#bee gess
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diceriadelluntore · 4 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #341, Bee Gees, Main Course, 1975
Per le storie di musica con almeno tre fratelli coinvolti non potevano mancare. Oltre questo motivo importante, mi spinge a scrivere di loro anche il fatto che, come poche altre band, sono fisse nell'immaginario collettivo per un disco, la colonna sonora de La Febbre Del Sabato Sera. Sebbene il disco sia uno dei più venduti di tutti i tempi (probabilmente oltre 40 milioni di copie vendute), legato non solo al mondo musicale ma anche a quello cinematografico, si finisce per dimenticarsi di tutto il resto, cioè di una delle band più longeve e più di successo di tutti i tempi, che nella loro carriera lunga 60 anni ha sperimentato di tutto.
Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb nascono appena dopo la guerra (Barry nel 1946, Robin e Maurice gemelli nel 1949, hanno anche una sorella maggiore, Leslie, nata nel 1945) sull'isola di Man. Si trasferiscono piccolissimi nei sobborghi di Manchester, dove Barry è coinvolto in numerosi episodi di vandalismo, che gli valgono una condanna con la condizionale. I genitori decisero di emigrare nei pressi di Brisbane, in Australia, nel 1958, dove nel marzo di quell'anno nacque Andy, l'ultimo dei fratelli Gibb. Lì sviluppano, in maniera spontanea, una grande intesa canora e musicale, tanto che i tre fratellini cantano in trio in una radio privata, Radio Brisbane. il deejay che li annuncia si chiama Bill Gates, l'autista che li va a prendere per portargli agli studi radiofonici si chiama Bill Goode. Pensando anche che fossero i Brothers Gibb, decidono di chiamare la band B.G.'s, poi scritto Bee Gees.
Sarebbe lunghissimo scrivere tutta la loro carriera, ma alcune cose le voglio ricordare: nel 1966, dopo una serie di successi in Australia, decidono di tornare in Gran Bretagna, il loro manager Robert Stigwood aggiunge al trio Vince Melouney alla chitarra e Colin Peterson alla batteria. In pochi anni collezionano successi a ripetizione, tra il 1967 e il 1969 pubblicano 4 album e decine di singoli, che vanno in classifica in tutto il mondo, Italia compresa. Tra questi dischi spicca il bellissimo Odessa, un concept album sulla scomparsa di una fittizia nave nel Mar Nero nel 1899, disco che ebbe brutta critica all'epoca, ma che oggi è considerato un capolavoro nascosto di quegli anni. E portò anche ad una rottura tra i fratelli: in disaccordo sull'idea di musica da fare, Robin si allontana dai due fratelli e sceglie di scrivere musica da solo. Barry e Maurice scelgono di proseguire senza di lui: esce così Tomorrow Tomorrow che è superato in quanto a vendite dal singolo di esordio di Robin, Saved By The Bell; Robin pubblicò anche due singoli cantati in lingua italiana, Agosto Ottobre e Un Milione Di Anni Fa. Più tardi provò a bissare il successo con One Million Years ma senza riuscirci, mentre il suo primo album, Robin's Reign, uscì nel 1970. A fine anni '70 ci fu la reunion, che venne considerata alla stregua di una rifondazione, e qui inizia il periodo d'oro della band.
Iniziano a collaborare con il grande produttore Arif Mardin, della etichetta Atlantic, che intuisce che per sfruttare al meglio le perfette armonie canore di cui sono capaci devono virare su suoni più decisi. Li avvicina alle sonorità soul, r'n'b, al funk e alla nascente disco music per farli diventare il gruppo bianco più famoso del genere. Il disco che ho scelto oggi è quello che i critici considerano il primo passo verso questo percorso.
Può sembrare sciocco definire il dodicesimo album di un gruppo con una serie di otto anni di dischi d'oro alle spalle una "svolta", ma è questo che è stato Main Course, che esce nel 1975. In copertina, un bellissimo disegno di Drew Struzan, famoso disegnatore, autore dei più famosi manifesti cinematografici. Main Course ha segnato un enorme cambiamento nel sound dei Bee Gees, abbandonando la forma ballata per un disco fresco, pieno di sonorità innovative e che ha altri primati che scopriremo tra poco. Registrato, su consiglio dell'amico Eric Clapton che lì si era trasferito (al 461 di Ocean Boulevard di Golden Beach, vicino Miami, come il titolo di un suo bellissimo disco) in Florida, le ballate dei dischi precedenti ci sono ancora, come Songbird e Country Lanes, ma la scrittura era più semplice e il resto era composto da orecchiabili melodie dance fortemente influenzate dalla musica soul di Philadelphia del periodo. Trainato dai singoli Jive Talkin', Nights On Broadway, la prima canzone a sfoggiare il falsetto che li renderà iconici e Fanny (Be Tender With My Love), attirò milioni di nuovi ascoltatori. La voce in falsetto di Barry Gibb divenne oggetto di scherno negli anni successivi, ma funziona: riusciva ad essere credibile in senso romantico quanto piuttosto una conquista per la serata, il che era in linea con i costumi sessuali della metà degli anni '70. Arif Mardin aveva convinto i Bee Gees a volgere il loro talento verso una direzione musicale che avevano sempre amato ma mai abbracciato, e basta ascoltare Wind Of Change o Edge Of The Universe per capirne il risultato eccellente. Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb erano affascinati da R&B e soul da anni (To Love Somebody era stata scritta perché Otis Redding la cantasse), ma, in quanto britannici bianchi, temendo che potessero sembrare ridicoli, non avevano mai adattato quei suoni da soli. Non solo non sembravano ridicoli, ma divennero gli interpreti principi di questo stile, segnando un'era. In Main Course li accompagnano fior di musicisti: Blue Weaver, alle tastiere elettroniche, un marchio di fabbrica di qui in avanti, e calderone di idee infinite, Alan Kendall, che suonava in uno stile di chitarra funky e il batterista Dennis Byron, che suonava pattern più complicati di quanto gli fosse stato chiesto negli anni, furono anche loro felici della nuova direzione e costituirono il nucleo strumentale della band per i successivi sei anni.
Tra i record dei Bee Gees: oltre 250 milioni di copie vendute, un ruolo non sono da interpreti, ma da autori fondamentale (Barry ha scritto sedici "numeri uno" in America, come produttore quattordici). Sono presenti nella Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame (1997), nella Songwriters Hall Of Fame (1994), nella Vocal Group Hall Of Fame (2001) e hanno vinto otto Grammy Award tra cui il Grammy Legend Award. Sembra abbastanza per non essere coverizzati per la pubblicità dei fermenti anticolesterolo.
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rhoy-angel · 2 years ago
guess who..... more oc shit!!!
This is forest friend's doter who loves to paint and clime trees
they met when forest friend was walking through the forest and heard littel feet be hind them when they turned around they saw them after a cup of tea and some chit-chat forest friend found out that she had no family and was very smart and sassy for her age.
they ended up adopting them and sending her to the local pree school this is them picking them up from pree school.
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she had a bad day the teacher got mad at them for using too much paint.
in my mind, after Forest friend finds this out they would have dropped their doter at Ben's then flown to the school to go yell at the teacher, and then go to an art store and buy 5 paint botels for each color and then surprise their doter with the paint and a new set of brushes.
but when they go to pick up zir doter she comforts Ben while he's crying on the floor eating Cheerios.
after forest friend got Ben to bend and was flying back to zir house with their doter they would ask what that was about and then their doter would just say 'Sorry patient confidentiality, but let's just say love life.'
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alienstagestanaccount · 3 months ago
luk at my headbnd!!11!!!11!1
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1 of my frends who haz thubs mad it 4 me nd toke the pic!1!!!11!!! thz frend!11!111! thy dnt want 2 bee namd so i cnt gib cedit :( bt i apricite them :) gess whoz gona bbe waring it evrydaey!!1!111!1
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yourdadintanga · 5 months ago
Coming out to the freaky freaks. ________________________
How would Nevermore students would react as your friend if you came out as gay/bi/pans.
Warning⚠️: a litle bit of blood.
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Y/N: Hey I want to tell you somthing"
Yoko: What is it?
Y/N: I'm gay
Yoko: Thanks for dealing conftureble to tell me that?
Y/N: I like woman/ men.
Yoko: Do you want me to set you up on a date?
Y/N: Uh...
Bianca: You gay or somthing
Y/N: Yes.
Bianca: Wait- Really?
Y/N: yas
Bianca: you actually look the part.
Y/N: Bianca OMG...
Y/N: Hey Eugene.
Eugene: What is it?
Y/N: I'm gay
Eugene: And I'm an Ally now
Y/N: Awwww, thank you man.
Eugene: and so are the bees.
Y/N: Ok...
Y/N: Hey I'm gay.
Enid: Yas girl, let's go shopping.
Y/N: :)
Wednesday: let me gess you're going to tell me you're gay?
Y/N: how did you know?
Wednesday: I could hear you pep talking yourself outside of the room.
Y/N: //////
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kisekisreblogspage · 1 year ago
Rainbow friends Head cannons 3/3
Ok, i've been procrastinating over this for a long time, i shuld end this series
Ok here we go-
Cyan (from Rainbow friends)
Lets talk abaut Cyan, i like to think that she was suppose to be a acuatic beeing when she was created, but she somehow grew legs (it kinda reminds me to someone...).
When the gang found out she was a girl they all whent wild like:
"O MY LORD! I have never seen a Girl Before!" (Blue)
"What does it likes!? How does it taste?! Does the rumores are True?!"
"Rumors? What rumors?"
"It is sayd that Girls smells good"
"wow! A girl... Just- WOW! A GRIL"
"I KNOW RIGTH!? IT IS LITTERALY NOT A BOY!! Do you think she wuld like to run?"
"But wait... what is the diference between a girl and a boy?"
"maybe is the smell"
"maybe is the softhness..."
"maybe is the voice!"(Blue)
"Or maybe that thing..."
"What thing?"
"In between the legs....
"It is imposible" (Blue)
Red got to explain them abaut that later on.
So, yea, what does she likes...? A lot of things! She in fact has a list of every thing that she likes! She also likes lists, but she does not write those Lists, she has them inside her head! She is very organized in there! Such good memorie and attention to detalle are well praised by Red. Wait... this means... that she... is Red's secretary! Or well third secretary, the frist one is Blue (he's the one that informs abaut the Intruders and damages in the Frist lab, also the one that helps in rebuild that place if needed) and second one is Purple (informs abaut intruders and damage in Odd World, also helps in cleaning and restorage of the place). So yea she is the one that remind Red abaut important stuff and the well beeing of the whole facility, the whole Family and even if there are minor/Major issues anywere she remind Red everyting. Such a detallist. Even explains on how she thinks some things in the facility culd be fixed. Now she is a genious, if Red Had a mounth he wuld drop it on the floor. (She culd own the facility, if Red dies)
As you migth notice in here is that she is giving some autistic tropes. Becuase (in my head cannon) she is! like to think that she is not aware of her autism but everyone knows! And trates her so nicely and patiently especially Yellow(i don't have Yellow colored letters sorry!) He is basicly a few monts older than her, so she looks up to him, but also for Blue because she thaugt that Blue was her mom because theyr colours were alike. (Imagine! Just... imagine)
Now she is clearly in the Asperger Especteum, so yea, she is a sueper Genious, she suprised Red, and that is quite dificult and now she is something so inportant yet so beloved for him. (Yea, i got some softh silly odd blorbos instead of the murderous mutants that they actually are, this is why i am doing thsese head cannons) because is one of the few things keeping him from crazzynes (the rest are his children (the lookies), Green, and his secret lover)
Now, lets go back on the things that she likes. Lets dive in her funky wunky lil' head!:
Bugs, especially the ones that are int the cucojoidea family (ladybugs), but has also an interest in ants
The rainbow ("look you guys! Its a picture of us!"(Cyan)
Genétics and some lab functions
Calm music
Red's lab coat
Long walks
Blue's shenanigans
Open places (she feels claustrophobic in very small places, she is huge)
Shiny things
The confy pillows that Green Has
The smell of blood food
Moving things (she likes to know what is that and why is it moving
Mocking Yellow because he is funny when he is mad
Purple's weird talks
(The list keeps going down
This all in that exact order, she will get Real mad if you missplace some of her likes she says that the things that she likes the most are at the top, and it gess less and less interesting for her as the list keeps on going down
Her shennaningas are basicly bugs, so if you ever meet her she will infodump you abaut Ladybugs and everyting you need to know abaur these, but then she will apologise, becuase she know you didn't asked (this is becuase of orange, yea he can be real mean withaut wanting to, don't worry thoug, he was scholed by everyonelater that day)
Now, going back to the part that i told you abaut Cyan thinking that Blue was her mom.
The day that Red presented her to the whole Family she was a baby, she saw Blue and went like "mma-m~?" (She developed faster than annyone, because... girl...) And scince that day she tough that Blue was her mom for 6 years. Until Green Explained her that Blue is Her brother... not her mom, "because they born becuase the same guy in the same machina and"- yea she cryed... but then she understood everyting and live trough it, she is still very atached to him
And Abaut Blue, he was completly in love with her (love, like Parents, you know) he was willing to even wear a wig for her and be her male mother, he is really good with childreen, so he always took good care of her, and even called her Princes. (if he was the king, she is going to be the princes) and gave her a lil' crown (just imagine! "Here upon yee, Your Queen n' King be. Rejoice all! REJOICE!"(Blue) *party Honks at the distance* *aplauses and praises by everyone* lol) the only one who wasn't happy abaut this was Yellow, he also, is very atached by Blue, his jealousnes was HUGE, he pushed her sometimes, made her cry on purpose, hid her and only be there with Blue. So yea, Cyan mocking on him it is just karma over Yellow beeing a brat towards Cyan. Blue enjoys some of that, but also knows were stuff had gone too far
Theyr literally siblings lol
So yea, this is the end of this series... perhaps... becajse i have too many head cannons, i shuld have done a post abaut every single one of them separatly but here we are.
I hope you liked this tomfoolery of mine, i probably even do some head cannon abaut the others even! Who knows!
K, this is all, bye
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bumbling-kiddo · 1 year ago
m mm wun mow gess! n den if me ge wong den bee teww ☺️
okiooki las gess... a tigey??! 🐯
YAY you guessed it!!!! 🐯🐯 good job hehe!! it’s a big cuddly tiger an i’m gonna name it hobbes after the calvin n hobbes comics >:D
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o-cinnamonstickz · 1 year ago
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Thanks for the tag Gess!! :DD
No pressure tag!!: @naffeclipse @eating-you-alive-cutely @xnanosilverx @miraculouslybobatea @kagedbird @novelist-becca @robinette-green @axolotlinjammies @pulsarsatellite @bee-ina-boat @gooeglop
And to anyone else who would like to join!! 💕💕
I need everyone to take this quiz right now and reblog what element they get
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babysizedfics · 4 years ago
just littl vent in tags pls do not feel obliged to read
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el-rincon-de-stelle · 3 years ago
Día 9: No estamos solos
Las gotas de lluvia corrían ligeramente por mi ventana, se desplazaban de un lugar a otro, parecía una carrera por ver quien llegaba más rápido hacía el suelo. Mi café dibujaba espirales humeantes en el aire, deleitando a mis fosas nasales de un fantástico aroma digno de ser bebido con elegancia y clase.
Me encontraba cuatro mesas detrás en dirección izquierda a la puerta principal del lugar, podía dislumbrar el pavimento mojado y escuchar el chirrido de los carros sobre él por el exceso de velocidad con el que cada uno de ellos pasaba; en una que otra ocasión sin preocuparse por bañar de esa agua reposada a los peatones que transitaban por las aceras.
El ambiente era agradable, cálido y ameno, había música de los 70's, logré identificar a ABBA y Bee Gess sonando en esa rocola vieja, que para mi sorpresa no sólo era decorativa sino funcional al mismo tiempo. Muchas personas parecerían ensimismadas disfrutando de sus pensamientos mientras consumían sus bebidas calientes para pasar el tiempo.
Yo observaba todo a mi alrededor, estaba absorta del comportamiento que todos habían adoptado, se encontraban relajados y felices, aprovechando al máximo el tiempo de encierro porque la lluvia no cesaba.
A medida que transcurría la noche el lugar ya se encontraba lleno. No era de extrañarse que casi nadie se hubiere retirado, el clima lo ameritaba, pero las personas que llegaban se exasperaban por no encontrar sitio alguno para sentarse. La barra ya estaba llena, encontrar un espacio vacío era como un juego de ajedrez difícil de resolver en ese instante.
No recuerdo el momento exacto en que yo -al igual que el resto- dejé de observar el pintoresco cuadro del lugar para sumergirme en mi lectura, era una novela juvenil distopica, relataba cómo sería vivir en una época mil años a futuro, donde las guerras hubiesen hecho estragos socioculturales, la naturaleza nos hubiera cobrado factura y en ese instante se estuviera renovando. ¿Se imaginan ser un sobreviviente y encontrarte solo, luchando por restaurar la raza humana?
Me parecía sensacional viajar por mi imaginación, hasta que levanté la vista del papel, vi que la lluvia había cesado, el lugar comenzaba a tener movilidad de personas: salían, entraban y se instalaban en sus asientos para ordenar y degustar sus alimentos, así sucesivamente repitiendo el ciclo.
Me quedé pensando ¿Cómo sería estar solo? Sin los tuyos o al menos tus semejantes. Todo el tiempo que llevaba atorada en este café, me di cuenta que no somos tan diferentes unos de los otros, todos estamos tan metidos en nuestros propios asuntos, disfrutamos de pasar el tiempo en compañía, nos gusta sentir ese apoyo mutuo en nuestras adversidades.
Todos en ese momento pasábamos por lo mismo y aunque no pudimos mediar palabra entre nosotros, el ambiente nos conectaba, nuestras vibras se unían y nos reconfortaban, nos hacía sentir que no estábamos solos en ese instante cuando la lluvia nos encerró en aquel café.
Stelle ; La lluvia en un café
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Chat GPT couldn’t write My Immortal
So the fun thing about Chat GPT is that is the worst writer I have ever interacted with, but it is bad in a special unique way that a full decade of over-involvement on a bad fanfic forum could not have prepared me for.  I legitimately think My Immortal is better written in most ways (except technically obvs).  Maybe I just hate the feeling of getting thru several paragraphs and realizing I’ve read basically nothing, idk, but at least My Immortal is interesting and sometimes things happen in it.  I can’t even prompt Chat GPT into giving me outfit descriptions that are as good as Tara’s!  I’ve tried! So for shits and giggles I prompted Chat GPT to write like Tara.  The best part was I phrased it like a question so it responded with “OMG!!111 I can totally do that for you!”  But overall  it did a pretty shitty job. I thought I would share anyway.
Keep reading
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steady state flux - midweek messages a polite bite and fly - xx  morning radar - on cue birdsong -  take u higher - a kitty - and hunter - both good - always - the moon tho - knowing - its later darker and not full - still eye foto 
a hallelujah - anyway - before delving into the nature of reality  - oops - playz guitar - b4 u know morning its over without a poem even  - well - almost i guess  - then a lifetime - im singing 
so about that re al it tea  - eyesight could bee better but imma sea things - way past the rose color - purple pink white bubble wrapped like the nice lady who sticks me w needles tell me  - a scary world right hear and now - scuze me another line rips my heart  - where the fukk r we - no not like - that - orient x3 thats one more than jamie  - remember when performing terror fried me - that had to bee more than a lifetime - course doing most things at least anxiety - she ask me - say idk ok i gess  - she repeats teasing we laff - i mean wtf - everybody all day long graveyard whistles  at least we have  love 
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wolf-pup-eddie · 3 years ago
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30 dyas of litalspace: day 28!
colorful or dark aesthestic? i lik monocrom; all 1 color but diffrent shads, lik froggies wif all greeen! i also reeeeeelly lik dark wif a pop ov color, lik bumble bees! sooo, dark? i gess?
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ol127001 · 3 years ago
My Pan
I Woke up on the rong side of the bed
So gess what, yes I banged my head
On the way to school
I saw something cool
I saw Harry potter 
I was gonna faint so I drank some water
At school in geography 
I heard a buzzing bee 
And it was annoying me
When I got home I heard the phone
I picked it up it was a cyboman
For my pan, pan,pan
For my pan, pan,pan
For my pan, pan,pan
My Pan!
OL, circa age 11
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lostcryptids · 4 years ago
butter yellow is one of the best colors EVER. oh what a colorrr (sung to the tune of more than a woman by the bee gess)
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mertonanfactman · 4 years ago
megamind is insell theory is confirmed
new theory today mega is a INCELL
megamand cat fishs rocksand wen he pertends to bee bernard and looks way more hansome and not evil then he acually is
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he manipyoulates rocksy bye doin this an toys with her feeling once she finds out he is evil megermind and not barnyard. he makes her feel bad for dumping him evin tho HE is the bad persin in the situation (this is gasliting)
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if you think he turns good hear anywayz he is STIL a dicktater an STILLL playing gawd by terning Hall in to Titen so he STILL is bad person an NOT good at this pointe (or any other point because he is evil)
basicly the only mane charcters tha ARE NOT incells are minion (who say megaminde shood not persoo rocksi (evin if its for the rong reasin he discorages it)), Roksan (the victem), an gess hoo else.........
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rocksan sez there relation ship was platonick an he was not her tipe
buut mEtro Mann did NOT do ANY pressering liek megaincel or Hal did, wich is true becuz she trusted him to save her which she wood not do if he was bad to her
therfor MegaMing is evil insell and peeple who simp four him shood stop
simp for metro man insted
i gtg now buhbye evrywon
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oneleggedflamingo · 6 years ago
Some pros of posting chapters, extracts, etc from your WIP, for someone who is unsure or shy. :)
- If your goal is to get your work published, you need to get used to people reading and talking about it. Putting little pieces of your work out for the public will help you get more comfortable with the idea. 
- You can also get words of encouragement from the community. <3
- When posting a random short swift with next to no previous context, you start to notice how you create the setting in your full work. 
- You want to do extra effort while translating, drawing, mood boarding, etc, since others can finally read what you wrote. This sharpens your tools. 
- And as we are on the topic of translating, your vocabulary grows in so many fields. (Nad you maby immeadiately get rid of your common mistakes. Beeing on a english class will be a breeze after aal those appihenys you have had, hoe ever that has not happened to me yet. I gess I just have to keep an eye on those miss spels.) You don’t need to be afraid of typos, they happen to everybody. :’)
- There is never too much original writing on tumblr, others will be happy to read your work.
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