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mujerarana · 4 months ago
AITA for telling my boss’ son his taste in literature is something he got from his mother?
I'm only posting on this damn website because my fucking coworker refuses to work with me because of it and another coworker suggested I ask here. I hated the idea but the Dickwad coworker that refuses to work with me caused me to lose an important fucking deal I had pending because he decided to be a dick, so I want to just get this over with.
I (19M) was taking a break at work reading a book when my boss’ little demon son (11M) came in trotting around and demanded I stopped reading my ‘idiotic excuse for literature’ and help him with something I don't fucking remember and I don't care enough to remember. This pissed me off, but the fucking brat does this all the time so I just ignored him. He didn't give up immediately and instead just fucking stood there and stared at me for a moment before telling me in the haughtiest fucking tone that my Dickwad coworker (23M) had told him to come bother me. I didn't want to fucking deal with that guy getting on my ass about this later so I resigned myself to losing my break dealing with the brat. I set my fucking book down and asked the kid what he wanted.
Apparently my job title is fucking tutor now because the kid needed help with homework or some shit, and on top of that, I'm the only one with enough culture to know anything about literature in this goddamn workplace, so he was sent to me. Whatever. It was at least something I enjoy so I wasn't going to ditch the kid yet. Apparently he needed to pick a work from before the 21st century and explain its relevance to current culture. I asked what book he picked and apparently that was the trouble. He claimed he suggested a few works to his teacher and they were all shot down. When I asked which ones, he listed biographies and volumes of history books. I told him of fucking course they got rejected, he's supposed to use his brain to analyze a work of fiction and connect it to present day. The little brat scoffedat me. Which doesn't make me want to help the little shit. I'm losing my fucking patience at this point and I tell him that just because his mom has no taste it doesn't mean he has to follow her legacy. Hit a fucking sore spot apparently because the little demon said a comment about my own mother, my DEAD mother. I fucking flipped, of course. He implied shit about my fucking mom.
I told the kid that maybe his boring fucking taste in literature is the only thing his mom liked about him and that's why she left him at his dad's doorstep. He screamed at me that he was heir or whatever rich kids tell themselves to sleep at night, then he threw my fucking book at my head and got the fuck out of there. The Dickwad coworker found out and called me later to yell at me and tell me to apologize. I told him to go take a long walk into the harbor and hung up. Now he refuses to even fucking speak to me at work and sometimes even explicitly gets in my way. It's not even his kid I don't fucking know why he cares.
so AITA?
TLDR; my boss’ kid could dish it but couldn't fucking take it. Now it's my fucking problem and I wonder if I should've just shut the fuck up rather than deal with the dickwad shaped headache.
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Judgement_Bot_AITA MOD • 15h
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OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:
 I probably shouldn't have fucked around with the 11 year old's mommy issues
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Anarchyleague 15h
INFO: Did I miss how his mother factored into this conversation until you brought it up? Sounds like you already knew it was a sore spot and mentioned it just to start shit.
Beyond that, umm, yeah YTA??? You people would rather treat a child like dirt instead of helping them! He’s only 11, he doesn’t know better, but you’re an adult here. There’s a reason that young people don’t care much about literature anymore and it’s because people like you would rather spend time mocking them instead of being a guiding hand. I’d hate reading too if I was stuck around people like you. You could’ve been flattered that someone thought you were good enough with literature to help him. He shouldn’t have said anything about your mom but it sounds like you started it. And what did he even say about your mom? I’m getting some missing reasons from the way you don’t seem to want to share that, probably cause you know it wasn’t that bad. Also sounds like you do remember what he asked you to help him with since you spend the next paragraph explaining it. How’s he supposed to grow into a better adult if everyone around him treats him like trash? Not like he’s getting any good examples from YOU
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -757  ↓
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Indigo_lantern 15h
🚩🚩🚩🚩 The entitlement is strong with this one. NTA at all. It’s not your job to babysit your boss’s snotty crotch goblin just because he decided to procreate. Kid deserves a dose of reality for once in his privileged life. Not a surprise this family refuses to read but wants to exploit you to do their work for them. Report your boss to your local labor board, he’s not allowed to make you babysit on your mandated breaks or change your job title like that. Better yet make him fire you and then get a lawyer and report him for retaliating for refusing to do work not in your contract. Play stupid games win stupid fucking prizes
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Featheredass_sass 10h
ESH, the kid for sucking and you for telling your coworker to walk into the harbor when it sounds like he’s the only one here with a sense of job preservation. Yall sound exhausting to be around just quit at this point
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -344  ↓
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unibomberbuthot 12h
INFO: What did the kid say about your mother?
I can't possibly imagine anything that would warrant deliberate cruelty against your boss’ kid, but I'm curious if you lost your job due to a yo mama joke. You call the kid entitled but the only one that sounds entitled in this whole story is you. You antagonize this kid and then act surprised and enraged when he shoots back at your own mother. Either way YTA!!! I hope you get fired and blacklisted from whatever industry you work in.
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 5h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -226  ↓
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Deliriousseriousfam 15h
I cant believe people are getting mad at you for being upset about your break being interrupted by your boss’ little gremlin. Literally not your responsibility to help your BOSS’ KID with his HOMEWORK. Its so bizarre that these people seem to forget that when replying. Yeah maybe you were an asshole to the 11 year old but jfc i would also be a bit of an asshole if im taken out of my break to help with some entitled kids homework.
And not to mention your other coworker sending the kid to you ON YOUR BREAK and then getting in your business because you made the kid upset. Crazy that it wasnt your boss saying something and instead this nosy ass coworker ????
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Yarn_queen07242000 2h
knitting needles and a dream
I was going to say everyone sucks here but I saw OP replying to everyone that disagreed with him with “fuck you” so YTA . learn to take some criticism, you clearly can't even take it from an eleven year old
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deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 1h  Fuck you. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ -98  ↓                 Yarn_queen07242000 1h                  knitting needles and a dream                 point proven ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 123  ↓
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        deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 1h
The coworker who told me to post here told me there was no point in getting opinions online if I didn't provide any reasoning and just antagonized everyone. I don't give a fuck about any of you, but he's annoying me so I'll answer some fucking questions.
I brought up his mom cause I know her and I know she's the reason the little shit doesn't give a fuck about anything that isn't nonfiction. I wasn't trying to fucking start shit. You presumptuous assholes love assuming things.
And since everyone is so fucking curious, I'll tell you what the little shit said about my mom. He said (and I'm fucking quoting here): “Unlike you, I didn't need to immerse myself in fiction to escape the reality of a mother preoccupied with avoiding sobriety and being a harlot.” So yeah, I maybe poked at his mommy issues a little. Fucking SUE ME.
To everyone wishing I get fired or otherwise lose my job: They can't get rid of me unless they hire someone to take me out. I'm never getting the “karma” you self-righteous pricks seem to hope for. Sucks to suck, my ass is not getting blacklisted.
Last but not least: Fuck you.
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 teentitanfan0765 40m Nightwing's hot ass         Why the fuck does your boss’s 11 year old son know this information about your mother???? I can't imagine how that’s any of his business ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 88  ↓
                gaybladerunner 33m I still dont see why you had to mention the kids mom that way or at all lol. it doesnt matter if you knew her your still an asshole ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 67  ↓                         deadfuckingbird0427 OP • 30m *don't *kid's *It *doesn't *you're ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 75  ↓
         grayson_thotdaughter 10m CALL ME. ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 45  ↓
         temporalanomaly3346 5m This is so clearly rage bait and karma farming LOL op makes a clearly aggravating post then makes up details after the replies started settling. sure, i believe you and your alcoholic dead mom that your boss’ kid somehow knows about ⋮       ↩ Reply         ↑ 13  ↓
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