It is I, fanart anon! I bring an offering. I'm still trying to figure out how to draw dragons so my bad if they look wonky.
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(if the quality is shit I'm going to yeet myself down a hole)
((Also yes the credits is to c3dar. That is indeed me this is just a sideblog purely for tf stuff. I don't like to post on my main and I don't know why))
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Plate 48 from A Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes, showing deepsea and oceanic fishes that are seldomly encountered by sportsfisherman. From Terra: The Member's Magazine of The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Volume 22, No. 3. 1984.
Internet Archive
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 5 months
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She's talking about bands you've never heard of, she's talking about bands I've never heard of. Heck she might even be talking about bands SHE never heard of.
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sarahtvt · 1 year
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sleepingboar · 6 days
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I portrayed Grimmel's mother, to one of the fanfishes I read. I liked this character very much from the words of the author, although she did not appear in the story.
This bulky chair was not made by Grimmel. In addition, the symbolism of Mara, the patroness of ritual fire (burnt feet), is carved on the section of its armrests. The arbiter of the trial of those who transgressed the law (she gave birth to a bastard).
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To all the DL fanfish readers, I get you, all of us gathered here want new chapters, new attention-grabbing stories, or even in general some new content or some other DL-themed post. Unfortunately, however, this fandom, like it or not, is dying a little less, fighting for survival absolutely every day. So we should be truly grateful to people, blogs and writers for continuing to "fight" and keep the fandom alive to this day. Thanks to them, to the fact that they give part of their free time, even part of their life, to make us happy is a real gift in itself.
So please respect those who do all this for us and give them as much time as they need, don't push and be patient and most of all grateful for everything so far. Yes, I want new chapters too, I check almost every week for an update, if there is any sign that one is coming soon, yes, I'm dying but I'll keep waiting, no matter how hard it is. The writer has his own life , is currently in its heyday, but despite this, it is not giving up on us. She has been writing for DL ​​for years now, it's normal for the attraction to wane and go at some point. And recently she even admitted to us that there is already another series that has occupied a place in her mind, but despite that she still writes about DL, yes things are happening at a slow pace, but I know that the story will have an end for sure. Think about it, the more you insist, the more you pressure her and force her to write just to please us, which in turn will lead to significantly shorter chapters with a more rushed plot, which will reduce the quality of the story , and the most interesting part is just beginning. If a writer writes because he is driven by force, without passion or emotion, this will result in significantly worse material. Remember patience pays off sweetest!
P.S. I apologize for all the nonsense I just scribbled. If you consider this to be rude or unnecessary you are free NOT to post it. I just wanted to support you, just you reading this is enough for me.
good afternoon anon, i'm going to assume this ask was prompted by this post. don't worry, you aren't rude to me or anything!
when i received the original ask, i was trying not to say anything cuz i'm sure it had good intentions, but uh, yeah, i was kinda thinking something along the same lines. i know there's people really into that fic and it's been almost 3 months since i updated the basketball diaries, but there's a reason for that.
like you said, firstly, if i'm forcing myself to write for something i'm not insanely hyperfixated on, it's not gonna be as good. i'll always deeply love diabolik lovers and i 100% intend to finish the basketball diaries. but i did notice a pattern where the series i write insanely for seems to go in 2 year cycles. of course a part of me is sad i'm not writing as much for DL considering i earned myself a following, but i had the same for pandora hearts and then vanitas no carte when i started writing more for DL in 2022. and i'll always love the series deeply and keep my friends i made through it.
on top of that, part of the reason i put the basketball diaries on hiatus was because i was writing for the fengqing gotcha for gaza, which is a charity event. people donated to the people of palestine who needed humanitarian support and submitted prompts, and i ended up writing a total of 17 fics in 2 months, a total of 70,978 words. so naturally i prioritised that, and i'm genuinely proud of my contribution to that.
so yeah, i did leave the basketball diaries on hiatus, but it was for a good cause, yknow? hence people asking when i'm going to update it, and i got multiple comments on the fic asking me this as well, it left a bit of a bad taste. repeatedly being asked when i'm going to update it without saying anything else makes me not wanna update it, because it makes me feel like my readers are forgetting that i'm a person too and that i have other obligations.
i started my full time job 2 weeks ago too, so i've got at MOST 2 hours of spare time during the week, but i posted my final fengqing gotcha fic today, so yes, i am going to start the basketball diaries chapter 12 next.
having said that, i generally write 2 long fics at the same time to keep myself occupied, so i'm Begging people not to ask me to update it between chapters. of course i'm grateful for my readers and i know what it's like to desperately want a fic to update, but sometimes it's best to hold back and be patient for the writer's sake as well.
so thank you for your ask, you said everything i'd wanted to say but didn't know how asksjfkdf.
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Find You Again
A/N: The middle of the night is the perfect time for smut, right? This first cropped up in my google docs during kinktober, so technically this is five months late. But as the wise @oonajaeadira once told me, “kinktober never ends if you keep the spirit of kink in your heart all year”, so here we are in kinkmarch with a (sort of) twist on the prompt of marking kink. This one takes place in the Angelfish universe, but would probably also be fine as a stand alone if you haven’t read the other parts. Takes place before the events of Prospect. The only physical description is that Reader has freckles and birthmarks. 
Word Count: 4.3k 
Warnings: sexual situations, this is a smut (in case the kinktoberness of its origin needs more explanation) but it is also a fluff. so a kinky smuff, I suppose. With a dash of angst? Idk. It’s an all play. Read at your own risk and enjoy. 
Summary: Your last night on the Green Moon is spent in Ezra’s arms. To ease the ache of leaving, you share with him a belief held on Lao - the planet you’re being transferred to - regarding the existence of bonded souls. 
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You and Ezra were two of thirty-nine crew members that were currently stationed at Bakhroma Base, all of you packed into two narrow halls of connected dorm tents like canned Fanfish, bumping elbows in the commissary like Kamrean hogs snuffling at the trough. It was as crowded as it could be without having to add a third hall off the main hub - which was rumored to be on the horizon, housing another ten to twelve bodies - and it felt it. The din of all those voices and the constant hum of the filtration system filled the air  and your ears for most of the day, making it impossible to forget that you were surrounded by people at all times. 
At night though, once everyone had shuffled back to their quarters, it was easier to make yourself believe that it was just the two of you, tucked safely in each other's arms under the golden halo of your reading lamp. It was easier to tune everything out but the weight of his touch or the warmth of his breath. At night, the Green Moon belonged to you and Ezra alone. 
For one more night, anyway. 
The clunky old radio that lived on the built-in shelf above the bed filled the small space with the soft sound of music tinged with static. Ezra's hum vibrated against the kiss you left over the freckle at the base of his throat. He likes that. You smiled, lips curving upwards without moving away, your mouth parting just enough for the edge of your teeth to graze the same stretch of skin. He let out another husky breath as his arms tightened to fold you closer to his chest. And I like this. You swallowed. Oh, I’m going to miss this.  
In two cycles’ time you would be hopping a transport pod to catch a slingback to Hylion-4, where you would then board a second transport due for Lao. Ezra would be staying on The Green to complete his stand, and then returning to Central as he waited for his next mining assignment. As of that moment, neither of you knew when you’d be in the same sector again, let alone the same bed. It could be a full rotation. Or even longer. A knot formed in your chest at that thought, but you did your best not to let it grow and ruin the rest of the night. I’m not gone yet. Laying on your side facing him, you slid the hand you had on his back further up between his shoulders until your finger fell into the divot of a decades old scar. And he’s right here. 
He was still warm from the shower he’d raced through to get back to you sooner, his damp curls slightly soaking the pillowcase. The harsh, astringent scent of the Bahkroma Base standard issue soap clung to his skin in lieu of sweat and the smell of his suit. It was necessary for the soap to be so strong when living in an environment so hostile that even the particulates that hung in the air were toxic enough to kill you. You pressed your nose into his neck and inhaled deeply. But I can still smell him, too. Musk and moss and amber spice. Kissing him again, your tongue swept out to flick at one of the freckles you’d been teasing. Despite the fact that your own skin was heating from the contact with his, you felt a full body shiver work its way down Ezra’s spine to bring the grin back to your lips. 
“Like a moth,” he mumbled, hips scooting towards you to eliminate the space that wasn’t there to begin with. 
But I still want him closer. 
He ducked his chin to drop a kiss to your temple. It was your turn to let out a satisfied hum then at the sensation. Ezra being mid-stand meant that his patchy beard was slightly overgrown. He never shaves once he’s up here. He just lets it grow. Any open wounds - even the tiniest nicks and cuts from a razor blade - could sideline a crew member for several days, keeping them from contributing to the Aurelac quota and therefore extending the trip. That was something that Ezra had never been willing to risk. Not only did he not want to be responsible for holding up the dig, but the thought of staying back at the base while you trekked out into the toxic forest was one he couldn’t take. Not that he doubted your capability or thought for even half a second that you didn’t belong on the Green. But he knew how many ways a simple dig could go wrong, so doing anything that would keep him from being out there with you was out of the question in his book. 
Your heart gave a wild thud at the soft scratch that dragged along behind his lips as he moved them to the corner of your eye and finished his analogy. “Kissed by the flame it flies towards.”
Leaning back, you untucked yourself from him so that you could look into his dark eyes. “What’s that mean, hmm?” Unwinding your arm from around his torso, you brought your fingers up to rake through the splash of silver near his hairline. 
His eyes scanned your face, lingering on your lips before lifting to meet yours again. There was a soft sort of adoration tinting them that you felt settle in your chest, undoing the knot that had started to form. “The thrill I feel when you kiss me there, Angelfish.” He reached up to encircle your wrist, rough fingers sliding gently over the back of your hand to brush your middle knuckle. “I imagine it is akin to what a moth hopes to feel just before its wings are consumed in the conflagration.” He brought your hand down from the side of his head and folded your fingers in his grasp so he could trail his plush lips there, too. 
Your sigh took the shape of his name, eyes falling closed as you nuzzled into the dip of his collarbone. Without looking, your lips found another of his freckles from memory, giving him another fiery thrill.  By day the two of you were sealed away in your survival suits, your hands covered in gloves and your faces kept behind thick glass - no touch or taste or scent except for the heavy material you were wrapped in and the dry air being pumped into your globed helmets. But by night, tucked away in the comfort of the cramped bunk space that you shared at the base camp, you had learned every landmark on Ezra’s body and he had completely mapped yours. I know more about him than I do about anyone. The hand he’d just released came up to rest on his shoulder, where your pointer finger drew a circle around yet another darkened splotch of skin. And there’s no one I’ve given more of myself to. 
Your looming departure and the subsequent undetermined length of separation still weighed heavily on your mind. But though you would miss moments like these on top of many others while you were working to set up the research base on Lao, the strength of your relationship with Ezra wasn’t ever something that worried you. 
You’d witnessed other dig-couples crumble after one or both partners were transferred to different operations throughout the Fringe and the Seam, the temptation of a warm and willing bedmate on their current assignment too much for them to ignore. A few of them had been messy splits, resulting in Frontier Mining associates who once shared sheets that could now not even share postings on the same planet. But that won’t happen to us. Even Danelo, easily the most pessimistic one in your crew, had clapped you on the back after hearing the news of your promotion, saying that if any pair could last the distance between Bahkroma Green and Lao’s Blue Halo it would be the pair of you. Normally, agreeing with Danelo on the outcome of any given situation would mean you’d thrown in the towel and were ready to quit. Not this time, though. 
Letting out another contented sigh, you blinked and looked up at Ezra. Faces only a few inches apart, you could see every strand of bronze woven through his irises, every pleat of skin as it crinkled around the corners of his eyes. I love this man down to his pores. Though it was obscured by the way his borderline unruly beard was creeping down his throat, you knew there was another freckle just beneath the line of his jaw. “Did I ever tell you what the Laoan belief on freckles is, Ezra?” To punctuate your question, you opened your mouth and lightly nipped the area you were focused on, feeling as he smiled through it. 
The gentle, playful pressure of your teeth elicited a velvety sound from him that stuck around in his voice as he answered. “You have not.” He hooked his top leg over yours, linking them at the knees and securing your hips against his lower body. “Is this something that you learned in your background preparations prior to applying for the position?” 
You always liked to learn as much as you could about the places your work sent you, making it a point to know about things like cultural practices, sacred plants, and seasonal weather patterns. It was important to you that you could do your job as efficiently and respectfully as possible, and you knew that was something that Ezra admired about you. He had even started learning the Saytr language after you’d demonstrated how much easier it was to keep things peaceful with the Green Moon’s religious settlers by simply trying to make that connection with them. He’s getting good at it, too. 
You nodded, the tip of your nose bumping his chin. Ezra grinned, the motion yanking at the curved scar on his cheek as it rose. “Well then, consider me intrigued, Angelfish.” 
Your tongue slid along the seam of your lips to wet them, and you watched him track its motion. “On Lao, people believe that freckles and birthmarks show up in the places where their soulmate has kissed them in a past life.” 
“That so?” He brought one hand up to your face to trail his fingertips over the few freckles sprinkled there, your cheek falling into the cup of his palm as you nodded again. “And how did that particular myth take root?” 
His thumb slid over your lips and you pressed a kiss to the pad of it before answering. “It actually comes from the myllocks.” 
Curiosity flashed in his eyes. “Is that so? The very creatures you are going to be studying?” You confirmed, your touch roving over his shoulder and up the side of his neck. There were a few more freckles behind his ear, and your fingertips brushed them before sliding over his earlobe and idly tracing the helix. “Well you simply must say more. How is it that a belief about fated lovers springs from a species of deep sea dwelling cephalopods?”
“Well,” you tilted your head back to look him in the eye, his hand falling from your face to rest over your shoulder. Extracting the arm he had tucked under the pillow, Ezra propped himself up just enough to have an unimpeded view of your face. “Myllocks form bonded pairs for life.” And they live a long time. “Even though they scatter through the ocean when they migrate, or when the currents change, they always find each other again.” You sighed as his fingers slid under the strap of your tank top. “No matter what.” 
You went on to explain that the iridescent ink in their tentacles left distinct blue patterns on the shell of their mate that they were able to recognize after months - sometimes even years - apart. You told him about how when the shells wash up on the Dunes after big storms stir them up from the ocean floor, Laoans comb the beaches searching for whole, unbroken ones to give as a gift to their significant other. They were symbols of everlasting commitment, and traditional Laoan wedding bands were inlaid with pieces of those shells. The entire time you spoke, Ezra’s touch never stilled, and his eyes never wandered from yours. 
“Now we know that they live around a hundred standard years, but-” 
“A century? That is quite a lifespan.”
It is. You smiled, raising one eyebrow. “But, because they live so long, ancient Laoans first thought that myllocks actually lived multiple lives, and that if one of them died while the other was still alive, they could be reborn and reunited with their mates through infinite life cycles.” 
“Infinite, hmm?” The hand that had been teasing along your scooped neckline moved to the nape of your neck, strong fingers curling gently around it. You nodded, your heart beating out of rhythm as he swiped his thumb along your spine. You watched his eyes fall to your lips before yours fell shut. That feels… “Well that is as good a jumping off point as any.” You sucked in a breath as he left a whiskered kiss on your eyelid, and then you felt the bridge of his nose rest against yours. “But I am not entirely sure that infinity is long enough, Angelfish.” Before you could ask him what it wasn’t long enough for, he went on. “With you, I would require an infinite number of infinities to ever consider myself satisfied.” 
His words made your heart swell, and then without knowing who initiated it, your lips met his in a kiss that was slow and deep. You felt him sigh as your tongue slipped languidly into his mouth, cherished the little groan he made and the way you knew his brow furrowed as he rolled his hips into yours. With only the thin sleep shorts you were wearing and the pants Ezra had on - which were made of the same lightweight fabric - between you, it was impossible not to feel him - firm and warm and pressed right against your core. You released a breathy moan as he nipped at your lower lip, tugging gently before freeing it. Kevva, Ezra. He ended the kiss with small pecks, starting in the center of your lips and moving slowly out to the corner of your mouth, and you chased each one with one of your own. Infinity with you isn’t long enough for me, either. 
 Voice huskier and breaths growing heavy, Ezra spoke your name. You hummed in response as he reached for the hem of  your shirt, fingers diving beneath it so that his palm could glide up the side of your body. When your eyes opened, his were waiting. “I think there may be some truth to that tale.” 
“Do you, now?” You licked your lips as he nodded, the hand under your shirt swimming back to the hem and making a grip. He pulled it up and you shifted just enough so that he could bring it up over your head, tossing it to the floor, and your chest heaved as the air - and then his breath - hit your previously covered skin. You buried your fingers in his hair and wound them through his curls, sucking in a breath as his scruffy beard and then his lips dragged over the top of your breast. Stars and satellites, that feels incredible. “What…” You tried to take a deep breath and failed as he kissed you there again, your sternum sinking rapidly with another shallow inhale. “What makes you think that, Ezra?” 
“Well…” Placing his hand on your hip, he used it to guide you to roll to your back. You did, but instead of keeping you there, Ezra dug his fingers under your body and hooked them to turn you even further. He pulled you to him until the small of your back was flush to his stomach. You sighed at the feel of his skin on yours as he resettled his arm over your waist. When he spoke again, his words were right behind your ear. “As you know, Angelfish, there are quite a few freckles on the back of your neck.” There are. To punctuate his point, he pressed his lips to a cluster of them and you grinned. “And it is, with few exceptions -” His fingers spread wide over your abdomen before sliding south, pausing over the place where heat was pooling in your belly. “-My favorite place to kiss you, that is not your mouth.” The hand behind your neck curved around it, his thumb lazily drifting over your pulse point. “So it would appear as though some other iteration of myself  has left some guidelines for me to follow.” 
Past lives, reincarnation, bonded souls - you weren’t sure what you believed in when it came to all of that. You were from Ciran Central. All you’d ever learned about your homeworld growing up was how important it was for you to leave it. For all you knew, there was no culture or religion or folklore on Central. There were no beliefs about things other than how many points were owed or lost or gained. You weren’t raised on Lao or Kamrea or in the Ephrate, where myths and legends and hymns were passed down and used to explain or teach things. 
But if souls were things that lived on and carried parts of their past lives with them, you didn’t want to imagine yours finding anyone’s but his. 
“You did, Ezra.” I’m yours in any lifetime. No matter what. 
Without fully letting you go, he loosened his hold and urged you to turn so that your back was to his chest. You felt one of his large hands settle over your abdomen, the other over your heart. The thin material of the tank you wore wrinkled beneath his fingers as they flexed slightly, and then you sucked in a breath as you felt his lips press softly over the skin at the base of your neck. “Still,” he murmured, the hand on your belly slipping down to the waistband of your sleep shorts. “I should leave a few more. For good measure.” 
Lifting your hips just enough for him to deftly free you of the thin blue bottoms, you hummed.  “I think you should. Just to be on the safe side.” The back of his hand swept up the inside of your thigh as he nipped at your skin, and though your eyes fell shut it seemed as though stars were bursting behind their closed lids. Kevva, that feels… incredible. “Want to make sure you’re able to find me again.” 
The mattress dipped as he shifted behind you, his knee and the width of his thigh bumping into your legs as he rid himself of his own pants. Instinctively, you tried to scoot forward to give him more room to move but he stopped you, the arm around your body locking down to keep you close. He mumbled something that sounded like “stay right there” and then you felt the playful bite of his teeth on the top of your shoulder, as though he wanted to secure you to him by any means possible. Your heart lurched at the need behind the act, and though you knew he was tremendously happy for you and proud of you for your promotion and reassignment to Lao, you could already feel how much he would miss you. I’m not gone yet, Ezra. 
As soon as he was finished discarding his pants, you reached back to tangle your fingers in his hair. See? I’m right here. He groaned, dipping his head further so he could access the slope of your shoulder where it met your neck, shaggy beard dragging up and to the back of your neck once more. Repositioning himself, he snaked his free arm between your body and the pillow, winding it up and around your chest so that his palm was flat against your sternum, his middle finger falling into the hollow of your throat. The fingertips of his other hand strayed further towards the apex of your thighs, and when he pressed both hands to your flesh, you felt your heart pound under one and a wave of heat crash beneath the other, and you knew he felt both sensations, too. 
“I do not intend to ever lose you, Angelfish.” His tongue flicked out to lick at your existing marks as though tasting them - as though trying to remember leaving them there in a previous life. You gasped as his lips grazed your damp skin at the same time that his touch roved between your legs to find you just as wet there as his tongue had left you. Swirling his fingers in a slow circle, he mouthed at your neck with his teeth again, and just like with the kiss that started all of this, it was impossible to tell whether his low growl brought about your stringy sigh or the other way around. “But if I did…” He teased you with one finger before thrusting two into you, your fingers tightening in his hair as your chest heaved against his other hand. Fuck.  “It would take more than an ocean to keep me from finding you again.” 
You sighed around his name, tilting your head so that your mouth could land close to his, somewhere along his jaw. “I know,” was all you could manage in response, his wrist twisting to change the angle of his touch. Raking your fingernails over his scalp, you removed your hand from his hair and brought it down between your lower bodies, grip wrapping loosely around him. The curve of his forehead rested against your shoulder as his hips stuttered at your touch, and he turned his face to bury his groan in your hair. 
“Need you.” He panted through another kiss to your nape, flexing the fingers that were inside you. Your muscles involuntarily clenched around them and he hissed, a string of curses both foreign and familiar dripping from his lips as you tightened the grip you had on him and moved your hand along his length. “Need you right now.” 
You both pretended not to hear the unspoken conclusion of that sentence: Need you right now, while you’re still here. 
Swallowing, you nodded. “Need you too, Ezra.” Releasing him, you started to push yourself up so that you could turn to face him, but again he stopped you. 
“Stay. Right. There.” Though his voice was strained with want, he didn’t mumble this time. It wasn’t a command so much as it was a plea, his palm covering one breast and squeezing on the last word of his request. 
Before you could say anything, he pulled his fingers from your body, and whatever you might have said devolved into a whimper in the absence of his touch. You felt his to leg push between yours then, his meaty thigh separating them and keeping them apart. Fingers still covered in your slick, he reached for himself, preparing to line himself up with your entrance. All active duty Frontier Mining employees were given the option to receive birth control injections before each deployment to ensure that they wouldn’t need to cut their assignment short. They had been used safely and effectively for years, so both you and Ezra had always opted in which meant that there was no need for any added protection. But before he pushed into you, he spoke your name. 
“Thirty seven other sets of ears here.” The thumb of his left hand rolled over your nipple as he nipped at your shoulder again. “You gonna be able to keep quiet?” 
You hummed, pressing your backside into him to throw the challenge right back. It worked, catching him off guard and making him groan. “Guess we’ll find out.”
That was as much as he needed in terms of an answer, and like he’d done countless times before, he slid slowly but easily into your waiting warmth. Pausing as you both sucked down dizzying gasps, you felt his fingers find you again, and then he was moving and each languid thrust sent shocks through your core. Though you’d been with others before Ezra, it had never felt the way he made you feel - like nerves you didn’t know existed were suddenly awake and alive and vibrating with bliss and light. Like you were on fire without burning. 
Like a moth. 
You weren’t sure if you were quiet as he took you apart, and frankly, you didn’t care. 
Later, you lay tangled together, sweat shining on both of your skin in the yellow glow of the lamp and clinging to your hair. Your ear was pressed to his chest so that you could listen to his heart, memorizing the thump of its steady beat the same way that the pads of his fingers rested against the pulse point of your throat, feeling it thrum under his touch. Neither of you said a word or moved a muscle, and after a while, Ezra must have assumed that you’d fallen asleep. He reached up to click the radio off, then did the same with the lamp, plunging the small space into dark silence. When you still didn’t move, he curled his arm around you and pressed a kiss to your brow. 
“I will always find you again, Angelfish. I swear it on my very soul.” 
Your hum surprised him as your arm tightened around his waist. “I know, Ezra,” you responded through a sigh. “I know you will.”
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know or you can fill out the form on my masterlist.    
tags:   @something-tofightfor @alraedesigns @pheedraws @shoopidly @fific7 @valkblue @cannedsoupsucks @tobealostwanderer @paracosmenthusiast @gracie7209 @dihra-vesa @marauderskeeper @disgruntledspacedad @novemberrain-writes @littlemisspascal @mishasminion360 @stevie75 @nyctophiliiiiaaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @harriedandharassed @woodlandmouth @swtaura @thescarletfang @trickstersp8 @princessxkenobi  @xasement  @imtryingmybeskar​ @wildmoonflower​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @theredwritingwitch​ @silverstarsandsuns​ @writeforfandoms​
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plow-and-propose · 5 months
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found the mystical temple of fanfish
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yuterondesk · 3 years
#lakefishing #lakers #lake #lakefishing🐟 #fanfishing #fanfishingfridays #fanfishingclub #angler #angling #anglerlife #dronefishing https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5dAYJgnWy/?igshid=ch12if7mz09q
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typhlonectes · 5 years
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Mystery fish washes up on New Zealand beach
December, 2018
A 'strange' mystery fish (left) found washed up on D'urville Island in New Zealand on November 01, 2013 was identified as a spotted fanfish (Pteraclis velifera) or diamond tooth whistler, found in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans from South Africa to New Zealand at depths to 500 metres (1,600 feet) and reaching a length of 50 centimetres (20 inches).
Right: Pacific fanfish (Pteraclis aesticola) caught 3 km north of Point Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia (or, from an alternate source, "washed up at Coff's Harbour, NSW"). Credits: International Fishing News / Australian Museum.
via: New Zealand: History & Natural History
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zaerog-infinity · 4 years
Noooo I made 4 entries for the tooltip thing and turns out you can only make ooooone.....
You guys take it then 😔
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sharkfish · 7 years
@fanforfanatic published 300k this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fanforfanatic’s ao3
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Inktobertale - Challenge #7 “Ocean”
Finally finished, a bit late but better late than never^^.
When I think of the ocean, the wild sea with its strong waves immediately comes to mind. And while a big storm rages above, it is rather calm under water (at least it seems so). You sink deeper and deeper, it is cold and dark. So dark that you can no longer see your hand in front of your face. That' s the "dark zone" ("abyssopelagial zone"). It is 6000 meters below sea level and it is never warmer than 4 degrees. But at the same time it is full of bright, bizarre looking animals (frogfish, jellyfish, fanfish and many more)! It's fascinating that in a seemingly endless darkness, there is still a whole other world! That's what I wanted to portray in the comic.
Also : You can't see it clearly, but the thing in the lower part is the negative magic. It had closed around Nightmare's "soul" when he ate the dark fruits (that's why it's shaped like an apple). Now this hard, rusty shell is beginning to burst and the true core is reappearing.
Hope you have fun with this mini comic^^.
Ink!Sans by: @comyet
Nightmare!Sans by: @jokublog
Picture of Dream and Nightmare: https://www.pinterest.com/moscagabriella/nightmare-sans/ (I used it as a template).
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fanforfanatic · 7 years
The world needs to know that I really love @reallyelegantsharkfish and her degree of elegance is only one of the reasons!!!!!
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fr-itemotd · 2 years
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A group of fanfish is often called a fandom. Some stay in one group whilst others swim between different fandoms. (Special thanks to AthenaMinerva!)
Acquired by Fishing in Plague, Arcane, or Nature elements at level 34 or above.
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somebigface · 3 years
Kyung decided to bring most of the savory foods to Big Face, including: a fancy box of assorted seafood, a basket of steamed meat buns, a roasted fanfish with herbs, and a bit of candied fruits. Of course, she doesn’t leave out the Oracles! They get a basket of egg custard buns, spineapple tarts, fragon beard candies, and zamozas!
*The Oracles happily thank Kyung for the gift of food. Pats however responds by gently leaning in and giving Kyung a gentle, one armed hug as thanks for the food.*
Pats: "Thanks Kyung. Not very many offer us gifts for holiday celebrations. This means a lot. you have no idea. I can't wait to try these foods. Yer culture has so many interesting kinds of food and I'm really excited ta try them!"
*When Kyung visits Big Face, she finds him and the attendants preparing a massive pot of soup in the center of the village. There is enough to feed everyone in the village. The Shaman stops what he is doing and offers Kyung a hug as greeting. When presented the food, Big Face removes his mask and smiles warmly*
Big Face: "Thank you, my daughter. Please, won't you stay a while? the soup is almost done. Monsaic Lines tradition has us all gather over a large soup pot and everyone gets to eat a hot meal this day. You are welcome to have some! Strangers are welcome to partake. Sometimes we get a few poverty stricken muds that make their way here as it's the one time they get a hot meal."
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