#a different hairstyle on a character is not the same as deleting a trait like being an amputee...
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genocidalfetus · 2 months ago
Reason number...errr...whatever that I refuse to be part of Dragon Age Fandom
Apparently changing a character's hairstyle/beard style is akin to erasing a character's handicap....I wish I was making this up.
There's a reason the Dragon Age fandom is mostly seen in a negative light...when the weird ones aren't attacking fan artists or harassing devs/writers, they're a bunch of Judgy McJudgepants over how people mod their games. My dudes, it's not that fucking deep. I wanted Emmrich to give off Dr. House vibes. That's literally it. And if you're gonna act like I'm committing some great sin, then I'm banishing your stupid ass to my Shadow Realm so you don't have to get triggered by my screenshots.
This is why I'm forever 'FANDOM ADJACENT'. I can't with this dumb bullshit. Fandom is supposed to be fun, you stupid twats!
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leoascendente · 3 years ago
Manifest your soul mate 💖// Part 1
You'll only need paper and pencil...
Some says that what we dream and our goals are there because our soul knows that we can achieve it, there's no limit for your manifestations just the ones our minds impose.
With soul mates or twin flames happens the same, we usually have our type of ideal person for our love life but, when we go down the cloud and settle our feet on solid ground we see it as only dreams, and dreams can become true... or not.
In this case, after starting the excersice I purpose you to look for 5 pictures of 5 different people that you find attractive (they can be whoever you want, famous people, people you know, someone who inspires you, a tv show character... I have a gallery on pinterest just for handsome men because I'm a Libra Mars😎 but that's an excersice for another day😉). This pictures will be the initial inspiration for the excercise so choose wisely...
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1st -> Bend the paper by the half, in one side you'll write "physical traits", in the other half you'll write "personal traits", and here is where begins the fun part...
2nd -> You can start by whatever you want, I usually start by the physical traits and then go to the personal but that's up to you and how you feel more comfortable. Write the characteriatics you appreciate or attracts you from other people, try to describe the person of your dreams as precise as possible, even things like the way they walk or a mole in an specific place are relevant.
If you feel blocked look at the pictures you chose and look for the patterns taht repeat in the people of the pictures, what do the people you chose share in common? Are they all tall? Or maybe they have the same interests? Or perhaps they all got the same hairstyle. Put on your Virgo glasses and look for the details you like about them, you'll see how your intuition guides you to the same pattern of person.
Always try to be realistic on your standards, I would like to date Eddie Munson but obviously is not possible🤷🏼‍♀️. If in your list you are describing a famous person I warn you that doesn't work, write the traits you like, need and accept in others. That's why I think that the 5 pictures and looking at the patterns is important, it tells you what you like in a love interest but leaving a wide sprectrum of possibilities.
* extra tip -> You can help yourself with astrology as well, looking at your Moon, Mars and Venus sign, with that information you will know what makes you feel comfortable, how you chase a romantic interest and how you attract and like to be attracted by a romantic partner.
3rd -> When you are done with your list put it down your bed or your pillow, put it nearby the place you sleep. You'll have another ideas for the list more frequently and you'll be more aware of the persons with love intentions that enters in your life, you'll become more critic with the people you let in.
When you have an idea for your list just write it, through time and experience you will change, add and delete things from your list and that's okay. You'll become more selective, so when someone approaches you with love intentions you can go back to read your list and see if that person fits with what you are looking for in a partner.
* extra tip -> Write their sexual orientation as well, I had a bad experience with a love interest that fitted perfectly in my list but he was in the closet and has no intentions of getting out, so obviously even if I kept dating him and evolve into a more solid relationship neither of us could be fully happy. So write it babes because at the end our sexual preference is an important trait about ourselves and our love life and I wasn't paying attention to that.
4th -> Everytime you end up writting on your list say out loud 'it's done, thank you, thank you, thank you". It's important to say thanks 3 times, gratitude helps you manifest faster.
* extra tip-> crystals and herbs can help as well. Put a rose quartz, an emerald or garnet close to the list to attract it faster. Use herbs as mugwort, lavender or dandelion, also an amethyst to dream about your soulmate, that way you'll get more details about them to write it on your list.
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Pictures are from pinterest, credits to their owners*
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gatorkid509 · 4 years ago
JCA OC - Freyja
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UPDATE:  Changed the base of her tail from black to brown since to better stand out against already black backgrounds such as dark modes.
Time for another JCA OC!! This time it's another wife of one of the Demon Sorcerers, specifically Tchang Zu's wife( Don't worry, she does not abuse her children like Leng Ren does) and let me tell ya, it was pretty hard coming up with a concept for a wife whos personality contrasts her more militaristic demon husband, but I also had problems while drawing her as I had to redraw her hair when the layer I drew her hair on got deleted after my laptop froze!!!!! I was really piss when that happened. But I pulled through and got this done without any other problems.
Meet Freyja, wife of Tchang Zu and mother of both Brontes and @amnshe-wolf 's Elysia.
Here's a small bio about her.
A Dark Elf born with traits similar to that of Light Elves, Freyja, along with her twin brother Freyr, is very skilled in illusion and potion magic, able to conjure up powerful spells, though she mainly uses her magic for harmless pranks. She and Tchang Zu met when Tchang Zu was visiting her village in Scandinavia and accidently ended up getting caught in one of her pranks that was actually meant for one of her friends. The two initially dislike one another due to their first meeting and differing personalities, but over time and some unexpected circumstances, the two slowly formed a strong bond and fell in love. The two married in a traditional Viking wedding and moved to Tchang Zu's palace. After about a year, the two had their first child Elysia, and soon after that, their son Brontes was born. However, things took a tragic turn when Freyja had to take a trip back to her village for a family emergency, Tchang Zu would soon learn 2 weeks later from one of the surviving guards that the palanquin Freyja was traveling in was attacked by a band of humans in a surprise attack and had apparently killed her in the process. Tchang Zu was devastated at the news and, enraged, laid waste to a village where the band of humans were supposedly from. After that, he became more strict towards his children now that he was a single father, and when they started to play pranks like their mother once did, he would get very angry at them and try to discourage the two from playing pranks and to instead be more interested in other things. This sort of worked, but the two still continue to play pranks to this day.
I'm pretty proud of how well she turned out, like I said, her hair was a pain as the layer it was on got deleted and I had to redraw again so that still haunts me, but it worked out well as I wanted to change the hairstyle anyways. I actually used @amnshe-wolf  's Elysia as a reference for Freyja's appearance as I wanted to incorporate features that Elysia has that aren't from her dad, but from her mom, like the tail and blonde hair, after all, Elysia had to have gotten those features from someone. I actually used a game from AzaleasDolls.com called Viking Woman as a sort of guide of how I wanted Freyja to look before I actually drew her( Unfortunately the game is no longer playable due to Flash no longer being supported on Chrome, luckily I was able to use the game before Flash got shut down). The colors were part of her AD game concept design, minus the collar of her dress which is actually the same shade of yellow that's apart of Tchang Zu's armor. I also used a pose made by VexyFate on DA, who originally made the poses for a elf character. [Link], I actually used one of their elf poses before for Leng Ren( Only this time I actually made an elf character instead of another demon)
As for the sword, I  did some research and found out that Viking weddings involve exchanging swords instead of rings, which I find really awesome, and since the Tchang Zu and Freyja are from different cultures, I decided that the wedding sword Tchang Zu gives to Freyja should be is a jian sword as jian swords are one of the oldest swords from China( Plus I needed a sword that's more then 900+ years old), the colors on the sword are, of course, the same colors as Tchang Zu.
As for why an elf, I did some more research and found out about the Dökkálfar and Ljósálfar, or Dark Elves and Light Elves, two types of elves from Norse mythology. though the actual myth of the Dark Elves are described as living underground and having a darker complexion and Light Elves are described as living in a place called Alfheimr and are "fairer than the sun to look at", which means the difference between the 2 is their skin color, which for the time the myth was create was a good idea, but since this is the 21st century, I decided that the JCA version I have in mind for the Dark Elves and Light Elves is that the diffrence is the hair color, with Dark Elves have darker hair colors such as black and dark brown, while the Light Elves have lighter colored hair such as blonde and white. Along with that, both think of the other poorly, with the Light Elves thinking the Dark Elves as untrustworthy theives who use their illusions for evil, and the Dark Elves beleive that Light Elves are selfish magic users who only care about themselves. A Dark Elf born with blonde and/or white hair like a Light elf is very rare, even rarer if twin Dark Elves are born with blonde and/or white hair, blonde/white haired Dark elves are often force to be married off to a Light elf as it is said that when a Light Elf and Dark Elf mate, their offspring with have more powerful magic, so parents of Dark Elves with blonde/white hair often force their children to marry Light Elves for the sake of powerful grandchildren. And while you'd think the Light Elves would have caught onto the trickery by now, some of them to this day still marry Dark Elves with blonde/white hair due to some believing blonde/white haired Dark Elves are a myth.
For Brontes, since he was almost a year old when Freyja apparently died, he doesn't exactly remember her much, but from what his family had told him when his dad refuses to say a word, she was really nice and loved him and his sister so much, which makes him really want to learn more about her.
As for how the other Demon Sorcerers think of Freyja, they pretty much accepted her into the family, Po Kong and Bai Tza loved having her as their sister in law as having more girls in the family was a great change since the family was mostly made up of 6 boys and 2 girls( And lets be honest, Leng Ren was an ass to them, so there's no way Bai Tza and Po Kong are accepting her) and the boys always liked the pranks she pulled on Tchang Zu as it made them laugh( Plus Tchang Zu was much more calmer around them when Freyja was with him).
And so I think that it, tell me what you think.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years ago
I dont want to intrude on your convo with your friend but I've been reading all your posts about your changelings verse since you started making them. Is the Alicia you mentioned next to Boyd in the poart about the changeling market meant to be Boyd's little sister from TW? What's her change, if you don't mind telling??
LOL no worries, and you’re not intruding, I don’t mind comments or weighing in on any post I make ever, unless its specifically under a cut and I’m like ‘plz dont reblog Im gonna delete this in ten minutes anyway, IM JUST HAVING A MOMENT OKAY’ lolol.
So yeah, you’re fine, and if you follow me because of TW which you obvsly know well enough to recognize Alicia’s name, you probably know how much I love exploring minor or barely ever used characters, haha. Alicia Boyd is no exception and I have a ridiculous number of headcanons and places I’ve used her in various unposted WIPs considering that she made all of one appearance on the show and it was a hallucination/flashback. BUT WHATEVER.
Anyway, Alicia’s Change is one of my faves, and given that she’s such a barely there presence in TW, she’s a character I’m pretty comfortable keeping just as she is in my TW changeling headcanons, when writing the official ‘to be published’ stuff in this ‘verse. 
All Changelings’ physical changes and magic are in some way related to their personalities and individual traits, even if that connection isn’t immediately obvious. And even though the Changelings are supernatural in origin, given that their magic reflects who they are and who they are is a product of a 21st century modern society, I wanted some of them to have changes and magic that seems in some ways almost sci-fi or technology based, even while still definitively being magic at its source.
So for no particular reason other than just its my head, I’ll headcanon what I want, I’ve always pictured Alicia as a STEM girl, very much into science and math, and her change and magic ties into that.
Basically, she looks just like she did before she was Changed, so she’s a fourteen year old black girl who’s just a slightly older version of the character we saw briefly on TW….except for the fact that she’s at all times surrounded by what appear to be like…ghostly versions of herself.
Like, at any given time there’s a half dozen to a dozen different versions of herself, totally intangible and somewhat faded/transparent like a photo that hasn’t been fully developed….and they’re all ‘orbiting’ her, for lack of a better term….kinda like the electrons of an atom orbit it.
And these other versions of herself all look slightly different upon closer inspection - different hairstyles, clothing, a couple have glasses, etc….and some appear like they’re floating in mid-air, others like their feet are sinking into the ground….and most of them usually look like they’re just hovering or flickering around Alicia like half-formed images or ghosts that are all moving, doing something - whether appearing like they’re talking, walking, fighting, reading, any number of things….and all of them seemingly paying no attention to what’s going on around Alicia here and now, if they’re even aware of it.
Which they are though, because the thing is, these ‘satellite versions of herself’ are all alternate versions of herself existing currently in other parallel universes where the Change still occurred and they all ended up with the same magic as this Alicia.
So essentially, there are between ten and sixteen versions of Alicia, spread across an equivalent number of parallel universes….who are all Changelings with the exact same magic….which connects them all.
Just like they appear like ghostly images of this Alicia here, this Alicia appears as one of the ghostly images hovering around each of the other versions of herself in their realities.
And despite them always looking like they’re doing their own thing for the most part and oblivious to anything happening in a different reality, that’s just a matter of them learning after a loooot of practice and trial and error, how to primarily just focus on their main reality and only keep a vague/back of their mind awareness trained on what’s happening with the other versions of herself via their magical connection.
Whenever something big happens to one of them though, no matter which reality, like if one of them is in danger, the others can immediately stop what they’re doing in their home realities and pay attention to the one who’s actively in danger….because all the Alicias can communicate with each other, share knowledge and life experiences and skills with each other, and so whenever one of them really needs the others, the others can all focus on them and come to their aid or support them in a variety of ways, even without being physically present.
And some of these parallel universes are more similar than others, and some of them are just sliiiiightly out of sync with the others….like one of the Alicias lives in a universe that for the most part is almost identical to this Alicia’s universe….except its timeline is like, thirty seconds ahead of this one’s.
Meaning while its not foolproof, due to the very very minor differences in realities resulting in the people in each reality making slightly different choices….that 30 seconds ahead Alicia tends to for the most part be able to give this Alicia a 30 seconds heads up to any unexpected danger. 
And there’s a bunch of other ways their magic is helpful too….each of the Alicias’ has their own fields of study…remember since Changeling magic reflects the person, the fact that these Alicias all have the same magic is because all of these versions of her are precocious little science and math prodigies in some way….but they all have slightly different interests and scientific and mathematic pursuits they’ve applied themselves towards or decided to study in earnest. Which means any one of them can at any time draw on the knowledge possessed by one of the others due to studying a specific field that the other one doesn’t know a ton about. Or they can just talk to each other directly, ask each other questions about something, or use themselves as a sounding board or to bounce ideas off of each other. 
So sometimes Alicia will just stop in the middle of talking to other Changelings in town here to be like hang on a sec, I need to get this….and appear to just be talking to one of her own flickering reflections in the middle of the sidewalk, while anyone who knows her well is pretty used to this and just chills like someone waiting for a friend to finish up on the phone after she had to take an urgent call, lol.
And since the Alicias don’t have to be in the same or similar physical space to still appear as satellites of each other Alicia in her home reality, one Alicia can be physically present at one side of town and really need something like….from a book she left at home on the other side of town. And one of the other Alicias is usually bound to be at home and by focusing on her, Alicia can just ask her to read from her own book what this Alicia needs to know, or like, check something online, or solve a problem real quick for her and give her the answer while she focuses on doing something else urgent at the same time, etc.
Then there’s the fact that some of the Alicias have a lot of self-defense training and teach the others some tricks, and a couple are very practiced with a variety of weapons they can pass along expertise about….one Alicia excels at picking locks, which comes in handy as this Alicia, along with about five of the others, is kinda like….the Nancy Drew of their respective Bordertowns, the pint-sized, precocious PI that other Changelings often turn to despite her age, because Alicia (all the Alicias, really) is damn good at what she does.
Also via their connection to each other’s realities, when they focus they can basically see what’s going on around one of the others, so for instance, when this one is in danger or running from someone or something like that, and a few of the others are safe and sound at home, they can just focus solely on her and everything going on around her, and its like Alicia has preternatural awareness of her surroundings then, because she’s got five or six other versions of herself flickering around her head and at her back like ghostly shadows…and all of them are shouting instructions to her or to look out for this or that or turn here, etc. So there’s basically six pairs of eyes looking out for her and keeping her apprised of everything that’s going on in her vicinity at the moment. 
That really comes in handy. 
Everyone can see the other versions of herself that are most present via her connection at any given moment, given that that’s the nature of her physical Change, but since its her magic specifically, only she can actually hear the other versions of her or interact with them….with very rare exceptions. None of them have quite figured out yet how the connection totally works, in the sense that some of them are in sharper focus at times than others, like, there’s always some connection between all of them, but at different times some feel further away and are harder to communicate or interact with than others. And they’re not sure if that’s because like, their different universes are engaged in some kind of movement or orbit or rotation relative to each other, or if there’s some other reason for it, but a few of them are always working on that particular puzzle at any given moment, lol. 
But on a related note, on three separate occasions, when one of the Alicias in one reality was in extreme danger, another Alicia was able to temporarily ‘jump into the driver’s seat’ of that Alicia’s body, via their connection….one time was when one of the skilled fighters jumped into one of the Alicias who was being attacked by someone she’d followed during one of her investigations and turned out to be more dangerous than she’d expected….another time one of the other Alicias jumped into the body of an Alicia who’d been knocked unconscious in an accident and the other Alicia was able to assume control of her body and get her out of danger until she woke up and it bumped the other one back into her own body….and then the third time, one of the Alicias saw that this Alicia was about to get hit by a car that she didn’t see coming, and the alternate Alicia tried to warn her by projecting through their connection as hard as she could, to look out….and somehow accidentally jumped fully into this Alicia’s body and threw her(self) out of the way, before almost immediately being slingshotted back into her own body.
Except none of them have figured out how to do anything like that on command, despite it vexing a number of them. They just know it most likely has something to do with the intensity of a life or death threat or situation making it possible…even though it doesn’t always seem to happen, so they try not to rely on it.
And on one particularly memorable occasion that none of them have the faintest clue why or how it happened, eight of them went from flickering around this Alicia like satellite ghosts….to manifesting physically around her in this reality in their own bodies, and shocking the hell out of the guy trying to intimidate her, who was not at all prepared for the teen girl to suddenly be just one of a literal crowd of nine girls all staring him down. So he turned tail and ran, and they all almost instantly winked back into their home realities and returned to just being afterimage-esque glimpses of them still orbiting around her.
None of them have any idea how that happened or why, let alone how to make it happen again, which irritates the crap out of most of them because ugh, screw magic, there has to be a logical explanation for at least the mechanism of this, damn you supernatural forces with no coherent consistency!
(All the Alicias rant quite often about their inability to pin down firm rules for a lot of Changeling magic and how and why it operates the way it does. Big fans of logic, the Alicias. Not so much the bafflement).
Sooooo….she’s a LOT of fun to write, even though she’s very challenging to…maneuver around, narratively speaking, if that makes sense, lol….but like, yeah, I have a blast writing her. 
The main Alicia, the one who’s always front and center, is snarky but never in a mean-spirited way. More like….her mind is always twenty steps ahead of everyone around her, sometimes literally, lol, and so she rolls her eyes a lot and sometimes makes a show of being exasperated that she has to slow down and wait for everyone to catch up, but its not because of “oh I think everyone but me is so stupid” or anything like that, its usually just….pure impatience on her part. 
The second she figures something out she wants to go, go, go, move on to wherever that leads. She winds up getting in various less than totally safe situations purely because she doesn’t want to stop and grab someone to go along with her when checking something out, but also just because the nature of her magic means she’s never truly completely on her own, and she sometimes forgets to factor that in, or remember that her other selves aren’t usually physically present and able to help her out of a jam. 
She’s so used to their presences that every so often she just genuinely forgets that they’re not right there in the room with her, which has caused some confusion to more than one person when meeting her for the first time and realizing those silent movie-style images of her are actually real and she’s actually communicating with them, not just talking to thin air.
Fortunately, she’s smart and capable in her own right, so when you multiply that by a factor of twelve to fifteen similar minds all attuned to all of their best interests….there’s very few situations she isn’t capable of getting out of on her own. Not that this makes her big brother facepalm any less when she blithely handwaves off a recent escapade as no big deal and something she has no idea why he’s getting so worked up about.
(I mean, she does totally get his concerns and isn’t lacking in self-awareness, its just that she’s also committed to giving him gray hairs before he’s forty. She is, among other things, still a little sister after all.)
Due to her many alternate selves, and the vast array of personality differences between each of them, that many of her close friends are at least aware of by proxy, given that even though they can’t hear her other selves, they’ve all heard her casually talk about them often enough to know them in a sense as well….
Anyway, so a lot of Changelings have nicknames based on their Changes or magic, and she’s no exception. She goes by her own name and just introduces herself as Alicia, but its not uncommon to hear others address her as or reference her as ‘Sybil.’
When asked how she feels about that name, she tends to just shrug and stare off into the distance contemplatively. “I don’t know,” she’ll say at last. “Part of me loves it, and part of me hates it.”
And then she’ll just grin as everyone around her just groans, because she’s just Like This, and just looooves being literal in little ways like that - given that she’s literally acknowledging that half of her alternates feel the one way, and the other half feel the other way. 
Another common line of hers is something like “Hey, I’m only problematic on Thursdays,” or “that wasn’t me, that was Alicia Number Nine, its not my fault she hates you.”
Her magic is just weird enough and behaves just erratically and unexpectedly enough, that its hard to be entirely sure when she’s just bullshitting you and when she might actually be telling the truth and some weird power snafu had one of the other Alicias in her body the last time you interacted with her and she was short with you.
There’s never a dull moment with her.
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dingoes8myrp · 8 years ago
My Beef with Alien: Covenant
I had a lot of beef with this movie, and I didn’t expect to, so it really hit me in the face and left an unpleasant taste in my mouth that’s still lingering two days later. While this wasn’t a bad movie by any means, I personally strongly disliked it and I think it marks the nail in the coffin of this franchise. My reasons why are in a spoiler-heavy review below.
The opening scene really set this movie off on a bad note, in my opinion. I felt like I was in detention sitting in this room watching what looked like a deleted scene from Prometheus they crammed in here to remind us who David is, which made his “surprise” reappearance later a total “No shit” moment.
When Michael Fassbender-As-A-Different-Android was the first person we met aboard Covenant, that was just confusing. Two different androids have never been played by the same actor in the franchise, so the fact that suddenly Michael Fassbender is playing both David and Walter was kind of “Huh?” It made me think “Well, the only reason they did that has to be because at some point in this movie we’re not going to be able to tell David apart from this guy.” That totally took the punch out of David’s sneaky “I’m going to pretend to be Walter to get off this rock” moment and the twist of “Holy shit, it’s David!” because, yeah, no shit. We saw that coming a mile away. It also meant for the first act of the movie I was trying to figure out if Walter was legit, or if it was David in disguise, or what.
Right away, the ship was met with some kind of catastrophe because of course it was. Some guy burns up in a cryo chamber and I don’t care because we have no idea who Deep-Fried is until several scenes later when we gather he’s Short-Hair-Girl’s husband and Underqualified-Billy-Crudup is now our captain. This film lacked the character development we saw in Alien, Aliens, and Prometheus, which made this feel more like some “Random Teens Get Together in A Cabin in the Woods to Be Murdered” movie, only in space.
Speaking of which, we have a totally bloated cast of characters, none of whom are developed further than a few stereotypical surface traits, if that. When everyone starts dying horrifically right off the bat, we learn everyone on this ship was married to someone else. So when a chunk of the cast dies, most of the remaining characters are left emotionally crippled because “Oh my God, my spouse just died!” Literally, if you’re not a shady android, your only options as a cast member of this film were to be an expendable spouse or a grieving spouse. This meant that every single character was making dumb snap decisions because “Ahh! The grieving!” or something. I don’t even think anyone thought it through that much, to be honest. Oh, and of course we have our two non-emotionally-crippled cast members (also married, but we don’t know that until they die later), but they’re just hanging out on a ship awaiting further instructions and have no idea anything horrific is happening because comm problems. What?
Okay, we know this is an Alien movie, which means several cast members are going to die horribly. But, could you maybe not slap us in the face by not even bothering to give us any character development at all? “Here, watch a bunch of people die in space because aliens” really isn’t what made the original Alien great. We had a competent crew with a comradery we got to see before everything went to shit, which made their motives and behaviors make sense. This was like watching an improvised Whose Line is it Anyway skit where everyone got handed a slip of paper with a vague character description, and no one had any clue what anyone else was doing. It was like Crudup’s Wife didn’t even know she was his wife and when she died he only just remembered it himself. When the two Flight Crew people were showering together that was a total surprise. Nothing about them expressed they were at all fond of each other, let alone a couple. The only relationship I bought was Short-Haired-Lady’s and Deep-Fried’s and we don’t even get his end of it at all.  
When we get to the “explore a strange planet” part of the story everyone’s brains just fall out of their heads, and this is before everybody’s spouses die horribly. I mean, I get that these guys aren’t yet aware of the dangers of Xenomorphs because these are pre-Ripley films. However, this is still a strange planet they got some kind of weird message from. You would think there’d be some basic precautions like “don’t leave anyone alone somewhere because some screwy animal could jump out of a bush and bite somebody” or “don’t clomp all over strange looking spores with your big ass boots.” I mean, it makes no sense that before they leave Covenant they all pack their weapons as if they expect trouble, but then tra-la-la around the planet with no concern at all for their safety. No shit they all start dying, because everyone’s kind of stupid for no apparent reason. Examples? Alrighty.
Captain Crudup commits two horror movie sins at once by suggesting they split up so half of them can investigate the strange noise, which comes in the form of a garbled radio transmission. Captain’s Wife tries to wander off alone and is saddled with Guy with Cigarette as a sidekick. Doesn’t matter because they split up anyway and he contracts the space asthma and doesn’t let anyone know. Captain’s Wife notices Cigarette Guy’s not feeling well, but ignores it. Meanwhile Obnoxious Dude does the same thing as Guy with Cigarette in his group, going off alone and getting space asthma and not mentioning it to anybody. Captain’s Wife then decides to bring Sick Cigarette Guy back to the ship so he can spread his sick to everyone else, and Panicky Blond Girl lets them in because she doesn’t have a Man in Charge to tell her not to, ‘cause comm problems and Dipshit Captain.
Everything goes to shit quickly as Panicky Blonde Girl tries to handle a back-burster and instead makes the ship into a fiery hellhole. Luckily they have the Covenant crew waiting in the wings in case of this exact thing… oh, wait. Comm problems, so no they don’t. So, we have aliens chomping and bursting their way through this group of useless dummies, but totally-not-a-surprise!David shows up to rescue them. Except David is shady as fuck from his intro and while this is noted, no one seems to care. No one asks questions about all the corpses outside his dwelling either. Seriously, how did these people get their jobs?
The absence of Shaw was troubling to say the least, and David’s “she died in the crash” story stank of bullshit. As David’s sanity began to reveal itself to be absent and the crew got picked off one by one I wondered what the hell happened to this movie. The end of Prometheus set Shaw up to be our answer to Ripley in this collection of films, and suddenly she was unceremoniously killed off-screen between films and we get new underdeveloped characters so we can devote most of our time to David, who has become both the protagonist and the villain. Why did we skip over the cool story we were promised at the end of Prometheus to get stuck with this half-assed slasher film that basically tricked us into watching it?
I had some hope when we got back to Covenant and Short-Haired-Lady seemed like maybe she’d be our new heroine. Except Walter was clearly not Walter because Walter’s wounds healed on their own and we got a whole scene between Not!Walter and Short-Haired-Lady that revolved around her patching him up. Also, why did no one test this fucker when he came hobbling up to the ship, considering the evil twin story we’ve been dealing with since David Single-White-Female’d Walter’s hairstyle? Unfortunately our heroine is also inexplicably stupid and doesn’t figure this switcheroo out until she’s trapped in a cryo chamber being put to sleep by this crazy dude.
I’m not sure what was supposed to happen with this movie, but I know what definitely didn’t happen. We didn’t get a kickass heroine beating the odds, nor did we get a resourceful crew pitted against an unreasonable alien villain. The aliens became a backdrop for David to do his thing in as he played God and puppet-master and we sat and watched the fallout.
Alien franchise, I want my kickass heroine. I want the aliens. I want the scrappy crew. As pretty as Michael Fassbender is, I really didn’t need David to have his own movie. Maybe this direction was great for some people, but not for me. Alien: Covenant, missing the point.
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