#fanon zuko
littleweowmeow · 1 year
Fanon Zuko killing me. Please boy stop crying I can't take it anymore. We all know you never been worse firebender, people so blind or likes more drama. I can't stand it.
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lilith-91 · 4 months
Damn atla fandom is always looking for the yin/yang dynamic and "soulmates" trope when in the canon series it's literally...... Zuko and Aang
I mean, Sokka IS absolutely Aang's best friend and brother, but the soulmates platonic bond belong to them
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Enemies to friends, opposite elements in terms of temperament, both related to Roku and Sozin, both have "restore my honor" thing, both have scars from Azula, "the Avatar bring Zuko hope" line etc etc
They are meant to be friends bonded by the universe (Roku and Sozin again, hello?) and their respective paths were constantly intertwined. You learn about their backstories BY PARALLELS, BY DREAMS
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“The storm” and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" are two of my favorite episodes because it really highlights how their fates are intertwined
They are THE narrative foils of the series. From episode 1 until the very end you know they are connected
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I mean look at Zuko here
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You can’t tell me Zuko didn’t think about this convo/experience in general all the time before switching sides. He’s not angry or disappointed. He looks contemplative, like what Aang said really got to him, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
Aang couldn't never hate Zuko because he knew why Zuko was the way he was and Zuko was obsessed with him for 3 seasons.
In the end they are presented together side by side as the Fire Lord and the Avatar. Their union is what will bring peace
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But since it's not a "romantic connection" this relationship is ignored bruh
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katerina-q · 4 months
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the only reason this girl is so hated is because she's the one that Zuko actually LOVES
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The ATLA renaissance shifting the fandom from Zutara towards Zukka without actually changing the ship dynamic is so fucking funny because most of the time it functions pretty well. However today I saw another 'oh Sokka had this forbidden crush on Zuko from the beginning' and. Look. What happened there? Seriously, did we watch the same show? Fucking nobody likes Zuko from the get-go! He's an acquired taste at best. Jet notably falls for Zuko at first sight under explicitly false pretenses. Sokka has both a brain and a decent understanding of Zuko's early role in the Fire Nation. He would not say that.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Free my woman,she canonically hates a male character for being a huge asshole but the fandom is convinced she's a tsundere who wants to fix him with her girlhood and thinks it's groundbreaking feminist storytelling and that it's misogynistic to hate it
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nijae-roni · 7 months
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this scene happened in my head so it's real
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purplew · 6 months
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Look you can’t dismiss Zukka as a crackship when they, overall, had more positive interactions with each other than many other fanon Zuko or Sokka ships that are taken more seriously because they’re het.
Like okay, you’ve got
the episode 1 armor parallel
 Sokka saying “if there’s one thing I know about Zuko, it’s that he never gives up”
Zuko’s time at Western Air Temple where Sokka’s the only one who’s helping him to his room and even smiling at him.
Then we get TWO WHOLE EPISODES(TWO) of Zuko and Sokka working together extremely well and the narrative itself showing how they complement and support each other positively.
Need I talk about the tent scene, yes its funny but also Sokka felt comfortable enough with Zuko at that point that he talked about his mom with Zuko.
the fact that Zuko, Sokka and Suki become a little sub-trio during Ember Islands
the Search comic where they’re the only ones awake and they’re talking about family.
every zukka shipper knows this one, *ahem* “The prince and the fool, is that all you were, or were to one another?”
If we’re talking on Zutara terms, Zukka is equally as valid. Like yeah it’s funny as a dynamic but also, it’s not like this is completely out of nowhere. There’s stuff in there that backs up the ship rather well.
I think overall, Sokka saw Zuko as more of a person? The crystal caves thing put Zuko on Katara’s shit list, rightfully so, but it’s because Katara’s an idealist and sees the best in people. Unfortunately it goes the other way, she’s a lot more black and white about people than Sokka. Like if it were Sokka in the crystal caves and Zuko had pulled the mom story, Sokka would empathize but he’s not going to trust Zuko in any capacity or see him too differently unless he showed results.
Like he knows to some extent Zuko’s capable of good and even says that just being capable of good isn’t enough. He needs to show it. Zuko betraying them in the Ba Sing Se definitely would’ve pissed him off but like, to some extent, he’d have seen it coming. Sokka’s always been more nuanced on the morality thing than Katara and Aang. Which is why I think he more quickly was willing to give Zuko a chance at the Western Air Temple. Zuko was acting on his ability for good. Sokka being a skeptic actually helped them a lot(oh, Jet my boy).
Anyways Zukka rights
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satansbiggestkinnie · 4 months
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My multishipper ass is going wild.
(I'm late,but still!)
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leantailean · 3 months
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write in the tags why do you think so?
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aanglican · 6 months
i will forever wish that the atla writers either (1) wrote iroh as an inarguably repentant ex-imperialist whose behavior and actions in the story aligned with this fact, OR (2) embraced the fact that iroh was not wholly repentant about his past actions at all.
bonus points if they have zuko - who is on his own journey to redemption - realize this about his beloved uncle, thus forcing him to think for himself on the matter of his place in the fire nation. the story could do with a more pertinent message about fire nation royal family members rejecting imperialist ideals for the sake of rejecting imperialist ideals instead of relying on family dynamics as the sole/main source for interpersonal conflict (and stand-in for morals.)
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fossilfan39 · 5 months
I love your modern jetko ideas :) do u have any more headcanons (modern or otherwise)? u shld write something…
Woah thank you :))))!!! I definitely want to try my hand at writing something BUT I’m shy.. so for now im posting my concepts
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Jet is Not socially ..challenged.. like zuko..BUT after years of having this impenetrable mask + intensely manipulative tendencies as a means of survival, he suffered a sort of burn out. With time he more or less moved past that. Still a bit of benign manipulation, but only in the sense that he has an understanding of people in a way that easily allows him to choose the right phrasing to get his desired response. <- This wouldn’t work with zuko because he’s autistic doesn’t seem to operate using the same social rules as everyone else, so Jet would lean into gratuitous flirting and comments so sincere they almost come off as sarcastic. Attempting to charm zuko by being disarmingly genuine.
Zuko is generally miserable and hard to get along with (at least in the beginning). Jet would be drawn to him because of his scar <- “you’ve had a hard life like me trope. In my au zuko goes to an all boys catholic school, and his family is catholic. Their relationship with religion is complicated at best. it’s more of a performance + Ozai using religion & shame as a means of control. One must imagine God being a surrogate for your father when he cannot reach you. Zuko is a huge dick to Jet at the start, only because Jet lets him get away with it. Zuko’s never been around someone who allows him to take up so much space. Pushing jet away just makes him even more interested. They make me sick.
Jet would .listen to 2010s trap and hip hop, have at least one piercing, and smoke cigarettes
Zuko would listen to 90s emo. I say this because I believe URSA would listen to 90s emo. I have many modern Ursa opinions. Because I can imagine anything….
I have limited knowledge of New York/Jersey BUT☝️I know enough to know jet belongs there (or Chicago perhaps. But east coast ftw)…. He would be chinese + Italian <- inspired by natla jet actor. Adore him.
Zuko would be a native New Yorker. I find the idea of Zuko being from New York & forced to relocate to Jersey to live with iroh funny. He would hate that. He would commute to school <- I’m not sure how plausible this is. Feel free to let me know…
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lilith-91 · 6 months
The first thing Zuko did when he found out Ozai is not his father (read the comic to understand lol) was to find Aang and tell him
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This relationship is one of the most important relationships in the series and i will never stop talking about them
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kidcaroline · 6 months
I just saw another post calling katara a broodmare and aang an incel
god, y'all are so nasty
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kenobihater · 7 months
i legit don't get the appeal of viewing a character you like as a "100% unproblematic fave". y'all realize that a character can both be staunchly good with many positive traits AND have some flaws as well, right? to me, viewing a moral yet multifaceted character as faultless is like baking a cake with no salt. yeah, it's sweet, but it's too sweet because there's no salt to elevate the flavor! where's the depth in a character that is entirely perfect? where's the compelling motivations and character work? where's the humanity in that?
thankfully, i don't see much of this complete denial of flaws in the popular fanon of characters i enjoy, but what i DO see frequently is a shift in focus from characters' overall negative behaviors - behaviors directed both at themself and towards others - to depicting their self-destructive behaviors as their sole flaws. self-destruction is viewed as an "acceptable" flaw, unlike causing harm to others, and is often exaggerated if not invented out of whole cloth!
for an example of this distortion: there's a heroic yet flawed character i like with a high stress position that he wholly dedicates himself to, who probably loses a bit of sleep and is seen asking for and drinking tea ONCE to buy some time. what's the fanon version of him seen in many fics? well, his missteps and occasional emotional insensitivity have gone entirely out the window, and he's been transformed into a workaholic, sleep-deprived, caffeine addict who is incapable of caring for himself. he WILL collapse at some point in order to justify his love interest swooping in and insisting that this character, a fully grown adult man in charge of 1/10th of the entire army, learns ✨the importance of self care✨
i'm not arguing for every character to be deeply flawed - i love a good hero - but by making a canonically flawed character either 1) entirely beyond reproach or 2) a self-neglectful and/or self-flagellating martyr who has never hurt anyone but themself, you're sucking the life RIGHT out of them, and boring me to tears in the process.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Local cis woman thinks she slammed the patriarchy because she crushes on bad boy characters instead of goody two shoes male protagonists
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