#Brassclaws of Oddworld
{Starter for @brassclaws-of-oddworld's Kyung}
*Where was he? This strange new world he had dropped into was nothing like the glade. The air was thick with fumes and toxic chemicals, The land was like it was dead. This wasn't right! Not right at all!
*He was in a panic, running around trying to find some form of life, until he ended up running into the back of a rather tall, multi-armed humanoid creature of some kind. The impact causing him to collapse to the ground.
*He would sit up and rub his head, before staring up at the person with eyes wide in fright.*
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*"I'm going to die now, aren't I?"
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somebigface · 1 year
[Fall of Noddaba]
It was an incredibly hectic time for the Brass Claw Cartel, Kyung had been especially busy running about making sure all squadrons that were deployed to aid in the fight against Noddaba were secure and casualties kept to a minimum. However, she managed to finally find time to go to the Oracles after she heard what happened to Pats. Her six limbs couldn't have carried her there faster, skidding to a halt once she arrived.
"Fute? Prez?! Are you here?" Kyung called out while getting back up on her hind legs. "I heard about what happened to Pats, is he alright?"
*As if right on queue, Kyung was greeted by a burning pair of eyes. The eyes took form of Fute, and the Oracle smiled widely to the Jimseomi.*
“Kyung! Oh my stars I am so happy to see you safe and sound. The place has been in utter chaos lately. There is just so much I wish to tell you, but I should let Pats have that honor. He was hurt bad, Kyung, but he’s finally in stable condition. He’s awake. He’s able to talk. He wants to see you very badly, but Prez has been making sure he rests.
We have an area laid out near the back section of the village. A nice quiet place where no one bothers us. There’s a shrine set and we’ve kept our things there. He’s resting there.
Go to him, Kyung. Prez will be close by if you or Pats need anything.”
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spoocyshrub · 1 year
[Fall of Noddaba Plot]
After the recent events, the Brass Claw Cartel were cracking down far more on combating the invading enemy lines. It was becoming hellish, but Lee was determined to go to Bram when he heard about the most recent wreckage. Quickly, the Nilijin made his way to where the Mud was recovering, and hoped that his good friend would be alright.
*Lee was pointed in the direction where Bram was located. Lee was greeted to Bram’s badly damaged pick-up truck. The grizzled mud had the hood popped up and he appeared to be working hard, though Lee could tell by how he was acting that Bram had a lot on his mind. He was grumbling to himself and didn’t even realize he had company as he continued to focus on getting his truck working again.*
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🎷 ~ instruments they play (or listen too) [for Sam, Remmy and Gabriel]
Queen Sam: “Sometimes Angel would allow me to listen to a radio. I was always listening to the classical music channel. I found that gentle string instruments were always the most comforting to me. I still listen to the classical music channel on the radio Dokk and Cornelius gifted to me.”
Gabriel: “In a time long since dead and buried, the sound of warhorns and the beat of the drums was a melody that burned in my soul. Now? I’ve taken to actually playing the drums and performing more upbeat tunes.”
((I’m answering Remmy’s out of character. Remmy is a guy that’ll make instruments out of everyday objects and play them with the village muds in the same fashion as Tarzan’s “Trashin’ the camp.” That in mind…he’s got a major arsenal of instruments at his disposal. It’s just a matter of catching the Mudorna Chief on a day where he and the rest of his village are incredibly bored after a raid on an industrialist settlement))
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themudokonmessiah · 2 years
⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known
// Not sure about the sun, but the moon is Aquarius, the rising sign is Virgo and my main sign is Sagittarius! ...Huh, that's interesting
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cakeinpants · 4 months
I did a stupid. I apologise x')
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oddclan-askblog · 2 months
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art request for @cakeinpants of their character Pat
Outfit is inspired by their rp w/ @brassclaws-of-oddworld I like the Pearl Empress theme and wanted to try drawing an outfit with that vibe.
Speedpaint and notes under the cut
Edit: Had to upload it to youtube then attach the link for the vid to work here
Drawing a ballet dance pose (even a fairly simple one) is surprisingly challenging. I had to draw multiple versions of the same limbs to make sure I had a balanced and flowy pose for him overall. Instead of erasing them like I should have, I decided to ink them with the origional sketch. I think they add to the final image in my sketchbook.
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This is also my first official speedpaint that is an edited video and not a gif. The clips were recorded in sections using Ibbis Paint. Then I compiled them in PowerDirector. Both are free mobile apps on the google app store. PD does require a subscription for full access to all of its software but it's only $9 a month wich is worth it for all of the tools you get put of it. Plus the one week free trial period wich let's you play arround w the app before making the purchase.
Anyway thank you for giving me permission to draw your oc, Pat is a well fleshed out character and I love seeing your concept art for him on my feed. Your art in general is uniquely stylish and inspiring.
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demonogeny · 3 months
You could make a sideblog for your other ocs and have a pinned post with links to references for all of them at the top of your page. That's what Brassclaws-of-oddworld did for theirs and I copied them and did the same for mine lol. Then your pinned post acts as a guide to peeps new to your blog and you can upload art/ info on your ocs in whatever order you want. (PS if you linked the side blog I will fallow would love to see more of your art :)
That sounds like a pretty neat idea actually, I may do something like that, thank you so much! :D
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ida-of-oddworld · 2 years
While Ida’s home, there’s a gentle knocking at the door, followed by Kyung’s voice calling from outside.
“Are you in there, Ida? It’s Kyung! I heard you weren’t feeling too well, so I’d bring something for you.”
Ida lifted her head from her pillow and sat up quickly -- then held her head in her paws as her vision blurred around the edges for a moment before settling.
"Yeah -- I'm here..!" Ida groaned as she stood herself up -- letting out a sharp gasp as a pang wracked through her chest as she moved and stretched -- and made for the door and cracked it open. "Hi Kyung."
She looked downright miserable, despite the smile she weakly gave. A far cry from the alert and active Meepherd the Jimseomi had met in the past. Ida looked a bit pale and from what Kyung could remember, Ida had lost weight.
Dante toddled quietly over and peered around his mother's leg at the stranger at the door.
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dondo-biohazard · 3 years
Kyung: *She approaches Dondo and Frankie with a gift! A tall steam basket full of freshly made meat buns* "Sounded like you two were in need of some proper protein!"
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"No..way.." As Dondo removed the top of the basket, the fresh steam blew up into their faces, the delicious and out of this world smell immediately making them salivate.
They had never eaten anything like this before. The two siblings looked at eachother before immediately ravaging the basket and making it empty in seconds. The taste of hot meat moves them to tears. With their mouths still full, they wrap their arms around Kyung.
Dondo wipes her mouth, taking a giant gulp. "FINALLY!! Nobody in this damn village eats protein, NOBODY! I thought I was gonna die out here with these lame ass hippie meals." She wipes her sniffly nose as well. "You're... you're a real dude, you know that?"
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Frankie nuzzles into the hug. "That was the best meal ever!! In the world!! I thought I was gonna die from food posioning!"
Dondo glares at Frankie. "That was only once, okay."
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somebigface · 1 year
[Guilty As Charged meme]
Have you ever checked your mutual’s blogs, even if you know they’re offline, and liked their old ic / ooc posts?
Have you ever found yourself unconsciously doing the facial expressions that your muse is doing while you write?
WILD CARD: Have you ever had to drop entire Plot/event threads?
((1. Yes I have. Mostly stuff I missed because i'm usually doing other things during the day. or it's something I might've forgotten to reblog when it was posted. I believe you and TheMudokonMessiah are the ones i visit the most frequently. Your non oddworld blogs included.
2. Yes. Mostly when it involves Elli. Sometimes i project a little bit through her.
3. Actually I have. two of them being noteworthy and related to each other.
When J9bee left Tumblr, and due to some things going on behind the scenes that I don't feel comfortable with sharing publicly (even though you know the details behind that one already Brassclaws) I decided to completely retcon their involvement with Elli's rescue in the timeline. Though it left a gap in what happened during her capture with Roxx since those threads have been completely purged.
So I approached TheMudokonMessiah in dms one night and asked if she would be alright with ALF being the one to go in and rescue her instead. Which would also tie into when Elli finally began to be more open about how she felt about Alf.
Originally it was going to be a thread for a segment i called "Blast from the past" Which was the tag i would use when it came to retconning/updating plot points. I had the starter posted and everything. I later decided to delete the starter and let TheMudokonMessiah know it was deleted. Since at the time we were already juggling a lot of open threads as well as the beginning stages of The Fall of Noddaba plot.
I am absolutely open to having that thread on tumblr again. though I did make mention to me bestie that having a thread is really optional. For now it's something that we agreed happened, but it's not been made public. There's currently no thread on that right now and we just exchange ideas through dms about that. Elli does comment often on how Alf saved her during the plot. And Big Face is going to discuss that during the ongoing anniversary thread. Which would also leave the floor open for MM to tell the story through Alf's perspective if she wanted to.))
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
[For the Harvest Festival event]
Kyung wasn't lying when she promised Elli that she'd talk with the rest of the Brass Claws about contributing to the festival-- While many of the dishes brought were recognizable Mudos dishes, or at least a variation of sort, many others were special recipes from various areas of Nilijong, Jimseo and Kayaiti that were made for their own Harvest celebrations. Especially the booze.
((This can just be either a mini-thread, or just a small thing to say they attended the event ^^ Nothing fancy needs to be done, so it's chill))
*The Monsaic lines was full of mudokons celebrating the festivities. Tribes from all over Mudos have gathered to feast and frolic. Big Face was overseeing the event, making sure everything was in order. The cooks were well supplied and Big Face was trying to keep order between the muds that had a little too much to drink.
*Elli was found at the station where the cooks were preparing the banquet. She was cooking many of the dishes she had presented to her friends during the month. When she saw the arrival of her allies from the brassclaw cartel. She asked someone to watch her dishes as she went over to say hello. A few of the muds that were putting together the feast took the dishes and drinks from the brassclaws and set them down on the giant tables.
*Elli flashed a smile to Kyung and offered her arms out for a hug.*
“Glad you and the others could make it. I hope you all feast heartily and enjoy the celebration”
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[Horrible Questions Meme]
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? [for Remmy]
15: Have any pets? [for Queen Sam]
08: Played any sports? [for Gabriel]
Remmy: “I ain’t much of a crier, but I think the last person did that to was… Gabriel. This was ‘round the time he still had that evil streak. He was gunna bring our tribe to this festival bein’ had at the lines and I just… I broke down, I did. Begged him to leave Abe, Alf, and Toby alone. At the time I wasn’t too sure if they were my nephews…but now that I know they were, I still regret not doin’ more to stop him from hurtin’ ‘em.”
Queen Sam: “I don’t have any pets myself, but my sons do. Sometimes I’ll try to help tend to them when they are away. Toby has a scrab, while Abe has his elum and the slog my brother gave him. Because of my current body condition, I don’t think I’m ready to handle taking care of pets. I can hardly do enough when it comes to trying to raise the children because of my lack of mobility.”
Gabriel Lure: “I will play a few sports games with Gideon and my grandchildren. Like kickball or we’ll toss a ball back and forth to each other. Nothing too serious nor competitive.”
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themudokonmessiah · 2 years
4. What do you think about your mun’s friends?
7. Do you like your mun?
8. What’s your favorite thing about your mun?
The triplets all look at each other. They all look around to make sure their mun couldn't hear anything, knowing she was nearby.
Alf answers this time. "So, we think her friends are mighty wicked. Ya know, the cool type of wicked. Got a set of badass friends."
The boys then fall silent to the next question. Abe takes this one. "We do, but she is a bully to us. Don't... Don't tell her I said that. Don't tell her we'd love to whack her with a --"
"W-we like her music taste!" Toby stops Abe, grinning nervously. His brothers look at him, but he just keeps the grin.
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cakeinpants · 6 months
So uhh.. I did something very silly..
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The bride and the ugly pretty ass groom?..
Why are they so cute as ponies tho I can't-
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thedailydeception · 3 years
((thank u :D))
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