#fallen angels of santa carla
wickedanddeadly · 2 years
Heather Saxe Cohen's Bio
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" Don't let my innocent face fool you. I'm actually a devil in disguise... Underestimating me will be your downfall. "
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Heather was a troubled teen who always found herself getting into trouble. Mostly that was because she learned at a young age how to pick not only pockets but locks as well. Time and time again she found herself in trouble and facing jail time. Her parents had enough of this behavior and gave her the choice - either straighten herself up or get out of their home. Heather took this as her chance to escape. Her parents fought all the time. She can’t remember a single instance when her parents were happy together. She packed her bags and hit the road.
She used her skill of pickpocketing to make it from place to place, and she never really stayed in one location for very long. It was better to keep on the move when you weren’t a law-abiding citizen. Soon she found herself in Santa Carla. People swarmed there in flocks; it would be a good place to make some quick cash for her next trip. After ripping off countless people on the Boardwalk she darted off into the woods not to be caught. She was looking for a way back to the train station when suddenly she was surrounded by werewolves. Never would she have believed such creatures existed. This was her end or so she thought. When she didn’t think anything could surprise her more a man by the name of Peter appeared. He moved so quickly that she couldn’t even keep up with him. He attacked the wolves who were attacking her. Somewhere amidst the fight she was thrown back and knocked out. When she woke up, she was in Peter’s home – he had been taking care of her.
Slowly but surely the two started growing close and a relationship between them emerged. For a year or so things were fine, but then Peter started acting differently. Something about him changed, and he began pulling back from her. She wasn’t left in the dark for long - Peter told her he would not subject her to this kind of life and that she needed to leave Santa Carla and never return. Heather refused to go along with any of this, she fought him about it as hard as she could. But in the end, it was pointless. It took Sonya to tell her it was for the best before she reluctantly agreed. Sonya relocated Heather and then vanished.
For several years she was utterly heartbroken. She had to find something to take her mind off the man she had madly fallen in love with. His being a vampire was never an issue to her. Instead of turning back to a life of crime, she buried herself in school and soon became a very well-known lawyer. Little did she know she had a little help with that since Sonya made sure all records of her criminal past vanished without a trace. One late night after work Heather left her office and was on her way home when she felt like she was being followed. That eerie feeling, she felt so many years ago fell over her. When she turned around to confront her pursuer she was stunned and knocked off her feet. The man standing behind her .. his face was disfigured but strangely she wasn’t scared. When he spoke, her heart sank. His memories were tainted, whatever he had gone through left his memories clouded. But she instantly knew this was Peter … this was her Peter.
For a brief period, they stayed at her place giving him time to fully recover and remember the events of what happened to him. They then decided to rejoin Sonya and her family in Los Angeles. Things were rocky in the start because of Hades but once all of that was settled it gave Peter and Heather time to catch up on all the time they had lost together. Peter started acting strangely again and at first, she panicked thinking the past was about to replay itself. She was very wrong – while she had thought about it many times, she never thought it was something Peter would offer. She was surprised when he asked her to spend eternity with him. The offer to change her was placed on the table. Without hesitation, she agreed and now they are just waiting for the right moment because the family moving again put a stall on their plans.
As of December 2021: Heather has since been turned (willingly) by Peter. This put her on X's radar, and she was used by him to lure Peter into a trap. After recovering in one of Peter's ally's homes in Europe, it was advised by his daughter, Sonya, that they remain out of sight for the time being. Heather and Peter are now engaged.
Powers and abilities Immortal Flight Enhanced Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Senses, Stamina Regenerative Healing Factor Weaknesses Sunlight Holy Water Stake Through The Heart The Thirst Basic stats Height: 5'5" Hair: Blonde Eyes: Hazel Relations Peter ( Mate ) The Alexander Family Face claim - Dianna Agron
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thelostboys-rp · 4 years
{Arc} End of the Line
A scornful twin brother will do whatever it takes to make his older sibling suffer.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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There's something wrong with the village - Billy Hargrove x transmasc! reader/oc
A very cathartic and self indulgent fic, that i needed to write for myself. It's raw, and triggering, but it's a way to get out the homophobia I have to deal with being a closeted queer person, and a source of comfort.
Angst in the begining, happy ending. Soft! Billy with reader .Accidental Crossover with the Lost Boys? I got a little carried away but it's good I promise
Trigger warning : mention of suicide attempt. Homophobia, slurs. If I forgot a tag don't hesitate to tell me in the comments, or my asks are open if needed.
not proof read
Fic under the cut
If only Carol had not been looking through my locker. If only she hadn’t acted like the bitch she is and left me alone, nothing would have happened.  It was after this annoying class of P.E., where all the girls were forced to run and run for an hour. I liked running, but there was something else bothering me: the sports clothing being too feminine for my comfort, and the impossibility to bind properly. And I may have been pretty flat, it did not make my breast inexistant.
I was always pretty uncomfortable showering and changing with the girls, not that I was attracted to them but I knew that they were seeing me as something I wasn’t, and it hurts a lot. But Hawkins being Hawkins, Indiana, I knew there wasn’t much I could do about it. Not yet, not in high school. But maybe after… I’ve heard that California was more open, and there was this little town I’ve heard about, Santa Carla that seemed perfect for people like me, who wanted to disappear and start over.
I tried hard to keep the door of the closet close, knowing how easy it was to start a witch hunt for the freak. But I didn’t know that I would have to endure it.
As I went back to my locker to take my stuff, I found Carol looking through my stuff, holding the bandages I used to bind. I had a binder made from a one-piece swimsuit that was flattening my chest enough but looked like a sport bra enough for it to be discreet, but it was safely drying in my closet at home and I had opted for less safe bandages that I had to take off exercising.  
And even if it wasn’t well-known what it was used for, I knew she had seen it has something wrong. She knew. And she made my life hell for the rest of the year. The word Queer that I had grew to love use for myself became a disgusting slur in her mouth, often coming along with faggot. It hurts so much, yet I knew I couldn’t do anything about it without outing myself and put me in an even more dangerous situation.
It hurts so much that I started to do somethings to myself that would hurt. Was I really a sinner like she said? What was a sin anyway? It hurts so much and I don’t know what to do about it. It hurts more and more, until it keeps me awake at night, until I can’t think about anything else.
It’s late when I put on my favorite Metallica tee-shirt with my binder underneath. It’s late when lock the door of my house. It’s even more late when I walk and walk until I reach that cliff above the lake where I know that flying will end it all. It’s way too late for people to be outside, so when I’m so focused on walking toward the edge I think I imagine the noise of the car, I imagine the loud noise of its door and the person rushing to the cliff, to me. It’s so late when I reach the end, ready to jump and I feel a body pressed into mine, taking me away from that cliff, leading the fallen angel away from its fall.
Realizing that someone cared enough to save me from myself, I broke down, sobbing against the warm body pressed against me, that embrace me and try to sooth me, away from that cliff, from that fall that would undoubtedly de deadly. When my sobs finally calm down, I open my eyes and look at my unknown saviour that is not so unknown. Despite the bruises, I can recognize the piercing blue eyes full of worry, wavy hair framing its owner beautiful face. Billy Hargrove, out of all people, who knows damn well for my queerness saved me.
I follow him inside his car, and as we are comfortably sitting on the backseats, I spill it. I spill everything, the good, the bad, the dirty. And I was not expecting him to, but he is listening. Billy is listening and comforting me, telling me everything will turn out alright, if I give it the time to be. As I don’t seem convinced much and ask him about his reasons to babe here in the middle of the night, he end up spilling everything about the asshole he has for father.
We end up spending the rest of the night here, finding comfort in the other’s presence.
The rest of our last schoolyear was easier after that. It was easier to support the nasty things in your life with a friend that you could confide in. We both got jobs to make some money to get out of here, and found a solution to make our getaway easier. Since we both wanted to go to California, and Santa Carla had the beach Billy wanted, we would both go there with his car. I would sell my old one for more cash that we could both use, so we could get our place and start anew.
Sometimes, there was this thing with Billy, where it was all confused, where I couldn’t understand if I wanted to be him, or if I wanted him. Slowly, I was transitioning in a discreet, invisible way. I let him cut my hair shorter, at chest level and with shorter hair in front, in a more androgynous and masculine way. He did an amazing job, and for the remaining time of school he would do it monthly.
We would often work out together, and he would help me with my shopping. He even gave me his old leather jacket, too small for him yet baggy on me. I took the habit of wearing it daily.
While I was falling in love with him, I did not realize he was falling in love with me. With the way my eyes would light up when I saw him. With how gentle and caring I was, with how I was baring my soul to him and how he knew he could do the same with me.
When we snatched that diploma, I could tell how eager he was to leave. We had already had everything ready. Our things and money were in his car, I had sold mine a few days before, pretexting wanting to get a bike more suited for the state I wanted to study in, that would also be cheaper and allow me to use the money for college. No one needed to know that I would never see a university class. When we both got in his car, and started to drive away I couldn’t believe it was happening for real. We were free.
When we estimated we were far enough from Hawkins, we stopped to a cheap motel to rest, Billy and I had taken turn driving, to put as much distance as we could, listening to Metallica and Mötley Crüe, savoring our newly earned freedom.
When we settled into our room for the night, passing for two best friends doing a road-trip before going to college, we ended up with only one bed. After a lot of awkward, we decided to share it, clinging onto each other as a reassurance that yes, we were away from the homophobic hell that was Hawkins, safe and together.
I don’t really remember what happened, one moment we were just chatting together and the other we were kissing, tongues and teeth clashing in a way that said I am alive, I am alive and free with you. I didn’t know what would kissing a boy would feel like, but with Billy it felt good, loving. It felt right. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, tangled together and as close as we could be.  We were together and in love and everything would be alright.
When we woke up, we were such in a good mood we couldn’t take our hands off of the other. We soon hit the road again, Billy driving, with his hand on my tight, singing along the tapes we were listening to. We switched a few times before reaching Santa Carla. I had never seen Billy so happy as when we saw the ocean together. Our new life wouldn’t be so easy but it was already so full of promises. 
When we went for a walk on the boardwalk, his arm around my shoulder, Billy insisted for us to walk around. That’s how we caught the attention of the four men leaning by their bikes, with similar fashion to ours. When the blond platinum one smiled at us, I did not knew at that time how the luck had turned in our favor and if there was something wrong with Hawkins, the fate Billy and I were promised in Santa Carla was a really good one.
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va-3 · 4 years
Part I
Second Half of my OC’s Information (the photo limit screwed me over)
The 1930s through the 1970s in Taika’s past is still a work in progress as well as the art soooo...probably a part three in the future?
Taika and Raspberry move to California the fall of 1986, although Raspberry finds a more permenant residence in Los Angeles while Taika finds herself on a more wandering path.
In the February of 1987 Taika wandered upon the town of Santa Carla, a town given credit for being home to those who wanted to disappear.
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[side note: the jacket and jeans would be colored if only my damn markers hadn’t died]
Taika, a delinquent at heart as always, fit in like a puzzle piece. The punk-graffiti day life appealed to her like any adventure, and the smell of vampires lured her further into the town. She “cleared” a house (the act of killing the owners of a house and taking it for herself) as well as the garage. Taika acquired a 1987 Yamaha Virago via a rich douchebag she easily stole from and offed.
When the nightlife glowed at the boardwalk, it was apparent to the Santa Carla vampires that something was off, although they could not place it.
Taika did not make contact with the vampires for a while, seeming to distance herself just enough to make them curious about the uneasiness on the boardwalk since her arrival. Every now and then a body would turn up, a person snatched into an alleyway and partially eaten. It wasn’t until David met eyes with Taika across the boardwalk that it was clear to the Santa Carla vampires that there was another predator on their territory.
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Taika’s aggressiveness and competitiveness are what pull the boys in first, that along with her scent, so much more intoxicating than any other human. A sort of playful rivalry grows between the calta and the vampires—who could last longer making trouble on the boardwalk without getting kicked off by Big Ed, who could score the biggest bonfire of surf nazis, and so on.
In the end it was Marko and Paul who put an end to the rivalry. Dwayne hadn’t thought he’d be able to really approach Taika and David was too prideful to do so. So the chaotic blonde duo took it upon themselves to invite her back to their cave as an act of trust as well as cease fire. David, no matter his pride, was quick to share about the fallen hotel made theirs. She was quick to catch on to the fact that they had been vampires much longer than they appeared. Dwayne brought it to her attention that she clearly knew what they were while they handn’t a single idea what she was.
With that question being asked, she explains what she is, and from there, their trusting relationship grows. The first time they hunt together is remotely terrifying to the vampires, considering she is a monster made for hunting them as well as other supernatural creatures.
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The relationship between the boys and Taika blooms into something deeper, though it isn’t apparent to any of them at all at first. It was just small things they realized they loved about her, and her them. They fall in love with her odd little quirks, like how she always has change on her because it’s “shiny and distracting”, or how she’ll braid tiny braids into her hair and sometimes to boys’ hair, or how she makes beautifully delicate carvings out of the bones of their victims, or buys(steals) stuff for the cave while they all sleep, or organizes whatever she can anytime she comes the to cave, and really really likes coconut shrimp.
She steals the boy’s clothing whenever she leaves the cave during the day after a night of events, not that any of them complain. Marko’s crop tops are always her go to, while she wears Paul’s jewelry out and sometimes jeans that Dwayne doesn’t wear anymore. Sometimes Taika and David switch earrings, only because David is hesitant to give her any of his current clothing,. When he finds that he is more possesive of her than he’d openly admit, he gives her extra shirts of his to keep. Taika loves how the vampires smells mask her own; not only is it comforting, but it protects her from any lurking sevren(a post for another time).
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Taika only needing three hours of sleep allows her to have a day life of her own, one that tends to breed chaos. Sometimes she’ll go surfing, something she’s become quite adept at, and show up the surf nazis on their own territory. Taika is the only member of the “biker gang” that the surfers ever see during the day, so they let out a lot of their aggression on her because they’re truly too cowardly to face the boys and her head on. The biggest mistake the surfers ever made was the day they decided it’d be humorous to steal her bike in broad daylight. She’d parked her bike(albeit illegally) on the boardwalk when she got to the beach, and when she returned later that day her bike was gone. Needless to say the surfers had invoked the wrath of someothing stronger than them on supernatural levels.
The boys knew something was up the instant they walked into the caves main area to find Taika waiting patiently at the exit. The only tthing she said was she needed a ride, one David gave happily. When the vampires had parked their bikes and Taika had muttered some words of reassurance to fill in her silence, she made a beeline for the carousel, following the ocean-spray smell of the asshole who’d taken her bike. He was standing in line with an arm draped over a girl who couldn’t have looked more trashy, his friends jostling one another as the line moved along. The four vampires followed behind the taller predator, their curiosity evident as they formed a half-crescent around her when she stopped. Taika was quick to clamp her arm onto the girl under the surfer and yank her out of the way, sending her flying onto her butt. Taika was mad, like, really mad. She hooked her hand into the collar of the surfers shirt, ignoring his protest when she yanked him to her.
“Where is it,” she hissed, putting forth minimal effort to keep herself from biting his face off in public. Marko watched in excitement, his thumb between his teeth as his eyes found the surfer’s. This guy was screwed. He raised his hands in surrender and feigned innocence, “Hey, I don’t know what your deal is lady, but I don’t know nothin about anything.”
His friends snickered behind Taika, clearly enjoying how angry they had made her. She narrowed her wild purple eyes, running her tongue over her teeth.
“Where’s my goddamn bike,” she demanded, her voice like ice down his spine. The vampires watched on, looking about occasionally to make sure Big Ed wouldn’t poke his nose where it didn’t belong. His friends burst into laughter again, shoving one another giddily. Taika had half the mind to throw the surfer in her hands at them like a bowling ball at pin, but she repressed her urges.
“You can make this easy or you can make it hard. Give my my bike and I won’t have to kill you.” He pressed his hands to the sides of his face and made a noise imitating a ghost. She stilled, silently in thought for a moment before she scoffed and let go of his shirt.
“Fine. I’ll find it myself. Boys,” she turned sharply on her heel and marched towards her vampires, hooking her hand into Dwayne’s in a way that was supposed to be gentle, but she was too mad. Paul slipped his hand into her back pocket and matched her pace.
“Yeah, run to your queers.”
The boys would swear on their lives that they’d never seen her spin around and tackle someone as fast as she tackled that surfer. He was in the ground in seconds, and Taika was planting hit after hit, taking the few blows he managed to land on her ribs like they were nothing. The surfers friends sprang into action, attacking the boys as well as trying to pry Taika from the much bigger surfer. The surfer’s face was bleeding all over, and he was fighting to stay awake. Taika wanted blood. Her bike’s absence was a small inconvenience that ensured a meal later that night, but the insult to her boys was a direct blow at her. They could trash talk her straight to her face, insult her, whatever made them feel powerful, but no one, no one, says anything about her boys. At last, she was whacked across the face by the baton belonging to Big Ed. The blow stunned her if anything, although she fell to the side and off of the offending surfer. Paul and Marko were quick to her side, helping her to her feet while also readying to catch her if she tried lunge out at the bleeding prick on the ground. “Off the boardwalk. All of you! Now!”
David was beaming with pride as Taika walked to him and Dwayne, wiping the surfers’ blood from her lip. The surfers backed from the bikers as they walked forwards, parting away from them to avoid Taika who walked in front, acting as an active threat to anyone who dared to even think about opposing them. When the five were clear of the crowd, Paul looped his arms around Taika and pulled her in for a smacking kiss. “That was awesome babe. Like, so fucking awesome.”
She burst into laughter, dropping her head onto his chest.
“Hell yeah it was,” added Marko, yanking her to him and spinning her like they were dancing. “I’m like two-hundred percent sure that guy pissed himself!”
Marko and Paul exchanged a highly energetic high-five, feeling the energy of the fight reigniting itself. Dwayne silently pulled her into him and kissed her forehead.
“Good to know you care, kitten,”at David’s words she beamed. Dwayne released her, and she bounced towards David, latching onto the lapels of his jacket. “I hope you know that I would do anything for you,” her sultry accent sent a delighted chill down his back. “All of you,” she sang, letting go of David’s jacket and spinning into Paul and Marko’s arms giggling like a school girl. From within the blond vampire sandwich, she raised her hand in the air to make a point. “Now, let’s go find my bike!”
The car belonging to the surfer who’d stolen Taika’s bike was found strung up in a junkyard the next day. The sight had been stupendous apparently, and ended up on the news. The owner of the car and his friends had a been absolutely delicious. After he’d returned Taika’s bike of course.
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jinna-aka-ninja · 5 years
His Fallen Angel
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Prompt: Marko keeps having this same dream where he sees a girl dressed all in white in a field of flowers and one day, he sees her in Santa Carla. Well, the two get to know each other and become friends, even recording songs with each other in her recording booth. She LOVES the Beatles. So Marko finally gets the courage to ask her out and she agrees, only to find out later on the date when she's away from Marko, that she's floating, meaning she's still an angel. 
(This is only part of the prompt. The other parts with be released with the other parts of the story. 
This is Part 1. )
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 There it was again. There she was again. Her beautiful flowing hair pushed by the winds by the sea. Turning her head to look at him, this mystery girl gave him a dazzling smile that almost made Marko melt. Who was she? Marko didn't know....but he wanted to.
"Please tell me who you are." Marko begged the woman as he slowly took a single step forward.
The mysterious female took a step back but the smile never left her lips. This causes Marko to stop in his place. This happened every time, without fail, when he saw her. The flowers brushing against the long pearl white dress of hers. Just like her the color didn't even seem slightly impure. Without any sign that she had done anything to gain so much as a single scar.
She didn't speak even a word, remaining completely silent as she watched him a few feet away from her. Her eyes gazed away from him looking up into the sky, the clouds large and white, they seemed to take most of the sky up. Her hand moved up above her eyes almost as if she were attempting to look far away for something.
There was so much effort in Marko to not look away from this beautiful being. Knowing very well that the second that he removed his eyes from her that she would be gone and he would once again be left alone in the darkness of his sleep.
Though Marko didn't have complete control of his dreams. This sadly had meant that he looked away from the girl to look where she was looking. Suddenly he saw a sword being flung toward his direction. It looked like it was thrown as a spear. Marko jumped back and turned to the female but she was gone. The sword embedded in the ground managed to slice a flower in half. Then it began to dissolve until it was gone. Marko was alone and darkness began to creep in around him to leave him in a dark void of a dream.
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Why that dream kept coming up for Marko was a mystery to him but he didn't really want to complain. He liked seeing her while he got the chance. Though when the sun came down he was inevitably forced to wake up. He didn't have time to chase after dreams...well it wasn't that he didn't have time....more so that he didn't think he should. Dreams were rare for vampires so stories of them having any meaning was unheard of. He thought it was normal so he just went along with his life as he normally did. 
Marko's brothers, as well as himself, made t heir way to the boardwalk. Ready for their nightly meal and to have fun doing as they pleased. Whooping and hollering in the night air as they laughed among one another. A happy family, though why did Marko still feel as if a piece of his puzzle was still missing? The night seemed almost like any other at first. They had the same fun like always until they reached the ferris wheel. Marko glanced up and saw a very all too familiar face up above them. 
The girl smiled as she felt the night winds against her face. Closing her eyes for a few seconds so that she could enjoy the moment even more so. Having finally gained the courage to come down from her home, Y/N had been all too eager to try the rides at the boardwalk that she had seen from her home so many times before. When the ride came to a stop and it was her turn to get off she made her way off, a bit of bounce to her step as she happily went to find something else to do. Marko followed the girl, separating from his brothers as he went to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. A large smile on his lips as he looked at her. 
"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here all on your own. It's a bit dangerous ya know? " Marko asked her as he kept that charming smile on his lips. She looked at him with large wide eyes. 
"I think you're one of the more dangerous things here." She said to him as a sly smile played on her lips. Marko was a little surprised but he let out a bit of a laugh and nodded his head as he was unable to honestly deny this accusation. 
At first, Marko thought she may know more about him than he thought she should but then another part of him was sure that he had never seen her before and this girl didn't seem afraid of him. "My name is Marko, you can call me babe though." He said with a wink earning a laugh from her. The sound was melodic and almost damn near hypnotizing. 
"Well Marko," She said his name to show her refusal to call him such a name, "You can call me Y/N. That's it though. No little nicknames. I don't know you like that." 
Marko laughed and rolled his eyes, "Well how about you let me get to know you like that and we see how it goes from there?" he asked her still attempting to get closer to her. 
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That was how it had started, their friendship. It was pure but still she didn't know what he was. A couple of months of them meeting up every other night to hang out until about an hour or two before the sunrise. Y/N and Marko seemed to be like to peas in a pod. She always made him laugh and he always made her smile. Their love for arts was insane. Marko had even taken to making her an identical jacket to his own. It took a while to find all the perfect pieces to make it match completely but he had  doe it and he made her wear it when they hung out so people would know that they were hanging out together and would not even bother to try to ruin their time. Y/N didn't mind this at all. Wearing the jacket with pride as she hung out with him. Their love for music also brought them together. She dragged him to her place of work where she was allowed to record songs with him which they would bring back to the hotel to play for the brothers who would rock out to the music with them. 
Y/N was almost like one of them...almost. She never drank from the bottle though. Marko was not sure how to get her to drink from it. To get them to be like he was. Maybe he needed to be closer to her? Something he desperately had wanted to do. 
"I can do this. Yeah, I can totally do this. What am I so worried about? Y/N and I get along so damn well. It only makes sense." Marko muttered to himself as he leaned against the railing and smiled when he saw Y/N running over to him as she jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. 
"Marko! I haven't seen you in three days! That's just too much!" She said to him with a pout as she let go of him. He just laughed and nodded his head in agreement. "You told me you would be gone for a while but at least you came back." 
"I'll always come back for you princess. I wanted to ask you something. How can I ask if I was gone forever?" Marko asked her with a large cheshire grin that he was so well known for having. 
"What did you want to ask me?" She asked curiously as she tilted her head to the side. Having almost forgotten that she was upset for a second as her mind was now focused on this mystery question. 
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Marko asked her trying his hardest to seem like he was confident but a small part of him was panicking at the thought of her rejection. 
Y/N's eyes brightened as she nodded, "Yes! Of course! " she said to him happily. She answered so quickly the voice in her head didn't have time to argue about their secret that they were keeping from him. How he would react, how would things go? It was a mystery. She was worried but her happiness was overwhelming that small panic and worry until it was silenced. 
Marko grinned as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. There was not much he could do with her since many places closed when the sun started to go down but he wanted to make this special. He took her to the ferris wheel. The place he saw her for the first time with his own eyes without it being in a dream. She seemed happy with this. They ate sweets and Marko went off to get them some more cotton candy while she waited at the beach. The sound of the waves against the shoreline calming her. The feeling of the sand below her seemed to go away though. Looking down with wide eyes she quickly brought her body back to the ground. 
A large part of Y/N thought that she could go without telling Marko about her past. Believing that when she dropped that she would become...well not human but not what she was either. This didn't seem to be the case however. She had been flying. Floating really and that meant she was still an angel. She still had grace. Marko returned and looked at her concerned expression with confusion. 
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"Hey, are you okay?" Marko asked. "Did something happen while I was gone? Did someone hurt you?" He asked while looking her over for any injuries but he did not spot any. 
Shaking her head, Y/N smiled faintly. "Marko...I need to tell you something about me...I'm not exactly...human? Okay now listen. I'm not crazy okay? I'm just trying to tell you the truth. It's going to sound insane and like I should be committed but I was an angel. I didn't want that life though. I wanted to be free. To be human. You have so much freedom down here. So much options. Your life isn't scheduled to the max. You do as you please and sure there are consequences but you have the choice! I wanted that...I wanted a part of that. So I came  down here...." she spoke to him trying to prove a point without him just going away because he was talking some nut job. 
Marko looked at her with confused eyes but he didn't seem to disbelieve it either. "So....I'm a vampire." Marko said to her unsure how she would take that news. If she was telling him her secret he felt he had to do the same. This only seemed to bring them closer together. "So...the mythical unholy creatures known as Vampires and an angel walk into a bar...the bartender throws them out for PDA." Marko said to her laughing as she playfully smacked his shoulder. 
"There is more too it though Marko. There are other things out there. These superior Angels. You may know them as the archangels. They are in charge and if I get caught by them then things will not end well. This needs to stay a secret. Okay?...You can tell your brothers since I'm sure you may have to but no one else." Y/N said to him leaning her head against his chest. Marko wrapped his arms around her waist. 
"Don't worry Princess. I won't tell a soul. No one is going to take you from me. You're mine." Marko said to her happy that he finally had her in his life. They were together and it seemed to be going very well. 
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Thank you @ringa-starr for this prompt!
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darklydescended · 4 years
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yes, that was in fact her REAL NAME. parents from over in a small town in england that came to the states and settled in MARYLAND . the black sheep punk rocker at a perfectly prim and proper private academy . she was the light of their  e y e s  and soon to be the  BANE OF THEIR EXISTENCE . when in highschool , angel began experimenting with her sexuality . she had    n e v e r  really identified as  s t r i c t l y  liking the company of guys when it came to sex but when she was in middle school she learned she was indeed  b i - s e x u a l  and often found herself checking other girls out .  t h a t  was what lead to  ANGEL’S  dilemma . she had invited one of her  g i r l f r i e n d s  from school over and her parents were supposed to be away . things didn’t ever work out like t h a t, though , did they ? ? they arrived home early to find her half naked up in her bedroom making out with the girl . just about to round off to the next base . her father yanked her up off of the bed and long story short – they did not approve and threatened horrible things such as being  k i c k e d out  of her only home she’d known as well as intense counseling . DECIDING to distance herself from that now toxic relationship and how things were going with her family - ANGEL packed a backpack with a bus ticket to CALIFORNIA , enough money to eat a little bit with when she got there , her black leather bracelet her older sister ANNIKA made her, a guitar pick, her clothes, and a sleeping bag that could double as a beach blanket . it was over THREE THOUSAND miles away yet it STILL didn’t feel far enough away . sleeping during the majority of the ride , angel stirred when they arrived at the last bus stop .
SANTA CARLA , CALIFORNIA . she had never really heard of the town but figured that was a good thing . what she failed to see was the
m u r d e r  c a p i t a l  o f  t h e  w o r l d
sign as you entered the town . grabbing her things , angel headed for the boardwalk . it wasn’t tourist season yet so she should be fine . a lot of shops were cheaper that time of year so she may be able to spread her couple of bucks over a hamburger and some fries . as she walks up to a station she sees two kids rummaging through the garbage bin .
S U R E she was hungry and wouldn’t have any more money – yet something pulled on her heartstrings . she reached into her pocket and walked over handing her last couple of bucks to a kid half her age whose face lit up when he got the money . smiling , she turned around and walked down the boardwalk alone - the sun now set over S A N T A C A R L A - unaware of the group of female vampires that was watching her . now all it would take is to catch the girl’s attention . which was easy when she caught sight of one of them . angel met a girl by the name of star that night . and it changed her life forever.
**note // i base ANGEL very loosely off of the lost boys comic series aka the lost girls . basically , she is turned into a vampire by STAR after she is left dying after she saves the life of BILLY the leader of the all female vampire gang THE BLOOD BELLES . angel is an extremely loyal vampire but still acts young in her age . she possesses a GOTHIC style about her and is often caught listening to PUNK ROCK and GOTH records . she appears to be the age of eighteen because that is when she was turned . she is a nerd , though , too , and often reads comic books which sucks considering the only comic shop in town is the FROG BROTHERS. angel HATES being called a n g e l i q u e , even though that is her name . she can be extremely BLOODTHIRSTY and has a ruthless streak in her . she also has major TRUST ISSUES after STAR abandons her the night she is turned ( even though it was for her own safety - as star has disobeyed billy when billy told her to kill angel instead ) . she had fallen in love with STAR and when she leaves like that it shows her just how heartless of a creature she is meant to be . it will NOT be easy to gain her trust unless you have known her for a long period of time . she doesn’t even trust the rest of the BELLES, including another vampire named NESSA that had tried to comfort her in a plot to gain her loyalty to the vampire gang . // if you have A N Y questions about her, feel free to ask . // **
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moviegroovies · 5 years
the lost boys + names
so if you’ve been following my lost boys obsession, you’ll have noticed me just absolutely gushing about so many things that really got me hooked into the movie’s clutches, but one thing i decided to save for its own post was my affection for the way the characters are named. 
in particular, the first pair of names that really jumped out at me were edgar and alan frog, for the obvious edgar allan poe reference reasons. i think those names are fitting insofar as the frog brothers are, as sam kind of points out, a little grimdark and morose (even though they’re right about the whole “vampires in santa carla” thing, they could probably stand to lighten up a little about it, right?), which is pretty much poe’s brand name. on a different level, given what little we see of their parents, it kind of makes me wonder if those are the boy’s given names; we see the talk about ex-hippies being hazardous to their children’s given names with michael “moonchild” emerson and star, but edgar allan poe wasn’t exactly famous for resonating with the hippie movement, either.
the tv tropes page for the lost boys acknowledges the meaningful name connotations latent in “lucy” and “max”: lucy, for the character lucy westenra, who was turned by dracula into a vampire (as was max’s plan for lucy emerson), and max, for max schreck, who played count orlok in nosferatu, a film mentioned by name in the lost boys. 
now, here’s the part where the post takes a turn for the “ok, you’re reaching,” so bear with me. honestly, none of the lost boy’s names jumped out at me in particular (as far as i know, none of them have any particularly meaningful connotations, they’re just, you know, names), except for david... but ONLY in conjuncture with star. now, it’s impossible to tell whether or not this was the intention of the writers, but the fact that there are two pretty major characters in the movie with the names “david” and “star,” especially when they’re said in the same line (when michael corners david on the boardwalk, he asks “where’s star, david”), invokes magen david, the star of david, pretty decisively. perhaps this is especially augmented by something my dad said when we were watching the lost boys together; when the boys went to collect star as she meant to go off with michael, he had a comment that went something like “oh yeah, i think she kind of belongs to them.” now, i’m obviously opposed on principle to the idea that girls can belong to guys in general, or that star actually belongs to the lost boys like an item in this specific case, but i don’t think the observation was that far off; she definitely feels that she has to go to david, specifically, when he comes calling, even though it’s pretty clear that she’d rather go get food with michael like he offered. this element of possessiveness kind of rounds out the association; literally, she’s the star of david. so what does that mean?
well, the star of david is obviously the modern symbol of judaism (worth noting here, i suppose, that star’s actress, jami gertz, is a jewish woman). however, as a symbol, it has no real backing in the torah, only really popping up in the last few hundred years as we know it now. the website my jewish learning offers a few explanations of possible meanings: franz rosenzweig wrote about it as the star of redemption, a theme which fits with star’s desire to undo what she’s done in giving up her humanity, while kabbalists used it as a symbol of protection against evil spirits, which can be read into her role in shielding michael from the lost boys, AND in her role in shielding laddie from the frog brothers’ attacks. no matter what the intention in these names were (and i fully acknowledge i might just be reading too much into what was never supposed to be this deep), i think these explanations are worth noting as insights into star’s motivations and her role in the movie.
in my previous posts, i talked a little bit about star’s name outside of the star of david bit, examining the conversation she had with michael where he suggested that her parents called her that because they were ex-hippies, like his, and came to the conclusion that it may be possible that her parents weren’t the ex-hippies, but rather, she was, meaning that star has been with the lost boys for a lot longer than most people think. basically, star’s name has a bunch of layers metatextually, and i don’t think that we would have gotten a whole conversation between the two of them about where her name came from if we weren’t supposed to think about that for a little bit. 
we stan a queen.
finally, and this one i’ll admit is REALLY off the shits, i want to examine the names michael and sam in connection with one another. my own personal bias is really shining through right here, and i want to get that out of the way first and foremost. michael, right now, is pretty much my favorite name, specifically because of my intense interest in angelology and, in particular, the archangel michael. naturally, when i realized that the lost boys had a michael as the main character, i was immediately on the lookout for anything that gave it a Meaningful Name(tm) status, and so when his brother was introduced as sam, i was kind of... excited, to say the least. you see, one relationship i’m really interested in, fictionally, is the sibling-esque bond that people like to examine between archangels, and in particular, the michael & lucifer relationship is my most favorite. the thing is, another name for lucifer that a lot of that type of media in particular uses is sammael... which, obviously, could easily shorten to “sam.” 
in the context of the movie, sam being the one connected to sammael, the fallen angel, the one who disobeyed god’s will and took the path forbidden from him, and michael being the one connected to, like, st. michael, the leader of god’s army, seems a bit... backward. obviously i’m stretching so hard i’ve dislocated my shoulder, but i think it might be interesting if that were on purpose; meaningful names that invoke the most famous angels, but then the characters marked with them go the opposite directions of their namesakes, and it becomes up to sam to bring michael back on the right path. 
...food for thought, i guess? let me know what you think, or if you have any other names from the movie that stuck out to you! this is my absolute favorite thing to analyze honestly. 
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lostinsantacarla · 6 years
A Visitor from SoCal 
Note: Thought I might share a snippet of what we’ve been writing. This story takes place shortly before Mae is introduced to the rest of the Lost Boys gang inside the old hotel. The parts for Mae and Veronica were written by @thesparklingpariah /Marko and David are all mine. ;-)
Mae kept no set schedule, preferring to come and go as she pleased, since the whims of the paying public were extremely fickle. What that meant in English was that she took random days off, depending on how busy things were the day before. Yesterday had been a good day for sales, so she’d decided to treat herself to a day of being lazy, which had culminated in a walk along the pier all the way to the end, just because she felt like it. The breeze was cool this far along the water, and she stood by the railing, her eyes closed as she took it all in. Mae was the only person at the edge; most of the tourists were either heading home or still on the rides. The end of summer meant fewer guests and space was no longer at a premium.
The relative silence was broken by the tide…and the click of heels along the wooden boards. If it weren’t for the wind blowing in just the right direction at just the right time, Mae would have ignored whoever was heading her way, but the scent on the wind made her heart sink to her feet: the sickly sweet smell of decay and the heady florals of Marc Jacobs perfume. Shit. Mae whipped around, coming face to face with a woman she hoped to never see again: Veronica, “daughter” of Miguel, third-in-command of the Los Angeles coven. Her ex-girlfriend.
“Hello, sweetie.” Veronica purred, her deep, rich voice curling around Mae’s ears like a cat. She’d never trusted cats.
“Veronica. I assume this isn’t a friendly visit?” Mae growled, sticking her hands in her pockets. She wrapped her hand around her switchblade.
“Just here to see how you’re doing.” Veronica shrugged, her own hands in her Armani jacket. Despite the strong breeze, she looked perfectly unruffled.
“You mean you’re here to see if I’m still alive.”
Marko had just punched out for the night, his jacket hanging haphazardly over one shoulder as he slipped out the back doors and into the narrow, makeshift alley behind the Seabreeze.
His pockets were full of dough, tips from the many patrons he’d served, and the dollars kept falling out, even after he’d secured the colorful garment over both shoulders. It put a smile on his face as he bent down to pick them up one by one, chasing after a couple as the breeze from the ocean tried to sweep them away.
One foot stepped out of the shadows and his keen ears caught the echo of voices in the opposite direction. One was familiar, and he straightened, sniffing the air.
He’d only scented Mae once, but he never forgot it, and knew right away that one of the figures was her. The second, another female, was not human at all, but it was not one of theirs. This was cause for concern. It seemed that even with all of Dwayne’s efforts, their borders kept getting breached.
He growled, shaking his head as he turned and made haste, cursing his beloved town for always stirring things up when all he wanted to do was smoke a joint with Paul, get some fresh blood in his gut, and then head on over to Cassidy’s.
He slowed as he neared the two, getting a good eyeful of the other female, just to make sure he knew what he was up against. Then with a smile that could melt the panties off a human woman, he sauntered up. “Evenin,'” he greeted, taking a firm stance in front of them, while managing to keep it somewhat congenial by sticking his hands in his loaded pockets.
Veronica’s gaze could seduce both men and women, regardless of their preferences, and then stab them in the alley and take all their money. A hint of malice lay behind her eyes; Mae was sure that Veronica expected her to be the same weak-hearted girl she was when Veronica dumped her. Mae refused to be cowed. Those days were over.
“Well, here I am. ALIVE.” Mae looked down her nose at Veronica, her posture rigid. Túlio had spent weeks trying to teach her poise and elegance so she could fit in with the “posh” sides of vampire society, and that included how to stare down an enemy when you couldn’t kill them. She wasn’t sure it was working.
“That you are, sweetie.” Veronica laughed, the sound deceptively gentle.
“So what are you going to do now?” Mae raised an eyebrow, mentally back again in the trenches of the L.A. vampire world.
Before Veronica could speak, Marko appeared out of nowhere, seemingly. Mae felt a bit of relief; they’d only met once, but he was one of David’s men, and that meant protection, or at least, someone to keep an eye on Veronica. The woman in question turned to face him, sniffing haughtily at him.
“And who are you?” Her voice dripped with disdain. “Who do you serve?”
One of Marko’s eyebrows shot straight up at the nerve of this vampire in his town, asking HIM who he was and who he served, so naturally, he turned cheeky and his grin went from ear to ear.
“Satan. Hell… but mostly, I serve myself.” It didn’t seem like his grin could get any bigger, but it did, taking on that Cheshire cat presence before he spoke again. “Oh, and uh, sometimes when I’m feelin’ nice, the newbie’s like Mae, who might need a hand. ‘Cuz you just never know when some stray mutt is gonna come wandering into town, ya know?”
He shrugged, but even in that smile his expression changed. It challenged the newcomer, the intruder, and he changed his position, hooking his thumbs into the belt loops of his jeans.
Mae wasn’t sure if Veronica would put up a fight, but if she did, and Marko won, that could mean trouble for Santa Carla. Miguel, like all the older vampires she knew, was a vindictive son of a bitch. She projected her thoughts towards Marko as best as she could, hoping that Veronica was too caught up in herself to pick up on what Mae was doing.
Don’t kill her! It’ll just cause trouble. Her father’s the leader of the Los Angeles coven, and there’s hundreds of them!’ Mae hoped it would come across clearly. She did her best to look calm, but she was barely keeping herself from shaking in rage and panic. Being confronted with a visual and verbal reminder that she’d been sent away to die (with her best friend in the world seemingly kept in the dark about it) destroying what little calm she ever had around Veronica before this.
“Very funny, little man. Are all you backwater vampires like this, or are you just a special case. Who. Do. You. Serve?” Veronica repeated haughtily.
“They don’t play that game out here, Veronica.” Mae tried to stop her ex from further antagonizing Marko, but she knew it was no use.
Marko shrugged carelessly, making it obvious that he was hearing something coming out of Mae’s mind. He had no intention of killing anybody in front of him, but he damn well wasn’t going to put up with the prissy, higher than thou attitude.
He kept quiet for a little while longer, starring down Veronica to see how pissed off she could get, all the while sending out a mental alert to David.
“Actually, I think we should turn this around. You can start by telling me who YOU serve and why the hell you’re running around my town acting like the Queen of fucking Egypt.”
“Veronica, daughter of Miguel, ruler of the Los Angeles coven and son of Dracula.” Veronica grinned, acting as if she’d drawn four aces in the world’s most unfair poker match. Mae wanted to smack her ex upside the head, but she DID recall that she was kind of like that too when she’d first met Marko. Still, that had been about survival, not showing someone up.
“I told you, V, they don’t play that game here. Names don’t mean anything.” Mae sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Look, you’ve gotten what you came for, okay? I’m still alive, I plan on staying alive, and if Miguel wants me dead, he better come up with a better way of doing it than this. Túlio will find out about all of this sooner or later, you know that, right? I know Miguel likes to make things into a telenovela, but this is getting old. Take your bitch ass home and leave me alone!” She snarled, her anger finally winning out over her good sense.
A loud slap rang across the pier as Veronica’s open palm connected with Mae’s cheek. “How DARE you speak of my father so poorly? And what is that you called me, Mae? A bitch? Sweetie, you think that’s an insult to me?” She sneered. “Remember your place.”
Marko didn’t get a chance to react. All he saw was a glimpse of something moving fast out of the corner of his eye and a savage roar, and he knew it was David.
The leader of the Santa Carla pack snarled and grabbed hold of the outsider, throwing her with ease down the length of the pier without care.
It was late enough now that no one would notice the scuffle, at least no human would.
He said nothing, but pulled Mae up behind him and took a hard stance, ready for anything this Veronica was willing to throw at him.
“You’re out of line.” His voice was deep and heavy and louder than usual. “You have no place here, and your filthy hands don’t belong anywhere on something that belongs to me now. You got a problem with that, crawl back to the one who sent her here to die.”
Now it was on, and Marko put on his game face. He didn’t change into the monster that he was, but he stood his ground beside David and Mae, looking down the pier to where the fallen lay.
He chuckled in spite of himself, eyeing Mae behind David and winked at her.
Veronica had no time to brace for the blow or dodge it, something the vampire wasn’t used to. She landed in a heap at the end of the pier, her face and any bare skin scraped from the force of the impact. Despite being dazed, she leapt to her feet, reeling from the blow. Her forte was speed and cunning; she stood no chance against a vampire that was this strong… and this angry, especially when he had an ally with him. Veronica considered drawing her knife, but she was above all else a survivor. Tonight wasn’t her night to die.
“So… I assume YOU’RE the one he serves. David, wasn’t it? We heard about you. Had a little trouble a few decades ago, right? You’ve recovered nicely. Congratulations.” She spat the blood out from her mouth where she’d bit into her cheek during her fall.
Mae placed her hand on David’s lower back, the gesture out of sight of Veronica, but she was sure Marko saw it. She was silently asking him to hold back. She nodded at Marko, then stepped to the left so she could see Veronica better. Her cheek was bright red.
“Go home, Veronica.” She growled, keeping her head held high despite the pain. “Tell Miguel to leave me alone. Túlio’s a good man; if Miguel wants to make him a psycho like you, he’ll never succeed. Tell him I’m staying here, in Santa Carla. He can have L.A.”
“… Got yourself a new boyfriend, huh?” Veronica sneered, deciding to throw in one last dig at Mae. “Or is this just an arrangement, huh? You always were a little slut.” She laughed, turning her attention to David. “You can keep her…for as long as it lasts. Miguel wants her dead, and Father always gets what he wants.”
Marko felt the air lighten around them as soon as Veronica departed and he blew air through his lips while running a hand through his messy curls. “Just another night, huh boss?”
David turned to Mae and cupped both her cheeks in his gloved hands, gently brushing over the red spot with his thumb. “You could say that,” he said to Marko. “We need better security around here.”
“Dwayne’s messing up? He’s gotten busy, what with a kid on the way.”
“Nah. I can’t expect him to keep his eyes on every single foot of ground we have here. It’s too vast. We’ll need to think of something else from now on. There’s too many coming through.” For a second he looked out to sea and then down at Mae. “You all right?”
“I will be.” Mae nodded, her voice shaky, just like the rest of her. She was doing her best to fight of the urge to cry, but her eyes were watering and her body was shivering. The adrenaline from the hit and the potential fight was beginning to wear off, and she finally felt the sting from the slap. She wasn’t quite sure what she was feeling, but anger was definitely warring for the top spot, followed closely by an utter breakdown. She hoped anger won.
She took a deep breath, then turned to face Marko. “Thank you. For helping me.” Mae didn’t want to think about what might have happened if Marko hadn’t come by.
“Yeah you owe me.” He jerked his head up and grinned. Of course he was teasing, but she was still new, and he couldn’t let her get off that easy. Besides, breaking the tension was the name of the game. He pulled a small bottle of rum from the inside of his jacket and offered it to her. “It’ll help take the edge off. Trust me. Still cold too, if ya just wanna hold it against your cheek.”
“Marko,” David warned, but he was only half serious. He wanted to brush it off as a victory, but there were too many things weighing on him now, even if the threat of a war with the vampires in LA was minimal compared to the angels ready to reign in hell and unleash it on Santa Carla.
Mae laughed it off. “Sure thing. Come by the booth. I’ll give you the friends and family discount.” She winked, taking the rum and drinking a mouthful before putting it on her face. “Damn, that feels good.”
After a few moments, she handed it back to Marko. “Don’t want it getting too warm.” She really wanted to lean into David and take a moment to collect herself, but she wasn’t sure he would welcome it in front of one of his men. Instead, she scrubbed at her eyes and glared at the empty end of the pier.
“You can see why we broke up.”
“She’s full of herself,” was all David had to say about that.
Marko nodded and took the bottle back before giving Mae a ‘see you later’ salute and headed on his way. He could tell by the look on David’s face that he needed a few moments alone with Mae.
After Marko was out of sight, he turned to Mae and examined her cheek a little closer. Considering the hit was from another vampire, the impact was a little more damaging than just a mortal’s slap. “You should put some ice on that. Or I could fix it for you right now. I just want you to know that I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure you’re safe here, and now. I’d like to take you to our home tonight. If you’re willing to come.”
“THAT is an understatement.” Mae huffed, rubbing at her cheek.
She waved at Marko, watching him go until David faced her once again. Her first instinct was to blurt out something mushy, like ‘I’d go anywhere with you’, but luckily she saved herself from looking like an idiot. Still, she blushed a little, resting her hands on his waist. She was still fighting off tears, but she ignored them for now.
“Could you fix it, please?” She asked, smiling softly. “And yes. I’ll come home with you.” Then, she remembered something, and her grin became a strange mix of teasing and adoring.
“So… I belong to you now?”
David simply pierced the pad of his thumb with the extension of one of his claws and when a bead of his blood pooled there, he gently smeared it across her cheekbone, making sure it absorbed thoroughly before answering her. The effects of its healing ability would be instant and the pain would disappear.
He had noted her smile, acting as if it was nothing, something that important, even though it was. Getting a rise out of her was fun, and he pushed the moment to the point of no return, when there was no other choice but to answer. It was just like sex, letting the pleasure build until all there was left was an explosion that took you above the clouds and to the stars.
“Would it be a problem if I said you did?” He pulled his hand away from her cheek to admire his handy work. “I press the point of taking this slow, but you’re here now, and I just threatened another pack member’s existence, all for you.” Now he looked her directly in the eyes, his expression complete business. Yet behind that crystal blue there was an undenying look of need. “You are mine now, aren’t you?” Would he let her go even if she said no? Probably not.
Mae met his gaze, her own softening when she saw the deeply hidden need. He wanted her, and she wanted him. She’d wanted him since she met him, not just because she was lonely, but because he was so enchanting. Dark and brooding, like many of his kind, but also secretly gentle and caring, if you’d earned it. He’d nearly killed for her. He didn’t care what her connections were or where she came from, but who she was. She wanted him forever.
She’d be damned if she let him go.
“I was yours the moment I followed you out of the bar. You earned me when you didn’t care about who I knew, but who I am.” She smiled, the gesture no longer burdened by pain or fear.
“I’m yours, David. And you’re mine, aren’t you?”
There was a little hesitation on his end, only because sentimental words weren’t his forte and he was still afraid to make a mistake, yet as the notary he’d already signed and closed the deal.
He offered her his hand, palm side up, like an old fashioned gentlemen. “Down to the last detail,” he said with an earnest grin.
Mae laughed in delight, all the turmoil of the day forgotten as she took his hand.
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mysticvampyre · 6 years
Fallen Angel
Have this little gem on my FanFiction.net but decided to post it here in the spirit of Halloween so... here ya go! Enjoy!
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"Out of the way! Move it!" A girl shouted as she pushed past a crowd full of tourists that filled the boardwalk.
"Stop her, someone stop that girl. She stole my purse!" An overweight woman shouted as she huffed along trying to catch up to the girl. The woman bent at the waist holding her knee as she tried to catch her breath. She knew she couldn't catch her and her pleas of help fell on deaf ears seeing as no one else made a move to go after the girl in question.
You see that kid there running like the Flash. Yeah that's me. What can I say. I'm not usually a bad kid, it's not like I took the Rosanne Barr look-alike purse for fun. I was broke. I need the money. Hey being a runaway in Santa Carla isn't easy. Nor is it cheap. Especially since I ran over three hundred and forty-eight miles to get here. Why did I run to Santa Carla? I've asked myself the same thing since the day I first came to this little beach town nicknamed the "Murder Capital of the World." I can't explain it. I just had and unexplained pull to this place. Anyhow let's get back to me and see how my little adventure is panning out shall we.
The girl took off and disappeared into some empty alley. Soon She tipped the purse out onto the ground looking for anything useful. She grabbed really the only thing that would be any good to her. Cold hard cash. She left the rest of the contents of the purse strewn on the ground before peeking her head out of the alley. She gave a quick look around checking to see if anyone was tailing her. When she was satisfied no one was she stepped back onto the boardwalk cramming the cash into her dirty and faded jean shorts pocket.
She spotted a surf shop out of the corner of her eye and made her way over to it. Walking through the beaded curtain that hung there as a door she looked around. Typical shop. The hottest, newest 80's fashions hung all over the shop and the mannequin that littered the store. Behind the counter was some teen girl with overly teased hair who wore too many bright colors and an oversized shirt that slipped off one shoulder. She sat there popping her gum rather loudly reading the latest teen magazine. There were your typical surfer dudes drooling over the new boards while in another corner of the shop were your typical bleach blond air headed valley girls drooling over them.
She shook her head as she grabbed some clothes off some of the racks and made her way over to the counter where the girl with the mile high hair sat now attempting to tune a tinny sounding radio.
"Hey is there somewhere I can try this stuff on?" The girl looked up and rolled her eyes.
"It's like over there." She said pointing before going back to playing with the radio.
"It's like over there." the girl mimicked as she walked toward the back of the shop where the girl at the register pointed. She walked into one of the little cubicles and pulled the curtain closed behind her. Tossing the clothes on the makeshift bench next to her she began to peel her top off over her head. She then slipped off the shorts she wore taking the money from them before tossing them to join the rest of the clothes in the corner. She picked up the brand new denim shorts, turning them in her hands she looked for the price tag. She wrapped it around her fingers and popped off the tag.
"Oops looky the tag conveniently popped off." She said before slipping them on and shoving the money in the pocket. Next she took off her bra and slipped on the red and black bikini top. Over that she put on a grey hooded long sleeve jacket that had Santa Carla written across the back. She removed the tags from that too. Gathering the close she had taken off she walked from the dressing room walking right past the girl at the counter who thankfully was now distracted by a surfer guy. She headed out the door and down to the beach in her new threads.
Once on the beach she headed to the shower stalls that lined this particular section. She reached out pulling a towel off the corner of one of the stalls as she passed. When she found an empty stall she turned it on and dumped the clothes she had worn into it. She gave them a quick rinse and brought them to the shore. The sun was still high in the sky as she laid the towel she pilfered out. She dropped her clothes on one end to dry and she took the hooded shirt off and lay next to the clothes.
Yes I know. I'm too good at being sneaky. What can I say living on the streets you learn to survive or your screwed. Not in the good way either. So, anyhow. There I was soaking up the sun. Little did I know that this would be one of the last few days I would actually see the sun again. I was on a one way collision course with fate. I know you're probably sitting there like "What the frack girl?!" Just watch you'll see.
After a few hours the girl got up and took her now dry clothes and tied them up in the zip top jacket. The sun had set now and it was getting cooler. Walking back onto the boardwalk the girl decided to just hang out. She hit up a hotdog stand there and ordered a hotdog and soda. She walked along while she ate. As she passed a stand she reached behind the counter and snatched a plastic bag. She tossed her garbage in the nearest trash bin before untying the jacket and dumping the contents into the bag. She tossed the jacket on and kept moving. She spotted a carousel not too far so she decided to go and people watch.
She stood there watching the carousel make its way round and round then she noticed something. A group of guys were walking around the carousel. She normally wouldn't have paid them any mind but there was something different about them. They walked with an air about them. They sauntered between the horses She took note of them one by one. Their was a tall platinum blond with a mullet dressed head to toe in black. Behind him came a tall native looking guy with long dark hair in a leather jacket and nothing else underneath. The one that followed him another tall guy with dirty blond hair he screamed rocker to her the hair the clothes everything. Finally behind him was a shorter blond with curly hair a boyish face and an impish grin. He had on a bright color jacket that you could spot a mile off.
The carousel turned and they disappeared from her line of view. When they had come back around she had noticed the platinum blond trying to flirt with this blond who was sitting next to a rather muscly buff guy. She knew they were out of earshot of her but she couldn't help from putting her two cents in. "Seriously, dude you must have a death wish." The platinum blond was shoved back by the guy with the woman. His friends jumped to his defense. As did the huge mans. Again she lot sight of them as the carousel turned.
She ran around to the other side wanting to know what was going on. By the time she got there, there was a rent a cop on the ride with a nightstick around the platinum haired ones throat. She couldn't hear what was going on but one by one the boys jumped down off the ride before the platinum blond was released and calmly walked away before he too hopped off the ride. As they were walking away the girl walked past and accidentally bumped up against the dark-haired one. He gave her a quick glance and she gave him another once over before walking off.
Off in a quiet corner of a secluded part of the boardwalk stood a small booth. Outside stood a sign. Painted in big block letters and bright colors. Fortunes told $5. As the girl walked past she took a quick glance at the sign. "Oh what the hell. Why not. She'll probably just tell me a bunch of general hokum and nonsense but I'm bored."
She stepped into the tiny booth and looked around as her surroundings. It was all dimly lit with candles flickering. She could smell incense wafting through the air in thick clouds. In the center of the small room was a table covered in a celestial designed table-cloth with two chairs and smack dab in the middle of the table was a crystal ball. She walked over and took a seat.
"Hello! Is anyone here?" She called out. From a side room a small elderly woman walked out from a beaded curtain separating the room. She walked over to the empty seat and sat down. The girl was a little taken back when she looked at the woman. She sat there and stared at the girl. Her eyes drifting over her. "Don't be afraid deary I won't hurt you."
"Your.. your..."
"Eye? Yes it does unnerve some. The visions come clearer since this happened the gypsy woman said pointing to her left eye that was clouded over. She was blind in that eye. "Now let's get down to why you're here deary." She handed her a small bundle of herbs.
"Whats this for? The girl asked.
"Sage, burn it and use this feather to blow the smoke around and smudge the room." The girl gave a shrug and did what she was told.
Yeah I know I'm not all that big a believer in psychic, ghost, ghouls and things that go bump in the night but I figured just roll with it. What harm could come of it. Well . . . let's find out if I'm right or not.
Once the room was good and smelling of burnt sage mixing with the smell of sandalwood incense the old woman asked for the girl's hand. She gave it to her and the woman traced a finger over it. "You have a very long life line. In fact it is an unusually long one. I have never seen one like this. I also see love in your future. Let's see now. Stare into the crystal ball and relax."
The girl did so. She just saw the wisps of the smoke from the incense twirl round the ball. "Yes, yes I see. I see a tall, dark, handsome man he is beautiful but deadly. Not what he appears. It will be a child that brings you together."
"That I so general that could be anyone."
"You met him. Tonight by the carousel." The young girls face dropped.
"What?" there is no way you could have known that."
"Ah but I do child, but beware. There is also danger ahead. Red will run when he is near. Be cautious, there are things in this town that are not what they seem. Remember one more thing child. The last sometimes does not stay in the past. Now it is time you go my child."
The woman stood and walked back behind the curtain. As she did a gust of wind blew through the room blowing the candles in the room out. The girl felt a shiver run down her spine as she left the money on the table and all but ran out of the little booth.
She ran out onto the boardwalk again and barreled down this girl who was walking with a young boy. She stuck out a hand and helped her up. "Sorry bout that." The girl she picked up was dressed in gypsy fashion and had poofy dark hair. She didn't say anything in reply she just looked at the girl who knocked her over. The girl who ran out of the booth walked over to the boy. "You okay kid?" He just nodded his head as she tousled his hair. His eyes lit up and he gave her a small smile. "Good to know. Sorry bout knocking your sister down." She said before walking off into the night to try to find a place to sleep.
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unchainmesister · 7 years
Preview: Kingdom For Sale (A Lost Boys Fanfic)
This is from Chapter One of my first “The Lost Boys” fanfic! I’ll be posting it here, as well as to AO3 and FF.net. Full chapter should be out in the next few days. Multiple pairings, ranging from F/M to M/M to F/F. In my interpretation, vampires are a bit anything goes, so you’ll see all kinds of relationships and sexualities. There will be blood. Rating will be E for Explicit, due to violence, sex, and adult themes. And now, a little preview!
Summary: Santa Carla, Fall 1988. A year after the Emerson’s leave Santa Carla, the murder capitol of the world is still bustling with tourists, tired locals, and vampires. At the end of summer, a prodigal daughter returns home, sort of, and sets up shop. A long time ago, she knew two frog-faced little kids who would go on and on about how dangerous the town was, how it was filled with bloodsuckers. She hadn’t believed them then, but after an incident in Los Angeles causes her to return back to the closest thing she has to a hometown, she knows better. She should know better than to believe the word of four fanged boys at her doorstep. She should know better than to think that the dangers she left in L.A. are behind her. She should know better than to think all little old ladies are harmless. She should, she should. But that’s never stopped her before.
Mae Clayton hadn’t been back to Santa Carla in nearly a decade, and the only thing that had changed was the clothes on the drunken frat boys parading around the boardwalk. Everything still smelled sticky-sweet and stale, a mix of old beer and fallen cotton candy. The lights were too bright at night, giving a false sense of security to the tourists. During the day, you could see the wear and tear more easily, but a few coats of paint and some cheery signs usually made the visitors forget the seedy underbelly of the beach town. She remembered the screaming most of all, most of it from people on rides that they really shouldn’t be going on with that much food in their bellies. But every now and then, the screams would be all too bloodcurdling, another victim of the murder capitol of the world. Sometimes people stopped when they heard such a scream, but they were usually in the darkest of places, and no one dared to stay still for very long. You just kept your head down and moved along…unless you wanted to be next.
Still, when the sun was high, the screams were almost always from the people on the roller coaster, so you could ignore the fact that the sticky red stuff under your feet was just as likely to be blood as it was soda. Mae tended to her jewelry stall under the shade of her umbrella, moving it periodically as the sun changed positions in the sky. Her bread and butter were the cheaply made, quickly produced bracelets she could bang out in less than an hour these days. Her display was filled with them, along with some fancier necklaces, earrings, and even a few rings. All costume jewelry, of course; she couldn’t afford real stones. Not that the tourists could afford such things either, but if you sell enough quantity, it can make up for the lack of quality. The summer season was over, so business would be slowing down until Halloween. She’d made some good money in the few weeks she’d been back, but it wasn’t a lot in the long run. At least the old bag had left her some spending money. She’d last until the tourists came back.
Bouncing around in the foster system had been a bumpy, but ultimately average ride. She’d heard some horror stories, but she’d never been in one. Her ride had ultimately had three stops: one family as a baby, another for most of her childhood, and a few years with a single mom and her sister (and six annoying kids) in high school. She didn’t care that none of them had loved her enough to adopt her. They’d all been relatively pleasant people, and she’d never been hurt or underfed or cold. She’d had it better than most, and she was grateful for that. College had always been on her mind, so she’d worked hard and gotten into a decent one in Los Angeles, not too far from her last family, just in case she needed some backup. Lola had always needed help babysitting, so that had given her some cash during her years hitting the books.
With a bachelor’s degree in medieval history freshly in her hand and no real desire to teach, she’d been wondering what to do with herself when word had come that she was the sole heir of her very distant Aunt Lydia, who’d been far too old to take Mae in when she was an infant. It seemed that she was her only living relative now (that wasn’t lost to the winds, at least), and so the old girl had left her the rotting old house Mae had seen from a distance when she lived with family number two. Wonderful. Aunt Lydia had left her a few thousand dollars, a full paid-off house, and a load of refurbishing to do. Oh well. It would do. At least the piping worked, and the only thing it needed that she couldn’t do herself was a fresh coat of paint on the outside. That would have to wait until after another tourist season. Since work that wasn’t tied to the pier was scarce, she’d settled for selling her hobby work of making copper and leather accessories. And now here she was, packing up for the day as the sun began heading down to the horizon.
A somewhat beat up rolling suitcase served as transportation for her wares as she put the closed sign on her stall and headed off for the bus stop. Half an hour later and a mile walked dragging her livelihood behind her like some kind of traveling salesman, she was back home. A cup of tea and a frozen dinner, she fell asleep in front of the TV later, lulled to sleep by some inane documentary. When she jolted awake to the sound of a loud infomercial, she sighed and turned off the TV. Sunrise was on the horizon. She really needed to stop doing this. Gathering her cup and plate, she cleaned up and listened to the creaking of her home as she did the dishes. Lydia’s house was a three story Victorian affair that was rumored to have been built by the same people who owned the old hotel that had fallen into the sea. Back when she was a small thing, the kids had talked about riding their bikes by the house to see the ghosts in the windows. She’d tagged along one time, curious to see why her Aunt put up with wraiths and spirits. Turns out, the “ghosts” were just her Aunt and the two maids she hired walking by the windows at all hours of the night in old-fashioned clothing and uniforms. After that, Mae didn’t listen much to the supernatural stories the kids liked to spread around. Vampires? Really? Ugh. The Frog kids were a crazy bunch. Her younger foster siblings eventually stopped talking to them, and she was saved from the elementary school weirdoes. 
Little did she know that those two creepy kids were right. She should have listened. That might have saved her from her problems in Los Angeles. The sound of motorcycles wasn’t so unusual, but they were always at a distance, following the road a mile from her front yard. These were getting closer…and then they stopped. She ignored it, but a cold shiver ran down her spine. A frantic rustling at the door caught her attention as she finished drying the last dish. Soft cursing, a snarl, and a muttered conversation followed. Then, there was a knock. She shouldn’t answer it. She shouldn’t. She shouldn’t…
Why did she ever leave Los Angeles?
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kardeshood · 7 years
I was tagged by @blackaccipiter​, thank you so much dear! ^3^ 
Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people!
1. Drink: Turkish black tea for breakfast
2. Phone call: My mom ♥
3. Text message: A far relative texted something in our family whatsapp group…
4. Song you listened to: The Paper Kites - Willow Tree March
5. Time you cried: I was rewatching my favorite turkish history drama where one of my favorite characters saw the smiling ghost of his late wife before he died…it was like she came to take him with her and it was so sad and beautiful T_T
6. Dated someone twice: January or sometime…
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Kissed? Kinda. Regretted? No. Covered my face in shyness and embarassment? Hell yeah.
9. Lost someone special: Both of my grandmothers whoose passed away one after the other in a pretty short period of time…
8. Been cheated on: Fortunately not (because I’ve never been in a relationship….<.<)
10. Been depressed: A few months ago when I realized I was spending the probably best years of my life in a shitty workplace without any freetime to socialize and live.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Bruh I’m not that desperate about my life.
12. black
13. a pinkish orange color I don’t know the english name of
14. dark blue
15. Made new friends: I think I did…
16. Fallen out of love: Unfortunately not although it’s unhealthy for me
17. Laughed until you cried: I can’t remember but I think it was one of those happy family moments we rarely have.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: A work colleague of mine who’s an ignorant bitch.. 
19. Met someone who changed you: I think it was my friend Lisa who taught me about the importance of equality and feminism (because before we met back then I thought feminism was being overrated)
20. Found out who your friends are: Lisa I was talking about who was mostly there when I needed someone to talk and my soul sister who made the effort to travel a long way to surprise me on my birthday party ♥
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: Well, he was on my facebook list…
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them because I never add people on my facebook list I don’t know in RL
23. Do you have any pets: An angsty little budgie .__.
24. Do you want to change your name: Yes and no. Both of my forenames have beautiful meanings, but they’re both unpronounceable for non-turks.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: We pretend my last birthday party never happened. It’s too embarassing. (!!ALWAYS do your research about an animation movie before you decide to watch it in the cinema with your hijab-wearing mother…she even posted it on social media. We didn’t know what we were about to do there!!)
26. What time did you wake up: 10am because fuck yeah vacation!
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: reading nsfw stuff about my favorite assassins  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
28. Name something you can’t wait for: A new workplace with more freetime which is literally around the corner and Probably a new academic career in Turkey *___*
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s sitting like three meters next to me..
31. What are you listening to right now: Some turkish cook show about how to make children love broccoli (looks surprisingly good)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Once I met Tom Hiddleston during the Germany premiere of Thor 2 and I just said ‘Thank you so much for being here!’ while he was signing (Needless to say It was a one-sided conversation but whatever.)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People misinterpreting my statements and twisting my words in my mouth how they want to.
34. Most visited website: tumblr, 8tracks, youtube
35. Hair colour: dark brown
36. Long or short hair: hella long
37. Do you have a crush on someone: unreachable fictional characters or turkish actors
38. What do you like about yourself: I’m easy to care for (?) and I’m not unforgiving (being unforgiving mostly harms you more than anyone else), my curves
39. Want any piercings: beside a second ear hole on both sides? nope.
40. Blood type: A RH+
41. Nickname: not really
42. Relationship status: Single af
43. Zodiac: Libra/Scorpio (born on the cusp which is confusing af)
44. Pronouns: She/Her
45. Favourite tv show(s): Mr.Robot, OUAT and some turkish tv series, for example  Diriliş Ertuğrul, İsimsizler, Söz 
46. Tattoos: transitory tattoes would be awesome
47. Right or left handed: Left
48. Surgery: Just a little surgical intervention
49. Piercing: NOPE
50. Sport: Jogging and roller blading
51. Vacation: Antalya/Turkey (this place is heaven, like I swear..)
52. Pair of trainers: 3 pairs, one pair still unused
53. Eating: pans and rice
54. Drinking: fruit juice
55. I’m about to: write something >.<
56. Waiting for: the real love of my life and money
57. Want: money and love
58. Get married: yes please *^*
59. Career: getting out of this job and start to study something artistic in Turkey
60. Hugs or kisses: Both
61. Lips or eyes: Both please~
62. Shorter or taller: Taller is nicer
63. Older or younger: older
64. Nice arms or nice stomach: HOW BOUT BOTH??
65. Hook up or relationship: Relationship! 
66. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m pretty hesitant so a Troublemaker would make a good balance :)
67. Kissed a stranger: nope why the fuck should I
68. Drank hard liquor: NOPE
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses: not using any of them B-)
70. Turned someone down: I think I did. Unintentionally
71. Sex on the first date: No.
72. Broken someone’s heart: Unfortunately yes but I thought it was better like this for both of us (I might regret this decision…)
73. Had your heart broken: Yeah I broke his heart, not knowing I would break mine as well…
74. Been arrested: Nope I’m a good girl (that sounds hella ambiguous)
75. Cried when someone died: Who doesn’t? If you don’t you’re a heartless bitch
76. Fallen for a friend:  no idea what is that supposed to mean
77. Yourself: HAHA
78. Miracles: oh yeah!
79. Love at first sight: yes!
80. Santa Claus: Not really, no. I believe Santa Clause actually existed, but not in the way the world knows him as.
81. Kiss on the first date: hmm…no.
82. Angels: yes!
83. Current best friend’s name: Lisa, Yvonne, Mihriban, Carla
84. Eye colour: Brown
85. Favorite movie: Far too many but the classical dreamworks animation movies have always a place in my heart (El Dorado, Spirit, The Prince Of Egypt, HTTYD, ROTG)
I’m tagging:
@lisademonhead @niishiki @freedomaboveallelse @yaszx @afterglowingassassin @aliciadoglover @brothersskeleton @tyralishes​ @requiem-girl​ @castielsangel-x​ @jiruchan​ @lefluff​ @thefloatingone​ @blindgeishateahouse​ @urfavchaoticgood​ @assassin-inthe-scoutregiment​ @poethrotsvitha​ @sociallyinepthobbit​ @vas-alarei​
u know what? I’m tagging everyone who wants to do it and if you are one of the blogs above I hope you don’t mind the tagging I just want to know all you guys better :)
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thelostboys-rp · 4 years
{Arc} The Hunters and The Hunted
The Wraith returns to take back what belongs to him, only this time he has competition.
Tumblr media
1. Shattered Boundaries
The Rose Institute sets their sights on Tatum but so has the demonic wraith Darius.
2. Hunt You Down Eat You Alive
A ‘rescuer’ comes for Tatum... but he’s not Leon.
3. Can’t Lie to the Heart
As Rory mimics Leon to confuse Tatum, the skinwalker is not far behind in his search for his girlfriend.
4. Feeling the Truth
While Tatum rests, her family put the pieces together of what Darius is and what he’s doing to her and what scientific manipulations The Rose Institute is carrying out.
5. Take Me Home
Leon takes care of Tatum as she builds up her strength from the latest threat.
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violaobanion · 8 years
Rules: once tagged, you’re supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
I was tagged by @burgessinthestreets The Babe™, send her hugs! (she’s sick)
 [1] drink: Solo (orange soda) [2] phone call: i called this dude i occasionally hang out with after i missed the buss home, he came to the rescue~~ (sorta) [3] text message: my papa 
[4] song you listened to: Hide And Seek - dePresno 
[5] time you cried: Uhm...??? OH! I nearly cried on monday bc i got so frickin’ angry at my colleague. She was only teasing, but DAMN i was pissed at her for a sec there
 [6] dated someone twice: haha nope. [7] been cheated on: nope. 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope. [9] lost someone special: yes. 
[10] been depressed: yes. 
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope.
 [12] orange so intense it makes you want to BURN THEM ALL~~ 
[13] nice and calming green tones 
[14] those 50 shades of grey IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 
[15] made new friends: yes 
[16] fallen out of love: have i? nah, don’t think so? 
[17] laughed until you cried: most definitely [18] found out someone was talking about you: they do it all the time *brushes off shoulders* 
[19] met someone who changed you: yes [20] found out who your true friends are: uhm yeah... 
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nope.
[22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: 1 
[23] do you have any pets: I HAVE AN IDIOT CAT NAMED HELIUM [24] do you want to change your name: nope, i’m liteally the only person ever to have this name(my real name, not viola) and be under 40. 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: cake. all over. 
[26] what time did you wake up: depends on the day. if i have no plans i wake ~naturally~ at 9 am-ish [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: spring to finally arrive [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: oh shit i usually see her at least once a week, but now i haven’t seen her since last sunday 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: the level of social i have been i guess [31] what are you listening to right now: music. on spotify. my lifesaver. 
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: no? 
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: people standing in my way/wasting my time [35] elementary: piece of cake [36] high school: been there done that (at least the norwegian version) [37] college: nope. vocational. so far. 
[38] hair colour: some sort of ginger/brown/something 
[39] long or short hair: long 
[40] do you have a crush on someone: maybe. [41] what do you like about yourself?: i like a lot of things about myself, but somehow i only come up with things i hate when these kinds of questions pops up in my life. (why?) [42] piercings: ears only. [43] blood type: you know what? i have no fucking idea. [44] nickname: so many. but i’ve stopped using my real name on tumblr, so i won’t tell you. 
[45] relationship status: single... [46] zodiac sign: Libruh (i am such a loser) [47] pronouns: she/her 
[48] fav tv show: Game Of Thrones, Skam. Don’t make me choose. 
[49] tattoos: no. 
[50] right or left handed: LEFT all the way~~~
[51] surgery: this fat lump on my eyebrow when i was like 1 y/o. first and only. 
[52] piercing: ears. 
[53] best friend: Sjur. Kindergarten. Everything was fun and games, but then he moved... 
[55] vacation: idk but probably denmark. or wat, was it that time we were in northern Germany for a change? 
[56] pair of trainers: should i know this? isn’t this the kind of stuff your mom knows?
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing. [58] drinking: water. [59] I’m about to: hit the hay, as the kids say. 
[60] listening to: Stranger Things soundtracks, such soothing. [61] waiting for: my life to begin. 
[62] want: things to happen 
[63] get married: not at this point, no. 
[64] career: flowers. all over!~
 [65] hugs or kisses: hugs. [66] lips or eyes: eyes. 
[67] shorter or taller: taller. [68] older or younger: older. 
[69] romantic or spontaneous: a nice balance between both. 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: couldn’t care less.
[71] sensitive or loud: can’t answer seeing as these two aren’t related, generalizing idiot. (this was carla’s answer but it’s so fucking on point imma let it stay)
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship? idk? never experienced either? (perks of a late bloomer) 
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: me? hesitant. others? troublemakers. Make ‘em take aaaaalll the blame and let me lurk in the shadows ;))))
[74] kissed a stranger? nope 
[75] drank hard liquor? nope, but i’ve smelled it. [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? considering i don’t use them, it’s kinda ard to lose them. 
[77] turned someone down: no? i don’t hope so? i really bad a reading situations sometimes? 
[78] sex on first date? depends. 
[79] broken someone’s heart? not yet. (that i know) 
[80] had your own heart broken? SO MANY TIMES. in so many ways. 
[81] been arrested? no. 
[82] cried when someone died? yes. (and it was my previous cat lmao) [83] fallen for a friend: dude, who hasn’t?
[84] yourself? all day everyday always like what else is there? 
[85] miracles? weeeeeelllllllll..... it depends. 
[86] love at first sight? nah, but feelings at first sight? yes. 
[87] santa claus? no 
[88] kiss on the first date? if I want to. [89] angels? nope
[90] current best friend’s name: This is going to sound cheesy, but I don’t like comparing friends like that? I have a few very very good friends who are so good in their own way, and it would be wrong to put one above the other. 
[91] eye colour: blue/green/grey. my passport says blue (LIESSSS) [92] favourite movie: Love Actually
Tagging: @andsoshefollowedthestarshome, @holly-gofightly, @nomdeguerreblogs
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hardytoms · 8 years
Rules: once tagged, you’re supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
I was tagged by one of my favorite ladies ever @burgessinthestreets love you my bb!!! i’m tagging anyone who wants to do it, feel 110% free to tag me and say i tagged you!! :)
 [1] drink: earl grey!! [2] phone call: kelsey when my kitchen flooded on monday hahaha [3] text message: carla yeet 
[4] song you listened to: that song by Jon Bellion that’s on the top 100 right now??? i can’t remember what it’s called 
[5] time you cried: saturday evening
 [6] dated someone twice: i wouldn’t really call it dating, it was fwb the second time for like...a year and a half [7] been cheated on: not to my knowledge 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: i don’t generally regret things [9] lost someone special: yes 
[10] been depressed: currently dealing! 
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: ty malibu
 [12] purple 
[13] green 
[14] pink/yellow IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 
[15] made new friends: yes!!! 
[16] fallen out of love: wasn’t really in love?? 
[17] laughed until you cried: omg did you mean all the time i cry at everything [18] found out someone was talking about you: yes 
[19] met someone who changed you: naw [20] found out who your true friends are: naw i have a pretty good idea of that already 
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yes ofc?????
[22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: two!! but i met them through tumblr shout out @jayhvlstead and @cassiander 
[23] do you have any pets: in my apt i have a rabbit, at my parents house its a zoo [24] do you want to change your name: sometimes i think about what itd be like but i really like my name so only in theory 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: went out to dinner and watched a midnight howl’s moving castle showing with my best friend at a local theatre! 
[26] what time did you wake up: 8:30am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: working on a paper and presentation 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: TO FUCKING GRADUATE [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: sunday!! and then she’ll be volunteering with me in about an hour 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: ummmm probably what i majored in [31] what are you listening to right now: my roommate telling me about her horror bus story from yesterday 
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes!! my best friend has a good friend named tommy 
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: ummmmm my volunteering group for a lot of reasons [35] elementary: i’m not sure what this is asking lmao [36] high school: i fucking hated it [37] college: the only reason i don’t regret it is cuz i’ll have a degree but i would change probably everything about my college experience if i could 
[38] hair colour: really blonde 
[39] long or short hair: long 
[40] do you have a crush on someone: carla i second what you said [41] what do you like about yourself?: how easy i make friends?? i like a lot about myself lmao [42] piercings: nose and like 8 (??) ear piercings. i wanna get my septum and nipple(s) pierced too [43] blood type: honestly i have no idea [44] nickname: bren/bren bren (i had a friend who used to call me little bren bren cuz im so smol) and bread are the most common ones, kels calls me bean or b 
[45] relationship status: single yeet [46] zodiac sign: capricorn [47] pronouns: she/her 
[48] fav tv show: buffy, bobs burgers, that 70s show, etc. 
[49] tattoos: 4 
[50] right or left handed: right
[51] surgery: hearing tubes cuz i stuck beads in one of my ears 
[52] piercing: my lobes 
[53] best friend: Sanjana, she used to teach me hindi at lunch and i had no other friends 1st through 3rd grade so when she moved in 4th grade to CT i cried a lot because i didn’t have any other friends. her mom used to make us this round food with silver on one side and i remember it being kinda sweet and savory??? idr what it’s called and i’ve always wanted to find out so if i have any indian followers that know PLS TELL ME 
[55] vacation: i wanna say the badlands and mount rushmore 
[56] pair of trainers: defs dont remember that one hahaha
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: not eating anything [58] drinking: nothin again!! [59] I’m about to: go volunteer 
[60] listening to: nada!! [61] waiting for: @burgessinthestreets to text me a pic of her half sleeve ;) she’ll probably have sent it by the time i’m done with this 
[62] want: chocolate 
[63] get married: right now i really don’t care. the only reason i would is to have legal rights honestly also it’s harder to get rid of me then so my incredible fear of being abandoned is harder to make happen 
[64] career: maternal and child health, hopefully with hispanic families but who knows where life will take me
 [65] hugs or kisses: kisses [66] lips or eyes: umm eyes unless the lips are full 
[67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older 
[69] romantic or spontaneous: umm neither 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms?? but like..being hugely ripped scares me if youre a dude cuz im so little but if youre girl get tf at me [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive omg i HATE loud [72] hook up or relationship: hook up [73] troublemaker or hesitant: depends on the trouble
[74] kissed a stranger? yes and there’s one i don’t even what he looks like lmao 
[75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? yes 
[77] turned someone down: yikes a lot 
[78] sex on first date? yes 
[79] broken someone’s heart? idts 
[80] had your own heart broken? this sounds so extra, but yes it hurt 
[81] been arrested? nein 
[82] cried when someone died? yepppp [83] fallen for a friend: yes
[84] yourself? yes 
[85] miracles? no 
[86] love at first sight? no 
[87] santa claus? no 
[88] kiss on the first date? yes?? [89] angels? not even kind of
[90] current best friend’s name: i gots quite a few :) 
[91] eye colour: green [92] favourite movie: moulin rouge
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madamecolette · 7 years
I was tagged by my tremendously brilliant and always on point @cafeleningrad. As always, thank you!
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: the blood of my enemies. Okay, technically just water. But enemies beware! And water beware too! *Dramatic music climax* 2. phone call: Someone wanted to sell me a water purifier. I’m telling you, I’m disappointed no one ever calls me to offer me 1 million euros. 3. text message: a friend commented on a YouTuber’s coming out video. Very millenial. 4. song you listened to: Rebecca by Laura Marling 5. time you cried: So many onions. 6. dated someone twice: Two weeks ago, except the second date was the break up one.  7. kissed someone and regretted it: In an attempt to show how comfortable it was, I passionately kissed my pillow once and, not to offend it, but I could have avoided that. 8. been cheated on: Never by people, that I know. That pillow, on the other hand... 9. lost someone special: Most sorrowfully. 10. been depressed: Not as visibly as our economy. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I did both things separately, never in the same episode. 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. All the shades 13. of my rich, variable, always growing 14. self-embarrassment
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: Acquaintances. 16. fallen out of love: Only out of my love for some long nourished ideas. 17. laughed until you cried: My best tears. 18. found out someone was talking about you: No, but to get back to the most interesting topic here, I hope they were saying “We should definitely give her 1 million euros”.
19. met someone who changed you: Replace “met” with its opposite. 20. found out who your friends are: None of them was revealed to be an undercover spy or an alien. I’m kind of disappointed. 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: I’m gonna read this as “have you kissed someone leaning on your laptop with your browser open on your facebook list”? and say “No, what a weirdly specific position”. Because if I read it in another way, well... GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them. 23. do you have any pets: No. Sometimes I think I should get a dog (a stupidly affectionate one), but then the gigantic wave of the responsability to look after another being falls on me and I come back to my senses. 24. do you want to change your name: No, I’m good with all my many personalities’ names. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Most notably nothing.  26. what time did you wake up: 7 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Is this a custodial interrogation? Do I have the right to stay silent and what I say can be used against me? 28. name something you can’t wait for: getting to the last answer and post it, because I can vividly see myself accidentally closing this page by accident when I’m in the middle of it and curse in all the languages I can curse in (credits to Lewis) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Today. 31. what are you listening to right now: Il più grande spettacolo dopo il big bang - Jovanotti 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Does Tommaso from my elementary school count? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Mosquitoes’ unrequited love for me. 34. most visited website: Wordreference.  35. hair colour: chestnut brown. 36. long or short hair: long. Should cut it but I have an hostile relationship with the hairdresser and by hostile I mean as soon as she sees me she wants to make half of my hair blond.  37. do you have a crush on someone: I’d describe it like an interest. 38. what do you like about yourself: My writer’s callus on my ring finger. I like you, little bump. 39. want any piercings: no, thanks. 40. blood type: You’d think a responsible adult would know. But I’m the kind of responsible adult who knows her Hogwarts House, not her blood type. 41. nickname: Franci, Fran, Pizza. 42. relationship status: As single as the last cookie that’s now looking at me from its bag. 43. zodiac: Sagittarius 44. pronouns: she 45. favourite tv show: currently Orphan Black, Broad City, Crashing, You’re the Worst 46. tattoos: no. 47. right or left handed: right.
48. surgery: Had a mole removed on my back. 49. piercing: no.  50. sport: I don’t know anyone called sport. 51. vacation: not in the near future. 52. pair of trainers: yes, I very much pair of trainers (?) MORE GENERAL 53. eating: I’ve heard of it. 54. drinking: “I love drinking! I have many friends drinking! How can I be drinking-phobic if I have friends drinking? Drinking are people!” 55. im about to: pee. Let me be honest, this is exactly what I’ll be doing after posting this.
56. waiting for: See above. 57. want: See above. 58. get married: If that happens, chances are a clone has replaced me. Look for me. Save me. Find me. 59. career: “I love career! I have many friends who career! How can I be career-phobic if I have career friends? Careers are people!”
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: I very rarely do any of them (yes, I confess, even if I’m italian I rarely kiss, which brings me to think my italian citizenship is at risk. It’s a relief I love pasta), so if they happen, they must be very much felt. So I cannot choose. 
61. lips or eyes: Ice is better than leaps. 62. shorter or taller: Irrelevant 63. older or younger: acceptably mature 64. nice arms or nice stomach: nice coat of arms. 65. hook up or relationship: Uhm, something more significant than the former, but lighter than the latter... the 10 seconds What if relationship: we casually look at each other from across the street, the camera closes up on my eye, only to move on yours immediately after. In the span of 10 seconds, we imagine- no, wait, we do live the most incredible love story of the century. I can see it in your pupil, as it is just a mirror of mine: all the journeys we would make, all the laughters we would cause each other, all the stolen kisses, all the misunderstood words, all the mistakes and all the fights. In the time you need to breath in and breath out, a wonder comes and dies. And then, as fast as it came, the vision waves back and the camera steps away and we’re back to complete strangers whose eyes locked, by accident, on a random day, from across a street. You blink, I turn my head away and as we part, both of us think: “Oh god, what is wrong with me? Where the hell did that fantasy come from?”, but we will think of it again, of that odd odd time that we caressed but never touched, and never knew but surely met. Of that time that we have been our favorite What if. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: the space in between HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, but I broke them. 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: I’m afraid so 73. had your heart broken: viciously, but only by fate 74. been arrested: is this an invitation? 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: I’ve come to the conclusion that chances are I exist, so I better believe in it. 78. miracles: It’s a miracle I’ve lost myself in all this babbling and I still didn’t go to pee. 79. love at first sight: Only strong fondness and strong dislike. 80. santa claus: Never.  81. kiss on the first date: If I believe in kiss on the first date? What kind of question is this? 82. angels: If they exist, they must be so happy to be put after the supernatural phenomenon of kisses on the first date. OTHER 83. current best friends name: Caterina, Roberta, Leonie, Carla.  84. eye colour: brown. If I wrote a dumb YA novel, I’d say chocolate brown, because I’d have to make it less boring. 85. favorite movie: Look, it’s 00:46 and I really need to use the toilet, so I’ll just come up with the first one that comes to mind and it is LadyHawke.
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dayswithoutdes · 8 years
I feel like a middle school tween.
1. Last beverage: Water.
2.  Last phone call: My sister Cindy.
3. Last text message: From the boyfriend.
4. Last song you listened to: What The Heart Wants - Selena Gomez
5. Last time you cried: Watching Tom & Katie get married on Vanderpump Rules.
6. Got back with someone you’ve  broken up with: No.
7. Been  cheated on: Yes, reason why high school BF’s stay in high school.
8. Kissed someone & regretted  it: No.
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been  depressed: Yes, but not clinically diagnosed.
11. Been drunk and threw up: LOL yes, no more Jose Cuervo.
12. Green
13. Lavender
14. Burnt Orange
15. Made a  new friend: No.
16. Fallen out of love: No.
17.  Laughed until you cried: Yes.
18. Met someone who  changed you: No.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Nope, found out a LONG time ago.
20. Found out someone was  talking about you: No.
21. Kissed anyone on your Facebook  friend’s list: No.
22.How many people on your  friends list do you know in real life: Each one of them, I know.
23.  How many kids do you want?: 1 for sure, maybe 2.
24. Do you have any pets: My Beagle Daisy - Almost 10 years old.
25. Do you want to change  your name: That will only happen when I get married.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Went bowling with my friends.
27. What  time did you wake up?: 5:15am.
28. What were you doing at  midnight last night?: Sleeping.
29. Name  something you CANNOT wait for?: N O V E M B E R.
30.  Last time you saw your Mother: Last Saturday.
31. What  is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Not live paycheck to paycheck. Though it’s getting marginally better.
32. What are you listening to right  now: Co-workers talking.
33. Have you  ever talked to a person named Tom: Co-worker’s name is Tom.
34. Who is getting on your nerves now?: No one.
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Perez Hilton/Youtube
36.  Whats your initials: DRS
37.  Nicknames: Des.
38. Relationship  Status: In a Relationship.
39. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
40.  Male or female?: Female
41. Primary School Mascot?: Unicorns! Jealous?
42. Secondary School?: Pirates!
43. High school/college?: High School was a Charger.
44. Hair color: Naturally Dark Brown.
45. Long or short: Short.
46.  Height: 5'3"
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: I don’t think I can crush on my BF lol.
48:  What do you like about yourself?: My eyes?
49. Piercings: Standard ear piercings.
50: Tattoos: Water color four leaf clover on my left wrist.
51. Righty or lefty:  Righty.
52.  First surgery: In 2005 I had a Chalazion on my eye.
53.  First piercing: Ears when I was a toddler.
54. First best friend: Carla L. from elementary school.
55. First sport you  joined?: Basketball.
56. First vacation: On my own - Manhattan, NY
57. First pair  of trainers: Weird question. lol
58. Eating: Nothing.
59. Drinking:Water.
60.  I’m about to: Actually do work.
61. Listening to: My co-worker sneezing.
62. Waiting for: The work day to end.
63. I’m  feeling: Tired.
64.  Want kids? Yes.
65.  Get married?:Yes.
66. Career: Not sure yet. But hopefully something I love.
67. Car: I already have my teal Honda Fit Sport.
68. House: I’ll just be lucky to have one!
69. Baby Names: Hmm still thinking!
70. Ambitions: If only I could do them all!
71. Spouse?: I’ve been with Cezar for almost 11 years, I’ll say he’s my spouse!
72. Do you believe that your friends like you?:Yes.
73. Does anyone get who YOU really are:  Just a few,
74.  Hook-up or relationship: Always relationship.
75. Kissed a  stranger: Never.
76. Drank hard liquor: I’d prefer that over beer. However I don’t drink anymore.
77. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes.
78.  Sex on first date: Sorry nope.
79. Broken  someone’s heart: Yes.
80. Been  arrested?: Nope.
81. Turned someone down: Yes.
82. Cried when someone died: Yes.
83.  Fallen for a friend: Yes.
84. Yourself: I try, lol.
85. Love at first  sight: No.
86.  Heaven: Absolutely.
87.  Santa Claus: If only he were real.
88. Kiss on the first date: Sure why not.
89. Angels: Yes.
90.  God: Of course.
91. Had more than 1  girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Never.
92. Did you sing today? The traffic I have to endure... so yes.
93.  Ever cheated on somebody?: Nope.
94. If you could go back in  time, how far would you go?: Back to 2006.
95. The  moment you would choose to relive?: My first date with Cezar.
96.  Are you afraid of falling in love?: I never have been.
97. When was  the last time you lied?: I really don’t know.
98. Are you  usually late, early or right on time?: Early or just in time.
99.  Would you give your life to save someone else’s?: Yes.
100.  Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: Nope.
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