#fanfic heart ask game
welcometololaland · 3 months
thanks harley! and for @cha-melodius @rmd-writes and @sarnagati who also asked for this one.
🤍 White: What's a fanfic scenario or idea you'd like someone else to write so that you can read it?
OH BOY. there's a lot. there's so many actually. i think the simple answer is that i love reading fic that has been written by someone who really cares about the subject matter. there's nothing cooler to me than reading a fic which the author has clearly LOVED writing - whether that's because they're really invested in the character or because they've incorporated a bit of their own life experience, or otherwise. i think, as writers, we pour more of ourselves into our work than perhaps we even realise, and when that shines through i find it so incredible.
for example, if someone is super passionate about science or something - give me sexy firstprince in a lab. give me tarlos as marine biologists. give me a love story based on formulas and experiments and math that i don't understand. i will gobble it up.
SPORTS AUs - when people are super passionate about particular sports. @everwitch-magiks writing a damn figure skater au. do i know a single thing about ice skating?? NO! did i love it?? absolutely! do you know how little i know about baseball? do you know how many baseball AUs I have read??? it's obscene!
when people write a love story set in SPACE. i barely know all the names of the planets! but i love reading a fic in which world building is clearly very important to the author! same as mysteries or sci fi or mythical creatures (am i unhealthily obsessed with vampires?? probably!! @strandnreyes i'm going to blame YOU).
ART!!! i'm not an art historian but the knave verse by @liminalmemories21 is brilliant because I can feel how passionate lim is about the subject matter and the world.
give me anything - tarlos as allied health professionals at the same hospital, firstprince as undercover journalists, hangster as bartenders who moonlight as rival gamers. the world is our oyster!
idk. i know this is not a very useful answer in terms of giving people actual ideas (i do have an ideas list you can always hmu if you would like to steal one hehe), but i just love reading stuff that's a bit left of field and also just full of passion. i love when people are like hey i inserted some things i know about life and made these beloved characters react to it.
thank you for the ask! sorry for the spiral!
from this ask game
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rmd-writes · 3 months
🤍 White: What's a fanfic scenario or idea you'd like someone else to write so that you can read it?
god, there are so many! I don't have anything atm that I've thought of but would prefer other people to write, but I think it was @alrightbuckaroo who recently mentioned wanting to write a bottle episode fic that I am so very *grabby hands* over the concept. And the other day @indestructibleheart came to @kiwiana-writes and I with a thought that had us all screaming but also looking at each other like the spidermans (spidermen? what is the plural of spiderman?) all hoping that one of the others would say they'd write it
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💚 Green: Do you ever feel inspired by and/or jealous of other people's writing?
yes and yes. Not jealous in a bad way really though, just in the how do they do that I wish I could write like that/write more/write faster kind of way. I am definitely inspired by other people's writing! I've learned so much from other writers and especially when I'm lucky enough to get to live in their docs. When I first started writing smut I used to go and read certain scenes written by my faves for inspiration or before trying to write a different kind of smut if I hadn't written it previously. I still do that when I dip back into writing a POV I haven't written for a while, or if there's a concept I want to try. There are things (generally, not necessarily smut related) that I'm not great at so when I read something from someone else - whether that's just using a word that I'd forgotten existed that I want to try to remember to use, or a way of describing a scene or feeling so vividly that the reader can feel it - I try to remember that when I'm writing later.
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toxintouch · 2 months
how do you think the lis would respond if mc sheepishly asked if they could fondle their tiddies? (even mhin, even though i KNOW they'd shank a bitch.)
Here ya go, Anon!! :3 They pronouns & non-specific language/MC used. Suggestive, but no other warnings.
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Pretends he doesn’t hear them.
“Hmm?”  He holds a hand to his ear, a toothy little smirk on his face, his scarred eyebrow raised.  The way he’s making direct eye contact is an unmistakable challenge.
“You wanna what now, Sparrow?” 
He knows exactly what MC said and they can tell.  He just wants to see if they'll say it again.  They didn’t sound so sure about whatever that request was just now…
His smirk grows when– (if?? But c’mon he’s so clearly saying yes, please) –
His smirk grows when they don’t back down.  He spreads his arms out in invitation, haori splaying open.
He’s patient for as long as he can stand once they get their hands on him but it isn’t long before he finds himself grabbing them by the wrists, pulling them closer.  Pressing his palms against the back of their hands to encourage them to make full, firm contact.  Haven’t they been warned?  He’s awfully greedy.
(And: if he purposely presses their touch against his heart for a moment, no one needs to know but him.)
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He gives them a blank look– a look unsettlingly similar to his hungry, flat eyed stare.  Though, it’s gone in an instant–so quick they might even be able to convince themself that they imagined it.  One blink and his entire expression is different, his tail swishing elegantly and with a flourish that can only be described as pleased.
“Well,” he purrs, “aren’t you just adorable?  I did tell you to ask next time you wanted to touch…  Very well then.  I’ll reward your ability to follow simple instructions.”  He relaxes luxuriously into the cushions of the divan that he’s resting on.  “Come along, then.  Fondle to your heart's content.  Don’t leave me waiting.”  He beckons to them with a crooked finger, tempting them closer, a haunting echo of their first meeting. 
Survival instincts be damned…he did give them permission…
He breathes a chuckle out as they touch him, his mouth hot against their ear as he buries a grin into their neck.
In the space of another breath, he’s flipped the two of them, leaving them pinned against the divan.
“You didn't think you were getting a single thing for free from me anymore, did you?  Tut tut.  After you treated my generosity so callously before?  From now on, I’ll be expecting payment in kind.  Quid pro quo, darling.”
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He looks at them, eyes crinkled with amusement.  “Am I to take it that your interest is academic?  Studying anatomy, perhaps?  I do have a few select texts I could offer you which you might find quite beneficial.”
The embarrassed look on their face seems to amuse him further, the corners of his lips tugging up as he takes in their expression.
“Of course, the benefits of a more hands-on method of scholarship should not be overlooked.”  He takes pity on them, beckoning them over as he takes a seat on the doctor’s stool, right next to the cot where they first met him.  He neatly removes his coat, folding it and laying it to rest beside him.  Despite their fears, he doesn’t start listing out the anatomical names for things as they lay their hands on him.  His eyes slip shut as they rest their hands on his  shoulders–he’s still so tall, even sitting on the low stool–sliding their hands down, admiring the sturdy form and shape of him.
His own hands come up, clutching around their waist with surprising strength.  His eyes are bright and intense as he looks up at them.  They expect him to say something but he merely squeezes them–Possessively?–
Like he might be able to trap them in this moment with him forever, through will alone.
He closes his eyes again; his grip loosens. His self-control back is back in its necessary place, and he finds himself repentant.
“Forgive me.  You are quite endearing.  I simply find you…difficult to resist.”  He admits.
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You are so correct anon.  Shanked immediately.  But MC bonks their head into Mhin’s chest on their way to the ground, so…  Achievement Unlocked? Or, for MC’s sake, I’ll assume that they have earned a level of trust/intimacy with Mhin that makes Mhin a lil' less likely to get stabby.
Mhin’s eyebrows furrow as Mhin crosses their arms, physically creating distance between MC and their…
Mhin’s cheeks go a little red as they realize how obvious their body language is, their pale eyes darting to the side as they worry about what other things they’ve accidentally telegraphed to MC. How many of Mhin's true thoughts and feelings are they privy to...?  Shaking themself mentally, they quickly snap out of it, pinning MC with a pointed glare.
“If you value your life at all, you’ll never ask me that again.”  Mhin marches away.  “Staying at the Wet Wick–around Leander–has ruined your brain.  You need to get out of that place while you still have some grey matter left.”
. . .
Later, escorting MC back to said Wet Wick, ducking through the lesser known and narrower streets after a long day of following dead ends together, Mhin finds the thought ruining their own brain.  It must be the heat of MC pressed against them in the alleyway, the comforting, all-consuming scent of them, the memory of MC’s flushed face while they were asking Mhin’s permission...  MC’s much braver than them, Mhin thinks bitterly, so much more willing to let themself have what they want, despite their cursed hands.  Mhin sighs, stopping abruptly.  Turning.  Pinching the bridge of their nose.
“Look–you can–”
Mhin feels themself blushing all the way down to their chest.  They open their mouth and close it a couple of times, attempting to articulate what they want.  They make a noise of aggravated frustration.  Carefully–very carefully, and very slowly, so that MC knows exactly what they are doing, they reach for the bandaged hands at MC’s side.  They rest MC’s hands lightly on their chest, shivering as they feel the brush of fingers against their clothed ribs, thumbs pressing into their sternum.  They bite down a noise that would surely make them perish where they stand.  Stars above, how long since–
“...Does your heart always beat this fast, Mhin?”
“Quiet.”  They snap.
Wow Mhin.  Right there in the alleyway huh?  Well ok then. I see what ur about.
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The two of them are alone in the room at the Wet Wick, just sitting together innocently on the bed when MC asks.
Well–they try to ask.
He hears them start the question and his coat and shirt (and tiddie belt) are coming off before they can even finish.  He gives them a quiet chuckle, blushing as his shirt(s) get caught at his shoulders. 
Though the perfect way it frames his boobs might convince them he did it on purpose…
“You meant skin to skin, right?”  He laughs again, leaning back on his hands and looking entirely too appetizing–is he arching his back a little more than necessary? 
“I don’t mind at all! Though, if you could help me with…”  His eyes crinkle as he smiles at them, head tilted like a puppy, waiting expectantly.
They get up from the bed to help him discard his remaining topmost layers of clothing, standing above him in order to better assist.  His eyes are pinned to theirs the moment the fabric barrier is fully cast aside.  “I…can’t say this is a bad view,” he admits, eyes roving along their form, tongue darting out to wet his lips.  Then, more sincerely: “I’m glad that you asked me for this.  Don’t be afraid to touch, all right?  Nothing bad will happen to me, promise. Remember: whatever you want.”
They find themself feeling along the edges of his scar, tracing the line of it across his pectoral…  His breath catching when they accidentally scratch him a little with their nails (MC is just a little clumsy–that was completely unintentionally, really) is dangerously addictive.
“Ah... Anywhere else you’d like to touch?  It would be a shame to waste this opportunity…”
If they're feeling shy, he could offer a few suggestions.  He really, really wants to help in any way he can. :)
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BONUS!ELYON:   “You can, but I will have to charge.”
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andreaheartscats · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could please do Sal fisher who’s dating someone who has a pet rats? (Like 2-3) ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
oh my god yess!! also hello there to you too:) this is my first time writting a request so i hope i don't disappoint you :')
a/n: i hope this is what you expected and sorry for any grammer mistakes i made! proofread? nahh. im too lazy but anyways i hope you enjoy !
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"Do you have a rat problem?"
You were chilling in your apartmant waiting for your boyfriend Sal to come over. You called him a few minuts ago over your walkie-talkie he gave to you not too long ago.
While waiting for him, you decided to play with your two pet rats Harry and Jerry. ( don't ask why i named them that, it's the first thing that came to my mind and it rhymes.)
You took them both out of their cage and placed Jerry, the darker gre one, on your shoulder. And kept Larry in your hands as you gently stroked his tiny head.
You checked their cage in the meantime, making sure it was clean and they had all they need. When suddenly there was a knock on your front door.
Finally. That should be Sal. Even tho he literally lives in the same apartmant building as you, he somehow always takes too long to get to your apartmant.
You placed Harry on your other shoulder and went to get the door. You opend the door and there you saw your living boyfriend Sal with his usual mask on. But only this time you could see his eyes were slightly wide?
"You have rats?!"
was literally the first thing he said to you. "Yea? and your making it sound like i have a rat problem.."
for a moment he was silent while he watched the air of rats climb around your shoulders, sniffing your neck.
You moved to the side and let Sal in so you two could sit in your living room.
"These are my pet rats, how come you never noticed their cage in my bedroom?"
You asked slightly confused while filling a glass of water for him and getting some snacks out. Meanwhile, Harry and Jerry were still just chilling on your shoulders.
"I mean yea i did notice the cage.. but i thought it was for a hamster..."
You chuckle out slightly as you place the glass water on the coffee table and a bowl of some chips.
Comfortably, you sat down on the couch next to Sal. "Wanna pet them?"
you straight up asked him while holding Harry in the palm of your hands, while Jerry was climbing on top of your head.
Not gonna lie, Sal thought it was cute. How you had pet rats and how much you loved animals in general.
Sal nodded his head as he bought his hand to pet Harry.
"gently now."
You told Sal as he began to pet his little head, he seemd to enjoy it.
"Aww i think he likes you"
"Really? Well thats a realife, i don't know what i would've done if my partners pet rats didn't like me."
Sal joked as you two laughed together.
The rest of the time, Sal was playing with your two rats. For a moment it seemed as if he liked them more than you (that ain't true yall). It was cute seeing him smile and laugh without his mask. Especially while he played with your rats.
Now that you think about it.. you gotta be extra careful about them if you want to live with him... I mean gizmo, come on.
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porcelainmortal · 3 months
How about 💚 for firstprince for the Ficlet Friday prompts?
Thanks for the ask, Sara! 💚 Green: Nature
Here is my first Pride Flag Ficlet (try saying that out loud). It's horny so I'm putting it below the cut. Enjoy!!
Alex could fucking get used to this. Henry has taken him out to Llwynywermod for a long weekend after two interminable weeks spent at various Crown engagements. Alex has to be back in the States for an event at the White House on Tuesday, but for now, it’s a picturesque Saturday afternoon and he and Henry are having a picnic on the expansive grounds of the estate. The expansive, private grounds of the estate. 
It might be a bit of a risk to be going at it like they are out here, but they’re miles and miles from anyone else. They’re also surrounded on all sides by trees and fences, so even their security detail can’t see them. It’s better that way. 
They did have a picnic, is the thing. They sat on a blanket in the mid-afternoon sun and ate charcuterie and drank sparkling wine while David chased butterflies. But, well, David went to sleep and Henry got silly from a bit too much of said wine and now they’re making out, food forgotten to the side.
Henry’s pressing Alex down on the blanket, one strong thigh wedged into the apex of Alex’s legs, providing pressure that’s both blissful and not enough. He’s giddy and eager, licking into Alex’s mouth like it’s his last meal, and Alex is receptive to every moan and stuttered breath. He pushes his hands up under the back of Henry’s linen shirt to get his hands on bare skin, drawing out something akin to a whine from Henry’s lips. And Alex will only admit this to himself, but whiny Henry is his favorite. He slides his hands down, working them under the fabric of Henry’s shorts to dig his fingers into soft flesh. Just to see what noise Henry will make. He presses down a bit harder, his fingers working inward, and feels before he hears a beautiful whine work its way up Henry’s throat. Alex swallows up the noise, smiling a bit to himself.
“Alex,” Henry pants, pulling back. “I don’t want to come in my trousers.”
“Are you that close already?”
“Already? We’ve been snogging for like twenty minutes,” Henry says incredulously.
“What do you want to do?” Alex asks, grinning and squeezing again. Henry reflexively pushes his hips forward, making Alex gasp this time. Henry’s face morphs from aroused to wicked in the blink of an eye and then he’s wiggling his way down, wedging himself between Alex’s legs, and opening his fly.
When Henry swallows him down, Alex stares up at the perfect blue sky and the soft, white clouds. The birds chirp nearby and the wind rustles the trees and Henry moans around him and Alex comes with a curse and a groaned “baby.” He returns the favor, taking his time and drawing it out, and by the time Henry is coming down Alex’s throat, the sun has begun to paint the sky in glorious colors. In a way, it feels like it’s just for them. Alex tucks himself into Henry’s side to watch the sunset and finish off the wine. And Alex decides that of all the places Henry has shown him, this is by far his favorite.
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dipperscavern · 15 days
Honestly the reason no one can agree on whose a what man, (ass, tits, thighs, ect) is because if you ask Robb, Jon, or Cregan what part of their partners body do they enjoy the most all three of them would just say "yes"
haha i am so normal about you being in my inbox lol
ANYWAYS. this is real real and real to the max. sure, sometimes certain things do it for them — but it’s only because it’s you. walk with me here your grace. robb likes the bounce of your tits, but only because theyre yours. cregan likes the way your hands caress him, but only the way you do it. my point is they’re enamored by every single part of you. are we picking up what i’m putting down here
“what’s your favorite part of your partners body?”
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asksimonbelmont · 7 months
hello mr belmont!!
imagine you met gabriel belmont ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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"It’s an honor to meet a distant relative. Come, tell me of your stories. I have much to learn from you."
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moonlit-tia · 7 months
I'm genuinely surprised by how little dawnbreaker content there is
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
I wish you would a fic about Eddie getting one of his artery's knicked and shit goes down...OH WAIT YOU ARE AND I'M WAITING FOR IT.
Will this do in the meantime?
“Is he gonna be okay?” Chris asks, sounding so young and scared. He understands the gravity of the situation a lot more now. Buck wishes he didn't. He wishes he had bubble wrap to keep the kid safe forever. “I wish I knew,” he says honestly. He doesn't know anything beyond the fact Eddie still had a pulse when they wheeled him into the ambulance. That can change in a matter of seconds. A tear escapes and runs down Chris' face. Buck cups his cheek and gives a weak smile. “Remember, no matter what happens, we are going to be okay.” His own tears fall at his words and Chris pulls his sleeve over his hand to wipe tears off Buck's face. “We're gonna be okay, Buck.” He hiccups a quiet sob and pulls Chris into another hug, holding tight. He wants to tell Chris Eddie's going to be okay. He wants to tell him he really believes Eddie's going to be just fine. But, like the last time, he couldn't bring himself to lie to Christopher. He couldn't get the boy’s hopes up, let alone his own. All they can do is wait. Wait and plead to a universe Eddie still doesn't believe in not to take him from them.
What kind of fic do you wish I'd write? (Or finish 😅)
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
oh my gooood tell me about cross my heart (def not bc I'm a med student nyehehehe) (ok it may be bc of it but shh)
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it.
Bestieeee thank you for ask!!
Below is the scene that came to me that started the whole idea for this fic (sorry, it doesn't have any medic-y stuff but it's in rest of the story I promise). I have this multi-part fic about 70% finished before edits so hopefully y'all will get it sometime later this fall. (and yes there is PLENTY of spice 🌶️)
Snippet below the cut
As always, my work is intended for 18+ audiences even if there are no explicit sexual content.
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“I would sleep with your brothers… if you weren’t an option.” You had convinced the sniper to come out and enjoy the planet’s temperate night air and conversation, but now it’s silent, the only sound of the fire crackling between the two of you.
Folding his arms across his chest, Crosshair grumbles, “Don’t say things you don’t mean, it looks terrible on you.” The usual tit for tat the two of played had taken a rather sudden turn and he didn’t like it one bit. Especially not when it concerned you fucking one of his vode.  
“Who said I don’t mean it?” you shoot back, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at the sniper seated across from you.
“Lying looks even worse,” he retorts, “I know my brothers are the more attractive options, Hunter with his handsome looks or Wrecker with his muscles and good nature. Even Tech and Echo are the caring kind of boys you girls go after.”
“And what about you?”
“What about me?” 
Rolling your eyes, you lean on one arm to look at him. “It’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of women, Cross.”
Looking away, his tongue moves his toothpick to the opposite corner of his mouth. “That’s different. The bunk bunnies who didn’t get to my brothers first got stuck with me.”
“Quite the pity party you’re having over there for someone with a beautiful woman all to himself,” you snort and his eyes dart back to yours.
“You’re either pitifully desperate or a rather unconvincing whore.” With that, Crosshair flicks his toothpick into the fire and leans back into the night's shadow, sure that he’s landed a blow that will put you off him. No use in entertaining your little game any further, especially not with the way the moonlight is hitting your eyes and the fire is making your skin glow ever so beautifully.
The smirk you give him over the fire tells him that you’ve seen right through him, however, and he hates it. Hates that you refuse to be pushed away and hates that you’re even giving him any semblance of hope. Oh, how he wishes he could hate you too.
Leaning forward with your elbows on your knees, you call out to him. “Oh come on Crosshair, don’t be such a grump. Let a girl give you a compliment.” You flutter your lashes at him as a flirtatious grin plays across your lips.
Those lips… "I’d rather get a blowjob, at least then I’d get something real out of it," he replies flatly in another attempt at dissuading you. 
The way you toss your head back and laugh nearly makes him snap. “Well if you won’t listen, then I won’t tell you what I think about you… handsome.” With a wink at slender man, you pick yourself up and slide your coat up your shoulders as you move around the fire to head back to the ship. As you pass him, you let your fingertips brush his shoulder. “Night, Crosshair.”
He tries, he really tries. He tries to let you slip away back to the ship, leaving him alone and his pride intact. He tries, but he fails. 
Without glancing up, his hand shoots up to grab your wrist, keeping you at his side. “Wait.” He feels you still at his side, silent and expectant. “What were you going to say… about me?” he grits out, his jaw clenching as if to prevent the words from leaving this throat.
If he had had the balls to look up and meet your eyes, he would have seen their tender sheen and the soft smile curling your lips. But he doesn’t, so he only hears your answer.
“Mmm, well I was going to say that you’re tall, dark, and handsome.”
Scoffing, he throws your hand away from his shoulder in disgust. He knew it, he kriffing knew you were just leading him on, riling him up for a joke. “Fuck off.” Why couldn’t he just shut you out like everybody else? 
You reach back down and place your hand firmly on his shoulder. “Oh, come on, Cross, lighten up, I’m joking.” 
Attempting to shrug your hand off, he answers with only stone-cold silence. When you tighten your grip, he shoots a venomous glance up at you. Before he can speak, however, you continue, “What I actually was going to say is that… well…” Your eyes search the stars for your next words as your teeth take your bottom lip. 
The sudden shift to uncertainty in your tone gives him the opportunity to cut you off—he's not making the same mistake twice. “Don’t bother wasting your breath coming up with a lie. Save it for someone stupid enough to believe you.” 
“Oh, for Maker’s sake, Cross!” you exclaim, giving him an exasperated shove. “What I was going to say is that I really do think you’re handsome, you’re tall and strong and smart… and the way your eyes see everything… and your voice, that kriffing voice alone.”    
His eyes burn into you, searing your flesh like they could brand you, searching for the smallest hint of insincerity. He desperately wants to believe you, believe that you would ever desire him the way he desires you. Or even, if he were truly honest with himself, believe that you could see him as someone worthy of your affection as well as your body. He wants to believe it all, but he can’t. He won’t. He’s not worth it anyways. 
Crosshair stares down at his boots and pushes your hand off his shoulder. “Goodnight.”
Though his ears are not as good as Hunter’s, he hears the small disappointed sigh you let out. Good, misery loves company. You and his happiness stood just within reach, which meant it would all be taken from him the second he acknowledges it.
“I wish you would believe me,” you sigh.
He gives a noncommittal huff, leaning away from you and towards the fire, denying you the very voice you craved. Just because you can see right through him doesn’t mean you get to hear him too.
Just when he’s sure you’re going to give up and walk back to the ship, you turn and come to kneel before him, the fire burning a halo around your folded form. Placing a tentative hand on his knee, you peer up at him with those soft eyes. “Look at me.”
He closes his eyes, opening them to meet yours. Hurt and hope swirl around his darkened irises.
Placing your free hand on his other knee to balance yourself, you offer up a small smile. “How’s this for something real?” You lean in and place a chaste kiss on his frowning lips. 
Electricity shoots down his spine, crackling through his bones and boiling his blood. The feeling of your lips lingers on his own even after you pull back. Before you can move too far away, he reaches up to grab the nape of your neck, his long fingers splaying over the back of your skull and holding you close. If anything was ever real, he prays to the Maker, let this be because the final thread holding him back snapped when your lips hit his. 
“Say it. Look me in the eye and say that you mean it,” his demanding tone pleads, his fingers digging into your skin.
“I mean it,” you promise, tender earnestness coating your words as you center yourself in his fire-lit eyes. 
Like a dark, heavy cloud bursting open, he falls into you, his lips crashing into yours. You let the storm of him roll over you for a moment before you murmur against his lips, “I swear I mean it, cross my heart and hope to die.”
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Taglist 💖 @agirlnamejacq @acatalystrising @baufraus @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420
some others who have interacted or might be interested (lemme know if you don't wanted to be tagged in the future) 💕 @writingwintermoon @ghostvizsla @erinthevampire @rain-on-kamino @crosshairs-wife @cross-my-heartt
Divider by @saradika
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rmd-writes · 3 months
💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
Answered here
🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write (or why are you writing) a certain fanfic?
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to the victor, the spoils aka my firstprince lawyer au came about because @indomitable-love love said that there wasn't enough [redacted trope but specifically as colleagues] in the fandom (we probably had that conversation late in 2021) and we were bouncing ideas for ways to make it work in the gc and then I said "but what if they were lawyers?"
I ran off to @welcometololaland because while I'm a lawyer, my area of law is pretty niche so I anticipated maybe needing some help, and then started writing. As it turned out, my first complete draft was very heavy on the smut and light on the law because I was worried people would find the legal things boring. Joke was on me because @indomitable-love and @athousandrooms both said that actually, they wouldn't mind seeing more the legal aspects of the story, so I went back and wrote more in!
🖤 Black: Do you think about your story when you're not physically writing it? Does it help with plotting scenes, character arcs, etc.?
Yes, and it's annoying because it's often at times when I can't actually write so I end up sending voice notes or DMs that are like "ignore me, just need to get this down somewhere so I don't lose it ..."
Does it help? Absolutely, without those random thoughts my fics wouldn't get written at all!
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lauronk · 4 months
Hi I need you to know that your bad things happen bingo 'knife to the throat' fic absolutely wrecked me!!
It was such a perfect like canon divergence and was written so vividly that I felt like I could imagine everything as it happened
I really hope one day there's a follow up to how things change and then Tommy and Maria seeing what happens, but if you don't plan to, do you have any headcanons or ideas about how things would change?
Thanks again for giving me the perfect fic to read over the weekend!!
first of all thank you so much this is so unbelievably kind
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second, i am kind of toying with writing a follow up? because honestly this is one that i could have written another 10k on and i made myself stop where i did. but if i do it'll be a minute because i have [pause for counting] three other things i'm actively working on rn
BUT i will share some follow-up ideas/headcanons under the cut (mainly in case anyone wants it to remain a surprise if i ever get around to it)
they wait out the winter in jackson, so they miss the entirety of silver lake (i haven't figured it out yet, but i still want david to die because [kim kardashian voice] it's what he deserves)
during the months they spend in jackson they have some nice sort of chill time, both of them getting a sense of normalcy
joel still kind of freaks out about tommy having a baby but it's not quite as bad bc he's also not in the headspace of forcing ellie to go with tommy, her being abducted has already sort of pushed him into the well i guess i have a kid now sort of mindset
but he is still fully struggling with the i'm too old too slow can't protect her gonna get her killed sort of feelings that have only been amplified by her getting abducted and him not being able to stop it
would love for joel and maria to have a good heart to heart because i will always support the j&m besties agenda, i love maria so much
when the weather clears they leave for the university and of course find nothing there
possibly? find remnants? of silver lake? but most everyone has died? idk on this part yet but there's no joel getting stabbed and ellie getting locked in a cage
continue on to salt lake city, get there and find it abandoned because marlene et al have since given ellie (and joel and tess by extension) up for dead and think their attempt at a cure is over
because they left as opposed to being killed, there's not much left behind in terms of their plans or anything, and j&e can't find indication of where they've gone or anything (oh no how sad 😐)
takes some doing but joel convinces ellie that they need to go back to jackson, promises to keep an ear out for any potential leads in the future for a cure
ellie of course has Feelings about not being able to save the world, joel does his best to help her through them
they go home
golf averted
the end
so, more or less, another massive fucking section lmao honestly i didn't realize how much i had in my head for it until i started typing it all out here haha
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jesse-cosay · 6 months
🍓🍬🧃if you're doing the ask game!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
A friend used to make crossover ships, which escalated into us coming up with crack scenarios we thought were funny. Eventually I decided I wanted to write some, as a joke.
One of those I did end up posting, about a guy proposing to a steak. After that I realized I could just write any old thought that came into my head.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Maybe that I don't want Grace and Hazel to meet again, in canon?
I think it wouldn't make as much sense, and it'd hurt both of them. Hazel especially.
There's an important lesson in that, too. Learning that you won't always get picture perfect closure- but you can still be happy.
People hurt each other and we move on. We don't always get to say we're sorry.
Also, I think it's great when ppl ship ocs with Simon. Like yesss keep that man away from Grace. No, you can't fix him, and that makes it 100% sillier!
I wish there were more creative crossover ships here, too, like Grace/Emily!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I genuinely can no longer remember what I've said anywhere, ever. I'll just list a couple things.
I'm allergic to chocolate and cats (I have a cat and I still eat chocolate)
A guy had a crush on me for 8 years, and I thought he was joking the entire time
I've been told I have great veins for needles
3 ppl who confessed to me told me I had pretty eyes, so I've never been self-conscious abt them
I am the youngest of 4 kids (not including the stepchildren I've been related to. That would put the number closer to 20)
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cariantha · 11 months
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Ethan and Sawyer answer questions about themselves from this list: Make Me Admit Stuff.
Timeline: Second Year, Post-Attack
For context, Sawyer ran away to San Diego a few days after the funeral. Ethan flew out to CA to be with her.
(Both Ethan and Sawyer)
#3: Have you taken someone’s virginity?
Sawyer: “No.”
Ethan: “Yes.” 
#6: What are you excited for?
Ethan: “For us to finally be together. No more pretending or denying how we feel.”
Sawyer: “Same. Though I wasn’t pretending or denying anything. My feelings for you were pretty obvious.”
Ethan: “You’re right. And I’m so grateful that you never gave up on this. On us.”
#10: What is the last beverage you had?
Ethan: “We went out for Italian tonight. I ordered a glass of red wine.”
Sawyer: “I had a mocktail. Something with lemon and raspberry, if I remember. I’m trying to avoid alcohol while I’m on certain meds…”
#12: Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Sawyer: “Yes. Several.”
Ethan: “What the hell are 'skinny' jeans?”
Sawyer: “Ethan, they're the kind that I wear. You know, the style that made you curse in frustration the other night as you tried to remove them.”
Ethan: “Ah, yes, I have a love/hate relationship with those jeans. But I think I have the technique down now. Unzip, fold down, and peel away.”
#13: What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Sawyer: “I was promised that if I changed out of my sweatpants and went to dinner with you, that I could pick the rest of the activities for the night.”
Ethan: “And I plan to keep my promise, Rookie. So? What will it be? Another rom-com, cuddling by the firepit, a walk on the beach? What do you want to do?”
Sawyer: “You. I want to do you.”
Ethan: “Well then, let me prove that I can be a man of my word.”
Ethan throws her over his shoulder and carries her upstairs.
#14: What are you going to spend money on next?
Sawyer: “A plane ticket back to Boston?”
She looks at Ethan.
Sawyer: “I think I’m ready to go home.”
Ethan leans forward and kisses her forehead.
Ethan: “Then I’ll be buying those plane tickets. We’re going home in first-class, baby.”
#17: Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Sawyer: “More and more, I’m realizing it’s Ethan. He knows what I’ve been through. He’s was there. Romantic complications aside, he’s always been there. He listens and doesn’t try to tell me how to feel. That’s what I need most right now. And even before the incident, he was always the first person I sought advice from. He just understands the current version of me better than anyone else.”
Ethan: “It’s been Sawyer for while now. Before her, I would say it was Naveen.”
#21: Are you in a good mood?
Sawyer: “Today … today has been one of the better days.”
She glances at Ethan for reassurance.
Ethan: “Yes…”
He looks lovingly at Sawyer and squeezes her hand.
Ethan: “It’s been a good day.”
#34: Listening to?
Ethan: “Josh Groban.”
Sawyer: “To be honest, I had Gone by Charli XCX and Christine and the Queens on replay for the past couple weeks. I was in a bad place. But now that Ethan’s here, I’ve gotten on the Josh Groban bandwagon. There’s something so soothing about his voice. On the good days, I’ve been listening to new stuff from LANY and Lauv. I have a few favorites from Jane and the Boy too.”
#36: Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Ethan: “Yes.”
Sawyer: (points to Ethan)
#37: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sawyer: “Lust at first sight, yes. But love at first sight? No. I think you have to get to know a person’s heart before you can say that you truly love them. I do believe falling in love can happen quickly though.”
Ethan: “Same.”
#47: Who was the last person to call you?
Sawyer: “My mom. She’s been checking in everyday since…it happened.”
Ethan: “Naveen. To also check on how Sawyer is doing–”
Sawyer: (covering his hand with hers) “And you…”
#55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
Sawyer: “That’s a tough one. I love cherry and apple. Not a big fan of peach. Hmm, if I had to pick just one, I’d go with Razzleberry. It’s a mix of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Though I do love lemon and key lime too. Really anything tart.”
Ethan: (distracted)
Sawyer: “Ethan? What about you?”
Ethan: (looks up from his phone where he was Googling Razzleberry pie recipes) “Oh, uh, Dutch apple.”
#61: Wear a bath robe?
Ethan: “No.”
Sawyer: “Only because I live with roommates. If I lived on my own, then no.”
#72: Ever win a spelling bee?
Sawyer: “No. It’s not that I’m a bad speller, but I’m more of a visual person. I have to be able to write it out and see that it’s correct.”
Ethan: “Yes, I won the spelling bee at my elementary school and then at the district level. I took second place in the regional competition.”
Sawyer: “Oh, so close…”
Ethan: “I would have gone on to state, but I threw the regional competition. My dad insisted on taking time off work to come and watch me compete. He had to work overtime to compensate. It was the same year my mom left. I hated when he worked late. I cared more about having him home in the evenings and on the weekends than I did about winning.”
Sawyer: “Aw, babe. You’re making me cry…”
#74: What is your favorite book?
Ethan: “Mine.”
Sawyer: “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”
Ethan: “I’m not. But I do also enjoy the author, Dr. Robin Cook. He writes medical thrillers. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Chromosome 6.”
Ethan: “And you, Rookie?”
Sawyer: “Yours.”
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Sawyer: “I’m serious! I wasn’t lying when I said that I’m your biggest fan.”
#78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Ethan: “Believe it or not, I’ve never seen Placido Domingo perform live.”
Sawyer: “You need to cross that off your bucket list soon. He’s getting up there.”
Ethan: “So are the Back Sync Kids.”
Sawyer: “Ha. Ha. I’ve already crossed those ones off my list. Hmm… Oh, I know! Conor Maynard. His voice is incredible. I’d love to hear him live in concert someday.”
#79: What was the last concert you saw?
Ethan: “Garth Brooks.”
Sawyer: (snaps her head to Ethan in surprise and laughs) “That is not what I was expecting you to say.”
Ethan: “Naveen is a huge fan. When I heard that Garth’s tour was coming to town last year, I gifted him a pair of tickets for his birthday. He insisted that I go with him.”
Sawyer: “Did you wear a cowboy hat and boots?”
Ethan: “No.” (starts scrolling through this phone) “But Naveen did. He had the big belt buckle too. I have a picture here somewhere. What about you?”
Sawyer: “Justin Bieber.”
Ethan: (rolls his eyes)
Sawyer: “Hey! Don’t judge me. I went with my baby sister.”
Ethan: “Oh, I’m so judging you right now.”
Sawyer: (murmurs under her breath) “My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.”
Ethan: “What?”
Sawyer: “Nothing. Next question.”
#80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Ethan: “Cold.”
Sawyer: “I’m not a fan of either. But if I’m sick and desperate for some relief, I’ll sip on some hot tea.”
#87: Ever won a contest?
Ethan: “Yes. Many.”
Sawyer: “Which one were you most proud of?”
Ethan: “All of the ones where I kicked Tobias’ ass.”
Sawyer: “Ethan.”
Ethan: “I’m kidding.”
Sawyer: (glares at him)
Ethan: “I’m mostly kidding.”
Sawyer: “For me, I won some science fairs when I was a kid. And I almost won the intern competition for the junior fellowship on the DT. I mean, I got the spot anyway, but I like to think that I would have won fair and square had the competition continued.”
Ethan: “You would have.”
Sawyer: “I think you were a little biased though.”
Ethan: “Goddamn right. But that doesn’t change the fact that you were still the best for the job.”
#92: Do you want to get married?
Sawyer: “Yes? I’ve always pictured myself married one day. But is it a deal breaker if I meet the ‘one?’ Not necessarily. For me, it’s not about the certificate or the title and name change. I just want the promise of commitment. And to be honest, most of my hesitation about getting married has more to with the actual wedding. My mother is a wedding planner, and the thought of her insisting on a huge, over the top wedding makes me break out in hives. If I get married, I want my wedding to be intimate and romantic. I want to be present and savor every moment with my partner. I don’t want to be the main attraction at a circus, dancing and performing for everyone else just because it’s 'tradition.’ Does that makes any sense?”
Ethan: (looks to Sawyer) “I didn’t used to think so. But one thing I’ve learned recently is…it’s impossible to know what the future will bring.”
(Sawyer only)
#7: What happened tonight?
Sawyer: "I decided earlier in the week that I was ready to go home. To Boston. Ethan and I are flying back tonight."
#13: What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Sawyer: "When we land in Boston, we're going back to Ethan's place. He's going to make us dinner later and we're just going to have a quiet night in. Tomorrow, I'll head back to my apartment and try to settle into some normal routine."
#18: The last time you felt broken?
Sawyer: "Now. I feel broken now. But I'm working through it. I feel like I'm being held together by duct tape at the moment, but at least I can function. That's an improvement over a couple weeks ago."
#19: Have you had sex today?
Sawyer: "No. Maybe later? I'm going back to my apartment tomorrow and Ethan goes back to work on Monday. I'm sure he'll be swamped for a while. Since I'm not sure when we'll be together again, I wouldn't mind making tonight count. If Ethan's in the mood, that is."
She shakes her head and chuckles.
Sawyer: "Who am I kidding? Now that he's not holding back, he's always in the mood."
#26: Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Sawyer: “Right now, it is. I’m naturally a light brown with some reddish undertones. When I spend a lot of time in the sun, it lightens up a lot. But I usually help it along with blonde highlights. When I started at Edenbrook, I was much more blonde. Every once in a while I’ll change things up and go darker brown or slightly more red.”
#37: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sawyer: “With people? No. With donuts, everything bagels, and pepperoni pizza? Absolutely.
#45: If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Sawyer: "Not a chance.”
#68: Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Sawyer: "I'll admit I like Taylor, but I'm not really a Swiftie. I have 'The Archer' and 'Gorgeous' on my current faves playlist. 'Archer' has a cool vibe. And 'Gorgeous' makes me think of when I first met Ethan."
#81: Tea or coffee?
Sawyer: "Not really a big fan of either one, but if I had to choose? Coffee. Usually a mocha Frappuccino with either raspberry or peppermint and lots of whipped cream."
#88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Sawyer: "Yes."🍒
Timeline: Post-Series
(Both Ethan and Sawyer)
#4: Is trust a big issue for you?
Sawyer: “Do you mind if I answer for both of us?”
Ethan gestures for her to go ahead.
Sawyer: “Trust is a big issue for Ethan. He eventually trusted me enough to share why, and I totally get it. Trust is super important to me too, but I wouldn’t say it’s a big issue. I’m generally a pretty trusting person unless you give me a reason not to be. Ethan on the other hand? You have to earn his trust.”
Ethan: “Well said.”
#5: Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Sawyer: “No-”
Ethan: “You wound me, Rookie.”
Sawyer: “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say, no, I hung out with the person I love.”
Ethan: “My apologies. According to your reasoning, my answer would also be no.”
#17: Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Sawyer: “Ethan.”
Ethan: “Sawyer.”
Sawyer: “Really? I would have guessed yourself. You talk to yourself a lot.”
#23: Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Ethan: “Yes.”
Sawyer: “No. My dad has brown eyes.”
#33: Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Ethan: “I’ll drink a Coke once in a blue moon, but I’m not much of a soda drinker. Sawyer on the other hand…”
Sawyer: “I do love my Dr. Pepper. It’s like a comfort food for me. And for the record, I don’t drink nearly as much soda as he drinks coffee.”
#41: When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Ethan: “It’s been a few months. I think it was at Hud’s birthday party in Minneapolis?”
Sawyer: “Today. Sarah brought them in for Marlene’s birthday.”
#48: Do you sing in the shower?
Sawyer: “Only if I’m home alone. I love to sing, but I know I’m tone deaf.”
Ethan: “I don’t sing in the shower.”
Sawyer: “But he hums.”
#56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Ethan: “I wanted to be a detective.”
Sawyer: “I’ve shared before that I wanted to be lots of things. I went through so many phases including teacher, doctor, scientist, astronaut, surfer, rock star, and FBI agent. But I remember another one… when I was pre-teen I wanted to work at Disneyland. I thought it would be so cool to work at ’the happiest place on earth’ and meet people from all over.”
Ethan: “You would have made a beautiful princess.”
Sawyer: “Bold of you to assume I wanted to be a princess. But I know you’re just trying to be sweet, so I’ll forgive you.”
Ethan: “You’re right though. My apologies. So what did you want to be?”
Sawyer: “A princess.”
Ethan rolls his eyes.
Ethan: “Instead you became a very successful pain in the ass.”
#61: Wear a bath robe?
Ethan: “No.”
Sawyer: “When it’s just the two of us? No.”
Ethan: “What do you call the puffy robe you wear in the winter?”
Sawyer: “My David Gandy Wellwear duvet coat? That’s not a robe. It’s more like a snuggie. And I only wear it when you’re not around to cuddle with.”
#73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Ethan: (locks eyes with Sawyer) “Yes.”
Sawyer: “Stop looking at me like that. You’re going to make me cry right now.”
(Sawyer only)
#16: Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Sawyer: (rubs her swollen belly) “Yep, I think a lot will be changing for me in the near future.”
#42: Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Sawyer: “Unfortunately, no. They are both on the other side of the country. But now that you have me thinking about it, I’ll definitely be giving them a call later to check in.”
#56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Sawyer: “Everything! I went through so many phases. I wanted to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, an astronaut, a professional surfer, a rock star, an FBI agent…”
#91: Best room for a fireplace?
Sawyer: I think the aesthetic is cheesy, but I do love having a fireplace in the bathroom. I once stayed in a hotel suite with one of those two-sided fireplaces in the master bedroom and bathroom. It was so relaxing to soak in that tub and zone out as I watched the flames flicker.
Tag List: @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @openheartforeverinmyheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin @headoverheelsforramsey @zealouscanonindeer
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inkabelledesigns · 4 months
WIP ask game, artist edition! (writing welcome too)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@artsynoova tagged me on this (thank you dear!), so I'm gonna let you guys in on some of my WIPs.
Auran and Loraine - Balcony Dialogue
Searching the Depths - Current Draft
Sammy and Bella Meet
Richard the Keeper - The Studies of 214
Loraine's Siblings
Searching the Depths: Drew's Last Hope
Chronicles of Equinox - The Guardian and the Ballerina
If you'd like to see snippets or have questions about any of these, pop into my askbox with the title and I'll give you a taste of what we're working on. I'm gonna tag a few of my awesome friends who write here, in case they'd like to give this a shot.
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🌤 for the wip ask game?
🌤️ Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
A little bit from the next chapter of Scars on Our Hearts:
“I know it wasn’t me, but that doesn’t take the hurt away, but I’ll try to be… kinder to myself.” Cody’s voice caught in his throat, and he scrunched his eyes shut as he tried to fight back tears. “And I love you so much. I’m glad you’re here. It helps to know that, even if I can’t see you.”
He let out a sound that was half a laugh and half a sob, feeling a little foolish talking to the air, but he continued on regardless, needing to tell the ghost how he felt. “Thank you for staying with him. He’s not you, and I’m not what he lost, but we… we work, and we’re what the other needs right now. It’ll never fix it, but it hurts less with him here.”
Cody nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of Ahsoka’s voice, and he gave a wet laugh at how easily he had startled. “Sorry. Just talking to ghosts. Didn’t hear you coming.”
She was silent as she sank down in the chair beside him, her gaze contemplative, and Cody took the moment to compose himself, wiping tears away with his shirt and clearing his throat. “I talk to him too sometimes. And Master Plo. It helps.”
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