#extra wank
piosplayhouse · 3 months
I feel like every time top/bottom wank goes around there's always this discourse about canon but like. It cannot be emphasized enough that it's literal textual canon that Binghe is happy to bottom. Like this isn't subtext or anything, it's just directly in the text. You can read the book and it just says this
"What? Shen Qingqiu thought he'd heard wrong. Luo Binghe was going to let him top?
'I'm afraid of hurting Shizun again,' said Luo Binghe. 'So it'd be better if Shizun did it.'
He spoke very earnestly, his expression sincere. He was seconds away from lying down before Shen Qingqiu hastily said, 'No. It will be best if you do it.'
If Shen Qingqiu took charge-- he didn't have any experience, okay? If he wasn't careful and made Luo Binghe bleed everywhere-- even though he knew Luo Binghe would still be overjoyed, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night!
There would be more opportunities in the future anyway..."
(Book 4, Chapter 22: Bing-mei and Bing-ge, page 52-53)
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earlgodwin · 2 months
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suddenly i can't even ship lucrezia with juan anymore...because of woke
in all seriousness though, the "it robs from lucresare" part had me hollering because like...is ceslu really that fragile? why are they too threatened by juan having one sided incestuous feelings + psychosexual obsession with lucrezia? it's so ridiculous considering that juan wasn't even mad over the idea of cesare and lucrezia having an affair instead he wanted to be a part of it like those losers shouldn't be having all this inferiority complex 😭😭
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zykamiliah · 8 months
corporal punishment=/=abuse
corporal punishment=/=deliberately allowing a child to use a manual that would kill him in the long run
corporal punishment=/=allowing and enabling bullying in your own peak
corporal punishment=/=putting a child to sleep in a woodshed
corporal punishment=/=sending a child to fight against a demon elder
corporal punishment=/=pushing a child into literal hell
hope that helps ♥
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madlori · 5 months
since this is apparently the disk horse that will not die
I dislike dressing in costumes. i have gone to many, many costume parties in normal clothing because i...dislike dressing in costumes.
it did not mean I didn't care about the people throwing the party or did not respect their feelings.
it's not that big a fucking deal, oh my god.
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love having to provide non-misogynist caveat like "ah some of my best friends are women" but god cheum sucks lmao. i can't feel anything but bored and annoyed when she shouts at the rest of them. it's like having someone from the audience analysing the problematics of the show - but IN the show. jojo babe why have you done this to me? why have you made the only girl a permanently high horsed whinge who is sexlessly girlfriended on your MESSY SEX MESSIER PEOPLE SHOW
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 25 days
I will not weigh in on stupid fandom wank I will not weigh in on stupid fandom wank I will not weigh in on stupid fandom wank
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adelacreations · 7 months
Honestly with that poll that's going around where the OP says they are trying to "prove something" I'm really don't trust it.
Like imma need more information on why you want the racial demographic of people who ship harringrove
Edit: Can't tell yall what to do obviously but I wouldn't engage with the poll cause I feel like they are trying to make the narrative that "of course only white people like harringrove"
Yeah cause there's alot of white people in fandom????
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doonarose · 6 months
Hello fam,
Here's some TMI that I've spent the entire day spiraling over on the reddit chat but may as well therapize myself here too. Wait is therapize a real word... I did not know that.
Anyway - teaching week from absolute hell. Hours and hours and hours of on my feet labs and workshops. And then getting myself in a position where I had to mark prac write ups - 88 of them - in about 48 hours. Reckon it took me about 16 hours and it's mind numbing exasperating work because this is their first one - a quarter of them failed, some of them wrote the most incoherent bullshit...
That means my brain has been frazzled and fried since sometime Tuesday and by some oversight I neglected to put in my calendar that my parents were dropping their dog off at my house today to mind for a week. Probably because it's no big deal and not something I really need in my calendar.
Except I completely forgot. 100% out of my brain, gone, no idea it was happening until I got a text at 10.30 saying the dog had been dropped off and they were on their way to their airbnb where they've got a few nights away or whatever.
Now, worth noting, they did need to go into the house to drop the dog off, because this is the dog that, famously, escaped this same house a bit over a year ago, got smacked by a truck, was 50/50 on surviving for a long while, and cost them $6k to fix... so yeah, of course let yourselves in, dump the dog and lock the doggy door.
So a few things to know:
I live in a messy house at the best of times. Dishes in the sink, last night's plates still on the table, a bag of used tissues next to me on the couch, socks on the floor, etc. Like it's not gross rotting food or anything, but it's not the standard I like to show my parents (or anyone else). So that's a bit embarrassing.
Last night, because I pulled a 12 hour day of admin and prac marking, I fell into the too-often-fallen-into habit of having a decent slosh of vodka over ice with soda as soon as I got home at 8pm to turn my brain off so I could sleep before midnight. I left the half empty bottle of vodka on the table in the living room.
Also when I got home last night I took my bra off in the living room and left it draped across a chair.
Also, in a particularly lazy moment, I had left the eski full of water from almost two weeks ago sitting in the same spot in my kitchen which, yeah, okay, gross of me, but I intended to clean it up before anyone fucking saw it.
And you're probably reading this and thinking that it really isn't that bad so here's the real main source of mortification. Because I live alone and because no one would ever just drop in and because I've been busy and lazy and whatever. I also left my bright magenta sex toy besides the bathroom sink this morning. Where it had been since the morning before. Because that's a fine, logical place to leave it. And when I got the text I immediately remembered that because I saw it this morning when I was getting ready to go into work at 7.30 for an 8am zoom to the US, and kind of vaguely thought 'I should put that away' and then didn't. And didn't close the door to the bathroom because i only do that on hot days and it's been mild, finally, the last few days. And then when I got that text I tried to convince myself that my parents would have no reason to go into my bathroom, even though they would have obviously gone in the house and seen the above bad shit. And then I tried to convince myself that even if they had seen it, we would never speak of it and I would never know.
Anyway, I got home a half hour ago and my toilet door is fully closed, it's next to the bathroom door that remained fully open, magenta fucking rabbit in full view. I never, ever fully close the toilet door because it jams.
So anyway... may never wank again. Will, at some point, report on how I handle my face and soul next time I have to speak/see my parents.
If I die tonight, my COD will be mortification.
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lunapwrites · 8 months
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antianakin · 2 years
It's pretty sad when the biggest impact Echo's loss seems to have on the team is that they don't have enough people to have a lookout AND to have Omega get to do the fun stuff.
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whalehouse1 · 9 months
-Absolutely terrible nihilistic ending happens.-
Fate fans: I just love that this is the true ending.
Other ppl: There’s other endings though and you’re allowed to c-
Fate fans: THE TRUE ENDING!!!
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nsfw-mw · 9 months
[age in blog or get blocked, minors DNI]
this is ridiculous i can tell im wet and haven't even touched myself i've barely even been scrolling horny posts
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caparrucia · 9 months
The dream is to transcend writer anxiety enough and reach the zen of posting fic with just a title, a rating, the ship and the archive warnings, if any.
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fizzingwizard · 10 months
it's the end of 2023 and "thief king bakura had a point" isn't a hot take now anymore than it was twenty years ago when we first learned about aknadin's crimes in kul elna
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
all my opinions abt star wars are correct btw 🙄🙄🥱 wdym “fandom wank” lol i am correct forever and always
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