#family jewels au
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gay-people-for-ever · 4 months ago
here an uh... Smg34 angist/fankids angist before I go to bed
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mai-mai-lim · 9 months ago
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well, here it is. the rogue ref no one asked for lel
now people can draw him getting punched! :D
i changed up his coat design a bit tho so my previous drawings of rogue is kinda dated now oops ^^;
and remember, if you know his real name, DON'T ever mention that to him.
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wololo-01 · 9 months ago
I did this art in my style!!!
The original art belong to @mai-mai-lim (GO LIKE AND REBLOG THE OG!!! IT SUPER COOL AND BEAUTIFUL >:])
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Rogue aka Henry Stickmin (aka motherfuc-) is co-parented by @smoresthehalloweenqueen and Mai!
Family Jewels AU and Brutus (c) belongs also to smores!!!
Go check and read the first chapter/fic of family jewels au!!!
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jaytoons7 · 8 months ago
Bloodied Knife
Family Jewels Drabble! Aka: How Scottie got their scar in that AU
Warnings for violence and slight injury description
AU belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Rogue belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen and @mai-mai-lim
Stomping footprints could be heard clanging against the floor. Scottie could hear the voices of their friends begging them to stop, To not throw away their life like this. But they wouldn't, They couldn't. They refused to let the only family they had left get destroyed this way. They would make Henry rue the day he decided to even step foot on the airship.
Henry didn't even flinch when he heard the loud footsteps come closer. "STICKMIN, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" Scottie yelled at the top of their lungs as they jumped up, Holding the sharpest butcher knife they had. "Maróidh mé th�� féin!!!"
A loud slash was heard as Jay, Ulle, and Eden finally caught up to Scottie. The butcher knife hit the floor with a clang as Scottie suddenly dropped to their hands and knees. There was now a large gash across Scottie's face, Blood dripping down steadily.
"SCOT!!" Ulle yelled in anguish. Henry looked down at Scottie in disgust. "You're just as fucking predictable as ever Anderson. Maybe if you weren't so weak you'd be an actual threat instead of just an angry chef with daddy issues."
Scottie just looked up at Henry with wide eyes, This was all too familiar to them. It was just like when they were stuck with... Henry looked at the horrified trio.
"Get them out of my sight, And let this be an example to you three to stay in line." Ulle and Eden quickly grabbed Scottie to take them to the medbay.
For a brief second, Jay's eyes glowed blue. He knew Henry couldn't be stopped in this state. All he could do now was be patient...
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mai-mai-lim · 8 months ago
OMG I AM.... SO NORMAL ON THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (no im not, i cant stop looking at it)
The Top Hat Represents Power
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And buddy, I sure hope that power doesn't go to your head...
:))!! Art BLAST @mai-mai-lim @smoresthehalloweenqueen
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ml-key · 2 months ago
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Hey hi! I remembered my password! Anyways this is for @pasteilian their yotr au has consumed me and i think our donnies would get along (aka my donnie playin dressup from time to time)
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lothirielswandc · 9 months ago
Raven watched as the rain trailed its diamond-studded fingertips down the window. The splatter of sky tears could be heard from the counter.
There are always tears in Gotham.
“Need an escort home, love?” The sharp stench of liquor filled the air as he spoke.
Raven glanced back at Constantine. He owned the bookstore. He was a lackadaisical drunk, but drunk all the same. Raven was the only employee who stood him for so long.
“It’s only a few blocks. I’ll be fine. Besides, who would be there to escort you home?” Raven said. It was hardly her first closing shift at the bookstore. They had become a favorite of hers. They certainly had their perks.
Constantine shrugged. “Fair enough. Should’ve sent you home with Ivy, I could’ve closed myself.”
Ivy ran the small cafe in the corner of the book store. Walks home with Ivy were entertaining. They would trade stories on her crazy girlfriend and Raven’s even crazier roommate (some of those exchanges were fit to be podcast material).
But Raven knew Constantine was incapable of closing by himself without making a puddle of drool on the floor.
Above the shop door, a small dreamcatcher with chimes twinkled a greeting to the final customer.
Raven resisted a smirk. Her reason for liking her late shifts just walked in.
Constantine rolled his eyes. “Take care of it, won't you?”
He staggered upstairs to his flat above.
Raven peeked around the bookshelves, eager to see the last person she spoke to every night. In any other shop in Gotham, late customers would be wearisome. The threat level was a lot lower at a bookstore.
Raven’s eyes glided to the stack of novels that needed to be restocked. She snatched a few and waded through the bookshelves.
One by one, she returned the books to their homes. Raven strained to listen for the footsteps of the other person in the store. Yet she couldn't hear a thing.
Raven glanced over at the cash register, a habit of every shopkeeper in Gotham. No one stood there waiting, either.
She wedged two books apart to return a third. Gorgeous emerald eyes caught hers from the other side.
“Hi,” she said. She scolded her heart for the way it pounded.
“Good evening,” The baritone was velvet. Any words spoken in that voice would make lullabies pale in comparison.
“What are you on the hunt for this time?” She tucked a hair behind her ear.
The emerald pools vanished. Raven blinked. He moved fast. She leaned up on her tiptoes, peeking through the books to the other side —
“Maybe it’s you,” Damian’s breath tickled the back of her neck.
Raven spun. His collarbone was at her eye level. He must’ve been leaning down before. It was hard to tell when he wore all black, but not a single drop of rain had made it onto his clothes.
“Do you have any Dickens?” said Damian.
Raven was glad when Damian spoke: it gave her a minute to find her voice. She swallowed and willed her words not to wobble this time. “We do. It's over here.”
When Raven walked, Damian followed, a silent shadow at her heels.
“What did you think of Oscar Wilde?” Raven asked, recalling the last book Damian was in for.
“Very Shakespearian. I didn’t expect that.” Damian admitted. “Nor the philosophic rants.”
“It has beautiful descriptions — I thought you’d like his poetic flare, with Frost being a favorite of yours.”
“It had a nice rhythm.”
They stopped at the row of Dickens. Rows of hardcover spines with golden trims lined the shelves.
“Here’s what we have,” Raven said. “If there’s something you’re looking for that’s not here, I could order it for you.”
“Thank you, but that won't be necessary.” Damian reached over to pluck one of the novels from the shelf. He paused in doing so, arm lingering in the air.
Raven caught the flare of his nostrils. It wasn't the first time she’d noticed.
Did I make him mad…? Do I stink? Or is it something else?
“Are your allergies acting up?” she asked.
“What?” The blank look on his face was an obvious no.
She looked away. “Nevermind.”
“Do you have any collections of Frost?”
“Yes — this way.” Raven wandered through the labyrinth of shelves. Her dazzling regular trailed behind her, his footsteps soundless.
“I’ve shown you where Frost’s works are before, haven't I?” Raven wondered aloud.
Damian visited so frequently, it was hard to believe he didn't know the location of one of his favorites.
��You have,” said Damian.
Raven glanced back at him. Damian’s eyes remained latched on her. She resisted the urge to shy away from his intensity.
“You’ve forgotten? There’s a lot of books here,” said Raven.
“No.” Damian looked at the floor. His Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed. “I like talking to you.”
Raven’s face burned. The compliment sent butterflies afloat in her stomach — but seeing a serious, incredibly tall (and gorgeously handsome) man stammer at the floor while doing it…
I have a weird type: gorgeous, well read, and socially awkward.
Raven stared forward. “I like talking to you, too.”
Raven spared a glance at Damian, and found him doing the same thing. They quickly looked away.
They had walked right past the poems section. Raven mumbled an apology as she backtracked and gestured toward the shelves. “Can I help you pick one out?”
Damian bent down, lithe and lean as shadow. He crouched before the lower shelves. “Are you familiar with Frost scholars?”
“Not really. I won’t be much help picking out the author’s notes. The only scholars I know are from gothic literature,” Raven crouched down beside him.
Damian’s long, slender fingers trailed across the spines. A vein traveled down to his wrist. His skin glistened bronze beneath the warm glow of the hanging lamps.
Stop admiring his hands…that’s another weird fetish. Finding people’s hands attractive. What is wrong with me? I’m becoming a living Tumblr post.
“What’s your favorite poem of Frost’s?” said Damian.
“Fire and Ice is a classic,” said Raven. “You?”
“Ever heard of Acquainted with the Night?”
“No. Sounds cool.”
Damian plucked one of the books from the shelves and studied the table of contents. He nodded at something on the page and closed it.
“I’ll take this one.”
“Great. I can check you out over here…”
Damian shot up, seeming to move more with the grace of a jaguar than a simple human. Raven was still teetering above the carpet, calves burning, when he offered her a hand. The vein on the top of his hand pulsed when his hand gripped hers, pulling her up.
“Of course.”
Damian followed Raven to the counter. He slid two books across the dark wood.
“We don't get a lot of visitors at this hour,” Raven mused absentmindedly as she searched for barcodes. “Just you.”
“I was…in the area.” Damian hesitated, more words lingering on his tongue. But he didn't continue.
Raven slid the books across the counter. She had wrapped each of them in a plastic bag to keep them safe from the rain’s onslaught. “Thank you.”
Raven’s lips tingled as her time with Damian approached its end, and a sudden urge to ask him out took over her. Would he like attending one of Etrigan’s poetry readings together? Would he say yes —?
“Let me know how they are,” said Raven. “Um…would you like to —?”
Damian took a broad step back from the counter. His nostrils were flaring. “Please excuse me.”
Damian slipped out of the store soundlessly, except for the dreamcatcher’s chimes whispering goodbye. Raven frowned. A different kind of heat burned her face than before.
I wonder what that means, when his nose flares like that. Maybe I really do smell — Constantine reeks, it could’ve rubbed off on me.
Or…maybe I annoyed him.
Raven sighed, scanning the empty bookstore. What a weirdo.
Closing went quick. Constantine had stumbled down the stairs again, asking to escort Raven home, but she politely refused (Constantine was an annoying drunk — last time he wouldn't stop calling her ‘Zatanna’).
Raven’s umbrella flapped open on the doorstep. The rain had gotten worse; it pounded against the umbrella, making it cave in against her head. Droplets spat at the back of her calves.
Raven clutched her pepper spray in a vice grip as she started walking home.
Her eyes scanned the street as she walked. It was a tactic anyone with common sense — especially Gotham residents — learned quick.
Nothing stirred beneath the rain’s onslaught. That was good. Uneventful was safest at night.
Raven passed an empty alley. She glanced in, checking for any lurking shadows or signs of life. Nothing. Her gaze returned to the slick, drenched street.
Something tickled her wrist.
The wet brick of the alleyway hit Raven’s back. Hard.
The umbrella flew from her grip. Rain drenched her face. Raven blinked through the icy torrent, trying to focus on the tall, dark shadow before her.
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curious-trickster · 1 year ago
Please help a Reader find new content!
Hey there. I recently finished reading 'for the want of a jewel', an original work written by @formlessvoidbeast and I absolutely loved it!
Just like I loved the 'Accidental Warlord' series, a AU based on the Witcher, by @inexplicifics.
Those fics are both an absolute delight to read and they have a few things in common which kind of caused a want of more in me.
Please help me find fics/original work/books/shows... with these tropes (they do not have all the things I mentioned but it would be nice to have them meet several):
Character gets traded for peace to a most likely hostile party (warlord, king, pirates, bandits, just something they expect to be bad or different)
The trade-in-character expects to be hurt/killed/abused/hated/...
The second party they are given too is not aware of the circumstances of the way the trade-in-character had to leave their home
The second party which the trade-in-character expects to be hostile turns out to be not so bad
The trade-in-character finds true home with the party they were given to
The trade-in-character finds true friends/family not made by blood/love/their way of life/... with the people they were given too
Shenanigans (optional as the rest of them, but they would be greatly appreciated)
If you can think of something which has some or even better all of these tropes, pls comment/send a message! I would be very grateful and you'd help my adhd brain by feeding it with its new hyperfixation!
Feel free to drop the number of the trope(s) your recommendation has, or don't it's up to you!
A big thanks to @formlessvoidbeast and @inexplicifics for writing these amazing stories and allowing me to mention you in this post!
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lxvepup · 2 months ago
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"Pass it down from kid to kid, the chain will never end.
'Less I decide to go to it, will I see the end?
Ooh, don't you find it strange?
Only thing we share is one last name..."
(Just the portrait Below!)
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bogcreacher · 4 months ago
i know the divorce ask was about a previous post where you dreamt edgeworth and phoenix got divorced, but the juxtaposition with the rio 3 dream post makes it sound like edgeworth is just there representing one of the birds from rio in a divorce
God. Can you imagine if they brought a parrot to court again
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mai-mai-lim · 10 months ago
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"Don't fret too much, Danger. Like you said, it's nothing to worry about...wasn't that right?"
Based on this. :)
a bit of old art really, like the drabbles, this was drawn a while back and just didnt get to see the light.... until today. :))))
anyway how much you wanna punch Rogue?
Family Jewels AU and Brutus (c) @smoresthehalloweenqueen
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thatthingilovewith · 4 months ago
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Heavensbee Family Tree
Motto Translation: You must either Imitate or Loathe the World
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 9 months ago
thinking evil thoughts (best friend’s brother trope)
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eman-cosplay · 9 months ago
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I HATE WIGS BUT I STILL HAVE TO DO THEM wig for hiccup from httyd and for loyd forger from spy x familly
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mutedeclipse · 1 year ago
Something about feeling decadent and comfortable
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Originally meant to be normal blue for a line test somehow became arachne with colours...
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sparklingandtwinkling · 4 months ago
Heartcatch Pretty Cure! Characters as Mobians
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Tsubomi Hanasaki/Cure Blossom - Dark Magenta Butterfly/Bright Pink Butterfly
As Cure Blossom, she represents the flower, cherry blossom and the flower of the Earth
Erika Kurumi/Cure Marine - Dark Blue Octopus/Sky Blue Octopus
As Cure Marine, she represents the flower, daisy and the flower of the Oceans
Itsuki Myoudouin/Cure Sunshine - Brown Fox/Gold Fox
As Cure Sunshine, she represents the flower, sunflower and the flower of the Sun
Yuri Tsukikage/Cure Moonlight - Dark Purple Hedgehog/Lavender Hedgehog
As Cure Moonlight, she represents the flower, rose and the flower of the Moon
Chypre - Cure Chao (Pink Brunfelsia Latifolia Flower Chao)
Fairy partner of Cure Blossom
Coffret - Cure Chao (Blue Morning Glory Flower Chao)
Fairy partner of Cure Marine
Potpourri - Cure Chao (Sunflower Flower Chao)
Born from the Tree of Hearts 
Fairy partner of Cure Sunshine
Cologne - Cure Chao (Purple Lily Flower Chao)
Former fairy partner of Cure Moonlight
Died during the battle against the Desert Apostle while trying to protect her. He is still watching over Yuri from the Tree of Hearts
Magical Allies:
Master Coupe - Giant Frog Cure Flicky (Ancient Flicky)/Crane Mobian
Former fairy partner of Cure Flower
Helped Cure Flower transform
A superior fairy who is greatly admired by other fairies such as Chypre and Coffret
His human alias is Sora Hanasaki
Mirage Pretty Cure:
Cure Blossom Mirage - Moth
Cure Marine Mirage - Horse
Cure Sunshine Mirage - Shiba Inu
Cure Moonlight Mirage - Porcupine
Aurelie/Cure Ange - Yellow Hummingbird/Golden Hummingbird
She is also the very first Pretty Cure to use a Heart Perfume and is suspected to be much more powerful than the current Pretty Cures.
She is the lover of the goddess, Hana Ange and the guardian of the Pretty Cure Palace
Hana Ange - Pink Butterfly Dragon
Is the third oldest of Vanessa’s sisters and is the spirit tied into the Tree of Hearts.
She is the Goddess of Flowers and Life.
Dune - Green Scorpion
The actual leader of the Desert Apostles, who has been in deep sleep after he was defeated by Cure Flower.
Baron Salamander - Gila Monster
He is a lost member of the Desert Apostles and originally, the right hand man of Dune before Sabaku took his place.
He was eventually defeated 400 years ago by the very first Pretty Cure, Cure Ange, before being unsealed by Olivier.
Professor Sabaku/Hideak Tsukikage - Gray Tenrec/Brown Tenrec
The acting main villain in the series.
He is very mysterious, constantly keeping his face hidden beneath a mask.
Dark Pretty Cure - Dark Teal Tenrec
A mysterious woman who has powers very much like those of Pretty Cure, including her own Tact.
She was created by Professor Sabaku and resembles and acts like a Pretty Cure.
Kumojaki - Red Spider
The apparent leader of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Kumojaki by using the genes of a spider and the wilted Heart Flower of a young man aiming to become a professional martial artist.
His Heart Flower is a Achillea which means to fight.
Sasorina - Auburn Scorpion
The only female of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Sasorina by using the genes of a scorpion and the wilted Heart Flower of a nursery school teacher.
Her Heart Flower is a Katakuri which means withstand sadness and jealousy.
Cobraja - Navy Blue Cobra
The third member of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Cobraja by using the genes of a cobra and the wilted Heart Flower of a fashion coordinator.
His Heart Flower is a Japanese Rose which means beautiful sadness.
Youichi Hanasaki - Brown Crane
Tsubomi's father and son of Kaoruko.
Together with his wife Mizuki, he works in their own flower shop.
Mizuki Hanasaki - Red Burgundy Ladybug
Tsubomi's mother.
She, alongside her husband run the flowershop, Flower Shop Hanasaki in Kibougahana.
Futaba Hanasaki - Dark Magenta Ladybug
Tsubomi's younger sister.
Sora Hanasaki - Crane
Kaoruko's husband, Youichi's father, and Tsubomi's grandfather.
A bit after his son was born, he died.
Kaoruko Hanasaki/Cure Flower - Brown Butterfly/Pink Butterfly
Tsubomi's grandmother and mother of Youichi.
She is a famous botanist, and owner of Hanasaki Botanical Garden.
When she was younger she was Cure Flower.
Ryuunosuke Kurumi - Dark Blue Octopus
Erika’s father.
Because of his job as a famous photographer, he is often away from home, but still cares about his family.
Sakura Kurumi - Light Indigo Dolphin
Erika’s mother.
In the past, Sakura used to be a charismatic model.
Momoka Kurumi - Majorelle Blue Dolphin
Erika's older sister.
A famous charismatic model.
Her Heart Flower is a Dahlia which means splendour.
Tsubaki Myoudouin - Brown Fox
Itsuki’s mother and the daughter of principal Myoudouin Gentarou.
Satsuki Myoudouin - Brown Fox
Itsuki's older brother, who has a condition on which he can't walk properly.
His Heart Flower is a Chamomile which means to overcome hardship.
Gentarou Myoudouin - Gray Fox
Itsuki's grandfather.
He is also the principal of Myoudou Academy and the leader of the Myoudouin family's and town's local dojo.
Haruna Tsukikage - Brown Hedgehog
Yuri's mother and is the wife of Hideaki.
Her Heart Flower is a Rapa Blossom which means to be full of energy.
Supporting People:
Rumiko Kuroda - Light Brown Deer
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Toshiko Sakuma - Brown Lamb
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Sayaka Ueshima - Red Jackal
She is a first year at Myoudou Academy.
Captain of the girls Soccer Club.
Her Heart Flower is a Poinsettia which means a heart burning with passion.
Mao Ogasawara - Border Collie
Tennis partner to Ayumi.
Her Heart Flower is a Blue Star which means a trusting heart.
Ayumi Kumazawa - Brown Labrador Retriever
Tennis partner to Mao.
Akira Miura - Red Panda
His parents own the restaurant, Miura Ramen and he is a regular at Myoudou Academy's baseball club.
His Heart Flower is a Salvia which means familial love.
Kanae Tada - Brown Bat
Part of the photo club at Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Blackberry which means caring for others.
Obata - Brown Wolf
Studied under Tsubomi's father when he was still working as a professor.
His Heart Flower is a White Hyacinth which means a heart's peaceful love.
Yoshito Sakai - Red Echidna (has brown hair)
Masato and Yoshito are both intersted in martial arts.
His Heart Flower is a Digitalis which means burning passion.
Masato Sakai - Red Echidna (has brown hair)
Yoshito’s older brother and a classmate of Tsubomi and Erika.
Risa Shibata - Orca
She is Yuuto's girlfriend.
Her Heart Flower is a Tulip which means eternal love.
Yuuto Toshioka - Dark Violet Ox
A regular customer of Hanasaki Flower Shop.
He usually buys flowers for his girlfriend, Risa.
Nanami Shiku - Lioness
Acting mother for her household, in the absence of her late mother.
Her Heart Flower is a Carnation which means motherly love.
Rumi Shiku - Lioness Cub
Nanami's younger sister.
She is also best friends and schoolmates with Haruka.
Azusa Takagishi - Brown Minx
A classmate of Tsubomi and Erika and the president of the Theater Club.
Her true dream is to one day become a professional actress.
Her Heart Flower is a Bougainvillea which means passion.
Kenji Ban - Black Crocodile
He is student attending Myoudou Academy who is a fan of the Pretty Cure, and an aspiring mangaka.
His Heart Flower is a Dogwood which means to receive feelings.
Tsurusaki - Dark Violet Hedgehog
Tsubomi and Erika's homeroom and Japanese teacher of Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Rhododendron which means dignity.
Aya Mizushima - Bee
Is the president of the gardening club at Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Sasanqua which means unyielding love.
Naomi Sawai - Dark Purple Bunny
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Her Heart Flower is a Strawberry Blossom which means love and admiration.
Mitsuru Nakano - Black Fox
A childhood friend of Tsubomi's, who lives in Kamakura.
His Heart Flower is a Lavender which means to be waiting.
Yuuki Hayashi - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
A classmate of Tsubomi and Erika.
His Heart Flower is a Rapa Blossom which means to be full of energy.
Aya Ikeda - Songbird
She is a member of the light music club in school, together with Kudou Mayu.
Her Heart Flower is a Aster which means a trusting heart.
Mayu Kudou - Nightingale
She is a member of the light music club in school, together with Ikeda Aya.
Her Heart Flower is a Aster which means a trusting heart.
Previously: 🍎🪩♠️ | Next: 🎶🎹
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