#the hunters and the hunted arc
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Alex Irvine, "John Winchester's Journal" | 3.07, "Fresh Blood"
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AUGHH CLASS ASSIGNMENT YIPPEEE!!! Had to make cut out silhouette designs for 3 of our characters!!!
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artfulacrostic · 2 years
memes for The Bad Batch 2x05 "Entombed"
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millimauk · 1 year
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Posting this WIP here as well with no other reason then wanting to start posting here again…
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bonebabbles · 7 months
All arc long, we have seen Gray Wing not be treated like the real father of the kits he raises.
Five books, and we're now on the sixth and last of this rancid arc.
He is not referred to as Thunder's father outside of the closing line of Book 1 when Clear Sky abandons him, CLEAR SKY is, even ENCOURAGING Thunder to go connect to "HIS FATHER" in Book 2. Even if he was, he's a TERRIBLE parental figure. His constant enabling of his shitty brother winds up driving Thunder into a place where he is abused, and subsequently a near murder at the First Battle which Clear Sky causes. Even post-"redemption arc," after Clear Sky slips back into emotionally abusing his son, just like before, and Thunder leaves him for a THIRD time, Gray Wing screeches at Thunder to "STOP SULKING" and fetch the man who has maliciously attempted to hurt him at every opportunity.
Gray Wing is also not treated as the real dad of Turtle Tail's kits. As soon as he spills the beans to a domestic abuser on where his kids can be found, Tom the Wifebeater kidnaps his children and tells him he's their dad in Book 3. This gets their mother killed in the process, and from then on, TOM is treated as the father they're desperate to know and avenge. Sparrow Fur even laments about how he's their father so if the Clan doesn't like him, they don't like her either.
In Book 4, after Tom the Wifebeater gets his redemption death saving his daughter from a mauling Clear Sky allowed to happen, Gray Wing even says to Owl Eyes, point blank, "I'm not your father, am I?"
Owl Eyes has to DANCE around outright telling him that, no, he is not on the same level. Then he learns of Tom the Wifebeater's death and is so upset he cannot visit what might be his sister's death bed. Even though he only met Tom once during a kidnapping.
Gray Wing was not treated as their dad. He is seen as less than a father by all the characters, AND the narrative, even for the kids he raised from birth.
The only one of these four children that he seems to have a positive relationship with and is described properly is Pebble Heart.
But now, after pissing away 5 books of setup, because they're going to kill this character off soon, they start wanting to collect on what they didn't establish. On what they downplayed for drama and angst.
His fridge wife comforts him in a dream about how he's the perfect boy and Everyone Loves Him.
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It doesn't matter that Gray Wing was functionally a terrible parent who's put Thunder in danger by encouraging (and even forcing) a connection to Clear Sky, or that he's been shown as having what I can only describe as "unrequited parental love" for these kits, or that "blood" and biological parents have been exalted for FIVE. BOOKS.
People will read this LAST book, Path of Stars, and conclude DOTC has great messages about adoption. That death scene is just soo good it's going to flush the rest of the arc down the drain, I guess.
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theprinceandthewitch · 7 months
I know I've talked abt this to death, but I still can't get over how Lumity and Huntlow shippers tried to claim Caleb and Evelyn as their own.
Even though Hunter is literally a clone of Caleb and he has the same exact character arc Caleb had. And Willow doesn't fill in the role of "a witch from another world who lured Philip's brother away from him" like Luz does.
I will never quite get over what Huntlows and Lumitys tried to do, because it is the most audacious example of biphobia I've ever seen in a fandom space.
People know on some level, Luz likes princes - it's something that is brought up twice. Luz goes on a quest with a prince and she writes a story where her self-insert kisses a prince. And they're also aware that Luz and Hunter fit the roles of Caleb and Evelyn to a tee. But something in them just can't handle it - the possibility of a bisexual woman writing a story where the bisexual girl has undeniable romantic subtext with a boy is disgusting to them.
Luz is bisexual, but she can't actually be bisexual because most people in LGBTQ+ spaces don't view bisexuality as a legitimate sexuality. People legit see Luz breaking up with her girlfriend to date a boy as an example of homophobia and the writers wanting "to turn her straight." Luz's bisexuality is only valid if she dates girls and is still dating a girl by the time the story ends. Basically bisexuality is only valid if the bisexual "chooses to be gay" because if they don't, then they were always ''straight'' and should be casted out from their own community. It doesn't matter that Hunter is bisexual and that m/f pairings between two bisexuals are non existent in media. Because Hunter and Luz would "look straight" if they started to date, it renders this important and vital bisexual representation as "straight representation." Because for some reason, people have it in their heads that straight people can relate to the bisexual experience and vice versa.
But yeah, the kneejerk fear and hatred that the Caleb/Evelyn = Lunter parallels invoke in people would be funny if it wasn't downright biphobic lol
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Speaking of the kidnapping-
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@kneltnotbowed this you?
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Three picture that survive the whole market planet bs.
You take that photo for Dib-smeet and Gatz since it the least bloody side-
Yeah it a lot-
but it been what, two years since then???? How tf fuck time happen, it feel like it was not long ago.
A lot have chance since it happen.
Yeah… both of us are
((Sooooo…. This is the bloody side of the ship-))
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((Some wip that never gonna be done bc how much time be pass out since then. Sigh))
((One first time I make his blood red eyes visible through my style))
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((Seeker’s fight is the most fun part of the whole arc because BOY THAT MAN GO CRAZY THE MOMENT KNELT GOT INVOLVED))
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((Moment that change HZ and Knelt forever-))
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((Dumb Dumb being dumb dumbs))
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((Plz ask about market arc
plz ask about market arc-
bc it the one arc i want to show most but got too ambitious that i end up have to do time skip-))
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little-demy · 7 months
Joanne & Arc log
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I joined my friend's rp server and submitted both of them as some of my other characters for the rp! It's zombie apocalypstic themed btw
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oceansssblue · 6 months
Note: I know this request is lengthy, detailed, and extra, so if you do not want to do this, I completely understand! Just let me know. If you do take this on, I owe you a MASSIVE thanks and words wouldn’t be able to express how thankful I would be. I wish you the best and I hope you have a good day! :)
May I request a fic where the Bad Batch are monster hunters and the (fem)reader is a close friend to them. As monster hunters, they have to kill every monster — even if the monster was a former family member or friend. It’s not something they’re worried about because the boys are immune and confident in their abilities to protect Omega and the reader. What would go wrong?
Someone disguising a werewolf mini as a dog, and then said “dog” trying to attack Omega but ends up biting the reader instead while they’re out alone on a shopping trip. That could go wrong.
The boys don’t get to see the bite — they only see the reader after her bite gets treated at the hospital. The reader finds out when she transforms in the safety of her own home, Omega pieces it together, and the boys are flabbergasted by the two’s new behavior that follows as consequence of this (reader and Omega are protective of each other, reader has a sudden appetite for meat, Omega prevents them from visiting at night by secretly causing incidents, Omega supports reader’s nonsensical alibis, etc.). Monster hunting is a BIG DEAL so the boys can’t just quit, and the reader doesn’t want them to lose their jobs. The boys find out the truth when the reader transforms to save Omega from an ambush from other monsters and they can’t get to her in time. Ensue the boys taking a deep breath, looking at each other, immediately being like “okay so we’re breaking the law right?”
“Yeah, sounds about right.”
“I’ll start making up alibis so reader never gets caught.”
Yoo this was such a cool idea I just had to jump straight to it! You've practically done it yourself haha, but I get it. Happens to me too, got a lot of ideas but not the actual time to write them, and Im eager to autoread my thoughts. Well, you have me love! Decided to make reader a monster hunter as well cause I wanted her to be that badass. This one's for you :)
Very cool request!
—TBB REQUESTS (female reader, no romantic pairing) 📩��💖
There was a wide spectrum of monsters in Delta-7. Not the ones that hid under children's beds –though you guess they could– and lived in one's fantasies; but actual real life monsters that wrecked caos through the planet's citizens. As a Monster Hunter yourself, you had had your fair numbers of encounters; from Tassas –ten meters long spiders that produced a viscous, paralyising mucus–, to dangerous predators like the Xenos –alien looking carnivorous beings with three rows of sharp teeth and no eyes– and less surprising creatures like werewolves or vampires. And here you were alive.
You belonged to Hunter's team of mercenaries –with Echo, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, the man himself and Omega–; and you were all quite known in Delta-7. You had captured and killed countless of monsters; your records always reaching the top of the list for those that shared your profession.
It's something you're proud of, being a Monster Hunter. Without people like you, Delta-7 would be a terryfying place; a nightmare. Monster Hunters drastically reduce the population of these dangerous creatures; as well as the chances of innocent people getting infected.
Oh, yes, that's the thing; people could get infected. Some monster's didn't have the ability to spread their condition, of course; like the Tassas or the Sand-worms. But the Xenos, Spreegans, Slenders, vampires, and werewolves... All of those were disseases carried in the blood, and all of them could be transmited to every-day humans. Humans like you or your own team; a fear you have never quite left completely behind.
You know what would happen if you got infected. The boys would have to kill you; and you expect them to. You don't want to become something like that; you don't want to forget yourself and become a monster like those who threaten your planet. You don't want to hurt innocent people. If that would be your fate, you'd prefer to be dead. And you'd do the same for each one of them. Luckily, the five brothers and Omega are inmune; so you don't have to ever worry about that.
It's a real relief almost half of Delta-7 population has antibodies to most of these contagious diseases. It limits the number of monsters that can go running around at the same time; makes them easier to find and kill. You can't begin to express how damn grateful you are that the Batch isn't at risk of becoming one of them. Your own situation is completely different –and the reason why they've tried to convince you to sit down the most dangerous missions more than once–; but you're confident in your abilities. You've been doing this since you could hold a blaster and a vibroblade. You'll be fine. You can't live in constant fear of turning, even if you're always aware of it.
You're walking around the dirty, desolated streets of the outskirts of Delta's capital when it happens. Omega is happily babbling about his new electric crossbow; and you've got one ear in the conversation and one ear in your surroundings. You'll never stop being aware of where you are, of what could be lurking in the shadows; and it's precisely that that saves Omega from a painful bite.
The dog jumps directly towards her arm, and you're barely able to push her off when his canines close around your forearm. You whimper in pain, knees almost collapsing under your weight with the surprise and power of the bite; before you're sinking your vibroblade in the dogs skull, an instant kill that leaves the animal dead in just a matter of seconds. You groan in pain, using all your strength to open his jaw and get hold of your wound; while Omega starts an endless line of "I'msosorry"'s and "pleaseforgiveme"'s that only make your head feel fuzzy.
"Fucking hell" you mutter, retracting the vibroblade and putting it back in its belt, before quickly wrapping your wound in one of the spare bandages you always carry in your backpack. "We'll have to stop by the hospital".
Omega quickly nods, eyes full of worry.
"Are you okay?"
You snort and let out a dry laugh in the air.
"Nah. Hurts like a bitch" you carefully observe the dead animal at your feet and sigh. "But it'll get better, just needs time. And antibiotics".
Omega seems slightly more relieved, though still very worried. She glances at the dog too.
"You think he was infected?" She questions, quietly now.
You pull your backpack back on your shoulders and restart your walk, Omega quickly following behind.
"Mm. Probably" you hum. "Dogs don't really attack humans without a reason that way. He would have probably been bitten by a werewolf or something".
Some animals, like cats and dogs, can get infected by the monsters; though they aren't able to transmit it afterwards to humans, as the desease doesn't fully develop in their bodies and it doesn't reach their blood; just grows in focused organs and make them malfunction, sometimes affecting their behaviour like common rabies. To sum it up, your bite has no risk at all.
"You should be more aware of your surroudings" you later tell Omega, frowning in pain when the very lost med student inyects antibiotic straight to the cleaned wound and redresses the bandage. "It could be a different thing next time".
Omega plays with her fingers, guilty.
"You know I'm inmune" she whispers, lowering her head.
You sigh, tiredly.
"Yeah, but that doesn't make you inmune to pain, claws and bites, sweetheart" you answer, softening your tone, and she nods dejectedly.
You let it go. Half an hour later, when Hunter gives her a ten minute speech once you take her back to their home and the boys worriedly hover over you at the sight of your bandaged forearm, you come to her rescue, excusing her and soothing Hunter's worries and anger.
"I'm sure she has already learnt from this, Hunter. And it's just a dog bite, thankfully. I'll be good to go in a few days" you pat his shoulder affectionately, and he sighs in defeat.
"Alright. Please take care of that and rest" he throws you a pointed glance.
You grin, nodding in acceptance.
"Will do" you answer, and then you start your short walk back home.
It was definitively not a dog, because that night, when you're alone back at home, your bones definitively break and rearrange themselves.
It was definitively a unusually small, pathetic werewolf; but a bite is a bite, and now, you are one of them too.
You're very carefull the next handfull of days. You think about moving away, dissapearing from the world. You think about killing yourself. You're still convinced of what you've always thought; you don't want to become like them. But there's a small doubt wondering around your mind, a small fear. What if you don't? What if you can somehow control yourself? What if you can spare you're close friends, people you practically see as family, the grief of experiencing your loss?
You monitor yourself. You write down every change you notice. Film it, even. The first sign is your sudden ravenous apetite for meat; the raw the better. You almost salivate when you see it; your mind getting dizzy in your hunger. Your reflexes get sharper, your moves faster. Your muscles seem the same on the outside, but you're somehow stronger. You feel stronger, like your cells have turned to hard iron on the inside. It's a feeling that takes time getting used to.
You're aware of how the direction of your thoughts change too. You're almost scared when you feel almost anxious to finally leave behind your home retreat and get your hands on someone. But you breathe through the almost irresistible impulse and focus; and then you discover you can canalise those intentions towards a specific target. Thinking on killing other monsters soothes your mind, but picturing the boys death makes you wince. When you think of it, it's really not that different than your developed skills as a Monster Hunter, and so you breathe.
The first day you see the Batch again you're almost expectant, waiting for something bad to happen. But everything's fine; you're happy to see them, they're happy to see you, and nothing has changed at all on that part. You go out with the boys on another mission of monster hunting and kill three Tassas a bit too easily; and Hunter claps your hand proudly on your way back home, all of them chatting distractedly. There are no acussations, and so days pass by with no altercations.
It's surprisingly Omega the one that figures it all out. She carefully whispers her theory to you when you are both alone one night; and you're left paralysed outside your door. Fear instantly clings at you; and you literally fall to your knees and beg her to listen to you.
She does. You tell her all about it; every single change you've noticed, let her read and watch all the records you've made of yourself since that first transformation. You've never been more grateful for her patience and kindness. Omega believes you, and promisses to keep your secret. You both know the boys can't leave their jobs behind –they shouldn't, for Delta-7's safety–; and you're unsure on how they'd react. It stays between the two of you therefore, and you only grow more protective of her for that.
Hunter –and probably the rest of the Batch– starts to suspect that something is going on the fith time Omega causes an accident on their home –sometimes it's the kitchen, sometimes the bathroom gets flooded, once she distractedly hurts herself while helping Crosshair clean their equipment up–; but the reason only gets discovered a whole month later.
They all know it has to do with you. It isn't a coincidence Omega suddenly becomes clumsy when they talk about visiting you at night, either to watch a film together or share dinner; and though the both of you have always been close, it get's a bit too extreme. It's like your prawling around the blond's steps; over-protective, becoming her shadow, eyes always glancing back at her. At first they think it's just fear of losing her, caused by the accident from that night; but the truth is revealed to them shortly after that.
It happens an afternoon when your team follows a group of three Xenos through the south forest of Delta-7's capital. You all have to be sneaky; as the monsters have a very developed hearing to compensate for their lack of sight. It's a cold day, the wind freezing all of you even when suited up in your termo-regulated tracking clothes; making the weapons in your hands feel heavier than they already are.
The forest is deathly quiet. Hunter –as the great tracker he is– holds up a fist, a sign to stop and prepare yourselves; and out of nowhere, the three Xenos jump at you. It's a blood bath. The best way to get to one of those monsters is separating them, ambushing them in silence; but the tables have turned, and everytime one of you uses your weapons or dodges an attack rolling around the floor, one of the other monsters hears it, and lounges straight at you. Crosshair and Echo are both bitten once before you all manage to get rid of one of them; two left to take.
It's just when you're drawing your blade of the first one when you hear her scream. It's a high pitched, terryfing thing; Omega breaking rule number one when fighting against the Xenos. Don't make a sound. The second monster screeches angrily –a terryfying loud sound– and lounges towards where Omega is already trapped under the other one; three rows of teeth snapping hungrily and dangerously close to her vulnerable throat.
It's all pure instinct from there, and you don't think it twice. Your body snaps and transforms in mid-jump; claws landing on one of the Xenos face while you quickly turn around in your animal form and tackle the other one to the ground.
It turn's bloody very quickly. You feel their own claws slashing throw your body, opening deep wounds and lightening pain on your nerves. But you hurt them too, and you're fierce, and quick, and powerful, and you close your own jaws on their bony legs and arms and tug. Flesh separates from bones, and bones from their skeleton; and after a tiring fight, your mind knowing exactly where to attack, the two monsters lay dead on a pool of dark black blood.
Breathing heavily, and with the adrenaline quickly dropping, you turn to Omega and whimper in pain and relief, pushing your snout affectionately against her shoulder. Thankfull, Omega caresses your back.
You don't think it's a good idea to return to your human form right now –werewolves are able to heal faster, and you can feel and see wounds too deep and bones out of place–; so you exhaustedly slump down, energy extinguishing now that the danger has passed.
You're barely able to see them glancing at each other, eyes wary and carefull but weapons not pointing towards you, which is an impressively good sign.
"So we're breaking the law, right?" comes up Crosshair's almost bored drawl, and you can almost picture him taking one of those fucking sticks up to his mouth.
"Sounds about right!" Wrecker answers in a surprised laugh, and Echo smiles quietly while Hunter walks towards Omega and helps her up.
He then turns towards you and asseses your wounds, dropping his backpack on the floor besides you and grabbing the bacta.
Tech quickly taps at his datapad.
"I'll hack onto the capital's cameras and set up a loop so no one catches our return to her apartment. This secret stays with us".
A warm rush of love towards your boys and the fleeting, heavy-lifting relief is all you experience before you finally pass out and close your eyes.
Hope it is what you imagined love, it was fun to write!
I'll be writing the next requests on the following days. Stay tunned for more!
Back to my general masterlist here:
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blueribbonbaby · 1 year
The way some people on TikTok defend Nate after all he’s done and ship him and Cassie or him and Jules together is insane to me 😵‍💫 like he has abused multiple girls 🤦🏼‍♀️
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
soulless sam was at his best when he was still being written as a version of sam, to accentuate parts of him that normally get held back, and not as 'guess he's evil now'. soulless sam when he's reflecting sam's tendency to lose sight of everything else in pursuit of a goal. soulless sam when he's just kind of rude without thinking about it without his filter on. soulless sam when he's equal parts intent on keeping dean with him and also happy to lie to him and keep him shut out of the things he knows dean won't like so that dean won't leave. soulless sam when he equally recognizes that he is a better hunter now, and also that he probably can't continue to exist without his soul. (you know. before they went along with making him just kind of evil.)
...soulless sam when he's begging for literally anyone to acknowledge his autonomy in this situation and not force him to take his soul back without knowing how much it could damage him and being ignored.
#i have normal thoughts about this man#i love the soulless sam arc actually until it nosedives#i love how it gives us a new lens to examine sam through#i love that soulless sam isn't even really! malicious! he's just exactly what he says: a better hunter!#like the most Bad thing he does is inarguably dean vampire transformation#but id point out that. that gives us even more fascinating stuff to analyze about him#like for one. sam knows not only About the cure but about how dean can't drink blood for it to work. right?#so what can we deduce from this: 1) he is not arbitrarily risking his brother. he is making from his pov the most logical decisions to kill#the vamps they're after. and 2) soulless sam without a doubt believes that dean will resist drinking blood. because otherwise the cure won'#work on him. and you can say 'well he doesn't have a connection to dean because soulless reasons' but. i mean. that's false. clearly.#even if all it is is leftover feelings of responsibility towards dean and familiarity and knowing that dean's a good hunter.#that's still a connection! dean *does* matter to him! and soulless sam believes he wont go for blood. that dean can't.#(sidenote if dean did? i dont think soulless would have killed him. this is sam & dean we're talking about.#soul or not. vampire or not. sam is keeping him around.)#anyway the point of this is that soulless sam is both Very Simple to understand and Very Complex when you get into the details of it#but on the basic level he is just sam's drive to hunt unattached from morality. he is just a better hunter.#i like that characterization far better than 'he is evil and wants to do murder and bad things'#oh and also he fucks people's wives. he's fun like that.#soulless!sam#spn#sam winchester
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starmakesart · 2 years
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You want a rebellion? I'll give you a rebellion.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
Rotating the monster alt au in my head again sorry guys- /lh
What if like. There are actual monster hunters out there, like how the BPS takes reports on alternates/ghosts, but they take jobs about werewolves and other monsters like that
So Seth has to make sure none of them find either him or Cesar (or even Adam to an extent) cause. The hunters know how to kill them.
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just-1other-nerd · 1 year
There are only 10 poll spots, so I had to put some of the episodes into one. I didn't put up the last two episodes of season 1 because he didn't even speak in them, same goes for his cameo in Reaching Out.
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hassianlovebot · 1 year
the devs mentioning that it's difficult to make sifuu romanceable because of Lore definitely makes my tinhat taylin is the elderbeast radar go off
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tlcartist · 2 years
Getting into HxH made me realize that I have no idea how to draw kids. I'm just not used to the proportions and it looks ridiculous every time. I'll figure it out eventually but jfc my drawings really be looking like mideval depictions of infants (aka tiny grown man syndrome)
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