#fa gee
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toastyyjams · 4 months ago
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dumb and dumber
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tastycitrus · 1 year ago
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are we posting gbf stats? sure i'll do it
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fgbrownbeauty · 9 months ago
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Welcome to our channel! We are excited to share our new video with you. Help us reach our goal of 1000 subscribers by subscribing now and hitting the notification bell so you never miss an upload. Thank you for your support! Let's grow together! #NewVideoAlert #SubscribeNow #1000Subscribers #YouTubeGoals
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t4tails · 1 year ago
its crazy how some people go their entire adolescent lives not knowing what sound "j" makes in spanish so they end up as an adult calling fajitas fa-gee-tas. like gee whillikers
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #341, Bee Gees, Main Course, 1975
Per le storie di musica con almeno tre fratelli coinvolti non potevano mancare. Oltre questo motivo importante, mi spinge a scrivere di loro anche il fatto che, come poche altre band, sono fisse nell'immaginario collettivo per un disco, la colonna sonora de La Febbre Del Sabato Sera. Sebbene il disco sia uno dei più venduti di tutti i tempi (probabilmente oltre 40 milioni di copie vendute), legato non solo al mondo musicale ma anche a quello cinematografico, si finisce per dimenticarsi di tutto il resto, cioè di una delle band più longeve e più di successo di tutti i tempi, che nella loro carriera lunga 60 anni ha sperimentato di tutto.
Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb nascono appena dopo la guerra (Barry nel 1946, Robin e Maurice gemelli nel 1949, hanno anche una sorella maggiore, Leslie, nata nel 1945) sull'isola di Man. Si trasferiscono piccolissimi nei sobborghi di Manchester, dove Barry è coinvolto in numerosi episodi di vandalismo, che gli valgono una condanna con la condizionale. I genitori decisero di emigrare nei pressi di Brisbane, in Australia, nel 1958, dove nel marzo di quell'anno nacque Andy, l'ultimo dei fratelli Gibb. Lì sviluppano, in maniera spontanea, una grande intesa canora e musicale, tanto che i tre fratellini cantano in trio in una radio privata, Radio Brisbane. il deejay che li annuncia si chiama Bill Gates, l'autista che li va a prendere per portargli agli studi radiofonici si chiama Bill Goode. Pensando anche che fossero i Brothers Gibb, decidono di chiamare la band B.G.'s, poi scritto Bee Gees.
Sarebbe lunghissimo scrivere tutta la loro carriera, ma alcune cose le voglio ricordare: nel 1966, dopo una serie di successi in Australia, decidono di tornare in Gran Bretagna, il loro manager Robert Stigwood aggiunge al trio Vince Melouney alla chitarra e Colin Peterson alla batteria. In pochi anni collezionano successi a ripetizione, tra il 1967 e il 1969 pubblicano 4 album e decine di singoli, che vanno in classifica in tutto il mondo, Italia compresa. Tra questi dischi spicca il bellissimo Odessa, un concept album sulla scomparsa di una fittizia nave nel Mar Nero nel 1899, disco che ebbe brutta critica all'epoca, ma che oggi è considerato un capolavoro nascosto di quegli anni. E portò anche ad una rottura tra i fratelli: in disaccordo sull'idea di musica da fare, Robin si allontana dai due fratelli e sceglie di scrivere musica da solo. Barry e Maurice scelgono di proseguire senza di lui: esce così Tomorrow Tomorrow che è superato in quanto a vendite dal singolo di esordio di Robin, Saved By The Bell; Robin pubblicò anche due singoli cantati in lingua italiana, Agosto Ottobre e Un Milione Di Anni Fa. Più tardi provò a bissare il successo con One Million Years ma senza riuscirci, mentre il suo primo album, Robin's Reign, uscì nel 1970. A fine anni '70 ci fu la reunion, che venne considerata alla stregua di una rifondazione, e qui inizia il periodo d'oro della band.
Iniziano a collaborare con il grande produttore Arif Mardin, della etichetta Atlantic, che intuisce che per sfruttare al meglio le perfette armonie canore di cui sono capaci devono virare su suoni più decisi. Li avvicina alle sonorità soul, r'n'b, al funk e alla nascente disco music per farli diventare il gruppo bianco più famoso del genere. Il disco che ho scelto oggi è quello che i critici considerano il primo passo verso questo percorso.
Può sembrare sciocco definire il dodicesimo album di un gruppo con una serie di otto anni di dischi d'oro alle spalle una "svolta", ma è questo che è stato Main Course, che esce nel 1975. In copertina, un bellissimo disegno di Drew Struzan, famoso disegnatore, autore dei più famosi manifesti cinematografici. Main Course ha segnato un enorme cambiamento nel sound dei Bee Gees, abbandonando la forma ballata per un disco fresco, pieno di sonorità innovative e che ha altri primati che scopriremo tra poco. Registrato, su consiglio dell'amico Eric Clapton che lì si era trasferito (al 461 di Ocean Boulevard di Golden Beach, vicino Miami, come il titolo di un suo bellissimo disco) in Florida, le ballate dei dischi precedenti ci sono ancora, come Songbird e Country Lanes, ma la scrittura era più semplice e il resto era composto da orecchiabili melodie dance fortemente influenzate dalla musica soul di Philadelphia del periodo. Trainato dai singoli Jive Talkin', Nights On Broadway, la prima canzone a sfoggiare il falsetto che li renderà iconici e Fanny (Be Tender With My Love), attirò milioni di nuovi ascoltatori. La voce in falsetto di Barry Gibb divenne oggetto di scherno negli anni successivi, ma funziona: riusciva ad essere credibile in senso romantico quanto piuttosto una conquista per la serata, il che era in linea con i costumi sessuali della metà degli anni '70. Arif Mardin aveva convinto i Bee Gees a volgere il loro talento verso una direzione musicale che avevano sempre amato ma mai abbracciato, e basta ascoltare Wind Of Change o Edge Of The Universe per capirne il risultato eccellente. Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb erano affascinati da R&B e soul da anni (To Love Somebody era stata scritta perché Otis Redding la cantasse), ma, in quanto britannici bianchi, temendo che potessero sembrare ridicoli, non avevano mai adattato quei suoni da soli. Non solo non sembravano ridicoli, ma divennero gli interpreti principi di questo stile, segnando un'era. In Main Course li accompagnano fior di musicisti: Blue Weaver, alle tastiere elettroniche, un marchio di fabbrica di qui in avanti, e calderone di idee infinite, Alan Kendall, che suonava in uno stile di chitarra funky e il batterista Dennis Byron, che suonava pattern più complicati di quanto gli fosse stato chiesto negli anni, furono anche loro felici della nuova direzione e costituirono il nucleo strumentale della band per i successivi sei anni.
Tra i record dei Bee Gees: oltre 250 milioni di copie vendute, un ruolo non sono da interpreti, ma da autori fondamentale (Barry ha scritto sedici "numeri uno" in America, come produttore quattordici). Sono presenti nella Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame (1997), nella Songwriters Hall Of Fame (1994), nella Vocal Group Hall Of Fame (2001) e hanno vinto otto Grammy Award tra cui il Grammy Legend Award. Sembra abbastanza per non essere coverizzati per la pubblicità dei fermenti anticolesterolo.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 1 year ago
Let me use you
➤Day 13
𖤐Pairing: Cowboy! Price x City girl! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, NSFW, groping, a bit of an age gap, language, eating out, ass slapping, nipple play, P in V, eating out, slight harassment, perverted behavior, some smoking
𖤐Summary: Y/n is a new girl in town and needs some help getting to know everyone and the town, so she goes to a local bar where she ends up meeting the "Sheriff" of the town, John Price.
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Y/n, she moved to a small town just outside the city she grew up in. Since she was new, she barely knew anyone is the town, so she decided to go to a local bar that was mentioned to her by a lady she met in the grocery store. So, Y/n decided to go, she dressed up and headed out to this bar.
She opened the door, and it was packed, people must come here a lot to have drinks, talk and play games. She went to the bar and picked an empty bar stool and sat down.
The bartender came up to her and leaned on the bar and tossed a small towel on his shoulder. "What can I get ya?"
"Some friends," both the Bartender and Y/n laughed. "I'm kidding, I'll have an old fashioned."
"Coming right up," he said, getting her drink ready.
She looked around seeing everyone get along, since she was new to town, she felt very out-of-place here because of everyone knowing each other.
"Here's that old fashioned..." he said. "You must be new in town?"
"Was it obvious?"
"Just a bit, that whole 'some friends' type of stuff kind of gave it away and...you just don't seem like you belong here."
"Gee thanks."
"No, no, that's not what I meant...I'm Johnny, my friends call me Soap."
"I was in the Military, so, it's a codename. Some people here are from the Military, there's Ghost the one with the mask on his face playing pool with Alejandro, Gaz and Roach. Then there's König and Horangi playing darts. Then Graves, Lara and Mace they're the ones arm wrestling and next...hmmm~ he must not be here but there's another one named Price," Soap said, cleaning a glass.
"Oh okay, thanks, Soap."
"Sure, anytime," Soap said, walking away to serve another person.
Y/n looked around as she sipped on her drink.
"So...you're not from around here?" She heard a thick accent and turned to her left seeing a man. He wore a red plaid shirt and black jeans.
"Yeah, I'm from the city..."
"Why'd you move here?"
"I needed some peace and quiet..." Y/n felt a bit awkward talking to this guy.
"I'm Tony," he said with a smile.
"I'm Y/n," she shook his hand and looked down at her drink. "Soap, could I get another one?" She asked.
"Coming right up," he said.
"You already know, Soap?"
Well, now you know me."
"I'm glad, I guess."
"Since you're new here, why don't I show you around sometime? Maybe...you could also come stay with the night with me, tonight?"
"I'm good, I'm not interested in going home with anyone tonight, I just want to make friends," she said.
"Oh~ come on now," he moves closer to her, he looked down her dresses top seeing her breasts. She moved the top of her dress to cover herself.
"I'm not interested," she got up from her seat and went on the other side of the bar, but he followed her.
"Come on, no one tells me no."
"Well, I just did," she said, moving again pushing passed a lot of the people in the bar. Tony grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his body. "Hey! l-let go." She said, trying to yank her wrist back from him grasp.
"Just fucking listen to me you dumb bitch-"
"HEY!" Tony was quickly picked up and slammed against the brick wall of the building. "Don't fucking speak to a lady like that you fucking prick!" Y/n turned seeing a guy dressed like a cowboy yelled at Tony.
Price looked at Soap and smirked. "Will do," Price said, dragging Tony outside the bar. Y/n watched as Price took Tony outside and with the door shut, she didn't see what happened to Tony.
"Y/n, I have your old fashioned ready."
"Thanks, Soap."
Price came back into the bar with bloody knuckles and sat at the bar next to Y/n.
"A negroni, Soap."
"Right away, Price."
"So, you're Price? Soap told me I should meet you," Y/n said. Price just looked at her and smiled but turned back to Soap with a serious look on his face.
"Sorry is I'm bothering you."
"Please...don't worry about it..." he said as Soap gave him, he drink and he walked over to Ghost and them playing pool.
"Is he usually like that?" Y/n asked, Soap.
"Not really...must be a rough farming season for him," Soap said. Y/n looked at Price who laughed with Ghost, Gaz and Alejandro.
Y/n was getting ready to leave the bar, grabbing her phone and called for a Taxi to take her back home in the home she was renovating so she could call it home once she's done with it.
"Where are you going?" She just and turned to see Price, lighting up a cigarette and putting it between his lips.
"Home..." she said, looking down.
"I'll take you home, come on," he said, grabbing his keys from his back pocket and opened his passenger side door for Y/n.
"First you didn't want to talk to me after fighting some guy that could have done who knows what to me and you want me to get in the car with you? Are you nuts? I don't know you." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Come on, lovely...I'll take you home, and you'll never have to see me again."
"I rather not," she said, turning away from him.
"Get in, Y/n." She shuttered at the fact he knew her name.
"How'd you know my name?"
"Soap, has said it a couple of times, tonight, so?"
She walks to his car and got in, he shut the door and got into the driver side.
"Alright where am I going?"
"My home, xxxx Fincher Rd."
"Fincher? I live on that road...and that address...you're the one who bought my neighbor's house, what will you do with all that property? You're just one girl, I don't see you do much with almost 10 acres of land."
"I was going to make it a venue for like Weddings, Proms, anything really, I bought the house for myself and I'm already on building a couple of barns for venues and putting a canopy next to the pond in the back for good photo opportunities." She said, sounding proud of her plan.
"Ahh~ now I get it..." he said, rolling his eyes.
"Why'd you roll your eyes at me? Do you not think I can do it?"
"I didn't say that."
"But your action says otherwise...forget it, just get me home and you're right I don't want to see you again," she crossed her arms and legs looking out her window.
Price thinks it's kind of funny getting under Y/n's skin, he thought it was funny then he placed his hand on her thigh, she jumped and looked at him and tried to push his hand off her.
"H-Hey, let go!"
"I will...but...could you do a favor for me?"
"L-Like what? And w-will you leave me alone?"
"Sure...come on."
"Let me use you, tonight and we won't see each other ever again." Price said.
"U-Use me? For s-sex?"
"Duh! Come on, let me use you." He said, looking at her and squeezing her thigh earning a soft moan from her lips.
"Oh, that moan was sexy...I want to hear those moans all night long, just one time, lovely."
"F-Fine," she stutters out as her face was red.
Price pulled into his driveway and grabbed Y/n out of his car, picking her up and kicking the door in and taking her to his bedroom, placing her on the bed. Her thighs squeezed together as he started to strip out of his clothes.
He was only in his black boxers but still kept his cowboy hat on his head. He smirked when he saw her legs being squeezed tightly together.
"Aww, love, am I making you wet? After you just bitched at me?"
"I-I was just mad that's all," he pushed her legs open, and he could see a wet spot on her panties.
He smirks and grabs her moving her closer to the edge of the bed. He moved his hat and placed it next to her on the bed and he started to push up the bottom of her dress and then pulled off her panties.
He licked between her wet folds and sucked on her wet clit. She moaned and grabbed a handful of his hair; she covered her mouth and muffled her moans, but Price smacked her thigh just close to her butt. She moaned and let go of his hair and removed her hand from her mouth.
"Don't muffle those moans," Price threatens.
"I-I'm sorry," she apologized.
"God, you begging is even more sexy. Beg for me to fuck you," he says.
"Please...please fuck me Price, I want to feel you inside of me, I want to feel you cum inside of me," she begs.
"Ahh~ hell yes." He started to remove his boxers and pushed himself inside of her. She moans and arches her back at the feeling of him immediately hitting her spot.
She looked up at Price's face seeing him concentrate on trying to please her then have some fun. She cups his face to make him stare into her eyes.
"Take your time, Price, no need to rush anything..." she said. He kissed her palm and cupped her face.
"I'm just a bit rusty," he said.
"I understand...j-just...take your time, Price," she moans. Price then looked down at her dress top using his pointer finger to pull down the top staring at her breasts and hardened nipples. He pulled her straps off her shoulders and got a perfect view of her boobs.
She moved her hands off his face and started to pull the dress over her head now being completely naked under him. He smirks and kisses her neck with kisses and purple hickies on her neck, collarbone and chest.
She moans and wraps her arms around his neck. He kissed her neck and thrusted into her a bit roughly inside of her.
The room was filled with loud slapping sounds, and moaning. She let go of his neck and he sat up grabbing her leg moving it to his shoulder.
"Ahh~ holy shit," he moans, he felt her clench around his dick letting him know that she was close.
"Mmmm~" She muffled her moans and ended up coming on his dick. He smirks and cums inside of her. They both moan out loud, Y/n and Price were catching their breathes like they ran a marathon together.
She looked at the time, it was 10:30 and now it's close to midnight. She grabs her dress out the floor and puts it back on. Price watched her change back into her dress.
"Hey...where are you going?"
"Home...I said, we can do it, but I don't want to see your face anymore..."
"Wow, what if I need a cup of sugar, I can't come to you?"
"Nope, now, I'm going home." She said.
"Fine, then have fun doing your walk of shame," Price said as Y/n scoffed and headed out the door and walked down the street to her house.
A Week Later
Well, Price and Y/n have kept their promises, they haven't seen each other in a week. Price was busy doing his harvest and Y/n was hiring builders to build the canopy and other barns on her property.
They came to her to show the plans on what everything will look like, and she loved it all.
Price could see trucks bring piles of wood and concrete to Y/n's property, kind of makes him mad that he wasn't even asked to help, but they both made a promise.
Y/n was looked at the canopy's structure and smiled at how big it will be, she looked at her pond and then behind the distance the barns being really to be set up.
"This will look amazing."
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awanderingtortoise · 3 days ago
p2: layman’s vibes analysis of the severance music
p1 here Your local unprofessional is back to ramble on… musical chromaticism! sounds complicated. it is not complicated. this will be chill. bear with me through 30 seconds worth of exposition before we mention Mark Scout.
major, minor, chromatic explained
western music is composed of notes! gee, who knew. these notes are certain distances away from each other. another given.
now for western music, we measure that distance in half steps and whole steps. a half step is-- you guessed it, half of a whole step! Another way of thinking of it is the white and black piano keys. White key to black key: half step
White key to White key (if there’s a black key in between them): Whole step
two white keys directly beside each other are a half step apart.
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Please forgive my chicken scrawl.
so we have that. now lets take like, 7 notes. and they are spaced with whole and half steps. we call that series of notes a scale. and for western music, you basically have two scales that define all music keys. (okay theres way more if youre gonna get into it but were not) .
Major Scale 😊🤩😍
Minor Scale 😭☹️😔
a major scale, or that cheery Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do! melody we all learn from Sound Of Music or someplace, is composed of a combination of whole and half steps. What makes it happy (major) is the order in which those whole steps are interrupted with half steps. In a major scale, the third and seventh distances, or intervals, are half steps.
ill represent Whole steps with W, and Half with H. so the major scale:
Visual+Audio Representation
or a virtual piano if you wanna try to diy?
that ^ composes the basis of nearly every happy tune you know. Party in the USA. Single Ladies. The Superman theme. yipee. now on the other hand, this guy:
is called a natural minor. the second and fifth intervals are half steps. This is Schindlers list. This is Bad Romance. Those are two very emotionally distant examples, but they are both minor.
NOW, why are the half steps never next to eachother, you may ask. like H+H? GREAT question. basically, when they made this it wasn’t super trendy yet. because that is chromaticism.
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Stay with me! now when everyone started to get bored with normal scales and got real avant garde, some dudes, i dont even know who, started including more scales in their music that followed this pattern:
and that is what you call a chromatic scale. How does that make you feel? Happy, sad? Neither. Weird, probably! chroma, like color, like gradient, covering all the shades. not major, not minor, something else entirely! its honestly even easier to understand than the major and minor. You guys can just go and press a row of keys on this piano in sequence and youve already done it.
hurray! youre caught up on your first music theory class. isnt that great?
great. can we talk about the theme song now?
yes im sorry. lets listen to apply our new scale knowledge. All we need is the first ten seconds. ignore the bass/left hand chords for now. After the introduction, pay attention to just that first phrase. And let’s watch the beautiful title sequence while we’re at it!
pay attention to the first two melody notes, b and b flat! how far are they from eachother? whole step, or half step? Take a guess by ear or by sight.
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if you guessed half step, damn right.
It’s there! Chromatic! We’ve proved it! let me now explain why that fucks up every basic way of categorizing the music into the usual categories of major and minor.
Major or minor melody?
musicians like tiktokers, enjoy sticking labels on every vibe and aesthetic within their grasp. if you put JUST those first 3 descending notes (B, B flat, G if you want to piano) , then tried to categorize it as a part of a major or minor scale?
you cant.
you wont get any part of W+W+H+W+W+W+H or W+H+W+W+H+W+W. you will get a worse math equation.
What is that 2nd interval….?! Why do we have Order Of Operations involved?!
the distance from the lowest note to the next is not a whole step or a half step. It’s a one and a half step. its a 1.5 step! Thats not what theyre called but thats what it is. now that does NOT work with the major or minor patterns i showed you earlier. you can look at it and instantly see. H H.
a half step beside a half step. HH. that is chromaticism.
chromaticism makes musical identity fuzzy. it makes everything a little funky, takes neat boxes out of the question. it can make listeners feel a little puzzled and a little uneasy, because we dont know where the music is going. we dont even know what it is. And if that isn’t how we all feel watching this insane show then I am harmony cobel. Here’s googles AI summary to prove my point because if you can’t get rid of that damn thing you might as well see if it supports your answer
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additionally, wind the video back and now listen to the 4 left hand chords. Focus on the last 3 chords. In those four chords, the highest notes form a descending chromatic scale, high to low. B flat, A, A flat! Half steps apart.
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I used the theme to explain, but the chromaticism is all over all the music. If you hear 2 notes played together that make you cringe? They’re likely chromatic: a half step apart, aka a second interval. Heard it a few times through the show and actually grimaced. Visceral discomfort. Press any white key and its adjacent black key on this piano and that’s how it sounds
now chromaticism can be categorized. It has to be, and usually when you have more context from the chords it’s pretty easy to figure out. The funny thing is, the amount of harmonic context that the Severance chords give? like everything about this show, not very normal, while pretending to be! Cuckoo nuts. Hella vague. Makes you feel like an innie waking up in an ORTBO. Or like a mark remembering he did Helena Eagan. But chord ambiguity will take another essay to explain so that’s a topic for another time, when we’ve all processed the Finale episode that’s about to tear us apart. So that’s all for now, let us await our 72 minute weekly highlight together.
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theanti90smovement · 3 months ago
one time i was out to eat with my parents and my dad ordered fajitas but he pronounced it “fa-gee-tahs” and my mom made him apologize
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bragganhyl · 7 months ago
possibly controversial take about bee gee three romances below the cut
honestly more of the mid-to-late game romance scenes could've and should've had a friendship version like Ga*le's starry night scene, and (maybe with the exception of Wy*ll's proposal scene bc like... that's a proposal scene ofc it's pure fluffy romance stuff) they wouldn't even need a lot of rewriting given that they don't really start out as romantic scenarios, they segue into romance/sex territory
like Kar*lach wants to go out and have dinner to do something normal for once, As*tarion visits his own grave to say goodbye to his past lives, SH wants to learn to swim with the PC's help bc she wants to prove that she can rely on people outside her old sha*rran circle and that she doesn't need to be afraid of the unknown, L'Z watches the sunrise with the PC and tells them she grew to love fa*erun, Wy*ll visits an allegedly magical tree that grants wishes
you're telling me they wouldn't do this with their supposed bestie? only with their romantic partner? especially given how some of them treat a friend PC?
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
HiB Sequel/Au Ideas
I have a lot of thoughts on Monkey King: Hero is Back, and I've complied most of them here. It has such a fascinating concept, especially in regards to how the timeline of "Journey to the West" has been permanently altered by Hundun/Chaos.
Timeline changes cus of Events in Story:
Sun Wukong/Dasheng is pretty much "on probation" since he busted out early + asks for a huge favor from the gods at the end of HiB. Guanyin is the one to agree to change the headband to the armlet/chain cuff/buddha ankle-monitor. SWK might get it removed if he stays on good behavior.
Jiang Liuer (same name as the Tang Monk/Tripitaka when he was young), is a small child + dies at the hand of Hundun, but is somehow revived by the credits. Oddly enough, he's said by the production team to be the Ninth Cicada rather than the Tang Monk's Tenth. Maybe literally dying counted as a -1 life? The tie-in videogame shows it more clearly; Dasheng was involved in Liuer's revival and is shown begging/threatening the gods in the credit art, holding Liuer in his arms.
Zhu Bajie isn't married (yet). He also is probably lying about what he did to reincarnate as a pig demon.
Fa Ming is a cool af old man who isn't even tied to any big mythos character. Just a really cool mortal buddhist who went "Hey, free grandson!" when Liuer floated down the river in the prologue.
Sha Wujing has likely *just* been kicked out of heaven. According to a comment by the films director, this version of Sha Wujing may be fem.
Ao Lie has yet to set his dad's house on fire. Might do it on accident in future. Was a real bro and helped SWK get to Hundun during their battle. And according to the credits to the videogame, helped return many of the kidnapped children to their parents.
Sha Ya Tou/"Silly Girl" is actually the Red Child/Hong Hai'er. She was kidnapped prior to the story by Hundun's forces to act as the flame for the furnace. Hence her extreme luck, lack of fear, taste for rare meat, and her little "horn" ponytails. If Hundun had pushed his luck, he would have had a Syndrome vs Jack-Jack situation on his hands. Her parents are currently very worried and tearing every village apart trying to find her.
Hundun/Chaos is literally an avatar of the Great Peril, but he loses his identity when he reverts back to the Original Hundun. His ritual was so he could maintain/prolong his humanoid form. He's sacrificed human children before in similar rituals, and initially set his sights on Liuer (the current Golden Cicada) as a baby for this goal - but assumed him lost/dead after Liuer's birth family were slaughtered.
The "mountain trolls/yaoguai" arent inherently evil, but they follow whoevers the strongest. Hence why they started cheering for SWK when he began overpowering Hundun.
Fic things under Read More:
Potiential Fic Timeline:
LEM has already made a name for themselves by hunting humans that prey on demons, and by spreading the tale of their thought-to-be-lost friend Sun Wukong. Then a Stone Egg smashes down next to him one day just after a solar eclipse. Coincidence? >:3
Meanwhile, Sun Wukong is busy beating down the door to the Underworld wanting his son/tudi/friend/ pest back. The Kings of Hell are hesistant to do anything cus you know, until...
King Yama, uninterested: "Gee, thats a tall order. Buuuut death is a mortal inevitablity, and you're still supposed to be under the mountain so..." Guanyin, phases in: "The child is the Golden Cicada." All the Kings of Hell: "HE'S WHAT!?" "Sweet buddha, get that kid's soul back in there pronto!" "He's not suppose to be dead yet!" Dasheng: *gives Guanyin a thumbs-up* "thanks" Guanyin: "Don't think you get off scott-free, sage. You're still supposed to be getting punished." Dasheng: *nervous gulp as he accepts his fate* *the chain cuff from the mountain is slapped back on Dasheng's wrist* Guanyin: "However, your actions towards this little monk has succesfully reduced your sentence. I believe as long as you stay by him, you won't run into too much trouble" *cheeky wink* Dasheng, relieved: "I suppose I could do a lot worse."
Liuer is able to be revived, but is in a comatose state for around 49 days as his soul internally "reincarnates". In this state he manages to pass on messages between SWK and an "unknown warrior" (LEM) via their dreams.
Pigsy, SWK, Fa Ming, and the newly-welcomed Ao Lie spend a lot of time reuniting the stolen children with their families.
Fa Ming bonds with SWK over the weeks caring for the cometose Liuer. SWK is reminded of Master Subodhi and gets wistful. Fa Ming entrusts SWK to care for Liuer when he's gone. SWK agrees, but is internally panicking.
Bonus complication; Silly Girl's parents have yet to be found. And even with his weakened powers, Dasheng's gold-vision tells him that she's not what she seems...
One night, Liuer manages to convey to SWK that Mount Huaguo is under attack by hunters. SWK in his haste; bundles all of his new little troop onto the Sommersault Cloud and flies towards Mount Huaguo.
SWK goes to rescue his missing/captured subjects from the main hunters camp. He finds the hunters already being torn apart by LEM. They have a mutual "oh shit, its my old crush/best friend I thought died in the war"-moment. Liuer reveals himself to be awake at the very end of the encounter.
Both monkeys see eachother alive + a kid (SWK and Liuer, LEM and the Stone Egg) and a romantic comedy ensues. Until...
Guanyin: "Hey gang, sorry to burst your bubble. But the big guys upstairs are a little peeved. Seems like the manifestation of primordial chaos messing with things on earth, has literally thrown the entire timeline off course. The Buddha needs you to check in on places where chaos is at it's most rampant. Don't worry about directions, I'll cc them to the little cicada. Ok? Byyyeeee!" *leaves* The whole gang: "wut." Liuer, eyes glowing: "We should go westward." Dasheng, groaning: "And I just got back home!"
+Stone Egg Bonus:
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After seeing the poster for the upcoming prequel to HiB, I have determined that the baby monkey inside the egg would most likely be born/hatched out with white/cream-coloured fur and very fluffy. Therefore I will declare this little "MK" variant; Xiaoyún/小云 (Little Cloud).
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vague-humanoid · 2 years ago
@that-biracial-geek-girl @quasi-normalcy
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little-watcher · 3 months ago
Is that really what you think? Gee! Would you like some help with that? :)
oh fu ck of f. i’ m no t go nna fa ll fo r yo ur stupid sp iral tri cks. >:P
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seanpultz · 8 months ago
The Three Stooges in The Haunted Mansion
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The Three Stooges approach Gracey Mansion, which resembles the Joel Rathbone mansion, a Gothic Revival Pointed-style villa designed by Alexander Jackson (A.J.) Davis, in the upper Hudson River Valley area of Albany, New York.
Moe: (sternly) Alright, knuckleheads, we're here. This is the place, Gracey Mansion. It's supposed to be haunted!
Larry: (stutters) H-h-haunted, Moe? You don't really think there are… you know… ghosts here, do ya?
Curly: (excitedly) Oooh, ghosts! Can I play with 'em, Moe? Can I, huh? Can I?
Moe: (rolls eyes) Play with them? You'll probably scare 'em away with that mug of yours! Now, let's go in and check it out, before I decide to scare you two for real!
Larry: (nervously) But Moe, what if we get separated? We could get lost in this creepy place!
Moe: (exasperated) Lost? In a mansion? It's not like it's a corn maze, Larry. Now, stick together, and for goodness' sake, try not to break anything.
Curly: (innocently) Like what, Moe?
Moe: (sighs) Like your heads, you ninny! Now, let's go in before the spooks hear your bellyaching!
Entering the queuing area through a pair of ornate gates, The Stooges find themselves in the mansion's nearly-neglected gardens and grounds. The queuing path leads guests past a knocked over birdbath, a black carriage hearse led by an invisible horse, and finally leads into the awning.
Moe: (squinting) What's this mess? It looks like a tornado went through here. Did the ghosts have a yard sale and forget to clean up?
Larry: (swallows hard) I-I don't think it's a good idea to make fun of the ghosts, Moe. They might not like that.
Curly: (laughing nervously) Maybe they had a ghostly hoedown! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (bonks Curly on the head with his fist) Let's get going before Larry turns into a human popsicle from his own sweat.
As they approached the black carriage hearse, the invisible horse seemed to snort, causing Larry to jump and cling to Moe.
Larry: (whispers) Moe, did you hear that? The horse talked to me!
Moe: (sarcastically) Oh sure, Larry. It's probably just waiting for you to feed it your brain cells. Now, move it!
Curly: (excitedly) Can we take a ride, Moe? It's like a magical pumpkin carriage! Woo-woo-woo!
Moe: (shaking his head) Not now, Curly. First, we need to find out where we're supposed to go. I don't trust you two to not get us lost in a straight line.
The Stooges are greeted at a gate with several busts of a family that once lived in the mansion that killed each other over inheriting a large fortune.
Moe: (nods) Ah, the family that killed each other over money, huh? Nothing spookier than relatives fighting over a few bucks.
Larry: (swallows nervously) Maybe we shouldn't mess with them, Moe. They don't look too happy.
Curly: (laughing) Oh, they're just playing hide and go seek with their heads, Larry! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (grabs Curly by the nostril using his pinky finger) You're one step away from playing hide and go seek with your own brains.
Embossed musical instruments on a crypt that once touched a haunted tune mysteriously plays.
Moe: (stops in his tracks) What the…? Say, Larry? (Taps Larry's shoulder)
Larry: (Startled) Woah! (accidently pushes Moe into the Embossed musical instruments on a crypt. A trumpet is imprinted on his forehead.) Oh, gee! I'm sorry, Moe. It was an accident. Honest.
Moe: (reassuringly) That's alright. Accidents do happen.
Larry: (swallows hard) They do?
Moe: (puts his arm around Larry's shoulder) Sure they do. (leading Larry to the crypt with the Embossed musical instruments) Now, why don't you come over here and check out this very interesting crypt I just found. Touch one of those instruments and they play. Go head, touch one.
Larry: (sees a violin) Oh! (Touches it and he hears a violin playing) Say, Moe! You're right. I can hear a violin playing.
Moe by this point drops the nice act and kicks Larry in his posterior and Larry's face hit the tomb. Moe grabs Larry by the hair and pounds his face into the crypt repeatedly.
Moe: NOW, YOU'RE HEARING BELLS! (shoves Larry)
Water and bubbles emerge from a crypt belonging to a Captain Culpepper Clyne.
Moe: (pointing to the crypt) Hey, you two, check out Captain Clyne's final bath over here! He must've had a real splashy burial.
Larry: (swiping at his face) Moe, you're just… (his voice trails off as he watches the water) Do you think he's okay in there?
Curly: (excitedly) Can we take a bath, too? It looks like fun.
Moe: (rolls eyes) You'd like that, wouldn't ya? Well, I don't think the ghost of Captain Clyne would appreciate the company. Let's keep moving before we get in too deep with these spooks.
Larry: (nervously) Deep? Like, as in water deep, Moe?
Moe: (exasperated) No, you dolt, trouble deep! Now come on, before we all get soggier than a bowl of alphabet soup.
Words inexplicably appear upon on a tomb belonging to a poetess named Prudence Pock.
Moe: (reads the tomb) "Prudence Pock, the poetess, lost her head in thought and her body to a block." What kind of ghost writes poetry?
Larry: (whispers) Maybe she's trying to tell us something, Moe. Like, we should be careful or we'll end up like her.
Curly: (innocently) Maybe she's asking for a little help with her next rhyme, Larry. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (To Curly) Pick out two.
Curly: One, Two.
Moe pokes Curly in the eyes with two of his fingers. Curly winces. Larry starts to laugh and Moe slaps him across the face.
They reach the servant's entrance where we enter the mansion.
Curly: (whimpers) Moe, I-I don't wanna go in there. It's dark and… (swallows hard) and spooky!
Moe: (slaps Curly) Snap out of it, Curly! You're not afraid of a little dark, are you?
Curly: (rubbing his cheek) Oh, no, Moe. It's not the dark I'm afraid of… it's the ghosts!
Moe: (twists Curly's ears) Ghosts, schmosts! They're just a bunch of floating sheets with eye holes. Now, get in there before I make your ears look like a pair of pretzels!
Curly: (grumbling) Alright, alright, I'm going, I'm going.
Moe: (turns to Larry) Go in, Larry!
Larry: (defiant) I'll go in when I'm ready!
Moe: (raises an eyebrow) Are you ready?
Larry: (nonconfrontational) Yeah, I'm ready.
The Stooges enter the elegant-but-spartan foyer as a distant pipe organ plays a dirge-like version of Grim Grinning Ghosts.
Larry: (whispering to Curly) I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
Curly: I thought this was Orlando.
Larry does a double take in response to this.
Following this hallway, we enter a foyer, which features a fireplace to the left side. There is a picture hanging above the fireplace, which shows a handsome, young man (quite possibly the owner of the mansion).
Moe: (examining the portrait) Well, well, well. If it isn't the poster boy for "I've-got-more-money-than-sense" staring back at us. What's his deal, Larry?
Larry: (looks up nervously) I think he's… he's the ghost that haunts the place, Moe.
Curly: (squeaks) A handsome ghost? Maybe he's lonely and wants to play tag!
Moe: (rolls his eyes) Tag? You'd probably trip over your own two feet and end up hugging the floor, you knucklehead. Now, let's keep moving. We've got a mansion to explore before the real party starts.
Larry: (swallows hard) Party? What kind of party are we throwing for ghosts, Moe?
Moe: (pats Larry on the back) A party with a punch, Larry, a surprise!
Larry: (giddy) Punch? Oh, I like punch.
Moe: Oh, you like punch?
Larry: Yeah.
Moe: Well, here come one.
Moe is about to punch Larry in the face when he hears a mysterious voice booming out from the darkness.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): When hinges creak in doorless chambers. When strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls. Whenever candlelights flicker when the air is deathly still… That is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
Larry: (squeaks) Moe, did you hear that?
Curly: (nervously) Who's that talking? Moe, is it a ghost?
Moe: (transfixed) I'm not sure, you two. But I think I know where that voice is coming from. (He points to the portrait above the fireplace) Take a look at this!
The portrait, previously depicting a young man, now shows a decaying corpse with a sinister smile, much like the character from the story "The Picture of Dorian Gray."
Curly: (eyes wide) Moe, I don't think he's ready for his close-up anymore. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Larry: (swallows hard) Moe, do you think we should be here? Maybe we're not welcome.
Moe: (snaps out of it) Welcome? Who needs an invitation to a party like this?
Once the picture's transformation is complete, one of the walls opens up next to the picture, revealing an octagonal room.
The Stooges enter this octagonal room from the Foyer. Four paintings (A bearded gentleman holding a document, A pretty young lady holding a parasol, An old woman holding a rose and A man in a bowler hat) flanked by candle-wielding gargoyles, hang from the walls in this chamber.
Moe: (looks around the octagonal room) Well, if this isn't the VIP lounge for spooks, I don't know what is. Look at all these fancy paintings.
Curly: (points to the pretty young lady) Moe, she's waving at me! (The painting's eyes seem to follow him as he walks)
Moe: (rolls eyes) Sure, Curly, she's probably just waving goodbye to your sanity. Now, keep it together. We don't want to scare off the ghosts before the grand tour.
Larry: (swallows hard) Maybe we should be more respectful, Moe. They might not like us poking around.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your Ghost Host. Our tour begins here in this gallery. Here, where you see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state. Kindly step all the way in please, and make room for everyone. There’s no turning back now.
The doors The Stooges enter slam shut, The room begins to stretch upwards, the paintings on the walls elongating with it to reveal a comically gruesome end for each subject: The bearded gentleman holding a document is revealed to be wearing only his undergarments from the waist down and standing atop a lit keg of dynamite. The pretty young lady holding a parasol is revealed to be balancing on a fraying tightrope above the gaping jaws of an alligator. The old woman holding a rose is revealed to be sitting atop a tall gravestone, at the bottom of which is a stone bust of her husband George with a hatchet embedded in his head. The man in a bowler hat is revealed to be sitting on the shoulders of another man who sits on the shoulders of a third man who is waist deep in quicksand.
Moe: (sarcastically) Well, isn't this a real home makeover, "Ghost Edition"? Who knew dead people had such a flair for dramatic interior design?
Curly: (gulps) Moe, do you think we should be laughing?
Moe: (snaps fingers in Curly's face) Snap out of it! These ghosts are just trying to mess with us. Let's show 'em who's boss! (He struts over to the man standing on the shoulders in quicksand) Hey, buddy! Quit playing king of the hill with your ghostly pals and tell us where the real fun is!
Curly: (points to the portrait of the young lady) Moe, look at her! She's juggling dynamite and playing hopscotch with alligators!
Larry: (stutters) And that old woman… she's got more drama in her portrait than a soap opera! What's with the hatchet in George's head?
Moe: (laughing) George looks like he had a rough night. Maybe he forgot to put the toilet seat down. (Pauses) You know what? Let's get a closer look. Maybe we'll find their secret for staying so… lively.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination — hmm?
Larry: Moe, I don't like where this is going!
Moe: What do you mean, "where this is going"? We're already in a haunted mansion, where else could it go?
The Ghost Host (offscreen): And consider this dismaying observation, This chamber has no windows and no doors… which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!"
The Ghost Host laughs as The Stooges focus on the ceiling.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Of course, there's always my way.
The lights go out and lightning flashes above. The ceiling vanishes and gives a view of the mansion's cupola, where the skeletal corpse of the Ghost Host sways from a noose tied to the rafters.
Moe: Nyeeeeeeeah!
After a few seconds, the room becomes pitch black and a dreadful scream is heard making Larry and Curly scream too, followed by the sound of bones shattering. Just as suddenly as it had begun, the horror ended, and the lights flickered back on. They blinked in the sudden brightness, their eyes adjusting to find that the skeletal corpse was gone, and in its place, a wall had slid open, revealing a hidden passage.
Moe still tweaked by what he saw, suddenly realize that Larry and Curly are clinging on to Moe in a bear hug of terror. With a huff of annoyance, he released them, causing both Stooges to fall on the floor.
Moe: Would you two quit acting like a couple of scared rabbits?
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Oh, I didn’t mean to frighten you prematurely. The real chills come later. Now, as they say, ‘look alive,’ and we’ll continue our little tour. And let’s all stay together, please.
Moe: (calling out to the unseen Ghost Host) Why, you spooky skeleton. If I ever find you, I'll tear your tonsils out and use'em as earmuffs.
Larry: I think he's already dead, Moe.
Moe (turns to Larry) Shut up! (Slaps Larry across the face. He then turns to Curly and slaps him across the face too)
Curly: (wincing from the pain) What was that for?!
Moe: That was for what you were thinking!
Curly: I wasn't thinking of anything.
Moe: Good, Let keep it that way!
They continue onward down a long hallway, leading to a short queue that is used to board the Doom Buggies.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): "And now, a carriage approaches to carry you into the boundless realm of the supernatural. Once on board, remain safely seated with your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside. And watch your children, please."
Moe: (grumbling) Great, we're riding in a ghost-mobile. How original.
Larry: (swallows hard) Do you think it's safe, Moe? It's all rickety and everything.
Curly: (clapping) It's like a roller coaster, but with dead people! Woo-woo-woo!
Moe: (rolls eyes) Just sit down and keep your arms and legs inside. We wouldn't want to lose you to the afterlife before the fun starts, Curly.
They all clamber into the Doom Buggy, Larry and Curly squeezed together on one side, Moe sitting comfortably in the middle with an arm on the back of each of their seats.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Do not pull down on the safety bar, please. I will lower it for you. And heed this warning: the spirits will materialize only if you remain quietly seated at all times.
The safety bar is lowered Locking Larry, Moe and Curly into their respective Doom Buggy.
The Doom Buggy enters a rather steep stairwell and pass under a landing where a floating candelabra floats in the darkness.
Moe: (grabbing the safety bar) Whoa, this is more action than I get on a merry-go-round with a sticky horse!
Larry: (whispers) Moe, I don't think we're in the kiddie ride anymore.
Curly: (gulps) And what's with those paintings? They're changing!
Moe: (laughing) Changing? That's just a trick of the light.
As they glide through the hallway, the paintings transform with each flash of lightning. The woman becomes a snarling tiger, the sloop is engulfed by a terrifying storm, the knight's flesh falls away to reveal a skeletal figure, and the serene Greek scene morphs into a haunting Medusa, turning any who dare gaze upon her to stone.
Curly: (eyes wide) Moe, I think they're trying to tell us something.
Moe: (skeptical) Yeah? Like don't mess with their home decor?
Larry: (stutters nervously) M-M-Moe, maybe we should get out of here. These ghosts are getting a little too… too…
Moe: Too what, Larry? Too real for ya?
Larry: (swallows hard) Y-y-yes, Moe. Too real.
Moe: (chuckles) Relax, you wimps. It's all just smoke and mirrors. Now, keep your eyes peeled for any real fun. This is the Haunted Mansion, after all.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Oh yes, and no flash pictures, please. We spirits are frightfully sensitive to bright lights.
Leaving the hallway, we enter into a rectangular library, which is filled from floor-to-ceiling by shelves lined with hundreds of books. Phantom hands pull books from the shelves. An empty chair rocks gently back and forth, and a ladder slides to and fro as an unseen force searches for a good read. Among the shelves, marble busts glare at The Stooges as they move along in the gloom.
Moe: (whispers) Look at all these books! Maybe we can borrow one to teach you two how to think.
Larry: (swallows hard) Moe, I think those books are… occupied.
Curly: (laughing nervously) Maybe they're looking for a ghost story that doesn't have us in it!
Moe: (noticing Larry's distress) What's got you all riled up, Larry? You're sweating more than a snowman in July.
Larry: (swallows hard) The marble heads, Moe! They're following us!
Curly: (excitedly) Can we play tag with 'em? Maybe they're just lonely.
Moe: (rolls eyes) Lonely? They're not lonely, Larry, they're just watching us for the fun of it. Besides, they can't catch us in this thing. (Pats the Doom Buggy) We're on a ghost-proof ride.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Our library is well stocked with priceless first editions, only ghost stories, of course, and marble busts of the greatest ghost writers the literary world has ever known.
Leaving the library, we enter the Music Room. In the room, our heroes find an invisible ghost playing a Rachmaninoff-style arrangement of Grim Grinning Ghosts on the piano. The ghost's shadow can be seen cast upon the floor, while a storm brews outside.
Moe: (listening to the haunting music) Hey, Larry, can you play the piano like that when you're not even there?
Larry: (swallows hard) Moe, that's not funny. I think we should get out of here before the ghosts get… ghosty.
Curly: (clapping along) Bravo! Encore! (He accidentally hits Moe's hand, causing Moe to yelp in pain)
Moe: Knock it off, Knucklehead!
The Ghost Host (offscreen): They have all retired here, to the Haunted Mansion. Actually, we have 999 happy haunts here. But there’s room for 1,000. Any volunteers?
Moe: (grinning) You know what that means, don't ya?
Larry: (swallows hard) N-n-no, Moe, what does it mean?
Moe: (chuckles) It means we're the newest members of the ghostly neighborhood watch!
Curly: (laughs) Oooh, we're ghostbusters now!
Next, we enter the main stairwell of the Mansion. Here in this M.C. Escher-like void the stairs go right-side up, upside-down, sideways, slantways, longways, back ways, front ways, square ways, and any other ways that you can think of. It is on these steps we see the ectoplasmic footprints of the Mansion's ghostly residents.
Moe: (looks around, bewildered) What kind of architect was on a hallucinogen when they designed this place?
Larry: (nervous) Moe, I don't think we're supposed to walk on these stairs. They're… they're floating!
Moe: (irritated) We're in a Doom Buggy, Of course were not supposed to walk on those stairs, nitwit!
Curly: (bounces in his seat) Can we slide down the banister, Moe? It looks like a ghostly rollercoaster!
Moe: (rolls eyes) If you two don't stop acting like you've never seen stairs before, I'll show you how to float like a ghost with a good smack upside the head. Now, keep it together. We're just getting started.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Well, if you should decide to join us, final arrangements may be made at the end of the tour. A charming "ghostess" will be on hand to take your application.
In the blackness, glowing, blinking eyes transform into the pattern on the wallpaper.
Moe: (swatting at the wallpaper) Quit playing games with us, you wall-eyed wallpaper!
Larry: (stutters) Moe, I think those are just… decorations.
Curly: (squinting) Moe, maybe the ghosts are playing peek-a-boo.
Moe: (sarcastically) Peek-a-boo, huh? That's original.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): We find it delightfully unlivable here in this ghostly retreat. Every room has wall-to-wall creeps, and hot and cold running chills.
They pass a second floor passageway that seems to go on forever, lined with doors. A lone candelabra floats in midair halfway down it. Flanking the hallway entrance are a subtly-moving Suit of Armour and an armchair designed to have a "face."
Moe: (eyes wide) Now, that's what I call a floating candelabra with style! (swipes at it with his hat) Look at it go, will ya?
Larry: (swallows hard, staring at the Suit of Armor) Moe, do you see that knight? It's… it's moving!
Moe: (rolls eyes) Sure, Larry. It's probably just doing the cha-cha.
Curly: (pointing at the armchair) Moe, look! That chair is smiling at me! And it's got teeth! (Curly screams and ducks under the safety bar.)
Moe: (slaps Larry and Curly) Will you two knock it off? It's just a chair. Now sit up, or I'll make you walk the plank in this ghostly gala.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Shhh, listen!
A keening sounding like a banshee is heard.
Larry: (swallows hard) Moe, what was that noise? It sounded like… a banshee!
Moe: (nervously) A banshee? Oh, that's just the… the… the ghostly AC unit. It's a little out of whack, that's all.
Curly: (shaking) Moe, I don't think it's supposed to sound like that.
They ride past an alcove-like conservatory, the space choked with decaying and overgrown plants and vegetation. Outside the huge glass walls is a misty landscape, with only the gnarled limbs of leafless trees visible in the gloom.
Moe: (swallows hard, trying to keep his cool) Alright, you two, we're just passing through some fancy ghost's jungle gym. Nothing to worry about.
Larry: (sweating) Moe, I think we've got company.
Curly: (whispers) What's that, Larry? A ghostly petting zoo? Can we feed 'em ghost peanuts?
A raven perches on top of a stand with a withered funeral wreath, and in the center of the chamber is a coffin whose occupant is trying to get out - skeletal hands attempt to push the lid open saying "Let me out! Let me outta here!", which based on the nails sticking through the wood was meant to stay sealed.
Moe: (swallows hard) Larry, what do you think is in that coffin?
Larry: (stutters) I-I dunno, Moe. But it sounds like someone's not having a good time.
Curly: (peeks over the side of the Doom Buggy) Maybe it's just a ghost playing hide and seek with us! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (swipes at Larry and Curly) Keep your heads in here, you two. And remember, no feeding the dead things.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): All our ghosts have been dying to meet you. This one can hardly contain himself. Unfortunately, they all seem to have trouble getting through.
The Stooge's Doom Buggy is then carried backward down an ominous corridor, a series of doors on either side of the car. Growls, screams, maniacal laughter and pleading voices emanate from behind them, as if something is trying to get out. Doors bend, as if they are breathing, knockers clack and rattle, and the walls are adorned with some "family portraits" of corpses.
Moe: (swallows hard) Well, well, well. It seems the ghosts are throwing us a surprise party. How thoughtful.
Larry: (stutters) M-M-Moe, I don't think it's a party. Sounds more like a… a…
Curly: (interrupts) A ghostly hoedown? Can we join in, Larry? I know some spooky dance moves!
Moe: (rolls eyes) Will you two pipe down? It's just the mansion saying hello. (pauses as the doors around them begin to breathe) Okay, maybe it's saying hello in a very creepy way.
At the end of the hall lies a grandfather clock, with its arms spinning wildly backwards and the clock striking 13. A shadow of a clawed hand passes over the face of the clock.
Moe: (swallows hard) Well, look at the time. It's… it's…
Larry: (nervously) It's… 13 o'clock, Moe.
Curly: (innocently) Time for a ghostly tea party? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (sternly) I'm gonna moida you if you don't shut up!
We next enter the shadowy Séance Circle. The buggies travel in a circle facing a large table and high-backed chair in the center of the room (a raven perches on the back of the chair). Above this table floats a crystal ball containing the spirit of Madame Leota, chanting incantations that summon the spirits to appear.
Madam Leota: "Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat, call in the spirits, wherever they’re at!
Moe: (swallows hard, staring at the floating crystal ball) Well, well, well. It's the ghostly fortune teller. What does she see in her crystal ball, Larry?
Larry: (swallows hard) I-I dunno, Moe. But I don't think it's winning lottery numbers.
Curly: (peers into the crystal ball) Can I see, Moe? Maybe she'll tell me where all my lost marbles are.
Moe: (swipes at Curly) Will you keep your mitts out of there?
Madam Leota: Rap on a table — it’s time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond…Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween, awaken the spirits with your tambourine! Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond, let there be music from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!"
The Ghost Host (offscreen): "The happy haunts have received your sympathetic vibrations and are beginning to materialize. They’re assembling for a swinging wake, and they’ll be expecting me… I’ll see you all a little later."
Next, we travel along a balcony overlooking the hall. A major party is underway as a multitude of transparent spirits engage in all sorts of revelry. A long dining table covered with decayed floral arrangements and dusty silverware plays host to a birthday feast, and whenever the orange-haired birthday ghost blows out the candles on a birthday cake at the head of the table, the other ghosts seated there vanish, only to reappear when the candles light again; nearby, an old woman disappears and reappears in a rocking chair. Several haunts drift into the hall from a hearse parked in a doorway, while cloaked wraith-like phantoms fly in through the broken windows from a stormy night outside. While a number of ghosts - including the notorious Pickwick - gadabout on the chandeliers above the room, a pair of duelists emerge from their respective paintings on the far wall and take shots at each other, forever reenacting their age-old feud. The open floor whirls with waltzing couples as a ghastly organist plays Grim Grinning Ghosts on a pipe organ, where tiny spirits emerge from the pipes.
Moe: (whistles) Would you look at this shindig! They're throwing us a surprise party after all.
Larry: (swallows nervously) Moe, I don't think they're here for us. It's their party, not ours.
Curly: (clapping) Can we join, Moe? I know how to waltz like nobody's business!
Moe: (chuckles) Sure, Curly. Just don't trip over any ghostly toes, or they'll think you're trying to cut in line for the punch bowl. (swipes at a floating hors d'oeuvre) And Larry, don't go sneaking food. They might not take kindly to party crashers.
Larry: (swallows hard) Moe, I'm not here for the food. But look, those duelists! They're shooting at each other!
Moe: (unimpressed) Oh, please. They couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. They've probably been doing this so long they forgot how to miss.
Curly: (laughs nervously) And what about the lady in the rocking chair, Moe? She keeps disappearing!
Moe: (rolls eyes) It's just a ghostly magic trick. She's probably just playing hide and seek with the furniture. Now, let's not interrupt their festivities. We've got a whole mansion to explore.
Leaving the Grand Hall, we ride through a dark, dusty and cluttered attic, where the sound of a beating heart and a sinister piano rendition of "The Wedding March" can be heard. Among the brick-a-brac are several pieces of wedding paraphernalia and decor, and five different marriage paintings, depicting the same bride but with a different groom in each. As guests watch, the heads of each of the grooms disappear, only to reappear moments later.
Larry: (swallows hard) Do you think they're playing hide and seek with their heads?
Curly: (nervously) I don't know, Larry, but it sure looks like it. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! (swipes at one of the floating heads, causing it to disappear and reappear in another painting)
Moe: (swats Curly's hand away) Cut it out, Curly! If you mess with those paintings, you're going to give me a real headache.
Larry: (pointing) Moe, look at the pianist! He's… he's not even touching the piano!
Moe: (rolls eyes) It's a ghost playing, Larry. They've got their own set of rules. Maybe they use ghostly sheet music. Now, keep your paws to yourself and let's keep moving.
After passing the source of the music, a broken-down piano with an invisible pianist (only a shadow of a man cast on the wall and keys), we come face-to-face with the ghost of the bride, Constance Hatchaway.
Constance Hatchaway: In sickness and in… wealth. You may now kiss the bride. We’ll live happily ever after. Till death do us part. Here comes the bride. As long as we both shall live. For better or for… worse. I do. I did.
She laughs while, periodically, a spectral hatchet appears in her hands.
Moe: (quickly) Alright, you two, we're making a break for it! (shoves Larry and Curly towards the window)
Larry: (stutters) But Moe, that's a long way down! And it's… it's… dark outside!
Curly: (nervously) Can we slide down the bannister again? It was so much fun!
Moe: (exasperated) If you don't move, I'll make you fly like a ghost! (pushes them both through the open window)
Following leaving the Attic window, the Doombuggies move down the balcony outside the house and down a flight of stairs backwards. A raven caws at guests from a tree branch. The shapes of rising spirits can be seen everywhere.
Moe: (swallows hard, pushing Larry and Curly) Let's get going before that bird decides to join us for a midnight snack!
Larry: (stutters) S-s-snack? Moe, I don't think it's after us. It's just a bird.
Curly: (laughs nervously) Maybe it's trying to say "hello" in ghost-bird language! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (rolls eyes) Sure, Larry. Just keep telling yourself that. It's probably practicing for its role in the "Raven's Revenge" play.
They continue moving backwards down the stairs, with the ghostly shapes growing denser as they descend.
Moe: (whispers) And don't trip, you two. We don't need a real-life slapstick show.
Larry: (swallows nervously) I-I'll try not to, Moe.
Curly: (whispers) But what if we do trip? Will we bump into the ghosts?
Moe: (swipes at Curly) Only if they're looking for a good laugh, you ninny. Now, keep it together!
Upon reaching the ground, the graveyard Caretaker can be seen with his dog, the two of them utterly petrified by the sight before them. Music is all around, while playful spooks pop-up from behind their tombstones. To the left, a group of five phantoms play a flute, a horn, a bagpipe, a harp, and pound on a tombstone to create an unearthly vibe. A King and Queen balance on a see-saw while a Duchess swings from a tree branch while she drinks a cup of tea. In the very back a skeletal wolf is seen howling at the moon.
Larry: (whispers) Looks like the ghosts are playing a symphony of spooks!
Moe: (whispers back) More like a garage band from the other side. They're just trying to keep the party alive.
Curly: (excitedly) Maybe they need a drummer! (starts to play on the tombstones with his fingers) Boom, boom, tish!
Moe: (swipes at Curly's hand) Quiet down!
On the other side of the path, five Singing Busts come into view, bearing very vividly lit, expressive faces as they sing:
♪ When the crypt doors creak ♪
♪ And the tombstones quake ♪
♪ Spooks come out for a singing wake ♪
♪ Happy haunts materialize ♪
♪ And begin to vocalize ♪
♪ Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize ♪
♪ Now don't close your eyes ♪
♪ And don't try to hide ♪
♪ Or a silly spook may sit by your side ♪
♪ Shrouded in a daft disguise ♪
♪ They pretend to terrorize ♪
♪ Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize ♪
♪ As the moon climbs high o'er dead oak tree ♪
♪ Spooks arrive for the midnight spree ♪
♪ Creepy creeps with eerie eyes ♪
♪ Start to shriek and harmonize ♪
♪ Grim grinning ghosts come out socialize ♪
♪ When you hear the knell of a requiem bell ♪
♪ Weird glows gleam where spirits dwell ♪
♪ Restles bones etherealize ♪
♪ Rise as spooks of every size ♪
Other ghosts materialize, gathering around a hearse and drinking tea. A Mummy sits in his sarcophagus, trying to make contact with an elderly spirit who is just too deaf to understand him. Two "Phantoms of the Opera" blast their ghostly voices into the night. A Beheaded Knight, his Executioner, and his Prisoner all sing as a trio, while the poor ghost behind them tombs himself up. Our hero's Doom buggy enters the Mausoleum at the end of the Graveyard sequence where they are immediately "greeted" by the Raven who caws at guests while perching on the door to the Mausoleum.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Ah, there you are! And just in time… there’s a little matter I forgot to mention.
Larry (nervous): What's that?
The Ghost Host (offscreen): Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts!
Moe, Larry and Curly: Hitchhiking Ghosts?!
They pass by three hitchhiking spirits; a Traveler, a Skeleton and a Prisoner.
Doom Buggy passes by a wall of mirrors showing that the Hitchhikers are sitting in the vehicle along with the Stooges.
Larry: (swiveling around, flailing his arms) Moe! Look out! The ghosts are in our doom buggy!
Curly: (swings wildly at the ghosts) I'll get 'em! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Moe: (ducks to avoid Larry's flailing) Will you two knock it off? You're gonna make me drive us into a wall!
Larry: (swats at a ghostly arm) Gotcha!
Moe: (screams as Larry's hand hits him) Hey! What the…? (realizes Larry's mistake) Larry, you dolt! That was my arm, not a ghost!
Curly: (laughs nervously) Whoops! Sorry, Larry. I guess we're all a little jumpy tonight.
Moe: (massaging his arm) You bet we are. Now, keep your hands to yourself unless you want to be the next one to vanish.
The Ghost Host (offscreen): "They have selected you to fill our quota, and they’ll haunt you until you return!"
A very small being only around the size of a doll. She wears a white satin dress with a long, non-transparent hood, often mistaken for a veil, of the same material. She has visible long blue hair and glowing pale blue skin. stands atop the ledge of the crypt holding a bouquet of dead flowers. She is Little Leota, the Ghostess.
Little Leota: “Hurry back. Hurry back. Be sure to bring your death certificate, if you decide to join us. Make final arrangements now! We've been dying… to have you…".
The Ghost Host (offscreen): "Now I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home!"
The safety bar is risen and the Stooges disembarks the Doom Buggy. As they run screaming for the exit, we hear the ghosts sing this following passage:
♪ If you would like to join our jamboree ♪
♪ There's a simple rule that's compulsory ♪
♪ Mortals pay a token fee ♪
♪ Rest in peace, the haunting's free ♪
♪ So hurry back, we would like your company ♪
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imabookloverandafangirl · 8 months ago
Frerard os:
《Fra poco tocca a voi》 ci disse un tecnico, mentre noi aspettavamo frementi di agitazione dietro le quinte del palco di Las Vegas.
Mi sembrava ancora incredibile di essere tornato a cantare con i My Chemical Romance, nonostante fossero passati già 5 anni dalla Reunion.
Era un grande onore per noi fare da headliner al festival "When We Were Young". Suoneremo "The Black Parade", un album che ci fece ottenere un sacco di successo all'epoca, e che è molto importante per ognuno di noi, racchiude ricordi sia belli che brutti che ci porteremo con noi per il resto della vita.
Frank mi si avvicinò, apparentemente teso, ma del resto lo eravamo tutti quanti.
《Gee, potresti venire un secondo con me?》
《Si certo. Che succede?》 Chiesi alzandosi piedi e seguendolo. Non mi rispose. Strano.
Frank aprì la porta del nostro camerino ed entrammo. Lui alzò gli occhi su di me, quei suoi occhi magnetici da cui è impossibile distogliere lo sguardo, quegli occhi di cui mi sono innamorato anni fa e che nonostante tutti i miei sforzi non sono mai riuscito a dimenticare.
Passò qualche secondo e Frank non disse niente. Aprii la bocca per domandargli se andava tutto bene, ma lui mi anticipò prendendomi il viso tra le mani e premendo le sue labbra contro le mie.
Rimasi per un momento paralizzato dalla sorpresa, poi mi lasciai trascinare ne bacio, in mezzo ad un vortice di sensazioni mai provate prima.
Non era come i baci che ci eravamo scambiati da giovani, quando eravamo pieni di adrenalina e nessuno dei due sapeva cosa stava facendo.
Ma il sentimento era lo stesso, anche dopo che ci eravamo allontanati e avevamo preso ognuno la propria strada e iniziato una nuova vita. Anzi era più forte che mai.
Frank si allontanò per primo, 《Dovevo farlo, almeno una volta.》
Io non sapevo cosa dire, non mi venivano proprio le parole, anche se mi ero immaginato questo momento centinaia di volte nella mia testa.
La porta venne spalancata da un Mikey piuttosto nervoso: 《Vi abbiamo cercati dappertutto, sbrigatevi, dovremmo già essere sul palco!》
Lo seguimmo, io ancora stordito per il bacio, e andammo in scena.
L'applauso del pubblico risuonò nell'aria più fragoroso che mai quando terminammo di suonare "Welcome to the black parade" .
Era sempre un'emozione enorme cantare questa canzone e l'apprezzamento che ricevemamo dalle persone è sempre stata una delle cose che più mi rendono felice al mondo.
Presi il microfono per ringraziare la gente e mentre gli applausi si affievolivano mi schiarii la voce. Okay, era arrivato il momento.
《Grazie ancora a tutti. Vorrei dire due parole per una persona molto speciale per me.》 Sentii mormorii incuriositi correre tra la folla.
《Una persona che mi è sempre stata accanto nei momenti più bui e mi ha ridato la speranza quando ormai l'avevo persa. Mi ha reso la vita migliore semplicemente con la sua presenza, e l'unica cosa che desidero al mondo è averla con me per il resto dei giorni che verranno.》
Mi voltai e lo guardai negli occhi.
《Frank io ti amo, e ti amerò sempre》 dissi, prima di lasciar cadere il microfono a terra e corrergli incontro, prendendolo tra le braccia e baciandolo, mentre le grida del pubblico esplodevano.
Ma l'unica cosa che per me contava in quel momento era la persona che stringevo a me.
Dopo un po ci separammo, entrambi senza fiato.
《Anch'io ti amo, idiota, non ti puoi immaginare quanto.》 Sussurrò Frank. 《Invece mi sa proprio di sì》 risposi, baciandolo di nuovo.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year ago
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Storia Di Musica #318 - Black Widow, Sacrifice, 1970
Nella scelta di raccontare gruppi che hanno black nel nome, non si poteva non toccare il lato esoterico della musica: c'è tutto un filone metal, detto black metal, che porterà all'estremo queste tematiche, con un gusto quasi parossistico dell'orrido diventeranno una sorta di clichè. Il gruppo capostipite furono i leggendari Black Sabbath, ma qualche mese prima un altro gruppo che aveva black nel nome partorì un disco che se musicalmente si allacciava alle nascenti sonorità folk-prog nelle tematiche iniziava, in maniera tanto elegante quanto esplicita, l'anima nera della musica rock.
Il gruppo in questione si chiama Black Widow. All'inizio erano un sestetto, che si chiamava, nel 1966, Pesky Gee. Ne facevano parte: Kay Garret (voce), Kip Trevor (voce, chitarra e armonica), Jess "Zoot" Taylor (pianoforte e organo), Jim Gannon (chitarra e voce), Clive Jones (sassofono e flauto), Bob Bond (basso) e Clive Box (batteria), e con questa formazione pubblicano un album, fino a pochi giorni introvabile (ci sarà una ristampa ad aprile 2024), dal titolo Exclamation Mark nel 1969, che è un tentativo di farsi strada nell'affollatissimo panorama inglese di blues rock: il disco passò inosservato. In quell'anno Kay Garret lasciò il gruppo, che si riformò con il nome di Black Widow a partire dal 1970. E il batterista Cox ha un'idea. Affascinato dal mondo dell'occultismo, convince la band a recuperare materiale: leggono per settimane qualsiasi cosa riguardi l'argomento nella Biblioteca della città di Leicester e arruolano un maestro Wicca per raccogliere informazioni. Ne viene fuori così un disco sicuramente affascinante, dove alla musica sofisticata e dalle soluzioni particolari si canta in maniera spesso senza filtri di un rito ancestrale per richiamare entità misteriose. Sacrifice esce nel 1970, stesso anno del primo disco dei Black Sabbath, ma fu registrato nel 1969 e prodotto da quel Patrick Anthony Meehan che sarà produttore degli stessi Black Sabbath fino al 1976 (il loro periodo d'oro) per la CBS.
In Ancient Days parte con un sinistro organo hammond a cui in serie si aggiungono gli altri strumenti ed è "una chiamata del male" che subito muta in Way To Power: c'è l'introduzione di una sezione fiati (che sarà uno dei pilastri di tutto il disco con il rullare tribale della batteria). Il brano ricco di cambi di tempo e dai cori fa da apripista al loro brano più famoso. È sempre il flauto di Clive Jones il protagonista di Come To The Sabbath, che simboleggia con maestria l'abilità del gruppo di rifarsi a canti mistici tribali. Qui è l'andamento a crescere della velocità e dell'ossessivo ritmico ripetere del ritornello evocativo (Come, Come To Sabbath, Satan's There) a rendere la canzone ansiogena ed affascinante allo stesso tempo. Diventerà poi uno della cover preferite dai gruppi heavy metal, e persino i Black Sabbah e i sanguinosi Death SS ne faranno una riproposizione. Ma il disco è un susseguirsi di sorprese: Conjuration è il brano più dark, dalla ritmica marziale e sofisticata dove è facile sottolineare la bella voce di Kip Trevor. A questo punto c'è una sorta di parentesi gioiosa: Seduction e' una ballata meravigliosa che combina momenti jazz rock ed echi di bossa nova che stridono con il testo, vibrante e sensuale: Would you have me stay with you?\Squeeze and hold you tight?\Soothe you with my tongue and touch\Share your bed at night. Il disco si conclude con due brani: Attack Of The Demon con l'armonizzazione affidata all'organo (non c'e' praticamente chitarra ritmica) e la lunga e magnetica Sacrifice, che nei suoi 11 minuti si sviluppa in una lunga improvvisazione strumentale. Tutti i brani hanno apporti davvero minimi di chitarra elettrica, caratteristica che già ne fa un unicum. Il disco ebbe successo anche perchè la band organizzò uno spettacolo dal vivo dove oltre che cantare si esibiva in una sorta di vero rituale: ad un certo punto dello show, sbucando da parti diverse a seconda del luogo del concerto, si presentava in scena la moglie di Clive Box, che attraverso l'uso di fumogeni e carrucole sembrava volasse tra il pubblico, finchè, sul palco mentre suonavano, veniva distesa e "sacrificata". Il caso volle che una sera, presenti dei fotografi del News Of The World, il famoso tabloid scandalistico, la spada del sacrificio lacerasse il vestito della donna, che alla fine rimase nuda. Per alcuni show successivi, la trovata fu organizzata apposta, ma la foto sul giornale fece il giro di mezzo mondo, attirando le feroci critiche sulla band, alimentando lo scandalo sulle pratiche occulte seguite dai componenti del gruppo.
Inspiegabilmente, il gruppo abbandonerà le tematiche gotiche e mistiche, per riproporsi in veste folk prog nel secondo lavoro, Black Widow (1971): il segnale fu l'abbandono del batterista Box per Romeo Challenger. Rimangono un ascolto particolare e storico, sebbene in molti articoli vengono considerati fondatori del doom: possono esserlo per le tematiche, anche se il loro approccio fu quasi sistematico e pieno di fonti e non estemporaneo e spettacolare come altri, ma non lo furono certo per lo stile musicale, che rappresenta davvero un evento nel binomio rock ed occultismo.
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abalonetea · 1 year ago
O’ Camp Green Hills, never far away! O’ Camp Green Hills, I wish that I could stay! Our days are long and the nights are hot but at the end of the day, this is our fa-vor-ite spot! From the far off vales to the forest near, O’ Camp Green Hills we hold you dear! Summer won’t last, isn’t that a shame? But you’ll be here next year all the same! O’ Camp Green Hills, never far away! O’ Camp Green Hills, I wish that I could stay!
Jacob's favorite camp song from IDS85 : )
gee guys, do you think he got his wish?
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