#fanfic wip guessing game ask meme
ravensilversea · 25 days
Hi! This is for the wip guessing game. Let's see, do you have anything for Embrace, Shadow, or Interrupt?
Damn I thought this was going to be a three-for-three, but I only found Shadow in my WIPs atm. So have a snippet from the Grimm/KHR crossover I didn't finish in time for rarepairweek this year!
“Shishishi, so you are, peasant.” Bel graces the man by stepping out of the shadows into a puddle of moonlight, allowing his victim his first and soon to be last glimpse of his killer. “Do you make a habit of walking into traps, or is the Prince just lucky, Nicholas Burkhardt?”
Fanfic WIP Guessing Game
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Wip ask game: "sleep"?
Hello! Ohh, this is a fun one since I have a long overdue multi-chaptered Sterek slow burn that mentions sleep a lot (I guess that accidentally became a subtheme?). So, I'll be generous and pick out a tiny excerpt from one of the chapters, just because:
Didn’t normal people sleep in, run errands or have better things to do besides pestering him on a weekend? If he didn’t get nourishment into his body soon, he was going to become very hangry. And Hangry Stiles mixed with clerical tasks was just asking for trouble.
Thanks for the ask!
Want to know more about my WIPs? Ask via the fanfic wip guessing game!
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It's all fun and games...
...when you join Haunting Heroes.
Haunting Heroes is a new DPxDC discord server. It's safe for work but entirely aimed to people 18 years or older. If you want to get an invite to join, send us an ask and we'll try to reply as fast as you can click "Ranch 2 Extract".
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zyrafowe-sny · 2 years
Tag Game: Ten First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
(This is practically a fic master list post - has all but one of my fics on AO3. I'm not including WIPs since those are too in flux, but you're welcome to.)
Tagged by: @sl-walker
All The Owl House.  Also included the character speaking or the narrative POV and the link.
Jody's parents didn't exactly love the idea of her getting her Plant Coven sigil at just nineteen, but she knew what she was doing. (Jody, an OC created by @sercezgazety)
It wasn’t fair. (Lilith)
Gus Porter was a genius. (Gus)
No one else seems surprised by the demon with Luz's mother, and Hunter figures that there's a story he missed. (Hunter)
At some point, he had taken his gloves off and never put them back on. (Hunter)
It was hard to place the exact moment he became a mere observer inside his own body. (Hunter)
Camila was so pleased that she could have all three of her children home for Thanksgiving week (Principal Bump had grumbled a little bit, but had quickly given in). (Camila)
Most evenings in the Human Realm followed a predictable pattern. (Hunter)
In many ways, it had been a blessing that they had had a few years to prepare. (Camila)
Back when Hunter was the Golden Guard, he was sometimes required to inform next-of-kin about casualties among the scouts. (Hunter)
Tagging: I'm going to take wild guesses about who might possibly be willing to do this, but please 1) speak up if you don't like being tagged in fanfic memes/ask games and 2) speak up if you DO like being tagged and I failed to tag you.
If you weren't tagged and want to do this, consider yourself tagged! And of course, no pressure to do this if you were.
@sercezgazety @watery-melon-baller @childlikegoblinqueen @gakriele-lvs-blog @tristenthekitty @drev-the-procrastinator @mr-jaybird @foibles-fables @crimeronan @somefishycat
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itsmoonpeaches · 3 months
for the ask game: 🔪🫀 and ✂️
🔪- How do you feel about writing fight scenes?
I used to hate it, but now I love it. It's the creative suspense, the fast-paced words, the attempts at murder--
🫀- Do you have an abandoned project? Why did it get binned?
I probably have a few? I guess I can point out an ATLA fanfic I had that I started on that was basically a dark AU in which Aang dies in younger adulthood after he and Katara have their kids as a result of an underlying issue with his heart that occurred because of that one time Azula electrocuted him with lightning. You know, casually. And basically, Katara goes on a revenge rampage.
It's an idea I love, but unfortunately, I just lost interest in it and didn't feel the need to write for the fandom. I still don't, and I have other more pressing interests at the moment.
✂️- What was something you had to cut from your WIP?
From my current, main WIP, I haven't cut it out yet, but I'm about to cut out an implied murder scene so that I can rewrite it a bit into a different implied murder scene.
Writing Shop Talk ask meme!
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in-my-loki-feels · 4 months
10, 34, 63, 64, 67, and 74
10. Cltr+f "blinks/blinked" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up.
As Don was checking the straps one last time, Loki walked over. Don turned, then blinked in surprise when Loki reached out to wipe up the smear with his thumb. He transferred it to Don’s cheek, rubbing until it disappeared.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer? Damn. I guess if my general despair about the state of the publishing industry hasn't swallowed me, I'd like to have at least one published book. Traditionally published would check off a dream of mine but I'd be happy with self-publishing. Either way, I'd like to have found "my people", however many that may be. (And I'd also still be writing fanfic, if I'm honest. I really love connecting to a community through fic.)
63. Something you hate to see in smut. I'm trying to think of something that wouldn't yuck someone's yum because everyone's tastes are different. I guess continuity errors? I hate being thrown out of a really good scene because someone has a third hand, or the characters seemingly teleport between two sentences.
64. Something you love to see in smut. Kink negotiation! I find communication in all forms sexy AF so I love to see the whole range of it in smut, whether it's an explicit discussion beforehand, or checking in during. Not every scene needs it, but I do love to see it.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I think I like both. I wrote a lot for LJ kink memes back in the day and I find it really satisfying to "meet the brief", so to speak. I also really enjoy writing from art prompts, like in a reverse big bang, but in those scenarios I had a choice. I could write for what spoke to me. If someone gave me a prompt that didn't click, I'd have trouble writing it. That's why I've hesitated to participate in Fandom Trumps Hate. I'm worried that if someone bid on me and requested something that didn't inspire me, I'd be in a tough spot.
I also enjoy writing for my own ideas, of course, of which I have many.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? (Is President Loki involved? lol) I don't know how to describe it, but I think my writing has a tone that would give me away. It's very "genre fiction". I also think I might use certain phrases or descriptions in more than one fic, but I don't want to list them and have anyone notice if they didn't before. (please don't tell if you have noticed, haha)
Plus, I tend to write a lot of tropes/themes that would probably give me away: found family, reunions, communication (especially after angst).
Thank you for the ask! <3 (From this game.)
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cielsosinfel · 4 months
1, 7, 16, 24, 33
Yesssss thank you >:3 From this ask meme!
How long have you been writing fanfic?
God, since I was like 9 or 10. I got introduced to sites like, Fanart Central, Fanfiction.net and Livejournal REALLY YOUNG thanks to my older sister and her friends being super into anime and video games. The first fanfic i can remember writing (in a school spiral-bound notebook) was about my Inu-Yasha OC (a rabbit hanyou...) taking the Inuyasha cast to our local mall and there was something about everyone eating jellybeans and going to in an LOL RANDUM CRAZY GIR ROXXORZ MY SOXXORZZ sugar rush. As you do in the early 2000s. I think the first fic I uploaded online was Super Smash Bros melee "humor" fic to FF.net, though.
7. Is there a character or ship you'd love to write for, but haven't yet?
Many... usually ships I love and want to write for, I start WIPs but then never actually finish anything for myriad reasons (mental health, physical health, ADHD, life exploding around me.) I have WIPs going back over a decade for many OTPs. I guess one I never attempted to write fic for but would like to one day was P4 Adachi/Dojima. And as much as I loved Kael'thas/Illidan back in the day I never tried to write fic for them, unlike my other WoWcraft ships I have WIPs of. But IDK if I ever want to write for them, the direction WOW took them in expansions soured me a lot lol
16. Is there a type of fic you would never write?
If you had asked me a few months ago I would have said "M/F ship fic" or "M/F noncon fic," but I wrote that for the very first time this year........ IDK I'd never write things I'm personally not interested in at all, but as far as things I am interested in and wouldn't write... there isn't very much I haven't at least made an incomplete sketch of a fic of.
24. What are some of your favourite tropes?
Major power imbalance with a lot of abuse of authority, ships with a foundation of traumatic bonding (the original psychiatric definition), two people who are horrible for one another but need one another to survive, "I'm the only one who is allowed to kill you" couples, H/C fic where one character is horribly assaulted sexually and then gets rescued and patched up, flipping the power dynamic where the abusive/authority-figure half of the ship has to be rescued and taken care of by the abused/subordinate-figure half, Master and Guard Dog couples.......... do you see a theme
33. Do you ever read your own fics once they've been posted?
Yes constantly. I love my writing and a lot of my fics are the only things that even EXIST for either my ships or the specific kinks/scenarios I want to see my ships in, so if I get a hankering... that's all I have to read lol. Also I re-read my longer WIPs a lot and go "wow this is great, why don't I finish this (doesn't touch it for another year.)" I like being reminded that I love my writing and also that other people love it!!!!
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writercole · 6 months
WIP Update
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This is my life right now. Seriously.
On top of real life shit going on, I've got muses out the ass and a (self-imposed) deadline that I'm...19 days away from and I'm nowhere NEAR where I wanted to be. So Jokes on me for that. Hooray.
I'm working on my second draft of the Sounds of Someday novel that was at 60k words last I checked. I'm now switching POVs, answering stupid questions, and closing plot holes. If you're working on something like that, I highly recommend getting a copy printed at your local Office Depot to annotate. So many things I didn't think about until it was bound in front of me.
In regards to my fanfics, I don't think I'm going to be doing too much of that for a while. It's so much for so little return. So, what you're going to see from me is:
Random writer memes most likely
Promotion of my already published stuff
Maybe a little of my to come stuff
Maybe some tag games
Reblogs of old shit
Maybe some repostings of old shit if I decide
A whole lot of nothing else
Probably a bunch of links coming down fairly soon. (By that I mean going private)
That doesn't give permission to steal my work or print it or anything just in case I take them down, either.
Asks and DMs are always welcome. You can request certain fics stay up or drabbles or snips of works in progress.
I'm frustrated, I'm disgusted, and I'm second guessing myself hard core. Something's gotta go and, sadly, this is number one.
Until next time, Cole
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blackjackkent · 2 months
🥳🎁 your turn friend :D
(Fanfic Writer Ask Game)
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I've gone through a couple fanfic "phases" and it always kicks off when I get really hyperfixated on something and start thinking about the scenes we don't see and want to make them happen in some fashion. And then when I get comments/feedback, it just feeds the hyperfixation and I come up with more ideas and keep writing and it becomes a habit. XD
(Also shoutout to @springagainafter who is primarily responsible for my long-standing liveblogging habit which I guess also qualifies as fanfic and which I've been doing longer than any other systematic writing really. I started doing that all the way back in my Mass Effect fandom days and got very addicted to the feeling of tracking a character very closely all the way through a story and feeling out how they grow and develop. c: )
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Spent some time today working on Chapter 4 of Open Your Eyes purely so that I could have a response for this question. XD Who says ask memes aren't productive?
(This has been edited very little so apologies for rough edges. XD )
"Where are we, exactly?" Jaheira asks, looking around with narrowed eyes. Of course, she can tell the general answer at a glance, though it doesn't fill her with particular joy. Rasaad has led them to the sewers.  The ladder has dropped them off in an enormous stone tunnel, a good thirty feet wide. Flickering torches are set into the wall at regular intervals, little dots of orange stretching in a long line into the darkness.  Down the center of the tunnel flows a thick river of dark brown sludge. She gasps deep lungfuls of the blessedly cool air as they all catch their breath from their panicked run through the alleys above, and in the process gets flooded with the all-too-familiar smell - a mixture of rotting meat, offal, and garbage, intense enough to make her eyes water. Caden grins crookedly. "Hitting all the old favorites today, aren't we?" he quips. "Fog cloud escapes, angry guards, sewer run. Next thing you know, we'll be sleeping in a shitty inn and having Minsc carry fifteen broken swords to trade for a healing potion." Imoen snorts. "Hey, it's already beating out the Gate sewers. Look - they adventurer-proofed the place. Walkways and everything." She indicates the long causeways that line the sewer tunnel on either side; they're nearly five feet wide and constructed of high-quality cobblestone. "Treating us right." Rasaad doesn't laugh; he barely seems to hear them. He squints down the long dim tunnel with a preoccupied air. "We are at the edge of the Shackles Ward," he answers Jaheira tersely. "One of the poorest districts of the city. It was the first place I could find an entrance not guarded by amlakkar. They have stepped up their attention to the Muzad since I lived here." Jaheira frowns, leaning against the wall. She feels the damp condensation soak through her shirt, mixing with the lingering sweat from the desert heat above. "You didn't know that the city had put out a watch for you?" she asks quietly. He shakes his head. "No," he mutters. "The Sun Soul has a history of handling its own affairs. You have seen this - they sent the Tears of Selune after me." He scowls bitterly. "But that was many years ago. It appears their concern regarding me has escalated." He is doing a creditable job hiding his agitation, but Jaheira knows him too well. There’s an anxious crease in his forehead at the place where his eyebrows come together, and his black eyes glitter in the flickering torchlight. He is standing very still as he always does, no fidgeting, no wasted movement - but there is a vibrating tension to the set of his shoulders that tells her his inward thoughts are a maelstrom.  Impulsively she reaches out, rests the tips of her fingers against his arm. He releases a sharp outward breath and for a moment she sees a flash of regret twist across his face. Then he jerks his arm away and his expression hoods over, unreadable again. “This changes nothing,” he says, suddenly brisk. “The Muzad - the Undercity - stretches to every corner of Calimport. We will find our way to the monastery by this route, and then I shall be able to speak to my brothers without the interference of the amlakkar.” “Of course,” Caden says, with the faintest flicker of dry humor. “Very simple.”
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ravensilversea · 25 days
For the one word wip ask game:
Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Ya know what? Let's do both! I have one for next year's June of Doom and another WIP that exists just for funsies:
Amber eyes look up and finally make eye contact with brown.
Looking over her shoulder, Chrome stops walking for moment to take in the way the sun reflects off Kyoko’s hair, turning it a glowing golden amber to match her shining eyes.
Fanfic WIP Guessing Game
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galactic-pirates · 5 months
Hey hey 😄 For the fanfic writer asks!!
10, 17, 29 and 41
Hey thank you so much for the ask!!
10) Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time? I thought I had already answered this but must have been for a previous ask meme. I've done a few of them lately and it's such fun, thanks for playing all.
Anyway! I actively work on just one. More live in my brain obviously but ping-ponging between projects just makes progress so glacial it gets really discouraging. So one at a time :)
17) Do you have a writing routine? I guess? I turn the PC on. Boot Plottr, open NovelPad. I get my planner and write down the scene I'm working on that day. I decide what my goal is for the day. Lately it's been more time-focused rather than goal. I have a horrible habit of not focusing if I say "do X number of words" and then I sit there forever being miserable. Much better to give myself a time limit, and whatever I get done is all I get for the day. I keep hoping it will teach me to spend my time more wisely but alas there are still days I procrastinate badly.
29) What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of? Already answered here :)
41) Who’s your favorite character you’ve written? Hmm. What I enjoy the most I think is when I can hear the character, and I feel like I captured their voice. That doesn't happen a lot. It has happened with Claudia (Warehouse 13), and I had it happen quite a bit in my Librarians/Sanctuary crossover. I think it helps if the characters have phrases they often use.
But favourite character to write just generally? You know I'm tempted to say Nikola. I went through a phase where I felt like I should tag every fic I was writing with "Nikola is a good friend" because it was just coming out that way. He's a snarky bastard who talks a good game but he doesn't fool me, he can bluster all he wants but I know how much he cares for his friends.
Although I have liked writing Eve in my Librarians fics.
Bonus question because you had a repeat :)
52) What’s the average word count of your fics? 943,505 / 81 (as I have 2 fanarts on AO3) = 11,648
Given my propensity for lengthy multi-chaptered I am surprised it's that low, but then I guess there are a fair few oneshots as well, and it is an average.
I'm bummed it's close to a million but not over it. Makes me wonder if I scrape my HD for all the prompt ficlets I never posted anywhere other than tumblr, or the fanfic I never finished/posted, if I would get there. I doubt it. I've probably got 20k or so but not nearly 60k. Sad.
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solsearchingnights · 1 year
Fanfic wip guessing game--
A bit of the backstory for IitV Hannahxxrose if I ever get around to finishing it.
They called her a rose, but that was ignorance. She was beautiful, yes, but her thorns were more than a nuisance, her stem more than tough. She was caapi, able to climb anything, wild. She was hunted down for what she could give to others, and she was fed by a toxic soil.
But she would let them think her a rose; decorative, common, delicate.
It made the look of shock on their faces much sweeter when she drove a blade through their bodies and they figured it out for themselves. She was a murderer; unstoppable, unpredictable, bloodthirsty.
ask meme
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javelinbk · 10 months
Q and W for fic prompt game!
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I don’t think I’ve fully discarded anything, but I’ve got too many WIPs and ideas to count! I remembered yesterday that I’ve got a follow-up on the Life of Riley boys that I haven’t posted yet, I’m still planning on doing a Paul POV switch and follow-up on Double Fantasy, and I’ve got half an idea for a Brother Dearest/Father and Son final part. And that’s not even counting all my other bits and pieces. There’s just not enough hours in the day!
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
Probably more general ones, I think. My favourite part of writing is figuring out all the plot points, so I don’t like them to be too prescriptive. Although I do like when one specific detail turns into a whole thing. It just depends what triggers an idea in my brain, I guess.
Thank you!
Fanfic ask meme
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brigdh · 11 months
WIP ask game: a little of "Spit on Your Grave"?
The WIP meme!
(Mentions of noncon, in case that's not obvious – 'I Spit on Your Grave' is a notoriously gory exploitation movie in which a rape victim murders her rapists)
Thank you! :D So, this is one I really, really cannot post because it's unauthorized fanfic of someone else's fanfic. (I can't decide if it's more or less ethical if I include a link to the original fanfic; I guess I will share if anyone asks?) The original was a WIP I was really into, about post-S1 Kraken-era Ed being captured by a British Admiral who, well, tortures and rapes him a bunch and mindbreaks him into an obedient sex slave.
(Look. Look. I know, okay? I like the worst things. However, I am generally too shy to post anything involving noncon in namespace, so that's another reason this was never going to be a real fic.)
The original WIP stopped updating right around the time Stede and the Revenge crew rescued Ed, capturing the Admiral who did this in the process. I really wanted more resolution, and also am always here for insane!Stede, so I wrote an extra scene to give myself some closure.
Stede approaches and kneels between Ed’s feet, hands carefully not on Ed’s knees but on the edge of the crate just beside them. “My love,” he says, voice not soft but fierce, as though he’s making a point. Ed supposes that he is, though he doubts that Coates can hear him over the pain of being shot in both knees. “My treasure, my pearl. Can I kiss you?”
Coates had kissed him, forcing Ed to take it with threats or a hand in his hair or on his collar. That had mostly been at the beginning, though. After a while he’d deemed Ed too filthy to put his mouth on. Coates is currently sobbing in pain, face down against the deck. Ed nods. 
Stede surges up and kisses him, though he keeps his hands where they are, leaving Ed free to pull away. It’s not like the chaste kisses they’ve shared since Stede rescued him. It’s deep, thorough, Stede’s tongue in his mouth like he wants to lick every part of Ed. Ed leans back and looks around; the crew have mostly glanced away, but no one seems disgusted. Even Izzy, when Ed glances over his shoulder, seems to have nothing negative to say. Ed swallows and tugs Stede up into another kiss. By the time it ends, Ed is panting and shivering. His body isn’t entirely sure the kiss is a good thing, but his soul wants it again and again and again. He tucks his face against Stede’s shoulder and tries to regain control over himself.
“Ed, my dearest,” Stede says quietly against the curve of Ed’s ear. “I have a choice for you. Would you rather hear him apologize to you, or should we just go ahead and cut out his tongue now?”
“He’ll never apologize,” Ed says immediately, instinctively.
Stede pulls back just enough for Ed to see how excited his eyes are. “Oh, but I think he will! I’ve been reading a book on the Spanish Inquisition, and I’ve picked up some really excellent ideas! I’m sure I can make him. I’ll make him kiss the ground you’ve walked on.” He pauses. “Or, if you’d rather not, we can just go straight for the tongue….”
Ed had every instinct to fight back, to protect himself, beaten away. Hurt a dog enough times and it cringes at even the thought of biting. He doesn’t think he can raise a hand against Coates even now, with Coates helpless and alone. Stede would, though. If Ed asks him. But Stede is kind and gentlemanly and –
Ed makes himself look at Stede, really look, before he can spiral back down into his thoughts. Stede, honestly, looks extremely fucking eager. There’s a line of blood droplets splattered across one of Stede’s thighs from shooting Coates; he hasn’t wiped it away, and the red is bright against the pale blue breeches he’s wearing.
“Make him,” Ed says, voice hoarse. Stede’s grin is wide enough to show his teeth as he climbs back to his feet.   
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for the fanfic writer asks - 5, 29, 38, 75
hi katie!! thank you for the ask!! ❤️
(writer asks meme here)
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I have!! Usually at very early outlining stages of longer fics, in an attempt to get a vibe down—and maybe create some kind of Pavlovian association in my brain to shift more easily into writing that project when listening to that specific music.
The most recent playlist I made like this was for my (first!) NaNo last year, which I finished the rough 50k-ish draft of but still need to clean up. It's all instrumental music, vaguely mysterious tracks for a CR fic (the first I wrote!) in which Essek, fearing discovery due to rumors in the Dynasty, goes to Rumblecusp after the peace talks and winds up losing all his memories and becoming a villager, then meeting the Nein anew when they arrive.
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29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
I will give you a spoiler for my current active WIP I've been working on lately! Beacons get stolen in it (two of them!), and also there is very messy Essek/Adeen, because I'm fully obsessed with Adeen to a truly unhinged degree. "Still together and feeling some measure of feelings, but all twisted up into toxic exes energy" is one of my favorite romance dynamics ever.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
[bitter laugh] I mean. "work on" is such a strong term. I have many WIPs but the truth is progress happens mostly in bursts of (possibly) ADHD-fueled fixation on one particular idea, and it cycles until fics are either complete or I feel that I've outgrown my interest. That said, I do have some outliers that I add a few hundred words to now and then on the side.
75. do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
Yes! Always. I need to have an end point in mind, whether it's a particular line or mood or character choice or even just a singular word; otherwise I can't write at all. I can't do the meandering discovery thing, I need a goal fixed in the distance. Sometimes the ending shifts once I'm halfway through, but it's usually given me enough direction by then that I don't feel lost while putting words down.
The ending, as a general rule, is usually the polar opposite of the beginning in some way, a kind of mirror. If I'm imagining a positive story development, I'll imagine how problems might be visually solved, words and scene settings that contrast the tone of the first one; if it's a more somber arc or more based in disillusionment and not breaking free of whatever has been ruining the characters lives externally or internally, then I look for ways to convey we're back where we started or worse off.
Somewhat relatedly, I was terrified of the movie Jumanji as a child. Yes, it's very campy, and I can appreciate that as an adult, but I watched it when I was maybe nine, and the last beat of the board game being abandoned—the knowledge that anyone else might find it, and all of those scary things would happen all over again, maybe endlessly in a cycle—really freaked me out. I guess when I think of the ending in advance, I'm trying to find the Jumanji final image: what am I feeling as I walk away from this story? And then I write toward that.
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ofieugogyshz · 1 year
😜🏅☀️ for the fanfic ask game <3
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
hold up i have to have wips that aren't about me and lance for this to work here-- for some reason my dumb ass went "ah, yes, a selfship- specific meme" and didn't fucking READ the preface right.
(i mean, i do have some, but almost no one here would know the original context. almost. ) (as in, they aren't selfship related fics)
🏅 What is the fic you’re most proud of?
so many but i think this one comes to mind most easily bc it was one that i spent literal days on and had the most help with @mochavaporeon , for both shenanigans and editing. (also it was a snowball. a really BIG snowball)
ALSO, it was the longest thing i had ever written for one story, so it has that achievement on top of it.
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
anytime someone has Teh Feelz during their liveblog reaction of my fics. i absolutely live off your their that pain. my favorite was this one person who got to read all my qb fics, and you could basically FEEL them writhing in their feelz over the shit she did in fics. fucking. 👌 delicious shit. chef's kiss. (i do not recall their url offhand and i haven't been able to talk to them in literally or almost a decade? :( )
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