#There comes a moment in life where you just need to cuddle with your brother who sucks at social interactions
It is I, fanart anon! I bring an offering. I'm still trying to figure out how to draw dragons so my bad if they look wonky.
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(if the quality is shit I'm going to yeet myself down a hole)
((Also yes the credits is to c3dar. That is indeed me this is just a sideblog purely for tf stuff. I don't like to post on my main and I don't know why))
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ak319 · 19 days
Yan Socialite brother x reader
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Ezra Alvarez , your younger brother, has always been your number one supporter. From a young age, he was taught that tradition dictated the older sibling would inherit the business and the farms—essentially, everything. This meant all the power would eventually be in your hands. But Ezra wasn’t a moneygrubber seeking favor, he genuinely admired your intelligence, strength, and the way you cared for the family, especially him. From the moment he gained consciousness, he aimed to be your everything, best friend and sole confidant. He longed to be the person you turned to for counsel, and slowly but surely, things were unfolding just as he wanted.
Let's start from the beginning. Ezra and you were quite different in many ways, largely due to the contrasting upbringings you had. For example, while you cherished solitude and indulged in expensive hobbies like horseback riding, archery, and swordsmanship within the privacy of your estate, not to mention almost always busy learning and handling the business with your father. On the other hand, Ezra thrived in social settings. As a fashion designer, it was his job to attend lavish parties and stay connected with the latest trends. However, his socializing had a deeper purpose, to monitor the people in high circles and gauge their intentions toward his family, especially you.
Ezra was always vigilant, keeping tabs on potential rivals and meticulously recording this information. He made sure you were aware of everything you needed to know, and thanks to his discreet tactics, you were advancing. The way he giggled looking up at you when you patted his head in praise was endearing, if he were a puppy, his tail would surely have been wagging.
Ezra would do anything for his older sister because you're the best sister in the world! Despite being used to receiving expensive trinkets, he always gets teary-eyed when you gift him something special. Given your usually stoic and aloof demeanor, he can't help but cry tears of joy when you show him affection and smile at him. He ceaselessly rambles on about his latest projects and clothing line while you sit there, reading a book and nodding along, often clueless about what he’s saying. Yet, he still cherishes these moments because it’s only HIS sister who takes time out of her busy schedule for HIM. How could he not be grateful? That would be a crime. No other sister would ever do this for their brother! Anyway, back to designing some jockey apparels for you. You really need new ones.
As much as he dislikes your boisterous hobbies, he uses them as an excuse to spend time with you. He eagerly asks you to teach him, no matter how dirty his nails or clothes get, or how much he might risk getting sunburned. Every bit of it is worth it when someone like you is his mentor.
Your parents reprimended you for spoiling your baby brother but you always shrugged it off saying "How can I not spoil my only baby brother?." That's right sister, I am and will be always your only brother. He always makes sure to pass a victorious smirk to his parents who could only sigh in defeat at both of you.
Whenever it rains, he remembers how you love the rain while he hates it because it's all muddy but on the other hand memories of him as a kid getting scared of the thunder and you holding him in your bed in your protective embrace always warms his heart. Maybe this is where the habit of cuddling you has developed. Even now when something in his life goes wrong or he is having a tantrum , only your the one who can calm him or otherwise he is crying screaming and complaining for days and yes this is a true incident , the whole estate was close to becoming deaf if you hadn't come back from your academy bringing some new jewels and his favourite pastries for him.
Speaking of the academy, Ezra had to swallow the urge to throw another tantrum or cling to your feet when the time came for you to leave for further studies. He knew you had to do this for your own sake and the future of your family business. So, instead, he became like a second mother to you, sending letters to make sure you weren’t skipping classes—even though he knew you weren’t that kind of a person. He frequently asked about your meals and sports activities, but the part he hated most was even thinking about you having a potential lover. God, he couldn’t help but crumple up the third letter when he wrote about it, but he had to know. The thought of being secondary in your life, in everything, terrified him. What if you brought home a gold digger?! That’s how he saw anyone who came close to you. They didn’t care about your personality or charm, they were after that KA-CHING! And him being one of your top prized assets, he wasn’t about to let that happen.
His heart however calmed down when you replied with a simple 'No' about the question. Yay! Whenever you came back from academy , he was even more excited than your parents, who always found his enthusiasm adorable. How he ran back and forth scolding the servants for not cleaning your room properly , not having your favourite dish up to notch like DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS PROPERLY! He wouldn't stop yapping when you sat for tea after dinner but no matter how much you were exhausted from your journey , you still listened to him.
As cunning, witty, and sophisticated he was, Ezra made mistakes too, and in his mind, the worst mistake was failing at a task you assigned him. He would cower under your anger, fully aware that he had messed up. He was still learning the ins and outs of the tedious household budget—something he would have to manage for you one day—but it was boring, okay? Numbers just weren’t his thing. Even if you scolded him, he always waited for your apology, which you offered in your own way—like taking him out to his favorite café or silently sharing a cup of tea in his room. Moments later, he’d be hugging you, petulantly whining about you getting angry at him. He hated how you chuckled at his childish attitude, but deep down, he loved it too.
Life was going well until, one day he received a letter that you were unable to attend father's funeral due to work back in the academy. He knew it was a lie , you WOULD NEVER abandon your family like this , even your mother was skeptical. But since there was no sign of you coming back, he handled his grieving mother and the arrangements himself as much as he was dying inside due to your absence. Where were you? They needed you. You were their head now. He was worried sick.
After the guests left , it was only his uncles and aunts who sat in the living room while he came down after putting his mother to sleep.
"Ezra, dear boy. You must be tired, but there is something we need to discuss with you." The words made his blood boil, and he fought the urge to slap the indifferent looks off his father’s brothers and sisters. He knew exactly why they were still here—they were nothing but vile, disgusting pieces of filth, circling like vultures after the family’s money. He had always seen the malicious intent in their eyes when they interacted with you, and it broke his heart how you treated them as family while they plotted to push you out of the way. But he kept up the façade of a nice, obedient nephew, knowing that it would be handy for a moment like this. Where were they when he was struggling to handle everything? They only arrived at the last minute for their sibling's funeral. His poor father had died surrounded by snakes. But he swore he would never let the same happen to you. He would never betray you, his blood, like these filthy excuses for humans.
He wanted to throw up as they offered their insincere condolences, but he remained firm. They inquired about your absence, talking shit about your cold behavior for not being there, and this was his cue to play his cards right. Slipping into his favorite role as the bimbo younger brother, he wept, agreeing with their criticisms, and even cursed you, despite how much it made his heart ache. Eventually, they began to open up, believing in the hate and jealousy he pretended to harbor for you. While they didn’t reveal your whereabouts, they made it clear they deemed you as an unworthy heiress. He fake-laughed through his tears, gaining their trust the best that he could. They even had the audacity to suggest dividing the property among themselves, without even considering his mother as the rightful owner of anything. Oh, they were going to be obliterated.
He then promised to hand them the papers during a party he was going to arrange that too in a ferry. Acting on the information you once gave him, he contacted some gunmen for emergencies, making the necessary arrangements. Oh what a sight it was to see the ferry filled with the corpses of his treacherous relatives. One of the assassin came and informed that they had you abducted and thrown into a mental asylum on your way back to the estate for the funeral. His mouth hung agape at the revelation, his whole body seething with fury, and without wasting a moment, he set out to bring you back. But not before ordering the ferry to be blown up in the middle of the sea. He cackled maniacally from the dock as he watched the explosion, then leaped onto the back of one of the hitmen like a kid, gleeful at the destruction of those who had wronged you.
Once you were back and grieved a bit which only lasted for a few moments before you had to take care of covering up the bloodshed your baby brother did. But at the end you did it and currently Ezra was beside you on the arm of the chair while you worked on your late father's study table , now yours. "You are not mad at me, are you?" He asked softly, voice almost breaking at the end.
"You did what had to be done. I would have done the same to anyone who came after my family like this," you said, hearing him sniffle beside you. You gently caressed his arm, your gaze still fixed on the parchment. "Don’t cry, you know how much I hate seeing you cry, Ezzy." You felt him lay his head on your shoulder, his soft brunette locks brushing against your ear.
"Thank you… I couldn’t fucking stand them anymore, doing such… such a horrendous thing to you."
He suddenly burst into giggles, his feet dangling. "But it was fun! You know, before his death, Uncle Auden wore that hideous yellow sack coat. I saw it through the binoculars—God, he looked like a penguin getting on the ferr-!"
"Ezra." Your warning tone almost made him flinch. "What did I tell you about speaking ill of the dead?"
"I think they deserve a pass." His pout was defiant yet playful, and you couldn’t help but smile. His laughter was light, a contrast to the heaviness of this week.
He couldn't be more blissful than this. You looked as if you were made to sit in that chair, and he felt immensely proud to have cleared the path for you. He always would. As his heart pondered the future, a frown creased his brow. The thought of a day when you might stray, bringing a partner into the estate, unsettled him. Though that day seemed far off, he was already prepared to make their life hell. After all, the chances of you siding with a partner over him were slim. He has got his older sister wrapped around his manicured pinky.
➺Ezra x reader x hubby
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harrysbelovedd · 5 months
espresso [rafe cameron]
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“oh he looks so cute, wrapped round my finger..” ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
pairing - rafe cameron x reader
summary - rafe doesn’t do relationships, cuddling, kisses, and sweetness. strictly no commitment hookups had sufficed. that was until he met the girl at the coffee shop.
warnings - nothing rlly, just super sweet whipped rafe
Rafe was heartless. Cold. Rough. Any situation he had with girls was nothing more than that—a situation, a fling. He had absolutely zero desire to be in anything committed.
To his friends, his sisters, his family, and his hookups—he was a mean, heartless monster. (Only tolerating Wheezie, of course.)
And he liked it that way.
No one expected anything from him, no one bored him with their feelings. It made his life so much easier not being overly concerned about the well-being of others.
But today, when Wheezie dragged Rafe to some fancy coffee shop she’s been wanting to visit, his philosophy flew out the window.
“Yeah, I’ll have the caramel latte with cold foam,” the young girl recites her order. “Oh! And a chocolate croissant.”
“Yeah, for sure!” I smile at her, typing her order into the till. “Anything for you?” I turn my attention to the man next to her, presumably a father or brother—probably brother, he seems younger.
He doesn’t say anything, his gaze remaining intent on my features, like my words flew right past his ears.
“Um.. sir? Did you want anything?”
The girl next him sighs, shoving his shoulder. “Stop staring at her you creep.”
His head shakes, like he was snapped out of a trance. He comes to the situation at hand, pinching the bridge of his nose “I’m sorry, that was probably creepy, my bad,” he chuckles awkwardly. The girl next to him makes a face at him, surprised by his actions.
“It’s okay,” I smile. “I zone out a lot too,” I let out a small giggle, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
He grins, “Yeah, um, I’ll take a macchiato, thanks.”
“Great, and could I get a name for the order?”
“Rafe,” he interjects. I grin, writing his name down.
He pays for the drinks, smiling at me before going to find a table with the girl.
“What was that?” Wheezie questions loudly.
“Shut it, Wheeze. I was zoned out, is all.”
She blows out a puff of air, “Yeah right, me and that barista could practically see the drool falling out of your mouth the second you laid eyes on—“
I kick Wheezie’s leg under the table when that same pretty barista comes by with our drinks.
“One caramel latte with cold foam and a chocolate croissant,” She smiles sweetly, placing the pastry and sugary drink in front of Wheezie. “And one macchiato for Rafe.”
When my name rolls off her tongue, I swear I see stars. She says it with a sweetness I’ve never heard before. Her voice so soft and kind. As she’s placing the drink in front of me, all I can think about it how much I wish I knew her name.
So, I incite a moment for her to tell me. “Thank you…” I pause, trailing off.
“Oh, Y/n!” She says, surprise I asked such a question.
Y/n. So fitting. It’s perfect.
“That’s a pretty name,” for a pretty girl, I wish to say.
She grins, her cheeks flushing a shy pink. “Thanks, if you guys need anything else, let me know!” She informs before wandering off.
Once she’s out of ear shot, Wheezie begins. “Might as well go kiss her over the coffee beans.”
“Oh, shut up, Wheeze.”
one year later
I walk through the doors of Tannyhill like I have so many times before, it’s become a second home.
“Hi, sweetie.” Rose says from the living room where she sips on a glass of wine, reading a book.
“Hi, Rose! Do you know where—“
“He’s in the gym with Topper and Kelce. Beware I hear a lot of groaning and shouting. Too much testosterone for their own good.” She jokes.
I chuckle, shaking my head as I head to the side of the house near the garage where the gym is. The blasting of rap music grows louder the closer I get along with the clanking of weights, and occasional grunts.
I open the door and see Topper and Kelce doing pull ups while Rafe bench presses. Rafe can’t see me due to obviously needing to stay focused.
“Hey, Y/n,” Topper greets, jumping down from the pull up bar.
Before I could ever reply with a greeting, Rafe hooks up the bench press, sitting up quickly. “Y/n?” He smiles, his smile faltering when he turns back toward his friends. “Aye, Kelce, turn that shit down.”
He gets up, walking toward me and pushing me out the door and back into the hallway. He closes the door behind him and his hands find their spot on my waist, a grin taking home on his lips. “Hey baby.”
I smile, my cheeks flushing pink. “Hi.”
“What’re you doing here?” He asks, his thumbs rubbing comforting circles into my skin that’s exposed near the hemline of my shirt.
My hands run up his chest, manicured nails running along the collar of his shirt. “Nothin’… just missed you is all.”
“Yeah?” He questions, that sly smirk on his lips. “You missed me, baby?”
“Yeah, come hang out with me? We can just stay upstairs or we can go to the beach maybe? Or go get lunch, hm?” I coo, my hands now running along his jaw, studying his every feature.
“Whatever you wanna do, my love. Just wanna spend time with you.” He leans in, his lips kissing their favorite spots along my jaw and neck. He pauses for a moment when he hears childish giggles from the other side of the door.
Topper and Kelce walk out, teasing grins on their faces. “I missed you baby,” Topper mocks. “I missed you more, come kiss me and spend time with me, please Y/n. Let me worship the ground you—“
Kelce was cut off by a rough punch to his shoulder. “Ow! Shit, Rafe. Not my fault you’re whipped.”
Topper and Kelce chuckle, walking past us toward the front door. “Try that shit again and you won’t be able to walk out of here!” Rafe threatens.
“Oh cmon, Rafe. They just know you’re wrapped around my finger,” I say loud enough for them to hear.
“Ain’t that the motherfuckin’ truth!” Topper shouts before shutting the front door behind him.
Rafe buries his head in my shoulder, “Baby, you’re just egging them on.”
I chuckle, “Sorry, you’re just so cute all wrapped around my finger.”
He looks back in my eyes, a smile on his lips. “I’m whipped and I’m proud.”
I chuckle, slapping his chest playfully as I drag him upstairs.
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verstappen-cult · 9 months
a request for Max Verstappen where you guys are cuddle in bed and can hear the kids and Jimmy and Sassy waking up to come to your room
✦ ۰ —ᣞ ⊹ ݁ ﹙ 🖇️ ﹚: mornings with max.
mornings with max are your favorite time of the day. as simple as that. you love the life you have with your kids, caring for them and spending the day at home doing the most of every day. but it can be chaotic, like most days are, and mornings are calm. mornings are for just you and him.
waking up early and staying in bed for as long as your kids will allow you is what you always do; with max’s arms wrapped around your body, holding you tightly against his chest. and today is no exception.
“want to stay here all day.” those are his first words, voice raspy and muffled by your hair.
“yeah? but we could, you know.” you turn to look at him with a small smile while lightly brushing his arm with the pad of your fingers. max’s eyes light up at finally seeing your face, as if he didn’t just fall asleep looking at you hours earlier. “we just need to make room for two little people.”
he snorts, helping you turn your body around to face him. “i love those two with my life, but i need some time alone with my wife.”
you lean closer to leave a chaste kiss on his lips, but then he’s grabbing you by the neck and forcing you to stay there. you’re more than happy to oblige.
however, you’re in the middle of making out when a sudden sound makes you pull away.
“i’m going,” max says, kissing your cheek. but before he can even begin to get up, you can hear one of your kids shushing the other one. “what are they doing?”
jimmy jumps on the bed, startling you both, followed closely by a very startled sassy.
“hey, buddy?” max is still holding you very close and tight, but you manage to scratch behind jimmy’s ears, making him purr and lean into your touch.
“i swear they love you more than me.” your husband groans, pouting just like your little ones do when they don’t get what they really want, like ice cream for breakfast. which is an issue every single morning.
“what can i say,” you shrug, sticking out your tongue at him. “everyone loves me.”
“yeah but no one more than me.” he’s still pouting and you really can’t help but touch his bottom lip with your thumb before kissing him.
“i don’t know. i think i need you to prove it.” you tease him and max is right there with you, mischief dancing in his ocean blue eyes.
but before he can even think on doing anything, the screaming and running outside the room makes you look at the two little angels with their pretty smiles and tiny feet coming your way. and as they jump on the bed, scaring the cats and forcing them to hide beneath the blankets, you know the moment is over.
“good morning you little devils, what were you doing, uh?” max takes the girl, floris, in his arms and she goes willingly, happy to be in her daddy’s arms.
“flo wanted ice cream,” her twin brother, bram, says while sliding in bed with you. “couldn’t find it.” and mirroring his father’s actions from before, he pouts, looking at you with those bright blue eyes and the most manipulative look on his face.
“mh, let’s see,” max doesn’t miss the warning look you give him, he chooses to ignore it. “if you can make jimmy and sassy eat all their food without making a mess, you can have some.”
both of them scream in excitement, jumping off the bed as quickly as possible while calling for the cats to follow them, which they do immediately.
“max!” you groan in frustration, but max just raises his hands in defense.
and as innocent as he can, he just says: “don’t blame me!” max tries to get out of bed without you noticing but you are one step ahead of him and before he has time to leave, you grab him by his shirt. “but schat! blame them and their little round and glassy eyes, they bought me!”
you know that whatever you do, they will have their ice cream for breakfast, max included. you just need to be prepared for three kids and two cats running like crazy around the house.
mornings. you wouldn’t trade them for anything.
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shitsndgiggs · 28 days
Hiiiiii, could you maybe do something with like Jobe, where like he and reader are cuddling and shit, and then Jude is just like that embarrassing older brother who decides he needs his little brother, and Jobe is just like 'bro, are you fr rn, YOU'RE INTERRUPTING'
If so thank youuu<3 have a nice day/night
Just Jude interrupting your moment with Jobe
Jobe Bellingham x fem! reader
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I'm cozied up on the couch with Jobe, basking in the warmth of his embrace. His kisses are gentle, his hands are tender, and everything feels perfect as I lean into him, completely absorbed in our little world.
Just as Jobe’s lips find mine again, a loud, exaggerated cough breaks through our peaceful moment.
I pull back, blinking in surprise as Jude, Jobe’s older brother, stands in the doorway with a smirk that’s clearly up to no good. “Ahem! Care to remember that there’s a whole world out here besides your, um, ‘romantic interlude’?”
Jobe’s eyes narrow in annoyance as he pulls away slightly. “Seriously, Jude? Can you not see that we’re busy here?”
Jude saunters into the room, clearly reveling in his role as the annoying older brother. “Busy? Oh, you mean you’re just, what, setting new records for public displays of affection? I thought I’d come in and remind you that you’re not the only people in the house.”
Jobe’s frustration is palpable. “Dude, can you just—”
But Jude isn’t done. He continues, clearly enjoying himself. “—You know, it’s not like I have anything better to do than listen to you two moan and groan all evening. Have you considered that maybe some of us have lives outside of this sappy little bubble?”
I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Jobe’s irritation is visible, but his brother’s antics are oddly endearing.
Jobe shakes his head, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. “Okay, Jude, enough. I love you as my brother and all, but right now, I’m really not in the mood for your commentary.”
Jude, still grinning, seems unfazed. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you to your... uh, quality time.” He heads toward the door but keeps talking over his shoulder. “Just remember, there’s more to life than just this. Maybe go outside or something, get some fresh air!”
As Jude finally exits, still chuckling to himself, Jobe turns to me with a mix of relief and determination.
He grabs my hands, his eyes sparkling with a mix of frustration and mischief. “You know what? Let’s just get out of here. I think we could both use a break from my brother’s endless commentary.”
Before I can respond, Jobe is already leading me toward the door, his grip warm and reassuring. “How about a drive? We can leave all the interruptions behind and just... be somewhere else for a bit.”
I nod, smiling up at him. “That sounds perfect.”
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nervoussagittarius · 5 months
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matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: nsfw, y’all control the content you consume
★ aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
matt is such a sweetheart in everyday life, him being an absolute slut during sex doesn’t change that. he’s cleaning you up and dressing you. he’s offering food and water and cuddles
★ body part (their favorite of yours and theirs)
his favorite body part of yours is your eyes. he loves they way to look at him when you’re giving him head. he loves how they roll back when he’s giving you head. and he loves how pouty they get when he doesn’t give you what you want
his favorite body part on himself is his arms. they’re doing what they need to do. and you enjoy having them wrapped around your neck
★ cum (their favorite place to cum)
kid will simply cum anywhere and everywhere. your face. you back. you legs. your stomach. but he does love being able to cum inside of you. there’s something sensual about it to him
he’s not called matt the munch for no reason. he loves when you cum in his mouth
★ dirty secret (something they’ve always wanted to do but are hiding it)
matt has always wanted to fuck you on every surface in his house so no matter what room he walks into he can be reminded of how good you made each other feel there.
★ experience (how many bodies before you, what they had done)
matt has maybe 3 bodies before you. he doesn’t like meeting new people very much so he didn’t care about going out and hooking up with girls. he was pretty inexperienced when it came to different kinks and positions but you were able to teach him
★ favorite position (pretty self explanatory)
he pretty much only knew missionary and doggy before you came around. that being said he loves when you ride him and he loves when you’re in cowgirl but he’s pounding into you. such dom energy
★ goofy (how serious they are during the act)
matthew doesn’t come to play. he’s getting into it no questions asked. he’s pretty serious about sex but is always willing to crack a joke to break up any tension
★ hair (how well maintained it is)
he has a little bit of a happy trail but all in all keeps everything pretty neat and trimmed
he could not give two fucks on how you look down there. he’s going down either way.
★ intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment)
matt’s a very romantic person having sex or not. he loves just being close to you and holding you.
★ jerk off (how often they masterbate)
he doesn’t really feel like he has a need to masterbate. he knows that all he’s has to do is ask and you’ll almost always be down for sex with him. if he’s in a different state for a few weeks or on tour without you he might do it once or twice but it’s not the same to him.
★ kinks (favorite kinks)
big on praise type of guy. he loves telling you how good you’re doing and he loves being told how good he’s doing. he likes seeing you with his hand around your neck but only if you’re down
★ location (where they’ll have sex)
like i said he doesn’t really like to leave his house so his personal spaces are the places you have sex the most. his bed. his desk. his shower. the backseat of his car… but on the occasion you guys are out with his friends or brothers he’s not opposed to bending you over a bathroom sink somewhere
★ motivation (turn ons)
LOVES neck kisses. you could be giving him the most innocent neck kiss ever and he’ll instantly be bricked
★ no (something they won’t do)
matt HATES being called daddy and he will never call you mommy. no kinks for that here. he feels like there’s such a stigma around the word that it just gives him an ick hearing them.
★ oral (preference and skill)
again he’s matt the munch he’s gonna go down on you anywhere anytime. he loves making you feel good especially with his mouth. he’s so good at it too. you just get to sit back and watch
he likes getting head but it’s not a priority for him. if you enjoy giving head then he’s down but if you don’t care then he doesn’t either
★ pace (how fast or slow they go on the regular)
it depends on his mood honestly. if he’s feeling really flirty and romantic then he’s taking his time and going slow. if he’s feeling stressed or angry he’s pounding into you so fast
★ quickie (are they down and if so how often)
he’s not really into quickies but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. if there’s time crunch and one of you is in desperate need then a quickie will have to do
★ risk (are they down to experiment)
matt’s open to doing a lot. like stated before he hadn’t experienced much before you so he’s always open to try something new
★ stamina (how long they can go for)
he’s got good stamina. he can go for at least two hours lasting multiple rounds. you’ll both be whimpering overstimulated messes by the end but neither of you care enough to stop
★ toys (do they have any)
he personally doesn’t have any toys for himself. he might have a vibrator or something for you but he lowkey feels like if he has to use a toy to get you off it means he’s doing something wrong. we don’t want to hurt his ego
★ unfair (how much they’ll tease)
this man is a HUGE tease. it’s the rings and the slutty waist and the instagram pictures. he knows how to get you worked up and he won’t stop until you’re begging him to fuck you
★ volume (are they vocal)
king of dirty talk. can flip the switch from whispering sweet nothings in your ear to moaning about how good you suck his dick in seconds. there’s constant groans and screams when y’all fuck. he’s not scared of noise complaints
★ wild card (random headcannon)
he’s not afraid of nick and chris walking in on you guys. if they can hear you two it means he’s probably doing something right and that just boosts his ego
★ x ray (details on how big they are)
he’s packing a good 7 inches and has a decent width to him. but it really is about if you know how you use it and not about the size and this man has both
★ yearning (how high their sex drive is)
he’s always down to have sex but he’s usually not gonna be begging to fuck you. he’s more just interested in making sure you feel good even if that means his dick is never touched #selfless
★ Zzzs (how fast they fall asleep after)
he will always make sure you’re asleep first. he’s not one to over exert himself so he’s not fighting to keep his eyes open. he’s taught himself how to keep his energy up during and after sex
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baddest-batchers · 3 months
Kiss Me Then Kiss Me Some More
Tech fans, come get ya’ll’s treat! another tooth ache inducing fluff piece about the bad batch’s beautiful balding man by yours truly. I was delirious with sleep as I wrote the end of this so please forgive any mistakes or whack ass sounding sentences. I’ll will go back through and edit this later. enjoy ya’ll’s cake!
Tag warnings: gtfo younglings, very fluffy and sweet but mildly suggestive, whole lotta kissing, slightly jealous Tech. reader and Tech have only been together for a short time. first ‘I love yous.’ new relationship jittery sweet goodness.
Summary: Tech x fem!reader. you and Tech have only been together for a month and you’re both still discovering new things about each other. On this particular evening, you approach Tech wearing Wrecker’s shirt and for the first time in his life, he’s jealous.
Word count: 2.5k
Taglist: @alegendoftomorrow @techwrecker @stellarbit
Divider by: @general-ida-raven
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“Hey, Tech.” You smiled sweetly down at him from where he sat in his bunk. He was stripped down to his blacks snugged under the sorry excuse for a blanket that every clone was issued upon beginning active duty service.
“Hello, cyar’ika.” Tech greeted you while briefly looking up from his datapad, a small smile gracing his features at the sound of your voice. You blushed at his use of the Mando’a term while the butterflies in your stomach took flight.
“Are you busy?” You asked, slightly tipping your head to one side, hands clasped together behind your back.
“Not especially.” He replied, “Are you in need of something?” Tech continued tapping away at the keys of his datapad for another few moments.
“Oh, well I was just wondering..if maybe you’d like to cuddle and watch a holofilm with me?” You looked everywhere but at him while a blush crept its way across your cheeks.
Your relationship with Tech was still quite new, you two only having been together for a month, and you both were still learning to navigate being a couple within the squad.
Sitting more upright in his bunk, Tech set aside his datapad and adjusted his goggles that had slid down his nose. His eyes settled on you as he looked you over standing before him. You were wearing lounge shorts and a shirt that was several sizes too big with the Republic emblem on the shoulder of it’s left sleeve and Wrecker’s CT number and name sewn in Aurebesh into the hem. Though, Tech could tell it was his largest brother’s shirt simply by the size of it.
“You are wearing one of Wrecker’s shirts.” Tech stated and raised a quizzical brow as the unfamiliar feeling of mild jealously tugged at his heart. He inwardly scolded himself for feeling such a way but found that it was not so easily dismissed.
“Oh, yeah, he gave it to me when the ship’s air conditioning was broken a few months ago since my GAR issued sleepwear was long sleeved.” You answered him quickly, taking note of how his expression had changed after he had gotten a proper look at you.
Tech nodded but didn’t speak for a moment, seemingly lost in a thought that made his features harden just a bit. You glanced over his face as his lips pursed ever so slightly and immediately recognized the slight jealously he must be feeling over you wearing his brother’s shirt.
You dropped your gaze down to the shirt in question that hung very loosely on your body and then brought your eyes to look at Tech again, his expression unchanged as he stared off in thought, no doubt trying to wrestle with his feelings.
You couldn’t help the soft and barely audible “oh, Tech” that left your lips as you realized what he was feeling.
You smiled softly, deciding then that you’d make sure he felt every bit of your devotion for him in that moment. Climbing into his bunk, you reached for the privacy curtain and pulled it closed with a gentle swoosh. Turning from your seated position to face him, you leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Tech snapped out of his introspection at the contact of your lips to his face, feeling his heart rate begin to quicken slightly. He noticed that you had pulled the curtain closed around his bunk but before he even had time to wonder what you were doing, he observed as you reached for the hem of Wrecker’s shirt. You pulled it off in one smooth motion, then folded it neatly and set it down on the floor next to his bunk.
Tech’s eyes widened behind his goggles as he took you in sitting before him, wearing only your GAR issued shorts and bra. His face had flushed considerably as his eyes wandered over your body. Watching him take in the sight of you seated in front of him made a blush spread across your own face. Dropping your gaze from Tech, you instinctively crossed your arms over your middle and shifted a bit nervously on his mattress.
Taking you in for another lingering moment, Tech finally opened his mouth to speak. “You are…stunning.” He said breathily while his eyes memorized every detail of your figure. Your blush deepened under his gaze. You smiled shyly back at him while tucking some of your hair behind your ear in an effort to keep from fidgeting nervously.
After passing his gaze over you once more, Tech leaned over the side of his bunk, reaching for the storage drawer just beneath it. He pulled from it one of his own GAR issued t-shirts, and pushed himself back up into the bunk. Once seated comfortably again, Tech offered you the shirt, “Here. I’d much prefer it if you wore my shirt instead of Wrecker’s. You may have it if you so desire it.”
“Thanks, Tech.” You murmured sweetly in surprise as you took his shirt from him. You ran your thumb over the stitching of his name and CT number embroidered at the bottom hem. Glancing back up into his deep brown eyes, you reached across the short distance separating Tech and yourself, gently bringing your hand to rest against his cheek. “I didn’t mean to make you jealous. My other sleep clothes need to be cleaned and Wrecker’s shirt was the only top I had.” Your tone had shifted, taking on the sincerity that reflected in your eyes. You hoped that your reassurance would ease his troubled mind.
Tech’s eyes flitted between yours and then down to your lips and back up again. “I am aware that you did not mean to cause me any ill feelings, dearest. It had just occurred to me that I would much prefer to see you wearing one of my shirts instead of my brother’s.” Tech’s voice was quiet as he admitted his feelings. Your eyes widened in surprise at his words and you felt your face flush yet again. He was terribly skilled at making you blush, even during the most inopportune moments.
Slowly, you moved in closer to him, setting his shirt aside then bringing your hand to rest on the other side of his face. Your fingers pressed firmly into the sides of his face as you gently pulled him towards you. Tech gasped slightly at your touch which made you smile before pressing your lips gently to his. He kissed you back with fervor while his hands came up to firmly grasp at your shoulders.
You felt Tech begin to shift in front of you without breaking the contact of his lips on yours. Gently, he eased you into his lap while his hands almost possessively found hold on your waist. Your body was now fully flushed against his with your legs wrapped around his waist and crossed behind him. Tech slowly, but deliberately began trailing feather-light kisses down your neck and across your shoulder. His touch pulled a sound from you Tech wanted to hear repeated over and over again for the rest of his life. The heat that was building within him was growing hotter the more he touched you and the more you whispered his name in pure bliss.
“Tech, Tech, my love…” You half whispered, half moaned against his ear. This sent a shutter through him as his hands began roving over the bare skin of your waist and back. You squeezed your legs around him in a desperate attempt to be even closer to him.
Feeling you press further into him sent Tech into overdrive. With one smooth motion he flipped you so that you were positioned underneath him with your legs still wrapped around his waist. You gasped at the sudden change in position while the warmth in your chest began to spread throughout your body.
Gazing up at him, wide eyed and with lips slightly parted, you uttered his name again, “Tech…” your voice dripped with desire as your eyes flickered back and forth between his own then down to his lips.
He stared back at you, both his hands on other side of your head with his weight not completely resting against you. Tech searched your face for any sign of discomfort before leaning down to kiss you once more.
“Please alert me if you become at all uncomfortable.” Tech insisted before lowering himself onto you, not wanting to push any boundaries you might have.
“I’m more than comfortable with this.” You smiled and gestured with a glance down at your two bodies, his hovering tantalizingly close just above your own. Your consent came much faster than he was expecting but he smiled down at you in a way that conveyed all the love and admiration he held within his heart. Before he could lean down to resume expressing his affection, you whispered something to him that he thought he must have heard incorrectly with how quietly you had spoken.
“I love you, Tech. I’m yours.” You whispered while taking in his expression. Neither of you had said those three little words yet, but now seemed like the perfect time to tell him. If you were being honest, you had loved him from the moment you first spent time alone with him in the cockpit one night during his watch shift, but it had taken a while for the two of you to admit your feelings for each other.
Tech’s eyes were wide and his breath hitched in his throat as his heart hammered against his chest. He opened his mouth to respond but the words wouldn’t form, so he just gazed down at you through his goggles with his lips slightly parted.
You chuckled softly while slowly running your fingers through his soft curls at the nape of his neck. “It’s okay, you don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready to.”
But his reply tumbles from his lips before you’ve barely finished your sentence.
“And I love you, however, based on the simple fact that I have been enamored by you since the moment you joined this squad, it is I who belongs to you.” He breathes out his reply.
Tech’s words bring tears to the corners of your eyes and you whisper his name yet again in an almost choked breath. It’s enough to push him forward, resting his weight against you and pushing his lips to yours in near desperation, like he needs your lips on his like he needs air in his lungs to breathe. Tech continues his desperate quest to taste as much of you as he possibly can, kissing from your lips down to the soft spot under your ear, then further down to your pulse point.
His kisses pull a gasp from you and then he hears you repeating his name over and over in the most blissful tone he’s ever heard. “Dearest, you will drive me mad with the way in which you are uttering my name.” Tech whispers into your neck, his mouth never leaving your skin.
“M-mad in a good way?” You breathily stutter out, further burying your fingers in his hair.
“Well, yes, of course in a good way.” Tech chuckles darkly against you while his hand moves to tangle in your hair. You sigh his name again, just to see and feel his reaction. Tech groans quietly into the spot between your neck and shoulder then places another needy kiss there.
“How touching, but could the two of you not do that while some of us are trying to sleep.” Came Crosshair’s voice from his bunk above Tech’s, annoyance dripping from his tone.
Your eyes grew wide at the sound of Crosshair’s voice as Tech pulled back slightly, rolling his eyes at his brother. Your hands retreated from the back of Tech’s head to cover your face as it turned as red as a meiloorun.
“Yeah, and for that matter, could you guys wait until the rest of us aren’t still aboard the ship before getting, uh…intimate?” Echo chimed in from the adjacent bunk.
“Oh kriff.” You cursed through your fingers as you locked eyes with Tech for a brief moment.
“Technically, we are not engaging in any intimate activity at this moment other than kissing.” Tech pointed out shortly to both of his brothers before planting another kiss to your forehead.
“Tech!” You squealed, bringing both your hands to cover his mouth. His eyes flashed with a mischievous and confident glint from behind his goggles.
Your hands slid down to rest on his chest as you giggled awkwardly. After a beat of silence, you mustered up the strength to speak directly to Echo and Crosshair.
“He’s right, guys. We were just kissing.” You say, trying to keep your voice steady and even, though your heart was still pounding from embarrassment.
“Doesn’t matter.” Crosshair shot back lazily. “If you’re gonna kiss in here, then at least have the decency to warn us first. Or find a different part of the ship that isn’t where we all sleep.”
Tech propped himself up onto one arm before pushing himself back into a seated position on his mattress. You let out the smallest of whines when the weight of his body pressed against yours was suddenly gone. After adjusting his goggles, he offered you his hand and pulled you up to sit next to him, both of your backs against the wall of the bunk.
“We did not plan on osculating. It happened organically.” Tech stated matter of factly as he adjusted his goggles again.
“Real romantic, Tech.” Echo deadpanned.
Echo’s comment made you bury your face in Tech’s shoulder. Huffing out a breath, you decided to silence Crosshair and Echo hopefully once and for all tonight. You really couldn’t handle much more of this teasing.
“Regardless, Tech is still right, we didn’t plan on making out. But get over it for kriff’s sake, I’m sure both of you have been caught more than once getting cozy in here with some fling or another so, stow it.”
The room would have been deafeningly silent if not for the hum of the Marauder. You worried for a moment if you’d spoken too harshly to Echo and Crosshair, but the feeling quickly drained from your mind as Tech interlaced the fingers of his left hand with those of your right.
“So, she does bite.” Crosshair’s slightly muffled chuckle broke the silence. “Watch out, Tech.”
You let out an exasperated sigh while pinching the bridge of your nose with your left hand. Before you could open your mouth to snark back at the sniper, Tech leaned in close to your ear, his breath fanning against your neck, stopping you from saying anything further.
“Do you indeed bite, mesh’la?” Tech whispered so that his brothers couldn’t hear. “What an intriguing thought. I do intend to find out at a more appropriate time and place if you do.”
Your eyes grew wide at the sudden boldness from Tech. But without skipping a beat, you turned your head to face him, leaning in to kiss him deeply before taking his bottom lip between your teeth and giving it a slight nibble. You gently pulled away and gazed at him through half lidded eyes, a suggestive look crossing your face as you took in his pleasantly surprised expression.
“Only if you want me to.” You whispered with an enticing lilt to your voice.
“Oh, I most certainly do.” Tech murmured as he leaned in to capture the soft spot under your ear in a gentle kiss.
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heesingshoon · 12 days
ℕ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕪 𝔻𝕠𝕘
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A/N: If you guys don't know, Nasty Dog is a song that's been popular lately. It's by Sir mix-a-lot and the song is just good. If you've heard "Ride" or "Baby got Back" you'd know his music. ANYWAY this is a Jake fic. Why?.. Because Jake is a sweet puppy... Who I firmly believe could be a nasty dog... :] ...I just thought it would be fitting, you know?.. You know?
Pairings: Jake x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut... Straight filth... No plot Unprotected seggz (My brothers out there, KEEP IT BAGGED. thanks) I probably missed something somewhere... If I did, let me know? Please? Maybe? Perchance? Lmao. Love you, reader. Mwah.
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As you lay on your back, your boyfriend stares down at you. The look on his face is a mix of emotions. Hunger, desire, lust. He basically growls as he bends down to kiss your neck, biting a bit before he pulls away.
"Fuck, Kitty... You're so beautiful from here... I could just devour you..." He can't help but huff, trying to catch his breath.
So... You might be curious of how... This... Started. Well, just a couple of hours ago, Jake and you were cuddling. Being cute, nuzzling nose against nose, and you even had a few friends over. They just cringed at you both as friends do, but you knew they were okay with you both.
Now... What started for Jake, was dinner. The entire meal, you kept sending him pictures you took before your friends came over. You in his favorite lingerie had him absolutely insane. He stared at you the whole time and your friends just took it as him admiring his girlfriend. But his head was being flooded with thoughts.
The moment your friends left, he pounced. Those two hours of having to hide his aching and raging boner was probably the worst two hours of his life. He needed you, and he needed you bad. He grabbed your waist and pushed you to the couch. He climbed over you, pulling you in for a deep kiss. One that was sloppy, uncoordinated, and absolutely lustful.
You reach to run your hands through his hair but he doesn't let you touch him, gripping your wrists and pinning them to your sides. "Don't you fucking dare think you're allowed to touch me after the shit you just pulled."
You whimper, but it just fires him up more. He bites down on your lip, hard enough to bruise, before lifting you and carrying you to the bed:
And that's where you are now. He stares down at you and if you were to compare him to anything, it would be a hungry, angry, wolf. One you'd only find at the end of mating season and he didn't get any help through the whole thing.
You'd admit, it was a bit scary. Seeing your boyfriend above you, staring into what felt like your soul. He stared for so long you weren't even sure if he was conscious. You both sat there, breathing.
After what felt like eternity, he leaned down and kissed you hard enough to ensure the bite would bruise. He grips the back of your neck, using his arm to hold himself above you.
You felt him hold back choking you, the way his hand would tighten slightly but he'd flinch back. You tapped his hand and pressed his thumb to your throat.
Thankfully, he got the message... But that was bad for you... Because he immediately moved his hand from the back to the front of your neck, pressing his palm at your throat and his thumb pressing at your vocal cords.
He finally got done kissing you. He pulled back to look at the damage. A busted lip from the bite and a bruise from the pressure. "Fuck, yes... I could get used to seeing you like this, Kitten. Being my little play toy... You wanna be my play toy?" Your whimpers only lead him on more. You cry slightly and he growls, the sound coming straight from his diaphragm. "Heh... Fuck, Kitty... Yeah? You like the thought? I'll make you my play toy, I promise. I'll absolutely ravish you."
He then pulls off your clothes as if it was just another Tuesday for him, leaving you in the lingerie he knew you'd been wearing the whole time.
The moment you're exposed to him, he leans to use his mouth on one nipple as his hand plays with the other. You moan out and it's like music to his ears. He can't help but bite your nipple ever so painfully as you cry out his name.
He finally pulls away after what felt like forever before kissing down your belly to your core. He spreads your legs apart and he uses his middle finger to play with the rim of your opening.
You squirm and try to move your hips for friction. He noticed what you were trying to do, so he pulled his hand back. "Ah, ah, ah, Kitty... You gotta be good for me while I play with you. What kind of play toy fights back? Not you, right? Because you're a good kitten for me?" you can't help but nod and whimper. "Good girl. I knew you'd understand. Be good, lay back, relax, and let me destroy you."
You gasp as he moves his head to your dripping cunt. Your hands fly to his hair and he groans. Oh how he loves the feeling of you hurting him as he pleases you.
He suckles at your clit and bites down a bit as his fingers move to spread you open. He immediately finds your g-spot and plays with it as he basically makes out with your pussy. The more you grip at his hair and scream his name, the harder he sucks and bites your clit.
You feel your stomach tighten and you moan out for him to continue. He knows what you're crying for and pulls away. "Kitty... Kitty baby, you can't cum yet. It's not good to leave me lonely, right? It's rude to cum and leave me blue balled."
You whimper and reach up to touch him. He holds your hands above your head. "Oh baby... Let me hold this control over you. You know you love it."
He pulls back to undress himself. You see his cock spring out and your mouth waters. "Oh? Hungry? You sure look it." He pulls you up by your hair and taps his tip on your lips. The precum coating your lips. "Open up for me, Kitty."
You follow his command, opening your mouth to swallow him. He groans, making you feel like you're floating as he fucks into your throat.
The sheer force of hold he has you in makes you worry about his thoughts, wondering if he's even conscious, but it goes away when he just speaks to you like you're the rarest piece of jewels.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this it's driving me up the fucking wall, pretty." His hold on you loosens as he nears his end. He cums deep down your throat and as you swallow you can't help but giggle. The look of confusion, clear on his face. "Wh-What? Did I look weird? I-I'm sorry, just... I got really into it an—"
"No, no, baby. Not that. You looked absolutely gorgeous. Just... You didn't last as long as normal." You giggle more, kissing his hip as he looks away with a flushed face. "Baby? Want me to take over?"
He snaps his head back quickly and immediately shuts that idea out of the window with how quick he was to pull you by the wrist and pin you down. "If you think for one second that I'm not about to fuck the absolute hell out of you, so bad to the point you're screaming my name, you're insane."
You simply just submit to him, ready for him to do as he pleases. He takes that as a sign to continue. He grabs you by your hair and kisses you deeply, pushing you against the bed to hold you down to spread your legs and rest them on his shoulders. "Fuck, kitty... You're so gorgeous... I could ruin you right now and die a happy man."
Your flush is evident, going beet red as your lover stands before you, laughing lightly as you look so cute for him. He rubs the tip of his cock along your opening. "Please, Jake... Just do it, pleas—Ah!"
He didn't let you get another word out, bottoming out in one swift thrust. He grips your thighs as he pounds into you at a rapid pace, one you didn't know the human body could go, deeper into you more than you thought his cock could go.
The sounds escaping your mouth as you go into a pit of pleasure, unable to see or think straight, are like the most beautiful melody he's ever heard. He wants you, needs you, to keep making those sounds. He bites down on your calf as he watches shake underneath him, clenching around his cock. He muffles his own sounds, leaving love bite after love bite on your legs.
He moves your legs around his waist before bending down to kiss you as he fucks into you. His entire body heats up as he listens to the smacks of your lips to his and the sound of his balls hitting your ass every time he thrusts. His hand moves between you both to rub your clit, extracting more sounds of pleasure from your lips.
"S-So close!!" You scream out, holding him close. His legs that were getting tired suddenly gained an enormous amount of energy.
Fucking into you at a scary pace, he kissed down your neck biting at your shoulder. "Cum for me, pretty. Fuck, pretty, cum for me. Milk me of everything I have and coat me in all of your pleasure."
You cry out, your orgasm hitting you hard and triggering his. You both climb over the edge together and hold each other close as he helps you ride out your high, before pulling out and laying beside you.
"Fuck, baby... You felt so good, and damn you look so good. Never, in a million years, send me pictures of you in something that fucking beautiful. I almost fucked you in front of our friends, y/n."
You can't help but laugh as you kiss his cheek and hold him close. "Kay... I love you."
"I love you too, beautiful."
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I was gonna post this on my birthday... But it's in 2 days sooo... :3 Now's good enough.
It was a bit rushed, I'm sure you could tell.
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fandomnerd9602 · 28 days
Under the Stars
Country!Wanda x Reader
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Adjusting to life on the Maximoff ranch was made a little easier with the love of your life, Wanda, showing you the ropes. The two of you got into a nice groove.
The schedule was pretty simple: 5:00 - Wake up, a little cuddle session. 6:00 - feed the animals and have breakfast. 8:00 - work remotely till 12. 12:00 - lunch time and snuggles with your gal. 4:00 - finish work and help out Wanda and her band with their next song and band practice. 6:00 - dinner. 7:00 - movie or old sitcom and more cuddles. 8:00 - go to bed with your country girl in your arms.
But then there came the weekends. Two whole days of fun for you and your country girl. Your future brother in law Piet loved having you on the ranch with him. With his sister distracted, he had more time to spend with his gal Crystal. And this coming weekend was one such occasion.
Saturday morning came and he tossed the house keys at you. "Crystal's Pa is out of town. I'm gonna head over and see where she needs the help. Try not to burn the house down. I'll see ya Sunday morning for church"
"Why? You gonna need forgiveness after tonight?" Wanda chuckles at her brother, earning a blush from him.
"Oh please" he rolls his eyes, "I heard your night practicing. You need forgiveness more than me"
You and your country girl couldn't help but blush. He wasn't wrong. And so with that, Piet left.
Wanda took a hold of your hand, "come on city boy! We got a whole day of fun!" She practically pulled you out the door.
First your country gal took you riding thru the open range on horseback. The two of you spent hours just talking about what you wanted to do in the future, what the next big steps were for Wanda and her band, all the while whispering words of love and affirmation to one another.
"You always know what to say, don't ya?" She giggled as the two of you share a picnic lunch.
"It's the truth, ain't it?" you responded. The country twang was starting to come in a little. Piet would blame it on Wanda's tongue roaming your mouth so much.
By the evening, you two ended up curled up in a shared sleeping bag under the stars in the back of Wanda's pick up truck. You got a little campfire going.
"This is the life. The only one I want with you" She nuzzles your neck. You kiss the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her strawberry shampoo.
"The best life" you whispered back.
Wanda looks to you a little nervous, "got a new song I wanted to test out. Mind if I...?"
"I love being your test dummy" you flashed her a gentle smile.
"Well you are my dummy" she giggled back as she pulled out her guitar.
She continued strumming her guitar, the fire pit gently illuminating her soft features. (You're Still the One by Shania Twain)
Looks like we made it Look how far we've come, my baby We mighta took the long way We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're still together, still going strong
Mm (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one) You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
She leans against you. Taking in your scent. Everything about you. Wanda wished more than anything that she could freeze this moment in time.
Yeah (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life, oh yeah (you're still the one) You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
I'm so glad we made it Look how far we've come, my baby
She looks to you and smiles. "I love you, my city boy" her southern country drawl melts your heart.
You kiss her forehead tenderly, "I love each and every moment I can spend with you, my country girl."
You and your country gal arrived back at the old homestead. The nearby clock read 9:00.
"I wanna do one last thing tonight" Your country gal looks at you, hoping softly.
"Oh yeah? What?"
"I wanna build a couch fort with you" her soft voice giggles as the two of you race, grabbing every couch cushion pillow you could. You build more of a couch cave but it led out right by the TV.
The two of you rolled out the sleeping bag from earlier and cuddled there in your little couch cave, watching old sitcoms into the early morning hours.
Piet and Crystal came by the next day around 7:00am. He was a little tired, Crystal kept him up most of the night. "Wanda? Y/N?" He asked softly. His eyes caught sight of the couch cave.
He peeked inside and saw you and Wanda all cuddled up in your pjs, like two kids on a weekend morning. Piet couldn't help but grin.
"What?" Crystal asks with a smile.
"We can all go to a later service." He smiles back at his gal, "let them sleep a little longer."
Life on the Maximoff ranch was always full of little moments of fun and excitement. A little slower than modern city life but it offered it blend of memorable moments and loved ones that you were happy to call your family.
And Wanda does make quite the cuddler.
Tags @lifespectator @olsenmyolsen @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @aloneodi @abimess @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @russianredassassin @multi-fandom-enjoyer @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @iamnicodemus @kingofthelizardpeople @ab1nsur
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Gamigin NSFW alphabet
what they're like after sex
Since most of the sex happens in the shower, aftercare is getting dryed off. He'll use his staff to heal any possible injuries the two of you might have gotten during the activity before you both fall asleep cuddling.
Body Part
their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's
His favorite body part are his hands. He can heal people with them, what's not to love. His hands are so useful and he sometimes just stares at them with admiration. He also loves all his scars.
His favorite body part on you is your hair. He likes how it looks wet and how fluffy it gets once it's dry and how it feels on his fingers. When you cuddle, he constantly plays with your hair. It's his second favorite stim toy (the staff is the first)
anything to do with cum, basically
When he found out that you need devil energy to survive, he started masturbating more and putting his energy in bottles. He has a calender where he marks all the times you've needed energy and, if he's not free, he'll send you a bottle to keep you going until you meet. He spams you with messages the moment he has free desprately asking you if you took your "treatment" as he calls it.
Dirty secret
pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
He has no secrets, everything is public, especially to you. Being close to Gamigin means hearing all his brain farts. Whenever he has an idea for a possible sex session he just writes it to you and asks for feedback.
The wildest one that he still wishes he could do is to have sex in his dragon form. He might be small, but he can figure something out.
how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?
He's a virgin, he has no fucking clue what he's doing but he's having the time of his life. The first time he got an erection thinking about you he went to Lucifer and asked for a check up. After he got the talk from his dad brother he started reading biology books about it. He feels so proud when he comes up to you and states that he wishes to copulate with you.
Favorite position
this goes without saying
He likes positions where he can hug you easily. He loves cuddle sex in perticular because he gets to do two of his favorite things: cuddling and having sex with his favorite person. He doesn't have a preference for topping or bottoming so it's just a matter of the moment.
are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous?
He's constantly cracking jokes during sex. He can't be too serious when he's with you. His favorite game is to try and come up with the weirdest yet sweetest nickname to use during sex. If anyone passed by the room you were making love in, they would hear shit like "You feel so good, my pention plan!" "That's it, my mitosis!"
how well groomed are they?
He doesn't shave and if you told him to he will whimper. He likes how his bush feels, let him have his fun. Might trim it, and complain grieve his lost hair, but he'll do it for you. He tryied waxxing once but Gamigin's scream could be heard from the other side of the country, so he never tried it a second time.
how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
He constantly kisses you, praise you, hugs you during sex. He makes sure that by the end of it you know that he loves you the most. No matter how exhausted he is after sex, he'll make sure to kiss you once on the cheek and whisper "I love you" in your ear. You never doupt Gamigin's love for you during those moments.
Jack Off
masturbation headcanons
He didn't use to get boners before starting to date you. He mostly masturbates to give you energy when he's too busy to have sex or when you're someplace else. He doesn't like jerking off because you're not there with him and it makes him feel lonely.
one or more of their kinks
Shower sex is the canon one, but I will like to add praise, hair pulling and dacryphilia. He loves you so he praise you a lot and being called a good boy makes him melt. He loves the texture of hair so he always has one hand wrapped in your hair, he also loves getting his haired pulled but not very roughly. He likes licking tears and your tears taste the best.
favorite place to do the do
Somewhere where you can bathe together. Be it the shower or the lake, he likes being in wate with you. His second favorite place is in his cottage. He likes the calm atmosphere and the fact that ypu two can be as loud as possible.
what turns them on, gets them going
There are times where he laughs so much when he's with you that he gets a boner. It's in the moments where you're having a lot of fun where he realises how much he adores you and the mere fact that he has someone that he can hang out with like you makes him aroused.
Something they wouldn't do, turn offs
Degredation. He loves you too much to say mean things about you and he will feel bad if you started calling him names during sex. He's also very against hurting you or getting hurt. He has a very important role, and he doesn't want to explain to Lucifer where he got cuts from. At most a bite here and there, but don't hit him too hard because he'll take it seriously.
preference in giving or recieving, skills, etc.
He likes to give since it's a way for him to show his love for you. He is quite sloppy and has no clue how to pleasure you with just his tongue, but he's putting his whole pussy into it. He asks Marbas later how it's done and he returns with far better skills. The most important part of Gamigin is that he is willing to learn.
If you were to give him head, he just busts in a minute. It feels so good???? And it's so wet and warm???? And he can hold your hair and you moan and it vibrates and- oh, he came. The next day he pampers you and thanks you for being the best.
are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?
He's all over the place. He would much rather you set the pace since he gets lost in the moment very fast. Even though he tries to be slow, he usually ends up humping you like a bitch in heat by the end of the session. The only way to make him slow down at that point is to flip him over or try to manhandle him, which is surprisingly easy. Even in the moments where he's lost in pleasure, he would never dare hurt a hair on your body.
their opinions on quickies, how often
Since he gets exhausted by sex easily, he can't have a lot of quickies. He's the favorite child in the Paradise Lost found family, so Lucifer will give him a pass for not being on time for certain appointments, but he can't have his best doctor sleeping so often.
are they willing to experiment? Do they take risks?
He is! He sneaks into Marbas' room and steals some porn magasines for ideas. He doesn't find them arousing since they're not you, but he gets ideas for future sessions. He sees sex just like dates so he wants to try everything out with you. He sends you pictures of the pages he thinks you'd like and asks if you want to do it.
He's not even that scared of having public sex since 1. Everyone already can hear when you're having sex and 2. They would all coo at how cute you two love birds are. They might even stop by and give advice.
how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
He can go for one round which, depending on how long the forplay was, lasts between 3-6 minutes. He's still getting used to this, so his stamina will improve over time, but as it is, he is very human in his preformance.
do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partener or themselves
When everyone in Paradise Lost found out that Gamigin wasn't a virgin anymore, Marbas gifted him a vibrator and told him how to use it. Gamigin tried to use it on you, but the sound and vibration felt very uncomfortable for him and he threw the toy away. Maybe he'll try a dildo or something, but no more vibrating things or he'll cry from how ichy it sounds.
how much they like to tease
He doesn't. He will never tease you even if you're into it. He just can't act serious or mean around you. He once tried to be a hard dom and he couldn't even get through the first minute without bursting out laughing. "I bet you'd like to take a ride on my magic dragon (wheeze). Mc, I love you, but this isn't happening."
how loud are they? What sounds do they make?
He whimpers so much. He's loud and vocal all the time, but he tends to whimper and whine the most. He'll praise you through gasps and try to catch his breath as he's ingulfed in pleasure. When he cums he clings to you with all his strenght as he lets out the most pathetic moan imaginable. He giggles and pants while he recovers from the orgasm he just experienced.
a random headcanon for the character
He'll probably be very sad if you had sex with other people while in a relationship with him, unless it was someone from Paradise Lost. It's not sharing, per say, since you're not an object to be shared, but he'll start having doupts about himself if you started going to other devils for love. His brothers don't count because he trusts them to let you be afterwards.
let's see what's going on under those clothes
I still haven't seen a penis, that hasn't changed. I think he's a more normal size though, like 10cm or something. You will not need hospitalisation after a round with him, thank God.
Also, all his underwear is blue, he is dedicated to the colour pallet.
how high is their sex drive
He only starts having sexual thoughts about you once you become friends. His libido is all over the place. It usually spikes when you're away from him since he misses you. But I wouldn't really call it his libido, since he could very well be satisfied if you just hang out in the cottage. He strikes me as the type to forget about sex until his partner mentions it.
how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
If you don't have sex in the shower, he falls asleep almost instantly after sex. He makes sure his scheduel is clear for the day before having fun with you since he knows he'll be sleepy afterwards. After sex he's also very clingy so he'll cry if you try to walk away from him.
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Fulfillment - Flufftober 19
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Summary: Dean finally lives the life he deserves and dreamed of.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Wife!Reader
Side pairing: Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, overprotective Dean, implied smut, cuddling & snuggling, Dean is a horny dog, a hint of dirty talk and dirty fantasy
Rating: Teen
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
Trope: Pregnancy
@warmandfluffybingocards: Square 16: Breakfast in bed   
@anyfandomgoesbingo: Square 7: Decorating the nursery
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Your last battle was the day Dean told you he loves you. He didn’t want to waste another moment without having you in his arms.
Chuck, or God if you want to call that jackass so, fell without glory.
Jack went to heaven, and Castiel accompanied him to make sure no one tried to abuse the young man’s powers ever again.
Since that day, you have been living a normal life.
While everyone else dreams of a more exciting life, you are happy to have a normal and boring life.
While you turned your back on the hunter’s life, you turned the bunker into a warm and cozy home. (We don’t talk about the room where Dean stored all the weapons.)
Only because you stopped hunting doesn’t mean Dean doesn’t act like an overprotective bodyguard when it comes to you. You’re his wife, the future mother of his children, and the reason to keep on going for him.
“Sweetheart,” Dean pokes his head inside the kitchen. “No…no!” He tuts. “I told you; I’m going to make breakfast.” Your husband watches you run one hand over your grown belly while stuffing a pickle into your mouth.
“I’m having cravings,” you chew audibly while your husband makes a fuss. He doesn’t want you to leave your bedroom or the bed. If it was up to Dean, he’d wrap you in a dozen blankets and never let you leave the bed again. “And no one is going to attack us here.”
“You don’t know that” your husband argues. He steps inside the kitchen and wraps his arms around you, making you groan. “I need to keep you safe and happy.”
“Last night you made me very happy.”
Dean snickers as he remembers the way you were writhing on his cock.
“I remember you were a begging mess, Y/N. Loud and naughty. Just the way I like you.”
“Dean, we can’t make out in the kitchen again. Sammy will kill us,” you whine as your husband kisses down your neck. “I mean it, baby. We can’t get caught again.”
“But getting caught is half the fun,” Dean laughs in your neck, making you giggle. “Alright. If you are a good girl and go to our bedroom to lie down, I’ll make you the best breakfast you ever ate. I promise it’s not my dick.”
“You’re lucky I love you, Mr. Winchester. You’re a very naughty man,” you chuckle as he whispers dirty nothings in your ear. “If you don’t want to end up getting caught by your brother and Eileen, we better go back to our bedroom.”
“Sex before breakfast. I knew you were the one…” He hums in your neck. “But after you’ll eat all the delicious things I’ll cook for you…”
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“A red rose, and food, huh,” Sam watches his brother carry a tray filled with breakfast and a single red rose out of the kitchen. “Did you leave some food for us?”
“Sure, Sammy,” Dean grins. “My wife needs the food. I wore her out.”
Sam shakes his head. Sometimes his brother has no shame…or like ever. “Luckily she’s already pregnant or you’d get her pregnant.”
“Who says I won’t get her pregnant again?” Dean chuckles. “We are having twins. Next time, I’ll fill her with triplets.”
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“What do you say? Will she like it?” Dean shows his brother and Eileen the U-shaped pregnancy pillow he got for you. He has it draped over his shoulder to show it to Sam. “It’s good for the babies and her, right?”
Eileen smirks as her brother-in-law excitedly tells them about all the things he bought for you and the babies.
“It’s nice of you to get the pillow,” she finally says. Dean looks adorable with all the stuffies tugged under his arm. “What do you want to do with the rest?” She questions.
“While Y/N is having a nap, I’m going to decorate the nursery. We are almost done, but she’s a little under the weather this week. I’ll finish it and show her everything when she feels better.”
“Do you need help?” Sam offers willingly. “We are going finish the nursery faster if we work together.”
“Are you sure, Sammy?”
Sam flashes his brother a smile. “Well, I’m counting on your help when we are having triplets…”
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“I love the pillow,” Dean states as you and your husband lie on the bed, the pregnancy pillow wrapped around your bodies. “They were right. It’s perfect for snuggling and cuddling.”
You grin as Dean moves impossibly closer to hide his face in your neck. “I heard you finished the nursery.”
“Sammy and Eileen helped. If there’s something you do not like, blame Sammy.”
“I know that I’ll love it,” you mumble sleepily. “Just like I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart, and the little beans,” he whispers in your ear while moving one hand to your belly. “I’ll always protect you and our babies. Always.”
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Tags in reblog.
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
I have fallen deep down the mortal kombat rabbit hole and I have no intention of climbing out. Could you possibly write a smoke x reader where she can sense that Bi-Han will betray them before the mission the brothers go on and she and smoke get in a big fight about it. When they reunite she isn't even angry about the fight at seeing how heartbroken he is? Just lots of fluff at the end. You're amazing!
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Needless to say you never trust Bi-Han, you couldn’t explain why but you just couldn’t bring yourself to trust the guy. The ice cold man always looked as though he was on the verge of betraying his own kin if it meant ascending himself and the Lin Kuei to a higher position of power. Bi-Han was always a condescending fucker in your eyes, who took great pleasure in reminding Tomas that his blood wasn’t ever Lin Kuei on a consistent basis; A statement of which you found as stupid as it was harmful.
Ounce upon a time Tomas looked up to Bi-Han but upon realising that the cryomancer wanted nothing to do with him, never less ever return the gesture, Tomas would then look for what he wanted from Bi-Han in Kuai Liang instead. Now Kuai Liang on the other hand was nothing like his brother, he was warm in not only abilities but in personality also. The best way you could go about describing Kuai Liang was that he was akin to that of a cozy fireplace, one where you could comfortably cuddled up with a loved one when cold and in need of respite.
You were happy that Tomas had finally came to his senses and -in your opinion- began looking up to the better brother, seeing as how Kuai Liang didn’t hesitate in treating Tomas as though he was his own flesh and blood, even going so far as to openly remind him that despite not actually being blood related; he was still his brother through and through. You could easily tell that was what Tomas had always wanted to hear come from Bi-Han’s mouth just from the way his eyes glossed over, as though he were on the verge of crying and the way he tried to fight back a wide smile, for Kuai Liang had single-handedly put to rest every insecurity that had burdened him since being taken into the Lin Kuei.
And you couldn’t be happier for him and be eternally grateful for Kuai Liang for doing what Bi-Han actively chose not to out of pride and self righteousness.
So when Tomas had informed you that him and his brothers were setting off to stop Shang Tsung, you felt a sense of unease overcome you, an itch you couldn’t scratch. They may leave as brothers but you had a gut feeling that only two would come back, broken by inevitable betrayal. Naturally you wanted to warn both Tomas and Kuai Liang about your assumption without Bi-Han nearby to eavesdrop, firmly believing the cryomancer to have all the plausible motivators for deception; After all he thinks that the Lin Kuei has become a ghost of it’s former self, a subservient laughing stock and wanted nothing more then to restore it’s rightful purpose, even if that meant betraying all he had been raised to uphold.
Without sparing a single second, you rushed to Tomas as to warn him, only for him to believe that you were instead spreading lies.
‘You think Bi-Han is going to betray myself and Kuai Liang?!’ Tomas asked in disbelief. ‘I can’t exactly put me trust in your assumptions when he has never shown signs of ever betraying us, betraying tradition.’ Apparently Tomas’ loyalty to his brothers knew no bounds, even if one of them in particular had treated him like shit throughout his entire life. It truly baffled you as to why he bothered defending a man who’d feed him to the wolves at any given moment. ‘Then signs all point towards him throwing away the values, upon which the Lin Kuei were founded upon by your father.’ You deliberately pointed out to him.
‘So of course i would firmly put trust into my own assumptions because they’ve never once proven me wrong, Tomas. Bi-Han can and will betray you and Kuai Liang.’ You finished but upon seeing his unchanging stance, you knew that your rebuttal was getting nowhere through to Tomas. It hurt not having him believe you, not even a little bit, but you had to keep trying and make him see reason, so you continued. ‘Bi-Han is growing ambitious and is more than willing to forsake tradition for a shot at gaining power, just so that the Lin Kuei may never be under anyone’s foot ever again. Don’t you see Tomas?’ You stepped towards him, watching his every expression morph into one of anger, hurt and denial. He knew you were right but was just too scared to admit that such a thing could be possible.
‘Under Bi-Han’s rule the Lin Kuei will be seen as a threat. He’ll become a tyrant of his own making.’ You were just about to place your hands upon his arms when Tomas took a step back, retching himself from your grasp, causing the hurt to strike itself even further into your heart.
‘You know nothing about my brother.’ Tomas snapped, something he very rarely did. ‘So don’t go pretending that you know him better then I do, like you know his character and then go and boldly accuse him of high treason just because you had a hunch. I’d much rather prefer you admit that you disliked Bi-Han and left it at that.’ Tomas then looked at you with utter disgust before showing you his back. ‘But I guess that too much of a tall ask. I’m going on that mission, and when I get back I don’t want you waiting for me, I want you gone.’ He said before then making his exit out the room, leaving you no opportunity to speak as you then collapsed onto the floor, placing your hand where your heart lied within you; desperate to stop it from shattering as you silently wept.
‘I’m sorry Tomas but I am not leaving until til I know you’re okay.’ You whispered before leaving the room yourself and headed off to bed to sleep the away the disaster that had been today…
‘You we’re right. Bi-Han betrayed us. Kuai Liang confined in me that he even admitted to willingly letting our father die.’ Tomas was happy that you didn’t actually leave, he knew you wouldn’t but some part of him had thought that you would’ve tempted the idea, given how horrid he had treated you. He wouldn’t even blame you if he had came back to a cold and empty home, he truly didn’t deserve you, not even a little bit. If he could go back and smack some sense into himself and tell him to put more faith in you and your words he would, but he guessed that was the whole point to life. ‘I’m sorry.’ Tomas said as he looked towards you with his sad puppy eyes. ‘I should’ve listened to you but instead i dismissed you and said some things that you should never say to a loved one. There’s no excuse for how I acted but I can only hope that in due time you’ll come to forgive me.’
Whilst furious as you were that he didn’t listen, you couldn’t bring yourself to express your disappointment, you did not want to kick him when he’s already down. ‘It’s nice of you to acknowledge when you’re wrong, but i must admit that I too am sorry for the way I acted during our fight.’ Tomas furrowed his brows as he placed one of his hands onto yours, squeezing it. ‘What do you mean? Everything you’ve said about Bi-Han was proven true. He was an ambitious tyrant who was biding his time to show his true colours.’ He then sighed, bowing his head before muttering under his breath. ‘He even gave Kuai Liang a scar as a reminder of his deceit.’ The way the words left his mouth, so full of venom and unbridled anger was enough to tell you that Tomas felt partially responsible for Bi-Han’s betrayal.
Even though he wasn’t here to torment him, Bi-Han still found a way to get inside Tomas’ head and you fucking hated it. However you managed to kept yourself composed for this wasn’t about you, but instead about Tomas and comforting him. ‘You didn’t know any better and you were defending your brother like any good sibling should.’ You told him, grasping onto his hand tightly. ‘Admittedly I had crossed the line, forgetting how closely you held Kuai Liang and Bi-Han to your chest. They’re your family and I went ahead and insulted that, all because I had grown worried for you and Kuai Liang. So much so that I had forgotten that Bi-Han is your brother too.’
You looked at Tomas, who was staring straight forwards now. ‘Bi-Han was my brother but not anymore.’
‘You don’t mean that Tomas.’ You uttered softly, reaching a free hand out to grasp the side of his face and gently guided his head so that he was looking at you. ‘I do’ he told you, tired eyes looking deep into your own. ‘For all I’m aware Bi-Han is dead to me. I don’t understand why he would do such a thing, why he would betray tradition, betray us, his own brothers!’ At this point Tomas had begun sobbing and without missing a beat, you held him tightly into your chest as his strong arms held you in place, holding on ever tighter despite your hushed whispers of never leaving him. You continued to stroke his hair as his voice- while muffled- kept saying things along the lines of, ‘Why?’ Or ‘Why did you do it Bi-Han?’ Yet the longer this continued for the more you heard things along the lines of, ‘Was it something I did?’ But the one that broke your heart the most was; ‘Was I not a good enough brother for you?’
You remained silent through it all, only wanting for Tomas to release everything that had had been wanting to say to Bi-Han for a very long time. You even pressed a couple of kisses to his hair as to remind him that you were with him no matter how rough the road ahead looked. You didn’t care whether you had fights in the future because that was a natural part of life, you’re not always going to get along or stay in the honeymoon period forever; you’re both humans who had flaws, how had tempers, who had moments of weakness and vulnerability but that’s the beauty of being human. You may wish to take away all of Tomas’ pain but you also come to realise that he must experience pain to overcome it.
Which he would, you thought to yourself as you continued to soothingly rub his broad back, kiss his face and head whilst whispering words of comfort into his ear as his arms continued to tighten their hold on your waist, afraid that you might disappear on him. ‘I’m not going anywhere Tomas, not now, not ever.’ You reminded him as he pulled his head away from your chest, red eyed and with tear streaked cheeks.
‘You mean that?’ He croaked, desperate to hear you say that you’ll never leave him, he needed you in his time of need, he quite literally needed you to properly function at this point.
‘Yes.’ You replied without an ounce of hesitation before pressing your head up against his, feeling his uneven breaths brush against your face. ‘You’re safe with me Tomas. I promise, we’ll get our revenge on Bi-Han for all that he has done to you and Kuai Liang, his deeds won’t go unpunished.’
‘I love you.’ Tomas said sweetly, making you smile for the first time that night.
‘I love you too Tomas.’ You replied in kind, watching as his face visibly relaxed from your words, his eyes fluttered shut as a small smile graced his lips. For a man who had been crying just moments earlier, he sure as hell looked ethereal in his brief happiness. Now if only you could make that happiness last for a lifetime.
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dotster001 · 1 year
I came running once I saw requests were open. Can I please get househusband Riddle, Leona, Cater, Deuce, and Kalim? Ty! Love your work.
3k follower Masterlist
Part One part three
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Obviously, there's no world where this man starts out as a househusband. He's a highly paid Doctor to start out. Then you two adopt a baby. After his own childhood, he wants to give a child a chance that he didn't have. While You're both working, you still have more time to spend with the baby. When Riddle finds out he misses the baby's first words, he puts in his two weeks immediately.
He's still strict, but it's in a much more manageable way. He is a good tutor though, so all the neighborhood kids come to him for homework advice. Eventually, at the behest of some very stressed neighborhood moms, he starts a homeschool group.
The house is always spick and span, everything is in place. The home, and everything in it is white or red, looking very professional.
Every meal includes the proper portions of each food group. But there's also a rather sumptuous strawberry dessert at the end of every meal. He asked Trey to teach him as many recipes as he can. But that means…some of them look really good, but every once in a while, one looks like a gooey mess. It still tastes good, but he feels self conscious about it.
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Like Idia, he's only technically a househusband. He's an influencer, and he works from home. But according to his sisters, that's not a job, so call him what you will 😡
As much as he insists he's not a househusband, he sure acts like it. He says it's for his magicam, but you've caught him dutifully icing a cake with no camera present.
Like Riddle, he's super color coordinated, there's just much more variety of colors. And every room is designed in a way that can be "cammable" at a moment's notice.
He drives to your work everyday with a bagged lunch, and makes you eat with him. He never skips a day, even if he's sick. And he always adds a cutie element, like cutting your sandwich into shapes, or drawing a picture on the bag.
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He's a trophy househusband. Not doing anything. He hires a maid and a butler using his leftover allowance from his time living with his brother.
He's never worked a day in his life, and doesn't intend to start now.if you confront him about his laziness and spending habits, he'll say something like, "Baby, my job is to be here and look pretty when you get home. If you no longer want to be cuddled, then I can start doing housework." Obviously, that's not what you want.
Tbh you have no idea what he even does all day. You leave and come back hours later to him in the same spot and same position.
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He's average.but like, in a good way.
He puts 110% effort into everything. He likes to cook, but he has a 75% success rate. He's decent at cleaning, but he breaks stuff from time to time. Sometimes it's been three days and he remembers he's supposed to walk your overweight dog everyday.
But he's so happy to do what he does. And it's human to make mistakes. Plus, Everytime you forgive him for one, he goes husband mode, and makes out with you hard. (It used to be delinquent mode, but then he realized he could use it to his advantage)
He's still a rascal, still picks fights with some of the neighbors over how he can keep the grass as tall as he wants, still gets into trouble when Ace comes over to visit. But he's less likely to beat someone up so bad that you need to bail him out again
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*Sighs* a part of you knows that this might be a game to him. But you can't really blame him.
He has enough money that neither of you would have to work in your life. But for whatever reason, you feel the need to. Perhaps it's you also playing the game.
See, someday he has to take over his father's business. So you think that's why he wants to play house right now. Because he knows one day he won't get the chance.
Jamil lives in the guestroom, and does his best not to ruin the immersion. You can usually tell who cooked dinner that day (no offense Kalim) But other than that, Kalim gets left to his own devices.
He's the kind that will wake you up at three in the morning to tell you he reorganized the kitchen. When you go to look the next morning, half of it's a disaster, the other half just doesn't make sense. But he's so proud, and waiting for you to tell him he did a good job, so he'll keep doing it.
He's also the kind that you come home, and he has a whole litter of puppies, with a pout on his face as he begs if you can keep them 🥺
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da-rulah · 3 months
Could you please do fan fic where Copia is gay or/and with a ftm(female to male) trans guy?
This has been on my mind since you requested it, and I apologise it's taken so long. Can you believe I missed out on writing this during PRIDE MONTH!? What a twat. I apologise. Usual stuff; work/life balance, writing for my big fics etc. etc but you had me at 'gay copia'. I hope you enjoy...
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18+, MDNI! CW/ MxM, soft smut, comfort, gay sex, anal fingering, anal penetration, hand job, cumming inside, this is soppy as shit and I love it fight me.
OH MY GOD there's art to go with this now... Thank you so much to my incredibly talented bestie, @delulluart for this stunning pencil drawing. (Warning, it's NSFW... of course.)
Tagging my usual tag list, but if this kind of thing isn't for you, then that's absolutely fine. 💕
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Do you know how tiring it is to always be in command? To always be the figure of authority? Copia does. There's no escape from it... He has no choice but to be the figurehead of the ministry, the one everybody turns to for help, for advice, for relief...
How was he ever supposed to feel relief? Who would take care of his stresses? Who would allow him the space to just let go?
Today, he practically crawls back into his chambers, just grateful to be in a place he can call his own again. No disturbances or expectations; just peace to unwind. Except, he wasn't alone. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
As soon as he shuts the door behind him, there he is; his lover, Brother Adan, stepping from the bedroom to greet him in his living space.
"Hello handsome," he smirks, his eyes soft with adoration. "I saw your schedule today, figured you may want to see me?"
He was correct; Copia very much wanted to see him.
"You always know what I want before I do, eh?" Copia chuckles, slumping back against the door. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long..."
"You know I wouldn't mind if you did," he shrugs, walking over to Copia and wrapping his arms around his soft waist. "What do you need tonight, Papa? Cuddles and computer games, or do you need to uh... release your frustrations?"
Copia thought for a moment. He wasn't sure he had the energy, and frankly, he'd been commanding his clergy around all damn day. The last thing he wanted to do was come home and be the picture of dominance again. He wanted to be taken care of, to be reminded what it was like to let someone else take control. But in the arrangement Copia had with his Adan, they had never reversed the roles like that.
He was sure that he was capable, no doubt about that, but it just so happened that the natural roles of their situationship had made Copia the giver, and Adan the receiver. He hesitated, wondering if it might sound silly to request he give up his Papa authority for the night.
"Papa, what is it?" Adan asked, concerned. He could clearly see the inner battle going on behind his bewitching eyes.
"I... was wondering if..." Copia stutters, stumbling over his words like a fool. "If you would... maybe, eh... take control, tonight?" Adan tilts his head in question, the request sinking in.
"You mean... take care of you?" he smiles, running his fingertips through Copia's greying and overgrown hair. Copia nods meekly, unable to look him in the eye. "Oh, Copia... Don't feel any shame for that. Of course I can. You must be so tired of being in command all the time, hm?"
Copia meets his eyes, full of understanding and compassion. "Sí..."
"I'm sorry I never offered this before. You must have thought I was only happy to bottom, hm?" Adan chuckled. "I just thought that's what you wanted, but I can do both, my love." Adan moves the hand still around Copia's waist to his gloved hand, lacing his fingers with his own. "Come on, come and lay down with me."
Adan slowly leads Copia into the bedroom, gently as if guiding an exhausted gazelle to a watering hole. Copia could already feel himself sinking into a role of submission, tension beginning to drain from his shoulders from the relief of being allowed the space to fall.
Without a word, Adan sat him at the end of the bed, crouching down at his feet to remove his shoes and socks one at a time. Copia sat and watched, dumbfounded, as Adan meticulously and slowly undressed him layer by layer, until he was sat completely nude and vulnerable. Then as Adan stood upright and stepped back, he held eye contact with Copia, sweet and playful, as he too undressed himself.
"Lay back, Copia," he instructed, crawling onto the bed beside him and following until they both lay on the pillows, Copia on his back and staring innocently into Adan's eyes who lay on his side, propped up by his elbow.
Adan began to trace his fingertips over Copia's bare chest, running through the salt and pepper chest hair over his pecks and down across his stomach, only to tease as he got lower by retreating back up. Copia gulped, his bare hands balling into fists at his sides to refrain from moving. Adan didn't miss the way his cock, laying heavy and soft against his hip, had begun to fill out just from the lightest of touches.
Adan's hand travelled down the length of Copia's torso one more time, before retreating and coming to cradle his cheek and pull him towards him for a deep, slow kiss. Copia moaned immediately, gripping the sheets below him. His mind went blank, any and all stress from the day clearing out only to be replaced by fog.
As they lost themselves in their slow kiss, tongues marrying together deliciously, Adan reached his hand down one more time, finally reaching for Copia's length and palming him against his thigh. It hadn't taken long, but both men were completely erect, enjoying the sensual nature of their embrace.
As soon as Adan's hand finally wrapped around Copia's shaft, his jaw went slack, a moan rumbling from within. Adan kept kissing him, unbothered that Copia had stopped and only wanting to continue to please his Papa.
"Is this enough, my love? Or do you wish for more tonight?" he asked, wanting to give Copia the experience he needed tonight, utterly selflessly.
"Per favore, amore... will you fill me? I-It's been so long since I've felt that," he gasped, stuttering while Adan's hand worked him in long, languid strokes.
"Of course, sweet thing. Let me prep you first, hm? We can't rush this..."
"Sí, sí," Copia babbled, allowing Adan to roll him over onto his front and spread his knees just enough. Copia kept supplies in his bedside cabinet for convenience since Adan began staying the night a lot more often, and so Adan reached for the bottle of lubrication he knew he'd need.
He still lay beside Copia, wanting him to feel secure, loved and comforted by his body pressing into his, still able to deliver kisses and praises directly to Copia's ear.
He began with one finger, allowing the slick digit to circle Copia's already fluttering rim before he attempted to dip inside. Copia felt incredibly relaxed already, but with the stimulation to his hole he was struggling all the more to keep his hips still against the bed, rutting his erection into the mattress. Adan just smiled at his responsive partner, knowing he was already feeling the pleasure he'd intended.
With an extra drizzle of lubrication, Adan began to press his fingertip into Copia, slowly to accommodate the stretch that he certainly wasn't used to these days. Copia groaned in pleasure, his eyes squeezing shut as he buried half his face in the pillow below him. His paints were going to transfer to the sheets, but that was a problem for later. He needed grounding in that moment.
Adan did his best to work Copia open with just the one finger at first, eventually adding two. All the while, Copia was losing his mind at the sensation. So close to his prostate, and yet, not enough for stimulation; it was winding him up, building a knot of dull tension in his abdomen.
With some time, Adan was able to use three fingers, widening the gap for himself to fit neatly inside when the time came. Copia's groans and whines were muffled by his pillow, and yet each one travelled straight down to Adan's cock, which Copia could feel against his hip while he toyed with his hole.
"A-Adan, please..." Copia begged, professing that he was ready without having to say the words.
"Shhh, it's okay Copia. I've got you," he soothed, retracting his fingers and rolling Copia onto his side so he faced away from him. He reached for the lube again, this time coating his own length generously, before dribbling more where Copia would need him. "We'll take it slow, hm?"
"Yes, yes, just please... I need you, Adan..." Adan chuckled a little at that, sliding his palm between Copia's thighs so he could lift one and allow him the room to line his tip up with Copia's hole.
The initial stretch was uncomfortable, but not entirely unpleasant thanks to Adan's careful preparation. And still, he was gentle, giving Copia plenty of time to get used to him inch by inch. Already, Adan was becoming drunk on the gasps and moans that spilled from Copia's lips, and he couldn't help but press kisses to his neck, nipping gently at the skin whil his hands squeezed Copia's thigh in an attempt to control his own pleasures. It had been a while for Adan too, to feel the tightness of another man around him. Fuck, how he missed it...
Copia gained some confidence, rocking his hips back into Adan's and reaching his arm back to hold his hips in place to bounce against. Adan groaned against Copia's shoulder, losing himself to the passion of the moment too.
After a little while, he could take it no longer, rolling Copia to have his back pressed to his chest and sitting himself up enough to grip tightly onto the back of Copia's neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss as he pistoned his hips deep into him. Copia lifted his leg for a better angle, wrapping his own arm around Adan's bicep and holding on tightly as he groaned into the kiss, each thrust audibly stuttering his moans.
The pair were completely wrapped up in each other, losing themselves together. Adan's grip on Copia's neck tightened, before dropping down to press into Copia's stomach and digging his fingertips into the softness of his belly. Fucking hell, Adan loved his body, soft and warm in his grip. He could feel the way his stomach turned into rolls each time he thrusted into him, Copia curling up tightly each time.
With every upward thrust, Copia's prostate was throbbing with pleasure, his cock bouncing from the force of Adan's movements and aching from the lack of contact. He could only whine at the feeling of being so close, so fucking close, that he thought his entire body was about to burst.
He wanted to beg, to plead, to tell Adan how much he adored him, how much he needed this but just the thought of parting their heated kiss as he fucked into him was regretful. but it was Adan who parted first, grunting and growling in a way Copia rarely heard from him. He was about to cum deep inside his Papa, unable to stop himself and so his pace picked up, determined to finish Copia off before himself.
He reached his hand down to wrap his deft fingers around Copia's shaft, beginning to pump him to completion while he hammered into his prostate. Copia cried out, his nails digging into Adan's arm as his eyes rolled back into his head and his body lost it's fight to stay composed. Copia's cock jerked in Adan's hand, thick ropes of warm cum erupting onto his own stomach with the last remnants dribbling down Adan's fist. The sight and sound alone was enough to finish Adan off, his rhythm falling off as he shot his own load deep inside Copia.
Adan stilled, enjoying the last few minutes of connection sheathed inside Copia's warmth as the two of them came down from their highs, heavy breaths and gentle whimpers filling the silence. Copia's eyes fluttered open, searching Adan's who seemed to be doing the same - asking a silent question, or confessing a silent thought.
"I think... I think I am I love with you, Adan..." Copia whispered, losing his confidence the moment he uttered a syllable. Neither of them had expected something quite this serious when their arrangement began, but there was no denying the electricity between them.
Adan just grinned, once again holding Copia close to him by the back of his neck, his fingers playing with the sweat dampened locks of hair at the nape.
"And it would seem, Papa, I'm in love with you too," he admitted, not a moment of hesitation now he knew where Copia was too. The two men shared a soft kiss, longing for one another as if they weren't as close as could possibly be right then.
"I suggest a nice, soothing, hot bath to recover, hm? Let the stress just melt away, together?" Adan proposed, stroking the hair from Copia's forehead. He could only nod in response, too tired and drunk on him to form words. "I'll be right back, my love."
With a kiss to the tip of Copia's barely painted nose, Adan gently removed himself from his side and made his way into the bathroom to run a hot bath filled with salts and essential oils to soothe his poor Papa's body and mind.
The two of them spent the evening in the bath together, Copia enveloped in the warmth of the water and his lover behind him. He'd never been so cared for, so loved by another than he was with Adan around. Suddenly, the burden of being Papa didn't feel quite so heavy anymore...
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Impossible Choice (55) (End)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, giving birth, breastfeeding kink, mention of trauma, violence ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
I am touched, this is my longest story, my beloved child, my beloved couple. This story of mine was probably the most successful and brought me a lot of joy, your involvement made me want to keep writing. I feel like I'm ending at the right moment, just as I wanted, and I hope you won't be disappointed. I remind those in despair that I still have stories from The Impossible Choice AU to write. I also recommend reading Brother, Lover, Son and The Pearl and The Sapphire, because these are also stories from this universe. Thank you all for such a wonderful response!
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She wasn't sure she'd ever been as horrified in her life as she was when she realised her husband had lied to her – after he left the wedding feast, as she waited for him in his chamber, she finally asked the guards standing at her door if they knew where he was.
They looked at her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.
She understood that her husband had hidden something from her, that he had planned something and left her.
Her head was buzzing with his words that he had said her before he left, she could see his gaze, his lower lip trembling.
You know that I love you.
Only then did she realise it was a kind of farewell.
A farewell in case he didn't come back.
She felt as she had that night when his army had set out with her father to the Eyrie, only for her to suffer such a painful loss.
She began to cry loudly, terrified, unable to calm herself, her child in her womb moving restlessly, sensing her condition. She was unable to fall asleep, but she was also too tired to think logically in the morning so she persisted in lethargy, breathing hard, recoiling at every louder sound, hoping it was him.
Finally the door opened and he stood there, his white hair, his face, his hands, his armour all in blood.
She covered her face with her hands trying not to scream, horrified at the thought that it could have been his own blood, that he was wounded, and just stared at him with big eyes, unable to get a word out.
There was a kind of emptiness and weariness in his gaze.
He approached her slowly and the door closed quietly behind him. He knelt in front of her with a loud clatter of his steel armour and embraced her gently, cuddling his cheek against her abdomen.
"It's done." He whispered in a hoarse, low voice while looking somewhere in the distance, and she felt a constriction in her stomach mixed with relief and horror.
It's done.
Her lip trembled as an involuntary question escaped her lips.
"Are they dead?"
Her husband swallowed hard and clenched his eyes as her hands stroked his hair.
He seeked comfort in her arms, consolation, an escape from what he had done, what he would have to face every day from now on.
She didn't ask him anything else.
She didn't ask him how they died, who killed them, if they suffered much.
She didn't want to know that.
She didn't want to think about it.
"You must take a bath, my love." She whispered, kissing the top of his head. He sighed quietly, as if relieved, as if afraid that the scale of his act, the enormity of the sin he had brought with him would make her push him away.
She knew he needed her like never before.
She did not let him out of her arms, letting him snuggle into her womb as she called their servants and ordered them to prepare a tub of hot water. As they did so she combed her fingers through his hair, whispering to him that he was brave, that there was no other way, that he had protected her and their child, his family, that he had to do this.
She told him everything he needed to hear to keep him from going mad with despair.
She felt his tears on the skin of her arms, felt that his body was shaking, that the realisation of what he had done was slowly reaching his mind along with the adrenaline and overwhelm leaving his body.
"– Joffrey –" He muttered and pressed his lips together in an attempt to hold back the feeling that was building up inside him, and then he burst out sobbing.
She felt a squeeze in her throat at the thought of that little boy, at the thought that both he and she knew he was a child who had nothing to do with these events, was no different from Jaehaerys.
"− shhh − I know − I know − I know, my beloved − I am with you −" She whispered and leaned towards him so as to enclose him in the embrace of her body, his head pressed from the side to her abdomen and from the top to her breasts, her hands stroking his neck and wet cheeks, her lips kissing his hair.
Slowly he began to calm down, ashamed of his weakness and what he had shown her. As he stepped into the tub of hot water at last he let out a loud gasp of air, as if he didn't believe he was back.
That he was alive.
Just as she had done before, just as she had done then, at the beginning of their marriage, she began by washing his head, the blood from his hair and body staining the water red. She felt him lift his hand back and run his fingertips over her arm, as if he needed to feel the touch of her body, needed to be physically reassured that she was with him, that he was not alone.
She knew he was scared, that what he had done was crushing him and that she needed to be there for him.
She tried not to think about it, to push the doubt and remorse away, knowing that she had to be his pillar, his strength, that he could not see hesitation in her. He needed to feel that he had made the right choice, that she did not despise him, that nothing had changed.
After his bath, she helped him get dressed in clean clothes. Even though it was morning and they should be eating their morning meal, she led him to their bed holding his hand, and lay down with him.
"Try to sleep, my dearest. I will be with you all the time." She said softly.
He hummed under his breath and nodded, laying down beside her, cuddling his face between her breasts. She placed her chin in his hair, embracing him tightly, stroking him, and began to quietly sing him the lullaby her mother used to hum to her when she was a child.
She felt his tense body slowly relax, felt him cry again, and then after a time that lasted an eternity for her he finally fell into a restless sleep.
Word of Aegon's severe burns reached her quickly and she decided to visit him with her husband, knowing better than anyone else what he was going through. As they walked into his chamber Helaena was watching over him, rising from his bed and smiling at them.
Aegon's face was almost entirely covered in bandages and she felt an involuntary tightening in her heart at the sight.
Despite what he had done, she felt sorry for him.
"How are you feeling, brother?" She asked softly and he glanced at her, warmth in his gaze by the way she called him. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Not only am I disgusting on the inside, now I'm disgusting on the outside." He laughed, but no one responded to his words. They spoke with each other for a while, and then Aegon surprised her with his words.
"I would like to speak with my brother."
She and Helaena left his chamber and moved ahead with a slow step – now that she knew it was over, that nothing threatened them anymore, she suddenly felt a gigantic relief, as if she realised that she was safe, that she could calm down at last. She looked at her companion.
"Is he good for you now?" She asked. Helaena looked at her with dreamy eyes.
"Yes. Yes, a lot has changed in him. I regret that it is only now, but… well, I am glad that after the death of our son, me and my daughter find comfort in his arms." She said quietly, looking around, distracted, immersed in her own thoughts. She involuntarily smiled at her words.
"I'm really glad."
She decided not to return to her husband's chamber, but to visit Royce and his new wife. She reasoned that since the danger had passed, she no longer needed to fear anything and lock herself in his quarters like a prison.
She stood outside her brother's chambers and asked the guard to announce her. The man went inside, and after a moment came out and said that Lord and Lady Baratheon would welcome her.
She went inside with a smile, stroking her swollen abdomen contentedly – Royce stood up, extending his hands to her, and they threw themselves into each other's arms, embracing each other tightly.
"I've heard about what they have done. Gods, why didn't they tell me anything?" He asked, glancing at her, and she sighed heavily.
"I suspect it was all about the surprise effect. My Lady. My congratulations on your nuptials." She said softly and nodded at the young woman who stood up from the table, her dark hair braided, a grey-blue long, simple gown with wide sleeves on her body.
She wore no jewellery.
Even so, she must have found the expression on her face pleasing, her mouth was full as was her shapes.
"Thank you, my Lady." She answered her and also nodded. She glanced at her husband, moving towards the entrance.
"I'll leave you alone. Husband." She said lowly and calmly, nodding at him, embarrassment and something she couldn't decipher ran across Royce's face. When she left, they both sat down at the table, Royce grunting away while combing his hair quickly with his hand.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion. I just wanted to make sure you were feeling well." She said, looking at him intently, unsure if he was happy or not.
"Oh, I feel well." He said quickly, pouring himself a cup of wine and grunting loudly. She blinked, looking at him intensely.
"Are you content?" She asked finally. He lifted his gaze to her and pressed his lower lip tight. He sighed and ran his hand over his face.
"I…I've had close-ups with various women, but she…gods, I don't even know how to put it, I've never experienced anything like this. She's very experienced, I can only tell you that much." He mumbled and she saw with surprise and amusement that he was all red – he had trouble looking into her face, clearly overwhelmed by the memories of his last night.
"So… you're content." She finished at last. He pressed his lips together and grunted again.
"I…yes, I think so."
When she returned to her husband's chamber he was already waiting for her, sitting in a chair right by the fire, his eye piercing her, focused and anxious.
"Where have you been?" He asked coolly. She sighed quietly, approaching him slowly – her abdomen was still swelling, and she was getting tired of walking more and more quickly, but sitting wasn't any more comfortable for her.
"I visited my brother. He is pleased with his new wife." She said softly and touched his hand with her fingers. "I thought that since my husband has ensured that the danger has passed, I could visit him."
He looked at her watchfully, and after a moment he hummed under his breath, nodding, accepting her words and explanation. His gaze fled to the fire again, her hand on his skin.
"What did your brother want?"
Her husband was silent for a long time, his whole body as tense as a string. He swallowed loudly, running his fingers over his chin.
"He said he wants to relinquish the throne to me." He said lowly, and she looked at him in shock, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad. "That as he is now, he cannot rule the kingdom or represent it physically."
There was a silence between them full of tension – his gaze finally lifted to her, wanting to see her reaction.
"Did you agree?" She asked quietly.
She had the feeling that his gaze was piercing her deeply, that he knew her enough to be aware of her every doubt, her every thought.
His silence seemed to last her an eternity.
She blinked, opening and closing her mouth, looking at him in disbelief.
She felt a sense of relief.
"Why?" She asked in shock. He murmured under his breath, stretching out his hand on the armrest, straightening and clenching his fingers as he always did when he was thinking hard about something.
"Because I promised the gods that if they spared you I would give up my hopes for the crown. They kept you alive then, in Harrenhal, and they kept you alive in the Red Keep. I have grown to think that the gods do not want me to be king. My current role suits me. As the Hand of the King and Prince Regent, I will rule in his name until his condition improves. I told him I want something else in return." He said, entwining their fingers together, stroking her soft, warm skin with his thumb.
She felt heat in her heart at his words, at the thought that he still remembered that vow, that he truly believed that through his sacrifice the gods were watching over her.
"And what do you want?" She asked softly, and he lifted his gaze to her, a disturbing glint in his eye.
When they finally moved to Dragonstone she walked with difficulty, the heat was unbearable for her and she demanded a cool bath as soon as they reached the place. Before their arrival, her husband had the chamber in the underground where Luke was last seen completely cleaned and sealed.
When she finally sank into the icy water she breathed a loud sigh of relief, her husband strolling through their chamber with evident satisfaction.
She knew that he had at last won a coveted inheritance, something to pass on to his descendants that was his, that he had been waiting for this moment all his life.
When he looked at her at last she smiled at him.
He hummed under his breath and approached her unhurriedly with his hands folded behind his back, gazing intently at the indistinct outline of her body that he could see beneath the sheet of water.
He knelt by the tub and took her hand in his, pressing it to his lips. He stroked her wet skin with his thumb and let the air out quietly through his nose.
"Just a few more weeks." He whispered, and she nodded.
She saw him press his lips together, looking at her – she knew what he was thinking about, she knew what he feared.
He was afraid that she would die.
That she had not been taken from him by fire or by an assassin, but would be ripped from him by her labour, just as it had taken wives from husbands for hundreds of years, just as it had taken Aemma from his father.
She stroked his face, seeing his worry and tension.
"Be of good cheer, my beloved." She whispered tenderly and he nodded, kissing her hand again.
She did not want to be alone at such a difficult time and asked that Cassandra come to Dragonstone to keep her company. Helaena and Alicent had also announced their passage, so that she was not as afraid.
She felt her first intense contractions at the table when they were eating supper together, as they did every day.
Her husband was telling her about a new book he had read and she listened contentedly until a wave of pain went through her body. She dropped her cup and rose suddenly, catching her stomach, her husband froze in mid-motion.
"What's happening?" He asked terrified, unable to move for a moment.
"I think it's starting." She muttered, and then felt something warm run down her thighs.
She began to cry in his arms as he carried her to their chamber, for Cassandra, Helaena and Alicent were only due to arrive in two days. True, the midwives and maids were by her side, but it wasn't the same.
"I don't want to be alone." She whined quietly and he looked at her despairingly, laying her down on the bed, the women around her began to untie her gown to help her.
"…do you want me to stay with you?" He asked uncertainly, and she swallowed with difficulty and wept loudly, feeling another powerful spasm.
He turned his face away, unable to look at her suffering, not knowing how to behave, not having any knowledge of these women's affairs that always took place behind closed doors.
"Get out." She said finally, grabbing her stomach – she felt him throw her a shocked, uncertain look. "Get out, I don't want you to look at this."
She exhaled, not wanting him to be disgusted with her, so that later, thinking of her, all he could see was that sight, the sight of a ripped flesh full of sweat, blood and bodily fluids.
He, however, did not move from his place, his hands clenched into fists, horror in his gaze.
He didn't know what to do.
She didn't have the strength to think about it, hot sweat was running down her whole body, she felt like she was on fire. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was finally left in just her nightgown, one of the servants put a pillow under her back and another applied a cold compress to her forehead.
The midwife sat down in front of her, parting her legs with her hands, peering between her thighs.
"When I tell you, my Lady, you will begin to push. Do you understand?" She asked softly.
She imagined with tears in her eyes that this strange woman was her mother, and that the servant rubbing her forehead was her sister, and nodded quickly.
Without even looking at him, she knew that her husband was still standing by their bed.
She felt relief and horror, gratitude and rage at the same time.
The pain and contractions began to become more intense and followed each other faster and faster, her heart pounding like mad, her whole body in readiness for the tremendous effort that awaited her.
She wondered if she would survive it.
"Push, my Lady!" The woman called out, and she clenched her eyes shut and, with a loud whine of effort, tried to force her child out of herself. She felt something move inside her and she threw her head back, panting heavily, hot tears running down her cheeks.
"Very well. Breathe, my Lady, deep, full breaths." The woman spoke to her, and she nodded, trying to focus only on her breathing, on the way the air flowed through her chest.
"Push!" She called out again, and she clenched her hands on the bedclothes around her and cried out loudly, feeling the searing pain, her baby's head trying to squeeze through her tight walls.
She fell backwards panting all over, heard a sudden movement beside her, her husband's hand tightened on hers, his gesture of support and terror, his gesture of closeness, his sign that he was there for her.
"Yes, just like that. And again. Push!"
It felt like it went on forever – she was one big sweaty, weeping mess.
She clenched her fingers on his hand so tightly that she felt like she was going to break his fingers, her heart pounding like crazy.
"I can already see the head, my Lady! Just a little more! Push!" She squeezed her eyes shut and a whined in effort and pain as she made her body to force her offspring out.
Suddenly she felt something flow out of her, a lightness and relief filled her, the midwife caught something red in her arms.
"There he is, my Lady, look what a beautiful baby boy!" She said, wrapping the small creature all smeared with blood in a clean white cloth, wiping him slowly. She laughed with joy and relief as she looked at her child's face.
Her son had dark Baratheon hair.
She turned her head towards her husband, wanting to see his reaction, his joy at the sight of their child, but she saw that he was crying without even looking in that direction, his wet cheek pressed against her hand, his fingers clenched on her skin trembling all over.
She felt her heart squeeze at the thought that he was rejoicing that she had been alive.
When their first shock had passed, when she had been changed into a clean nightgown and the bedclothes had been changed, when she had lain back in bed, her son had at last been given to her. He already had his first bath, wrapped in a warm, bright blanket, his tiny arms and legs squirming vigorously when he felt her proximity, as if he recognised her immediately.
She felt a bond, a love, a tenderness, looking at his little chubby pink face, his scent wonderful and addictive.
She looked up contentedly and saw her husband's proud look, an almost invisible smirk on his face. He stood over her with his arms folded behind his back, preferring not to touch such a small creature for the time being, watching his interaction with his mother.
They had agreed that if a girl was born she would name her, and if a boy was born, he would name him.
She knew exactly what name he had chosen, but she asked him anyway.
It was only at night, when they were finally alone, that her husband lay down beside them in just his shirt, looking intently at the little being sleeping in her arms. She cradled him looking at him with tenderness, thinking that he was the most beautiful child she had ever seen in her life.
"He has your eyes." She whispered and he hummed with contentment at her words as he carefully put his arm around them, pressing his temple against her forehead. She felt him place a kiss on her cheek and on her jaw, felt him inhale her scent.
"You were so brave, sweet wife. I have never been more proud of you." He whispered tenderly, and she felt the heat spread through her heart. She looked up at him, brushing the tip of her nose against his and they kissed, warmly, softly, their lips moist and swollen.
They spent the next few weeks getting used to the changes in their lives – her wounds healed slowly and after only a few days she was able to get up, much to the displeasure of her husband, who wanted her to avoid straining herself.
The cold stone walls of Dragonstone suddenly became cosier when the baby's babbling filled them, their son was loud and constantly laughing, overjoyed at their constant presence.
Her husband didn't want to be like his father, and though he was afraid to pick Daeron up, he often looked in on him just to touch him, to make sure he was safe.
She saw him watching out of the corner of his eye as she fed their son, finding it a very intimate and private sight, his wife holding his heir at her breast, giving him life, tending to his legacy.
She knew he craved her, saw the way he gazed greedily at her breasts, but dared not demand anything of her after seeing their son tear her flesh.
However, when her wounds had healed and she was no longer in discomfort, when she told him he could touch her, he threw himself at her like mad, his tongue deep in her throat, his hands ripping her nightgown from her body.
They were both panting loudly, kissing each other greedily with a sticky, wet click as she felt him grab her hips and settle her on top of him, quickly untying his breeches – they didn't have time to be embarrassed by how much they needed it, that they just wanted to fuck.
"If I don't fill you soon I'll die, sweet wife." He gasped affectionately, his voice trembling with desire – she kissed him again, clamping her hand in his hair, the other guiding the swollen head of his erection to her puffy slit entrance, slowly lowering herself onto him.
They both moaned piteously loudly, his hips beginning to impale her on his manhood again and again, filling her with himself, shivers of pleasure and heat passing through her.
She pressed her forehead against his, rising and falling against onto him, their bodies slapping against each other hard and fast, the lewd clicks of their shared moisture echoing through their chamber.
"− can I taste you? − " He whispered so quietly that for a moment she wasn't sure she heard it – his hand involuntarily cupped her full breast filled to the brim with milk. She mewled in pleasure as she felt him begin to play with her nipple in his mouth.
"− yes −" She exhaled and moaned loudly, aroused by this perverse act, his lips clamped tightly around her nipple began to suckle, she heard the loud sound of him swallowing.
She clenched her hand in his hair pressing his face closer to her, feeling her walls begin to throb against his length that he pushed into her body with each of his deep thrusts.
She was embarrassed by how surprisingly pleasurable it was.
"− oh, Aemond − yes −" She mewled as she struggled to fall and rise on top of him, their bodies slapping against each other with each violent slam of their flesh, his lips pulled away from her nipple with a loud plop, he licked his lips as he looked at her with a misty gaze.
"− so fucking delicious −" He breathed out and she whimpered softly, feeling his words between her thighs, not having the opportunity to answer him, his lips pressed against her other breast, repeating everything from the beginning, her nails tightened and ran over his naked back, she heard his loud purr of pleasure between the loud sounds of swallowed milk.
"− Aemond − it feels so good − oh gods −" She cried out loudly and tilted her head back, coming harder than ever in her life. He moaned low into her breast without releasing i from his mouth – she felt his hot spend spill inside her a moment later.
She wasn't sure she had ever experienced such an intense, long orgasm before.
He finally released her breast from his mouth, pressing his face to her chest, panting along with her. She stroked his hair, kissing the top of his head, purring with delight as she felt his manhood pulsing inside her in fulfilment.
"− will you let me do it again? −" He asked in a trembling voice full of embarrassment and guilt, as if he had done something lewd and unthinkable, as if he feared she would now be ashamed of him. She kissed his hair at his question.
"− yes −"
From then on, his perfect place in the world was to be deep inside her with his mouth pressed against her breast. They both knew that there was something even more intimate than usual about this act, some kind of taboo, unmistakable intimacy that could not be replaced by anything else.
She tried not to burst out laughing when one day during their morning meal he asked her, feigning indifference, when she would lose the milk in her breasts, and she answered him that her body would continue to produce it as long as she breastfed.
She then saw the shock and the glint in his eye, he bit his lower lip involuntarily, unable to hide his expression of delight at this information.
They were closer together than ever.
The birth of their son reassured the entire kingdom, for in the situation in which Helaena did not bear Aegon another son, there was a young heir to the throne alive who would take over after his father.
When she spoke to her husband it seemed to her that he was made to be the Hand of the King, his advice always cool and recalcitrant. To her surprise, Aegon finally learned to use them and became a better king than she would ever have expected.
Daeron was a calm, joyful infant. He soon began to chatter, making his own unspecified sounds and syllables, bringing joy and laughter into their fortress. Her husband read to him a lot, and he stood in his little wooden bed with railings and hopped softly on his feet, delighted.
He adored him.
She had to keep repeating it to him because he didn't believe it, but his son was drawn to him, forever longing for him – he would reach out his chubby hands greedily to him whenever he saw him return from the Red Keep.
Although outwardly he was stern and cold towards the servants and guards, when he locked himself with them in their chamber he changed into a different person.
He would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, say he heard Joffrey crying from the underground and frighten her, breathing hard. She tried not to show it, hugging and stroking him until he fell asleep again.
She knew that these events would never stop haunting him.
When morning set in, the first thing after checking with a touch of his hand that she was lying next to him was to see if Daeron was asleep in his bed. He would sometimes get up in the night to check that he was breathing and, reassured, would only return to further sleep, embracing her from behind and snuggling his face into the hollow of her neck.
She was overwhelmed with happiness when her brother sent her a letter from Storm's End informing her that his wife was expecting a child.
From what she understood their marriage had been quite successful and peaceful, her character proving far more calm and composed than her brother had originally assumed. She renewed herself in Storm's End, happy to still be close to the sea.
As the time approached for her to give birth, she asked her husband to fulfil his promise that he had made to her when they were in Harrenhal and for them to travel to Storm's End.
Travelling on a dragon's back with a small child seemed too dangerous for them, so they set off in a carriage, patiently enduring the hardships and length of the journey.
When they arrived she felt a strange tightness in her throat as she watched the round throne room where her father had always sat, and now her brother sat in his place.
He stood up happy to see her, kissed her cheek and stroked the head of her son whom she held in her arms – Daeron giggled happily and began to squirm again, bursting with energy.
"I see my nephew is growing fast. How these children are changing! He was such a little baby not so long ago." He said gushing with enthusiasm, clearly delighted at the prospect of becoming a father himself. She smiled broadly at his words, glad to see him, glad to be home.
Royce looked at her husband, who was standing behind her, and nodded. Her husband reciprocated the gesture, but they did not say a word to each other.
She felt memories hit her from every direction and she was moved. She had insisted that they sleep in her old chamber during their stay even though it was small, her husband agreed without a word.
When they went inside their belongings and their son's cot were already standing. He had only been there once, on the night he returned from Winterfell and left abruptly after their argument, so he had no time to look at anything closely.
He looked through her books curiously, looked out of her windows, looked around, and she thought fondly that he had tried to imagine her life before she met him.
Before he had chosen her.
"Would you like to see my mother's crypt?" She asked softly. He looked at her and nodded.
They descended into the underworld with the torch he held in his hand. Although the web of corridors beneath the fortress was complicated, she knew this path by heart, having often gone down there as a child, asking her mother for advice from the heavens.
After a short walk among the stone statues, they arrived in front of the one she remembered so well. She felt a squezee in her throat, burning tears in her eyes as she saw a familiar sculpture, a stone female figure that was supposed to resemble her mother, but did not even partially reflect her beauty.
She approached it and touched its cold surface with her hand, her husband remained silent.
"Mother, this is my husband, prince Aemond. Forgive me for not introducing him to you earlier. He chose me against my and my father's will, but I did not know then how much I would love him. I didn't know that…" She said, feeling her voice break, her husband moved beside her restlessly, swallowing loudly.
"...I didn't know we would make it, I didn't believe I would be as happy as you were with my father. Thank you for watching over me, for listening to my prayers and making the gods send me the husband I asked for." She finished in a trembling voice, choking on her own tears, feeling that only now, two years after these events, did she truly understand what had happened, what she had experienced, what she had gone through, what a long and difficult path it had been.
She heard him come up to her, putting his torch down on the stone ground and embraced her, hugging her to his chest. She felt his heart pounding fast, felt that he was unable to get a word out. He kissed her hair and pressed his face to the top of her head, standing with her like this in the warm light of the fire.
"I thought it was impossible for someone to love me. I thought it was impossible for me to love someone. I thought it was impossible for me to make a good choice when I came here on Vhagar's back..." He whispered, and she clenched her hands tighter on the material of his leather tunic, his warmth, his familiar, wonderful, calming scent spreading through her lungs.
"...and then I saw you."
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
nightbringer lesson 44
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I'm still gonna try to keep it brief but woooooooo here I go! Spoilers below!
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Okay, so biggest thing I picked up from this lesson was that Solomon's soul is not in his body. Right? Right?? Everybody else got that, too, right!??! Tell me I'm not insane. More on this later.
So we spent the whole lesson in Babel, where apparently you get to have a "moment of bliss" where stuff happens that makes you incredibly happy.
It starts out with everybody telling Asmo how they really feel about him, which is of course that he's beautiful and kind.
Then everybody ends up in TSL cosplay and Levi info dumps for several speech bubbles. (It's pretty adorable aldksjf.)
Then a ton of cats show up and Satan loses his mind. (But the cats also cuddle with everybody else because Satan's happiest when he sees cats cuddling with his family, the two things he loves in one place~)
Then everybody disappears because Mammon's moment of bliss is to be alone with MC (he's so bbg I can't take it). (Oh but I do feel the need to mention that everybody else was still there, they were just invisible which is SUPER CREEPY. Like c'mon MC was having such a cute moment with their first man...)
And THEN a bunch of food shows up and we think it's Beel's moment of bliss, but it's actually Belphie's because the twins are so close that Belphie is happiest when Beel is happy.
And then it like reverses and we have Belphie napping and all the boys in angel outfits, but it's actually Beel's moment. And they talk about this time they remember Raphael unleashing his spears on Mammon in the CR. And like then they feel guilty 'cause Satan doesn't have those memories but then:
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Satan saw everything from inside Lucifer? CONFIRMED. And Lucifer was aware of it, too.
And then everybody's like what was Lucifer's moment of bliss? And they're dumb about it, but MC is like Lucifer's moment of bliss was this entire experience because he's happiest when his family is happy. D'AWW very precious but also kinda meh, imo.
Then Raphael comes back, but it's really him this time yay!
And THAT is when we find out that only your SOUL is transported to Babel. Everybody's physical body was left behind.
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And I was IMMEDIATELY like oh. So THAT is why Solomon couldn't go inside. His soul is elsewhere. I don't think he's soulless, I think he's immortal because his soul is being stored somewhere that isn't his body. THOUGH it would also be interesting if Nightbringer was like... Solomon's soul gone rogue al;kjdsfjdf. But I don't think that's the case.
I think they're using this as a way to explain why people so often say that Solomon is more like a demon. Even though we also got this:
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Hmm. Indeed. Solomon is NOT a demon. They were mad at him for not mentioning the thing about only your soul going into Babel.
Anyway, that's my theory and it's the only thing that makes sense to me though I have no idea what it has to do with anything.
I also thought it was interesting that Raphael is now part of the Brothers No More chat group with Simeon and Lucifer. I hope this means we'll get more of him!
And then this from the hard lesson because wow I hope this isn't just No 2 exaggerating.
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LOL. You want to return something? BURIED ALIVE. That's so Devildom it's amazing.
Anyway, there were plenty of cute family moments in this lesson, but the potential hint about Solomon was the biggest deal, imo. What does it mean? I could be misinterpreting and maybe that isn't the issue at all? Maybe it's like... there's something wrong with his soul and removing it from his body would either expose something about him that he doesn't want the others to know or would like harm it further and put his life in danger? I dunno. He is still immortal, so.
My first thought was soul is elsewhere, but I do think having it like... reveal something about him unexpectedly would be interesting, too, now that I'm thinking about it.
I dunno, what do you guys think?
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