#fandom annecdotes
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This is definitely an 'always willing to chat about dragons' blog! Tag me in posts! Send asks! Anyone who is interested in Pern, not just OP (but also including OP)!
god it really delights me to discover how active the Pern fandom is around here? (also how Anne-critical it is). love to be able to talk about a series that was so significant to me as a teenager and as a developing writer, but with people I don't have to offer 5 million caveats to. (so uh, if you feel like chatting about Pern please please PLEASE hit me up???)
#fandom resources#literally i will talk about anything pern#book collections#weird quotes#things you hate#fandom annecdotes#hit me up!
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Hello, callous anon here!
Assuming other anon is not wilfully misinterpreting me, but that I have been unclear.
I do not mean to victim blame, and I apologise if it came across that way. I don't want any kind of 'proof' i already said it wouldnt really affect my opinion anyway. If people want to vent in asks that's their prerogative.
I specifically take issue with the idea of using annecdotes to try and argue that one side of the fandom is better than the other. Or using fandom drama to try and prove in universe points.
Again, if people have been shitty to you that sucks and they shouldnt have been.
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morning gunshots, i hope the back-to-work-moodboard isn't hitting too hard... regarding your parents and reactions to SPN, i am honestly surprised they even go near heller-territory, i can't imagine mine going there. they have complex views (i.e. "problematic, toxic" for one of them, and just bewildered "i guess for some people that's how love is" for the other) on queer love, which is partially based on the times and circumstances they got raised in, i guess. so, anyways, i am cheering for you to persuade yours 😁. the bob wess DTA news are making me curious. i just... the sheer SIZE of that 'verse, plus, from what i gathered, it's a WIP/not finished? I just can't handle that. I'd need a sabbatical from work to power through that, and then potentially therapy bc i hate open endings. lol. anywayyyy i gotta get back to the salt mines now 🧩-anon
well there is one (1) really annoying job i have to do and the worst part is that one of my coworkers worked on it during my vacation, and now she is on vacation so i can't ask her any questions about it. but other than that... so far so good thankfully.
ahh yeah, i can imagine that a lot of people from our generation(s) can't really talk about these things with their folks. i mean i don't really talk about it with my dad but my mom always told me it's okay to love anybody etc etc so i knew i could be open with her. i have high hopes they will at least say something during the widower arc, so fingers crossed dfhdfhg
and yeah i am allergic to wip's but i have heard so many good things about it that i think i would be willing to read it as is. but. it's just such a daunting task that i keep putting it off lmao.
#i once read a wip in a former fandom that i knew would never be finished#because it was like theee fic#and even though i was very sad it was never finished i am still glad i read it#i think the same could work for dta probably#also a funny annecdote: last night my dad said '2 or 3 episodes of spn in a row is my limit' shdfshfhs say that king#puzzle pieces anon#good luck at work today! <3
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LOL lowkey feeling called out bc I'm always adding the dates if I can. I loveit as a reference when writing because it makes it that much more believable that it could've happened.
I even had notes on brocedes that evolved into an endless WIP because it's basically a year by year account of how brocedes came together and eventually fell apart; complete with interview quotes, annecdotes, and photos/clips that I've compiled. I'm not even sure if anything will become of it honestly.
omg you exist!!! that's insane...... just cause I think our brains function so differently. i do love referencing and sprinkling in bits of canon but like an Easter egg and then later when someone finds out it's real they're like Oh My Godddd... but at the same time chasing too much canon can be so burdening. I was in a very niche fandom where I dug up lore that I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world connected (the fandom was literally me and 6 other people) but then I got overwhelmed and abandoned a 15k wip 😫
a complete canon timeline brocedes omg you are braver than fire fighters I could Neverrrrr...... I can only stand to find out their lore in short bursts. id love to read that fic; but if you don't then you should compile all your references and make it into a primer 🥺🥺🥺 and then I'll use it hahhaa
what a wonderful research oriented type A brain you must have
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Thrre's a very interesting trend I've noticed, though this is entirely annecdotal, where I think people prefer whichever big series they started with. Mistborn Era 1 is still my facorite, for instance. I think whatever made you fall in love with Brandon's worlds will always have that sheen of first love to it.
So as we enter "phase 2" of the Cosmere where worlds and storylines are starting to collide and come into conflict, that initial bias leads us to take sides. Makes us sympathetic to the Scadrian or Rosharan perspective.
Which I think is super neat because, from what I can tell, that's kinda what Brandon's going for. In the final clash, I doubt either side will have a monopoly on heroism or villiany. It will be complicated and messy with good arguments in support of either power. So yah, fandom potentially imitating art, which is kinda cool.
Sometimes I wonder if I just cannot get along with die hard Stormlight fans.
They see with tunnel vision. They do not understand that Roshar is just one world and her denizens are dangerous as fuck.
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taken me a while to put together this review despite reading the entire book in four hours. Whilst I'd been hoping for a biography for years on Virginia, this actually made me feel very conflicted upon having read it.
Whilst I'd like to present a balanced and fair review, as there are some good parts, I felt that as a long term fan dissapointed.
In regards to the actual biography, I feel your reaction to this book very dependent on how much you already know about Virginia from the fandoms and the now sadly gone complete vca website. I've personally spent many years on researching Virginia so there were no huge surprises for me and I feel that may be the case for a lot of the members in the group AtticSecrets who have contributed to keeping her legacy alive.
Personally I did love the family annecdotes and memories and the love that was so apparent that her niece Suzanne and her cousin Pat held for her. These anecdotes are fascinating to read and you honestly truly admire Virginia even more having read how much she overcame despite her disabilities.
The production of flowers in the attic is also fascinating to read but unfortunately short, I would have loved to have heard more from those involved in the process but unfortunately many of those are no longer with us who could provide that information. I know, myself included, we all wish to know who exactly were the models used for the iconic stepbacks or even what modelling agency was used?
I personally felt that there is much more research to be done and some was underused particularly the Boston archives material which was donated by Virginia s mother herself, however there may be a copyright issue to why only certain parts were used?
Again, this is why, though understandable that Neiderman was chosen to write this in a way, I feel it would have been better if an actual biographer had taken on this task. I feel more would have been uncovered and resources used for research. It would have also read less like an attempt at a novel and more like an actual biography. Again, it's a fine line from making the subject s story compelling and being completely dry and boring. But his lack of experience in the biography field made for a sometimes confusing, clunky and repetitive read and to get some information such as the true story of Fita and Virginia s accident, the reader was taken down a meandering path of prose.
Reading it, I felt like it was almost a movie pitch, Virginia being cast as Cathy trapped in the attic of her body, watched over and controlled by her domineering mother who fills the role of the grandmother, who s only escape is her imagination and her talent which finally sets her free.
Yes, this is a great analogy and very much true but having it repeated again and again with example s from Flowers in the Attic to show how this is the case felt like it was being spoon fed to the reader.
Sticking with this theme throughout, there is no other possible narrative or point of view to make it seem more balanced - I personally related to Virginia due to her difficulties but could also relate to her mother, who had a child with disabilities and I think that point of view could have been explored slightly more - even a sentence or two to acknowledge the fact that even though she loved her daughter, it could be at times frustrating.
As I've said a biographer or even a dedicated fan or few would have been able to bring so much more to this biography. I totally believe this would have been a lot better and concise had they harnessed Jennifer Completevca skills, research and expertise in all things vca. There's a reason it was for decades the vca Bible.. And her site is where most of the info "revealed" in this biography was initially found for decades.
I can understand fans frustration as we ve longed for this biography for many many years but unless you aren't aware of Virginia s personal life or the amount of material the fans had found out themselves and shared online, it doesn't give us much more info or actually provide the answers to questions we have. To those who don't know however, this book does contain a wealth of information that is good to have all in one concise place.
I feel that for the fandom however we were promised more than we actually got : For example, V C A s pseudonym - This was supposed to be a big reveal and apart from saying actually V C Andrews was her pseudonym which granted it was , again we all knew that , we also knew Adrienne Vale was another one thanks to complete vca but this isn't mentioned but I was under the impression from all the promotion we were finally going to be told of the one she used for the apparent many article she wrote for pulp fiction magazines etc ? Did I miss it somehow ? I did find it difficult to follow the narrative of the biography coherently as I ve said before.
For me, it felt like it had been written for the nostalgia crowd rather than the actual fandom , if I had read this not having been in the fandom so long, used the complete vca website as my Bible for years, done my own research, been there when Jessica Zinder went to the Boston archives and bought back all the info to us fans and the excitement that bought with this brand new info, if I had just picked up the book having read fita and maybe a few of the others way back in the day and seen this and thought " wow, I remember when, wonder what her life was like" I'd have been satisfied because despite only being eight chapters long there is a wealth of information. Sadly 99% of it , I'd seen before due to being in the fandom so long and knowing where this info originally came from. With the complete vca gone from the internet, there's nothing to confirm it was already online for years. So yes , a casual reader would have been intrigued and thrilled with this biography I'm sure. Even the brand new photos and letters, the majority had been seen before I think of the new photos there was possibly five I hadn't ( some wonderful, some mhm), the same with the letters.
As for the previously unreleased manuscript "The Obsessed" - I know this is apparently a rough draft , unfinished etc, so would not necessarily be like her published works and even Ann Patty did say some of Virginia s earlier stuff was different . However, to me reading it I couldn't shake the feeling and I could be completely wrong that this was more AN s style of writing VCA then Virginia herself. There's a certain tone and style that's different. Plus there's things I've noticed apparent in Virginia s work that she uses that are completely different in the GW ones . I know a lot of people were wondering if before publication that maybe this "new book" would be them trying to pass off AN work and of course I can't say for sure - I don't know, I'd like to think not but there's too much that's off. Not to mention , I don't know if you remember back in the day the short stories that came out regarding her artwork s apparently written by her - that's how it was spun back in the day , however it was totally obvious it wasn't her writing , anyway as time passed and I think it's really difficult to get these now (of course we have them in our files) it changed to "inspired by".
In regards to Ann Patty, it's interesting to see she wrote a particularly scathing review on this biography on good reads. To be honest after reading her memoirs I don't think she was very respectful to Virginia herself in that personally… But yes I would love to know Patty's full opinion - I was trying to recall the other night if she's even mentioned in this new biography and her input into being Virginia's editor would have been interesting, however due to the court case between her and the estate/GW, sadly we fans do not get this.
So, whilst I was personally dissapointed and hoping for more, I do feel there were some gems of info there and that as I've said before to have it all together in a book is great for my personal collection.
I do think a more thorough biography of Virginia is possible, her life story is after all incredible and I feel she was sold short a bit here with just eight chapters and repeated information
#vcandrews#flowersintheattic#my sweet audrina#atticsecrets#flowers in the attic#v c andrews#biography#books
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Get to Know Me - A Tag Game
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don't reblog!
Favourite colour:
I'm a big yellow fan! I'm such a dork I love buttercups and suflowers and daisies and sunshine. I'm sorry, I know that's kinda cringe but yellow is just so :D you know?
Currently reading:
So much fanfic lmao....
But non-fanfic wise I'm on and off reading this book called "Even More Opera Annecdotes" which I live for, it's all like snippets of opera world drama and moments - like Janet Baker sassing Pavarotti. It makes me so happy because even the great professionals are dumb nerds!
Last song:
Apparently Dolly Parton "Why'd you come in here looking like that."
But I'm my dream I was singing/there was playing "He is an English Man" from Gilbert and Sullivan HMS Pinafore.
Last Movie:
Man I had to think hard about this one... Genuinely I think it was this terrible animated film called "The Seventh Dwarf" ...I put it on to traumatise my house mates cause it looked awful ..and it was.
Last Serise:
Last watched its Louis Theroux Forbidden America.
Last finished it's Supernatural Academy (which I do sort of recommend even tho it's stupid it's quite charming - with great rep - and I greatly enjoyed it! The soundscaping is wack af tho cause covid lol)
Sweet, spicy or savoury:
It's gotta be sweet! Especially baked goods! Give me Krapfen and brioche all day everyday!
Coffee or tea:
TEA BABY! Like not to be a stereotype but tea is life, though it has to be non-cafinated versions/herbal because my heart doesn't take caffeine well.
Three ships:
DinLuke is of course my number one and light of my life!!!
Then it's for sure Geraskier! Who I also adore with all my heart.
And third hmm it's probably quite tied it's probably between James Bond/Q (00Q) and Catadora! (embarrassingly my first thought was me and my bf ew what a sap I am)
First ever ship:
This is going to make sense to none of you but Yoyo/Crocky from this Austrian TV show called 'Simsala Grimm' - when I was small I thought they were like married I'm ngl. They're the chaotic bubbly feral himbo and sensible awkward nerdy one (who is very Done TM with the other person's shenanigans) couple - I think that was fundamental to my concept of relationships.
Currently working on:
I'm working on the last two chapter of Heaven knows I've needed someone like you for so long and a REALLY DUMB one shot - both DinLuke ofc!
And also my ever growing drabble drafts!
Favourite piece of clothing:
Probably the show hoodie from the last opera I did at university - it was the first time I got a real lead (and it was a big role) and people believed in me and I realised that I am worth something and that I can become an opera singer - which is big because if been working my butt off to recover my singing from the damage done by my ED. So yeah that means a lot to me even if I don't wear it that much.
Comfort food:
SOUP AND OR GOULASH with sexy Austrian bread.
Favourite time of the year:
Ooooooo summer but the bit of summer where it's the evening and it's still warm and you're outside with your pack and the sun is setting but you know you'll still be out here for a while being silly and having deep convos.
Fave fanfic:
Now THIS is a hard one! I'm gonna cheat a bit cause there's three from different fandoms that spring to mind.
I'm gonna say DinLuke "oh the things we left behind" because it is beyond beautiful and id say it is my number one overall.
Also close is Saoghal Tinn (00Q) which grasped me and never let me go - even if you don't know/ship them I'd recommend it if you like well written and tense zombie apocalypse stuff with gays.
And one I keep going back to for serotonin is Animal Instinct (Geraskier) I adore soft feral Geralt and when he's sad Jaskier won't eat the rats he brought him lives rent free in my head.
Thank you to @thewriterowl and @feralsunspotandtincan for tagging me you cuties!!!
And here we have the tagging dilemma of the DinLuke dorks to double tag or not to double tag!
@veradragonjedi (double tagged bestie I'm sorry!) @mandobogwitch @mando-punk @kriffinjoy @mysticmjolnir ofc no pressure guys!! ❤️❤️
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I continue to feeling fking crazy at the giant tkkr plot hole - THE JENNIE PICS. Do they truly deeply believe they are fake?!? HOW.
I mean, yeah. I did say that the photos would go unexplained, nobody would give out any statement confirming or denying and the fandom would move on to forget they ever existed or it'd be remembered as a funny annecdote "remember that time they tried to fabricate a fake dating scandal for the fruitiest bts member? oh em gee kpoppies are so jealous of bts".
Taehyung is like an iceberg where the tip is taekook (+ Jimin the evil mastermind) and everything below water surface is Taehyung being straight and as of right now, Jennie. All we see is the tip, none of us can actually see the rest of the iceberg, it's like a deep sea creature for now, we know it probably exists but has any of us actually seen it? Do we know how it walks and sounds and behaves? It's easy to believe they're fake because there's no story, there's no context to the photos. We can only know what we see. Hence, we can only love or hate what we see.

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Table of Contents- Preferred Tags
Favourites/General: #like, #fav, #art, #animals (Expanded) #humor, #revisit, #to delete (may be duplicates), this makes me happy, heartwarming, anecdotes, annecdotes (because I can't spell)
TMA (Expanded)
Hannibal: (Expanded)
Media type: #video, #audio, #gif, #songs, #music, #text post, #animation,
#Animals (expanded): cats, dogs, birds, corvids, owls, funny animal videos, cute animal videos,
#Art: Illustration, traditional art (paintings), digital art, travel posters, comics
Artofanimals, art of cats, void cat, artwpeople, characters, character design
Physical art, etsy, fashion, sculpture,
Fandom/Internet Things (Expanded) fanart (gen), tumblr things (internet culture, tumblr being tumblr, tumblr culture (check), famous posts), comics, tarot cards,
Six of Crows, League of Legends, Arcane, Arcaneedit, dc- batfam, batman, harlivy, marvel, spiderman, spiderverse, logurt, wolverine, nightcrawler, castlevania nocturne,
resources, references, recommendations, art resources, art references, writing references, interesting, crafts, diy (colours, anatomy)
history, people have always been people, cool things, language, culture, society, dance, indigenous, mexican, korean, chinese,
tech advice, tech things (AI), fuck generative ai, space, botanical, science
pride, queer, neurodivergent, autism, adhd, mood, relatable, mental health, things to keep in mind, life advice,
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the ten movies of my life
HERE WE CAN START, oh and sorry for my english i try to do my best ;;;;;
1. FIRST THE BEST OF THE BEST ; Confessions by Tetsuya Nakashima.

Confessions is for me the BEST movie i have ever seen, for the story here is the pilot ; “ A psychological thriller of a grieving mother turned cold-blooded avenger with a twisty master plan to pay back those who were responsible for her daughter's death. “ THIS MOVIE is savage, brutal and this is (for me) the best revenge movie !!!! i love how the movie is make we see different point of view to understand the all story and the affect of the action of every personnage.
This is my favorite movie of my life, the end is perfeeeeect!!! I really love the personnage of Yuko she (Takako Matsu) play really good her caracter. (if you want to see this movie don’t look the trailer because many spoil on it :/) ��
2. Battle royale by Kinji Fukasaku.

“In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.”This is the story of the movie nothing to do with Hunger Games (sorry no hate for hg but .. battle royale in my hearts ♡ )
I love this movie so much, the story is amazing, the fandom is SO MUCH AMAZING like there is many fan who still continue talking about the movie, posting pics ect...
3. HAN GONG JU/ A CAPPELLA by Su-jin Lee (you need to watch this movie).

This movie broke me in parts, you need to watch the movie like really ;;
Woo-hee Chun play really good her role she is a really good actress, the story is based on a true story and this is a really important subject who is treated in this film.
“ Han Gong-Ju transfers to a new school to escape her past. It takes a long time for her troubled past to catch up with her, but when it does the revelation is devastating. “ This is the story, the movie really broke my hearts and make me so much cry, please watch this movie!!!
4. SPIRITED AWAY by the amazing Hayao Miyazaki.

“During her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by gods, witches, and spirits, and where humans are changed into beasts. “ so this is the story and i think i don’t really need to talk about the movie because this is a really popular movie but i have a funny annecdot to said about this movie;
I looked this movie when I was young ( SORRY I SPOIL) and when the parents are transformed into pig i starr to be really afraid and cry because I thought that my parents was too going to be transformed into pig if they ate of the food in new.... lol
The graphics is incredibly beautiful, i really love the story and the characters.
5. OKJA by Bong Joon-ho (I LOVE U PAUL DANO ♡).

“Meet Mija, a young girl who risks everything to prevent a powerful, multi-national company from kidnapping her best friend - a fascinating animal named Okja.”
The actress who play Mija, Seo-Hyun Ahn... SHE IS AMAZING OH GOD there is so many scenes I like she play so well, she gives me somuch emotion
My favorite movie of 2017 for sure, the casting is pretty cool, the story is really interesting nothing bad to say about this movie ♡.
6. The Grand Budapest hotel by Wes Anderson.

“The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous hotel from the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.”
THIS MOVIE IS ART, colors, sets, the realization is BEAUTIFUL ;;;;;
The two main characters Zero and M. Gustave are SO FUNNY, the story is amazing and i adore following these two characters in their adventures.
7. Grave of the Fireflies by Isao Takahata.

“A young boy and his little sister struggle to survive in Japan during World War II”
SO EMOTIONAL, i cry soooooo much during this movie, the end destroys my hearts.
This a beautiful movie you really need to watch it !!!!
8. Memories of Murder by Bong Joon-ho (once again lol).

“In a small Korean province in 1986, three detectives struggle with the case of multiple young women being found raped and murdered by an unknown culprit.“
based on a real shocking murder case in south korea, this is for me one of the best detective/crime movie.
The end is really interesting, if you love detective or crime movie YOU NEED to watch this one!!
9. Cart by Ji-young Boo.

“The employees of a big box discount retailer band together when the contract workers are summarily laid off.”
This movie talk about a true story and this is SO emotional.The characters are charming, the actors are incredible.
10. Big Fish by Tim Burton.

“A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father's life.”
Big Fish is one of my childhood movie, i remember watching this movie with my father and that maybe why i love so much this movie. ♡
I like the craziness of the story, colors, decorations(sets) are really beautiful. I like the fantastic side of the story.
SO this is my personal list of my 10 movies that change my life, I AM SO SO SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH I TRY TO DO MY BEST ! and you what are your favorite movies? ♡
#movie#favorite#confession#confessions#tetsuya nakashima#battle royale#kinji fukasaku#han gong ju#a cappella#su-jin lee#su jin lee#spirited away#hayao miyazaki#okja#bong joon-ho#the grand budapest hotel#wes anderson#grave of the fireflies#isao takahata#memories of murder#cart#ji-young boo#ji young boo#big fish#tim burton#top 10 lists#top10#film#list
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Maybe it is callous to say but I am inherantly unswayed by people who argue in annecdotes of their fandom experience.
If you have been bullied or harassed that sucks and that shouldnt have happened to you.
But using it to point fingers at one side or the other is not persuasive because:
We the readers dont have all the context
We cannot trust people to provide all the context because they have inherant biases
Regardless of how shitty people have treated you that does not in and of itself invalidate their points
There is never enough of a sample size to draw a conclusion greater than "these specific people who like this specific thing were mean to me on this occasion"
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school project (ghost story)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJXvmS
by Gay_ass_spork
school project
Words: 808, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Hamilton - Miranda, Doctor Who
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Philip Hamilton, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, 11th Doctor - Character, The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Relationships: hints of alexander hamilton/john laurens
Additional Tags: Ghosts, this was for school, Unfinished, small annecdotes, time gaps, I Tried, I failed, i cant tag to save my life
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJXvmS
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school project (ghost story)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJXvmS
by Gay_ass_spork
school project
Words: 808, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Hamilton - Miranda, Doctor Who
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Philip Hamilton, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, 11th Doctor - Character, The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Relationships: hints of alexander hamilton/john laurens
Additional Tags: Ghosts, this was for school, Unfinished, small annecdotes, time gaps, I Tried, I failed, i cant tag to save my life
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJXvmS
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