#fang the hunter issue 1
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Read Fang the Hunter after catching up on idw Sonic and like
Wooo!! Return of Fang, his pursedog jester boytoy, and said boytoy's big buddy!
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Also ajsjsjsn I'm this close to retitling this mini series "How to Lose One's Bitches: A Cautionary Tale as to Why Team Hooligan Isn’t a Modern Era Team"
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therummesoccupied · 1 year ago
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
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Figured since folks seemed to enjoy my StH #68 post so much, I should share my thoughts on Fang's first issue as well.
It'll be a shorter one, since I really don't have as much to say about it.
To put it short... I liked it! I really love Ian Flynn writing these Classic stories. It seems that when IDW Sonic began, Ian Flynn really squeezed himself into the niche of Plot Guy. Even after Evan Stanley took over as Head Writer, it seemed like Ian would jump back in for the big, heavy, climactic events like Issue #50. It's a really nice change of pace to see him writing these more light-hearted, lower-stakes stories, they give him a great opportunity to display the fantastic understanding of the series' character dynamics that made him a prominent figure in the series.
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One particular bit of character work I'm fond of here: Sonic being just a little bit of a jerk!
I'm not the first to bring this up, but nowadays, Sonic has lost a bit of that edge that made him special in the early days. Not Edge in the same sense of, like, Shadow, but the stuff that made Sonic the inventor of the Mascot With Attitude. Nowadays, he's just kind of a smart-talking hero a lot of the time, so I really love stuff like the OK KO crossover taking the opportunity to dial that 90s Attitude up to 11.
Bean gets some solid gags here, too. This was the issue that made me realize how heavily his character writing is inspired by Classic Daffy Duck.
Mauro Fonseca is also doing a fantastic job with art. Their art has been catching my attention lately, they're really good at keeping things on model, but squash-and-stretching those models when needed. I think they're a perfect fit for a Classic miniseries.
The story follows Fang the Hunter, one of the series minor antagonists, and his colleagues Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear, as they hunt a mysterious eighth Chaos Emerald.
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Right away, it seems to me that this is a reference to Sonic Championship (formerly Sonic the Fighters), Bean and Bark's introductory game, which featured eight Emeralds. This left the game in something of a weird position, because Bean and Bark reappearing in later material made Championship canon, but ever since Sonic Adventure, the series' lore has always made it clear that there are only seven Chaos Emeralds. This is a neat little way of addressing that inconsistency!
The comic's setup takes an opportunity smooth over a few other cracks as well.
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In early Sonic games, lore concerning the Chaos Emeralds was kind of all over the place. Some stuff made it seem like each of the different islands the games took place on had their own set of Chaos Emeralds, some had Emeralds with different colors than others, it was clear that they didn't really think to lock down the Chaos Emerald lore until later down the line.
Here, that's attributed to the legendary status of the Chaos Emeralds and their mythological nature.
To me, this is the job of these comics. Telling stories set in the world of the games provides a perfect opportunity to expand upon that world and tell us how the bits of worldbuilding we get in the games all fit together. I will always love when they use the comics to dig into a game concept and give us a better understanding of how it fits in the games' world.
Once again, I'm a big fan of the environments here. The Classic stories always lean into the fantastical element to their settings, with Seasons of Chaos having a full-blown Zone lineup! What we get here is nothing out of the ordinary in that regard, but it's still nice to see the characters run around areas that actually look like places from the games!
That's about all I got! It sets up a sort of B-Plot mystery early on and I was kind of intrigued about where it was gonna go, but the later issue covers have already spoiled it for me so...
I'm excited for more, I really like having a story that centers around a plucky little group of rogues instead of Sonic and his Assigned Pal For This Arc. It's a pretty good start, but nothing enormous and status quo shifting. You know, a Classic Story! It's fun and I'm having fun with it!
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romchat · 4 months ago
Fangs of Fortune: Initial impressions
Director Guo Jingming might not be the strongest of writers, but when it comes to visual storytelling...
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...no one is as efficient as he is.
In the span of 5 minutes, and with very little dialogue, we learn that:
Zhao Yuanzhou is a bad ass demon who is so feared and powerful that he can clear a bitch with just an umbrella.
Although there’s something special about Zhou Yichen’s sword. Yuanzhou joked about its inability to kill him but he did still seem a bit wary of it. Also interesting that Yichen’s use of it seemed to surprise him. What’s that about?
Yichen, despite his skill and access to this mysterious sword, doesn't seem to be successfully navigating his Demon Hunter leadership role, and the agency is still in disrepair.
He also comes off as young and impulsive, which I can imagine might cause issues for the team down the line.
There is a classification system for demons which distinguishes between Deceptive Beasts and otherwise--can demons like Yuanzhou not lie or is that just not part of his nature? This also makes me curious if the blurry line between truth and deception will emerge as a core theme.
I'm loving this start. Please don't disappoint me, Fangs of Fortune 🙏🏼
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SIDE NOTE 1: FINALLY a production recognized actor Neo Hou's otherwordly looks and uses it to their advantage.
He totally looks like a hot old demon bored with his own immortality.
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SIDE NOTE 2: I heard that the drama cut out a lot of its censored BL content to pass review but if this little exchange is any indication of what they left in...The unresolved sexual tension between these two has drunken almost hook-up written ALL over it. "How dare a demon utter my name?"--bet that's not what you said last night, Yichen.
Also, that little smirk Yuanzhou gave every time Yichen thrust his sword at him? Already obsessed with them.
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synthetickitsune · 2 months ago
Kitsune!Joshua (SVT) | Heartbreak angst | 0.9k | gn!reader warnings: mentions of violence, kidnapping A/N: there's also this +1 drabble bcs i ended up lowkey hating it and tried to save it by writing this
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That’s what the others told him. All of them. Every single one of them is telling him the same thing, advising him, lecturing him. 
None of them knows what it feels like. They’re all oblivious, ignorant. Joshua feels like they’re trying to loom over him, mock him, pity him. All they do is try to make him feel small but he won’t let them.
They have no idea.
He wants to bare his teeth. He can feel his lips curling up and exposing the long fangs just seconds before he buries them in their throats and feels the warm blood filling his mouth.
He’s not weak. He’s not pitiful.
Nobody but him knows what it’s like.
It makes him bristle, the way they’ve been looking at him since he told them. Like a rabid beast, all he wants to do is bite and tear.
In all honesty it’s not their fault. He played his game, only he didn’t win. Not even a stupid prize. But the whole situation reminds him why foxes don’t live in packs like wolves do.
They’ve all been warned against falling for a human being, they’ve all heard the tales of how such love stories end, and yet his own friends don’t have his back.
Well they certainly won’t get any sympathy from Joshua should anything happen to them ever again.
Yet he feels the tension completely roll off his shoulders once he lands softly on the floor, his paws barely making any noise on the plush carpet in your bedroom. It’s just as well, you’re tossing and turning on the bed, restless. All he wants to do once he stands at the foot of your bed as a man, for the most part, is to crawl next to you and wrap you in his arms. 
His gaze might wake you sooner or later, he knows. He’s still undecided whether he should let you see him or not. His ears twitch at the top of his head, your neighbours are still awake so he’d have to be quick to stop your cries for help. Not an issue. He’s always been a good hunter.
Maybe you’ll change your mind if you see how crazy in love he is for you?
Foxes only fall in love once. Once. In their neverending lives, only one person gets to own their heart. It’s beyond cruel, Joshua understands that now, despite always believing it was romantic. Beautiful, even. How foolish he was.
He licks his lips. Your neck is bared to his hungry eyes and his teeth itch to embed themselves into your throat. To mark you, to taste you. Perhaps to hurt you a little, after all.
His tail swishes silently behind him. He can’t stay still anymore. Or he really might pounce and do something he’d regret later. Perching carefully on your bed, he studies you for a few minutes. You’re really not getting any sleep, are you, you poor thing? From this close, his heart aches for you. He can sense your distress, but it’d be pointless to step inside your dreams if you’d just startle awake. Sweat glistens on your skin and he smooths out the wrinkle between your brows with a gentle touch. He has to stop his tail from moving when you don’t wake up. When you lean closer. See? You know, deep down, that he’s good for you. That you need him. 
You’re so soft. So weak and vulnerable. And yet it’s you who holds his heart in your hands. He knows how the story ends. You’d tear the tender muscle apart like a savage splitting a pomegranate.
He swallows and in the darkness of your room, Joshua allows himself a quiet whimper. Why won’t you love him? There exist creatures more monstrous than he is. He loves you. He’d protect you. He’d care for you. He’d grant you immortal life to spend with him. He’d worship you. His ears flatten against his head and his tail hangs limply. Do you know you’re the only person he’s ever looked so fondly at? Would you even care?
He moves his hand to the top of your head next, slowly stroking your hair. You start to settle, and he can only smile wistfully. Why won’t you listen to your heart? Surely you love him too, don’t you? 
He doesn’t know everything there is to know about humans, but he knows you. And he knows you wouldn’t share a bed with him, wouldn’t make love with him unless you loved him. The way you look at him, or at least how you did before tonight, couldn’t be mistaken for anything. It was love.
Joshua feels the anger rise up inside of him again. If you love him, then what’s the issue? He won’t abandon you, he won’t love anyone else - he physically can’t. What are you so afraid of… Yet his touch remains gentle. Deep down you know he’s what’s best for you, only your weak human heart fights the truth. It’s alright. He can wait. You lean into his touch when he caresses your cheek and he smiles. For you, he can wait centuries.
The noise coming from your neighbour’s apartment stops. He knows it’s not likely that they’re already asleep, but at least it should mean they’re in bed and won’t notice what’s going outside their windows. The noise he can take care of.
He’s quick when he scoops you up in his arms and covers your mouth. It only takes a few seconds for you to realize what’s going on but by that time he’s already made it past your window and out. He lets you fight back while he coos at you. Afterall, he might miss it once you accept your fate.
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yaut-jaknowit · 3 months ago
hihi !!
I don't know if you've already been asked of this, so like... Sorry if you have lol, but pretty please can we have a part 2 of Blood in the Water? Thank you writer person 🙏
— : 🥀 anon
Blood In The Water Part 2
Character: T'a'yta (Male Yautja) x Mom!Reader
Word Count: 4736
Summary: Those three days fly by quickly. Everyday, you overthink the whole dinner. Your children try to help in their own oblivious ways, but you can't help it. Before long, the day arrives and you aren't prepared.
Author Note: This is one of the couple times I've been asked multiple times to write a part 2. AND I LOVE IT! I love to write guys. Love it. It's a passion. Never apologize for asking me to write. It may take me a month to get it down but I'll do it!
Part 1
Over the course of those three days, you were able to get your car back from the middle of nowhere. Thankful to have your father pay for the tow and major issue. All it was the distributor cap that can completely fried itself. The worse place for it to do that. Like an angel sent to protect you, T’a’yta was there to pick you up and save you. One of the few people in your life who’s done something out of the kindness of their heart.
Now, you had been freaking out what to make him for a dinner. It was your own stupidity who hadn’t thought about asking him what he likes. You had just let him leave. Not even a way to message him to make up for your mistake. So, you had to fall on what were probably stereotypes.
T’a’yta looked like a predator. The fangs, claws, the muscle his body is corded with. He reminded you of some hunters from ancient civilizations with what he was adorn with. Basic metal armor that’s decorated with skulls and bones. One skull had been used as a pouch for something on his side. You never got the chance to fully look at everything he carried in that moment. The most important thought was to get your children home safely. T’a’yta allowed for that to happen.
On the last day, you had gotten home from a stressful day of work. Not a second had gone by as you tried your best to think of a dish that may entertain T’a’yta. You didn’t think he would truly care about what you feed him but it was your conscious that drove you like this. To prove to yourself you can take care of yourself, of your children, of a family.
Blame it all on that scum of a husband you had. It was all his fault for the way you feel currently. Not once were you good enough for him. No amount of food or flavor of food. No amount of love. No amount of bedroom time made him love you the same way after you gotten pregnant.
This was all his fault.
Wasn’t it?
Your knuckles turned white while gripping the counter. A cook book sat freely in front of you, opened to a random page. Yet, your eyes never took in a word.
“Mama okay?” Shawn called out to you and pulled on your pant leg. Instantly, you were snapped out of your thoughts. A façade of happiness plastered to your face before you pivoted and knelt down to pick him up. Shawn giggled and gripped onto your shirt.
“Of course, baby boy. Mama is perfectly okay. She’s just thinking about what to make for T’a’yta.” It was a lie. But, you didn’t want them to worry about you. You had to be the strong one here. The only one that stayed behind to take care of them. All they had was you in their lives.
“Pancakes!” Simon screamed from the living room before unsteadily sprinting into the kitchen. He stopped on a dime, nearly pushing himself head over heel. His eyes were on you with a crazed smile on his face. “Pancakes!” Your shoulders sagged. The tension leaving them.
Shawn was set back down on the ground. “Simon, sweetie, I don’t think T’a’yta will like Pancakes. He seems like the one to eat meat,” you explained to both of your children. Simon’s face twisted with his classic thinking face. It was dangerous for either of them to think so hard. They are trouble makers.
The second eldest, Simon, pumped his fists into the air. “Pancakes with ham…buger!” Even in your darkest times, your children knew how to make you smile. You snorted with a shake of your head. “Yeah, he eat that.”
Oh sweet child. You pet the top of Simon’s head. “Sweetheart, that’s not…” you trailed off when an idea hit you. Burgers. Maybe that was a fix to all of this. T’a’yta doesn’t seem like the one to have eaten much of human food. He wasn’t from around here. Anything you feed him would be new and hopefully exciting. God, why didn’t you think of that earlier instead of overthinking the entire situation?
With a sigh, you glanced towards the door. If that’s the case, you would need to run to the store. Money was a bit short at the moment, but it was the least you could do for T’a’yta. Treat him to a special meal for all of the trouble you had put him through. After thinking about it, you were craving a good burger. One of the things you could cook deliciously.
“Alright you two. We need to go to the store for some food, okay?” you told the two of them before preparing for going outside. This included getting your children ready and in their car seats.
This may get you weird looks but you placed both children inside the cart. Simon loves to wander off on his own and get into trouble. A lesson well learned. Shawn liked to stay pinned to your hip if he could. Unless Simon coaxes him to run off each other. It was safer this way for the two of them to have them in the cart. Neither could they knock things over and grab items they didn’t need.
The cart pushed around the isles of the store. Both of your children were enticed by the selection of bread and kept trying to say the names of them. They decided to make it a challenge to see who can saw the word the best, roping you into the game. You were able to multiple task with playing the game and grabbing the cheapest hamburger bread you could find.
Off to the next item on your mental list you had made. Of course, you had forgotten to write a list or even bring a pen or paper to make said list while here.
“Mama, look! Look,” Simon shouted and pointed at something on the end of the shelving units. It was multi colored gold fish. Ah, shit. “Want. I want!” Those are his favorite snack.
You pulled out the mom look both children know so well. “We have some at home. You can have some when we are done here.” Your voice turned stone cold. The last thing you wanted was a crabby child before having a dinner with T’a’yta.
Simon’s face twisted with a pout as he looked at you. His arms folded. Any other moment, you would’ve taken a picture because he looked so cute. Yet, the crowd of people made you want to snuff this issue as quickly as possible.
“Do not give me that face, mister. I will not tell you again.” The toddler age was the worst you’ve dealt with. The had big emotions and didn’t know how to deal with it. Neither did you. You were just trying to survive with your head above the water.
But, the child didn’t relent.
“You seem to fail at every step you take. Can’t even make a child listen to you.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You felt the way your chest seized as that familiar voice washed over you. You wanted nothing more than for the floor to spilt and swallow you whole.
There was no need to turn around and see those eyes you once were in love with. The same love that was reflected back onto you. Until the moment, he found out you were pregnant. All because of him.
Your knuckles turned white on the handle bar of the cart. Simon instantly read off of your energy and calmed down. Both of your children looked at the man standing behind you with their tiny eyebrows furrowed.
You slowly turned around and had to force yourself to still at the sight. There, in all of his glory was the man you never wanted to see again. Never wanted to speak with. A reason why you never wanted child support from him. Not that he would pay.
“Robert. Hi.” It sounded so force. The small smile on your face just a façade for the storm of emotions building inside of you. “Funny seeing you here.” Out of two years, to run into him after so long was a miracle. His job never worked with your schedule so it was impossible. That you thought of.
There she was. His new wife, pinned to his side like a trophy shank. No way were you jealous but you were disgusted he had decided to choose someone so young and fake at the same time. Freshly eighteen years old. Like the day she turned eighteen they got married. That poor thing.
His eyes roam over your form, taking note of basic clothes you were wearing. Disgust evident in his eyes. “You’ve changed,” he stated with hidden mockery. You knew he was thinking ‘not for the best’ after that. If only you could smack him so hard for his words.
“Kind of happens when the scum of a father dips on his children, leaving the mother to take care of twins,” you snarked back with venom in your voice. No one around was the wiser. Neither were your children as they stared dumbfounded at your change of energy.
The wife sneers at you. “Can’t blame a man when the woman can’t find the gym. He needs beauty in his life,” she retorts. You gritted your teeth, fists shaking at your sides. It took everything in your power not to leap across the space between the two of you and rip her apart. She doesn’t know the scum she had decided to marry. How he’ll leave her the same if she becomes pregnant. You almost felt bad.
“She could find the pantry just fine though,” Robert laughs then kisses his wife on the temple. “Any time I would look at her, she always would have some sort of snack.”
If only he knew the troubles of recovering from twin births. How defeated you were afterwards. How exhausted without the aid of your husband who was supposed to be there.
Knives pierced your heart. After all this time, it shouldn’t hurt, shouldn’t bother you. No amount of time can heal the wounds that ooze from your open heart.
How could the man you loved be so cruel?
Nothing could keep you here. There was no winning this two verses one. They would knock you down if you stayed until you had nothing to stand on. You decided to be the bigger person. You spun around and pushed the cart away. They cackled something else at you but the fuzziness in your ears made it hard to hear.
Darkness suddenly took over your vision. You skidded to a stop. Many other patrons were voicing their confusion and asking if anyone knew what happened. There was a shrieking scream before it cut off behind you. Your heart instantly pounded hard against it bony cage. You whipped around but all you could see was black.
Lights flashed back to life. You squinted through the pain. Only to notice that Robert and his wife weren’t where you last saw them. An uneasy feeling boiled in the pit of your stomach.
For the rest of the trip, you hurried along and got home in record time. Safely. Always safely with your children in the car. You tasked each kid with a small item they could carry up to the apartment. Simon was ecstatic. You carried the rest of the bags up the stairs and entered after both of your children.
All of the bags were placed down on the counters. Simon and Shawn looked up at you before holding out the tomato and onion your gave them. You thanked them with a sweet smile and took the items from them.
The earlier events still haunted you like it had happened a second ago. Their nasty words biting into your heart, tearing it into pieces all over again. All because you were the parent that stayed, the parent that took care of the children. Who cares that you gained weight. Who cares if your body wasn’t as tight as before. Yeah, your boobs hang. You’ve got too many stretch marks to count. But… gods, you do care. It does hurt to know you weren’t pleasing to anyone. That the person you’ve become, despite how strong you were, wasn’t good enough for anyone.
Tears pooled in your eyes. It took everything in your power not to break down sobbing in front of your children. They were your strength. They held you up. They made you strong. They made you into the person you were today.
With that strength, you sucked down the tears and stood back up. Only to jump when a hand lands on your shoulder. You whipped around with a fist flying. It was caught mid air in a firm but gentle hold.
“Ta-ta!” both of your children screamed and launched themselves at his legs. Each one taking space on their own respected leg and held on for dear life.
T’a’yta stood there, maskless, with a sheepish look to his older features. The Yautja cleared his throat and scratched at the back of neck. “I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you,” he apologized genuinely. Your racing heart started to ease up after realizing it was just him.
Then, what your children had said finally hit you. Oh shit. Okay, they need a new nickname for him besides what sounds like them trying to say boobies.
“Simon, Shawn… let’s not use that name.” Quick something easy for two, two years old to say. “Why not Tay-Tay? Yeah, that sounds much better!” Easy to say and for them to remember. Even you are struggling on saying his name.
Instead of using the first nickname, they listened to you and started to calling him that. Okay, one thing had gone right today. You smiled up at him and finally greeted him. Yet, a coppery scent caught you off guard. T’a’yta said your name again and brought you from your stupor. “Shit, sorry. What were you saying?” Today had been so weird and horrible. You were probably all messed up in the head.
The alien had paused for a moment to stare deeply into your eyes. Heat flushed to your cheeks when you noticed. You cleared your throat and turned your head away. T’a’yta blinked then leaned down and picked up each child. They were set off to the side. You spotted out of the corner of your eye his muscles tensing, as if he was ready to move closer to you.
“I got some food today,” you distracted him and moved around the counter towards the fridge, taking a bag with you. “I didn’t know what to really cook for you. Since our pallets may be different. But, I chose hamburgers. They’re really good, I promise.”
He stopped from advancing into your space and picked up his head to stand a little taller. “They sound good,” he agreed and eyed you carefully from his spot. You hadn’t missed the way his eyes narrowed on you. Were you wearing your heart on your sleeve or something?
You had to force the smile on your face to ease his nerves. Not that it worked. Just fake it until you make it. Or die trying.
“Yeah,” you agreed with a nod of your head. “They are. Plus, you can add so many different types of condiments and toppings to a burger. It’s the best.”
All of the non-dinner foods you picked up at the store were placed into a dinky fridge you had in the apartment. For once, your refrigerator looked somewhat full despite what a drain it was on your bank account. You pushed those dark thoughts to the back of your mind. Today has sucked enough. There’s no point in wallowing in it. Better to enjoy the rest of the day.
Before long, you had gotten well into cooking. Both of your children know when you’re in the kitchen, cooking not to step foot in there. That was one of your big rules you had to establish for them. They could ask for a snack or water. But it was meant to keep them from getting underfoot. There had been a time when you had accidentally kicked Simon into the cabinets. You felt terrible for so long after that. Even to this day.
Best thing about having someone else over, they could entertain Shawn and Simon for you. Every time you would glance over your shoulder, there was T’a’yta. He would be on the ground, even on his belly, playing with toys. Both of your boys were happy to have him join, more like beg for him to play with them.
There wasn’t even time for you to say he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. One look at you, T’a’yta was in the living room, immersed in their world.
And that pulled at your heartstrings without you realizing it. Would your life look like this if Robert had stayed with you? Stayed through the thick of it? Not in this poor apartment. In a real house. With a father in their life that loved them.
Instantly, you scolded yourself for going down that dark path again and returned to finishing off the burgers and getting everything prepped. The condiments and sliced vegetables were set out for you and T’a’yta to use. You first made up the plates for Simon and Shawn, remembering what each child likes and doesn’t like.
Those plates were set down at the table where there booster chairs were. “Simon, Shawn, dinner is ready!” In union, they whined and gave you a pout. All to prolong their play time. One look at them had them coming towards the table. You swiftly put them in their chairs and strapped them in, letting them go to town on their cut up burger pieces and sauces.
T’a’yta entered afterwards. For such a towering beast who could barely stand at full height in your kitchen, he was silent. Even on the squeaky, old floorboards. His blue eyes were calming. You motioned for him to make his pick first. “Go right ahead. Eat, take all what you want. It’s the least I can do for you,” you urged the alien to take what he wanted. Not that you could pay him or cook for him well. But you still at least did something to show your gratitude.
His brown brows furrowed. He shook his massive head. The grey-blue tresses swayed at the movement. “No, you are to go first,” he retorted and refused to move from his spot.
“What? No,” you denied and crossed your arms. “You are a guest in my house. You deserve to go first.” It’s etiquette for an average person housing another.
The alien was unmoved and unbothered. “You brought the dinner home and made it. You deserve to eat first.” There was something in his eyes that solidified the knowledge that he wasn’t going to budge.
As much as you are stubborn to the bone, today had drained of the fight. The last thing you wanted to do was chase him away. Maybe this would encourage him to come by, stay for a while. Maybe enjoy a drink or two with you. Talk, be friends. He was nice and kind. You didn’t want to lose that.
With a reluctant sigh, you picked up a plate and prepared a burger in a way you loved. This was your only day in months you were able to indulge in yourself. Why not treat yourself the way you deserved? After the events today, you deserved it more than ever.
In the corner of your eye, you didn’t miss the slight quirk of his upper mandible. You pursed your lips before sitting down at the dinner table with the plate. This burger looked absolutely delicious.
Clearly, Simon and Shawn felt the same way. Half of their burger had been consumed so far. You snorted with a shake of your head at their antics.
To the right of you, T’a’yta took up the last remaining seat available in your small dinning room area. His size easily ate up all the space there, making you feel crowded to the wall behind you. Not that you minded.
Until that coppery smell in the air returned. It was clouded with T’a’yta’s natural musk. But that solidified the idea it was coming from him. He smelled like blood. What was he doing before he got here?
You tense up instinctively, due to your human nature as prey in the presence of a predator. You faced the burger on the plate and used it to distract yourself from what was coming off of him. It unnerved you with good reason. Without any good evidence, you decided to brush it off and under the rug until there was an opportunity to bring up. Plus, you didn’t want to ruin the moment.
The brown Yautja stared down at the burger before picking up and bringing up to his mouth. This had to be the first time he’d ever had a burger. This time, you spent the extra money to get the good patties. The flavor was in the meat and seasoning you had put on them.
Both of your children had nearly finished their own food by the time T’a’yta brought the food to his mouth. You reached to the side and wiped off some sauce on Simon’s face. T’a’yta bit into it and chewed. The way he ate wasn’t exactly what you had thought. Not that you had thought about it actually. Seeing it happen right in front of you was different though.
When he made no looks of disgust, you were relieved. Actually he looked pleased and quickly took a second bit. Your shoulders released all of the tension they were holding onto. You finally start to consume your own when Simon and Shawn whine to be let down.
T’a’yta was on his feet before you could even will the thought into existence. Despite the size difference between his hands and the plastic buckles, he made quick work of them. Each child was carefully taken out of the seat and onto the ground. You stared at him, lips slightly parted. He had done that… without you asking.
Fuck, why was your heart racing?
“You, you didn’t have to do that. I could’ve,” you explained to him, now feeling a little guilty the guest had to do that for you.
“No. You eat your food. I have it right here,” he argued and left no room for butting back at him. He had shut you down so quickly in a polite manner that you didn’t know what to do. You flapped your jaw a little before clearing your throat and returning to your meal.
Once dinner was finished, you were ready to get up and clean up the rest of the dishes when the plate was stolen. Right from underneath your nose. You tried to grab it but T’a’yta only had to lift it up slightly higher and step away. “Hey! What are you doing?”
The plates were set down in the sink. Then, his massive form came back over to you. You didn’t have a chance to complain when his arms scooped you from underneath and lifted you up. The wooden chair left your bottom. T’a’yta carried out of the dining room and into the living room where your children were playing.
He set you down on the couch and pointed a sharpened finger. “Stay.” He pivoted on his heel and marched back into the kitchen. You sat there. You kept blinking blankly multiple times and moving your lips.
“Huh?!” you absolutely flabbergasted at his stern but kind actions. Why in the world was the guest doing this? And why was is working?! Your confusion aided T’a’yta. He was already in the kitchen and scrubbing away at the dishes when you got to your feet and raced after him.
“Hold up, mister. This isn’t how this wor-ack!” you attempted to scold him when he picks you back up and tosses you onto the couch.
A finger was pointed at you. “I said stay.” T’a’yta spun on his heel gracefully and marched back into the kitchen. You played the same game and earned the same results. Until, finally, you got the point after the four attempt. Fine, if he wants to do them, then be your guest. You huffed and crossed your arms, sinking further into the couch.
In their own world, your children played with their toys in the middle of the living room. You decided to turn on the T.V. to distract yourself from T’a’yta doing the dishes. That little… If your boys weren’t present, you would’ve said some choice words. Because he was the guest. It was your duty as the host to care for him. The least he deserved.
It didn’t take him long before the dishes were cleaned and set on the drying rack. God, he even cleaned them instead of filling up the dishwasher. T’a’yta wiped his hands dry and walked back into the living room.
“You didn’t have to do that… thank you,” you voiced your gratitude to him. A small, genuine smile graced your features.
T’a’yta stood up a little taller. “You made the food. I clean up. It’s a fair deal.” Though, in a way, he was right about that. You still felt guilty for just letting him clean the dishes. Even if you put up a massive fit about it. The alien was standing directly in front of you and looked down at your form curled up on the couch.
Nervous under his intense gaze, you played with the edge of a blanket while looking down in your lap. “Was it good?” you asked him with a timid voice. T’a’yta knelt down to your level and used a hand to tilt your chin back up. His blue eyes bored into yours.
A soft purr started in the back of his throat. “Very.”
With him being this close to you, the coppery tang in the air came back. Your brows furrowed. It felt like you were missing pieces of a puzzle. “Why do you smell like blood?”
Despite being asked such an insane question, the alien acted no different. His mandibles twitched a little. “I took care of an issue that was bothering you,” he stated anonymously. Your confusion only deepened. What did he mean by that? What problems were you were having? He hasn’t been around to know if you were struggling much besides your car.
“At the store. Those worthless oomans were bothering you.”
Freezing cold water washed over you. Robert and his wife. The blackout. The scream. You tried to move back, deeper into the couch but it was pointless.
“The names they called you. Such a disgrace of a donor. That is no father.” Of course, everything he said was right. Everything Robert had put you through. But you weren’t expecting for T’a’yta to outright say it. “He isn’t worth your tears, your sorrow.” You hadn’t even noticed the tears that pool in your eyes.
“Y-you killed them?” you gasped and looked at his with terror. T’a’yta simply nodded his head. The entirety of your body should’ve froze. Yet, there was a small part in the back of your mind that consumed the knowledge. T’a’yta had killed Robert and the scum. They were gone. You wouldn’t have to worry about seeing them ever again. They would never be in your life again.
Maybe, you were a little happier than you had originally let on.
His thumb stroked your cheek. You knew you should’ve pushed him away, ran, called the cops. But… there was that small part of your brain that whispered to you. The voice only grew louder and louder too. He had killed them. For you.
Strangely, this is the greatest thing someone has ever done for you.
“Do you want to stay around for awhile?” you blurted out, trying to overcome your anxious thoughts.
T’a’yta grinned and glanced over at the clueless children. That’s when you realized what position you could ask him to take. They do need a father in their life.
“Yes, I will.”
Special Tags: @justanaveragenerd and @sweatymusictree
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tacorerooster · 1 year ago
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If Amy doesn’t appear in the 3rd Sonic Movie, these line are gonna ring extra hollow. Makes it more of a very late April Fools joke on Amy fans.
You had her finally be playable in a mainline game after 17 years with Sonic Frontiers, her finally getting to be Playable in the Classic games, then be part of the main cast in Sonic Superstars. Making it seem like Sega finally see her as important as Tails and Knuckles, the whole year of Amy, only for it to get overshadowed multiple times. She gets a Stand Alone idw comic that’s 1 issue. Fang the hunter a obscure side character, gets a whole 4 part mini series, which Amy isn’t even in. Amy gets a game about her birthday, with arguably the best writing for a Sonic game. Shadow gets a whole ass rerelease with a full ass DLC just for him with his name in the title.
And people just don’t seem to care about Amy if she is in the movie or not. I’ve seen more people asking about Rouge at this point.
It’s just so weird feeling to do this whole push for her then go nowhere with it.
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another-argo · 3 months ago
your resident sassy teen (DO NOT CALL ME A KID.)
reformed (ish) homicidal maniac
got possessed and died one time! Wasn’t that fun?
(stop asking for me to stop tormenting him. It’s not happening. You got him smiling in the pfp. That’s it.)
NAME: Argo Boat Castellan-Commodus
AGE: 14 (Bday in April)
WEAPON: Dagger
FATAL FLAW: Impulsive
KILL COUNT: don't ask. probably over 1,000
14 y/o, freshman aged. Blonde hair (with a grey streak), one brown and blue eye. Fanged mouth around their neck. Giant facial scar, probably from a slash, on the left side of face- along with slits on both their mouths. Always has black nail polish, and looks fairly put together- even when covered in blood. Missing an arm (wears a prosthetic), wears hoodies and long sleeves to cover that up.
Luna Castellean, Luke's little sister- looks nothing like him- except matching face scars. (God genetics go crazy) Luna looks more like their mom than Luke. (For lore reasons, Argo (Luna) Doesn't remember this.)
^Reference for Luna Desc.
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Friends? I dunno, people don't really ask me to be friends with them
>>ask if you want to be added/deleted!!<<
@reyno-solis-real -my best friend, but bro is not getting me out of the woods any time soon
@pain-is-forever - salmonella goth and also my best friend
@nobilis-of-norway (r.i.p. ur blog 😔 I will update when we find the new blog)
@faceless-bugger -also got possessed??
@unlicensed-field-medic -Solace. Tell me about my gods damned medical past.
@the-great-emperor-commodus -my dad
@the-eclipsed-sun -literally the sun god???
@sophia-hunter-of-artemis -friend?
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casually has beef with Percy Jackson (Percy doesn't know about it but it's fine) because they think he's A) secretly a loser and not as cool as people make him out to be and B) they think Percy killed Luke (he did NOT and nobody knows where Argo got this idea)
Shapeshifter! (Works a bit different than Frank. Has limited amount of changes before they start to have issues.)
After a few shapeshifts, they start to become more susceptible to suggestion (being forced into an animal) and also keep some traits of animals they are forced into until they rest (ex: cat ears or a tail)
(also some powers due to Kronos being in his body; time control, being able to communicate with all humans and animals, and prophecy)
full backstory is essentially that after the titan war, Mr. D and Chiron decided to wipe their memory- for the safety of the camp (and of Argo, who desperately wanted to be with their older brother). Argo only knows things about themself or Luke through the other campers. the memory wiping/Argo's relationship to Luke is common knowledge- but everyone knows to not talk about it in front of him.
^shit has happened since then. I. man idk what happened
This blog may deal with SH, body issues, spiraling, and just negative thoughts! I will try to TW as I go, but be warned!
OOC under the cut <333
Hiiii! I'm Rammi/Ram ! (He/They)
No NSFW! Nothing creepy! This OC is a MINOR! (flirting is okay just stop if asked please)
Sometimes I won't respond.. I lose my phone for days/hours on end. oops.
DNI if you're bigoted in any way because I don't deal with TERFs, racists, homophobes, acephobes, zionists, etc. etc.
okay! that's it! be good people ^.^
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year ago
Mini ramble cause I’m tired I’ll expand later probably
Blake and Weiss have trouble with their emotions because of their different kinds of abuse they’ve experienced but they still clearly have them, you know? They talk about them and they talk about it a lot their was a whole arc that was just them talking about their emotions very loudly at each other so having the emotions or expressing it doesn’t really bother them that much
or at least not in every environment, Yang and Ruby are the safest space they got they’ll fight each other to the death around them if they’d let them if you want to have unsavory emotions and unsavory words they’re the two people they’re both comfortable doing it around
It seems like they’re biggest issue with having negative emotions is how other people perceive them and how others react and putting up a front around others unless really comfortable
(What an incredible life changing experience it must’ve been to have that kinda safe space with people who care about you for no reason other then because they do and not for any ulterior motive after so long of not feeling like that to love someone so much you could safely hate them and they’d still ask you include you in ever conversation, it’s like that one measurement of love and comfort where if your kid complains and whines about things you make them do to you then they love you and think your safe to be around and if they’re silent and obedient and distant they think your not)
However with Yang and Ruby it’s not a front they’re not pretending to not feel the emotions they’re actually just not feeling them
They’re refusing to outright
Ruby doesn’t vent till she’s in a universe where GRIM DONT EXIST and then the emotions overwhelm her so much she DIES
Yang does let herself have negative emotions but ONLY anger which is controlled and specifically when she can take that kinda heat she expresses anger not only with the acknowledgment of the risk to herself but also often when other people are also already upset
Yangs semblance is clearly designed to make it easier for her to take hits for others this expression of anger goes along with the fact that it lights her on fire and makes her big and bright she’s making herself a bigger target
Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT YOU DO AGAINST BEARS?!?! GOLDILOCKS!?!?!? Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough
(And Yang and Ruby will sometimes have breakdowns because of this where everything totally boils over and they have no way of dealing with it and they end up sobbing but even then they usually manage to do it in a closed off room)
Their lives have been centered completely around becoming huntresses and surviving through and killing grim it’s been their whole lives if the grim are attracted to negative emotions it doesn’t matter if you don’t show it on your face it’s GETTING you
To be a hunter you have to choose either:
1- go fucking crazy (all of the teachers at beacon for whatever reason)
2- be good enough at your job to be mentally ill (qrow)
3- DIE
So they just couldn’t feel shit cause they didn’t hav the skill level as children to allow that and survive
And obviously they do feel these things but it’s SOO repressed (Ruby I believe less so but it’s still beneath the surface so she’s good)
Blake and Weiss had a ton of shit to worry about but Blake was always more focused on other people as enemies and only had to personally worry about that after she joined the white fang and learned how to fight and I GENUINELY believe that the forest with Ruby was the first time Weiss’s isolated SKY CITY looking ass ever saw a real grim in person and not her sisters fake ones
And I think this is just really interesting because of how long it might’ve taken Yang and Ruby to realize the difference between their partners and them and why I think it might’ve led to interesting interactions but they’d probably never outright talk about it with them because it might lead to emotions
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epic-arc · 1 year ago
Last Survivor Au
Well, I came here to comment on more headcanons about the ''sole survivor'' au and that I can help @howlingday with the plot or ideas, I hope you like it guys. I'm going to start with history and events for characters and to finish psychologically, so look at the sky and welcome to this infinite tsukuyomi
History and Events:
Well for the death of the rwby and (j)npr teams and I believe that cardin's team died, that would count as 11 deaths in something that was just to present the school and test the qualities of the students. With this death count, Beacon and Ozpin would gain a bad reputation from other kingdoms and give themselves to the people of Vale, thereby potentially accelerating certain events that take place in volumes 1 to 3.
With Blake's death in this universe, many events that happen with White Fang that are explored in this volume and in the 4th would be faster, but in a bad sense, with Blake's death, Adam could use her as an example to gain more trust between the faunus.
Ironwood looking at this death count could end up giving Ozpin a slight scolding but it would help him with more protection in the kingdom and speeding up the introduction of penny. Coming back in the white fang trope because of this the introduction of sun would also be faster than in canon.
Jaune would probably take practical classes or be forced to spend some time because of his psychology. Maybe he would gain a slight fame among the other students but nothing exaggerated, It's maybe because of the events I mentioned ozpin could try to form a team between Jaune Sun and Penny, Probably at first Jaune might think it's a bad idea but I'll do that leave it with @howlingday .
Characters that appear in future volumes like Oscar I can only see them in the future, because following the canon Oscar wouldn't have a reason to enter Beancon other than Ozpin, but maybe we can change that in this universe like Ozpin launching more opportunities for kingdoms for people who want to be hunters to join beacon.
I commented about Jaune gaining fame, He would have a fan of being the only survivor but it would be something like a curse, Everywhere he goes people recognize him as the only survivor, Newspapers try to interview him to discuss more about the case of the 11 deaths but he always refuses
We know that Jaune is one of the characters with a bad psychology but there are two characters who butt heads, Winter and Tai. Winter being the older sister who believed that her younger sister was strong for the world to respond with the news of her death, Tai is a former hunter who lost his wife and was abandoned by another, having to take care of his daughters alone with his teammate, He trusted that the two were strong and then heard the tragic news of their death,
Ozpin gained another weight on his back because in his vision because of his trust and irresponsibility he caused the death of potential hunters and one of the people who contained a power that could help in his greatest objective, And perhaps he killed one of the last people who had silver eyes.
Jaune after the incident would get a call from his family and they would talk and probably in free time Jaune would travel to visit them to help with his psychological issue, And I believe that Penny and Sun could be a company that would help Jaune to improve.
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neoclassic-sonic · 4 months ago
Personal Vehicles in (Neo) Classic Sonic Part 1: Fang
First off... The Marvelous Queen!
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Fang's vehicle of choice which made its debut in Triple Trouble and reappearance in Sonic Drift! It's got a redesign for Sonic Superstars that was expanded upon in the Fang the unter miniseries (with the side carts made for Bean and Bark)
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Although Mauro Fonseca, Lineartist for Fang the Hunter Issue #1 and artist for the Retail Incentive cover for all 4 issues, admits that he thought he had to use the latest design.
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Because of this let's say that they're both the same in terms of functionality.
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The sidecarts are easily detachable and launchable.
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Features its spring from Triple Trouble (I assume he has a Drill as well)
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And an Emerald Detector added by Aaron Hammerstrom in Seasons of Chaos...
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... that eventually made its way to the Superstars redesign! Speaking of, in addition to all the new features it got for the game...
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It seems like it's self charging, probably solar since she hasn't fully charged due to the night and rain.
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It's also seen being responsive to whistles.
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Which is.... quite similar to another vehicle they've shown off before... Hocke-wulfe's Bike.
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It's interesting that, not only does it share visual similarities with Fang's Marvelous Queen, but his bike is noted to be different from Bearanger's and Carrotia's vehicles... I'm not sure if this was intentional from Ian Flynn's part on writing them to be whistle-commandable or Aaron Hammerstrom's part who (I assume?) updated the vehicle designs
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Could Fang and Hocke-wulf share the same car mechanic? (LOL)
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Anyway, I'll go review the Witchcarter's vehicles another day, back to the Marvelous Queen. While whistling does control the vehicle, it seems she /can/ get commands from far away but her speed is limited when not being controlled as the gang have to meet her half way.
By the end of the series, the vehicle is seen upgraded with the Warp Topaz
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Which can teleport it and its riders anywhere the rider wants.
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Although it loses its side-carts, taken by Bean and Bark as they ditch Fang. (Interestingly it seems like they're controllable?)
That's it for the Marvelous Queen! Arguably the most popular vehicle from the Classic Era second to the Tornado. A sexy beast of vehicle with a name that matches Fang's pang for riches.
Sonic | Tails | Amy | Knuckles | Fang | Witchcarters
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Reading the fleetway Sonic comic now and
I'm convinced that Tails is his special little guy??
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I mean, he's an asshole, no doubt, but he passes up a party (mind you, he loves being celebrated as a hero so much) to go looking for Tails
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He goes looking at his "favorite place" and literally dons shades and a worse attitude at learning Tails was taken
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He genuinely cares about him as his buddy? Sure he complains about him or insults hin fairly often, but he clearly likes having Tails around enough to want him back??
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Are we gonna talk about how Tails breaks free from Robotnik's control because he can't bear to keep hurting Sonic, because he cares?
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This scene too reminds me so much of that scene from Fang the Hunter issue 1 where Tails called for Sonic and Sonic bid himself to be patient and not lash out because Tails is his friend. Like again, Fleetway!Sonic is an asshole, but he's holding back when it comes to Tails even a little bit
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There's just constant proof whenever Tails is put in danger or captured that Sonic cares about his well-being. In fact he cares so much he just kind of is just indifferent about those he puts in danger by zeroing in on saving Tails (and those he saves he doesn't necessarily save with intent to). In this issue specifically, Sonic, the animal companions with him, and an unconscious Tails get washed away in a current of water, and rather than worry about his own well-being or those of his companions, he yells at them to keep ahold of Tails in the water so he can take care of the badnik.
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Personally I feel like this sequence speaks for itself? Although Sonic is fairly confident, he risks his life on the chance that he can steer the Death Egg off course (and we're not even factoring in whether he can escape in time), and sends Tails away in the only escape pod. He literally gambles his life on this act of saving Emerald Hill and worries first about securing Tails', even if only Tails may end up escaping.
There's also the setting? Tails crying for Sonic and calling him the bravest hedgehog he ever met, Sonic reacting like he didn't just narrowly avoid death and that Tails is just stating the obvious, the two of them floating down in the escape pod during the sunset
I don't have the picture space to show it, but there's also another part of this issue where Sonic continuously nags Tails to stay out of danger and to let him handle everything alone, and then (after falling into a trap), starts talking to himself about how glad he is that Tails wasn't around to see him make such a rookie mistake. It's easy to read as Sonic always leaving Tails behind because he doesn't think much of him or thinks he'll be in the way, but I don't think that's completely true! I get the idea that Fleetway Sonic likes having his buddy around just as much as he wants his buddy to be safe. So he brings him around everywhere he can, but he forces him to hang back during the dangerous bits. And that's not to mention how this issue showed just how much Sonic values Tails' opinion of him.
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And BOY does this scene get me
It's like
This is the first time Super Sonic ever appears in StC. Are we going to ignore that Fleetway!Super Sonic stops attacking and reverts back into regular Sonic because of Tails?
This is like Mecha Sonic in Archie's Mecha Madness special all over again, except Fleetway!Super Sonic is under no one's control. He stopped attacking because Tails bids him to remember them.
There's just so many little things about them in my reading so far that I almost can't believe it (and would hit the tumblr photo limit a number of times if I were to show it off)
If I had to label their relationship in StC, I'd say that, to Tails, Sonic is someone he admires greatly. He doesn't seem to be fond of Sonic's attitude (largely when it's aimed at those other than himself), and he expresses criticism as to how vain Sonic is and his eating choices, but ultimately he cares about Sonic enough to stick around with him and go on adventures from time to time. For Sonic, I think Tails is someone he secretly likes having around. He often criticizes him, and depending on his mood he'll do it whenever he gets an opening, but he's also just...bad at feelings. When Tails is in danger, he'll zero in on saving him, almost above all else, and then when he saves Tails he's going off about how he can't trust Tails to be alone, angry and annoyed. He's a jerk, but a jerk who cares more than he lets on about Tails. Tails isn't just some admirer, he's important to him, and at the same time, Tails' is someone whose opinion of him he values. Ahsjsjs and....he's also the kind of guy who would say something like "Hey, that's enough! Only I get to bully Tails!"
Is their relationship healthy? No😂 But also in StC it also comes off like...they're both choosing this. Despite everything they choose to be buddies
Idk I'm fascinated so far😂
The Sonic the asshole and his special little fox
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davidmariottecomics · 1 year ago
Goodbye IDW! Hello Something New!
Hi there! 
After seven years and some change, today, 12/22/2023, is my last day at IDW Publishing. It's for good reasons. Things just timed out that my last day could be the last work day of the year for IDW and in the new year, I'll be starting a new job elsewhere. I'll still be in comics and once I can talk about the new gig, I'm really stoked to be letting you all know. So, today, I want to say my goodbye to IDW. 
But first, before I get to that, I did have something else notable happen this week. I sent my last tweet!  I'm officially shutting down my Twitter at the end of the year and if you see a Twitter account claiming to be me after January 1st, it's an imposter. If you'd like to keep up with me, however, I've got good news! There are lots of other ways to find me still. Here are a few! 
Check out and bookmark my website! Get access to my blog, plus lots of behind the scenes stuff and new projects at my Patreon!  Subscribe to a newsletter version of my blog for free at Buttondown!  Follow my blog on Tumblr!  Keep up with my main socials: Bluesky and Instagram (I'm @davidmariotte at both)! 
Okay, with that out of the way, let's talk about it. This is not my first time saying goodbye. In fact, almost exactly a year ago, I said my farewells to Transformers, one of the hallmarks of my IDW run. I don't want to revisit that too much, so if you want to read about my early days at IDW or that part of my career or a big list of thank yous to my collaborators, you can! And while I've had significant runs with other books, most notably Sonic the Hedgehog which with January's Sonic: Fang the Hunter #1 will mark 100 issues of Sonic at IDW under my editorial eye, or my personally exciting, if shorter runs on stuff like Godzilla, Samurai Jack, the Hasbro Action books, Canto, Scarenthood, The Kill Lock, The October Faction, Wynonna Earp, Brynmore, Atomic Robo, or literally so many other books, I don't want this to just be a retrospective on the work. In fact, I'm largely not interested in talking about the past when I say goodbye this time. 
IDW has afforded me a lot. They've helped me find my place in the industry. They let me do some writing. They let me do a lot of editing. I learned various other skills both through directly on the course of the job and through my own interest because of what I was doing and seeing there. I have made true lifelong friendships. And I have made comics. So leaving feels weird. I'm very bummed to be leaving a place that really has been my home (and for the past couple of years, has quite literally been mostly at my home) for so long. But I am even more excited about what's to come. On my side, I can't announce it just yet, but watch this space for some big news soon (after a couple weeks of much needed vacation). 
Talking about the future I actually can say a little more about, I wanna tell you how excited I am for IDW. Yes, I'm leaving, but IDW remains home to so many people--both at the company and our freelance creators--and so many projects that are close to my heart. Next year is their 25th anniversary. That is an impressive feat in not just the world of comics, but any industry. For the milestone, they've got a lot of cool stuff planned. 
I'm not going to blow up IDW's spot and say anything about what's coming up too early. Just to talk about the things that are already public knowledge, you've got things like the new TMNT: The Last Ronin sequel! The TMNT ongoing on it's road to issue #150! There are cool new originals like Golgotha Motor Mountain! There's the launch of the aforementioned Fang the Hunter which is IDW's first Classic Sonic mini-series and sees 100 unique issues of Sonic at IDW and is just laugh-out-loud funny and full of such good action! And I'll tease this, when the Sonic ongoing is back with issue #69 in May, you'll be in for an absolute treat as that series runs up to #75! 
I know some readers of this blog don't read a ton of American direct market comics. You aren't "Wednesday Warriors" who go to the comic shop every week. You like the comics you like and I've been graced to be a person working on those comics. If you aren't as familiar with how these comics work, let me assure you of a couple things. The books I was editing and many unannounced projects that I set up will still be happening. Because of the timelines of comic production, you'll still see my name in IDW books for a few more months and, at the same time, you'll see new credits creeping in. And if we've done everything right, that'll be about the only thing you'll notice is different, at least at first. As the editors really take the reins and take over, we'll both be in for the treat of the unknown! I'll be reading them with a good sense of professional jealousy. 
Now, there's one other book that has been announced for next year and I wanted to do a special call out for. Godzilla: Valentine's Day Special went to press this week. It's the last IDW book I saw all the way from inception to completion. And, in many ways, it's kind of a really good analogy of a comics editorial career. I think, genuinely, this may be the book that went from conception to reality the fastest in my career. I think it took... less than a week from a half-joking suggestion of doing a Godzilla Valentine's Day book to getting Zoe Tunnell's pitch in and approved by Toho and getting it on the publishing schedule. Usually these things take a bit--people are working on other projects, licensors need time to review things, whatever other bumps happen along the way--but this was like lightning. Everyone just got it instantly. And then Zoe turned in the script and it was great! Things continued, as they do, and then... we got a curveball or two. I won't go into too much detail, but major thanks to Sebastian Piriz and Rebecca Nalty for getting it done and having a book that we were all so proud of that I could send to press this week. And it struck me on that final press day that despite the curveballs we had been thrown, when it came to actually getting it approved, everything was so easy, straightforward, and smooth. When you read it in February, if I've done my job right, maybe you'll remember seeing somewhere that there were some curveballs. But mostly, you'll just have a really good book in your hands. (BTW, you did JUST MISS the final order cutoff on that, so do check in with your shop about still trying to get you a copy!) 
Most of the time, after a book like that goes to press, an editor gets ready to do it again--maybe in a few minutes or days or the next week. For the first time in a long time, I won't be getting ready to do it again at IDW. That's a complicated feeling, but I'm so excited for the future. 
The best metaphor I've been able to come up with for what is happening is it's like I've been working in a one room office constantly for the past seven years. It's got that dull office lighting, you know the kind. Each day, projects come and go across my desk, and as they otherwise disappear into the world, I put up one of those glow-in-the-dark stars as a memory of it. And each day, I work with so many people--my coworkers at IDW who've helped foster my growth, my collaborators as both a writer and editor who have made so many stories with me, all the folks where things never quite lined up but we kept trying, and the readers who are an inherent part of the ecosystem, the reason we make what we do. And so, for each of those people, I put up a little glow in the dark toy. 
Now, for the first time, I'm going to get up and leave the office. As I flick the switch behind me, everything in there that has been soaking up light for years now glows. Some of the glows are slight. Some are so fantastically bright, it feels like they're drawing attention through the walls of the room. Together, they make the room brighter than it was when I left. Now, sometimes, I might sneak in to borrow a toy--make a copy of it for the new office I'm doing the same thing in. Other people will certainly do the same and make they've got their Evan Stanley figure on their shelf. If I ever return for a longer time, I'll be so glad to flick the light back on and let them all absorb even more light to glow an even longer time. If I don't, I rest happy that the glow goes on and forever people will be able to come back and discover some part of it. And I'll start working on a new office soon. 
If I keep going,  I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to stop. So, for now, I'll just say again, thank you. The future is about to be very exciting. Next year is for the creators you love or don't know you love yet, the books that are going to light you up that you've come to expect and the ones that will catch you by total surprise. While there are a lot of things I'm going to miss deeply and books that I'm going to wish I had gotten to do more on, I also have the really exciting experience of getting to see this stuff as a fan of IDW, just like you. And, hey, I hope you'll be a fan of the stuff I do next too! 
As for next steps, like I've said, I'm not going far. I'll still be in comics. I'll share the news when I can.
Before that, I'm getting a little break. Not too long, just a few weeks, and obviously the holidays are part of those, but in my time between my jobs, I'm going to be working on some personal projects. I put together a little tracking list recently and I have something like 40 projects in various stages of gestation right now. Obviously, I'm not going to be working on all of those at once, and chances are, some of them will never see the light of day, but I'm going to be working on trying to bring a couple of them to you in the new year (and beyond). If you're an artist that I've had the pleasure of working with in the past and you think you might be interested in peeping the list and seeing what we could do together, let me know. You can reach me on my website contact page, through my email, or through Discord (feel free to ask if you don't have it!). 
And if you read this blog, you'll see me hyping my last IDW projects up until we run out of what I left behind. Simultaneously, once I've got stuff to start hyping up for my personal projects and for the new gig, you'll see those start to pop up here too! I'll also keep talking about making comics and my thoughts on the state of the world and whatever else it is I blog about here on a regular basis! 
Thanks for reading. Bye-DW! Next week, I'll be doing a little Best of 2023. But for now, onto our regular features. 
What I enjoyed this week: Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Reverse 1999 (Video Game), Nancy (Comic), Lego Masters (TV show), Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (Short story collection), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Cunk on Earth (TV show), I'm a Virgo (TV show), The Boy and the Heron (Movie), an easy last week at IDW, all the well-wishes that've already poured in, leaving today to celebrate Christmas with my family and then have some downtime to work on my stuff, signing the paperwork for the new job, not being on Twitter anymore, getting all of our mail out in a timely fashion for the holidays, Chainsaw Man (Manga), I picked up Superman and Hawkgirl, so excited to get caught up on those, and knowing that in leaving this job, there are certain folks I just get to deepen my relationships with as friends, instead of co-workers. 
New Releases this week (12/20/2023): Godzilla: The War for Humanity #3 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon (Editor)
Announcements: The Cartoonist Cooperative is still doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. Additionally, the CC is hosting their mini-comic awards! It's a cool way to maybe get your mini-comic recognized and make some scratch!
You can also give more directly. If you don't have money, and I get it, you can call or fax or email or show up at the offices of your representatives. Keep your eyes open for actions too, whether they're another general strike or demonstrations and marches in your area. Given the nature of the things, they often come together fairly quickly, so do exercise your due diligence. Also, of course, being informed and just giving your time to Palestinian journalists and writers is incredibly valuable. 
While Becca has got some things brewing for next year (and now on a schedule), you should reach out if you'd like to work on comics with them! You can find their gallery on their website and also, y'know, maybe pick up a few things for belated gifts while you're there!
Finally, I called out my Patreon earlier. You can support me (and boy, that would be cool during the time between paychecks because vacation is nice, but living is still expensive) and get not just this blog, but a lot of cool special features like extra posts, comics, infographics, and more! At the $10+ levels, you can also access stuff like a holiday gift guide I made, a podcast pilot for a spicy show with Becca, and a ton more! 
Pic of the Week: Happy holidays from Becca and me! If you wanna full card in your inbox, lemme know! 
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mike-the-hedgehog · 9 months ago
My IDW Sonic Comics Physical Variants Collection Of 231
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The collection I have so far the following:
IDW Sonic Issue 1-69 Cover A B & RI Covers on going series missing some Cover B's & RI Covers
Bad Guys 1-4 Cover A's
Imposter Syndrome Full Sets
Scrapnik Island Full Sets
Fang the Hunter Full Sets
One Shot Specials:
Sonic 30th Anniversary Full Sets
5th Anniversary Edition Full Sets
Tails 30th Anniversary Full Sets (Not Including online exclusive)
Endless Summer Full Sets
Winter Jam Full Sets
900th Adventure two RI Covers 1:10 1:25
Sonic Movie 2
Halloween Special Missing One Variant Cover
Amy's 30th Anniversary Full Sets (Not Including online exclusive)
Halloween ComicFest
Annual 2019 2020 2022
Free Comic Book Day 2021 2022
Issue #1 C2E2 Convention Foil Variant Covers Sonic Logo & Rafa Knight
I've been collecting since April 2018 the series first started and first time got Into reading a Sonic comic too 😊
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radiantrookie · 3 months ago
Outside media canon to Sonic
Excluding tie-in media cause that's obivous
TailsTube 3 acts a prologue to Sonic Frontiers
In TailsTube 5, Amy teases inviting Trip, confirming we're getting a Modern Trip
TailsTube 9 gives us the origin of King Boom Boo
In TailsTube 5, Amy mentions knowing Mighty and Ray, who she meets in Seasons of Chaos, they're later appear in Amy's New Hobby, they also appear in Amy's 30th Anniversary Special
Seasons of Chaos also features the return of Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll and the real Hooligans along with making the Hard Boiled Heavies rejoin Eggman
Amy's New Hobby features the return of Honey the Cat
Tails's 30th Anniversary Special acts a sequel to both Sonic 3D Blast and Tails Sky Patrol and features the return of Witchcart and the Witchcarters, this is also where Sonic first meets them
Amy's 30th Anniversary Special acts as a sequel to SegaSonic the Hedgehog
The Fang the Hunter miniseries is a prologue to Sonic Superstars and sequel to both Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic the Fighters, explaining the 8th Chaos Emerald, revealing it's actually the Warp Topaz, the series also disbands the Hooligans so that Bean and Bark can be more like their original JP counterparts
The Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special acts as an epilogue to Sonic Superstars
The first Saga acts as an epilogue to Sonic Forces as well explaining why Blaze and the real Metal Sonic weren't present
In TailsTube 1, Sonic receives questions from Tangle and the Spiral Hill Fan Club
The Metal Virus arc features the return of Cream, Cheese, Vanilla Rabbit, Chocola Chao and Gemerl, along with the first canon appearance of Super Silver and first appearance of the Sol Empire and Silver's Future
Team Sonic Racing is stated to take place before Issue 33, which is why Amy has her Pink Cabriolet, despite plotholes regarding Omega and Zavok
Sonic Annual 2022 features the return of Marine the Racoon
Tangle and the Eggnet are mentioned in Sonic Frontiers
In TailsTube 6, Restoration HQ and Jewel are mentioned, Amy also mentions Belle and Motobud but not by name
The Faceship and Eggperial City appear on Eggman's Monitors in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Barry the Quokka and the Conductor and his wife appear in Winter Jam, Barry later appears in Issue 69
It has been stated that all IDW Comics take place before Frontiers until Sage appears
Sonic Prime
Despite the show's many errors, the show is stated the show takes place after Sonic Advance 3 but not directly after, the existence of Orbot and Cubot mean it also takes place after Sonic Unleashed
TailsTube 7 shows Sonic and Shadow's fight
Sonic Channel
Sticks the Badger from the Sonic Boom is mentioned in Sonic Frontiers, her only Main Canon appearances in the Sonic Channel Comics, Espio's and her own
The Sonic Channel Comics feature the return of Eggman Nega
Otherworld Comedy is stated to take place before Sonic Frontiers, It also shows the return of Infinite, Elise, and introduces Vectorman and Super Eggman
The origin of Shadow's name is brought up in Shadow Generations
Big and Maria reference their Sonic PICT Artwork
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kissesinelevators · 1 year ago
After Dark Pt. 1
Synopsis: What do you do when there’s a man with fangs lurking in the shadows, swearing he can keep you safe but ever since he’s popped up in your life things just get worse? Change is weird and very permanent.
Pairing: Spider-Man 2099 x female reader
Word Count: 5,761
Genre and Warnings: Romance, Angst, Smut (eventually), Obsession, Violence, Stalking, Slow Burn (kind of)
18 + Part 2 3
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Changes happen every day here. New York was called the Big Apple, you wasn’t sure why. You had never really seen an apple tree here. Things just don’t make sense. They never do.
“That will be $75.35.” You hand the invoice over the the shorter balding gentleman who had a mustache so great it looked like he was a bounty hunter.
“No, I was told over the phone it would be $20.” You turn around and grab his hung up coat that was neatly pressed and washed. You behind to unwrapped it from the plastic bag and presented it to him.
“Sir, there were a lot of bodily fluids along with other things.” A hint of disdain was clear in your voice. “We charge extra for that. Usually I can give you an accurate quote over the phone but sometimes I’m not told exactly what the issue is unto it gets here.” The older man shook his head and angrily took his card out of his wallet.
“Fine, but don’t charge me the card fee.” You take his card.
“I’m sorry sir but you know it’s .50 cents.” He grumbled under his breath as he gets charged out. You put the coat back in the plastic bag and hand it to him along with his card and receipt. “Have a wonderful day.” He takes the items from your hands and walked out.
You sigh and sit down at the counter of your store. You look around, and start thinking about how maybe you should really clean out the cobwebs in the upper corners of the store. Not that it was difficult but it was much higher up than you could reach even with the broom. You wonder if the spider living there would ever come by and say hi, or at least help you scare away the people who come by to hit up your store for free cash.
Your dry cleaners store wasn’t successful so to say, you couldn’t hire anyone else to help you. You practically lived here, might as well since there wasn’t enough to afford rent in New York as it was. The shop was passed down to you through generations of family members. Your parents decided to migrate back to their home country as the sentiment towards immigrants wasn’t exactly kind and they realised just how much they missed home. You had only ever known New York so that was your only sense of home so despite missing your parents terribly, you stayed behind. And now here you were, 7 years later. You swivel around in the chair of your countertop waiting for new customers. Not that there ever was any.
However, someone did come in after 45 minutes.
“Hello.” You look up from your phone and see a younger man. He looked like he was a teenager.
“Hello.” You reply, putting your phone away back into your pocket. “How can I help you?” The boy grabs his backpack and opens it, pulling out what appears to be a soccer jersey.
“My sibling accidentally spilled wine on my jersey and I have a scrimmage this weekend. I was hoping you were able to help me? I only have $40, will that be enough?” He nervously shifts under your eyes. You smile.
“$20 is more than okay.” He proceeds to hands you his jersey. “It will be finished by Thursday, tomorrow. Is that okay? Like around 11 am?” You take the jersey and hand him a number back as he gives you the crumpled up $20 bill.
“I get off school at like 3, can I pick it up afterwards?” You nod and put the cash in the register. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow after school!”
“You’re welcome.” You smile warmly at him as he walks out. You start to hang up the jersey behind you, putting on gloves to inspect the stain. Sure enough, it was a bright purple red maybe a few days old. It wasn’t going to easy as it had time to seep and stay there but you would try your best. As you started to make your way further to the back to grab some items to help facilitate the cleaning process, you hear a ring up to the front of your store. “I’ll be right there!” You call out and you grab your white vinegar.
No one responds.
Panic quickly enters your body like cold water shocking the system. You know who it might be.
Recently there had been an influx of robberies around the neighbourhood, armed. Usually though Spider-Man always seemed to be there right in time, conveniently you thought but he was never there when you would get hit. It made you feel uneasy about him. Like something was clearly wrong. The police was basically nonexistent in the part of New York. After all, he was here to protect, why didn’t he protect you?
You hear something heavy fall and you run out towards the front of your store. Sure enough, there was two guys in black baklavas who had knocked over your cash register.
“Hey stranger,” the taller one said with a smile in his voice. “Lou sends his regards. Also, he wants to know what’s going on with this week’s payment? It’s a bit late.” You walk over to the counter and look over, seeing the banged up register.
“I don’t understand why I’m paying weekly if I still get hit. Plus, this place doesn’t make much money, I’m going to lose the place soon.” You plead with the two men, tears clouding up your vision. You try your best to keep it in and stay calm but this wasn’t the first time they do this.
“You know the rules.” The other man speaks softly, more kindly. He kneels down and begins to pry open the register with a screwdriver.
You watch helplessly, allowing the tears to slip out. They don’t look at you while the register is opened forcefully and start counting the cash.
“There’s only like $120 in here.” The taller man points out angrily.
“I told you I don’t make much and you didn’t listen.” Thank god they were always after cash because otherwise you would truly be out on the streets.
“Boss won’t like it.”
You angrily wipe your face clean from the hot tears. “Well I don’t like it either so what can we do?” The other nicer man places your register back on the counter and puts the cash in his pockets.
“You have until Saturday.” He turns away to leave and pulls the taller guy away with him. As they exit the shop you see a shadow on the side of the buildings as it swims by.
But surprise surprise, the men who just robbed you don’t even flinch and walk out like nothing is wrong and you know that the tall bulky man cosplaying as some spider hero didn’t even bother to look. What else was new? You roll your eyes as you head to the door behind them and start locking the doors.
You begin to make your way towards the back again when you hear an aggressively loud knocking back in the front of your store against the glass windows. It honestly scares you.
You look back and see an older older, the same one from earlier that didn’t want to pay for his dry cleaning. The choice was to open the door and see what was wrong or walk away.
Why didn’t you just walk away?
You quickly run to the door and unlock it as he quickly slides himself in and shuts the door.
“Lock it please, LOCK IT!” The panic in his voice sends your heart in a frenzy and causes you to fumble with the locks.
“W-what’s wrong?” You almost scream at him in terror. He looks white, lacking of any colour and it’s almost scary because you can see the green and purple hues of his veins through his delicate aging skin of his face. You start to pull the curtains around the windows of the front of your store, your back turned to him when suddenly you hear a clicking sound behind your head.
Time stops, your hands feel numb as they stay in place, twisted in the curtains trying to pull them to the other side of the store to shield the view from within. Your breath hitches in your throat before it makes its way to your lungs. Your brain goes blank.
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Things just don’t make sense.
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You open your eyes, unaware of how or when you closed them. Something feels wet, your hair is the first thing you see as it is covering your face. But your vision blurs. There’s this pressure in your ears, a muffled like sound. But it starts to irritate you, as if a fly was stuck in there buzzing. You open your mouth and feel your jaw sore, extremely sore as you try to flex it. You suddenly feel liquid on your hands but you can’t yet see what it is. It feels warm but thick. Your knees then start to come into the picture of senses, you feel them raw almost, they’re against something that feels hard as if you were stuck in a box and couldn’t get up from it. Your back is rolled, almost like you’re a rollie pollie. What did you do this morning? What about later during the day? Wasn’t it almost 1 pm? The little boy’s jersey. You have to clean it. It was due tomorrow morning. No, he said he would be there by 3 pm tomorrow. Good, it gives you time to start it.
Ow, what was that?
The awful buzzing in your ears starts to get sharper and the pressure in your head starts to almost seep out through them. Suddenly you hear clearly, the pressure is gone and your eyes roll back into your head from the crash of it.
“Okay, pretty girl. Okay.” A male voice soothes you as a warm large hand makes its way up and down your back, caressing you. You instinctively push up against the hand, you didn’t know whether it was because you were trying to throw them off or leaning into it.
“Ow,” you inaudible gasp out, choking. You start to cough violently, the hand starts to rub circles into your back as you feel the roughness of the cough almost rip through your chest.
“Breathe.” The voice orders, firmly now. You try your best to breathe but your head is pounding more and more intensely.
You let out a pained whimper.
“Please.” The voice leaving you sounds almost inhumane.
“I know. I’m here.” The male voice gets closer to you. “I need to take you somewhere safe. May I?” You nod ever so slowly, fearing that even that movement will rip your brain out through your eyes. “Okay, I need you to hold onto me. You’re bleeding a lot.” The man puts his arms now under you, starts to carry you and puts you over his shoulder. The angle makes your brain scream. “Please knock out, please knock out.” You hear him pleas desperately under his voice. The screaming worsens and you sound realise it’s actually you, your mouth screaming. Eventually everything fades to black as you look at red and blue colours.
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“Hey.” The male voice is back. You see darkness. Did you close your eyes again? When did you do that? “Shh, it’s okay.” A large warm hand comes into contact with your skin. “You’re okay.” Part of you wishes that was true. “Can you open your eyes for me, pretty girl?”
You suddenly remember that you can in fact just tell your brain to open your eyes and you do. You see a tall figure in the dimness of wherever it is that you are. Your eyes adjust to the lack of brightness and see a masked figure towering over you. Red and blue.
“You’re Spider-Man.” You manage to cough out.
“Yes I am. Okay so you’re kind of okay.”
“What happened to me?” You then realise you’re in a hospital bed. Why had you not noticed the beeping of the machine next to you?
“A man came into the store you were working at and decided to rob you at gun point. It seems like this was his first time ever because he attacked you first before anything.” Your hands quickly make their way to your head. “No, he didn’t shot you.” You feel bandages on the back of your head, feeling your stomach sink. “It seems like he first cocked his gun and then pistol whipped you but the idiot shot up into the building and scared himself. Your injuries are light despite how much blood appeared. Head wounds bleed more as you have many more vessels there.” He explains as you finger into the bandages terrified that the hospital staff had to shave your head to put these bandages on you. You couldn’t have bald spots! Not now! “You’ll be okay.”
You scoff.
“Wait so when did you get there?” You feel skin and immediately feel nauseous.
“I got there a few seconds afterwards, I heard the gunshot from a few miles away and got there as fast as I could.” You feel light as you pull your fingers out of the bandages around your head. Thank god he didn’t crack your skull.
“That’s a first.” You reply bothered.
He look down at you, a quick squint of his eyes takes place and disappears almost immediately causing you to wonder if you just made that up. Probably did since your brain wasn’t okay at the moment.
“What makes you say that?” You look out of the corner of your eye and see that the curtains are slightly drawn messily but it’s pretty dark outside. The kid’s jersey needed to be done.
“I’ve gotten robbed at my store more times than I can count. I have to pay someone else to supposedly protect my store but he steals from me too. I see you constantly helping everyone but you don’t help me.” You quickly look back at him and sign. “Didn’t. You didn’t help me. Thank you.” You push your hair out of your eyes. “I really appreciate it.” You try your best to sound genuine but you’re angry with him. It’s not his fault, he has a whole city to help, like over millions of people and you’re throwing a tantrum? “Hey I gotta go.” You start trying to get up from the hospital bed, the spill of the moonlight emitting from the poorly drawn curtains make the soft cream colour of the hospital sheets glow as you try your best to swing your legs out to the side of the bed. Spider-Man suddenly leans down and holds your nude legs in his hands, keeping you in place gently. The texture of his suit is almost silicone like, sticky. But the body heat emitting from his hands that engulf your claves feels good.
“No,” he whispers as he leans down closer to you, his towering figure now almost on top of you. With his other free hand he puts his fingers under your chin and directs you to look at him. “You need to stay here.” His breath smells of blueberries and honey for some reason. You close your eyes, inhaling. This was the first time a man had touched you in so long. How could you have forgotten how good it felt?
“But there’s a child’s soccer jersey that I need to fix. He needs it for his um-“ You rattle your brain, flustered and tripping over your words trying your best to concentrate but it’s proving to be difficult because this muscular man who smelled of musk, sweat, blood, and a hint of a certain cologne that induced butterflies in your stomach made it difficult for you to prioritise. “-his un, soccer thing.” The last words come out breathy.
Get a grip! You didn’t even know what he looked like!
The man’s glowing navy blue eye like part of his mask seemed to be staring deeply into your eyes. You felt strangely naked, all your expressions were out for him to see and you couldn’t even tell what he was thinking or feeling. You had to guess off his body language.
“I’ll get it for you if you truly want it that badly.” He almost hisses at you. You’re confused. Why was he angry all of a sudden?
“Oh, oh okay.” You meekly reply. He gently pushes your legs back onto the bed and lets go of you entirely, making you feel heavy on the bed.
“What does it look like?” He calls out as he starts to walk towards the window of your hospital. You doubt it opens.
“It’s red and white, it belongs to a teenager so it’s teenager sized?” You watch as he opens the window with ease. The realisation suddenly hits you.
Why was the curtain of the hospital room so messily closed? Did he bring you to the hospital and then sneak back in through the window to stay with you? The thought sent the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. But that couldn’t be it. Why would Spider-Man do that? That made no sense at all.
He swung out without saying a word, leaving you there in a now darker room with the window open, fresh air filled the room in his absence.
You stayed up, waiting for him to come back. The minutes turned to hours. A nurse came by to check on you and saw the window opened. She looked at the tablet in her hands and made an o shape with her mouth. She went over the window and closed it only slightly.
“We don’t want your friend to not be able to come back.” She says to you, who’s halfway between asleep and awake. She holds the tablet close to her chest and sighs. “You should have seen the way he fought to be with you through everything. But it was difficult since he is Spider-Man. Everyone wanted to come by and say hi.” She shook her head and made her way over to the machine next to you. “How do you feel, love?” You nod, unable to talk. “Do you feel any pain? Just give me a thumbs up if you do.” You don’t and she puts the tablet down by your legs. “Okay, that’s good. I’m going to just quickly run a few tests and then I’ll be out of here.” She takes a pen out of her pockets and clicks it causing it to shine. “I’m going to point it towards your eyes and I need you to follow it, I know you’re sleepy waiting for your friend to come back but I want to make sure there’s no concussion. Is it okay if I touch your face a bit?” You nod and she proceeds to put a hand under your chin and with her other hand, brings the pen flashlight up to each eye. “Okay, follow the light.” You do as she says, almost enjoying the soft touch from her, the whispers, the light of the pen dilating your eyes making them even more tired. After she’s done with the eye exam she moves onto another test. “I’m going to move you a bit so I can check your breathing. Is that o-“ suddenly the window is opened from outside.
You both look towards the window and in comes in your knight in shining armour with a jersey in his hand. The nurse looks back at you, ignoring him as he closes the window shut and messily half shuts the curtains allowing the moonlight to be the only light source in the room besides the soft glow of the beeping machine next to you. It’s not dark though, it’s just oddly comforting.
“Okay, is it okay if I place my hands on your back and chest?” The nurse goes right back to her professional self as if the most famous hero didn’t just come in through the window. You like her.
“Yes.” You manage to say. She listens for your breathing and your heart beat.
“I think we can do more later on, I’ll let you sleep.” She turns to your guest who’s now made his way to the foot of your bed. “Reminder that we don’t allow family members or guests in the hospital floors after 8 pm. Sir, it is almost 1 am.”
Spider-Man shrugs.
“I just want to make sure she’s fine.”
She looks at him, then at you.
“Do you want him here?”
You nod.
“I won’t cause any problems.” He says as she picks up the tablet and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her quickly. “I like her.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Did you get it?” He walks up to you and holds up the jersey proudly.
“I did better than that, I got the stain out myself.” His voice is dry but it’s clear he was proud to show his work. Your eyes soften and you are taken aback by his action.
“Wow, thank you. I don’t know what to say.” He noticed you starting to reach your hands out so he places the shirt by you for you to inspect.
“Yeah well, thank you was more than enough.” He clears his throat as you grab the shirt and touch it, looking at it to see any imperfections left behind. “I know a bit about chemicals and whatnot so I did my best.” He sounded pretty cocky to you but he was genuinely trying to make it seem like it wasn’t anything to him which okay, maybe was pretty cocky of him.
“Wow, maybe I should hire you.” Your voice is flat.
“Hey so I never got your name and unfortunately the doctors and nurses didn’t want to tell me much about you or your condition since we aren’t related or married. Your nurse was kind enough to look the other way when I came by afterwards looking for you and even now she’s being kind.”
“My name is (Y/N). What’s yours?” Spider-Man starts to sit down next to you in your hospital bed. Your cheeks start to burn. Here you were, technically in bed with a superhero but you were wearing what appeared to be a medical gown which meant that your ass was probably out. You cringe mentally at the thought.
“Spider-Man or you can call me friend as the nurse keeps receding to me. YOUR friend that is.” He chuckles as he tries to not take up much space next to you but fails. You didn’t know what he was thinking by trying to squeeze his big hunky self into this tiny hospital bed with you. He quickly got off and instead sat by your feet. “I should probably let you sleep though. It’s really late and I wouldn’t feel okay with myself if I left you here alone awake anyways. I’ll be back tomorrow before you wake up.” Why was he allowing himself to get involved with you? Was it the fact that you basically insulted his ego earlier about how he didn’t actually help people like he thought since you went by unhelped and alone for so long before he took notice? It had actually weighed down on him heavily. Usually he wasn’t one to let things get to him personally because he wasn’t a teenager anymore much less a 20 something year old doing this for a few years. He has been at the superhero business for a long time now actually but it still bothered him that you thought so lowly of him. Yes, he did deserve it but why was he trying to go above and beyond to make you believe otherwise?
“Oh, you’re leaving?” He puts a hand on your shin and nods. “But you’ll be back? Why?” He feels annoyed now. Did you not want him to come back? Should he just fuck off and never return? But he kept his composure.
“Yeah, I doubt you have family members here who will pick you up from the hospital. It looked like you’re living at the dry cleaners so I want to make sure you’re good. You know, to make up for my lack of protection for all of New York’s citizens.” The last part came out a bit sarcastic but he didn’t care anymore.
“Oh.” You quietly say as you look away. “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Spider-Man.” He nods and gets up. He starts to make his way to the window when he decides to look back at you for a moment. A ghost like tear makes its way down the side of your cheek, translucent to the human eye but not to his. He wants to stay and comfort you strangely enough but he decides it’s better not. Just because he couldn’t save you before doesn’t mean he had to make it up to you. He had other responsibilities, many!
He opens the window quietly and swings out again.
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Miguel feels lost in his head as he webs his way through the night between buildings. You had reopened a very old wound for him. When he first started off as Spider-Man, there was no one there for him. It felt like that city hated him at first for being such a nusciance to it. He messed up a lot. Like a lot. He would not help right the people at first, he didn’t know exactly how to train himself or limit himself with his new found strength. It was quite difficult. With time, he found himself doing better but again, it took time. And he overcame that part of his ice so many years ago, so why was he feeling like the lost dumb teenager he once was?
Miguel snarled almost in frustration and before webbing onto another building, he reach out with his claws and started to climb up further up. He clawed his way all the way to the top of the brick building, pieces coming off. He had to stop doing that, the city was bound to invoice him for the damages at some point. He shook his head as he quickly scaled further up. He finally stopped at the top and sat there.
A hand came up and ripped his mask off him, he angrily sighed as he crumpled up the mask in his hands. He leaned his head down and closed his eyes. There was no need for her to be so, so ungrateful! He felt the emotional turmoil in his chest, he could see behind his eyelids the electricity of his suit getting stronger.
“Calm down.” He lowly says to himself as he tries to take deeper breaths in. This wasn’t even his original dimension, he only came to the one because there was no Spider-Man in it. No one else wanted to do it because they were too busy which was his fault. He didn’t give any time to spare to the other Spider-Men in his group. Why would he? There was a teenager causing issues through the multiverse, how was he suppose to let anyone relax and take time off?
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You woke up with a start. Anxiety filled you quickly, your breathing became labores, the machines around you started going off like crazy and the incessant buzzing triggered you worse.
A nurse came running in and immediately came over you.
“What’s wrong? You can’t breathe?” He quickly adjusts the bed to lay down as you look at him with panic eyes, your hands make their way to his and you hold his wrists, begging him to look at you. Where were you? What happened? He stops what he’s doing and the look in his eyes melts into understanding. “Oh, you’re here in the hospital.” He holds your hands in his and lifts them to his chest and gives you a squeeze. “You’re safe.” You start to relax, he starts to loudly breathe and you follow suite.
“I’m-im sorry,” your voice a mere whisper. He smiles softly at you and shakes his head.
“It’s okay. You’re safe here.” He turns around slightly to look around the room as if he were looking for someone. “Your friend left?”
“Who?” You close your eyes and shake your head slightly.
“Mr. Spider-Man?” You open your eyes and remember. He in fact did come back last night after you had cried. He didn’t make a noise but the window made a creek which woke you up but you didn’t move. But when did he leave? Had you fallen asleep again afterwards?
“I don’t know.” The nurse gave your hands a final squeeze and set them down onto your lap. He began to adjust your bed into a sitting position.
“You know, he’s like a runaway right now.” He quietly tells you, almost like he’s gossiping. “He is not allowed to be here at all, goes against all laws and hospital policies but he saved my dad when he suffered a heart attack, he brought him here just in time and it saved him. He’s a good friend to us all.” He smiles. You look at him and see just how happy he seems telling that story, as if it were the best thing in the world which it is, his dad is alive and well. But you can’t help but feel a bit of a childish envy crack in you. You couldn’t even look at the police because it was their job first to help and they never did. But Spider-Man? Whatever. You give him a small smile.
“I’m glad your dad is here with us still. But he’s not my friend. When can I go home?” The nurse raises his eyes brows.
“Today, later on in the afternoon. We just need to make sure you’re okay. It was a bit of a nasty hit to the back of your head.” He motions for you to lean forward and starts to remove the bandages. “It looks fine, no more bleeding. I’m going to apply new bandages okay? I’ll be back.” You nod as he walks out and closes the door behind him. However as he closes the door, you see your familiar so called friend standing there.
“Were you there behind the door this whole time?” He give a nod. “Okay, why did you hide?” Spider-Man starts to slowly make his way towards you, his tall built figure makes you almost shrink back into bed, he looks almost animal like the way he stalks over to you with his massive size.
“I didn’t hide.” He states coldly. “I merely let your nurse give you the attention you deserve.” His eye lenses on the mask slightly close as if he were squinting at you and crosses his arms. “Can’t be taking all the attention away from you, princess.” He lets out a deep chuckle.
“I guess not. You’re so kind.” The sarcasm in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by him as his fingers slightly twitch from your tone. Keep it together, he thinks to himself. “Look, can you just swing me out of here so I can go home and do what I need to do? I have a business to run, it’s my only livelihood and I promise a boy his jersey.” You starts to pull yourself up and move to get out of the bed. Within seconds with what seems to be inhumane speeds, Spider-Man is right next to you holding your legs in his hands. He turns his head to you.
“I can have my friend give it to him.” Why would you say that?! He thinks to himself angrily. “You take the day off, I’ll have him open shop for you so your clients can at least pick up their stuff.” Now who was he suppose to assign to this? It’s not like he could tell anyone to do it because then they would know he was doing something he wasn’t suppose to, the only person who knew was his assistant, Layla. And she was forbidden to come through when he was in this dimension.
Seems like his friend was going to have to be him.
“Why would you do that?” You pull your legs from out of his hands and move away to come off the bed on the other side. You finally stand up and immediately stretch. He watches you from behind, admiring how catlike you were during your stretches. Suddenly he sees a bit of skin peeking though from behind. “Like what you see?” He immediately looks away and you smile. You knew he was watching, not that it mattered.
“Because I’m your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, that’s why I would do that. Plus he kind of owes me.” He did in fact own himself this, he didn’t want to destroy yet another dimension but he quickly began to talk to occupy himself from thinking of the other one. “You know, if you really want to leave, you can right? No one is holding you here against your will.” It came out a bit harsher than he intended. You turn back to look at him over your shoulder and roll your eyes. What a dumb boy.
“Look, Spider-Man,” you turn to face him now. “You need to realise that it’s not usual for a man, idk who you are because I don’t know you, a strange man to be in another woman’s hospital room. I’m basically naked.” You start to tie the cords of the hospital gown tighter. However he doesn’t move or make any indication of it bothering him.
“If that’s how you feel, that’s your right. I’ll leave you alone and have my friend at your place soon. I still have your keys, but your clothes and other personal items are over there.” He jerks his head towards the direction of a table in the room where there’s a bag. “I’ll be on my way now. I’ll catch you around.”
“Do you even know my name?” He was in mid turn away from you when you asked which stopped him. He thinks for a second. “It’s (Y/N). Thank you for everything. I truly mean it.” He nods once and turns to the window, opening it. He begins to slid out when he stops again.
“The name of the guy who will be at your store is Miguel. He’s a friend.” And with that, Spider-Man leaps out.
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(A.N., so my boyfriend is our beta reader, lmk if he caught all the grammar problems lol and this is my first fanfic so please be gentle with me. I just couldn’t find any fanfics that were story based off Miguel and I couldn’t help but make one, I just love that man and I love being hurt by love lol)
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legacyshenanigans · 5 months ago
How does Rowan and biting work? Like when it comes to turning someone else, so to speak.
Does he have to be in his wolf form, and does it have to be intentional? Like could he bite someone playfully in that form (being extra careful with it bc y’know sharp teeth) or does a werewolf bite automatically trigger the whole thing?
If he’s getting hot and heavy with someone in human form can he bite them then with no issue, like in a sexual way? Also, does biting another lycan do anything?
I love answering questions like thissss.
Rowan Lore 🐺🤍
In my personal lore for him, and as someone who likes biting and being bitten, I've definitely made it in a way so he can bite normally without 'turning' people.
Rowan can bite in human form without turning someone, even with his fangs.
To turn someone, it has to be,
1. In werewolf form
2. With the purpose to turn.
It's like a different kind of bite. He has to WANT to turn someone in order for it to happen. He can bite them anywhere on their body too, aslong as he's biting them with the intent to turn
(Outside of the AU I did ages ago that someone asked for, where he turned MC) Rowan has only turned ONE person. And that person was a werewolf hunter who managed to hurt him, and he did it out of PURE spite in that moment instead of killing the guy. As a general rule, he doesn't actually like to turn people. When Rowan bites aggressively his intent is usually to kill, not to turn.
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