vertigoartgore · 4 months
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Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow turns 10 today. Feel old yet ?
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ekuroeil · 1 year
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Not as fuzzy and friendly as usual, at least it has a web presence.
To find Spidekuroeil on many textiles (T-shirts, hoodies, hats, bags, etc.) check out my shop : https://ekuroeil-design.myspreadshop.ch/
Pour retrouver Spidekuroeil sur pleins de textiles (T-shirts, sweats à capuche, casquettes, sacs, etc.) faites un saut sur mon shop : https://ekuroeil-design.myspreadshop.ch/
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linxprime · 6 months
Aracnoid house!
Got inspired to do Aracnoid culture thanks to @ntls-24722 and amaizing Dedu lore!!
Aracnoids used to make their houses with their shilk, hiron wood crusts, light rocks, fabrics, and what it use to be their planet fauna shells & exosqueletons. Under the canopy of the jungle trees or roofs of the entrance of titanic caves of what it use to be their planet. But there are big artificial trees for them on Earth, making an neighborhood adove a neighborhood. And somehow theres no problems! Yippyyyyyyy :"D
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Since Aracnoids can climb walls with ease, the entrances of the rooms are in diferent coners of the of the room: in the sealing, the top part of a wall, in the midle of the floor so wach out. Making diferent alien kind visit to their house a lil bit dificult.
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Their beds used to be an open cocoon. There still like this but since they are on Earth, now they have more variaty of beds. And the doors are still fabrics.
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fipindustries · 8 days
after watching three alien movies i think i can finally put into words what i personally find so distrubing about the xenomorph.
the xenomorph is basically all the things that you fear from insects blown out a thousand times bigger. he is this creepy looking, disfigured creature, made out of weird shapes and discordanly pointy bits poking out. covered in some slick, black chitinous exosqueleton, producing all kinds of disgusting and toxic slimes that are viscerally revolting, they eat their prey in disturbing ways, they borrow in and lay eggs, they are fundamentally parasitic, they create these horrible nests, if you leave them alone too long they become a swarm, they are fundamentally inhuman they dont even register as an animal, they move in fast jerky ways and can crawl across walls and roofs, they hide in dark, damp enviroments.
they are literally everything that is awful about bugs, they are cocoroaches writ large. and then you put on top of that some uncomfortably sexual imagery, a bunch of metaphors about rape and you have basically the most maximally disturbing creature ever conceived in cinema
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crassetination · 4 years
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Various Cyber Soldiers 173
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asta-daily · 5 years
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You gained great power, but at what price? Your body's now close to immortal You're maybe a living arsenal But tell me, do your mind will survive?
Certes, tu as gagné en puissance, mais à quel prix ? Ton corps est désormais éternel, immortel, De l'armement à l'infini ton corps recèle, Mais dis-moi, en quoi y a gagné ton esprit ?
Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Exosqueleton Card by Cherubiel via ImaginarySteampunk
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sarcasmo-mexicano · 4 years
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Vaas Caas/Zyriks
The daughter of an exiled Kell and runaway Corsair, reborn as a lightbearer.
My Titan oc that I finally made a decent reference of; I made some changes to her design as adding some simple exosqueleton plates (honestly I like her like this better)
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bug-pasta · 5 years
What would be better if horses went extinct? Breeding and riding large flightless birds? Or genetically engineering giant ants to ride?
that is the most interesting ask i have ever received and i appreciate you very much
im gonna be annoying and say i think that humans should stop breeding animals altogether cause we fucking suck and ruin everything and theres already too many damn animals that exist for humans to fuck with. 
also like,, if you made ants big enough to ride they would collapse from their exosqueleton carrying too much weight/gravity/science shit
BUT hypothetically i would FREAKING LOVE to meet some huge ants
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puccafangirl · 5 years
You were at the beach, taking in the nice sunlight and the salty smell of the sea waves, you decide to enter the water with your inflatable ring, wanting to feel the gentleness of the wide open ocean.
You open your eyes, have you dozed off? You wake up in a panic, no longer was the beach near you, you were in the open water, close to what the locals called Dead Man’s Reef, a small collection of smooth rocks where a small patch of land was close enough for anyone to walk amidst the shallow water, in the middle of it was the entrance to an underwater cavern that no one dared to go in.
Legends of the place were plenty, from “this is a holy place, don’t touch it or go near it” to “the cave is the home of a monster, young maidens were given as sacrifice to appease the creature.” Even with all that hullabaloo, for some reason, people did leave that location alone.
There was no way that you would reach the beach with how the ocean current was getting stronger, so you take your chances and go to Dead Man’s Reef. The closer you get to it, the more intricate the rock formations are, even the miniscule coral reef created around it caught your attention. There were a vast variety of fish and plant life, the rocks looked like they were carved and, the closer you looked, the carvings had… jewels…? And gold?
It felt too fantastical, too beautiful… Someone should have had to come here and want to take all of these jewels, yet it felt like it belonged here. This small patch of paradise seemed untouched by man. Walking carefully across the marvelous reef, reaching the rocks and cave entrance, you examine the carvings, showing what seemed to be the legend you heard about.
Mankind bringing offerings to what looked like a gigantic creature, clad in jewels and gold on its body, it gave you the impression of a crab like creature with tentacles. Hey, Dead Man’s Reef, H. P. Lovecraft called, he wants his eldritch abomination back. In another that didn’t look as old as the offering one showed a warrior with a giant hook fighting the creature, ripping a leg off and having the humans fleeing from the Reef. Humanity had too much free time on their hands, you thought.
The sun was setting and it was starting to get cold, the ocean current was still strong, there was no way you were going to return to the beach tonight. You looked around to find some thick seaweed stuck between some rocks near the cave, using them as a makeshift blanket and pillow, better rest up for now and wait for the current to weaken in the morning.
You managed to get some shut eye until what felt like the middle of the night, you open your weary eyes to a marvelous sight, the entirety of the reef and the rocks near the cave glowed brightly, even the fish had a bioluminescent glow to them. Many hues of pinks and greens, blues and purples. You were speechless at what your brain could describe as a magical sight.
A low rumble caught your attention, a noise coming from within the dark cave. You grab your makeshift sea weed blanket like a shield as you try to hide, but the darkness of the night betrays you, you can’t easily recall where you could take a step in order to not disturb the reef.
You muffle a yelp, tentacles start to come out of the cave, along with what looked like a crab claw, both glowed just as brightly as the reef, you couldn’t help but look at the carvings on the rocks, they were a warning! More and more did the creature move and finally come out of the cave, he did look like a combination of a crab and a… squid? Octopus? and… was he humming?
You got a good look at the creature, he was incredibly tall and big, you questioned how the cave could hold him. Humanoid torso covered in the crab armor-like exosqueleton, following his carapace LOADED with plenty of treasures glowing bright neon sky blue, his tentacles looked like they were pulsing with both the blues and greens just like his antennae. His armor and large pincers were also covered in his treasures and… beautifully marked tattoo like markings.
You couldn’t help but feel a sort of… attraction to this beast. Yet that was replaced with a bit of panic, his mismatched pink and blue eyes found you. The two of you had a good 10 seconds of silence before he grinned, and you bolted.
You weren’t going to stay to figure out what he was going to do with you. Eat you? Torture you? Demand offerings or sacrifice like in the days of old? You yelped as his bright blue pincer grabbed a hold of your waist, rather carefully you noticed when you weren’t panicking.
His pincer brought you to his face, the same salty scent of the sea graced your nostrils, as his low voice graced your ears. “Oh ho ho ho~ what have we here?”
You wanted to scream yet your throat betrayed you. You were silent as a mouse as the creature examined you, holding onto the seaweed for dear life. “Hmm…~ Not sparkly, not shiny…” Some of his tentacles rose from the ground and removed some hair off your face, the others gently prodded and poked your arms, legs and stomach. “Rather cute little thing, aren’t you?” you managed to hear as he mumbled under his breath, your cheeks reddened at the comment.
You looked away, embarrassed, and that’s where you saw it, the torn crab leg from the carvings. He noticed and his low voice got a bit nasty, “What’s a human like you doing out here in Dead Man’s Reef? Huh?” He poked your stomach, “Come here to make a name for yourself? To off the Great Tamatoa like your ancestors tried to do?”
Tamatoa… so that’s his name. Your silence and fright somewhat eased the creature’s rage, shivering in fright in his claws. “You… don’t know who I am, do you?” You shook your head. That… made him slightly disappointed. He sighed, “Figures… After a few thousand years and humans tend to forget.”
Tamatoa set you gently onto his… bed of tentacles? Coils? You didn’t know what to call it, you were sitting down on them. It felt rather comfortable. “No offerings, no nothing. You’re stranded here, aren’t you?” You nodded, “It won’t do you any good trying to swim out of here, current’s too strong for a cute little thing like you.” You blushed again. He really thought you were cute?
He looked slightly embarrassed, “You better stay for the night, or week or whatever, until the tide calms. Plenty of food to keep your strength… Then you can swim back home.” Tamatoa noticed you shudder slightly at the chilly wind, he moved you slightly with his tentacles, wrapping you with them. “I might not be warm-blooded, but at least it’ll help with the wind.”
You blushed again, smiling slightly for this small act of kindness. You grew even more drowsy with how comfortable his squishy yet soft his tentacles felt. You took his offer and decided to go to sleep, not seeing how this great creature kept looking at you as he tried to feast on some of the fishes around the reef.
Oh no, don’t worry! There’s no need to apologize at all, I love it when you send me stuff like this! ^^ Also, Tamatoa with tentacles...very hard yet interesting to imagine, lol.
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adicrossa · 7 years
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Girls & Monsters 74: Rugosito. . . . . . #girlsandmonsters #girls #monsters #horror #spike #spikes #teeth #claws #insect #crab #exosqueleton #rage #feral #notebook #micron #sakura #01 #03 #justink #indianink #adicrossa #igmonsters
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nana-writes · 5 years
6 for the one word writing prompt
6. wings (word prompt list)
      “Can I see?” Nina asked, quietly and hesitant. They were laying in bed, Eliana flat on her back and Nina straddling her waist, both women’s lips red from kissing.
      Nina means Eliana’s true form and… Eliana isn’t sure how to feel about that. Nina’s curiosity is genuine, out of a want for knowledge not any sick desire, Eliana knew that. It’s how she first fell for this witch. But… Fey were not pleasant sights for most humans. Eliana wouldn’t be surprised if Nina regretted her request afterwards if… If things changed between them.
      “Okay.” She answered finally, the utter lack of emotion in her voice telling in it’s own way. The way Nina light up at having her request answered couldn’t help but bring a soft smile to Eliana’s lips.
      “You’re going to have to move,” Eliana prompted, gently pressing her fingers into Nina’s side so she’d topple the other way. The girl followed, sliding off. Eliana waited until there was no more contact and, with a single breath, let the illusion drop.
      Illusion wasn’t really the right word, or by touch alone Nina would have been able to see what was now in front of her.
      Eliana’s true form was bigger than her human counterpart, occupying more space in the bed now. Because of the way she’d been laying her wings pressed uncomfortably against her back, out of sight, but Eliana didn’t move, letting Nina get used to her new - actual? - form.
      Nina looked fascinated more than anything else and Eliana would be lying if she claimed that didn’t send relief coursing through her veins. The witch’s eyes were following every line and sharp detail of her body, as if attempting to commit her all to memory, drink all of Eliana , all she would offer at least, in. Slowly, Nina lifted two fingers and touched the closest bit of Eliana’s skin, feeling the texture of the multicolour scale like exosqueleton that protected most Fey’s bodies. As Nina’s fingers skimmed up, Eliana spoke:
      “Careful,” she saw Nina’s head snap up and she remembered how her voice sounded different to humans when she was in this form, the power of it far more clear. It was easy to forget such a detail when it all always sounded the same to her fey ears. “You’re going to cut yourself.”
      Nina nodded, taking her advice in and watching to make sure her fingers jumped over where the scales overlapped, their edges, now that she had been warned, clearly  sharp, as dangerous as every other bit in her body seemed to be designed to be.
      “What are these?” Nina asked, very gingerly taping the very end of one of the ridges. They were uneven, some short than others, the ridges climbing higher on Eliana’s neck on one side than the other.
      “A status symbol. The more and sharper the ridges on an Ipasigurt, the more power you can assume they have.”
      “So they are connected to the contracts.”
      “Mostly, yeah.”
      “Ipasigurt,” Nina said the word slowly, the Old Language foreign in her tongue. “That’s the type of fey you are.”
      “And there are two others.” Eliana nodded.
      “Do they look the same as you?” Nina asked. Her eyes kept shifting between which of her two pairs of eyes to look at.
      “No. Nepouzdan look like… Here, can I show you?” Eliana asked, lifting her hand to touch Nina’s exposed skin but aborting the movement halfway there. It was the first time  she’d moved since dropping the glamour.
      “Of course,” Nina answered, as if it was obvious. If she noticed Eliana had asked when she never really did anymore, she said nothing.
      Carefully, Eliana reached her clawed hand and gingerly placed two fingers on Nina’s forearm. She did her best to pass along the image without making it look sacry or unsettling. It wasn’t too hard, seeing as for her this was absolutely normal.
      “Wow that’s a lot of eyes.” Nina had closed hers, focusing on the mental picture instead.
      Eliana felt a quick smile spread her lips, there and gone. “Yeah.”
      “They don’t have ridges though…”
      “No. It’s their wings that will give you the same information.”“The colour?” Nina guessed.
      “Yes.” Eliana was slightly surprised at the hint of pride in her own voice.
      Nina opened her eyes, staring intently at Eliana. “Do you not have wings?”
      “I do,” Eliana answered. She let go of Nina, shifting backwards slightly so she could raise herself off the bead. With some relieve, she let her wings open slightly, before putting herself against the pillows once more. Her wings would cramp up if she kept them like this for too long, only half extended, but one of the sides of the bed was positioned against the wall, giving her no more space. Besides, she wouldn’t want to risk hurting Nina.
      “Wow.” The aww in Nina’s voice made her almost uncomfortable. It felt… wrong somehow, misplaced.
      Nina reached out once more with her hand, towards Eliana’s wings. The fey didn’t let her, snatching her hand from midair, stopping the witch in her tracks.
      “No. You’re going to cut yourself”
      “You don’t trust me to take care of myself?” Nina asked, teasing more than anything, breathing the words into the very small space left between them, her hand still gingerly held by Eliana’s clawed one.
      “The fact you’re still flirting, that you still want to touch and kiss me in this form, validates my reticence.”
      Nina didn’t say anything to that, blushing slightly. After staring for a little bit too long, Eliana placed the witch’s hand back in the bed and shifted away slightly once again.
      “I’m going to turn back now.” Eliana stared, and waited for Nina’s nod before doing so.
      She gathered her magic all back to herself, pushing it back down, pulling all the pieces together until the glamour was in place once more. When she looked back at Nina once more, there was worry in her eyes.
      “Does it hurt you to do that?”
      Eliana pondered the question. “No,” she answered truthfully, if a bit unsure. “It’s like… Pulling on a shirt with a slightly too tight collar. It’s a bit uncomfortable going over your head but it doesn’t hurt, and afterwards you’re fine.”
      Nina stared at her as if she was parsing the veracity of her words. Except, fey could not lie so. “Okay.”
      “Can I kiss you?” Eliana asked, the space between them on the bed feeling stupidly far.
      Confusion mared Nina’s expression for a quick second. “Of course.”
      Far more gentle than usual, Eliana reached out a hand to cup her face, her lips soon following. She kissed her, slowly and with care, trying to convey everything she wasn’t quite sure how to say.
      Eliana knew the power of words but sometimes… sometimes they weren’t enough, she couldn’t help but think, as Nina kissed back just as intently.
Hope you liked it! (word prompt list)
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
Ok but the exosqueletons asks and your answer reminded me of the spanish word "esquisito" which means delicious so now i am thinking that centaurs are delicious
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crassetination · 7 years
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Various Cyber Soldiers 158 
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techno-bender · 4 years
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Prosthesis Exosqueleton Mechanical kinesthetic feedback transferred to the human operator. Developed for sport. © FURRION ROBOTICS
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authorannpaquette · 5 years
Fox: New chapter is up!
"Well, that was interesting."
Fox's hand remains trapped in the stranger's grip even after she loses consciousness. Her claw-like nails break the surface of his skin, four perfect pinpricks of blood welling up from beneath the thin layer. He ignores the red beads brightly contrasting against his pale complexion in favor of studying the newcomer.
He’s never encountered a full hybrid before. Fairies with hybrid lineage occasionally display the traits of their ancestors - sharp canines, wide wings, ear tufts or even size. This is something else entirely.
This stranger is fully half fairy.
And half insect.
Where on Caliah does she come from?
An exosqueleton adorns her body like an armor. The midnight black shell shimmers with a rainbow of colors wherever the sun's rays make contact. Her skin, in the few places it’s exposed, is pale lilac. The black helm enhances her insect-like appearance, complete with stylized antenna swirling over her ears. Yet those emerald eyes are unmistakably fairy. Eyes which so intensely studied his face.
He fervently hopes her head wasn’t damaged in the fall. The accident was his fault, after all. If he hadn't startled her, she wouldn't have lost control. Now it’s his responsibility to set things right.
"Where’s the healer?" He searches the area for the identifying blue robes, wincing as the woman shifts and her nails dig further into his skin. A hiss of air escapes from between her clenched teeth, but otherwise she doesn’t wake. Her left arm’s bent at an odd angle, likely part of what’s causing so much discomfort. "It's ok. You're safe, help is coming." He whispers, reassuring himself more than the unconscious woman.
"Help is here, General Fox." The healer kneels and studies the prone form between them.
"Chief Healer Lyrissa! I thought you were away aiding the eastern farmers?" The petite blonde snorts, completely out of character with the beautiful features of Greythorn’s top healer.
"If I have to so much as look at another case of spring pox, I'll scream. Tryssa’s tying up the loose ends with my apprentices. I encountered your messenger on my way in, he all but dragged me over here. Who's our guest?"
"I've no idea, never seen or heard of her before. Thanks for coming."
Lyrissa waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. "It's my job. You know I like to be in the middle of things." The blonde winks at him. Oh, he knows alright. Lyrissa gossips worse than a group of idle soldiers. "I'll need some space Fox."
He displays his hand still firmly ensconced in the stranger’s grip. Lyrissa has the nerve to giggle at his situation. "I see. Clings like a burr, doesn't she? Alright, let's relax her, shall we?"
A blue aura envelops the stranger. The healing process always intrigued him, no matter how many times he’s witnessed it in the past. The muscles in the stranger's hand relax as the healing trance takes over. Those sharp nails lift from his skin leaving four thin trails of blood behind. Fox lowers the hand gently. "See if you can get her helm off will you Fox?"
Fox places both hands on either side of the helm and gently pulls. It doesn’t budge. ...
Finish reading this chapter:
Sweek: https://sweek.com/read/61340/1102674648/220578/1102674648
Wattpad:  https://www.wattpad.com/story/185932002-the-paths-of-greythorn?utm_source=web&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=share_myworks_details&fbclid=IwAR0dlQxf782CW0RAfzRyPzWc2leDUSCq92-RlBDI2mWFSKUL8QSbyw7XnJ0
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