#familia violet
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Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 07

[Capítulo 6]
Lugar: Mansión Violet, Pasillo
*choque de espadas*
Ayato: ¡Maldición! A este paso no acabaremos nunca.
Ayato: Es una pena que deba depender de esta cosa, pero si es para robar a Eva, entonces lo haré.
Subaru: ¿Qué va a usar…?
Subaru: ¡…! ¡Agáchate!

Yui: ¡Kya…! ¡¿Q-qué fue eso?!
Subaru: Una bomba. Maldita sea, ¡no puedo creer que tuviera ese as bajo su manga!
Subaru: No te quedes allí parada, ¡sal de aquí! ¡¡Antes de que lance otra bomba!!
Yui: ¡¿…?!
Yui: (¡Debo huir! ¡Pero mi cuerpo no responde…!)
Ayato: ¡Toma! ¡Aquí va otra, cómete esto!
Subaru: ¡Cuidado…!
*Subaru te cubre de la explosión*
Subaru: ¡Auch…!
Subaru: (Pude protegerla de la explosión, pero mi cuerpo…)
Yui: ¿Subaru-kun…? Perdóname Subaru-kun. ¡No me digas que me cubriste…!
Subaru: Mierda…
Yui: ¿Estás bien? ¡Estás muy herido…!
Ayato: …Tsk. ¿Aún no la palmas?
Subaru: ¡Ayato! ¡¿Acaso eres imbécil?! ¡¿Cómo se te ocurre atacar a Eva?!
Subaru: Si ella hubiera muerto, ngh…
Subaru: (¿Si ella muriera…?)

Yui: ¿Qué sucede Subaru-kun? ¿Estás bien? ¡Resiste…!
Subaru: (No, ¡eso jamás! Ella no puede morir.)

Subaru: —Ugh…
Yui: ¿Qué pasa? ¡¿Acaso te duelen tus heridas…?!
Subaru: …Ugh… N-no…
Subaru: (Ya que yo decidí que la amaría eternamente.)
Subaru: (Ella lo aceptó y entonces…)

Subaru: (¡Maldita sea! ¡¿Qué es este paisaje desconocido?! No debería resultarme familiar, pero me suena…)

Subaru: ¡Aah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Yui: ¿Subaru-kun…?
Subaru: …Aah… Aah.
Subaru: …No eres Eva…
Subaru: Tu nombre no es… Eva…

Subaru: No es Eva, ¡¿verdad que no…?! ¡Yui…!
Yui: ¡…!
Subaru: Juro que a ti…
Subaru: …Solo a ti… te protegeré…
Yui: ¡¿Subaru-kun?!
Yui: Resiste Subaru-kun. ¡Por favor abre tus ojos…!
Subaru: …
Subaru: Je… No necesitas gritar tanto, puedo escucharte…
Subaru: Estoy aquí. Así que ya no llores…
Yui: ¡Sí, sí, estás aquí, Subaru-kun! Oye, antes me llamaste por mi nombre…
Yui: (¡¿Otra explosión?! Pero esta vez vino desde donde está Ayato-kun…)
Subaru: ¡Maldición! Estas pisadas… ¿Acaso los enemigos se han reunido?
Subaru: ¡Yo no puedo moverme, así que al menos tú debes alejarte de aquí…!
Yui: ¡No, no me pidas eso! ¡No puedo abandonarte…!
???: Así es, los necesitamos juntos.
Yui: (¡¿El enemigo ya llegó…?! Pero esa voz es de…)
Subaru: Kou…

Kou: ¡Bingo! ¡Acertaron! ¡Kou-kun ha venido a salvarlos!
Kou: ¿Estás bien, Subaru-kun?
Laito: ¿Eh? Subaru-kun está colapsado y cubierto de sangre, es una vista poco común.
Azusa: Lamento haber… tardado. Me alegro de haber llegado a tiempo… Pero están heridos…
Yui: Acabó así por protegerme del ataque de Ayatao-kun… Por cierto, ¡¿y Ayato-kun?!
Kou: Ah, Ayato-kun se desmayó tras recibir nuestra bomba… pero ya se levantó.
*sonido de escombros*
Ayato: ¡Mierda…! ¡No me jodan!
Laito: Wow, que resistente es.
Azusa: Laito y yo lo detendremos… Kou, llévate a Subaru…
Kou: Sí, entendido. Eva, ¿cuál es el estado de Subaru-kun?
Yui: Subaru-kun me protegió. Estaba consciente hasta hace unos minutos, pero parece que se desmayó…
Subaru: …
Kou: Ya veo… estas heridas pueden ser peligrosas hasta para él.
Yui: No puede ser…
Kou: Como sea, ¡escapemos mientras Azusa-kun y Laito-kun frenan a Ayato-kun!
Yui: ¡Pero Subaru-kun…!
Kou: ¡Tranquila, yo lo cargaré!
Kou: Si lo cargo como princesa… Subaru-kun se enojaría.
Kou: ¡Así que será a caballito para poder correr! ¿Puedes correr Eva?
Yui: ¡Sí! ¡Gracias, Kou-kun!
“Los miembros de la familia Orange invadieron la mansión Violet—.
Para secuestrarme a mí, a [Eva].
Jamás olvidaré las siluetas de Subaru-kun y Ayato-kun. Esa no fue una riña entre hermanos, ambos atacaban al otro como si fueran desconocidos.
Gracias a que Kou-kun llegó a nuestro auxilio fuimos capaces de llevar a un inconsciente Subaru-kun hasta su habitación.
Tras eso, gracias a los esfuerzos de Carla-san, Laito-kun y Azusa-kun los Orange acabaron siendo expulsados.
La paz y tranquilidad ha regresado a la mansión Violet, sin embargo, desde aquel entonces que Subaru-kun se ha encontrado sumergido en un profundo sueño sin señales de que vaya a despertar.”
Lugar: Mansión Violet, habitación de Subaru
Yui: (Los chicos dijeron que no eran heridas mortales, pero Subaru-kun sigue sin despertar.)
Yui: (¿Qué haré si nunca vuelve a abrir sus ojos?)
Yui: (…Es mi culpa. Es porque lo retuve.)
Yui: (Si Subaru-kun no hubiera peleado mientras me protegía, estoy segura de que no habría acabado tan malherido.)
Yui: Perdóname Subaru-kun.
Yui: Todo esto es mi culpa, de verdad lo siento.
Yui: …Además, si hubiera intentado explicarle a los demás sobre nuestra situación actual.
Yui: Es probable que no hubieran tenido que pelear.
Yui: Lo siento, si hubiera sido más proactiva, si tan solo hubiera buscado una forma de regresar a casa…
Yui: La mano de Subaru-kun es tan grande… Esta es la mano que me protegió.
Yui: No solo desde que llegamos a este lugar, sino que desde mucho antes.
Subaru: …
Yui: (Su mano… ¡La mano que sostengo acaba de moverse un poco!)
Yui: Subaru-kun, ¿acaso puedes escucharme?
Yui: Oye, Subaru-kun…
Subaru: …Nn…
Subaru: Que ruidosa eres… No necesitas llamarme tantas veces, puedo escucharte.
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun! ¡Despertaste!
Yui: ¡Gracias a Dios…! ¡Me alegro de que hayas recuperado la conciencia!
Subaru: Rayos, no llores.
Subaru: Ya te lo dije antes, los vampiros no morirían por algo como esto.
Yui: ¿Antes…?
Yui: (No fue algo que me dijera en este lugar, ¿verdad?)
Yui: Ahora que recuerdo, cuando me cubriste, dijiste mi nombre, ¿no…?
Yui: En aquel momento estaba en estado de shock y pensé que fue mi imaginación.

Subaru: No fue tu imaginación, Yui.
Subaru: …Perdóname por haberte olvidado.
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun…!
Subaru: Parece que el resto no se ha dado cuenta de esta anomalía.
Subaru: Debes de haberte sentido desolada. Lamento haberte dejado sola.
Estaba muy nerviosa. ♟
No te disculpes. ♙
Estaba muy nerviosa:
Yui: Sí… Me comían los nervios al no saber qué pasaría.
Subaru: Me lo imagino. De verdad lo siento…
Yui: Pero ahora que has recobrado tus memorias al fin estoy tranquila.
Yui: Porque ya no tendré que pensar en esta situación yo sola.
Yui: Ya no estaré sola. Eso me basta para relajarme.
Yui: Además, ahora que has recuperado tus recuerdos… finalmente me vuelves a tratar como a tu novia y eso me hace muy feliz.
Subaru: …Yo también me siento satisfecho.
Subaru: Cuando mis recuerdos estaban alterados me sacaba de quicio que el resto fuera tras de ti.
No te disculpes:
Yui: Por favor no te disculpes, Subaru-kun.
Yui: No tengo ni la menor idea de por qué nos está pasando esto.
Yui: Pero sé que no has hecho nada malo, es más, me protegiste.
Subaru: …Pero si no me disculpo no me sentiré satisfecho.
Yui: Típico de ti.
Subaru: Me saca de quicio no haber podido estar a tu lado cuando estabas sufriendo.
Subaru: Estoy enfadado conmigo mismo por permitirme perder mis recuerdos.
Fin de las opciones
Yui: Ya no estaré sola. Eso me basta para relajarme.
Yui: Además, ahora que has recuperado tus recuerdos… finalmente me vuelves a tratar como a tu novia y eso me hace muy feliz.
Subaru: …Yo también me siento en paz.
Subaru: Cuando mis recuerdos estaban alterados me sacaba de quicio que el resto fuera tras de ti.
Subaru: Pero era normal, en algún lugar de mi ser recordaba que no querían que te apartaran de mí.
Subaru: Tú eres mía. ¿Verdad?
Yui: …Sí, así es.
Yui: Fufu… Siento que han pasado siglos desde que me abrazabas.
Yui: Estoy tan feliz que mi corazón no deja de latir.
Subaru: No digas eso… vas a seducirme y no me haré responsable de lo que haga.
Yui: Pues no lo hagas… En este momento quiero estar a tu lado. Estuve mucho tiempo sola.
Subaru: …Sí, tienes razón.

Yui: (Subaru-kun… me está abrazando con tantas fuerzas que siento que no podré respirar.)
Yui: (Es como si intentara compensar la soledad que pasé.)
Yui: (Estoy segura de que se siente arrepentido por pasar tanto tiempo sin recordar nada.)
Yui: (Ese es el amable Subaru-kun al que tanto amo.)
Subaru: Oye Yui.
Yui: ¿…Dime?
Subaru: Déjame succionar tu sangre. Te haré sentir un placer descomunal para compensar el tiempo que te dejé sola.
Subaru: Por eso, ¿puedo?
Yui: …Sí, puedes.
Yui: Yo también quiero que bebas mi sangre. Si lo haces es posible que tus heridas se curen más rápido.
Subaru: Sí, puede ser.
Subaru: Succionaré desde tu cuello. Hueles muy dulce, no podré contenerme… Nn.
Yui: …Aah.

Subaru: Nn… Nn, ngh…
Yui: (Está… succionando mi sangre…)
[Si tocas las flores:
Brazo de Subaru: ¿Tan bien se siente? Entonces sostente firme para no caerte.
Hombro de Yui: Yo también me siento genial. Puedo sentir tu goce y es irresistible.]
Yui: (Está succionando con una suavidad incomparable a la de las veces anteriores…)
Subaru: Aah… Je, ¿qué tal? ¿Cómo se sienten mis colmillos tras tanto tiempo? ¿Se siente bien?
Yui: Sí, se siente bien…
Subaru: Entonces sigue gozándolo. Apenas he empezado. Y tengo que compensarte un montón.
Subaru: Aah, nn… Nn…
Yui: ¡Aah…!
Yui: (Es intenso, pero sé que igualmente es cuidadoso conmigo.)
Yui: (Es como si chupara la soledad y ansiedad que he sentido hasta ahora junto con mi sangre.)
Yui: (¡Subaru-kun, Subaru-kun…!)
Yui: (¡De verdad me alegra que finalmente hayas regresado, Subaru-kun!)
[Capítulo 8]
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#diabolik lovers#traducción al español#mi traducción#subaru sakamaki#diabolik lovers chaos lineage#capítulo 7#familia violet
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Echoes of a Promise
- Summary: When Prince Daemon Targaryen challenged Ser Gwayne Hightower during the tourney, that King Viserys I orginazed for birth of his heir, it was not just to humiliate and spite Otto. It was because of you.
- Pairing: targ!reader/Gwayne Hightower (with one-sided Daemon Targaryen)
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is younger sister or Rhaenyra and is bonded with dragon Silverwing. These events take place years before Skyfall. For more parts and to read this in a chronological order check my blog. The list is pinned to the top. Or you can consider it to be part just for itself.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 4 614
- Tag(s): @deniixlovezelda @duck-duck-goose2 @aadu2173 @sachaa-ff
The air is filled with the excitement and anticipation of the tournament, with the roar of the crowd echoing across the field. The day is bright, though the tension in the air hangs like a storm waiting to break. You sit in the royal box, your back straight as you watch the events unfold below. Beside you, your sister Rhaenyra leans forward, her gold and silver hair catching the sunlight, while Alicent, ever composed, keeps a more demure posture. Despite the noise around you, there's an undercurrent of unease, an undercurrent you can feel but cannot name.
You try to focus on the jousts, but your mind keeps drifting. Today is supposed to be a day of celebration, yet you cannot shake the feeling that something is amiss. It could be the knowledge that your mother, Queen Aemma, is in labor, or perhaps it's the weight of expectation that seems to press down on you from all sides. The youngest princess, soon to be the sister to an heir, the girl bonded to Silverwing, you feel the eyes of the realm upon you.
Your gaze shifts to Ser Gwayne Hightower, who sits on his horse at the end of the lists, resplendent in his armor. You can feel his eyes on you, and when you glance at him, he offers a small, shy smile. There's something earnest about him, something that makes your heart flutter just slightly. You return his smile, feeling a warmth spread through you despite the cool breeze.
Rhaenyra notices your exchange and leans closer, a teasing smile on her lips. "Ser Gwayne seems quite taken with you, sister."
You give her a playful nudge. "He is a noble knight. It would be unbecoming of him not to show favor to his princess."
Alicent, always the voice of reason, adds softly, "But it is clear my brother’s favor is more than just courtly manners. Perhaps you should acknowledge it."
You cast another glance at Gwayne, who has returned his attention to the field, but not before stealing one more look your way. There is a sincerity in his eyes that you find difficult to ignore. Your heart is conflicted, though you try to push the thoughts aside. After all, you are a princess of the realm, and such things are never simple.
But before you can ponder further, the crowd erupts into cheers and gasps. The herald's voice rings out, announcing the next joust. "Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, against Prince Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince."
The shift in atmosphere is palpable. You feel it immediately, the tension growing thick and heavy, like the humidity before a storm. Your heart skips a beat as you see Daemon enter the lists, his presence commanding, his dark violet eyes scanning the crowd before landing on you. He doesn't smile, but the look he gives you is intense, a mixture of challenge and something else you can't quite place.
"He’s chosen Ser Gwayne," Alicent whispers, her voice laced with concern for her brother.
"To spite Lord Otto, no doubt," Rhaenyra mutters, her brows furrowing.
But you know better. Daemon's choice is not just to slight his old nemesis, the Hand of the King. No, this is a message, one meant for you. Your heart pounds in your chest as you realize the implications. Daemon is many things—unpredictable, dangerous, and bold. He has never hidden his affection for you, though it is often veiled in the guise of familial care. But there’s always been more, something unspoken between you two, something that now rears its head in the most public of arenas.
As the joust begins, you watch with bated breath. The crowd roars as the two knights charge at each other, lances poised to strike. The clash is fierce, the sound of splintering wood echoing across the field. Gwayne holds his own against Daemon, and for a moment, you dare to hope. But Daemon is a seasoned warrior, and his determination today is fueled by more than just a desire to win.
They go for another round, and this time, Daemon’s lance strikes true. It shatters against Gwayne’s shield, the force of the blow unseating him. Gwayne crashes to the ground, the breath knocked out of him, and the crowd gasps. You instinctively rise from your seat, hands clutching the railing in front of you.
"Y/N," Rhaenyra says softly, reaching out to calm you, but you barely hear her.
Your eyes are locked on Gwayne as he struggles to rise, his pride wounded as much as his body. Daemon circles him like a predator, his horse prancing, as if waiting to see if Gwayne will stand again. When Gwayne finally manages to get to his feet, Daemon removes his helmet, letting his silver hair spill out, and then he dismounts.
He strides over to Gwayne, and the two exchange words you cannot hear from this distance. But you see the way Daemon’s eyes flick up to the royal box, to you, and then back to Gwayne. Whatever he says is enough to make Gwayne’s expression harden, though he does not retaliate. Gwayne simply bows his head slightly, acknowledging the defeat, and then steps back.
Daemon, satisfied, returns to his horse, but not before casting you another look. This time, there’s a smirk on his lips, one that makes your blood boil. He knows exactly what he’s done, and the worst part is that you do too. He’s made his statement, loud and clear, in front of all the lords and ladies of the realm. Daemon Targaryen does not intend to step aside, and anyone who seeks to win your favor will have to contend with him first.
As Daemon rides off, victorious, your eyes drift back to Gwayne. He stands tall, despite the defeat, and when he finally looks up at you, there is no shame in his expression. Only determination, and something else—hope, perhaps? A promise that he will not give up so easily.
You sink back into your seat, your heart a tangle of emotions. Rhaenyra gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, and Alicent offers you a small, understanding smile. But your mind is elsewhere, torn between the earnest affection of a young knight and the dangerous allure of a rogue prince.
As the dust settles from the tilt between Daemon and Gwayne, Otto Hightower watches with a deepening frown, his knuckles whitening as he grips the armrest of his chair. He had seen the intent in Daemon's eyes from the moment he chose Gwayne as his opponent. The tilt had been more than just a joust—it was a pointed act, an attempt to not only humiliate Otto but to endanger his son and, by extension, challenge Otto's influence in the court. Otto's gaze shifts from the field back to the royal box where you sit, and he notices the anxiety in your eyes as you watch Gwayne stand tall despite his defeat.
Otto's concern is not only for his son's welfare but also for the implications of Daemon's reckless actions. He can see how the prince's antics could destabilize everything he has worked for, and that thought is enough to push him into action. With a composed but determined stride, Otto makes his way to King Viserys, who sits at the center of the royal box, his expression a mixture of concern and detachment as he watches the aftermath of the joust.
"Your Grace," Otto begins, bowing slightly before taking his place at Viserys' side. His voice is calm, measured, but there’s an undercurrent of urgency in his tone. "I cannot help but express my concern over Prince Daemon’s conduct. Choosing my son as his opponent was not merely a matter of sport—it was a deliberate act of provocation."
Viserys sighs, his gaze still fixed on the field. "Daemon is... spirited," he replies, attempting to sound nonchalant, though there's a hint of weariness in his voice. "You know how he is, Otto. He has always had a flair for the dramatic."
"Spirited?" Otto repeats, unable to keep the sharpness out of his voice. "Your Grace, this was not mere dramatics. This was a calculated attempt to undermine the order of things. My son’s life was endangered, not out of competition, but out of spite."
Viserys finally turns to look at Otto, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You see threats where there are none, Lord Hightower. Daemon is my brother; he would not harm a fellow knight without reason. Gwayne is skilled, and I am sure Daemon respected that."
Otto suppresses a sigh, knowing that Viserys is, as always, reluctant to see the worst in his brother. "Your Grace, the prince's intentions were clear. He seeks to disrupt, to sow discord, and he has taken a particular interest in your youngest daughter, as you well know."
Viserys' expression hardens at the mention of you, but before he can respond, Otto seizes the opportunity to press his point. "I have proposed a match before, between Y/N and my son, Gwayne. He is a noble knight, honorable and devoted to the realm, and most importantly, he cares deeply for your daughter. Such a match would not only strengthen ties between our houses but also protect the princess from the whims of Prince Daemon."
Viserys shifts uncomfortably in his seat, clearly not pleased with the direction of the conversation. "I am aware of your proposal, Otto, but I do not see the need to rush into any such arrangement. Y/N is still young, and I would not have her feel pressured into a marriage, especially one so clearly driven by political concerns.
"Your Grace," Otto insists, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial tone, "this is not just about politics. It is about ensuring the stability of your realm, the safety of your daughter. Daemon is unpredictable, and his interest in Y/N is far from innocent. A match with Gwayne would provide her with the protection of an honorable man, a knight who would be devoted to her above all else."
Viserys' face tightens with frustration. "Daemon is my brother, Otto. He may be reckless, but he is no danger to Y/N. And as for Gwayne, I have no doubt of his virtues, but I will not be pushed into making decisions about my daughter's future based on fear and speculation."
Otto opens his mouth to argue further, but at that moment, a servant approaches the king, bowing deeply before leaning in to speak quietly into his ear. Whatever the servant says causes Viserys' expression to change instantly, the frustration and weariness replaced by a deep concern, and something close to dread.
"Your Grace," the servant says, just loud enough for Otto to catch the words, "I bring word from the Maester. The Queen's labor... it is not progressing well. The Maester has requested your presence."
Viserys pales, his attention immediately drawn away from the tournament and all other matters. The color drains from his face as the weight of the situation dawns on him. He rises from his seat, barely acknowledging Otto’s presence now.
"Excuse me, Otto," Viserys says, his voice strained, "I must attend to the Queen."
Otto watches as Viserys departs, a feeling of unease settling over him. The king’s concerns about Aemma are legitimate, of course, but Otto cannot help but feel that the danger Daemon represents is just as pressing. Yet, with Viserys now preoccupied, there is little more Otto can do at this moment. He watches the king hurry away, his thoughts a storm of worry and calculation.
As he returns his gaze to the field, where the tournament continues with all its noise and pageantry, Otto’s mind races. He knows that Daemon’s influence over his brother and his growing interest in you are threats that cannot be ignored. And while Viserys may not see the urgency, Otto knows that he must find a way to protect both his son and the realm. But for now, with the shadow of the Queen’s labor hanging over them all, any further plans will have to wait.
Otto Hightower may be forced to wait, but he will not forget.
The gardens are quiet, bathed in the soft silver light of the moon. The air is cool, carrying the scent of night-blooming flowers, yet you find no comfort in their fragrance. Your heart is heavy, weighed down by grief that seems too vast to bear. The funeral had been a somber affair, the pyres of your mother and brother burning brightly against the darkening sky, and now, even the flames have died, leaving only ashes and silence.
You wander through the gardens, seeking solitude, though the emptiness only magnifies your sorrow. The night is still, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze, and your thoughts are consumed by the images of your mother, Queen Aemma, and your brother, Baelon, who had lived but a single day. The grief presses down on you, almost suffocating in its intensity. You find yourself sinking onto a stone bench beneath a large, ancient tree, its branches reaching out like arms meant to offer comfort, but even nature seems distant tonight.
You barely notice the sound of footsteps on the gravel path until they draw close. When you finally look up, you see Gwayne Hightower approaching, his expression one of deep concern and sorrow. His presence, though unexpected, stirs something within you—an odd mixture of relief and anxiety. He slows as he nears, his armor glinting softly in the moonlight, but there’s nothing imposing about him now. His eyes, warm and kind, are fixed on you, offering a silent question.
With a quiet nod, you dismiss the Kingsguard who stands at a respectful distance, signaling that you wish for privacy. The knight bows and steps away, leaving you alone with Gwayne in the tranquil, shadowed gardens.
"Princess," Gwayne says softly as he reaches you, his voice gentle, laced with the same sorrow that you feel. "I hoped to find you… I thought you might need someone."
You look up at him, your eyes brimming with unshed tears, and for a moment, you struggle to find your voice. When you finally speak, your words are choked with emotion. "They’re gone, Gwayne. My mother… my brother…"
He kneels beside you, taking your hands in his. His touch is warm, grounding you in the here and now, even as your heart aches with the loss. "I am so sorry, Y/N," he murmurs, his thumbs gently brushing over your knuckles. "I cannot imagine the pain you’re feeling, but know that you do not have to bear it alone."
You blink, a tear escaping to trace down your cheek. "But I am alone, Gwayne. Everyone I love… they keep leaving me." Your voice breaks, and you lower your head, unable to hold back the tears any longer.
Gwayne’s hands tighten around yours, firm but tender, and he shifts to sit beside you on the bench. "You are not alone, not truly. I am here, Y/N. I will always be here for you, if you’ll let me."
There’s something in his voice, a quiet determination that draws your gaze back to him. You see the sincerity in his eyes, the deep, unwavering care he holds for you, and in that moment, a small part of your grief seems to lift, if only slightly. The loneliness that had seemed so overwhelming before begins to recede, replaced by a warmth that spreads through you, a connection that you hadn’t realized you needed so desperately.
You lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder, and he wraps an arm around you, holding you close. The silence between you is no longer heavy with sorrow but filled with something softer, more comforting. After a moment, Gwayne speaks again, his voice low and earnest. "I promise you, Y/N, I will do everything in my power to make sure you are never alone. One day, I will marry you, and I will protect you, cherish you, for as long as I live."
His words catch you off guard, and you pull back slightly to look at him. "Marry me?" you repeat, your voice barely above a whisper. There’s a vulnerability in your tone, a hope you hadn’t dared to acknowledge until now.
"Yes," Gwayne says, his gaze never wavering. "I’ve cared for you for so long, and I know in my heart that you are the one I wish to spend my life with. I want to be by your side, to give you the happiness and security you deserve. I swear it."
Something inside you shifts, the despair you’ve been drowning in easing as you absorb the depth of his feelings. Without thinking, you reach up to cup his face, your thumb brushing over his cheek. "You are too kind, Gwayne," you murmur, your voice trembling. "I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you."
He leans into your touch, closing his eyes briefly as if savoring the moment. "You deserve everything, Y/N," he says softly, opening his eyes to meet yours once more. "And I want to be the one to give it to you."
The sincerity in his voice, the warmth in his eyes, it’s all too much. You close the distance between you, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that is tentative at first, testing the waters of this new intimacy. Gwayne responds immediately, his kiss gentle but insistent, as if he’s been waiting for this moment for as long as he can remember.
The kiss deepens, the grief and sorrow you’ve been carrying melding into a need for comfort, for connection. Gwayne’s hands move to your waist, pulling you closer as the heat between you grows. The world outside of this moment seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you, lost in each other.
He pulls back slightly, his breath ragged, his eyes searching yours. "Are you sure?" he asks, his voice hushed, as if he fears breaking the spell between you.
In response, you nod, your heart racing. "Yes," you whisper, the word barely audible, but full of the longing and need that has been building within you. "I need you, Gwayne. Please."
With a tenderness that takes your breath away, Gwayne begins to undress you, his hands careful and reverent as if you are something precious, something to be cherished. You mirror his actions, your fingers working to remove his armor, his tunic, until there is nothing between you but the cool night air.
When he finally moves over you, his touch is gentle, mindful of your inexperience. There’s a brief moment of hesitation, of adjustment, as your bodies join, but the discomfort quickly gives way to something deeper, more profound. Gwayne pauses, his forehead resting against yours as he waits for you to relax, to adjust to the newness of this intimacy.
"Are you alright?" he asks softly, his voice tinged with concern.
You nod, your hands clutching at his shoulders as you pull him closer. "Yes, Gwayne… don’t stop," you murmur, your breath hitching as pleasure begins to build, slowly at first, then with increasing intensity.
He kisses you again, and as your bodies find a rhythm, the world narrows down to the sensation of his touch, the warmth of his skin against yours, the way he whispers your name like a prayer. The urgency between you grows, the need to escape the pain of the world in the solace of each other’s arms, until it all culminates in a rush of pleasure that leaves you both breathless.
In the aftermath, as you lie together in the cool grass, Gwayne holds you close, his hand gently stroking your hair. "I will marry you, Y/N," he whispers, his voice filled with a quiet, unshakable determination. "I swear it, on my honor as a knight. We will be together, always."
You smile softly against his chest, lulled by the sound of his heartbeat, by the warmth of his promise. "I believe you," you whisper back, your eyes fluttering shut as exhaustion finally begins to claim you.
But as the night deepens, as sleep takes hold, the cruel hand of fate begins to weave its own tapestry. Despite the promises made beneath the stars, despite the love you share in this stolen moment, you do not know that the future holds other plans, plans that will tear you from this place, from this man who has given you his heart.
For this promise of marriage, of a future together, will never come to be.
The days following the funeral passed in a haze of mourning, with the weight of loss still hanging heavily over the Red Keep. The atmosphere was somber, with everyone moving about with a quiet reverence, as though the very stones of the castle themselves had absorbed the grief of its inhabitants. Yet, amidst this solemnity, a tension was brewing, one that threatened to shatter the fragile peace.
Daemon Targaryen, ever restless and unpredictable, had spent those days watching, biding his time. He had seen the way Gwayne Hightower had looked at you during the funeral, the way his presence seemed to linger near yours. And while most would dismiss it as nothing more than the attentions of a knight to his princess, Daemon knew better. He could see through the thin veil of propriety to the emotions simmering just beneath the surface.
When he finally confronted Gwayne, it was in one of the shadowed courtyards of the Red Keep, a place where the light of day barely reached and where secrets were often exchanged in hushed tones. Gwayne was alone, having just finished sparring in the yard, his armor still gleaming with the sweat of exertion. He was unprepared for the sight of Daemon emerging from the shadows, a sly smile playing on his lips.
"Ser Gwayne," Daemon called out, his voice deceptively casual. "You seem to have made yourself quite at home here in King's Landing. But then again, Hightowers always know how to make themselves comfortable, don’t they?"
Gwayne stiffened at the sound of Daemon’s voice, his hand instinctively moving to rest on the hilt of his sword. He turned to face the prince, his expression wary but resolute. "Prince Daemon," he greeted, his tone respectful but with an edge. "What brings you to this part of the Keep?"
Daemon strolled closer, his every movement calculated, as if he were a cat toying with a mouse. "I couldn’t help but notice your... persistent presence near my niece. After our last encounter at the lists, I thought you would have taken the hint to back off. But it seems Otto's son is either very brave or very foolish."
Gwayne’s jaw tightened, but he did not back down. "My intentions towards Princess Y/N are honorable, Prince Daemon. My feelings for her are genuine, and they have nothing to do with my father’s ambitions."
Daemon’s eyes narrowed, the amusement in them fading to something colder, more dangerous. "Is that so? I find it hard to believe that anything a Hightower does is not meticulously planned. You expect me to believe that your affections are purely coincidental, that they have nothing to do with your father’s desire to bind your house to the blood of dragons?"
Gwayne took a step forward, his hand still on his sword, but he made no move to draw it. "My feelings for the princess are my own, born out of respect and admiration, not out of any scheme. I care for her deeply, and I would never use her as a pawn in some political game."
"Respect and admiration," Daemon repeated, his voice dripping with disdain. "How noble of you, Ser Gwayne. But tell me, what will you do when Viserys refuses to allow this match? When he sees your father’s hand behind it and denies your request? What then, noble knight?"
Gwayne’s resolve did not falter, though he could feel the weight of Daemon’s words pressing down on him. "If the king denies me, then so be it. But know this, Daemon—my feelings for Y/N will not change. I will still care for her, still protect her, with or without a marriage."
Daemon’s lips curled into a smirk, though his eyes were anything but amused. "You speak of protection, but what you fail to understand, Ser Gwayne, is that she doesn’t need protection from me. It is your interference that could bring her harm. Viserys may be blind to many things, but he is not blind to his brother’s intentions. You think you’re the better man, the safer choice, but you’re just as much a threat as any other suitor."
Gwayne’s grip on his sword tightened, his knuckles white, but he held his ground. "I would never harm her. And I will not be frightened away by your threats or your insinuations, Prince Daemon. If you truly care for her as you claim, you would understand that what matters most is her happiness. If I can give her that, then I will fight for it."
Daemon’s smile vanished, replaced by a hard, calculating look. "You think you can win against me, Ser Gwayne? You think your noble heart and chivalrous intentions will protect you from the realities of the court? You may have convinced yourself that your love is pure, but love in this world is rarely enough. Blood, power, and the will to seize it—that is what drives the fate of men."
The tension between them crackled in the air, a palpable thing that seemed to thrum with the promise of violence. Gwayne stared Daemon down, unflinching, his voice steady as he replied, "I may not have your power or your blood, Daemon, but I have something you don’t—a heart that beats for her, not for ambition. And that is something you will never understand."
For a moment, they stood in silence, two forces at an impasse, each unwilling to yield. Then, with a flicker of something akin to grudging respect in his eyes, Daemon broke the stare, stepping back. He let out a low, dark chuckle.
"Perhaps you’re right, Gwayne," he said, his tone lighter but still laced with danger. "Perhaps I don’t understand. But mark my words—the day will come when you’ll see that love alone is not enough. And when that day comes, I’ll be there, watching as your noble heart shatters."
With that, Daemon turned on his heel, his cloak billowing behind him as he walked away, leaving Gwayne standing in the shadows, his heart pounding in his chest. Gwayne’s hand slowly relaxed from his sword, but the tension remained, coiled tight in his muscles, in his mind.
He watched Daemon disappear into the darkness, his thoughts racing. Daemon’s words had been like barbs, digging into him, and though he had stood his ground, the doubts had been planted. Gwayne knew that his path would not be easy, that the forces arrayed against him were formidable. But his resolve had not wavered. If anything, the confrontation had only strengthened his determination.
As Gwayne turned to leave the courtyard, his thoughts returned to you—to the promise he had made, to the love he felt for you that had nothing to do with his father’s ambitions or the politics of the realm. No matter what Daemon or anyone else said, he would not give up. He would fight for you, for your happiness, no matter the cost.
But as he walked away, the words Daemon had left him with echoed in his mind, a dark omen that he could not shake. The day will come when you’ll see that love alone is not enough. Yet still, he would fight. Because for you, he would endure anything.
#house of the dragon#viserys targaryen#alicent hightower#otto hightower#daemon targaryen#silverwing#game of thrones#gwayne x y/n#gwayne x you#gwayne x reader#gwayne hightower#ser gwayne
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hellenic holidays
Holidays are an important part of Hellenic religious life across all of the Mediterranean– whether Greek or Roman. For the sake of modernity, relevant Graeco-Roman holidays will be adapted to the contemporary Gregorian Calendar.
Ianouarios (Latin: Ianuarius, Eng: January)
Kalends (January), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, January 1: First day of the New Year, in honour of Janus. Large celebrations done, and charity is highly encouraged. Prayers to Lord Asklepios also recommended.
Phebrouarios (Latin: Februarius, Eng: February)
Kalends (February), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 1: First day of the month.
Parentalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 13 – February 21: Literally “Ancestors Days” or “Days of the Ancestors”, Parentalia is the February festival celebrating the deceased ancestors of the family and the pater familias. They are offered flowers, wine-soaked bread, violets salt, and wheat. Often they are providing a true sacrificial banquet, but these are di inferni, spirits of the underworld. They are those who dwell below, and proper care must be made in sacrificing to them.
Anthesteria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 19 – February 21: Athenian festivals dedicated to Dionysos and the dead.
Lupercalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 15: Holiday intended to avert evil spirits and miasma, as well as spread purification; which releases health and fertility.
Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 17-23 (Sign of capricorn): Serves as reminders of the Greater Mysteries, in honour of Deo and Kore.
Martios (Latin: Martius, Eng: March)
Kalends (March), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 1: First day of the month.
Navigium Isidis, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, March 5-6: Festival in honour of Isis marks the opening of the sailing season.
Dionysia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, March 9 – 16: Holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Liberalia, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 17: Another holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Hilaria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 15 – March 28: Numerous day celebration dedicated to the Mother of the Gods and Her lover Attis/Gallus.
Quinquatrus, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 19: When the Temple of Athene on the Aventine Hill was consecrated. Feast day to Athene.
Aprillios (Latin: Aprilis, Eng: April)
Kalends (April), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Aphrodite.
Genéteira tis Rómis (Natale de Roma), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 21: Day commemorating the founding of Rome by Quirinus, known as Romulus when embodied in a mortal form.
Serapia, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, April 25: Day commemorating Serapis, the ruler of the underworld.
Maïos (Latin: Maius Eng: May)
Kalends (May), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 1: First day of the month.
Lemuria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 9, 11 and 13: A trio of solemn days for the malevolent and restless dead, for maintaining their memory is as paramount as those of the benevolent ancestors. Sacrifices are offered as propitiation in order to keep the peace and avoid ill luck from these infernal spirits.
Thargelia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, May 22 – May 23: Celebration in honour of Artemis and Apollo.
Iounios (Latin: Iunius, Eng: June)
Kalends (June), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 1: First day of the month.
Flight of Aineías, June 11: According to calculations by Eratosthenes, today is the day the city of Troy was sacked in 1184 BCE. The burning of Troy would be the end of the Trojan War, but simultaneously it would be the birth of a new beginning. Ultimately, Troy’s fall would give rise to the eternal city of Rome centuries later, as many of those who laid the city’s foundations had been descendant of the Trojan refugees led by the pious Prince Aineías who fled the destruction, such as Aineías’ descendant Romulus. Today is a day that feasts should be held to commemorate the flight of Aineías and the survival of our ancestors, but simultaneously a day of mourning for those innocent who perished, whether during the Trojan War or any war.
Prometheia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, June 17th: Festival dedicated to Prometheus bestowing reason to mankind.
Vestalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 7th – 15th: Festival specifically in honor of the Goddess of the house, Vesta, and the spirits of the store chambers, cupboards, and the penates.
Death of Julian, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 28th: Mourning day marking the death of the divine Julian.
Ioulios (Latin: Iulius, Eng: July)
Kalends (July), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 1: First day of the month.
Panathenaia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, July 17-24: https://sites.google.com/site/hellenionstemenos/Home/festivals/panathenaia-ta-mikra
Neptunalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 23: Held in honour of Poseidon. Plea for rain.
Augoustos (Latin: Augustus, Eng: August)
Kalends (August), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 1: First day of the month.
Sol Indiges, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 9: Minor holiday to King Helios where sacrifice is offered.
Vinalia Rustica, Gregorian calendar, August 19: A rustic harvest festival dedicated to Zeus and Aphrodite, celebrating the grape harvest, vegetable growth and fertility
Vulcanalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 23: A propitiatory sacrifice during the hot month of August to Hephaistos (Vulcan) in order to protect the home and livelihood from the ravages of fire. Traditional practices include sacrificing small fish into bonfires so that humans would not be harmed.
Septembrios (Latin: September, Eng: September)
Kalends (September), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 1: First day of the month. Ceremonies dedicated to Jupiter Tonans (“the Thunderer”) on the Capitolium, and Juno Regina on the Aventine.
Greater Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, September 6-12 (Sign of cancer): In honour of Deo and Kore. Called great when the Goddess departs, (At least, the other equinox is in mythology the time of the kidnap of Kore, which is the descent of the souls.)
Apollo Campus Martius, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 23: Anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius; Leto is also honored
Oktôbrios (Latin: October, Eng: October)
Kalends (October), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, October 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to the deity Pistis (Fides in Latin).
Thesmophoria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, October 2-4:
Khalkeia, ancient Hellenistic, Gregorian calendar, October 7:
Noembrios (Latin: November, Eng: November)
Kalends (November), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 1: First day of the month.
Feastday of Julian, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 8: Feast day dedicated to the coronation of Flavius Claudius Iulianus Augustus, the great reformer of Hellenism, as Caesar of the west.
Dekembrios (Latin: December, Eng: December)
Kalends (December), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Poseidon and Pietas.
Saturnalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 17-23rd: Festivals that goes on for numerous days in celebration of the Winter Solstice with a particular focus on the golden age of Saturn.
Opalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 19: Festival in honour of Ops
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 25th: Winter Solstice celebration dedicated to the birthday of God.
#source hellenicfaith#hellenic polytheism#hellenic#hellenic pagan#hellenic holidays#paganism#deity worship#roman deities#greek deities
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Verán, la verdad es que les vengo a explicar la misma cosa que siempre les dicen sobre la madre de Luffy. Pero en mi caso, solo quiero añadir detalles que quizás no hayan notado pero mi esquizofrenia si lo notó.
Entonces, a este post lo llamaré...
✨ Lo que yo opino sobre la mencionada madre de Luffy ✨
Vengan acompánenme en esta aventura esquizofrénica si lo desean. Si no, solo ignoren, de todas formas One Piece es un anime que te enseña a ignorar lo que no te interesa.
Sin más preámbulo, empiezo. Primero vamos con esta viñeta que apareció en una hoja extra sobre la peli RED:

Esta imagen hizo suponer a algunas personas que esta puede ser la posible madre de Luffy. Yo pienso, que solo es una "pista" que nos deja Oda hacia la verdadera persona que es la madre de Luffy.
Verán, esta mujer tiene un enorme parecido a Scarlett (sí, la mujer del arco de Dressrosa).
Y con esto he llegado a imaginar que quizás, solo quizás, la familia de Rebecca puede guardar símiles con la familia de Luffy.
(Bueh, es que si mucha gente cree que el final de One Piece es otra guerra mundial como Marineford pero más grande y con más personajes, ¿por qué no pensar también en la posibilidad que otros arcos como el de Dressrosa podrían dar señales de cómo serán los arcos futuros?)
Mi planteamiento es el siguiente: si nos muestran la historia de la familia de Luffy, esta guardará similitudes con la historia de la familia Roldo de Dressrosa.
Parto del mismo hecho que hay personajes que se parecen mucho físicamente.
El rey Riku y Garp
Kyros y Dragón
Una doble coincidencia que por lo menos, me parece curiosa. Especialmente porque la relación que mantienen Kyros y Riku con Rebecca, se parece un poco a la que mantienen Dragon y Garp con Luffy.
Volvamos una vez más a la imagen del principio, ¿esto podría significar que la madre de Luffy se parece a Scarlett y tal como la madre de Rebecca, la madre de Luffy está muerta?

Mi respuesta es un rotundo
Porque a la vez que la apariencia o actitudes entre estos personajes es parecida, los miembros de la familia real de Dressrosa (Roldo) parecen una antítesis a la familia Monkey D:
Garp era (hasta donde se sabe) un hombre común que llegó a volverse respetado como héroe de la Marina. Riku era un rey amado en Dressrosa que terminó siendo odiado por su gente.
Kyros era un criminal que odiaba su vida de asesino pero fue perdonado y reconocido como héroe. Dragon en cambio renegó y renunció a estar en la Marina, rechazó un futuro donde las personas podrían llamarlo héroe, para ser considerado el peor criminal del mundo.
Kyros fue olvidado por el mundo y eso le permitió cuidar de su hija mientras no lo recordaran (la gente recordaba su figura real como un héroe de hace muchos siglos atrás). En cambio, Dragon se volvió el criminal más buscado del mundo. Su condición le impedía estar cerca de Luffy y cuidarlo.
Todas estas coincidencias me hacen pensar que si Scarlett murió, pues la antítesis es que la madre de Luffy debe estar viva.
¿Y cómo es que Crocodile entra en la ecuación? . Aquí voy al siguiente punto: ¿Cuál es la otra característica relevante de Scarlett aparte de su historia con Kyros y su muerte?
Que tiene un parecido inigualable e inconfundible con su hija.
¿Y a quién se parece más Luffy entre todos los personajes que hemos conocido de One Piece? Exacto.
No más preguntas, su señoría. He terminado.
Y como pequeños datos extra que no pude incluir:
1. Coincidentemente la diferencia de edad entre Scarlett y Kyros es la misma que la de Crocodile y Dragon: 9 años exactos.
2. Sospecho, que si esta pequeña locura mía fuera real, entonces Dadan podría representar el papel de Violet en esta historia. Y me encanta la idea de que Dadan puede ser alguna pariente de la madre de Luffy, ya que por posibilidades genéticas claramente, la madre biológica de Luffy podría ser una mujer robusta.
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Howdy gente, vengó inspirada,otro dibujito de Elías gallather pero vivo,como jodo con este men,pero no me culpen!,es realmente un buen chico y es encantador!,bueno,se me ocurrió hacer este dibujo gracias a la canción de melanie Martinez:the contortionist, específicamente en la parte en donde dice:"Bodies touch me" osea traducido es,cuerpos me tocan *por eso las manos,y ay una razón por la que las puse ahí,las manos en la boca:ahi representa como su familia en vida le daba poca importancia a sus opiniones y palabras(ya que como nació con múltiple esclerosis lo ven como débil ,un estorbo e inútil)osea sus palabras no eran válidas y sus palabras jamás fueron tomadas en cuenta (bueno,esos significados les di yo por el lore de su historia ),y las manos en el cuello:estas representan como en futuro antes de casarse(o en la noche de bodas,no me acuerdo)su prometida/esposa Violet y su hermano planearon matarlo cortándole la cabeza con una Acha para quedarse el tesoro oculto de los gallather, tesoro que jamás encontraron,y aunque elias estuviese vivo el no sabe donde esta,es mas,ni sabia de su existencia,ya que su familia lo excluía de todo literal,le tengo empatía,ya que toda su vida fue excluido por su propia familia,el unico quelo queria era su abuela,pero murio quedando solo en el mundo...vivio sin un amor platonico,ni un romance, vivia en su mundo de fantacia en las historias de sus libros....murió sin que nadie lo amara...y ya porque lloro xd,aver si hago mas shavos(se me olvidó poner la referencia de donde lo saqué xd,pero el original no me pertenece obvio,yo solo lo use de referencia para dibujarlo en tradicional)
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this is going to be an incredibly long post, so prepare your fine asses.
Éste va a ser un post increíblemente largo, así que preparen sus buenos ortos.
This post is going to reflect my first(? Impression about the Donquixote Family. But mostly is going to be them reminding me of other people/characters. // Éste post va a reflejar mi primera (? Impresion acerca de la Familia Donquixote. Pero más que nada va a ser ellos haciéndome recordar a otras personas/personajes.
Donquixote Doflamingo (the Joker).
Yup, that's it. Mostly because i knew Doffy like, a long time ago (2 years) and sincerely this is a popular neuron connection that i agree with.
2. Donquixote Rocinante/ Cora-san (Corazón)
Yup, BRO LITERALLY THEY PUT A COMPILATION OF CORAZÓN'S FALLS, and of course has to remind me of Condorito.
3. Diamante
4. Pica.
The same as with the man from above; Taurus Aldebaran is in the same fucking pose. I actually was surprised, because i was kinda doubtful with this; then i'm watching and yup. I also laughed as a singer i am when Zoro called him "idiot with soprano voice"
5. Trebol.
Nothing to say, just, disgusting. Bring me someone who likes this man.
6. Giolla
Matilda's mom and Giolla has the same vibe, like, look at them; almost the same pallette.
7. Viola/Violet.
La Rosalia
8. Sugar
Honestly i couldn't find anyone that reminded me of Sugar, but @callmekui cooperated and told me that she reminds him of Qiqi. I don't know why tho.
9. Lao G
Seriously, that woman has a lot of strength.
10. Machvise
When i saw his tail i immediately thought in Mario with his leaf power up costume. Then the whole thing is a mexican fighter.
11. Señor Pink
Oda has a lot of mafia characters, there's even an episode of the straw hats being an italian mafia look a like. I was sure i saw another mafia guy who looked like Señor Pink..
12. The bitch- i mean Dellinger.
I saw another picture of a fish with lady legs, but Darwing fits perfectly. Kokichi was a character that @callmekui compared with. Is a mixture.
13. Buffalo.
Look at me in my eyes. I know what you are. ( Latins are going to laugh so hard at this.)
14. Baby 5.
Again, look at me in my eyes, and tell me they're not the same.
15. Gladius.
Bro. After this motherfucker appeared, i was happy with two Shinzos. The only difference is that this one has not telekinetic power (i think, I'm not sure anymore) and that's when Bakugou appears.
16. Monet.
Sorry, i didn't like her so much. I wanted to punch her in the face.
17. Vergo (first Corazon, wow)
Okay this is a funny one. The man is Bad Bunny, a Reggaeton singer. And it's mostly a Spanish joke; his name. Vergo, if we put the a in the end is verga, and verga in Spanish means cock. There you go english people. AND YOUNGER VERGO LOOKED LIKE A REGGAETONERO WITH THAT FUNGUS CUT LIKE, LOOK AT THIS;

#one piece#what did i just write#vergo one piece#donquixote rocinante#donquixote doflamingo#donquixote family#baby 5 one piece#Giolla one piece#dellinger#dellinger one piece#Pica one piece#I won't put anymore#Kian wants to smooch Dellinger
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The Gothic Featheringtons have officially started to move to AO3. I'm gonna do it as a collection of one shots to make it easier on myself. I'll probably end up going through my stuff today to track down a few of the one shots on Tumblr today.
Here's the link: Link
When Violet came back to London from her year in mourning of her husband's untimely death, now in half-mourning with her family. She truly didn't expect what was waiting for her in the city.
Violet was taking a stroll with her three older daughters, her sons off ridding somewhere else in the park. Her youngest two in the stroller as she pushed them along. Her older boys were coming around into sight again when something dark flashed by the corner of Violet's eye.
Of all the curious things it was a black bonnet being taken with the wind. Running after that bonnet was a little red haired girl, possibly around Violet's Eloise's age, in a dark purple dress. Try as she might the bonnet was always just out of her reach. Then came one final push from the wind and the bonnet flew even further . . .right smack into Violet's third son's, Colin's, face.
Colin proceeded to fall from his horse right into the mud.
The little girl squeaked, darting forward and pulling out a silk handkerchief. "I'm sorry!"
Colin, being Violet's good natured son, only laughed as he sat up removing the bonnet from his face. "Well that wasn't well to do of me."
The little girl's cheeks turned red.
"Penelope!" Another voice called from the direction the little red head came from.
Two older girls, both with red haired as well, and Violet assumed Penelope's sisters, rushed forward to pull her up. Both of them also wore darker colored dresses such as a navy blue and one a dark silver. Coming up behind them had to be their mother. Her dress was the darkest of all in black with a shall tying a baby to her chest.
Violet had not seen anything like it before. She honestly could not fathom why a family in full mourning was walking out in Hyde Park like this.
After checking to make sure the two children were alright Violet turned her attention to the other mama. She hadn't seen her before, a new comer? It would explain why Violet was coming up blank on a name. But still the full mourning clothes were odd.
"Lady Portia Featherington," the woman introduced herself, a Spanish accent in her voice. "My," she pushed, her nose wrinkled up. "My . . .what is the word? Oh never mind. Mi familia, had just moved to London from . . . Espana . . .no, oh Spain!"
So Violet was right. The woman was new. Perhaps they haven't gotten new dresses yet to signal they're coming out of full mourning or coming out of mourning all together due to the move. "Lady Bridgerton," Violet introduced herself.
The two women began to walk together, Portia introducing her daughters, Prudence, Philippa, Penelope, and baby Felicity. Violet then introduced her own brood of eight. Penelope seemed to get along well with Eloise and Francesca. Philippa and Daphne quietly talked while Prudence seemed more content to watch over her sisters. Violet did notice that the girls' English was better than their mother's.
"Why move to London?" Violet asked Portia.
"Mi esposo. . ." Portia paused again. "Um, Lord Featherington?"
"Your husband," Violet offered.
Portia nodded. "My husband, he is English. We had to move back for his estate."
Violet nodded. "We just recently moved back ourselves from our country home."
"I am glad you did," Portia said. "It is nice to see someone who knows black and darker colors are happy colors. All this pastel is nauseating."
Violet paused. "Are you not in mourning?"
Portia blinked. "No we are not. Is that why the English are all dressed in such bright colors? You use dark colors for mourning? How sad."
The two families were now approaching Gosvenor Square. Violet saw servants moving items into the house across the square from her's. All the items were dark. Dark wood, jewel tones in the fabrics, and accents of silver instead of the gold most other families of the ton preferred.
"Ah this is my home," Portia smiled. "If you excuse us. I have to go write to Tia Madea. I have to let her know Penelope has already stolen breathe out of a boy. Oh if we're lucky she'll be another Tia Circe!"
With that Violet watched her new neighbor gather up her daughters and lead them to the house Violet would never thought one would decorate like that.
#bridgerton#gothic featheringtons#slight polin#first meeting of the gothic featheringtons#violet bridgerton#portia featherington#forgive my spanish#I grew up on spanglish
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"To never have suffered would mean to never have been blessed." - Edgar Allen Poe
Ivelisse Sofia Martinez is the third and final member of the Arakawa Division rap battle team, Sounds of Silence. She is known far and wide by her MC name, Guru. A well-known mercenary who has made a name for herself in the underworld as someone who can get the job done, this determined young woman accepted the job offer from the Puerto Rican government for two reasons. One, to establish contacts within Japan. And two, to uncover clues as to what happened to her younger brother.
Ivelisse is a beautiful young woman from the island country of Puerto Rico. She is dark-skinned with hazel-colored eyes and light brown hair that is tied up in a high ponytail. She stands at 6'1 and weighs approximately 60 kg. Unlike her teammates, her hips aren't long, but she does have the widest waist.
She often dresses in attire that appeals to her spirituality, or that feels good to her rather than looks good. Her normal attire consists of: a long-sleeved purple Chinese Tangzhuang with light purple pants and black Chinese shoes. She also black ball earrings in both of her ear lobes.
Name Meaning
Ivelisse - A girl's name of French origin. It's a variant of the name Yvelise, which is a diminutive form of Yvonne. It means “life” and is connected with the yew tree, a type of tree that was often associated with rebirth and resurrection in ancient times.
Sofia - A variation of the Greek name "Sophia", which was derived directly from sophia, the Greek word for "wisdom".
Martinez - A patronymic surname meaning "son of Martin." Martin comes from the Latin "Martinus," a derivative of "Mars," the Roman god of fertility and war.
"Sofia"/"Sophia" - Her mother
"The Gazelle"
"Gata" - Her mercenary name
"The Caiman from Puerto Rico"
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - 32
Birthday - October 21st
Ethnicity - Puerto Rican
Hair Color - Light Brown
Eye Color - Hazel
Height - 186 cm (6'1")
Weight - 60 kg (132 lb.)
Star Sign - Libra
Piercings - A black ball earring in each of her ear lobes.
Markings - A large, faded scar on her left arm.
A tattoo on her upper right arm with the words, "La familia significa que nadie se queda atrás ni se olvida."
Family -
Younger Brother (Missing)
Voiced By - Audri Nix (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Guru
Occupation - Yoga Instructor/Mercenary
Position - Third Member
Favorite Food - Jibarito
Least Favorite Food - Sour Pickles
Likes - Yoga, meditation, solving problems with words, early mornings, chakra, exploring new places, her family, running, the wind, parks, and reading.
Dislikes - Sour drinks, unnecessary violence, being interrupted during meditation, not knowing something, gang violence, firearms, and cold weather.
Hypnosis Microphone
Ivelisse's Microphone is a black vintage microphone on a stand. The stand is colored all seven colors of the rainbow, starting with red at the top and going all the way to violet at the bottom. Also, tied firmly around the microphone is a jaap maala.
Her Speaker takes the form of the Raíces Fountain found in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Several speakers adorn the empty slots between the statues.
Her ability, Mind Cleansing, allows Ivelisse to remove any debuffs or status effects from her or her teammates, returning them to a normal state. She can only use this move twice per battle.
Ivelisse's rap themes revolve around keeping a clear and focused mind. She raps that in order to make it through today's world, we need to be focused on having a clean and conscious spirit. She frequently makes references to Buddhism in her verses. She also raps about her love for her family, and how being a mercenary has affected her.
Ivelisse, to say the least, is a very focused woman who considers herself to be disciplined and centered in her beliefs. Though she does not consider herself a religious person, she is in tune with her spiritual side. She tries to maintain a calm, relaxed, and subdued state of mind, believing that having anything else is the surest way of losing control of herself and her center of being. She tries to spread this through her yoga lessons in hopes that others can achieve their inner peace, as well.
Despite that, Ivelisse does have her share of demons. After almost losing her brother to gang violence when they were both teens and then losing him again when he ran away, she has blamed herself as his older sibling for not doing a better job of protecting him. She also blames herself for not stopping him when he fled in the first place. To that end, she holds onto the belief that he is still alive somewhere and vows to find and bring him back home.
It's for this reason this that she became a mercenary, believing that before she could rescue her brother, she needed to better herself by understanding more of the world. After visiting India and becoming enamored with their beliefs and cultures, she now tries to settle all problems by talking and discussing rather than with violence. However, should the need call for it, she is not afraid to defend herself or her friends if she has too.
Aside from that, Ivelisse is a meek, calm, and respectable woman and can be seen as the moral compass for the Arakawa Division team, trying to keep both of her teammates on one accord. She trusts her teammates and their abilities completely, having faith that together, the three of them can put a stop to whatever Chuohku is planning.
*Coming soon*
Although she does study Buddhism, she still actively prays to God. She considers herself to be a "Christian Buddhist."
Despite being a foreigner, she is quite popular with the citizens of Japan because of her skill at yoga.
Because her work requires her to travel to different countries, she is fluent in multiple languages.
She abhors looking at the scar on her arm, because it represents how weak she used to be.
Many of the women throughout Japan attend her weekly yoga lessons. This includes: Shisuta Heisha, Sayaka Miyuki, Miho Kobayashi, Azusa Furukawa, Yuriko Kuromiya, Queen Card, and many more. As such, she is on amicable relations with all of them.
Her microphone stand's colors are taken from the colors of a person's chakra in Buddhism.
#hypmic oc#hypnosis mic oc#hypmic#hypnosis mic#hypnosis microphone#ivelisse martinez#character bio#arakawa division#sounds of silence
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The Honor of the Bridgertons
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57087088 by Ydrra3108 En el apacible hogar de los Bridgerton, una familia noble, la tranquilidad es destruida cuando un grupo de rufianes irrumpe en su mansión. Liderados por un perverso hombre con intenciones siniestras, exigiendo un pago inusual para saldar una antigua deuda: una de las hijas de la familia. Cuando Daphne es seleccionada para ser llevada, su hermana Eloise, con una valentía sorprendente, se ofrece en su lugar. A partir de ese momento, la vida de Eloise toma un giro inesperado. Forzada a sobrevivir en un mundo cruel y despiadado. Pero cuando Eloise regresa, transformada en la sombra de lo que era, la conmoción sacude no solo a su familia, sino a toda la alta sociedad. Con su retorno, se revelan estafas, mentiras y oscuros secretos guardados por antiguas familias nobles. Los Bridgerton deberán afrontar estas nuevas verdades y encontrar la fortaleza para desafiar las expectativas sociales y redimir el honor de su nombre. En medio del caos, el coraje y la determinación de Eloise se convertirán en la clave para desentrañar una trama de corrupción y deshonra que amenaza con destruir todo lo que aman. Words: 1953, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Lady Whistledown (Bridgerton), Lady Cowper (Bridgerton), Agatha Danbury, Benedict Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton, Charlotte Bridgerton, Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Charlotte Queen of the United Kingdom Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton/John Stirling I, Anthony & Benedict & Colin & Daphne & Eloise & Francesca & Gregory & Hyacinth Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington Additional Tags: Love, Disasters, Kidnapping, New Family, Pirates, Treason, Deception, Murder, Rape, Corruption, Vaginal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Rough Sex, Boats and Ships, Sea Monsters read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57087088
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Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 08

[Capítulo 7]
“Al día siguiente le informé a Carla-san que Subaru-kun había despertado.
Tras recibir mi informe, Carla-san llamó a todos para que se reunieran en la sala de estar y así poder explicarles la condición actual de Subaru-kun.”
Lugar: Mansión Violet Living comedor
Kou: Ya veo. Me alegra saber que Subaru-kun despertó. Por un momento entré en pánico.
Yui: Sin embargo, sus heridas son tan graves que todavía no está en condiciones de levantarse. Lo mejor será que descanse por un tiempo.
Azusa: Entiendo. Aun así, me alegro… de que Subaru esté bien.

Kou: Después de todo estaba cubierto de heridas. Menos mal que ninguna fue mortal.
Laito: Yo sabía que no se iba a morir.
Carla: Sin embargo, si está tan herido como para no levantarse.
Carla: Significa que Subaru no podrá pelear por un tiempo.
Carla: Lamentablemente, dudo que nuestros enemigos vayan a ceder con sus ataques, de hecho, es probable que aprovechen la oportunidad para volver a atacar.
Carla: Y si eso sucede tendremos que defendernos los cuatro. No permitiré que ninguno de ustedes baje la guardia.
Laito: Ya veo, eso significa que ya no puedo faltar a nada.
Laito: Aah, espero que Subaru-kun se mejore pronto.
Kou: ¡Eeh! ¿Estuviste faltando? ¿No se te hace injusto?
Laito: Pero es que nosotros somos cinco, no iba a matar a nadie que yo me escapara.
Carla: Pues ya no podemos permitirnos ese lujo. Laito, te haré trabajar el doble para que compenses las veces que te escaqueaste.
Laito: Sí, lo que digas.
Azusa: Ahora que Subaru no puede moverse, ¿quién vigilará a Eva…?
Carla: Solo nos queda asignar a otra persona para que la vigile, de esa forma Eva estará a salvo.
Laito: Entonces yo la vigilaré. Solo debo estar pegado a ella, ¿no? Déjamelo a mí, esa es mi especialidad.
Kou: No te adelantes. Eva me prefiere a mí, ¿no?
Yui: (¡Ay no! ¡A este paso me separarán de Subaru-kun…!)
Yui: …Ehm, no se preocupen por mí. ¿Y si mejor me dejan a cargo de cuidar de Subaru-kun?
Carla: ¿…Qué?
Yui: Quedó gravemente herido por estarme protegiendo. Es por eso que me siento responsable.
Carla: Protegerte es el deber de Subaru. No necesitas lamentarte por eso.
Yui: Aun así, permíteme hacerlo. Quiero ayudar a que Subaru-kun se recupere lo antes posible.
Yui: Además, mientras cuido de Subaru-kun, él podrá vigilarme.
Carla: Hmph… Ya veo, buena idea.
Carla: Perfecto. Te encargo el cuidado de Subaru.
Carla: En cualquier caso, estaba pensando en dejarlo al cuidado de alguien.
Carla: No podemos perder más peleadores, así que tú idea es conveniente.
Yui: Que bien. ¡Muchas gracias…!
Carla: Si ustedes se quedan quietos en la habitación nosotros podremos centrarnos en pelear afuera.
Yui: No te preocupes, me aseguraré de quedarme quieta al lado de Subaru-kun.
Kou: Que suerte tiene Subaru-kun~.
Laito: Eva es muy compasiva.
Azusa: Eva… cuida de Subaru-kun.
Yui: Me esforzaré al máximo para cuidar bien de Subaru-kun.
Yui: (Menos mal. Todos me dieron su visto bueno, ahora podré estar al lado de Subaru-kun—)
Lugar: Mansión Violet Habitación de Subaru
Yui: ¿No tienes sed, Subaru-kun? ¿Quieres que te traiga agua?
Yui: Avísame si te duele permanecer recostado, así te ayudaré a levantarte.
Subaru: …Cálmate.
Yui: Ah, perdón. Supongo que fui muy insistente. Pero es que quiero hacer todo lo posible por ti.

Subaru: Solo quédate a mi lado… Eso es lo mejor que puedes hacer por mí.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: Me curaré en un parpadeo. Así que no te preocupes de nada.
Yui: …Sí. A mi también me basta con estar a tu lado para estar tranquila.
Yui: Sin importar en que situación disparatada nos encontremos, si estoy a tu lado siento que todo estará bien.
Subaru: Disparatada eh… Tenemos que pensar con respecto a esto.
Subaru: ¿Por qué sus recuerdos están alterados? Además, ¿en dónde estamos…?
Subaru: Me da asco pensar que nos acabemos matando sin razón aparente.
Yui: Sí… Para mí también es doloroso ver a todos pelear entre ellos.
Yui: Digo, son hermanos y aun así se están peleando…
Subaru: Es verdad, viste como Ayato casi me mata.
Yui: …
Subaru: Pero él solo hizo eso porque sus recuerdos están alterados.
Subaru: El verdadero él no haría eso. Creo.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Yui: (A pesar de que se la pasan discutiendo, en el fondo confían entre ellos.)
Yui: Es verdad. Gracias. Hablemos de esto en otra ocasión. Lamento haberte preocupado.

Subaru: No importa. Si hay algo que quieras decirme, entonces hazlo. P-para algo somos pareja.
Yui: (Subaru-kun… está sosteniendo suavemente mi mano. A pesar de que le cuesta moverse por culpa de sus heridas.)
Yui: (Lo hace para calmarme.)
Yui: (Debería evitar hablar de cosas dolorosas, así no preocuparía tanto a Subaru-kun.)
Subaru: …Aunque en mi estado actual no puedo hacer nada.
Yui: Retomemos el tema cuando te mejores.
Subaru: Sí, será mejor. Además, por ahora no hay mucho que podamos hacer.
Subaru: Hasta entonces esperemos que no vuelvan a atacarnos.
“Unos días después las lesiones de Subaru-kun mejoraron considerablemente.
Afortunadamente las otras casas no nos atacaron durante ese tiempo.
Pude centrarme en cuidar de Subaru-kun y él pudo aprovechar de descansar y prepararse para lo que viniera.
Desearía que encontráramos una salida de este lugar antes de la próxima batalla—.
Sigo cuidando de Subaru-kun mientras pienso eso.”
Yui: Tus heridas más superficiales ya se están terminando de sanar y tus heridas profundas ya están terminando de cerrarse.
Subaru: Sí, tuvimos suerte de que pude curarme en paz.
Subaru: …No, no fue así. Es gracias a que me has cuidado.
Yui: En principio saliste herido por protegerme, así que soy yo quien debería agradecerte.
Yui: Agradezco que hayas sobrevivido pese a haber acabado tan gravemente herido.
Subaru: Exageras, tonta.
Yui: No exagero. Si no salimos de este lugar antes de que empiece la próxima batalla alguien más podría acabar lastimado…
Yui: Si tan solo todos recuperaran sus recuerdos y dejaran de pelear por el título de rey supremo…
Subaru: Rey supremo eh. Me saca de quicio que nos manipulen con una leyenda tan absurda.
Subaru: Carla parece empeñado en volverse el rey supremo. ¿Pero no te ha dicho nada a pesar de que eres Eva?
Yui: Así es. Tal vez es porque prefiere que me concentre en cuidarte.
Subaru: Conociéndole me preocupaba que probara cada método posible con tal de convertirse en rey supremo.
Subaru: No sé qué tan ciertas son las leyendas del rey supremo o de la princesa durmiente, pero para mi suenan como un montón de tonterías.
Yui: Ya veo.
Subaru: ¿Hm? ¿La leyenda de la princesa durmiente…?
Yui: ¿Qué pasa con ella?
Subaru: ¿La leyenda de la princesa durmiente no tenía una premisa rara?
Yui: A ver, “la princesa durmiente despertará con un beso”. ¿Algo así?
Yui: ¿Acaso se refiere a cuando estaba durmiendo en la iglesia?
Yui: Me sorprendí mucho, tan pronto desperté ya estaba rodeada por todos.
Subaru: ¡Espera! ¡¿Eso significa que alguien te besó para despertarte…?!
Yui: ¡T-te equivocas, Subaru-kun! ¡¡Es un malentendido!! ¡Nadie me besó!
Subaru: ¿Segura?
Yui: ¡Segura!
Subaru: …No me asustes así.
Subaru: Bueno, eso era solo una leyenda y una de este lugar de locos.
Yui: Ahora yo soy la que está nerviosa.
Subaru: ¿Ah? ¿Por qué?
Porque estabas alterado♙
Porque pensé que te habías enojado♟
Porque estabas alterado:
Yui: Pues porque estabas muy alterado… Así que llegué a creer que sí me besaron.
Yui: (Aunque por lo menos yo no recuerdo que me besaran.)
Yui: (Pero la verdad es que no sé qué pasó antes de despertar.)
Subaru: Por supuesto que me altera. Eres bastante indefensa y curiosamente insensible.
Yui: ¿T-tú crees…?
Subaru: …Pensé que despertaste con el beso de otro hombre. ¡Y m-me puse celoso…!
Porque pensé que te habías enojado:
Yui: Es que parecías enojado… Si dije algo que te molestó, lo siento.
Subaru: ¡No!
Subaru: ¡Es que pensé que despertaste con el beso de otro hombre…!
Yui: ¿…Entonces estabas celoso?
Subaru: Tsk.
Fin de las opciones
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun…

Subaru: Jamás te entregaré a nadie. Ni tus besos ni nada.
Yui: …Sí. Yo soy solo tuya.
Subaru: Me basta con que lo sepas.
Yui: (Fufu, Subaru-kun está rojo hasta las orejas. ¿Está avergonzado?)
Laito: Nfu, menudo show me están dando.
Yui: …Laito-kun. ¡¿Cuánto tiempo llevas allí?!
Laito: Acabo de abrir la puerta con mucho entusiasmo. ¿No me escucharon?

Laito: Veo que estaban inmersos en vuestro mundo.
Yui: …
Subaru: Cállate.
Laito: ¿Acaso el amor floreció mientras te cuidaba?
Laito: ¿Cómo se le llama a esto? ¿Es algún tipo de síndrome?
Subaru: ¡Que cierres el pico!
Laito: Ay que miedo ♪.
Subaru: ¿A qué viniste Laito? Habla.
Laito: Carla está llamando a Eva.
Subaru: ¿…Carla?
Laito: Sí, dice que necesita hablar con ella.
Yui: ¿Carla-san quiere hablar conmigo…?
Yui: (No llamó a Subaru-kun, sino que a mí… ¿Qué es lo que querrá?)
Subaru: Yo también iré.
Laito: No deberías, estás herido.
Subaru: Ya puedo moverme. Yo soy su vigilante, así que mi deber es estar a su lado.
Laito: ¿Ah sí? Pues no te detendré, has lo que te dé la gana.
“Una llamada repentina de Carla-san—.
Al invadirme la ansiedad volteé a mirar a Subaru-kun y al notar mi estado de ánimo decidió acompañarme.
Solo espero que mi mal presentimiento no se vuelva realidad.
Como si rezáramos por ello, Subaru-kun y yo nos dirigimos al living.”
[Capítulo 9]
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn.
#traducción al español#mi traducción#diabolik lovers#subaru sakamaki#diabolik lovers chaos lineage#capítulo 8#familia violet
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Búsquedas de nuestros usuarios
Jonathan Brekker busca a su hija adoptiva y a su hermana. Después de que los padres de Simone fallecieran, Jonathan se convirtió en su tutor legal, hecho que lo hizo perder el favor de sus padres. Siempre a la sombra de Casiopea, es casualmente con la única que ha contado desde que se convirtió en padre. Casiopea es una empresaria exitosa vinculada a Clam Alba.
Angela Schreave busca a su mejor amigo y a su familia. Angie es una persona bastante familiar, que adora a sus padres y a su hermano Andreas, menor que ella, aunque la saque de sus casillas. Kevin es su mejor amigo, con el que conforma un dúo musical conocido como Red Dawn.
Arya Rogers busca a su hermana y a su mentora. Livy es la tercera Dawson, que actualmente reside en el Distrito 4 y ejerce de bailarina en uno de sus clubs. Violet es una conocida diseñadora capitolina que ejerció de maestra para Arya.
William Hunter busca a su hermana. Wendy es la mediana de los hermanos Hunter y vive en casa de Will desde que sus padres la echaron de la suya debido a su orientación sexual.
Nerissa Moore busca a sus clientes. ¿Te gustan las flores? Si vives en el Distrito 4, debes de conocer el pequeño tenderete donde Nerissa vende sus flores. Y si no es así, ¿a qué esperas a acercarte?
#búsquedas#cofradía thg#kristina pimenova#natalia dyer#nick robinson#jack dylan grazer#jennifer aniston#russell crowe#hailee steinfeld#angelina jolie#daisy ridley
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The Judgement Day walked into Raw, knocking things over and causing mayhem. Cody fist bumped Randy, grinning.
Austin Flynn walked up, staring at Violet. "Can we talk?" Violet nodded, gesturing for Austin Theory to follow.
"I need your help, I know Santos didn't cause Rey to lose on purpose, my familia is falling apart, can you try and figure out who put the knuckles?"
Violet hummed. "It's gonna cost you" "Anything" "Give up one of your titles, you're our first and only United States women's champion and you're probably the longest anyone's had those tag tiles"
Austin Theory looked at Violet sharply. "Give it up, vacate it, I don't care. But I promise if you do, I'll help you"
Violet left, Austin Theory following like a puppy. Austin hugged both of her titles close, thinking about it
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La muñeca que se volvió humana: Violet Evergarden (ensayo)

Pensar en una historia que refleje el vivir humano, en específico cuando este se encuentra rodeado por la guerra, así como por emociones y sentimientos derivados de esta que perpetúan la experiencia a lo largo del tiempo. De igual forma y de manera paralela, el tema del amor, la amistad, la perseverancia, la disciplina, y por su puesto, el arte de la escritura forman parte de esta bella historia que Kana Akatsuki le ha obsequiado al mundo. Siendo esto un motivo suficiente para mí e inspirándome a escribir este ensayo en el que me dispongo a abordar: el arco de transformación del personaje principal, así como el contexto histórico y procesos psicológicos que llevaron a la protagonista de esta historia, poco a poco, por caminos inimaginables. Por lo tanto, y antes de que continúes leyendo, es mi responsabilidad mencionarte que en esta ocasión habrá destripe (spoilers), así que si no has visto la serie y piensas hacerlo, te recomiendo verla antes de leer esto.
Arco de transformación
Desde niña, Violet era considerada un arma militar humana. Siendo la parte humana la menos aceptada por los militares, a excepción de una sola persona: el comandante a su mando, Gilbert Bougainvillea. Su transformación parte de este hecho, el haber crecido con la idea o auto-concepción de sólo ser un arma, de no sentirse útil a menos de que cumpla con las órdenes de su superior, lo único que en ese momento valida su propia existencia. Pero a pesar de esta idea, el mayor Gilbert, le va mostrando lo que significa ser humana; ayuda con su educación enseñándola a leer y a escribir, le habla sobre la libertad, valores y lo grande que ella puede llegar a ser. De igual manera, es él quien se encarga de darle un nombre, Violet, con la intención de que algún día se convierta en una mujer tan bella y libre como la flor.
Al pasar los años, y una vez sanadas las heridas físicas de Violet causadas en la última batalla, Claudia Hodgins llega al hospital donde ella se encuentra para ofrecerle un trabajo, después de que ella conoce a la familia del mayor Gilbert. Es a partir de aquí que Hodgins se hace cargo de ella (tal y como se lo encomendó Gilbert esa noche bélica), y es cuando podemos notar la dificultad de Violet por comprender emociones humanas, así como la total disponibilidad para seguir las órdenes asignadas; de la misma forma como lo hizo en batalla. En consecuencia de esta educación militar, su forma de actuar y comunicarse son bastante directas, manteniendo una expresión corporal hipnotizante a causa de sus perfectos movimientos. Inclusive, las personas que la conocen por primera vez comparten la misma primera impresión: “parece una muñeca de verdad”. Recordemos que en esta misma etapa es cuando trabaja como Auto memory Doll de la empresa que Hodgins fundó: “CH Postal Company”. En el tiempo que ella se adapta al nuevo trabajo, aprende lo necesario y se relaciona con personas le llega la noticia de la desaparición del mayor teniendo como último registro la noche de esa batalla.
Impulsada por el deseo de comprender las emociones humanas, pero sobre todo por entender el “te amo” que el Mayor Gilbert le dijo la última vez que lo vio, es que Violet decide convertirse en Auto Memory Doll. A pesar de no comprender la esfera emocional por el hecho de seguir viendo la vida y reaccionando a ella desde la forma en la que lo hacía cuando estaba en la guerra, Violet se muestra tenaz, y haciendo uso de sus habilidades adquiridas en su pasado es como va formando la disciplina de aprender y día a día seguir mejorando, tanto en el terreno laboral como en la parte personal. Vemos ahora a una protagonista que, con el paso del tiempo, se va deconstruyendo para nuevamente volver a construirse, ahora desde una forma distinta, más humana y consciente.
Durante esta trayectoria, además, conoce a muchas personas a las cuales ayuda con el cambio de sus vidas, sanando aquello que aún les lastima. Y de igual manera estas personas contribuyen a su crecimiento y autoconocimiento. Observar dicho proceso de transformación es una exquisitez, pues al inicio, y en sincronía con este conocer a Violet por parte de los personajes, el dolor guardado de estos sale a flote enmascarado de enojo o rechazo hacia ella. Sin embargo, la forma en la que se relaciona con ellos, fungiendo como un espejo que les ayuda a darse cuenta del dolor que los agobia, es aún más sublime. Mediante las cartas, y más específicamente la escritura, es como les ayuda a desahogarse y encontrar ese consuelo, a sanar aquello que daban por perdido y a conectar nuevamente con las personas cuando más necesario se vuelve y más valor se necesita.
Contexto histórico y sus procesos psicológicos
Para comprender esta parte es necesario regresar al encuentro de Violet con el almirante de la marina de Leidenschaftlich, Dietfried Bougainvillea, quien después de observar sus habilidades para pelear y matar en batalla sin titubeo alguno decide obsequiársela a su hermano Gilbert como arma personal. A pesar de vivir por y para luchar, Violet descubre un mundo distinto, en donde existe la libertad para las emociones, sueños y bellas experiencias. Todo esto gracias al cariño y cuidados de Gilbert.
Posterior a la guerra, tanto Violet como la sociedad, quedaron afectados. Muchos perdieron a sus familias, otros tantos la vida. Las ciudades quedaron en ruinas, negocios se perdieron; la incertidumbre y el miedo se sentían en el aire. La pérdida de sus extremidades no fue tan dolorosa para Violet como lo fue el perder a su superior Gilbert. Sin embargo, este proceso de transformación que vive a partir de recibir la noticia hasta su reencuentro, es lo que la lleva a confrontar y sanar su dolor. El tener en mente el recuerdo siempre presente de Gilbert, fue lo que la sostuvo mientras se enfrentaba a su pasado; mientras se descubría y aprendía a contar una historia distinta sobre sí misma.
—No sabes que tu cuerpo está ardiendo, y no sabes que está ardiendo por todas las cosas que has hecho.
—No estoy ardiendo.
—Sí estás ardiendo. Y algún día entenderás lo que te estoy diciendo. Y por primera vez notarás que tienes una gran cantidad de quemaduras.
En el capítulo 9 encontramos este precioso diálogo entre Hodgins y Violet, el cual es un recuerdo que se hace presente una noche en su habitación cuando por fin es realmente consciente del pasado; cuando comprende en su totalidad estas palabras dichas por Hodgins, pues en ese momento está ardiendo. Es aquí cuando Violet entiende el verdadero significado de ser un arma y experimenta el peso de lo que esto conlleva. Por primera vez vemos a una Violet humana, que sufre y siente todo lo vivido, que se cuestiona su pasado y su presente, que logra sentirse, percibir su cuerpo y el dolor tan hondo que este guardaba. A través del recuerdo de las últimas palabras y de la orden dada por Gilbert de vivir libremente su vida, en interacción con todo lo aprendido gracias a su trabajo de Auto Memory Doll, es como logra sentir y comprender este sentimiento que la consume. En este punto, Violet se siente culpable por haber arrebatado la vida de tantas personas, lo que la lleva a cuestionarse si realmente merece ser libre después del daño que ocasionó. Una escena que refleja perfectamente los traumas que le dejó la guerra, así como el hecho de conocer a tantas personas que también sufrieron a causa de esta, y que gracias al trabajo de Violet logran disminuir, o al menos, hacer consciente ese dolor para después poder aceptarlo y así lograr sanar esa herida. Esta empatía fue la responsable de que poco a poco la coraza de Violet cayera, de enfrentarla con la realidad para así poder darle la oportunidad de vivir una vida diferente desde un sentir realmente humano.
A partir de su relación con Luculia y la nueva perspectiva que esta le proporciona de lo que es tener un hermano veterano de guerra que sigue sufriendo, y la extensión de este dolor que afecta también a su hermana, además de servirle como una de sus primeras amistades; pasando por la carta que le ayuda a escribir a Iris con la intención de decirle a su familia aquello que no sabe cómo expresar; una princesa que necesita comunicarse públicamente mediante cartas con su prometido; un escritor carente de inspiración y con un pasado trágico que se relaciona con su hija; así como un joven transcriptor que comparte un pasado similar con Violet; y hasta un soldado en una base militar que se halla inmerso en una guerra civil. Cada uno de estos personajes le enseñan sobre el dolor, el perdón, la pérdida, la amistad, la esperanza, el amor… Al mismo tiempo que ella va desenterrando su pasado y enfrentándose con él.
De manera precisa, y con bastante cariño, el episodio 10 me ha dejado con “demasiado mucho” al combinar la inocencia de una niña con el dolor y pérdida de su madre. Personalmente, este capítulo ha sido de los más emotivos para mí, en parte por el tema que desarrolla y la forma en la que lo hace, así como por la manera en la que muestra el impacto del ardor emocional que Violet experimenta en el capítulo anterior. En un punto de la historia, Violet empatiza y comprende el sentir de la niña y su madre en relación con la situación, llegando a tal punto que no logra contenerse y termina por llorar. Ahora siente y su cuerpo puede expresarlo. Violet es capaz de comprender emociones complejas, pero sobre todo de vivirlas.
Es así que a partir de este punto Violet se construye desde otra historia. Poco a poco su dolor sana y se desvanece, al mismo tiempo que el pasado queda atrás y logra hacer las pases con él. Asimismo, esa corazonada latente que le indica que Gilbert sigue con vida, la que la acompañó desde el inicio y que mantuvo su esperanza por encontrarlo, es la misma que la lleva hasta él. Con la diferencia de que ahora es libre, y que por fin, después de tanto trabajo comprende y experimenta el amor, lo que le permite dejar de ser una simple muñeca para convertirse en humana.
#ensayo#ensayos#violet#evergarden#violet evergarden#escritura#emociones#auto memory doll#escritora#escribir#letras y café#español#escritores en tumblr#escritores en español#series#serie#anime#animes#inspiración#sentimiento#sentimientos#psicología#personajes#análisis#experiencia#emoción#danaearbg
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Dear followers I once again need your help
For my Foot!Donnie au, i still can't decide on a name ;_; and I'm very indecisive so. Y'all will have to help me /lh
*In opus de familia translates to "in need of family"
My personal first thought was 'Code name: Violet skies', but the other options are also very fun... I like all of them very much
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Libro: Por culpa de miss Bridgerton Autora: Julia Quinn Editorial: @edicionesuranocolombia Sinopsis: A veces el amor se encuentra en el lugar más inesperado... Aunque esta no es una de esas veces. Todo el mundo espera que Billie Bridgerton se case con uno de los hermanos Rokesby. Las dos familias han sido vecinas durante siglos y, durante la infancia, Billie se crio como una salvaje junto a Edward y Andrew. Cualquiera de ellos podría ser un marido perfecto para ella... algún día.Y a veces te enamoras exactamente de la persona que crees que deberías. O no. Solo hay un Rokesby que Billie no soporta en absoluto, y ese es George. Puede que sea el hijo mayor y el heredero del Condado, pero también es arrogante, insufrible, y ella está absolutamente segura de que lo detesta. ¡No puede ni verlo! Pero, en ocasiones, el destino tiene un malvado sentido del humor... Porque cuando Billie y George se encuentran y, literalmente, se ven obligados a estar juntos, algo nuevo sucede. Mi encantadora opinión: Un viaje emocional, tengo en alta estima los libros de Julia y siento que con este libro descubrí que como lectora me encanto que jugara conmigo con él todos los sentidos. Un recorrido de lo que una mujer debería ser para la sociedad pero más que nada lo que se debe a ella: ser fiel a su esencia, Billie me recuerda que en ocasiones uno no tiene que cambiar para que a uno lo quieran, solo encontrarás a alguien que quiere ser compañero y crear ✨Un equipo✨, luego está George, es todo lo que puedo pedir el hombre que lucha con sus demonios internos pero que tiene claro lo que quiere y a quien quiere. Conocemos a los hermanos Bridgerton (hijos de Violet y Edmund) pero saber de donde se hereda esas personalidades es igual de exquisito de leer. El romance no es para todos -menos para un ser impaciente como yo que apenas vio que se amaban quería que se comieran a besos- pero estos romances dan la oportunidad de tener esperanza de encontrar nuestra propia historia de amor. Extiendo mi agradecimiento a @juli_books_ y @colmenabridgerton por crear esta lectura conjunta que e disfrutando desde inicio a fin. Ya espero con emoción el siguiente libro y la socialización de este. (en Mi lugar feliz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqcKdcDuTfc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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