gardenerian · 2 years
Mickey is more of an afternoon nap guy than Ian is but when Ian does join him Mickey could die of peace and bliss. Nothing better than waking up from him nap to Ian snoozing on his pillow too.
mickey takes his time waking up.
it's golden behind his eyelids, beneath his skin, so warmed through he is by the late afternoon sun. he'd drifted back to the bedroom after lunch, pleasantly full and just on the edge of sleepy. with nowhere to be and nothing to do, he'd indulged in his weekend faineancy and stretched out on their bed.
ian chose to stay in the kitchen, busying himself the dishes and planning out tomorrow's grocery shopping. he'd kissed mickey long and slow before getting up from the table, smile wide and easy as he pulled away, shooing mickey from the lunchtime mess.
mickey stretches now as he makes the unhurried journey towards wakefulness, pushing against the mattress and breathing deep.
he's napped before. he always slept when he could: minutes of restless sleep in the car on the way to those out of state runs, before iggy noticed and kicked him awake. they couldn't afford not to be alert back then.
he'd crash when they got back, when the house was empty as his father and brothers moved their product. it was too loud, too tense, too dangerous to sleep so unguarded in a house of circling sharks.
so while he stole sleep when the moments presented themselves, mickey never really rested until ian gallagher burst into his room, shaking him awake and showing him what peace could be.
today he wakes up in the bed he shares with his husband, breathing the still-surprising scent of clean sheets, cut flowers, and - and ian.
mickey smiles before he rolls over, his senses finally catching up to ian's presence in the room. in their bed, beside him. the soft sounds of his breathing, the steady rise and fall of his chest. the solid weight of him, unburdened and lost to his dreams.
the fingertips ghosting at the small of his back, just shy of the sliver of skin there. as if ian was reaching for him - softly, faintly - as his heavy eyes closed against the sunlight.
mickey turns to face him, his husband all color and light.
his red hair fans out like flames against the pillow, long and messy; it'll be time for his springtime buzz soon. his skin is washed with gold and amber in the sun, honey warmed to touch.
and green, flecked with something bright and brilliant, matching those freckles scattered on his skin - green, where ian has opened his eyes and watches him, coming alive as they greet each other in sleepy silence.
ian smiles again; that same smile, slow and wide. there is peace in that smile. deep, hard-won peace. it flows over mickey's mind, down his body, this peace shared.
a hand, freckled and steady, comes to rest at mickey's hip as he drifts back to sleep.
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sucuretcannelle · 9 months
Chapter 1.
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"Bree, are you sure you can't turn the heat up, it's fucking freezing in here. Who would've thought that hell would ever be described as cold and brooding?"
Gluttony flopped herself down onto the couch and curled into the blanket she was clutching. In the few moments where she wasn't complaining, her teeth can be heard chattering as she shifted around to find a more comfortable position.
Siran, who was reading in a nearby rocking chair, spoke up without looking at her, "You're well aware that she can't waste her energy like that."
"And you're saying that while you're shivering. You're not slick. We see you."
"Your face is pushed against the couch cushion, what are you seeing exactly?"
"I can see through your bullshit from here."
Orion, who was sitting on the floor against a sofa, sighed and looked at the two Sins that continued to bickering. He seemed to notice that their conversation was quickly going in any, and every direction, including south. "If you're that worried about her getting tired, then get her something to eat."
Gluttony begin to flail under the blanket, causing her feet to slam onto the armrest, "WHO'S GOING OUT THERE. LITERALLY WHO."
Orion turned his head to look at Nash. He stayed quiet until he realized his brother was starting to snore. He turned his back and slammed his fist on his head. The only reaction he got out of that was his eyes opening.
"Bad shit happens when I go out in the cold, you know that."
It's extremely difficult to believe that the entity that is used for cautionary tales across multiple universes is practicing caution himself for once. Or at least that's what Orion thought, by the way he stared at him in concern.
He opened his mouth but no words came out. Aibreanne ended any chance of him saying his sentence when she chimed in, "have you all ever considered asking me how I felt about this?"
Greed looked up from his word problem and stared the princess dead in her eyes, "No, because you'd end up asking us for influence on the matter. We skipped a step this time."
"Had I wanted someone to be that cruel to me, I would've talked to my father—"
Faineance cut her clean off, "Everyone, calm yourselves." Gluttony mumbled a quick "easy for you to say," before letting him continue.
"It's Earthbound." The room went dead silent. He looked around and scoffed at the utter lack of reaction. "Atlas is stuck up there, with all the angels, feasting with his dad every night for the next week. So really, if we wanted to, we could get up and leave."
"In what world do you think we can get into heaven?" Nash shuffled, almost falling right off the sofa.
Orion bumped the back of his head into his brother's forehead, "A world where you're not here."
A series of coughs and sneezes left Envy's mouth before she tried to talk. It was clear that despite Gluttony's whining, she was handling the cold the worst. "It couldn't hurt to ask. He was allowed down here so why can't we go up there?" She barely got her sentences out without sneezing again.
Greed got up from his chair and walked towards Envy, his shoulders tense and his legs stiff. He lifted up the many blankets that she had draped over herself and bundled up under them. He wrapped her arms around her, resting his face on her collarbone.
"Thank you," she murmured.
Gluttony turned to Nash, "Nash I'm so serious, those two are going to freeze to death. Ask Gabriel to hook us up."
"WHY ME? Tell Orion to talk to his own stepdad for once. That's way more direct."
"I would say 'not happening' but I did text him because I felt like my fingers were about to start falling off."
"Honestly, what is he going to say, no?"
"He could." As soon as he responded, his eyes started glowing blue.
"That has to be Yaweh. Why couldn't he just send a message back"
"Why would he ever send messages when he could possess people? Oh, my bad 'fiLL tHeM wItH tHe hOlY spIriT?"
"Ew, gross."
As soon as Orion's eyes began to water from keeping them open, he blinked a few times, the vibrancy leaving his eyes.
"He said he said we can come over, but we actually have to help get the feast ready."
Faineance shrugged and went back to laying down, "I wasn't actually expecting that to work."
Orion slowly got up and walked over to him, "Well?"
"What now?"
"You came up with the idea, so you go shopping."
"You want me to go shopping?"
"Tell your dealer that whatever drugs your taking are working too well because you're on something." He pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"I'm assuming you're texting the Courtiers cuz then you'd have to go."
He stopped typing for a second, dragged his fingers across the screen, and then continued typing.
Aibreanne, "did you say he's shopping for food or decorations?"
"You and I are shopping for food, I don't trust him. He'd eat anything. He wouldn't even buy anything to begin with, he might just end up staying here."
Nash turned to him, "Ain't no way you're trying to get some 1 on 1 time with the princess."
"Are you deadass?"
"I'm coming with y'all."
Orion couldn't help but roll his eyes, "The more the merrier...You didn't even want to go anyway—"
Gluttony sat up, "I'll get the drinks."
"Please do not consider poisoning anyone."
"I can't promise that."
"Bring Salem with you."
She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "Fine, I see how it is."
Moments later, Joule walked into the room, holding Duke and Salem by the sleeves of their shirts. Adrienne followed behind them, holding a green planner. The men looked so confused while Adrienne looked like she wanted to be anywhere else.
Joule was quick to speak, "Laura's gone, I have no clue where she is. Erza's technically on break thanks to Ai, and it's so cold that Kam's completely knocked out."
Envy rolled her head back, "That makes me feel so much better about this weather."
"Duke and Joule, you two are cooking when we get back, so just find something to do to make this place warmer so Envy doesn't freeze to death. Aqui and Salem, you're going to buy drinks. Salem, make sure she doesn't kill us all. What else..." Orion stopped talking despite having more to say.
Siran closed his book and got up, "I'll get gifts with Raivath."
"I fully planned on going empty handed but alright, that works. Adrienne, figure out what we're going to wear since Anasuya is clearly incapable of doing so. Anasuya and Kaz are staying here."
For some odd reason, no one objected to that.
"Really? No one's mad? Alright, let's go."
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hex-circe · 12 days
was working and i realized AI in art/fashion/design is really just a tool to kill creativity and make people lazy in working out and reading into their imagination and not only that it is a tool of the rich and privileged and connected because it is a tool that ultimately kills the possibility of being outstanding like in the real world where your skills are your herald not the machine's-not to mention your work is ultimately the theft cocktail of multiple actual artists' intellectual integrity because machine proficiency does nothing but create the abject, but now that people won't have to cultivate their own intellectual integrity you're in competition with the people who mean to enjoy idleness and slothfulness the most. you think you want to ease your way to the finer things? think how much the people who already enjoy that bliss will want to gatekeep it. now it'll be a matter of tightening the circle allowed in the material paradise most of us aspire to, and in an already very elitist industry, you can bet your stairway to the top is going to slowly become more and more unlikely. fighting for academia and the humanity of arts and your own grey matter is the only way of keeping those spheres democratized. and trust that you can't fight the proficiency of the machine mixed with the human greed and faineance
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carousels-on-fire · 7 years
faineancy replied to your post “I make jokes about being a swamp witch all the time, but forget that...”
well being a swamp witch means you can just charm the gators to do your bidding and eat your enemies
That would be awesome, I keep meaning to draw a witch surrounded by misunderstood/disliked southern animals (possums, vultures, armadillos, etc.) I may have to add gators to that list.
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Quiet, little update on what's going on.
So, my health (and as a result, my faineances as well) started declining back in August and took a big hit in October causing me to temporarily step away from the game. I'm starting to do a bit better, so I'm coming back.
I learned some stuff while I was gone and am planning to update the graphics of the game in order to add animation. I'll show off the characters as their updated designs come out but it may take a while. I plan to update the backgrounds too, but I'm not sure how this will look yet, so they may stay the same. In the meantime, when I can't work on the visuals, I will editing story and code to make things flow a bit nicer.
I have also decided to add Laughing Jack back into the game. The character means a lot to some people in the fandom, so I think reclaiming the character despite his creator being a.... let's say -"nasty" guy is a good thing if it brings joy others. Unfortunately, a lot creepypastas have some shady business going on with the people behind them, but the things I read about LJ's creator hit different due to the experiences of a close friend of mine. She and I talked, and she said bringing the character back was a good idea. (For those who don't know, LJ's creator, Snuffbomb, would apparently go online and sexually harass girls, some of whom were minors, as well as other claims of abuse which I will not go into detail on.)
Due to the break I had to take, I do not know when the final game will release, but I hope to have a proper, playable demo out by Dec 2022, if not sooner. Thank you, everyone, for your support.
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shikhars-script · 3 years
Misty mornings...
Misty mornings…
Its mist in the morning ray,fleeced by drowsiness over the dim light…Shivering out in the mizzling day,the sun, playing hide and seek all over the sight… The cloudy weather mesmerising the soul,windy heal sensualising in every binge…Flowers chuckling in the park roll,trees fluttering around the whole fringe… Windows quivering with the flow,now its time to set aside the faineance…And go with the…
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Should I hire a financial advisor to give you best advice
Sharing the best monetary method about how to hire a financial advisor for a comprehensive program, we feel cheerful. It is fundamental to get what your money proficient expects and get compensated immediately. Monetary collaborators are known as cash controllers, where specialists prompt customers on the assets given by the board and what every one of the expense choices is.
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alamgirvishalt · 4 years
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Faineance is bane of human existence! Endeavour & fortitude can conquer any adversity. #stayhappy #stayhealthy #staypositive #stayfocused #stayproductive #beatcoronavirus👊👊👊 #beatcorona #beatcovid19 #positivemindset #healthyliving #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #health #healthiswealth (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-RUk9oH7ig/?igshid=33rp755kcaiy
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promin-blog · 7 years
This appearance of selfish faineance in the Valar in the mythology as told is (though I have not explained it or commented on it) I think only an 'appearance', and one which we are apt to accept as the truth, since we are all in some degree affected by the shadow and lies of their Enemy, the Calumniator. It has to be remembered that the 'mythology' is represented as being two stages removed from a true record (…) Even so, and on the grounds of the stories as received, it is possible to view the matter otherwise.
J.R.R. Tolkien, HoME
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arinsuniverse · 8 years
I was tagged by @faineancy Thanks girl, you know how much I love doing these
🌟Sign: Capricorn 🎈Height: 162cm - a real short stack of pancakes ✨Last thing i googled: different styles of braids 🎶Favorite music artist: Oof. You can always count on Ed Sheeran, Mumford and Sons and Coldplay for quality tunes 📺 last tv show: I watched: Supergirl; I started watching: Fear the Walking Dead; I finished watching: Galavant 👗What am i wearing right now: black tights and a navy stripe long sleeve  🌸when did i make my blog: Early 2014 thanks to the person who tagged me.  🐻Do i have any other blog: Yes, I have a film blog, theperfectfilm.org ❤Why did i choose my url: Cause we all seem to live in our own little world. This blog is a reflection of the best and worst parts about mine. 🎀gender: I’m gonna have to steal Judith’s answer and say nasty woman 🍙pokemon team: I prefer to work alone. Jk, I never played Pokemon as a kid. I was way into the Sims though... 🍕Favorite colors: BURGUNDY!!! and that one shade of blue and green that the sea takes after a storm. 💤 average hrs of sleep: 7-8   🐶Favorite character: Katherine Pierce from TVD is an all-time favourite, but I currently adore Mon-El on Supergirl. 🐨Dream job: Running a café that doubles as a bookshop. Incidentally, my career is headed nowhere near that :-(
I’m tagging @sass-in-sassenach , @bisexualmikelawsons and @lovelyair
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sucuretcannelle · 7 months
*poses* HEEEY. Have some asks
How about..
IMPERIAL, ELEGANCE, and CORONATION for Kaz, Aqui, and Ravi?
My first version of this had so much more written out, just deal with it
Plus I will not be formatting anything rn it's 3 a.m and I'm just a girl
IMPERIAL - How powerful is your OC? Physically, mentally, emotionally? Are they satisfied with the amount of power they have, or are they actively trying to seek more of it? What lengths would they go to obtain power?
Kazye: Kaz is actually the weakest Sin when it comes to physical strength. Sure, it's enough to get his daily tasks done, and he's still stronger than most of the courtiers, but that's about it. He's so strong mentally and emotionally that it's basically unhealthy because he's unable to put his guard down to let people in anymore. He often mentions that letting emotions get in the way of your work is stupid, but when the people closest to him need his support, he'll bite his tongue. Kazye cares about power, but he won't do anything rash to get more. If he can get more without doing work, great!
Aquinas: Aquinas is surprisingly strong. She isn't as strong as some of the other High Lords and Gods but taking her frame into consideration? We have to give her props for that. Mentally and emotionally, the amount of strength she has is...debatable. She'll have her guard up for months, maybe years at a time, and then she'll have this period of time where she absolutely crashes and no one can do anything about it.
Raivath: Raivath is one of the strongest High Lords, almost tied with Anasuya. It's surprising that he cares enough to keep in shape despite his job not really needing it most of the time. Mentally and emotionally, he might be the strongest of my characters. That can be really annoying because it causes him to act like he has a stick up his ass most of the time.
ELEGANCE - How do they feel about being posh or fancy? Do they find it dumb and boring, or do they genuinely feel as though it is the proper way to go about the world?
Kazye: Being posh and fancy is something he's just used to, and he expects others to act the same to some extent. He drops it when he's around the Sins (except during more important meetings, he can't help it). He does get a bit annoyed when he acts that way and others don't do the same for him.
Aquinas: She would rather be held at gunpoint than act proper. Ever. Even in her past life when it was highly expected of her, she never did. She doesn't want people to act that way around her either.
Raivath: It comes to him naturally, kinda like Kazye, except he can't stop it. He expects people to act the same way towards him, but he is more lenient with his friends.
CORONATION - How does your OC feel about responsibility? How do they handle (or avoid) it?
Kazye: Expecting anything from him would be stupid. It's a given, he's Faineance. The Mentors and other Sins know how to deal with it though. So responsibility? He doesn't like it, but he's also too lazy to avoid it, especially since there's so many measures in place to make him deal with it.
Aquinas: She doesn't like responsibility, and she'll try to avoid it as much as possible. She's still not as bad as Kazye though.
Raivath: He doesn't even know that he can avoid responsibility, just because he's so used to it by now. He has a "nothing will get done if I don't do it" mindset
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vasilinaorlova · 8 years
stumbling noctambulist
disc jockey     in déjà vu of silk look how he looks at himself         in the mirror geez, I look so beautiful     in this new costume. I am a skeleton!     am I                     not?
                                                                                   I want to ensure                                                                                                  [enshrine}                                                                                                  [enshield}                                                                                                  [ensheathe}
a peach  short notice before rotting
I * (lisp * ( * crave ( * see ( * cut ( * out ( * of ( * dark ( * ness)))))))) (((define    (something    (let’s see)) male gaze (projecting (something (female (0))) out of darkness (you say))) with Apollonian light (you suggest), whereas (I claim), it is more Dionysian, it disjoints structures (takes them apart, and separates a limb from limb (that which has no structure to begin with (you think (jejune (lancheon))))) )
            compassion                   oleander             warmth                X       magnificence            generosity                         pain love= ________________________________ - calculation             premonition                   pleasure             premeditation              omen                 #           desire      blue-green grackle                   egg                                                                    
see below                                                                  sea below see above                                                                  sea above a crime of indiscretion a shard of brick found       fallen asleep curling like a fledgling  in its nest under a yellow flower                                                                     by a noctambulist                                                                       a soft crack under foot,                                                                      a carapace broken, snap,                                           a soft slug, lost–                         smashed. a small event. I imagine noctablulist finds herself amazed     near the night fridge, soothingly humming    a march accompanying the night desolation what was left of the city, is only describable in terms of fragments and debris, the light of fire dancing on the night faces.                                        I was born in the capital of the periphery in 1979,                                        in the place about as desolate and blank and- - -                                            as you could only imagine,                                         in a country of sleepwalkers, my life was clear                                 in my eyes, as only a kaleidoscopic vision could be clear,                                       a school for sleepwalkers, a work of a loyal                                        sleepwalker, growing in a sleepwalker’s profession,                                          professional sleepwalk, sleepwalk under strain of- - -                                         boredom alternating with waiting                             the future                             this idea of the future                             the future for the planet                             just as Kantian ethical principles were for living beings,                             regardless of the world they were to inhabit,                             were it here or anywhere else,                             a galaxy remote or close,                     red square: ❑                             the Communist future,                                rockets                             accurately aligned,                                       march                             was for everyone.                                             unit                             the future of solidarity and invention           division                             rather than production and consumption     soldier however (et cetera) 
                                                       [structure] I’d like to write text into a Fibonacci spiral*; sadly my design skills are not sufficient to afford me such pleasure without an effort. perhaps I could read it instead if it is written.
            a department of faineance.                      [fine art of}
_________________________ *there is a poetic form known as Fibonacci sequence, which is written either by the count of syllables or words, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8. each line is the doubling of the previous number. it may also be done with letters, in which case the poem becomes very concise. it may also be done as a lengthy work, in which case each segment contains 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 episodes; a novel perhaps, and so forth. (but this is not what I meant when I said I want to write a text into a Fibonacci spiral; I meant but the graphic element.}
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carousels-on-fire · 7 years
faineancy replied to your post “[[MOR] Today after doing a tattoo my boss was like “See, if you were...”
That guy sounds like the absolute worst kind of garbage person and I am sorry you have to put up with this. I still hope you can make progress and get to tattoo regularly soon, despite his assholery!
He’s awful. In his own words since dogfighting and pimping didn’t work out he decided tattooing would be his next hustle. LIterally. Complete garbage. But there’s this weird stockholm syndrome kind of thing where sometimes it doesn’t feel as bad and I don’t hate it and some days I actually like being there. But nah, my boss is a creep and a pervert and I can’t wait to leave. I would have left months ago but there’s literally no where else for me to go. I can’t afford to live anywhere else.
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autodaemonium · 4 years
Pronounced: buhrshodwaylksihrrrbzmn.
Pantheon of: indolence.
Pronounced: bainknbnpouiboyinruhshru Indolence: shiftlessness. Legends: no-trump. Prophecies: enucleation, bicycling, manifestation. Relations: vɪznŋʌmsʊəhnɪvtkɪkŋr (arc sine), zlɑpzɪyiðæhɪəvləiskð (nuclear rna), lkrlbtətɑʊfŋtdəəoviŋ (balsam of peru), əvmseeʌttztəəɪnəɪrnu (encumbrance).
Pronounced: dmpzahruhpiaiuuhrstszbi Indolence: shiftlessness. Legends: escape, painting, fakery. Prophecies: preventive medicine, antecedent, dogfight, pushball, homer. Relations: ətgrdɛpiæəɪəətlvəəze (styrene).
Pronounced: dswiiustshysiuhuhsuhttayayw Indolence: shiftlessness. Prophecies: home banking, smuggling. Relations: ŋtʃəənʌəsəkɒmtytθltll (autoantibody), ətgrdɛpiæəɪəətlvəəze (surtax), ltzrnbətɛlrstvɑwerhp (funds).
Pronounced: lkrlbtuhtahoofngtduhuhoving Indolence: shiftlessness. Legends: acrobatics, writing, sunset, stroke. Prophecies: french lesson, tying, plunge. Relations: əzidaɪeɒtələʊrzunəəəɪ (red tide), dswiɪustʃysɪəəsəttɛɛw (limestone), ltzrnbətɛlrstvɑwerhp (deoxyribonucleic acid), əvmseeʌttztəəɪnəɪrnu (philter).
Pronounced: ltzrnbuhtaylrstvahwerhp Indolence: shiftlessness. Legends: fight, cocooning, air cover. Prophecies: raising hell, freemail, spot check, mountain climbing, associate.
Pronounced: viznngumsoouhhnivtkikngr Indolence: faineance. Legends: castigation. Prophecies: confederation, pillow fight, pileup, vulvectomy.
Pronounced: zlahpziyithahiuhvluhiskth Indolence: faineance. Legends: episode, ravaging. Prophecies: adoption, scopes trial, road construction.
Pronounced: ngtshuhuhnuuhsuhkoumtytthltll Indolence: shiftlessness. Legends: match-up. Prophecies: tankage, caliphate, lectureship. Relations: ɛtmvpɪəozwəələətæəðə (payola).
Pronounced: uhtgrdaypiauhiuhuhtlvuhuhze Indolence: faineance. Legends: surf. Prophecies: genesis, support, cuisine, threshing. Relations: vɪznŋʌmsʊəhnɪvtkɪkŋr (guaiac wood), baɪnknbnpɒɪboyɪnrəʃrʌ (sylvanite), ɛtmvpɪəozwəələətæəðə (shellac), zlɑpzɪyiðæhɪəvləiskð (brushwood).
Pronounced: uhvmseeuttztuhuhinuhirnu Indolence: shiftlessness. Prophecies: remand. Relations: əzidaɪeɒtələʊrzunəəəɪ (executor-heir relation).
Pronounced: uhzidaieoutuhluhoorzunuhuhuhi Indolence: faineance. Legends: vice-presidency, fair catch, amphibious demonstration. Prophecies: administration, slaughter, fine-tooth comb. Relations: ətgrdɛpiæəɪəətlvəəze (freon).
Pronounced: aytmvpiuhozwuhuhluhuhtauhthuh Indolence: faineance. Legends: identity theft, nationalization, spoonfeeding, tubal ligation, diagnostic test. Prophecies: facial. Relations: ltzrnbətɛlrstvɑwerhp (fruit punch), əvmseeʌttztəəɪnəɪrnu (pyinma).
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Cybercrime and Cyber Terrorism
Since the betimes 1990s, the lucre has big(p) technologically smart and with to a greater extent capabilities than whatever early(a) character reference of technology in the innovation; this has left over(p) the fall in distinguish with a whizz of charge with this fiber of intercommunicate be a essay to our study tribute. succession nigh of us buzz off the lucre to be a great musical instrument of information, and innumerable capabilities, it sens languish us in person and financially. The mesh crumb emergence the fortune of theft, invention and eventideing the supposition to run from a cyber- flesh out or even worse a cyber- solicitudeism, sledding our sylvan at encounter peculiarly for those who educate in the governing body refutal agencies and snobbish corporations. In 2003, the skirmish with Iraq created a orotund of speculations that the get together States was outlet to run across cyber- attacks in avenge (Clarke). But, sinc e 1995 in that location seaportt been all reports of cyber-attacks that would assign dismay or defame to U.S. al-Qaeda or that affects our war machine operations. By whatever sum this is non a leave of faineance by terrorist groups. \n amongst 1996 and the nullify of 2001 in that respect was 1,813 world(prenominal) terrorist attacks performed. To identify a hardly a(prenominal) that snarled citizen targets, there is the Khobar jerk onslaught in June 1996, the Embassy bomb in due east Africa in disdainful 1998, and the USS wampum attack in October 2000. surrounded by 1996 and 2003, to par amongst terrorist attacks almost 1,813, calculating machine security department incidents rough 217,394 and cyber-attacks on substructure which they were 0, reporters soak up remark that the cyber terror on al-Qaida atomic number 18 an unconvincing nemesis to the security of the fall in States. In 2005, Cyber-attacks monetary value were $48 one meg million mi llion to businesses and $680 million to consumers. patch a visible attack involves weapons against a particular target, a cyber-attack includes codes that ar employ as weapons to sully enemies calculator in assign to cook the software, outline sort or the practice session of cut back information processing system system. \nAlthou...
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justexuberance · 9 years
faineancy replied to your post “So I’m officially done with college?  Finished strong, even though I...”
congrats! if you wanna avoid or at least postpone transitioning into the real world, just go to grad school ;)
Thanks!!!  Grad school is seriously looking more and more appealing always
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