#faith & julian.
lpa6zn · 8 months
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It's really working, we'll save the show🥹🥳
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fananigans · 10 days
The mortifying ordeal of having a type
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Feast Day: August 2
"You receive Communion to become holy, not because you already are." St. Peter Julian Eymard is responsible for helping many Catholics discover the importance of the Holy Eucharist. Born in Grenoble, France, he entered the seminary at a young age despite his father’s disapproval. After becoming very ill and almost dying, he made a miraculous recovery and was ordained to the diocesan priesthood in 1834, and later joined the Marists. Overcoming many difficulties he established the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, both dedicated to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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5leggedlamb · 21 days
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My type 1/2
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guy60660 · 2 months
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Faith Museum | Bishop Auckland | © Julian Germain | FT
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beloved-of-john · 5 months
Hi! :)
Since you're a progressive christian, I wanted to ask you what you think about eternal damnation (or Hell) as a concept? Is believing in Hell a part of your faith personally? if it is, how does it work (who goes there and why people go there)? As a fellow spiritual & God-believing person (not a christian though, I lean towards religious pluralism), I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Hi! Thank you for asking :) It's a complicated question, and my view on the question of Hell is also complicated. I'm still figuring out what exactly I believe about it, and of course I'm only one person and one with no theological training so I may be wrong on any number of counts, so I'm afraid my answer may not be very satisfying. But I'll try my best!
(Bear in mind of course that these are only my beliefs and ideas)
Firstly, I think the Bible is fairly clear that the segregation of souls' location based on virtue does not occur until Judgement Day and the Second Coming of Christ. A place called Sheol, or its Greek name Hades, is present throughout the Bible, and is less a place like Hell and more simply the realm of the dead. Sheol is also referred to as the depths or the bowels of the Earth. I assume this is where we go while awaiting Judgement Day, although I don't know whether to interpret it as a literal spiritual realm or rather bodies returning to the earth (though I tend to lean towards the latter personally). I think our bodies return to the earth, "dust to dust". What happens to our souls during this time I'm not sure, although I think maybe they rest with Christ until Judgement in a kind of dormant state.
Then after an unknowable time Christ raises the dead and all humans are judged. At this point I do believe in some form of Hell, but I think a person would have to be unquestionably evil to be sent there. Those that commit murder, torture, r*pe, and things of that severity. I do believe in damnation, but not an eternal one.
I'm quite inspired by Saint Julian of Norwich and I believe that her divine revelation was true. I believe all things will one day be reconciled to God. All living things are of God and I don't believe any living being can remain separated from Him forever. I personally think that a person's soul that has been marred by true evil will be wiped clean before being returned to God.
So those are my thoughts! I personally believe that judgement and damnation are necessary, but ultimately, "all shall be well".
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natequarter · 1 year
i'd like to read and/or write something addressing the ghosts' religious beliefs, because (at least before the twentieth century) most of them would have been raised with practically no alternative (in what they were raised to believe) to christianity. does dying make them lose faith? do they cling to their faith ever tighter instead? do any of them suddenly realise, oh no, the catholics were right about purgatory? it's a complex but fascinating question.
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soulwounded · 3 months
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  〝   you know how i'm filled with rage  ?    〞    @cotiere
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andallshallbewell · 11 months
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widespot · 15 days
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"It's inspiring, how many friends you have in a tiny place like Widespot!"
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"We're all so proud of you, Cyd! We'll have to get one of your dog bowls as soon as they begin production!"
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"Yes, I smell like cat. That doesn't mean I don't know how to play with doggies!"
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"Evening, y'all. Who brought the gnocchi?" "I made it, for your information."
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crymerivens · 2 years
The Arcana fans being constructive on why they won't support new tales of the main charactes on d0rian and to drop them on the main Arcana app insted:
Nyx hydra: YoU aRE JuSt bEiNg HaTEfuL !!11!! Also lmao nah we sold ourselves so no more updates on the main app!!
The Arcana fans: ....
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emohorseboy · 2 months
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screaming and crying
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
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Julian I love you but that is a very sad-looking burger the buns aren't even toasted
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Julian of Norwic h1342-1430 Feast day: May 13 Patronage: Cats
Saint Julian of Norwich, a Benedictine English mystic, lived as a recluse in her cell, with a cat most likely being her only companion.  As one of the most influential writers of England, she wrote 16 Revelations of Divine Love, the 1st English language book by a women.  She meditated on these revelations from Jesus about Divine Love, the incarnation, redemption, sin, penance and other aspects of spiritual life for 20 years, when Our Lord told her their meaning, “It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well,  all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” Prints, plaques & holy cards are available for purchase here:{website}
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heverything · 9 months
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julian-brandt-19 · 9 months
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Caption: We Keep Fighting ⚔️
Source Instagram blackyellow: 19.12.2023
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