#torrance and missy
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fananigans · 6 months ago
The mortifying ordeal of having a type
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elizadushkudaily · 1 year ago
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Bring It On (2000) dir. Peyton Reed
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year ago
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Sapphic September 2023
084. Strip - Missy Pantone/Torrance Shipman - Bring It On
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bruce-slutsteen · 5 months ago
Missy and Torrance are arm in arm, holding hands and they’re talking about Torrance and Cliff???
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hbogirls · 2 years ago
it’s actually really hard to watch bring it on (2000) right after watching riverdale, the show where everyone is gay
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quillbard · 1 year ago
Third chapter of Christmas Fuffy / Bring It On is up - enjoy!
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mercsandmonsters · 1 year ago
Tag Dump #2: Female Muses
Let's get these ladies tagged.
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emjoyy · 2 years ago
Spirit fingers from Bring It On made me gay.
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invisible-pink-toast · 1 year ago
Top 20 Romantic/Comedies where the girls should’ve ended up together
20. Mean Girls - Janis and Cady
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19. The Breakfast Club - Allison and Claire
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18. Bring It On - Missy and Torrance
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17. Whip It - Pash and Bliss
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(if Bliss comes out as trans after the film like Elliot Page did, then these two will still be one badass queer couple!)
16. The Wedding Planner - Mary and Fran
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15. Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
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(would probably be higher up on the list if i wasn’t bitter)
14. Princess Protection Program - Rosalinda and Carter
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13. Clueless - Cher, Tai and Dionne
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12. Legally Blonde - Vivian and Elle
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11. Frances Ha - Sophie and Frances
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10. Stuck in the Suburbs - Brittany and Natasha
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9. John Tucker Must Die - Carrie, Beth, Heather and Kate
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8. Ocean’s 8 - Debbie and Lou
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7. Calamity Jane - Katie and Calamity
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6. Bring It On: All or Nothing - Britney and Camille
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5. Ice Princess - Casey and Gen 
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4. She’s the Man - Viola and Olivia
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3. Almost Adults - Mackenzie and Cassie
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2. Miss Congeniality - Cheryl and Gracie
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1. Bend it like Beckham - Jess and Jules
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homoquartz · 2 months ago
ok here are the top "they weren't girlfriends because of the time period but they should be"
elle woods and vivian kensington
roxie hart and velma kelly
jess bhamra and jules paxton
torrance shipman and missy pantone
janice ian and cady heron I SAID WHAT I SAID
the following are excluded because they shouldn't have been girlfriends even if i wish they were: andy sachs and miranda priestly, kim possible and shego
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inthefallofasparrow · 3 months ago
Movie pitch: A sequel to 'Bring It On' set 20 years later called 'Bring It Down': Torrance Shipman (Kirsten Dunst), now a high-end lawyer seeking out and interviewing her former Toros squad members in preparation for a sexual assault class action lawsuit against 'Varsity Spirit'. She teams up with Isis (Gabrielle Union) who, having retired from the Clovers after several concussions led to recurring migraines, is now a coach trying to dismantle the toxic culture from the inside. Meanwhile, Missy Pantone (Eliza Dushku) who broke her neck in a fall and has subsequently suffered through years of physical therapy, and been shunned by the cheer community, purchases a gun and assassinates the former Varsity CEO outside a gym in Oklahoma.
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cwritesforfun · 4 months ago
Bring It On: Missy Pantone x Fem!Reader: Crush
Scene from the movie - italics and bold - I do not own the scene from the movie or the characters from, Bring It On. I did change bits of certain scenes and added my own of course hehe so yeah enjoy:) Y/N = Your Name & Bisexual for the sake of the story
Formatting changes weirdly during this so I’m sorry. I’m trying to have it fixed soon. WiFi sucks.
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Tryouts for the open spot are underwhelming. Whitney's sister, Jamie was okay, but she looked like she secretly didn't want to be here.
The door opens and a new girl walks in. She's hot.
You hear Whitney whisper, "Excuse me, where'd you park your Harley? Get rid of her." Courtney exclaims, "Tattoos are strictly prohibited. Sorry." The girl licks her middle finger and pushes on the tattoo to reveal it's fake. The girl says, "I got bored during fourth period." Whitney says, "You need to... Fill one of these out." The girl hands over the paper and says, "Did it."
Oh sh**! The girl glances over at the table and her eyes linger on yours for half a second longer than the others.
Darcy exclaims, "Missy, is it? Before we start...I'm afraid we're gonna need to make sure you can do a standing back tuck. Standard procedure. You understand." Missy asks, "Standing back handspring, back tuck ok?"
Missy does it flawlessly.
Whitney scoffs, "Where's this girl from, Romania?" Courtney asks, "Can she yell?" Torrance exclaims, "We'll try her out... Awesome! Oh, wow! Like, totally freak me out! I mean right on! The toros sure are number one!" Missy then yells, "I transferred from Los Angeles. Your school has no gymnastics team. This is a last resort." She glances around and then says, "Ok, so I've never cheered before. So what? How about something that actually requires neurons?" Whitney asks, "Front handspring, step out, rounded back handspring, Step out, rounded back handspring, full twisting layout."
Missy kills it again. WTF!?!!?
Torrance says, "Missy is bank." Courtney says, "Ahem! Bankrupt. We've already so decided on Jamie." You reply, "To be fair, my vote is for Missy." Torrance snaps, "Courtney, this is not a democracy. It's a cheer-ocracy. I'm sorry...but I'm overruling you. And thank you Y/N." Courtney snaps, "You are being a cheer-tator, Torrance, and a pain in my ass! We already voted. Besides, Missy looks like an uber-girl kisser and I mean a serious one."
This is why your team doesn't know you're bisexual... well except for Les, Jan, and Torrance. They're the only cool ones.
Missy leaves the gym.
Torrance says, "Courtney, I'm the captain. I'm pulling rank, and you can fall in line or not. If we're gonna be the best, we must have the best. Missy's the only one I saw with cheer potential, so be quiet!" Torrance then runs out after Missy.
You finish packing up then leave with Jan. Jan starts up his car and says, "So... team Missy, huh?" You laugh and say, "What? She's hot. You have to know that. She may not be your type, but you have eyes." He laughs and says, "Yeah, I'd definitely hit that. But... I won't. Do you think Courtney was jealous of that girl who put on a show for me?" You answer, "No, I doubt it. And that girl was trying out for cheer so not a private dance. You should've gotten her number to pay her a little visit." He replies, "I copied it off her tryout sheet." You reply, "Typical." He replies, "I am, thanks. We're at your place. Call Les and tell him." You laugh and say, "I will. Don't tell Courtney about it, okay?" He replies, "You know I won't. I may kiss and tell, but I don't share secrets." You hug him and get out of your car.
You're sitting in English and Missy walks in. She talks to the teacher who tells her something and you see her walking toward you. She slides into the seat behind you and says, "Hi Y/N. I'm glad I have a class with you." You reply, "I'm glad too."
You have to partner up for a short project and you choose to work with Missy. You work together and design your poster. You manage to finish before class ends, so you just talk with her. Missy is very easy to talk to, which is really nice.
You're sitting with Torrance and two other girls at lunch when you see Missy. Torrance yells, "Missy! Over here!" Missy walks over and slides into the empty spot next to you. Torrance introduces her to the group and you all get to know each other more.
You head to the locker room after school for cheer practice and start changing. You hear, "Damn Y/N, you got fit over the summer." You turn to see Darcy saying that and you thank her. Courtney asks, "Darcy, are you into Y/N or something?" Darcy answers, "No, I'm just complimenting a friend. You should try it sometime." OH SNAP!!! Courtney points an angry finger at Missy and says, "I don't wanna hear anything from you, newbie. I can tell you want to comment." Missy holds her hands up in surrender.
As you head outside with the team, Missy says, "You do look good though, Y/N. Darcy was right." Omg ... You reply, "Thanks, Missy." :-) Les makes eye contact with you and winks.
After practice, you get into the car with Jan and Les. Les asks, "Guess what happened today at practice, Jan?" Jan asks, "What? I don't know. Torrance was being a little demanding?" Les answers, "She is captain of the team, but no. Missy complimented Y/N and said she looked good. What did she mean that Darcy was right?" You tell them about the locker room and about working with Missy on a project today. Jan says, "Missy is into you. I'm calling it now." You reply, "I think she's just being friendly." Les replies, "No, I think she's into you too. I bet if we ask Torrance, she'll agree." You laugh.
SKIP TIME... Missy’s POV ... I = Missy
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Torrance asks, “You sure I can stay over at your house tonight?” I answer, “Totally fine. My parents are at some benefit, pouring themselves into bed around dawn.” Torrance excitedly says, “Good. We gotta start early. You’ll be a star cheerleader yet.” Jan says, “You know, all the cheerleaders in the world wouldn’t help our football team.” Les replies, “Man, it’s just wrong. Cheering for them is just plain mean.” Jan says, “Everyone comes to see you ladies anyway.” I ask, “Because we’re such fine athletes?” Jan sighs and says “Oh live with it. You'll be fighting off major ogles while we defend our sexuality." I ask, "'What is your sexuality?" Les says, "Well, Jan is straight, while I'm... Controversial." I ask, "Are you trying to tell me you're gay?" Les replies, "Yes ma'am." I ask, "And Courtney and Whitney-- they're together, right?" Les replies, "No. Are you kidding?" Jan says, "I don't think so. See, um, Courtney doesn't wear anything under her spankies." Les replies, "That's no excuse, Jan!" Jan says, "I can't help it if my digits slip occasionally." I laugh and say "Nah-uh. Slip? Where?" Les says, "Oh, come on, missy! Don't make him say it!" I gasp, "Oh, my god..." Jan sighs in enjoyment, "My god, too." Les says, "You're a sick man, Jan...anyone else you're wondering about on the squad?" How do I make it not obvious that I like Y/N? I answer, "Uh yeah... Darcy and Y/N." Les replies, "Well Darcy is straight, but she's experimented. She told me about her summer camp time with a girl. She's now with a guy from a rival football team... As for Y/N, she's bisexual, but the people in the car are the only ones who know. So don't tell the rest of the squad that you know." I ask, "Should you have told me that?" Jan answers, "Probably not, but we know that Y/N trusts you and we trust you." I ask, "Oh so she has mentioned me before?" Les asks, "What's it to you?" I ask, "Can I trust you all with a secret?" They all say yes and I exclaim, "I like Y/N and I've been crushing on her since auditions." Everyone gasps and Jan says, “Well I bet she likes you too.” I laugh and say, “I doubt it. With a mind and body like that, she could have anyone. I don’t deserve someone as perfect as her.” And then the team tries to hype me up about myself … should I try flirting with Y/N?
At Regional Championships - Y/N’s POV
Torrance walks in and exclaims, “Welcome to the world of competitive cheerleading!"
You look next to you at Missy who looks both lost and stunned. People part to meet with their other friends and you ask, “Missy, want to meet some of my friends from other schools?” Missy nods and asks, “Do you mind? I hate that I’d have to follow you around?” You smile and reply, “I don’t mind at all. You’re good company.” She smiles and says, “Okay then lead the way.”
You lead Missy to some of your friends and you introduce her to them. One of your friends, Becky, asks, “So Missy, any cute guys at school? Y/N never dates around or tells us if guys are cute, so we never hear anything about the dating scene.” Missy glances at you then turns back to Becky to answer, “No uh I can’t say any guys are cute. Any cute ones at your school?” Becky squeals and starts rambling about her crush with some interruptions with the true side of the story from my other friend, Jenny. Becky is boy crazy and boy obsessed. Becky also mainly does cheer to be near guys she finds attractive at sporting events. Jenny does cheer to be friends with Becky and because she is competitive. Jenny is more reserved and the only one of the two that knows I’m bisexual. I trust Becky, but also I do not.
Jan walks over and says, “Hey ladies, Torrance said she wants our squad to review our plans again. We don’t need to, but she wants to have control of the group…Y/N, why didn’t you tell me about your beautiful friends?” Becky blushes and Jenny rolls her eyes. You grab Jan’s arm and push him away from your friends as you wave bye to them.
You all go over your day plan then she tells everyone they’re free to keep mingling until practice. Les asks to talk to you privately for a minute, so you follow him. Les asks, “So I see you brought Missy around with you today, care to share more?” You laugh and say, “She looked lost when we first walked in. I didn’t want her to be alone; everyone left her at the entrance. I also like her company… and her. Just don’t tell people.” Les replies, “Your secret is safe with me. I have someone that I have my eye on too. He’s really cute and definitely gay. I just am nervous to ask him out.” You reply, “Oh please any guy would be lucky to date you. Just keep talking to him and see if you like where it leads. Get his number before today ends if you really want to see him again.”
You hang out with Torrance, Missy, Jenny, and Becky for the rest of the day.
You're alone refilling your water with Missy and Missy says, "Your friends earlier mentioned cute guys, so I guess they don't think girls are cute." You reply, "No, but Jenny and Becky kissed once when they were drunk at a party. They both claimed they regretted it, but I don't know what they think." She asks, "And what about you? Do you think any girls or guys are cute at school?" You wink and answer, "I do think there is someone cute at school. I like both genders though. What about you? Is there a cute girl at school?" She winks and answers, "Yeah, there is one." You finish filling your waters, step out of the line, and rejoin the group after that. Your brain is off the rest of the day wondering what to do.
Regional’s go poorly.
We somehow get to compete in the Nationals in Florida though!!! Torrance and Missy figured something out.
National’s Championship- Y/N’s POV
On the flight to National’s, Missy’s seat is next to yours with Torrance and Les across from you. Jan is behind you with Darcy who is trying to give Jan love advice. You try to distract yourself listening to them, but flight are not your thing. You feel your leg shaking a bit and Missy leans over to whisper, “Is everything okay?” You whisper back, “Yeah, I just am anxious about flying. I hate it. I usually fly with my mom though and she makes it better.” She whispers, “What does she do to help?” You whisper, “She uh rubs my hand calmly and she lets me sleep on her shoulder. She’s also my mom, so I feel safe around her. She sometimes talks to me, but I usually have my headphones on so I cannot hear her.” Missy whispers, “Wanna hold my hand?” You whisper, “Would you mind?” She shakes her head and whispers, “I’d be glad to help you. You’ve already been a huge help to me adjusting to a new school and I want to do some nice things for you.” You nod and she holds out her hand. You take it and she moves your interlocked fingers to rest on her leg. She then places a blanket over her legs including your hands and whispers, “I figured we don’t need the rest of the team being annoying about this. They’ll never let us live it down.” You nod and let out a small laugh. You then close your eyes and try to focus on your music.
After the flight, you all get to the hotel. People will be sharing rooms. Torrance, Missy, and you in one. Darcy got her own because her family is helping sponsor the squad. Others are also partnered off. The boys get their own room too.
In the room, Torrance says, “You two can take that bed. As Captain, I want my own bed.”
You set your stuff down then everyone takes turns showering. As Missy showers, Torrance walks over and whispers, “I don’t mind sharing a bed, but I want you to have more time with Missy. You two would be so cute together.” You laugh and whisper, “Thanks a lot, Captain… did Les tell you I like her?” Torrance smiles and whispers, “No, but you just did. I cannot believe you told Les before me. I’m offended. I thought we were closer than that. Well… are you going to ask her out?” You whisper, “Not yet… oh we held hands on the flight and I haven’t told Les yet. So now you know something before him.” She whispers, “Why did you hold hands? Omg, tell me all the details.”
You keep talking to Torrance until you hear Missy’s shower water stop. Torrance then quickly goes over to her side of the bed and flips on the TV. She turns on some home renovation show and Missy walks out. You shower next. Then it is Torrance's turn.
You sit on your side of the bed facing Missy and exclaim, "Missy, thanks again for holding my hand and being a calming presence on the flight. I don't think I could've done it without you." Missy smiles and replies, "Of course. I didn't mind helping you out or holding your hand." You smile and ask, "What color hair does your crush have?" She answers, "The same as yours." You ask, "And what about eye color?" She answers, "Same as yours again." You laugh and reply, "I'm starting to think you're describing me." She asks, "And what if I am?" You answer, "I wouldn't be opposed to a date when we get back home." She smiles widely and replies, "Good, I would be excited to take you out when we get back." :)
Torrance exits the bathroom, squeals with excitement, and asks, "Did you two finally confess your feelings? Please say yes!" You turn to her and answer, "Yeah we did." She jumps on the bed pulls you both into a hug and says, "I'm so happy. You two kept asking me how to ask out the other and I wanted it to happen."
Torrance pulls away, gets on her bed, and you all watch the TV a bit more until you yawn. The lights are switched off and you fall asleep.
You wake up to arms wrapped around you and you're happy you are going to date your crush.
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spookytuesdaypod · 7 months ago
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the torrance and les (and torrance and les and missy) friendship is such an underrated part of bring it on
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elizadushkudaily · 6 months ago
Bring It On
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August 2000. Eliza Dushku plays Missy Pantone. (IMDB rating: 6 / 10)
The cheerleading squad the Toros (in red) discover that their best routines are actually not original, and are stolen from inner-city squad The Clovers (in green). Missy is a new cheerleader and friend of Torrance, the captain of the Toros' squad. (sports comedy) (romantic comedy)
(poster credit to DreDay93, production still credit to ElizaDushku.org)
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juanabaloo · 10 months ago
20 questions for fic writers!!
thanks to @coraniaid for the tag!
(1) How many works do you have on AO3?
21 works on AO3, all fics (+ 1 work about HTML code tips)
(2) What's your total AO3 word count?
195,661 word count (for those 21 works, not counting the HTML work)
(3) What fandoms do you write for?
I exclusively write for Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
(4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
All but the last one are part of my all human / no powers AU series where Faith and Buffy meet post grad school, but these fics are in their "established relationship" era.
My top 5 fics by kudos:
I don't care about the presents: E-rated long multi-chapter about Christmas in Sunnydale where Buffy brings her girlfriend Faith home to meet her Mom. There's a lot of feelings and processing and also lots of E-rated fun. (A little in ch. 5 and then a ton in ch. 8 and 10)
Game of Tag: E-rated well established Fuffy, with 4 short chapters.
Cool Granite Countertop: E-rated short one-shot.
I can see you with my T-shirt on: a WIP! E-rated Fuffy on a vacation trip. This is my current posted WIP. 2 of 4 chapters are posted, but does NOT end on a cliffhanger. I do plan to finish this.
Praise Her Blindingly Scrumptious Luminescence: (the only one of the 5 not part of the AU series) Canon divergent T-rated long slow burn one-shot. Faith awakens from her coma in Season 5 and ends up helping Buffy fight Glory. Nothing bad happens to Joyce. Featuring The Mayor (who survived S3) and several Bring It On characters.
(5) Do you respond to comments?
Yes I respond to comments although sometimes slower than I would like. I ADORE comments, they give me life.
(6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The ending is hopeful but my angstiest fic (so far) is facing sorrow with Faith. Please do mind the tags. It is E-rated, but not really smut. (There's a little but it's VERY brief.) It's about Faith dealing with some of her past trauma, it means a lot to me.
(7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost everything else I write has a very happy ending, whether they are blissed out post bedroom fun (E rated), or smiley happy sugary good (G and T rated). There's some angst in I don't care about the presents but I consider it mild, and it has a happy ending.
(8) Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Probably means I need to be writing less boring stuff, haha. Or just more unconventional stuff. But also fuck the haters.
(9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I mostly write E-rated F/F smut but I've dabbled in F/F/M and F/M. (Only one fic with the dabbling is posted, but I'm working on more, including a sequel / fill-in.) Also typically what I write is older-than-canon Fuffy. (gif inspo one and inspo two) I try to write PWP but often feelings get involved. For example, if a scene includes a smutty milestone, then sometimes that MEANS something, and feelings intrude.
(10) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I rarely write crossovers. Praise Her... (from 4 above) includes several Bring It On characters, but they are in Sunnydale in the Buffyverse. (So that's not tagged a crossover.) I did write a T-rated Seinfeld crossover (My summer vacation in NYC) where pre-teen Faith visits her aunt Elaine, so it's Faith in NYC in the Seinfeld universe. (Although she only interacts with Elaine, not the other characters.)
Neither of those are especially "crazy." I have a rough idea for a weird crossover fic... imagine Bring It On but with elements of Fight Club. Which means: Cliff and Missy are actually both just Missy. Torrance imagines Cliff sometimes, because she's very deeply repressing her attraction to Missy. (Except since I prefer Fuffy over Missy x Torrance I would probably soften Buffy into Torrance, or sharpen Torrance into Buffy.) So Fuffy but no powers AU and they're in the Bring It On world and Faith is both Cliff and Missy.
(I don't think we ever see anyone but Torrance acknowledge both Cliff and Missy as 2 separate people, which is what sparked this idea. Like usually when Cliff and Missy are in the same shot they are alone with each other or talking to Torrance.)
BUT I don't have any idea when this will get written. So if any readers want to take this idea and run with it, feel free! (Maintaining the manic hyper cheerleader campy vibe of Bring It On feels like the trickiest part of this, for version in my head.)
(11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
(12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope but I have a blanket permission statement in my AO3 profile that includes translations.
(13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I think it could be fun.
(14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Buffy x Faith aka Fuffy.
(15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I plan to finish all my WIPs. There is only one posted WIP too, so I technically only have one to finish, that y'all know of! (*evil laugh*) I might decide to cut some short, so instead of writing a multi years long version, better to just chop it into one season. Praise Her... was originally way longer in the outline, but I'm glad I shortened it.
(16) What are your writing strengths?
Writing fics in a series out of order, which I'm treating as a strength. Working in canon dialogue but in a remixed way. (I have a no powers/no vamps AU drafted fic that works in something very close to the famous "tell me staking a vamp doesn't get you a little bit juiced" line. Cracks me up every time.)
(17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Lots of things I want to get better at! Titles for sure. Getting better at discarding ideas I am in love with. Also, I dislike having to describe what people look like. I will gladly use a famous character from another fandom (any fandom) just to avoid having to describe them. In several fics I pair up Tara with Letty Ortiz from the Fast and Furious franchise. Although I think I just call her Letty and don't describe her, so it was all in my head oops.
(18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I can probably swing it in Spanish, for short exchanges. I can definitely do it for a "Fuffy in a situation where they need to speak Spanish but it's sort of broken" scenario. (In my head - Faith speaks it OK, she's not fluent but she understands it and people can understand her. Buffy really struggles with it though.)
(19) First fandom you wrote for?
Same, Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I think I wrote maybe half a story in middle school with my friends, some mean RPF, and then I put fanfic writing in a box and forgot about it. Trying to make up for lost time now I guess.
(20) Favorite fic you've written?
It really depends on my mood. (ahem) I'm proud of my fics but don't want to get into smut talk here. For non smut I'll say a tie between Praise Her... and facing sorrow with Faith. (Again mind the tags on the latter.)
Thanks again for the ask!
No pressure tagging:
@beatriceeverytuesday-old @hersterical @thenewbuzwuzz @rahirah @fictiongods
@blazinwolve @andremichaux @charmedslayer @doggirlbuffysummers @chasingfictions
@veronyxk84 @fancyflautist @explosionshark @shittinggold @whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
(apologies if you don't write fic or someone else already tagged you)
anybody else, feel free to tag yourself in too!
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pezberrypolls · 1 year ago
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