fadfed · 10 months
أفضل 5 تطبيقات للمحادثات العشوائية في 2024: الاتصال بالعالم بضغطة زر
في عالم يتسم بالتغير المستمر والتقدم التكنولوجي، برزت تطبيقات المحادثة العشوائية كجسور تواصل تجمع بين ثقافات متنوعة وتكسر الحواجز الجغرافية. هذه التطبيقات، التي أصبحت جزءًا لا يتجزأ من حياتنا اليومية، تقدم لنا فرصة فريدة للتفاعل مع أشخاص من أنحاء مختلفة من العالم، وذلك بكل سهولة ويسر.
خصوصًا في العالم العربي، حيث يلعب التواصل الاجتماعي والثقافي دورًا محوريًا في تشكيل الهويات وتبادل الأفكار، تأتي هذه التطبيقات كأداة قيمة للتعبير والتواصل. من الدردشة الكتابية إلى الدردشة عبر الفيديو، توفر هذه التطبيقات مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات للتواصل والتفاعل، مما يجعلها منصة مثالية للتعارف الثقافي والتعلم المتبادل.
في هذا المقال، سنستعرض أفضل خمسة تطبيقات للمحادثات العشوائية في 2024، مع التركيز على كيفية تأثيرها على التواصل الثقافي والاجتماعي، وكيف يمكن لهذه التطبيقات أن تعزز التفاهم والصداقات عبر الثقافات. فلنبدأ رحلتنا في استكشاف عالم الاتصالات العشوائية، ولنكتشف كيف يمكن لهذه التطبيقات أن تفتح لنا أبوابًا جديدة نحو فهم أعمق وأشمل للعالم من حولنا.
نظرة عامة على أفضل تطبيقات المحادثة العشوائية في 2024
فضفض: في المرتبة الأولى، يأتي تطبيق "فضفض" المتوفر على اب ستور وقوقل بلاي، الذي يعتبر رائدًا في عالم المحادثات العشوائية. يتميز "فضفض" بتوفير بيئة آمنة ومريحة للمستخدمين، حيث يمكنهم التحدث بحرية وبشكل مجهول. يُقدر المستخدمون هذا التطبيق لسهولة استخدامه وواجهته البديهية التي تجعل من تجربة الدردشة ممتعة وسلسة.
إلى جانب "فضفض"، هناك تطبيقات أخرى تتنافس على لقب الأفضل في مجالها، مثل:
Chatrandom: يوفر هذا التطبيق ميزات فريدة مثل القدرة على الاتصال بالمستخدمين من دول محددة وتصفية المحادثات بناءً على الاهتمامات.
Omegle: معروف بتوفيره لتجربة دردشة سلسة ومجهولة، مع خيارات للتحدث في غرف دردشة محددة حسب الاهتمامات.
Bazoocam: يتميز هذا التطبيق بتوفيره ألعاب بسيطة مع الغرباء أثناء المحادثة، مما يجعل الدردشة أكثر تفاعلية ومرحة.
Camsurf: يبرز في توفير تجربة دردشة فيديو سريعة وآمنة، مع تركيز قوي على الخصوصية والأمان.
كل تطبيق من هذه التطبيقات يقدم تجربة فريدة ويضم مجموعة متنوعة من الميزات، من الدردشة الكتابية وحتى الدردشة عبر الفيديو، مما يجعلها خيارات رائعة لمن يرغبون في استكشاف عالم المحادثات العشوائية والتفاعل الثقافي.
تأثير هذه التطبيقات على التواصل الاجتماعي في العالم العربي
تطبيقات المحادثة العشوائية ليست مجرد منصات للدردشة، بل هي أدوات تعزيز التواصل الثقافي والاجتماعي. في العالم العربي، حيث تتمتع اللغة والثقافة بأهمية كبرى، تقدم هذه التطبيقات فرصة للتفاعل مع ثقافات أخرى، مما يساهم في توسيع الآفاق وتعميق الفهم المتبادل.
فوائد الدردشة العشوائية
الدردشة العربية عبر هذه التطبيقات تمنح المستخدمين الفرصة للتعبير عن هويتهم الثقافية وتبادل الخبرات مع الآخرين. من ناحية أخرى، توفر المحادثات العشوائية فرصة للتعرف على أشخاص من خلفيات مختلفة، مما يساعد في بناء صداقات وعلاقات جديدة تتجاوز الحدود الجغرافية.
التحديات والاعتبارات
مع هذه الفوائد، تأتي أيضًا تحديات، مثل التغلب على الحواجز اللغوية والثقافية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يبقى ضمان الخصوصية والأمان عاملًا مهمًا يجب على المستخدمين الانتباه له عند استخدام هذه التطبيقات.
في الختام، تطبيقات المحادثة العشوائية في 2024 توفر نافذة مثيرة للتواصل الثقافي والاجتماعي، وتعتبر فرصة رائعة للتواصل مع العالم بأسره. بينما نحن نستكشف هذه التطبيقات ونتفاعل مع مختلف الثقافات، نسهم في بناء جسور التفاهم والصداقة عبر الثقافات والحدود.
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cosmic-walkers · 2 years
If there is one thing I truly believe is the “bias” written in the Silmarillion, it is the part where Galadriel is asked for her hair by Feanor to craft the Silmarils. I just don’t buy that happening. Feanor himself is very secretive and reclusive, and does not like people outside of his immediate family knowing what he is doing when it comes to his crafts. On top of that, he had no love for the line of Finarfin, like at all. There would be no way in which he and Galadriel would actually be talking or on speaking terms because Feanor didn’t really outwardly interact with them like that. Last but not least, if Galadriel had given him strands of her hair, then she’d have some ownership to the Silmarils, but we know that’s not something he wouldn’t wanted. He would have never shared any part of his craft, fae, or work with a descendant from his least favorite brother. I think that obviously Pengolodh loves Galadriel and who would blame him, everyone loved her. And he has a bias against the Feanorians for obvious reasons. But given what we know of Feanor’s character and the way he acts, and is reclusive it made no sense. I feel that there were bits and pieces in the silm that attempted to pit Galadriel as some rival to Feanor and back then she was viewed as ‘more aggorant’ but as time went on she was seen as the ‘better’ of the two. And I think that while many and even Galadriel herself saw this grand rivalry between she and Feanor it didn’t exist on his end. And I don’t think that he ever would have approached her, under any circumstances for his hair. I get a lot like to paint him out as some greedy manchild who threw a tantrum when she said no (the fandom loves that ‘unfriends forever’ line). But I don’t think it happened. It doesn’t fit his character, but it does fit galadriels. Yet, I just don’t think it happened.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
i am currently extremely sick. i have sneezed ten times in the past minute and i am shaking like a leaf despite wearing a hoodie, sweats, and being under two of the thickest blankets in the house. i am also doing a stupid amount of homework and morhwr has made it where the wifi shuts off later than usual just so i dont have an excuse for not getting it all done tonight. someone just drove past my house BLASTING olivia rodrigo (if i spelled her name wrong shut up no i didnt im sick i get a pass) one of my teachers reported me for plagiarism that i didnt even commit. i have a massive headache so i cant listen to music. and ao3 is STILL down. what the actual mc fuck.
NO no being sick it is not allowed. making you soup and bundling you in an even thicker fluffier blanket. no being sick.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
Thanks to me having a birthday yesterday, I was thinking about Kerra and birthdays--she’s not the most fussed in the world about celebrating them, but a lot of them happen to occur when she’s in the Middle of things xD
Under cut for assorted story spoilers! (For...basically the entire thing!)
The first birthday she ever has is pretty much immediately after Zhaitan’s defeat. It should be celebratory, but she’s just figured out that defeating Zhaitan was not, in fact, her Wyld Hunt, and so she’s gone off entirely on her own. She’s taking on odd jobs, and if you look at the renown hearts that we complete in-game, the couple months or so that she spends solo is the time frame in which she completes a Whole Lot of them. She probably spends most of that birthday walking—and to be honest, barely, if at all, remembers that it’s significant.
Her second birthday is a couple days At Most after Scarlet’s death. She’s on edge and isn’t sure why—she’s never been able to pin down what, exactly, Scarlet’s motivations were, and now she might never get the chance. But the threat’s gone, or so she thinks. It doesn’t help. During the celebration that she and the other future Dragon’s Watch members have a few days/maybe a week later, her age comes up in conversation, and that party is declared to be an impromptu birthday party as well. She’s not the most familiar in the world with birthday traditions, but her friends make her laugh and make sure she has cake. She’s still on edge by the end of it, but she’s a lot happier.
Her third birthday is forgotten even more than her first was. It’s tangled up with memory seeds and key revelations and the crash of the Pact fleet, and she’s not even sure which things happened before it and after it. She wasn’t in Maguuma until afterwards. (She was fighting the Shadow of the Dragon on her birthday. She killed it on her birthday. She does not know this.)
Her fourth birthday is happier in some ways and sadder in others. It’s after a lot of loss, but she’s in a relationship now and able to spend the time with them, and it kicks off the year in which Aurene hatches. It also kicks off the year in which she argues very badly with both her brothers, though, and the year in which Balthazar starts being a problem, so…mixed bag! But the actual day-of is lovely.
Birthday number five sees her and Nisha on an airship heading to Elona, and ends up with a lot of fighting, a reunion, and plenty of new friends. She marks it off—this one she does remember—but she doesn’t really do anything for it, aside of exploring some of Amnoon for a few hours with her partners.
Birthday number six is, timeline-wise, either a little while before or immediately after Joko’s death, so it’s another checking-off-the-date instance. Taimi makes sure that she has cookies.
Number seven is in 1332, which, in my timeline, is the year in which Kerra gets the most rest, so there’s actually a celebration this year, courtesy of Dragon’s Watch. Kralkatorrik’s death and Aurene’s ascension occurred towards the end of 1331, and Rhi (the first of the sprout kids) awakens around April/May 1332, so this is a really good year for her.
Number eight is in 1333, and there’s a small celebration, this time specifically because Rhi wants to do something fun for their mother’s birthday and can’t be talked down (not that anyone tries very hard to talk them down, haha). They get their own first birthday celebration a few months later, and a bit after that, Kerra gets the invitation to the All-Legion Rally.
Her ninth birthday is nearly at the end of the Icebrood Saga. No celebration outside of noting the date, though a couple of her friends (and her partners/kids) do get her small things. The twins (Tev and Ia), the last of Kerra’s kids, awaken in September/October of this year.
Her tenth birthday happens while she’s unconscious in a cell in Seitung Province, with Rhi and Gorrik anxiously waiting for her to wake up.
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izvmimi · 4 months
MALLEUS IS SOOOOOO REAL he’s not patient abt it tho he throws absolute fits whenever u leave. Wont be forceful w u (he’s too much of a hopeless romantic) but he’s tearing his hair out the longer ur away 🫣
he's sooooo childish he throws the worst tantrums he's the worst
and then he... he... eternal sleeps you when he gets desperate... gives you everything you want in the dream... pampers you... but you can't leave....
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prnanayarquah · 7 months
FADF and NDC SA Women's Wing donate sanitary pads to schools in Guan Constituency, Oti Region.
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/fadf-and-ndc-sa-womens-wing-donate-sanitary-pads-to-schools-in-guan-constituency-oti-region/
FADF and NDC SA Women's Wing donate sanitary pads to schools in Guan Constituency, Oti Region.
The Women’s Wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in South Africa in collaboration with the Fred Agbenyo Development Fund (FADF) has donated sanitary pads to two schools in the Guan Constituency of the Oti Region of Ghana.
The beneficiary institutions were the Lipke Secondary School and Akpafu Secondary Technical School of the Guan constituency.
During the presentation ceremony on Sunday, 25th February 2024, at the Lipke Secondary School, Madam Wilbertina Buxton, SA NDC Women’s Wing Organizer revealed that this is the second phase of the donation exercise which started last year in August. This year’s donation exercise was themed “Empowering Girls Through Menstrual Hygiene, ‘Sanitary Pads’ Phase 2”.
According to her, it is a project aimed at empowering young girls through menstrual hygiene by providing them with free sanitary pads. “This year we intend to run the project in all the regions of Ghana before the elections across the country and we’re starting with the Oti Region, specifically the Guan Constituency”.
“Our main aim for this drive is to advocate to parliament, to the present government and to our incoming president, H.E. John Mahama that we want a tax-free sanitary pad policy or provide sanitary pads free to all women especially, our young adults across the country”, she emphasised.
She however underscored the fact that the cycle women go through to be identified as women isn’t a choice but a compulsion by nature. “It isn’t a choice but we have to go through it to become women. That is part of our identity and why should we struggle to get materials to use when menstruating?”, she quizzed.
“This gesture is a testament to the resolve of the NDC Women’s Wing of South Africa to demonstrate to government, Parliament, the flagbearer and incoming president of Ghana, to appreciate the plight of women and why something ought to be done urgently”, she noted.
She added, “There is no need for a woman, especially young girls, to struggle just because she is going through her menstrual cycle. They should not have to use unhygienic materials, they don’t have to skip school just because their uniforms got stained due to the usage of improper materials. This is improper and inappropriate”, she affirmed.
Again, she averred that they are supporting the 24-hour economy of the NDC flagbearer, so should any woman experience the urge to menstruate at any given time, she can rush to a chemist, a pharmacy or a clinic or shop to get a pad to buy at any given time of the day. “Hopefully, next week, March 2, 2024, we’re touching base at Asante Region and on March 8, we’re touching base at Greater Accra Region”, she hinted.
Madam Buxton was in the company of PC for Guan Constituency, Hon Fred Agbenyo, the Regional Women Organiser for Oti Region, the Guan Constituency Executives, Ablekuma West Constituency Women Organiser and her Branch and Ward Executives.
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borathae · 9 months
Can we explain what is top bottom dom sub in hetero relationships very simply? An old milennial here
Okay I'll take the aaol!couple as the example because I'm pretty sure you are asking this because of them.
The terms Dom/sub originates from BDSM and is mostly used for BDSM dynamics (but tbh and maybe I'm talking shit, but I also think that more vanillay couples can have Dom/sub roles during sex as well. maybe I'll call that kinda dynamic the chill laidback version of it) BUT it is mostly used for BDSM play and is very obviously not limited to gender.
Dom and sub describes the roles the partners take on during the play. Sometimes those roles aren't limited to the bedroom however, but also play important parts in a couple's day-to-day-dynamic as well (example: when Kookie calls her "mommy" as a term of endearment or when she gives him little commands throughout the day). So in aaol's case the Dom is OC and the sub is Kook.
Dom is short for Dominant and describes the person who "is in charge of the scene". So to put it into a few words: the person who gives the commands during the sex, who tells the sub how to act and who very often is the giving part of the scene (OBVIOUSLY ONLY AFTER KINK WAS DISCUSSED AND LIMITS WERE VOICED. EVERYTHING THE DOM COMMANDS AND DOES, IS WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THE SUB CONSENTED TO IT AND WANTS IT!!).
sub is short for submissive and is reserved for the person who "submits during the scene". They follow the orders of the Dom (or don't depending on if they wanna be a lil brat hehe) and very often are the recievers of the kink.
The thing with recieving and giving is obviously not set in stone. There are also Doms who only like to recieve and subs who only like to give. And there are dynamics where giving & recieving is equal between the Dom and the sub. But a lot of the time it is that the Dom gives and the sub recieves. (maybe that's just me though JFADJFJ I really do love giving pleasure that shit gets me off so good fadf)
Now to get to Top and Bottom. Dom/sub is NOT equal to Top/Bottom. A Dom can also be a Bottom, a sub can also be a Top and vice versa. The term originates from the LGBTQ+ scene where homosexual couples like to use it to describe "who gets penetrated and who does the penetrating during anal sex".
I also think that this is a good definition for heterosexual sex and is very obviously not limited to gender (because it's 2023 and women aren't the only ones getting penetrated anymore. you've got a problem with that? leave my blog.) I think "who is getting penetrated and who is doing the penetration?" is a good general definition for what Top/Bottom means.
In my case I like to use Top and Bottom when a slight power play happens, but it's not enough to label someone as the Dom and the other as the sub. In the case of my latest aaol story, I used Top!Jungkook because he was still very obviously subby BUT he also kind of took the lead during the sex and railed her into a total pillow princess. So I felt that Top fit the dynamic way better than calling him the Dom, because he very clearly wasn't the Dom even if he was the one ruining her with amazing sex.
I hope I could explain it to you well, anonie. In general you can say that Dom/sub = what part takes the person during the kink play & Top/Bottom = who does the lil pokey poke and who gets the pokey poke? LMAOAO
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longeyelashedtragedy · 6 months
oh my fucking god he and kai embracing ajkdfjakld;fadf i'm
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postsofbabel · 9 months
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tiehid · 2 years
تحميل تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون 2023
تحميل تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون 2022
مرحبا بكم في موقع تطبيقات ترند في موضوع جديد حول تحميل تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون 2023. تطبيق PIK هو تطبيق لجميع التجار في السوق المحلية للمملكة العربية السعودية، يخدم مواقع جغرافية محددة تجاه الجماهير المستهدفة. توفر تطبيق بيك Pik العلامات التجارية الرئيسية لجميع المدن الحضرية من السلع المختلفة لعملاء السوق الشامل. كما يوفر تطبيق بيك pik العلامات التجارية الرئيسية لجميع المدن الحضرية من السلع المختلفة لعملاء السوق الشامل. تعمل PIK كوكيل يتيح بموجبه خدمات التوصيل بين أصحاب المصلحة والحفاظ على حقوق كلا الطرفين في المعاملات. تطبيق بيك Pik هو تطبيق لجميع التجار في السوق المحلية للمملكة العربية السعودية ، حيث انه يخدم مواقع جغرافية محددة تجاه الجماهير المستهدفة. توفر PIK العلامات التجارية الرئيسية لجميع المدن الحضرية من السلع المختلفة لعملاء السوق الشامل. تعمل PIK كوكيل يتيح بموجبه خدمات التوصيل بين أصحاب المصلحة والحفاظ على حقوق كلا الطرفين في المعاملات. توشك تطبيق بيك Pik على الإطلاق التجريبي في الأسابيع القليلة المقبلة في مدينة الرياض حيث ستتوسع إلى مدن أخرى بحلول نهاية عام 2021. تسهل PIK البنية التحتية اللازمة لتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، وسعة الموظفين ، وأسطول السائقين ، وبوابات الدفع ، ودعم ما بعد البيع من المقر الرئيسي في مدينة الرياض 24/7. و قد تداول أهل المملكة العربية السعودية في الأيام الأخيرة الآراء حول تطبيق PIK الذي تم إطلاقه مؤخراً ب��دف التسوق الإلكتروني و تسويق البضائع المختلفة مثل الشقق و السيارات و الفلل و غيرها من الممتلكات ذات الجودة العالية و الطلب المرتفع التي تهم كل مواطن داخل المملك العربية السعودية. شاهد ايضا : تحميل تطبيق فضفض 2023 Fadfed App للاندرويد والايفون. تحميل تطبيق كيريوس كات Curious Cat للاندرويد والايفون 2023.  تحميل تطبيق تأكد Taakad App للاندرويد والايفون 2023.
مميزات تطبيق بيك Pik
إن كنت مقيم في المملكة العربية السعودية وكنتِ من محبي التسوق الإلكتروني فهذا التطبيق سيستوقفك حتماً و يعتبر تطبيق pik السعودية أحد أفضل وأشهر تطبيقات التسوق بالمملكة العربية السعودية . اكسترا هو أحد أكبر متاجر الإلكترونيات في السعودية. فعلى الرغم من أن معظم الأشخاص يفضلون الذهاب إلى مواقع التسوق عبر الانترنت الفعلية لشراء ما يريدون إلا أن هناك بعض الأشخاص التي تفضل التسوق وشراء المنتجات عبر الإنترنت لأنه أسهل وفي بعض الأحيان تكون المنتجات أرخص ثمناً ويوفر الكثير من الوقت. كيفية استخدام تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون عبر تطبيق بيك اطلب كل ما تشتهيه في راحة منزلك أو العمل ومن ثم الذهاب الى المطعم المختار لإلتقاط طلبك و ذلك من خلال متابعة الخطوات التالية: ١-تنزيل تطبيق البيك عبر الروابط أسفل الموضوع وفتحه. ٢- قم باختيار فئة المأكولات. من ثم الوجبة و نوعها “عادي” او”حراق” و اخيرا عدد الوجبات. ٣- بعد الانتهاء من اختيار طلبك قم بالضغط على الزر الاصفر في الاسفل لاختيار مطعمك. ٤- ستظهر لك خريطة الفرع الأقرب إليك. بامكانك اختيار هذا الفرع “كالفرع المفضل” بالضغط على رمز القلب. ما يعني ان هذا المطعم سيكون اختيارك دائما. راجع معلوماتك الشخصية و تحقق من مجموع الفاتورة و فرع الاستلام مرة اخيرة قبل الانتقال إلى الخطوة التالية. ٥- أدخل معلومات بطاقة الائتمان والدفع. تأكد من كتابة اسمك كما هو مدون على بطاقة الائتمان. ٦- ستصلك رسالة نصية أولى على جوالك لتأكيد طلبك ثم رسالة نصية اخرى تحتوي على وقت استلام الطلب، عنوان الفرع، رقم تعريف الطلب و رمز الإستجابة السريعة. ٧- توجه إلى فرع البيك المختار للاستلام. هناك توجه الى الكشك الخاص ثم مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة أو أدخل رقم التعريف الخاص بالطلب. عندما يظهر طلبك على الشاشة.إضغط على زر PRINT لطباعة وصل الفاتورة و احتفظ به. ٨- سلم الفاتورة إلى أي فرد من فريق عمل البيك المتواجدين في منطقة الإستلام و احصل على وجبتك! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5lWfxTM4A4
تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون 2023
سابقاً الكثير يسمع عن تطبيق بيك Pik  ولكن اليوم الجميع بدأ يعرف هذا التطبيق الذي أصبح حديث المجتمع لما يقدمه من عروض مغرية جداً تتحدى كبار المنافسين بالأسعار و التوصيل الذي يتم في نفس اليوم! نعم بنفس اليوم. حيث يضم جميع المتاجر و العلامات التجارية المحلية أو العالمية داخل مدينتك. و الجميل أن التطبيق أطلق عروضه الخاصة بالتزامن مع العودة للمدارس حيث تعتبر أسعاره الأقل بين كبار المنافسين أمازون و نون و مكتبة جرير أيضاً و يقوم بالتوصيل بنفس اليوم عند الطلب. و سيتم إطلاق البرنامج في العاصمة السعودية الرياض في الفترة الحالية و في نهاية عام 2023 سيتم نشر التطبيق في كافة محافظات المملكة العربية السعودية و متاح لجميع المواطنين المهتمين بالتسوق الإلكتروني السهلة البسيطة.حاليا يتوفر تطبيق البيك لخدمة الطلب عن بعد وهو يتيح لك الطلب والدفع قبل الوصول المطعم وعند وصولك بإمكانك أخذ طلبك مباشرة دون انتظار كل هدا و اكثر فلا تتردد و لتقم بتحميله من موقعنا الدي لا يبخل عليكم بكل ما هو جديد و حصري. لتحميل تطبيق بيك Pik للاندرويد والايفون 2023 انقر هنا. Read the full article
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chososleftboot · 4 years
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izvmimi · 1 month
Is there a specific song by saint levant that’s heavily mimirou coded? 🌚
fjkalsd;fadf this one and sak pase is like absolutely him and i literally cannot explain why
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
❛ i am in love with a moment we never had. ❜ for anyone who takes your fancy, if you're accepting them?
I am indeed accepting these! (Well, I was, but if anyone else ever wants to send in prompts they're more than welcome, so I technically still am :D ) Thanks a bunch for the prompt! Warnings: mentioned injuries/broken bones, some spoilers for LWS2 and HoT I can’t sleep. I may have twisted my ankle and I’m certain I’ve broken my wrist. There is only so much good being a healer can do when you’re alone and exhausted, I suppose. At least I’m hidden well enough from Mordrem for the time being. The only visitors to my tree-hollow hiding place have been a few particularly bright-colored parrots. Of all things to survive the fleet’s destruction, my pen is still with me. I don't have much paper, but as long as I’m awake, I will write. It’ll be something to find someday, perhaps, if my life is cut short sooner than I’d like.
Mother, was Mordremoth this loud for you? He was asleep when you died and yet the pressure was still too much for you to bear. He wants me to give in, give up. I won’t. Never. I am not saying you gave up, just… [Pen marks trail off, alongside some jagged scribbles.] I should not use this to talk to the dead. It is not helping. Nish, I’m glad you were not with us, but I’m not fool enough to think you won’t follow. Be safe. Don’t listen to him. You are stronger than you have ever believed. I love you, and you’d better make it out of this jungle alive or I will crawl through the Mists and kill you myself. Ker, you’re with Nish, I’d guess. Do not feel bad for not suffering with us. I am certain you’re suffering enough for having missed it, and for learning the truth about our people so late. I would have told you, Nish would have told you, had we known that you didn’t know. Perhaps Nish did tell you, for all I know. Regardless, I am sorry, and what I said to Nish applies to you as well. Live, Ker. You deserve that, and don’t forget it. ‘Hearne, I have the most unsaid where you’re concerned. Stay alive. Please. **** I have managed to heal my ankle, but some of the sylvari-turned-Mordrem—they call themselves the Mordrem Guard—are crackshot snipers, and there is a new hole in my shoulder. Holding this pen hurts. I burnt my fingers channeling fire, which is entirely my own fault and a very basic mistake. Don’t laugh. **** Relatively quiet, except for my thoughts. It’s unnerving. I’ve yet to find anyone else, save a few corpses, which is not particularly encouraging. I'm running out of space. I can’t decide if I’m hoping no one reads this or that you all do. ‘Hearne, I am in love with a moment we’ve never had, and so many that we have. Your dedication, how hard you try, the lilt of your voice. I should have told you sooner, and I may never forgive myself for not doing so. I love you. I’ll write you a song if when we get out of this. Ker, I’m writing poetry to your brother alone in Maguuma. I wish you could read it. I wish I could hear you laugh. I’ll toss a coin your way next time we meet, Lightbringer. Nish, you are the best sibling anyone could have asked for. Take care of yourself, now and always. I promise that I’m doing my best not to die. I’ll see you soon. - Rel
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borathae · 8 months
“Jungkook whimpers your name, flinching and shivering as his orgasm stopped and he is left with the aftershock…” you’re honestly one of the only writers I’ve read from who actually go into detail with how the male characters look like when cumming and it’s seriously the HOTTEST thing ever! Like him twitching???? I breathe and eat for THIS!! And then them being all cute in the end after fucking each other’s brains out! 😔😵‍💫🥴 I love your writing so much ♥️
JGJDJFG I LOVE THIS OMFG anonie this is so sweet of you to say fjdsjf I honestly might be most obsessed with writing how the male characters react during sex than anything else NFAND shit feeds me so fucking hard 😩
Like him twitching???? I breathe and eat for THIS!!
And then them being all cute in the end after fucking each other’s brains out! 😔😵‍💫🥴 I love your writing so much ♥️
YES THIS!! istfg them them them :( they are so in love with each other :( i sob into my pillow at night :( thank you so much for your feedback ehhehe I craved some feedback from you guys so this is great heheh <3
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a-musing-mixologist · 3 years
"Joe you're Canadian too?" You learn something new every day. He better not be from Quebec.
    “I’m not!  That thing’s broken!  I’m an island guy almost through-and-through, with a bit of Italian!”
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askfallenroyalty · 5 years
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This is the first thing I thought of
submitted by 20sourlemons
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