cuddlymashmallow · 2 months
the world is heartbreaking every day and the world is beautiful every day and we have to pay attention to both
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cuddlymashmallow · 4 months
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Beautiful people of a beautiful land
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cuddlymashmallow · 4 months
“The number of hours we have together is actually not so large. Please linger near the door uncomfortably instead of just leaving. Please forget your scarf in my life and come back later for it.”
― Mikko Harvey
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cuddlymashmallow · 7 months
so. bad news. we have to keep going tomorrow. good news is that I’ll keep going with you
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
"I have an entire forest living inside of me and you have carved your initials into every tree . "
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
"The most tragic form of loss is the loss of the capacity to imagine that things could be different."
- Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope.
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
"He had the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise."
— Isabel Allende, The House of The Spirits
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
“How shall I hold my soul, that it may not be touching yours?”
― Rainer Maria Rilke.
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
“How dare you linger on my lips and then kiss me like a stuttering apology with excuses stapled to the roof of your mouth. I still remember you like a dream tattooed to the inner walls of a long term memory but some days I wonder if you existed at all. And of course, you wanna know how I got these scars. Well fine I’ll tell you… I got these scars the day I fell in love with you. I landed face first.”
— Scars by Rudy Francisco
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
this blog is not a well-curated museum. it’s my bedroom & i’m putting things on my shelf & taping things on the wall
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
Hey everyone!!
Hope you all are doing well! I was thinking we should get to know each other a little😊
Please send in asks (anonymously or not). I was thinking we could do some ask games as well?
new ask game what do you think im like irl
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
“If you must die, I’ll envy even the earth that wraps your body”
- Albert Camus, state of siege
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
“I am not ‘half Japanese’ and ‘half Lithuanian Jewish.“ When I’m singing a Japanese folk song, I don’t sing with half my voice, but with my whole voice. When I’m taping together my grandparents’ Jewish marriage contract, worn by time but still resilient, it’s not half of my heart that is moved, but my whole heart. I am complete, and I embody layers of identities that belong together. I am made of layers, not fractions.”
— Yumi Tomsha
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
Brooo you’re not a burden! *holds your heart carefully in my hands*
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
i want to live above a bookstore café and have a little balcony garden you can see from the street that is all
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