#exposition paris
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ghostgalerie · 2 years ago
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Aperçu catalogue des oeuvres d'Ana monsó - Exposition EPODE, Ghost galerie Paris jusqu'au 13 mai 2023. Duo Show avec Mathias Bensimon.
www.ghostgalerie.com > [email protected]
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vagabondageautourdesoi · 1 month ago
Tom Wesselmann : L'Immersion dans le Pop Art
Rétrospective regroupant 150 des œuvres de Tom Wesselmann, l’exposition devient immersive au fur et à mesure de sa découverte. Complétée par 70 œuvres de trente-cinq autres artistes, elle permet le dialogue entre ses réalisations et les œuvres qui les ont inspirées. Tom Wesselmann dans son atelier Tom Wesselmann (1931-2004), né à Cincinnati aux États-Unis, a commencé par le dessin humoristique…
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guillaumechocu · 3 months ago
Ma participation au salon EXPO4ART du 13 au 15 décembre 2024 sous la Halle des Blancs Manteaux en plein cœur du Marais à Paris. Vous pouvez retrouver toutes mes œuvres et mes prochains événements sur mon site d'artiste https://www.yaume-c.com/
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bernieshoot · 11 months ago
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nemfrog · 9 months ago
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Palace of Electricity sculpture. L'Exposition Universelle de 1900 : détails de sculpture. 1900.
Internet Archive
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frenchcurious · 2 years ago
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Construction de la Tour Eiffel à Paris, France en 1888, un an avant l'Exposition universelle de 1889 dont elle était le symbole principal. - source Memorable Videos.
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blondebrainpowered · 1 month ago
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Watch and Chatelaine
Case maker: Hippolyte Téterger, Paris, France
Chatelaine gold chased by Jules-Paul Brateau, French ca. 1875–78
Medium: Chatelaine: partly enameled gold and platinum set with diamonds; Movement: gilded brass and steel
Dimensions: Overall: 6 1/4 × 2 3/8 in. (15.9 × 6 cm); Diameter (back plate): 1 1/16 in. (2.7 cm)
This exquisitely crafted display piece, decorated in a historical revival style inspired by sixteenth-century “grotesque” ornament, was shown at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle. While the watchcase is signed by Téterger, the movement is unsigned, suggesting the prestige of the jeweler surpassed that of the watchmaker. Its high-quality movement nevertheless features up-to-date technology for the time.
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publicite-francaise · 2 months ago
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Exposition Internationale de Paris, par Eugene Beaudoin, 1937
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eupat · 6 months ago
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jeanfrancoisrey · 1 year ago
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Bustier de Madonna par Jean-Paul Gaultier…
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ghostgalerie · 2 years ago
"Dans mes peintures, il y a toujours l’idée d’une plongée dans un autre espace. Elle se fait par les couleurs, la matière. L’espace est peut-être illusoire, mais les œuvres invitent le spectateur à plonger dedans" - Mathias BENSIMON, exposition EPODE, Ghost galerie jusqu'au 13 mai 2023.
This event is part of a new exhibition program, Ghost project, highlighting the emerging art scene.
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vagabondageautourdesoi · 8 months ago
Taekwondo Paris2024 Grand Palais
Présentation d'épreuves de Taekwondo lors de Paris2024, les Jeux Olympiques, au Grand Palais rénové de Paris. Magnifique !
Découvrez la transformation du Grand Palais lors des Jeux Olympiques 2024 à Paris Ce fut une excellente surprise d’assister aux épreuves des Jeux Olympiques dans les endroits mythiques de la capitale parisienne. L’escrime et le Taekwondo se sont déroulés au Grand Palais. J’ai eu la chance d’assister aux combats des seconds. Cependant, la surprise fut également de découvrir ce palais, entièrement…
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teleclub · 11 months ago
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"All Sunsets Risen" in Paris, Justin Liam O'Brien, Precisionism (Semiose, Paris - May 04, 2024 - June 15, 2024)
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paingoes · 9 months ago
Destroyer - Blood Ties
Paris clutched his head, his nails tapping patterns against his skull. It made a thick, hollow sound in his ears. Not pleasant, but he had to keep his own motion up. He hasn’t slept all week.
“Just bring him up,” He called to the guard, “Whatever the protocol is. I don’t give a shit.”
His guards left dutifully. Paris stood up from his desk, moved to pace the floors. He was still working out of his own bedroom. He didn’t have the heart to go into the master bedroom just yet. A lesser man might’ve found this undignified, but Paris had worked out the opposite conclusion. He really didn’t give a shit, Paris. He had other things to worry about.
The deadliest weapon this side of the galaxy knocked at his door.
Paris opened the door with the same violence of action he did practically everything with. Delta flinched back from the sound. Simon stood beside him, only to be instantly dismissed. Paris pulled Delta into the room and immediately slammed the door shut.
Delta knelt down without being asked. It was for the best, really. He felt unstable. He did not want to fuck around with Paris.
Paris, luckily, seemed content just to have him there. He went back to his business without much more acknowledgment of Delta, flitting in between the bedroom, the bathroom, and the closet. The room was truly overflowing with junk. No wonder Paris was so frenetic. He clearly didn’t know where to start.
Delta played with loose strands of carpet.
Paris was standing in front of his bathroom sink, splashing water into his face. He rapped his knuckles against the porcelain, then up by his head.
“You can talk, you know!” He cried out.
Delta looked up. Paris didn’t enter; he wasn’t even sure he was speaking to him. It was only when Paris crossed the threshold again, still barely looking at him, that he decided to take the risk.
“I was sorry to hear about your father, Paris.” Delta said quietly.
Paris froze. He let out a soft sigh. “Yeah. Me too.”
It was quiet.
“Stand up,” Paris ordered him. Delta did so. He held still as Paris’s hands moved to his collar, undoing his shirt. He stripped the suit off so that it hung idly by Delta’s waist. Tugging his wrist, he spun Delta around. Delta felt his fingers tracing his spine. Paris examined the fading burn scars up and down Delta’s shoulder-blades. Apparently satisfied, he ordered Delta to redress. Paris’s gaze was intense, cold. Delta was careful to avoid meeting it.
He didn’t have a choice, though. Paris tilted his head up to force eye contact. It was a bad thing; Delta knew he was being studied. He was watching Paris watching him. But from years of training, he had no reaction. Without warning, Paris slapped him hard across the face. He reeled. As he straightened, Paris took a fistful of his hair close to his scalp and forced him up against the wall. Delta winced, exhaled, but did not speak. Paris’s gaze remained analytical; his anger seemed forced.
“Don’t be cute,” his grip tightened, “You’re mine now, by right. You are going to show me the same respect you showed my father and I expect you to behave as you’ve been taught. You won’t speak until spoken to. You’ll do as I say, when I say it. And you’ll take any punishment I give you without complaining. Do you understand?”
Delta was pressed tight against the wall. Paris’s body didn’t quite touch his, but blocked off any possible movement. His hand was still wrapped up in Delta’s hair, knuckles digging into his scalp. Whatever. Those were the same rules he’d already been following.
“Yes, sir.” He kept a level tone.
Paris slapped him with his free hand. “Try again.”
“Yes, Your Highness.” Delta choked out, pain radiating through his jaw.
“Good,” Paris pulled him forward and then down, forcing him onto his hands and knees. Delta fell roughly to the floor, trying to regain his breath, before crawling back upwards into a kneel. He brushed his own hair out of his face, lightly touching the tender skin where he’d just been slapped - twice.
Paris walked away. Delta relaxed, slightly. He wasn’t truly phased by the roughness; he’d been expecting it. It was just what people did when they wanted to show they meant business, as cursory as any other introduction. As long as he gave Paris no reason to repeat it, he should be fine. He waited eagerly to be dismissed.
But unfortunately, Paris kept talking.
“We aren’t staying here. I’ve already got a ship chartered. The war is coming to us and we need to be proactive. They’re going to train you to deploy more frequently.”
This did not bode well. Those powers were a bad thing to use, a display of force that was seldom ever necessary for the job. It was risky, but it was extremely inexpensive. Exactly Paris’s style. He went on.
“I don’t think the security measures they’ve been using for you thus far are necessary. I don’t mind you having free reign of the ship. It’s not like you can walk off it.”
Delta looked at him quizzically. He had never been outside the castle for more than a months span. Now it seemed as though he’d never return. But he’d have free reign. That much was unimaginable. Paris looked to him for a reaction. Delta’s ambivalence must’ve shown on his face, but Paris didn’t press the issue.
“That’s all. You can go now.”
Delta stood up wearily, head spinning. He walked out of the room half in a trance. Simon was waiting down the hall; the older man perked up as he saw Delta approaching. No doubt, he saw the inflammation on the left side of his face.
“All good, kiddo?” Simon asked with truly eked out enthusiasm.
But Delta was at a loss.
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bizarreauhavre · 1 year ago
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Paris, 23 juillet 2023.
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heronchildlove · 1 year ago
James and Matthew having a series of dates at the Exposition Universelle (World Fair), tho.
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