#fallout au anyone?
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fallout-drabbles-n-stuff · 8 months ago
Vampire nora. Nora became a vampire due to prewar government experiments for super soldiers,
Have I mentioned how much I love supernatural fallout? 🥴
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iceagebaby · 1 month ago
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obsessed with @mudpuddless king halt au, ive been thinking a lot
crowley is in denyal, he is just hibernian RIGHT?
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i also have some skeches of halt in regal clothing, but im not a fan of them, and i cant find accurate irish royal clothing to use as reference, what i drew was just making it up as i go
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justanothervaultie · 9 months ago
Are you SEEING THIS? Are you fucking SEEING THIS?!?
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Have I lost my marbles?
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We are gonna get a Jurassic Park Deathclaw Scene in Season 2
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sincerely-sofie · 1 year ago
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There’s something unique about the pain of someone you love following in a trail you blazed through suffering, turning themself into a mirror of just how self-destructive you once were. There’s a wretched irony in how they teach you firsthand the pain your friends and family felt as you burned yourself up.
Now you know what it’s like to watch a lamb immolate itself. You can only watch as it dismisses your concerns with lies of how well it is— how completely, utterly, and perfectly fine everything is. You can only watch. You can only remember that you were a lamb just years before, and you taught this one exactly how to martyr itself by your example.
Anyhoo, hey elder siblings, how’s your day going?
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muraae · 10 months ago
i’m sorry (but also really not) but this the vaultghoul poto au has me in a chokehold- and i don’t know if i’ll ever write or if someone else wants the challenge, but here are my thoughts on what the au could be.
a vaultghoul phantom of the opera au where cooper is the phantom and lucy is christine.
would have elements from both the book, musical, and the show.
cooper obviously looks like how he is in the show for his disfigurement, and wears a black half mask to cover the upper half of his- also kudos for this because coop does look exactly like erik (the phantom) in the book.
debating if cooper will be born deformed or someone or something causes him to be disfigured.
i personally like the latter more just to play with the idea of cooper once being a famous star within the opera house who befell a terrible incident that ruined his life and is now embittered and angry, wishing to exact vengeance against those that ruined his life.
only a slightish change, but ‘the ghoul’ is added along with ‘the phantom’ and ‘the opera ghost’ as his other aliases.
lucy is a ballet dancer in the opera, the daughter of the famous soprano, rose maclean. i’m not certain where hank would be for this au, but he’s not exactly in the family picture, but i would want him to cause some kind of conflict in the future.
slow down there abbie, we don’t have time to write a full story- let’s just stick to the basics.
lucy and norm come to live and work at the opera house under the care of moldaver (madame giry) after the death of their mother- lucy in the ballet corps. and norm with the stagehands.
lucy had always been a talented singer until she hears a voice in the halls, vents, and the grand stage she visits late at night, and starts starts teaching her that the managers begin to take notice.
cooper takes notice of lucy whenever she walls the grand stage late at night singing to herself. he becomes intrigued by her.
so cooper watches lucy from afar and doesn’t make himself known to her as the ‘voice’ until he finds her crying in the opera chapel, grieving for her mother after a long, trying day.
mother said, "When i'm in heaven, child, i will send the angel of music to you."
cooper commends her voice, but tells lucy it needs training. he offers her voice lessons, promising to help lucy become the greatest singer the world has seen- does it come at a cost later on for his own purposes- that it is for all to decide if lucy is a means to an end but ends up wrecking his plans by becoming more.
fuck i’m getting sidetracked again-
over the years the two develop a bond that extends the bounds of teacher and student, cooper’s infatuation with lucy becoming deeper.
steph is lucy’s roommate and friend- sharing the role of meg with norm- and she and norm are the only two who can put up with lucy’s disappearances and odd hours, though are concerned by the strange behavior.
cooper continues to reign the opera house as his domain, demanding the managers to follow his instructions on how the opera should run, and causes ‘accidents’ if anything doesn’t go his way.
on the night of the gala, lucy finds herself replacing the prima donna when the former falls ill. she is an overnight sensation and ensnares the hearts of half the city, and much to cooper’s jealous chagrin, catches the eye of the opera’s newest patron.
i’m tempted to make maximus raoul, however, monty would fit a little better- so we’re going with monty because i want this vicomte and his intentions towards the new starlet to be sinister. because fuck monty.
lucy is at first flattered by monty’s attention, but becomes soon after uncomfortable by his advances.
and though she is charmed by the young detective (maximus) that was hired by the managers to prove there is no opera ghost, she is still drawn to the mysterious voice.
on the night of her triumph, cooper reveals himself and takes lucy into the vast underground tunnels of the opera house. it is here where lucy becomes enamored by the man who has given her so much, but is confused why he wears the mask. Surely a face would match a voice as beautiful and deep as his.
it only takes removing a mask to change the course of a relationship and for the two of them to cross the point of no return.
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phynixdotcom · 1 year ago
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Remember! If you share, more answers will be there.
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snapling · 1 year ago
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this is technically unfinished i just couldn't figure out what to do with it tbh, but this is a komaeda from a little fallout au i was/am making up :}
stupid au details for him under the cut
cw for lots of like death and being sold and stuff
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(Sorry it's all rambling lol)
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galoogamelady · 1 year ago
how do you feel mostly about fanfics, fancontent or any ship content w/ buttons?
I love visual fanart but I don't really have the time to read fanfiction and I feel like it's easier to have my characters be misinterpreted in prose as well. Obviously I'm not going to tell anyone what to do or not to do, but I also don't want anyone to be disappointed if they expected me to read fanfic.
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fruk-choosing-a-username · 10 months ago
me every time i boot up a game: okay im not going to try and recreate and play as other characters and put way too much effort into a weird crossover au
also me: *is responsible for an invader zim x fallout new vegas au*
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tanlotts · 2 years ago
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Piper for my Fallout modern AU art collection ❤️
In this AU Piper Wright is a very successful journalist in Boston, she’s worked for many important newspapers and magazines. But after quite a while of having worked for those big names she finally decided on starting her own little digital blog and to take on a more freelance way of working, which worked out really well for her since she adopted her sister Nat. This city girl loves spending time with her best friend Nick Valentine, thrifting clothes, photography and traveling.
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lowqualitygarbage · 11 months ago
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Shhh.... I drew this after Episode 1. Guest starring my Lone Wanderer, Beatrice.
Charlie 1000000% tries to start up a support group.
Anne Draws Vault suits Consistentlyaccurately Challenge
...The sad part is I do pull up references, my brain just refuses to process them correctly?
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scribz-ag24 · 2 years ago
Stupid question but which one re-evolved first, Duskull/Dusknoir or Treecko/Grovyle?
First, don't say it's a stupid question, I would love to share ideas for the au and talk more about it, especially 'cause I personally am not very creative on my own, so interaction helps immensely.
Second, gonna be honest here, I actually have no idea. I haven't really put much thought into actual plot lmao. The AU doesn't even belong to me really, I just took jsab's one and came up with little interactions that I found funny and/or cute (in my defense, i was starving for actaeonshipping content xd). I didn't plan an actual timeline/story, and I feel that way anyone can come up with their own interpretation of it, which is fun. (and also less complicated cause the logistics of a swap au would be,,,,,,,,,,,,complicated i think).
However, since you asked, I am going to list some random ideas I had about how it could happen, which sort of mixes with possible story beats ig. Sorry beforehand for the length and change of subject lol.
tldr: imo it depends on what story you wanna come up with and whatever serves it better (i.e. you want it to happen post game, so you follow the game's plot; you want it to happen during the story, so sth weird happens, etc.)
So in PMD:EOS world, pokémon evolve through the Luminous Spring. The player can't evolve until the spring regains its light once the flow of time is fixed. So either we have Grovyle and Dusknoir re-evolving after Dialga is defeated, respecting canon, or we tweak it a bit to make it more interesting.
A way to alter the spring method would be by stealing a headcanon I saw someplace I can't remember (oops): that pokémon, while they usually rely on the Luminous Spring, on very rare occasions can evolve through high levels of stress to protect themselves. I personally like this theory because it explains why there are evolved pokémon in the future, like Grovyle and Dusknoir themselves. They were born in a paralysed world, with no magic skinnydipping, so what's up with that.
When I say this ties in with story beats is because I feel the choice here can make two different versions of the swap, 1. treecko and duskull literally take the hero and partner role to the very end (plus a face off against darkrai ig??), or 2. respect the game's kind-of-chosen one narrative by having partner keep their relic fragment, and making grovyle and dusknoir's main mission to help hero and partner work together again. The problem with this AU is that, if taken seriously, it would need a DEEP reconsideration of the game's events and characters. When does the swap occur? Why does it happen, is Darkrai involved again? If Hero and Partner are still there, does that mean the story of eos happened beforehand but had a bad ending? How do two characters whose actions are immensely influenced by their knowledge of the future act when stripped of their canon motivations? Do they keep behaviours and reflexes (perhaps theyre a bit more ambivalent with violence/more morally gray than hero and partner) or are they a blank slate? Do they feel compelled to evolve because they have a weird feeling that they're in a body strange to them? This is why I only draw the fun two panel interactions!
Leaving all that aside, here are some scenarios that could happen (...because we are just making shit up so anything can happen):
They evolve through struggle, like I presume they had to do in the future. Maybe Treecko evolves sooner, on account of being more reckless and referencing his status as a starter pokémon that evolves at level 16. Once Duskull evolves he prolly carries the team for a while, tho, since Dusclops was supposed to be a fully evolved pokémon in gen 3, and is iconically stronger than Dusknoir when it carries an eviolite. Then again, Grovyle and Dusknoir in game are way stronger than they would be in a mainline game, so perhaps they maintain some muscle memory that helps them in combat (funny how two amnesiac pokémons, who barely remember their own names, are somehow so accostumed to battle, huh, weird). I'd say the best place for an evolution would be the dark future, maybe they escape from prison without facing the sableye -cause a prison cell isnt that big of a deal for someone who knows dig and someone whose actual pokédex entry is "It can go through walls!"- and evolve in a fight against partner?
The evolution doesn't follow game rules at all, instead it's a physical manifestation of their old memories. Hero never remembers their past (sorry grovyle), but this is pure self indulgence so maybe the other two do, or at least are more encouraged to do so or get more information (celebi for grovyle, and dialga for dusknoir).
Following that last point, Celebi and Dialga, two time travelling pokémon, actively interfere to help them get their memories back/get them up to speed with the situation, each to their own interest. Perhaps this involve a separation arc between Treecko and Duskull, à la Gates to Infinity. This would serve to make them less dependent of each other, and mature on their own for a while, differenciating them from hero and partner.
They don't re-evolve, they save the world/help save the world like hero and partner would do.
My favourite option is Dialga helps them somehow with time magic after the battle is over and time is fixed. The sole point of it is getting Dusknoir and Grovyle -with their memories back- to awkardly leave together on a slow stoneship that shoots rainbow, for the sole reason that it would be hilarious.
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balaurbondoc316 · 1 year ago
Still not going to make a tiktok
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falloutcaldera · 2 years ago
At what point is it acceptable to start sending random asks to people we think would like our work in hopes of getting more eyes on us and potentially some questions in our inbox? -Ren
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sunsetsoft · 2 months ago
🍒 ooc. i was clearing out my ps storage and remembered that aaaaages ago i grabbed these shots of el from fo4, so gaze upon him, occasionally hangin with her Guy Of All Time, r loitering outside his place of business,
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constellationcradle · 6 months ago
anybody in the chat tonight like my little pony...???
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