#false hero
bunkless-bed · 5 months
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i-like-polls · 4 months
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caninemotiff · 1 year
Been thinking lately about characters who are so convinced that they're the hero, who hold onto it so tightly. Because if they aren't, if they never were, then was the sacrifice meaningless? Was the pain escapable? Was it all for nothing?
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w-i-m-m · 2 years
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 (page 1-5) -here- -> Part 2
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girlatrocity · 6 months
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villain kids!!
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poppy5991 · 3 months
Enji, texting: Touya, I know you’re still mad, but did you really have to set my kitchen on fire?
Touya, texting back: Wtf are you talking about?
Hawks: *enters the room with a stack of burnt pancakes and a guilty expression*
Enji, texting: Never mind, disregard that
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tw1l1te · 5 months
𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
Hyrule was no more.
That's what the elders told you, at least.
The sacred fields and forests of the kingdom have been blanketed with white snow for a millennia, the sun only behind the clouds. The population of Hyrule has dwindled over time, making this era lonely and full of decay.
Truly an era that should be forgotten.
An era that didn’t deserve a place in the historical archives. 
An era that was doomed to begin with.
Looking out onto the cold, dreadful expanse of Hyrule, you wonder what your life had come to. Being alone for a significant portion of your late teens and constantly on the run wasn’t your idea of a good life. A life where you got to be happy. But, no one really got to have that anymore, everyone lived to survive. They’ve all accepted that in this life, you lasted as long as you could, and that was that.
You felt a stinging cold brush of air against your cheek, instinctively causing you to bundle your scarf tighter around your face. An old habit.
It was about to snow soon. That’s all that Hyrule did anymore: snow. There were no more seasons or days of clear skies, the sunniest the fallen kingdom got was a gloomy gray sky, a white orb just barely being seen amidst the gray blanket. 
Getting up from the rock you sat on, you made your way downhill, back to the run-down village you called home, or the closest thing to that. The elders did their best with the limited resources they had, as after the Reawakening, there was hardly anything left.
The village was small, you could walk the entirety of it in just under five minutes. Being located South of central Hyrule, you were lucky enough to be shrouded in thick forests, protecting your little village. 
Walking through the main pathway, you wave to a few people, a small smile under your scarf. These people were the closest thing to family, as yours had been forgotten about long ago. It was for the best.
You walk up to the main entrance of the meeting house, knocking twice on the wooden door. You open the door and walk inside, making sure to latch the door behind you so the wind wouldn’t blow the damn thing inward. 
“Another storm comin’, aye?” 
You look behind you to see Arden, one of your closest friends and comrades. He was a few years older than you and taller, with shoulder-length black hair that was begging to be trimmed.
“Yep, second one this month and it's only the third week. Make sure your mother stores her plants in the cellar, her herbs are crucial to us.”
He nods, walking to the table in the middle of the shack. The table was littered with half-torn maps and old trinkets, most of them collecting dust.
“...Anything new?” he asks, arms crossed over his form. You knew what he was asking about. Your memories.
“Bits n’ pieces, they’ve been kind of blurry lately, its hard to even understand what’s happening.”
He nods, satisfied with your answer. 
“Well, at least you’re not having constant nightmares, I couldn’t even imagine the horrors you saw.”
You look away from him, recalling your last nightmare. Though so much of it was in fragments, you remember it being so vivid and… real. As if you were him.
“I haven’t had one in a bit, which is nice… I guess. Haven’t gotten any answers to our main issue though. Her.”
“Have you tried writing down what happens in your dreams? Maybe connect the dots after you’ve taken some notes?”
You shake your head, mentally tired from talking so much. After your journey a year ago, you’ve gotten so used to not talking for days or weeks at a time that even a few sentences makes you exhausted. 
“I see. Well, the others are supposed to meet us here-”
There were rapid knocks on the door, sounding impatient and frantic. Looking at Arden, you go to unlatch the door, curious as to what the disruption was about. You were surprised to see Colin, another comrade of the team, standing there looking worried, eyebrows creased.
“Y/n, Arden… I think you should follow me. You need to see this.”
You turn to look back at Arden, giving him a curt nod. Your meeting could wait.
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
You and Arden walk with Colin, the lack of information eating away at your brain. What could have possibly worried Colin so much? Did something happen?
You all walk up to the large tent where you kept most of your supplies and food, the thick canvas fabric flapping in the wind. You could hear talking in the tent, several people already residing ithin.
Colin turns to you, muttering “Y/n, they might recognize you based on your clothing. I’d suggest concealing your face a bit, we don’t know their intentions. Could be some of her’s.”
Taking in the tone of his words, you wrap the scarlet scarf around your face, making sure only your eyes were visible. Your hood was already up, so you didn’t have to worry too much about them seeing more of you.
“Thanks.” you murmured, already walking towards the entrance of the tent, hands balled up into fists.
“Be careful, Link.”
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
Immediately after walking into the tent, you halt at the number of people in the room. Including two of your other team members, there were twelve people in the room. All of their focus was on you.
Dusk, one of the women of your team, walks up to you.
“We found them while scouting the back woods. They’re armed, but not hostile. They say they’re the heroes of Hyrule, whatever that means.”
You nod curtly at her words, eyeing the group. Their eyes are glued to you, each one with varying degrees of frustration, confusion, or curiosity across their faces. Then it hits you.
It is them. Each one, from each era.
But all together? This is a first.
You wonder why they’re staring at you so much, but then you remember you are wearing the hero’s garb. Same green hat, full green getup. An obvious indicator to them.
You groan internally, you should've changed.
The blonde man with the blue scarf stands up and walks over to you, hand out for a handshake.
“You’re a Link, aren’t you? Pleasure to meet the hero of this era.”
You look at his hand, then back up at him. 
Is he serious?
You snort under your scarf, the casual interaction being so alien to you. The last thing you were interested in doing was being acquaintances with the past heroes.
Seeing your lack of response makes him pull back his hand, face full of confusion. What was up with this era?
The one-eyed hero from behind him suddenly stands up and makes his way to you. His good eye bores down at you before speaking.
“My apologies for my Captain’s forwardness. My name is Link, but we all go by monicker’s to diffuse the confusion. I go by Time, and the others will introduce themselves at a later time. We happened to stumble into your woods and are currently trying to find out where and when we are located.”
You raise an eyebrow at his statement.
When? Meaning… they time traveled?
Dusk beat you to the chase answering, “We don’t exactly count years, but based off of the last era counted, we are about 10,000 years after the Era of The Wilds.”
Time takes a moment to process the information, seemingly doing some mental calculations. He looks back down at you.
“And it’s safe to assume you’re the hero of this era?”
You nod slowly.
He takes a hesitant breath before continuing, “... what happened in this era? From what we’ve briefly seen, its the most destroyed time period we’ve seen.”
Dusk walks up behind you, saving you from the interrogation.
“Our country destroyed itself. No monarchy, no kingdom, barely anything left.”
His brows furrowed, “Ganon’s doing?”
You still at the name. You should have been prepared to answer this question. After all, it was inevitable.
You shake your head.
Again, you shake your head.
“Then who?”
You look at Dusk, silently pleading her to not tell them of your fate. This was something that needed to be eased onto them slowly. After all, most of them were devout to Hylia in one form or another.
Seeing your desperation, Dusk sighs.
“It’s better if you follow us back to the Resistance Headquarters. We have more information there.”
“And why would we do that? For all we know, this could be an ambush,” the pink-haired male responds.
Dusk rolls her eyes, sending you a smirk, “Because it would be way too much work to clean all the blood and guts up, plus, we don’t have the resources nor luxury to do that.”
You lightly shake your head, not knowing how her sense of humor was still intact after everything. In other circumstances, you would’ve scolded her, but you weren’t up for chatting at the moment.
Tossing a glance over your shoulder, you lead Arden, Dusk, and the heroes back to the headquarters. This was going to be a long day.
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
“So yer tellin’ me you’re Wild’s descendant? Surprised yer not feral or somethin’,” Twilight mutters, earning an elbow jab from the one referred to as “Wild”.
They seem… brotherly.
Wild turns to you, holding his chin, “Do you… still have the Sheikah Slate? It might be too old now in your era, but-”
You nod, taking out the slate from under your poncho. It was in much worse condition than Wild’s, but it had alterations and had been through a few thousand years.
He hesitantly picks it up from your hands, almost worried that the Slate would wither away from how fragile it felt.
“It looks… different, changed. Does it have new functions?”
Arden points at the screen, “Yeah, Link added a few alternate functions like a more expansive map and the ability to communicate with others.”
“A couple other groups across Hyrule have a similar type of slate, though they can only use it to communicate. It’s good for fast and quick communication.”
He nods, examining the slate some more. He shuts it off, handing it back to you.
 You choose to ignore the warmth coming from his fingertips.
“It seems you’re advanced in technology, and yet, so rural and primitive. Is there a reason for that?”
Arden looks at you while he speaks, “Well, technology was advancing right up until the Reawakening, and quickly declined after that. We managed to salvage a few things during the event, though a lot of it looks ancient now. Still works, though.”
He shoots you a lop-sided smile, “You should totally see Link’s snowbike though, that thing is a beast.”
Wild raises an eyebrow, “Snowbike? Like the Master Cycle Zero?”
You nod. You forgot he had one of those.
Time buts in, seemingly preoccupied with something else.
“As much as I am curious about your modern advancements, I believe we have more pressing matters at hand. Primarily, why we’re here in your era.”
You nod again, eyeing Arden and Dusk. You needed the room.
Arden walks up to you, murmuring “You sure? I don’t trust them.”
You place a hand on his arm, nodding. He looks down at your hand, eyes flicking between your hand and your eyes. He wanted to say something, but decided to bite his tongue. He wordlessly nods, and both him and Dusk leave you with the group, latching the old door behind him.
You ignore the strange interaction between the both of you, deciding to check up on him after.
You adjust your scarf, pulling it downward so your entire face is visible. The scarf muffled your speech and you were starting to get a bit suffocated with the fabric over your mouth.
“A female?”
The group seems to go silent at that, emotions ranging from confusion, shock, disbelief, even some excitement from a couple.
Arm over your chest, you kneel on one knee, your head bowed. Taking a small breath, you raspily introduce yourself:
 “My name is Link, the Forgotten Hero.”
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
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ophii · 7 months
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mirohtron · 2 years
“You’ve seriously never thought about us kissing?” The superhero crooked an eyebrow. “We’ve been marinating in sexual tension for three years now.”
prompt by @gingerly-writing :> <333
“You’ve seriously never thought about us kissing?” The superhero crooked an eyebrow. “We’ve been marinating in sexual tension for three years now.”
The villain choked. Went to hide their blushing face.
When they cracked two fingers apart to peak, the superhero was still staring at them through their cell's reinforced bars.
"No," they said. "You're a bit too terrifying."
That was not entirely true. The superhero was terrifying, yes. Loved by the masses. Feared by the criminal underbelly of the city. But the villain was enamoured, hopelessly, by that. The contrast between their charming, friendly persona that was reserved for the masses and their true cold, calculating, dangerous demeanor left the villain hopelessly pining after them. They were incredible, truly. Perfection.
They ran their hands down their heated face and looked up.
The superhero's perfect face stared down at them. The villain looked down at their crossed legs instead. "I thought you were just toying," they mumbled. "With the flirting."
Silence, again. The villain glanced up at the superhero through their lashes.
The superhero tilted their head in observation. The villain pressed their lips into a thin line and crossed their arms, hunching their shoulders.
The superhero crouched down to meet their level. The villain tucked their chin in and leaned back, refusing to make eye contact. They heard the rustle of the superhero's gloves slipping off of their fingers. They dropped to the floor, right in front of the bars. The villain could've reached out and taken them.
"It doesn't change my offer," said the superhero. "I get you out of this cell in exchange for a kiss."
Had it not been for their dark skin, the villain was sure they would've lit up red. But they couldn't accept the offer, surely. They imagined even a brush of their fingers would leave the villain dizzy and swaying on their feet.
They recalled, once, they'd thrown a stun bomb at the superhero and had them incapacitated for almost ten minutes. The superhero had risen up, suit torn (because they had it remade every day, since it was not completely reinforced so that the public could get glimpses of their skin—and that always, always left the villain faint).
They'd had them up against the wall, smiled down, body radiating heat, and said, "well, aren't you incredible?"
The villain's knees had turned to jelly instantly.
"I can get out of here on my own," they mumbled, biting their tongue right after they spoke so their mind wouldn't conjure up more memories.
"Is that so?" The superhero feigned a curious tone. "A little birdie told me you've bruised your whole body trying to break these bars."
The villain winced. They properly glanced up at the superhero, then, and saw they had their cheek resting on their fist. Their eyes were lazily hooded. Their other hand rose to trail fingers down their neck, to the side of their collarbone.
The villain's hand rose, automatically, to their own collarbone, to the bruise there that was exposed by the loose neckline of their shirt. They pulled it close. Their cheeks flushed for a different reason, then; they hated this cell and the way it suppressed their powers. It felt like one of their limbs had been cut off. They hated the Scientist—the villain that had trapped them here—for finding a way to suppress their powers even more.
They straightened their back. "Liar. This cell's shut down my powers. Maybe it's done that to you, too." They glanced back at the number of fortified doors the superhero had sauntered through when they first entered. They could've broken through those doors with ease.
Once more, the superhero crooked an eyebrow. They lifted their cheek from their fist and closed their fingers around one of the steel bars. The villain watched as it corroded beneath their skin.
They blinked. "Oh."
The superhero spread their hand in a voila gesture, raising their brow. "Oh."
Dumbly, the villain pursed their lips. They seriously considered the offer, then. Glanced, traitorously, at the superhero's lips. Thought of how it would feel to have their mouth pressed against that lovely pair.
Their lips buzzed with sensation. Oh, they felt dizzy right then.
"I'm not an idiot, in case you weren't paying attention," said the superhero. They tilted their head and raked their eyes down the villain—intoxicating. "I can hear your heart thumping like a bunny on caffeine. I always have."
The villain squeaked and put a hand over their heart, as if that would do any good. "You—you make me nervous."
The superhero smiled, then, all sly. "I know I do."
The villain's flush heightened, impossibly so. They didn't even know they could get this flustered. "This is unfair. You knew."
"I'm a very unfair person."
"I'm bad."
The superhero shrugged. "I'm terrible."
The villain clenched their fists. Everything felt very, very hot.
The superhero leaned in. They caught the villain's chin through the bars, bare, callused fingers rough and warm on their skin. "You're good," they said. "You're very good. You're exceptional, able to outsmart even me, and you just keep your talents on the down low so that no one targets you."
Again, the villain pursed their lips into a line. Wobbly. Burning with the phantom sensation of the superhero's mouth on theirs. They had nothing to protest with, then, just the heat curling all around their body, fingers going shaky. "You'll take me out."
"Mm." The superhero tilted the villan's chin as much as the bars allowed them. Ran their fingers around the underside of their jaw. Skated up to touch one burning cheek. "To dinner. Or lunch." The corner of their mouth quirked up, devastatingly sharp and evil. "Or a nice little rooftop if you kiss me." They scraped their thumb along the curve of the villain's bottom lip.
The villain's lips parted automatically. They took in a quivering, nervous breath. "You'll get me out."
"Of course."
"How long have you liked me back?"
The superhero looked pleased. That smile, god, that smile. It wasn't made for the cameras. It was evil, mean, smug. It made the villain's heart flip hopelessly. "I might let you know if you kiss me."
The villain clutched the bars and leaned close. The steel brushed cold against their cheeks. They had to know. Was it after they first drew the superhero's blood? Or from that time one of their inventions sent the superhero flying through ten walls? Or one of the times when they had the villain blushing, pressed flush to a wall?
The superhero chuckled to themselves, gently tipped the villain's chin up, and kissed them.
The villain sighed and pulled them close and the superhero pulled them closer. Their hands snaked beneath their shirt and ran over their back, their sides, teased the edges of their waistband. It stung just slightly from the bruises, but the heat that their hands left in their wake left the villain too brainless to think of anything else but them.
The superhero leaned back first. The villain would've followed their lips mindlessly if it hadn't been for the bars. But instead they stayed there, breathless, lips burning, cheeks still pressed to the steel bars. They tapped the corroded edge of the bar the superhero had touched in urgency.
The superhero ran their hands around the bars in a huge circle, and they snapped right off. The villain barely had time to get to their feet before the superhero had scooped them up into another kiss. This one was hungrier, eager for a proper taste, and the villain had to tiptoe to properly kiss them. They leaned back for air.
"Since the stun bomb," said the superhero. "I've wanted a smart, pretty thing like you since."
"O—oh." The villain wasn't sure how to properly respond to that. They were already afraid they'd been misjudged on the smart part, maybe the superhero had kissed them dumb. But they found that they didn't need to respond, because the superhero was kissing them again.
They walked out hand in hand. The superhero dropped them off on a nice little rooftop, cheeks still burning, lips still buzzing and swollen.
The villain touched a hand to their cheek, feeling the heat there.
Oh, they were head over heels.
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epickiya722 · 3 months
I'll tell you what's sad for me here.
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The fact that Spinner intends to tell the story of Tomura Shigaraki while saying "tell past never dies".
What about Tenko Shimura? Tenko Shimura was a past self that Tomura was and yet, did any of the villains knew about that part of him? (Other than AFO, of course.)
When Midoriya said this...
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To me it isn't just Tomura he's talking about here, but also Tenko, the little boy he wanted to save. I feel like some of you skipped 418.
Spinner is right, the past will never die because Izuku knows at least a piece of Tenko's past.
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valewritessss · 2 months
When people say Annabeth was an unreliable narrator and her stepmom was actually nice to her…
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lolottes · 11 months
the soul of the person you are trying to resurrect is not currently available?, please try your ritual again, later?
Superman was dead, the Justice League took advantage of a lull in their shitty situation to try to revive him. But instead of their Superman, someone else was in his body, making their eyes shine lazarus green, or Kryptonite green, depending on who you ask.
The "intruder" look at the members of the Justice League with some confusion for a moment, rubbing their necks. and said with embarrassment:
The soul of the person you are trying to resurrect is not currently available?, please try your ritual again, later?
or Superman's soul (not yet a ghost because still not "wake up") is held captive by the GiW and is therefore unavailable for resurrection. Danny, as prince, was the replacement soul chosen by the kingdoms... even though he had to put paused his attack plan against the GiW due to the rush to protect his city from the ongoing apocalipse.
The GiW took advantage of the semi-public ceremony after Superman's death to set a trap for a possible alien ghost, which against all odds worked (having a catatonic target helps). Tucker learned about superan after having searched their servers because the phantom team had noticed that the GiW had been less urgent and on their feedback seemed particularly satisfied with themselves. Since the Phantom team organized an attack to free him
Slightly different version tomorrow
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nb-hedgewolf · 10 months
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Sonic the hedgehog?... Who's... that? ...I don't know what you're talking about, I've never met any hedgehog called "Sonic"- What? N-No, the only friend I'm close enough to consider a sibling is Amy... You know that. I mean yes- Of course. I DO know about metal but- I... This is giving me a headache. I- Maybe try to calm dow- Okay, that's enough! I think you should leave, Shadow... you clealry aren't right.
New AU, who dis?
Alts under the cut
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the Maskeless alt of the complete drawing -- i'm really proud of this traumatized guy, like, look at him, there's something WRONG with him and I wanna study him under a microscope and then throw him against the wall as hard as i can.
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Base masked alt - It's hard to remember things you cannot even comprehend, it's hard to remember information that censors itself. It's hard to remember details that auto-erase. Such is the might of the phantom ruby...
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Base maskless alt -- here the design is much more visible! he takes after some other beta Infinite designs! I'm really proud of it, and asides from the ears resembling his game mask, i'd love to reuse this uniform for other stuff :)
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Original sketch -- GOOD LIRD HE'S NAKED /J the fucking HAIR killed me inside, it was so hard to get right... also I just noticed this sketch has the eye colors backwards... siiighhhh.
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The original background, without a jackal over it, and without a filter that makes it hard to see. the text is fully decipherable! if... you know about Sonic Prime, that is 😋
All of this thanks to @boom-fanfic-a-latta for explaining a cool concept to me, which ended up on me suggesting an idea, from which this AU bloomed! =)
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championsandheroes · 11 months
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Replaying DAI is a bit like… No, no, it's ok. It's fine. "My name is Solas, if there are to be introductions." Sure, sure.
Over at Patreon and society6 we smile and nod when we meet people pretending to be someone they're not. There's too many of them to bother calling them out over it anyway.
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hopelessbaddays · 15 days
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just chilling in false hero form
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