenarios are a little more targeted? Since you haven't bothered to visit in person, it would serve you right if I didn't let you in on any of my scandalous secrets, whether they feature you or not.
But...I'm feeling generous. And shameless, so I guess I'll share with the group.
You pop up in here often enough that I've come to associate this place — my workshop — with you. Which is a bullshit psychological motivator for something that I already wanted in the first place, but that's how the mind works. I feel safe here, and though it kind of pisses me off, since you're not actually here anyway, by default you feel safe, too. Unwise, I know. Believe me, I am aware. But it's where we're at.
And you're not skipping right to the racy section of this novel, you haven't earned it. So, PG it is. But I will admit to entertaining a few fantasies involving you, a worktable, part or all of a suit and probably a lockdown to avoid spectators. I'm an exhibitionist, sure, but I can't see how I would feel inclined to ever share you.
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luuntears · 11 months ago
Omniarch: How does it feel
Omniarch: Having your emotions taken from you
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ashciz-thoughts · 24 days ago
I love how they lost a big ol' crystal ball that is large enough to fill an entire seat. I would do the same.
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In a fantasy setting, my job would be exactly the same
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tammykaos · 6 months ago
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eghostsofdeadchildren · 8 months ago
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(It's true)
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wizardnchampion · 3 days ago
when your perception roll is 5 or less 😮‍💨
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notmorbid · 6 months ago
woman, eating.
dialogue prompts from woman, eating: a literary vampire novel by claire kohda.
people have appalling night vision.
i've marked crosses where you need to sign.
where did you say you live? anywhere near ____?
you hate me, don't you?
you won't make it without me.
it's hard to know what's real with you.
i did everything for you. everything was for you.
i don't like eating alone.
god wouldn't want to help a demon survive, and that's what we are.
this place is beyond new beginnings.
what do you see yourself as?
demon is a subjective term.
i'm not very good at goodbyes. or any form of greeting, actually.
how are you? i miss you. i want to hear about your life.
everything in everyone's life is temporary.
just imagine i'm dead.
people are like flowers: seasonal, wilting, and finite.
am i the only other person who can see you?
it sounded like you were dragging a body across the floor.
we cannot have any more catastrophe.
don't talk back to me.
my body isn't mine. it isn't a good fit for me.
you were very human. that was what i liked about you.
you never told me how ___ died.
i have to do everything for you, don't i?
give it time. you just haven't found yourself yet.
i don't really get contemporary art.
i'm trying to figure out what i want to do with my life.
how come you stopped ____?
what does the winner get?
it's kind of like being a kid again.
i don't want to be walking too late.
just be careful.
watch out for ___.
we're the same.
sorry if i said anything bad or embarrassing.
everything looks different, but it's hard to pinpoint how.
i like your look.
will you swap with me? can i be you for a bit?
i guess i feel small. undervalued.
it's hard to see what's beautiful anymore.
taking is not good for the soul.
what are you doing? lost?
did i make you feel bad?
i feel like i've been standing completely still.
i'm not sure what i feel when i look at you.
sorry. i'm not good at talking about it.
what are you going to do?
i'm really sorry about the ____.
when you left, you took something of me with you.
i'm sorry. i don't know what's wrong with me.
life is a line, not a circle.
i think i like you.
i don't want to feel at home in the dark.
take me with you. please.
i can't take you with me.
memories make life.
move away. i'm dangerous.
i don't know who i am anymore.
are you high or something?
i don't think i ever hated you.
can i do anything to help?
i wish i could be honest.
i don't want to bring you down with me.
i can't tell what it is i want.
the other night was a mistake.
you don't like me?
i am completely alone.
will you let me in?
i think i've known for a while.
you can't just listen to one side and block out the other.
neither side of me can be separated from the other.
i don't have sides at all. i am two things that have become one thing.
are you okay? do you need help getting home?
i'm not sure what i am anymore.
for the first time, i feel like i'm exactly where i'm meant to be.
this feels like the first time i've really seen you.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year ago
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here's something stupid: the catcatfish
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some quick facts:
they're nocturnal and tend to roam around while awake.
they have keen senses of smell and hearing, but terrible eyesight. despite this, they also have a tapetum lucidum, making their pupils "glow" in the dark.
their fur is short, dense, and oily to waterproof them.
they prefer a diet of mostly meat and are attracted to strong-smelling food like fish, cheese, and anything fermented.
the elongated dewclaw on each front paw is sharp, flexible, and nonretractable. it injects a venom that causes respiratory failure and cardiac arrest in prey and, in extreme doses, humans. veterenarians typically remove the dewclaw venom glands during the neuter/spay procedure.
they grow to an average of 1m and 23kg (3ft and 50lb) but can reach up to double that length and triple the weight!
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