#nom nom chika
kaiser1ns · 23 days
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featuring 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗸𝗮 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
angst. takiishi chika was the one completely covered in flames and you are the one who will burn his world down.
recommended to listen to exo's "monster" because i worked with the lyrics and that song screams takiishi chika
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Why is his heart racing? The way you look at him got him going crazy, you are truly beautiful, a goddess, a force powerful enough to destroy everything. From the feral Umemiya Hajime to the cruel Endo Yamato and the bloodthirsty Takiishi Chika — you remain the most terrifying. A sadistic, tyrannical woman who Takiishi let into his already dull world.
There’s curiosity in your eyes, you’ve already fallen for him but won’t let him in. He’ll knock one, two, and a thousand times, so will you answer him, will you let him into your heart? Don’t be afraid, they say love is the way, it keeps you on safe ground, a place where its roots start to sprout deep into the ground...but what if the soil doesn't allow it? The same ground is falling apart, covered in ashes, it’s unstable and destructive.
You can't help it, it's just a habit, you do this for fun. You are not afraid to cause a scene whenever you want, you do it all the time and this is how it's going to be. Takiishi stands before you, his eyes are wide and burning, and you know what he sees — a girl who is on the brink of madness. He can call you a monster if he wants, and he can kill you if he feels like it. You can feel the pain coursing through your body, but it only sharpens your focus: pain is your most trusted friend, not your enemy. Slipping under his guard, delivering a sharp elbow to his ribs, as his groans and whimpers are music to your ears.
You are dangerous, if anyone gets in your way you will never stop til you get everything you want. You are on the top now, higher than the king and queens, mightier than God himself, ruling the world made by chaos. You are just getting started, as you see fireworks in the sky and bodies on the ground. In your beautiful black dress you dance, the red pool and the colors dancing above. Where is everyone hiding? It's time to celebrate, it's a funeral to many, to your morals and values, they are probably long gone. So is your sanity, as you laugh and smile like a maniac. Destruction and chaos, no one can run from them, and nobody will survive when you are there causing them.
Lunging at him with a speed that belies your injuries, your movements are precise, your fists connect with his jaw followed up with a swift kick to his stomach. But he’s also not done yet. He swings, aiming for your head, but you duck, spinning behind him. Before he can react, your hands are on his face, cupping his cheeks so softly, your lovestruck eyes, betraying the violence as you stare at him. There’s something in his eyes—fear? Love? It’s hard to tell. But you don’t care. You slam his head against the wall with a sickening thud, the impact reverberating through your hands. He grunts but recovers quickly, you can tell he’s holding back, still underestimating you.
A fatal mistake.
You grab his collar and hurl him to the ground with a monstrous strength, your grip stronger than steel or any metal, you can't reshape or melt despite his hotness. His body hits the floor, and you waste no time driving your foot into his face. So beautiful, your one and only love.
But Takiishi catches your leg with his hand, yanking you off balance and sending you crashing down beside him. You hit the ground hard, but you’re already moving, twisting your body to get back on your feet. The dance between you continues, two burning flames consuming everything in their path, neither willing to fade out, it is not about who will die first, but who will dominate the other.
You are creeping into his heart, flipping over and breaking him down until you swallow him up. Even if you die, you will live forever because you got yourself engraved in his heart, body and soul—you messed him up and now you will pay and collect your debts. He doesn't recognise you or himself anymore. Out of your minds. To love is to be changed.
Don't let this blissful moment slip away, you are both going crazy, and this day will be remembered for eternity. There's so much to give you—he doesn't need no money, no material benefits—he only wants you. He wants you so bad.
You are a monster.
A bit impatient and not that gentle, a woman of many faces and masks. You thrive on conflict, creating it, nurturing it, watching as it grows and consumes everything in its path. It’s all a game to you, where you always win because you’ve written the rules. You are addicted to the thrill of it, the way it makes your heart race, the way it brings a sick smile to your lips when you make your love bleed.
But he wants you, that's right you are his type, his heart doesn't lie, not when it sends a dangerous signal and you know you make him feel a tremble, he is crazy for you, you know that, you always did. Everyone’s afraid of him, the so-called strongest but he is nothing but a boy with burning desires to have fun. In the end, you can’t reject him, hiding and stealing glances at him, then pretend to be surprised when he looks your way. He’s a part of your existence and you will make sure to destroy him by loving him.
To accept you for who you are, worry has no place here, not when you show such strong attraction to each other. Enjoy the agony that you’re able to endure, as he falls deeper inside in his own world, thinking that it's gonna be the same pattern, the same old way but then again it's your game, with your rules. Play with him however you want as you lash out with relentlessness force, each punch harder than the last, each punch showcasing your affection. He doesn’t fight back; he never does. Your strength surpasses his, and he knows it.
Bruises form under your knuckles, but he takes it all, absorbing the pain like a twisted confession of love. You’re a beast consumed by the madness inside you—stronger, more ferocious than anyone he's ever faced, yet he does nothing but take your blows. You're a monster, they say—insane to the core—but this insanity is yours to own, and for him to enjoy.
You are his monster, insane and fierce, burning his world to the ashen ground and building it again and again, until he finally gives up...until you finally let him in.
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taglist :: @nyxypoo @meidiary @maruflix @heartkaji @stunie @slerixx @mydream-synopsis @kiurona
thank you mei, zevie and ke for doing a beta read, i love yall mwah🫶🏻
©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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Chika nom
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maruflix · 1 month
i want to munch on chika's cheeks☹️☹️☹️ nom nom☹️☹️☹️ and kiss him ☹️☹️☹️ please i need some comfort ☹️☹️☹️ i want to nom nom chika because he is so nom nom☹️☹️☹️ im so clingy and down bad for this boy i will become more insane☹️☹️☹️ anyway love you maru so much like extremely much 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
just another day as an unhinged chika fan..... we out here spreading the chika agenda like the world’s gonna end tomorrow🚶 but bb i feel u, chika is love chika is life we need soft!chika and feral!chika..... wheeeee! oinka oinka! haaaaaaheeee! a-whooooga a-whoooooga! aaaaaargh! hneeeeeeeee! fnrgh! grunt grunt! hinggggg! whazzo! boink
i love you too kiki, to the moon, around the sun and back again 🌎
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 1 year
New Baby Muse
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Meet Baby Matcha Hanami.
She’s the newest member of the Hanami family and Chika’s baby sister. She’s a very calm and playful baby pup. Just being around this baby makes the room feel more serene.
Her papa Ren named her Matcha not only because of her hair, but because she was as soothing as a cup of green tea.
She loves her big sister Chika and follows her around like a little duckling.
She also loves to nom on things, even though she only has one tooth. She has a hard bite for a 1 year old.
Her favorite toy is her teddy bear, which was Chika’s old teddy, named Sir Snuffles.
Feel free to interact with this calming baby puppy.
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omnitheist27 · 6 months
The 40 - Commentary on Shark Meat
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf, @purplemochi20055, and @hulkchloron99
Hey everyone, no new fancomic for today, instead I'll be writing about The 40 giving their commentary by cooking and eating shark meat.
Spike Spiegel: I've eaten seafood before, but shark meat does have its own different taste.
Levi Ackerman: Hmm…so this is what creatures in the ocean taste like...
Midoriya Izuku: I've eaten plenty of fish, but shark meat has a very different texture.
Zuko: This shark meat tastes quite well compared to the fish I've eaten.
Korra: This...is really good!
Saitama: Taste better than regular fish. I think I'll be diving into oceans to hunt as well.
Mob: Hmm...
Edward Elric: I never knew that shark meat tasted so good!
Ishigami Senku: Hmm...shark meat has been eaten in Peru for over 10,000 years.
Gojo: ...Tastey...
Hanako: It's so good that I have a physical body for this!
Souma: I got to say, the shark meat came out better than I expected!
Mako: *Nom Nom Nom!*
Kobayashi: Hmm~
Tohru: Hmm~
Chika: *Nom Nom Nom*
Haruka: Maybe I'll think of going shark hunting during the summer
Naegi Makoto: Shark Meat tastes so great!
Ciel Phantomhive: I've eaten plenty of delicacies, but shark meat is something new to me.
Katsuki Yuuri: It's good...but I'll still prefer Katsudon.
Shouyou Hinata: Hmm~
Saiki Kusuo: It's not bad...*though I wonder how many ideas are you running out Omnitheist27*
Suzui Ryōta: Hmm~
Heine Wittgenstein: I've never tried a delicacy such as this before!
White Blood Cell / Neutrophil (U-1146): The cells that make up these creatures must be quite different from humans.
Satō Mafuyu: …
Hasegawa Langa: …tasty
Killua Zoldyck: I'm sooooooo going fishing after this!
Kamado Tanjirou: With such texture and taste, I wouldn't mind creating a fishing commune back home.
Kuroko Tetsuya: ...
Okumura Rin: *Nom Nom* So good!
Fujioka Haruhi: Hmm~ The club could use something like this.
Emma: What is this taste and texture!
Serinuma Kae: I can't get enough of this!
L: Hmm…needs some sugar.
Shiota Nagisa: Hmm~
Legoshi: This meat...could it replace herbivore?
Suzuki Iruma: This tastes better than what I used to fish for.
Fujinuma Satoru: ...
Feliciano Vargas (North Italy): Germany and Japan would definitely love to eat this.
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agooberscanons · 2 years
Chika, what's your opinion on nomming others?
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“Ehhh? What, like playful nibbles?”
“What’s that? You’ll whisper it in my ear?”
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“Ehhhhhh??? I don’t-??” Flusterations.
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sifasdt · 8 months
SIFAS Daily Theatre Classic: 2023-01-30
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2023-01-30
Mikan in the Kotatsu
Chika: Nom nom...... Mmm~! Yummy~! Nozomi: Mikan are always more delicious when you eat them in a kotatsu. Chika: Yeah! The kotatsu just makes you want to chow down on them~ I’m gonna have another one right now! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Nozomi: Oh, then I’ll have one too. Chika: Okay~ Here you go, Nozomi-san. Nozomi: Ah, you peeled it for me. Thanks, Chika-chi. Chika: Ehehe~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Nozomi: Why don’t I peel one for you too? Chika: ......Whoa, you’re pretty good, Nozomi-san! Nozomi: I’m trying to use your technique! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Here you go. 𝅘𝅥𝅮
[End transcription.]
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etherealcharacterz · 1 year
Ceasy - Japon
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Au début du 20ème siècle, Thomas Ceasy, rapidement surnommé Tomy, quitte sa Grande-Bretagne natale pour aller en Russie. Jeune noble en voyage, il parvient très vite à se faire une place au sein de la haute sphère de la société et épouse Angela Lyov. C'est la fondation de la branche russe des Ceasy.
De l'union entre Tomy et Angela, trois enfants verront le jour : Adrian, Denis (le IIIème du nom) et Leicester Ceasy. La branche russe se poursuivra avec Denis, car son frère aîné quittera la Russie pour le pays du soleil levant.
Arrivé au Japon dans les années 50, Adrian est d'abord accueilli dans l'empire des Matsuda comme un invité de marque. Rapidement, il épousera Uta Jiro, bien déterminé à fonder une branche japonaise à son tour, comme feu son père le fit avant lui en Russie. A son tour, il aura trois enfants : Chika, Emi et Hide Ceasy. Une alliance politique a par ailleurs été conclue entre les Matsuda et Adrian : la branche principale des Ceasy aurait toujours une place privilégiée auprès des Matsuda, tant que les Ceasy s'assuraient de la diplomatie des relations internationales de l'Empire avec le reste du monde.
Ainsi, trois branches japonaises ont vu le jour avec la naissance des enfants d'Adrian.
La branche principale : Ceasy > Yamaguchi > Inoue > Mori
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Chika Ceasy épouse Mitsu Yamaguchi, et a trois enfants : Isamu (2004), Kakuzo (2005) et Rei (2007) Ceasy. Au contraire d'autres familles patriarcales, la branche principale des Ceasy japonais ne tient pas compte du sexe de l'enfant pour transmettre l'héritage. Dès son enfance, Isamu (l'aînée de Chika) sera donc mise à l'écart de ses frères et sœurs ; ses parents font venir énormément de précepteurs pour qu'elle apprenne les us et coutumes du Japon magique, la gestion du patrimoine, la diplomatie, l'art de la politique... Isamu n'est pas particulièrement douée dans ces domaines, mais elle a la chance d'être une grande bosseuse, et très responsable. Elle n'a qu'une année d'écart avec son petit frère Kazuko, mais elle prend très à cœur son rôle de sœur aînée. Elle sait à quel point leurs parents peuvent être exigeants, et elle essaie de leur offrir autant que possible une insouciance d'enfants.
Il faut savoir que Chika (la mère d'Isamu) accepte que son neveu et sa nièce suivent les cours dispensés par les précepteurs d'Isamu avec cette dernière. Emi et Hide, le frère et la sœur de Chika, lui en ont fait la demande pour leurs aînés, Kaede Ceasy et KanekoShinatori (ils ont le même âge qu'Isamu).Isamu, Kaede et Kaneko sont donc amenés à se fréquenter dès leur petite enfance. Cependant, il faut savoir qu'il existe une grande rivalité entre les branches japonaises, qui cherchent à prendre la place de la branche principale pour profiter de l'alliance faite avec les Matsuda. Isamu comprendra très vite à quel point Kaede, et très probablement tous ses cousins, sont une menace de vie pour elle et sa famille. Cependant, Isamu a su se lier d'amitié avec sa cousine Kaneko, dont elle est devenue très proche (notamment après la mort du père de Kaneko).
A ses 7 ans, Isamu rejoint Mahoutokoro. Sa première année est extrêmement tendue, Kaede lui ayant causé énormément d'ennuis. Elle parvient à convaincre ses parents de ne pas envoyer ses petits frères à Mahoutokoro, mais à Poudlard, en leur arguant qu'ils avaient perdu contact avec la branche anglaise des Ceasy (ce qui était très problématique pour leur alliance avec les Matsuda). En réalité, Isamu cherchait simplement à les tenir les plus éloignés possible de Kaede et de sa branche. Elle survit à Mahoutokoro, malgré les tentatives d'assassinat lancés par Kaede et son père.
Avant d'entamer ses premiers pas dans le monde politique, ses parents l'envoient dans une école privée moldue, très chère, en Allemagne (cette école est réputée pour former les meilleurs politiciens du monde sorcier, et il est commun que des Puristes envoient leurs enfants là-bas malgré leur racisme ; la connerie est un effet secondaire du racisme). Là-bas, Isamu fait la connaissance d'un moldu, Ame Inoue, et en tombe amoureuse. Il faut avoir en tête que les Ceasy ne sont pas forcément puristes ; dans le cas des Japonais, ils font semblant de l'être afin d'être bien vus des Matsuda.
Les parents d'Isamu acceptent l'union de cette dernière avec Ame, mais ils font en sorte de lui inventer une identité de Cracmol auprès des Matsuda. Isamu est obligée d'abandonner son droit d'héritage du fait des origines d'Ame, mais cela ne la dérange pas tant que ça. Elle craint beaucoup pour son petit frère, Kakuzo, qui est alors obligé de prendre la relève. Elle le met en garde contre leur branche sœur, et l'accompagne en devenant sa conseillère.
Kakuzo finit par épouser une Anglaise qu'il a rencontré à Poudlard, Johanna McGraw, mais ils n'ont pas d'enfant. La branche principale continue donc avec les enfants d'Isamu. Isamu et Ame ont une fille : Amako Inoue. Kaneko (cousine d'Isamu) sera la marraine d'Amako. Amako ira à Mahoutokoro (les réticences de sa mère ont cédé face aux supplices de son mari, qui tenait à ce que leur fille puisse rester près d'eux, dans le même pays). Amako sera très proche de son cousin Sora (fils de Kaede), malgré l'interdiction de sa mère de le fréquenter.
A son tour, Amako aura deux enfants : Anju et Akemi Nakashima. Sa fille, Anju, sera la filleule de Sora ; elle sera très proche de son parrain. Aux quinze ans d'Anju, Kaede tentera de tuer Akemi, mais Sora l'en empêchera et le tuera. Sora se suicidera après avoir commis ce parricide. Anju épousera Suiteki Mori.
La fille d'Anju s'appellera Kaneko Sora Mori (en la mémoire de la marraine de sa mère, et de son propre parrain ; Sora est un prénom mixte en japonais).
La branche du second degré : Ceasy
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Dans cette branche, un véritable sentiment d'injustice naît dès ses débuts. Du fait de l'alliance passée avec les Matsuda, elle est délaissée par ces derniers au profit de la branche principale. Etant donné qu'elle est la suivante dans l'ordre de succession, une simple éradication de la branche principale leur permettrait d'accéder à ces privilèges. Une différence notable à remarquer avec la branche principale : ici, ce sont les hommes qui sont les héritiers ; on fait une hiérarchie des sexes.
Emi Ceasy est un personnage austère, froid, exigeant et manipulateur. Ce qu'il veut, c'est de la puissance, et il le fait bien comprendre à ses enfants. Il est très lunatique dans sa manière d'être avec sa famille : il aime sa femme (Asuka Natsuki) et la chérit sincèrement, mais il lui arrive de quitter le domicile durant des semaines lorsqu'ils se disputent, sans donner signe de vie.  Emi Ceasy a donc dans un premier temps un fils : Kaede. Il l'adore, et il veut ne veut rien de moins que le meilleur pour lui ; aux yeux d'Emi, il est évident que cela passe par la mort de la branche principale. Kaede verra très peu sa mère, son père voulant éviter qu'il n'hérite de sa douceur. Non, ce que devait devenir Kaede, c'était quelqu'un de fort, quelqu'un sans pitié, quelqu'un prêt à tout pour réussir. Ce que devait devenir Kaede, c'était un loup qui mangerait sa meute dès que la première occasion se présenterait.
L'époux de Hide (la petite sœur d'Emi) veut également écraser les autres branches pour devenir les protégés des Matsuda. Emi envoie immédiatement un assassin le tuer dès qu'il a un soupçon. Au cours de sa scolarité, Emi aura engagé des mercenaires pour tuer sa cousine Isamu (Kaede lui communiquait les horaires où elle était seule). Kaede, de son côté, n'hésitait pas à humilier sa cousine dès que possible, et encourageait ses camarades à la harceler (cependant, très peu le faisait par peur de représailles par la branche principale).A ses 12 ans, Kaede a eu une petite sœur, Haruka Ceasy. Emi et Kaede n'ont pas accordé la moindre attention à cette fille, confiant son éducation entièrement à sa mère.
Puis, à ses 22 ans, Kaede a eu un petit frère : Rin Ceasy. Emi était fou de joie à l'idée d'avoir deux fils. Kaede, lui, a réagi au quart de tour en découvrant la naissance d'un garçon ; sentant sa place d'héritier menacé, il l'a délibérément tué en empoisonnant son lait. Rin est mort avant d'avoir passé sa première année, sans que personne ne sache que Kaede était derrière cela. Seule Kaneko, sa cousine, le soupçonne ; Kaede la fait tuer immédiatement.
Malgré tout, la branche principale reste intouchable et ne meurt pas. Lorsqu'à son tour, Kaede a un fils (Sora), il l'entraîne encore plus durement que son père ne l'a fait, mais dans l'unique but de tuer. Sora devient ami avec sa cousine Amako : d'abord pour mieux la tuer, puis par sincérité. En grandissant, il s'éduquera, loin des valeurs transmises par Kaede. Sora restera d'ailleurs au pensionnat de Mahoutokoro à partir de ses 13 ans. En devenant le parrain d'Anju (la fille d'Amako), Kaede comprendra que Sora n'est plus de son côté. Il lui laissera une dernière chance pour ouvrir les yeux, par le meurtre d'Akemi (jumeau d'Anju). Sora sera forcé de tuer son père, acculé, et se donnera la mort suite à cela.
La branche du troisième degré : Ceasy > Shinatori
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Quelques points sur cette branche...
Ryu a épousé Hide dans le seul but d'être proche des Matsuda. Il complotera pour faire tuer Emi, mais ce dernier enverra des assassins le tuer immédiatement. Personne ne sait qu'il est responsable de cette mort.
Hide élève seule sa fille, le cœur brisé. Elle ne se remariera jamais.
Cette branche finit assez vite par devenir pauvre, Hide et Kaneko sont obligées d'emménager dans un modeste appartement à la banlieue de Tokyo. La vie à la maison est assez dure pour Kaneko, elle doit s'occuper de sa mère qui a perdu le goût de vivre après la mort de son époux.
Malgré cela, elle se liera d'amitié avec sa cousine Isamu, dont elle deviendra très proche. Kaneko sera la marraine d'Amako Nakashima, la fille d'Isamu.
Cependant, elle découvrira que Kaede est le meurtrier de son propre petit frère. Choquée, elle ne réfléchira pas et le confrontera face à ce constat, le suppliant de réfuter cela. Kaede, fin menteur, la rassurera et lui fera jurer de ne rien dire aux autres. Il finit par la pousser sur les rails d'un train pour la tuer.
Hide, suite à la mort de sa fille, se suicidera.
C'est la fin de la branche japonaise du troisième degré.
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gha-zal · 4 years
Grammy noms really leaned into the “what we think is everyone listening to” sort of vibe this year. Most of these noms are second rate songs from second rate artists or second rate songs from great artists who had BETTER songs out this year.
Also how are you going to put Chika but then none of her songs anywhere. Disrespect.
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch178 ‘Ninomiya Squad’ Translation
First things first, there’s only one chapter this week because it’s the last chapter of volume 20. Next month there will be only one chapter again because Ashihara is having surgery to take out his gallbladder (there is nothing wrong with it at the moment, but apparently he gets gallstones really easily so it’s a preventative measure). On the other hand, because of a public holiday next month’s issue comes out on 2nd May.
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Panel 1
Konami: Ahhh! Konami: It’s Tsuji-chan!
Usami: It is! Tsuji-kun!
Panel 2
Tsuji: Ah Tsuji: H…
Tsuji: …nk you for your hard work…
Panel 3
Konami: Tsuji-chaaaan
*rustle rustle*
Hiyami: Alright, alright, don’t play with Tsuji-kun
Usami: Tsuji-kuuuun
*rustle rustle*
Osamu: …
Panel 4
Osamu: Tsuji-sempai is weak to women…
Inukai: Didn’t expect that, did you?
Osamu: Yes…
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Panel 1
Inukami: Konami-chan, play with me too
Konami: Ehhh
Konami: You’re not innocent enough, Inukai-sempai
Panel 2
Hiyami: You can see Tsuji-kun at school too
Usami: Well Usami His guard is up at school, so I couldn’t help myself
Panel 3
Usami: Chika-chan, Osamu-kun, what do you want to eat?
Inukai: The flap meat is very good, the flap meat
*chatter chatter*
Usami: Isn’t that expensive?
Tsuji: Which one does Azuma-san like again?
Hiyami: The reed tripe (the abomasum)
*chatter chatter*
Ninomiya: Two oolong teas, orange juice, and ginger ale
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Usami: Here you go~ Salty beef tongue~
Konami: I’m looking after this meat
Konami: I’m going all the way to well done
Osamu: Isn’t well done for steak…?
Panel 3
Tsuji: You’re amazing, Mikumo-kun… Tsuji: You were gonna have a meal with 3 girls by yourself…
Osamu: Now that I think about it, I was
Panel 4
Usami: You don’t get nervous facing girls, do you, Osamu-kun
Konami: Because this guy’s mum is beautiful
Inukai: Ehh, is that so!
Osamu: I don’t think my mother has anything to do with that…
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Panel 1
Osamu: …but it’s true Osamu: I don’t think I have ever met a woman more intense than my mother
Tsuji: So it’s true you are tempered by your environment…
Panel 2
Konami: Ah! Konami: This kid is eating nothing but rice again!
*nom nom*
Chika: Rice is delicious
Usami: Eat more meat too! More meat!
Panel 3
Hiyami: How’s the reed tripe? Good?
*chew chew*
Tsuji: I can’t chew it up
Panel 4
Osamu: You can talk normally to Hiyami-sempai
Tsuji: I have known Hyami-san for a long time, after all
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Panel 1
Inukai: The girls Tsuji-chan can have a proper conversation with
Inukai: Are just Hyami-chan and Hatohara-chan at this point
Panel 2
Osamu: !
Osamu: Hatohara-sempai…!
Panel 3
Tsuji: Because Hatohara-sempai was kind from the beginning…
Hiyami: Saying it like that makes it sound like I’m not kind
Panel 4
Tsuji: You had a wall around you in the beginning
Hiyami: And now?
Tsuji: You’re kind
Hiyami: Good
Panel 5
Inukai: Do you guys know, Mikumo-kun? About Hatohara-chan
Inukai: She stole a march on us and went ‘over there’ first, our sniper
Osamu: Ah, yes…
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Panel 1
Inukami: You were asking around at Tamakoma too, weren’t you?
Ninomiya: Yeah Ninomiya: …but not to Usami or Konami
Panel 2
Usami: Ehhh~ This is new!
Konami: What, what’s that Konami: What are you talking about?
Inukai: Oh my
Panel 3
Konami: Hey, what are you talking about~!?
*pull pull*
Inukai: You really jump at this kind of thing, don’t you, Konami-chan
Panel 4
Hiyami: Now that I think about it, we went to BBQ just before Hatohara-sempai disappeared as well
Tsuji: For Inukai-sempai’s birthday
Panel 5
Hiyami: To think that she would go on a journey with civilians at that timing
Tsuji: Since she couldn’t go ‘over there’ even if she’s in Border, it can’t be helped, can it?
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Panel 1
Osamu: I wasn’t expecting them to bring up
Osamu: The topic of Hatohara-sempai so lightly…
Osamu: I thought it was more serious…
Panel 2
Osamu: Um…why did Hatohara-sempai Osamu: Want to go ‘over there’ so much?
Panel 3
Inukai: Same as Amatori-chan
Inukai: Her little brother was taken ‘over there’
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Chika: Little brother…
Panel 5
Inukai: She was aiming for the expedition selection test so she can search for her little brother
Inukai: But she wasn’t chosen
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Panel 1
Konami: Because she couldn’t shoot people, right?
Inukai: Right Inukai: That’s similar to Amatori-chan too
Panel 2
Inukai: Though in Amatori-chan’s case
Inukai: She might have overcome it in yesterday’s match
Panel 3
Konami: That’s right Konami: Because in the next match Chika is going to blow everyone up by herself
Konami: Resign yourself to it
Panel 4
Inukai: What’s scary is that you can’t say there’s no possibility of that
Inukai: But wouldn’t Amatori-chan be too awakened, doing that all at once
Panel 5
Inukai: For now, leaving Amatori-chan as someone to be wary of Inukai: Currently the most realistic threat Inukai: Is actually the double feature of Kuga-kun and Hus-kun, right
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Panel 1
Konami: Be a little wary of Osamu too!
Konami: Don’t you feel sorry for him, only leaving him out!
Konami: Osamu might get a new trigger and go on a rampage next time!
Panel 2
Inukai: No… Inukai: Mikumo-kun’s trion is at its limit, isn’t it
Inukai: Is he gonna abandon the wire strategy at this point?
Konami: Ugh…
Osamu: They all know…
Panel 3
Inukai: …talking about the double feature Inukai: I heard a weird rumour yesterday
Panel 4
Inukai: That Hus-kun came from ‘over there’ or something
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Panel 1
Konami: Just C-ranks’ delusions
Konami: That guy has a big attitude and lots of trion so he stands out
Panel 2
Inukai: It’s true his trion amount was insane
Inukai: I can understand why there’re rumours like that
Panel 3
Inukai: …but if we’re talking about amazing trion
Panel 4
Inukai: Amatori-chan Inukai: Is even more like ‘someone from over there’
Osamu: Eh?
Chika: Eh
Panel 5
Konami: What are you saying!
Konami: It’s not Chika!
Inukai: I see
Inukai: It’s not Amatori-chan
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Panel 1
Konami: …ah!
Inukai: Ahahah, you’re so honest, Konami-chan
Panel 2
Ninomiya: We already know Hus’s ‘identity’ Ninomiya: We’ve had a notification from the PR department
Panel 3
Konami: Wha…
Panel 4
Konami: Then you should have said that from the beginning!
Inukai: Sorry, sorry
Panel 5
Inukai: But Inukai: It made sense when I heard Hus-kun’s true identity
Inukai: How strong he is
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Panel 1
Inukai: How freely he used Border’s triggers, that you wouldn’t think he just started
Inukai: And his dynamic way of thinking and tactics
Panel 2
Inukai: He’s got plenty of trion too
Inukai: Seems likely he has plenty of hidden weapons besides Escudo
Panel 3
Inukai: …when I think of it like that
Panel 4
Inukai: Compared to how much trion he has
Inukai: The power of his Asteroid felt weak
Panel 5
Inukai: Is there some kind of trick
Inukai In the bullets?
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Panel 1
Osamu: …!
Osamu: He’s seen through our strategy…!?
Panel 3
Ninomiya: …we’re wrapping up
Inukai: Eh Inukai: But I’m still in the middle of negotiations~
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Osamu: Ninomiya-san!
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Panel 1
Osamu: I said if we are chosen for the expedition team Osamu: I would like you to tell us the information on Hatohara-sempai…
Osamu: Do you remember that?
Panel 3
Ninomiya: …my answer is the same as then
Panel 4
Ninomiya: Say that after you’re chosen
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Panel 2
Yuuma: Hm
Yuuma: So they knew the Viper strategy
Panel 3
Osamu: Probably…
Usami: Inukai-sempai might have noticed because he sees Ninomiya-san’s shots all the time
Panel 4
Osamu: Hus went to all that trouble
Osamu: Hiding it for ‘next time’ too…
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Panel 1
Hus: I don’t think there’s a problem
Yuuma: Yeah
Panel 3
Hus: Viper
Hus: Can be used on the other teams besides Ninomiya squad to earn points
Panel 4
Yuuma: Inukai-sempai
Yuuma: Was probably also trying to say Yuuma: ‘Don’t use your hidden weapon on us, but on the others’
Panel 5
Hus: We just need to think up new plays to use against Ninomiya squad
Osamu: …I see…
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Panel 1
Usami: He might have been trying to disturb your composure too, Osamu-kun Usami: Inukai-sempai saying it like that
Konami: Ahhh, that’s likely, psychological warfare
Panel 2
Konami: Don’t go around getting manipulated the way he wants
*ruffle ruffle*
Osamu: Right
Osamu: It seemed like Konami-sempai was the one being manipulated the most…
Panel 3
Youtarou: Don’t worry, Osamu
Panel 4
Youtarou: My Hus will defeat Ninomiya
Konami: Why are you acting so self-important
Panel 5
Usami: Hm
Usami: Youtarou does have a point
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Panel 1
Osamu: Have a point…
Youtarou: …by which you mean?
Panel 2
Usami: Only Hus-kun and Chika-chan Usami: Can win against Ninomiya-san’s trion Usami: If we’re facing him head-on it’ll have to be these two
Panel 3
Konami: You can’t use Chika to face him
Usami: Not using Chika-chan to attack
Panel 4
Usami: Having Chika-chan use Fullguard with Shield
Usami: Then fighting with Hus-kun’s bullet triggers
Usami: I think they’ll be invincible in firefights
Panel 5
Konami: That’s true…
Konami: They’re not going to lose in a battle to whittle each other down
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Panel 1
Usami: It’ll be annoying if the other teams get themselves involved
Usami: But it’s pretty attractive being able to beat Ninomiya squad in firepower
Panel 2
Yuuma: And it’s bothersome trying to reach Ninomiya-san with a blade
Panel 3
Hus: …putting aside the firefight with that
Hus: If it becomes a mobility battle, Chika won’t be able to keep up
Panel 4
Hus: There’s also the danger of Chika exposing herself at all times
Hus: And there’ll be times when I won’t be able to join up with Chika
Panel 5
Hus: It’s not bad as a strategy
Hus: But we want more options
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Panel 1
Osamu: …alright
Osamu: Then let’s do this
Panel 2
Osamu: Hus and Chika look over Ninomiya squad’s logs Osamu: And work out counterattacks for firefights Osamu: Usami-sempai and Youtarou, you support them
Usami: OK!
Panel 3
Osamu: Me and Kuga will think of other plays Osamu: And gathering information on the other teams
Yuuma: Roger
Panel 4
Osamu: And if we can get some advice from you too, Konami-sempai…
Konami: It can’t be helped!
Panel 5
Konami: Come on, come on, we’re going to the operation room!
Yuuma: Right, right
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Panel 1
Usami: Nnnnnng…
Panel 2
Usami: There aren’t any teams willing to go into a shootout with Ninomiya-san Usami: So there aren’t many firefights to find…
Panel 3
Hus: …before we start talking about strategies
Hus: There’s one thing I want to confirm
Panel 4
Hus: Chika
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Panel 1
Hus: You can actually
Hus: Shoot people, can’t you?
Panel 2
Chika: Eh…
Usami: Eh…!?
Panel 5
Usami: Hus-kun, what do you mean!? Usami: You know Chika-chan can’t shoot people!?
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Panel 1
Hus: I know Chika says that
Hus: But Hus: That doesn’t mean it’s the truth
Panel 2
Hus: There’s the possibility that she just thinks Hus: ‘I can’t shoot people’
Panel 3
Hus: I think
Hus: Chika can shoot people
1. Now another anime canon has become manga canon (since we got the New 3 Idiots names): Azuma's favourite meat for BBQ.
2. And while we're on the subject of trivia: if you check the panels, the ones who got the oolong tea are Tsuji and Inukai since they have the same tone/colour in their glasses, and Ninomiya's favourite is ginger ale so Hiyami must have gotten the orange juice.
3. Did Chika just eat four bowls of rice OMG Is she supposed to be the Goku or Luffy of World Trigger...she does have the power potential...
4. Like Osamu I'm surprised by how easily they talk about it, but it does fall in line with World Trigger and their characters. And the word choice Inukai used: 'stole a march' kind of makes it sound like he's gonna meet up with her once they're in the Neighbourhood, that they all have the same goal...I guess that's what gets to me, no one is worried for Hatohara. Do they not know enough about what the Neighbourhood is like? Only Ninomiya seems to be really looking into it, and he's doing it more because he thinks she's been tricked (while the others on the squad seem to treat it as her decision...but then, they are younger than her, except Inukai who is still a peer and not older and in charge of her like Ninomiya is, AND Inukai is known for his psychological warfare - no wonder kageura doesn't like him - as revealed in this chapter...and I don't know where I'm going with this, but they are so not worried that even Osamu brought it up...) Anyway, this is probably why Yuzuru doesn't like them. He thinks Hatohara quit and is pretty cut up about it, but Ninomiya squad knows she secretly went to the Neighbourhood instead and they're okay with it (except Ninomiya).
5. Anyway, I wonder who else Ninomiya asked about Hatohara, since Inukai mentioned 'too'.
6. And a theory is confirmed! The photo was taken from Inukai's birthday party, the day before Hatohara left.
7. And another theory as well, that Hatohara went to the Neighbourhood for her little brother. To be fair, this was the most common theory ever since we saw her family makeup in BBF; all those parallels to Chika...
8. I'm not sure if I brought it across well enough, but in Japanese the particle Konami uses does have connotations that Chika isn't but someone else is. It's a common trick but you don't really get this in English.
9. Only Hus and Chika beats Ninomiya in trion so Yuba squad can't be higher than trion 11. Though thanks to Kitagawa showing up in the Parameter Ranking in BBF, we'd always known that Yuba squad's trion had to be Rindou Takumi (9) size or lower and same goes for every other unintroduced HQ character. Unless of course Kitagawa is only on there because she's one of the few trappers and other unintroduced characters would have been on the ranking but for spoilers.
10. Anyway, the fact that they bring up that plan against Ninomiya here means it probably isn't going to work the exact way they said, but also that some kind of frontal confrontation with Ninomiya is likely to happen...!
11. in conclusion, I’m going to be overseas when the next chapter comes out...we’ll have to see how this goes...
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kaiser1ns · 29 days
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You can't help but adore TAKIISHI CHIKA’s arms — they are not overly muscular, but not too slim either, they are just perfect. He wraps them around your waist, pulling you close and his embrace is your favorite place to be, because you are the most precious thing in his world.
Your fingers trace the lines of his muscles, as you trail soft kisses up his left arm, your lips brushing over the tattoo on the back where his skin is warm, unable to resist nipping the flesh, the way his breath hitches as your teeth graze his skin.
Sometimes, when he has you trapped between his arms, your back against the wall, trying to assert his dominance — he becomes the one being dominated. You simply tiptoe to press a quick kiss on his lips holding onto his biceps as they go lower to get a grip of your legs and you hug him tight wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. You can feel them tightening and not wanting to let you go.
It's game over when he puts on a sleeveless top and steps up to fight, because someone decided to make comments about you — you didn't care, but he did. You can't tear your eyes away from the veins popping on his arms, the way the stand with every movement. All you can do is sit back and admire just how hot and pretty your boyfriend is, while wearing his jacket.
Those same arms become your pillow when night falls. You nuzzle into one of his sides, his other hand finds its way to your hair, fingers playing with your hair making your eyelids heavy, falling asleep faster than ever.
And in the morning his arms are still around you, holding you even closer and you realize it's like Heaven has opened its doors just for you, where his love and attention is just for you.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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onestowatch · 3 years
‘ONCE UPON A TIME’ Propels Chika Into the Long-Overdue Hip-Hop Stratosphere
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Photo: Leeor Wild
In the year that has passed since Chika released her debut project Industry Games, the Alabama singer and rapper has certainly kept herself busy. Between earning Grammy noms and ending the careers of parasitic tabloids on her off-days, Chika has balanced her time in quarantine well. 
Acclimating to her newfound fame as a member of XXL’s 2020 freshman class has not kept her from honing her craft, as is evident throughout her latest EP, ONCE UPON A TIME. With an anthemic introduction featuring BJ The Chicago Kid, Chika’s newest venture sees the talented young artist employing her dynamic and clever musical style while making her way to hip-hop’s main stage.
Between the modern southern-flavored bounce of “HICKORY DICKORY” and the laid-back swagger of the more R&B-leaning “FWB,” Chika is not shy about showing off her incredible vocal talent and lyrical affinity. Her two-part track “CINDERELLA” even levels two contradicting styles–one confidently ambitious, the other intimately vulnerable. 
Whether singing to her narrative’s female subject or gawking at the other girls hating on her, Chika’s performance remains consistently airtight, demonstrating a style that sounds somehow polished and effortless at the same time. Perhaps her masterful musical ability stems partially from her own humility, as she reveals that though she stays focused with the “heart of a poet,” against the lavish lifestyle of her peers she “prefer[s] just a tee and some Nikes.” 
With the success of two seasoned projects and a bevy of singles under her belt, it seems that Chika’s popularity in the hip-hop mainstream is long overdue. With her musical talent, outspoken personality, and strong moral compass, Chika has paved a path for herself without adhering to demoralizing trends or industry games. ONCE UPON A TIME demonstrates a uniqueness in Chika that demands your attention and a longevity that will certainly make her a star in no time. 
Listen to ONCE UPON A TIME below:
0 notes
hoshi-neko-hikari · 2 years
Ayla is in puppy mode tripping over her blankey
Chika nommed on the blankie
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sifasdt · 2 years
SIFAS Daily Theatre: 2023-01-30
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2023-01-30
Mikan in the Kotatsu
Chika: Nom nom...... Mmm~! Yummy~! Nozomi: Mikan are always more delicious when you eat them in a kotatsu. Chika: Yeah! The kotatsu just makes you want to chow down on them~ I’m gonna have another one right now! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Nozomi: Oh, then I’ll have one too. Chika: Okay~ Here you go, Nozomi-san. Nozomi: Ah, you peeled it for me. Thanks, Chika-chi. Chika: Ehehe~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Nozomi: Why don’t I peel one for you too? Chika: ......Whoa, you’re pretty good, Nozomi-san! Nozomi: I’m trying to use your technique! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Here you go. 𝅘𝅥𝅮
[End transcription.]
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stanimeniac · 5 years
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Chika Nom Nom [Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen] via /r/animegifs https://www.reddit.com/r/animegifs/comments/bwagoj/chika_nom_nom_kaguyasama_wa_kokurasetai/?utm_source=ifttt
0 notes
truyenvn · 4 years
Tổng Hợp 5 Truyện Tranh Smut “Chút Chút” Giải Nhiệt Mùa Hè
Dù là truyện tranh smut nhưng vẫn có cốt truyện và diễn biến theo trình tự, nhịp điệu của các bộ truyện dưới đây sẽ dẫn dắt bạn đến với những cung bậc cảm xúc chân thật và lãng mạn nhất.
Liar (Hakamada Juri)
Khởi đầu của truyện tranh smut thỉnh thoảng cũng sẽ “chậm nhiệt”, bộ truyện Liar của tác giả Hakamada Juri chính là như vậy. Truyện không vồ vập với những cảnh nóng bỏng mắt, thay vào đó là cách dẫn dắt vào câu chuyện khá gần gũi. 
Truyện xoay quanh nữ chính Narita Misao, 23 tuổi và là một nhân viên văn phòng vừa nhận việc. Đối với đàn anh ở cùng bộ phận, cô đã phải lòng một người khác, nhưng lại phải làm việc như một cấp dưới, một trợ thủ đắc lực cho Ichikawa. 
Ichikawa là cấp trên xuất sắc của Narita, nhưng những gì anh đối xử với cô lại tràn trề sự trêu ghẹo và lập lờ, anh luôn đem đến cho Narita cảm giác phải dè chừng, bối rối và sau đó là những rung động, với những màn thả thính chăm chỉ của anh.
Nửa Đêm
Bộ truyện Nửa đêm xoay quanh nữ nhân vật chính là Totsuka Azusa – cô nàng đang là một nhân viên văn phòng ở Tokyo. Khao khát của cô là được sống khác đi, sau khi chuyển đến thành phố lớn này. Nhưng mọi việc vẫn diễn ra không theo ý muốn, cô bận bịu suốt từ sáng sớm cho đến tận tối mịt nên càng không thể nói đến chuyện hẹn hò.
Trong một buổi tiệc chia tay đồng nghiệp ở công ty, cô đã uống rất nhiều và trở về nhà với trạng thái say mèm. Quá mệt nên cô đã đi ngủ ngay khi đến nhà, cho đến lúc nửa đêm, tỉnh dậy rồi Totsuka Azusa với biết là có người đang nằm ở bên cạnh mình, mà người đó còn là hàng xóm đẹp trai độc thân sát nhà. 
Đây là một truyện tranh smut với một cô nàng độc thân ngây ngô và một anh chàng nam tính, đẹp trai ngời ngời và rất bạo dạn, từ lời nói cho đến hành động của cậu ta đều rất quyết đoán khiến nữ chính bối rối suốt.
Bạn Trai Xem Mắt Là Cảnh Sát Dê Xòm!?
Thế giới của người lớn thông qua những khung truyện tranh smut sẽ vô cùng trần trụi và thỉnh thoảng, hình tượng của những con người tưởng chừng luôn tỏa sáng sẽ không còn trong sáng như những gì mà họ thể hiện ở bên ngoài. 
Bộ truyện Bạn Trai Xem Mắt Là Cảnh Sát Dê Xòm!? kể về câu chuyện tình cảm đầy thú vị của cô giáo mầm non 26 tuổi Kyoko đang chán nản với công việc và cuộc sống. Trong một lần đi hẹn hò nhóm với đồng nghiệp, cô đã gặp được định mệnh của đời mình. 
Đối phương là một cảnh sát với vẻ ngoài sáng láng bắt mắt, vừa gặp Kyoko đã nghĩ người này thật tốt bụng vì đã trông nom mình trong lúc mình bị say, nhưng không ngờ ngay sau khi cô tỉnh lại thì thái độ của anh ta quay ngoắt 180 độ….
Trò Chơi Họp Lớp
Truyện tranh smut Hàn Quốc so với Nhật Bản chỉ có ngang ngửa chứ không hề kém cạnh về độ “hot”. Bộ truyện Trò chơi họp lớp chính là một truyện mà độc giả có thể mở mang tầm mắt. Truyện xoay quanh nhân vật chính là Kim Min Jae, một nhân viên văn phòng khá e dè và tự ti về bản thân. 
Trong một ngày đang làm việc thì anh nhận được một cuộc gọi từ bạn học cùng lớp, mời anh đến dự một buổi tiệc họp lớp, sau 14 năm xa cách. Giờ đây, đối diện với bạn bè cũ, anh chàng càng thêm tự ti vì so với mọi người, anh chỉ là một nhân viên bình thường, còn họ đã thành đạt và trở nên giàu có.
Lúc vừa đến buổi tiệc gặp mặt, mọi thứ dường như rất bình thường cho đến khi cả đám bắt đầu uống say và cùng nhau chơi trò chơi bốc thăm. Dẫu đã kết hôn, bọn họ cũng đã không ngại mà chơi trò bắt cặp với nhau. Mọi sự ngỡ ngàng sau đó là sa đọa cũng chính thức bắt đầu từ bữa tiệc họp lớp này.
Masaomi-Kun Ni Metoraremashita
Trong tựa truyện tranh smut này, Chika và Masaomi là thanh mai trúc mã, lớn lên cùng nhau, thân thiết như người trong nhà. Sau khi mẹ của Chika mất, đồng nghĩa với việc người thân duy nhất của cô đã qua đời, cô được gia đình của Masaomi nhận về làm con nuôi. 
Nhưng cô lại không thật tâm muốn làm con nuôi của họ chút nào. Thế nên Masaomi đã đề nghị được kết hôn cùng với Chika, khi tài sản của anh lúc bấy giờ là một quyển sổ tiết kiệm với hơn 700 vạn trong đó. 
Lớn lên cùng nhau, thân thiết như những người bạn nhưng Chika thật lòng chưa bao giờ nghĩ sẽ yêu hay trở thành vợ của Masaomi, vậy mà giờ đây, họ đang là học sinh cấp ba và đã kết hôn cùng nhau. Và rồi, chuyện gì đến thì cũng đến…
Bộ truyện Masaomi-Kun Ni Metoraremashita có phần mở đầu khá hấp dẫn với cách đặt vấn đề mới mẻ và trực tiếp. Độc giả chắc chắn sẽ hài lòng với những tình tiết lãng mạn của cặp đôi trẻ, đồng thời mãn nhãn với những pha “bóc-lột” táo bạo.
Qua những bộ truyện kể trên, ta thấy rõ truyện tranh smut không hẳn là những bộ truyện chỉ toàn cảnh chịch xoạc thô bạo, mà đó còn là mảnh đất chân thật nhất về tình người trong xã hội.
source https://truyenvn.com/tin/5-truyen-tranh-smut-giai-nhiet.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-truyen-tranh-smut-giai-nhiet
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