pestikornel · 2 years
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✳ something something gender something something ✳
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sehirlambalari · 1 year
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dipnotski · 1 month
Howard Williams – Büyücülüğün Batıl İnançları (2024)
‘Büyücülüğün Batıl İnançları’, Howard Williams tarafından kaleme alınmış, batıl inançların kökenlerini, yaygınlığını ve çeşitliliğini derinlemesine inceleyen bir çalışma. Kitap, özellikle on altıncı ve on yedinci yüzyıllarda zirveye ulaşan büyücülük inancının tarihi gelişimini ve bu inançların toplum üzerindeki etkilerini ele alır. Eserde, büyücülük inancının kökleri, Keldani ve Pers büyüsünden,…
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movienized-com · 5 months
Büyük Macera: Hazine Peşinde
Büyük Macera: Hazine Peşinde (2023) #AhmetToklu #EmirAliDoğrul #MuharremTürkseven #GüzinUsta #EymenMesutKılıç #KayraOrta Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Abenteuer / Familienfilm Regie: Ahmet Toklu Hauptrollen: Emir Ali Doğrul, Muharrem Türkseven, Güzin Usta, Eymen Mesut Kılıç, Kayra Orta, Said Ege Yıldırım, Yiğit Toprak Ateş, Asaf Baydar, Ebru Sarıtaş … Filmbeschreibung: Der Film handelt von vier Freunden, die in derselben Nachbarschaft leben und eine alte Schatzkarte entdecken. Sie begeben sich auf ein Abenteuer, um das…
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eymenhobitasarim · 1 year
Ahşap Tepsi
Cadence İkonium mağazamızda yüzlerce çeşit ahşap objelerimiz bulunmakta
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
That Loud House
pairings -> Alhaitham x Reader x Kaveh; poly
words -> 2,574 words
An architect, a scribe, and a prodigal drop out walked out of a house. Somehow they all fell in love, even tho they don't look like it when they're outside. (next)
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As a local citizen in Sumeru City, you must have heard about that loud house in the higher levels.
Infamous for reasons already in the name, it had become a running gag, transcending the foundation of the structure to its well-known owners.
The loudness of that house wasn't anything new, but the occupants and its most recent addition made the legendary house ever so entertaining than annoying. Their names known far and wide, even touching the desert with gossip.
Out comes Alhaitham, the grand Scribe of the Akademiya holding himself to such high regard as both the lunatic and the savior of all of Sumeru.
Next leaves Kaveh with a bit more pep in his steps, so uncharacteristic of the Master Architect when he's frequently whining about his living conditions and roommate.
And last but never ever least exits you, gently closing and locking the door behind you unlike the first two to leave, rubbing at your eyes as you stumbled through the streets of the city with nothing but muscle memory guiding you.
No one knows how the relationship of that loud house came to be, only that one day, suddenly three people lived there. And those three people loved each other, expressed in some way that none of the Vahumana scholars can ever explain.
How you three came to be is a very... peculiar arrangement that people could only know if they asked. But out of your trio, only Kaveh is the approachable one, and even he didn't know the full story.
The true story of your relationship is privy to only you and Alhaitham, but the man would never entertain gossipers (for the sole reason of wanting them to overthink and hypothesize). And the two had made it very clear that they don't want you to be bothered by such trivial matters.
No one would ever believe that Alhaitham started this complicated relationship, but he did. And no one but him and his clever brain would know how long he had planned for this.
"I see you're spacing out again," you pause in your walk as you silently watch the silver-haired Scribe make his way over. "Good morning."
"Good morning, Alhaitham." The scholar easily falls into step with you as you continued your leisurely walk, consciously adjusting your hair when you realized how well-kept next to your sleep-deprived self. "I'm fine, how about you?"
You've known the man even before he became a Scribe, even before he graduated and became your senior. How your closeness came to be is already a blur in your mind, but if there's one thing you're certain of, he at least enjoys your company.
You've bonded over collaborations for research before and after he graduated. Perhaps that's what draws him to you, he always liked and supported your ideas as much as he can even when no one does. Sadly, his work and your problems kept your interactions scarce.
"Wrong, it is actually already afternoon. Clearly, you are not fine and you can't deny it now." Oh my - you gently, slowly put your palm to your face, already so done with his antics for today.
It looks like you have a lot to catch up on since the last you talked. And Alhaitham, ever so smart, caught on with the impending long talk who proceeded to guide you to the tables outside Djafar Tavern.
When Eymen came over to take your orders, Alhaitham instead ordered for the two of you when you were about to refuse the service. Right, he's a rich guy now.
"How's your research been?" And at the sight of your sour face, he connected the dots almost immediately. "Same old?"
"Same old Akademiya. They won't fund anything that's not useful or groundbreaking, and I really liked this topic, too." And at his urging nods, you went on a tangent of the curiosities you've been hooked on for a while now, another idea he approves. "I don't understand why they are so heavily guarded with research regarding the history of the desert. I just want to learn more."
"Then leave the Akademiya." Stabbing into the Tandoori Roast Chicken a little too harshly, you looked at him with wide, incredulous eyes. "What? If the Akademiya is restricting you then you can continue your research without their laws applying to you."
Lunatic. That's just like him. Looking at you innocently with a raised brow as if he didn't just say something so out of pocket.
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?" Bingo! That hesitant side glance confirmed his hypothesis easily, there's more than just the Akademiya that's putting circles under your eyes. Even as you occupied yourself with chewing the chicken, he kept his eyes on you like a hawk.
You sighed. "Research is my only income, unlike you, Scribe." He must be paid really well for his position, after all. "Rent in the City is also rising, I have to pay that next week, too. I'm so tired."
What is up with the people his close to and financial problems? He shakes his head. "Then drop out of the Akademiya and live with me." Unfortunately, this time he didn't care that you had chicken in your mouth. He continued while you're busy coughing your lungs out. "With my income, I'm more than glad to support your research. With this arrangement, you can focus on what you want and your health as we-"
HUH?! "Shu - fu - shut, shut up for a second." Eymen quickly came to your aid with a glass of water after seeing the commotion, but as he was about to pat your back, a stern look from your friend(?) made him think twice. "Do you even know what you're saying?"
"Yes. It's quite simple really," Alhaitham sat up straighter on his seat and uncrossed his arms. "I'll be your research support, I can even help you on them if need be, and living under my roof will remove you of financial burden.
"Deal." Eymen let out a loud 'huh?!' as he looks at you like you have a fungus head. "And I assume that you want something out of this, too?"
Nodding approvingly of your perceptive thinking, his next words both had you and Eymen reeling. "In exchange, date me and Kaveh."
... On second thought, it's not just you and Alhaitham that knows the true story.
But no one ever believes Eymen the bartender.
Apparently, they were not in a relationship. Apparently, Kaveh doesn't even know about the terms and conditions of what transpired that day.
"Oh! Fancy meeting you here!" With the context, you awkwardly reciprocated the hug the architect greeted you with.
"You two know each other?" Alhaitham emerged from the guest room were your bags and items will be making home until this arrangement is over.
Kaveh, your Kshahrewar senior raised to the power of 2 was someone you had also collaborated with beforehand. Learning about the different periods Sumeru went through, as well as the civilizations of the other regions, the architect thought it was common sense to ask you for building inspirations.
The architecture was a part of your studies, right? Perhaps by seeing the different buildings all over Teyvat, he could infer his own design for his plates. You remember working on it for two days straight because you didn't want to disappoint him with a half-baked result, not when such a household name depended on you, a no name researcher.
"Well, that makes things easier then. They are staying with us from now on."
"They are?" The blond turns to you. "You are?!" You nod. "Oh, an angel descends from the skies to preserve my sanity in this house!"
You shake the hand offered to you, his smile brightening up more. "Let's get along, shall we?"
And get along you did. To be fair, it wasn't really that hard knowing Kaveh is Kaveh, and Alhaitham as his point of reference makes everyone look like saints.
However, being in the middle of these two also guarantees you to always be in the middle of their notorious arguing, even after you all settled into a genuine relationship.
"It's called a passion project, what is so hard to understand about that? Then again, knowing you, it wouldn't be too far fetched." Closing your eyes, the taste of the freshly cooked baklava became more apparent to your taste buds.
"It's not about whether this project is so important to you, it's the fact that it is missing a crucial factor: feasibility." Pulling the mug in your left hand, you washed down the sweetness of the pastry with slightly bitter coffee.
"What do you know about architecture to tell if it's feasible or not? You took one look at my plates and think you know better." Gulping your food, you let out a silent yawn as you tried to blink the sleepiness away.
"One look at it and I can see that you've put zero thought to the prices of the materials." What time is it? Maybe you can get some last minute nap before heading out.
"Why you -" Before you can register their morning argument subsiding, the feeling of hands on yours and your cheek jolted you awake.
"Why are you dozing off? Did you not sleep enough tonight?" As Alhaitham takes away the mug in your hand, Kaveh proceeds to wipe the pastry crumbs around your lips. Shaking your head, your blond lover moves to stand behind your chair.
"You told us you have an important errand today, you're gonna be late!" Then he starts to brush your hair back to style it as usual. Prying an eye open, you see a glimpse of Alhaitham cleaning up the table, as well as a hint of a subtle smile when his gaze caught sight of you and Kaveh.
Of course, if there's one thing that Kaveh and Alhaitham can agree on, it's their love for you. And that's honestly enough for them.
Alhaitham viewed you as his responsibility in this symbiotic relationship, and when the time came that Kaveh settled into the arrangement, taking care of you became easier.
While it's not apparent, the Scribe hated seeing you stressed or down especially when you're susceptible to it than normal.
Things such as bills, needs, funding, rejected thesis can greatly affect your mental health greatly. And that in turn messes with the functionality of your brain, the same brain that he greatly adores. So with lesser jargon Alhaitham entrusted this information to Kaveh so that they both can look out for you when the other isn't there.
Unlike Alhaitham however, Kaveh's less used to your antics.
A shrill scream that can definitely be heard past the walls of the house made him jump and trip out of his bed, stumbling out of his room as he made a mad dash towards the room where the scream came from.
"(Y/N)?! What's wrong?!" Oh gosh, did you get hurt? Did someone break in?! Alhaitham is going to kill him for real this time!
Turning around from your spot in the middle of the living room, you pulled your hands out of your messy hair at the sight of your blond architect. "Kaveh? Oh shoot, I'm sorry did I wake you?" You thought you were alone in the house.
Shaking his head, his hands land on your shoulders to look for any signs of injuries. But no, based on the messiness of your hair, it seems more like an internal turmoil. "I heard your scream, tell me what's wrong, dear."
"Sorry, sorry, I was just really frustrated -" He needs to get you to clear your mind then, like what Alhaitham instructed- "Because of this stupid DIY miniature set."
"What?" Looking past you to the coffee table, there was the evidence of your frustrations. Cloth and wooden panels strewn about, and a mess of papers either discarded or needed littered the carpeted floor. "Why are you working on a DIY miniature house? Is that a house?"
"To destress." You raise your hands up in defense when Kaveh sent you a deadpan. "I think it's a Mondstadt style house."
"Why didn't you ask me to help then?" Forgetting his initial plan, he went on to seat on the floor and caught sight of the instructions page. Occupied with the interesting structure, you curiously sat next to him as he looked at the pieces. "I'm an architect, this is my forte!"
But... you're the one that's... trying to destress?
When Alhaitham came home, the house was suspiciously quiet despite having the lights open. Did one of you leave the main floor lights on by accident? Hanging his cape by the door, walking further into his shared home finally gave him the answer.
Cut up paper and trimmed fake plants scattered the area together with various small tools that he carefully picked up before anyone could step on it. There is a small model of what seems to be Mondstadt structure in the middle of the mess that could easily fit in his palm.
"This is what you two did the whole time?" But he expected the lack of response.
After all, as he turns towards the couch, there Kaveh laid stretched over the entire length of the long seat with his arm shielding his closed eyes. And there you lay on top, basically faceplanting the architect's chest.
Alhaitham could see the dried up clear glue on the tips of your fingertips.
His attention averts back to the miniature house. And that's when he sees it. Leaning down, the Scribe plucks up a copper wire with tiny bulbs jutting out here and there, with a switch at one end.
Oh. You two must have forgotten to add the wiring before assembling the piece and slept the frustration away.
Chuckling to himself, the man crossed his legs as he sat, picking up the discarded tweezer and glue. What would you two do without him really?
You were startled out of your shopping trip at the sound of someone screaming your name, followed by a person you've never met writing over to you. A mahamata personnel?
"We're sorry to bother you but Mr. Alhaitham and Kaveh -" Of course, it's about them.
It was a fallacy that everyone keeps committing at this point, believed in assumptions without evidence, but you followed the man to the destination to Treasures Street.
And when you stood in between the two quarreling scoundrels you call your lovers, the man who was hoping you'd stop the disturbance on peace looked confused. Of course he was.
After all, the arguments are part of the charm. Just because you came into the picture doesn't mean they'll stop in your presence, no, that's not your function in this relationship. However -
"I made progress."
"You did?! Thank goodness, I was worried you'll have to wait another day for dusk!" Kaveh flipped like a switch at the good news, eagerly suggesting to eat out for the occassion.
"Did you write it down? I wish to compare notes with my own hypothesis back home once we're done. When's the last time you hydrated?"
The public watched in confusion as the trio of lovers left the scene towards Lambad's Tavern, the argument turning into a conversation of jargons and lexicon that they can't follow.
It's always so eventful seeing the occupants of that loud house when they're together.
They just wish things were a little quieter.
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Finally, the lesser organized poly series counterpart of CtM is here. Should have stuck to the headcanons format honestly but at least I know this isn't gonna be a one off thing lol
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bsnanswer · 1 year
Eymen bir işler çeviriyor musun...
Sizin aklınıza bunu o yaşlı bunak adam mı sokuyor.
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muhendiisbey · 7 months
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muratufuk82 · 7 months
Eymen Serden Anılar
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myheartislocked · 2 years
1,5 yaşındaki bebek Eymen Karaman'dan ses geliyor.
Adres ;Yavuz Selim mah. 904 nolu sok öz okuducu apartmanı Nurdağı/Gaziantep
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pestikornel · 1 year
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"Decay doesn't have to disgust, it brings new life"
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rizasizbahcaningulu · 2 years
ya bi hastanın tedavisini verdim evine yolladım sonra aklıma takıldı sistemden numarasını buldum babası çıktı antepteymiş olaydan haberi yokmuş annesinin numarasını verdi onu aradım. eymen dedim nasıl oldu iyi mi 🥺🥺🥺….. beni hak edecek bir hasta var mıdır sanmam
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sinekkapan · 11 months
eymen (kuzenim çocuğu) seni çok özledim abla dedi 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌
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ozlemekk · 1 year
eymen çok tatlı yicem şapşal çocuğumu yicem seni diyorum hemen utanıyor gözlerini kaçırıyor en son telefonu kapatırjen minik tombiş elleriyle el sallıyor tabii bir de twerk çekmeye çalıştı götünü sallıyordu wşcmeşskfmsşdk
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birkahramanvar · 1 year
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Bu gün sağda ki şapşiğin Eymenin doğum günüydü. Arkadaşları hediyelerini verirken, Musab bir anda dolu dolu gözlerle keşke bende Eymene hediye alabilseydim dedi. Hayatta hediyeden daha kıymetli şeyler olduğunu anlasınlar diye ikisinin de birbirine sarılmasını istedim. Bu şekilde konunun üstü kapandı. Derken Musabın babası öğlen sürpriz yaparak Eymenin doğum günü hediyesini getirdi. Musaba babasının hediye getirdiğini söylediğim de gözlerinde ki mutluluğu, ışığı gördüm. Veee bunun asla bir tarifi olamaz. Çocuk olmak başka çok başka bir şey. Attığın adıma bile mutluluk yükleyebiliyorlar..
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
closed starter for @prcttyvxnom ( kamile )
"Hey abla, you haven't heard from Eymen Amca recently, have you?" Rami asked after sitting down in Kamile's living room, giving Jefi a couple pets before scooping the pup up onto his lap. "I tried calling and it said the number was no longer available."
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