I am Jinna AkA Ninja. Honestly I go by the name Rain. I am obsessed with Slashers, Yautja and The Lost Boys(the Vampires). I like to read and write but I may not be the best at that. Though if you want to request something I'll give it my best shot!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 9
Word Count: 1,349
A/N: I... honestly have no excuse. I was overwhelmed. Sorry.
Silence. Too long of a silence. So long of a silence that it felt like there was a mounting pressure for someone to say something. Anything. Everyone's eyes filled with an eager anticipation. It felt like it was nearly an entire year since anything was last said.
Finally, at long last, like a dam that had held back far too much water, there was a burst.
"Well?" David inquired, his tone of voice filled with a hint of the impatience that he was feeling from the building suspense. Who could really blame him? So many had been left in waiting. It was cruel to make them wait for so long.
Y/N snapped out of her dozed out state, glancing up and around the seating area of the once great and grand hotel. Her eyes meeting the others who were looking back at her, waiting for her to finally update them on what was going on. "What?" She asked having been daydreaming for some time.
"What do you mean, what? You said that you would explain when we got here." Paul asked in a lighthearted but teasing tone of voice.
"Oh my gosh, I did!" Y/N said as her eyes widened and lit up as it all came crashing back into her mind. She sat up straight as if ready to tell them a great tale and fill their mind with ancient lore. Even if some things were still unknown even to her because Tyr had kept her in the dark about many things.
"You had said… that you were a demon, like Tyr?" Dwayne asked as he was trying to get the ball rolling since it seemed like no one really seemed to know where to start.
"No." Tyr said to Dwayne, Y/N assumed that he had been just trying to shut down the conversation so she continued.
"When I was young, I had met Tyr who had started to help keep me safe. Protect me from the world. It must have been hard for him to take care of someone so young. It would not be a lie to say that he practically raised me." Y/N said to them all. "He is a demon too. He found me, a young demon and decided to show some mercy and help me survive in the world. I didn't really have a horde to help raise me. I had been among the mortal humans ever since I could remember. But I didn't quite belong with them."
With the words now out there and in the open, Tyr was glaring daggers at Y/N but she shrugged them off. Not wanting to entertain his apparent tantrum. If these were her soulmates then she would be open and honest with them. There would be no good in secrets being kept among them.
Though when these words were said it seemed that Michael, who had come in to the conversation rather late now looked nearly mortified. "Demon? You're joking right? Vampires, Demons… what's next? Witches and Werewolves?"
Tyr finally stopped glaring when that was brought up and couldn't help but snort out a laugh at that question. "Damn you really are as ignorant of humans as they come, halfling. Of course there are witches and werewolves in the world."
Michael had fallen silent when he was told about that. His eyes wide and his lip lifted as if in disgust. It was honestly a little offensive to have him react like that. Y/N rolled her eyes a bit at him. "Michael, you are now a part of a world that others could only ever dream of. You have a chance to live in immortality, see all that the world has to offer, have a power that would help you in all that you may need. Strength to protect those that you love from things that you never knew were a reality before. I know you are struggling with being half a vampire now, but think this carefully. Would you rather return to being human and being vulnerable to the dangers? Or would you rather join something that would give not only you power, but the strength of a family that also has that power?"
It was finally put in a manner that Michael had never thought about before. It would give him the ability to protect his family. To be there with his family, make sure they were safe. He hesitated to answer but no one pushed him to answer the question. Letting him have the time to think the question through and let the new reality he was a part of sink into his mind.
Y/N turned her attention back to Marko, David, Paul and Dwayne and sighed. "I am sorry I kept it a secret for so long but you have to admit that you have been keeping a secret from me too that is just as big and you cannot be angry with me because of it." She said to them because though she knew she shouldn't have kept such a big secret, if she had been the only one with just as big of a secret, then she would have known she was entirely at fault.
"You do make a fair point…" David acknowledged, even he could not make a big deal about something like this when it was very clear that they had all had secrets that had been vital to the futures of their lives if they were to intertwine them. "We aren't angry, we were worried that you would have not drank from the bottle.. Because if you didn't then we would have had to find a way to get you to become immortal in one form or another. If you already have that, then there isn't really much that we have to worry about. But I do want to know, if he raised you then why is he still sticking by your side when you're not a child anymore?"
"Because she doesn't have full access to her abilities and there are things that she needs help with." Tyr hissed to David, not liking the fact that David seemed to be questioning why Tyr was still around. "She still needs to be kept safe and she is my best friend so I will not leave her side."
It was heartwarming to hear it. Tyr had been such a vital part of Y/N's life that she really didn't think that she would be happy to live in a world that he was not a part of. Tyr was much too important to her. "You're my best friend too." She whispered to Tyr with a small smile on her lips.
So here we all were, secrets out in the open. Everyone trying to understand what was happening. Though the Four vampires did know that witches and werewolves existed, the existence of demons was unknown even to them. David's mind was reeling in an attempt to try to remember if Max had ever told him about demons even once. Nothing came to mind.
Michael was still trying to cope with vampires, now he had a lot more on his plate, and on top of that, now he had to figure out if he even wanted to be human again when there was so much in the world that easily could prey on humans. Would he be left open to these potential dangers? Yes he would. These were the type of things that he would have to live with for the rest of his life, no matter which choice he made. The options were far too much and each and every one of them had dangers that he would never be able to come to full terms with. However; if he chose to live the life as a vampire then at least he would be able to have the tools he needed to stand a higher chance of living. There would be more opportunities in the world if he chose that path, and at that moment, he was becoming the best choice to make.
Taglist: @simplyreading96 , @bloodywickedvamp , @cocopuffs1450 , @vxarak , @kristel1990 , @sagis116 , @doting-dov3 , @thelostone91 , @fabunicorn , @lestat-whore , @bluerubyrose , @lchufflepuffcorn , , @dakotapaigelove , @ladycrowsworld , @reallysparklychaos , @emodemmon , @sarcastic-sourwolf , @misspendragonsworld , @humanzeww ,
I don't know if some of these tags are going to work, some wouldn't let me click. I'm sorry, please forgive me for like, everything.
#the lost boys 1987#marko lost boys#poly!lost boys x reader#the lost boys dwayne x reader#poly the lost boys x reader#lost boys 1987#the lost boys david x reader#david lost boys#dwayne lost boys#paul lost boys#michael lost boys#the lost boys marko x reader#the lost boys paul x reader#the lost boys x fem!reader#vampire x reader
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This had me dying 😭😅 I'm so sorry. I really been struggling to find inspiration 🙏🏽🥺
Calling Of The Lost Souls: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - (Not Completed)
I love these guys so much
Just this for now because I'm lazy
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 8
Word Count: 2,222
A/N: Okay so I kind of dropped the ball lately, sorry guys. I swear I was going to write on my last days off but a huge storm hit and knocked out the entire towns power, then a giant tree fell in my backyard and crushed one of the cars. It's been a mess. But i'm here! On with the program!
How could this guy be so utterly shameless? Y/N was fuming. Her eyes narrowed at Tyr as she felt Marko’s grip around her waist tighten.
Tyr was testing them. Having said such a thing surrounded by humans on the boardwalk, with her in the arms of a vampire, he wanted to know what they would do to her had they known that she knew without it having been them who had told her.
“You know if you hurt her then I’ll have to fight you, right?” Tyr asked, wanting to make it very clear they would not have the chance to harm her before he got involved.
“We wouldn’t hurt her, you on the other hand, we wouldn’t mind hurting.” David growled the words out in warning.
Dwayne had finally looked to Tyr when he had made it known that Y/N knew. Then he looked back at her, “You’re not scared.” He commented, a little surprised, “You do look angry though.”
“You’re damn right I’m angry! Tyr! I wanted to tell them!” Y/N said to him though thanks to the ever growing tightness of the grip Marko had on her waist she had finally started to wiggle her way out of his grasp.
Marko didn’t seem happy with that attempt though. His eyes snapping to her, “Where are you going?” He asked, feeling wary that she was going to head back to Tyr and stay away from them.
“I’m bruising.” Y/N said to him calmly now because she knew that snapping at these four would be entirely uncalled for. At the admission, Marko loosened his grip but had not let go of her completely.
“Now you can stay.” He said as if it was the most understandable thing. If she was no longer bruising from his grasp then she could stay in his arms. Y/N huffed but didn’t fight it any more.
“This is not nearly as fun as I wanted it to be.” Tyr groaned as he watched them practically group around Y/N as if trying to protect her. “Maybe we can play hide and seek?”
At the mention of the game Y/N’s eyes grew wide, “Tyr, don’t you dare! I mean it! If you do it I’ll be really really mad!” She warned him making the demon slump his shoulders in defeat. She was already on edge thanks to his actions and words and if he pushed it too far then he knew she would be upset.
Hide and Seek was one of Y/N’s favourite games to play when she was younger. With a snap of his fingers, Tyr made himself vanish and she had to find him through whichever place they chose to be their playground of sorts. When he had mentioned it now, Y/N knew Tyr would have made herself disappear to see how long it would take them to find her. “You’re no fun. It’s your favourite game. I thought you liked being chased.”
“This is not the time to play games.” Y/N said to him glad that he had not attempted to go through with it. “Please, Tyr really is just a friend. I promise.” She assured the guys who looked at her curiously now as realization had seemed to set in.
“Why in the world would you willingly go into a vampires den?” Dwayne asked her. It was one of the dumbest things he could think of. It was dangerous, what if they had not been her mates? Would she still have done such a thing? Did she know of mates?
Tyr laughed when the question had been asked; mostly he was wondering the same thing. Y/N was strong, but she didn’t know how to unlock that power in its full extent yet. With the amount of time they had known each other Tyr had tried to help her learn to control her abilities, it just felt like something was holding her back. Maybe it was humanity. So it really had been stupid of her to go into a vampires nest. Mates or no mates, it was stupid.
Y/N couldn’t help but feel that everyone was looking at her like she was an idiot making her bristle with indignation under their gazes. “I knew you would not hurt me.”
Paul grinned from ear to ear and swiftly took her from Marko’s grasp into a hug, “Of course we would not hurt you! You’re our girl! But you have to drink from the bottle okay?”
“No!” Y/N said a little too frantically making the four vampires stiffen. She clearly knew what was in the bottle now.
“You won’t even taste it, I promise!” Paul said thinking that maybe this was the reason she didn’t want to drink the bottle. Who would really willingly drink unknown blood? “Or... is it because you would rather drink ours?”
“I’m not going to drink any blood.” She said quietly looking around since they were still somewhere too public, and yet Tyr didn’t seem to want to leave the public setting. Clearly he was still too exhausted to fight them willingly and wanted to be able to have a backup plan.
This was not something that failed to be noticed by Y/N. This man was still far too tired and needed rest and yet here he was trying to stir trouble. It was like he wanted to cause strife between the boys and Y/N. It made sense, Tyr hated anything without a soul as he put it, or with ‘dead souls’.
David, Paul, Marko and Dwayne were consumed. She knew what they were, she knew that they would not age and yet she would refuse to drink their blood?
“Since Tyr seems to believe that there is no need for us to keep secrets then I might as well say that I am not exactly human either.” Y/N spoke up feeling odd at saying such a thing out loud. It had been practically taboo of her to mention this.
Y/N wasn’t wrong because the moment she said these words Tyr acted and took a hold of her wrist and quickly pulled her away from them all the while muttering to her about how she was throwing her life away by saying that out loud. “You cannot say that out loud ever again!” Tyr said to her, “You are human, okay? If anyone asks, you are human.”
“Why can’t I say that I’m a demon like you?” Y/N asked Tyr turning around seeing the four vampires hot on their tail. They were not about to let them get away. Not after hearing her say those words. They wanted answers and they had to get them one way or another. “Tyr, they are my soulmates. They will not do something to me. I don’t think I have any need to keep myself hidden from them.”
“You have to stay hidden from everyone. You know the importance of it.” Tyr reminded Y/N but she didn’t know! He had never told her the details of it all. From the very moment that she was able to comprehend she wasn’t human he never told her why it was so important for her to never say it out loud.
“You’re keeping secrets from me, aren’t you?” Y/N asked him as she tried to tug her wrist out of his.
They had managed to get somewhere secluded and that was when the boys struck. Dwayne pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her close as if he was trying to shield her from the world using his body.
David had grabbed Tyr from the collar of his coat and shoved him against a nearby wall. “You will not take her from us. Do you understand? She does not belong to you, so don’t you dare drag her away.”
The words sounded almost sweet... for a moment but Y/N didn’t fail to notice that David didn’t say that she didn’t belong to anyone. “David let him go!” Y/N demanded trying to pull herself from Dwayne’s grasp but he only held onto her tighter so she couldn’t get out.
“Stop, he needs to show him he cannot just take you from us.” Dwayne spoke quietly into her ear. Y/N felt a shiver go down her spine from how deep his voice had gotten when he whispered into her ear like that.
“But he cannot hurt him!” Y/N said to Dwayne, “Please Dwayne, he’s my best friend. Please.” She pled to the vampire hoping that he would understand how much Tyr meant to her.
“Tch. David. Don’t hurt him.” Dwayne said out to David who rolled his eyes in response.
David growled and released Tyr who didn’t seem in the least bit scared of David, “Don’t you touch me Vampire. You don’t understand the troubles that can come if you know more than you should. I spent nearly her entire life keeping her life safe. Making sure that she would never feel the hurt that could come if anyone were to know. I won’t let you ruin it because of some soulmate bond. She’s like family to me, and I will protect her with my life until I take my last breath.” Tyr growled to him as the area around them seemingly started to grow darker and darker. Tyr was growing angry and draining the area around them of light to fuel him enough to fight for a short while if he needed to.
This was becoming far too dangerous. I was worried and didn’t know who I was more worried about at this point. The boys were strong but so was Try, I just didn’t ever want to find out who would get hurt the worst if a fight did manage to break out between them.
“Tyr, David, Marko, Paul...” I said seeing the other two vampires starting to move in closer to Tyr like a pack closing in on their target. “We can work this out peacefully. Let’s just talk it out, okay? Things will be better for all of us if we just put aside our anger and worked it out in a way we can talk about why it’s upsetting us so much. I know there are secrets that we all have but the sooner its worked out the better.”
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Let go of her!” A voice called out and Y/N cursed under her breath seeing Michael coming over, more like sprinting over to Dwayne and Y/N. Why the hell did this guy have the absolute worst timing? He was only a half vampire! He would definitely be the one who ended up getting hurt the worst in a fight.
“Michael I swear, if you don’t stop right where you are, things will get ugly.” Y/N warned Michael try to ensure that he remained at least a couple feet away from the ever growing tension.
Maybe Y/N’s luck wasn’t entirely terrible because Michael did in fact stop just a short distance away. Close enough to hear just about everything there but far enough that he would not be accidentally hurt if they did end up starting a fight.
“We are trying to be diplomatic. So let’s all just... calm down and go somewhere more private. This place is kind of secluded but people can still come here.” Y/N tried to point out to the guys who were slowly trying to calm themselves to stop them from doing anything wrong.
Y/N was sure that the vampire boys weren’t actually fighting with Tyr because they truly believed Tyr would be no match for them and didn’t want Y/N to be angry at them if they were responsible for hurting him. Tyr was avoiding trying to use physical force by any means necessary because he didn’t want to drain himself further.
“Fine.” David spoke the single word while turning to Y/N and placing his gloved hand on her cheek after making his way over. “We will go back to the hotel. That place is plenty secluded.”
“Oh sure, we are just going to go to the vampires den! So safe.” Tyr said rolling his eyes. Even Michael seemed on edge with this.
“No, you want her to drink the blood.” Michael said not knowing exactly what was all known at this point.
“Keep up Mikey.” Paul said patting his back, “She already said no. We want to know why.”
“We are going to the hotel.” Y/N said to them, making up her mind. It was the best place that she could think of. Whether it was their den or not, it was the closest to ideal. With that, we started to make our way back to the hotel. Everyone was on edge. Tyr insisted that Y/N ride with him but the two of them didn’t have bikes. Y/N rode with David who wanted her close and Tyr rode with Michael who believed that Tyr was the closest one to want to be on his side on Y/N not being a vampire.
It was the most awkward drive. Usually when they rode it was fun, exciting and all the feelings that came with the thrill but this time it felt like they all felt this tension that had been slowly building right back up as they rode closer to the staircase that would lead them down to the cave they called simply, the hotel.
Taglist: @simplyreading96 , @bloodywickedvamp , @cocopuffs1450 , @vxarak , @kristel1990 , @sagis116
A/N: Am I missing anyone in the tag list?
#the lost boys 1987#marko lost boys#poly!lost boys x reader#dwayne lost boys#fem!reader#paul lost boys#david lost boys#tlb x reader#lost boys marko x reader#michael lost boys#the lost boys dwayne x reader#lost boys david x reader#lost boys michael x reader#lost boys paul x reader
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Calling Of The Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 7
A/N: So I was asked by someone to be put on a taglist? I've never done that before, and I am HONORED! Thank you! I'll be honest at this point I'm just sprinkling in gifs I think are funny.
I made a Masterlist for this though!
Word Count: 2,433
“She’s not a... what?” Michael asked flabbergasted at the mere mention of this. Star had wanted to remove what she believed to be a curse so much, it was the one thing that she wished for help with. Hearing Y/N say that she wasn’t a vampire was too much for his muddled brain to handle at that moment.
“Michael. I just said it more than once! If I say it again I will be upset with you!” Y/N said to him with a sigh, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mad at you. I am, I am very mad at you; but I shouldn’t be. It’s not your fault you’re still human enough to fall for the effects of a succubus. She’s not the strongest one, but that is what she is. Vampire blood forced her powers out too early so she’s weak compared to most.”
It made perfect sense to Y/N; it was hard to believe that anyone else was not able to comprehend this information. “She wants to be human again when she never had been human to begin with. Her abilities are like that of a vampire... except she doesn’t feed on blood.” With the last few words she looked at Michael thinking that he should obviously know exactly what that meant.
Michael stared at her, open mouthed, making Y/N believe he was trying to come to terms with the information he gathered...except.. “What’s a succubus?”
“Michael. Have you ever been curious about the occult? Ever just looked into a random book in the occult section of the library? You really just don’t know the signs of things that are laid out in front of you? The moment you laid your eyes on Star, what led you to her? Your heart or your second head?” Y/N asked him feeling like she was talking to a child learning of the dangers of the world when it had already been far too late for them to save themselves.
“... You don’t understand Y/N. When I first saw Star that night, the way she moved to the music. When our eyes met and she looked away from me, playing hard to get. There was something that made me want to go closer.” His attempts to reason with his decision were failing him. The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. “I felt a pull to you too when I first saw you!”
A hiss came from Y/N as she took a sharp breath at his words, “Do not compare the pull of a bond to that of a half-assed Succubus’ lure.” She said to him feeling hurt and offended all over again. The nerve of this guy to compare the bond of a mate to something that was just pure carnal.
“How do you know about this stuff, Y/N? I doubt you just so happened to look at a book randomly to learn.” Michael said wanting an explanation to her knowledge.
“You were brought into this world of monsters you believed to be in stories and nothing more; I was born into it, raised in it. I know this stuff because it was taught to me from a very young age and through my years I have been learning more and more.” It was the honest truth, “You can’t tell the boys I know yet! I need to be the one to tell them now. If you just go and say it then they might think that I’m planning something..I just needed to come to terms with it too.”
“Come to terms with what? You didn’t drink from the cup, you aren’t a half vampire.” Michael groaned feeling like he was at a loss, and he was correct. He was at a loss.
Y/N felt sympathy for Michael. “I did try to stop you, but no, you had to be a part of the boys and just do what you could to fit in. Face it Michael, you’re more in love with the guys than you were Star.”
Maybe Michael hadn’t quite realized his own feelings yet because the look he gave Y/N was one that showed he was clearly not amused. “Don’t say that.”
“It’s 1987 Michael. There’s nothing wrong with it.” She said to him rolling her eyes. “Go home Michael. The sun is up and you’re going to pass out from the exhaustion. Don’t you dare let me find out you’re trying to find a way to break your being a half vampire. You were selfish enough to go through with something without thinking it through, don’t make the mistake of ruining the lives of others by trying to change fate.”
With that, Y/N turned and walked off. Leaving Michael behind to go home and sleep. With this outcome she knew she had to tell the guys that she knew, but now how could she explain to Tyr that she had more than one soulmate? Worse so, that one of them wanted to try to break this being a half vampire.
From the distance she could hear Michael’s bike start up and speed off to go home. Y/N didn’t get far though. The sudden feeling of being spun around, hand in another hand, coming face to face with Tyr had her surprised.
“You’re awake. I thought you needed more sleep?” She asked him watching as the smile on his lips turned into a grin.
“I had enough sleep. You really think I’m going to let you wander around with vampires for long?” Tyr teased but that just made Y/N think of one thing. It’s freaking Daytime!
Y/N watched him, a trace of irritation flashing in her eyes. “So you showed up after the sunrise, to what? Protect me while they sleep?”
“What makes you think I showed up just now? I’ve been hanging around you since the diner.” The words Tyr spoke shook Y/N. If he had been around since the diner then he knew that she wasn’t with Michael, the half vampire, she was with four full vampires. “Did you know.. that when a human becomes a vampire, their soul dies. Not entirely, but most of it does. I told you they are dead souls Y/N. So why was it you were with four vampires and a little half vampire.. and then another half vampire showed up?”
There was no anger in Tyr. He was curious, worried maybe, but there was definitely no anger. It was wrong hiding something from Tyr. It felt so wrong, her heart felt like someone had placed weights on it and thrown it to sea.
“Because ... I think that I have more than one soulmate.” She said to him speaking the full truth, he deserved to know it. “I feel the things I feel to Michael to David, Paul, Dwayne and Marko. I don’t know why I do, but I do. A part of me thought I was wrong about it, but after tonight I know it’s true. I feel it.” Y/N was sure that he would deny this. That he would insist it to not be real.
“And the Succubus? Any chance she enchanted you into thinking they were your soulmates? Their power over the heart is strong.” Tyr was trying to find reasons to not believe her; knowing that Y/N wouldn’t tell him a lie straightforwardly. If she believed them to be her soulmates then that was what she really did feel.
This form of not believing it was better than him instantly trying to take her away from here. “No. I know how it feels to be enthralled by a succubus and an incubus. This isn’t that.” She assured him as they walked, hand in hand back to the home. “Will you meet them?”
“I have to meet them! How else will I see if I should kill them or not?” Tyr said to her, Y/N laughed thinking he was joking, but he didn’t join her making her laugh fade away.
“Tyr...” Y/N spoke looking at him with worried eyes as they reached the door.
He just opened the door and led her inside, “I’m not going to let you be placed in danger after everything I’ve done to keep you safe Y/N. If they kill you, if they hurt you... I’ll destroy everything.” The violence of an angry demon was unmatched by most, except perhaps a devil.
The only thing that Y/N could do was silently enter the home. She was sure that they wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. It would be unnecessary for her to mention this to him. “Tonight then, after you feed.”
Tyr shot her a grin as he went off to rest some more. He hadn’t fully recovered, but it was clear he didn’t want her out there on her own. Not when he was so sure that something dangerous was lurking in the dark. There always was, but this was something so close. Unavoidable. “Wait... WAIT TYR THATS MY ROOM! INSTIGATOR!”
Why was he an instigator? Because that made her have to sleep in his bed. Freaking Demons and their need to constantly create chaos in everything that they happen upon.
When the next night had approached Tyr was up before even she was. Tossing her clothes over her sleeping body. “Wake up! It’s time to make some vampires angry!”
“You know for someone who thinks they are the ones with dead souls, so far I think you have been instigating them more into showing their fangs.” Y/N said with a groan as she got up from the bed. “I’m not wearing this!” she said tossing the clothes to the floor after seeing what he threw at her.
“Good luck with that because I hid all your other clothes!” Tyr sang as he made his way out of the room. It was like living with a child sometimes. There were times Tyr had been sophisticated, walking with his head held high like the aristocrat he had pretended to be so long ago; but then there were the times he acted like a spoiled brat!
However, no matter how annoying he may be, Y/N would never trade him for anything in the world. He was her annoying demon.
The clothes he had picked up was a skirt and a sleeveless blouse, and his own coat. Simple but it was a freezing night out there and she would have to wear his coat if she was to stay warm. Or so he HOPED. She was going to freeze. Leaving the coat on the bed as she marched out of the house, Tyr hot on her trail behind her.
“I didn’t get to enjoy this place! I want to go to a concert!” He said to her taking a hold of her hand and rushing off. Y/N did not fail to notice him wearing the coat he had left for her now.
The walk to the boardwalk was uneventful. It was just a simple walk, when they did get there had been a concert playing. The entire time Tyr would not let go of her hand. Y/N had a suspicion that he was afraid she would run off on her own to find the vampires and he wasn’t wrong.
“You didn’t get tired of waiting for us to show up, did you?” a voice spoke from behind her making Y/N turn to see David looking at Tyr with what seemed to be anger.
“David...” The name came out sounding as if Y/N had been holding her breath and finally was able to breathe again. “No.. this is Tyr. My roommate.” She said to him trying to remove her hand from Tyr’s ironclad grip to no avail.
“Ah the one who has been sick.” Marko said walking up from behind David, Y/N watched as these guys seemed to almost appear out of thin air from behind David to stand behind him. “So he’s all better, more time with us now.” He said holding his hand out to Y/N, but as he did so his eyes never left Tyr.
She had told them before that Tyr was like family but with how he had been with her right then, they weren’t sure that Tyr had the same sentiment. Marko wanted her by their side before he felt he had no choice but to make a move against Tyr.
Y/N reached her free hand to hold Marko’s when she was pulled up against Tyr’s chest. Her eyes wide as she looked at him. “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked him.
Tyr wouldn’t have hidden his smirk if he could as he looked at the guys. Their faces seemed to grow dark with anger at the movement. “This is my first night up and about, I want to spend it with you Y/N. After spending all day in your bed, might as well spend all day out with you.”
“Bastard.” Y/N whispered under her breath in shock. He was really trying to provoke them. The four vampires’ nose twitched as they took a quick sniff. Sure enough, Tyr was coated in her scent, and she was covered in his. “I wasn’t in the bed! I was in his bed!”
“Is that any better?” Tyr asked her laughing at her attempt to keep things from escalating.
“Let go of me Tyr.” Y/N spoke quietly to him hoping to get him to listen to her before the guys felt the need to step in. Pushing him away from her, this time he did let her go as she fell into the arms of Marko. She had expected him to hold her back so she pushed more than she needed.
Marko’s arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her to his chest as if he was afraid Tyr would rip her from his grasp. “Thought you were just friends?” Marko whispered to her.
“Seems like he is a bit more than a friend.” Paul spoke out in a hiss, eyes still locked onto Tyr who shrugged his shoulders, that dashing smile still on his lips.
“Are you okay?” Dwayne asked Y/N, the only one who had not had his eyes locked in on Tyr but looking at her instead, concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine really. Tyr just likes to start trouble I promise.” Y/N said not wanting any misunderstandings, but it looked like it was all that Tyr wanted.
“Y/N please, undead blood suckers are not worth it.” Tyr said without a care in the world that he had just told them that he knew what they were, but in turn either she had known or she knew now.
I hope I am doing this right... TagList: @simplyreading96
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Calling Of The Lost Souls: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 (Not Completed)
I love these guys so much
Just this for now because I'm lazy
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 6
A/N: I aim to spoil you all. That and I'm not going to lie, the comments fuel me! <3 I love you guys.
Word Count: 3,016
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
David’s hand gripped her hip to keep her still. “You should sit still. I don’t think you want to know what I want to do to you if you rile me up just yet.” The words came out of him so easily. Y/N stiffened as she tried to stay as still as possible in his lap. The other guys had a smirk on their lips except Laddie who seemed to be far too distracted by the sight of the waitress returning with their drinks and his milkshake.
“Oh.. you know if you guys wanted we do have that one booth in the other side of the diner that could seat all of you-...” Sylvia said to them looking amused. “Young love.”
Y/N’s head spun to look behind her and sure enough, in a corner away from sight unless you looked, was a booth that wrapped around a corner of the wall which would have seated 10 people if they truly wanted to. Then she looked back to the guys.
Paul was openly laughing, Marko looked out the window while moving his lips together to hide his own smile. Dwayne was just smiling and shaking his head. Y/N didn’t even want to turn around to look at David’s face which no doubt had been smirking behind her.
“Oh, we totally forgot about that booth. Oh well we are all comfortable now. Isn’t that right Y/N?” Dwayne asked her tilting his head to look over to her.
It was almost like he was daring her to say that she wasn’t comfortable where she had been. The moment she opened her lips to answer though Laddie had unknowingly betrayed her. “I like this one! This is my favorite!”
Instantly her lips closed into a thin line, well as thin as her lips allowed her while she tried not to smile; these boys had managed to trick her into coming to this side so she wouldn’t have seen the other.
Laddie had just been so happy that she wasn’t able to say anything about it. The drinks were placed in front of them and Y/N reached over to get her milkshake. “Thank you Sylvia.” Y/N said to the woman who offered a smile and asked for their food orders.
David had kept Y/N close against him while they waited for their food. Keeping her head pressed against his shoulder with his cheek resting against her head. A content smile on his lips as he listened to the others talk with their little mate.
They had been missing her for more than half of the night missing her, they just had wanted to find her. Of course they had to mess with Michael just a bit before they did start their search. Michael seemed oh so reluctant to admit that he liked spending time with them. He still had sought them out at times but then would always give his attention to Star the moment he saw her. It was such a shame. Truth be told the reason they had tried to change Star was because she seemed to make people want to like her. A valuable trait for a vampire to have because it ensured an easy meal.
“So why Santa Carla?” Dwayne asked her. “This is the kind of place people usually go to disappear. You’re not looking to disappear are you?”
“Of course I’m not looking to disappear. If I was then I wouldn’t have spent time talking to you now would I? No point in meeting people if I’m trying to stay away from them.” Y/N said, but it was a good question.
Paul rested his head on the palm of his hand while looking at her like he was staring at a piece of art. “Where are you from?”
That had been a question that caught her by surprise. Sure it might have been a normal question to ask but it hadn’t been a question that she got before. That might have something to do with the fact that she hadn’t talked to people in a while. Though it had been far too long for her to remember that kind of information; the only thing that Y/N could remember was a river near her home.
“I don’t really know where I’m from? I guess you could say I’m from everywhere.” Y/N said as she bit the inside corner of her cheek making her lips move to one side in a slight pout. Her mind trying to remember which place she had been originally from. “I move a lot. Tyr and I don’t typically stay in one place for too long. It never felt right to set down roots.” Especially since if she stayed too long then she would more than likely be seen as not aging.
“Tyr? That’s your roommate right?” Paul asked her plopping a fry into his mouth. “He’s like your best friend or something?”
“Well you can say that, he kind of saved my life. I’ve been close to him ever since then.” Y/N explained to them. A smile on her lips making them just feel so drawn to her. “He’s almost like a brother to me. When you have been around someone that long, you learn to feel like they are family. I think he thinks of me as a little sister.” Y/N said laughing a bit, not because it was funny, but because it just gave her this warm feeling in her chest that just made her happy.
If she wasn’t so sure that Tyr meeting them would lead to a battle unlike anything she had ever seen before, she would have loved for them to meet.
It was a relief. They had been worried, even when she had explained to them that they had not stayed in the same room that didn’t mean anything. The fact that she had seen this Tyr person as a brother was a weight off their shoulders.
“How did he save your life?” Dwayne asked her, that was the main part that caught his attention. Though seeing as Y/N shifted her eyes to look away from him as she placed her lips on the straw to her milkshake to take a sip; he could tell that wasn’t a question she wanted to answer, and seeing as she hadn’t told them why she had been running earlier, they wanted to know this one.
“Listen my muse, please, we want to know you.” Marko said to her flashing a smile; every time he listened to the sound of her voice it was like the greatest thing gracing his soul. The guys had only felt these feelings to each other when they had first met one another.
Y/N set her cup down and gave a very small smile, “It was so long ago. I was just a young kid then. It didn’t seem like I was very welcomed in my neighborhood. I think. I don’t really know the details. I just know that someone set my house on fire, or multiple people. All I remember is that Tyr was the one that helped me get out safely and we have been running ever since.” She left out the gory details of her parents passing.
It just didn’t feel like something she had to say. It should be clear considering she was able to run with just Tyr after.
The guys had lived long enough to know that someone who sets houses on fires just felt personal. David pressed a kiss to her temple making her cheeks flush. “Well, we are going to keep you safe from now on. So you don’t have to keep running. This can be your home.” David said to her.
The guys seemed so happy to offer her this place with them, to make her a part of their lives. “I’m..” She wanted to say she was travelling with someone which would make it impossible for her to just settle down without him.
“If Tyr means that much to you then hell he can join too!” Paul chimed in. The others didn’t seem to entirely agree with that sentiment though. It was understandable. Vampires weren’t known to be the most trusting of those they didn’t feel an immediate connection with and they hadn’t even met Tyr.
“That seems like a lot to take in for one night. Can I think on it?” She asked the guys. At this point in her life she had liked to think of herself as an evasive person. She even wanted to evade questions that she wanted to think on more or just didn’t want to answer. With the things that Tyr had told her then this was for the best.
“People who know you too much know your thoughts; know your plans. Don’t let them in.” Tyr had once told her back when they had first met. Looking at the time they knew they would have to leave soon. The sun would start to rise in just two hours.
“You said you lived kinda close to the cave right?” David asked her. “Let us give you a ride there so that you can be closer to home.” As he spoke he took out money from his pocket to set on the table, along with a generous tip for Sylvia. They really did seem to care about that woman. It was sweet.
Dwayne got out and helped Y/N come out so that David could slide out of the booth. Paul and Marko had been saying their goodbyes to Sylvia and wishing her a great morning as they left the diner. Dwayne had kept Y/N close so that she could ride back with him this time. “Are you guys taking turns?” she asked laughing a bit but still she got on the back of his bike, Laddie had gotten on the back of Paul’s bike.
“It’s either we take turns or we end up fighting over who gets to be close to you.” Dwayne explained to her, “You’re real special to us. More than you can imagine.”
But she could imagine, because they were special to her too or she wouldn’t be in this situation, on the back of their bikes and just spending time with them. “You guys are special to me too.” With that they drove back to the cave. It felt like a race to beat the sun. They parked their bikes at the top of the cliff and one by one said goodbye to her.
David kissed the top of her hand, his lips pressing against her knuckles, “Goodnight, Doll.” He said to her and made his way down. Dwayne pressed a kiss to her forehead whispering goodnight. It was strange how Dwayne’s whisper of a goodnight felt like it went through her soul as he backed away and went back down.
Marko went up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and twirling her around in a circle planting a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight beautiful.” He said setting her back down and rushing after the others with Laddie going in after her.
Paul looked at her, smiling like he seemed to always be doing. He walked up to her, placing his hands on her cheeks to cup her face. “If you ever need to cry?”
“Come to you, or one of the others.” Y/N said to him feeling flushed at the closeness that they had been together. This felt far more intimate than the others way of saying goodnight.
“Good girl, remember that.” Paul said to her and before she could even blink, he leaned down and kissed her lips. “Goodnight.” He said against her lips before going down leaving her standing there stunned by what had just happened.
Y/N stood at the cliffs edge after the guys had gone down. Standing as she watched the sun start to rise for just a while longer. It was not often that she managed to see it. Y/N was more of a night owl, no need for her to stray far away from the sunlight. It actually felt kind of nice, the warmth on her skin. Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning seaside air.
Then the memories of what had happened last night here in this very cave came back to her. It made her feel sick. Y/N turned to walk away so that she could head home to rest when a voice dragged her out of her thoughts. Turning she spotted none other than the Halfling himself.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.” Michael spoke to her like she was somewhere she didn’t belong. Though after the time that she had spent with David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul she felt like this might be the very place that she had been searching for her whole life. If anything, this was the place she should be.
It was impossible for her to look him in the eyes, “Not like it is any of your business, but I was spending time with the guys.” She said to him while keeping walking. She just wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. It didn’t seem like her wish would be granted. Y/N could hear the sound of footsteps following her.
“You’re all the way out here, the sun had just barely started to come up, let me take you home. If you were with them then you must have been up all night.” Michael pled. He had brought his bike over and didn’t think that she would be okay to walk.
“Michael, I’m sure you have to get home soon, if you think that I had a long night then I know that you had more than a long night.. and I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding harsh, but I don’t want to talk to you again.” She didn’t even stop, at least not until the sound of metal hitting stones could be heard. That made her turn her head to look back at him.
Y/N’s heart thumped seeing Michael walking over to her, not even caring that he basically shoved his own bike out of his way to go over to her. His hands cupping her cheeks as he brought her in for a kiss. It was deep, needy, and desperate. She was shocked, then, she was furious. Pushing him away from herself, or at least trying to. Freaking vampires with their stupid strength! At least he had the common decency to remove his lips from hers when she showed she wanted to distance him from her.
“Michael, what the actual hell was that for!?” She asked him; her hands had been on his chest to stop him from getting close again.
“Don’t say that to me, please.” Michael begged. He sounded broken. This man, this half vampire, believed he had the right to sound broken just because she had said she didn’t want to talk to him anymore? “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”
Y/N had been so close to yelling at him when she finally made eye contact with him, “What...” Her hand moved to his chin, turning his head to the left then the right, all the while keeping eye contact. “You idiot.” She hissed at him.
She refused to forgive him for what he had done, he shouldn’t have slept with Star, even then she knew it wasn’t entirely his fault now. “What does she want from you Michael?” The look on his face was enough for her to know he had no idea what she was talking about. Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, “Star Michael. What did Star want from you?”
“She wants help.” That was all the information that he was going to give her it seemed. She could tell he didn’t want to tell her everything; for a moment Y/N had forgotten that Michael didn’t know that she knew about the vampires.
She continued to look at him, urging him silently to continue with what he was saying; but he kept his lips sealed. “My god Michael I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything. Please don’t stop being a freaking stubborn ass and just tell me what she wanted from you!”
Y/N was trying so hard to keep herself from yelling at him. She didn’t want to yell at him but she was so frustrated.
Michael swallowed harshly as he kept looking into her eyes. His eyebrows close together while he was deep in thought. Weighing his options on whether he should tell her. “The guys are vampires.”
“I know.” Y/N said to him when he didn’t finish, again.
“You know? How could you know? Did they tell you? Did they try to feed on you? Did you drink from the bottle?” Each question had Michael feeling more and more angry with each passing second.
“I’m not a half vampire. I just want you to tell me the truth right now Michael. I’m not going to ask again.” At this moment it had felt like her soulmate had been created with the sole purpose on testing her patience.
“She... doesn’t want to be a vampire. She wants to stop it from happening and wants me to help stop the others.” Michael said to her now finally releasing his hold on her face and stepping back. “She doesn’t want this kind of life. I don’t either. I have a family I need to be there for.”
A frown formed on her face. Y/N thought this through silently for a moment. Michael studied her face to see what she would say. This was crazy though. Y/N didn’t know what was going through Star’s mind. Was it possible that she, herself didn’t know the truth? Possibly..
“But she’s not even a vampire..” Y/N groaned. Michael’s eyes widened as he looked at Y/N. He had seen what Star was capable of, how she got into his brothers room in an instant. If she wasn’t a vampire, then what was she? And how did Y/N know? “She doesn’t even know she’s not a vampire!”
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Home Invasion
It was a nice gated suburban neighborhood. The kind of place that the moment you stepped into it you just felt safe. There was a guard at the gate who had always given Y/N and her family a smile when they drove back in from an excursion to Santa Carla.
How could anyone feel like they weren’t safe?
Y/N laid face down on her bed, her arms beneath her pillow. It was a great afternoon at the boardwalk. It was Y/N’s last week in Santa Carla before she went off to college across the country so her parents had been trying to spoil her at the boardwalk to tempt her to coming back for the holidays. They had wanted her to go to college somewhere closer but no, she had her heart set on a certain university and she was not going to be swayed.
Her eyes closed letting herself drift into sleep.
The sound of glass shattering had stirred her from her dreams. Y/N groggily sat up in bed and put on her slippers before going to the door, pausing as she heard the sound of her mother crying loudly and her father trying to calm her.
“My god, will you shut up?” David groaned from under his balaclava mask, all of them had wearing similar ones; despite Marko having wanted to customize the masks that they wore.
Dwayne thankfully had the common sense to tell him that if they did customize the masks then it would give them more reason to search for certain things. If they had no idea what they were looking for then it would be easier. Though.. it wasn’t like these people would live long enough to remember what their masks looked like.
Even their security cameras weren’t going to catch anything. They had flown in through the second floor where not a single cctv had been placed. It wasn’t their fault that they never expected that anyone would literally fly in through an open window. The bottom floors had cameras but not in the inside.
Just because Max was their sire didn’t mean that he was willing to give a share of his wealth. So as an act of rebellion the boys decided, why not rob Max’s neighbour and murder them? It would have him on edge and it was just delightful to think about.
The thing was... they failed to mention they had a daughter. Just old enough they didn’t have to feel bad about using as a meal. It was a home invasion gone... bloody.
Really they hadn’t even realized another person in the home until there was a shift in the floorboards.
“Anyone else you need to warn us about?” Marko asked, his voice coming out as a damn near giggle of excitement.
“It’s our cat-...” Y/N’s mother tried to say through her cries.
Paul let out a whistle, “Must be one fat cat if its loud enough to make the floors creak.”
“The fuck...” The voice came as a whisper but the offended tone was clear. Dwayne looked up to the staircase.
“Your cat talks.” Dwayne mused as he looked to the two who were tied down on the floor.
“Please....” Y/N’s father begged. “She’s just a kid.”
Marko bounded his way up the stairs. The woman screaming for him to stop, the man trying to get up to run after Marko only to have David place his boot on his back and push him back down. “You lied to us. Let our friend go and get her. Can’t have her missing out on the fun.”
Y/N knew her mistake when it had slipped from her lips. She ran to her closet, grabbing the curtain rod and pulling it off. Holding it up like a baseball bat to use as a weapon. The moment the door opened, she swung.
It was quick, she never had a chance. Marko grabbed the metal pole while laughing as he pulled her closer to him, “Oh you’re going to be-...” the words seemed to slip from him as he looked into her eyes. “Fun..” He finished when they came back. “Shit.”
The others downstairs froze in place. The moment Marko made the connection they all felt it. Eyes snapping to the staircase as their minds reeled on what to do.
Do they kill her parents and take their newfound mate and force her to love them? Or do they back down and try to win her over the old fashioned way?
“Please, you can take anything you want. I’ll give you the combo for the safe, just let my parents go, okay?” Y/N begged Marko feeling tears fill her eyes. Marko lifted his gloved hand to brush the tears that fell down her cheek.
“Your eyes are so pretty when you cry.” Marko whispered.
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 5
A/N: You would think that the hardest part for me was writing this... it was the gifs. It was finding the gifs. It was also writing. I have also realized that with each part it just keeps getting a bit longer every time. So if you don’t like reading long posts, I apologize. Word Count: 3,388
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 6
Warmth and darkness rarely went hand in hand, yet Y/N felt such warmth. It was joined by comfort and peace. Somehow still, Y/N knew this was not right. It was too eerie. Like when you stand out under a streetlamp in the dead of night and there’s nothing. No sound, no people, no movement.
A wave of ice cold hit her face, startling her. Her eyes snapped open, wet hair stuck to her face. Had she been asleep? Her eyes met a familiar pair of black eyes with red pupils. Not a shred of white within them.
“Tyr.” The name came out dryly, catching her by surprise.
“Maybe I should have saved you some water for you to drink. Hindsight is 20/20.” Tyr said with a frown. “Now tell me, dear little Y/N.... what the hell did you do?” The words came out scolding. He was upset but it came out more like he was worried.
This worry had her frowning as she gazed up at him. What did he mean? Why was he questioning what she had done? She couldn’t even recall.
“Don’t look so confused. I woke up to your screams.” Tyr groaned as he plopped onto the bed beside her, rolling so that he was on his back. “You were in pain.”
The memories of the night in the cave came crashing back to her.
“I met my soulmate.... he’s half dead.” The words sounded foreign to herself. Like she still could not believe what she had witnessed.
“Your soulmate is a zombie?” Tyr asked her. “A ghoul perhaps?”
“Half vampire.” She knew what his reaction would be.
The moment he heard her words Tyr scoffed but when she didn’t change her words he leaned up on his elbows to look down at her. “You’re serious? A vampire?” the term slipped from his lips as if it were hemlock tea, sweetened with arsenic instead of sugar.
Y/N knew his hatred for their kind. It was the entire reason as to why she had felt such an urgent need to escape the cave. She had spent so long by Tyr’s side. There was nothing but trust in her heart for that demon, she would place her life in his hands and she had done so many times.
Loyalty was important to Y/N. It would be near impossible for her to convince him to let them stay a while longer. Or at least that was what she had thought.
“Yes. Vampire.” She said to him though she was not quite sure yet she should break the entire news to him. He already seemed on edge with the one. How could she explain the feeling she had for the other four? “Tyr? How long have we been asleep?” She asked as her eyes broke contact with his to look up at the ceiling above them.
Tyr laid back down, a deep breath being dragged out of his lungs. “Well I have been asleep 4 days.”
“So...then I have only slept a day?” She asked knowing she had spent one day alone and 2 days caring for him, then went out that very night. That made 1 day that she had been asleep.
“We need more sleep.” Tyr groaned as he turned on his side to face Y/N, his hand moved to shield her eyes from the light. “I know you teleported without a door. You’re lucky you ended up where you wanted to be. Never do that again.”
“If you felt that I needed more rest then why did you wake me?” Y/N laughed smacking his hand away from her face.
Tyr closed his eyes as if ready to sleep. He still seemed so tired. “You were screaming in your sleep. Thought you needed a snuggle buddy.” Tyr spoke with a snort but he didn’t open his eyes. His words were mocking and yet that was exactly what he did. Went over to wake her up, check to make sure she was okay and was willing to lay with her to help her feel better.
His reasoning had made sense and his intent was sweet. “You sleep. I need to go out.” Y/N said sitting up and sliding to the edge of the bed. Before she could stand, Tyr grabbed her wrist. Y/N sat frozen in place, eyes glancing down at the demon. “Yes?”
“If you’re going to see them then take the charm.” It was clear to her now that he was not planning on stopping her. Try knew the pull of a soulmate was too strong to ignore.
“You’re willing to let me?” Y/N asked. Her expression looked almost horrified at the notion. Not because the charm was scary, but because Tyr deemed this to be something she would need a devil’s blood infused black tourmaline pendant. “You told me that you needed it at all times to stay hidden!” Y/N exclaimed, her face pale at the thought of his possible enemies finding them.
Tyr was strong, she had no interest in meeting anyone he deemed powerful enough to hide from.
“To keep Us hidden.” Tyr corrected her. “You need to stay hidden just as much as I do.”
“Yes and the charm cannot protect me from vampires and keep us hidden at the same time!” Y/N stood when his grip on her wrist when loose. “You hold onto it. My soulmate cannot hurt me.” Y/N said more calm at the thought.
“You have such faith in creatures with dead souls.” Tyr whispered as he was falling back asleep. His voice came off deep, gruff and groggy.
“Half...” She muttered, “At least... one of the five is half.” But it was too late. Tyr slipped back into his hibernation-like sleep... on her bed. What was there to do? She groaned as she went to go get showered and dress.
Tyr had been around for a very long time. He was older than her and yet at the same time stuck to her side like glue. Still she could remember the day she had first met him. Recalling the way he held his hand out to her when she had fallen, a smile on his lips as he helped her up. His promise to always be there by her side to protect her. She didn’t understand at the time. What even was a familiar?
No doubt these guys who had spent time searching for her last time were already thinking she was running from them again. She really didn’t want to know what it was like to live in a city where vampires had to search for their mate that they could not find.
At least it had only been the day time and half the night so far. If she managed to get anywhere they can see her before the night was up then they wouldn’t be upset, of that she believed herself to be sure.
The boardwalk was empty at this time of night. Too late for anything to be open, most people closed up any shops they had before; so the most that she could do was walk through the woods to head back to the cave.
She wasn’t entirely sure why she was putting herself through this? There were questions that she wanted answers to. If they truly had dead souls as Tyr believed then it shouldn’t have been possible for her to feel the pull. Y/N was sure of at least that much.
Were they simply interested in a meal? She doubted it when they were trying to get her to drink. What if they got irritated enough that she didn’t drink it that they ended up changing their minds and thought to make her a meal next time they saw her? Y/N stopped right at the top of the steps down to the cave.
For the first time in her life she had felt nervous. A feeling deep in the pit of her stomach telling her to just go back to Tyr and sleep until they had the energy to leave again.
The dull ache of a made dying still in her chest was what pushed her into walking down the unsteady steps. It was not until now that she realized when Marko had been walking her down the other night he had been using his strength to help her walk steadily. At this moment she felt every creak with each step she took until she reached the entrance of the cave.
The cave was already lit which made her believe that someone had to be home. The faint sounds in the distance made her pause. It was far too quiet for it to be the rowdy boys who seemed to treat each night as a party.
No, this was quiet, strained sounds, strained to remain quiet. Closing her eyes she tried to listen closely.
“Michael...” the name came as a moan near silent but not entirely so, followed by the voice of none other than Michael, cursing under his breath.
Y/N was no idiot, she may have been experienced herself but she knew of these things.
Spinning in her place, she went right back up those steps. She did not want to go any closer, she did not want to see. The pain aching in her chest now was no longer merely because her soulmate was on the precipice of half humanity and vampirism. Her pace was faster going up than it had been going down, straining her muscles to move faster, work harder. Y/N needed to get out of there and quickly.
At first she had believed that she would have simply stopped at the top but her legs kept moving. She just kept going and she didn’t know where it was that she was headed. Her breathing was labored, hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end with the cold ocean breeze pushing over her after she exited the tree line.
“Whoa there!” A voice said as an arm lipped around her waist and pulled her into their chest. She almost screamed and went to punch the person but her fist was caught by the persons other hand. A bewildered Paul looked at her. “Where have you been Doll?” he asked her but his usual smile slipped from his face quickly. “Hey, hey... no, what happened?” He asked as his hand let go of her wrist to wipe at her cheeks.
When he pulled his hand back she could see his wet palm. Had she been crying? Why? Was this the effect a soulmate could have on someone when they betrayed you? When they hurt you? She hated it.
She did the only thing that came to mind. Y/N wrapped her arms around Paul’s neck, clinging to him as she buried her face between her arm and his head. Her shoulders shook as quiet sobs escaped her lips. It was stupid. She felt deep down it was stupid to cry over Michael. She had barely even known him. Barely even spoke to him; and yet here she was. Crying as if she was mourning the greatest loss of her life. In the arms of a vampire who was trying so hard to comfort her.
Paul had his hand cupping the base of her skull as he held her against him. His voice sounded distant at first but soon it started to zone back in. It sounded like mumbling at first before it did come back, “...ight. It’s okay Y/N, I got you. It’s okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. It’s going to be alright.” ”
Her cries began to quiet down as he reigned in her emotions. It was not the healthiest thing to do, she was sure, however she needed to regain her composure.
How can something with a dead soul be so kind? Be so comforting?
A kiss to her shoulder made her bring her face away as her arms loosened their grip. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“Y/N you never have to apologize to me. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I would rather you come to me... and if not me then Marko, David or Dwayne. Why are you running? Is someone chasing you?” he asked her; having already conveniently left out the fact that the other three were currently searching through the direction that she had come from. They were looking for anything that could have scared her, anyone who could have chased her. If someone had the intention to hurt her then they would face their wrath. That was a promise.
“No... it’s nothing really. I just was stupid.” She said to him shaking her head and slowly releasing him entirely. Fighting off the feeling that had asked her to keep holding onto him even if it had been just for a while longer.
“Y/N... you looked like you were about to be murdered. I promise you that if anyone was trying to get you, we would stop them.” He swore to her feeling cold at the loss of no longer having her in his arms.
“I was just... sad.” She said the words, truly at that moment she felt like an idiot. She was sad. God she hoped that he wouldn’t ask why; and almost like he heard her silent prayer, he didn’t.
He seemed to relax a bit, but only slightly so. “So you’re not hurt? At least anywhere other than your heart?”
The question was somewhat funny to her causing a faint laugh to come from her lips. “No. I am not hurt.”
“Come out with us for the rest of the night?” He asked her, wanting to make her feel better. Paul had already come to his own conclusion as to why she was so sad. Her friend had been ill for a few days. Maybe he had to be hospitalized? If the person he deemed close enough to live with got that sick then he would have been upset too.
“Yes.” She answered quickly. She could use the distraction and these guys were a good time... as long as they didn’t try to get her to drink from that bottle.
The smile that had gone from Paul’s face before had now returned as he took her into his arms. Lifting her up, “I want to carry you!” He announced but it didn’t seem like he was going to give her any room to argue anyway.
Paul led her to his bike, the others now there waiting for him, Laddie seated with Dwayne as seemed the normal. Feigning surprise at him leading Y/N over to them, “You always happen to run into us one at a time.” Marko laughed. She had very literally run right into Paul’s arms tonight.
“Well perhaps if you made it easier for me to find you I wouldn’t have to happen upon you.” Y/N said to Marko. Her cheeks still felt warmed from her crying, her eyes still red and yet not a single one of them had mentioned it to her. They were giving her room to collect herself, something Y/N was grateful for.
The guys laughed at her words. At least then they believed that she had truly wanted to be around them. If she wanted to find them they would have to make it easier for her, the only problem was that they liked to move from place to place; wandering to different locations on a nightly basis. It would have made it easier for them had she been one of them and lived with them. Then they would not have to look for her, or her look for them.
Paul had set down Y/N long enough to get on the bike and have her seated behind him. He was thrilled that she had chosen to sit with him on his bike without having to be asked which she wanted to ride with.
Y/N wasn’t in any kind of mood to have to be urged to do something. She wanted to forget about Michael and Star. Despite the pain he had caused her she didn’t want to focus on him, because she still felt that damn connection.
They took off into the night on their bikes. Enjoying the drive, the wind throwing Y/N’s hair back; it was just then when Y/N realized that she had not even asked them where they were going. It was far too late for her to ask. They might be able to hear her if she spoke over the roar of their engines or the rushing wind by her ears but Y/N didn’t have the same sense of hearing.
There was no where open, or so Y/N thought, but that had probably been because she didn’t know this place. These guys found a spot. A small rundown diner that looked like it needed a paint job. It looked old school, like it was built 30 years ago and they never decided to bring it to the modern times of the 80’s. There was an appeal about it that Y/N seemed to like.
The interior was more maintained than the exterior. The booths looked pristine, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder why such a place would keep the outside looking rundown but the inside looked like it should be a great spot to be. If anything this place should be filled with people and nearly impossible to get a seat.
“Family owned business. They don’t want this place too full or they would have to hire people from outside the family.” David explained to her seeing the look on her face, the question in her eyes.
“I’m sure they would make more if they did, but this makes sense. It’s a hidden gem.” Y/N said understanding a bit more. The booths looked like they could comfortably seat 4 and yet that’s where they took her despite the fact there had been 6 of them.
“Y/N! You should sit with me and Paul!” Marko said to her gesturing to the seat on his right that had been left open for her to squeeze in.
Y/N had already been going over but then was stopped by Dwayne who went to sit down in the booth, pulling her to sit to his left, David taking the seat right beside her.
Marko sat there dumbfounded but she was already sitting there, squished between the two and Laddie sat down beside him with Paul grumbling as he sat down too.
The waitress made her way over to them, “Hello again boys! You brought a girl? Which one of you is dating her, or trying to? You never bring someone over!” She said to them setting down the menus. She was an older woman, late forties or early fifties; with such a cheery smile.
Paul put his hand over his heart looking at her, “Sylvia please, you hurt me, you know I only got eyes for you!” he teased her earning a playful swat with a menu from Sylvia. “Ah don’t hurt me girl!” he said but he had managed to avoid the question for now.
“Just tell me your drink orders and I’ll be back for your food orders!” She said to him, cheeks red with a blush as she got out her notepad and pen.
The guys put in their orders of drinks, most of which were pops, Laddie and Y/N had opted for a milkshake for their drink. Laddie went with chocolate and Y/N went for vanilla.
“Um... you know... I’m really squished, maybe I can go get a chair and sit on the side.” Y/N said to them feeling far too warm between Dwayne and David.
“Chair? There’s no chairs here darling.” Dwayne said to her a smile on his lips as he looked at her, his hand snaked around her waist and with a quick movement she was set on the lap of David.
There were so many questions that ran through her head. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Dwayne who just smiled at her. David’s right arm went around her waist to lock her into place. “Our boys are really into teamwork.” He whispered into her ear. Her cheeks went bright red at the thoughts that came to her mind with such a phrase causing her to slightly shift her hips on his lap.
#tlb x reader#tlb#The Lost Boys 1987#the lost boys x reader#poly!lost boys x reader#fem!reader#lost boys david x reader#paul x reader lost boys#lost boys michael x reader#lost boys dwayne x reader#lost boys marko x reader#michael lost boys#dwayne lost boys#paul lost boys#marko lost boys#Calling Of The Souls#soulmates
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6
Word Cound: 2,987 AN: I’m not entirely sure if I should write nsfw for this at some point ... what do you think?
The cave... well it wasn’t the worst place she had been to. She didn’t hate it! No! Far from it! Y/N actually thought it was cool... okay so she couldn’t see sh*t.
From the moment they had managed to get down to the steps right at the entrance to the cave, darkness greeted them. Very few parts were lit up from the moonlight that seeped in from cracks in the walls. The few and far in between moon beams did nothing to support her eye sight.
Dwayne was the first one down, a stick in hand that was wrapped with a torn t-shirt, soaked in some kind of flammable liquid; having lit it before they entered. He used this to light up what looked like old rusted oil drums. They must have been filled with something to keep the fire going strong and thankfully it was bright enough to light up the cave they entered.
Paul helped down Laddie, taking a hold of him by the waist and hopping down with him on the final rather large step. “Hyah!” He said with him as they reached the bottom, “Grab the rock box, buddy!”
“Yeah!” Laddie said happily going over to grab the stereo for them to play music. It was such a sweet moment to witness.
Marko had grabbed Y/N’s hand and helped her walk down the steps. She was confused by his actions. Why was Marko sticking to her? From the moment he found her he had stuck by her side like he was afraid she would run off into the night and disappear.
“Not bad, huh? This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago.” David said to them with a smile. While he spoke Paul took a hold of the stereo from Laddie while he stood on the outer ledge of the fountain. Dwayne still making his way around the cave to light up the rest of the cave for them.
“Too bad they built it on the fault.” Y/N said. David looked at her when she said that.
“You know what happened?” He asked her. He was curious as to how she knew word for word what he was about to say, or was it coincidence?
“Um.. no I’m sorry.” She said shaking her head glancing away. Even she wasn’t sure why the words slipped from her lips. She had never once been in Santa Carla before, how could she know of what happened here?
David made his way up to her, holding her chin gently with his gloved hand, a smile on his lips. “Don’t apologize.” Her heart thumped hard in her chest, she felt this way earlier with Marko too. What the heck was happening?
Michael didn’t look too pleased to see how close David had gotten to Y/N. Trying to step forward only for Star to hold his hand to stop him from going any further.
David let go of her chin and walked about some more, “In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up and this place took a header right into the crack. So now it’s ours.” David said to Michael, coming to a stop in front of him.
“So check it out, Mikey!” Paul said making Marko and Dwayne laugh as he lit a blunt in that he held with his lips.
“Marko, food.” David said to the blonde who had yet to let go of Y/N’s hand even though she had already been safely on the bottom of the steps.
This had seemed to make Marko realize if he went to get food he would have to let go of Y/N’s hand. He glanced at her, hesitation in his eyes. “I can go too?” She said noticing he didn’t seem to want to leave her side.
“It would be faster if he went by himself. Marko, share Y/N. You’re hogging her.” Dwayne said to Marko who frowned but led Y/N over to a worn loveseat covered in blankets.
“I’ll be back.” Marko said to her, his words coming out a promise. But also there was something he was holding back. Y/N knew without him having to say what he wanted to hear.
Y/N looked into his eyes and smiled, “I’ll be here.” She said to him. He smiled as he ran up the steps to go and get food.
David led Michael away from Star to speak to him. Dwayne and Paul held Laddie’s hands and helped him hop up onto the ledge of the fountain. “That’s what I love about this place; you ask and then you get.” David was trying to sell this place to Michael, that much was clear, but every once in a while he would glance back to Y/N. Wanting to see if she was paying attention maybe but there was also a chance he was hoping that she too would be sold on the cave.
Paul hopped down and handed David his blunt. David took a hold of it and held it to Michael, “Appetizer?” he asked. Michael declined, David turned to Y/N, “What about you, doll?”
“On second thought.” Michael said taking the blunt from David, trying to get David to stop paying attention to Y/N. He didn’t like the way David looked at her. He didn’t like how any of them were looking at her. At this moment Michael was fighting against two feelings. The pull he had to Y/N which made his heart swoon and this almost intoxicating feeling to go to Star.
David pat Michael on the back as he led him to the seats closer to where Y/N was. “You’ll like it here Michael.” He said.
Y/N didn’t miss the way Star seemed to move further away from them. Trying to create distance between herself and the others. There was something in her eyes, like she didn’t want to be there, so why was she? Y/N felt no ill will to Star. Sure she was envious of the attention she got from Michael but there was sorrow that radiated from the girl. It came off of Star in waves that washed over Y/N making her curious about this girl. She was hiding something. It was so much harder to hide negative emotions than it was to hide anything else.
Paul sat beside Y/N, an arm around her shoulders. “I’ll keep you company. Show you that I’m much more fun than Marko.” He said to her with a smile looking into her eyes. How many times would Y/N feel this way? Something was wrong. She felt drawn to Paul too? Her eyes glanced over to Dwayne, curious to know if it would be the same with him. Almost like he had felt her eyes on his, Dwayne looked over and made eye contact. Smiling at her and sending her a wink.
“Don’t give him attention, it’s my turn.” Paul said to Y/N pulling her in closer so that she was on his lap.
Y/N felt herself stiffen at the feeling of being on his lap. This was a closeness that she had never had with someone before. Though it felt right, she still felt like she should move off of him. Though the moment she tried to slide back off, his left arm just wrapped around her waist to hold her into place. He had her sitting on his lap turned on her side so he could still look at her when they spoke.
“Don’t try to leave me, I just want to be closer to you.” The words came off so quietly but he had moved forward to whisper it into her ears making Y/N feel a shiver go down her spine.
Paul didn’t even seem to care that this had just been their second time meeting, or the fact that he was doing this in front of everyone. David and Dwayne didn’t seem upset by it though. Michael on the other hand, sat on a seat with his hand clenched tightly in a fist on his knee. His eyes burning into Paul and Y/N like they had just committed some great sin.
David spoke to Michael about all the things they do. While he spoke, Paul pulled Y/N closer to him, making her rest her head against his chest as he leaned back so that she could finally relax rather than sit rigidly on his lap. He was smoking from another blunt, the smoke hovering around them and into her lungs as she breathed. It wasn’t a complete high, but she was starting to feel more relaxed.
After some time there was a sound coming from the entrance of the cave and Marko came down holding a box filled with some to-go boxes of Chinese food. “Feeding time! Come and get it boys! Marko’s eyes scanned the cave until they landed on Y/N on Paul’s lap. She felt herself stiffen thinking he would be upset. He was the one who brought her here and had been holding her hand but for some reason he didn’t seem upset. Marko’s eyes sparked with life as he grinned and started to hand over food to David. Turning to toss one to Dwayne, Laddie and then to Paul, who caught it easily despite Y/N being on his lap. Y/N now starting to sit up straight rather than leaning against him.
“ Chinese, good choice.” David said to Marko, leaning forward in his old wheelchair covered in all sorts of cloth, ranging from rags to blankets. “Guests first.” He said holding it to Michael who held up his right hand in a dismissive manner as if to say he was good.
“You don’t like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?”David asked him, his words ending with a chuckle as he held it out to him again. “Come on.”
Ever so eager to please, Michael reached out to take it. Y/N felt like Michael was trying to impress everyone. He didn’t want to seem weak to anyone. Trying to show that he was willing to do anything, that nothing bothered him; still there was apprehension in his eyes.
Marko handed David another to-go box before going to sit down with two boxes right beside Paul, lifting Y/N’s legs that had been on the empty spot of the loveseat. He set her legs on his lap and handed her one of the boxes, she got noodles instead of rice.
The way these guys were with her made it feel like they were so used to her being there already, like she just belonged there and it was natural for her to be with them. Y/N kind of loved it.
Just as she had started to bring up some to her lips she heard David, “How are those maggots?” He asked, “Maggots Michael. You’re eating maggots, how do they taste?” He continued making her look over. Spotting Michael looking down at his box before spitting out rice. Y/N’s eyes narrowed. She hadn’t known Michael long but seeing him look back at his box again and looking confused, she knew something was up. The feeling of a hand on her leg, thumb smoothly rubbing against her calf drew away her attention.
Paul was looking at her curiously. Her eyes seemed to soften under his gaze but hearing Marko, Laddie and Dwayne laughing reminded her of what had just happened.
“Leave him alone.” Star spoke up making David look almost annoyed for a second.
“Sorry about that.” David said moving his chopsticks in his to-go box, “No hard feelings, huh?”
“No.” Michael said trying to brush off of the oddity that had just occurred but Y/N knew better than to brush this off. Michael must have seen maggots if he reacted the way he did but the box that fell onto the floor held nothing but rice. Something was happening and it had her on edge.
“Why don’t you try some noodles?” David asked holding out the box he had in his hands to Michael. Y/N leaned up a bit more to look into the box, seeing nothing but noodles.
“They’re worms.” Michael said to David looking in the box making David bring it closer in to himself.
“What do you mean they’re worms?” He asked him taking some into his mouth. “They’re only noodles Michael. Michael took the box from David and looked at it, using the chopsticks to look through the noodles. Simply that, noodles.
Marko stood back up going over to David when he gestured to him, whispering into his ear. Marko’s smile seemed to vanish, a serious look in his face as he gave a small nod of his head. Turning he walked further into the cave setting down his box.
When Marko had returned it was with an old bottle of wine, covered in gold and jewels. It looked rather antique and yet when he handed it to David, David still opened it and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of it.
It looked like he had just drank something that could give him a rush as he closed his eyes for a moment before they opened. Those pale blue eyes zeroing in on Michael, “Drink some of this Michael. Be one of us.”
Michael looked skeptical but as it was handed to him he stood, walking over and taking the bottle. Y/N slid into the spot where Marko had been a moment ago, this time Paul let her move.
“Michael. Michael. Michael.” It was a chant, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko speaking his name in encouragement. Urging him on to drink from the bottle.
Star moved over to stand behind Michael, “Don’t drink it Michael. It’s blood.” She warned him. This caught Y/N’s attention because if the hunch she had was right, if it was blood. Then she knew Michael shouldn’t drink it.
“Michae-..” Y/N didn’t even get to finish the name before Michael rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, sure,” Michael said to Star, “Blood.” And then he drank. Then the boys cheered.
Deja vu. It was the same feeling she had felt four other times before in her life. It ached. Her soulmate... was dying. Now however, it made sense. Her soulmates had died. Each and every time they drank from that very same old bottle the progress to dead began to happen.
That’s what vampires were, undead. Alive but not really so.
Despite this information now showing her that they were truly not dead her soul still felt their life draining. Half a vampire could be described as actively dying.
It took a day or so for the feeling to go away before proving to her that these four; David, Marko, Dwayne and Paul had changed in less than 30 hours. Still, she felt pain through that time. Then when they would have fully turned she felt the greatest pain of all, and yet it faded away into depression when she believed she lost her soulmate forever. Now she could see why she felt the connection to the other four.
Star and Laddie moved further away as Michael took another sip. Marko began to push David in his wheelchair around. Dwayne and Paul stood up and they began to celebrate, welcoming him.
This on its own had Y/N feeling worried but then their eyes landed on her. Sitting there, her box of food having been set down on a small table beside the seat.
At some point David had taken the bottle from Michael and held it out to Y/N. “Didn’t think we forgot about you, did you doll?”
“Join us princess.” Marko egged her on. Dwayne giving an encouraging smile from behind Marko. Paul looking at her with eager eyes.
“I can’t drink alcohol. Bad heart.” Y/N said to them giving her best faux smile and shaking her head. The disappointment on their faces was instant.
“Just a small sip.” David urged and yet she moved her body to sink further into the seat, away from the bottle.
“Tyr would kill me.” She whispered. “I should be getting home.” She said to them, “Can’t stay out too late. My friend is still sick.”
Oops. Wrong words.
“You live with your friend?” Marko asked, there was a flash of something in his eyes that she had not seen before. Malice.
“Separate rooms.” Y/N assured him knowing that angering a vampire was not the thing she wanted to do. “But yes.”
The sound of her being in a separate room seemed to calm them down at the very least. “I’ll give you a ride.” Dwayne insisted only for Y/N to shake her head.
“It’s fine really. You guys are partying. I actually don’t stay too far.” Y/N spoke standing from the seat and slipping toward the staircase. “I’ll see you guys soon!” It wasn’t a promise, it wasn’t even definite plans. Yet she made her way up those stairs so quickly.
It was terrible that she left Michael there, yet she was no idiot. What the hell was she supposed to do? It was too late. He had already started the process to being a vampire.
The shadows created by the moonlight that had been blocked by objects began to shake as she made her way past them. No one had followed after her. That was good. They continued to party. Using a sense she didn’t feel anyone near her and before she knew it, she fell into the shadows. Literally. Her body sinking into the shadows like a portal as she spoke an incantation. The pain was too much for her. Falling from the ceiling of her room and straight onto her bed with a soft thud as her body hit the comforter and pillows.
Much like Tyr, she used up too much of her own energy and the darkness took over as she slipped into a deep sleep, at least in this sleep she would not feel the pain. She hoped.
#The Lost Boys 1987#dwayne lost boys#paul lost boys#tlb x reader#tlb#marko lost boys#david lost boys#michael lost boys#poly!lost boys x reader#fem!reader#the lost boys#paul x reader lost boys#lost boys marko x reader#lost boys david x reader#lost boys dwayne x reader#lost boys michael x reader
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Anyone else move their arm half a centimeter and feel and/or hear the bone pop and just scream because your own body scared you, or is it just me?
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys x Fem!Reader Part 3
AN: So this one is a little longer than the last two- I apologize. I know I just posted an update not long ago but I really couldn’t get this out of my head. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Word Count: 2,313
Michael. Michael. Michael.
Y/N rewrote the name over and over again in a leather bound journal like some lovesick teenager. Each time she did though, she scratched over it unhappily.
It was embarrassing and yet she couldn’t help herself. Why did it feel like she was butchering his name with her handwriting? Since when did her handwriting look so terrible to her own eyes?
Y/N was proud of her penmanship, except in this case. It was such a shame to see his name in such a terrible state.
Y/N sighed as she set down the journal, glancing over to Tyr’s room. He was still in a deep sleep. From the moment he closed his eyes when they arrived, he had not awoken. This would have caused worry to spread through her had she really not expected it to happen. He was exhausted after using so much of his power.
So far, she had not kept her promise to those four vampires. It had only been 2 other nights. In her defense though, she had spent those nights sleeping or checking in on Tyr. Still, she hadn’t fulfilled her promise….
They were getting irritated.
She promised.
Little did she know those four boys had absolutely no patience at all.
The very next day night they were on a hunt. Not the typical hunt that led in a bloody massacre, though they did do just that when they found a small group of young adults. It was convenient and they were hungry.
David felt on edge but none more so than Paul who seemed to scan the crowds, gazing at every face in an attempt to find Y/N.
Marko was worried. There were so many supernatural creatures that lived in Santa Carla, but the Oceanside, the shore, the boardwalk; this was their territory. Even so, what if Y/N lived off of their territory? What if a werewolf ripped out her heart for a meal? “We should have made specified plans!” Marko hissed.
Dwayne sighed, he would have gone back to do that if he could, but it was too late. “She was uncomfortable. Chances are she would have found an excuse to not make them.”
“Since when has someone being uncomfortable stopped us?” Paul scoffed. They had basically made it their favorite game in making people feel uncomfortable and on edge.
“She is not a game.” David retorted. The other night when Dwayne asked her to promise, Marko and Paul wanted to protest. They had almost spoken up when David stopped them. She could not be scared away.
He didn’t want to scare her, it felt wrong to make her feel like she was worried about her own safety. Their mate deserved to be happy, and it was their job to make sure that she felt safe with them.
“What if she has a day job?” Dwayne brought up as the thought seeped into his mind. “Then she would have to sleep at night.” At least this had kept their minds from jumping to any conclusions that she had up and left the city.
Y/N decided that tonight she would go out! She wanted to enjoy the night. As long as she stayed away from the boardwalk then she should be fine right? She hoped so.
Making her way through the city she saw all sorts of interesting things. It was such a strange place with a variety of types of people, but it was nice. Window shopping was getting boring though. Her eyes dull as she looked at the items they had at display.
“Hey! Y/N!” a voice called out from across the street, causing Y/N to turn her head. Her eyes seeming to light up as she spotted the curly haired brunette. Michael.
Lifting her hand up, she waved at him. Smiling as he watched the cars pass until finally he could run across the street and up to her.
“Nice jacket.” Y/N complimented. This seemed to be the right words to say.
Michael lifted his arms to show off his new leather jacket. “Yeah I always wanted one, been working a few odd jobs until I could get my hands on one.” He admitted to her.
“It suits you. So what brings you out and about? Headed to one of your odd jobs?” Y/N asked him hoping he had the night off.
“Not tonight, I finally got my jacket so I can just have the two nights a week working so I can get gas money and some spending money.” Michael stated proudly. “I was hoping to run into you again… do you have any plans for the night? We can hang out. I’m new to town still but I’m sure we can find something to do. Have you been to the boardwalk?”
“I would love to hang out with you… I went there once. The night we met.” Y/N said to him seeing how much he seemed to smile all the more brightly when she had agreed. She had been planning to avoid the place but if he was going to be at the boardwalk with her then maybe things would be okay.
Michael held out his hand for her to take. “I can give you a ride on my bike?” He said but it still came out as more of a question. Y/N wasted no time in taking his hand. He still had that pull that drove her closer to him. Finally she got to meet her soulmate, she wasn’t going to let him go easily.
The ride was thrilling. Y/N had never been on a bike before, but she was excited to have her arms wrapped around Michael, holding onto him tightly to not fall.
The sound of the music could be heard before they even got to the boardwalk. Michael helping her off before he got off and locking his bike to make sure it wouldn’t get stolen. This was no crime free city.
Michael took a hold of Y/N’s hand and insisted that they go to the rides but on the way there a little booth of someone giving piercings caught Michael’s attention.
“You want a piercing?” Y/N asked him not entirely sure why he would.
“Don’t you think it would look cool?” Michael asked her but still glanced down at the earrings he could choose from.
“It’s a rip off.” A feminine voice came up from behind them. Y/N turned to see a girl with curled brown hair leaning over to speak into Michael’s ear clearly trying to catch his attention. Y/N heard because of how close they had been. The girl just walked away after she said it.
Y/N thought that since she was walking away, she and Michael would just continue on their way but feeling the warm hand slip from her own grip as Michael followed after Star had Y/N’s heart aching. Was she being ditched by her own soulmate?
She could hear Michael say hi to her and the girl say something back to him as they walked but Y/N didn’t walk after them. She really was just ditched. They had gotten a bit away from them when Y/N looked down at her hand that had just been holding Michael’s. Was it possible that he didn’t feel the bond like she had? If he hadn’t then why would he have spoken to her again?
Her hand didn’t stay empty for long though. A fingerless gloved hand took a hold of it making her look up in confusion. There stood Marko, giving her a closed lipped smile that looked just a notch below a grin.
“Your hand looked awfully lonely!” he said to her, “You owe us a promise, since that asshole left, why not hang with us?” He asked.
Y/N wanted to say no, her heart was aching harshly in her chest. It felt like her very happiness was being drained, but he looked so happy to see her again and something about that brought back some of her own happiness. “Sure, why not?” She responded as his smile grew, passing that notch as he grinned and led her over to the other guys who were on their bikes.
“You found her!” Paul exclaimed, “We have been looking all over for you, princess. You’re a hard gal to find!”
“Yeah, I’ve been taking care of a sick friend, I didn’t go out too much.” Y/N said to them, and honestly it wasn’t a complete lie. She really had been caring for Tyr.
“We’re glad to see you again.” David said to her, “Thought you might have been ditching us. Glad to know that isn’t the case. Would have broken our hearts.” He had a smile, thought it was small, it somehow reached his eyes.
Dwayne leaned down to listen to a young boy who was whispering into his ear, “Don’t worry Laddie, Y/N is a friend.” He assured the boy.
“Your little brother?” Y/N asked smiling at the kid who seemed a tad bit shy.
“You can say that.” Dwayne said to her flashing her a smile.
“How about that ride now?” Paul asked Y/N growing giddy with excitement.
Y/N wasn’t sure this was a good idea but they were welcoming so far. She had managed to put a protection charm on one of the necklaces she wore. It would ward away ill intent and since she was here and they had managed to approach her it must have been a good sign. “Sure, a ride sounds pretty damn good right now.”
Marko insisted that she rode with him since he was the one to find her, Y/N thought it was cute and she decided why not? She got on the back of his bike, arms wrapped around his waist. Laddie got on the back of Dwayne’s bike with his help.
Something must have caught their attention because they moved nothing more than a few yards out when they stopped and David spoke up and Y/N realized who was close by. “Where you going Star?
“For a ride.” She said to him, though her face looked like she didn’t want to be near the guys Y/N was with now. “This is Michael.”
Michael glanced at Y/N confused and turning to look back like he had thought she was still behind him. What the hell did he think was going to happen? She was going to follow after them and go on a ride with them? Three people on one bike? She looked away from him, leaning her head against Marko’s back, unable to see the grin on his lips at the feeling.
“Star.” David repeated again as Michael tried to get Star to get her on his bike. Star paused in her steps. Like she was caught between two of the hardest choices of her life. Y/N wished she could understand the feeling. With a pointed look to Star, David managed to get her to come to him. Smirking as she got on the back of his bike.
Paul laughed as his hand smacked the handlebar of his bike, Marko tried not to join him. Though his attempts to not were betrayed by the amusement in his eyes.
“You know where Hudson’s Bluff is?” David asked Michael.
“I can’t beat your bike,” Michael said knowing that a race would not end in his favor.
“You don’t have to beat me Michael, you just have to try to keep up.” David said, revving the engine of his bike and soon they went off, down the boardwalk and down the stairs onto the sandy beach. A cloud of sand throwing up into air behind them.
The laughter filled the night as they drove. Going under the pier and through the dark woods. Y/N held on tight to Marko as they went. It seemed like it had just been getting darker and darker though as they went. Michael and David neck and neck against each other.
Michael was still trying to race.
Next thing she knew, Michael’s bike skidded down and the rest of the guys stopped behind them, David on the very edge of the cliff. Y/N got off the back of Marko quickly. Dwayne handing Y/N Laddie to hold onto while the guys ran up to hold Michael back from trying to fight David while Star screamed.
“What the hell are you doing?” Michael demanded the platinum blonde as he punched him before the guys got a chance to grab him. “Just you! Come on! Just you!” His voice came down to a whisper repeating, “Come on. Just you.”
Y/N was surprised that David just looked back at Michael, a smile on his face. Y/N could feel her own heart hammering hard in her chest as she held Laddie closer to her. Did her soulmate really just nearly go flying off the cliff’s edge? It took all her self-restraint to not break.
She couldn’t go through that again. Even if he did ditch her, she wasn’t sure she could lose Michael, even if he never loved her.
“How far are you willing to go Michael?” David asked him, Michael looking confused by his smile and yet he seemed interested.
“Farther than you know.” Michael answered him, trying to level his breathing, and likely calm his rapidly beating heart.
Marko made his way back over to Y/N along with Dwayne who thanked her for taking care of Laddie. “You okay, Y/N? You know I wouldn’t put your life in danger right?” Marko asked her placing his hand on her chin, making her look into his eyes.
Y/N’s heart had almost been calm but looking into Marko’s eyes instantly had it beating quickly again. His eyes shined and his smile grew almost like he knew her reaction. “I’m okay.” She responded, nodding her head feeling confused, did she really just have a pull with Marko? That couldn’t have been possible… her soulmate was Michael, right?
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Let’s Motor
I genuinely wasn’t expecting the response to Rev Your Engines that I got, I was feeling very insecure about my writing when I posted it and I’m crying that y’all loved it so much😭 (read part one here)
I’ve also decided on subsequent fics to indicate when I won’t be writing any more parts, so this will be the final part to this series:) hope y’all love it!
Pre-read by my motorcycle expert adopted brother @pixielostboy 🥰
Poly! Lost boys x GN motor expert reader
You rolled out from under your 1953 Buick wildcat, smearing your hand across your face as you attempted to wipe it clean of oil.
When you’d finished your shift for the night, your boss was kind enough to let you use the shop’s tools to fix up your own ride.
The tune ups were going well, but you still took your Harley to work instead, hopeful you’d run into the strange group of rockers from a few days ago.
You checked your watch and sighed. Lately you’d tended to drag your feet, just in case the biker boys did drop by, but after days of waiting, you’d finally decided they weren’t coming.
That is until you heard the familiar mumbling of four motors pulling up behind you. You chuckled to yourself as you pulled a bandana from your back pocket to wipe your brow and turned around.
Your face fell as you realized the sight in front of you was not the four weirdos you were hoping to meet again, but another group of leather clad bikers.
You sighed and turned back to pack up your things.
“Expectin’ someone?”
You whipped your head around to lock eyes with a smirking Paul, leaning against a broken down truck one of your coworkers had been fixing up.
“Hello again,” you raised an eyebrow as you wiped down your tools, “where ya been?”
“Been busy sugar,” he explained, “didn’t mean we didn’t wanna come.”
Your lips turned up against your will as you shrugged in reply, “maybe I wanted to see you guys too.”
Paul’s face lit up at your words.
“Why didn’t I hear your bike pull up?” you asked.
“Got one of those silent mufflers, bike don’t make a sound,” he told you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. Silent mufflers? “What?”
“Kidding babe, just didn’t wanna move the bikes from the boardwalk, I uh walked over.”
You scoffed, “isn’t it like a five mile walk?”
Paul rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “yeah I uh, I walk fast.”
You snorted, “whatever Paulie, you want a ride back on my bike?”
“Yes please,” he sing-songed as he practically skipped over to your side.
You mounted your Harley before Paul slid in behind you. “Hold on tight yeah?” you told him.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice sugar,” he said as his arms slid around your middle. He squeezed your sides gently causing you to flinch.
“Maybe not that tight,” you laughed.
Paul moved his hands to rest on your hips as you nudged up your kickstand with your heel before reving your engine and taking off down the road.
The short drive to the boardwalk gave Paul’s hands many opportunities to wander from your hips, but luckily for him you didn’t mind too much.
You parked your bike to the side of Max’s video as both you and Paul slid off and walked toward the three other boys loitering near the pier.
“Well, well, well,” David smirked as he took a drag, “just couldn’t stay away could ya?”
You scoffed in mock offense, “excuse me, but this one,” you jerked your thumb towards Paul, “tracked me down at work for you idiots.”
David threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, “maybe we needed you to fix up one of our bikes again.”
You snorted, “they look fine to me.”
Dwayne rolled his eyes, “sorry about him, we really did just want to see you.”
You blushed as your gaze fell to the gorgeous brunette man’s shoes, “I kinda wanted to see you guys again too.”
“Wanna race?” Marko blurted out, bouncing on his heels in excitement.
Your head snapped up, “race? Race where?” you asked.
“Hudson’s bluff,” David spoke up, “you know it?”
“Yeah I know it,” you paused for a second, “what does the winner get?”
“A kiss from you,” Paul said smirking, as he leaned an elbow on your shoulder.
You rolled your shoulder, causing his elbow to slide right off you, “and what do I get if I win?” you asked.
“Four kisses,” Paul winked.
You rolled your eyes, “if I win I want…” you trailed off as you thought to yourself.
A lightbulb went off in your head, “I want that,” you decided as you pointed at David’s long black trenchcoat.
David’s jaw dropped, not usually one to be caught off guard, “…you want my coat?”
He regained his senses, “absolutely not, no.”
You pouted in mock sympathy, “scared you’re gonna lose Davey?”
He scoffed, “never.”
You shrugged, “then you’ve got nothing to worry about right?”
David bit his lip and weighed his options. There were four of them and only one of you. How could one little human beat four vicious vampires? You didn’t stand a chance.
David smirked and stuck out his hand, “deal.”
You smiled as you shook his hand, “alright then.”
It didn’t take the five of you long to clamor onto your bikes and line up parallel to each other.
“You’re going down,” Marko whispered from the left of you as Dwayne counted down.
You smirked, “we’ll see.”
As soon as Dwayne bellowed “go,” you were off.
You whipped through the beach, kicking up sand as you rode and making a mental note to clean your wheels later. Paul and David had an early lead, with you and Marko not far behind.
Dwayne trailed behind the four of you, but you suspected it wasn’t for lack of ability but more to teach David a lesson. Either way, you appreciated it.
As you turned off into the forest you pulled past Paul, flicking a wave in his direction as you left him in the dust. You smiled as you heard a soft gasp behind you from the shocked blond boy.
You leaned forward, your brow furrowing as you accelerated until you were neck and neck with David.
“Give up? You could still keep your coat,” you taunted him, keeping your eyes trained on the road.
“Not on your life.” he spit through gritted teeth.
“Suit yourself,” you replied as you pushed forward on the throttle, weaving in front of David and pulling up at the edge of the cliff.
David pulled to a stop in disbelief, “you…how did you…” he sputtered as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
You smiled, “increased the size of my rear sprocket by two teeth awhile back, helps the bike accelerate quicker,” you explained.
“Why didn’t you say anything babe?” Paul inquired as he parked next to the two of you.
You shrugged, “you never asked,”
“Pretty smart if you ask me,” Marko admitted as he joined as well, “I woulda done that too.”
“Looks like you’ve got a jacket to hand over huh David?” Dwayne teased as he came around to David’s side, playing with the hem of the coat.
David’s face flushed red as he realized. He moved to take the coat off when you stopped him, placing a hand on his.
“No need,” you assured him, “the look on your face is a good enough prize for me.”
David grumbled as the other boys dissolved into fits of laughter.
“You’re a good time babe,” Paul nudged you with his elbow, “we live just down there if you’d like to come in for a drink,” he offered smoothly as the others exchanged knowing glances.
“Sure,” you smiled, “I could go for a drink.”
@pixielostboy @bloodywickedvamp @6lostgirl6 @anna1306 @misslavenderlady @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @paulxbathbomd @peachpixiesstuff @ria-coolgirl @flower-crowned-lady @lostboys1987girl @ghoulgeousimmaculate @feardot-com @softchonk @gothamslostboy @arenpath @bitchyexpertprincess @memphiscity69 @kurt-nightcrawler @solobagginses @mickkmaiden333 @arbesa-mind @warrior-616 @consuming-karma @dwaynedelight @vampirefilmlover @its-freaking-bats @dwaynesluscioushair @hallotonia
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Edge of Insanity ~ Jerome Valeska x fem!Reader
Got bored, no idea what I started writing, but here you go
“What do you think you’re doing?” It was clear to Y/N that he was trying his hardest to keep his voice calm. To keep his voice levelled.
“I wanted to see.” She said to him, hearing him step closer to her caused her to shift where she stood making him stop entirely.
Jerome sucked in a sharp breath, “Y/N. I’m just trying to help.” He pled holding out his hand for her to take. “Please come here.”
“No. I need to see.” She insisted to him a frown on her face turning back to look at the bustling city below her.
“Go look! It’s just down below! Aren’t you curious?” The voice in her head spoke, luring her in.
It was much more tempting then that of Jerome.
“If you come with me, we can go see. Just come closer to me.” Jerome was on edge. He wasn’t sure how she ended up in this situation but here she was. Standing on the edge of a building all the while Jerome tried to get her to come down from the ledge.
Did he push her into this? Maybe he made her mind snap? Sure he wanted chaos, he wanted insanity but he didn’t think that this would be the outcome. The thing that Jerome wanted more than anything was that while he created pure and utter chaos that she would be by his side. Giggling at the sight of all the dangers they created.
“He can’t take you to see, he’s lying. There’s only one way, you have to walk forward.” The voice spoke again, voice growing louder. Giddy at the knowledge that she was so close. Just one more step and down she would go.
She went to take another step forward, a scream of ‘no’ behind her as she felt a harsh grip on her hair, pulling her back and into Jerome’s chest.
“I don’t give a damn what you want to see. You’re not leaving me.” He hissed out to her. His eyes sharp and filled with anger. “There’s no way out Y/N. You’re mine.”
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Calling of the Souls ~Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 2
Part one! Oh no. I’m getting way too into this story. part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 Word Count: 1,275
David spoke again, “So… what’s your name?”
Y/N looked into those eyes; no longer did she feel this pressure trying to wiggle its way into her mind. What harm could a simple first name do? “Y/N.”
At the sound of her name they had all seemed to perk up more. Was it possible for Paul and Marko to smile any wider than they were at this moment?
It didn’t seem like anything would escape their gaze; they were being extremely attentive to anything she had said. This only came to her realization when she had shifted her hand on her lap, seeing Paul and Marko’s eyes jump to her hand, watching to see what she would do. Why did she suddenly feel like a rabbit surrounded by foxes?
Standing from where she had been sitting, Y/N couldn’t stop herself from wanting to get away from that situation. Her brain giving her signals she absolutely could not ignore. Within her was a drive to create distance from them, even if there was another drive trying to get her to move closer.
There would be no way that they would simply allow Y/N to get away, the ride was still going and she seemed to have been walking in a circle on it. The sound of their boots clunking behind her as the chains clinked much more clearly, especially since she had known to listen for sounds behind her.
“Where you off to?” Paul chimed up drawing closer to her.
“Not sure.” She said, truly not wanting to mention to them that she was going to go home. If she had done that then surely they would follow her until she did get home. If they had, they wouldn’t be able to enter but that was beside the point.
“Well if you aren’t sure then how about you go with us for a ride?” David said while stepping up to Paul and Y/N.
That didn’t really go as expected. “Can’t. I have plans later that I can’t miss.” She responded, walking to the edge of the ride, jumping off before it stopped, then hopping over the fence keeping the ride from the people waiting to get on that very ride. What she hadn’t expected was that the moment she jumped to the other side, Dwayne was already on the other side of the fence, taking a hold of her hand, his other hand hovering near her waist to steady her to keep her from falling. How did he get there so fast? She swore that not even a moment ago he had been behind her, hadn’t he? Or did he take another route from the other 3?
“Be careful.” He said to her with a voice so low she had almost not heard it, had she not been so close. A shiver going down her spine, goose bumps rising on her arms as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.
“Thank you.” She said though her eyes lingered on him, her Y/C/E focused on his chocolate brown eyes. Blinking when she heard the sound of the others hopping over, her eyes broke contact with Dwayne’s. Her hand pulling away from his; her head shaking to try to push that almost trance out of her head. She had to get away from these guys.
Marko smirked as he stood in front of Y/N before she could get the chance to move any further forward. “Plans can be cancelled.”
He was right, plans could always be cancelled, if she wanted to leave, she would have to have a more solid excuse.
“I’m sorry, these plans can’t be cancelled, it’s important.” She said hoping that she wouldn’t have to go into detail. There was one excuse but that one wasn’t something she wanted to bring up to strangers. “Not something I want to say to people I don’t know.”
“But we can get to know you and you can get to know us. Let us give you a ride there, so we can get to know each other on the way.” Paul brought up, and that would have been a smart idea ha she wanted to go and spend time with the people that had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on edge.
“Then I’d leave my ride behind, and I can’t do that.” She insisted, Y/N didn’t even have a ride. She had walked there. They were persistent. To be honest, Y/N wasn’t sure if their intentions were innocent or malicious. The feeling of being in a position that could be dangerous wouldn’t leave her. “Maybe another night.”
To promise to go with them another time would be the best that she could do. She knew that she could summon Tyr but he had used up so much of his strength to open up a portal for them to travel from one place to another. He needed rest. Y/N had been planning to let him go into his temporary hibernation like usual. There had yet to be a situation come up that she was unable to handle herself while he restored his strength.
They didn’t necessarily seem happy that she had insisted to not go along with them but just as Paul was going to say something, Dwayne had spoken up. “Promise? We just want to show you around. Show you a good time.” Dwayne had held up his pinky to Y/N. This almost made her laugh, but it was in her best interest to agree. Her own pinky locking with his larger one.
Y/N smiled at him, relieved that he at least had seemed to not want to push her too much more. Y/N wasn’t about to go with them tonight. “Promise.” This was something that she could do. Maybe she could put a protection charm on herself so that she would feel safer. Just a little something to ward away those with ill intentions.
“We will see you, and hold you to that promise.” David said to her giving a smile before backing away, the guys had started to go away but before they were out of her line of sight she could see them glance back to her. Y/N just waved her hand before she started to head back.
Y/N managed to get to a small shop, hoping to get something to actually eat before going back to Tyr. It wasn’t really a shop, more so like a food stand. Standing on the other side, was a guy with long brown hair and dark eyes. Y/N could feel her heart pull toward him. Though unlike the guys from before he didn’t give off a dangerous feeling.
Had it not been for the person behind her clearing their throat she wouldn’t have realized she had been staring at him. Though he had been staring back at her in that same awestruck silence.
“Sorry, hey, what can I get for you?” He asked looking a little nervous, though he tried to remain cool headed. It was kind of cute.
“A pretzel.” She said to him, watching him as he got it ready for her. Could this be him? Could this be her new soulmate? The one the world gave her after the death of the others?
“My name is Michael.” He said to her as he handed it to her. A look of hope in his eyes, he felt the pull too, that was clear. This was him. Her soulmate. Looking into those eyes left her without a sliver of a doubt.
“Hello Michael. My name is Y/N.” she said to him. For a moment, everything else seemed to fade away.
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Michael's Girl PT. 3 \\ PolyLostBoys + Michael x Reader
Summary: You're put to the test by David to see if you are truly worthy of being a vampire. And you witness a horror you could never imagine. CW: Blood, Gore, Vampires being Vampires
Previous Part <- 🖤 -> Next Part
Tonight was a night of celebration. Music blasted from Paul's boombox, Dwayne was doing skate tricks around the fountain, and Marko had returned with some food.
"Chinese again? Seriously? You better not be do what I think you're gonna do David." Michael said and looked over at the leader with an annoyed look.
David only shrugged. "What Michael? Worried your little girlfriend really isn't up for it?"
Michael glared at the blonde. Meanwhile you looked back and forth at the two in confusion. What exactly did David do to Michael? Your boyfriend didn't go into specifics with his whole vampire transformation process but you assumed it wasn't fun.
"She'll take whatever you throw at her, trust me. She's tougher than she looks. Brave too." Michael smiled pridefully and kissed your head.
David looks you in the eyes as he ushers for Marko to come forward with the food. "I can tell Michael. After all she did walk into a vampires den knowing full well the dangers of it all. She'll fit into our pack perfectly if she can pass my tests."
Marko handed everyone a white box carton of rice and noodles. While Michael ate his noodles with a fork you used chopsticks like David.
"So Y/n, how do those worms taste huh?"
The girl looked down at her open box of noodles, or rather, wiggling earth worms. She felt like she wanted to gag, she just ate one! But it didn't taste like worms, it still tasted like noodles. This had to be some kind of trick, most likely why Michael looked bothered when Marko brought back Chinese food.
You look up at David with a smirk of your own. "They taste divine David."
Vampires were still a mystery to you. But you assumed that some vampires had special abilities. Meaning that this was most likely an illusion created by David to scare you. However it didn't work, you saw right through it.
Taking another bite of the "worms" Paul and Dwayne started laughing.
"Damn! Tough chick dude. She didn't even gag. Unlike our buddy Mikey here, remember the first time David fucked with your head and made you think you were eating maggots? You coughed that shit up so quick!" Paul said while pointing his fork at Michael. Michael only rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. I didn't know alright?"
David smiles as he continues to eat his food. “You got guts girlie. You passed my first test. It’ll only get more difficult from here on…”
This week has been absolute INSANITY for me. First David makes me hang off the bottom of a bridge while a train comes by and I FALL but luckily he catches me, and second… Well second is about to happen soon I think.
I’m holding onto Michael while he follows along with the rest of the boys on their bikes. No one told me where we were going but only that this was one of the final tests. And I was nervous. Eventually we reach a clearing in the woods ways outside of the boardwalk. A giant bonfire is lit and surf nazi punks are dancing around the giant flames as a boombox plays music.
The boys and Michael get off their bikes and climb up a tree to scout out the surf nazis.
Less fluidly and easily as them I also climb up the tree. Dwayne sees me struggle and takes my hand to help pull me up the rest of the way.
“Thanks..” I mutter. He only nods.
I feel Michael's hands grab my hips and he helps move me so I sit next to him on a large branch. The other boys stand menacingly, their eyes glow in as they look at the flames of the bonfire the surf nazis dance around.
"What are we doing here?" I ask. Michael gives me a sympathetic look and I know that something bad is about to happen.
"This is your second to final test." David says with his signature sly smirk. "Let's see if you can handle what you're about to witness."
"After all-" Paul cuts in, "This is gonna be your everyday life. So don't get queasy on us okay dolly?"
I nod nervously. The tension grows tight around me. The five boy's auras have changed, I can feel it. Something is different. I look up worriedly at Michael only to gasp slightly when I see his vampiric face again. I look around at the others, all of their features sharp, eyes yellow, and teeth pointed.
They were gonna eat these people.
Right in front of me.
"Let's go boys!" David hollers and in the blink of an eye all five of them swoop down and pounce on their victims. Blood flies, flesh rips, heads roll. The scene was absolutely vile. The boys ate like animals, they didn't hesitate to rip limbs and let the blood fly. Michael however ate more neatly, for my sake most likely. Frozen I was, perched up on the branch where I sat.
My mind felt blank. Watching people of my own species get torn apart by pure predators. Human kind was the top of the food chain, but tonight proved to me otherwise.
When every nazi was dead all the boys but Michael cheered. Blood covered their clothes and gore and bones scattered about. My heart was racing and I knew they could hear it. It thumped like a battle drum, and I was ready to surrender that battle and run away. My legs had a mind of their own and screamed at me to run. Run away from the danger.
But my mind knew better. If I ran now then I would fail. And if I fail then I fail Michael and our relationship. I can't back down now, not after all I went through.
I hop down from the tree and approach Michael. My legs shake for every step I take closer to where the massacre occurred. I feel the crunch of bone snap under my shoe and I flinch.
"Y/n are you okay?" Michael asks worriedly. His face was morphed back to his human one, but blood was still smeared across his lips and the hands that held me.
My mind felt like it was floating away, but Michael caught it and brought it back to me with a kiss to my cheek. Snapping out of it I shakily reply, "I-I'm fine... After all this is what I'm gonna see for the rest of eternity right? So I better get used to it." I laugh light heartily.
"The sound of your heartbeat says otherwise." David says. He stands behind me with his three brothers beside him. Their hair is disheveled and even more blood coats their clothing and skin.
Michael gently holds me to him, his arms around me protectively hugging me to his waist. "She passed the test David, she didn't scream or run off. And it's only natural for her to be afraid, so give it a damn break."
"Oooo" Marko giggles, "Mikey's defending his girl. We've never seen you so ticked off before."
Paul and Dwayne laugh too but are silenced by David. "He's right. She passed, but let's see if she'll change her mind after seeing what she saw tonight."
You couldn't sleep. Even with Michael holding you protectively under the covers you still couldn't sleep. How could you? Every time you closed your eyes you heard the screams of men and saw their parts ooze and fly. Flashes of the boys and their vampiric faces, their teeth sinking into the flesh of human beings.
"Baby..." Michael said tiredly. His rough hands rubbed up and down your bare arm. "Your heartbeat is loud... What's wrong?" Michael says as he rubs the sleep form his eyes.
"What do you mean 'what is it?'" You say with a firm frown. "I saw people die tonight Michael. I know I shouldn't be fazed by it but I am! I'm scared!"
Your boyfriend leans up and tries to look at your face, but you're turned away.
"Please look at me baby. Don't turn your back to me now. Especially not now."
You turn around to face him and he softens. You've been crying. Red swollen eyes and puffy cheeks.
"Don't tell yourself that you have to not feel fazed. Because it's your human instinct telling you something is wrong, and that's okay. Let yourself be scared, let yourself cry, I'll be here for you the whole way through okay?"
Letting out a shaken breath you let yourself crumble against Michael's bear chest. Broken hiccups and sobs escape your lips and Michael combs his fingers through your hair.
"Shhh shhh shhh, it's okay baby. You're gonna be okay. I know you're scared, I understand because I've been there too. But it won't be so bad, I won't leave your side okay?"
You nod against Michael's chest, not wanting to be even a millimeter apart from him.
"I know I can do this Michael... But I don't have it in me to take someone's life."
Michael thinks for a moment. Until he calms your nerves by gently petting your head. "I think I have a temporary solution." Michael says.
"Like what?"
"Well, what if for the first weeks that you're a vampire, I'll make the kills for you? All you have to do is eat what I kill. You can do that right?"
"Uhm." You think for a moment. Eating people was okay to you if you were a vampire, that part didn’t gross you out like you expected it would. Just the killing factor frightened you.
“That’ll work.” You respond with a hesitant smile. “But will David be okay with that?”
Michael rolls his eyes. “Screw David. If my girl wants to take it slow and easy for her first weeks of being a vampire then she can. David can go crawl in his cave and pout all he wants for all I care.” His hands caress your face, fingertips gliding along all his favorite features.
You place a kiss to his fingers when they glide across your lips. “Thank you Michael. What would I do without you?”
He only smiles and brings your face forward for a warm kiss.
You woke up not to the sun, but instead sunset. Michael also rose and stretched with a yawn.
“Hey baby, sunrise and shine.” He says with a corny grin.
Instead of getting up like your boyfriend you hide under his bedsheets. “I’m never gonna get used to your vampire schedule.”
He laughs lightly and kisses your hair that peeks from the top of your sheets. “That’s what I thought at first, but soon enough you’ll adjust just fine. Now come on baby, we gotta go to the cave and meet the guys to see if you’re ready to drink from the bottle.”
You assumed the bottle he was talking about was the bottle of blood he was tricked into drinking.
"So it really is blood huh?" You say and poke your head out through the bundle of blankets you took sanctuary under.
Giving you a sad smile Michael embraces you through the bundle of blankets you're under, making you get warm fast.
"Mhm. Yeah it's true sweetheart. But it isn't so bad. Maybe you can take a hit off of Paul's blunt to make it not as bad? That's what I did at least." Michael grins cockily as he rocks you back and forth.
"Michaeeelll" You whine, "I'm still nervous."
In one sudden motion he rips the blankets off of you making you scream and curl in on yourself to keep whatever warmth you still have inside. Suddenly your boyfriend huffs and picks you up with his strength.
"Michael stop it! Put me down you big stud!" Though you're smacking him to put you down your laughter counters your physical attacks on him.
"No can do baby, gotta shake the nerves outta you."
Michael then holds you like a bride and rocks you back and forth like a baby, making you blush embarrassingly bright.
"Okay okay stop rocking me! I'm not a baby you buffoon!" You start to flail around more in his arms making him grunt and plop you down onto the bed.
Michael gives you his million dollar smile and quietly asks, "You feeling better now?"
Sitting on your knees you sit up and press a soft kiss to Michael's chin. "Yeah, you're little therapy worked surprisingly. I'm surprised I didn't get motion sick!"
Michael rolls his eyes and grabs your hands to help you off the bed in one swift swoop.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get you turned babe."
(sorry this was short yall. Kinda rushed and I wanted to get David's silly shenanigans out of the way. Not proof read btw.)
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Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader
Word Count: 1,082
Just a little fun writing something on my free day, might make a part 2
Part 2 here! - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 Part 6
It ached. Hand clutched to her own chest, unsure how to stop the pain from rushing through for the fourth time in lord knows how long. Y/N had this pain go through her exactly 3 precious times. She knew what it had meant. Her soulmate died... again. How many times would Y/N have to endure this? The chances of finding your soulmate were next to impossible. One would think with a life of eternal youth it would give one more hope, but Y/N thought it was hopeless. It took no longer than a century for her to feel it 4 times. The pain within her chest crashed like violent waves in a storm. Merciless.
The only soothing sensations she felt was when the familiar that she had born with would start to mutter spells of his own to help her through it. A demon familiar by the name Tyr. Think of the demon and he shall appear. Tyr strode in seeing Y/N grabbing her duffel bag already he knew that this meant she had no intention to stay in this location any longer. "Where to?" He asked her moving to her side. Tyr had been by her side for so long now. Having watched over her, helped her hide, helped her harness her abilities. "You pick." Y/N said shrugging; there was no point in staying in the town. Having grown bored of it, small towns were always the same like that. "How about somewhere exciting?" He asked, eyes shining scarlet red, muttering an incantation as he opened the door to the room they were in. Looking through the door, she glanced back at him with an eyebrow raised. "A carnival?" "It's a boardwalk! Now go through so I can close the portal." He said to her, Y/N obeyed as she walked through, Tyr following after her. Y/N looked at the place bustling with life. It was summer, of course it was packed. She had to admit, it was a great place to hide. No doubt she could blend in with the crowds. The sun was slowly setting. They had to find a place to temporarily call home. How fun, a part of the beach had been closed. This meant something good for Y/N. Abandoned lifeguard buildings. She did happen upon one. Tyr had to help her in harnessing the power to change the small building into what they required. Bigger on the inside. If someone were to enter they would be in the original, she remained in this pocket dimension Tyr built and transported with her from place to place. Sure saved on rent. After she set her things down Y/N wondered if she should travel to the boardwalk. "I'm going exploring, are you coming?" She asked Tyr who lay on the bed. Hands behind his head as one of his long legs bent. "You're on your own. You know how to call me if you need me." He said closing his eyes. Y/N rolled her eyes as she left. Y/N began walking on the beach until she ended up at the boardwalk. The sun had set already. The lights of the rides of the carnival illuminating it up for all to see, like a bug zapper luring in insects, her included. How could anyone avoid the allure of the boardwalk? Y/N walked with a smile on her lips as she passed by the vendors selling trinkets and other things. Glancing at their wares before stopping to purchase a cup of lemonade. It had Santa Carla printed on the cup. It was huge. She was almost regretting buying the cup; seeing as she needed both hands to hold the souvenir. She almost skipped as she made her way to the carousal. This was her first time in a place like this. Her excitement beamed from her as she looked for somewhere to sit. Spotting a unicorn her eyes lit up. However before she made it to the unicorn someone beat her to it. She didn't want to sit on the carriage. It was meant for 2 and she felt bad taking it from some couple who could use it.
The sound of boots and chains reached her ears. Her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes narrowed. She couldn't explain why, maybe it was because her senses picked this up specifically through the loud boardwalk. Quickly she took a seat, not caring if she did take a potential couples spot. All she could focus on was trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. The feeling of someone's leg brushing against her snapped her attention to the formerly empty seat beside her. Her eyes on the leg before making their gaze drift up to the person's face. Piercing blue eyes bore into her own Y/E/C. Y/N's breath caught in her throat. What was this? The platinum blonde smirked at her as he lifted his hand to hold her chin, fingers against her cheek to keep her gaze on him when she started to look away to the laughter so close to them. "What's your name?" The male with platinum blue eyes asked her.
It almost felt like she would tell him anything he wanted to hear. Her mind in a fog as her lips parted to speak, then almost like a shock to her brain, something cleared that fog away. She knew that she should not feel that way. "Does it matter?" Y/N responded moving her head back and out of his grasp. This answer seemed to surprise the guy, but he only let it show for a second at most. Then he looked like he was accepting a challenge. His "friends' started to laugh again. Enjoying that he seemed to not have as easy of a time as he had clearly expected. "Of course it matters. How about this, I'm David. That's Dwayne, Paul and Marko." David said pointing at each one respectively. Dwayne had the faintest of smiles on his lips, had it not been for the amused and excited look in his eyes Y/N would have thought he was the most calm of the bunch. Paul didn't hide his excitement in the least bit. His smile and his eyes showed just how much fun he was having with this encounter. Marko, he was something, his gloved hand up, biting his thumb, hiding a grin. His eyes showed what Y/N could only describe as him trying to hold himself back from his giddiness. David spoke again, "So... what's your name?"
#The Lost Boys 1987#dwayne x reader#david x reader#marko x reader#paul x reader#poly!lost boys x reader#fem!reader#lost boys 1987#lost boys x reader#dwayne lost boys#marko lost boys#david lost boys#paul lost boys
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hello! may i request just cuddling with the lost boys? poly lost boys. just very comforting and maybe they all nap together too. thank you 💕
Cuddling with the boys
Of course you can! I hope you like this!
Poly! Lost Boys x GN reader
You were tired. No. You were exhausted. This week had absolutely drained you. Usually you could handle your school, work, and family obligations, but this week everything had coincided to run you absolutely ragged. You had debated not going to the cave tonight, but you knew if there was anything that could make you feel better, it was time with your boys.
You shimmied down the ladder into the cave and you were met with the familiar sounds of chaos. Dwayne was using the edge of the fountain to practice kick flips on his skateboard, Marko and Paul were wrestling each other, and David was blasting Billy Idol. You let out a sigh and furrowed your brows. This was not the vibe you were hoping for tonight.
You slapped on a half smile as you walked into the main hall. Paul was the first to notice you. “Babe! You’re here!” He yelled before getting pummeled by Marko. “Good to see you sweetheart,” Marko said while holding Paul’s face into the ground. David came over to snake an arm around your waist and give you a kiss on the cheek before turning back to his music and whipping out a cigarette. Your smile faltered a bit when he pulled away from you.
Dwayne put his skateboard up before walking over and brushing some hair out of your face and behind your ear. “What’s wrong baby?” He asked. You blushed, Dwayne was the most empathetic of the boys. You could get away with hiding things from the others, but it was harder to keep your feelings from him. “Nothing,” you told him, “everything’s fine.” Dwayne looked at you incredulously and you sighed and looked down, unwilling to meet his eyes. He gently tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, brushing your cheek with his thumb. “What do you need baby?” he asked.
Your lip popped out and tears pricked at your eyes as you fell into his arms. Immediately his arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly against his chest and rubbing circles on your back. The others saw what was happening and stopped what they were doing to check on you. You cried softly into Dwayne’s shoulder while he waited patiently until you were ready to talk.
Significantly less patiently, Paul rubbed your arm and asked, “what can we do Sugar? We wanna make you feel better.” You sniffled as Dwayne released you from his hold so you could respond. “I’m sorry boys,” you said, “this week has just been so overwhelming, I feel so anxious and completely drained, I really didn’t want to burden you all with my feelings, but I guess I couldn’t keep them in.” Dwayne’s jaw tensed at your words and David turned you to face him so he could cup your face and stare into your eyes sternly. “Your feelings are not a burden love,” he told you, “we love you, and our love is not conditional.” “Yeah,” Marko added, “if that were the case we would’ve left Paul on someone’s doorstep a longgggg time ago.” Dwayne held the boys apart before Paul could tackle Marko. David rolled his eyes at the chaos twins before taking his hands from your cheeks and holding your hands. “What do you need darling?” He asked. You shifted from foot to foot while rubbing your arm. “Could you guys just…hold me?” You asked.
Paul knocked the wind out of you picking you up and twirling you around. “You wanna snuggle sugar?? All you had to do was ask!!!” You giggled as he carried you to your nest, the other boys following behind him. Paul laid you down on your bed, pressing a kiss to your stomach and winking at you. Dwayne sat in bed behind you and lifted your head into his lap, starting to stroke your hair gently. Paul snuggled into your side, tangling his legs with yours while sucking and biting your earlobe. Marko crawled in on your other side and hugged you around your ribs while he nuzzled the crook of your neck with his cheek. David laid in between your legs while resting his head on your stomach. The usual chill you felt in the cave was replaced by the warm feeling of being enveloped by your boys on all sides. As they caressed, kissed, and held you, you’re anxieties melted away.
After a while, you could hear the soft sounds of Paul snoring on your left side, while Marko yawned on your right. You looked up and caught Dwayne’s eyes as he glanced down at you, head still in his lap. “Feel better baby?” He asked. “Much better.” You replied dreamily, as your eyes fluttered closed.
@altierirose @ghoulgeousimmaculate
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