#fanta review
luckystorein22 · 1 year
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"The Spirit Bares its Teeth" by Andrew Joseph White
Silas Bell, a young autistic transgender man living in the 1880s in England, wants to be a surgeon. Not a wife and mother. After a botched escape from a future devoted to a husband, he is diagnosed with “veil sickness,” a disease that causes violet eyed women to open the veil and communicate with the dead, an act that is illegal for women to do. 
        He is sent to Braxton's Finishing School and Sanatorium and engaged to a wealthy lord's son. But Braxton might not be what it seems. And Silas is the only one who can save the life of his new friends by uncovering the secrets of the school, all while fighting the voice in his head telling him to just do as he is told. For Silas, doing as he is told is not an option.
        Andrew Joseph White has crafted an incredible story. All of the characters are complex and every character has so much depth. White is able to balance the main character, Silas, with all aspects of his identity. They are all woven throughout the story in an authentic way that gives him personality outside of those defining traits while still acknowledging how important they are. It is one of the best representations of autism I have ever read.
       The setting and accuracy to historical detail makes the stakes seem real and send you to the time period. He uses the time period to bring light to the story he wants to tell. His use of imagery is terrific. 
        White is able to discuss so many important topics throughout the book, all of which apply in some way to our society today. He somehow is able to highlight and tackle each complex theme in one book while giving them each the space to be recognized for their individual importance.  
        Gory and dense while also romantic, The Spirit Bares its Teeth is an amazing novel with an incredible message to fight for your life and happiness, even if the whole world is against you.   
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assortedpopcorn · 22 days
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This is what drinking an entire can of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Fanta will do to you.
Watch my silly lil video about it!
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kura-reviews · 1 year
Fanta Zero Sugar #whatthefanta Mystery Flavored Soda Fall 2023
What a mouthful. I didn't even see if there was an official name, so this is the best I can do.
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This appears to be a zero-sugar-only flavor, there were no other mystery Fanta bottles at the convenience store where I purchased this about a week ago (Holiday Stationstores, iykyk).
There was another mystery Fanta last winter that was a pale blue color, IIRC it was cotton candy-like, my gf got me one to try. That one is no longer available and I didn't love it at the time.
Regardless, this is not the same as that. This is truly an enigma. I drink it and I am puzzled. I even bought multiple bottles and am still trying to work out the flavor. At times it tastes like every Skittle at once. Other times, Jolly Rancher. Again still, SweetTarts candy. Sometimes it tastes a little sour, other times I can't detect a sourness. I want to call it grape because of the color, but it's not simply grape. My gf drank one alongside me, she called out a number of other fruit flavors including pear.
Hand to god, I would say this is a mixed fruit candy flavor of some kind, similar concept to one of the Mountain Dew VooDews of the past.
Do I like it? Hell yes. It tastes great and the carbonation is pretty light. The sourness, when I can detect it, is refreshing. My only gripe is that it's heavily dyed and turns my lips and tongue a sickly greenish purple. It's caffeine free, so I can enjoy it any time of day, too.
10/10. I love that another brand has started to make fun new limited time flavors. Why let Pepsi-Co have all the fun?
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zanygardenherowobbler · 11 months
Mystery FANTA ZERO SUGAR ( The Avanti Ghost ) Food Review
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thekingofchungus · 1 year
they call me king sleepy. on account of the zz. zzzz. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 11 days
Review: You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce
Author: Camilla BrucePublisher: Tor BooksReleased: April 21, 2020Received: NetGalleyFind it on Goodreads | More Paranormal Thrillers | Thrillers Summary: If you heard the rumors of a reclusive and eccentric author’s death, you’d probably believe them, right? Would your opinion change if you heard that there was no body to be found? Just her final manuscript. Cassandra Tripp may be dead, but…
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taiblogcomics · 16 days
Almost as Tasty as Juiced Beetles
Hey there, cat piss in the boot tray. Well, we'll get back to Countdown tomorrow. It not being Thursday yet means that instead we're probably reviewing some absurd soda flavour I picked up while grocery shopping today. And indeed we are~
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Fanta Haunted Apple
Hey, look, something other than Mountain Dew for once! Yeah, sorry to the rest of you soda products, but you gotta step it up if you want me drinking your dumb flavours. All that Coke made of dreams or nostalgia or the future or whatever ain't gonna cut it. I don't like Coca-Cola, not even for the novelty! Fanta (a Coca-Cola product, incidentally), on the other hand, I have been known to guzzle down on occasion, and the only reason I don't buy the 2-liter strawberry on the regular is because the bottle is too weirdly tall to put upright in my fridge~
Now, I've never seen the first Beetlejuice, so I'm not gunning to see the sequel either. If you find this shocking, the DVD's on my Amazon wishlist, go buy it for me. But don't let the specific branding stop you from trying tie-in food products! The only good thing to come out of the 2016 Ghostbusters film was them bringing back Ecto Cooler, after all!
Anyways, I've had apple soda before (by Fanta, no less) so let's just crack this open and--
Somehow I missed the "Spiced Apple" flavour label, and when you're not expecting it, that kinda scent hits you like a truck. Did your grandma ever burn potpourri? Because that's what this smells like to me. I already had a headache, this thing is only exacerbating it~
Well, let's get this over with~
Oof. Yeah. As it turns out, spice inside a soda doesn't work out well. It's still better than the Flamin' Hot Dew, if only because it doesn't have that gritty taste. It's also better than the gingerbread, because at least apples are meant to be a liquid? You can get, like, a spiced apple cider kind of thing, and that seems to be popular. You know, like coffee or Call of Duty is popular: a lot of people say they like it, but I sure don't want any, and it probably shouldn't be carbonated. Like, you can taste the apple in there, but the spice overpowers it and gives a burning sensation in the back of your throat when you swallow.
Well, it certainly tastes like something associated with a dead guy. Hey, say its name three times, and it can be the third worst soda I've ever reviewed! But at least I can finish this one~
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sodarules · 2 months
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Fanta Shokata Soda Review
5 out of 10
This was purchased at a local Greek market. I’m going in blind since I don’t know what the name means. The soda smells like grapefruit. First taste it reminds me of a drink I used to drink as a child called Wink. It’s got a distinct citrus flavor. I like how it is lighter than other Fantas I’ve had. It’s not heavily carbonated, which I dislike. After translating the description it turns out this is an elderberry and lemon flavored soda, a first for me. Certainly an interesting experience. I do notice floral hints now that I think about it. I am not a big fan of floral in food but this one is at least not overpowering. Not sure I would buy this one again, but it’s a lighter and refreshing soda option. Also I appreciate that it is sweetened with sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup like American Fantas.
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ianthreetwo · 1 year
Pineapple Fanta Review!
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Fanta #FantaWhatTheFantaHalloween2023BlackMysteryZeroSugar #FlavoredZeroSugarSodaReview
I tried the Fanta What The Fanta? Halloween 2023 Black Mystery Zero Sugar Soda and it was pretty good.
This drink tasted like blackberry or mixed fruit to me.
This soda was fizzy and was pure black when poured into a cup.
This was lightly sweet to me.
The soda fizz was purple in color and I will guess before Halloween is over this soda will get quickly discontinued due to this company using a similar black dye that was in the Halloween whopper incident.
I would drink this again and mix it with other drinks or juices.
Got at Meijer.
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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iamagodcomplex · 7 days
This account has been dead for years, but I felt it was worth reviving to say that I’ve tried the Beetlejuice Fanta (beetlejuice flavor) and my only review of note was that it made me burp a lot in the theater, which I feel like is what he would have wanted.
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assortedpopcorn · 23 days
Hey! I opened a box of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Fanta and consumed a whole can of it over on YouTube!
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queersrus · 3 months
Literature theme
[literature theme]
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types of literature, a general theme with nothing too specific picked out
mystery theme(link)
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auto, autobio, autobiogra, autobiographi/autobiography, aca, acade, academ, academe, academi, academia book, bookette, booketta, bookelle, bookella, bookine, bookina come, como, comedi/comedy
drama, dys, dysto, dystope, dystopi, dystopia, dystopian esse, essey/essay/essae, essie fictia, fiction, fanta, fantasy, fable, folk, folklo, folklor/folklore, folktai, folktale, fae/fay/fai/fey, fairy/faerie/fayrie, fairytale/faerietale
gen, genre, genra/genera histo, histori/history, historia, historica, historical, histfi, historfi, histofi, histoficti, horr, horro, horror litera, literatura, literature, literaturette, literaturetta, literaturelle,
literaturella, literaturine, literaturina, literar, literari/literary, lege, legend, legenda, lyr, lyre, lyri, lyric, lore myth, mytha, mytho, mythos, mythic, mythica, mythoca, mythaca, mytholo, mythology/mythologi, mag, mage, magi, magic, magica,
magical, mem, memo, memoi, memoir novel, novela/novella, nonfi, nonficti, nonfictia prose rome, roma, roman, romanti, romantic, romantica, romana, romanta,
romantica, romance, romancia, rev, revi/revie, review, rea, real, reali, realis, realism, realisme, realisma scifi, sciefi, sciefic, scienfi, scienfic, scienficti tale
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
li/le/ly/literarine(literaturine)/literaturself li/litere/literacy/literarine/literaryself(literacyself) bi/be/by/bookine/bookself gi/ge/genry/genrine/genreself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
lo/literature/literatures/literatureself lo/literacer/literacers/literacerself(literacyrself) lo/literaryr/literaryrs/literaryrself bo/booker/bookers/bookerself go/genrer/genrers/genrerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
lit/literature, lit/erature, liter/ature, litera/ture, literature/literatures, litera/cy, literacy/literacys, lit/eracy, lit/literacy, lit/literary, liter/ary, litera/ry, lit/erary, literary/literarys bo/book, boo/k, bo/ok, bo/ook, book/books, book/mark gen/re, genre/genres, gen/genre
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the literacy expert, the literary device, the literature librarian, the literature reader, the reader of literacy/literature, the writer of literature, the author of literature
*one who writes literature, one who reads literature, one who oversees literary devices, one who hoards books of literature
author, writer, reader
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*one can be replaced with any prn.
feel free to ask to be tagged when we post
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theinquisitxor · 9 months
2024 Anticipated Book Releases
I thought I had a lot of anticipated book releases for 2023, but 2024 is also proving to be a year of many books I'm excited about too. These are all the books I'm looking forward to in the first half of the year!
-A Fragile Enchantment by Alison Saft: (Jan 2nd) rom-com fantasy about a dressmaker hired to make the royal wedding dress, but she starts to fall for the prince instead.
-Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Wayward Children 9) by Seanan (Jan 9th) The second to last book in this novella series, this one featuring dinosaurs!
-The Atlas Complex (The Atlas Series #3) by Olive Blake (Jan 9th) the final books to this magical dark academia trilogy, and I've been excited for this one since the ending of book 2.
-Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands (Emily Wilde 2) by Heather Fawcett (Jan 16th) The second book in this new historical fantasy series, in which Emily and Wendall go on a new adventure in the Austrian Alps. This is one of my most anticipated books of the year.
-City of Stardust by Georgia Summers (Jan 30th) this is a new fantasy debut that sounds similar to The Starless Sea and features a woman descending down into a subterranean world to try and break a generational curse.
-House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City 3) by SJM (Jan 30th) I've been enjoying SJM's crescent city books the most of all her series, and I'm looking forward to this one after how book 2 ended.
-The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden (Feb 13th) This is possibly my most anticipated book of the year, and Katherine Arden's newest adult release. A historical fiction (and a little magical realism?) set in Europe during WW1 following a combat nurse trying to find her (presumably) dead brother.
-The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown (Feb 13th) A debut magical realism fantasy set in NYC with books, bookstores, and a mystery book. I've heard many good early reviews of this one.
-What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher (Feb 13th) This is a follow up novella to What Moves the Dead following Alex Easton in a new horror adventure. This one has such a cool cover.
-The Briar Book of the Dead by AG Slatter (Feb 13th) A coven of witches keeps a town and the border between realms safe.
-A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft (March 5th) I'm very excited to get two new Allison Saft books in 1 year. This is a dark academia fantasy about two rival scholars trying to figure out who killed their mentor. Sapphic romance too I believe.
-The Prisoner's Throne by Holly Black (March 5th) This is the conclusion to The Stolen Heir, and I'm looking forward to the seeing more of the characters from the original series make an appearance in this one.
-The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo (March 19th) This is a spooky queer horror novella set in 1920s Appalachia. Small town religiosity and something sinister creeping in the woods? This just sounds like a novella I'd enjoy.
-Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland (March 21st) A new book from Lucy Holland, also set in magical ancient Briton. A warrior queen falls into trouble and teams up with the Wild Hunt to save her kingdom. Sapphic/queer romance.
-The Hedewitch of Fox Hall by Anna Bright (March 24th) a fantasy romance book set in medieval Wales as a hedge witch and prince team up to help prevent magic from fading away. The cover of this book is so beautiful!
-The Familiar by Leigh Barduo (April 9th) I don't really know much about this one, other than it is a new adult novel by Leigh Bardugo set in 1400s Spain. Also one of my most anticipated releases of the year.
-Song of Six Realms by Judy Lin (April 23rd) A young adult fantasy about a musician who goes to the Duke of Dreams's realm and must help stop a disaster.
-Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland (June 13th) A new high seas fantasy that was directly inspired by OFMD and Terry Pratchett. This is very queer and seems like it's going to be a lot of fun.
-Foul Days by Genovena Dimova (June 25th) A slavic fantasy story about a witch who has to team up with a detective as she is being hunted by her ex, the Tsar of Monsters. I've heard some very good early reviews of this book too.
-Children of Anguish and Anarchy (Children of Blood and Bone 3) by Tomi Adeyemi (June 25th) I honestly don't know if I'm going to read this anytime soon, but I've been waiting for this final book for almost 4 years now, so I just want to see how the series ends.
I think that's it for now! Release dates tend to change, and I'm sure I will be adding or editing this list as the new year starts. I'd love to hear of any new releases you are excited for!
Second half of 2024/To be determined:
A Sorceress Comes to Call by T Kingfisher (August)
The Mercy of Gods by James SA Corey (August)
The Whisper Between Worlds by Amanda Foody (TBD)
Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid (TBD)
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