#sivir is so
sivunas · 6 months
"When I was a kid, I used to make these things called mud pies. Heard of 'em?" In Shurima, when it rains it pours, and the desert has become an unpassable expanse of treacherous mud. They've found an old stone ruin they can sit in, but the stillness and silence makes it hard for Ezreal to sit still. "You just stack up a bunch of mud like a cake, and when you pat it it's really wiggly. But now I just..." Ezreal glances at her chest, but to his credit it's his own that he reaches up and pats.
sivir's eyebrows start to crease the second ezreal's words register, and her lower lip pushes up in a way hat makes her nose scrunch up. " mud pies? " she repeats, sounding almost incredulous in her tone. she tries her best to mask that cutting edge of curiosity with a veil of disdain, but that brief glimmer that leapt into her eyes surely would have given her away, were ezreal paying close enough attention to the minute shifts in her face. sivir wonders, though, when she catches that stolen glance to her chest, which only twists her lips even more. ironic, considering they've shared maddening nights, skin to skin, but she can't fight that slithering instinct to react with a volatile snap of her jaws and bite to her words because she'd rather choke than admit she so much as tolerates him, let alone the fact that she does like him. to what degree, she's not quite sure, but she sure as hell won't tell him, either way.
she shakes her head, and her hair spills down over her shoulders, the falling cascades of rich, dark brown locks framing her face so gently. " no, i can't say that i have, " sivir replies at last. she's trying her best to relate the correlation between his explanation to his gesture, and tilts her head to the side and just . . . stares at him blankly. " and now you just . . . ? now you just what? " sivir frowns again. " your mud pies are wiggly. but you— you're patting your flat chest. "
please, ezreal, she is so confused.
sivir sits up straighter and starts scooting closer to him, close enough for her to roughly grip his face with just one hand, squeezing his cheeks tight and squishing it all up. " explain. "
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ichiro-artosaki · 1 year
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kai'sa levitating ominously towards her gfs at 3am
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diveyne · 1 month
league lore is so extensive like there's so many characters and they're CONSTANTLY retconning and rewriting things so like my non-league friends or arcane-only friends, if u ever want to know anything about my muses I WILL YAP ALL DAY KJSBCKS i can and will write ted talks about morgana / ahri / sivir
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pixelstarr · 2 months
sometimes my gender goals are
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other times my gender goals are
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and sometimes they're just
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inspired by this post by @clefaiiiry!
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louisdelac · 4 months
can't make sivir in the game until script extender is back up, but i am Thinking About Him. so.
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blue = a priority in the past that he (feels he) no longer has
yellow = how he feels (if he could look past his denial)
red = that's just what he's like
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inloveanddepth · 1 year
of course you have blue hair & pronouns
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nameaprice · 19 days
"Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly."
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scarecrowwizard · 9 months
Y'know, since Azir spent so much time in Nasus' library as a kid, do you think he knows embarrassing childhood stories of his? Imagine Sivir, a bit pissed with Azir for something or other, going up to Nasus and asking about Azir's past. Nasus, assuming she wants to learn from his mistakes or has an interest in her ancestor's past, gladly elaborates. He starts off with simple things but goes off on little asides about his childhood antics. Her intent is revealed as purely spiteful the next time Azir starts going on about the glory of the throne or whatever and she responds with "Says the one who did ___" (___ being some childhood memory he assumed nobody but him remembered or that everyone who did know it is dead) and he doesn't talk to her for the next week
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Don’t mind me as I sit here weeping as @the-dragon-blade and @nameaprice’s thread rips my soul out -
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After yet another night where Azir weeps himself to sleep and screams himself awake, his retinue gather to the side and talk for a while.
The next morning, Nasus and Taliyah ride to a nearby town for supplies. Azir doesn’t think much of it, listening to Akshan and Samira talk, watching them train with Sivir, and preening with the utmost care.
But when they come back, they procure him a holed box where something twitches and coos.
“A surprise, my lord.”
Azir doesn’t like surprises, but he wants to be nice to Nasus, and it feels imperial to receive gifts. So he opens the box and…
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“What… is this?”
It’s a Poro, of course. One of the softest he’s ever seen, with eyes that gleam like molten gold and a fur that makes his own recovering feathers look coarse.
“I purchased her at a nearby market. She’ll bring you comfort and stay with you when you’re alone. A pet can do great things for the upset mind.”
Azir holds his new friend to his chest, stroking her. Even Sivir looks warmed up by the cute face of the creature, the feel of its fur… just how soothing embracing her is.
“Nasus, I… thank you. What’s her name?”
“You must give it to her, my lord.”
He strokes her once, feeling her warmth.
I can’t have a pet. If Xerath takes her I’ll have more blood on my hands, and I cannot lose more dear ones. I must handle my night terrors on my own.
Yet he doesn’t let go, and she licks his fingers sociably. Nasus specifically requested a vivacious, easily attachable Poro.
“Hathor”, he says. “Her name shall be Hathor, for she’ll be my sun.”
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yunalai · 1 year
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[with pure vitriol] sivir players
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sivunas · 27 days
have y'all seen the uptick of tiktoks with tires and rims getting stolen off cars. sivir would do that.
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ichiro-artosaki · 1 year
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they are my meow meows and they are deadly
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diveyne · 1 month
adhd is so hard when you want to split your time between 8349435 muses but refuse to write on a multi LMFAO
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theygender · 2 years
Do you know what the only thing worse than looking over while laying on the couch and seeing a 3 inch long fucking roach crawl in front of your face is? Walking into the other room to ask your gf to smash it and coming back to find out that the roach is gone
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rebelquilled · 1 year
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THE MAGIC WAS CONFUSED - no ionian. it shivered, danced, played. it wanted to know more about the stranger that stood between xayah and the temple that stood a crumbling structure towering them. a place once visited FREQUENTLY, cherished and loved by the vastaya. now vacant, quiet. the nearby tribes forced to move, the humans too near. teeth g r a t e d, her eyes striking frustration. contrast to the invisible energy that held no fear. it was too weak to fight, anyways. the quinlon pulsed some miles away, but the power of it still clutched the territory. xayah would have to tread carefully - her own strength diminished without the vital source that veined the lands. "there is nothing in there for you. what was once treasured has been removed. taken by those forced to flee. you should leave."
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