#sf fandom
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mega-nerd-and-i-need-help · 2 months ago
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here-lies-enzoooooo · 7 months ago
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Sf fandom where you at
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asdeloppa · 4 months ago
🎃 Halloween party 🎃
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Happy Samhain or Halloween, choose for yourself which is closer to you❤️
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andreaheartscats · 1 year ago
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Sal Fisher as your boyfriend
-> showers you with love and compliments whenever he gets a chance.
-> doesn't like to admit it but gets really jealous when you get paired up with a random guy for a school project.
-> nap dates RAAAH!
-> loves when you wear his hoodie, it makes him feel somehow proud of himself and also you look pretty adorable in his clothes
-> he is a SO SO gentle with you and acts like you are made out of glass.
-> tried to act overprotective and tough but ti be fair he just looks cute
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lxuizrr · 2 years ago
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ashley campbell 💜
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crittterling · 5 months ago
this is from like july but ig i will post this here too x)
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iennoganan-aha · 6 months ago
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Little critters 🤲🏼
If you can't read the bubbles⤵️
Pim: oh dear Charlie, I'm sorry about your nose! Must be painful!
Pim: when I was a boy, a kiss always helped me feel better! Mwaw!
Pim: now! Mr. Boss gave us a new assignment--
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eyeballs-in-my-head · 4 months ago
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Sal Fisher in my clothes (well, I mean, the clothes I had on when I was drawing him)
I'm just dumping all of my older art here at this point lol
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foreheadlicker69 · 7 months ago
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goth Charlie as I said. mainly inspired by some 80's goth attire i found on google images 😽🦟
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fennecfiree · 3 months ago
GUYS!! I drew a curly haired ginger nerd and its NOT kyle?!?!?
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iquiteliterallydonotknow · 4 months ago
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Uhhhhhhhhh I’ve been getting a lot more interaction here lately, so here’s some more Sally face stuff from my sketchbook
None of its really good , but hey >:3 maybe people here will like it
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rainbowxspooky · 1 month ago
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How to teach a dumbass billiards 101
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guess who wrote another street fighter fic at 3:00am? :3 anywho this fic's gonna be a littleeee different since i stepped out of my comfort zone this time and did an actual story! [ngl i feel like sm things could've been better- BUT HEYYY WE'RE GETTING THERE] also in case it wasn't clear...ed x rashid cause why not :3 plus it's one of my favorite ships😁 but ye enough talk! hope you guys enjoy this one!
It was a late night in Metro City, the sky was pitch black with small balls of light shining in the void. Most people don’t go out and about in Metro City, unless you're one of those partygoers or a part of some gang…or you're one of the two people who seem to be complete opposites, those two were none other than Ed and Rashid. The two street fighters were hanging out at some arcade. The arcade itself wasn’t too bad; it was just really flashy with some of its decor and games. The whole place had an obnoxious club vibe with all the neon and people around…or at least that’s what Ed thought. He kept on mumbling about how much the colors were in his words “a damn eyesore”, Rashid brushed off Ed’s pessimism and told him to “give the place a chance”. Rashid said he found it a while back thanks to one of his viewers. Or at least, that’s what the boxer had heard, to be honest…ed wasn’t paying much attention to the bubbly streamer, instead he had his mind set on how much he REALLY didn’t want to be here right now…oh, and the billiard game he had in front of him. The blonde wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for his dumbass streamer friend. At first, the two spent most of their time messing with a few of the arcade games, but after a while, it got kinda boring to the boxer. The two were currently stuck at some claw machine that may or may not have been a scam. As Rashid was stuck on getting the lopsided stuffed animal (Ed couldn’t tell what the damned thing looked like…maybe some twisted version of a bear). After a few tries the blonde couldn’t help but find himself bored and unamused at the endless attempts Rashid made. “You sure you don’t wanna quit or somethin’?..” Ed spoke up as he failed to sound less annoyed than he already was. Rashid must have not noticed Ed’s tone, because he soon responded with a small “nuh uh” under his breath. “I can’t quit now! If I do…someone’s going to take away the lil’ guy”. Ed rolled his eyes, he couldn’t believe this idiot would rather spend his time getting some messed up thing than wasting his time on arcade games…WITH HIM!!!
Ed sighed as he watched the streamer gain more failed attempts, however, his eyes would soon land on something else that would pick up his interest…
A lone pool table, standing across the other eye-sore machines, seemed to be in good shape, better than the one he has back at the neo shadaloo base. Ed looked back at Rashid…then at the pool table, surely Rashid wouldn’t mind if he ditched him for a few rounds, right? “M’ headin’ off, have fun with…whatever the fuck that is,” Rashid gave Ed a small “mhm” as he focused on getting the “toy”. 
Ed left the idiot to his devices and went over to the pool table to properly set it up, he made sure the balls were stuck together in the rack, then when he was confident that the balls were clumped together, took out the rack, afterwards he placed the cue ball right below the cluster of balls. The thing left to do was to get a cue stick, which wasn’t hard for the edgy blonde to pick out. Ed made his way to the middle and got in stance, he leaned in close, positioned the stick at the cue ball with precision, took extra time planning out the shot in his head, and…
.    .    !
Made his shot, making all the balls scattered around the table. He then made his way to where the cue ball was to make another shot, as the boxer shot the balls into the pockets, his mind was on something else…or rather someone else. 
Ed didn’t know why Rashid suddenly popped into his head this time…or the many other times before that. It’s not like he had a crush, hell no, far from it. That shit sounds ridiculous, the lone boxer and some over the top streamer…together…the thought made Ed let out a small “tch” as he hit another ball into the pocket. The more Ed gave in to the idea of him and Rashid being a thing, the more he denied it. There was just no way someone as friendly and charismatic as Rashid could get together with some jackass like him, it was just impossible.
But now wasn’t the time to think about stupid thoughts like that, right now he had a game to focus on. Ed leaned in just a little bit to hit this last ball, all he had to do was time the shot just right and he would be able to- 
“Whatcha doing? :3” The streamer’s voice caught Ed off guard, making him miss the cue ball by an inch. He honestly didn’t hear Rashid coming near him, the little shithead made him jump a bit… “Tch, you made me miss my shot, dumbass…” Ed grumbled under his breath as he readjusted his stance. “My bad, i just wanted to see how your little game was going” Rashid chuckled a bit as he made his way next to his blonde comrade who was focused on the game. “T’ was fine till your ass made me miss” Ed shot back at his “friend” as he managed to shoot the 8-ball into the pocket, finishing the first round. “Awww, are you that salty over your shot?” Rashid teased lightly, making Ed roll his eyes as he set up the next game. 
As Rashid watched, he decided to humor his boxer friend with an interesting question. “Could…you maybe teach me how to play?”. This made Ed freeze, he knew Rashid was probably messing with him…unless-
“What happened to getting that thing you wanted earlier?” Ed questioned the brunette as he racked all the balls. “Eh..I gave up, plus that stuffed pal wasn’t worth it…even though it was super adorable.” Rashid smirked at his clever sarcasm. Ed gave Rashid his signature deadpan face as he took away the rack, “You and I both know that thing looked hideous as shit.” Ed sighed as he placed the cue ball. “Well…” Rashid paused, making the blonde turn his attention towards him “I still wanna learn how to play, that is…if you’ll do the honors of teaching me?” Rashid gave Ed a pleading smile. Ed gave the idea some thought, on one hand, he could totally tell the dumbass to fuck off and play one of the DDR machines he saw earlier…on the other hand, he couldn’t help but shake off what could happen if he missed his chance to get closer to the idiot. After some back and forth, Ed let out a small sigh and handed him the cue stick, “Y’ better be serious about what you said”  Ed pushed the cue stick into Rashid’s hands, making the brunette chuckle. “Don’t worry…i’m being 100% serious here, i promise I’ll be a good student” Rashid gave the blonde his classic wink, ‘cute.’ Ed thought, but he wouldn’t let that stop him from giving Rashid a hard time. “Hmph…we’ll see” Ed mumbled as he guided Rashid to the center of the table.
“M’ kay, the main goal is to get all the balls in those holes” Ed points to the pockets, “you wanna save the 8-ball for last tho”. Rashid nods and tries to get in the stance Ed was in earlier, ”So if I hit the 8-ball early on in the game…it’s over, right?”. Ed nods as he watches Rashid carefully “Mhm, you wanna make your shots count each time you play” Ed smirks “So don’t screw up, dumbass”. Rashid playfully rolls his eyes as he tries to fix his aim, he goes for the shot and…
.   .   !
He misses!  “Ahaha…whoops!” Rashid tries to laugh at his garbage shot, Ed lets out a small sigh “Tch…didn’t like that lameass shot you made.”  Rashid rolled his eyes a bit and he got in stance again “Oh come on dude! Cut me some slack!!” Ed shook his head and gave the brunette his deadpan face “Just don’t pull that stunt again. I’m supposed to be teachin’ you so don’t think I’ll go easy on you” Rashid doesn’t take Ed’s warning seriously as he takes his time with the stance. This time, he hits the cue ball! But his stance ends up being off by the end. As the game continued, Rashid managed to screw up almost every shot he missed, whether that’d be thanks to his stance or aim or overall knowledge of the game, Ed being the awesome teacher he is, calls Rashid out on his mistake…kinda brutally. But despite Ed telling Rashid that “his stance is throwing off his aim” or “an infant could make better shots than you” he still tried his best to help the streamer out and even gave him tips that helped Rashid improve. Slowly, Rashid gets better at the game, he doesn’t become a pro but he does end up being better than he was before, Ed would give Rashid a nod or an approving “hmph” each time he made a shot. Ed still thought that Rashid kinda sucked, but that didn’t matter to him right now…what mattered was that he was spending some time with someone he…tolerated. 😏 
At last…Rashid finally makes it to the last ball…the 8-ball. Rashid takes a breath as he leaned in and got in stance, Ed watches from the side, taking notes in his mind as he sees Rashid land this last shot.
.  .  .
Or tries too, Ed can see Rashid is still having some trouble with his stance. After a bit, the blonde sighs and decides to give his idiot a hand, “keep this up and you’re gonna make a fool outta yourself…and i’ll laugh my ass off if you do” Ed comes up behind the streamer. Rashid pays no attention to this and continues to aim, “Oh shush…i almost got this one, trust me”. As Rashid struggles more, Ed rolls his eyes and decides to step in. “Mhm..sure you do…” Ed leans onto Rashid’s frame and helps him get into the correct stance. The brunette froze as he felt Ed’s chest against his back and his cold hands run through his arms, gently guiding them in place. The cold hands (and closeness)  gave Rashid chills, Ed just chuckles against him as stays close to Rashid  “Y’ should really lean in more…you’d have less trouble with your shots if you do” Ed backs away from Rashid and gives him some space. This…left Rashid in a blushing state, the poor streamer didn’t know how to respond to that. Rashid always had a small crush on Ed but this intensified it by like…100% percent! Rashid took a breath and focused on his shot…sure he always found Ed to be…cute. Like when he’s pissed off, or when he’s fighting off a group of thugs, or even when he’s rambling about that trading card series he likes. Despite their personalities clashing with each other, Rashid always liked Ed for how different he was…There was a lot of things Rashid liked about Ed, his strength, his looks, his drive, his bare chest- 
Rashid glanced back at Ed, then back at the pool table, should he really throw the game just because Ed threw him off? 
.   .   .
Rashid sighed, oh well he thought, he never really cared about the game anyway.
.     .     !
He just wanted to spend time with someone he liked.
Ed just stared at Rashid as he “missed” his shot, being slightly pissed at his efforts to teach going to waste. He marched up to the streamer and poked his chest, “Th’ hell was that for?! You could’ve made the shot ya dunce.” Rashid just laughed off his failures like it was nothing
.  .  .
He always found it kinda hot when Ed was pissed off…
“Hey, um..” Rashid leans in close enough to Ed's face, giving him a small hint on what he was gonna do next. Ed was completely oblivious to what Rashid was doing, glaring at him as he felt his face heat up, “Tch…th’ hell you think you’re doin’?”. Rashid wasted no time giving Ed a small kiss on the cheek, even though the kiss itself was small, it still made the blonde freeze up and…not punch Rashid in the face. After what felt like forever, Rashid stepped back and let out a soft chuckle, giving Ed a soft gaze “I just…wanted to thank you…for teaching me how to play”. Ed was…speechless to say the least, he didn’t think Rashid would have the balls to get this close to him…or kiss him. “Th’ was…kinda random, not gonna lie…but…” Ed could barely get his sentence out as he felt breathless. He wanted to at least get back at Rashid for catching him off guard, so without warning, he leaned in close to Rashid’s face and enveloped his mouth in a slow kiss. Rashid could feel his face heat up more as he slowly eased into the kiss. After a few seconds, Ed broke the kiss and glanced at Rashid’s face.
Yeah, That kiss was kinda shit, Ed thought to himself as he cringed at what he did, in his defense, he doesn’t get a lot of experience. But judging by the streamer’s expression, that didn’t seem to matter one bit. 
.  .  .
‘Heh…cute’ he thought, Rashid looked so cute…and out of his mind, just how he pictured, “but yea, your welcome…dumbass” Ed smirked at the brunette with a soft look in his eyes. Rashid just stared at Ed and laughed “Aha…so does this mean you like me?”. Ed froze…that’s what that idiot picked up from this?! How stupid was he…of course he liked him!!!
“Th’ fuck you think?” Rashid chuckled at Ed’s bark, “I think I did a good job catching you off guard” This got a laugh out of Ed, “Like hell you did…ya got lucky Rashid” The brunette wrapped his arm around Ed’s and led him away from the pool table. As the two walked away, Ed spoke up “So what now?” Rashid just shrugged “I dunno…anything really..as long I’m with you” Rashid playfully bumped into Ed. “Tch…that was cheesy.” Ed bumped Rashid back and smirked.
He didn’t want to be here in the arcade, or anywhere really. But as long as he had Rashid with him…he was okay with doing whatever.
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seagull9111 · 6 months ago
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blue hair makes them similar trust
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hon3y-inject1ons · 2 months ago
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I drew Larry Johnson from Sally Face. I’m getting hardcore back into my hyperfixation, and he was a major comfort character of mine. I’m nervous about how I drew him, but I tried 💀
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andreaheartscats · 10 months ago
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Sally Face Headcanons
random headcanons i came up with today cause why not!
-> random hangout events with the group in the woods! just enjoying the nice weather and nature together while smokin' some hihi
-> Ash loves loves LOVEEEES when you let her do your hair or makeup OR nails. Honestly anything! She loveeeees making you all dolled up if you wnat to of course !
-> Sal really enjoys talking to you about his random collections. Like rocks or bottle caps, he collects literally ANYTHING! and all of the things he collected have a story to it.
-> Larry invites you to the treehouse daily for smoke shesh (if you smoke, but if you dont you just chill with him and laugh at him while hes high) and you two would have the best time of your lifes! with music blasting in the background and some cool drinks while smokin that hot pot/ joint
-> Travis has a soft spot for you and that is no secret. During lunch time he SHARES his lunch with you, even when it bologna day...( you dont eat it of course and try to convince him to not eat it aswell.)
->You and Travis sometimes get into the deep talks on your walk after school, he enjoys your company and feels like you understand him the best. Sometimes you two would even stay after school in one of the many parks to just sit and keep on talking with eachother about everything
-> Ash loves making you playlist on iPod ! it would include alsmost all of your favorite songs and some of hers too!
-> Larry plays the guitar for you all the time. Having trouble sleeping? He is here to save the day! Bored? He'll teach you! He will learn to play yoir favorite songs and play them for you!
-> You and Sal would hangout in his apartmant aaaaaaall the time. Cause his dad is alwalys busy working and stuff like that so he would have the apartmant all to himself so you two would play video games against eachother and scream, rage and laugh all you want
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lxuizrr · 1 year ago
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larry johnson as furry
i didnt rly want him to be a dog but…,,,,, its so fitting 😭😭 where are all the furry versions of these sillies?!?! im making mor fanart for more charactrs neoww hehehe,, im gonna struggle so bad w this
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