#ezreal is so fascinating to her like
sivunas · 9 months
"When I was a kid, I used to make these things called mud pies. Heard of 'em?" In Shurima, when it rains it pours, and the desert has become an unpassable expanse of treacherous mud. They've found an old stone ruin they can sit in, but the stillness and silence makes it hard for Ezreal to sit still. "You just stack up a bunch of mud like a cake, and when you pat it it's really wiggly. But now I just..." Ezreal glances at her chest, but to his credit it's his own that he reaches up and pats.
sivir's eyebrows start to crease the second ezreal's words register, and her lower lip pushes up in a way hat makes her nose scrunch up. " mud pies? " she repeats, sounding almost incredulous in her tone. she tries her best to mask that cutting edge of curiosity with a veil of disdain, but that brief glimmer that leapt into her eyes surely would have given her away, were ezreal paying close enough attention to the minute shifts in her face. sivir wonders, though, when she catches that stolen glance to her chest, which only twists her lips even more. ironic, considering they've shared maddening nights, skin to skin, but she can't fight that slithering instinct to react with a volatile snap of her jaws and bite to her words because she'd rather choke than admit she so much as tolerates him, let alone the fact that she does like him. to what degree, she's not quite sure, but she sure as hell won't tell him, either way.
she shakes her head, and her hair spills down over her shoulders, the falling cascades of rich, dark brown locks framing her face so gently. " no, i can't say that i have, " sivir replies at last. she's trying her best to relate the correlation between his explanation to his gesture, and tilts her head to the side and just . . . stares at him blankly. " and now you just . . . ? now you just what? " sivir frowns again. " your mud pies are wiggly. but you— you're patting your flat chest. "
please, ezreal, she is so confused.
sivir sits up straighter and starts scooting closer to him, close enough for her to roughly grip his face with just one hand, squeezing his cheeks tight and squishing it all up. " explain. "
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modernlovez · 8 months
top 5 league blorbos and why? —mp anon
bonus: top 3 blorbos from other media
What a way to start my day off!! Omg I’ve wanted to think about this list…
1. Ezreal - ouguguuhhh… sorry what I mean to say is that I think about him daily and think he’s a very interesting and good character, love putting him in ships and situations, and think he’s also v funny
2. Sett - simply he’s super important to me and what I usually call my main to everyone lol! I find him very cool and interesting and every time I make skin concepts I think he’s VERY fun to make ideas for
3. Kayn - He’s just incredibly fascinating… like idk how to describe it in a way that doesn’t sound same old? I find his entire fork in the road, dynamic with Rhaast, dynamic with others, self-discipline, confidence, etc etc etc super easy to become invested with? And making my own skin concepts for him is super super fun to try and do
4. Neeko - I JUST LOVE HER ugh she’s my favorite midlane champion and I find her voice lines super adorable and well done w her cheery voice and delivery like. Oh my god she is just so cute and her design was the first champion design not in a music group that caught my eye from League, fun fact! I always told myself I’d play her if I ever played League and Guess What
5. Yone - It’s a hard toss between him and Aphelios bc I feel for them both deeply, but the dynamic w Yasuo that Yone has and his entire character concept oougugohugihu I love him so much and just want him to experience joy and laughter…
1. Oikawa Tooru from Haikyuu!! - I’ve written essays about this man and how emotional he makes me
2. Cole from Lego Ninjago - Yeah… yeah yeah yeah yeah
3. Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV - I just think he’s [gross sobbing noises]
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moonsdancer · 2 years
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#MelJay AU Week | day four: movie au - the mummy (1999)
Art historian, Mel Medarda is slowly but surely building a career for herself as the assistant curator of the Nashmarae Museum of History in Shurima. Ever since she was a little girl, reading about the histories of her dead father's people, she's dreamed of exploring the mysteries of Shurima first hand. Of course, cataloguing an endless pile of precious objects and translating ancient texts isn't always so thrilling. But she's content, albeit ever searching for something truly special, revolutionary even.
Then, her brother Kino shows up toting a strange ancient box covered in hieroglyphs she has the wherewithal to translate. What the glyphs and the box's contents promise is world-changing, a fragment of a map to the Lost City of Gardens, a mystical place thought long buried beneath the sands of history and time. 
Before she knows it, an obnoxious disgraced inventor and ex-mercenary, Captain—no, Mister Jayce Talis, the only creature alive who claims to have seen the Lost City in person, joins their motley crew on the hunt for treasure and glory. But, they aren't the only ones on the trail, with greedy competitors and explorers pouring in from all over Runeterra to plunder a new discovery.
Even worse, something terrifying and ancient, awakened from beneath the dunes, arises to hunt them all.
Read a snippet from the story, tentatively titled, dawn of the chalicar, below + twitter here
(If you are familiar with The Mummy, then this scene's inspiration should be obvious. I had a lot of fun writing it, hope it's vaguely fun to read. Sorry for any mistakes in it, nothing is beta'd yet. The story will also ft. Akshan {the hottest bae in Shurima - Kino AND Jayce know}, Ezreal and others, currently trying to include as many P&Z faves as possible lol.)
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dawn of the chalicar
Bel’Zhun Prison, Shurima
“Are you quite certain this ‘associate’ of yours is on the up-and-up, Kino? I’d like to escape this adventure with my head still firmly attached to the rest of my body.”
Mel looked askance at the prison yard in which she now stood, very much against her will, ignoring the salacious jeers and disturbing invitations being thrown her way from a motley crew of inmates. The absurd warden had trundled off with a pair of lackeys to locate a Captain Talis—the individual she was using a good chunk of her savings to bail out from his sentencing. All on the assurances of her brother who claimed he would prove somehow useful in reaching the location of the very first clue that had been embedded in the glyphs she’d deciphered a few nights ago. 
Kino was a poor judge of character at the best of times so Mel held little hope that this nefarious individual would be of much help. But Kino had insisted. 
“How are you acquainted with this Captain Talis, anyway?”
“Oh, we’ve done some business in the past, you know, a bit of this and a little of that.”
There was a shiftiness to Kino’s eyes, and he was fidgeting with his shoulder-length locs a little, his usual tell. Mel’s gaze narrowed. Either this Talis person was a criminal associate or Kino had conned the man, both possibilities boded ill.
Before she could interrogate him further, the warden of Bel’Zhun Prison, a portly gentleman draped in blindingly colourful robes, returned. He dragged a dusty, scraggly-haired giant behind him. Without preamble, he kicked the chained prisoner to the ground in front of them and said, “So, how much for the criminal?”
Frowning, Mel opened her mouth to remind the man of the five hundred crowns they’d already agreed on but Kino beat her to the punch with an offer of one hundred-and-fifty. Really? Was now the time to haggle?
The warden grinned, revealing a sizeable snaggle tooth that was a fascinating shade of orange. “Ah, my friend, you must be joking. I guess you don’t need our dear, disgraced captain that much after all.” He pulled on the prisoner, who’d stayed hunched over as if in pain, clutching the locks of his scraggly hair. “I feel the need for an execution today, maybe I can start with him. He’s something of a troublemaker anyway, always starting fights with the others, and pestering me for toothpaste, it’d be good to see him die.”
Mel gasped in horror. “You can’t—we need him to find the treasure—!”
“…Treasure, you say?”
Oh, blast it. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. 
Kino, always swift to act when something threatened his potential money-making schemes, piped up in denial, “Don’t pay attention to my sister. She’s mad, barely literate, and recently released from an asylum! This time yesterday, she was plucking her own underarm hair out and eating it.”
Mel looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Surely that was a bit over the top. But now that he’d set up such lofty expectations, oughtn’t she do something to play the part? Perhaps start scratching at her armpits? Oh, the indignity of it all. She was going to kill Kino. 
“Listen,” the warden half-whispered. “I know you’re probably telling the truth about the treasures—I will keep it quiet, and release the prisoner into your hands, in exchange for maybe a special gift.” He smiled at her, his tangerine tooth fairly glowing in the midday sun as he leaned in close to rub his finger along her elbow. “And sixty percent of your treasure.”
Mel shoved him away in disgust and fury. Mostly disgust. “Excuse me, you foul-breathed miscreant. You are not—."
“Twelve percent!” 
Mel cut herself off and faced her brother who had apparently rediscovered his desire to barter. Over her!
Affronted beyond belief, Mel stepped aside while the two men went at it, both of them becoming increasingly shrill as they got thoroughly invested in their negotiation. 
The prisoner, this Captain Talis, was sitting up on his haunches. No longer hunched over as if in pain, instead he was looking straight at her, his whiskey-coloured eyes only barely visible between locks of dank, near-black hair. An unkempt beard covered his chin, and what she could see of his face beneath smears of filth and gods knew what else, wasn’t particularly remarkable. And yet still, for some inexplicable reason, she found herself arrested by his steady gaze.
This man couldn’t be worth all the trouble they were going to to get him out of jail. She had to double check.
Stepping closer to him—but not too close for he stank like someone who’d spent the better part of a year in a Shuriman port prison. 
“Captain Talis, I must implore you to tell me the truth, can you truly tell us how to find the Lost City of Gardens?”
When she spoke, the captain tilted his head, watching her with the wariness of a very large and very dangerous, and likely rabid animal. She noted, with an artist’s eye, that even though he’d probably lived through all manner of harsh deprivations, there was still a rangy power to his frame, his shoulders were broad—almost absurdly so—beneath the tatters of a faded doublet and shirt. The threadbare trousers he wore did little to hide the sturdy trunk-like thighs beneath, hugging him to an almost improper degree. Mel jerked her eyes upward away from inappropriate territory only to find him scrutinising her with a crooked smirk.
“Mister Talis, actually,” he drawled, his voice rusty. “Why do you want to find the Lost City? Fancy lady like you wouldn’t survive more than five minutes on the journey.”
Stomping her foot in frustration, Mel informed him in no uncertain terms that she was more than capable of an expedition across the Great Sai. She was much hardier than she looked.
He didn’t seem to believe her but he still asked, “Why take the risk?”
“Because—anything worthwhile involves risk, Mr Talis. I was told you are the sort to understand that.”
He snorted. “All right, I might be willing to consider telling you how to get there but it’s a tricky thing.”
Sensing an opening, however minute, Mel shuffled closer. “What… would convince you further?”
He lifted his filthy chained hands, and gestured at her to come nearer, as if to tell her a secret, a conspiratorial slant to his head. An excellent idea given the sensitivity of their subject. Mel moved forward until she was less than a foot away, intrigue percolating in her breast. If the man told them how here and now, then maybe they could just depart from this foul place and be on their way.
“Come a little closer, I can’t holler this kind of thing out in the middle of a jail, or your little expedition’ll be over before it even starts.”
He was right, so Mel sidled in almost scandalously close. So close she could see the glints of gold and flecks of green in his surprisingly fetching eyes.
“All right, thank you ever so much for telling m—hmph!”
Whatever she was about to say was muzzled by a pair of chapped lips pressing against her own in a rough kiss. It wasn’t like any kiss she’d had before. None of the too-soft chivalry of warm candlelit evenings in the teak-panelled gallerias and posh soirees during her university days in Piltover. No, there wasn’t a trace of gentility or sweet questioning here. It was demanding, and a little bit mean, a bite of teeth that made her whimper. In protest. Mostly.
But then, almost in a flash, the contact shifted. The sly swipe of a warm, wet tongue that tasted a little sour and yet had her opening her mouth to grant it entry, a curious lap of her own as she moved to meet it. 
He reared back and growled in her face, “If you want to know how to get there, lady, get me the hell out of here!”
Before she could respond, one of the guards clubbed the captain over the head and he dropped onto the sand with a thump. 
Shaken, as much by the easy violence as she was the kiss, Mel reached up to touch her stinging mouth watching as Captain-Mister-whatever-he-called-himself Talis was tugged away. More like Captain Cretin! Or Monsieur Libertine! Or—
“You know, if I’d known you were willing to dole out kisses to sweeten negotiations, we could’ve gotten a deal much quicker, little fox.”
The warden loudly agreed.
“Oh, do shut up, both of you.”
Hope someone enjoyed. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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sheriff-caitlyn · 3 years
I started this blog in 2014, as the first Caitlyn on tumblr, and obviously I’ve been through a lot of retcons and changes myself, not only adapting to Riot’s own public retcons (from the minor, like her aesthetics, to the major, like the removal of the Institute of War as an integral part of their lore) but also to my own. That’s the thing about playing a character as complex as this, is that you learn more as you go. In your interactions with others and the creation of backstory, history, and other bits of worldbuilding to better understand the world you’re in, a character goes from a handful of images and some in-game voicelines to a fully-fledged person with a complex narrative. Sometimes things change, and that’s fine. But there are some changes which... aren’t. 
For all the fingerprints I’ve put on her, she is still not my character. But I care. Sunk-cost fallacy, maybe, but I care about this character I have been involved in and I care about the direction she has been taken. So, without further ado, I’d like to delve into:
The Recent Caitlyn Update In Piltover’s New Context or, We Gotta Fetishise Police Violence, I Mean, Look At Her, She’s So Hot
Back in August 2015, I went, ‘Oh No, they’re going to try to turn Piltover into Gotham City, aren’t they?’, and lo and behold, suddenly we have Poison Ivy now. But I will get back to that, later. In this particular thread, I noted that many of the characters in Piltover seemed destined for a revamp that would rob them of what originally drew us to them in the first place, and that Piltover seemed destined for a rework that would wash out much of their character. Piltover and Zaun were always meant to be polar opposites, but suddenly we were seeing glimpses of Piltover being ‘not as good as everyone thinks’, which hinted that Piltover and Zaun were destined not to be polar opposites in the future, but indistinguishable from each other. It worried me that the only thing telling these two fascinating cities apart would be the sunlight.
So, when we have so much potential for a clash between Zaun and Piltover, between ‘Science No Matter The Cost’ and ‘We Must Advance The World With Care’, why change Piltover to some murky middleground, turning peace and security into wartime capitalism? A world where the people are shitty, where weapons and profit come first, and the only ones making a stand are the ones who are so embittered they have nothing better to do?
Because it has to be ‘interesting’. We’re going to lose bits that we like, that we’re familiar with. And that’s why I’m concerned.
This was before Piltover and Zaun were squished together in an ugly - and utterly ham-fisted - method of showing How Complex The Future Is. There’s layers, guys! Literal layers to this one single city! That means it’s deep! But when I say ‘bits that we like, that we’re familiar with’, I’m not clinging to a fanon interpretation. I’m saying the things that drew us to the world and to the characters to begin with. I could adapt from Caitlyn turning from brown-haired and brown-eyed to black-haired and blue-eyed, because even through I had been doing art, at that point, the change gave me an opportunity to express and discover more about her character (her eye colour being influenced by her mother’s magic, for one). But some of the more stark changes - to family, to job, to personality, to the city of Piltover itself - these result in a character changing completely. I was worried that the cool detective who literally made the world a better place would be chopped and changed into something unrecognisable. I even expounded on my concerns in November 2016, where I could see some of the ways the writers at Rito might make adjustments in the direction of their lore updates.
All this to say, I’ve been working on her for a while, and I was bracing for some bad news. This? This is kind of the worst.
Caitlyn has always been the Sheriff of Piltover, an authority figure, a representative of the law and order that Piltover is famous for. Piltover’s peace and financial prosperity has been directly linked to Caitlyn’s concerted effort to eradicate crime (not criminals, crime! Which, as I have mentioned particularly in this post from 2014, means she upended and reformed the justice system, from the legal process to the prisons to how people are treated as citizens). The city is safe, people have greater access to personal wealth and development, classism is erased, society is flourishing. Zaun, as Piltover’s polar opposite, is a corporate nightmare, with ‘do as thou wilt’, private bodyguards for the rich and powerful while the poor scramble to survive in a system that barely treats them as human. Vi, as a Zaunite, brings a lot of her ‘violence as a problem-solver’ methodology to Piltover’s law-enforcement, though she seems to have no intention of returning to Zaun and seems to have bonded with Caitlyn (‘teamwork!’) to Get Shit Done. And, apparently, there is still shit that needs to be done, though nowhere near as much as there had been in the Bad Old Days.
Vi was, at the time, the awkward-grit-teeth-grin-ha-ha-um-yeah representation of police violence. ‘Resist arrest’, she cries gleefully, as she beats people and breaks down buildings, and we are supposed to go ‘ha, isn’t that funny’ with varying degrees of sincerity. Of course Piltover is going to have problems: anywhere that has wealth and stability is going to be targeted by the envious and the needy. Peace needs to be protected. The problem lies in how that protection is enacted.
So now we have the recent Legends of Runeterra update to Caitlyn, an update which looked at the context of Piltover needing protection, as well as the modern context of Riot’s California location in the Years of Our Lord 2020-2021, and then decided ‘you know what we need? Police violence, everyone loves police violence’.
MAN I thought the stripper-cop skins were bad but here we go!
Her Yordle Snap-Traps (which I envisioned as from the Yordle Military, rather than a racially-profiling weapon as, y’know, they work on human-and-larger-sized people as well) have now been replaced by electroshock grenades, the intent gone from incapacitation and observation to outright paralysis and destruction. Her net-short is now apparently electro-conductive (admittedly, I have had one (1) single RP where that happened, but it came at both a cost to Caitlyn and to her weapon’s efficiency as a result, a last-resort against a dangerous opponent). Caitlyn’s cards in LoR take her from being a detective coordinating ideas and people and putting together a case to a SWAT team leader. This might be the biggest problem in working for a non-combat-oriented character in a MOBA, or in any fighting game: the game needs to find rationalisations for all of their characters being there, being combatants, being able to kill (even if, as Riot says, the lore is separate from the game). We have monsters and soldiers and ancient powers who of course they know how to spill blood and relish in doing so. But pacifists, like Karma or Bard? Explorers like Ezreal? And a sheriff, a peacekeeper, a law-keeper, someone mindful of responsibility and the importance of saving every life possible, like Caitlyn? They’re stripped of that depth and complexity in-game, but there was always the lore that backed them up. But they’ve done away with that completely. Caitlyn was never special operations. She was never military. But now she is, because she had to be changed to fit better into a fighting game. They had to make her violent, and as a result, they have undermined not only everything about the character that made her interesting to begin with - turning her now into a representative of police brutality, but with long hair, pouty lips, and a thigh gap - but they’re also re-writing the context of Piltover. It was bad enough to squish Piltover and Zaun together. But now, Caitlyn’s update is proof that Piltover has gone from a steampunk utopia to a violent, oppressive and cynical post-industrial world. The depiction of Caitlyn as a SWAT team leader (complete with special-forces beret, because hat! Caitlyn wears a hat! Nevermind the fact that she’s no longer wearing a distinctive tophat but instead a symbol of extreme state-sponsored force!) shows us that Piltover’s ‘army’ is not designed as a defence against outsiders, but as an offensive force against their own people. Caitlyn is supposed to be the representation of how peace and order is maintained in one of the largest factions in League of Legends, and if her method of maintaining order is straight-up police violence against their own citizens, then it’s not really peace and order. It’s authoritarianism at best, and facism at worst.
Piltover was different from every other nation in Runeterra because it didn’t have a military. It had defenders, and it had a powerful economy, and it had a democratic political system. But the Piltover update retconned Caitlyn’s hard work. The gangs were back - though now they’re big powerful families like Clan Ferros - and Caitlyn has been de-aged so that she’s still new to the force, that she hasn’t even had her chance to change anything. Her importance to Piltover is minimised... and why is Vi even there? (Oh boy I guess you’re going to have to watch Arcane to find out! Coming to a Netflix near you soon!) With a younger Caitlyn in a violent society, she has no choice but to be violent herself... even if that undermines everything previously established about Piltover and about Caitlyn. This update has made Piltover just as ugly and oppressive as Demacia, Noxus, and Zaun. It’s just another army equipped to do violence, but now that violence is turned inwards. This isn’t protection, it’s control. It’s fear. It’s oppression. Caitlyn is no longer a peacekeeper. She’s a monster. Chopped and changed, as I feared, into something completely unrecognisable from how she began in a world that no longer looks like what it had been... or should be.
It’s hard to tell what came first, the change to Piltover or the change to Caitlyn. Either way, the changes are inextricably linked. Caitlyn was integral to Piltover’s modern state, and Piltover is integral to Caitlyn as a character. Her (original) drive was to make the city and all its people better; Piltover was a utopia because of the effort of Caitlyn, and of people like her, people who wanted a better world. This new iteration of Piltover - full of fear and violence and hypocricy, layered over Zaun in such a way that makes ham-fisted commentary about the wealth/class divide - undermines the value of the individual. It removes agency. It removes hope, which had been integral to Piltover. Piltover is no longer the CIty of Progress... it’s the City of ‘you better be rich and pretty if you want to progress’. And Caitlyn is no longer a force for good or a representative of responsibility, because those things don’t exist in Piltover anymore. Legends of Runeterra has turned Caitlyn into a bitch, someone to hate. She has a marked lack of respect for people, as demonstrated in her new character traits of ‘casually-racist’ (her lines to Veigar), ‘condescending’ (her lines to Viktor), with some added pride in her violence (’here’s my calling card *shoots gun*’ and ‘I aim to win and my aim is excellent’). She is a representative of her city, and she is a terrible person now. Piltover is terrible. Piltover is ugly. 
But Caitlyn avoids that last part. And she’ll get away with it, because she’s a hot twenty-something.
In 2015, I drew Caitlyn-as-Swain, as an AU for what might have been. The overwhelming response at the time was ‘aaa she’s so hot I’d follow that leader of Noxus’, prompting a good friend Swain RPer to comment that Swain - who was, at the time, the withered man in green and gold who needed a cane - was just as smart as Caitlyn if not more so, a proven capable leader, but when it comes down to it, sex-appeal will always trump characterisation and storytelling, and that’s disheartening for someone who puts so much work into stories, to context, to something deeper than ‘Just another MOBA’. And here I am, in 2021, looking at how Caitlyn has been stripped of her fascinating and complex characterisation while maintaining her long legs, long hair, and corsetted figure. Now, I do appreciate the fact they’ve given her a better costume than miniskirt and boobtube. She deserves so much better. I even commissioned back in 2015 for a Better Look for Caitlyn; Tom aka FaerieFountain went on to make her new look canon. But she’s supposed to be a detective. She’s supposed to be careful and methodical and mindful of her status and power. Instead, she’s been made gleefully violent, leaving a lot of depth behind in order to become just Hot Cop With Gun. (As an aside, was anyone else uncomfortable with Caitlyn’s high-school skin? Especially when the writer actually tweeted ‘step on me’? Hello? Ma’am? That is a high school student, that is a CHILD you are talking about? But Caitlyn is hot so it’s fine! Sexualise a child! it’s fine, she’s hot, it’s fine!) Almost everyone who has contacted me about Caitlyn’s LoR cards has been excited to see her. Good! She’s a great character! Or, she was. But the enthusiasm about her is tied to how she’s so violent, how she uses her power to abuse those who don’t conform. But she looks great, smoking hot, you know? And when she’s smoking hot, her dangerous and abusive behaviour and attitude are completely excused. An update to a character needs to take into account characterisation as well as the visuals. Her update, sadly, has focused on the all-too-prevalent problem of the viciousness of state-sponsored violence, rather than the complexity of detective work, of puzzle solving and intellectualism, but because she looks hot and speaks in that British accent, no-one’s going to care. Hot ladies can get away with so much, because legs and pouty lips, but I guess she’s also a cop or whatever.
And, as a momentary aside, why is an eco-terrorist suddenly Caitlyn’s longtime foe? It makes zero sense for Piltover and for Caitlyn that someone who plant-based powers is her biggest rival and the city’s biggest threat. Zero sense, until you take into account that Piltover has been stripped of its character and made into something more aligned with modern authoritarianism than the hopeful vibes of steampunk. Environmentalism? Not on my watch! Deploy the police (the good guys!) to silence the protesters (who are obviously the bad guys becase they’re protesting)! Because Piltover and Zaun are one city now, and therefore indistinguishable, we have a fucking Poison Ivy character causing enough trouble in Piltover to warrant entire fucking SWAT teams opening fire within the city limits and around peoples’ homes! Not Zaun, which is the environmental nightmare, but Piltover! With its fresh air and open skies! Yes, that’s a great place for an eco-terrorist to blame and/or try to fix! The whole thing is honestly so backwards! Like they’ve decided to make a cool character in the form of Corina and just shove her into the story, rather than finding a place in the narrative that suits her. The idea that Corina is C makes no sense. Caitlyn vs C is supposed to be Sherlock versus Moriarty, Ganimard versus Lupin, ACME versus Carmen Sandiego, world’s greatest detective against the world’s greatest thief. It focused on the intellectual battle, the need for self-improvement, and - most importantly! - that this was a fight that didn’t result in gunfire or people being put in bodybags. But we can’t have that in our fighting game! We can’t have people thinking, because that’s not the kind of game we have, it’s left-click-shoot out here on the Rift or in the cards. So now we have a woman with plant powers bombing Piltover, and a policewoman kicking down doors and opening fire. And she’s right there, in Caitlyn’s new splash art, within reaching distance of the sheriff!
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She’s right there! In hot pink with a flower in her fucking hair! And Caitlyn doesn’t even notice? Looks like one of my major gripes about Caitlyn being updated - Incompetence - is rearing its ugly head. She cannot even see someone not five feet from her. Oooh, look out, Piltover, no-one can figure out why this single eco-terrorist is causing problems for years, but Caitlyn will figure it out! With her gun! Because she’s a cop with a gun, and cops with guns never cause more problems than they solve, right?
Look... I know. I know she’s not my character. I know that everything I’ve done is fan-interpretation. But I’ve worked for so long and hard and done so much research, and things I’ve done have even been seen by - and used by! - the company itself (not just in the ‘oh what a coincidence’ sense, either, I know my link on Hextech as a form of magic made it to several of the writers, some of whom later contacted me). I might be too jaded by all the disappointment to take it personally anymore, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen. We know Riot Games could be and should be better. So many people in this community - and people who have since moved on - put so much love and effort into the characters and the world, building up from scraps and guesswork and extrapolation. It wasn’t our world, but we enjoyed playing in it. We enjoyed struggling in it, because it pushed us to be thoughtful, creative, to be engaged and interested. Critical Theory doesn’t have to be negative... but this recent update to Caitlyn’s character and to Piltover as a whole is... it’s a step backwards. They’ve gone for the ‘ooh isn’t this gritty and dark’ approach, and swept away so much of what made the original so interesting, creative, engaging to begin with. They’d rather have controversy than people genuinely enjoying the thing that they’re opening their wallet for. 
Caitlyn was a detective who focused on responsibility, intellectualism, and care. What she is now is not the same Caitlyn they started with, and expresses a set of values that I do not support. This blog will continue to be focusing on the old lore, on what Piltover has been and what it should be: a hopeful utopia, a place for people to grow and be responsible and thoughtful and mindful of their place on the world stage. It’s not going to be perfect, but there’s hope, and there’s people here who want the world, and everyone in it, to be better than it is. I hope you join me, no matter who you are.
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essence-flux-primed · 3 years
" it's amazing, really, " lux begins softly. her gaze is distant, yet her irises are bright, illuminated with fervently burning passions. " you think we only have three states of matter, but there's so many ! one of the most interesting, i think, is time. have you heard of time crystals ? they're so much more than regular crystals. they have the added dimension of time itself and exist in a constant state outside of equilibrium. it's because they don't have a regular pattern of crystallization that exist in a state of equilibrium ! they do have a repeating pattern, but it's a pattern that repeats periodically throughout time. there are even space-time crystals. and no, i don't mean crystals that come from space. they're crystals whose patterns exist in a longitudinal direction, so . . . within the breadths of space and time. it's so cool, don't you think ? i've been reading up on this a lot in my free time ! "
⋆ — “Yeah?” His voice is low and soft like honey as they lie together. Lux talks and Ezreal thinks about how even the strongest love spell couldn’t make him feel the way he does now. Lux’s eyes are bright when she talks, and she has that little smile she gets when she talks about thinks she finds neat, and Ezreal is drowning, submerged in the warm bath of a word he used to fear. 
     Love isn’t scary with her, though. Not when she’s lying on his arm and he’s tracing patterns on her shoulders, listening to her latest fascination. Her skin seams to gleam in the late afternoon light and Ezreal can watch the thoughts dance across her eyes like a meteor shower. She fills his vision with prismatic light and talks about states of matter and Ezreal thinks that maybe forever isn’t such a terrible concept after all. He laughs, lashes heavy with affection, and slides an arm around her waist, tugging her body closer. “So cool,” he agrees, taking her hand and pulling it against his chest. “It makes me go crazy when you talk condensed-matter physics to me.” And, true to his word, Ezreal’s heart races beneath where he presses her palm. 
      She’s so smart and so kind and so perfect it seems unreal that she should be lying here in his arms now. “So should I grow you one in my kitchen?” A lazy, confident smirk tugs at his lips. “Is that how I woo you? Bet I could do it.” Ezreal’s eyes never leave her face, her body. He doesn’t look at his phone or out the window or at anything else that might catch his attention. “I was looking at African animals ‘cause I watched Madagascar again,” he says, reaching up to stroke her cheek with his knuckles. “You know the fossa can grow to be six feet long? They’re, like, the ferrets of big cats.”
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riftimagines · 4 years
Welp shite, I got an ask for Ezreal x Lux on an archaeology trip and it accidentally posted then deleted when I went to fix it -.-“ I’m sorry about that but here are the Headcanons!
Ezreal x Lux
-Total dorks. That’s it GG.
-JK, not about the dork thing though. They are both very fascinated by artifacts and history and are always looking for more answers. Sometimes they make up theories to things and they can get quite ridiculous and just make them laugh. Then seriously begin questioning what if though?
-Lux LOVES the Piltover museum and even though Ezreal gets bored there will happily show Lux around and answer as many questions as he can, until she stumps him and makes him start sputtering. She’ll honestly be worried she broke him.
-Ezreal will notice she is more drawn in by magical items and will show off his gauntlet to her. She’ll be amazed as he teleports a good distance from her and back and start gushing over it. He’ll smugly start telling her his overdramatized stories about bad guys he’s taken down with it but will clam up if she brings up why he went to look for it.
-Ezreal is so that guy that wants to make a move but doesn’t because he’s uncertain of Lux’s reaction. He’ll want to hold her hand while they walk through the exhibits but keeps psyching himself out until Lux just grabs his hand and smiles. He nearly passes out right there and Lux has to hold him up a bit.
-Lux would one day like to go out on the field with him. He’ll be weary because of how dangerous it normally is and he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to her but Lux is a tough girl despite her cheery disposition and will wind up saving him from trouble.
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
Top Picks
I don’t have the first interest in getting into LoL’s competitive scene. I hate everything I’ve ever seen about that scene. I do like the champions in the game.
I want to share a couple of the ones I do and don’t like, and why - reasons that aren’t really tied to power directly. Spoiler line to protect the innocent from my wall of text.
Ezreal: (High-mobility mage who looks like a high schooler at an archaeology summer camp) This guy feels like a D&D character who specializes in Magic Missile. He’s very powerful, but in spite of a kit that can handle a lot of different things he feels really basic and kind of bland. It’s fascinating to me how little interest I hold for him, both because of his high power/mobility and the level of popularity he clearly has in the community.
Anivia: (Frost Phoenix) The creature design and the magic kit for this character are really neat. I wouldn’t put her at the top but she’s very high up there. The reactivated skill shots are cool and the ability to drop an ice wall means your enemy has to constantly play around the possibility that they’ll have to cope with an extra bit of terrain in the middle of a play.
Dr Mundo: (Bizarro pretending at being a doctor) This guy’s hilarious, he’s a fun take on tanking, and he’s reasonably powerful. In a tier list he’d be easy A, borderline S.
Evelynn: (Stealth predator with seductress skin) I love the play style. They mechanically nailed the predatory mood, where at your best you’re constantly isolating prey, picking them off, making their whole team paranoid, and just wrecking their shit. Eve’s the only “natural-stealth” champion in the game, generally able to go unseen on the enemy minimap until she’s in direct conflict with enemy team members. This means she usually gets to pick engagement, which is a terrifying advantage. This would be my first clear S pick, and was one of the first champs I bought because I knew it coming in.
Heimerdinger/Zyra/Yorick/Illaoi/Azir: Also at the top of my list I’m just plain a sucker for summoning. I love bringing in extra units the enemy team has to cope with when they get near you. And the real-time and spatial elements make summoner characters automatically dynamic compared to champions who only move themselves around.
Zac: (mostly-humanoid living goo) I love the animation on this guy, his style of demi-tanking, and his hit-and-run skirmish capability. He can slingshot himself into battle using his gooey-rubbery body! It’s just so wild and fun.
The Void Beasts: I want so bad to like all of these guys and somehow none of them get above B tier when I actually play them. Cho’gath has a cool “getting physically bigger during the game” mechanic but it requires the “micromanaging minion hp” part of the game that I hate. Rek’sai has a burrowing mechanic but doesn’t have the stealth you’d expect of a burrower. Vel’koz is essentially a turret-mage, which isn’t my jam though I respect the way the attack design encourages use of weird angles. (They’ve got a shot that’s t-shaped, which means you can hit enemies farther than its base attack range by firing 45 degrees away because pythagoras, and also means you can fire around obstacles)
Actually I’m not being fair. Bel’veth and Kha’zix I haven’t played enough to give a fair read and I remember having a good time with Kha’zix last time I played them. So mostly it’s just Cho’gath who’s disappointed me, and Rek’sai I didn’t quite get into on a few plays.
Direct Marksmen: I want to like them, but I find it hard to place them. It’s too easy for super-basic attackers with swords or axes to just run them down, and they don’t actually do as great at ambush tactics as I’d like. They can be good at kiting but that’s less interesting to me and only sometimes works in this game.
Once you get into hybrids things get interesting. The marksman/offense support of Kalista is interesting. Senna’s ghost-fog stealth support looks SUPER interesting. Samira and Aphelios’ sometimes-melee angle is curious, though I haven’t played enough to say what I think for good or ill. But I find the purer marksmen like Caitlyn or Ashe or Vayne a little blah and it seems like the reason is (range + mobility) is so strong that giving them much more gives them too much power.
Sett: This guy’s fun to play. I’m not sure it’s due to anything more than his ult being so bombastic (he grabs and slams down an enemy like he’s slam-dunking them) and his kit being a little OP (the blessing of being a new champion in a game that sells champions) but I’m excited to try more of him and that’s not often true of characters in his role (Fighter), for me.
Bard/Ivern: Also on the list of characters I want to like but haven’t found enjoyment with, I get the sense that their strength lies in unified team play and I don’t expect ever to be on a 5-man call playing this game. They’re weird in fun ways, but just don’t do enough independently that you can cope with using them in solo queue. Lux or Janna or Karma just doesn’t require the same level of coordination to get good plays out. Both have multiple abilities that are exclusively for making clever plays possible for clever allies. Bard also has a passive ability that requires you to roam around, which requires allies who understand macro play when an ally is roaming (the super short version: generally you yield a little ground, to keep yourself safe from enemy ganks and to make it easier for your own allies to gank).
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sphelon8565 · 7 years
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Fan Expression sketches I’ve made from 2015 to 2016 (Dec 4, 2016 is the last date I’ve drawn somehow., Majority of them kinda express goofiness in a slight depth and It’s one of those mini-sketch projects I’m doing last year and this year.
I’ll just update a bunch of info later because I’ll have a meeting to meet up!
posted 06/28/2017
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 “Hmph! De JA VU..!”
                                              Sol Badguy
“Get Lost!”
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                                                 Dante Sparda
“Let’s Rock Baby!” ~ To any female characters....or better yet 
“How come I never meet any nice girls?”
                                                 Jean Grey
“That, I can’t comprehend, StarFire...”~Starfire talks something explicit to Phoenix
                                                 Anavel Gato
“I’ll be more surprise if you destroy 3 more Zakus, Seifer”
“Yikes! (prnounce as Zikes), Don’t get her Mad Ezreal!”
                                                 Tifa Lockhart
“CLOUD!! PLEASE DON”T RUIN OUR PERFORMACE!”~~talks about Cloud’s impromptu show in front of his allies only to botch it up (much like Gold Saucer)
                                                 Char Aznable
“Good move for a non-pilot!”~~if against strong non-gundam/pilot characters
“I’ll be much more impress for your actions there Katerina “~To Katerina of Nexus.
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                                                 Captain America
“ugh..You guys aren’t giving much effort!” ~~said while training a bunch of untrained warriors.
                                                 Lux Crownguard
“Let’s have fun Timbersaw! Come on!!” ~said while asking Rizzrack to play
“Does that explain the double rainbow, Timbersaw? <3″
                                                 Garen Crownguard
“.......! I warned those guys!”~ said after his funny allies botch up their adventure strategy.
                                                 Cecil Harvey
“Huh!? Why look at my face that way, Merille!?”
                                                 Siegfried Schtauffen
“WHA-just...HOw am I!?”   got shocked from a funny character’s comment
                                                   Monkey D. Luffy
“Hey! Cook us some of your cooks, Jam!! I’m Hungry!!!!” said to Jam Kuradoberi
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                                                   Zell Dincht
“We’ll kick their asses!! Sir Steve ROGERS!”~to A.k.A. Captain America
                                                   Janna Windforce
“There now, Rizzrack”~ Comforts Timbersaw after a crazy troubling adventure
“Happy to see all of you, Lux & Timbersaw!”
“It’s Fun talking with you, Rinoa”
“Hmmmmmmm, Allow me to court you in our halls, Sophitia. You might be fascinated in our govern rule” ~Zech takes Sophita into their halls.
                                                   Sakura Kinomoto
“I’ll show that Zenerkand Guy that I can do it!” ~pertaining to Tidus.
“Grrr,,,,,,,These kids have no absolute manners.....!!”
“Never heard of sky pirate, straw hat?” to Monkey D. Luffy
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                                                   Amuro Ray
“Thanks Captain Nick”~to nick Fury of Agent of SHIELD
“Hey clown, shaddap!” if talking neither to The Joker, Buggy the Clown, or Kefka
“You annoy me...!!”
“Nuh-uh! what’s the magic word Zidane?”
“Hey...! that Gunblade boy’s pissed!” ~said after pissing of Squall in a battle
                                                   Bernard Monsha
“HEH! show me what you got, boy! you better impress the ladies!” said neither to Squall, Tidus, Ezreal and other young handsome men to choose from...along with their girlfriends/ ladies around them
                                                   Selfie Tilmitt
This machine’s awesome, DUO!!~ get’s excited for taking a chance to ride Duo Maxwell’s Deathscythe Gundam.
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“Hey, those moves are not for show, Merille”
                                                   T.Hawk MiHawkeye
“Go ahead, I don’t mind...!”
                                                   Booster Gold
“Heh! bring it on card mage!” said to Sakura Kinomoto during a friendly match
                                                   Jah Ra Kal, Troll Warlord
“That girl is pissing me off”~~said while seeing Lux Crownguard in trouble on the Battle Field intensified...
“HEY BLONDIE!! give me a hand!!” cried panicking to Janna Windforce during a sudden intense fight, whom he often had a funny ally rivalry with along with Lux, etc....(because he thinks of them as weaklings”
                                                   Rizzrack, Timbersaw
“oohh~It’s good to have you here by your side, Janna! <3<3<3’ ~said mesmerizely to Janna captivating overall beauty from mind and body. (they become allies because of Lux’s friendship)
“Pls Don’t think of me that way...”
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                                                   Chris Redfield
“Hey! you kids shouldn’t sabotage a cop’s duty!!” ~ Said to any child characters or any funny silly characters like Beastboy, etc..
“Go & catch us first!!”
                                                   Lex Luthor
“A fascinating idea, Mr. Rufus” ~to President Shinra/ Rufus
“You dare mock my competence you little brats!?”
“It’s time for you bed time, boy!”
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“Hey Girl..!, Chill out!”~ Said to any easily angered female characters
“You’re as annoying as that red son of a bitch...GET LOST!!” - said to any annoying characters annoying as Deadpool.
                                                     Buggy The Clown
Think you can beat me with your blades, school boy!?” braggly said to Squall Leonhart
                                                     Joe Kiddo
“Gomamon, nOH! not that Guymalef!!”
                                                     Terra Brandford
“EH!? are you sure Ezreal!!?
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                                                   Paptimus Scirocco
“Everything is going as plan..!”
“Try & catch into me, school boy!” ~Said mimicking one of Squall’s dialogues
                                                    Kefka Pallazo
“Now I can go Crazy...!!”
                                                    Don Craig
“This is an impressive mass FIRE Power!”
                                                  Akasha, Queen of Pain
 Submit little girl, you won’t stood a chance!”
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“Impressive!! I never found any astounding opponents as you are Squall Leonhart!” ~ said during a friendly combat training with Squall Leonhart
                                               Yazan Gable     
“Hmph! that’s the result of their training Lex? don’t make me laugh!” said to Lex Luthor while watching his own soldiers in training
“You can count on us, Ezreal!!”
                                               Rinoa Heartily
“Please chill out, Jah Rah Kal! <3 <3 ~said to Troll Warlord after a heated adventure complaint.
                                              Chase Smoker                            
Mess with the marines...We'll get an eye on you.......!      
                                              Van Fanel      
|"HEY! that's my PENDANT,   ZIDANE..!! Give it back!!                                               
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                                                   Jam Kuradoberi
“Monkey D. luffy...my favorite Customer!”
“I know! I’ll cook you good food, Zidane!”
                                                   Zidane Tribal
“He..He-Hey! not like that Xianghua!!”
“Feel my power boy!
“Prepare to get annihilated! 
                                                   Aqua Girl / Lorena Marquez
“Thanks for the great massage...I guess my feet were bothering me well so much..”
                                                   Dr. Strange
“Care to join us, Ms. Lockhart?” - Said to Tifa Lockhart during a campaign 
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“Isn’t that a fair sight Dear, Lanaya?” Said to Templar Assasin whom he met during his adventure.
“It’s fun to tempt you again & again, Tranquil One....!” Said to Janna Windforce , whom he always had an enjoy intense rivalry with (think of it as like Good vs Evil in general)
“of all your nerve, Pirate Clown!” ~ said to buggy the Clown
                                                   Erika from Pocket Monsters
“Very naive, Taichi...”
“Heh! perhaps I should be the one training you, Zorro!” said after beating up Zorro in a fight
“Fuhuhu..Let’s kill...KILL!!” ~said in a crazy state,,,,
                                                   Axe, Mogul Khan
“Grrr.....AXE IS MAD!!”
“CUZ, I’m the star of ZANARKAND, GOLD!!”
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                                                   Dr. Doom
“I’ll expect more from you noble boy...!”
                                                   Haman Karn
“Hmph... your pwers are not bad at all afterall, blondie”
                                                   The Joker
“Hey..Swordsman, why so very serious?” ~ Said to Siegfried, Guts, or Squall
                                                   Omega Red
“HAHAHAH! you pitiful children play so pathetic!”
                                                   Davion, the Dragon Knight
“I am intrigued with your Dragon, little one” - said to Red after seeing his Charizard.
“......................you trying to make me blush...hm?”
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“HUH!? and what kind of plan is that you 3 keens!?” Said exasperatedly from Squee, and Spleen’s ideas a.K.a the Techies Demolition
“Go ahead & convince me little kid, it won’t change...” said to Kamille Bidan
“Heh! smell you later Locke!” said to Locke Cole
                                                     Niko Minoru
“Buzz off, pip-squeak!  I’m in a bad-mood!. said to Zidane
“Go away you clown!”--said to any clown like characters (Buggy, Joker or Kefka)
                                                     Cassie Lang
“NOW I am as big as the Gundam! care for a ride Kamille?”
“aw..COME ON!!! Johny no fair! TWISTED FAte is going to laugh at me about this!”
“See Beastboy!? I told you Mr. Guts was a good guy!”
                                                   Martian Manhunter
“It’s futile to resist, Knight with the crystalize sword...” Said to Siegfried
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-                                                    Jasmine/ Mikan from Pokemon
“My Steelix is not for show Booster Gold....”
                                                     Squall Leonhart
“That’s quite the shine you got there..”
“That is more commendable to the Ghost of Solomon, Yamato”
“Enjoy some meals while it last child..!”
“He-hey!! it’s the white Darth VADER!!!  where’snow the force?~to Char Aznable
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                                                  Tony Starks
“so ladies.....doing anything after this?~Said to any female when drunk...
“you’re not taking this seriously, Puck” said to Puck the Fairy from berserk.
“Hey there Lux, came here for another nature’s trip?”
“Oh damn it!   Your just like that Straw Hat, Star of Zanarkand!”
“Came here to enjoy see my match, Luffy?”
                                                     Twisted Fate
“Care to pplay with us, Sakura?”
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ask-hextechjanna · 7 years
Pre-established relationships with my interpretation of Janna. A lot of these are heavily old lore based and are to be adjusted to fit the new lore as more story is released.
Karma - When An (Janna’s most influential mentor) decided that Janna just wasn’t “getting it” when she was learning magic, she ships Janna off to Ionia to study in the temple she grew up in so Janna could get a better connection with the magic flowing through undisturbed nature. Karma was a priestess in training there and the first person there to smile at the younger girl during her stay, and approached Janna to ask her teach her how to use her fans after seeing Janna perform a stunning routine with them earlier. Karma teaches her how to connect with her spiritual side and how to keep her powers under control. The two of them still keep in contact, and Janna usually stays at the duchess’s place when she visits Ionia.
Jinx - Blue Jay or Jay, as Janna knows her as. A nameless orphan that Janna encountered on the streets one day during her huge depressive episode after An died. Jinx tries to steal a glass necklace that An left for Janna, and Janna chases her down in a fit of rage intending to force Jay to return the necklace. She changes her mind and lets Jay keep the necklace and takes pity on the girl after noticing how thin her wrists were. Jay is fascinated by the “kind girl with odd ears” and continues to seek out Janna after that. Jay is bold and talkative, a complete opposite to more reserved Janna but her optimistic personality helps pull Janna out of her dark thoughts. The support each other and make a living together with Janna using with her street smarts and influence with her powerful magic to win people over and Jay using her expertise in building the most amazing devices out of scrap metal. The two grow super close, and even though Janna feels like something is “off” about Jay, she begins to have feelings for someone for the first time. Jay dies her hair bright blue to be “janna’s sky”. And then Janna abandons her for status and is currently being eaten away by guilt from this decision and hasn’t seen Jay (now jinx) ever since. Truly a heartwarming story.
Lux - She considers Lux her best friend, even though they don’t have a chance to meet very much. Since lux pretty much became elsa with her update, I’m imagining that circumstances similar to frozen happened where lux’s powers were outed during a large social gathering at the crownguard estate. Lux either ran off/was sent off to Piltover with one or two trusted maids while her parents did damage control. Janna found the baffled lux staring at some of the mechanized devices used all over the city, and the two soon became good friends. Lux was the first person to genuinely compliment Janna on her pointed ears, which Janna hated, and helped Janna gain her self confidence. They write each other frequently, and Lux frequently volunteers to go on any missions that take her close to Piltover.
Ezreal - Blondie squad buddy! She's always heard of the prodigal explorer, but she never imagined he’d be so... well... ezreal. Janna took an immediate disliking to him after seeing him in person for the first time. Their relationship got better though, after Lux came in to the mix, and she considers him to be a pretty good friend now. They worry for each other’s well being, although Janna is the often the one doing most of the worrying. She likes to study the artifacts he brings and always teases him about how bad he looks after coming back from his adventures.
Zilean - A mentor figure and a trusted friend. She finds the elderly man aimlessly wandering the streets of Zaun one day and guides him away from trouble and invites him to stay in her home while he remained in the area. They design and build a zeppelin together for Piltover for the annual race, and he helps reassure her of her self worth while they worked day and night on the project. Her kind words and serene personality helps relieve Zilean of his suffering a little, but he soon wanders off to search for a cure after she wins the race. She has not seen him ever since, but is hopeful they’ll meet again.
Ekko - She met the boy a few times when were both hanging around Jinx, but never really talked to him and only knows him as one of jinx’s old gang members and kinda forgets about him. She meets him again as an adult, finding him taking residence in one of her old hideouts when she heads there to take shelter from an acid rain storm. They exchange some small talk before Janna seemingly vanishes, leaving ekko confused at the encounter. He feels she’s familiar but doesn’t recognize Janna from her younger days (because she looks so different now).
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