#experimented with a messier style and i kind of love it
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if anything happens to him in vol 3 ill be inconsolable
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entiqua · 4 days
I love your artstyle!! Do you have any tips for drawing?
thank you so much! i'm really happy you like it!!💗 as for tips, what i would say would change drastically depending on what kind you're looking for, but some very general ones:
draw what you love and want to see most, regardless of whether anyone else wants to see it. if you don't enjoy what you're drawing it'll never come out as good or genuine as something your whole heart and soul is in. i mean you'd think this would be a no-brainer but sometimes i've had to sit back and ask myself 'if no one was ever going to see this except me, would i actually spend time drawing this?' and i was surprised by the answer
that said, it is also completely valid if your motivation for drawing is to draw for other people! there have been plenty of times where i was too artblocked to draw my own ideas but was still able to draw commissions or gifts and enjoyed it simply because making other people happy with my art makes me happy.
don't get too caught up in having a consistent art style. in my experience this 1000% hinders you
having your sense of anatomy degrade over time without you noticing because you keep drawing the same types of characters is a very real thing! if this is a concern to you be sure to draw a variety
follow a billion artists that you like the art of and you will have endless inspiration injected directly into your brain every time you open social media
my favourite practical tip for those who draw at a desk: keep a small mirror next to you at all times. absolute game changer for quickly referencing hands
if you're drawing digitally, make the canvas huge! in my experience this lets you draw messier/faster and you can't tell at all when you zoom out. if you tend to get stuck spending unnecessary amounts of time micromanaging pixels (me💀) keep it zoomed out while drawing
related to the above point, messy drawings can have far more expressiveness in them than neat and polished drawings. nowadays i never do lineart and go straight from 'barebones stickman pose' to 'varying-levels-of-coherent sketch' and use that as my lineart. sweet freedom from the sketch-looks-better-than-the-lineart phenomenon
if your goal is to improve, then you really do have to scrutinize your art, figure out what you're not satisfied with, and commit the time to focusing on it. 'practice makes perfect' kinda rubs me the wrong way because of how much i've seen it interpreted as 'just draw everyday and you'll magically improve' but genuinely it won't get you very far if you don't actively think hard about what you're trying to improve and take the steps to do it. is this a hot take idk. also hand in hand with this, not every artist is trying to improve and you shouldn't feel bad for this! maybe you just wanna make a little headshot doodle of your fave blorbo and that's your only drawing goal ever. awesome. maybe you know your art has flaws but it's passable enough to convey what you want and you're perfectly satisfied with that. (this is the stage i'm usually at). also awesome!
don't hesitate to draw something because you think it's out of your skill level. the worst that can happen if you draw it is that it comes out terribly but you learned something and can always redraw it better in the future. the worst that WILL happen if you don't draw it is that you'll never draw it. and then it will sit in the back of your brain haunting you for years. it's not like i'm speaking from experience or anything aha
look up 'hand stretches for artists' and do them if you draw a lot unless you wish to summon the wrath of the carpal tunnel demons
of course, these may not necessarily work for you, and most importantly(!) these are coming from the perspective of someone who is primarily a hobbyist. some of this won't be practical for people who need to build an audience, maintain a consistent style for work, etc. these are just things that have personally helped me over many years of drawing :)
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rivensdefenseattorney · 8 months
The Girls' Hair (Part 1)
Decided to post something a bit different because I've been thinking about it a lot. I have the vision of all the girls in my head, that I hope to get commissioned one day, but for now I'll just post bits and pieces here.
One thing I've really liked thinking about was the girls' hair because I think hair can tell a lot about who a person is, and that it often changes as they do.
To preface, I love Aisha/Layla's hair in the OG series, but I just have a special affinity for locs, and then I saw The Little Mermaid last year, so it basically secured my vision.
Anyways, I imagine Aisha with long locs, since she's been growing them since she was a child. Throughout the years she's experimented with different styles and such, but she mainly keeps her styling to a minimum since she's very active. She enjoys sewing shells and beads from Andros into them, so she can always have a little bit of home with her.
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I imagine Bloom having more curly/wavy hair. She goes through the phase of thinking she needs to straighten it like many do, but ultimately realizing it's fine to embrace it. She fluctuates between occasionally straightening out her hair and wearing it naturally. Hair is also a comfort/shield for Bloom, so she likes to keep it long. However, sometimes she cuts bangs and layers, so she feels like she's trying a new hairstyle. More often than not, she keeps it simple.
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In the beginning I imagine Tecna keeping her hair very neat and clean. The cuts are angled, blunt, and precise. She rarely lets her hair grow past her shoulders because she doesn't want to spend time brushing through and styling long hair. She's not afraid of cutting her hair if at any point she doesn't feel like dealing with it. She often shaves the sides and/or underside, so there's less to maintain.
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Later on, Tecna grows more comfortable with having "messier" hair, and comes to view her hair as another outlet to express herself. She starts to just have fun with it, letting her friends give her all kinds of cuts, patterns, and lengths.
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Winx Rewrite Master Post
Part 2
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pb-dot · 1 year
The Things I really loved in Spider-Verse
Or: I feel like an asshole for ragging on a movie that I for the most part enjoyed a lot.
So, as mentioned in my less-than-glowing review, there are several things that I loved in Across The Spider-Verse that my frustration with the story kind of overshadowed. One thing, in particular, I was very impressed with was the character writing. Across, somehow, keeps the main character count roughly equivalent to Into, but the sheer finesse shown in the writing of the side characters upgrade them from cameos and gaffs to actually really cool characters in my opinion. More gushing under the cut.
First up is the villain Spot. At first, the joke about this walking Inciting Incident seems to be that he's so desperate to be Miles' Nemesis, despite getting no traction and being a profoundly pathetic villain in the process. The fact that he arguably caused Spider Miles' entire existence doesn't help, he reads like one of those current-era retcons that try to make a villain intimidating by revealing he was secretly behind everything, despite this not at all lining up with earlier movies. Looking at you, Spectre.
Then, something happens. It's not a dramatic shift or anything, but little by little the dogged determination and seething hatred for Miles that drives Spot starts to crowd out the awkwardness, and the shift is matched by his animation getting messier (in a good way) until he is this plainly inhuman extradimensional being driven by his seething hatred for our dear Morales, animated like some kind of mixture between an art film's animated depiction of severe mental illness and a late-season villain in a mech anime. Like several of the characters I'm going to talk about today, it's a shame he's not in the movie more, but given the bisected nature of the narrative, I suppose that's to be expected.
Next up to bat is Hobie and holy fuck did I not see Hobie coming. Oh, make no mistake, I knew his general deal and that he's pretty cool after all I am on Tumblr and possess a pair of mostly functional eyes, but I was not prepared for just how cool this guy is. It's not just a style thing, although his delightfully off-beat animation and Daniel Kaluya being the most British I've ever heard him, or anyone else, be, are incredibly cool to experience.
No, Hobie's strongest point is, at least for me, his convictions and how he acts on them. It is, perhaps, not a huge challenge to be the most nuanced take on punk in popular media, but the sheer panache with which Hobie pulls it off is astounding. Yes, he is a contrarian, he vandalizes stuff, and he's a bit of a shit-stirrer by nature, but that isn't all he is. In fact, if I may engage in some character interpretation, I'd suggest that all of this is a smokescreen, meant to distract from what Hobie actually is doing, which is trying to infiltrate and subvert an unjust power structure that is causing real tangible harm. If there's anything more punk than that that you could conceivably get into a mainstream movie, I don't know what is.
Look no further than how he interacts with Miles when they're alone. He nicks a bunch of stuff and acts kind of "too good to be on the team," sure, but the stuff he steals, I think can be safely assumed, are parts he needs for his bootleg dimension bracelets, and his reservations he talks about make an awful lot of sense in the context of the reveals that the Spider-Society is basically an autocratic misery machine unilaterally steered by the deeply wounded Miguel. You can also see it in the way he circumvents the entire morality discussion around what to do with Miles by letting Miles know how to break out and make up his own damn mind.
Schlubby dadbod Spider-Man Peter B Parker is perhaps a bit less of a standout than he was in Into, but he still makes for a compelling character. For a fair bit of the start, I wonder what sort of plot malarkey had Mr. Joke The Pain Away team up with Miguel, perhaps the only Spiderperson to be less about fun than Spider-Noir, but as it progressed, it painted a pretty nuanced picture. Miguel is an absolute world-class stick in the mud in addition to his other traits, but as a fresh father, I get the feeling Peter B is especially sensitive to his "lost my daughter twice over" backstory. It is also possible, although there's that insidious character interpretation thing again, that he feels like he can be a moderating influence on Miguel and perhaps curb his most intense edgyboy impulses, a dream that shatters about the time Miguel attempts to break through the spiderporter with sheer primal rage. He has not helped, he has been an enabler.
I've talked indirectly about Miguel a fair bit so far, and while I wouldn't count myself a fan, he is too emotionally distant as the uncompromising leader and entirely too driven by raw emotion as the dogged pursuer to be super interesting to me, but I do like the effect he has on the plot. Miguel operates on a mix of Comic Book Guy trope obsession and the very boomer "If I've suffered in my past, similar or greater suffering is mandatory," and he does so with such dogged zeal that he kind of bends the plot space-time around him. His conviction that Things Are Worth Doing Because They're Hard to Do And Feel Bad is such that even fairly reasonable spiderpeople like Gwen and Peter B end up doing his bidding.
Gwen operates in a bit of an awkward space in this movie, as the intro and outro seem to cast her as the protagonist, which is out of sync with the literal entire rest of the movie revolving around Miles. It's a shame though, because Gwen is very good in this. While her role in Into was more to be the "kinda too cool for this" Spiderperson Miles can, and should, get to be, her journey through the "actually being a spiderperson feels pretty bad"-wash cycle is compelling. If the story was more about Gwen realizing she's letting her hurt take her to a bad place, I would not mind it one bit. Left as a subplot it still works, but so dearly wanted to see it truly blossom.
So in short, I really liked the character writing in Across The Spider-Verse and I am a little sad most of my favorites didn't get as much screentime as they perhaps should, but I do hope they get their moment in the sun in the sequel. Also, a brief shoutout to Earth 42 Uncle Aron for being both scarier and somehow more sympathetic in his few minutes on screen than Miguel manages for the entire movie.
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tc-doherty · 10 months
1, 10, and 13 for the end of year asks! I will 100% not be bothered if you want to wait until closer to the actual year end to answer :D
I know we talked about it but I'm just gonna go ahead and answer them now anyway LOL
what was your writing-highlight this year? what made it special and how will you reflect on it next year?
Honestly it sounds silly but I have to say it – the Anglish novel. I haven't been able to work on it nearly as much as I would like to, and I've only written approximately 2,000 words in it all year however a lot of what I'm struggling with at the moment is my word choice, I feel like my lexicon has become too modernized because most of what I've read these past few years has been Chinese web novels which (especially once translated) just have a totally different style. So working on something that is making me think really hard about my word choice is a good project that I really want to be able to work on more next year!
I really hope I can take what I'm learning from this experience and use it in my books to come. Of course I'm also trying to read more, older fantasy novels to ground myself but the Anglish novel project is a part of that vocabulary rehab.
which character(s) turned out differently from what you had planned? how so?
I think Patrice has turned out differently, not necessarily than I expected her to but in the course of writing these new drafts of the second book, I realized that a lot of the things that I had written for her just seemed really out of character. So in changing her actions and dialogue in certain scenes I've brought her closer to what I think I intended her to be in the first place. I'm actually really excited about that!
how did you change as a writer? did you learn anything new? started to plan instead of pants? share your wisdom!
I answered this one already so here's something a little different. I really do feel like every time I try to change something I just double down on something else I was already doing. I can try to plan, but I hate planning out my work, so the rest of it gets messier. I can try to focus on networking and marketing and getting things ready for publishing but that takes me away from what I love most which is writing first drafts and I resent the workload. Like I do want to be able to make money off my work so that I can afford to put forth the best possible version but having to split my time between writing and making sure I do enough for the publishing company is really demoralizing
There are things about my writing style and scheduling that I am working on, I do want to work on. But when it comes to me as a writer I think I'm just kind of a chaotic person and I'll do my best rein that in because I do want to get to a point where I can share my work with more people. But I'm never going to be a super efficient writer who turns out books quickly and who is good at making people want to read them
I can just keep doing what I'm doing and hope to be the best possible version of that chaotic writer and that the people who like my work will hopefully find it
~end of the year asks~
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kurosukii · 4 years
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x f!reader
summary: your relationship is filled with nothing but teasing touches and pleasured sighs, until you tell him that you want to take it to the next level.
genre: smut, fluff, aged up au, established relationship au
warnings: 18+. virginity loss (it’s a social construct but for the sake of smut...), riding, dirty talk, fingering, face-sitting, size kink, nipple play, chest play(??), oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, praise kink, unprotected sex, finger sucking, pet names (kitten)
word count: 5.8k
author’s note: koo is the loml. that’s it. (this was the hardest for me to write so far since ✨feelings✨ are involved). this is somewhat the nsfw continuation to safety net but it can still be read alone, i just referenced some things™️. (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
° thank you so much @kurinoot for editing <33
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[5:02 PM]
“if you don’t stop tickling me, i’m going to bite you!”
you squealed as you lightheartedly threatened your boyfriend. you were trying to swat his attacks away from your neck and waist as his lean body hovered over yours, but he was just too big for you to throw him off.
“i dare you to bite me, kitten. i’ll just bite you back!” he exclaimed as he raised his head from your neck, with nimble fingers still pressing on to your sides. he laughed at your dumbfounded expression and went back to blowing raspberries on your neck and tickling the dips in your waist.
you would say that you’re tired of kuroo’s childishness, but you would only be lying to yourself. you loved how he was so carefree every time the two of you were together, and you couldn’t be more grateful that kuroo was such an attentive and doting boyfriend. sure, you had your fair share of doubts and insecurities when the two of you first started dating in high school, but it was never because of him. no, it was all you and your past inhibitions. however, kuroo never fails to squash your negative thoughts to the ground.
when you would observe him, you’d remember how the two of you confessed to each other over chemistry homework and you’d just burst out laughing at how it was such a kuroo way for your feelings to be known to each other.
when he asked what made you so happy, you’d always say you and he’d end up making a face but kiss your lips softly a few moments after. those soft kisses don’t last long because they would turn into heated makeout sessions that would leave you gasping for breath.
a few weeks into dating, kuroo admitted to you that he was planning on confessing by making a nonchalant comment here and there and leave you to nitpick what he said. he claimed that it wasn’t to ‘disrupt’ your strong friendship and ‘startle’ you, but you know him like the back of your hand—he was just as nervous as you were.
now that you’re a year or two into dating, being with him just felt so right, like all the puzzle pieces fell into place and formed the beautiful jigsaw of a relationship that you have with him. at first, you were worried that your dynamic with him would change because you weren’t just best friends anymore; you were now involved with each other romantically.
when you told kuroo about it, he would always encourage you to tell him what you were feeling. he would just flick your forehead and tell you that you have nothing to worry about and he was right.
you wouldn’t change a thing about your relationship with kuroo tetsurou, except for one thing.
you have yet to ‘consummate’ your relationship, and it it may seem crazy to others if they knew how long the two of you have been dating (not that it’s any of their business), but you haven’t reached that part of your relationship yet. 
the farthest you two have gone was oral, so you knew that it wasn’t because you didn’t find each other desirable. you used to believe the saying ‘i could eat you for hours’ was sort of an exaggeration but now you can confidently admit your mistake and say that kuroo puts that saying to shame because he has spent hours buried between your legs perfecting his oral ‘techniques’. 
more often than not, you would always find yourself begging him to stop eating your pussy because it ached and your clit felt so numb. you’ve always wondered if his jaw and tongue were made of iron steel and he would just laugh at you before diving back in, making you squirt all over his face for the nth time that day. 
you’d also return the favor, of course, but you’ve always had a difficult time fitting his entire cock in your mouth because he was not only long, he was also achingly thick. you can’t even wrap your fingers around his shaft and he would always only fit halfway through your mouth, but he didn’t care because after cumming down your throat, he’d immediately lay you on your back and devour your cunt again.
that’s why you were so fucking annoyed because you knew that you wanted to fuck each other, so what was stopping the both of you?
well, it was your stubbornness. you wanted kuroo to initiate the next step but he would always tease you. you’d think that after years of pining for you, he’d jump at the chance to fuck you, but no, he stayed a saint (if you disregard the moments he made you orgasm multiple times).
if there’s one thing you disliked about kuroo now, it was his immense self-control and penchant for teasing you, so after weeks of thinking, you decided to finally raise the white flag and surrender.
although, it wasn’t exactly a defeat because it meant that you were about to finally get your pussy fucked by your boyfriend’s big fat cock for the first time. maybe if–
“what are you thinking about, kitten?” kuroo interrupted your dirty train of thought. his usual bed hair was even messier from playing around with you and his plump lips formed into a pout because you stopped reacting to him a few minutes ago.
fuck. should i tell him? what if he thinks it’s too fast? but we’ve literally covered almost all of the bases– “nothing!” you said in a high-pitched voice, your brain short-circuiting from your ravaging thoughts. kuroo narrowed his hazel eyes at you, clearly aware that you were lying.  
“tell me, kitten. i told you that you should never hesitate to tell me what you’re feeling, right?” he raised a dark eyebrow at you. you visibly gulped as your face flushed in embarrassment. never mind the fact that this man has already seen all of you, so acting like a virginal prude seems out of bounds now. well, technically i am still a virgin so–
you were broken out of your stupor when you felt kuroo shift above you. he was hovering over your body, with long legs at either side of your hips as he rose to all fours. his large and warm hands pinned your wrists to the bed as he leaned over you until his lips were ghosting over yours. he licked his lips and you knew he did that on purpose so you could feel his tongue slightly swipe against yours.
your heart was beating fast as his clean and fresh scent invaded your senses. he smirked at you, cat eyes narrowing with a mischievous glint. he could feel your pounding heartbeat and he hoped to the heavens that you couldn’t feel his own because he was just as excited and giddy about you as you are about him.
even after going through every year and life experience together, his heart and mind would never cease to be mesmerized by you. he knew you were endgame the moment you tripped over your own feet and fell to his chest in shoujo style. your friendship practically started from him teasing you about it, and soon enough you became best friends.
now he can finally call you his and you can call him yours. although in his mind he knew that he would forever be yours, even if you didn’t end up together, but that dejected thought vanished when the both of you crossed that bridge and finally came clean with your feelings for each other. he didn’t want to admit it, but every time he’d answer a chemistry homework, he’d smile like a fool and reminisce that fateful day in high school.
because of that chemistry homework, he could enjoy kissing you freely and shamelessly. he also now has the privilege to taste your pussy with his skilled tongue, and his favorite view in the whole world is probably watching your face twist in pleasure as you pull his hair, rocking your slick cunt on his face as you chase your orgasm. he especially loved it when you would beg him to stop but your hips would still move and your eyes would be pleading for him to go on until your pussy gets numb or until you squirt all over his face.
he wanted to fuck you badly, but he was just so patient and he loved torturing himself and you. he also wanted you to take the initiative, just like how he wanted you to confess first, and it wasn’t because he wanted to be chased (he kind of likes it though) but because you called the shots in the relationship. sure, he’s the one that makes you scream his name in pleasure but that’s because you want him to. he wants to hear it from your pretty lips, and he wants to hear you say that you want him to bury himself deep inside of you.
you two spent minutes looking at each other, studying each other’s features and with hearts beating to one rhythm until kuroo closed his eyes and leaned down to bridge the small gap between your lips.
your eyes fluttered shut, sighing into the warmth of his mouth as his tongue licked your lips. he tasted like strawberries and chocolate which made his kisses ten times sweeter. his fingers from your wrists went to your hands and weaved in between them. you kissed him with fervor until your clothes felt too hot on your heated skin.
he lifted his head, teeth nibbling your lower lip as he slowly pulled away. he stole another quick kiss before he rested his forehead on yours as he breathed deeply and smiled.
“i love kissing you, kitten. now do you want to tell me what’s on your mind?” he questioned you as he nuzzled his nose against yours, breathing in your scent deeply. you inhaled a big breath before bluntly telling him what you were thinking,. and truth be told, there was no other way that kuroo would accept your request because he’s a tease like that.
“i want you to fuck me, tetsurou.”
he froze, stopping himself from rubbing on you like a cat before he stretched his lips into a devilish grin and teased you.
“yeah? do you want me to fuck you right now?” he asked you, his honey eyes becoming sharper as he licked his lips. you nodded at him and he tutted at you, squeezing your fingers.
“use your words, kitten. i want to hear you say it,” he said in his deep and smoky voice.
“yes, tetsu. i want you to fuck me right now!” you whined as you lifted your hips to grind against his tenting pants. kuroo just smirked at you, grinding directly against your core making you moan.
“stop teasing me, tetsu. i need you,” you whimpered as you exposed your neck to him. he straddled your waist as he unlaced your fingers to remove his shirt from his lean body. you were just salivating at the sight before you, his abs flexing while he raised his thick arms.
you couldn’t stop yourself from tracing the lines of his abs with the tips of your fingers as he shuddered at your light touch, with his spine tingling at your soft caresses. he removed your hands and laced his own between them as he kissed you harder this time. you moaned at the onslaught of his mouth as your teeth and tongue clashed.
he pulled away from your lips and he made a path of kisses along your jaw down to the sensitive skin of your neck. you moaned as you rolled your hips when he sucked on the skin, leaving a purple bruise. he kissed it before he went to the other side of your neck to give it the same attention.
once he was satisfied with the marks he left on your neck, he let go of your hands and slowly lifted your shirt off your body with a certain reverence. his eyes sparkled as he traced your soft skin. he’s seen you naked countless times, but he’ll never get used to how beautiful and ethereal you look and he never fails to let you know either.
“you’re so beautiful, kitten. i will never get used to seeing you, my precious jewel,” he said softly, lips tracing every patch of skin that’s exposed to him. your heart soared and your face flushed at his praise. he looked at you like you were a goddess and him, the worshipper.
“no bra, kitten? were you planning this the whole time?” he raised a dark eyebrow, with eyes trained on your hardening nipples. he licked his lips and lowered his head to suck one into his watering mouth. you moaned at the sensation, as your fingers combed through his soft hair. he didn’t neglect the other one, pinching and rolling it between his long fingers. you pushed his head lower to your chest as the both of you rubbed on each other.
he was moaning into your breast, tongue swirling over the hardened peak as he sucked and licked. your panties were pooling with wetness, aroused by kuroo’s wet and hot mouth. you cried loudly when he simultaneously pinched and bit your nipples before lifting his head and staring at the swollen skin.
his hands slowly traveled down to your hips as your breathing increased in pace. he sure does love taking his sweet time, you grumbled in your head. you felt scrutinized by him, and it made you want to cover yourself up, but the way his hands were ghosting over your skin, touching you as if you were a delicate figurine, made you feel so desired underneath him.
he didn’t even seem to mind the growing bulge in his pants, as he was too focused and enamored by your figure. you used to feel uncomfortable at his silence during intimate moments like this, but you’ve come to realize that you always render him speechless every time you lay bare before him, and that made your ego huff in pride.
he removes your shorts and panties as his hands went lower. you lifted your hips to help him and he groaned at how the wet string from your pussy seemed to follow the path of your soon-to-be discarded bottoms.
due to your longing determination to tease him in return you raised your knees until your feet were flat on the bed and spread them until you felt your lower lips separate with a squelching sound. you softly moaned at the growing wetness in your pussy.
kuroo’s plump lips were parted as he let out a low groan while he stared at his favorite meal, tongue sliding out to wet his suddenly dry mouth as he rubbed your outer thighs.
“i’ve seen your cunt tons of times but it never fails to make me speechless, kitten. your pussy is as pretty as you, fuck,” he groaned as he reached out two slender fingers to slide along your weeping slit. you clenched at the sensation, letting out a low whimper when you saw kuroo lick his fingers and released them with a pop.
you moved to widen your legs more to give him space for his broad shoulders, but before even doing so he stopped you. you were about to question him until he shushed you with a finger to your lips.
“i want to try something new. figured if we’re going to finally fuck tonight, we might as well try a few more firsts, hm?” he teased you, honey eyes glinting with mischief which made your aching body shudder. the last time he said that, you ended up cumming so much that your legs wouldn’t stop shaking for five minutes.
you raised your eyebrow at him in question before he smirked at you. your breath hitched as he leaned down to your ear. “won’t you sit on my face, kitten? ride my tongue until all your juices cover my mouth and chin?” he whispered sensually, hot breath tickling your ear as he kissed it. you moaned softly as your ears burned from the barely-there kiss.
your body is brimming with sexual frustration, blood heating up at his request. for all the times he had his mouth on you, he never really asked to switch things up and you hadn’t either. you can’t deny that your pussy tingled from the idea of him offering to be under you like that.
“what do you say kitten? think you’re up for it?” he asked you again, lips grazing the side of your ear as his smoky voice left shivers in his wake. you moaned out a yes as he kissed you, slowly this time to savor the taste of your lips before he tastes your other set.
he pulled away and gently flipped both of your bodies until he was lying flat on his back with your naked cunt directly on top of his throbbing bulge, with breasts slightly swaying at the movement. you hissed at the heat emanating from there and couldn’t stop yourself from grinding on his clothed cock.
you both moaned at the stimulation, but he stopped your hips before you could cause any more friction. “not yet, kitten. i want to eat your pussy first,” he said as he let go of your hips to place his hands behind his head, the action causing his biceps to flex which made your pussy and mouth water even more. he let out a low laugh, clearly satisfied with your reaction.
“drag your pussy up to my chest, kitten. the only time i want you to lift yourself is when you’re positioned right over my face,” he ordered you, honey eyes turning to gold as he watched your breasts heave up and down, breath quickening.
you moaned at his lewd order, hands bracing on his chest to support your weight before you dragged your wet cunt all over his torso. the position of your arms made your tits bunch together and kuroo swore he started drooling. you started moving up his body and couldn’t stop the whimpers that came out of your mouth.
fuck, i could cum just by grinding on his abs alone, you thought. the way the ridges of his abs were dragging on your clit made you lightheaded. you definitely have to try grinding on his abs until you reach your orgasm sometime soon. “next time, kitten, but not now,” kuroo groaned as he felt your wetness trail over his torso, clearly knowing what you were thinking. he’d indulge you but that wasn’t his main focus as of right now.
you were gasping and whining when you reached the top of his chest, legs weak from the unprecedented stimulation on your clit. his arms were on his sides, ready to guide your thighs on either side of his face. you lifted yourself and hovered over his face, your face flushing from the new position.
you didn’t want to completely sit on his face for fear of him suffocating so you opted to hover instead and held onto the headboard for dear life. kuroo tutted in disapproval but he let it go because either way, he was going to do what he was good at and you’d end up dropping on his face, just like he wanted.
he stared at your dripping pussy while his thumbs rubbed small circles on your thighs. his hot breaths were fanning your clenching hole as you shuddered and moaned. you could feel the ache in your thighs starting to build up from being in a squatting position but you were determined not to crush his skull.
“i’ll have you sitting on my face, kitten. hold me to that,” he promised you, voice laced with determination. that was the last thing he said before he kissed your pussy and licked a long and wet stripe from your slit to your pulsing bud.
you cried out and instinctively raised your body from the new feeling but his arms didn’t allow you to. he trapped your body in that position as he sucked your aching clit into his wet mouth. you looked into his eyes as you squeezed the headboard, breasts swaying from your sudden jerks.
“oh my god, tetsu! that’s so good!” you moaned loudly as his tongue drew figure eights around your bud. you could feel your legs starting to shake as his tongue lapped up at your clit. you swore you could feel his mouth stretch out into a smirk at your shattering resolve.
kuroo was taking his time. he wanted to see the exact moment your legs would give out and sit on his face so he could get to work. you were just being your stubborn self and he wanted to see you succumb to the pleasure he was giving you.
“keep licking my clit just like that, oh my god, yes–!” you moaned loudly, voice cracking as kuroo’s talented tongue swirled around your clit again and again. “oh yes, fuck! fuck don’t stop, don’t stop!” you whined, the words jumbling together as your legs were near giving out. you were still fighting it and kuroo decided that he was done letting you have your fun and it was time that he got down to business.
you screamed as kuroo’s mouth left your clit and plunged his tongue right into your sopping cunt, effectively making your legs crash and sit on his face. he groaned in pleasure at feeling you all over him. he ate you out with fervor, his nose rubbing your clit. your hands fell from the headboard and gripped his hair so you could grind on his tongue in your cunt.
“tetsu, fuck that’s so hot. i could feel your tongue so deep in my pussy, yesyesyes,” you threw your head back as you moaned out the last word as you rode his face. the more you rode his mouth, the louder his groans became, the more pleasure shot straight to your clit. you removed your hands from his hair and fisted the pillow on top of his head to give you more balance to ride his face.
kuroo took this opportunity to raise his arms to play with your nipples. your moans increased in volume and pitch as he tweaked and rolled the nipples in his fingers. the wet sounds of his tongue fucking your clit were making your spine tingle and body shake.
you didn’t care that you were fucking his face because your orgasm was so close. he didn’t seem to mind either because his groans increased in volume the more you used his face as a fucktoy. you raised your trembling arms to your sides as you leaned back, blissed-out face facing the ceiling as you rolled your hips around his tongue.
“i’m g-gonna cum, tetsu! fuck yes, fuck yes, i’m gonna cum, right there–!” you screamed as he pinched both of your nipples, hips moving on their own accord as you prolong your climax. you were whimpering and mumbling out nonsense as your hips slowed down, trying to catch your breath from that strong orgasm.
kuroo gently lifted you off his mouth, strings of your cum stretching out from his lips, and raised himself to lean against the headboard. he settled you on his lap over his throbbing cock as he inhaled loudly and deeply, trying to suck in as much air as he could. his swollen lips and chin were drenched in your juices. he licked as much as he could off of his face and wiped the rest with the back of his hand.
“you liked that kitten?” he asked you with a tilt to his head, midnight hair mussed up from your fingers. you scowled at him, knowing damn well you liked what he did if he made you cum that hard, he just wanted the validation.
he laughed at your reaction as he wrapped his long arms around your slightly shaking body and squeezed you. he buried his nose in your neck and nuzzled it. he was humming while planting soft kisses on the skin, teeth nipping it here and there.
how can he act like this when his cock is pulsing underneath me?
you weren’t satiated, not in the least. you wanted his cock in you and you were going to make it happen, never mind the fact that he has a monster cock. you don’t care how it’s going to happen but he’s going to fit.
you raised yourself on your knees and started pulling the string to his pants so you could free his aching cock. kuroo stopped you and you whined at him, rosy lips forming into a pout.
“i want your cock, tetsu, please. i need it to fill my pussy,” you whined at him, eyes begging for him to just put it in you. you squeezed his shoulders as you rubbed yourself on his clothed cock, your slick leaving a wet stain on his crotch. his large cock was straining against his pants, a sign that he too was burning to get inside of you.
he squeezed your hip as he tutted at you. “you need to be thoroughly prepped, kitten. i want you to be dripping everywhere before you take my cock, okay?” he said softly, warm lips meeting yours as his large fingers trailed down to reach your cunt, spreading your folds as he teased your slit with his middle finger.
you moaned into his mouth as he reached your clit, finger drawing slow circles around the aching bud while the rest of his fingers played with the wet strings that were falling out from your previous orgasm.
you moaned even louder when he inserted two thick fingers into your hole, the entrance of them making a squelching sound as your juices coated his fingers. he pumped them in and out while never leaving your lips, both of your moans mixing.
you squealed when he curled them, hitting your g-spot. he did all of that while his other hand played with your clit. your moans were being swallowed by his mouth, his tongue entwined with yours as you felt your spit mix with his.
the kiss was as messy as your pussy down there with your juices drenching his fingers. you felt his arm move faster as he pumped his fingers in and out of your weeping cunt. you pulled away from his mouth to moan into his shoulder and he took this moment to whisper in your ear.
“yeah, you really like this, huh? look how much mess you’re making, kitten. think you can take my cock after this, hm?” he asked you, tongue snaking out to lick your earlobe, his fingers scissoring inside your walls.
“yes, tetsu! i-i can take your cock, oh fuck, that feels so good!” you cried out, teeth slightly biting his shoulder.
“then cum for me,” he growled, fingers curling in that come hither motion as he pinched your clit. you screamed out your orgasm again, tears brimming in your eyes as your body shook from your second climax. kuroo softly kissed your lips as you tried to come down from your high.
he took his fingers out and brought them in between your faces while he stared at them in fascination. your cum was hanging in strings from his fingers as he placed them in his mouth and groaned at the taste. you moaned weakly watching him genuinely enjoy your juices. you watched him maintain eye contact with you while he sucked and lapped at his fingers for a minute before you started tugging on his pants again.
“eager, are we?” he teased you. you narrowed your eyes at him because he was just as eager as you. his hands were fumbling around his waistband, hips lifting so you could pull them down his legs.
your mouth watered as his thick cock bounced against his stomach. pre-cum was leaking from its swollen tip, you watched it roll down along the veins of his shaft, stopping at his balls.
he gripped it with one hand and squeezed it, groaning at the stimulation. he was so fucking long and thick that the stretch was most likely going to be uncomfortable, but you didn’t care, you’ve been so needy for his dick that you don’t care about it impaling you.
you situated yourself until you were hovering over his cockhead, lightly rubbing it against your wet slit, making the both of you moan at the new sensation.
“tell me to stop when it hurts, okay kitten? i want you to be as comfortable as possible,” he said softly, thumb slightly grazing your lips as he looked you in the eye.
“yes, tetsu,” you pecked his lips before you balanced yourself with one hand on his shoulder and gripped his cock with the other and stroked it a few times. he was breathing heavily and his hands were gently squeezing your hips.
you guided his cock at your hole and moaned when his tip entered your clenching walls. you lowered yourself onto his cock, your walls sucking him in, inch by inch.
“breathe, baby. fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned, voice straining at your heat engulfing him. you were going so slowly due to his size and also because you wanted to feel every ridge on his cock around your walls.
“you’re so big, tetsu. i could feel your cock everywhere,” you moaned long and hard, nails leaving crescent moons on his shoulders. he squeezed your hips in response, muscles tight with tension as he fought to pull you down on his lap.
you both cried out when you finally sheathed his entire cock in your pussy. the stretch felt uncomfortable but soon gave way to pleasure the more your cunt clenched and unclenched around him.
kuroo groaned at the feeling, his eyes silently begging you to move, or else he’d start jerking his hips and start drilling your pussy. you raised your trembling thighs off his lap, cunt dragging along his shaft until only his tip remained inside of you.
you mewled loudly as you dropped yourself on him, his cock making a squelching sound as he made contact with your wetness. “shit, kitten. you want my cock that much?” he moaned, lifting your hips again as he pulled you back down on his cock before he set up a rhythm. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he moved your body, moaning in his neck as the slapping of your skin on his ring in your ears.
“f-fuck t-tetsu! oh my god, your cock’s stretching my pussy–yes!” you bit your lip as you moaned from the pleasure. you raised your head to look at his face, his pink lips parted and breaths panting as he took control of your hips. your breasts were swaying with each thrust and you held on to them while kuroo groaned at your bouncing tits.
“i think about you fucking me all the time, tetsu,” you moaned breathily as you bounced up and down his cock, clit grinding against his pelvic bone. you rested your forehead on his shoulder with a loud moan as you felt every vein on his fat cock glide against your tight walls.
he threw his head back and moaned at your admission while he squeezed your hips. “yeah? tell me what you want me to do to your pussy,” he groaned, his hips thrusting up into your clenching hole. you cried, nails digging into his shoulders as his thick cock stretched you even further.
“i want you to wreck my pussy! cum in me so much that my pussy’s dripping in your cum!” you screamed as he thrust up into your cunt, cock hitting the entrance of your cervix.
“yeah? do you know how long i’ve wanted to fuck this pussy, kitten?” he growled as he flipped your bodies, with his thrusts increasing in speed now that he’s on top of you. he laced your fingers together as he delivered a hard thrust that had your pussy creaming even more around him.
“fuck, i can’t believe you’re taking all of me,” he moaned as he watched his cock disappear in your cunt. you moaned as your walls clenched even harder around him.
“your pretty little mouth can’t even fit my whole cock but your pussy is just sucking me in,” he groaned as he kissed you hard, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. his thrusts were so deep and fast that your tits were bouncing everywhere.
“f-faster t-tetsu! don’t stop please!” you begged him, legs wrapping around his waist as you closed the distance between your bodies, your hands squeezing his.
“i’m so close! oh my god yesyesyes i’m gonna cum–!” you screamed as the knot in your lower stomach uncoiled and you gushed all around him.
“your cunt is so good to me, kitten. fuck!” he moaned in your ear as he thrust one final time before his warm cum drenched your pussy. you were still moaning and whimpering when he stopped moving inside of you.
he raised his head and kissed your lips, this time with more passion. you couldn’t even move your lips with how tired you are so it was like kissing a statue, and he told you so.
“try getting fucked by a big fat cock and see if you can still move, dummy!” you breathed out. you laughed in each other’s lips, breaths mingling.
kuroo rolled over and laid down on his back, bringing you with him and laying your head down his heaving chest, where you could hear his racing heart. he smoothed out your sweaty hair and kissed the crown of your head as his thumb lazily stroked your hip. your heart was racing as fast as his while you traced small circles on his pecs. you kissed it softly and looked up at him and found that he was staring at you.
“i love you, kitten,” he said with a soft smile, honey eyes twinkling in the light of the room.
“i love you too, tetsurou,” you smiled back at him and reached up to peck his lips.
you laid your head down again and nuzzled it, eyes closing as your exhaustion finally caught up with you.
“hey, don’t fall asleep yet! i still have to clean you up!” kuroo exclaimed as he patted your cheek to keep you awake.
“ow! why did you pinch my nipple?!” kuroo pouted, whiny complaints falling from his mouth. you just laughed at him as you squeezed his cheeks in your hands.
he huffed and wrapped his arms around you, carrying you off the bed as he headed for the bathroom.
against your better judgement, round two commenced in the shower.
[7:07 PM]
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Heyo! 👋 hope you're doing well! If you are taking requests right now, maybe some Ichi hurt/comfort? Like maybe he's having a depressive episode one day (me? Projecting? It's more likely than you think 😂) unlike any he's ever had before, and he just doesn't have the strength to do anything, even make snippy remarks at any of his brothers. One (or all, you can pick!) of them notices this odd behavior, and makes it their mission to help him feel a little more like his old self, even if that just means "riding out the storm" with him.
Oof this was really long, lol sorry 😂 but thanks for taking the time to read, I love your writing style! Take care! 👋
eyyy don't be sorry! God I REALLY enjoyed writing this... I love how it turned out
sometimes these guys can be jerks, for sure, even when one of their own is in pain
but... when it's serious... THIS BEAUTIFUL SHIT HAPPENS
please enjoy Ichi being spoiled and surrounded by love from all his brothers because HE DESERVES IT and I love how this turned out <3
Ichimatsu’s first (and maybe only) mistake is that he assumes his brothers don’t pay that much attention to him one way or the other unless he speaks up.
Or, maybe it’s that he often hopes they don’t.
Because he knows they care; there are little things they all do that remind him that no matter what, they love him. But they all have their own things to do, and most of the time he finds that best. They should be able to do whatever they like instead of wasting their lives making him feel better. He has a bad day or hates himself so much of the time, if they paid him attention whenever he wasn’t doing well, they’d never get to enjoy themselves with other things.
He cares about them, too. So usually he’d rather they occupy themselves with their own interests whenever he’s not feeling well. He can bury things deep inside and pretend those shitty feelings don’t exist and act almost normal. As normal as someone like him can act, anyway. For their sake. They don’t deserve to worry about him.
Today, he’s too tired for whatever reason. His scathing barbs and negative attitude on most days aren’t really fake… on the bad days, though, he can force his typical demeanor so nobody suspects he’s not fine. All they see is sour-faced, ill-tempered fourth brother Ichimatsu.
He can’t even do that much right now. It’s as if the weight of existence and his own mind is pulling him down, further and further, until he’s drowning in his thoughts. Horrible thoughts. Things telling him he’s worthless, a failure, a burden, good for nothing, should probably be dead… too many things to keep track of.
If he were trying not to get his brothers’ attention by being quiet and listless, it isn’t working. In fact, his current behavior has actually done the opposite.
While he’s lying in the corner of the room, curled around himself and wishing he could fall asleep to avoid dealing with these thoughts and feelings, the others are around their table muttering among themselves.
“You guys noticed he barely touched breakfast, right?” Osomatsu is the first to speak up, and he’s doing his best not to look at Ichimatsu too much, simply because he doesn’t want his younger brother to feel everyone’s eyes on him. He’s pretty sure that would just make matters worse.
Choromatsu hums in agreement. “Yeah, no, he just kind of stared into his tea… he might have taken a sip or two, but that’s about it. I don’t think he even ate any rice.”
“Did he even brush his teeth this morning?” Totty speaks up. “Or his hair? It looks messier than usual, and I was the last one in the bathroom before breakfast, and it didn’t look like his toothbrush had been used.”
“Also,” Karamatsu chimes in, “I believe that is the same outfit he wore yesterday. He didn’t sleep in it, but he put it back on when he got up even though it hasn’t been washed.”
Choromatsu frowns and steals a quick glance at the fourth eldest. “Like he… didn’t wanna think about picking something different out, huh? And… it’s kind of worrying that he didn’t brush his teeth or hair. I mean, that’s basic hygiene. It’s like he’s depressed or… some… thing…”
Suddenly a light bulb goes off, and the rest of the brothers exchange a concerned look with each other.
“Oh,” is all Osomatsu says for a moment. Then, “Fuck.”
Before anyone else can breathe a word, Jyushimatsu leans back away from the table and collapses with his head in Ichimatsu’s lap. “Aaaah, Ichimatsu-nii-chan! Baseball practice today? We can do it at the beach!”
Ichimatsu hardly flinches at the abrupt contact, but really it’s because he doesn’t even have the strength to be startled. He doesn’t move to push Jyushimatsu off or bounce his leg to dissuade the him from staying or anything. It’s a moment until he actually says anything, like a delayed reaction from a computer. “Uh. Not today, Jyushi. I’m probably gonna take a nap.”
“Hmmmmmmm… oh, I know! I’ll nap with you! Maybe we’ll dream about baseball!”
All the others watch closely, waiting to see if he gives an average Ichimatsu reaction. Instead, he doesn’t even shrug. “Yeah, if you want.”
Obviously, that’s not what they would be expecting from any other day. They all look at each other again, minus Jyushimatsu who just curls up against his big brother’s side.
Ichimatsu, on the other hand, is so out of it in his own head that he doesn’t realize that he’s done anything to worry his brothers. They should all be paying attention to their own shit, right?
He just feels so exhausted despite that he knows he slept okay last night. All he did this morning was wake up and get out of bed and already he’s… drained.
You’re so lazy. You can’t even put together the energy it takes to read a fucking magazine or something? To do nothing like you usually do? What kind of loser doesn’t have enough energy to do something like watch TV?
What the hell is wrong with you?
He cringes at the sound of his own inner voice berating him, and ducks his head down between his knees. Shit. Everything hurts. Isn’t that right, though? He’s useless. It doesn’t take any effort to just sit somewhere watching TV or reading and yet he’s not even willing to do something like that.
Even though he expects that Jyushimatsu might want to hang out with him, because the two of them are close, he doesn’t anticipate it when Osomatsu comes over and sits himself down across from Ichimatsu. At least, he thinks it’s Osomatsu. He doesn’t really feel like lifting his head fully; it looks like a red hoodie, though.
“Uh, hey, Ichimacchan.” Osomatsu feels a little awkward at first, mainly due to the fact that he’s never sure what to do when Ichimatsu is in one of ‘these’ moods. What works on one day might not work the next time. Previous experience is all he has to draw on, though.
“I noticed you didn’t eat too much at breakfast… you in the mood for something sweet?” Tempting him with one of their favorite treats might put him in better spirits, at least for a minute. “There’s a box of imagawayaki on the counter… there’s three in there, so we can split ‘em. Mom said these ones have chocolate cream in them.”
Everyone else lets out a blissful sigh as they all think about how delicious that’s going to be. Bean paste or custard or even regular cream is always good, but chocolate cream? If they had to fight over those, someone might end up dead.
Ichimatsu offers a shrug in his brother’s direction. “Sure, if you guys want. I’m just not that hungry.”
Osomatsu frowns, and looks over toward Choromatsu who’s thankfully recovered from the imagawayaki imagine spot. None of the brothers would ever turn that down. Even if they weren’t necessarily hungry, they’d make room for something that good. Moreover, given that Ichimatsu didn’t eat anything at breakfast, he should be starving,especially for sweets.
Choromatsu makes his way over, setting a careful hand on Ichimatsu’s shoulder. He doesn’t have any more of a clue what to do than their eldest, so he’s flying by the seat of his pants just as much. Something has to be done… they can’t just let poor Ichimatsu suffer. “Ichimacchan? It’s pretty cold today. How about I turn on the kotatsu, and if you’re gonna nap, you can sleep with your legs under it? That might feel nice.”
Well. That does sound nice, Ichimatsu thinks, because curling up under the heat of the kotatsu is always nice in the winter. But… he’s pretty sure he doesn’t have the energy to even move from this spot. “Oh, yeah… I’ll probably just nap here, though. Don’t really feel like moving.”
“Aaah, but you are cold, aren’t you? I can hear your teeth chattering from all the way over here!” Karamatsu is up in an instant, tugging his leather jacket off his shoulders. Although it leaves him in nothing but a tank top ― and a horribly plain grey one, at that ― it’s a necessary sacrifice for his little brother’s comfort.
He hurries over to where everyone else is gathering and gently drapes the jacket over Ichimatsu’s shoulders. “Hmph… Karamatsu to the rescue as usual! You’re looking cozier already.”
Man,Ichimatsu’s mind comes up with, I try on Shittymatsu’s dumbass jacket one time and suddenly he’s coming up with any excuse to put the stupid thing over me. Do I really want him freezing instead of me? Why don’t I just move my ass over to the kotatsu? He’s gonna catch a cold and it’ll be all my fault because my stubborn ass didn’t move and he took pity on me.
God, I wanna die. They’re all falling all over themselves to do shit to cheer me up when they should be focusing on themselves. I’m fucking trash, making my brothers waste all their damn time on me. Why couldn’t I just do stuff and not make them worry?
“… Ichimatsu-nii-san?” Totty has plopped himself down in front of Ichimatsu, staring in concern at his big brother. Fuck. He’s using that eye voodoo of his, and if he says anything, if he asks Ichimatsu a question, he’s gonna get an honest answer despite the fact that Ichimatsu doesn’t want to admit anything.
He can’t help it, though. Totty’s hand is soft as he reaches up toward Ichimatsu’s face, thumbing away tears that Ichimatsu didn’t even realize he’d started to cry. But his youngest brother is delicate in the way he brushes them, so caring and tender that any little bit of strength Ichimatsu had to keep things hidden away crumbles quickly.
“Hehe,” Totty chuckles, though there isn’t a genuine mirth behind it, “you’re not having a good day, Ichimatsu-nii-san… are you?”
He blinks, and more tears start to drip down his cheeks. This time Totty doesn’t make a move to wipe them away, instead staring at his brother with those big, sad doe eyes, glittering with sympathy.
Ichimatsu lets his head drop again, eyes pressing against his arm and tears soaking into his sleeve. “N-no,” he manages to say in a quiet, insecure, small voice. He hates it. He hates making this stupid confession, because he should be able to take care of himself. His brothers don’t need to be huddled around him, pissing their days down the drain. “I’m… I’m having a bad day.”
With that, it’s like all five of them attach themselves to him all at once. There’s a brief cacophony of worry and reassurances, and a hug Ichimatsu almost loses himself inside of.
“Alright, you hear that, guys?” Osomatsu announces, maybe a bit louder than he really needs to. “Ichimatsu’s having a bad day! Woohoo!”
Choromatsu scoffs. “Ah, ‘woohoo’?? Osomatsu, you idiot! This isn’t a good thing!”
Osomatsu pulls away to rub a finger under his nose with a grin. “Hey, sure it is! He said it, didn’t he? Good for you, Ichimacchan! You’re having a bad day and you said so! Remember what happened when Totty kept junk from us? We need to know this shit! I’m glad you said something!”
Karamatsu’s hand tousles Ichimatsu’s hair as he pulls his brother into a hug. “Yes, Osomatsu is right. You’re having a bad day, Ichimatsu, and that’s just fine. It takes a lot of bravery to admit it, so we’re proud of you.”
“Plus, we’re gonna make this the best bad day ever!” Totty hums. He’s whipped his phone out before anyone can so much as blink, typing away on it. “It’s just about lunch time, so I’m gonna order some takeout! Ichimatsu-nii-san, what sounds good? Curry? Sushi? Ooh… maybe fried chicken? We don’t do that too often… might be a nice treat! Oh, it’s your call, though.”
Osomatsu gives Ichimatsu a tiny bump on the shoulder with his fist. “You and Totty figure that out while I go cut that imagawayaki for us. Be right back, guys.”
… Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone or something? What the hell???
Ichimatsu lifts his head just a little, looking at all his brothers. Totty’s on his phone looking at delivery options, Osomatsu is headed to the kitchen, Jyushimatsu is nuzzled against his side…
None of them are leaving him by himself. They all still want to be here even when his mood sucks ass. Even when he can’t really do anything for himself. Even when he’s being a huge fucking pain and a thorn in their sides and doing literally nothing to contribute to the day.
What the hell are they all doing? Why are they all fine with wasting their day taking care of him?
When Karamatsu presses a couple of tissues into his hand, Ichimatsu somehow finds the energy to use them to wipe his face. Fuck, he hates crying, and he hates people seeing him cry. “Don’t do this,” he mumbles. “You’re fucking morons. You have better shit to do than…”
“No way!” Jyushimatsu aggressively snuggles against the side of Ichimatsu’s stomach, circling his arms around his brother’s waist. “What better shit could weeeee have to do? We’re shitty NEETs!”
Choromatsu chuckles. “Besides, there’s literally nothing more important than taking care of each other, especially when one of us is down and out. Ichimatsu, you… know none of us are shy when it comes to being honest. So, just… try to believe us when we say there’s nothing we’d rather be doing than being with you right now.”
He straightens up, then gingerly taps Jyushimatsu with his foot. “Hey, Jyushi, how about you scoot yourself and Ichimatsu over to the kotatsu? And Totty, are you really gonna make a delivery driver come out in this weather? It’s almost below freezing! Why don’t you go get it yourself?”
“Excuse you, but if they haven’t shut down the delivery option, why shouldn’t I take advantage of it? I don’t wanna leave Ichimatsu-nii-san!”
“Okay, okay… I guess that’s fair. What are you ordering, again?”
“Aaaah, I dunno! I was waiting for Ichimatsu-nii-san to say what he feels like.”
Meanwhile, Jyushimatsu has somehow gotten himself and Ichimatsu over to the kotatsu, and is currently shoving his big brother’s legs under it while Choromatsu moves to plug it in. “Home run, YEAH! Your tootsies will be toasty in no time, Ichimatsu-nii-san!”
“O-oh… thanks, Jyushi…” That’s about all he can say, really. He’s slumped over the table in a matter of seconds, and although there’s no way it can support the weight of everything he feels like he’s being crushed under, feels a little more relaxing than holding himself in a tight ball in the corner.
He’s going to cry again. He’s pretty sure he’s going to cry again. His brothers, his selfish, douche-a-holic, demon brothers… would rather be taking care of him on a bad day than out doing their own things, not touching him or his shitty mood with a ten-foot pole.
Jyushimatsu is cuddled up on one side, and he can feel Karamatsu settling in on the other with an arm around Ichimatsu’s shoulders. That’s it. He’s surrounded by brothers and their warm, selfless-for-once-in-their-lives affection. He has to surrender. He doesn’t stand a chance.
His mind drifts back to the others. “Oh… Totty…”
“Oh! Yeah, mhm?”
“Um… curry sounds good, I guess.”
The impossibly huge smile on his youngest brother’s face comes through even when he speaks. “Oh, great! Curry it is! Okaaaay, I’m gonna get it from that nice place in town. You want it with rice or udon? Or do you want curry bread?”
“Uhh… just with rice.”
“Rice, okay, sounds good! Beef, chicken, or pork?”
“Huh… you mentioned fried chicken, now that sounds good. Does that place do curry rice with tonkatsu on top?”
“Oooh… that does sound good. Yeah, I think there’s an option for that. Chicken tonkatsu with curry rice, then?”
“Gotcha. Is that what everybody wants?”
“Yeah, Totty,” Choromatsu injects, “just order the same thing for everybody. We’ll all eat that.”
“Okay, what about sides? Does anyone want fukujinzuke or rakkyō?”
“Geez, just… just get half of each and we can divide it up if anyone wants any.”
“Okaaay! I’m not ordering drinks from there, though… too expensive. We have tea here. Oh, I’ll get a few orders of pork curry bread, too, in case we want a snack later.”
“Well, make sure you get either three or six.”
“Yeahhhh, Cherrymatsu, I’m not stupid! I’ll just get three; I’m fine buying some, but I’m not trying to go broke! Does that sound okay, Ichimatsu-nii-san? The curry bread for later?”
It takes a moment, but finally Ichimatsu lets out a breathy, almost tearful laugh as he leans against Karamatsu’s shoulder. “Totty… you’re trying to fatten me up… you witch… you’re gonna cook me and eat me… that’s your plan, huh?…”
The whole room erupts into a small fit of laughter, even Totty who’s blushing at being teased. Ichimatsu feels Karamatsu press a kiss to his head, and he sighs. Usually he wouldn’t be able to take all of this… the attention, and Totty blabbering away, and Choromatsu trying to be responsible, and… everything.
At the moment, it feels right. Like things are supposed to be this way. Like he’s supposed to be having a bad day so his brothers can all gather around him and remind him that regardless of anything else, when one of them needs their brothers, everyone is going to be there.
Maybe he needed that reminder.
Maybe they all did.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
It was always you
Hello everyone!! 😊
I’m a bit late but I really wanted to contribute to the @lukadrien-june event, I hope this is okay! Based on the third prompt, while throwing in some character study for sunshine boy! 💛
Enjoy!! 😙😙
Summary: Love was supposed to be easy, at least in his head. A pure perfect fairy tale... except it was not. Adrien takes probably more time to realize it than other people but he is getting there. Especially not alone.
Read it on the AO3 here
If there was one thing that Adrien wished he had known, before giving up homeschooling once and for all and finally starting to build a life, was that loving wasn’t nearly as simple and dreamlike as his extremely well-developed imagination had led him to believe. He truly wished that he could borrow Bunnix’ Miraculous sometimes, just to head back to that room where he used to spend his entire time on his own dreaming of himself and his soulmate and getting married at sight, and tell him that if living was hard outside, heart matters were even harder.
Love wasn’t that ideal, it wasn’t reductive.
It wasn’t nearly that basic either. It took him a while, but he had figured it out.
It had all started with Ladybug of course, most of his new experiences in the real world had started with her. He had fallen in love with her pretty much two days after meeting her… granted, being stuck into his own house for years thinking of himself as a poor prince in waiting of a savior rather than a knight out to get the princess, might had developed in him a bit of an eagerness for romance. She was smart, beautiful, courageous, resourceful and a hero, what was there not to love? Besides they were Chat Noir and Ladybug, they were meant to be… because… that was Ladybug. The moment he had realized how much he loved that image – if he used to fantasize before looked at him now –, and how he had started to slowly care less and less about knowing what was hiding behind it, that was the dealbreaker. He didn’t want to be in love with a figure, an icon for Paris, because it was what all people had always reduced him to. It would have not been a good way to start, and it would have not been fair for her either.
Getting over all those dreams about the marriage, the children and the hamster – oh the hamster, heart stay still – that he had wished for so intensely had been… easy? Not exactly, but smooth. A strong emptiness and pain that had slowly faded away with time. After all, Ladybug was never going to be far from him, and she cared about him a lot, he knew that much. He could love her, no matter what, no matter in what way.
After that singular and very one-sided experience, a spectacular sequence of disasters had made him slowly and steadily feel aware of how much messier the concept of relationships really was. One thing was dodging Chloe’s overly affectionate tendencies or his fans’ intense assaults over him; the other realizing that Kagami was ready to commit into something he wasn’t sure of, that Lila was still somehow convinced that he wanted something to do with her after all of her lies – for a fox this sly she sure was in denial… why did that sound hypocrite? –, and that Marinette had apparently harbored feelings for him almost as soon as they had met – oh yeah that was why. Life, a real, multifaced, worth living life was chaotic and confusing, it hurt, and it saddened, and he was behind everyone, struggling like mad to catch up.
Rejecting so many people he cared about had been awful. Some of his closest friends, all important parts of his life in different ways, and all because he wasn’t smart enough to understand feelings and his own clearly weren’t right. When Marinette had smiled at him with tears in her eyes, saying that it was okay and that she understood, Adrien had decided that it was enough. He wasn’t going to attempt anything else, if it always ended up with hurting someone he cared about.
He could deal with his feelings on his own, he always did, without paining anyone. There was no problem anyway, after Ladybug no one had ever shaken his heart.
No one, no one at all… and during that time, between slowly realizing that perhaps looking for wedding rings after two days sounded a little unreasonable and somehow managing to hate his face plastered all over Paris even more than before, the Music Festival had occurred, along with the awakening of Captain Hardrock. The famous tripping over the bridge had happened, a goofiness that had somehow gotten him into a band.
Him had happened. The charming, kind, intriguing guitarist of the Liberty, that had welcomed him the moment he had been there.
Luka Coffaine.
… Adrien was starting to hate his heart a little bit.
Luckily or unluckily, around that time he had found himself too caught up in his and other people’s messes to even realize how he had always unconsciously smiled at the boy whenever he was there, and how it had become normal for him to stay with him after band practice, without caring on how father could had reacted to his delay – just how dense was he about his feelings… never mind. It took Lila to finally focus on something other than plotting, Chloe to start paying attention to her own life instead of worsening others, and Marinette and Kagami to begin exchange sweet looks for him to finally find some normality to think – and develop an extremely intense fanboy soul.
Enough to realize that ever since Desperada, with the brilliant introduction of Viperion to the team, Adrien had found himself as Luka’s confidant, the only one besides Ladybug aware of his secret identity. Exciting stories, confessions, insecurities, all while the guitarist was making such an effort to communicate with words, because he trusted him enough not to judge his mind.
And Adrien was enjoying the confidence, the vicinity. A lot. Truly a lot.
… way too much for it to be normal.
It had woken him at night. He had teared up in his bed, curled on one side while Plagg had been purring next to his ear all night. It was the first time that being in love had felt this terrifying. He didn’t want to mess everything up, not again, not with Luka. The freedom he felt with being on the Liberty, the time spent with his friends in the band, the warming welcome he had always received from captain Anarka and Juleka – and by extension Rose, those two always came in pair –, and every single moment spent without having to care about who he was and what did he represent because Luka didn’t care about covers, he cared about the real music coming from people. Everything could disappear in a moment.
With that set of mind, he had spent some of the most tense moments of his life, constantly pondering about what to do next. What exactly was a person supposed to do if he liked another without making a mess? What was the alternative to confess his undying love and hope to plan a wedding at the end of his studies? Was there an alternative??
His anxious attitude had inevitably gotten the attention of his group of friends, that for some miracle hadn’t gotten tired of his denseness, especially Marinette. She hadn’t seemed to care much, especially not while distractively holding the amulet Kagami had made for her – somehow love life had made the fencer even deadlier during practice, like she was fighting was someone, impressive. It had taken them to bribe him with a new recipe of croissants from the Dupain-Cheng bakery to be forced to talk, a necessity that had exploded out of his lips the moment his friends had been gathered on Marinette’s bed to listen. The sweets had been amazing. Just a bit salty… but that was probably because he hadn’t been able to talk without tearing up all over the food.
At the end of the discussion, Marinette had squeaked so loudly his ears had started to ring.
“You have to confess and get together, you two would be a great couple!” To which he had responded that he didn’t want to risk it, especially since he didn’t know how it was going to end.
Alya had slammed her hands over her own knees – ouch –, standing up.
“You have to man up! Don’t think about what could happen, go for it and make him yours!” To which he had said that he didn’t want to be insensitive again in case it didn’t go well – also that that kind of wording was a little confusing, enough to turn him bright red.
Then Nino had looked up from his phone, looking a little baffled. He had changed too, considering that love matters used to make him all nervous.
“Why don’t you ask him out first and see how it goes from there? You don’t have to become boyfriends if it feels too soon.” The table had gone silent, all eyes were on the DJ, who simply arched an eyebrow. “… you do know you can go on a date with someone, realize that it’s not working without actually get together, right?” More silence had followed. Adrien was sure that he had felt a weird mixture of disappointment and relief, while Marinette had looked so very shocked.
In conclusion, Nino was amazing. Like that was new.
Starting from there the blonde had been practicing in front of the mirror every day, terrified of rejection but less tense over how things could go. Despite fans and admirers his past relationships, if those could be called, weren’t giving him much of a booster or a good feeling about how this chance was going to play. Somehow it hardly mattered. Luka was a very reasonable person, he was going to reject him very nicely. It had been almost uplifting the idea of the guitarist treating him with absolute kindness, even while shattering all of his dreams.
One day Luka had called him over for an improv session. It happened often, this artist was extremely instinctive when it came to music, and he had told him that having a more rational and accurate player like Adrien around grounded him to his usual style. It was flattering every time he was called for that same reason, it was an occasion that made the blonde ignore all about his current schedule – of course he was at fencing right now, Kagami could cover- uhm, confirm for him –, to finally focus on something that he really wanted to do. Luka was always waiting over the bed of his room, playing a few notes, stopping for minutes then going again. It was calming and endearing, like Adrien was allowed to hear the inside of his mind.
He had been standing there, legs crossed at the end of the bed while Luka was lying down with the instrument. There had been only sounds for all of this time, without additions or suggestions or anything. It was nice. Really nice. Adrien had wondered what else could he discover out of him just by stay close like this, and how much he wanted to. The need to let those words out had been steadily growing without him realizing it.
“Luka?” Until they were out. “Do you wanna go on a date with me?” Mirror practice had helped, it had come out almost mechanically. There was a spark into his stomach, the adrenaline pouring out. The melody in the air had stopped for a pretty terrifying second.
Then it had come back as a full, real song. It was timid, sweet, and sincere.
“I’d love to.” In his own giddiness, Adrien could admit of being wrong. Yet he was almost sure he had seen the calm and controlled guitarist blush the tiniest little bit.
A single date at the restaurant where Alya’s mother worked at without people in the way – he loved his friends so much – had followed another one walking hand in hand through Rue Montorgueil in disguise – at last he had achieved his long-lasting dream of looking like someone else without the mask –, that had followed another one at a secret party Chloe had organized at Le Grand Paris for her classmates – she had given him such a smirk at seeing his plus one, gossip was coming. It had nothing to do with the dates of his daydreams, the ones he had lived through his head for years: every single time his stomach was so tense it felt like it was burning, painfully, making him question if he really wanted this. Then, the moment they were there talking, engaging themselves into an interesting topic while letting time pleasantly leave them behind, the stress was gone and there were only the two of them.
They had gone like this for months. Some absolutely lovely months. At some point Alya, stopping him at school, had calmly stated that him and Luka combined with Marinette and Kagami were making her feel single, and she had a boyfriend, so it was probably time to make it official. He had agreed with her, of course he had. He liked Luka… yeah right, he loved him. Everything with him felt so real, so close and intense, like he was finally living.
His feelings weren’t the problem… Luka’s were.
Not that he doubted him. Not after all the little orange blossoms left over his keyboard before band practice – they meant eternal love, oh heart stay still once again –, the songs sung for him whenever he felt upset or angry at his father, or the hand kisses at the end of every single date, like he was being cherished every single time. One of the guitarist’s biggest qualities was his sincerity, Adrien was absolutely sure he could trust him and his heart. Just how he had never blamed anyone before, not Chloe, not Kagami, not Marinette, not even Lila, for their feelings towards him.
They had been real, like his own feelings for Ladybug used to be… but they were for Adrien only, the supermodel, Paris’ iconic pretty face and perfect boy. That perfection in him, one he had been forced to practice in order to please his father, that was attracted others, but it wasn’t in any way all that was in him.
What was all the rest? It was also there. But it came out only whenever he wore the mask.
With time, the image he had been forced to wear for the profit of his father had grown into an uncomfortable, old sweater that he hadn’t known it had felt unbelievably itchy until he got the possibility to take it off, to try something else. And that black-leather armor was his absolute favorite. Nothing felt like freedom as that, nothing felt like him as those moments, whenever he jumped into the sky holding hard onto his staff. Thanks to his Miraculous he had discovered himself. Thanks to that he had found out that he liked making jokes, he loved puns, he liked making a fool of himself for the sake to have fun. He liked risking, he liked dancing, he wasn’t too keen on closed places, and he absolutely loved how the moon reflected into the Seine at night after patrol. Everything was him, so vividly him it made him choke a little at the mere thought of it.
Adrien Agreste was another mask, one he was growing considerably tired to wear. He had been through some love experiences now, even though they did not end quite well: there was no point into pretending to be someone he wasn’t, there was no meaning into hiding himself when he truly wanted to establish a bond with someone. He had known this, he knew this.
But if everyone liked Adrien better… if Luka liked Adrien better, how was he supposed to do that?
The tension coming from those thoughts was there only when he wasn’t around his favorite guitarist, making him at least forget about the dilemma coming with. Even so, around those times he had found himself at least wondering exactly what kind of opinion his date had about Chat Noir. He wasn’t sure, they had never talked much in their superhero personas, because of the urge of the moment and because with his lady’s strategic mind and a power like Second Chance it was unfairly easy sometimes to solve the situation – Ladybug needed to start bringing Viperion more often and yes, maybe just a little bit to see more of Luka in sexy snake cosplay. He was fairly sure he didn’t mind him, he seemed to even smile at him sometimes – total heart eyes –, but he wanted to be sure.
It had been night at the Liberty, they had ordered pizza. Sugary drinks made Rose giggle like mad, so Juleka had brought her to her room to take a nap and probably cuddle, leaving the two of them alone. That wasn’t weird. Wondering if the guy Adrien was dating liked his cat counterpart, that was weird. At the end, looking at how relaxed the boy over the sofa was while distractively bending the last pizza crust, he hadn’t been able to do pose a potentially confusing question, asking instead what he thought about Ladybug – he had made a mental post-it to whine loudly into his pillow later.
Luka had brought up stuff he already knew, how she was a great leader, an inspiration, extremely smart and courageous. Despite the failure of questioning him Adrien had smiled, he was weirdly happy they thought the same about his partner.
“She has a huge responsibility and deals with it incredibly, that’s commendable… with that being said, my favorite is Chat Noir.” A boom inside. “He’s hot.” A second, bigger explosion had occurred into Adrien’s head – in a feeble spark of lucidity he had begged his brain not to produce smoke out of his ears. Luka had laughed, playing some more, without looking directly at him. “And he’s such a selfless, reliable person, you can tell from how he doesn’t hesitate to help others or support me or Ladybug. He’s incredibly loyal, and… really funny.”
It had taken perhaps a second too long, in which a thousand of tiny little Adrien running all over his brain had been screaming out loud hysterically about how this handsome guitarist was a Chat Noir fan, and it had been the best day ever. Then he had managed to talk, ask, his voice was a little raspy.
“You… you like his puns?” Luka had scooted closer to him, smirking a little.
“It’s our little secret.” With that he had put a hand around his shoulders, bringing him closer to him. The blonde had abandoned himself into the embrace, trying to hide the giddy smile in his chest.
It got easier to let himself go from that moment forward, knowing that at least some parts of Chat Noir Luka didn’t mind at all. Having Nino groaning like mad after they had all taken their matchmaker ice creams from Andre, with Adrien coming out with a “I scream for an ice cream”, had been worth it just to see the guitarist rolling his eyes with an endeared smile. It had felt good. He couldn’t fully let go, being a model and famous and all that baloney, but he could stop pretending for a moment and embrace a little bit more about himself.
It had hit him much later that perhaps, maybe, possibly, the matter of telling Luka about his superhero identity was meant to come up at some point. It hadn’t seemed an important matter before, he was not supposed to do reveal it anyway according to Ladybug. Then again, this wasn’t a relationship behind masks like that one, it was as open as it could be. Also Plagg wasn’t exactly the biggest fan or rules anyway, he had doubted he would have minded. Hearing Luka talking about his latest adventure with Viperion, basically summarizing everything Adrien already knew from his point of view, made him feel a bit guilty about not coming clean. Still, it was hard to recall that unpleasantness with Luka always ending the discussion making a comment about Chat Noir, probably catching up over the fact that Adrien was also a ‘fan’. Knowing that such a charming boy like Luka considered his pun machine alter ego attractive, stating that the only blondie with green eyes as handsome he knew was Adrien, was definitely a good way to end the day.
Then, that had happened. Apparently, Hawk Moth had thought that the idea of unleashing once again Gorizilla over the powerless city of Paris was a hilarious idea. It had taken them forever to calm him down, the bodyguard had been all agitated since there had been no sign of his protegee – at least for what he knew. Cataclysm, Lucky Charm, Miraculous Ladybug, the script was old and overused and after the most tired pound it ever Adrien had called it a day, sinking into his own bed as soon as he had been home.
The unconscious was a calming place, a pleasant one, just like Luka.
Just like Luka… Luka… the date.
Out of pure will and terror he had managed to get on his feet, realizing with horror that not only he hadn’t just fallen asleep, but he was also late. Two. Hours. Late. Dread didn’t describe properly the feeling that had taken over. Begging a very annoyed looking Plagg he had launched himself into the night sky, running on all four out of pure despair. When he had arrived at the restaurant, miserably closed, Luka was leaning over the wall of the entrance that was off, humming a very mellow, very melancholic melody. And he had dressed up, for once in his life wearing something classy, a white dress shirt and a black jacket without sleeves. His hair had grown a bit in those months, enough for him to pull a little ponytail.
What a waste, Adrien had thought. What a waste on someone like him, this beautiful person lightening up as soon as he was there, running to hug him, saying that he knew there had been an akuma today and he was happy to see he was okay. Except he wasn’t, this wasn’t, it was not okay. He was taking advantage of his position, the fact that there was stuff he was keeping for himself. It wasn’t fair for himself, most importantly it wasn’t fair for him.
“And you’re okay with this?” He didn’t know what he had been implying with those words, he had felt the need to get them out. To be heard. Because Luka always listened.
The guitarist had given him a weird, aware look, holding up his hands.
“I am if you are.” Unfair. Unfair. Unfair. Nothing but that feeling of guilt had filled his heart, and Adrien had rushed in, hugging him as closely as he could. Luka had embraced back, caressing his back slowly and gently as it was his way of being, telling him that they could postpone on a day with a less dangerous akuma terrorizing the city. Adrien had kept his eyes shut, choking silent sobs against his jacket. Thinking that maybe it was okay, maybe they could still keep going like this. H was scared, besides there was no need to change anything, or even better there was no need to say something that wasn’t needed. This was enough, this could be enough.
Adrien had then opened his eyes, only to feel them pinching. From the window of the restaurant, he could see the lonely white table with two dishes and two glasses, and all around… were candles and roses. Luke remembered. He had remembered the mention of the romantic gesture the blonde had done for a girl that hadn’t gone as planned. He had remembered how Adrien had always wished for something like that for himself. He knew how much of a hopeless romantic he was. Luka knew him.
At the same time, he didn’t. He didn’t know him. It was not okay.
It was not okay, and it was not enough.
Mirror sessions were back after that, more frantic than ever but less frequent than he would have liked – he was dense he could admit, not enough to proclaim to his father or Nathalie that he was Chat Noir while in the shower. He had wished it was like preparing for a shooting, or even imagining to be an actor like mom was. The tension was nothing like. The number of warnings coming from all directions was massive, starting from how once again his friends were getting worried about him – he wasn’t going to resist the bribe of chocolate chip cookies for long –, how Ladybug had expressively told him no one was supposed to know about their real identities, how there was no telling how Luka was going to react over the fact that his date was the cat boy with whom sometimes he fought crime with – man that was a weird line to say out loud. He had found it hard to sleep, too tense to get lost into his dreams, questioning his decision all night long.
One night, after a particularly harsh internal battle between him himself and he, he had rolled over a little too much forgetting about his poor little cheese-eating friend. He had been on his way to apologize to the squished kwami, but with a single firm gesture coming from his tiny arm Plagg had gotten him to shut up, eyes widened and extremely pissed.
“You’re telling him.” His eyelid had twitched a little. Right, he had kept him awake as well. “I don’t care what Ladybug says, I don’t care what Tikki says, you’re telling him.”
“Huh, okay?”
“It’s not a question Adrien, it’s an order. Do it or else you won’t find Atlantis that much of a natural disaster.” Wasn’t for experience he would have doubted that this tiny guy was able of much. Good thing he did have precedents, so Adrien had opted to nod and lay down once again. Following orders was still pretty normal for him anyway. “… besides…” Plagg had scooted closer to him, nudging against his shoulder while closing his eyes. “No secret is worth taking away your happiness, kid.” Adrien had found no problem sleeping from then on.
At last, after a bit more of self-convincing, it had all come down on the matter of when. Adrien wasn’t exactly sure if the news was particularly good or bad, consequentially he had no idea if the reveal had to be organized during a joyful or tense situation. Was a date a good idea? Or was it better to simply invite him over, or go to his house and talk? Luka was a great listener, but he didn’t always like to talk much, maybe he was going to feel pressured in the second case. He communicated better with songs… but writing a jingle about how he was a superhero in a leather suit with a ring that could pulverize the Tour Eiffel didn’t sound like a hit – maybe… or maybe it was, he had to ask Luka later if the matter was going to be solved. After so much time pondering, he had been left with nothing concrete, no ideas. He couldn’t ask his friends, nor Ladybug. Maybe this was a bad decision after all – never mind Plagg that was still glaring.
He had been trying to focus on his Chinese homework all afternoon, his mind running miles with him unable to make it stop. Then his phone had lightened up, a welcomed distraction that had blossomed into absolute delight at reading the sender’s name. Despite the migraine coming along with the situation, it was all worth it just for a chance to be with him.
Melody: Hey Sunshine
Melody: If I remember right you’re free tomorrow
Melody: Do you want to come over?
Me: Of course I do :)
Me: My schedule ends early afternoon
Me: Is the evening okay?
Melody: Perfect
Melody: Dress nice, it’s a date
Melody: A special one, for a special day
Me: Why? What’s tomorrow?
Melody: Wanna guess?
Me: …
Me: Thursday?
Melody: Ahah, well also
Melody: But also exactly one year since the Music Festival
Melody: It’s the day you and I met
Somehow while melting into an absolute puddle of tears and adoring whines, Adrien had realized that this guy was too wonderful. In his heart the last thing he wanted to do was ruining something good, especially a night Luka had prepared for him. But this wasn’t about himself anymore, this was about giving him what he deserved. Hopefully they were going to have a date still after this.
Hopefully. Adrien had tried to forget about that eventuality, at least enough to finish his homework. It had taken him a while to fall asleep that night – Plagg had simply whispered “thin ice” in a very grumpy tone.
The next day he had used all his experience as a model to look his best, raised two thumbs up at his mirror, and headed out. He had begged his bodyguard to leave him alone on this one and the big guy had actually agreed, somehow seeing his seriousness and commitment more than his father – granted that the bar was pretty low on that one. The path leading to the Liberty was not exactly short from his house, yet he had felt the absolute need to rethink everything. Perhaps to find it in himself the strength to blame himself for wanting to come clean only now. It had been a year, a year since he had met Luka. He had changed so much, his thoughts, his world, himself. He was there to make just another change and take control, it was terrifying and exciting…
… and there he was.
When he saw the Liberty, his stomach did that fluttering again. Pure tension and longing mixed together, because this was about him and it was making him grow terrified; but this was about him, and he loved everything that involved him. The sight of the ship covered in aromatic candles and roses with the table prepared on the bridge, the most romantic place once again, should had not surprised him after all. He still had to close his eyes for a moment to recollect himself.
Luka was waiting on the dock, smiling at him. It was such a lovely view, and when he extended his hand towards him it turned into the perfect view.
“You look amazing. You’re ready?”
He was. He finally was. Adrien sighed, shaking his head.
“I have to tell you something first.” Huh, something was wrong. The guitarist had changed expression, he looked so confused and hurt all of the su- wait. “Ah! No! Not that kind of ‘I have to tell you something’, an actual ‘I have to tell you something’!” He had practiced this moment for so long, how was it possible he had never noticed how off it sounded? Luka let out a nervous laugh. Ah, his hands were sweating already, where was Chat Noir’s confidence when he needed it? “I really need to get this out of my chest.”
“Oh, okay. I’m listening.”
“And if afterwards you have doubts about…” He didn’t like it, but he needed to state it as it was. “… all of this, I’ll understand.” He was in. He was doing it. No turning back. That most likely didn’t sit right with Luka, he wasn’t looking any less distressed.
He reached for him, grabbing one of his hand for comfort. Even though he didn’t understand, he was still doing his best to be there. Gosh, Adrien loved him, so much.
“Don’t jump to conclusions, tell me what it is and then we can talk about it.” He looked for communication in his relationships, he had told him from the start and even before, during the times they used to talk about anything and everything, waiting for the sun to set behind the bridge over the Seine. The blonde hoped they were going to talk too.
He closed his eyes again, took the deepest breath in his life, and nodded.
“It might sound crazy, but please listen to me and believe me.” Luka nodded immediately. “I…” He had composed a whole speech about how much these last months had been amazing, how he was sorry that he had kept quiet over something important for so long, and how he hoped that they could still try and be together for real. A convincing discussion slowly leading to the reveal. “… I’m Chat Noir, and I love you.” Out of all of that he had taken seven words max and blurted them out without a single thought in his head.
The cat was out of the bag, classic cat superhero style. If only that knowledge wasn’t making him feel worse. He was tense, sweating, completely still, waiting for his judgement. Every second was turning into a minute then an hour then it was getting lost into his own misty head.
It was warm outside, even at that hour.
Those long fingers clenched around his hand.
Adrien looked up. Luka was smiling tearfully at him, his blue eyes were mesmerizing. He laughed happily, then he reached for his cheek. Heartbeats echoed into the blonde’s head as he got closer, eyes narrowed but still open as to catch any kind of rejection. It hit him very very slowly that this was actually true, this out of world fantasy was not a fruit of his messed up imagination, and the moment the realization took over Adrien closed the distance between them. Wow. Luka kissed nothing like he would have expected. His hand on his cheek was careful and gentle like him, but his lips were caressing his with want and passion, like they had lost all the patience behind the moment they had met in electric need. Closeness was something Adrien had missed for such a long time and could never get enough of. Luka’s closeness was whole, real, his. He reached for his jacket, just to hold onto something and have another proof that this was happening.
They parted, and then got closer, kissing again and again, happily trapped into a bubble in which time and space couldn’t reach them. When they back away with trembling breaths, Adrien felt his lips getting immediately cold and couldn’t help himself as he reached for one last peck. Luka laughed into it, pressing back then leaning his forehead over his. There was an amount of sweetness into those eyes that it made the blonde want to look away, his sight getting all blurry.
“I love you too.” His hand was still over his face. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
The answer was the clearest of his life. It was screaming from the bottom of his stomach, it was highlighted in neon in the middle of his brain. He was almost tempted to tackle him to the ground and let his actions speak for himself – alright he needed to chill for a moment –, then confusion hit him. He… he said it, he had said it, right? He told him the truth about his identity. Then what was this lack of reaction? Where was the amazement, the fright, the confusion, even the anger? Adrien Agreste had just confessed he made a habit of running over the roofs of Paris in full cat cosplay and this was the reaction?
“I… you… what’s going on?” Luka giggled, probably still caught up with the latest nice mood. Maybe he didn’t believe the blonde, maybe he didn’t hear him at all. For a musician this talented it sounded farfetched to miss a sound, but you never knew. “I’m… I’m Chat Noir, Luka.”
The guitarist blinked, smile slowly decreasing but without disappearing.
“Yeah, I heard that.”
“As the superhero, Chat Noir.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“Then why aren’t you saying anything about that?” A little shrug. The last thing he would have expected was this nonchalance. It was maddening. “I’m a superhero, I’m Chat Noir! Why aren’t you mad? You deserved to know! You should’ve known for a…” Suddenly the guitarist’s eyes were not as easy to find as before. Like they were hiding something. “… a… while…” Again, Adrien was extremely dense emotionally, and some things were harder to understand for him. But he wasn’t stupid, most important, he couldn’t ignore that little guilty grin of his taking over. “… you knew.” The pressure that had assaulted him for the last period disappeared completely, now there was only absolute shock. “You knew I was Chat Noir?!? What in the world, since when?!?”
The guitarist passed a hand over his neck, looking a little reluctant. It was a little weird of an emotion on him, on someone so on track with himself and proud of his persona. He took his hands, gently guiding him onto the bridge. That was one relief at least.
“To be honest, I was never completely sure. If you hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have known one hundred percent… but at some point I started to have my suspicions.” He led him near the rail, the moon was mirroring into the water of the Seine. His heart soared at the view. “It was the kind of thought you pay attention to only when something comes up, so I never actively tried to prove it was real.” He sounded relaxed. Perhaps he had made peace with it for a while.
Adrien nodded absently, feeling a weird limbo between relief that he wasn’t completely recognizable and that there were at least doubts in people’s minds.
“Okay, but there has to be a time when you started to think about it.”
“… there was a moment.” Once more Luka looked guilty, while smiling still. He looked at him, raising his hands. “Again, it was a doubt, not a certainty. I never actively knew for sure you were Chat Noir, okay?” The blonde frowned but nodded. “Well… remember the Desperada incident?”
He gaped, so strongly he almost chocked.
“You have a suspicion for months?!” Luka laughed a little, that managed to calm him down a little.
“An idea, a speculation, call it what you want. It got me and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” He leaned against the rail, looking pensive. “We were hiding in the lockers, and while I was in there I heard you opening and closing a locker… then opening and closing a door.” Holy Miraculous he was an idiot. “When I found you with Ladybug in the sewer you left, and I got the snake Miraculous. Right after that Chat Noir was back.” He grinned, eyes lightening up. “From that moment the possibility has never really left my mind, and nothing has happened that made me think it couldn’t be real.” Of course not, Adrien was never around Chat Noir and Chat Noir was never around Adrien. It almost made sense – sure, ‘almost’.
Adrien took a few deep breaths, still recovering from that sudden reveal – a confession that did not go the way he would have expected. He looked at this guy who so calmly was taking everything in, a view that was calming like very few other things and, slowly, he smiled, joining him at admiring the Seine. He let his head fall onto his shoulder, closing his eyes for a moment.
“I was so worried about this.”
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t know what to do. On one hand I didn’t want it to be true, because it made me feel anxious whenever I looked at the news and saw another dangerous akuma.” He wrapped his arm around him protectively. It felt so nice. “On the other, it was kind of an endearing thought, that the two gorgeous blondes I knew just happened to be the same person.” Gosh he was going to die, this person did not hold back with compliments with either of them.
Speaking of…
“Wait, if you were thinking about it since back then… were you teasing me on purpose whenever you talked about Chat Noir in front of me?” Whoa, he had to take in the fact that this very zen guitarist was able to make such a suggestive smile. I made his entire face burn. “Oh my gosh.”
“You were always blushing whenever I did it, I couldn’t help myself.”
“For real??”
“It was too adorable. At that point either you were really him or you found him attractive as well… which I would’ve understood.”
“Stooop!!” Adrien covered his eyes, his heart bursting out of his chest, laughing out what was left of his fear. “… you really don’t care? I’m the one who asked you out, not Chat Noir.” A bit a sadness made him step away just a little. “And people like me better when I’m not him…”
“If people aren’t into you when you’re a blonde superhero with a sexy catsuit, maybes there’s something wrong with them. I suggest blindness.” It got him to laugh. Luka brought him closer, arms around him. “Besides, there aren’t two people here. You are Adrien, and you are Chat Noir. Being a superhero is a part of you. And I love it, because it makes you… you.” Truly sincerity was his biggest quality. Adrien didn’t doubt a word that had come out of his mouth. He leaned his head into the crook of his shoulder.
“Are you sure?” Luka nodded, his hair tickling his cheek.
Then he pulled away. He put a finger under his chin, raising it up. Their eyes met. There was such a calm, comfortable world behind those blue globes. It made him want to never leave.
“You’re a rare symphony, Adrien Agreste, one that had been kept hidden for far too long. I wanna hear that song, your soul, finally free to be heard. I want to know its beauty, because the echo alone is astonishing.” He knew him. He knew all of him. “The kind and selfless to a fault, the professional and determinate model, the mischievous and enchanting superhero, these are all notes that play in your life, that make your life. And I wanna be part of that song, if you will let me.” He pressed another, shorter kiss on his lips, as to seal this moment forever into his body, forever into his heart.
There was no way Adrien would have been able to stop tears. Luka gulped. The blonde smiled, a horribly wide, unsophisticated curve that would have made all of his photographers shudder at the same time. Perhaps that was why it felt so immensely good.
“You… y-you’re not allowed to say you’re not good with words after this.”
The guitarist laughed, relieved, holding him closer.
“It’s a yes then, Sunshine?” Adrien smiled, reaching forward again, thinking that there was no imaginary world of his able to replicate this.
“It’s a yes, Melody.”
This was pure, unparalleled, wholesome reality.
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daresplaining · 4 years
I love how Mike is presented as the wild, crazy brother and Matt as the calm, successful one considering the fact that Matt is WAAAAAY messier LMAO. I mean, c’mon, a blind Catholic lawyer who got secret training from some ninja and now spends his nights dishing out vigilantism while dressed as the devil?? Between the both of them, Mike comes across as WAAAAY more normal and reasonable LOL
    Well, that’s the whole idea, isn’t it? Any “messiness” embodied by Mike comes directly from Matt, because Mike is Matt. Even now that Mike isn’t Matt anymore, he still... kind of is, because his core characteristics are still ultimately derived from the persona that Matt created way back when, which was a persona that allowed Matt be more like himself. And it is fascinating to look at that intersection, especially now, because you’re right, Matt is way weirder and wilder than Mike is, if only because Mike is a reflection of only one piece of Matt’s personality. Mike is cocky and risk-taking and his life is a mess (and he originally was a superhero, though that’s no longer true), but Matt is cocky and risk-taking and a superhero and has literal superhuman powers and got possessed by a demon one time and makes notoriously bad choices and has had a whole bunch of psychotic episodes and his life is varying degrees of soap opera-style falling apart at all times. Yes, Mike’s autonomy has given him some messiness that is uniquely his own (...congratulations?), but he is still mostly Matt, and he will never, ever be able to compete with Matt on that front. This is one of the reasons I’m dying for Mike to find out that Matt is Daredevil, because I can’t wait to see his reaction when he finds out about all of the bonkers stuff his successful goody-two-shoes brother has been hiding from him.
    One difference-- and a key reason Mike feels like the comparatively wild and crazy one-- is that Matt makes an effort to put up a facade. He’s very good at it; he’s been doing it since he was a little kid, since before he even had superpowers, and a key aspect of maintaining his secret identity has hinged on his ability to appear not weird. He no longer pretends to be a boring, personality-less stick-in-the-mud the way he did in the sixties, but he still has a face that he shows to strangers and new acquaintances, and a different face that he shows to people close to him. He is very good at faking being collected, professional, normal. I’m telling you, this is how most of the Daredevil supporting cast gets sucked into his orbit: when they first meet him he seems like a charming, professional lawyer who has his life together, and then once they get into his inner circle they see what he’s really like, and by then it’s too late. This is why Matt continues to get dates. He’s a menace. Somebody stop him. But Mike doesn’t do facades, because that was the whole point of Mike from the beginning. He is who he is, as loudly as possible. Matt, on the other hand, doesn’t broadcast his messiness. 
    There’s also the fact that Matt has baggage, and this has shaped his personality, and that’s what this is really about: personality. Yes, Real Boy Mike now has baggage of his own, but Matt has an entire airliner’s worth of it by this point. On this blog I have actively fought against the common misconception that Matt is a humorless, angsty grump 24/7, because he’s not-- he is capable of having fun, he has a great sense of humor, he can enjoy goofing around with people-- but it’s true that he isn’t nearly as carefree as he used to be (there’s a whole story arc about that, actually) and he certainly isn’t as carefree as Mike is (though again, Real Boy Mike's recent experiences are shifting what we know and understand about his character and personality). Matt tends toward stoicism in ways that Mike does not, both because of the in-control facade mentioned above and also because of Matt’s actual uptight personality and the hardships in his life. Mike, in comparison, if he has retained his original personality, should actually bear some resemblance to 60s Matt, and that concept is incredibly cool to me. I think the impression of Mike being wilder than Matt comes down more to how Matt reacts to Mike than to how comparatively wild they actually are. When picturing the Matt/Mike sibling dynamic, it’s easy to imagine something along the lines of Mike being obnoxious and goofy while Matt folds his arms and rolls his eyes, and while I think that would be an oversimplification of their respective personalities, I wouldn’t say it’s incorrect. 
    So this is a very long way of saying yes, you’re completely right and it’s hilarious that people (both in-universe and out) see them that way.
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angelsndragons · 4 years
Okay, since I see a lot of people either straight up panicking or saying that Caduceus’ playlist is straight up depressing (neither reaction I get)....I’m gonna offer a different reading of the songs here, how does that sound?
Death Bed Salesman - This is straight up about Caduceus’ family and his upbringing. His father even says some of the lyrics almost word for word in ep 96. Growing up surrounded by death and all the rituals created for the living left behind made Caduceus into the person he is. ‘This is how it has to end/So love somebody while you can’ like talk about a thesis statement for Caduceus’ outlook.
How are You Doing - Wow this song is pulling double duty. Caduceus is not a character who likes burdening other people with his own problems, preferring to keep a calm, polite distance between others and his feelings. The style of this song harkens over to Jester, it’s very bubbly and sweet sounding. Of course, this is also one of Jester’s primary issues (someone please tell the clerics they can be people with problems too). Now, if you do what I did and go watch the music video for this song, two things will stick out. One is the increasing ridiculous scenarios the singers find themselves in while going about their day to day lives juxtaposed against their ‘nothing’s wrong, everything’s fine’ lyrics. Two is the fact that these singers come out at the end of the song together, they have triumphed over the madness and nothing stopped them from doing what they wanted and needed to do. This song encapsulates early Caduceus, while he was getting a feel for the Nein and being drowned every other second, ultimately his contributions to the Pirate Arc were fundamental to the group’s success. 
Vegetables - Honestly, this song just reminds me of that early conversation with Fjord in the Sour Nest. Caduceus is cooking omelets and just casually asks Fjord if he could look for veggies down in the torture chamber since it would ‘make a good root cellar.’ Fjord is so caught off guard by this request, and understandably so, he just repeats ‘Roots?’ Caduceus then just lists off root vegetables like Fjord’s an idiot. Oh, Cad. XD Honestly I like that the beat line is being made by vegetable chomping, it just feeds into the ‘Caduceus is a giant magical cow man’ vibes and I love it.
When the World is at Rest - Xhorhaus! In the middle of that street! Xhorhaus! In all seriousness, this song pulls double duty as well. ‘I miss the sun but the moons will do in a pinch’ anyone? The first and most obvious thing this song reminds me of is when the group is given the house and Caduceus asks, ‘are we putting down roots here?’ With the single act of planting that tree on the tower, Caduceus turned the house into the Mighty Nein’s home. Can’t get your deposit back after that, after all XD. I think of how this home in the dark has sheltered and protected the Nein so many times. I think of them befriending Essek and how that wasn’t part of the plan (you know, like Caduceus himself). I think of how their plans to end the war were hatched in darkness, how violated they all felt when one of their own was taken and when another was assassinated under cover of night, because the darkness had come to feel safe to them. I think of how much the Nein has blossomed since this house became their home, since they all had a place to go back to that was theirs. I think of how the Nein has given the world a breather, a chance to rest, all because they returned a beacon and befriended a traitor. 
Wildflowers - So, there are a couple of interpretations of this song. One is setting a lover or loved one free from your own feelings and letting them go. Another is that the singer is trying to find a place to bury a loved one (’that home by and by’ around where I live and grew up is a roundabout reference to heaven). Honestly, both interpretations are apt for Caduceus. He does his best to not burden others with his worries and feelings, he was the one who stayed home, which granted his siblings the freedom they needed to leave, etc. The second interpretation fits Caduceus as well because we know one of his secret hopes is that the Nein will let him tend their bodies and graves when the time comes. And now I’m gonna put on my TeaHaw hat for a goddamn minute bc holy heck, this is such a good song for both of them, Caduceus reminding Fjord that he deserves freedom and his beloved sea again, Fjord teaching Caduceus to follow his heart and embrace new experiences. ‘I have seen no other/Who compares with you’ really fits their complimentary and praise styles with each other. Thank you, Tal.
Never did No Wandering - Don’t have much to add to what Taliesin said about the song. For once. I think of Caduceus’ loneliness in the Grove and his regret that he didn’t leave sooner. I think of how he could only leave in the context of duty, of just how much his duty as a grave cleric to Melora has defined and shaped his understanding of himself. I think of how long it took for him to voice his own desires and wants. I think of how he insists he isn’t wandering, that he is following a pre-ordained path. I think of how much work he still has to do when it comes to knowing what he wants and making peace with getting it just for his own sake. Also, hello more sailors.
When You Get to Ashville - Oof, so this song works both ways for Caduceus, both as the singer and the subject of the song. I think of him, home alone for ten years, wondering what was going on with his family, if they were safe (he knew they weren’t, he knew what it took to keep them from him), how he didn’t actually want to know unless he could help. As the subject, I see his family, having only been away for what was maybe two years for them, looking at the changes in him in awe and confusion. Nothing’s changed for them but boy howdy has Caduceus changed. The homebody has left the nest and saved them all and he very obviously doesn’t want to go home yet if at all. Caduceus has waited so long to get them back and to be a family again yet when the time comes, he can’t bring himself to return, as the singer implies about the subject. He knows his family will be there to catch him if he needs it but I think this episode is where it really hit him that he’d been trying to recreate a past that never could be again because he could never go back to being who he was. 
Fuck it I’m a Flower - Another Caduceus anthem. Upbeat with a few melancholy lyrics. You can take it as the singer divorcing themself from humanity or you can take it as the singer using flowers as a metaphor for their growth into someone who becomes more involved (the singer goes from not marching to taking on other people’s pain from their place of safety to fully embracing the movement to change things while they can). I don’t have any context for this song but it really freaking reminds me of those protest photos where a protester offers a flower to the riot police (fuck the police). Caduceus is blossoming into a man who genuinely cares about the wider world and the people within it. Not just abstractly, which I would argue he did back in the Grove. But being up close to the ordinary folks in the Dynasty, in the Empire, the Coast, has given him a new perspective on not just his place but where he wants to stand. I think of Jester’s conversation with him back in Oh Captain Who’s Captain, the world is much bigger and messier than Caduceus could have ever dreamed. I think of Caduceus befriending and being kind to their crew and Avantika’s. I think of ‘Nott, you went to find help, we’re here to help.’ I think of ‘one day someone will pray for a miracle and that prayer will be answered because you showed up, that’s what this is all about.’ From rescuing Yeza to saving Giants to shattering the chains binding two of his friends to bringing peace to two warring nations to separating justice from vengeance, just look at where he is now: no longer passive or uncertain of how they can contribute to the world, Caduceus and the Nein have brought so much good into it. Caduceus knows where he stands now. Some people say that he’s the Nein’s moral compass and I disagree with that entirely, he’s become the courage to act on their moral compasses. 
Oh Bury Me Not - Okay, so I know this is where some listeners start to get antsy with all the death talk in this song and the ones after it so breathe, it’s fine. Caduceus is a Grave Cleric, y’all. Tal says that this song is an expression of Caduceus’s religious beliefs, which, uh, yeah. There is no stained glass in the Blooming Grove temple, they do all their work outside the traditional structures of religion and civilization and do it gladly, etc. The ending Bury Me Not, okay, guys, Caduceus is the singer here, not the kid being sung about. It really drives home the Wildmother’s philosophy on death: when you’re dead, you’re dead and you have no say over what happens to the corpse left behind. I think of the corpse of the Great Hero and the founding of the Blooming Grove, the Menagerie, and the Kiln. I think of Caduceus’ onscreen death and how through it, he finds his path to the Kiln. I think of him reviving Fjord. I think of him and this island and how much of a perversion it is of the ‘natural order’. Also, just given how much Fjord has impacted has impacted Caduceus’ ideas of faith and signs and stuff, it’s so fitting that this piece is here. I also think cowboys and how Tal said he’d planned on using the Ocean Burial before he came across this, I see you, Tal. 
September Song - So that build up, huh? I think of Caduceus and the Nein readying themselves for a battle to the death to save Yasha and stop Obann. I think of all the close-calls and near misses. I think of how every day, these people choose over and over and over to stay together, in spite of the coming winter, in spite of the obvious danger, in spite how much safer they would all be if they went their separate ways and planted their heads in the sand. I think of how that, their time, is the most precious gift any of them could give the others. This is not a sad thing, by the way. All these people, who have been so badly wounded by others, who are so skittish and so distrustful and so guarded, choose to stay together over and over again. No matter the hardship. They choose to spend their lives together, they choose to be better together and for each other.
22 (Over Soon) - Guys, this is 100% an Episode 95-96 song. 100%, no question in my book. I think of what Caduceus doesn’t say to his family. I think of what he does say. I think of how overwhelmed he is when the Nein saves them, I think of how he can only muster ‘It’s been a long time.’ (All these years) I think of him trying so hard to be given permission to stay with the Nein without explicitly asking for it, the subtext of ‘would you forgive me if I don’t come home yet’ threaded through his every interaction with his family. I think of how Caduceus hands the seeds over to his sister and tells her to be the hero the Grove and their family needs. I think of how easily and willingly he gave up what he’s called his destiny and charge since the beginning in order to stay with the Nein. This is Caduceus saying good-bye once and for all to the dreams of things going back to the way they were. I think Caduceus had been hoping that his family had changed just as much as he had. I think if they had, he might have gone back with them. But they haven’t changed and he has. So he can’t go home. Not yet. He cloaks his desire to stay with the Nein once more in duty but make no mistake, it’s desire that’s keeping him with them, people who may not understand him but who try and who are there and who accept the new person he has become. The build-up Tal was talking about? This is it. The moment where Caduceus first puts himself and his desires above what he thinks is his duty. The moment that Caduceus fully realizes how much he has changed and what an earth-shattering revelation it is.
We’ll Meet Again - Meetings and Partings have always had a special place in Caduceus’ arc, especially metatextually. He was the character who replaced another, who was rescued from his static seclusion by three of the Nein and who in turn rescued the three captive members. I think of how this song is a promise that, come what may, the singer will do their damnedest to return and make that promise a reality. I think of all the weird and wonderful people Caduceus has met in his short time outside the Grove. I think of all the shop keeps who just love this pink fuzzball and how many times they tell him to come back. I think about the Dusts, the meeting and parting and sanctuary they gave him. I think about Reani and Nila and how his kindness to them has come back threefold (Reani escorting his family home, Nila protecting the Grove). I think about Essek. I think about how driven Caduceus became to reforge the sword after Yasha was taken, to bring her home. I think of Caduceus prodding the Gentleman into reconciling with Jester. I think of his delight in the coincidences that keep lining up between him and Fjord. I think about Caduceus and Beau and how proud he is of her growth. I think of his declaration in the dome that ‘We aren’t done until we’ve saved each other.’ 
Enjoy It - And we wrap up our playlist with another Caduceus thesis statement: don’t worry about the things you can’t change, find the goodness and light in all of your experiences. If it’s meant to be easy, it will be and if it’s meant to be hard, it will be hard. You’re the green bean and you can choose to become jaded at the storms or enjoy the water flooding your roots. This song also fits the lightness we’ve seen from Caduceus since sending his family home. His big quest, his reason for leaving home, has been fulfilled (so he thinks, pretty sure Molaesmyr will be calling in the Nein’s near future) so now he can just sit back, relax, and fully enjoy the ride.
TL;DR - Growing up and moving on is hard and painful but it is also triumphant and necessary. Learning to be who you are and to place yourself on your list of priorities is a journey full of quiet work that few rarely glimpse. Caduceus’ whole arc has been about who he is and what he’s going to do with the strong moral compass he’s got - Is he going to continue to live in the world, even with all the pain, struggle, joy, and goodness that comes with it, or is he going to retreat from it, go back to his little patch of green and forget about it? All signs point to the former, not the latter. In tarot, Death means transformation and sweeping change even more than it does literal death. Caduceus’ playlist is all about the transformation of his self even as he remains true to his core beliefs.
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xallreaders · 4 years
Mina Ashido Smut Alphabet
Smut Alert! 18+ Only
All characters are aged up to 18 or above
A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
As always, Mina is FULL of energy. After sex she likes to talk, about anything. It could be the TV series you’ve started watching together, what you’re going to do tomorrow, the sex you just had. Nothing stops her. Heck, depending on how much energy you have afterwards the two of you could just get up and carry on with your business.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of their and their partner’s)
Mina likes her ass. It sounds crass but she hears all of the stories of women complaining that they wish they had a bigger butt or that they think their butt is too big and she decided to take a look at her butt and see how she felt. And that’s when she decided that it was her favourite body part. It’s not too big or too small, she thinks it pleasantly plump. As for you? It’s your jaw. She loves kissing along it during foreplay, seeing it tense as you reach your end.
 C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
She LOVES facials. I mean she adores them. She massages it into her skin, sits with it on her face. When she goes down on you and you’re about to finish she’ll put her nose against your tip to ensure that her face is as covered as possible. One time you were going away for a few days and she quipped about bottling some of your cum for facials while you were away. Even now you’re not 100% sure she was joking.
 D= Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She kind of wants to watch you with another woman. Only as a one-off. She just really wants to see what you do to her done to someone else. Over the years this has gone from a back of the mind idea to a full-on fantasy. She wants to sit on an armchair in the corner and watch. She even has a shortlist of girls that she would like to see you with.
 E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
At the beginning of the sexual aspect of your relationship, Mina had no experience at all, though she made up for that with enthusiasm. Later in the two of you have become more attuned to each other, and have naturally picked up things that the other enjoys. Though Mina always dives on these new things with the same level of enthusiasm she has had since the beginning.
 F= Favorite position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The Golden Arch
She loves everything about it. Getting to see your face, the way it angles your thrusts, how deep you get and the unorthodoxy of it. Being honest one of her favourite things about it is the fact that it’s a weird position. The thought of out of the box stuff gets her going.
 G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
The goofiest. Mina always has some sort of comment or joke prepared. Whether it be some over-the-top dirty talk or a joke that’s come from nowhere, she’s armed. 
 H= Hair (How well-groomed are they, do the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Pink pubic hair, more or less the same shade as her own hair, shaved into a heart attack. Why has she styled it like this? In her own words “Why not?”
 I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect..)
She can differ from VERY to NOT at the flick of a switch. Special date? Special occasions? Just feeling loved up? Then as intimate as you could imagine, hands running through your hair and across your back, only stopping kissing to breathe. Any other time? Fast, loud and crazy.
 J= Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Mina likes to pretend that ‘ladies don’t masturbate’ but she’s probably got a higher sex drive than most guys. And she has different toys for different occasions. Sometimes a dildo, sometimes a vibrator, if she’s feeling old fashioned then she’ll just use her fingers.
 K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Quirkplay - She can reduce the potency of her acid and use it as lube. Whenever she does you both finish a little faster because of the tingling sensation that just seem to make you that bit more sensitive.
Videotape - Something she tried and loved. Every now and then you’ll record yourselves and watch it back.
 L= Location (Favorite place to do it)
The shower. Mina loves the feeling of the steaming hot water rolling down the two of you as the electric feeling of sex spreads through you both.
 M= Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mina doesn’t really have specific turn-ons as much as she has spare time. She’s almost always horny, so, if you’re both free you’ll both probably be doing it.
 N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Mina is pretty open-minded and will try almost anything once, though she stays away from darker and messier kinks like watersports.
 O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc)
First things first. Mina LOVES receiving. If you’re giving her oral be prepared for her legs flying everywhere, her hips bucking wildly and her hands running through your hair. The woman can’t control her reactions when she’s receiving.
Though she prefers receiving, she’s no pushover when it comes to giving. Be prepared for her quirk to be on, your cock to feel like there are two tongues working on it and a pink blur on your lap. Because that’s what oral from Mina Ashido is.
 P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
If it’s not crazy it’s not Mina. She LOVES it hard and fast, pound her into the bed or be pounded into the bed by her. Either way, someone is waking up with bruises the next morning. You’ve lost count of the amount of headboards you’ve broken
 Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex? etc.)
She’s always up for a quickie. As previously mentioned, any time you both have free will probably mean sex, that means a lot of quickies.
 R= Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Mina lives for a risk. Sneak off to the bathroom in a party. Yes. Under a pile of coats at a party. Yes. Sneaking behind a rock at the beach. Yes.
 S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go, how long do they last..)
Mina only usually lasts for maybe 5 to 10 minutes, the thing that keeps her going is that she can probably go for about 20 rounds.
 T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She owns more toys than a spoiled kid. Some for herself, some to share. Regardless, there is a chest full of them at the bottom of the bed.
 U= Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
Mina enjoys the idea of teasing. Though, she can’t really carry out the execution. While she’d love to get you on edge before starting up she always manages to rile herself up and then just dives straight into the sex.
 W= Wild card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
She once slipped you a viagra without you noticing it so that the two of you could go at it nonstop, all day long.
 X= X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As previously mentioned she is insatiable. Anytime, anywhere, anyway she’s up for it. All you need to do is ask her.
 Z= Zzz (…How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
Unless you’ve spent all day at it chances are she’ll get up and try and do something else with her time. She’s unlikely to get tired afterwards
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engekihaikyuu · 5 years
The Tokyo Battle Final Show Curtain Call
First off, I want to state that never have I ever seen Shouri cry at any of these shows, but I was tearing up WELL before the curtain call, during the end of the play because SHOURI started it!!! 
During the end of the Nekoma vs Nohebi match, when Lev is starting to understand what teamwork is, and just before he has his moment with Shibayama, Kuroo repeats the phrase, “When you have a moment of great teamwork, I think it’s going to feel better than you could imagine.”  He says this to Lev after he was depressed when they lost against Fukurodani, and he says it again in a flashback kind of way toward the end of the Nohebi match, but Shouri was crying so his voice was cracking and breaking as he said it the second time and I feel like maybe half the audience lost it.  
Anyway, past all that, when we get to the actual curtain call messages with everyone in the cast, it was... super natural and free?  Casual almost because Takato never once tried to keep people in line like how Kenta used to so that they could through everyone in time.  In fact, Takato was one of the problem children throughout because he kept laughing out-loud at people if they messed up or went off the rails.  So everyone was kind of just allowed to do whatever, say whatever, take their time, and I have no idea where the footage got cut off in the live viewing theaters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was cut off fairly early.  
Starting with Nohebi, Yuuta as Kuguri was up first and he started sort of ok but then very quickly just started crying.  For a few of the Nohebi boys, Engeki Haikyuu is their very first stage production so they were some of the ones who got the most emotional.  Mostly he started getting emotional as he was saying his thank you to everyone in the cast.
Next was Rio (Akama) who got through his messages ok and he even managed to joke around a little to help lighten the mood.  Akkey (Sakishima) also got through his messages okay, very polite and to the point.  Akkey modified Daishou’s line from the end of their match.  Daishou usually says, “I’m glad that we could play our style of volleyball,” and Akkey modified it to say, “I’m glad we could do our style with The Tokyo Battle.”  Takamichi, or Micchi (Hiroo) was another one of the criers and his voice was shaky from the start.  Minagi (Numai) and Daiki (Takachiho) got through their messages without breaking, with Minagi being the first one to thank Takato for being the cast captain and for leading them through the production.  Takato played it off with a big laugh and was just like, “Oh stop it~”  
Yuu (Daishou) was pretty shaky because he actually cried when Nohebi lost, but he kept it together well enough to get through everything he wanted to say.  And once he finished, he did his job as captain and properly said thank you for everyone’s support of Nohebi Academy.
It’s when we get to Fukurodani that everything starts getting a little messier in the sense that people definitely got a little more casual.  
Shion (Komi) was laughing and joking as he got through his thank you messages, saying mostly that he loves everyone on Fukurodani, that he had a great time, etc... and then he passed it off to Yuuki (Sarukui) who was holding it mostly together but then started to get very emotional as he kept talking.  He kept having to pause and take heavy breaths to keep from full-on crying, but he more or less broke toward the end.  Jun (Washio) kept his message very brief and light, no tears.  
And then Takumi... He mentioned having to take on various roles for Engeki, passing 100 performances and ending with 110 by the end of this tour, and was even starting to make fun of the crybabies (because in previous tours, he was also one of the emotional ones during curtain call messages), trying to boast that he wasn’t going to be one of them, BUT THEN HE STARTED LOSING IT TOO so he was just sobbing by the end of his.  And everyone was laughing and patting him on the shoulder or the back, but yeah uhh spoke too soon in calling out the previous criers, Takumi.  
When it was Shungo’s (Akaashi) turn, he did take time to mention how grateful he was to Takumi for helping him during Start of the Giant, which was Shungo’s first tour with Engeki, and how thrilled he was to now have the experience to play with everyone on Fukurodani (and not just Bokuto).  To close off his message, he wanted some audience participation, so he wanted to recreate the moment where Bokuto is back in form after finally hitting a cross spike.  It’s the part where Akaashi goes, “Are you okay now?” And Bokuto puffs out his chest as the spotlight hits him and the mirrors fall back as if overwhelmed by his aura.  So Shungo wanted to say, “Are you okay now?” (オッケーですか?) and he wanted us to say, “We’re okay!” (オッケーです!)  But then several of the others started pointing out that when Akaashi says that line, Bokuto doesn’t say anything, he just does that chest puff, and they were like, is that what you want the audience to do?  And Haruto just started puffing his chest and going, “Let’s everyone do this!!” and even Shouri joined in trying to do it, and then they finally settled on: Akaashi would ask the question, Haruto would do the Bokuto chest puff, they’d throw in the spotlight and the sound effect and then we’d add in the “We’re okay!”  Everyone around Haruto even made space for him so that he had a clearance zone around him lololol.  
And then it was Haruto and he mostly got through it okay until about halfway through when he started getting emotional and teary-eyed so he kept breathing really hard and then looking up at the ceiling to get it under control.  He started losing it at the point when he mentioned how much everyone on Fukurodani helped and supported him since he was new.  He kept looking up at the ceiling repeatedly though, so the others started laughing and joking like, “Where are you looking?”  “That’s not where the audience is!”  “They can’t see you!”  And then to close things out, he wanted us to join in on Fukurodani’s quick little cheer, that goes, 1, 2, 3, Viva!  He wanted to say, “1, 2, 3, Viva!” and then for us to say, “Viva!” and half the people on the stage IMMEDIATELY started correcting him that it doesn’t make sense if we say Viva twice, that he should say 1, 2, 3, and then we should say Viva, etc... and it was almost a full minute of just everyone yelling over each other about how to do it and then finally everyone on Fukurodani semi-huddled together, Haruto yelled out “1, 2, 3!” and then we all said, “Viva!!” in unison with the team.  After that, he did his job as captain and thanked us for supporting Fukurodani Academy.  
Then it was Kaede (Alisa) who was very well spoken and put-together for her messages although at one point she says that Engeki Haikyuu is “as of now in my life” one of her most treasured experiences, and everyone started asking like, what?  What do you mean?  And she was like, “Well I don’t know what other experiences I’ll have after this,” but then the others got defensive so she switched and said that Engeki Haikyuu experience was her best lolol.  
Yuna (Akane) was SO CUTE and managed to only say her name before she started crying basically.  And she was crying pretty bad so then Bishin walked down the stage to provide big brother support.  He was patting her on the back and telling her to take her time, and as she was saying her thank yous, he’d chime in with extra jokes.  So she’d say thank you to the cast, and he’d add, “Especially your big brother, right?” and I think that helped her pull herself back together since he kept making her laugh.  And then she wanted to do one of the Nekoma cheers from within the play, and then we’d chime in with, ”Ne-ko-ma!!”  And when she asked us to do that at first, Bishin was like, “Yeah, exactly like I told you to do,” and then a minute later he was like, “I didn’t tell her to do this, I’m sorry.”  Then Bishin walked back to where he was and Takato was like, “Oh, you’re back!” and he Bishin said, “Well I was worried about my little sister.”  IT WAS SUPER CUTE.
Then it was Fuuta (Shibayama) who cried.  It’s his first show, it’s his debut, he was so grateful to everyone on Nekoma, he was basically crying throughout his thank yous.   Noah’s message was interestingly honest we’ll say.  He said that back during Summer of Evolution, it was his first stage, his first time acting, and it was really tough and difficult.  Takato then cut in with a sudden, “HEY!!!”and started charging and Bishin had to hold him back and told him, “That’s not your character.”  And then Noah continued to say that there were times when he just wanted the tour to be over because he was just so exhausted after every show and that he didn’t really think he was going to come back.  But then when they asked him back for The Tokyo Battle, he thought about how much he loved everyone on the cast and how much he loved everyone on Nekoma and therefore decided he’d return to the production to be with them.  Even if he’s not the type to get super emotional—but then Takato cut in and let us all know that Noah was crying during hair and make-up so Noah got called out lolololol.  
Then it was Ryuuya (Fukunaga) whose message was honestly super short and to the point, very brief, very Fukunaga-esque in that sense.   After him was Bishin (Yamamoto) who was very put-together and very eloquent with his thank you messages, and pointing out how rare it is for an entire play to be devoted to a rival team and not the main characters, and how that could only be possible due to the support of the fans and also because of Shouri and Takato being in as many plays as they were to help “connect” them all.  
After Bishin was Takeru (Yaku), who took it kind of slow with his messages, I think because he was trying to figure out what to say.  But eventually he got around to saying how much he wanted to do this play, this part of the story with this team, and how grateful he was to Shouri and Takato for helping make it happen.  Takato insisted that we all call Takeru “Runrun” which is what some of the others on Nekoma call him, and Takeru said that was fine so we called out his name.   Then it was Naoki (Kai) who was also very polite and put-together and also reiterated some of Bishin’s points and thanked the audience for making a show like this possible.  Naoki was slightly rambling as he wanted to drive home the point that Nekoma are not the main characters, it’s Karasuno, it’s Hinata, the story’s in Miyagi, and Takato cut in like, “Do you think we’re stupid?  I don’t think there’s anyone here who doesn’t know what Haikyuu is about.”  lolololol  
And then it was Shouri, who kept it together but his voice was shaky because he’d cried earlier,and basically every time his voice cracked the audience was awww’ing and our hearts were breaking for him.  He told us how special Kuroo is to him because of his own personal connection with volleyball, how his career as an actor has changed thanks to this show, and how even the popularity of volleyball in Japan was undoubtedly thanks to Haikyuu and how grateful he was to have been part of this production given his own history as a player.  He reiterated a lot of points that others had said, properly thanked the cast, the staff, the audience, and managed to finish without actually breaking and crying.  
And then Takato, to lighten things up basically shouted like, “OKAY LET’S CHANGE THE MOOD!  YAY WE DID IT!!” He wanted everyone to feel happy and accomplished that they got through it.  He was still a bit rambly and talked about how nervous he was to have to lead a production like this.  He said he wanted to do it really badly and wanted to do this part of the story, but to do it without Karasuno, to make him the cast captain in place of Kenta, he was nervous about it, he didn’t think he could do it, he almost didn’t want to, but Kenta said that he’d be fine, that if it was him and Shouri, they’d be fine.  He wanted everyone to do the Nekoma chant together with the audience as always, and Shouri seemed a little shaky still, but he got it back together so that he could lead the chant as he always does.  
Then they took a bow, left the stage, we kept clapping, they all came back out for a second curtain call, Shouri and Takato ran around screaming and yelling their thanks and for the double curtain call, Takato made everyone hold hands to bow.  Because for every other show, the double curtain call was usually him and Shouri, and they always closed it by holding hands and bowing.  So Takato was like, “Hurry up and hold hands!  Connect!!  Connect!!” and then they did a full cast bow with everyone holding hands.  The audience gave them a standing ovation, and Takato got a little choked up as he said his last thank you (so he cried too!).  And then we stayed standing as they left and we kept clapping, and then Shouri and Takato came out for the triple curtain call.  Shouri commented then on what a great view (いい景色) it was to see the standing ovation and how grateful he was.  
Then when it was just the two of them, Takato said that he would talk about Shouri for their last curtain call and basically repeated most of what he said in a previous interview.  That as actors, he thought the most difficult relationships to portray were (1) a parent and child, and (2) childhood friends.  But that it was because it was Shouri that he could successfully play the childhood friend dynamic with him, and that it wouldn’t have worked if it was anyone other than Shouri, that he felt their meeting was fate, and that he just really really likes him.  彼がメッチャ好きだよ! Shouri was getting embarrassed by all the praise and during his turn he talked about how great a cast captain Takato was.  That he does have those leadership qualities, that he has a way of pulling people along and leading them despite his own uncertainties about it.  And that everyone can see how bright Takato’s aura is and it encourages them to follow him.  Shouri said that even if on-stage, he’s supposed to be the older one pulling Kenma along, backstage It's the opposite and that Takato is the one who supports everyone and leads them.  And Shouri was getting embarrassed because he doesn’t normally say things like this so directly.  Then Takto was then going to close it out and reached for Shouri’s hand and they almost did but then Shouri tried to whisper (despite his mic) that maybe the audience should sit down now so that they’re not still standing when they leave the stage.  So everyone sat down, and Takato also sat down and Shouri was like ok we need to go, we need to close it out, so Takato got up, Shouri reached for his hand, Takato shied away a little because he was like, “Nooo I don’t want it to end!!” but eventually he took Shouri’s hand and they took their bow together, then Shouri took his, then Takato took his with a great big smile and a very loud thank you.  
Overall, it was a very emotional curtain call in a lot of ways, and since I feel that people are going to ask me... I do feel that this was probably the last time we’ll see Shouri and Takato as Kuroo and Kenma.  Usual disclaimers: I’m not saying that with any certainty; we don’t have official cast announcements for the upcoming plays, it’s just how I feel based on how they were behaving during this final curtain call.  
It was a fantastic show in so many ways, and Nekoma really did connect and carry the torch onward on behalf of the previous Karasuno cast, now to pass it on to the next generation of Engeki Haikyuu actors.  
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liams-10inch · 5 years
Preference #8 His YouTube Channel
Harry: Cooking channel. "Hello my loves, welcome back to my channel!" Harry said with his deep voice. He always wore a white frilly apron that had 'Styles' embroidered in red. "Today I'm gonna teach you how to make a delicious chicken casserole! First, you're gonna need the ingredients that are on your screen right now." With his experience as a baker, passion for cooking and loving personality, Harry was the biggest FoodTuber in the U.K. 
Liam: Fitness guru. “What’s up everybody! On today’s video I’m gonna share my morning workout routine with you, stay tuned!” Liam's videos were very well edited, so his excersises would be inspiring and uplifting. He would make sure all his advice and information were safe for the public, and he had a lovely body-positive speech. Liam wanted his subscribers to feel good about themselves, and to love fitness as a hobby, not as a chore.
Louis: Prank channel. “Hey guys! Today we have to be very quiet because we’re hidden in my mate Liam’s house. Earlier I filled every room of his place with packing foam and cannot wait to see his reaction!” Louis was very popular on YouTube for his harmless pranks, usually on his unsuspecting friends, Niall and Liam. Even though his videos were family friendly – except for all the cursing -, Louis was always involved in some kind of drama, either for dating problematic beauty gurus or just being shady all the time.
Niall: Music covers. With his messy hair and even messier room, Niall would do music covers on his guitar. His audience was very small, but loyal. He loved to sing Ed Sheeran, Fleetwood Mac and Michael Bublé, but would often play some of his original songs. He loved to do live streams and catch up with his subscribers. He had hopes of being discovered one day, and touring the world.
Zayn: Drawing tutorials. Zayn’s videos were very calm, with soft R&B music as a background for drawing time lapses and occasional voiceovers. He didn’t show his face for most videos, only his tattooed arms were in frame, art themselves. Although his most watched videos were watercolor paintings, Zayn didn’t care about numbers, and would much rather do spontaneous graffities on his blank walls.
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dragonologist-phd · 5 years
Ooh, can I request DESTA for Desta? Lol.
omg yes I love it!
Q&A under the cut, cuz this is gonna get a little long:
D: Decoration1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
Desta gets most of her decorations from finding things on her adventures, so it’s a very eclectic style with knick-knacks and random trinkets everywhere. She also likes to put out flower arrangements from her garden.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
I don’t really see her having kids, but if she did… so many stuffed animals.
3. how do they decorate their own room?
Same as the rest of the house- eclectic style, random trinkets- but probably all a bit messier. Also lots of pictures of friends and places she’s been!
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
She definitely goes function over form- if it’s comfy and durable, she’ll wear it, without much consideration for fashion. For accessories, she loves anything with flowers, especially flower crowns.
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
Eh, she doesn’t really pay much attention to stuff like that. If she sees something she particularly likes, she’ll try it out, but she doesn’t really keep an eye out for it.
E: External Personality1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
Oh yeah. Desta doesn’t have much a filter between her thoughts and her actions.
2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
No, ‘normal’ was never really an option for her what with being a godlike, so she never really tried to match any sort of idea of what normal should be
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
She tends to do her own thing, but that doesn’t mean she won’t join in on a trend if it sounds fun
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
The idea of a meme-savvy Desta is both hilarious and terrifying, and I love it
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
She’s very upfront and forward about her personality- she doesn’t really see the point in being anything else
S: Streets1. are they street-smart?
Despite being kind of oblivious and very trusting, she did spend a lot of time as a drifter and has more street-smarts than one might think. (She just doesn’t always apply those smarts)
2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
Oh, definitely
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
Again- definitely
4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
Nothing too bad? Being a paladin means she can take of herself pretty well
5. are they cautious when out?
Desta is many things and cautious is certainly not one of them.
T: Truth1. are they honest?
Desta is extremely honest, it’s a very rare situation where she thinks the truth is not the best option.
2. can they tell if someone is lying?
On her own, she’s not very good at it- she’s just too trusting. Once she becomes a Watcher, of course, it gets a little easier.
3. is it obvious when they’re lying?
It’s pretty obvious, yeah. On the rare occasions when she lies, she goes a little overboard trying to sound convincing, and she’s just not a good liar.
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?
Nothing comes to mind- she really doesn’t lie enough for it be an issue
5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
Hmm, maybe some of the things she said in the Defiance Bay animancy trials? She was being truthful about the dangerous practices she found but also trying to be fair and not paint animancers as completely at fault, but the fairness part didn’t quite come through after the riots
A: Aptitude1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
she’s always been good with nature and plants- probably the only part about being raised in a Temple to Galawain that she actually enjoyed
2. what activities have they participated in?
Priestess training when she was very young (it didn’t go very far), then paladin training (which went a lot better). lots of traveling and exploring!
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Her diplomacy skills. She’s always preferred settling things peacefully, but she didn’t actually develop a skill for talking to people until she became Lady of Caed Nua
4. what things are they bad at?
Anything that’s more focused on book-learning than hands-on experience. She’s also pretty bad at dancing, but thinks she’s good and loves doing it anyway
5. what is their most impressive talent?
Honestly, it’s probably her ability to stay upbeat and optimistic no matter what. She has other skills and talents, but that’s the one that’s kept her going most of her life
Send me asks: ABC of Your OC’s!
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wigwurq · 5 years
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Here we are, at the end of season 2 of Big Little Lies. Ok? You may recall that last season, I took a terrifying ride into the heart of darkness coming to terms with Nicole Kidman’s wig. You can read it all here, but it’s not for the faint of heart! To recap, I had at first claimed that it was real hair since the wig was as shitty as Kidman’s own hair, forgetting that Kidman wears wigs both in films and in life. NEVER FORGET! It was a humbling experience, doing lots and lots of research into this goddamned wig only to realize that sometimes you just have to go with your first impression which is usually: THIS WIG SUCKS. 
At any rate, we must never forget that Nicole Kidman basically exclusively wears bad wigs. A few examples:
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Terrifying stuff, no? And her season 1 Big Little Lies wig was no less terrifying:
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And here we are, 2+ years later, with a wholly different wig. A wig that....doesn’t totally suck!. Wait. what? Let’s discuss.
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The only real reason for season 2 to even exist is: Meryl Streep. Her wig is as bad as her teeth but she is playing a monster so I’ll allow it. The other step forward this season is Nicole Kidman’s wig. It is longer than last season, more wispy and, well, hair-like. I guess we’re supposed to believe that in her grief/guilt/etc she just doesn’t have time for haircuts (beyond the bangs) and honestly: that wurqs! This wig is less full of life and also less dried out, less uniform, with better random hair texture!
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What also wurqs is the fact that since her character is now messier, so is her hair, though in a believable tired mom way. 
Episode 2
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She is so tired that she is even accepting sleeping pills from Meryl Streep that would later make her drive off the damn road! However, the quality of this wig remains very hair-like! 
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It looks less great whilst picking up randos to have sex with, but honestly: this wasn’t a great lewk across the board.
Episode 3
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Oh my god, that damned iPad! Little did we know at this point in the season that this wasn’t all just an extended apple ad and in fact that thing would prove very useful! Anyway, Meryl’s wig still looks very dried out and shitty (but so is her character!) In comparison, Nicole Kidman’s wig looks like a goddamned dream!
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Over in her constant therapy sessions, the subtle, uniform curls fall on this shirt that probably cost like $1500. It is unclear to me where her character is supposed to have money from or if she does much of anything besides driving, therapy, rando bar dude encounters, and having awkward run-ins with Meryl Streep. What a life! 
Episode 4
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This was the effing EPISODE. The one where the world kind of stopped turning because Meryl Streep arrived uninvited to a pumpkin carving party and then Nicole Kidman and her half up-do and fabulous $2 billion dress slapped her in the face. We were all better for it. Nicole Kidman’s wig basically looks the way it did in Practical Magic and obviously that should always be the goal. 
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Amabella’s disco bday party was a whole mood. Monterey loves a good costume party, but I wish they had had better costume direction because everyone’s idea of “disco” was very different and not entirely historically accurate. Nicole Kidman chose to flatiron everything and wear this headband and her lewk was I guess one of the better ones. Leaving this wig bereft of life or body is the only way to be in keeping with Nicole Kidman. 
Episode 5
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This was around when shit started hitting the fan, aka Meryl Streep decided to try to steal Nicole Kidman’s kids. Her wig read the room and showed up sad for the lawyer meeting and it was appropriate.
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The wig shifted its focus in this still to be as steely-eyed focused on maintaining custody of her boys as Nicole Kidman was. 
Episode 6
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In this episode everything changed because Nicole Kidman started pulling her hair back and to its credit, the wig went along with it! It even took a few showers where Nicole Kidman had sex flashbacks and truly, this wig was really earning its keep this episode.
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Oh god, this lewk. I AM NOT HERE FOR FACE WISPS. But it’s not the wig’s fault. In appearing on the stand, Nicole Kidman had to show herself as a good parent AND a victim so this wig was just trying to go along with it, and truly: it looks ok! The quality is still very hair-like even if I don’t like the style!
Episode 7
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IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS. Now Meryl Streep is on the stand and Nicole Kidman’s wig had to do a quick pivot to BUSINESS PONYTAIL. I didn’t know this could be a thing, but ok! Also where in the damn hell did she find a hair tie the exact same color as this wig? WHERE?!?! I still disapprove of wisps but again: Nicole Kidman had to be a tinker/tailor/lawyer/victim in this episode so: DO WHAT YOU CAN, WISPS!
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And here we are: Nicole Kidman’s wig retained custody of the kids AND this millennial pink suit. Halleluj! This wig is looking a little worse for the wear, but aren’t we all? After that finale, my nerves are SHOT. Still, the wig did what it came here to do: be the best Nicole Kidman wig I’ve seen in years and for that we must all say Halleljuj!
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heartofsnark · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet: Ota
Note: It is here, the final one for the bidders. (Or at least until I manage to play Luke, Shuichi, and Hikaru’s routes/ also figure out how to write Rhion). Ota is the only one who didn’t get a sex injury for his dirty secret, so good for him. As I said before, Ota along with Eisuke are the two I feel the least confident about in terms of writing. But, everyone who commented on my Eisuke said it felt in character. So, fingers crossed I did okay here too. If not, sorry...
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s domming most of the time, though not always, so he pretty much just goes right into taking care of MC after sex, its’ borderline instinctual. Cleaning them up a bit, looking over any marks he left, etc. He doesn’t even asks just jumps to it, “It’s a master’s job to take care of his pet,” he’ll tease. Truth is he likes tending to his MC and it makes him feel just as good as it does them. Once he’s done, he’ll want some serious cuddles. He’s a pretty soft cuddle bug post orgasm, though if you point it out he’ll pout.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hands are his favorite on him, mostly because as an artist they’re very important to him. He’s kind of protective of them at times, sometimes he uses it as a cop out to get out of doing things, but he does generally worry about damaging them. Plus, he uses them to give his Koro pets and love, also extremely important.
On his partner, their ass. Don’t get him wrong, his MC is adorable all over, but his hands tend to gravitate towards her  ass the most. It’s also easier to touch and tease his partner’s ass in public without being noticed. He likes rubbing and giving small grabs to their backside to tease them throughout the day, each time acting like he’s not doing anything.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
During blowjobs he likes pulling out right as he’s about to cum and shooting his load into their open mouth, it’s messier but he loves it. He likes seeing his MC swallow, but he wants to see his cum landing on their tongue and lips. It’s not quite a facial, he’s aiming for the mouth, though he’s not opposed to giving facials either. He likes calling his dick and cum a treat, seeing his MC eagerly swallowing it down in front of him. He also likes cumming on MC, it feels more claiming to him, like he’s leaving them ruined for him. Watching them swallow and cumming on their ass is his favorites.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
During the period of time between Doi stealing his art and joining the auctions; he had a brief worry about income. He was discredited from the world of fine art and had yet to rebuild himself as the “Angelic Artist” or start getting money from the auctions. So, he created an online account that couldn’t be linked to him and started doing commissions. He’s done a lot of furry and fetish art for people. It meant he could keep making art and supplement his income if needed. There is someone out there with a picture of their fursona jerking off and they have no idea it was done by the Angelic Artist.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s never had a serious long term relationship, but he has had a fair amount of one night stands. Before he gets with MC, he tended to be get bored really easy and never really bothered with anything more than having some fun with people. So, he has a fair amount of experience in terms of sex, he knows how to tease and play with partner.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He likes doggy style, c’mon, you knew this was coming. It might be memey or predictable, cause of his Koro stuff. But, he legitimately likes doggy style positions. He struggles with vulnerability even when he’s with MC and usually tries to hide his face when he’s particularly overwhelmed with feelings, so he likes she can’t really see his face and see how much he’s enjoying himself. He likes being in charge most of the time and he likes his MC’s ass. He’ll also likes draping himself over his partner’s back in that position when he wants more skin on skin contact.
Doggy (duh): http://sexpositions.club/positions/140.html
Plain: http://sexpositions.club/positions/131.html  
Concubine: http://sexpositions.club/positions/236.html
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He likes playful teasing of his partner, but his focus is to make them blush; not to make them laugh. He wants sex to be fun but not funny, if that makes sense. He wants to make his partner feel good and loved, he also tends to be more insecure than he likes to let on. If he feels like he’s being laughed at or mocked, he’ll probably get upset. Though once his partner apologizes and explains they weren’t being cruel, which to some extent he already knew, he’ll just use it as an excuse to “punish” his dear Koro
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I personally like the headcanon of him bleaching his hair, I think maidofstars was the person I saw who came up with it. Both of his parents have darker brown hair and he does have that brassy strawberry blonde you get when you bleach dark hair and don’t use any toner. I also, don’t think he has a lot of body hair. Voltage generally tends to make all the men look like they have no body hair in their cgs (which doesn’t always suit the character), but I honestly don’t think Ota grows much body hair. A fact he’s fine with. So, his pubic hair is a small slightly thin patch of darker brown hair. It doesn’t require much upkeep.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Unless something has happened to make Ota feel like him or his partner really need that during sex, he prefers for it to be more dirty and fun. He’d rather show his romantic love through subtle actions in day to day life, he likes sex to be more about just enjoying themselves and the fact he loves them should just be known.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate much, before he got with his partner, he had casual sex whenever he really needed to get off. Now that he’s with them, he still doesn’t masturbate much. Once in a while, but nothing major. Usually when they’re apart, it’s because he’s working on some artwork. He gets very into his work, so he’s not too concerned about his dick when he’s caught up in his art. If his partner is at work and he starts to feel turned on is, he’d rather go tease them or see if he can get them to take a break than jerk off. He has a few videos bookmarked in a hidden folder on his computer.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Petplay is going to be a big one for Ota and everyone knew this was coming. He likes treating his significant other like a puppy. He’d be completely into them wearing a collar, ears, and a buttplug tail. If they do it without prompting, like he just comes home to them running around as a puppy, it will make him a little weak in the knees. 
Grooming/Taking Care of his partner’s appearance, this might be a little to do with his petplay kink, but he loves grooming his partner. Brushing and blow-drying their hair or cleaning them in the bathtub. He’ll never admit it, but he likes when they return the favor too, remember when he played pet for an epilogue. In the same fine, he finds something very weirdly arousing/intimate about doing MC makeup and hair, he just loves it. 
Assplay, I don’t why I just headcanon him as really liking his MC’s ass. If they’re into it, he wants to finger, eat out, and use toys on their ass. Ota eats ass and no one can tell me otherwise. I don’t know why this is stuck in my brainbox, it just is. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bathroom is a favorite, he really likes bathing with his MC and cleaning each other. So, once they’re both naked and wet, it’s fun to play. His other favorite would be in his art studio, where he and MC first had sex.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing his partner embarrassed and flustered, he thinks it’s so cute and endears them to him. He likes teasing them and their reactions just make him want to keep going. 
Cuddling, he almost has a kink for cuddling, there’s just something so nice about his partner wanting to snuggle into him. Then he feels their body nice and close, so his hands start to wander. 
When he sketches and paints his partner, it almost happens naturally sometimes when his mind wanders while doing art. It catches him off guard that he just unconsciously creates images of them, it makes him want to go find them and get closer to the real thing.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Super dangerous and/or painful kinks are out as well as the grosser ones, He might act and talk like he’s a sadist, but he doesn’t like seeing his partner in pain. He’s not into the really heavy forms of petplay, likes once you start getting into the rubber muzzles or fursuits, he’s out.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves getting his dick sucked. He likes giving head too, but watching MC suck him off is irresistible. He does like playing up the pet and the master thing. So, sloppy face fucks are a favorite of his. He likes telling his Koro to come get their treat; his diiiiick. I’m sorry.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Unpredictable. He likes keeping his partner on their toes and driving them crazy, so he doesn’t keep his pace too consistent. Slow and sensual, then suddenly he’s pounding brutally just to slow down before they can hit their climax. Maybe he’ll let them cum next time, maybe not. Such a tease.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s always teasing and working up his partner when they’re going about their day. So, it’s not uncommon for them to have to get to his suite because he drove them crazy. He loves when he can get his partner’s mind off work and have a quickie. If his partner wants to come by his studio and give him some “inspiration” real quick, he’s not going to turn them down.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He loves playing with his partner in public, he doesn’t really want to deal with any repercussions if they get caught, but his Koro’s reactions are too cute for him to resist. Remember, in the butler café substory he basically tried to shove his hand down MC’s underwear in the middle of the café. He gives very few fucks. In terms of experimenting, he likes bringing different things up to try. He likes finding out what his partner might like. If they mention something, he’ll probably tease them and act disinterested, but they’re definitely trying it unless it’s a hard no for him.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Despite having a fair amount of experience, Ota is still pretty young. So, I imagine he’s a case of not lasting particularly long but having next to no refractory time. He’s probably about average give or take on how long it takes him to cum, but he can easily cum four times before he needs a real break. Even then his break won’t be long. Benefits of being young.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He starts to amass a small collection of toys once he’s with his MC. He likes teasing his partner with vibes, toys for assplay are also pretty common. Even if they’re not doing the pet play, he likes them having a princess plug or something in. He likes making them feel completely full when they have sex.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Biggest tease to ever tease. He loves finding them during work and just feeling them up in whatever way he can, then walking away like he didn’t do anything. Making them find him once they get desperate enough. He also likes edging them and slight orgasm denial.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s slightly embarrassed about making noises during sex, but he’s definitely a bit noisy. He usually tries to dirty talk to cover it, but he makes a lot of soft gasping type noise, says ‘fuck’ a lot. And sometimes, when it’s more romantic and intimate, he can make noises that sound almost like soft little whines and whimpers. He’ll deny it though.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s definitely into remote control vibrators in his partner that he randomly plays with. He likes having as much of his partner’s attention as possible. So, if he can from a distance still be able to steal their attention and tease them, it turns him on. He also likes doing it while they’re in the penthouse lounge and watching them try to work, seeing them frustrated is just too entertaining.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His cock is kind of pretty, if a dick can in fact be pretty. It’s not super long or thick. Around 6-6.5 inches, straight with just a very slight upward tilt. The girth is proportional with the length, not overly thick, but not thin. No super noticeable veins and a rounded head.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High sex drive, he's young and constantly ready to have sex. The only times hes not really into he’s really not into sex is if him and his partner are fighting, he’ hyperfocused on an art piece, or in the mornings. He’s not a morning guy and tends to feel grumpy when he first wakes up.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually gives some form of after care, so he stays awake for that. But, once he’s officially done for the night, he only stays up for a while longer for conscious cuddling. Though they cuddle in their sleep too, but he likes to be awake for a bit to fully enjoy it, then he drifts off.
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