#ezzie <3
howlofhades · 1 year
Hey blue!!🩵 You're definitely stargazer (with a dash of online and cool dice)
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ezzied · 4 months
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hey............ guess who has food..... eat, my good omens fandom.... eat... been readin some discworld at the moment for a school project, im enjoying it !!
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cake-snowy · 6 months
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A beautiful drawing To my best artist friend I hope you like it ❤️✨🥺🥺@gh0st1804
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Artfight attack of Sam and Ezzy for @ultrainfinitepit and @wyrmzier respectively <3
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ez-zylubsraccoons · 3 months
@errorthedumbone is one of my fav ppl
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magpie-sherlock · 7 months
My stepbrother said that there was a Russian knife and it reminded me of you
can I see the knife
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errorthedumbone · 3 months
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model of uriah @ez-zylubsraccoons
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maybeimamuppet · 1 year
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happy closing to the first national tour of mean girls. happy trails to the cast and crew, thank you for bringing this show to us in such a fantastic way <3
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sprnklersplashes · 11 months
big big love to the people who reblogged that "what do you associate with me" poll and tagged 'the crows' despite not having soc. thank u for supporting my brainrot.
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valleynix · 2 years
Aaahhh that Cassandra angst au hurt…. I love it 😈😈I love your writing so much! Feel free to ignore this if it isn’t your style but how do you think the dimitrescus would react to reader dying in their arms? Like Miranda finally had no use for them and just killed them
god, y'all just love hurting me-
She doesn't quite know what happened.
It was a normal morning, and one she was glad to finally have with you. Everything had been so hectic lately, between researching your abilities, handling those idiots in her territory, finding gifts for her daughters...
She supposes she should have seen it coming. After all, she always knew you wouldn't stay around half as long as she'd like you to.
You'd spoken to her about your days, informed her you hadn't had many nightmares of late as you walked the grounds with her. The mist around the castle slowly rose back into the sky as you chatted with her, and she thought the morning sun made your eyes glow beautifully.
She hasn't been the best partner to you, she knows, but she takes this as her sign to try.
She bends as you stand on your tiptoes, allowing her to kiss you softly before walking to return to the castle. She expects you to follow behind her, as you always do, but she does not expect to hear the voice of her as she moves to open a side door.
"Love is such a terrifying thing, isn't it? I never thought you would allow me to see your weakness, Alcina."
She knows it's over before it even began. When she turns to face the voice, she sees Miranda - the leader she had once trusted with everything - standing beside you, clawed hand gripping the back of your neck.
Truthfully, she wouldn't even be worried about the action were it not for the blood dripping from some wound on your neck she's unable to see. The lifeless look in your eyes is what settles it for her, and she wonders how it had happened so swiftly.
Alcina tries to go after Miranda, but her leader merely cackles as her form is overtaken by a flock of large, black birds. Your knees give out beneath your weight the moment she gets to you, and you're nothing more than a ragdoll as you collapse into her arms.
She tries to call for her daughters as the light leaves your eyes and your blood stains her clothing. She tries to get you to speak to her, tries to get you to breathe, but the ashy look that's starting to appear on your skin tells her all she needs to know.
She was always aware she would lose you one day, well before your time would ever come, but she didn't know this was how you'd go out. Still, she tries to save you, kneeling in the snow as she holds you close to her chest, even as your heart slows until she can no longer hear it.
By the time any of her daughters make it to where she is outside, the sun blinds her, and she desperately tries to cling to what's left of your crystallized ashes.
Truth be told, she's not entirely sure what's happened.
She knew you had wings, and therefore, you'd most likely have some sort of mutation. Even as she dodges your claws and the wings beating behind you, she doesn't think you're beyond saving. Her sickle may be in her hand, but she has no intention to actually use it against you.
You launch yourself at her after pushing your body away from the opposite wall, and she becomes a swarm to dodge your attack effortlessly, buzzing filling her ears as she materializes somewhere nearby.
She expects you to already try attacking her again, but when she turns her body, you're just... standing there. It takes her only a moment and lots of blinking to see there's something else sticking out of the side of your head, mostly blocked by your wings idly twitching and swaying.
A moldy tendril leaves your head and falls back into the floor as you stumble forward, eyes blank and emotionless as they stare at some fixed point on the ground. She doesn't understand what's happening, doesn't know if this is just something unique to your mutation-
The single word you speak - her name - slurs as it leaves your lips, and she stiffens as her bugs buzz angrily around her form. You take another step forward, arms hanging loosely at your sides, and then you fall.
She bursts toward you when she sees the blood leaking from the hole in your head, and though she's seen worse over her years, the sight almost makes her throw up her breakfast.
She catches you before your knees crack against the wood, your body merely dead weight against her. Your head lolls against her shoulder as she lowers herself to the ground, arms tight around you, sickle lost somewhere behind her.
She may not know what's happened, but she knows a dying person when she sees one.
"Little one?" she mumbles, leaning back to set you gently on the floor.
She watches as the blood from your wound spills out around your head, as your eyes become dull and lifeless. Her dead heart twists painfully in her chest as her gloved hands cup your face and panic settles in her bones.
She doesn't-
It all happened so quick, and she doesn't understand-
You don't move to her touches, you don't even react to her gently calling for you and asking you to get up. You know she detests disobedience, so why are you-
When you start to crumble between her hands, she sobs.
She never quite realized she would lose you so soon after gaining you, though she knows any time spent with you would never be enough.
Perhaps this is what she deserves for her sins over the years.
She wanted to help you, maybe even try to save you, but she wonders if she is only capable of destruction.
She stays with you until you're nothing more than crystallized ash between her hands. Even then, she does not leave your side, only relenting when Cassandra finds her sitting amongst what little remains of your presence in her home.
She tried, you know.
She never quite understood what you asked of her, but she always knew that if it came to it, she would grant you that small mercy. It was the least you deserved for the life you hadn't even wanted.
She believes she finds a loophole to your predicament, though. You were somewhere behind her while she battled your copy out in the snow, snarling and snapping her teeth as they cackled at her attempts to catch them.
She does, eventually. They try to get away after she's sliced through their moldy hands, but she's had enough and uses her swarm to get to them faster. Her sickle whistles through the air, and it catches their neck, slicing straight through it and severing their life force.
She did it.
You're safe.
She takes a few deep breaths and turns to where she knows you're still standing as your copy crumples to the ground, their head rolling a bit away from the rest of their body. Their skin becomes ash, and that is when she knows she's saved you.
And yet, when she turns to tell you the good news, to, perhaps, embrace you, she finds you standing as though you were merely a statue. Your spine is stiff and your eyes are focused on some distant point, and if your wings weren't swaying gently in the wind, she would have assumed you were a statue.
You take a few steps forward, and she sees blood leaking from somewhere behind your head. Her eyes widen as she rushes to get to you, tossing her bloody sickle to the side as you fall to the ground. She has tunnel vision for you, and she feels unable to see anything else around her.
You don't move when she touches you. Nothing in your eyes even reacts when she gently shakes your shoulders.
This can't-
"Little mouse," she mumbles, hands reaching up to cup your face. "This isn't funny. Look, I- They're gone. You're safe now; isn't that what you wanted?"
Her breathing picks up as you continue to lay lifeless beneath her, as your blood stains the snow. She doesn't know what happened, and hadn't she saved you-
"Talk to me," she demands, grasping your shoulders to shake a little more angrily. "God damnit, say something!"
And you don't. Your head lolls as she shakes you and not-so-lightly smacks the side of your face, tears stinging her eyes. She tries everything she can; she threatens you, smacks you, shakes you, and when she finally reaches for your hand-
She sobs when your hand crumbles in her own, her breath stuttering in her chest as she watches your body start to become ash beneath her touch.
She refuses. She gently takes your face between her hands, her tears blurring her vision, shouting out, "Wake up. This isn't a game and it's not funny-"
She tries to cling to you, to offer you something to hold onto as you pass into the afterlife, wherever that may be. She tried so hard to protect you and it's not fair-
It must be her fault, right? She tried to take out your copy to offer you some peace, and she killed you. She didn't know, she doesn't know-
Her head lowers to your chest as you crumble around her. She doesn't know what else to do, what else she can offer you.
She just hopes you could someday learn to forgive her.
It's not often she wakes in the middle of the night to you trying to leave.
Actually, it's never really happened before, so she's not entirely sure what to do while she's half-awake and you're struggling to put some clothes on while your breath stutters.
Her eyes are bleary and she feels like she's not hearing your properly, but you tell her about some nightmare you'd had, how you feel like Miranda is close. Even in her half-asleep state, she knows to trust you and those feelings within you, and so, she follows you to the safehouse on the castle's grounds.
This isn't the first time this has happened, and she knows where to go. She sleepily clings to your side as you walk, and she hears your heart thundering in your chest. When she gets you to the safehouse, she'll-
Her boot gets snagged under a root, and she pauses as you leave her side. She urges you to continue, telling you she'll catch up in a minute as she sluggishly tries to get her foot out from beneath the root. She almost falls a few times, and she just hopes you weren't watching.
She takes a deep breath as she stands and takes a few steps back, rolling her ankle and ensuring she can still walk on it with no issue. She hears you doing something close by, but her bleary gaze is focused on where her foot had been caught the lack of a root there.
Hm. Strange.
She looks up, yawning and rubbing at her eyes when she sees you standing, the moon shining brightly against your back.
She's not sure why you don't say anything, why you're not even looking at her, and she's almost offended. She supposes you've just had a rough start to your morning, so-
Are... Have your eyes always been that dull? She remembers how much they glow when she's around, so she's a little confused by this.
"Sweet human?" she mumbles, her brows furrowing as she pulls her jacket closer to her body. Her arms are crossed tightly over her chest, and her confusion only grows when you don't answer her. "Hey? Can you hear me?"
You do have a tendency to get lost in your head, and she knows how to get you out of it. She steps toward you, worried when you don't even react to her moving. Her hand gently reaches for your face, cold meeting warm, and she wonders why she can't really hear your heartbeat anymore.
She's tired, though, and maybe she's just imagining things.
You sway gently for only a moment, and she thinks you finally see her as your dull eyes meet her own, but then you fall. She's fully awake in a moment's notice, eyes widening as she tries to catch you, but it all happens too quick.
You hit the snowy ground and she sees blood splatter onto the whiteness around you, her fears rising in her chest as her knees hit the floor. She tries to shake you awake, tries to turn your head to see the wound she didn't even know you had, but she knows she won't be of much help.
She rises and quickly sprints through the castle toward her oldest sister's room, and she knows Bela could help you. She takes after their mamă, after all, and she would know what to do where Daniela does not.
She bursts into her sister's room and clambers onto her bed, already shaking her awake as she tries to hurriedly explain what happened as best she can. Bela tries to swat her away and ends up grabbing her to cuddle with her, but she breaks away and begs.
That is what gets her sister's attention that something is very wrong.
Bela tiredly follows her outside in her nightgown, shaking her head as she tries to understand what Daniela is telling her. She asks questions where she can, holds her little sister close and reassures her you'll be fine, just like you always are-
Until she sees you, that is.
Or, rather, what remains of you.
By the time they get to where your body had been, most of it is already crystallized ash. Daniela shrieks and tries to break out of Bela's grasp to get to you, to comfort you in your final moments, but her sister holds tight. She drags Daniela back inside with much difficulty, shouting for their mother over the sounds of her little sister's cries and sobs.
Bela comforts her inside the warmth of the castle while what remains of you freezes outside. She tries to tell Daniela that is is safer by the fire, that whatever is out there cannot come inside, but her sister hears none of it. She cries and sobs and whines into Bela's chest, clinging to her as though her life depended on it.
You're completely gone by the time her mother gets to you, and Daniela's distraught state seems to last a lifetime.
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dollythesheepp · 1 year
17 18 23
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Ha, flashback to our convo on wattpad. Boy, I've learned a bunch of stuff, mostly random things that will never be relevant in my life, like what types of trees are more common in Ohio and how long it takes to drive from Seattle to Ohio (I've learned a lot about Ohio, that's what I get for writing heathers fics). I've also learned a lot of new english words thanks to Thesaurus.com
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
"I'm sorry for accusing you like that, Heather. Your plan was stupid, but I know you just want what's best for the team," she kept her head down, her eyes focused on her shoes, so she didn't have to look at Heather. "I'm also sorry for calling you a Satanic Barbie..."
It's not just one line but anyway...
It's not clever or anything but I did chuckle a little bit when I wrote it.
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
Normally once I hit 2 or 3k words cause I don't like to write chapters that are too long.
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bethiewhimsy · 1 year
Can I call you Ama/nf
omg yes ofc :)
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
Hi Roz!!❤️ Freckles, paper and watermelon for the soft asks??
🥺 I love these
Freckles - most worn article of clothing?
I have an Obi-Wan sweatshirt that I literally wear any chance I get lmao. It's so comfy and I'm so upset it's hot where I live because I can't wear it as often anymore 😭
Watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
Very, very rarely do I cry because of a movie. I can only think of one off the top of my head that made me cry and it was The Lovely Bones 😭
Paper - favorite children's book?
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon was one of my favorites as a kid and I still love it today. It's such a cute story and probably is the reason I love bats so much lmao
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maybe i’ll make my ocs in sims.... so i have a better visual reference than picrews.......... alas, the nonbinaries will be. you know. -_- forced to choose Boy or Girl. tragic
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neglectedneuron · 1 year
i just realized im drinking coffee at 8pm with no plans to stay up. Its just that its so warm and cozy and i like to have it. so why only have it in the daytime if its so warm and cozy. and why would i have decaf what am i. a grandma
also caffeine doesn't seem to terribly affect my sleep schedule. nothing does really except poor willpower and my cellphone
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bl00dyb4nd4ids · 2 years
I got water and air I think I'm way better now
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