#eye horror mention tw
constellationcrowned · 8 months
🐉 (for kariom)
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Send ‘ 🐉 ’ for my muse to tell a myth / legend / folktale that they know
"A story....?" Kariom blinks, his words coming out around the bite of bread he'd just taken. This wasn't an uncommon conversation for either of them---and they were something that the half-blood enjoyed---and yet..... "......."
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He takes another bite of his roll if only to buy himself more time. Wouldn't it be nicer to share a lighthearted story? Something fanciful and stupid like one of Bo's stories? Something LESS IMMEDIATE AND TRUE...? Alas, there was only one tale he could tell; the same one that was looming larger with every step the star-reader took, the same one that hadn't remained a mere story for long.
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"When I was little....well, younger---" Kariom makes a vague gesture with one hand to indicate a rough height, "---Flynn TOLD ME A STORY ABOUT AN EYELESS BEAST---it was something that even immortals were wary of---and how it would take the eyes of its victims, like little kiddos who wandered around at night without supervision and cast their gaze towards things they shouldn't. Initially I thought he was just trying to ward me off from going out at night on my own, stars or not, because I had.....have....the habit of doing that but he was so insistent about it and then...." And then Tigla-Dera---his last Tigla-Dera----and then there was Milosh, Milosh with his rhyme and Flynn. Flynn....
Without realizing it Kariom's now free hands had shifted as he spoke; his right hand moving to clutch at the star theater eternally hung around his neck and then, upon mentioning Flynn and the Tigle-Dera his hand opens and hovers near the scar marring his chest. Just for a moment or two, enough but not enough, never enough, and then both hands ball themselves into fists and press against the tops of his thighs.
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".....The stinking thing should've STAYED AS NOTHING BUT A MERE STORY." He didn't even know how the Crown was supposed to stop something that could harm the tsourai in such a way----let alone if it was currently possessing someone. Would the Crown hurt Flynn? Would it trap the two of them together? Or.... "...I have to do something about it, and soon. It doesn't deserve to be anything more than a dumb tale for Flynn to spin for an over-imaginative boy." He needed to do something before it took Flynn away from him....or anyone else for that matter.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
My left eye started to decay at work because I didn’t eat enough strawberries. I screamed that I needed to get medical attention but everyone called me overdramatic.
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~"Kariom? Hey Kariom?! Your nose is bleeding!" (say he's reading a constellation, plus I love love love love your theories on how it affects him by degrees)
Kariom jerks bodily against the sudden intrusion---it was as if the Sahash had roused him just before falling asleep or passing out---and frowns, the humming emanating from the Star Theater fading by degrees. If only the humming that resounded in his head would fade as well.
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"I'm what---?" Kariom blinks rapidly and without thinking about it swipes a now free hand underneath his nose and is clearly surprised to see his skin come away bloody. Incredibly bloody, in fact, so much so that it'd dripped onto his sweater. At least the black tsourai 'blood' and the mortal red blood looked the same against his clothes.... "....ugh...I must've..." He trails off clearly distracted as he presses the the sleeve of his jacket underneath his nose to stem the flow of blood. It'd soak through it soon enough and if he concentrated just a bit more maybe his EARS WOULD START BLEEDING or HIS EYES---
No. No. No. It was fine. He was fine. He could do this, he just needed to concentrate a little harder. If he doesn't do this then no one else will---he has to do it because it's THE ONLY THING HE'S GOOD FOR.
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"I'm...fine." He's not. Kariom's sleeve is already soaked and the upraised arm is beginning to visibly tremble. "I almost have it....just a little more."
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zerotwoooo · 3 months
Gooey, wrap your tongue around her legs and lift her up and slam her to the ground a couple times. Don't worry, human children are very durable
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"...Why did that work."
"Maybe that ice dragon was all she had?"
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"Is something wrong-!"
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Vincent Price - The Bribe (1948)
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bluu3berry · 2 months
Cw: Blood, Derealization
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Maybe I shouldn't have looked back that day....
ANYWAYS THIS is a new OC I'm calling Ripped! They have literally no lore just like all my other liminal ocs, well except the eyeball one..
@anon-coke @borisboring @scramble-eg @the-second-season
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aphidclan-clangen · 3 months
Okay so. it was before the recent pages, back when Gravel just brought Firebeetle back to the camp. except Firebeetle looked very weird, like pure white with only the light blue markings and tail having colors, but they were all neon and wrong colors. and where was blood, there was static and it kept changing like in real time. then you uploaded next pages, but those were just neon white glitched Firebeetle in like pure white background, glitching the hell out, bleeding static that was in fact moving/leaking despite it not being a gif and mutating? like each panel had him look off in different ways, like more eyes, eyes in wrong places, more limbs, bizarre limbs. and i think the pov was me looking at it throught my phone, and it was making my head hurt, it was like making static and buzzing in real life. and then you had to delete it and posted an announcement that someone apparently died?? due to radiation poisoning??? from looking at the new pages????? my dream head hurt so bad that i woke up soon after.
That is the sickest dream I’ve ever heard. First of all it’s an honor to have made an impact on people enough to invade their dreams, please do tell me if you ever have Aphidclan dreams again, but also second of all- i. I would do that, I would so totally do that, like as a horror artist lololol. If Aphidclan were more of a horror genre webcomic, that’s pretty damn similar to what I would literally do, that sounds like it’d be SO cool lol. Obviously no one would die from it if it were real, but I am loving this creepypasta-style, sorta analog horror, Lavender Town-esque image in my head
That’s cool as hell man, I love that
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landfilloftrash · 1 year
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*incomprehensible* —hohohoho! Silly meee~ Let me fix this up and leave you be~ See you soon, mon capitaine~
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lagginguniverse · 5 months
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I can be your angle!!!
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eyeballsoup7310 · 1 year
Can’t wait till we have enough LN protagonists to fill out all the Fears
Mono- Spiral (do I even have to say anything?)
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Six- Flesh (body horror and cannibalism? Come on!)
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Raincoat Girl- Vast mayhaps (get vanished)
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Noone- easy, Corruption (transcripts courtesy of these posts)
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Runaway kid isn’t touched by any specific entity he’s just living through hell
Additionally, the world of Nowhere would absolutely just be claimed by the Eye. I think we all already knew this though
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feralcorpses · 3 months
Cw/Tw: Possible Eyestrain, and Body horror(???)
Felt like drawing Lizzie as a void creature thing so I did
Based it off of her sos skin colours since they look so good with the pink hair, I don’t really have anything to rant abt with this drawing but before I started drawing this I was thinking abt fairy fort and thought abt how she might’ve gone like partially void and glitchy when mad like when she was blowing up bigb with the fireworks her face went how it looks right now and all the void and glitchy stuff was trailed behind her and slowly disappeared as her anger calmed. (Might make a comic of that actually it sounds fun lol) Tumblr crunchified it dude, WHY ME MAN
(Click for better quality!!!)
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Alt Versions:
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ivanttakethis · 2 months
End of Round 3 - Tov’s Log
Stasya (49) vs. Noora (50) - Noora Win
Tov felt like shit.
Every fiber of her being felt heavy, like she was fully submerged underwater.
Her mouth was tacky and her lips were painfully dry.
She opened her eyes, still thick with sleep, to find herself propped up in her bed in her room.
The only light was from the lamp on her bedside table.
Tov tried to move, to turn her head, but her body wouldn’t cooperate.
Every minor movement made the room spin on its axis.
What… what happened…
“Ah, you’re awake.” Cassio leaned into her line of sight, a relieved smile light on their lips. Their tone was soft, almost gentle, “You fainted backstage. I came to get you as soon as I heard.”
So that’s how I got back here then.
Tov nodded slowly in understanding, and the room swam with her movement.
“Careful,” Cassio held out their hands as if to steady her, but didn’t make physical contact, “I had to give you some medication to slow down your heart rate, and a sedative to make sure you wouldn’t panic when you woke up.”
That explains the feeling like shit part.
Tov had only taken a sedative once — when she was branded. She had always been an “obedient” pet.
Cassio waited until Tov had leaned back against her pillows before they spoke again, “Himei was the one who hit the emergency button on your band. She said your episode happened at the end of the round, after…” Stasya.
She remembered now.
The near tie.
Stasya surviving the gunshot to their chest.
Their screams, calling out for their guardian.
Choking and coughing up blood.
The second shot to the head.
An act of mercy.
Then… nothing.
“Stasya didn’t deserve that.” Tov said, voice hoarse.
Cassio was quiet for a moment. Then they sighed, long and sorrowful, “No. No they didn’t.”
Silence stretched the length between them and back again.
Cassio didn’t know how to fill it.
Tov didn’t want to.
What more was there to say?
It was her turn to sigh. She closed her eyes. The fog of exhaustion still loomed overhead.
“You’ll be staying home for Round 4.” Cassio said, “We shouldn’t put any more strain on your heart.”
Tov couldn’t argue. Being forced to stay away from Alien Stage was probably for the best.
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
Even if she wanted to see Himei again before she performed, there wasn’t any guarantee that the round would go they way they hoped.
Tov made a noncommittal noise. Cassio seemed to take it as agreement.
“The sedative won’t wear off for another few hours.” They said clicking off the bedside lamp, “Try to get some sleep until then.”
The bedroom door opened and shut before Tov could respond.
Now she was alone with her thoughts, and all of the demons that came with them.
Sleep continued to allude her.
She couldn’t stop thinking about Stasya.
Not just their death, but their life too.
Tov didn’t know much about them, even from back in Anakt Garden. Their class was bigger than average and they travelled in different circles.
At most they had spoken a handful of times, but whatever they discussed specifically was lost to time.
She remembered them always placing near the top of the class when it came to grades, sometimes even ahead of her.
And they were always part of the small group that loved swimming in the river when the teachers allowed them to.
It was even easier to spot Stasya after they dyed their hair purple.
Tov smiled a little at the thought.
They hadn’t known each other well, but she didn’t want to forget them.
She opened her eyes and looked out the window. The night sky was clear. The stars were calling to her again.
Maybe that was how she could remember Stasya.
Maybe giving them a constellation was another act of mercy.
Stasya… I’m sorry for your suffering.
I hope you are at peace.
Tov is okay! (at least physically… somewhat)
Himei caught Tov when she fainted so she didn’t get hurt.
She also knew to hit the emergency button on Tov’s medical band because Tov had a fainting incident when they were in Anakt Garden together.
Stasya belongs to @billwasnot and Himei belongs to @lookatmysillies! (Sorry for another tag so soon, I just can’t shut up about these ocs lmao)
This is the last log covering Round 3. Let’s hope I don’t have to do one for Round 4 too 😩🙏
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
I tried on some bright green contact lenses that unfortunately slipped into the back of my eye socket.
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“Lucid .. you good I haven’t seen you in a bit” he yawns still tired and drinking his mates blood from the jar like a capri-sun. - @themosthatedbeingg
(M!A Feed US)
Oh the poor angel is anything but good. Try as he might to fight the urges, Lucid is on the losing side. Especially with the whispers that demand substance. One hand grips at the wall, formed claws digging through the plaster in a long slow slice while the other grips against his stomach. Hungry, he is so very hungry…
The owner of the voice is first noticed by the abundance of seraphim eyes upon Lucid’s body, their slit pupils locking onto his twin. Snapping his darkened gaze towards Lucifer, the angel replies in a soft, calm voice.
“…No. I am not.”
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halfdent · 2 months
BODY MEME: List 5 random/unique things about your muses body.
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the most apparent is the twisted burn scars on half of his face .With the lack of nose and damage done to his throat both Harvey and Twos now speak really low . Harvey's voice is broken and wispy while Twos has always growled . Breathing is loud and sometimes difficult for them .
they have what I like to call ' eye floaties ' in the eye of the damaged side of their face . Sometimes while speaking they'll stop to watch a particle float past .
Harvey's 6'8ft and was 6'1ft before he was 13 and weighs almost 300 lbs in muscle , he suffers from body dysmorphia and has done since he was young. He's strong but the muscles aren't as chiselled and defined and hairy though the body hair is maintained .
The body was littered in scars even before becoming a criminal . Now there's more than ever , some self inflicted but on the left side only . There's a bullet hole in their left skull , even going as deep as their brain . Harvey got his first scars at age 4 , they were only ever under shirt to hide what was going on at home when in public.
There's an absence of hair on the left side of their head due to burns but what little hair is on that side is white while the other is black .
tagged by : @x1968
tagging : @chaoticjoke , @babydxhl , @bruz3r , @ofgctham , @the-arkham-librarian , @redemptioninterlude , @slqhv / @rvrend , @dollene for any of your guys' blogs !!!
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
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I got frustrated with the art I was working on so... au doodles <3
+ the Leo design? Maybe? I'm working on it sorta. Also I know I JUST finished my Don design but I kinda want to change his colors too... we'll see how it goes.
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