#fandom is supposed to be fun not whatever bullshit this is
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void-of-unparalleled-chaos · 7 months ago
This whole civil war on reading vs not reading comics is baffling to me. Like honestly this whole arguement is stupid.
Full disclosure before people come after me: I am a comic reader! I love reading comics (although I havent been able to read nearly as many as I would like)
Anyway yeah my whole 2 cents on this.
On one hand, I get why avid comic readers are annoyed. You're favorite character being what you perceive as wildly misinterpreted and being unable to find the content you want is annoying. But also it's so easy to just... click off? Like no one is forcing you to read it, just go find a different work instead of complaing to the author or whatever.
Also, comic characters have been written and rewritten by so many people and have had so many changes to their storylines and personality that a lot of stuff being argued as "not canon" very likely could have been at some point! And that's not even talking about other media like shows and movies.
The first example that comes to mind is Superboy (Conner "Kon" Kent). Comic Kon and Young Justice Cartoon Kon are drastically different in both personality and appearance. Comic Kon is the most bisexual coded person I've ever seen and Cartoon Kon is a grumpy asshole who looks like he stepped straight out of bootcamp. But guess what? Regardless of which one you like most both are canon in DC!
As far as I'm concerned, comic timelines and characters are a mess with or without other media types and we should be allowed to pick and choose whatever traits we want from it. Do I want Kon to have bisexual hair? Yes! Am I ignoring that Batman beats his kids in some runs? Also yes!
And because I saw a few complaints like these once before I'm going to address them.
"Character A can't be into this. It only happened like 1 time in the comics!"
Yeah but it happened. If people want to take that little hint of a trait and expand on it then power to them!
"Character A never actually had this role or did this so stop writing them like that!"
It's called a headcanon or an AU. This may be surprising to you, but both of these are common in fandom spaces. If that headcanon or AU is popular it's because people obviously like it. That person may not be you, and that's fine too! Just let them have their fun and leave to read something else.
And I'm not claiming to be innocent in all this btw! Lord knows I get loud and angry about many MCU fans' interpretation of Jake Lockley from Moon Knight. That being said, the reason I'm loud and angry isn't just "oh they made him less friendly and changed some personality traits". Its the fact that they interpret him as an "evil" alter which perpetuates hateful stereotypes about a very real and very stigmatized disorder with very little decent representation. The whole "Jake is an evil bloodthirsty alter" spreads those fearmongering ideas and has the potential to harm actual systems in the long run whether it's intended to or not. Disclaimer: I am not a system, but I do try my best to listen to what they have to say. By all means listen to their opinions on the situation over mine.
Even so, I don't go and yell directly at those creators. I click off. I don't have to read or look at their stuff if I don't want to.
Another complaint from comic readers I see a lot is "oh but it's so easy for them to just pick up a comic and read it! They are just being lazy/stubborn/etc." And honestly...
It's really not!
It took me YEARS to start reading comics because it was so overwhelming and I had no one to help me. Keeping track of all the comic runs is hard enough let alone actually finding and reading them. Comics are simply not well organized and it's hard to find a part to jump into when so many of them rely on prior knowledge.
"Well ask somebody who works at a comic bookstore!"
I did. He had no answers for me and looked like he would rather be talking to literally anyone else instead of a clueless 15 year old girl. Stepping into spaces like that can be intimidating in itself for a variety of reasons, let alone trying to ask for help. Online it's not always much better. So many people won't give an honest recommendation and others won't be specific enough. Many comic runs have similar titles, and honestly it's best if you just know the name of the writer.
Trying to break into comics is just genuinely difficult for a lot of people depending on their situations whether it be enviornmental, financial, or mental.
Also you can't just force someone to read the comics! If they don't want to and just want to watch the shows or absorb fanon content then that's their preference! You don't have to interact with it! Am I saying that no one should read comics? No! But I am saying that not everyone has the same accessibility and the way some comic readers treat these people isn't doing favors. Attacking them over stuff and getting annoyed at them isn't going to encourage them to pick up a comic and read it but rather push them away from something really fun.
Okay now that's out of the way, time for me to turn my sights on the "not reading" camp.
You can't just attack people for suggesting canonical content under your prompts. Unless they are being a dick about it. Then you can go ham. But if someone is coming in like "hey btw A is a thing that happens canonically and it might be fun to do!" then there is no reason for you to act like they just ate your baby!
It is also not completely unreasonable for someone to simply suggest that you try out a comic or two (provided that they are being polite and are actually willing to help you with clear reccomendations). There is no reason for you to get pissy at them, just as it is not a requirement for you to take up their advice. If you don't want to read it or can't currently that's fine, but just know that you have the potential to be introduced to something you really enjoy and that consuming canon content will more than likely help you with your writing!
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crystalkiseki · 10 months ago
shipping is fun until you act as if not dating anyone is miserable and pathetic
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kyri45 · 3 months ago
Not me abusing the asks to both share my love for the bioparents AU AND rant about the panels because none of my friends are in the LMK fandom and I'm suffering here so TAKE MY LOVE AND APPRECIATION ABOUT YOUR ART I guess x)
So first of all
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I am a SUCKER for that kind of leaning in frames I'm going to print that and plaster it on my wall THEY ARE EVERYTHING /hj
I almost jumped of my chair when this one popped up YOU FED US GOOD its so worth the angst train incoming. Of course the panels before and after were equally as amazing but if I start going about every single panel we're still here in three days AT THE VERY LEAST LOL
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Of course this one made me laugh like please their little faces
Using that to point out how much I love ALLLLLLL the silly faces you put in your comics I'm munching on them every single time they're crushy like chips or something just. Nom nom. Yummy.
Poor Nesha (Nesha? Nezha? Neja? I have no idea on how to write his name I already forgor LMAO) needs to be payed more. He tries to save MK and ends up dealing with two lovesick teenagers demons who have no concept of time/place/occasion apparently. Poor him. He gets a pat on the head for his troubles
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And of course just the "NOPE I'M KEEPING HIM" mode and honestly we should have seen it coming- Red son was planning to courtnap him and didn't sleep in the past 5 days so he's not having any bullshit YOU'RE NOT TAKING HIS NOODLE BOY AWAY-
Could bet he spent so long thinking about the cournapping in the 5 past days his brain just cannot process that yeah maybe you need to let him down you're just going to drag him in more troubles- Either that or he's just going full protective mode. Both options are good anyways sooooo :)
We stan a protective boyfriend in this house.
And finally I'm SOOOOO hyped about whatever is coming next like I know that technically we're supposed to suffer but please I climbed up the angst train so many times now I'm just enjoying it by that point lol. It'll just make the following fluff even more worth it
Also I cannot wait to see MK's plan about the contract I'm so curious I'm dying I love you boys but I really want the plot to progress you can go back to kissing later lol
Finally, thank you for creating this AU. It's stumbling randomly upon it on my tik tok fyp that dragged me into watching Lego Monkie Kid and really THANK YOU FOR THAT. It's such an amazing show I CANNOT BELIEVE I didn't discovered it sooner so really thank for having created this comic because else I could have missed LMK and that would be just saaaad
Fun fact: since I had never interacted with LMK the first time I read your comic, I for some reason thought Macaque was a female (and I probably would have thought the same of Wukong if he wasn't called... well, Wukong because I randomly stumbled upon the myth's Wikipedia page at some point in my life XD). The shock I felt when I heard Macaque for the first time in the show because his voice was soooooo not what I expected x) I'm still laughing at myself to this day
So yeah, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I can't wait to see what you're going to pull next :D Wish you allllll the best <3
(I can totally wait, of course, it's just a figure of speech. Take your time, I could wait forever for the next chapter)
ahaha thank you for such a lovely comment!! Glad the scene gived "MINE" vibes as I was planning ahah.
Youu're welcome! It's an honor to serve this fandom. *bows*
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flamingpudding · 1 year ago
Fictober23 Prompt: 20 - "This better be good."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A green Vortex swirled in front of them and Constantine held his breath. This was not like any of the summonses he usually did. He looked over his shoulder at the others present, wondering if he could somehow bullshit his way out of this. But one thing was clear, whatever he had summoned was not one of his demons.
The Vortex continued to swirl before them, slowly greenish smoke started to rise out of him. Then suddenly a melody started to echo around them and Constantine felt like face palming.
"Uh… isn't this the Melody of This is Halloween?" The Flash asked aloud, exchanging glances with the others present.
"Constantine." Great Bats was getting grumpy, the JL Dark member thought, refusing to turn around to face any of the heroes. Ignoring them might make them stop questioning what was happening with this summon. It wasn't like there were any pressing situations, forcing this summon in hopes to prevent whatever interdimensional war Trigon was about to start. No, they hadn't forced him out and away from the curse he had been working on. Not like there were other members of the JL Dark, Constantine clearly knew the big bad Bat liked to work more with than him.
Humming resounded from the vortex now too, clearly depicting the chorus of the well known Halloween song, and John's eye twitched. The fuck kinda demon spirit did he summon now? Was whatever he summoned making fun of him just because that being got summoned in October? The rising smoke started to move, taking on a shape that appeared more humanoid as the humming started to become clearer though it sounded like it was filtered through static as it still sounded somewhat distorted.
"Shadow is the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing green! Spectra is the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in her hair."
The voice echoed sounding like a mix of static and white noise but became clearer the more or the green smoke escaped from the vortex. None of them really knew what was going on and Constantine was cursing up a storm in his mind. What the hell was happening right now, he just wanted to get the Spirit of Balance to help them out with Trigon? They were supposed to symbolize balance, surely they would have the easiest time to fix that imbalance the demon was about to wreck across dimensions.
"In this zone we call home, everyone hails to the ghost-like song! In this zone, don't we love it now? Clockworks' waiting for the next surprise!" The smoke was twirling around and moving like they were picking something up from inside the vortex, its shape still smokey but slowly Constantine was able to make out certain shapes of the head and arms as the voice continued to hum and then sing the static was more and more receding.
"Freakshow is the clown with the thermos to his face, sucked up in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call, 'Who's there?'. Dani is the wind blowing through your hair. Dan is the shadow on the moon at night, Frighty filling your dreams to the brim with fright!" The voice was now very clear, no interference, the smoke had fully formed a human-like body and appeared to be a white haired teen boy, though John noted, his summon was turned with his back to them appearing not to notice him or the heroes in the room and holding… Was that a Halloween party garland?
"This is Halloween, this is Hallo- who the fuck are you guys?" Mid lyrics the kid appeared to have turned around his arms raised like he was going to hang the garland of cut out pumpkins on a wall. White green eyes stared at them before the summoned eyes went to the garland in his hands that were then quickly hidden behind the teens back.
"Spirit of balance-"
"It's Ancient actually."
The spirit, ancient, cut in and Constantine hurried to correct his mistake. "Ancient of balance, we are the Justice League and have summoned you to seek your help…" Constantine started his usual spiel, ignoring Green Lantern's mutter of if that kid really was the spirit of balance as well as the judging looks and burning glare he felt on his back from Batman. He was not going over with them again about the fact that demon, spirits, ghost and the likes can look like whatever the fuck they wanted.
"Okay, stop!" The summoned teen held up a hand before John could continue. "I was in the middle of an important Halloween themed stabilization party preparation! To finally celebrate Dan after Dani pestered him for months! So this better be good, to get in the way of my first fight free weekend in years!"
"A war with demons is about to start." Constantine's head whipped around to glare at Batman, does he need to hold another course of how to properly communicate with interdimensional beings?
"That's Demon Realm Issues, not Ghost related. Could you humans stop mixing us up? I am not even from the same dimension as them and we have enough troubles with them breaching the Ghost Zone borders every month!" The summoned teen arched an eyebrow at them, crossing his arms and bringing that damned Halloween garland back into view again. They clearly didn't want to be here and if Constantine knew anything about unwilling summons then one wrong world could screw them all over right now.
"Trigon is the one starting it." Batman added and once more the JL Dark member sent the Dark knight a seething glare. That hypocrite put him through a lecture about hero behavior and cautions before, John would return the favor once the crisis was handled.
"Trigon?" His head whipped around to look at the suddenly very interested ancient of balance floating over to Batman.
"What did that big toddler do now?" It appeared like the Ancient was talking to themselves more than them as he crossed his arms completely forgetting about the wall decoration in his hands as they tilted their head in thoughts and started to ignore them. They were mumbling something John couldn't hear, for once he wished Superman was around so he could tell them with his super hearing.
"I have no idea who you guys are but, fine! I will help but only because Dan mentioned wanting to fight that overgrown toddler again. That's going to be his stabilizing day present! He can't complain this way that I got him something lame."
Constantine was about to sigh a breath of relief until he noticed the Ancient of Balance opening a good damn vortex and pulling out a snarling, red glowing eyed and blue flamed haired spirit by the neck. He paled then realizing that the being of balance just pulled the Spirit er Ancient of Wrath into their dimension. John then also noticed what appeared to be a little girl hanging like a koala of Wrath's back and then remembered a passage in the summoning text of the Spirit of Balance, he apparently had carelessly ignored.
Summoning Balance, Wrath and Mischief always stuck together. Sweating heavily, Constntine ignored any and all looks sent his way, because he was sure he might have just doomed their Dimension or at least plunged them into chaos for the time being.
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nickssidewitch · 2 months ago
This fanbase is too fucking disgusting, and y’all wonder why some of your favorite writers and some friends you all have made on here are leaving.
Because of bullying and fuckery like this:
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Yes, these are screenshots from that strange account @sturnioloexposing. YES.
I have this account blocked, but people come into my DMs always feeling uncomfortable and saddened by posts like these, and it breaks my heart to read the messages. And I think it’s about time that we have a real conversation about bullshit like this within our little community on this platform.
Obviously it is not just this account. There are other accounts that have come up who have tried to emulate this sort of content. But I’m calling out this one specifically as an example because they’re crossing lines that niggas shouldn’t be crossing on this app within this space. And the niggas hitting the like button on this shit are just as guilty and weird.
First of all, this account used to say “RUMORS” instead of “THEORIES”, and then when I clocked their ass about being weird since spreading rumors about people is a fucking no-go by any means, they were quick to change it to “theories”.
And you wanna talk about some damn lurking?? Nigga, you slipped your dick on the follow button while swiping through my shit. And you wanna get all stupid talking about some other account lurking you? Fuck off.
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You created a fuckass account just to incite people talking shit about others. You know damn fucking well your account wasn’t created to just “talk about fan theories about the triplets”. You came here to just be a weird nigga and make people feel bad for simply existing on this platform.
You even sent my mutual a DEATH THREAT. The fuck?1
Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.
And now, I’m not an ass-licker of anyone’s. I have my own spine, and my mouth is clean from any shit anybody wants to say. But having some sort of fucking personal vendetta against someone and using your account to fuel bullying of any means to that person when they have NOT done anything wrong except just… exist, is FUCKED UP. Point blank, period.
And don’t say I’m doing that shit to you because you know you’re wrong as fuck for the shit you be doing, weirdo.
Using Rose @bernardsbendystraws as an example since y’all love to bring her up and she’s the recent target, I can tell a lot of people target her account, simply because she has a mind of her own and enjoys creating the content she makes on here. I don’t know her at all. We don’t talk offline at all. We’re just mutuals who respect each other’s work. That’s the extent of our relationship. But I can see that she’s just simply trying to be a creator, and I respect that. Someone asking for credit for shit that they create or edit is fair. Who the fuck are you to think otherwise?
You can dislike someone and the content they make. But creating platform that incites harassment and bullying, not even using actual things they’ve done wrong to provide as evidence for your animosity, is hell. And anyone who does that shit is lame as fuck. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.
I know bitches are gonna wanna argue with me and say some lame shit like “i ain’t reading all that” or “this is just tumblr” or whatever the fuck, but there are people behind these screens who come on social media to just have fun and chill out with others who share the same interests as them. And if you waste your fucking time hitting your thumbs on a “create account” button to just talk shit with some lame ass comebacks and fuel some unnecessary drama and weirdo shit within a fandom that’s supposed to be fun and chill and a little slutty, you’re a lame bitch.
And fuck any account who tries to make another godforsaken “expose” account on here. You ain’t exposing shit but your own malarkey, nigga.
If someone needs to be exposed for being an actual dickhead who’s ignorant or a weirdo who talks to minors or anything, let’s all band together and clock that shit as soon as possible. We don’t need no messy ass account for that.
Everyone report that damn account, and report all them other stupid ass accounts who swear they’re Regina George’s burn book who jerk off to getting their 20 likes on being sore instigators. Fuck outta here with that lame shit. Let Sturniolo fans be horny and shitpost. My GOD!
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obsidianpen · 2 months ago
unpopular opinion: admit it or not but no glory would've been more popular on ao3 than blood & gold if it wasn't locked, considering it's popularity on tiktok. even big accounts on tiktok about fanfic recommendations and stuffs, recommends no glory and their videos is always a hit. don't get me wrong i'm a blood & gold fan, like seriously. but i think no glory is more closer of getting popular along side of manacled, like seriously check tiktok and search no glory and all videos are hits. everytime i search blood & gold on tiktok hoping if some people read it, i barely see any videos compared to no glory. is this a sign to read no glory?😭
well this is certainly part of the problem - something being popular on TikTok is NOT a surefire sign that it’s a good story. There are a LOT of amazing fics that aren’t on TikTok. Like most of them probably. And honestly, I’ve seen some pretty atrocious ones get posted about and reccd there, particularly in tomione. Cough cough.
let’s talk about the tiktokification (and adjacent, instagramification) of fanfics! Like all things, I think there are good and bad parts of this. I think it can be fun when readers like a story so much they make a TikTok about it to hype up the author. That’s how the exchange of fandom is supposed to work: the writer makes and shares a story with the world for free; the reader says thank you by providing feedback in the form of a comment or in this case, reccing it on social media, maybe even going as far as to make a fun video or edit. Fine. Fun. Go at it.
(side note to give special thanks to all fan artists; I think I speak for most writers when I say this is the BEST???? Fanfic inspiring fanart is the best exchange ever, true fandom love)
where I find a problem with TikTok and all that is when writers themselves are hyping up their own work on social media like it’s a job, making catchy funny videos with the intent to reach many people as possible and blow up - on a site that where posts can be monetized. It feels very cringey to me. Like, ulterior motive-y. Sorry if I’m offending anyone with this take, feel free to disagree and do your thing!
but on to No Glory’s presence on TikTok - truly, this was a surprise to me when I first saw it. I don’t agree that it would be ‘manacled popularity status’ because… it’s harrymort. It’s a far cry from Draco and Hermione, that’s for sure (not that I can’t and won’t make a solid argument for how canon compliant - though admittedly very fucked up - harrymort is!). I think it’s fair to say that No Glory is a bit of a ‘despite the’ situation, meaning, it is somehow popular despite having graphic torture, death, trauma, rape, etc. And none of those things are done lightly, nor are they ever excused (the murderer/rapist is not pardoned for any of his bullshit nor is he coerced into doing any of it; he is a Villain, capital V). So yeah, it’s surprising to me that it is as popular as it is, given all that AND that’s it’s a WIP, seeing as there is also (I think) a big trend for people only reading completed fics (these folks are almost missing the point of fandom and how it works and they suck, but that’s a different rant).
I’m losing the plot. Er, I don’t think NG being locked for a while would have made TOO much a difference, but maybe it would have - I’m sure people were sharing it with those who didn’t have accounts and so it probably would have more ‘hits’ or whatever if it hadn’t been. But all in all I don’t think it would be ‘manacled popular’. Because Harry is a (poor young) man, Voldemort is Voldemort, the age gap is both much too large and much too small (if it were an inhuman number of years, book tok logic says it becomes okay again), and everything is so fucked and unforgiving almost all the time. And not in the cute ‘I can fix him and everything!’ way. In the ‘there is nothing that can make him redeemable ever so I’m going to disassociate until I implode over and over again’ kind of way.
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heartsicklust · 3 months ago
Batman seems to be one of the least toxic fandoms out there right now and I appreciate that so much. It's full of complete weirdos and perverts and free spirits just doing their thing and loving it, which is what fandom is supposed to be. I could be wrong about this, I guess there could be some super gross corner out there I've overlooked full of hate, judgemental bullshit and people trying to police each other's kinks and OTPs, but that's cool. It can stay there, lost in the void where I can't see it.
I do wonder though, if this really great thing is partly because DC and Batman in particular are so, so damn weird in canon. Because, people, they are so damn weird in canon. Whatever crazy thing you can think up, something crazier has already been done somewhere in a comic.
For example:
Remember that time a giant rainbow monster turned Batman into a flat pancake man? Then Batman destroyed it by poking it with a stick? Yeah.
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Remember that time villains held the actual comic book artists hostage? Mhmm.
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Remember that time space slugs had space slug sex then died and Batman and Superman cried about it? Yep.
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Remember that time Batman fought Elmer Fudd? Fun times, right?
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Remember that time Batman carried Joker's severed head inside of a lantern through an apocalyptic wasteland? Uh huh. They made friends. It was great.
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There are so many more examples of truly bizarre things in canon. There's Bat Baby, where Bruce is de-aged to a toddler. There's that time he was turned into a merman. That time Jason Todd was a tentacle monster. That time where Dick broke his arm so Bruce wore garish rainbow suits to distract everyone from noticing it. There's the truly disgusting and abusive Goddamn Batman (TM) of the All-Star run. There's that time the Justice League got fed up with villains being villains and turned to lobotomizing them, then erased Batman's memories when he found out about it.
And many more...
Kinda hard to get upset about whatever people are making up in fandom when there is literally a comic out there where Batman wets himself in public. But, regardless, I know that wouldn't matter if everyone wasn't so very cool about it all.
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iiapple · 5 months ago
do you hate knife as a character or what the fandom/his relationship with suitcase has turned into /genq
theres aspects to him i enjoy though usually its paired with another character's interactions with the general juvenile violence in season 1 - early season 2. knife and trophy's whole deal is so ridiculously stupid its laughable but in an enjoyable way where im kinda entertained. it can make for a lot of funny interactions that are just jabs at one another (and trophy getting the short end of the dick which is always funny). he and pickle are fun too even without the romancey shippinf component, they can be at a base just stupid gay bros that chill. while he was caught up in mic's business and did lend a hand in her arc, i do prefer how it is now where again, its just slight jabs and non melodramatic fun (add in soap to grill his ass, soapmic knickle video game sesh and soap is crushing everyone at it like hell)
however its the push of him needing to be this "philosophical deep guy who analyzes everyone correctly and its soooooo interesting how much hes changed" that really irks me. because i honestly dont buy it and just see a man who self pities under the guise of "learning and growing i help others now because ive changed". hes like balloon to me in that sense except hes able to keep it composed and together without becoming outwardly desperate. its honestly irritating how much of an involvement he has now and again, how much of a push there is to him being in the top 2 after "all his growth". i just dont give a fuck. why should i give a fuck about a man who burnt and harassed and bullied and tortured a woman in season 1 for fun, and had others try to join in on it too? and the GALL of him to even apologize to marshmallow for it too LOOOOOL... "ohhhh poor me im sorry marshmallow for hurting you before" pussy couldnt even state what he did to her, weak ass self fellating apology im SO glad marsh didnt accept it and was NOT kind about it in front of him. she shouldve start throwing rocks at him. all this "change and teaching" i will never forgive that man for what he did to women
not to mention, how practically of little to no help he was towards suitcase who, was dealing with bigger issues than he was as if hes fuckin get it. such bullshit advice and "lessons" hed tell her when its like dude, shut the hell up!!! youre saying the dumbest shit and still pinning it all against her somehow when shes been tossed around her supposed alliance because those 3 idiots couldnt get shit together for once. that AND her psychosis coming onto the foreground of it all of course shes not gonna talk about it further because you keep pushing in shit that she has no fault in, as if shedve trust you with that. its sweet that theyre working now against everything now but god lol, i just dont buy their newfound ammends and friendship of sort personally
what the fandom has done is REALLY hyopcritical. now im not gonna say its every single person who does this, nor am i a fan of monolith-ing (?) a group of people because of a common pattern, but its just really REALLY funny seeing people going after pairings like lairy or whatever saying its "proship" while shipping a man who has a history of violence on women with a psychotic woman who he has offered piss poor assistance to in the name of his own weird beliefs of changing and helping. idgaf for discourse around a bunch of pixels over trivial shit that really isnt THAT big of an issue (lairy discourse), especially because well, theyre wrong as fuck, but how are people gonna say one thing then turn around and do The Same Shit under another flavour. knifecase is such a kick in the balls to women and another example of how fandom greatly prefers men over women WHATEVER the situation is. theyll fawn over a man whos done shit and think "yeah hes my poor onglydoople poop. only HE suffers in this work of media" while greatly ignoring the issues the women in the same piece of work deal with by writing (misogyny) and circumstances (misogyny again). this world is founded immensely on misogyny and we're never getting the fuck out of it and while yeah im ranting about object character violence being sexist/misogynistic, you gotta get that its all a repeated pattern of these behaviours these mentalities this culture. you can argue one thing about writers intentions and beliefs, we dont know these people well enough to point fingers and label. however, how are YOU digesting it? shitting it out? what is your overall take and without using gay fandom buzzwords and misogynist thinking describe the women in the show (rhetorical)
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pepsiiwho · 14 days ago
I was not only tagged but also texted and, if you can believe it— called— to do this by @koipalm so. Here I am. Doing it. Huzzah. 
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
71! (jesus) 
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
260,293… bullshit numbers fr… 71 fics only JUST hitting 260k...
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
A quick foreword I don’t care about kudos as a system and I don't use them as a benchmark for my work at all. I suppose they transfer over easily to mean ‘likes’ but I think most ao3 readers ‘likes’ are flimsy currency. Now comments? That I can get behind.  To Be Seen (And To See)  Two Of The Worst People You Know Are Talking In Low Whispers In The Room Over Live, Laugh, Love (And Other Things Luffy Can't Eat) Acute Stress Response Touch, A Commodity We Both Lack In Spades
4) what fandoms do you write for?
My ao3 will list a lot but I’m only going to consider fandoms I actually enjoy writing for, not just one offs or gifts I got grouped into. So, having said that, my main haunts are:  Hades [1/2] (Active) Metaphor: ReFantazio (Active) Haikyuu!! Fe3h DRV3
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Always. I'll respond to a backlog right now, but I feel that comments are the lifeblood of ao3. You get all this work for free and most writers only ask for one thing— recuperation. No money, no content in exchange, just a few short words of encouragement. Considering the high regard I keep commenting on, it's only right to pay that respect back in turn. Also, duh, I wanna talk about the concepts I wrote about more!!
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am too indecisive with my own work so I’m going to take the cop out answer and give one fic per fandom.  For Metaphor: ReFantazio, I Hear You Walking Even Now. It doesn’t seem sad, but to me it is a deeply upsetting piece because of the finality of it. Basilio gets this big house he’d always wanted and he’s alone. And he will never be able to enjoy the home with his brother as he wanted. Whatever. For Hades And Here It Is, Our Final Night Alive. I almost forgot about this piece because the magic of two men kissing bewitched me. But this was such a sad send off and imagining what I think might have happened with Hypnos and Melinoe. Go read it, the comments want me dead.  For Fire Emblem, To Mourn You Is To Live, Heartless. No one has read this because no one on earth gives a fuck at all about Claude Von Riegan/Igantz Victor but Im OBSESSED and I think this story is so terribly sad. These two might as well be ocs, but I think my writing shines in these somber pieces…
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Can I give a blanket answer and say porn? All my porn is pretty happy because my faves get laid…. But if that doesn’t count, uhhh… I don’t know. We’ll say my oc x canon fic because the whole concept is like, married bliss. Whole Package Baby, I Like The Way You Fit
8) do you get hate on fics?
Once or twice. I always respond in a weirdly pointed way and in both cases they’ve apologized so. Yay?
9) do you write smut?
Yes! I started for the first time a few months ago and have been unable to stop since. Hallelujah.
10) do you write crossovers?
I haven’t written any in a long time BUT I love crossovers inherently for what they are. The more indulgent the better. 
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It was a Chainsaw Man fic. My lawyer friend got the person’s account completely nuked though, it was great. 
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I think… 4 of them? All into mandarin! How fun. 
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes I’ve worked on pieces informally with numerous writer friends of mine and more ‘officially’ (if anything on ao3 can be granted such a word) in DRV3 and MRF  
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
…This is a hard question because I feel like an ‘all time favorite’ needs to be one you continually come back to regardless of your other tastes changing….. I… probably should give this to a Danganronpa ship, but I rather not so instead I’m going to say either Claudenatz or Osalev… insane rarepairs no one gives a fuck about will do me in everytime.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them. I am a chronic unfinished wip poster. Right now I am working most aggressively to finish I'll See You First, my uh, most recent long fic. But as for ‘abandoned’ titles…. Probably I Don't Like How I Look At You. It's relatively new but I still think it reads well and I’m still into the fandom so all isn’t lost.  Wait wait no, I take it all back i want to finish more then anything else my bullshit Haikyuu fic My Real Boyfriend Is Real He's Just From Moscow, Russia— Actually. I think this fic is so fucking good but I have to FINISH IT. I probably never will but the WHOLE thing is drafted out and ready to go. Just needs to be made haha. 
16) what are your writing strengths?
Uh. I truly think I’m good at everything, generally, and infallible. I'm gods gift to man, and reader, so it isn't easy to pick ONE thing I'm strong with.... But of all my strengths, of which there are many, I’m most proud of my character work and ability to convey setting and tone. You’ll never say my work bores, I know that for dance sure. 
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Quantity. I struggle with filling word counts. I don’t write a lot. I want to write more. 
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think more often then not it doesn’t land and just reads as an amateur writing decision. Generally, when writing character who speak different languages (fictional or otherwise) I think it's more efficient and readable to just put something to the effect of “[name] begins speaking quickly in [language], the words sounding [description] to his ears” If the point of view character wouldn’t understand it, I don’t see why we as the audience should either.  Past that, a worse crime if you ask me— it breaks immersion badly. In fic especially, I’m never going to open google translate to get the full meaning of what you wrote and if you’re going to translate why even write it like that?  This is for all languages btw, if you write in japanese I don’t think your character should start speaking spanish and suddenly I see a totally different character alphabet. This feels like a holdover from visual media though. Webcomics, animation, shit like that. This is opinion, of course, but if you do this think about why and what effect it has on the work.
19) first fandom you wrote for?
Personally? Sailor Moon. Publicly? AOT. 
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
I cannot possibly answer this. Theres so many variables that go into making a piece a ‘favourite’... I genuinely don’t know.  Anything under my ao3 account is a fic I adore. I delete fics the moment they don’t inspire joy in me haha. Sorry. 
Uhh, sharing the wealth. @quill-and-paper-cranes , @grayvamp @antelopunny @freya-faust okay now YOU guys do it.
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miguel o hara is a lameass. he's not cool. he tries way too hard to look cool, but he is fundemently a lameass. very important part of his character that people who objectify him miss in their lust for his shoulders or whatever.
like guys. did you even watch the movie or did your brain turn off when Hot Guy Was Bad Boy?
its the same thing with spot. you cannot trust what these two say. spot blames miles for things he did to himself and miguel blames miles for things he doesn't have proof for (and also did to himself). others have said it before, but anomalies aren't actually a problem/threat to the multi-verse.
like, take pav and his captain. if the captain died there, that would have been an anomaly! because his death was directly caused by spot, who is definitely an anomaly. like. spot wasn't supposed to be there, and the captain wouldn't have been in any danger if he hadn't been.
miguel is coping hard with bullshit half-formed theories becuase he's lame as shit. he's just also hot&brooding so people don't pay attention to his actual character which is so much more interesting. the movie constantly makes fun of him if you bother to pay attention to, yknow, the story??
i can't stand big fandoms, ngl. its like no one actually cares about the source material in them.
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 months ago
I'm making this a new post because unlike some people, I don't like putting relentless bullshit in other people's notifications (I am speaking of the OP, I could not give a fuck less about the replier's notifications, since they clearly don't care about ours). But I'm replying to this:
@ineffably-human said: So first of all, this is not the only show in the world with meaningful lighting and costumes because that is literally the job of lighting and costuming if they try. And those people can try even when the writers do not. (And we only know if something is meant if they tell so.)
Second, a fandom is a community. I hope you understand how hurtful it is to tell people they suck and wish ill on them (however minor and funny 'I hope your bacon burns' is, that's still what it is) and tell them to get out so you can have fun (this is less funny and something I have seen) because they don't agree with whatever opinions are going on in your specific corner of it. And conversely I hope no one has made you feel unwelcomeforliking the finale, and if any of us have, me included, then that's our bad. I get the frustration of seeing something other people aren't. But trust me, we're hurting that a show we loved is gone and we can't even feel satisfied in how it went out. And if we feel betrayed by how we feel the show's queerness should have been handled, that's all the worse. Making us out to be a hate-spewing problem is kind of messed up. This is less just about you and more about an overall trend, so I'm sorry for going off a bit, but I hope you understand why I did.
Literally where did anyone say this was the only show to ever do anything. What. Because OP certainly did not say that.
But yeah I gotta say this is a wild ass thing to read after a solid month of people who share your opinion on the finale being loudly insufferable on finale-enjoyers' posts, not to mention calling people who enjoy the finale delusional, self-hating, homophobic, and worse when at first we were simply saying "hey, I felt represented by this as a queer person. I felt loved and seen by this as a queer person. And maybe it's not cool for y'all to write it off as The Most Horrible Queerbait Ever To Exist and write US off as self-hating and delusional for enjoying it, just because it wasn't specifically representing YOUR queer experience."
But yeah, a harmless wish for your bacon burning is so so so so terrible and harmful, I'm SO sorry, how will you ever recover. /sarcasm
Literally learn to make your own posts you insufferable assholes, I am NO LONGER ASKING. Because yeah, fandom IS supposed to be a community, but none of y'all have been acting like it is one with the way you've been behaving, so don't try to lay that at our feet now. I have zero interest in being in community with people who are not only determined to be miserable themselves but to shit on everyone else who isn't miserable as well. I've been having a great time with the people that DON'T want to be assholes every minute of the day, but the Venn diagram between them and people whining about the finale being queerbait are basically two circles that do not touch.
I'm just so incredibly unbelievably COMPLETELY done with this bullshit because it IS a trend. A trend of half this fandom being so loud and obnoxious and needlessly mean about the finale to the point that the tag is basically unusable, so when you act like you haven't seen it in your reply, I simply do not believe you. At this point I've blocked more accounts than I ever followed in the WWDITS fandom in the first place, explicitly because they keep showing up in my notes and on my posts and on my friends' posts with their whining about how much they hated the finale. So for someone to come in a month later like "omg why would you be mean" is just. Fucking LAUGHABLE. God.
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genocidalfetus · 2 months ago
Reason number...errr...whatever that I refuse to be part of Dragon Age Fandom
Apparently changing a character's hairstyle/beard style is akin to erasing a character's handicap....I wish I was making this up.
There's a reason the Dragon Age fandom is mostly seen in a negative light...when the weird ones aren't attacking fan artists or harassing devs/writers, they're a bunch of Judgy McJudgepants over how people mod their games. My dudes, it's not that fucking deep. I wanted Emmrich to give off Dr. House vibes. That's literally it. And if you're gonna act like I'm committing some great sin, then I'm banishing your stupid ass to my Shadow Realm so you don't have to get triggered by my screenshots.
This is why I'm forever 'FANDOM ADJACENT'. I can't with this dumb bullshit. Fandom is supposed to be fun, you stupid twats!
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clonebrainrot · 10 months ago
lol do you ever see a post on the internet that is directed at an opinion that you hold very deeply and it’s taking the opposite side of that opinion and ever wonder? Did I in part inspire this post? Probably not. As many people share the same opinions. But it’s something that flutters across my mind every once in a while.
I do wish more people shared their opinions about all sorts of things. The clash of opinion and thought will only make for a better conversation. Would be a pretty boring life if we all agreed on something.
Hell you see that philosophy in my posts itself. I love the bad batch and a majority of Star Wars. But I will critique all of Star Wars very openly. I will admit that the bad batch’s weakest points was emotional moments with crosshair. There were key moments that the writers just skipped over. (There were others they did not) but that’s a story for another post)
Point being whatever your opinion is share it. I’ll probably not agree, but that’s kinda the point right? That’s where I get like a solid 30% of my fun. Debating random bullshit about Star Wars on Reddit. Or whatever.
And hey you might even change someone’s mind. I am pretty set in my ways on issues, but I have been known to change my mind if the argument is compelling enough. I think posts on this very platform helped make Kanan one of my favorite Star Wars characters back when rebels was airing.
But you know never take it all to seriously and I know I say this about everything. But fandom is supposed to be fun. If you aren’t having fun you’re doing it wrong and that’s my opinion. (See full circle)
Also if you’re curious this post was triggered by a post I saw in a discord server I am apart of.
I don’t know how many times I’ll post about different ways having fun in fandom is imoortant, but I will never get tired of dissecting fandom more meta than not.
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mars-ipan · 4 months ago
ok, ill crawl my beating heart ass out of the floorboards for a second just to tell that one anon. actually hey. that one anon i am talking directly to you now actually. listen, i have been in your position. i have been the guy whose whole life revolved around fandom and one character and one ship, and i was not happy. so many stressors in my life were made worse by the fact i had insisted on placing useless importance on something that was supposed to provide an escape from that stress, because i refused to accept that one can not possibly be correct about a subjective interpretation. you are some guy, and as such you do not know komaeda better than any other some guy because, lets keep this in mind, he is not real. he cant tell you things, you cant know him better than anyone else, and you just have to accept that and move on. sometimes you depict a character in a way thats true to how you personally interpret their behavior and believe them to act, and thats cool and thats good. fuck, thats mainly what i enjoy doing, i have so much respect for creators who are able to depict characters exactly as they appear and can adapt that character to any situation, its hard. but also sometimes you just wanna make them do shit thats fun or hot or whatever, and you cant stop people from doing that. this kind of fandom bullshit doesnt have any real world impact besides making you upset.
block if something makes you uncomfortable, let people play toys in their own spaces and you can play in your own. or just log off and go look at the sky and the animals thatd probably do you a lot of good. for real
hca💂‍♀️ ok didnt mean to add that one but ill be a royal guard today i guess fuck it
also hi mars 👋 lmao. sorry someone wrote an essay-length thesis in your inbox about komahina, usually that is my job. and maybe i will be on da clock again soon who knows🧐
hi hca 👋 this is stellar btw
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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tevantarlos · 4 months ago
The buddie fandom need to knock it off with berating the writers, actors, and producers of 911 about making buddie canon. Keep pushing for something that wasn't suppose to happened and you get the shitstorm that was Cas confessing to Dean before dying and the show ending. and no one wants that.
I can't see buddie being canon and them still working the same shift or in the same station. not saying they can't, I just don't see it happening. The only way I can see buddie becoming canon is at the VERY end of series, either with a destiel bullshit or when them ending with asking the other out for dinner and the show ends before we see the date.
I also feel like even if buddie does become canon, whatever they put on the show isn't going to be nearly as satisfying as what they have made up in their heads or in fanfiction. everyone is going to be at least a little disappointing.
Liking a ship is all fine and fun but making it the whole reason to watch a show to the point of having so much hate, is just stupid. They need to chil the fuck out.
I don't consider Destiel canon. Just because Cas told Dean he was in love with him, doesn't make it actual canon. It makes Cas being in love with Dean, canon. Dean never said I love you, back. Now, anyone who's watched the show, knows that Dean loves Cas. In the same way that Cas loves Sam. As family. But the fuckery that went on in tonight's episode of 911, and they're basically just saying, 'fuck you,' to the fans, is bullshit. What's the fucking point of even bringing Tommy back, talking up how great things are going for BuckTommy, and then dropping this steaming pile of shit, on their fans? They should've just used Josh for Buck's Bi awakening if this was the fucking plan all along. I love Buck, I love Tommy, and I love BuckTommy. I used to be a Buddie fan before their asshole fans ruined my enjoyment of that ship. At this point, despite being pissed off as hell about this bullshit, I will continue to watch the show. For now. I love Bathena, Henren, and Madney. BUT, if Tim and 911 make Buddie canon and reward those psycho assholes with Buddie, after they've been such horrible trolls, I'll drop this fucking show like you won't believe, and will just write fics for every OTHER ship except Buddie. My thoughts on Buddie, before this episode and even more so after tonight's fuckery, are this: Be careful what you wish for, Buddie shippers. You might just get Buddie canon. But if you do, there's ALWAYS the chance that Tim will fuck it up, and it'll even ruin Buck and Eddie's friendship.
That shit happened on Glee with Blaine, and it pissed me off as Blaine and Sebastian were and still are my favorite Glee characters. Fuck Kurt. Fuck Karofsky. Fuck Tim for doing this bullshit.
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