#fantasia ostrich
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clafairybear · 1 year ago
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Madame Upanova. Fantasia (1940)
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cynicalclassicist · 16 days ago
To those ostriches!
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Link. Tweets:
a friend just noted all the ostriches in fantasia are boys and i am floored i never noticed. sissy that walk, ladies
only boy ostriches have black and white feathers, gang. it’s an ostrich drag ballet troupe. god bless america
‘when will there be a gay disney prince’ that prima ballerina ostrich has been holding it down since 1940 apparently
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thinkbolt · 9 months ago
Red Hot Riding Hood (MGM, 1943) dir. Tex Avery
1st appearance of Red Hot Riding Hood, designed & animated by Preston Blair, who created the sexy centaur girls in Fantasia, as well as the dancing ostriches and hippos.
Buy me a coffee!
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the-crystal-cliffs · 2 years ago
Let Me Be Your Light (Empires SMP)
Summary: Twin orphans, Gem and fWhip, are the newest hires at Circo de Fantasia, a travelling circus filled with performers who have various magical abilities. However, the Mad King has been following the circus around for decades to steal the powers of various performers to take for himself. Recently, fWhip has been the most recent victim. Gem, who was born without powers and who only joined the circus to be with her brother, consoles fWhip while also realizing she may be integral to defeating the Mad King and getting everyone's abilities back.
AO3 Link
Word Count: 6797
Thank you to @mcytblraufest for hosting the event! Also absolutely huge shout-outs to my incredible artists @yoshiintheweb (art link)and @pidgedee (art here)!! The pieces look amazing!
Chapter 1
The Circo de Fantasia was a whirl of activity an hour before sundown—the time when the circus would officially open to the random city they had chosen. They were planning to stay for a week; it gave people living outside city limits time to travel to see the circus, but not too long that the performers got restless.
Multi-coloured striped tents littered the flat plot of land in organized chaos. The red-and-white big top, where the trapeze and tightrope apparatuses were set up, sat in the heart of the circus; all paths ended up there.
Gem hefted up her box of popcorn kernels further up her hip to keep it from slipping. She was heading in the opposite direction of the big top, towards the front entrance where the snack tent stood. Katherine, the strong woman, passed by with two large metal poles balanced on her shoulders like double fishing rods.
The snack tent was hard to miss. It was built to catch the eyes of anybody who passed through the main gates. The glass display was already filled with cookies, cupcakes, cotton candy, and slices of cake of all kinds of flavours. The choices were so vast that options had to be switched in and out on different days of the circus. Tonight there were oatmeal cookies, strawberry cupcakes, blueberry cotton candy, and carrot cake. The latter Gem had to be careful with—she was allergic to carrots.
There were other more exotic treats baked by the witch, Shelby: gum that, once chewed, made the consumer’s tongue a random, glowing colour; ice cream that made steam come out of a person’s ears and nose, the cone able to act like a goat horn to make various loud noises; and brownies that caused the person’s hair to float as if there were no gravity.
As Gem was putting the box of kernels away in the back as extra, Sausage appeared at the other end of the display case, Mittens the large boa constrictor twirling around his neck. The ostrich named Pippy was to his left.
Mittens let out a hiss, her tongue flicking out. Her triangular head bobbed in Gem’s direction.
“Mittens says you should check on fWhip,” Sausage translated, pursing his lips. Then, after a pause, “Tell him that, if he wants, he can help me out with my acts. I could always use more hands.”
“Thanks.” Gem gave a curt nod as Sausage continued on his way. She finished straightening out the snack tent before heading in the direction of the personal tents, way in the back of the circus.
The personal tents were much smaller and made of black material as they only had to house a bed, a dresser, and maybe a couple pieces of belongings. fWhip’s tent was right next to her own.
“fWhip,” she called out to her brother as she stood just outside his tent. “Can I come in?”
There was a muffled grunt from the other side that Gem took to be a “yes,” and so she entered.
The tent was sparsely decorated, which was to be expected. She and fWhip had only arrived at the circus two months prior, a little after their fourteenth birthdays, and they had been orphans living on the street. Not many personal belongings to spruce up the tent with. Gem’s only possession was a family picture of herself, fWhip, and their parents from Before.
fWhip himself was curled up in his bed, his red hair pointing in all directions. His face wasn’t nearly as pale as it had been a week ago at their last city, so Gem supposed that was one positive. Still, fWhip had been unusually quiet on their trip here. Gem couldn’t really blame him though—he was going through a lot.
��How are you feeling?” Gem asked quietly, sitting at the end of fWhip’s bed.
fWhip grunted again and dug his head into his pillow even more. He had mostly stayed in bed all day and the Ringmaster allowed it, saying that fWhip was grieving and needed a little more time to get back on his feet.
“Sausage told me that you could help him during his acts,” Gem said. “I know you like helping him care for the boars.” She tried to keep her voice as soothing as possible.
fWhip rolled over onto his back and his eyebrows were drawn down. “I don’t want another act,” he snapped. “I want my own one back.”
“Well, sleight of hand—”
fWhip grimaced. “I do not do sleight of hand—I mean did.” He stumbled over his words, the past tense clearly paining him to say. “There ought to be a way to get my magic back.”
Gem decided not to engage with more talk about the Mad King. Instead, she pivoted. “Just look at everybody who's lost their powers. Katherine might not be inhumanly strong anymore, but she’s worked out so much that she can still lift more than the average person can. False used to be able to fly, but now she does the trapeze. Jimmy could adjust his height at will, now he’s our contortionist.”
“But that’s the thing,” fWhip said. “Everyone already had those talents before the Mad King stole their powers. Katherine consistently exercised even when she could single handedly lift an elephant, False already swung around the forest like a monkey, Jimmy’s limbs were always freakishly flexible. Martyn didn’t grow up afraid of fire, so he can do non-magical fire acts. And Joel didn’t have to change much out of his act—just had to go on a tightrope without electricity pulsing through the rope.”
Gem had been wracking her head for an exception then finally landed on one. “Joey! He used to be able to control water and now he throws knives.”
“I don’t want to learn a new skill. I want my old one back.” fWhip finally sat up and he frowned, his eyes blazing. “You don’t understand, Gem. The magic that was inside of me, it was always there ever since I was born. I could always replace things with other objects, could always pull a pen out of someone’s pockets, put a coin in someone else’s. And now it’s just gone. You don’t have powers so you don’t understand.”
Gem blinked rapidly, not expecting her brother’s words to hurt as much as they did. Her lack of powers had been something she’d grappled with when their parents had still been alive; fWhip could do literal magic, she couldn’t. As they got older, the difference hurt less and less. Regardless, the bruise was still there.
Gem’s hands turned to fists in her skirts and she rapidly stood up. “Fine. I’ll just leave then. I’m trying to be nice and offer you some ideas on other acts you can do without your magic. And sure, I might not understand what it’s like to lose your powers, but I sure do understand what it’s like to be powerless.” Her nose crinkled as she grimaced. She yanked open the flap of fWhip’s tent. “It’s not so bad, you know, but you make it seem like the Mad King stole your life rather than your magic.”
Gem stomped away.
Chapter 2
By the time Gem changed out of her regular clothes and into her wizard’s costume (it was Circo de Fantasia; fantasy was in their name and the Ringmaster took it very seriously), the circus was about to open.
Above, dark clouds threatened to rain. Gem hoped it would hold off, at least until the end of the circus. However, despite the lack of natural light from the moon, the circus was properly lit up. Fire torches and electric lamps and fairy lights decorated the paths and tents. There was no shadowy area within the circus grounds, not even among the personal tents—especially among the personal tents.
Even though everything was well-lit (probably too lit for a night-time circus), Gem was still on edge. What if the Mad King found them again? Although he usually showed up one every two or three cities, the Ringmaster said the king was becoming more powerful due to all the magic he was stealing from people.
Scott, who was able to see a person’s magical aura due to his magical eye, said he could feel the power radiating from the King. When the Mad King had arrived last, stealing fWhip’s power, Scott had said the king’s flame burned bright and large—unnaturally strong. When Gem had questioned Scott about this when she’d just arrived at the circus, she’d asked him how it had all worked.
“It’s as if everyone has a candle inside them,” Scott had replied, looking at her with his blue eye and yellow crystal one. It had creeped her out at first; his yellow eye reminded her of a cat’s. Now, Gem was pretty used to his heterochromia. “Most people have regular flames. You know, tiny drops of fire that flicker every so often. However, others have a brighter flame, more immoveable. It’s hard to describe the difference, but those are the people with magical abilities. Those who have these abilities can train to make their fire within them stronger, but there’s a natural stopping point when it can’t get any bigger or more radiant.” Scott had shrugged.
Martyn, who had been previously rocking in his rocking chair, spoke up. His grey hair poked around his cowboy hat. He was the oldest performer at the circus by a long shot and his wrinkles grew deeper as he smiled. “Not me, though.”
“No, not Martyn,” Scott admitted. “Martyn used to be able to create and wield fire. But fire is alive and has a mind of its own. Without care, it can catch and grow out of hand. It actively fights against anything or anybody trying to control it. And, because of that, Martyn’s inner flame was much weaker since a part of his magic was fighting against the nature of fire.”
Martyn had laughed. “Now I just have to be extra careful when wielding fire; I’m not automatically fireproof nor can I douse fire with my mind!”
Returning back to the present, Gem sighed as she put in a bunch of popcorn kernels into the bright red popcorn machine behind the display of foods. Already, popcorn smell was wafting around the tent, all thanks to Shelby’s popcorn-smelling potion being released around the circus’ grounds.
The light jingle of bells announced Oli’s arrival, wearing a multi-coloured jester hat decorated with mini bells. His ukulele (dressed as a lute) was strung behind his back and multiple other instruments were hanging off his person. Trailing behind him was seven-year-old Hermes on a unicycle and wearing a similar court jester’s outfit.
“Gem!” Oli greeted with a kind smile and wave. He was a year older than Gem and that probably was one of the reasons why they got along well. “Ready for another night?”
“Of course,” Gem smiled, just as the popcorn began popping. She poured out a small cup and gave it to Hermes who took it eagerly.
Oli then became a little more serious. “And how’s fWhip doing?”
Pursing her lips, Gem responded, “Not exactly well. He’s missing his powers quite a bit. Lashing out.” She decided not to get into the details and what exact words were said.
“Dad was angry when the Mad King stole his powers,” Hermes said. “He tried to hide it from me, but I could tell it really upset him that he couldn’t do his usual tricks on the tightrope. He couldn’t clear the storms that could close the circus for the night.” The young boy frowned. “He’s happier now, I think.”
Oli patted Hermes on the back before pulling his ukulele around. He strummed out a chord and hummed along with it. He began picking at the strings, creating lyrics on the spot. Something about losing a part of yourself and never really being the same afterwards.
Tears pricked in the corner of Gem’s eyes and she sniffed violently to stop them from falling. She swatted Oli’s hat. “Stop that! You’re going to make everyone who steps inside the circus burst into tears.”
Oli placed his hands along the four strings of the ukulele to stop their vibrations before starting up a new song, much more upbeat than the last. A grin spread on Gem’s face as she felt the tune raise her spirits, joy rushing through her body.
“I wish the emotions you created stayed after you stopped your music,” Gem said with a sigh. fWhip could use some happiness in his life right now, even if it was fabricated and would evaporate as soon as Oli stopped singing or playing.
Oli shrugged, just as the first people entered the circus. “I’m only really good at temporarily changing emotions. It wouldn’t be healthy if it was permanent.”
“You’re probably right,” Gem said, readying her hands to fill bags of popcorn and hand out food for most of the night.
It wasn’t too bad, really. She liked seeing the people who entered the circus and, on the nights where they were opened multiple times in a single city, she enjoyed recognizing the people who came again and again.
People of all ages walked through the gate. A lot of the people entered were families with younger children, but older folks and adult couples oftentimes came too.
And it wasn’t as if Gem would be behind the snack tent forever. False was teaching her some trapeze moves and soon they could be a double act, flinging each other around in the sky. Gem wasn’t quite there yet, but it was exciting having future plans that weren’t just popcorn girl.
Abruptly, every light and flame in the circus went out. A dark fog appeared, making it so that the city’s light pollution was completely gone as well. There was only blackness. The brownie in Gem’s hand she was about to give to a child dropped to the ground.
Gem’s knees went weak and her mind began to race. Somewhere nearby, a kid began crying. Gem’s heart thumped, suddenly thrown back into her childhood where monsters lived in her closet and under the bed, and she had to sleep with a little light plugged in to ward away anything evil.
Panicking, she felt around until she was out of the snack tent. Light, she needed light. Blood was rushing in her ears and Gem began to run, hands out in front of her. She knew it was dangerous, that she could possibly run into someone or even a pole holding up a tent, but Gem couldn’t think straight; the only thing repeating in her mind was light. She was a moth frantically searching for a lamp.
Heat built up inside of her chest and Gem fell to her knees, gripping at her heart. Pain burned through her body, tears forcing their way out of her eyes. Was this what a heart attack felt like? Was she going to die here, in the unnatural darkness? Then, all of a sudden, there was a bright burst of golden light and Gem passed out.
Chapter 3
When Gem opened her eyes, fWhip was peering down at her, his nose practically touching her own.
She jumped, nearly smacking heads with her brother in the process. “fWhip!” she exclaimed, her voice slightly hoarse.
fWhip stood back, slightly sheepish. “Sorry,” he muttered, and Gem realized they were in her tent. “I wanted to see if you were still breathing.”
Gem squinted around the tent, in search of her clock. She finally found it, the hands telling her it was early morning. “What—what happened?” she asked. She remembered the darkness, the fear, and then the bright light.
There were footsteps outside her tent. “May Scott and I come in?” the Ringmaster said. “I can answer a few of your questions.”
“Sure,” Gem said, and waited until the Ringmaster and Scott entered.
“Are you feeling better?” the Ringmaster asked.
“Tell me what happened, please,” Gem said.
The Ringmaster sighed. “The Mad King has clearly grown stronger. He must have planned for a mass theft of magic last night. Douse all lights, steal the rest of our magic.” The Ringmaster worried his bottom lip and dark circles ran under his eyes.
Gem remembered her and fWhip’s first time at Circo de Fantasia, listening intently when the Ringmaster explained the circus’ purpose: to be a safe haven to those possessing magic.
“While having multiple magic wielders in the same space might not be ideal, the circus keeps us up at night, when the Mad King is the strongest,” the Ringmaster had told them.
“How does he find them?” Gem had asked. “How does he know who to steal from and who not to?”
The Ringmaster hadn’t said anything for a long moment. His eyes had gone far off, to a place Gem didn’t know, before finally responding by saying, “A type of hunting. Watching for inhuman abilities. Our witch, Shelby, casts a protective spell that follows the circus around and lasts a varying amount of time. She never knows when it fades away and, while she does try to reinforce it, the magic drains her a fair amount.”
Gem had furrowed her eyebrows, finding a rather large hole in the Ringmaster’s plan. “Then why are you placing yourselves all together? The Mad King has all of you in one place.”
“The Mad King steals powers easiest when his victim is asleep or unconscious—the magic flows freely then. In a circus, we’re up the whole night. Not only that, but he’s the most powerful at night when he can travel and manipulate the shadows. By day, we’re asleep and under Shelby’s magical protection.”
This conversation ran through Gem’s mind as she stared at the Ringmaster. Her eyes travelled over to Scott for a split second who was looking at her strangely and then to her brother who seemed to have decided that they were on good terms once again, their argument on the previous night forgotten.
“Okay, and? What was the bright light?”
“You,” Scott said, his eyes fixated on Gem. “Your candle’s flame is stronger. It doesn't flicker like it used to.”
Gem and fWhip instantly met each other’s gazes before Gem broke away to look at Scott. “Wait, what? Does that mean I unlocked a magical ability? Is that even possible?” The world spun; she felt like her tent was a ship’s cabin and she was seasick.
“Her power is light?” fWhip exclaimed, and Gem could hear hints of jealousy and awe in his voice.
The Ringmaster glanced over at fWhip and shook his head slowly. “Not just light. The sun.”
At this, Gem chuckled a little. “The sun?” she repeated. “It was nighttime when the bright light occurred. The sun had been down for hours.”
“The moon only shines because the sun’s rays reflect off of it,” the Ringmaster said.
Scott’s blue eye was frantic as he said, “you could be the key to defeating the Mad King. His original power is darkness and shadow, right?” He turned to the Ringmaster. “This could be a turning point. We wouldn’t have to worry about him stealing our powers.”
“If the Mad King dies, will I get my ability back?” fWhip said, his eyes lighting up; Gem hadn’t seen such hope on his face in weeks.
There was a slight lull in the conversation and Gem watched Scott’s yellow eye flick over to her once again.
“It’s possible,” the Ringmaster said slowly, turning to fWhip, clearly not wanting to get his hopes up too much. “But it’s also entirely possible that, once defeated, everyone’s powers die with him.”
The light in fWhip’s eyes suddenly dimmed and his mouth drew down in a frown. Gem wanted to say something to make him feel better, but what was there to say? He had recently lost his power and was now learning that his twin sister did have one when he’d previously thought otherwise. And, even if the Mad King was defeated, there was still no guarantee of getting his own ability back.
“At this point, the best we can hope for in killing the King is that no one else’s abilities are stolen,” Scott said. “We’ll have to get you training right away. You’re lucky False has been training you in the trapeze—being physically strong will help immensely. But Martyn might also be useful; he knows what it’s like to fight against the nature of fire. For you, Gem, you’re fighting against the nature of the sun.”
The Ringmaster rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “If you could somehow focus a light blast similar to last night’s, aiming directly at the Mad King…that could be the end. Your light might be able to be the killing blow against his darkness.”
“This is perfect,” Scott said, and his voice sped up as he continued. “The Mad King has been able to extinguish any kind of light, fire and electricity, but with Gem’s power—he can’t take out the sun—we might actually have a chance of not running for our lives for an eternity.”
“There’s only one problem,” fWhip said blandly from the corner of the tent. Both the Ringmaster and Scott swivelled their heads to look at fWhip as he pointed to a bottle on the bedside table Gem had had Shelby create to glow for three hours after being shaken. “Gem’s afraid of the dark.”
Chapter 4
Gem truly thought she had grown out of that particular fear. When she thought about being scared of the dark, she remembered padding out to her parents bedroom until they bought her a mini nightlight and, even then, she’d keep her curtains open so the light emanating from the nearby buildings would keep the imaginary monsters at bay.
To be fair, Gem was no longer scared of monsters with horns and sharp teeth and one eye; it was the fact that she couldn’t see. She was completely vulnerable in the dark, unable to do anything about a hypothetical danger. Like a power-hungry king, for example.
When her and fWhip’s parents died and they were orphans on the street, Gem had just assumed the trauma of losing them overrode her fear of the dark.
Now, looking back, Gem just realized that, living on the streets, she was never truly in darkness. No matter how dark the alleyway was, there was always a streetlamp, or a building whose light was still on, or the moon and stars. Even if it was mostly dark, she was never in true darkness.
The next afternoon, Gem visited Shelby’s work tent where strange herbs and ingredients on tables were lined up in bottles and a handful of brewing stands were bubbling and steaming away.
“Do you think you could make a night-vision potion for me?” Gem asked, watching as Shelby ground up a pink flower. She was wearing a green apron with multiple pockets in the front, holding various tools and other ingredient bottles.
Shelby winced, brushing the pink dust into an empty glass bottle on the table in front of her. “It’s not going to be able to help you see when the Mad King comes back.”
Gem sighed—this was what the Ringmaster had told her earlier that day. “Still, it might give me some peace of mind, you know?”
With one hand, Shelby reached into her apron’s pocket for a bottle of mushrooms, with the other she flipped open a heavy book. “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” Her eyes ran through the words on the page as she unstoppered the bottle in her hands. “I have all the ingredients, nether wart…golden carrot—”
A lump formed in Gem’s throat. “Carrot? Like, an actual carrot?”
Shelby nodded offhandedly before realization dawned on her face. Her hands stopped moving and she placed all her attention on Gem. “Wait, you’re allergic to carrots, aren’t you?”
“Were you ever afraid of anything?” Gem asked False as they stretched below the trapeze equipment. “And did you get over your fear?” Gem didn’t think False could be afraid of anything��not when she flipped and spun around in the air without a net and her power of flight stolen from her.
False thought about this for a moment, her legs straight out in front of her, her body bent forwards so that her head was touching her knees. “I used to be afraid of cats.” She turned to look at Gem with a wry smile. “If I thought I saw one out of the corner of my eye, I’d run the other way.”
Gem’s eyes widened. “Really?” she asked. “And you’re no longer afraid of them? How’d you do that?”
“It took me a long time to get over that fear,” False said, then must have noticed Gem’s pinched face. “Fears don’t go away easy. You have to work at them constantly. And, even now, sometimes a cat catches me by surprise and I find myself taking steps backwards.”
Gem flopped down on her back and sighed. “Then how am I supposed to get over my fear? The Mad King could be here tonight and I need to be there to defeat him.”
False pursed her lips and put a comforting hand on Gem’s arm. “You aren’t alone in this fight. When the Mad King comes, everyone will be there. My advice for you? Go talk to Lizzie; she might be able to help. She did for me, and not just because she has cat characteristics.”
Gem still wasn’t sure. “How? Even if fortune telling could help me, she’s not actually a real one.”
“I know, but she gives solid advice. I think she might be helpful.”
“Well, if you say so.” If False said Lizzie could help, Gem would take her word for it. Clearly something had worked if False got over her fear of cats with Lizzie, a woman who was like a cat.
Gem and False then spent the next hour flying on the trapeze, letting go and catching each other in mid-air. She could feel the wind in her hair, her stomach dropping when she let go of the bar of a split second, then the satisfaction of connecting with False’s hands. It was nice to get her mind off of something that wasn’t related to the Mad King.
On her way to Lizzie’s tent, Gem passed the Ringmaster, hurrying in the opposite direction. When Gem turned the corner and walked a couple more steps, Sausage and the Ringmaster were speaking together in low tones, head bent together. While Gem didn’t know the specifics of the Ringmaster’s power, perhaps it was teleportation? Although, she had never seen this happen before.
Deep in thought, she almost bumped into fWhip.
“Where are you headed in such a hurry?” fWhip asked. While her brother’s complexion was a little less sickly, there were still dark circles under his eyes.
Gem desperately wanted to go to Lizzie’s as soon as possible, but she couldn’t find it in herself to brush off her brother. She was so in her head about her own issues, but fWhip was also going through difficulties. “I’m heading to Lizzie’s for advice. Wanna come?”
fWhip looked just as skeptical as Gem felt, but shrugged. “I suppose. Nothing else better to do.”
As they walked shoulder-to-shoulder, Gem asked, “so, did you take up Sausage’s offer?” She felt like she knew the answer, but she hoped nonetheless.
fWhip snorted. “No.”
Gem sighed, but didn’t push further. She didn’t want to get in another fight. She needed her brother to be here with her, just like she knew fWhip needed her as well (despite thinking otherwise).
Lizzie’s tent was an elaborate deep pink and, during the nights, a fine fog emanated from it (curtesy of one of Shelby’s potions). Out front, “Mystic Mary’s Fortune Telling” was written on a sign.
Inside, there was a little table filled with strange objects, a glass ball, and a stack of cards. Lizzie herself was curled up in the back, in a nest of blankets. As soon as Gem and fWhip entered, her eyes shot open, showing off her vertical pupils.
“Oh, it’s just you two,” Lizzie said, and she unfurled herself so she could stand. She was shorter than both Gem and fWhip. “I assume you aren’t here for a reading.”
“False told me you helped her get over her fear of cats,” Gem explained as Lizzie sat down on a stool behind the table. Gem decided to take the other chair, leaving fWhip standing. “She said you might be able to give me advice about my current...issue. You see, I’m scared of the dark. I don’t think I’m going to be strong enough to handle being completely in the dark and focus a blast powerful enough to kill the King.”
Idly, Lizzie picked up the stack of tarot cards, beginning to shuffle them. Gem could see how people thought Lizzie was a legitimately skilled fortune teller. “Well, that’s easy.”
“It is?” fWhip said, and Gem turned her head slightly to see that her brother’s eyes were focussed entirely on Lizzie’s hands, moving the cards around. Yearning was clear in his gaze.
“Well,” Lizzie amended, “it’s quite difficult to get over fears quickly. There’s not exactly a way to shortcut those kinds of things.”
Gem deflated.
“But that’s not what I’m talking about,” Lizzie continued. “The Mad King is the strongest at night, right? So just don’t fight him then. Lure him out and then when it’s day—when you’re the most powerful—land the final blow.”
Chapter 5
Gem didn’t have to wait long for the Mad King to strike. In the two weeks leading up to it, her days consisted of being with False and becoming physically stronger, and being with Martyn to become mentally stronger and able to create balls of light between her hands.
“You’ve got to believe in yourself,” Martyn had told Gem, out in the back field behind the circus one afternoon. “You’re fighting against the sun; you’re taking light for yourself. Even using a miniscule amount needs willpower.”
Gem who, at that point, hadn’t been able to conjure more than foggy beams of light since that night she realized her powers was close to quitting for the day. “Why can’t this be easier? Why can’t the sun just let me take some of its light?”
“The sun ain’t exactly listening to your prayers,” Martyn had replied with, and he’d adjusted his cowboy hat on his head that he wore, even outside of his fire performance. “It’s a game of tug o’ war and you have to come out victorious.”
“Well, what did you do in the beginning to create fire and control it?” Gem had asked. “How did you even start?”
Martyn had given Gem a wry grin. “Anger. I focussed all the emotion I felt about being supplanted in my town into the palms of my hands. Fire really reacted to it; it crackled and popped so much so that I burned down a forest. But it was a start.”
Gem had frowned. “Doesn’t exactly seem very healthy.”
“Well of course it wasn’t. But it was the match strike I needed. Now I just think about the adrenaline I feel during each of my performances.”
It had taken a moment to search for anger, something to latch on to. Gem wasn’t a naturally angry person. fWhip had come to mind and the fact that all he wanted to do was wallow, but that really wasn’t fair. Gem wanted what was best for her brother and she couldn’t expect him to just get over it.
Finally, Gem had found something. The Mad King. The man who had taken so many people’s powers—probably too many to count now. Who had stolen from so many good people; who had taken from her brother. Who would continue taking until he had consumed all of it. And, if it ever got to that point, would the Mad King even be satisfied?
That had been the turning point. A great ball of light formed above her open palms.
Everyone knew distracting the Mad King until daylight would be difficult, but they all had a plan.
And so, when the circus descended into darkness, everyone was ready. All the patrons ran off once they realized it wasn’t a part of the show, afraid out of their wits. Lizzie, with her uncanny sense of who was around her, led half of the performers with powers away from the King while Scott, whose eye gave him the ability to see everyone’s flames—shrouded by darkness or not—took the other half.
Everyone else was on distraction duty.
The only exception to this rule was the Ringmaster and Sausage, who asked help from bats so they could navigate without seeing. The two of them went off on their own and Gem didn’t question it at the time, although now she was wondering if it was safe to do so.
Gem had tried to persuade the Ringmaster to have fWhip be with her; she didn’t know what she’d do with herself if something happened to him. But the Ringmaster assured her that fWhip was in good hands. Katherine’s hands to be exact.
Somewhere to Gem’s left, she could hear Oli humming a song under his breath, her anxiety about being thrust into the darkness once again lessening.
“Shhh,” Lizzie hissed, and Oli instantly stopped and Gem felt the hairs on her neck rising, her heartbeat speeding up. She gripped onto Hermes’ hand as tightly as he was holding hers.
Suddenly, there was a lot of jostling as people tripped over each other’s feet and, over the slight din of the nearby city, Lizzie said, “quickly. Turn left.”
Gem followed the group as best she could, feeling everyone around her adjust to Lizzie’s instructions. That was when she heard fWhip’s voice nearby. Gem couldn’t exactly make out what he was saying, but her body went stock still when she heard the next voice.
“You’re the little boy who I stole from last time at this wretched circus, aren’t you?” The voice was gravelly and deep.
Instantly, Gem yanked herself from Hermes’ grip and ran blindly towards the Mad King and her brother. She knew this wasn’t a part of the plan; the plan was to keep moving around the empty field and outskirts of town until the sun broke through the horizon. But the Mad King did not mention Katherine, and Gem needed to be there with fWhip if Katherine wasn’t.
Gem kept the layout of the circus in mind, forcing herself to take quiet breaths and knowing she was coming upon a turn. Slowly, she crept forward with her arms outstretched until she felt the smooth material of the side of Oli and Hermes’ clown tent.
“I see,” the Mad King said once again. “The silent treatment.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” fWhip’s voice came out hard and almost annoyed. “Haven’t you ravaged this circus enough? Aren’t you powerful enough?”
The Mad King laughed—and Gem stopped in her tracks. His laugh was terrifyingly confident, as if he already knew what would happen. That he would consume Gem’s power and he’d be able to steal people’s abilities for an eternity. “Boy, there’s never enough. There will never be enough powers to take. Nothing will ever be enough for me. Just how nothing will ever be enough to satiate the space in you that was previously filled by your powers.” There was a pause. “But I can make you a deal.”
Gem felt rooted to her spot, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of fear. It was dark, the Mad King was just over there, and he was speaking to fWhip, one-on-one. She could barely hear her own tumbling and twisting thoughts.
The Mad King continued. “I can give you any power you want, however many you want. Your old powers back, telekinesis, super strength, shapeshifting…” Another pause. “All you have to do is bring me your sister.”
Gem’s heart dropped to her feet. fWhip wouldn’t…would he? Ever since her brother’s powers were stolen, just how many times had he complained? How many times had he told her that he wanted his powers back?
“Any power I want?” fWhip’s voice was suddenly meek.
Gem’s mouth felt impossibly dry.
“Your wish is my command.”
There was a third painstakingly long pause before fWhip replied with a snort. “Yeah, no thanks. I’ll get over my lack of ability, but I could never forgive myself for giving Gem up to you.”
The Mad King didn’t seem all that upset. “Plan B, I suppose. A lot less dramatic, but it’ll have to do.” And there was a snapping sound.
The darkness dropped away. One moment, Gem was surrounded by nothingness. The next, the beautiful sky, stars, and moon, and the tents of Circo de Fantasia.
Gem, who had been at the edge of the tent, suddenly came face to face with the Mad King, floating a couple of feet off the ground. He was wearing all-black armour and only his mouth was visible. It curled into a satisfied grin. “Hello Gem.”
fWhip’s head spun around and his eyes widened. “Gem!” he exclaimed, and ran towards her.
Gem came to the too-late realization that the Mad King had wanted her to overhear him. If fWhip agreed to the King’s terms, Gem would have been beside herself and therefore an easy target. And, if fWhip hadn’t, Gem would still be within distance.
Like she was right now.
The Mad King still wasn’t moving, although his smile was more than a little unnerving. “It’s time for me to snuff out your light,” he said.
“Oh no you don’t,” the Ringmaster’s voice said, coming out from the tent Gem was standing next to. And he let out an ear-piercing whistle.
Another Ringmaster came out of the tent to Gem’s right, and the other tents lining the pathway. Sausage’s llamas came bounding around a corner, Sausage himself riding one with a sort of wooden staff in his hands, a cyan gem between the curved top.
Gem rubbed her eyes as a dozen Ringmasters appeared.
The Mad King looked at them all thoughtfully. “Do you like each time I consume a Pixlriffs’ power, my time travelling ability will grow stronger—?”
Sausage raised his staff and a blue light shot directly at the Mad King’s back, immobilizing him.
The Ringmaster closest to Gem turned to her as the rest of the Ringmasters began to surround the slowly descending King. “The Staff of Sanctuary, an old relic from Sausage’s past, won’t last long against him—he’s consumed too many powers. I know we wanted to wait until day, but it’s just not possible anymore. You must defeat him now.”
Gem shuddered and glanced up before looking over at fWhip who looked just as bewildered as Gem felt. He gave her a thumbs up. Gem returned it with a strained smile.
She was grateful the King’s darkness was no longer a factor. She was surrounded by friends—multiples of friends—and her brother. She was standing within circus grounds, with its comforting light and brightly coloured tents. This was her home.
Gem took a deep breath, feeling her palms grow hot. Instead of finding anger within herself to unlock her light, she found something else. Something harder to find, but stronger.
She could do this. Even if it was dark, Gem had a feeling she could conjure light even then. Her brother would never betray her, despite being at first doubtful. But she never should have been skeptical of him.
Gem felt her eyes flutter closed. She didn’t see the light, but she felt it as it blasted out of her hands and into the Mad King. Her eyelids flashed a bright orange.
When she re-opened them, Ringmasters were gently fading into mist. Gem’s head pounded, her hands felt raw and dry.
“What’s happening to them?” fWhip asked to no one in particular.
The Ringmaster closest to Gem replied, “going home. They’ve been stuck here for years. Every time I’ve tried to see past the moment the Mad King tries to bribe you, I couldn’t see. It fogs up. Stuck in this moment.” He smiles. “Now everything’s changed.”
“And everyone’s powers?” Gem asked, feeling a yawn coming on.
fWhip grinned and Gem suddenly felt a heavy rock appear in her pocket. “Guess,” he said.
Gem smiled back, letting out her yawn.
“Alright let’s get to bed,” fWhip said, and the rock disappeared from Gem’s pocket. He steered her shoulders in the direction of her tent. “You should definitely rest.”
And, as Gem closed her tent’s flap to collapse into bed, the sun began to rise.
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Artist Presentation- Chosen Artist Paula Rego
Due to the fact that my topic for contextual studies is based on the sexualisation of women in the media, I’ve chosen a book based on the artist Paula Rego - The Dancing Ostriches from Disney’s ‘Fanatasia’. The book comprises of three parts: there is an introduction by Sarah Kent, an essay element by John McEwen and a series of images to do with the dancing ostriches by Paula Rego herself. The introduction part of the book focuses on the emphasis on the woman dressed up in ballet attire as (Kent,pg 1) describes as “crammed into skimpy black tutus and pink ballet pumps”. It seems to me that this suggests that the women don’t really have much satisification in their lives with their facial expressions noted as “grim” and “lifeless”. Rego created a series of images of ballerinas in black tutus inspired by Walt Disney’s animation Fantasia. Kent comments that the cartoon “demeaned the birds and animals portrayed” as well as the cartoon emphasising the negative impact of constant “strenuous training” where women were more sexualised rather than applauded for their craft. The text also mentions that Degas who is a French artist back in the day was a huge inspiration to Paula Rego’s dancers however he definitely diminished women more so rather than proclaiming “reality”. She also comments that the art piece herself connotes women as “ostriches”. This suggests to me that stereotypically men like to use words such as ‘chick’, or ‘duck’ as a nickname however it also depends on personal interpretation as some women will probably like it but some women will be offended by the comment.
The next part of the text focuses on a short essay by John McEwen titled “ The ostriches: A tribe of bird women on the edge of the sea”. Like Kent, ( McEwen, pg 7), states that Paula Rego was very much inspired by ‘Fantasia’ which is what she wanted to contribute to. For example, he comments that the “ostriches in the film perform the waking or ‘ Morning’ sequence from Dance of the Hours a ballet in the opera La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchieli.” After this, a series of animators did a range of sketches of ballet dancers showing off their dance movements as well as their range. There was a ‘very tall, very ostrich like girl’ and from then on “ we put a few feathers on her costume where ostrich feathers should appear (….) and she performed the routine to perfection”. This text is very interesting because it exemplifies to me just how much Paula Rego was inspired to take upon her interpretation of Fantasia through her own series of ‘The Ostriches’. This is beneficial to my research project because this text allows me to look into the behind the scenes of a well- renowned artist and how I could create a piece of meaningful artwork that resembles how I think women have been sexualised at our present day and age. Rego also used a model called Lila Nunes to model for the pictures that used to make her laugh however Rego’s main aim was to make the ballerinas depict a “ very deep feeling”. This links to psychology and is quite significant to my topic because she alludes that “most people don’t acknowledge certain feelings which (…) become more difficult as they get older.” I think this is an excellent way to portray the expressions in the ballerinas that are in the book further as illustrations as it can lead to multiple interpretations.
A passage that I found quite notable to analyse would be:
“ Maybe most people don’t acknowledge certain feelings, maybe that’s why they can become more difficult as they get older. Feelings almost too dark to speak of. I think women accept their feelings more than men. They’re more open about them, they talk more about them with each other. A man will say: ‘ Everything’s fine’, when it isn’t. This may explain why the adverse criticism of Rego’ pictures has come exclusively from men.”
I chose this piece of text because I find it quite interesting that the author of the book chooses to look at an area of psychology to have links within the artwork she has created/ the message she wants to convey to us as an audience. In relevance to the artists artwork, these images are definitely used in a way to convey how ballerinas feel as if implying that it is very obvious to tell if a woman is upset with something or are there even little signs. Whereas, with a man that is less obvious to tell maybe even through an artwork in which he would be portrayed.
Image selected within the book:
(Figure 1)
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( Figure 2) These pieces of artwork are relevant in understanding the text because it links back to my chosen passage. Clearly in ( Figure 2), the expression of the ballerina is very solemn and her facial features look somewhat strained and quite tired. It could be argued that the way the woman is painted clearly shows her ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ in a way in which if a male audience saw this, they could think it’s an ‘exaggeration’ or the depiction is unnecessary. Some could argue that the ballerina is a bit ‘ sexualised’ because her whole body is out on display which can lead to some conflicted views. The black costume gives the audience an impression of an ‘ostrich’ like mentioned in the text before, considering ostriches have black plumages and their costume are meant to resemble their feathers. In ( Figure 1), the ballerinas are portrayed in a larger group, and again linking to the passage; emotions are quite prevalent here because the women look as if they’d been practicing ballet their entire lives with the black colour palette hinting a mysterious and ‘death-like’ atmosphere. This could suggest that their craft could be leading them to a state of lack of passion, that they are being destroyed both “physically” and “mentally” by ballet which again highly links to how openly womens emotions are shown to the audience just through an irrevocably, powerful painting.
Kent, S and McEwen, J, ( Date;unknown), “ Paula Rego- The Dancing Ostriches from Disneys ‘Fantasia’, Saatchi Collection
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sloshed-cinema · 5 months ago
Killing Romance [킬링 로맨스] (2023)
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How to even start with this movie? This is one of those completely off the wall bonkers comedies that grabs you by the collar and drags you along mercilessly from second one. Don't know what's going on? Fuck off!! This is like if Wes Anderson and Takashi Miike decided to co-direct a Scott Pilgrim type flick after Wes decided he really liked K-pop, except someone kept spiking everyone's drinks with magic mushrooms. Loner, low-achieving student Kim Beom-woo learns that he lives next to the insanely wealthy real estate mogul Jonathan Na, but more importantly, his wife Hwang Yeo-rae. She's a retired actress known for hocking shitty soda. Their marriage is far from ideal thanks to Jonathan's controlling nature. Naturally, the only recourse is to kill Jonathan, which the pair conspire to do in various ways before Beom-woo's conscience gets the better of him, saving the mogul from various means of demise. But it's not so hard to see why offing Jonathan is so difficult: the late, great Lee Sun-kyun portrays him with gleeful, charismatic malice. He's a master of machismo, with a control to delivery which commands respect and awe. Sure, he's a narcissistic tangerine hurler and ostrich killer, but it's so fun to watch.
Everything is presented in storybook fashioin, even down to an old English lady periodically interjecting narration. THings have an intentional artificiality: the hotel on the fictional island of Qualla is a cardboard box version of the Grand Budapest, and Jonathan's ludicrous mansion doesn't even try to appear authentic. Action scenes are carried out with an anarchistic Andersonian energy, the frame busy with crazy action and something to spot in every corner, precise in its disarray.
Oh yeah, and it's a musical. At random intervals our characters break into song to express their feelings of desire or repression. Yeo-rae has her own obnoxious fan club theme song but can also fall under the spell of Jonathan's crooning. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, which makes for added charm. Yeo-rae's "I want" song is played straight, but later when she starts to sing her desire it completely baffles Beom-woo. Sometimes it's a karaoke fantasia, others just a brief interlude. As a whole Killing Romance seems primed for cult movie status. It's a little longer than it really needs to be, but if that lets us hang out in this world a little longer, so be it.
A fake product is named.
A type of animal is referenced.
Beom-woo climbs out his bedroom window.
Someone starts to sing.
A new plot to kill off Jonathan is hatched.
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pushovermediacritic · 7 months ago
Fantasia Short Rankings
Here's my ranking of all the shorts in both Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, from best to worst. And I apologize, but I will be ranking these almost entirely based on the animation and how the music pairs with it. The songs are classical pieces, so there's no reason to rate one higher or lower based on just how much I like the song itself, it's not like Disney made them.
Firebird Suite (forest sprite vs volcano bird). Absurdly gorgeous animation, cute character dynamics despite only having 3 characters, and a really nice character arc of curiosity, fear, trauma, hope, and rebirth that perfectly demonstrates a real scientific phenomenon (life springing back after an eruption) is a beautiful manner.
Rhapsody in Blue (people in city). I love this short. It probably has the best music-to-animation synching out of any Fantasia short. This is one of the few Fantasia shorts where I can't imagine the song without this animation put to it. The animation style is fantastic, the four interweaving stories are great, and the overall tone is sympathetic and fun. My only gripe is John's wife getting way too harsh of an ending.
Pomp and Circumstance (Donald Duck Noah's Ark). The classic Noah's ark story with a different classic "two lovers separate and think the other's dead, just barely missing each other constantly" comedic set-up. I think this short is great, with gorgeous animal animation and great comedic timing. I think this short is better than The Sorcerer's Apprentice, though just by a hair.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Mickey the magic novice). I think Mickey's short is the best of the original Fantasia, but it doesn't hit the same highs of 2000. It has a really fun story, with lots of extremely iconic scenes and segments. There's a reason it's the only short that got remade into a full movie and even included in 2000.
Pines of Rome (flying whales). As nonsensical as they are, I like the flying whales, I'm a defender of this one. The CGI works better here than in The Steadfast Tin Soldier, and the use of light, ice refraction, and water is really pretty. And I don't mind the simple story, with the baby whale getting separated from its parents. The final sequence is beautiful.
Dance of the Hours (ballet of ostriches, hippos, elephants, and alligators). It's always funny to me that this is one of the more iconic Fantasia shorts. After Yen Sid and Chernabog, Hyacinch Hippo seems to be the most iconic Fantasia-original character. This is also one of the few genuinely hilarious Fantasia shorts. Even if half the jokes are fat jokes, they're usually fat jokes on the alligators being out of their depth as predators trying to hunt hippos and elephants, not on the hippos and elephants, who are as nimble and graceful as ballerinas should be. And the dancing is really creative and energetic.
Symphony No. 5 (light butterflies vs dark bats). Pretty basic "good vs evil" story, with abstract shapes to introduce the animation to music concept, similar to Toccata and Fugue in the original Fantasia. Except this short is much better than Toccata and Fugue because it actually has characters and a plot.
Night on Bald Mountain (demons and monks). As cool as the demons are, the entire second half with the monks really drags it down. That's probably just a me thing, though. As a Jew, anything Christian is just super annoying. I totally understand other people rating it much higher.
The Rite of Spring (dinosaurs). I liked this one as a kid, but nowadays, the inaccuracies in the dinosaur portrayals are too infuriating to ignore. The beginning with the world forming was longer than I remember, and the water animation here is really nice.
Piano Concerto No. 2, Allegro, Opus 102 (The Steadfast Tin Soldier). Well, it sure is "Disney's 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier'", complete with a changed happy ending. Obviously it was inspired by Toy Story, but it doesn't really get across the same feeling. Not bad, just kind of mediocre.
The Nutcracker Suite. (flora, fauna, and fairies dance the changing of the seasons). This short always reminds me of Little April Showers from Bambi. Would rank better, except there's quite a bit of racism. Between the Chinese mushrooms, Arabian fish, and Russian flowers, literally half the short (3/6 segments) is stereotypes. Not sure why Disney isn't more ashamed of this short, since they censored The Pastoral Symphony.
The Pastoral Symphony (greek centaur party). Racism issue. Even in the censored version, there's still some racism left like the black zebra centaurs who carry Bacchus in and then don't get to participate in the party. The story is also lame and doesn't really amount to anything. They were gonna have a match-making centaur party, but then Zeus crashed it. That's it.
The Carnival of the Animals, Finale (flamingo with a yo-yo). Cute, but really underwhelming. Decent music synch, but it's just forgettable. Doesn't help that the flamingo is actually annoying to the audience.
Meet the Soundtrack (a white line). Boring. More interesting and humorous than Toccata and Fugue, but still lame.
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (abstract lines and shapes). The first short of the first Fantasia sucks. I thought it was boring as a kid, I think it's boring now. I guess it's okay as an introduction to the concept, but I don't really think "animation set to music" was such a revolutionary idea that it needed an introduction, even in 1940.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Reprise). Sorry, but I legitimately hate that they just repeated Mickey's short again in Fantasia 2000, with no changes. Complete waste of time.
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weirdghostboi666 · 1 year ago
Ok I’m rewatching the first Fantasia and I’ve just now noticed that the ballet ostriches are actually trans. Bc male ostriches are the black ones.
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msdiaz61 · 1 year ago
San Valentino si sta avvicinando e sei in cerca di idee per una cenetta con la tua dolce metà?
Ci sono molti modi per comunicare il nostro affetto. Coccolare il palato di chi amiamo con speciali manicaretti, rientra fra questi! E quale occasione è più opportuna per cucinare qualcosa di speciale che San Valentino? Il 14 febbraio si avvicina! Se state cercando suggerimenti per esprimervi in modo creativo e organizzare una perfetta cena romantica, qui troverete preziosi consigli. A differenza di ciò che accade in occasione delle altre festività, il menu di San Valentino non è mai particolarmente ricco di portate. Per la festa degli innamorati si preferisce puntare tutto su preparazioni sfiziose, dal sentore afrodisiaco, impiattate con cura e originalità. Parliamo ad esempio di antipasti finger food, primi piatti a base di pesce, spezie o frutta, ricette semplici come secondi e, infine, dolci a forma di cuore, a base di cioccolato fondente e con decorazioni che richiamino il colore dell’amore: il rosso. Se volete stupire la persona che amate con qualcosa di particolare, fra gli antipasti potete servire i frutti di mare. Vongole, cozze, ostriche, scampi e gamberi sono deliziosi se adagiati su un letto di rucola e conditi solo con un filo d’olio extravergine di oliva e limone. Oppure potete acquistare o preparare in casa della pasta sfoglia e scatenare la vostra fantasia! Potete usare la pasta sfoglia come insolita base per il classico cocktail di gamberi, o ancora potete creare dei mini cestini da farcire con mousse a base di pesce o verdure. Dei vol-au-vent di pasta sfoglia salata farciti con formaggio e verdure saranno irresistibili se a forma di cuore. Primi Piatti Se la vostra metà ama in modo irrefrenabile la pasta, scegliete di servire come primo piatto delle tagliatelle condite con il sugo d’astice o degli spaghetti al granchio. Ottimi anche gli gnocchi con polpa di branzino. Elegante e raffinato, il risotto riesce sempre a farsi ricordare. L’importante, anche in questo caso, è scegliere un piatto che non sia quello di tutte le domeniche. Per questo vi consigliamo di optare per qualcosa di colorato, come il risotto alle fragole, e gustosissimo, come il risotto allo champagne. Secondi Piatti Fra i secondi piatti che non possono mancare in questa serata speciale ci sono i vari tipi di carpaccio, i filetti di pesce (come quello di tonno) e le fritture. In ogni caso, accompagnate questo pesce con insalate particolari e insolite. Scegliete le verdure che raramente si vedono in tavola, come le carote o le patate viola, i pomodori neri o il cavolo arancione. Utilizzando questi ingredienti, stupirete sicuramente il vostro partner. Ingredienti preziosi Cioccolato e peperoncino sono due ingredienti da sempre considerati amici della passione. Allora perché non utilizzarli per creare una soffice mousse di cioccolato leggermente piccante, oppure una torta al cioccolato peperina decorata con scaglie di mandorle, glassa al cioccolato fondente e fragole fresche? Se avete acquistato questo frutto, potete utilizzarlo anche per creare un morbido e squisito tiramisù alle fragole. Altro elemento che non può mancare a San Valentino è lo zenzero. Inseritelo come ingrediente segreto in una torta al cioccolato bianco, decorata con cuori di pasta di zucchero e glassa speziata. Vedrete che gusto! Se ora siete finalmente pronti a prendere per la gola la persona che amate, indossate il vostro grembiule da cucina più elegante, e che San Valentino abbia inizio! http://dlvr.it/T138Rg
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disneyrover · 1 year ago
Discovering the Magic of Disney's Fantasia Gardens (Part Two)
Need something to do on a non-park day? Want to take a break from the parks Play some mini golf at Fantasia Gardens! (part 2)
In the previous article, we visited the front half of the Gardens course of Fantasia Gardens. In this article, we will visit the back half of the course. Three ostrich ballerinas Finishing the front half of this course, we pay a visit to a few dancing ostrich ballerinas. This hole is a simple, winding course and shouldn’t pose too much difficulty. The only challenge is the length, since it’s a…
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essentialartsvibe · 2 years ago
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disneyphotoshare · 7 years ago
Fantasia Ostrich
Fantasia Ostrich by disneylori Via Flickr: Characters in bloom weekend.
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littlewalken · 3 years ago
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Either Disney animators didn't know and didn't care the ballerina ostriches are boys or someone knew they were creating drag queen avian dinosaurs pantsless thunder geese.
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notalisonyet · 4 years ago
Re-Impressions: Fantasia (1940)
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Like many others, when I was a child, the only reason I wanted to watch Fantasia was to see the “Sorceror’s Apprentice” segment, which I enjoyed every time. Yes, the dancing crocodiles and hippos were fun, and the mountain monster near the end was impressive, if you could stay awake that long. But the rest of the movie was boring.
I’m afraid I haven’t matured enough since: I have trouble enjoying the abstract segments because I‘m impatient to get to the “good parts” that have narrative structure. Alas, I too am a Philistine.
The host introduces the first section (Toccata and Fugue in D Minor) by essentially saying, “First you’ll see this, and then you’ll see that,” and I want to tell him, “Get on with it! You don’t have to tell us what we’ll see, just show it and let us judge for ourselves!” Then I realize, when Fantasia first appeared he DID have to explain what audiences were going to see. It was too new and different.
The host said The Nutcracker was seldom seen but we would probably recognize the music. Was he making a joke or was it only after his time that The Nutcracker became a Christmas staple across the U.S.? (But he did say “opera,” was he separating that from the ballet?)
-sultry fish enact a veil dance
-the dancing mushrooms are simply adorable if you manage to not think of them as racial stereotypes
-cute seasonal pixies make leaves and snowflakes dance to Tchaikovsky
Okay, now, when the host describes the plot of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” right before we see it, that IS unnecessary and ridiculous.
Despite awesome dramatic shots of volcanoes and dinosaurs, the “Rite of Spring” segment really drags.
Who thought of pegasoi as waterfowl?
Somehow when I was a child the bathing sequence of topless female centaurs failed to register.
I really have to think these two centaur mares have something going on.
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Right, there are ostrich ballerinas too. (A brilliant choice.)
OH. And not just ONE hippo ballerina. Because that wouldn’t be enough.
The early part of “Night on Bald Mountain” features a marvelous effect for the rising ghosts, like curled paper wisping above the background.
The early part of “Ave Maria” shows the beauty of the multiplane camera, as we look through trees at the procession.
The movie as a whole just might possibly perhaps be a smidge too long. Just maybe.
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theladydracula · 3 years ago
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This week’s #enamelpin is the #ostrich from #fantasia ! I believe this completes the set, lol! https://www.instagram.com/p/CW3XoVFruJb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mudwerks · 5 years ago
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Fantasia "Dance of the Hours" Madame Upanova Layout Courvoisier Drawing (Walt Disney, 1940)
The piece has the "WDP" stamp on the front. This is a James Bodero original whose detail showcases the depth of detail that went into the making of this film. The piece has a studio stamp on the back indicating "Concert Feature". .
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