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dead-scorpio · 8 months ago
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If Focalors had reddit ig
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shutthehellupcaboose · 8 months ago
AITA for leaving the military after I got what I wanted?
I (40m) served in the military for 21 years, and this one guy (39m) I’ll call him S, had been this major asshole I couldn’t stand, ever since I first showed up at our base he had done nothing but kiss our Sargent’s ass and whine and bitch about nerdy shit no one cared about. And all I wanted to do was fucking leave. Let me explain.
I got drafted when I was 18. Right out of highschool I joined the military to help support my baby sister. Who later joined the military herself but we aren’t going to get into that shit. Anyways I had been through hell, a lot of it I can’t talk about because it was actually top secret government shit and I think if they found this Reddit post I probably would be executed or some shit, I still don’t know how half of it works.
Anyways so S and I are literally bonded like, we are closer than close and we even made out a couple of times on and off duty and I really thought that maybe something was there. Skip ahead a few years to about a year ago. And our Sargent died. Like for reals. And when I say that you won’t believe me when I say it was permanent this time. But it was. So S and I actually dug this man’s grave for a second time and buried him. He built a fucking gravestone for this guy who always said he hated us and called us pansies and shit.
And then guess what this douche bag does the minute he becomes Team Leader? He discharged me. My dream, all I ever wanted a flight back home. No military, no pain, no guns or glowing swords or ai.
But I really didn’t want to leave, not without S. We had been through so much I literally couldn’t think of life without him. So I said “come with me.” Expecting him to drop everything, leave our Sargent and our rival team behind us and come home with me. I think I might have really felt like I couldn’t leave because I had been with him and literally apart of him for so long.
And this stubborn asshole said no! He fucking said no right to my face. So after everything was said and done I got on a ship and flew back to earth with discharge papers in one hand and my hopes and dreams in the other!
So tell me Reddit. Am I the asshole for leaving after that fucker gave me what I wanted?
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mujerarana · 3 months ago
AITA for telling my boss’ son his taste in literature is something he got from his mother?
I'm only posting on this damn website because my fucking coworker refuses to work with me because of it and another coworker suggested I ask here. I hated the idea but the Dickwad coworker that refuses to work with me caused me to lose an important fucking deal I had pending because he decided to be a dick, so I want to just get this over with.
I (19M) was taking a break at work reading a book when my boss’ little demon son (11M) came in trotting around and demanded I stopped reading my ‘idiotic excuse for literature’ and help him with something I don't fucking remember and I don't care enough to remember. This pissed me off, but the fucking brat does this all the time so I just ignored him. He didn't give up immediately and instead just fucking stood there and stared at me for a moment before telling me in the haughtiest fucking tone that my Dickwad coworker (23M) had told him to come bother me. I didn't want to fucking deal with that guy getting on my ass about this later so I resigned myself to losing my break dealing with the brat. I set my fucking book down and asked the kid what he wanted.
Apparently my job title is fucking tutor now because the kid needed help with homework or some shit, and on top of that, I'm the only one with enough culture to know anything about literature in this goddamn workplace, so he was sent to me. Whatever. It was at least something I enjoy so I wasn't going to ditch the kid yet. Apparently he needed to pick a work from before the 21st century and explain its relevance to current culture. I asked what book he picked and apparently that was the trouble. He claimed he suggested a few works to his teacher and they were all shot down. When I asked which ones, he listed biographies and volumes of history books. I told him of fucking course they got rejected, he's supposed to use his brain to analyze a work of fiction and connect it to present day. The little brat scoffedat me. Which doesn't make me want to help the little shit. I'm losing my fucking patience at this point and I tell him that just because his mom has no taste it doesn't mean he has to follow her legacy. Hit a fucking sore spot apparently because the little demon said a comment about my own mother, my DEAD mother. I fucking flipped, of course. He implied shit about my fucking mom.
I told the kid that maybe his boring fucking taste in literature is the only thing his mom liked about him and that's why she left him at his dad's doorstep. He screamed at me that he was heir or whatever rich kids tell themselves to sleep at night, then he threw my fucking book at my head and got the fuck out of there. The Dickwad coworker found out and called me later to yell at me and tell me to apologize. I told him to go take a long walk into the harbor and hung up. Now he refuses to even fucking speak to me at work and sometimes even explicitly gets in my way. It's not even his kid I don't fucking know why he cares.
so AITA?
TLDR; my boss’ kid could dish it but couldn't fucking take it. Now it's my fucking problem and I wonder if I should've just shut the fuck up rather than deal with the dickwad shaped headache.
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Judgement_Bot_AITA MOD • 15h
Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment.
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:
 I probably shouldn't have fucked around with the 11 year old's mommy issues
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Anarchyleague 15h
INFO: Did I miss how his mother factored into this conversation until you brought it up? Sounds like you already knew it was a sore spot and mentioned it just to start shit.
Beyond that, umm, yeah YTA??? You people would rather treat a child like dirt instead of helping them! He’s only 11, he doesn’t know better, but you’re an adult here. There’s a reason that young people don’t care much about literature anymore and it’s because people like you would rather spend time mocking them instead of being a guiding hand. I’d hate reading too if I was stuck around people like you. You could’ve been flattered that someone thought you were good enough with literature to help him. He shouldn’t have said anything about your mom but it sounds like you started it. And what did he even say about your mom? I’m getting some missing reasons from the way you don’t seem to want to share that, probably cause you know it wasn’t that bad. Also sounds like you do remember what he asked you to help him with since you spend the next paragraph explaining it. How’s he supposed to grow into a better adult if everyone around him treats him like trash? Not like he’s getting any good examples from YOU
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -757  ↓
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Indigo_lantern 15h
🚩🚩🚩🚩 The entitlement is strong with this one. NTA at all. It’s not your job to babysit your boss’s snotty crotch goblin just because he decided to procreate. Kid deserves a dose of reality for once in his privileged life. Not a surprise this family refuses to read but wants to exploit you to do their work for them. Report your boss to your local labor board, he’s not allowed to make you babysit on your mandated breaks or change your job title like that. Better yet make him fire you and then get a lawyer and report him for retaliating for refusing to do work not in your contract. Play stupid games win stupid fucking prizes
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Featheredass_sass 10h
ESH, the kid for sucking and you for telling your coworker to walk into the harbor when it sounds like he’s the only one here with a sense of job preservation. Yall sound exhausting to be around just quit at this point
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -344  ↓
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unibomberbuthot 12h
INFO: What did the kid say about your mother?
I can't possibly imagine anything that would warrant deliberate cruelty against your boss’ kid, but I'm curious if you lost your job due to a yo mama joke. You call the kid entitled but the only one that sounds entitled in this whole story is you. You antagonize this kid and then act surprised and enraged when he shoots back at your own mother. Either way YTA!!! I hope you get fired and blacklisted from whatever industry you work in.
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -226  ↓
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Deliriousseriousfam 15h
I cant believe people are getting mad at you for being upset about your break being interrupted by your boss’ little gremlin. Literally not your responsibility to help your BOSS’ KID with his HOMEWORK. Its so bizarre that these people seem to forget that when replying. Yeah maybe you were an asshole to the 11 year old but jfc i would also be a bit of an asshole if im taken out of my break to help with some entitled kids homework.
And not to mention your other coworker sending the kid to you ON YOUR BREAK and then getting in your business because you made the kid upset. Crazy that it wasnt your boss saying something and instead this nosy ass coworker ????
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Yarn_queen07242000 2h
knitting needles and a dream
I was going to say everyone sucks here but I saw OP replying to everyone that disagreed with him with “fuck you” so YTA . learn to take some criticism, you clearly can't even take it from an eleven year old
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 1h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -98  ↓                 Yarn_queen07242000 1h                  knitting needles and a dream                 point proven ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 123  ↓
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        deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 1h
The coworker who told me to post here told me there was no point in getting opinions online if I didn't provide any reasoning and just antagonized everyone. I don't give a fuck about any of you, but he's annoying me so I'll answer some fucking questions.
I brought up his mom cause I know her and I know she's the reason the little shit doesn't give a fuck about anything that isn't nonfiction. I wasn't trying to fucking start shit. You presumptuous assholes love assuming things.
And since everyone is so fucking curious, I'll tell you what the little shit said about my mom. He said (and I'm fucking quoting here): “Unlike you, I didn't need to immerse myself in fiction to escape the reality of a mother preoccupied with avoiding sobriety and being a harlot.” So yeah, I maybe poked at his mommy issues a little. Fucking SUE ME.
To everyone wishing I get fired or otherwise lose my job: They can't get rid of me unless they hire someone to take me out. I'm never getting the “karma” you self-righteous pricks seem to hope for. Sucks to suck, my ass is not getting blacklisted.
Last but not least: Fuck you.
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 teentitanfan0765 40m Nightwing's hot ass         Why the fuck does your boss’s 11 year old son know this information about your mother???? I can't imagine how that’s any of his business ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 88  ↓
                gaybladerunner 33m I still dont see why you had to mention the kids mom that way or at all lol. it doesnt matter if you knew her your still an asshole ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 67  ↓                         deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 30m *don't *kid's *It *doesn't *you're ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 75  ↓
         grayson_thotdaughter 10m CALL ME. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 45  ↓
         temporalanomaly3346 5m This is so clearly rage bait and karma farming LOL op makes a clearly aggravating post then makes up details after the replies started settling. sure, i believe you and your alcoholic dead mom that your boss’ kid somehow knows about ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 13  ↓
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flamingspud · 2 months ago
I saw someone make an AITA style post about one of their fics, so I decided to give it a go with the events from this one:
(enjoy ;))
AITA for killing my nephew’s (11m) hamster and blaming it on my other nephew (14m)?
Alright, I know the title sounds bad, but please hear me out before you judge me too hard.
I (42m) have recently been staying with my ex-wife (43nb) until I can properly figure something out. Well, a little while ago my youngest nephew (who I will call G) brought home two hamsters. All was going well until a few weeks ago, when one of them went missing. Everyone turned the house upside down looking for it, but no dice. 
The next day, G set up some treats in the kitchen and my ex asked if I could keep an eye out for the hamster, as I was on the couch and it was a school night. I said sure.
About an hour later, I still saw no sign of the hamster, so I decided to get a snack from the fridge, when suddenly the hamster appeared. Under my foot. 
I quickly cleaned up, and knowing G would be devastated, I buried the hamster in the back garden. 
Unfortunately, his brother, J, saw this, and demanded I give him money or he would tell his brother. Not wanting G to go through that, I agreed.
I had thought G would forget about the hamster eventually, but a few weeks passed and he was still as persistent as ever, so my ex-wife, who somehow knew what I had done, told me I needed to tell G his hamster wasn’t coming back. 
Not wanting to traumatise him more than I needed, I told him that the hamster died on its own, but this led G to the conclusion that the hamster’s death was his fault. 
Now, this is where I might be the asshole. I didn’t want him to carry this burden through life, so I meant to tell him that I was the one who killed his hamster, but what slipped out was J’s name…
I tried to assure G that it was an accident, but he went straight to confront J, who then tried to prove his innocence by digging up the dead hamster, and now everyone’s mad at me.
So, Reddit, am I the asshole?
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toweringclam · 5 months ago
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Made this a while back. Not actually a real AITA post.
(This is about Bridget Guilty Gear)
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scp-basilisk · 8 months ago
Aita for not wanting to give up my hobbies because my husband is jealous?
Hey Reddit, I'm seeking some advice because my husband and I are having a major disagreement, and I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong here or not. So, here's the deal: I have a passion for making puppets. It's been a hobby of mine for years, and recently, I've been spending a lot of time and money on it. However, my husband thinks I need to stop because it's causing financial strain on us. He also believes that my obsession with puppets is getting out of hand and even suggested that I have some kind of weird sexual attraction to them. Am I the asshole for continuing to pursue my passion despite his concerns?
First off, let me give you some background. I've always loved puppets. Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by their ability to come to life and tell stories. As an adult, I've turned this passion into a hobby, and I spend a lot of my free time crafting puppets, creating storylines, and even performing puppet shows for friends and family. It brings me so much joy and fulfillment, and I truly believe it's a valuable creative outlet for me and because of this I keep everything I make.
However, my husband doesn't see it that way. He's become increasingly frustrated with the amount of time and money I've been putting into my puppetry. He argues that we simply can't afford it, especially with other financial responsibilities we have. While I understand his concerns about money, I can't help but feel like he's being unsupportive of my passion.
But here's where things get really tricky. My husband has also accused me of having some kind of sexual attraction to the puppets. I know it sounds ridiculous, but he's genuinely concerned that my love for puppetry goes beyond just a hobby. He's pointed out that I spend more time with my puppets than I do with him, and he's even caught me talking to them as if they were real people. While I admit that I may get a little carried away with my puppet performances sometimes, I can assure you that I have no romantic or sexual feelings towards my puppets. They're just characters that I've created for storytelling purposes.
To complicate things, I recently had the idea to make an erotic short film featuring my puppets. I was really excited about the project and poured a lot of time and money into it. Now that I want to make my directorial debut, my husband thinks I'm taking things too far. He thinks the film would be grossly offensive and tasteless. Him calling it puppet 'porn' makes me feel as though he may not understand the nuances of puppet erotic films and how the audience would interact with the film beyond sexual gratification.
He said that if I went through with the film, he would seriously reconsider our relationship.
So, Reddit, am I the asshole for continuing to make puppets and pursuing my passion despite my husband's objections? Should I prioritize his concerns about money and his suspicions about my feelings towards the puppets, or should I stand my ground and continue following my creative pursuits? I'm really torn about what to do here, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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john-macnamara · 8 months ago
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out?
I (44m) have known my now ex-boyfriend (49 m) for the majority of my life. Unfortunately, we hit a snag when we were in our twenties, and for another nineteen years, we were constantly fighting and at most times it felt like we were in wholly different worlds. It wasn't his fault, as he was placed under the thumb of a boss who wouldn't allow him to do anything otherwise. As of January, however, we confessed our feelings during a moment of relative peace, and it wasn't long after until his boss backed off.
Due to our particular situation and the fact that his living space was paid for by his boss, he moved in with me. We have been getting used to living together, not without it's struggles. I've refused to share things I likely should have to not worry him, he's accused me of cheating with a mutual friend, we both caused problems. But I tend to give him a pass because his previous work left him severely traumatized.
And therein lies the problem. Due to the nature of how his work with his old boss began, we still are both hung up over the incident that led to it. As time has gone on, it's felt more and more like he doesn't love me for who I am right now, just the person I was when we were last separated. I had been thinking about it for a while and was considering speaking about it. And then news got out that someone had hurt me in his time away, and despite my multiple requests for him not to do anything about it, he hurt my assailant quite badly.
I was incredibly upset by this, and we ended up getting into a fight. I was angry and I said something I didn't mean. I deeply regret what I said, but I more deeply regret what happened after. I kicked him out. He had lied to me multiple times when we were fighting and had done nothing but prove he didn't even know why I was so upset.
So, am I the asshole? And if I am, how should I fix things?
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cartoonscientist · 1 year ago
Is "Sweeney" a clocky name?
What it says in the title. Basically, I left my hometown under not the best circumstances for an employment opportunity abroad that I literally had to take for survival reasons. I'm coming back fully transitioned after about twenty years, and I thought I would start off with a blank slate (the only person who knows me is my old roommate, who's also providing the housing I have lined up). I thought it was traditional but unique; it's inspired by my Gaelic roots. But I'm currently on the ship back to my home country, and I met a much younger trans guy working on the crew and we kind of became friends. He says my name is cool, but it kind of makes it really obvious that I'm trans. Personally, I disagree, since I'm over six feet tall and read in any social context as normal middle aged man. People tell me I have Anton Chigurh vibes, if that helps. But I'm a little concerned tbh, because I am a barber and I work with almost exclusively cis male clients. Do you think this will be an issue?
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onebloodsoakedlion · 4 months ago
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DISCLAIMER: This is a FAKE post that I made using Inspect Element. You will not find this on r/traumatizeThemBack. Also, u/GoldenFlame1999 is just a name I made up and if that's an actual user, please don't annoy them with this fake post.
This is about my Poképasta Lost and Stolen, so if you haven't read that, you may not understand. Gold is OP, Crystal is basically his sister and the edgy kid is... just some edgy nihilist that I made up on the spot.
Alt text under the cut:
Title: You insist on talking to me about death? I'll tell you about death!
Flair: [matched energy]
Body Text:
I just found this subreddit thanks to a friend of mine and I figured that this seems like the best place to share something that happened to me when I was 12 years old.
Prof. Elm had taken my sister and I to Sinnoh so we could catch some Pokémon for the National Dex. Not only did that mean new places to explore, but we weren't as well-known there - it would be nice to have a break from all the fame that came with beating the Indigo League.
As I had hoped, most of the people there were pretty chill. They weren't all over us like a pack of excited Growlithes. And the few that did know us didn't make a huge fuss about it.
But there just had to be this one person getting on my nerves. Some stupid edgy teenager with a team of spooky edgy Dark-Types challenged me to a battle. I wiped the floor with his Pokémon and got the prize money, so that should've been the end of it. But no, he asked me to hang around because he wanted to tell me something reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally important. Me: Sure, what is it? Him: Did you know that death is inevitable? Yeah, that's right - you're going to die. And eventually, every single achievement, no matter how noteworthy, will be forgotten. Me: Yeah, that's great, but can you please leave me alone?
But this bastard just does not stop and as I try to just walk away, he grabs me by the arm and pulls be back towads him. He tells me that he hasn't finished speaking and that he has so much more to tell me about the inevitability of death and the futility of my actions and that I should quit "chasing fame" because it will never be worth it in the end.
As you probably know, I'm actually no stranger to death. I am one of the victims of the Kanto-Johto Remake Incident, which had only been resolved mere months before the trip to Sinnoh happened. what happened to me during the incident was fresh on my mind and with some of the perpetrators still out there with the intention of killing me, I was on edge.
So I told this fuckass kid that I had something to say, too: "Did you know that when you die, you just go straight to Hell. There, a bunch of demonic Unown slowly tear your limbs off, drain the colour from your body and clothes, then leave you in a black void with nothing to do but relive twisted, nightmarish versions of your own memories. Wanna know how I know? Because I'm Pokémon Trainer Gold, one of the victims of the Kanto-Johto Remake Incident."
This boy goes completely pale and clammy and he backs off slowly, clutching his Gengar's Pokéball in his trembling hands, muttering something along the lines of "Gods, I forgot about that incident..." before curling into a ball and crying. Man it felt satisfying to see that brat get a taste of the trauma that he insisted on making me relive.
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poppy-in-the-woods · 11 months ago
My (M 28) Boss (M 31) asked me to go search for his wife (F 28).
So I did. She wasn't in her room, or the backyard, so I went to the gym they have in the basement, since she's a very active person. She was there with my boss' friend (M 28). They were fucking against the wall. I immediately returned to the stairs. She saw that I had seen them and shouted "it's not what it looks like!", so I said "Is he raping you then?", and she said "Well, no, it's totally what it looks like, but I'm not cheating on my husband! Ask him if you don't believe me."
(Mind you, she was still getting pounded while we had this conversation and I was still on the lasts steps of the stairs. Completely surreal).
So I went upstairs and told my boss what happened. He laughed and said "I'll give them 10 to 15 minutes, then". I was very surprised by this, because my boss loves his wife very much, and she loves him too, or so I thought.
Turns out he's okay with everything. They're dating, the three of them, and I'm the last to know because I'm only here during working hours, and also her mother and little sister are visiting for some days and they don't want to tell them yet.
Edit: My boss is a musician and lives with his bandmates (they already lived together before he met his wife and when he started dating her, she moved in. They've been married for a couple of years now, if I remember correctly. I got really wasted at their wedding).
His friend is also a musician and he's living here while they collaborate on a song. All of his bandmates knew they were involved. I am their assistant and I have and office here from where I work Monday through Friday 9 to 5, but I have my own apartment.
Edit 2: I am okay with my boss and his wife dating another person. I would have preferred not to see her in that situation, though. Weirdly, not the first time I see someone getting fucked on working hours.
Update: My boss' wife has apologised to me. She knocked on the door of my office and brought me caramel sauce ice-cream and iced tea. She explained the situation and apologised that I had to see her like that. She promised it'll never happen again. Since their new boyfriend is back in his own apartment, I am inclined to believe her. Ultimately, I like both her and my boss, and I consider them friends, so I am very happy that they are happy.
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adhdbisexualramblings · 1 year ago
normalize making fake Reddit posts for the sake of story writing
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wipverse · 1 year ago
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sunnylucy31 · 2 months ago
TheShatteredQueen posted in /r/AmITheAsshole:
AITA for doing whatever I can to save my people from genocide?
So obviously that title needs a bit of clarification. I (21f) am leader of a very small and tight knit minority group that's being persecuted by a very rich and very powerful man (3200m) and his family. For anonymity's sake we'll call him "Thunderbeard." He wants us all exterminated and our souls sent straight to eternal punishment, just because he has beef with our parents, my father (10000m) in particular. My father is also his father, but that doesn't really matter to him so we'll leave that aside.
We don't want anything to do with our parents; they made us solely to use as expendable soldiers, and we want more out of life. I literally diced one of them (7400m) and threw the pieces into super hell so we could avoid that. Unfortunately we only got a couple days of peace before Thunderbeard learned about us and had a bunch of his "employees" start hunting us. This was about five years ago.
I've lost good people. I can't imagine how they must be suffering right now, for no good reason. We'll all join them if we don't do something. I have a long term plan, but to enact it I need to buy us time.
Here's where things get complicated. Thunderbeard and his co-tyrants have kids similar to us, and a lot of them. Some are much younger than us, a few are much older, but they definitely outnumber us by a sizeable margin. Whenever Thunderbeard and Co need a job done, they typically send a few of the kids out to do it, more depending on how big the job is. The only reason they haven't been sent against us yet is because Thunderbeard thinks there's not enough of us to warrant it. My worry is that once he realizes he's wrong, he'll "rally the troops," as it were, and we'll be overwhelmed.
So I looked for ways to mitigate that, and happened on one that's a bit morally contentious. See, their kids are split into two groups (the criteria for which is a bit hard to follow and not really relevant atm) that have fought each other in the past. My thought was, if they fight again, maybe they'll weaken each other enough that we stand a chance against them. We've been laying the groundwork for that for a few years now, and earlier this week we kicked things firmly into motion. Barring any unforeseen mishaps, it could be the saving grace we've been praying for.
Now clearly that's not a good thing to do, I'm fully aware of that. It's already putting strain on my personal relationships. I just learned that I have a half-sister (19f) who I'd love to get to know, but she thinks I'm a "warmonger" and won't hear me out at all. It's all I can do some nights to fall asleep while the guilt eats away me.
But what else should we do? My people are counting on me to save them. We're damned even if we do nothing, so isn't the moral thing to fight however we can, even if it's sneaky and underhanded?
StrengthAndEndurance: NTA. It's your job to think about what's best for the people under you, not anyone else. Keep your head high, don't let the guilt get to you.
FerrumMemoria: NTA. The oppressed have never gained anything by playing fair with their oppressors. In any liberation movement, bloodshed is inevitable. The ruler who does not recognize this is not fit to rule. Carry on as you have, and worry not about the judgement of history until you've survived to write it.
StargazerButch7: NTA. I understand feeling guilty, but there's no easy way out of this mess. We all appreciate the hard choices you have to make for our sakes. Keep the faith!
WaterloggedRedhead: NTA! Thunderbeard is the real asshole! Keep up the good work, we're all behind you!
Write an r/AmITheAsshole post told from your OC’s perspective. (Bonus: include replies from your other OCs.)
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astralcat · 1 year ago
r/TrueOffMyChest: My little brother downloaded too much malware so I deleted System32 by u/DragonsClaw320
Let's set the stage. The year is 2009, and I (then 10M) am living with my two adoptive brothers (then 7M and 10M). We have a computer running Windows XP in our bedroom (Vista was too buggy and our adoptive mom didn't want to wish that upon us). We all shared one account (the admin account) because we were idiots (this will be important).
I mostly used the computer to play Neopets and sometimes Club Penguin, use DeviantArt and MySpace and maybe a bit of Solitaire on the side. I stayed far away from those sketchy "desktop enhancer" programs, because of warnings from my friends at DA and MySpace. My younger brother, however, wasn't too wise. Every time I went to use the computer after, some new toolbar or desktop assistant would pop up on our computer, sometimes with a new browser to go with it, and we didn't notice until it was too late.
The amount of toolbars, desktop buddies (I think my little brother even installed the infamous BonziBuddy at one point) and suspicious MP3 files (which were mostly my little brother's favorite songs, which included "I Just Can't Wait To Be King", "Hakuna Matata", and "Under the Sea", although stuff like "The Real Slim Shady" and "Somebody Told Me" would also be there, courtesy of my other adoptive brother, who was totally into that "cool/edgy but not too goth/emo" aesthetic) kept piling up, and suddenly, Internet Explorer looked unfamiliar, what with its WorldWebSearcher browser and bajillions of ads. Not to mention our computer slowed to not even a crawl, with pages taking almost 5 minutes to load. There was no way to get rid of the junk-food malware programs' effects on our poor computer, so I decided I had to do something about it, and quick.
I basically took Windows XP out back and shot it (read: followed a tutorial on our mom's computer on how to delete System32 and restart the computer).
Luckily, there was a spare Windows XP installation disk that our mom kept around in case of emergencies, which I gladly used. This time, I made sure to give everybody separate accounts (and my little brother a stern talking-to from Mom about these programs).
TL;DR: My little brother clogged up our computer with viruses so I nuked the OS
(This is not an actual post from TrueOffMyChest, just thought I'd leave that here.)
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kingtheghast · 11 months ago
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woah crazy story
(text version below)
AITA for killing my boss even though he asked (before anyone comes for me he’s fine now)
so i (33M, green) got hired by this guy (45M, green now red) running an enchanting business because i accidentally used his things when i saw his stuff laying around as he was still working on his shop. i was just in it to sort of repay the service i used but then we became friends. thing is he also had these really sketchy guys from the desert that wanted to undercut him hard by taking over the business and all his enchants, and they would keep perstering him about it, breaking and entering, etc etc (my boss wasn't the type of guy to stick up for himself very much so it kind of happened a lot).
but the big thing was when they planted a bomb at the entrance to the building where the shop was. this pissed my boss off a lot because they made him go from green to yellow, and he said he had a plan, but he wouldn't tell me what it was.
and then one day he comes out with a really nice axe that he gifts me (i thought it was cool) but then it turns out he'd basically built a sacrificial altar in the patio outside the shop (not cool). then he turns to me, and asks me to kill him. i didn't want to do it because i'm green and he's yellow but he's also my boss and im supposed to listen, and then he's also my friend so i decided to trust him on this and so i just went along and cut off his head.
and now EVERY friend of my boss is blowing up my messages asking why i did that. i tried to say that i had no choice because he literally told me to do it and he's just on red now, not permadead, but nobody wants to believe me and i think there's someone already coming over. they're my boss' friends but also if they try to get at me i will fight back. but also it would make my boss upset and he trusts me a lot. i feel bad for killing my boss but he told me to do it so i don't think it's wrong?
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smoshmonker · 2 months ago
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two kooky coworkers on reddit stories
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