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agoobersretreat · 1 year ago
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Meanwhile, Miq is over here whistling nonchalantly as best she can given what she just saw admitted. She's blushing harder too, realizing she really is that easy to convince to be eaten whichever way anyone might like, from strangers too, if they know juuuuuuuuust the right way to wind her up.
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agooberscast · 6 months ago
[Why is Donnie having a bad luck streak?!]
So, the main reason? It's that no one takes him or his abilities seriously, which leads to shenanigans or situations he's put in that really puts blows to his self-worth and wanting to keep trying to be a hero.
When he became Empowered, he was scared and worried about what would happen, given the abilities he came to have. He can be small, and was stuck this way for a few years, and he packs an atomic punch with manipulating physics and mass around him.
So, you'd think that with his ability for super-human strength and his ability to get small, he'd probably be hired or contracted for some more serious jobs or so, right? He thought so, at least. But nope.
Usually, he's hired for things like retrieving rings from sinks or pushing lint out of vents and stuff. People who definitely appreciate it and he's happy to help, but he also wishes he could be considered for more serious jobs or offers. Probably mostly the woes of being a solo rookie hero-in-training.
And then there's the perils of being so small and people not noticing you or forgetting you're there to help them. He has been washed down the drain before, stepped on, squashed, slapped, kicked, launched, accidentally kidnapped, purposefully kidnapped, accidentally eaten, purposefully eaten and flushed.
Lots of shenanigans and he is thankful he's been fine, more or less, each time it happens. It's very tough, he feels, to keep going. The smiles and thanks are worth it, though, so he'll keep stubbornly doing his best always.
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kyne-grotto · 1 year ago
Just touched the dangly thing at the back of my throat and bore witness to a new kind of ache.
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currymaker · 6 months ago
what the fuck is nibblesnarf
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muses-and-odd-fashion · 1 year ago
Glad you love the #nibblesnarf tag for my two blogs! As a Monster Hunter fan, I love my favorite silly monsters lol
Hell yeah lmao
Nibblesnarf <3
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agooberscanons · 2 years ago
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"Ohhhhh, so that's why that pumpkin pie tasted a little like peanut butter? That makes so much sense, now. You bake so well, Peach~."
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"And you were so delicious, fellow me. I'd gladly do it again or return the favor to you, hyehehe~."
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“Fun fact. The Daisy I hurled into the oven, I baked into a pie….and then
@agooberscanons​ Daisy ate her~”
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“You’re real lucky I ate a 1up the other day.”
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coreink002 · 5 years ago
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Here is a nibblesnarf
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agooberscanons · 9 months ago
Cue a normal night of, ya know, being a cozy darkness dummy youkai. Burger about it and cozy times in her dark as hell room.
It was a good day sparring with Cirno and they had some good palling around afterwards. But now, something is on her simple mind and it's bugging the hell out of her.
She's been wondering about maybe... going to see Reimu again. Nothing about attacking, but maybe sparring with her? Or maybe something about finally checking out that Reimuburger place she works at? Munch.
Mmmmph, there's also been a long time of bugging Marisa in the same way. Maybe even Sanae, too. That would be a little more dangerous of a trek and idea to her safety though, so maybe not.
Burger munching, little heart wanting. What the hell are these feelings and why can't she just drown them in burger and soda beverage?
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agoobersretreat · 2 years ago
For a fantasy regarding Miq?
Dr. Coinín feeding her as much as she can happily handle, maybe even making sure she packed full of the food she adores, and then letting Miq choose a method for how she wants to be eaten, no matter how odd or intimate it would be. CV, anal, oral, breast, ect. But it regardless, it would still be a slow, sensual process for Miq as she's eaten. All to allow the girl to experience every moment of it in eager bliss. And ultimately, Miq being able to come back after being reformed, and being able to see the impact she left on the doctor's body. Being able to snuggle up against it, if she so desired.
Holy shiiiiit...this is amaaaaaaazing~.
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"Double on that. No, triple. That's soooooo hoooooot and gooooood~."
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agooberscast · 6 months ago
Has Chelle ever kept anyone safe in her stomach?
"Ahhh, hello there! Shraq, I think I remember hearing about you." She makes a grandiose motion with her arms as she welcomes you into her 'throne room.'
"I hope the travel here was good? Otherwise, I have to scold my henchmen and henchwomen again about how we handle guests compared to criminals!" She moves to her desk and leads you to the seat across from her, as she leans over her desk carefully.
"Now, you asked me a question! 'Have I ever kept anyone safe in my stomach?', yes?" The much taller woman hums as she thinks it over for just a moment. "Mmmmm, yes I have~."
She reaches over her desk, lying on top of it to be right in your face with a very smug smirk. "Were you curious about why I would do that? My process and how to go about it? Perhaps you wished to see it first-hand for yourself, just to satisfy your curiosity~?", she says as she snaps her teeth in front you playfully.
"Mmm, I will answer one: Why." She streeeeeetches carefully and gets back in her seat cozily, resting back into her custom throne for support to her larger-than-normal spine. "The reason why was because I needed to protect a witness until their trial date. Couldn't have them out and about where someone could easily put a hit out on them, hm? Besides, most regular goons and some of their employers wouldn't be stupid enough to try and take them from me~."
"So, they got to stay somewhere safe and hidden away from the rest of the world and I got a week indoors here to look after and care for them as best I could. We got pretty close in that time, you could imagine? We still call each other when we can, once they had made it into proper witness protection later~." Yaaaaaawn. "Oh, excuse me, dear."
And back to leaning forward, towards you now. "So, did that help answer your little question, cutie pie~?", she asks as she smiles with a knowing smirk.
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agooberscast · 2 years ago
Nichijou no HEARTLESS: Entire Season 1 Synopsis
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Episode 1: Nichijou no Heartless/Cherry Bomb!
A quiet day at home leads Freia to checking in on her family to see how they’re handling the boredom!/Freia’s cherry gumdrop stash has mysteriously vanished! It’s up to her and Melissa to find out where it went as Freia does her best to not cave into her heart-cravings!
Episode 2: There’s No Place like Home/Oh, There’s Two of Them!
A long day out running errands is proving to wear out Freia to where she’s hoping for home!/From one manor and right into another, Freia and her family go over to visit her bestie, Erin, at her manor with her family!
Episode 3: Honeypot Honey/The Cool Aunt
The Spring thaw really wires up Melissa! Freia must make it through the day as she is ambushed at every corner for her honeybee’s libido!/Freia is asked to babysit for her bestie and the kiddos are alright! Well, mostly. They’re definitely a handful or two!
Episode 4: Bubble Bubble/Movie Magic
Freia dips a day into her side-hustle, for fun, and decides to fill out a few alchemical requests from the locals./Freia is pulled aside by her niece, Mallow, to help her film a home movie! They have to fill their cast and proceed to lights, camera and action!
Episode 5: The Frog Prince...ss?/Stop and Smell the Roses
Freia decides to hit up an old friend of Erin and hers, Kero, and the three of them have an interesting day out together./A day in after their day out, they all get to spend some personal time with Kero and her family, being her husband, Axl, and their daughter, Amaya.
Episode 6: Once Upon a Time Part 1/Once Upon a Time Part 2
After a movie marathon night with the family, Freia turns in for the night and has a fantastical dream that seems to have and her family fill the roles of some of the movies they saw that night!/Soon enough the dream of Freia’s daughter, Jackie, wanting to explore the world around her comes into view. A parallel of a movie where parents should talk with their children about serious enough topics and trusting them to do so alone while making sound decisions.
Episode 7: Slime Time/Which Witch?
Freia decides that is a goopy kind of day and it’s time to be a slime!/Halloween time! Freia and the fellow older ladies of the two houses have a mean trick to show bullies who have ruined the kiddos’ holiday.
Episode 8: That Magic Number/Two Can be as Bad as One
The summer heat is intense, so Freia needs to do her best to last the whole day as others try their best to steal her away for cooling them off for the day./Freia decides to spend the day with her bestie, Erin, and they make it everyone else’s problem.
Episode 9: Pornucopia/Toil and Trouble
Freia decides today is a good day to have a revolving door of lovely ladies in and out of her home for some good times!/Freia tries her hand at a new recipe in her alchemy list, leading to surprising results!
Episode 10: Jackie of All Trades/It’s Not a Family Without You...
Freia and Melissa reflect on the time spent together that led to Jackie’s conception and eventual birth, as well as the early days of motherhood./The other daughters of Freia and Melissa share stories with Jackie about how their mothers found and adopted them.
Episode 11: Loungin’ Lady/Snow Day!
Freia decides she wants a hobby that gets her out of the house more, so she heads to town and tries out a few jobs and hobbies for the perfect fit!/It’s Christmas time! However, it’s an unusually warm day. Freia and her friends decide to improvise their White Christmas!
Episode 12: Surprise!
Freia’s friends and family are throwing a surprise party for her! It is Melissa and Jackie’s job to keep her preoccupied until everything is ready! However, Freia also has a surprise she’s ready to share with them all, as well...
I did it! I made the fake synopsis for the fake first season of the fake anime! But my aches and pains in my fingers are very, very real. It was good fun and maybe I’ll do Season 2 before the end of the year. For now, I’m gonna let this chill through the weekend and let Taylor boost the hell out of it on her blogs.
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james-silvercat · 9 months ago
This is a gold-crown zinogre in mh rise, this is the largest size they can get.
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Assuming that the hunter beside him is 2 meters tall (extremely generous estimate, average human height is 1.7m), that boy is around 10 or 12 meters long.
That is still smaller than what the game claims my meekest zinogre kill was, and this is only zinogre, the game also claims i hunted a 40m long nibblesnarf so far
speculative fiction writers i am going to give you a really urgent piece of advice: don't say numbers. don't give your readers any numbers. how heavy is the sword? lots. how old is that city? plenty. how big is the fort? massive. how fast is the spaceship? not very, it's secondhand.
the minute you say a number your readers can check your math and you cannot do math better than your most autistic critic. i guarantee. don't let your readers do any math. when did something happen? awhile ago. how many bullets can that gun fire? trick question, it shoots lasers, and it shoots em HARD.
you are lying to people for fun. if you let them do math at you the lie collapses and it's no fun anymore.
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agooberscast · 1 year ago
Hey there, y'all! I bet you didn't think this was coming back anytime soon, huh? Well, here we are again! It's time for an Ask Blitz! That's right, an Ask Blitz! How does that work, you ask? Well, I'll tell ya!
An Ask Blitz, as far as I'm concerned, is when I have a period of time to answer any and all asks while I can do so and have the steam to power through them! Today, this Ask Blitz is gonna be here, for all my OCs! If you're wondering who you have a chance to ask questions to and about, check out the Muse Page here!
We will not only be opening this to the general public here on Tumblr, but some slight exclusive access on the GameAces server! In that server, they can ask way more directly and sometimes even get a little priority! So, it'll be from two sources, yes! Check out the link below, if you'd like to join!
Alrighty, so this is gonna go for the rest of tonight and even possibly bleed over into tomorrow. We'll see how it goes, but yeah! See ya here or there and let's get it rolling~!
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agooberscanons · 1 year ago
What's Tifa's opinion on Ano-chan? (Assuming they've met)
"I'm glad that Yuffie finally found someone to do her antics with and to, but I also feel like Ano-chan might be open to bad influence...from Yuffie. I guess we'll see, in time, but hrrrmph. Hope they don't accidentally hurt each other or something like that."
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agooberscanons · 1 year ago
Da ‘Yori be big
How’d digesting those anons go?
Sayori pouts a little, very much very more blubbery than she was expecting to be after all that. Big sighs, it's tough to move.
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agooberscanons · 1 year ago
Onr more rumbling swallow and down she slides, squelching into....a familiar rubbery bouncy stomach.
...wait...was this Lizzy?
"........Oh, there's a stomach I haven't seen in a long time! Lizzie, why didn't you just say it was you! Actually, how'd you manage to stay in the shadow the entire time you did that. Was that a clown trick?" Tifa now seems much more at relief and also much more into it now that it's Lizzie. Once she gets her bearings, that is.
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