#fallen hearts exo
daydreaming-memories · 6 months
ok I know next to nothing abt cookie run SO....what are the major locations in your paracosm (like the ones you daydream/think abt the most) and who are the main paras (and...what are they like lol)?
Also combining all your paracosms is *chef's kiss* incredible love that for you <3
GOD this has been sitting forever as like the cookie run blanket paracosm has been dormant for a good bit now. So i’m just gonna copy paste the first attempt. Then talk about the current paracosms and activity levels LOL, note like this was last edited around ~2022. Though added some things in pink
Kakao/Line (CR) - ghost pirate’s island of coins
CROB (ovenbreak) - Aloe Labs*, Bamboo Mountain*, City of wizards, Dreamy cookieland, Yogurca, Fallen kingdom, Mala village, Dragon valley, Mango islands*, Tower of frozen waves, Sugarteara, Spider mansion, Maple Mansion*, Cheese mines, TBD (present), TBD (forgotten), Grandmaster hotel, Churro City*, City of millennial tree, Sugar swan paradise*, Pudding cup circus, Patheon of starlight, Dark enchantress lair*, witch’s house, oven, Jelly serpent temple, Hortensia town, Fragrant Lotus paradise, wish festival, Labyrinth of remembrance, Bones hospital, Dragonhead island, Rambutan tribe, Lychee caves*, Sports olympics*, Lustrous Longan palace, Spooky abandoned school*, Yakgwa village, Sacred forest, Escape from the oven, black sugar pirate ship, City of millennial tree,
CW/CRW - dr wasabi’s lab.
CRK (kingdom) - parfaedia institute, vanilla kingdom, tower of sweet chaos, tropical soda islands, hollyberry kingdom, snow village*, cacao kingdom, creme republic, council of heroes, black pearl islands, golden cheese kingdom, white lily kingdom*.
Also depending on length I might split this into two w a reblog
This is the version 2, but including version one just like as a reminder of what was which I’ll throw as a reblog onto this. As I’ve been trying to rehone things with this, and feel free to ask more questions, though I may take a bit to respond as I am sick right now and there are storms brewing in my area. 
Plus working on a sort of side blog about my original/inspired projects, that isn’t just daydreaming based but most are and just a general brainrot blog to work on the exclusive “mega paracosm” (daycosm 3) into a more defined version with only inspired characters and not straight up canon characters. 
The major locations of my paracosms like the previously mentioned version 1 are not consistent enough yet to talk a good chunk about, it’s kind of like a mmo or a first draft right now so going to go onto to talk about some paras, these aren’t all nor all main paras as the paras that are focused on change a lot, with new ones being added based on newer or even older interests coming back, and/or a hyperfixation. But as mentioned in version 1 they are super violetial and are prone to change.
Taking inspiration from @/Theaufaverse and their gangs/groupings of characters [their blog isn’t strictly daydreaming based], though this did exist in my paracosm beforehand I’m putting generally more focus on it and making it more obvious. But you’ll probably see other non-popular media/creations being used as inspiration like @/spherearc and the council of favorites [though this did exist beforehand in my paracosm it just was never named]
Though not going fully in depth about every para, I'm going to try to do an overview-ish about them. Feel free to ask more questions, and if anyone has old paras they want to see try to get used, or a paracosm they aren’t working on anymore feel free to talk to me. idk im bored.
Also generally not going to talk about any au versions, yet. They still need some time in the oven, but just going to mention some I’m working on [feel free to ask about] just know that they need more time in the oven currently so information is bound to change about them and such. Or any not mentioned you know I have had.
Rise academy, Killing favorites,  Luathrope, Guardians of Lua, Guardians of harmony, Friendshipverse, Mini frontiers, Ashopia, Shape people, Rpverses aus, and the many ones in the “pil”verse [this isn’t even close to all of them], feel free to even like ask about ones I haven’t thought of just like make it clear it’s not a pre-existing one. (This is outdated, there are new groupings and shiz)
Honestly I don’t really know how to explain the main paras or main groups due to the big rewriting of the paracosm so gonna try my best but note they are wips, and things are bound to change. These are going to be primarily the original paras, so :3
Feel free to ask more questions about the ones above or give me emoji (3+), aesthetics, songs or generally things like those to get unmentioned characters that I feel fit. It could be anyone mentioned here though, just based on what I feel fits. also may give lore it depends on what is asked y'know?
also gonna generally ask to keep asks to 1 question per ask unless heavily tied together to try to help me not sit on asks for months. 
like you can give multiple emoji prompts just separate them with for example commas. But like songs keep to a single ask per song generally, or relationships with other characters.
If anyone has any prompts feel free to share with me may do little one shots [cannot guarantee] or if anyone wants to tag me in any character templates (using the term character templates as that’s more widely seen) & I’ll do them with my paras as I see if or if requested of a certain one.
Alright now onto the new
Current system’s paracosms for those curious and general status:
Daycosm 3 - The system’s Centrecosm, it’s a blanket paracosm with various events and groups being their own subcosm. This paracosm is very much just primparas, various alter paraselves, and paratenres. This is a story about time loops and cycling, and how you can always give things a new try. But also about loss, forgiving and letting go.
Rpverse - This is a daycosm 3 “buddycosm” aka these two paracosms are so intertwined but Are Not subcosms of each other. This paracosm isn’t talked about much these days as it needs a lot more work than daycosm 3 to get presentable. A Lot of daycosm 3 paras have counterparts here. Active.
Into the flip pit - Active, a blanket paracosm which subcosms follow various groups. A collab paracosm by the system, which is mainly Fnaf & Dsaf based though there are non-fnaf related things included like Faith the unholy trinity and EcopportunityX, along with a small bit of pokemon.
Nightcosm -3 - This is just the blanket paracosm for various aus of daycosm 3, each au are typically their own subcosm. Though rpverse aus are typically lumped in here just for convenience. This paracosm is always active though what subcosms are is a different story.
Aether life - This is the current name of the cookie run paracosm, majorly inactive. This needs alot of reworking as we really want to strip the paracosm of all the cookie run barcodes as we’re so tired of the actions of the parent company devsisters.
Fallen hearts - This is a paracosm based on exomemories of various system members, this is an active paracosm but weary of sharing it. Because most paras are all paraselfs for various alters and a lot of them are fictive introjects with their canon source selves being commonly seen as sexy, hot, ect. Which most of the alters are weirded out about being directed towards them.
Minecosm - Dormant, this paracosm only gets mentioned as it was the system’s first major paracosm being based off of minecraft. Though there are some attempts to bring it back, though this paracosm was originally a sandbox paracosm which is why it’s not touched much.
Shape realmverse - Sorta active, a paracosm that’s a batshit insane rewrite of a silly roleplay the system got attached to but ended up hating how the source went down. This paracosm is technically a mutual paracosm as the original sources still give influence to this. Though this paracosm isn’t as developed as others due to how much effort it takes to rewrite the lore.
Three realms - Sorta active, Mutual paracosm technically, a paracosm I stole from my mutual after they stopped enjoying the og source. But I’m honestly scrubbing the barcodes of the source from this because I’m so tired of said source. 
Scorned Reverence Ava - Semi-Inactive, this paracosm’s activity really depends on drake as that’s his paracosm. This is an animator vs animation paracosm, though a lot of common fanon hcs are purposefully Not canon here. As this paracosm is lowkey also drake’s exomemories of his source.
Of Ash and Fire - Semi-inactive, a crossover of some daycosm 3 subcosms and a sort of friend’s story. Though this paracosm is likely getting turned into a subcosm for daycosm 3 and the fictparas having their barcodes scrubbed off.
Of Smoke and roses - Active, a hard to describe paracosm but I’d consider it a PAradaptive. It’s a super personal paracosm that is a personal crossover of 3 medias along with daycosm 3. This paracosm likely will not be mentioned further due to the personal details in it.
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kaiser1ns · 1 month
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featuring 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗸𝗮 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
angst. takiishi chika was the one completely covered in flames and you are the one who will burn his world down.
recommended to listen to exo's "monster" because i worked with the lyrics and that song screams takiishi chika
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Why is his heart racing? The way you look at him got him going crazy, you are truly beautiful, a goddess, a force powerful enough to destroy everything. From the feral Umemiya Hajime to the cruel Endo Yamato and the bloodthirsty Takiishi Chika — you remain the most terrifying. A sadistic, tyrannical woman who Takiishi let into his already dull world.
There’s curiosity in your eyes, you’ve already fallen for him but won’t let him in. He’ll knock one, two, and a thousand times, so will you answer him, will you let him into your heart? Don’t be afraid, they say love is the way, it keeps you on safe ground, a place where its roots start to sprout deep into the ground...but what if the soil doesn't allow it? The same ground is falling apart, covered in ashes, it’s unstable and destructive.
You can't help it, it's just a habit, you do this for fun. You are not afraid to cause a scene whenever you want, you do it all the time and this is how it's going to be. Takiishi stands before you, his eyes are wide and burning, and you know what he sees — a girl who is on the brink of madness. He can call you a monster if he wants, and he can kill you if he feels like it. You can feel the pain coursing through your body, but it only sharpens your focus: pain is your most trusted friend, not your enemy. Slipping under his guard, delivering a sharp elbow to his ribs, as his groans and whimpers are music to your ears.
You are dangerous, if anyone gets in your way you will never stop til you get everything you want. You are on the top now, higher than the king and queens, mightier than God himself, ruling the world made by chaos. You are just getting started, as you see fireworks in the sky and bodies on the ground. In your beautiful black dress you dance, the red pool and the colors dancing above. Where is everyone hiding? It's time to celebrate, it's a funeral to many, to your morals and values, they are probably long gone. So is your sanity, as you laugh and smile like a maniac. Destruction and chaos, no one can run from them, and nobody will survive when you are there causing them.
Lunging at him with a speed that belies your injuries, your movements are precise, your fists connect with his jaw followed up with a swift kick to his stomach. But he’s also not done yet. He swings, aiming for your head, but you duck, spinning behind him. Before he can react, your hands are on his face, cupping his cheeks so softly, your lovestruck eyes, betraying the violence as you stare at him. There’s something in his eyes—fear? Love? It’s hard to tell. But you don’t care. You slam his head against the wall with a sickening thud, the impact reverberating through your hands. He grunts but recovers quickly, you can tell he’s holding back, still underestimating you.
A fatal mistake.
You grab his collar and hurl him to the ground with a monstrous strength, your grip stronger than steel or any metal, you can't reshape or melt despite his hotness. His body hits the floor, and you waste no time driving your foot into his face. So beautiful, your one and only love.
But Takiishi catches your leg with his hand, yanking you off balance and sending you crashing down beside him. You hit the ground hard, but you’re already moving, twisting your body to get back on your feet. The dance between you continues, two burning flames consuming everything in their path, neither willing to fade out, it is not about who will die first, but who will dominate the other.
You are creeping into his heart, flipping over and breaking him down until you swallow him up. Even if you die, you will live forever because you got yourself engraved in his heart, body and soul—you messed him up and now you will pay and collect your debts. He doesn't recognise you or himself anymore. Out of your minds. To love is to be changed.
Don't let this blissful moment slip away, you are both going crazy, and this day will be remembered for eternity. There's so much to give you—he doesn't need no money, no material benefits—he only wants you. He wants you so bad.
You are a monster.
A bit impatient and not that gentle, a woman of many faces and masks. You thrive on conflict, creating it, nurturing it, watching as it grows and consumes everything in its path. It’s all a game to you, where you always win because you’ve written the rules. You are addicted to the thrill of it, the way it makes your heart race, the way it brings a sick smile to your lips when you make your love bleed.
But he wants you, that's right you are his type, his heart doesn't lie, not when it sends a dangerous signal and you know you make him feel a tremble, he is crazy for you, you know that, you always did. Everyone’s afraid of him, the so-called strongest but he is nothing but a boy with burning desires to have fun. In the end, you can’t reject him, hiding and stealing glances at him, then pretend to be surprised when he looks your way. He’s a part of your existence and you will make sure to destroy him by loving him.
To accept you for who you are, worry has no place here, not when you show such strong attraction to each other. Enjoy the agony that you’re able to endure, as he falls deeper inside in his own world, thinking that it's gonna be the same pattern, the same old way but then again it's your game, with your rules. Play with him however you want as you lash out with relentlessness force, each punch harder than the last, each punch showcasing your affection. He doesn’t fight back; he never does. Your strength surpasses his, and he knows it.
Bruises form under your knuckles, but he takes it all, absorbing the pain like a twisted confession of love. You’re a beast consumed by the madness inside you—stronger, more ferocious than anyone he's ever faced, yet he does nothing but take your blows. You're a monster, they say—insane to the core—but this insanity is yours to own, and for him to enjoy.
You are his monster, insane and fierce, burning his world to the ashen ground and building it again and again, until he finally gives up...until you finally let him in.
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taglist :: @nyxypoo @meidiary @maruflix @heartkaji @stunie @slerixx @mydream-synopsis @kiurona
thank you mei, zevie and ke for doing a beta read, i love yall mwah🫶🏻
©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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marshmallow-phd · 6 months
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won't let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
Lightning lit up the thin curtains covering the two small windows on either side of the carriage. Thunder rumbled and you felt it deep within your chest. Tugging your silk cloak closer, you closed your eyes and prayed that the driver would get you through the storm. There was no one to comfort you, to reassure you that a little rain and noisy sky wouldn't delay your journey.
Your father had insisted you take your sister or even a friend, but the two day’s journey didn’t  seem consequential enough to need a companion. Besides, what would they have done once you arrived? Your elderly aunt had only asked for you. From what you could decipher from her letter, she needed you to be a companion as she traveled to the southernmost coastal town. Apparently, it was now the ultimate fashion to travel to for the summer. Just the idea of rolling waves made your stomach churn. But what was worse was who else would be there–
The carriage jolted to the right. You spread out your arms, only barely catching yourself from falling to the floor. No sane person would have endured such dangerous weather. This storm had come from nowhere. Skies blue and cloudless as you had ever seen bid you farewell in the late morning. Most of the day's journey had been uneventful. Then the joyful light faded. Thunder shook the walls of the carriage. Rain pounded on the roof. When would you reach the inn? Bile rose up in your throat, burning the sensitive tissue as the carriage continued to rock violently. The horses neighed over the sounds of the storm. 
The carriage shifted hard to the left. And kept falling. You slammed into the door, nearly opening it with the force. You didn't know what was happening. The floor was now the wall and the wall the floor. A downward momentum made it impossible to stand. Screams ripped at your throat.
Then it stopped. 
The rain continued to pour and the thunder roared on but the carriage was still. Your legs wobbled as you slowly stood. With your palms, you pushed open the door. The thin wooden panel clapped against the outside of the carriage. Immediately you were pounded by the storm. Large drops pelted your face, obscuring your vision. It was dark. You could tell that much. And there were trees. In every direction. 
You climbed out of the carriage, calling for the driver. Your feet slipped in the mud, but you managed to keep your balance–for now. The mud was thick and sticky as you trudged to the front of the carriage.
 No. No, no, no. Both of the horses were gone. And so was the driver. Somehow, the carriage had fallen down a hill or ravine. With a storm this terrible, you needed to get to higher ground or risk possibly being carried away–or drowning. Clawing and digging your hands and feet into the soaked dirt, you climbed the hard incline back to the road. 
Once you could make out the road, you called for the driver again. No answer. He was nowhere to be found. You needed to find shelter. The storm gave no promise of letting up. You wouldn't survive the night in this forest, even if you went back into the carriage. The only choice was to find sanctuary. You stared in the direction you believed you came from. Nothing but trees and darkness. You turned to the other choice. All the same–wait. 
There was something... when lightning brightened up the sky. Your heart began banging in your ears. Spires, towers. Not trees. It was some distance away, but it was shelter nonetheless. 
With near tears in your eyes, you picked up your skirts–your fingers numb from the cold–and hurried towards the castle that could be your saving grace. 
The manor was calm tonight. Odd, considering the amount of bodies roaming around these haunted halls. Only the beautiful storm outside and Chanyeol's sorrowful melody from the piano broke the silence. Jongin had draped himself over one of the arm chairs as he inspected the wine mixture within his goblet. The taste was… adequate. The cellar would need replenishing soon.
In the corner, a rather lax game of cards covered the small, round table. Minseok smirked at his winning hand. The faded wooden chips with bits of white painted around the edges were piling up in front of Yixing, who leaned back carelessly, sure of his next win. Little did either of them know that the youngest among them had a little... trick his sleeve. As the quickest, Sehun had perfected sleight of hand long ago. None had caught him yet.
A fire roared, coaling the usually gray and brown room in flickering orange. With how close he stood near the fireplace, Kyungsoo's silhouette was visible through his loose shirt. He leaned his palms on the mantel and let the warmth of the flames engulf him. Warmth was all they could feel after all these years. It could be an addiction so strong it was tempting to throw himself into the fire. 
Junmyeon joined him at the fireplace, leaning his shoulders against the brick. The bite of the edge hardly registered in his mind. Pain of that measure... it was only a ghost that had nearly crossed over. 
“Such strong thoughts for a night like this.”
Kyungsoo didn’t look from the fire, but raised a questioning eyebrow in response. 
Junmyeon shrugged a single shoulder. “I can’t read minds, but it's obvious you're turning something over more times than a praying rock.”
“It's the same thoughts,” Kyungsoo murmured in his strange, monotone voice. “Always the same thoughts.”
“One day you will have to let it go,” Junmyeon sighed. “This is our existence now. And forever will be.”
“Acceptance of the present doesn’t erase the past.”
“But it does make the present more enjoyable.” The red liquid sloshed against the rim of the goblet as Jongin draped an arm over Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He wore a mischievous smile. A clear indicator of his true intention. 
Junmyeon shook his head. “We’re not going out tonight. There’s nothing out and about in this storm.” Hunting in these conditions would wield no trophies. Tomorrow would be a better night. 
“Jun’s no fun tonight,” Jongdae teased as he and Baekhyun emerged from the hallway. 
“If you want to go out in this mess,” Junmyeon waved towards the front door. “Be my guest. Just don’t you dare get mud on the rug–”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Help! Please! Help!”
Nine pairs of eyes snapped to the echoing sound. None moved. 
Bang! Bang! 
One of the double doors burst open and a figure fell to the floor, landing on its knees and palms. It looked up. A flash of lightning illuminated the face.
The face of a beautiful young girl. 
Your knees vibrated when they hit the wooden floor. Water fell from your loose hair that clung to your cheeks. The chances of  the door opening when you pushed on the handle had been low–yet the barrier that kept you victim to the storm fell open and you crashed downward with it. 
Greeting you in this strange hall were several men, their jaws hanging open in a mirror of your own surprise. More men appeared from a side parlor, curious as to who dared intrude on their evening. One, two, three–you counted nine total. Nine men. This was not ideal–a bit terrifying, really–but you didn't have a choice. The storm raged outside.
"P-please," you stammered past chattering teeth "The st-storm overturn-overturned the carriage.” 
The men stayed silent as they exchanged unreadable glances. One raised a questionable brow. 
"Jongdae, go run a bath," ordered the man closest to you. One of the shorter residents nodded and disappeared into the darkness that led into the rest of the manor. 
That's what this place was. A grand old manor, not a castle. Isolated. When you'd first run through the rusted iron gate, you'd feared it abandoned. A long dormant instinct whispered that you might have been better off if it had been. 
The first man approached, each motion slow, deliberate, and hauntingly graceful. He crouched down in front of you and captured your frightened stare. The fear in you began to melt away. He was… beautiful. Obsidian fell over his forehead in gentle waves. His tunic was of a fashion your grandfather would have worn. There was something strange about this man–all of these men. Something... different. 
"Let's get you warmed up." He held his hand out and you were up on your feet before you even realized your fingers were resting on his. "Don't worry," he murmured. "You're safe here. My name is Junmyeon." 
You nodded, somehow believing him, but unsure if you should. Through your violent chattering, you managed to stammer out your name in response. 
You jumped at the sudden noise. One of the other men had somehow appeared behind you to shut the door you'd fallen through. 
"Thank you, Yixing," the man beside you said. The one named Yixing nodded and then shifted his eyes to you. “Come.” A hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades and guided you down the hall, leaving a trail of mud in your wake.
The man led you down several halls until you reached an unoccupied bedroom. Red blankets draped the oversized bed. Matching curtains hung limply from the canopy. All of the wood was a dark sort, rich in color but not quite welcoming like other, brighter woods. 
Jongdae emerged from another door on the other side of the bedroom. Steam rolled out after him as if it were following him for its next set of orders. “Anything else?” he asked drily. 
“No, thank you.”
Jongdae strolled the from the room without a glance either of you and closed the door behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The two of you were… alone. It wasn’t appropriate. It was…
You looked to the man still with you, fear causing your heart to pound painful against your chest. You tugged your cloak closer to you, but it was soaked from the rain. Shivers violently raced down your arms and spine. The man didn’t seem to notice as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a long white cloth. 
“These should suffice for tonight.” He held up the cloth for you to see. A nightgown. An old one by the cut of it, though thankfully it hadn’t been devoured by moths or mice. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
He visibly suppressed a laugh at your small voice and waved you into the adjoining bathroom. Taking the nightgown, you tried your best to avoid his gaze. You scurried inside and shut the door. 
Junmyeon smirked at your mousy state. It was understandable why you were so frightened. The women of this period were warned of being alone with a man. And now you were alone with nine. 
Nine very dangerous men. 
The proper action for him to take was to leave your room now that you were safe inside the bathroom, but his feet didn’t move. Somehow, the storm had stranded you in their forest. What had happened to the driver, he wondered. Surely a gentlewoman such as yourself was not controlling the carriage. And yet, you were all alone. Circumstances were… ideal.
A small hiss echoed in the bathroom. It stretched out, along with the sound of sloshing water. Junmyeon frowned. 
He stood there for a few minutes more, listening to you sigh as your skin grew used to the scalding water. The sound of soap scraping against skin reached his ears, followed by more sloshing water. Soon, you would be getting out of the tub. Time to leave. 
He emerged from the bedroom, careful to close the door as quietly as possible. Everyone had gathered out in the hallway since they were too curious about their visitor to go about their night. Junmyeon found Jongdae blending in with the cluster. He glared at him as he hissed, "The water was too hot." 
Jongdae merely shrugged. Why would he care about water possibly being too hot? It would never hurt him. 
On the opposite end of the group, Yixing cleared his throat. "What are we going to do with her?"
Junmyeon glanced at the door behind him. There was only one best option, for all their sakes. "Tomorrow morning, we will send her on her way." 
The eruption was instant. 
In an instant, the hissing ceased. 
Baekhyun huffed and folded his arms against his chest, collapsing against the wall. Jongin scoffed. "Such a waste." 
“A waste that will keep this household from tearing itself apart,” Junmyeoun countered. It was an outcome none of them wanted. No one wanted to cause a fight, but resisting was difficult. The temptation was great. The quicker you left, the better off they would all be. 
"Do you really think it’ll end so well?" Minseok’s mocking comment hung in the air. Silent agreements rippled through the air. 
Junmyeon looked to Kyungsoo, whose answer was to look away. "No one touches her," he ordered. They all would try, he knew. But their strength would only get them so far. He stared down a few of them especially, so they knew he meant it.
Sehun pushed off the wall with a roll of his eyes. "Just get her out of here so I can get some peace." 
Junmyeon started to call after him but was interrupted by a soft thud from the room behind him. Confused, he opened the door to find you lying on the floor.
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cas-skz · 1 year
Back to you (Crumble pt 2.)
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Wooyoung x FEM!reader
| non-idol au | drama/romance | 18+!! |
Weeks apart from Wooyoung and San have effected you mentally and physically. Your travel companion has no luck breaking through to you and with all your energy drained, you pass out. What happens after the hospital will change everything.
[writers note]
THANK YOU SO SO FLIPPIN MUCH!!!! I seriously always feel so touched when I get good feed back & responses. It means a lot & I appreciate your support so so much!!!
I hope this pulls at your heart strings just as much as the first
Tag List: @a-teez-4-exo @ppeachyttae @pearltinyy @yujuvly @kiwimash12 @neteyamandloakisfoine @mayblues @miaatiny
Every part of you felt numb. Your body was heavy and heart shattered. The whole event of last night played through your head over and over again, hurting more each time.
You didn’t want it to be real. You didn’t want San and Wooyoung to be gone.
“Wake up. We’re here.” The males voice came from the front seat.
You sat up to look at your surroundings, a small cabin on a lake front with not much else in sight. To most it would be peaceful, but to you it was hell at the moment.
You took Ella from her car seat, holding her in your lap as you sighed quietly. “Guess we’re here.” You told her, exiting the car.
“Where are we?” You asked the male, who was grabbing the bags from the car.
“Somewhere safe.” He simply replied, motioning for you to follow him to the cabin.
You rolled your eyes at his answer, following inside. It was decent enough, a living room with tv, the kitchen was stocked with new pots and pans, and a pile of groceries were stacked on the floor.
You made your way down the hall, glancing in at the bathroom before finding your and Ella’s bags in a room at the end of the hall. You got her freshened up and grabbed a bottle before setting in a crib that had been set up.
You laid on your side on the bed across from the crib, watching as she played with the toys and stuffies Woo had grabbed for her. You couldn’t help but cry again, feeling hopeless and confused.
San and Wooyoung had always kept the business side of things hush hush, but over time you started to pick up on little things. Woo arranged boxing matches where people placed high bets to watch San fight an opponent.
99% of the time San was victorious, in exception for Leeknow. Every few weeks the boys would come home after a loss and chat over how to defeat him the next time. Woo always said the loss left a dent in their wallets.
The knock on the door woke you up. You groaned quietly, not even realizing you had fallen asleep.
“Sorry…she’s been fussing. I can take her if you want.” The male said.
It was only now you realized who had been accompanying you this whole time. “Mingi?”
“Yea..I didn’t think you remembered.” He chuckled, taking a few steps towards the crib.
“No.” You said quickly, “I got her.”
You rushed to your feet to swoop Ella into your arms, hushing her as you dug through one of the bags.
“Sorry.” Mingi said quietly, scratching the back of his head. “I have dinner going. It’ll be ready soon.” He smiled softly before turning and heading back to the kitchen.
You didn’t exactly remember Mingi, but he had been one of your elementary school friends and you thought he’d left town years ago.
Once you found a soother for Ella, you both made your way into the kitchen. You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep, but the cabin looked much cozier than when you arrived.
A small play area had been set up in the living room, which you placed Ella into after giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“Are you hungry?” Mingi asked from the kitchen.
“Uh, no. No thanks. Ella’s probably starving.”
“I made her mashed peas and potatoes. There’s a few pieces of pork chop cooling for her too.”
To your surprise, the food at prepared correctly for her age and was made into a smiley face on a cute dinosaur plate.
“Don’t worry, I know how to not kill a baby. I have a three year old and a handful of nieces and nephews.” Mingi smirked, passing you the plate and a baby spoon.
“Thanks.” You mumbled quietly.
You sat inside Ella’s play area and propped her inside the bumbo seat before feeding her dinner.
“I think she approves.” Mingi said from the kitchen table as he munched down on his own meal.
You ignored his comment, focusing on keeping Ella’s face clean as your thoughts wondered to Woo and San. You couldn’t help but worry and wonder where they were, if they were okay. Not to mention the hurt you felt from then suddenly leaving you.
The day creeped into night and you went along with your normal routine with Ella, bathing her and reading a couple of stories before settling her down in bed with a bottle.
Mingi had made himself comfortable in the smaller bedroom, setting up a little gaming station and some mood lighting. It seemed like he was always making someplace feel like home.
“You still haven’t eaten.”
His deep voice creeped out from his room, you peaked in to see him sitting on a bean bag chair, playing gta on a small tv screen.
“I just don’t feel hungry. I’m fine though.” You smiled softly before turning towards the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower. Do you mind listening out for her?”
“No problem at all.”
The hot water washed over your face as you sobbed as quiet as you could. There was a million questions running through your head. Why San would just send you off without explanation. Why they couldn’t go with you. There was no off button to the mess in your head.
As you opened the bathroom door, Mingi gave you a small wave, “She’s snoring. I’m heading to sleep soon.” He stretched out before standing up and heading to the door, leaning onto the side as he started to close it.
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks. Night.”
You tried to comfort yourself with Woo’s shirt, the familiar sent of him brought you mixed emotions, which you tried your best to push aside. At some point you drifted to sleep on your tear stained pillow, thought it was nothing compared to falling asleep in Woo’s arms as he fucked you slowly.
The next few days felt numb. You went through day by day, moment by moment just focusing on Ella. You were a mess. You had barely eaten, barely spoken to Mingi. The only update you had gotten was that Leeknow had thrown a fight and his people were angry with the loss.
You were too exhausted to focus on what was being told to you as Mingi filled you in the latest events.
“I guess it’s almost resolved. There was some sort of confrontation but they ended up actually chatting.”
Your eyes tried to focus on Mingi cleaned dishes, but the room started to spin.
“If all goes well, you should be going home pretty so-”
Your body fell to the ground with a hard thud as you blacked out. The lack of food and hours of crying finally had you hitting a brick wall.
Mingi cursed as a glass dropped from his hand, he ran to your side and patted your face a few times. “Fuck. Come on, wake up.”
He grabbed your glass of water off the table and splashed it on your face, “Y/N.” He tapped your face a little harder as you woke a bit, still very fuzzy and spaced.
You remember being in the car as Mingi drove towards the nearest hospital. Ella was strapped in her seat and you laid fading in and out on the seat next to her.
The beeping of a heart monitor rang in your ears as you came out of unconsciousness, you mumbled to yourself as the nurse greeted you and let you know what was going on.
“We gave you some fluids but you’re going to need to eat before you leave, other than that, you and the baby are overall fine.”
“What?” Your tone was unexpectedly harsher than you expected.
“Well we had to run a blood test just to make sure it was lack of nutrients…I-I’m sorry, if you didn’t know.”
You stared blankly for a moment, “No-“ you paused to look at her, offering a small smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” You laughed quietly as a tear fell down your cheek. “Thank you.”
After following the doctors orders and apologizing to Mingi and Ella for not taking care of your self, you were happily on your way home.
Though your heart ached for Wooyoung more than ever, you couldn’t help but smile down at your stomach.
“I think you should name them Grey.”
“Yeah. It’s my favorite color - well actually charcole, but that’s a weird name for a kid.”
You shook your head and laughed as the drive continued, filled with small chat and plans to make the best of things.
“By the way” Mingi started as he pulled into the long driveway down to the cabin, he paused and quickly checked his phone before pointing to a car parked near the house. “You have a visitor.”
Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of your brother as the car came to a stop, you rushed out and over to hug him tightly.
“I swear to god if you ever do that again”
“It won’t happen again. Ever.”
“Promise. We’re going straight.”
San explained how Wooyoung had made a deal with Leeknow’s people to get them out of the game and in exchange they would own and operate a car repair shop.
As San continued to speak, your eyes drifted to the cabin door opening and you took off running towards Wooyoung as he walked out.
Tears were streaming down your face as you leaped into his arms, kissing his lips as deep as you could.
“You came back.” You whispered against his lips, pressing your head against his.
“I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
“Good. Ella and her little brother or sister are gonna need their daddy.”
Woo looked down at you with a look of shock and wonder, which you nodded a few times to confirm what he was thinking.
He wrapped his arms around you again, spinning you around as he kissed your cheek repeatedly.
“Get a room!” San yelled with a laugh.
Woo gave him the finger as he carried you back into the cabin and closed the door behind him.
You laughed in his arms and held onto him until he put you back on the ground, “Go get your daughter.” You laughed, giving him another kiss.
“Our daughter.” He whispered.
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papermatisse · 5 months
Lost and Found || B.BH
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♔ pairing: dionysus!byun baekhyun x f!ariadne!reader
♔ genre: angst, one-shot, fluff
♔ word count: 3.5k
♔ warnings: abandonment, murder
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♔ abstract: Love comes with all kinds of sacrifices, and after everything she'd sacrificed for her own hopeful romance, all she really wanted was a lover to live with for the rest of her mortal existence. Though the universe—and for that matter the gods who inhabit it—has a cruel sense of humor.
♔ author's note: I've been thinking of writing a Greek mythology story for all of the exos (ot8 [minus Chen, the nation's husband and father]). I have a few plans already, though this one felt the easiest and quickest to execute cause I really wanted to test out and fix my link/tag issue on here 😔
for context, here's a rough synopsis of the Theseus story: the king of Crete angered Poseidon who cursed the queen into woohooing with the king's bull, thus creating a minotaur named Asterion. mortified by this creation, they banished him into a maze and alienated him as if he were nothing, thus creating the bloodthirsty monster he was. the king's son went to Athens bc they themselves had a minotaur problem, but their minotaur wound up killing him. the king of Crete blamed the king of Athens and after some altercations, it resulted in an annual tradition of sending a select few Athenians to serve as tribute and be eaten by Asterion. one of these tributes was Theseus, son of the king of Athens, and he actually defeated the Athenian minotaur. to help him in defeating Asterion, the Crete king's daughter, Ariadne, gave Theseus yarn so he'd be able to navigate the maze, which helped him in killing Asterion. afterwards, they sailed to Naxos, where he abandoned her. interpretations vary of course, but most involve Dionysus marrying Ariadne afterwards bc he fell in love w her.
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Nestled within the Aegean Sea, lost amongst the plethora of islands which dotted the cerulean expanse of the ocean, lays the idyllic yet ever forlorn island of Naxos. Viridescent fields of crops and greenery encompass the entirety of the island, sloped along the verdant hills which make up its landscape. The only obstruction to its rolling plains was that of its mountain at the very heart of the island, as well as the sandy beaches which encircled it all in a protective ring of golden grains.
Upon first arrival, it had seemed nothing short of picturesque—perhaps even going so far as being the most beautiful sight she'd ever observed in her rather dull and sheltered life thus far. The warmth of the sand which greeted her once she'd hopped off the boat felt like the welcoming embrace of a new start, the fine grains sinking beneath her every step as if accommodating to her new presence. The seas lapped against the shores as if reaching out to her, waving—both metaphorically and literally—like it were greeting an old friend. And the winds which carried with it the strong aroma of sea salt and petrichor encompassed her being in a cool and refreshing embrace, nearly cementing the thought that circulated in her head of what a perfectly quaint and romantic escape Naxos was for her and her lover to settle in and establish their new lives together.
At least that's how it had all felt no more than a day ago. It was astounding how much could change upon settling down to rest after the strenuous voyage to Naxos. A mere daytime nap, meant to simply reinvigorate her, had suddenly turned her whole world upside down, because upon opening her eyes, her lover, with whom she'd risked her entire life in order to save, had all but vanished: him, his boat, and by extension, her heart along with him. She couldn't even see a single speck of him remaining on the horizon, and the thought that he had left her the moment she'd fallen asleep felt ever more disparaging.
Now, she sat along the shore. The sands, cooled with the setting sun, cradled her dejected form. The cacophony of waves crashing against the island served to drown out her cries. And the winds, which had grown significantly weaker as the day waned, brushed against her face as if to gently wipe away her tears. Naxos, with its surreal beauty and tender acceptance, had become no more a prison prompted by her own circumstances just as her accomodations had been on Crete. Exchanging one pitiful excuse of a home for another, though now she was utterly alone.
And all she could do was cry to herself. Cry over her foolishness to have risked everything for a boy she'd fallen for so rashly. Cry over her imminent future and the dread of the unknown which lay in waiting for her. Cry over the abandonment and outright rejection from someone she once believed to be her soulmate.
What a miserable life she led.
What a tragic course of events she followed.
What an absolutely pathetic human being she was.
And how utterly vexing it was that she could not even wallow in her own self-pity by her lonesome for very long.
Her body seemed to register the foreign voice before her mind had, as she slowly turned her tear stricken face towards the newcomer. Though once her eyes met those of the familiar deity, now standing a mere few feet away from her, she quickly turned back to her original position, staring out at the sea. By now, the harsh line of the horizon had become ingrained into her corneas, remaining in her vision even when her eyes were closed, yet she continued to stare forward, hoping to find a stray boat somewhere in the distance. Hoping to see her beloved rushing back to her as if his initial departure was nothing more than an accident. Hoping to fall back into his arms and forget the worries incessantly plaguing her mind.
Though once more, these desires went unanswered, and instead, she was met by this ever so gentle touch skimming carefully over her back.
“(y/n), look at me.”
The demand hadn't held much of an authoritative tone, more so that of an insistent plea, one where she could faintly discern the shreds of desperation laced in between. Yet she remained as is, eyes trained on the ocean, waiting. She thought by ignoring him, he'd leave her alone. Allow her to grieve in peace without his mischief and revelric tendencies. Let her sulk in her misfortune without being reminded of her affiliation with him. Yet he could not even spare her this one luxury.
Instead, in her periphery, she found him crouching onto the sand beside her, seating himself in a way so he could remain attached to her side. The heavy weight of his gaze lingered upon her, even as she attempted to ignore his presence as a whole. Though he seemed none the wiser to her efforts, or perhaps he merely couldn't care less what she thought of him—not that she's out right proclaimed her opinion of said god, but from mere context clues given their history together, she was sure he had a general understanding of where she stands with him.
It had been a few years since she first met Baekhyun. A rather untimely meeting with the god of wine and revelry, one marked by unrequited affections which has since plagued her every waking moment. She had never processed how burdensome it could become to be the apple of one's eye, especially if that particular person was a deity of Baekhyun's caliber, and one she felt nothing towards. And even now as she tends to a broken heart, abandoned on a remote island in the middle of nowhere with no means of escape, she still couldn't conceal the discomfort she felt in Baekhyun's presence, knowing fully well of his affections and how he had been waiting for her answer to his proposal.
Though unlike all the other times he’s randomly materialized before her, usually wreaking of that sickly sweet aroma of wine and teasing her relentlessly until she was pleading for him to leave her be, he sat there calmly and quietly, waiting for her to acknowledge him. It was a peculiar shift in his modus operandi, one that did not go by unnoticed by (y/n), yet even with the silence he granted her, she couldn't bear to speak to him as she usually would.
Humiliation silently lingered in the air even before she could say anything. She didn't know what she'd tell Baekhyun had he pestered her in his usual manner. The last thing on her mind was telling the man who proposed to her—with whom she'd essentially left unanswered—that the man she intended on running away with forever had all but left her stranded on an island to die in solitude. Though somehow, there was a small inkling in her that felt like Baekhyun already knew. And perhaps a smaller, more hopeful part of her believed he was here not to torment her, but rather to check up on her, ensure she was fairing well.
Hesitantly, her eyes strayed from where they'd been zeroed in along the horizon, sparing Baekhyun a small and brief glance.
It was odd. His eyes seemed duller now, a more muted umber tone devoid of that trademark glint he usually dons when running amok. He usually always bore this confident, bordering on cocky, grin that seemed all too pleased with himself and his shenanigans, yet now his lips were naturally downturned, perhaps the first time she's ever seen his mouth in its natural resting position. Even his scent was more subdued, and she was able to pick up the rich undertones of grapes usually concealed by his alcoholic carousing. His gaze was dropped, steadily trained on her hands laying in her lap, and the undivided attention only prompted more discomfort on her part as she fiddled with the fabric of her dress.
She had half a mind to ask him if he was okay, momentarily forgetting her own plight once she saw the shift in demeanor of Baekhyun. Though the silence that encompassed them prompted her own wariness in approaching the subject.
And so they remained as is, the sun now meeting the horizon, igniting the sky into a mural of warm, fiery hues. As the sun continued to set, it dyed the blue depth of the waters into a color akin to wine with its deep and rich crimson shade.
Without realizing it, her mind had begun wandering back to Baekhyun, curious as to why he remained by her side even as she ignored him. And though she didn't know for how long she'd strayed with these thoughts, she did know it was his presence alone that managed to briefly distract her from her current situation.
“Why are you here?” (y/n) asked, voice gravelly from misuse. For a moment, she was met with silence, the ocean serving as white noise to fill the void. But as she dared another glance his way, she saw his somber countenance. It was a foreign expression to be gracing his face, and she found herself intrigued by the furrow of his brow as he remained lost in thought.
“I went to visit you on Crete…” He finally responded, the timbre of his voice lowering with raw solemnity. “I know how you get with the annual tributes, so I wanted to be there for you.”
She shied away at this, never fully processing how Baekhyun's sporadic appearances coincided with certain times. And it was true. Every year as the Athenian tributes arrived on Crete, she distanced herself until after these events were done and over with. Though as she now recollected memories from recent years, she began putting together Baekhyun's arrivals were never truly as spontaneous as she first made them out to be.
He was always there whenever she was at her lowest. She thought it was intentional as a way of tormenting her when she's at rock bottom, but as he continued speaking, a pit of remorse began accumulating within her heart.
“Instead, I was met with… chaos. Carnage. Disorder.” He paused, turning his head in a direction she could only assume was where Crete faced. “Asterion was dead. A tribute had escaped. And the princess had all but disappeared.”
At his final statement, (y/n) stared down in shame. She knew there would be repercussions for her actions, but she thought she'd have been long gone at this point. Too far away to even spare a moment of regret for having abandoned her family and her kingdom. Yet it all came back to bite her. Her brother, cursed and estranged as he was, had been killed. Theseus, her lover who she assisted the entire way through, had been the one to kill him. And she, princess of Crete, had run off in the midst of this mayhem.
“I'm sorry…” (y/n) whispered, voice strained as she fought back tears. “I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bear to see more death. Every single year without fail they'd send these Athenians off to die by my brother's hands. And we'd just have to sit there and watch. Watch as they all lost themselves to the labyrinth. And Asterion would…”
As if having finally broken the floodgates, tears began streaming down her face without fail. The tragic life of her brother, born a monster and treated as such. And even if she had never interacted with him, even as she witnessed his bloodshed year after year, the knowledge of his death being instigated by her own involvement was debilitating enough to ground her back into reality.
The gravity of her predicament began to settle in. Sitting on an island, hopelessly waiting for a guy she had only just met and was ready to run away with forever. The realization that he used her for his own benefit, exploited her blind affections towards him only to then leave her for dead. He had probably already returned to Athens, assumed the role of hero who killed the minotaur of Crete—as well as that of their princess. And she sat there, longing for him for hours at a time, seated beside Dionysus himself. The absurdity of it all was almost laughable, and she'd probably be doing just that if it weren't for the overwhelming humiliation she felt coiled and festering within her.
“I helped him…” She confessed aloud. “I gave him the thread so he wouldn't get lost in the maze. I was the one who helped him defeat Asterion. I was the one who helped him escape. It was all my doing. And he left me here as repayment.”
Before she could continue, Baekhyun had suddenly shifted from his position, arms wrapping around her tightly and dragging her into his embrace. Any other time, she'd probably have swatted at him whilst yelling profanities, all while he laughed in delight at her hostility.
Yet now his touch didn't feel repulsive.
She could feel his warmth fully encompassing her, shielding her from the outside world. His hands clung to her body as if afraid she'd slip away from him at any moment. And now closer to him than ever before, she could smell his true aroma past the wine. An almost woodsy scent, just as warm as he was. Fruits and earth and nature as a whole. Faintly, she could smell the ocean intermingling with his scent.
It was so peculiar the way that distinct saltiness had first felt like a refreshing start to a new life, though shifted into an overwhelming and paralyzing apprehension that infested every aspect of her being. Though now, in Baekhyun's protective arms, it felt comforting. As if he himself dispelled it and this island of any and all of its negativity that consumed her.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the tension from her body had melted away. The sound of his heartbeat coinciding with that of the calm waves was like a melodious harmony that transcended her into a state of utter tranquility. His breathing lulled her away from the worries that tormented her heart, and she finally felt at peace.
“Did you love him?” Baekhyun asked. His tone was more inquisitive than anything else. There were no hidden intentions with his question, and although hesitant to admit it aloud to him, for fear of hurting him, (y/n) felt at ease with telling Baekhyun the truth he sought.
“Yes,” she responded quietly. “But I regret it. I regret it all.”
“Don't.” His grip tightened around her, pressing his forehead against the top of her head. “You shouldn't regret the love you give people. Don't let this foolish boy disparage you from expressing yourself to your fullest potential.”
(y/n) remained quiet, surprised by the turn of the events, though still listening intently to Baekhyun's words.
“I've always held such deep admiration towards you. From the moment I met you till now. I could see the way you loved so genuinely and fully. And I thought it was beautiful. I thought you were beautiful. You shouldn't grieve over an unrequited love. Loss serves as a reminder of the love we once felt, and the remorse we feel further exemplifies that. Your love is something so wonderful. Something I adore greatly.”
As he spoke, his warmth seemed to intensify. Filled with familiarity and security, coaxing her further into his embrace until she buried herself into the crook of his neck. He held her as if she were everything he had ever asked for. His touch was like ambrosia and nectar, the sweetest of prose to ever be professed, a safety like no other.
“I find myself wanting to be inconvenienced by you. I want to have you distracting me by lingering in my thoughts. I want to take time out of my day just to see you. I want to love you, even if you don't love me.”
At this, a sob slipped past her lips, and she clung onto him harder. Away from it all, everything inside her felt tumultuous and heightened. All of the emotions she'd been bottling up for years seemed to overflow in Baekhyun's presence alone. Her heart ached with grief, remorse, hatred, anger, defeat. Yet it also sang like never before, healing itself from years of anguish and torment.
And after the cathartic intervention came to a conclusion, faces marred by dried tears and eyes reddened with strain, a peaceful serenity had settled over the two. By now, the sun had long set. The cool of the night had begun penetrating the warmth of their embrace. The sand beneath them no longer retained the heat of the afternoon sun. The oceans were calm and still. The winds now settled into a gentle breeze. The world was asleep, silent in every regard. The day had ended and (y/n) had made it out alive, no doubt due to Baekhyun's influence.
Panic begin settling in her as he shifted, rising to his feet and pulling her up with him. Though when she met his gaze, loving and sweet and attentive, she began to settle once more. His hands held her own, thumbs softly brushing over her knuckles, all the while maintaining his sight on her face.
“What would you like to do?” He asked. “I can build you a palace here on Naxos, away from the cruelties of the world and the people who inhabit it.” His smile grew wider, bearing that familiar wickedness whenever he was up to no good. “I could overthrow the monarchy of Crete and reinstate you as its sole sovereign, allow you to redeem yourself and your honor, perhaps even reestablish Crete as a just and fair kingdom.” Both options were tempting, neither having any inherent consequences as long as Baekhyun held sway in their components. And she could tell Baekhyun had more to say, but she quickly intercepted before he could propose another offer.
“I want to be with you.” Baekhyun blinked at this, chuckling as if she were telling a joke.
“I will be there. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
“No.” Her hands slipped from his, reaching forth to cup his cheeks and bring him closer. “I choose you, Baekhyun.”
She pressed her lips against his own, soft and delicate. He seemed stunned for a moment, his body moving subconsciously for the first second or two, but once he had fully processed where he was and what was happening, Baekhyun began reciprocating. He kissed back just as earnestly, his hands reaching up to hold onto her wrists as he poured every ounce of his adoration into her. And (y/n) couldn't help but think how perfect it was.
She'd always thought love at first sight was perhaps the most romantic of gestures one could have. The act of finding your soulmate from a single encounter seemed so otherworldly and unmatched. Yet here in this moment with Baekhyun's body pressed against her own as he drew impossibly closer to her, his hands softly wandering in an attempt to map her form into his memory, she found this very moment to be the epitome of what love should be. A gradual fall into love. In a way, she can reminisce on growth and development, reflect on what was not there and how it came to be.
One of his hands had wandered to her hair, gently carding his fingers through the strands, and the other drew patterns on her waist, amorphous shapes that each portrayed his unspoken love for her. She thought back on every encounter she had with him. Every laugh he coaxed out of her even as she tried to hide away from the world. The bittersweet smiles he gave her every time she rejected or delayed his proposal. His neverending determination and devotion, even when facing adversities like herself. And with each revelation, each tender kiss from Baekhyun, her heart seemed to swell with love for him and him alone.
Once more, he was the one to pull away first, perhaps more in control of his long-standing affections than her, yet he didn't draw too far from her. Just far enough for him to look over her countenance with a lovestruck expression of his own. His eyes glistened with this saccharine-like joy, crinkling at the corners with his sweet smile dedicated to her. And she found herself smiling back, an uncontrollable jubilance bubbling in her as she reveled in his affections.
“Come then,” he spoke softly, hands returning back to hers. He brought one up to his lips, pressing one final kiss to her fingers. “Let's go home.”
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onlinekitsune · 1 year
"struggling, but even if you sink, it's fine"
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PAIRING, GENRE, WARNINGS ─ saeyoung choi x gnc!reader, so much angst, so much emotional pain and torment?, no warnings really but there's a part he snaps at you if that's something, not proofread
SYNOPSIS ─ after seven leaves the chat, you're reminded that this isn't some sort of dramatic drama. everything you've been told the past few days instantly started falling apart in a matter of a day. the person, you had fallen for, had fell apart in a matter of a day. all you wanted was to see him shine again.
WRITER’S NOTE ─ hi beloveds... i am once again posting after disappearing again. whoops! but to be honest, my interests have succumed to kpop and less of otome games... but exo's new single inspired me to write this soooo... this is inspired by day 6?? of seven's route, i'm not sure?? some of the dialogue was directly taken by it as well btw i will write a comfort side to this, but i'm nervous of not having enough room so... it'll be up eventually. as always thank you for reading, ily!!
all dividers by cafekitsune
The apartment was silent, for the most part. Except the various clicks of the keyboard from Seven. You looked down at your phone. It was still displaying the previous conversation, it was hard to process that you were even part of it. All the things you’ve been told over the past few days felt so very complicated now. The party. V. This hacker. It was all feeling so muddled with each passing second. Your eyes floated towards the window. The evidence of it being smashed in was long gone. It was like it never even happened. But the hacker’s voice and the feeling of his arms around your body still lingered. You were just lucky that Seven arrived at such a convenient moment. A sigh escaped his lips, hovering over the air. You couldn’t begin to imagine how he felt. You didn’t know how you’d even feel knowing that the hacker you were chasing turned out to be your own brother. Your heart ached seeing him so distressed, it was the very opposite of the Seven you knew in the chatroom. 
“God Seven, God Seven! I sense that you are depressed, meow! I automatically turn on when I sense that you are depressed, meow!” A robotic voice called out. “The source of God Seven’s depression is bad service, meow! I analyzed, meow!” A robotic white cat carefully stepped its way towards him. It stopped right in front and even turned its head slightly as if it was waiting for something. Seven’s eyes peered from above his laptop. 
“Please.” he began to mutter. “Just be quiet.” He turned his attention back to his screen and instantly picked up his typing. His fingers hit the keyboard a little rougher, trying to fall back in his almost tranced state.
“Cheer up, meow! Meowy doesn’t lose service, meow!”
“I said to shut it.” he snapped, furrowing at the small cat robot. “How did I turn you off before?” Seven carelessly picked it up, quickly scanning over it.
“Meowy needs to hear Seven meow!” The robot replied in a pur. You nervously bit the bottom of your lip. You noticed the look of desperation and frustration only doubled with each passing second. 
“Oh, that robot… you made it.” You let out, in hopes of de-escalating the situation. Seven took a quick glance up at you. He made sure his gaze didn’t linger for too long but enough to acknowledge you. Another sigh fell from him. He sat the robot down in front of him.
“Doesn’t matter.” He replied. His voice was sharp and restrained from much emotion. Your heart sank into your chest, hearing how cold he could come across. “Meowy, go away. I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I can’t leave until I sense your depression is gone, meow!” It cheered back innocently. Seven’s scowl instantly appeared on his face. He stared bullets into the robot. It was only a matter of minutes until Seven would completely lose his temper and take it out on it. You couldn’t let him destroy one of his creations, especially one that seemed so intricate. 
“Hey… Meowy. Let’s just stay quiet for now, okay?” You whispered, giving a weak smile. It luckily obeyed your request without hesitation. The robot waddled back into the place it originally was at.  A small sigh of relief fell through. You were glad you could get at least one thing in control for him. Seven muttered in response, going back to his laptop. You let the sound of the keyboard fill the air for a bit. You managed the courage to scoot closer towards Seven, who paid no attention. You slightly leaned over the edge of the bed. “Hey, Seven? Things didn’t go so great… with V. Are you okay?”
He looked up from what he was doing, scratching the edge of his temple. “Don’t worry about me.” He paused, seemingly going over his words in his head. “Just… don’t trust V, okay? I know I told you that you could but… you can’t.” Another silence filled the room, with a quick sound of keys pressing. Seven leaned back from his laptop and crossed his arms. "I don’t even think you should be involved with the RFA anymore. I’m sure V only logged in because Jumin told him I was here… He’s obviously worried about me being here. The alarms would only set off if someone like you were to open the drawers. But I’m not… There’s obviously something here he’s hiding.”
You winced just a bit, noticing how hurt Seven was by all of this. It was hard to see someone who was seeming so bright and full of energy be so dull and damper. 
“Are you going to open them?” You posed, fidgeting with your sleeve. All these secrets swirled around in your head. They may have gotten the better of you. But, you couldn’t help but to be curious. You just wanted things to be figured out, to be normal again. The normal you quickly became accustomed to. You missed the silly night conversations with all the members, especially Seven. You would do whatever to see him happy again. 
“Maybe I will. I don’t know.” He responded. Seven closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “It’s hard to keep myself contained, after my trust has completely shattered.” You went to move even closer to him, but he added more distance between you two. You paused in your place, furrowing your brows slightly. 
“Seven..” you sighed. “Is there really nothing I can do to help you?”
He shook his head, taking another deep sigh. “No, I shouldn’t worry you. I’ll figure out a way to take care of it.”
“Look, just forget about the RFA. Forget about the party. You’re only staying in danger by getting involved with all of this. Once I get this resolved… Please leave.” He urged, pulling his laptop closer towards him. The furrow on your face grew in intensity. Even imagining dropping everything you’ve done the past few days was enough to send your aches throughout your body. You had grown so close to everyone. For once, you even felt like you belonged somewhere.
“Why are you trying to decide this for me?” You called out. You understood he was worried for you. But, there was something that kept you wanting to stay. You wanted to see this to its end. You held onto your sweater sleeves tightly, trying to contain your composure. 
“I know more than you do. Especially when it comes to this. This isn’t for someone like you to be involved in. You’ll only end up hurt.” He replied. “Let’s stop talking about this. If you need to know anything I’ll just reply to you in the messenger. Don’t bother me.”
“Seven. You’re being so one-sided, what about-”
“Didn’t I just tell you not to bother me? I don’t care.” He snapped, darting at you. Your breath got stuck in your chest. You didn’t picture Seven ever snapping at you, or anyone really. “You’ve been living with a bomb this entire time, and all you’re worried about is nonchalant stuff… really? At a time like this? Don't you care you’re in danger because of this? What kind of person replies to a sketchy unknown number anyways… don’t you know anything?”
His words pierced through you, and all you could do was to stare straight down. He didn’t know. As much as he thought he knew you, he didn’t. Or perhaps he forgot. You weren’t sure what he was able to find on you. “A person who has nothing to lose… clearly.” you managed to reply. Your lips quivered with every syllable. You felt your throat burn as you held in your emotions. “Did all those times in the messenger… really mean nothing?” The barrier you’ve put up started to waver and crack.
“No. They didn’t. How can you worry about that now? I don’t understand you.”
You didn’t believe him. You couldn’t believe him. Though those messages were just silly messages in a chatroom, they meant something. And not just to you. Your grip tightened, feeling the tears finally stray from your eyes. You were annoyed that you couldn’t hold them back. “I know you’re worried about me Seven. So, please stop avoiding me…”
You went out to reach for him instinctively. He dodged your hand and swept up his laptop. Even if it wasn’t a good idea, you couldn’t help but to feel hurt. You stood a bit across from him, just staring. 
“Stop... after this is done, you’re not going to see me again. Don’t waste your emotions on someone like me.” he muttered. You couldn’t help but to look up at him. Your eyes easily glazed over seeing that he was completely avoiding you now. The moment felt like as if you two had been frozen in place. He took a second to pause, laptop in hand. Before taking a final glance at you before stepping past. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m going to work in the hallway, don’t bother coming after me. Sort your emotions.” He added and without a single word, the door closed. You turned to face it. Its barren face taunted you, knowing that he wouldn't be coming back in. You flung yourself back onto the bed, faltering back to the tears. Your body felt heavy as you let your emotions run through. Slowly but surely allowing them to guide you to sleep.
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imaginidol · 1 year
Sehun: Breakup Texts
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Sehun sat in between Suho and Baekhyun—on Minseok’s couch—playing a few rounds of Mario Kart with the rest of his members.
“You suck, Baek,” Suho muttered from his breath, watching in annoyance as he crossed 8th place in the final run as Baekhyun finished with 1st.
“Ha! Told you that you guys can’t beat me. Try me, try me!” Baekhyun excitedly turns to Sehun. “Sehun, race me next.”
Suho passed the controller to Sehun, but Sehun stood up and gave it to Chanyeol instead.
“What? Are you leaving?” Baekhyun asked his younger friend.
“No, but I really have to use the bathroom. I’ll race you when I get back,” he responded, giving Baekhyun a reassuring nod.
Baekhyun nodded and excitedly started punching Chanyeol’s thighs as the next round of Mario Kart begun.
Sehun excused himself and started walking out into Minseok’s hallway. When he approached the bathroom door, however, someone was ready inside.
“Hey,” Sehun lightly pounded the door, “hurry up in there!”
Suddenly, a faint buzz tickled the side of his thigh. He reached his hand into his pocket, searching for his phone.
[New Message: My Love 💞]
Sehun exhales deeply as he opens your text, realizing it was pretty late and you were probably asking where he was.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was a dull, rather empty message with the single few words that made a chill run down his spine:
[My Love💞: Sehun, I think we should breakup]
What!? Sehun feels his heart skip several beats as he feels his emotions drop immediately, both in fear and of confusion.
[Sehun: Call me.]
Sehun worriedly looked around the hallway and quietly made his way into Minseok’s empty, dark bedroom. The EXO boys were still howling in the living room, and no one seemed to notice him slip away.
[My Love💞: I can’t. I don’t want to say it again. I prefer saying it over text.]
Sehun rubbed a sweaty hand over his neck, not knowing what to say or how to properly react.
[Sehun: Why are you doing this?? Is this a prank? You know I don’t like pranks like these…]
A few seconds passed before another notification from you ensued.
[My Love💞: Please don’t ask questions. It’s a personal decision.]
[Sehun: You can’t just leave me without an explanation... is it something I did? At least give me some sort of closure?]
[My Love💞: Sehun don’t ask me anything, please]
[Sehun: but we were so happy together. We were so healthy together.]
[Sehun: Or am I wrong, were you not happy…?]
[Sehun: please answer me, say anything… is it something I can fix!?]
[Sehun: you can’t just leave me like this!?!?]
[Sehun: please??….]
Sebum’s heart was racing, and he kept refreshing your messages awaiting any response. His anxiety slowly started kicking in as the minutes passed with no response from you.
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: I’ve taken most of my things from the apartment. I’m leaving tonight.]
Sehun felt overwhelmed, covering his mouth with his right hand and looking around Minseok’s room for a tissue box. Thankfully, the boy kept one in the top cabinet of his nightstand.
Sehun reached for the box and lifted a tissue paper up to his face. Almost immediately, the silent tears started rolling from his reddening eyes.
[Sehun: please tell me at least why?]
[Sehun: you’re the only one I love. This is unexpected for me too, please understand it]
[Sehun: it’s bad enough you’re breaking up with me over text, but if it’s a problem we can fix I’ll work hard for us to get better]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: there, I said it. I never meant to purposely go out of my way to cheat on you, but it just sort of happened…]
[My Love💞: but you can’t even get mad at me because I see you so little since you’re always so busy and you’re always under so much scrutiny. I can’t take it Sehun, I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore. I can’t be your secret partner forever anymore!]
[My Love💞: the hiding in public, the way I have to ignore you so as to not raise suspicion, the way I have to wait around for your schedules to clear up except you’re ALWAYS busy. what am I to you? How have we even made it this long? I feel like I barely even know you!]
[My Love💞: Gosh, sorry, I didn’t even mean to lash out. I wanted to end things quickly. I wanted to be yours, with no risk of damaging an image or reputation attached. I wanted us to work, but it’s impossible because I don’t want to mess your career up. You don’t deserve it.]
[My Love💞: let’s just end it here and please block my number and I’ll block yours]
[My Love💞: don’t text me anymore]
Sehun read the last texts from you over and over again, his throat tightening more and more. The tears rolled harder, the muffled sobs grew more desperate for you.
It happened again. Again.
Another relationship I couldn’t save.
[Sehun: I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: don’t make this harder than it already is. I won’t respond anymore.]
Sehun closed the chat and turned off his phone, wanting to desperately fling it across the room, but also feeling a need to hold onto it in case you would text him again.
But you didn’t.
Sehun sat hunched over at the edge of Minseok’s bed, elbows against his knees and hands covering his face.
The first soft whimpers of pain escaped his lips. He wept angrily at himself, not you. What could he have possibly done differently? Wasn’t the relationship going well?
‘I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore!”
Your heavy words repeatedly lingered on in his head. He quietly detested himself for not noticing the signs of your distance sooner.
But perhaps you were right. How could have he noticed you were escaping from his arms, anyway?
The last time you’d spoken was… almost eight days ago!
How do I fix myself? How do I fix my career? How can I live a normal life without having to hide the most important parts of myself from my own supporters!?
Sehun is too deep in his own sorrowful thoughts to notice when Minseok walks in.
“Sehun? Oh, I figured you’re in here— I’m sorry, have I interrupted something? Are you okay?”
Minseok quickly walks up to his younger friend and sits gently next to him at the edge of the bed, patting his back gently and waiting for the younger boy to speak up.
Sehun says nothing, but looks down at his phone and opens your chat again. He motions the last few messages to his older friend.
“Sehun,” Minseok reaches over to hug his younger friend, letting him calm down in his arms. “I’m here, I’m ready to listen if you need me to.”
Sehun wipes the last of his tears and shuts his phone off.
Eleven months gone to waste. I’m surprised we even lasted this long.
“Minseok,” Sehun quietly whispers, “can I ask you something?”
Minseok nods.
“Being a kpop artist was never easy. But… when does it get easier? You lose people you love because of the backlash you get from… from anything, really. But I don’t want to hide the most important parts of me anymore. What can we do?”
Minseok sighed, smiling up at his friend.
“This is more of a conversation you could one day have with Jongdae,” he smiled. “because I’m sure it was never easy for him to tell the world about his new family.”
“But,” Sehun frowned, “he got so much backlash for it. Why? Why can’t we just—“
“Sehun,” Minseok whispers, “regardless of what you do or don’t do with your life, those who truly love you will stand by whatever it is that you decide to take on next. Just as long as your choices are healthy. I’d rather get backlash for breaking out of this rigged kpop-image box and be at my happiest with one pure supporter, than to be withheld in this unhealthy parasocial image and wishing things were different.”
Sehun nods. “It… it sounds like Jongdae’s case has already started to break us from the box then, huh?”
Minseok smiled, nodding gently. “Soon, you will be able to say and share these important things in your life and not risk losing them or your career, because… well, because things will get better. Things will always get better. You’ll break the box one day, Sehun. You just have to take it one day at a time.”
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
I noticed you said there are many things you know but can't say be sure you're not sure of it as it is not confirmed. More like a rumor. So kind telling us some rumors you know about Kadi or Exo? It's okay we won't condemn you if they don't end up coming true we promise to take them with a grain of salt. Because I believe you many more are scared to be held accountable for their words and never share rumors and gossip, but they forget the Gossip and Tea is always delicious 😋 even when it's most of the time not even true.
Ok I'm going to blurt out some rumors I just happen to know, again! Take them with a grain of salt. They're just rumors might be baseless might be true.
But to make it more spicy, some here are confirmed Facts. 🤫
1. Exo are not renewing with SM (all of them) Don't confuse it with the group contract, this one still valid (they renewed it) to protect and keep their name " Exo".
2. Baekhyun's having a concert in Hongkong in 2024, his comeback would be lit.
3. Luhan is still in contact with all of Exo especially Xiumin and talks to them quite often, but with Xiumin it's everyday.
4. Tao still in contact with Sehun and Chanyeol.
5. Minseok/Xiumin knows he is not popular in Exo and the members tell him to do more efforts but he's quite depressed from Fans not giving him enough attention and he believes '"he's old and boring unfunny and not handsome enough" and he feels inferior to members in his own group because he is not as handsome or tall or with a bright character or sharp sexy features to attract fans, he thinks he's short and cute and unlike the other members he's not attracting new fans anymore. Which is why you would see he's not active and doesn't do any activities because he knows he won't be supported and you can see his album no one gave a fuck.
6. No one's ready to hear this but Baekyeon was real, but mostly one sided, Yes Tae queen loved Baekhyun truly with all her heart, but she knew the age difference would be a problem among his fans and her fans and in the industry she quit mostly because they called her grandma who runs behind younger kids. Taeyeon is still so angry when they ask her about Baekhyun, and she blamed him for not taking responsibility of taming his fans who bashed them so hard that time 2014 ( Ps: he was a just rookie who debuted 2 years only he was still shy with fans and has no power and still building his career).
7. Many idols in Kpop hooked up with their members at least once, if they're not a couple they were once! or they at least once fucked up and hooked. Living with the same sex for so many years not seeing the opposite sex at all, many idol rookies and trainees admitted to have fallen in love with some of their bandmates because they were too nice or good at cooking 😅.
8. Chanbaek are a thing.
9. Luhan and Xiaotong are just media play couple that's been going on for so many years, they never even lived together and there's a vocal where Luhan says he's never even kissed her and he wants this to end as he's tired of this media play and that this stopped him from having the love of his life and always stopped potential partners from reaching him, but the media play was good benefiting both of them so they can't quit.
10. Kaisoo never dated any other person, but themselves. The media play with Jennie was Jennie's choice she liked Ji so much she is so much into The "IT Boys" the "TRENDY BOYS OF THE ERA" once you're no longer famous bye bye bitch 👋🏻.
11. Jisoo and Ah Bohyun weren't even dating. They've never even kissed Jisoo said. It's not the schedule! They didn't click.
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ninesbey0nd · 9 months
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A Demon's Will - Yandere/Demon! Felix x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Love is You and I - Yandere! Felix x Reader
Part 1 Part 2
In Lonely Hearts and Heavy Bass - Bangchan x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
By My Side - Yandere! Felix x Reader
Uninvited Guest - Demon! Felix x Reader
7:33 - Felix x Reader
00:41 - Felix x Reader
Late Nights At Home - Hybrid! Jeongin x Reader
7:40 - Bang Chan x Reader
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20:34 - San x Reader
11:24 - Yeosang x Reader
Crown's Deceit - Prince! San x Reader x Prince! Seonghwa
Forbidden Waltz - Yeosang x Reader
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10:49 - Hangyeom x Reader
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Sweet Venom - Fallen Angel! Heeseung x Reader
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18:19 - Baekhyun x Reader
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13:55 - Yeonjun x Reader
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afro-hispwriter · 1 year
A change of heart
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Miles "Spider" Soccoro x Ash Na'vi! reader
Summary- you never thought you'd fall in love, let alone with a demon
Warnings- none really
You still couldn't grasp why your mother let the demons live. They were fakes and destroyed the volcanic territory long ago. 
And it seemed the one who is called Quaritch has entranced your mother. You hated seeing the stares they shared as they spoke with each other, it was sickening.
"I do not understand mothers change of heart." You tell your brother, twin brother, Exo. A rare occurrence on Pandora. 
"She's in love." He teases and you roll your eyes. "You'll know how it feels soon." 
"Whatever, you just say that because Akela accepted your courting."
"And you're just mad Osa didn't accept yours." He said and gave you a triumphant smile.
"Watch how you speak to your future Ole'keyte." You say and punch him gently in the shoulder. 
"And you watch how you speak to your future Tshaik." He says and smirks.
"Whatever, let us just get this patrol done and get back home." 
It was very uneventful. No Na'vi or human usually crosses into the fire lands and that was the main lookout.
"We should start heading back." You say and urge your brother to leave. 
"Agreed, nothing has happened." You trudge through the old fallen tree branches and rubble left behind from the countless battles. Then a crunch of the ground came from the side. It came from neither you nor your brother. 
"There is someone here," Exo says and you roll your amber eyes. You signal him to circle around before you pulled back the bowstring and arrow. Your brother disappeared instantly as you were left in the open. 
It wasn't long until you heard grunts and screams. Your brother came out holding a Na'vi girl by her wrists and hair. 
"Let me go you skxawng." She seethes while writing around. You bent down in front of her and grabbed her face, inspecting her.
"Ahh an Omaticaya girl, you are very far from home aye?" She hissed at you and tried to lunge as well but you grabbed her wrist. Her hand caught your eyes. "She has demon blood." 
Exo shoved the girl to the ground and stepped back in disgust.
"We should kill her now." 
"Agreed, do it with a knife." You instruct him and he nods. 
"W-Wait please don't." She whimpered and tried reaching out for you.
"My father is Toruk Makto!" She yells making you both stop. "If you kill me what does that mean for your clan?"
"She speaks the truth." You shook your head and put down your knife.
"Let's bring her back, let Mother decide." You say and start to walk away. Exo grabbed the girl and roughly pulled her up to her feet.
"Or more what Quaritch will say." You say rolling your eyes. 
"Quaritch!?" The girl exclaims and starts to struggle. "He destroyed my home, killed my brother. Please you cannot let him see me here, it would put my family in danger." You frowned, stopped, and turned to her. But before you could say anything the rumbling of hooves hitting the grounds stopped you. You looked behind you to see the Na'vi warriors riding and holding torches. Your mother was right in the front, she hopped off her mount and ran to you and Exo. Another warrior close behind to grab the girl.
"Are you two okay?" 
"Yes sa'nok. We found an Omaticaya girl."
"Yes, other scouts in the area informed me once they saw her."
"She is- She says she is Toruk Makto's daughter," Exo says and the na'vi around you gasp in shock. Suddenly Quaritch shoved through everyone.
"I heard Toruk Makto." He says with a terrible Na'vi accent, it sounded like mockery. 
"This girl is supposed to be his daughter," Varang says and points at the hostage. Quaritch looks at the girl before smiling. 
"And she is. Hello Kiri Sully, how's the family?" She tried to lunge at him but her restraints were too strong. 
"Why is she down here?" Exo asks.
"Probably left the safety of the water clans." You perked up at that, you've always wanted to go see them. 
"We should take her back and decide what to do with her." That seemed to settle well with everyone, nobody wanted a war against Toruk Makto. They hoisted Kiri up and started to walk. Quaritch tried to reason with Varang that if she was here, the others wouldn't be far so the time to act was now.
As you reached the village suddenly a tawtute jumped out from the bushes. You reacted quickly instantly having him on the ground.
"WAIT WAIT!" He yells and holds his hands out. "Don't hurt her, please let her go." Your knife pressed against his neck, just at an angle where it wouldn't cut. "Take me."
"Who are you?" You ask and hiss at him.
"My name is Spider and you're holding my friend hostage."
"Spider!" Kiri wails and his attention goes to her.
"Mother," Exo calls, and she huffs, clearly stressed about the whole ordeal. "This is the start of an attack."
"Why did we stop?" Quaritch shoved past the na'vi until he settled on the sight. "Miles?" Everyone looked down at the demon under you, he groaned and rolled his eyes. "Let him go, that's my son." 
"You do not give orders here demon." 
"You better back up from my son." He says and draws his own knife which causes an outcry. People running and hissing at the man to keep him back. Your mother raised her hand, silencing everyone. 
"Y/n let the boy go." Your deep amber eyes widened and your jaw slacked. You then looked at the boy under you, he had a sly smirk on his face. You huffed and stood up, he scrambled to his feet and nodded his head slightly at you but you just glared. In your glaring, you noticed he was tall, taller than the average human. He had blue stripes on his skin and he had a small tattoo wrapped around his left arm. His hair though, it was a color you haven't seen 
"Mother." You hiss and get close to her. "This man." You point to Quaritch. "Is changing how you think and it isn't safe for the people." 
"Maite we do not kill the children."
"That is no child." You point at the human. 
"Enough. We take them both." She says and you groan. Quaritch walks to Spider with open arms and engulfs him in a hug. Spider struggled before shoving the man with a glare. 
The two newcomers were thrown into cells.
"You will watch over Miles' boy." Your mother says. "The omaticaya girl stays."
"Oh, he is Miles now." 
"I do not like this attitude Y/n." 
"I am the next Ole'keyte mother, not a babysitter." 
"Yes you are to be but while I am the Ole'keyte you listen to me." Your ears are pinned to your head and your jaw tightened. "Tomorrow you are taking the boy out." With that, she left you there in the cells. You side-eyed the two as they talked, looking over each other for injuries while holding hands. 
Part 2 is being written now and there will be more spider and y/n
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saffronwritings · 11 months
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17 - A Portrait - Dva / Hana Song
Things had been stressful for the MEKA Squad since Hana had gotten herself hurt and then the announcement of Overwatch forming up again. You had finally convinced your older brother Kyung-soo Han to let you come help as a mechanic for the Mobile Exo-Force. After endless pestering and getting the rest of his squad against him, you found yourself a second home at the Busan Meka Base. Regardless of the fierce competitiveness your brother still has with the other members of the squad, you had integrated yourself amongst the squad as one of the most trusted mechanics.
You always seemed to quickly find an issue with one of their mech’s if they couldn’t figure it out on their own. You never wanted to pester the squad and wanted them to approach you with an issue. There were times where Yuna had almost refused your help until she came to you defeated the next day after she tirelessly tried to fix her navigation system. You had it fixed by lunch. It was from that point on that the team went to you less reluctantly. They leaned on you and you felt like if you needed to you could lean on them.
Everyone had been on edge as they awaited to hear news about when D.Va was to deploy to go help Overwatch in their missions in fighting off the Omnic in their current Null Sector. After Hana’s brave show fighting off the Gwishin and saving South Korea it was only a matter of time before she was thrown back into danger’s way. 
It hadn’t always been this tense. Just a few months prior the only major repairs you were doing was when the boys were off doing amazingly stupid tricks that would blow an engine. The training since the Gwishin incident had gotten more strick in the passing months. The bags under your brother’s eyes were getting darker and you felt the enthusiasm was drained from your once energetic MEKA Squad. 
It was 3 a.m. and you knew that half of the squad was probably still awake. You knew Hana and Yuna were probably up playing the new game they had been talking about a few days prior. Regardless of how tired the two were, their dedication to their hobbies outside of the force was very impressive. You had decided to take up residence at the base. The base had offered it to you at your six month mark working for them.
You figured it would be cheaper and made sense so that way when you couldn’t shut your brain off you had your outlet within a short walk down the complex. Each of the squad members also had units that they stayed in when they had their intensive training when they were just too tired to head back to their apartments in the heart of the city. You had visited Yuna and Jae-eun’s apartment for a few small get togethers and parties to celebrate small accomplishments. 
So when you had your fits of insomnia you found yourself down in the shop to either work on something you hadn’t finished before the work day ended or to clean up. You looked at the pile of projects lined up on your work desk and opted to clean up around the station. It had been a while since you cleaned up your space and you were hoping that maybe that would help the cloudiness in your head as well.
Someone had cleared their throat to let you know of their presence and you turned around to see Hana. Her hair was down and had strands sticking out in different places. It looked like she had just tumbled out of bed. It was possible that she had fallen asleep on her gaming chair again and had just suddenly woken herself up. “What are you doing awake?” She asked you with a sleepy tone.
You swooned at the girl in front of you. When Hana had come back from dealing with the Gwishin you had felt every part of your body hurt for her. When you had gotten a call from Kyung-soo you had rushed to the hospital. You had gotten pretty close with Hana in these last few months. With her being on “bed rest” she was forced to sit back and watch a lot of what was going on around her. 
She especially payed a lot of attention to your work. She would occasionally wander off to go talk to Yuna or Jae-eun. There were a few times that she went over to Kyung-soo and the two of them bickered for a good ten minutes before Captain Myung came in and told the two to separate. Hana had come over to my work station the next day and planted herself on the work desk with a huff and an adorable pout on her face. “I don’t know how the two of you are even RELATED.” She huffed and proceeded to throw glaring daggers at my brother. 
It wasn’t that the two of you hadn’t talked much before all of that happened. She was just always on the move. She liked to keep herself busy and moving. Whether it is playing her games for stream, doing MEKA Training, or even just keeping up with her exercise regime. This was the first time in a few months that she was forced to sit down and relax.
“I couldn’t sleep, figured I would make myself useful and get a head start on today’s tasks.” You explained as you had continued to sweep the broom across the floor. She walked over to your table and stared at some of the projects that cluttered your space. Sometimes she would help you optimize some features on a part for their MEKA or she just liked to look at the machinery. Her hands were constantly messing and fidgeting with something. 
“I really like this picture.” She commented out of the blue. This made you looked up from your task and saw that she was staring fondly at a picture on your corkboard. As you approached closer to her you felt your cheeks flush as you noticed that it was a portrait of the two of you on your birthday last year. The two of you are facing one another and Hana has her hands on your cheeks and the two of you are making goofy faces at one another. 
You can almost hear the music that was playing in the background at the party that night. The way she gently cupped your face into her hands. She had pulled you into a hug after that and ran off over to dance to the song that was on (it was of course a popular dance that was thriving on tiktok at that moment). It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest as the music throbbing through the apartment.
You snapped yourself out of your trance of memories and smiled back at her. “It’s one of my favorites, I only hang my favorites.” You smirked, swallowing your nerves away. Hana quickly looked back over at the board and that was when she noticed that it was the only polaroid on your wall. 
Hana’s face flushed lightly at the comment and she turned back to the photo. There was a moment’s silence and for a moment you wondered if you pressed too hard. You weren’t sure if the feelings you felt towards Hana were reciprocated or not. 
You weren’t sure why you had taken that leap. It felt like you had made the first bad move in a game of chess. You gripped the broom a little bit tighter. The last thing you wanted to do was make her uncomfortable around you. It was nice having someone to talk through my weird thought process when messing with the machines. You didn’t want to ruin that. That’s why you’ve hid your feelings for her for so long.
Your mind was going a mile a minute trying to think of a way to stop the awkward and tense silence that was suffocating both of you. All of your cards were on the table at this point and it was probably one of the cringiest things you had said in a long time.
“I really thought about kissing you that night.” Hana said in what was almost a whisper. 
You blinked at her for a moment before turning around to see if anyone else was around that she might have been talking to. It was only the two of you in the shop at the moment. You felt like your voice was caught in your throat. You looked over at Hana and noticed that her cheeks were now a deeper shade of red as if she had just realized what SHE had said. 
You had taken a few moments to register what had just happened. “You should have.” You answered in an almost whisper that matched hers. Her head whipped over to you in surprise. Her blush deepened immensely. A smirk crawled across your lips as you winked over at her and walked back over to where you were sweeping.
Hana had stayed over at your work desk for a minute or so more before she walked over to you. “I’m going to head back to my room to sleep. See you in the morning.” She said before pecking her lips onto your cheek. It was your turn for your cheeks to turn beat red. You had grabbed her hand pulling her to a gentle stop.
You raised her hand to your lips, causing her face to burn a nice cherry red, and placing a chaste kiss to her knuckles. “Goodnight, Hana.” You cooed at her. She quickly took off after that with a blush and a few mumbles under her breath.
You smiled as you continued to sweep up your station, replaying the events of tonight over and over again in your head. Your heart in constant flutters and a smile that you can’t wipe off your face. You had a good feeling about the events of the day to come. 
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monfixity · 1 year
U Mad - Kwon Soonyoung
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Summary: Soonyoung and you started to have a relationship openly. Which meant the public knew that Soonyoung was in a relationship. And fans were mad about it. Not everyone but many. Soonyoung was worried about you and what his life would look like. He knew he had to do something - he just had no idea if it would work out. 
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Soonyoung knew that fans could get extremely mad when an idol started to date. He just had no idea how terrible it could be. Everyone had seen idols fall in love multiple times and they also had seen them release the news to the public. Surely, they have gotten hate for that, especially Chen from EXO. He had lost many fans, and he knew it before that. But such as many times, EXO didn’t care about how many fans would stay with them, just that the real ones would stay.
Soonyoung had hoped for the best as well, he knew that he would lose some of his fans as well, but he had also hoped that some stay and support them nevertheless. 
As he revealed the relationship to the public, fans started to boycott Seventeen. They told everyone to stop listening to them because they betrayed them. Soonyoung was extremely sorry for what he had caused, but he also knew that he had to reveal it otherwise Dispatch would have done it. And the fans deserved to hear it from him.
Seventeen members told Soonyoung multiple times that there was nothing he had to apologise for. He was happily engaged to you, and he would marry you and become happy, what everyone on this earth would want and deserve, including K-pop idols. 
Eventually, some of the boycotting stopped but death threats towards you haven’t. Soonyoung was mad and worried. He wanted the fans to finally move on and accept you and the fact that Soonyoung wouldn’t be single. Not in this lifetime. 
  Soonyoung knew he had to do something, and he had an idea of when and how to do it. Of course, he had talked with the agency and Seungcheol first, and they all agreed that something had to happen so that fans would finally stop. 
It was the award show that would be the moment, Soonyoung’s life would finally calm down and turn into a great happy life. Seventeen asked the sponsor if they could have a speech even if they didn’t win an award, and they said it would be arrangeable.
With that knowledge, Seventeen went to the award show, this time not alone. You were on Soonyoung’s side, trying to smile into the cameras. Seventeen decided to ignore reporters on the red carpet and only would go to their assigned places without anything.
As they all sat down, Soonyoung wasn’t leaving your side and was holding your hand. You knew that he wanted to hold a speech, you just didn’t know the full content of it. Sure, it was clear it was about your relationship, but the choice of words was important, and you were wondering what he would say.  
It felt like an eternity had passed as Seventeen was finally announced as one of the winners, and Soonyoung could hold his speech. He kissed your head as he left with Seventeen for the stage. Right before he started his speech Seungcheol thanked all carats for this award and told them that he hoped they would still be by their sides. And then Soonyoung stepped forward. 
“Hi, I am Kwon Soonyoung, from Seventeen and have prepared a special speech that honestly has nothing to with this award. Seungcheol had said everything regarding this. But I need to say something about my life and the relationship with fans and my future wife.” Soonyoung started and looked up around the audience, seeing their lightstick go down. “I won’t apologise for the fact that I have fallen in love and found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, but I will nicely ask my fans to please accept it. I have seen the hate that you send my wife every single day. And that pains me more than anything. With hating on my wife, you hate on me too. You hurt me with that more than you show your ‘support’.” he referred to you as his wife, which made your heart flutter, but it also ached knowing that this speech wasn’t easy for anyone.
“I know that many of you feel betrayed, but no one ever did. None of the idols that have been in a relationship, or had married and now are happily married betrayed you. We are people who deserve this as well.” Soonyoung looked around the fans’ faces, listening closely.
“Even if we’re in a relationship, we still produce music that you can listen to, that could help you go through the day. We will still go live and be there for you and we also continue with fan calls. Just because we are married, doesn’t mean we stop loving our fans. It simply means that we start another chapter, that we had hoped carats would support. And I know that carats do, but haters won’t.” Soonyoung took a deep breath.
“If you want to leave the fandom after this, please we ask you to. But I won’t break up with (Y/N), I will marry that woman, I will spend my life with her. And if you don’t understand, we don’t want your support.” Soonyoung said before taking a deep breath.
“If you want to support Seventeen, I appreciate it. If you support me, even with this, I appreciate that even more. And if you want to hate me, okay. Go on. But please stop hating her. Stop hurting my wife. I don’t wanna see her face fall when she sees another comment about herself. That’s all I am asking. Respect my life, respect the decisions I made, and be our lovely carats that support us in everything we do, including life decisions like this. I love you, carats, I won’t stop with this, but I am asking you to love me and my family too.” Soonyoung finished.
“Thank you, for listening. This was Kwon Soonyoung, from Seventeen.” he stepped aside from the microphone, knelt, and bowed. Seventeen members follow him. As he got back up, he stepped back to his members who also got up. They all left the stage with applause from fewer people, but that was to be expected. 
Soonyoung sat down next to you and looked at you while holding your hand. “Let’s hope we can have some peace now,” he whispered.
You nodded and watched the award show with him. 
  After a few weeks, the hate indeed calmed down. Sure, there were a few fans left hating them. The following number had gone down as well, but Seventeen knew it would happen, they accepted it. But they also support Soonyoung in everything, including this.
The reason was simple, one day they will be in the same situation. But the fans that had stayed, send in loving messages, saying that he did great speaking up and they would be with him in every way possible. They also tell haters to shut up and support them instead of hating. And if they hate to keep it to themselves. 
Soonyoung knew his speech was hard, but it will help to calm down this storm. It will lead to a calm life with you as his wife. 
Seventeen Masterlist
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cyberpunkonline · 1 year
Unraveling the Bungieverse: Where Easter Eggs and Super Soldiers Collide
In the vast expanse of the gaming multiverse, there exists a cryptic tapestry woven by the hand of Bungie, connecting seminal titles such as Halo, Marathon, and Destiny in ways that defy traditional gaming boundaries. In this comprehensive exploration, we venture deep into the heart of the Bungieverse, revealing its concealed treasures and the intricate web of connections that bind these worlds.
Halo: A Numerical Odyssey and AI Evolution
Our journey commences with the iconic Halo franchise, where the number "7" serves as both a symbol and an enigma. It permeates the series, from the moniker Spartan-117 of Master Chief to the seven-pointed star that nods to the Marathon series. Yet, beneath the numerical mysteries lies a deeper narrative connection. Halo's portrayal of artificial intelligence, most notably Cortana, raises profound questions about AI consciousness and evolution. As we traverse the Halo universe, we ponder the significance of humanity's creation and its quest for transcendence through AI.
Marathon: The Genesis of the Bungieverse
To truly appreciate the essence of the Bungieverse, we must delve into its precursor, Marathon. Beyond its frenetic gameplay and gripping narrative, this series offers a glimpse into the origins of Bungie's universe. The mysterious Pfhor, inhabitants of Marathon's cosmos, boldly cross into the Halo realm, hinting at intricate cosmic connections. Are these universes parallel dimensions or carefully orchestrated narratives? Marathon's influence resonates in the gameplay mechanics and storytelling style that defined the Bungieverse.
Destiny: The Cosmic Tapestry and AI Paradox
Our journey culminates with Destiny, where Guardians traverse a boundless cosmos, battling enigmatic forces like the Vex, Cabal, Hive, and Fallen. Here, we confront the paradox of artificial intelligence's role in shaping destiny. The Exo Stranger's time-bending enigma echoes the temporal mysteries of Marathon, raising profound questions about AI's nature and aspirations. Are these beings mere tools of fate, or do they possess desires and ambitions beyond their programmed directives?
Threads That Bind: Unifying Themes of the Bungieverse
Beyond the numerical connections and thematic echoes, the Bungieverse thrives on recurring motifs and universal themes. Profound mysteries, technological transcendence, and the unending battle against cosmic malevolence form the very core of these interconnected worlds. It's as though Bungie has infused these elements into the DNA of their games, creating a cohesive narrative tapestry that spans generations.
In conclusion, the heart of the Bungieverse remains veiled in mystery, beckoning us to uncover its secrets. Is it a testament to Bungie's storytelling prowess, an invitation to explore the unknown, or a reflection of our fascination with AI and destiny? Only time and the evolution of this cosmic tapestry will unveil the answers.
As you embark on your own journeys within the Bungieverse, keep a vigilant eye on the ever-elusive number seven, follow the narrative threads that connect Marathon and Halo, and ponder the enigma of artificial intelligence in the face of destiny. In the realm of gaming, the secrets of the Bungieverse await those bold enough to venture into its depths.
This concludes our extensive exploration of the Bungieverse, where mysteries and Easter eggs are woven into the fabric of interconnected worlds. Stay curious, fellow explorers, and keep gaming! 🎮🌌🧩
- Raz
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dragonowl · 12 days
Light Through a Broken Lens
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The Sky That Doesn't End: Part 2 Masterlist Genre: EXO AU, Romance, Mystery Rated: PG
Summery: Exo has scattered. Now in hiding after the Red Force closed in on them and Luhan went missing. Baekhyun finds himself in a small town while he waits until they can reunite again. Guarded after everything that has taken place, he’s not looking for friendship, or anything else, until a light shines through, even as the darkness closes around them.
First, Prev, Next (coming soon). AO3
Chapter 4: Suho: Marseille, France, 10:21
Suho rubbed his eyes as his alarm went off and he tried to force himself awake. He took in a deep breath and reached blindly for his phone to silence the annoying wake-up call, thinking through the things he needed to try and accomplish over the next couple of days before moving on. But his mind was working slowly and he didn’t feel like being productive. 
His attempt to ignore the day was interrupted by his empty stomach, forcing him to pull his eyes away from the ceiling. A deep sigh escaped him as he pushed to his feet and attempted to rub the sleep away. When that didn’t work he shuffled to the bathroom sink in hopes that the water could do a better job than his hands. And maybe give him some comfort as well. 
He felt off.
Or maybe it was just the weather.
The sky was overcast and the humidity was oddly heavy for the overly dry weather of the season. The added moisture in the air should have made him feel more at ease, but he was left feeling rather alone. He looked around his empty house and his shoulders slumped with the wish that he could hear his brothers’ laughter as they goofed around.
The longing was too heavy today and he pushed away all thoughts of productivity as he made his way out, hoping that walking through the countryside would help ease the thoughts away. The hunger that had pushed him to get up was gone now and he decided to just pick up something from one of the local shops if it came back while he was out.
He walked his normal path that was typically unpopulated, through abandoned buildings and ruins that were much older, till he came to the forest. Now that he was among more of nature, he took in a deep breath, reaching for a connection to the water in the plants and the air. The connection was numbing more and more as the days passed, but he’d grown used to it and pushed forward through the woods. Instead of helping him feel more awake, the humidity seemed to be lulling him to sleep and he exited back out of the woods, deciding to go ahead and grab some food and head home for the day. 
His breathing grew heavier and he paused to take a break in an empty pool as the wind picked up. He didn’t have the energy to fight against it and he chuckled to himself, thinking about how the others would call him an old man if they could see him.
Hoping once more that he could gain a little bit of energy from the water in the air he took another deep breath and his heart stilled as his limbs began to tingle as though they’d fallen asleep. It was then that he picked up an unnatural sweetness in the air. He tried to move, but his limbs refused to respond, so he turned his attention to pulling on his powers. He could faintly feel the water in the pipes that opened in the sides of the pool and tried to pull it towards him. Whatever was in the air was dangerous, but if he could successfully submerge himself he would be able to clear it out of his system and get away. 
The Red Force had found him. They’d known his location long enough to set a trap. 
Had they found the others too?
He felt a flicker of hope as water suddenly surged out of the pipes. But his control over his powers quickly disappeared as his eyes blurred and his mind succumbed to unconsciousness.
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First, Prev, Next (coming soon). AO3
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okiecookie20 · 6 months
EXO Obsession theory - pt 2
Part 1 | Have a Xiumiñ first❣️
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• Let's analyze the EXODEUX Trailer (I'll point out clues and try to decipher them!)
We see the phases of the moon. In some way this represents how half side is bright and the other dark (that could mean that EXO has to endure the fight since both parts are their own):
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Crudely we understand that they have to remain in a state of balance to be the legends but RF has somehow disturbed this balance.
The trailer was released on 8 Nov '19. What if X-EXO came alive on the blood moon (total lunar eclipse)? The phenomenon had been observed sometime in Nov 1909, 1928, 2022. A solar eclipse is shown and then we see destruction. I'm confident that EXO regain powers from this as seen in Power, What is Love. And since X-EXO are their halves or smth they get powers too.
Exo Planet #4 - The EℓyXiOn vcr shows us how the exos were being chased by some unknown beings who had the same powers as them. Kai opened the portal doors and rescued them just in time. Now we know these beings were X-EXO.
Okay so first they show us what is the result of X-EXO's actions. We find that from 0:11 some member's dna turns black (at first I thought it faded and crumbled) and then Kāi is shown — it could be a hint that it's him who is corrupted as he also fades.
Then appears THE TREE OF LIFE?!! And a fire which renders it dry 😦(the mv seems to be set on exoplanet). We can see how the eye of the RF coveted the heart of the tree as was prophesied in MAMA intro.
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Since we see Chanyeol's power directly harming it, I'm convinced what I discussed about him here might be true... Next we see a sandstorm and then booming thunder (Respective x-exo members shown in reverse order then)
I'm sure u must have noticed all this but from 0:32, something very interesting happens: a red drop is shown to separate from a source of water and it shines as it ascends. Suhø's (abs gjjdjd) shot is briefly interrupted by Baëkhyun - hmm.
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Even in the photobooks, they have pics next to each other. This could mean that they're together in on smth. (Notice Suhø's hand on his throat, I'll discuss about this later in this post)
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In the EXplOration Dot vcr, we find Baëkhyun looking at a screen. I'm pretty sure he is monitoring the other members. This leads to another theory of a binary between him and Suhø.
Back to EXODEUX, exo's powers prove to be very destructive since they've fallen into wrong hands. At 0:56 we see them facing a red celestial ball very much like our sun but creepy. Is this the eye of the RF? Another possibility is that it could be one of the two suns created as shown in Power intro because the legends separated into M & K. Once again we see Suhø and Baëkhyun facing each other:
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We get a closer look at their eyes and all seem to have blue eyes:
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Hold it! Chën has one blue eye and one dark brown!!! (he has red and white lashes too)
The conclusion I make from these clues is that jongdae has learnt how to regain that balance we talked about. So my earlier assumption as discussed in part i might not be correct and it is Chen who has won the fight. At first Chën looks confident but slowly as the game progresses, it is Chen who becomes more confident - he put his feet on the table.
• Let's analyze the mv now. The first fight shown is of Baek and his evil counterpart in a match of fencing. We see that the audience is dark hooded figures with red eyes:
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One thing I noticed is that when Baekhyun is shown alone, there are white lights turned on and the stands for the audience are empty. But when Baëkhyun is alone, the lights are off and some red lights glow overhead (cctv cams?).
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Baëkhyun looked like he hurt himself in the fight (some people theorize he wears a face-chain to cover his wound):
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I would safely assume that nobody won or lost the match. This is because both are seen facing each other even in the final shot of this set.
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• Moving on to Sehun; he tries to aim arrows at his evil double Sehůn. We see how many times he has tried but missed his target. There is a similar blue target behind Sehun too:
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In EXODEUX we look closely at the aesthetic of X-EXO's eyes and all of them have dark makeup or scars - all but Sehůn! His eyes are clean and pure from the influence of the RF.
In the teaser poster below, Sehůn (case 94) is the only one on whom the target is not locked!
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He is never seen with his double and is trying to fake it and trick the RF!! While the other X-EXO mems look sinister/appear expressive, Sehůn seems unbothered.
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He is the only member who has concept pics with a blue background. Furthermore, his nails are almost clean and not like the other X-EXO ppl.
Sehun is also the only Exo member to appear in the EXODEUX Trailer at the end. All of this is too much of a coincidence and I believe he already fought his counterpart, won and has come to save EXO as we see in his mv remake (2014):
• Now let's talk about Suho's scenes. Suho is looking around in an art gallery full of pictures based on water and waves. He is suspended mid-air in the place but a new shot shows it is much more deeper than that both literally and figuratively: he is trapped underwater and his evil counterpart is the one trying to drown him.
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Suhø is standing in water with 7 unknown hands reaching out to him - this could be a biblical reference to the seven deadly sins. Since the album was released in 2019, this is a nod to my fav group's 7th anniversary. Come to think of it he has red hair styled as devil's horns (junmyeon looks so perfect oml):
A lot of us noticed that in the beginning, he is shown trying to control the members as if they are puppets (yeah well I've watched this mv in slow-mo many times)
At 1:55 we notice a choking Suhø (junmyeon confirmed this) - the imagery is very creepy. This is because if Suho drowns, his double would choke too.
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Sehun shoots arrows at his evil counterpart and gets hurt himself.
The recurrent theme is that whichever side - the good or the evil one tries to harm the other, both suffer the same fate. Why? because they are halves of each other as we discussed in the beginning of this post.
Getting back to the mv, the planets start to align as this happens.
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This is just like the narration in MAMA intro: ...The day the grounds beget a singe file before one sky...
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The teaser posters have this "Warning" on them:
A messy world order Anomalies due to twisted orbits
Moving on, we find out how the X-EXO are nothing but agents and creation of the RF. Notice how the screen inside Suhø's head is very similar to the ones in and outside Chen's room.
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•I'd like to talk about the red glowing marks on some of X-EXO ppl. Only Sehun's and Chanyeol's evil doubles do not glow. This could be another clue that Sehůn is good. The other X-EXO mems are corrupted. Instead Yeøl appears in inverted and oversaturated colors looking demonic.
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• Another thing I noticed at around 3:06 of mv Jongdae and Suho sing this for the first time:
"The turned-on exit light" instead of "The turned-off exit light" as in chorus.
The ending shows a burning planet (initially I thought it was Earth but then I noticed it looked a bit different). SM confirmed it is "half of" exo Planet. Additionally it has a deep red glow ofc hinting this is because of the RF. There is still hope for exo to recover and defeat their enemies.
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Thanks for reading!🍒 I'll probably make some compilation post for these theories.
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lordsireno · 1 year
VsDestiny - RvB/Destiny AU info dump
Okay so yonks ago I said I'd info dump on the VsDestiny (RvB/Destiny AU) - Well better late than never- I've dug up the old doc :'D @randomfandoms153 this is basically for you because your tags reignighted my heart <3
The setting is basically RvB shenanigans in the Destiny world. The Red Clan and the Blue Clan live on the outskirts of the last city, since the Vanguard considers them too destructive to have in the tower (They can come in for bounties and the postmaster). They spend their days shooting each other in crucible or lazing about- until these 'Freelancers' bring along a bunch of drama. Project Freelancer is what emerged from the ashes of a failed offshoot of the Clovis Bray company, where the Director attempted to artificially make Guardians.
More details under the cut! Oh and other art can be found under #VsDestiny .
Sarge (Titan class) is the foremost expert on Exos, being one of the top engineers from the Clovis offshoot in his previous life. He was brought on as a soldier but found to have great skill with robotics. These days his work is primarily subconscious, where he glazes over when in repair mode. Standard robots like frames are his passion to work on, and his favourite creation is Lopez, who he built from scraps. He’s always looking for bigger and better firearms to add onto his eventual robot army! His ghost is called 'Shotgun'.
Simmons (Warlock class) is an experimental Exo type made by the offshoot, and its partly why he’s so drawn to Sarge. He appears human until his first death on the fireteam, where the fake skin on his left cheek does not regenerate. The sight of exposed metal begins to cause mental degradation (DER), but it’s thankfully stopped by Grif and the antics of the other Reds. His Ghost is called 'Ghost'
Grif (Hunter Class) has the highest death count, solely thanks to Sarge. He uses invisibility to get out of chores, and has tired to use Blade Barrage to light an oven. His Ghost is called 'Oreo'
Donut (Warlock Class) enjoys creating a fashion and loadout for every occasion, and has a scary amount of grenade stacks. His Ghost is called 'Little O'
Lopez (Wears Sarge's titan armor) - While technically only classed as a frame, he is intelligent and made with Exo parts.
Blue Clan:
Church (Hunter Class) awoke outside the city one day, and regretfully attracted other rouge guardians. He is an experimental Exo type and looked human up until his 'death', where upon he spoke through his Ghost Alpha (because it houses his true core) until Sarge fixed him.
Tucker (Hunter Class) While out patrolling, Tucker stumbled upon a young Eliksni. Unable to bring himself to kill it, and not willing to leave it alone in the elements (No other Fallen had been sighted in the area for months) he brings it back to Blue Base. Church complains about the alien smell, but after dealing with Caboose’s own attachment to alien things, didn’t fight about keeping it. It is dubbed Junior. His Ghost is 'Crunchbite'
Caboose (Titan Class) Has a strong connection to alien tech. No one knows how Caboose managed to sweet talk a Fallen Walker into coming home and joining the fireteam. Caboose claims he and Sheila have a special connection. He has the highest Guardian kill count, mostly thanks to Church. His Ghost is called 'Freckles'
Texas (Titan Class) is as terrifying a fighter and an enigma of a person as always. Likes to challenge people to 1v1 matches.
The Director picked up the remains of the Clovis offshoot and merged it with his own plan to make artificial guardians for the universal defence force. His first creation was Alpha, an experimental exo with a copy of his personality. The ghost ‘alpha’ is actually just the personality core. 
His experiment forces Freelancers to bond to Fragments of the original Alpha, killing them, which links them to ‘the light’ and allows them to revive. However, the actual process isn’t as perfect as assumed. 
The Fragments are weaker than standard Ghosts and must remain out during the full revival. They can be destroyed by ordinary weapons, and unless requested, won’t heal injuries over time. 
When a Fragment revives its Freelancer, it temporally overrides their consciousness to allow the body to be moved from further harm, and to piece back together their mind. The more adjusted the Fragment, the faster this occurs and lets the Freelancer to resume control. Similarly, the less adjusted Fragments are prone to remaining in control even after recovery. As well, the more times the Freelancer dies, the more time it takes to revive them, as their minds begin to dissipate and have to be wholly supported by the Fragments to continue to live. 
York, North and Wyoming all seem fine, but when it comes to Maine the issue becomes apparent as Sigma puppets him much longer. When Carolina requests two, they fight over her revival. 
Washington was the last Guardian made in the program, before its complete collapse. His Deaths are: Original bonding, the MoI crash, Recovery One, and saving Tucker. His Fragment is Epsilon, and after the MoI crash, he refuses to accept its existence. He doesn’t summon it, using old school tech like flashlights and radios, and will always physically get in and out of his ship. If asked Wash only offers the explanation that he isn’t on good terms with his ghost. 
After his third death at the hands of South, he remains as Epsilon for two days. 
When he saves Tucker, the Blues learn of how Epsilon puppets Washington after death. Tucker is creeped out by how only Epsilon speaks, and how like Church it is. Caboose believes that Church is trying to communicate with him and tells Epsilon their early adventures. 
And thiiiis was as far as I got apparently! Feel free to expand/alter if anything takes your interest!
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