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fayewoodss · 2 months ago
What went down with Dream last night was a wild ride for everyone that resulted in a lot of antis coming out the woodwork as well as fans turning on each other. I don't want to debate the use of the word and if/when someone has the right to reclaim it because I don't think that conversation is productive for anyone right now, regardless of what you believe. I think it's a valuable conversation to have with plenty of great perspectives and empathy, but people are still so riled up that a lot of people are not willing to talk to each other, just talk over each other.
However, I think Dream made some valid points in his follow up about the hypocrisy of situations like this when he has consistently been the target of slurs, harassment, and defamation as a neurodivergent person (and now confirmed autistic person) while the internet cheered it on and even rewarded it. Not that *everyone* did that with incidents like Gumball, but there was an overwhelmingly loud mob that supported physical and verbal violence against Dream in multiple scenarios. Even last night, many CCs criticizing Dream were revealed to have engaged in the behavior themselves, using or supporting the use of slurs against Dream in the past. I don't think it's wrong to point out the extreme levels of hypocrisy the internet flies into when it has to do with Dream.
I do think most of his responses to the backlash comes from a place of genuine frustration and hurt. I think many fans and stans of him alike can understand that and resonate with him deeply. Many have shown that they do resonate with the emotion behind it, even if they don't agree with the act.
At the end of it all, especially with everything including the reddit response being deleted, it just makes me sad. I know Dream says he's grown a thick skin and doesn't let things bother him too much, but I really hope he's okay after this, especially being vulnerable about a new diagnosis and the added perspective it brings to his experience on the internet.
You can be critical of someone and hold them accountable for their actions, and still have empathy for everything they've gone through and how it can reach this breaking point.
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omglaurashutup · 3 months ago
not elphaba and glinda literally eloping to do Girl Things™️ after dancing together at the ozdust
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eff-exor · 2 months ago
tumblr isn’t as fun when you don’t have an unhealthy situationship with one of ur moots /;
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halberdbooks · 6 months ago
"Autumn is Here — but Like a Ghost (October 4th)" by David M. Briggs
performed live by the author for Fae Propaganda III: The Autumn Court in Springfield, Illinois
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peachetteprice · 2 months ago
My biggest pet peeve in fanfiction is when writers choose not to use dialect words that their characters would use. It works both ways, too.
Your character who was born and raised in the East End of London would not use the words 'parking lot' and 'highway'. Even outside of dialogue.
Equally, that dude you're writing about from the Southern belt? 'Walks like a cowboy, sounds like a cowboy, is a cowboy' sort of a character is not reaching into the 'boot' of his car for something. TRUNK. It's a TRUNK in his lexicon, and it should be in yours, too, because you're his narrator!
People won't think your characters feasible if you don't stick to the conventions that the characters themselves would stick to. It's just... lazy, otherwise.
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quibbs126 · 4 months ago
Okay, so I think I have some more ideas for that Transformers au, since that was all my brain let me think about during the second half of my shift
It’s mostly just about Megatron and also the Decepticon cause
Okay so first off, I think if I want to make things the way I do, I’m gonna say that the Decepticons are genuinely fighting for equality for Cybertronians, while the Autobots are fighting to maintain the status quo. It’s not necessarily to say all Autobots want inequality, and some are fighting in hopes to build a better future through more peaceful means, but a lot of them don’t really recognize that the system is or was that bad. And there are still bad Decepticons, either those just wanting to cause mayhem or are just looking for a way to better their own status, but a large portion are fighting for change in Cybertronian government
Part of what makes the Autobots the generally dominant force in this conflict is that they’ve got a lot of propaganda going for them and against the Decepticons, including that being why they’re called “Decepticons”. Not everything said about the Decepticons is untrue, they are willing to do less than savory things to achieve their goals if necessary, but the idea that the Decepticons are evil deceivers is largely propaganda
I think in my head, I want the war to be portrayed as an actual civil war and revolution. When we hear about them in history, yeah there seems to be a relatively obvious good and bad looking back, like with the American Revolution and the Patriots and Loyalists, but in the moment, when they happened, neither side was entirely good or bad, and there’s reasons as to why people stuck to one side or the other, because they were people, not entities with a singular shared ideal
The French Revolution might be a more accurate comparison to the Cybertronian civil war, but also I grew up in America so the AR is my big frame of reference and I don’t know much about the FR other than it being semi inspired by the American one and having a lot of execution. But you get what I’m saying regardless
But also if we want the idea of the Decepticons being “evil”, well you gotta probably add some propaganda to explain why that’s how they’re depicted
Optimus is someone who just wants peace and is genuinely a good person, but he was also raised on Autobot propaganda and was never in a position in life where he would have particularly suffered the system (though he probably did still have hardships, I just don’t know what). Throughout this story he learns to see the truth of the matter more
Meanwhile, back to Megatron, the person I meant to be talking about
Okay so I’m thinking that he’s from a colony or city that was at the bottom rung of Cybertronian society, though I haven’t decided particularly what his job was. It might have been a miner and/or gladiator (I’m debating gladiator to have that be a reason he’s high up in rank), but maybe I should do something else
But anyways, I haven’t worked out the kinks in his backstory, but his birthplace was under control of the Autobots, and he became emboldened by the ideals of the Decepticons and their leader (who at this point I might just make Galvatron), and ended up leading an uprising alongside his fellow bots to overthrow the corrupt leadership in their home, and being successful in this attempt. The Autobots were planning to launch a counterattack to reclaim the area, but the Decepticons caught wind of the uprising and managed to get there first, leading to the place becoming Decepticon territory and being under their protection
While not everyone involved decided to join the Decepticon rebellion afterwards, plenty being content to just have their freedom, Megatron decided to join with them afterwards, wanting to bring their cause to even more places amongst the galaxy
Megatron was a powerful bot, and one with a lot of guts and courage, and he has some skill in leading other bots, which led to him becoming a Decepticon commander. He’s also extremely loyal to those who’ve earned his respect
However his main flaw is that he is deeply emotional, and as such has a tendency to let his emotions overtake his logic and common sense, and that’s when he tends to fail and make the wrong decisions. This tends to particularly be a problem because his main emotion is anger
This is exactly why Starscream ends up getting assigned to Megatron as his second in command; Starscream may not be the most upstanding bot, but he’s very shrewd and very flexible with his circumstances, always looking for a way to come out on top, not letting grudges and emotions get in the way of things. Couple that with his extensive military experience and he was considered a good fit for Megatron, with the idea the two could even each other out
Speaking of Starscream, I’m flirting with the idea he may have at one point been an Autobot, but eventually switched sides alongside his squadron, but that’s neither here nor there
Anyways back to Megatron, he tends to judge people based on their character and direct actions rather than their skills and accomplishments. It’s not to say he can’t work with someone who’s highly skilled but an asshole, he just won’t like them
You’d think this means he’d be able to make peace with the Autobot squadron relatively quickly, but he has a deep hatred for Autobots (probably backstory related but again I don’t know the specifics) that tends to override that idea of judging by their character. Over time he also learns to let this hatred of the Autobots go, particularly because of Optimus as he sees the bot is genuinely good and wants to do what’s right
Also with that, I’m thinking he and Optimus have no prior connection, only meeting now at the time of the story. They probably knew of each other, but had no prior personal relationship
So basically they get enemies to lovers instead of the divorce arc. Well I mean, I’m not sure if they end up together, maybe one or both of them have other people they date. But you get what I mean
And yeah, I think that’s about it. I should probably go do homework now in all honesty
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oplishin · 3 months ago
mutuals tell me when your birthdays are so i can give you stuff for you birthday
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 3 months ago
it’s quite unfair how much MYTH: side one makes me feel
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cloud-ya · 2 years ago
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born to watch barbie forced to watch oppenheimer
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justagaycryptid · 1 month ago
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Doing bad things to worse people
I couldn't decide which song I wanted to pair with this one so I just put both
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teenagefeeling · 4 days ago
birthdays are wild, people u have not thought about in years will be sending u dms on instagram
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tootalltech · 7 months ago
my toxic trait is that i watch/read a winter's tale by william shakespeare as if leontes, hermione, and polixenes are just in a really toxic throuple that goes downhill very quickly when leontes starts getting insecure
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natsmagi · 11 months ago
I think she's ticklish, wasn't there a scene in either the anime or element where rei threatened to tickle him?
I might be mistaken but anyway. She's ticklish i know it in my heart
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I KNEWWWWW TSUMUGI HAD BEEN TICKLED AT SOME POINT BUT IT HAD LIKE. COMPLETELY SLIPPED MY MIND ??? I COULDNT PUT MY FINGER ON WHAT IT WAS. god this scene was so. homoerotic rewatching it almost made me flustered. Why did rei do that. i keep asking why these people keep touching tsumugi as if we arent all on the same page here
anyway ticklish tsumugi my beloved........... power that could definitely be used for evil. and it should. utilize this information wisely
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dakrisart · 5 months ago
I listened to the Podcast episode where I was a guest and why do I speak German like I just learned the language 😭😭
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cryptcombat · 6 months ago
im obsessed with my inky unforch so here's an infodump about her! Lore about how she met bl*ckwall under cut 😳
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her name is dianora... she's a human knight enchanter who will smooch blackwall (big surprise) :3
Before the inquisition, she used to be an unbeatable chevalier at the grand tourney until she was beat..... by none other than thom rainier heheheheh >:)
In my mind it was like a fencing tournament since she's really into fencing as a hobby!
they actually had a lot of unresolved sexual tension during the tourney... He risked getting eliminated by getting too close. he'd whisper to her that they should kiss to make the crowd go wild, AND SHE SLIPS :(
He kept on flirting and calling her petnames during the tournament, where everyone can see which was already humiliating to her. Even after her loss he kept on doing that. -_-
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louferrignojrofficial · 6 months ago
called out of work today, i sound and feel like shit so it’s not even a lie. but i am ready for the ‘exclusive content’ later… first though… i need to sleep for like 6 more hours
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