#exit parker: stage left
elvis1970s · 2 years
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Marty Pasetta (1932-2015) was perhaps the top producer and director of event, variety and entertainment television in the 1970s and 80s. In 1972 he was brought in to work with Elvis, and helm the pioneering satellite live concert broadcast, Aloha From Hawaii, which would go out to an international audience in January, 1973.
In preparation, he attended Elvis’ concerts in Long Beach, California, in November 1972, to get a feel for the show. He thought the music aspect was strong, but the performance, and staging, visually boring.
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Elvis' usual arena stage rig was basic, cramped, and used rudimentary lighting only. Seating was sold behind the stage, and the speakers were hoisted into the air on chains hung from the roof. Mary Pasetta assessed this as totally unsuitable for television.
Pasetta was not one to compromise in the cause of creative excellence. He and his staff came up with designs that featured Elvis’ name in lights in different languages, and a lower than usual stage with a catwalk into the audience. Colonel Parker rejected much of this outright, but Pasetta persisted and asked for the opportunity to present his ideas directly to Elvis.
There followed a slightly bizarre meeting with Elvis and members of the Memphis Mafia (whom Pasetta referred to as ‘goons’) during which they wore their sunglasses indoors and prominently displayed their handguns. Despite feeling thoroughly intimidated, Pasetta presented his designs, and told Elvis face-to-face he needed to lose weight and move more on stage, as Pasetta intended make extensive use of closeups during the performance.
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The tension broke, and Elvis hugged Pasetta, promising that they would work to ‘make super magic for the tube together’. He also pointed out that, ‘The Colonel controls my business. I control my creativity and my music and my show. He has nothing to say about it. That's your rule. You will deal with Joe Esposito’.
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Marty Pasetta continued to make significant television throughout the 1980s, directing the Academy Awards each year until 1988, and helming major variety events including Grammy and Emmy ceremonies, Disney specials, awards, AFI and celebrity tribute programmes, and two Beach Boys specials.
He died in 2015, aged 82, in a freak traffic accident - he was accidentally run over by the car in which he had been a passenger and from which he had just alighted, along with one other person who was also struck. The driver, who was also exiting the vehicle but had mistakenly left the transmission engaged, was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
Although the ultimate viewing figures for Aloha have been the subject of some dispute, Marty Pasetta said this in a 2013 interview with the Palm Springs Desert Sun;
"...What I was told by NBC and others is that every third person on Earth saw that first show when it went out. In Africa and places like that, it played in theatres. They didn't have television..."
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Between Two Worlds (Edward A. Blatt, 1944) Cast: John Garfield, Paul Henreid, Sydney Greenstreet, Eleanor Parker, Edmund Gwenn, George Tobias, George Coulouris, Faye Emerson, Sara Allgood, Dennis King, Isobel Elsom, Gilbert Emery. Screenplay: Daniel Fuchs, based on a play by Sutton Vane. Cinematography: Carl E. Guthrie. Art direction: Hugh Reticker. Film editing: Rudi Fehr. Music: Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Sutton Vane's old warhorse of a play Outward Bound made its debut on Broadway in 1924 and became a community theater staple for many years after. It's a fantasy about the afterlife, in which passengers on a ship gradually come to realize that they're dead and will be judged by a man known as the Examiner, who will send them to their just deserts. Warner Bros. filmed it in 1930 with Leslie Howard as the cynical newspaperman Tom Prior and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. as the suicidal Henry, a role Howard had played on stage. In 1944 the studio decided it was time for a remake that would update the story to the war years: A group of people are desperate to get out of England during the Blitz and decide to risk sailing to America. Among them is Henry Bergner, a concert pianist who has been part of the Resistance in France but whose nerves have been shattered so that he can't take it anymore. When he's turned down because he doesn't have an exit permit, he decides to kill himself, so he returns to the flat he shares with his wife, Ann (Eleanor Parker), seals the windows shut, and turns on the gas. But Ann has pursued him to the steamship office, and when she finds out he has just left, she rushes into the street just in time to see a car carrying people who have successfully booked passage -- we have been introduced to them earlier -- blown to bits. She hurries on to the flat and discovers what Henry has done, so she decides to join him in death. Cut to the ship, where she and Henry join the people who have just been blown up. Henry and Ann realize that they're dead, but they're advised by the ship's steward, Scrubby (Edmund Gwenn), not to let the others know just yet. And so it goes, as the passengers gradually awake to the truth of their condition and undergo judgment by the Examiner, who was once an Anglican clergyman. Sydney Greenstreet plays him with his usual affably sinister manner -- in his scenes with Henreid it's a bit like watching Victor Laszlo being judged by Kasper Gutman. The bad people -- an arrogant capitalist played by George Coulouris and a snobbish society dame played by Isobel Elsom -- get dispatched to punishment; the sinful but worthy -- Garfield's raffish journalist and Faye Emerson's conscience-stricken playgirl/actress -- are provided with a measure of redemption. And then there are the suicides, Henry and Ann. It's revealed that their lot is to serve aboard these postmortem ships for eternity, like the steward Scrubby, who had killed himself. Since condoning suicide was taboo, especially under the Catholic-administered Production Code, the script has to provide an out for the attractive, repentant couple, and it does. There's a lot of stiff acting in the movie -- Garfield's is the only really naturalistic performance -- and the dialogue is full of heavy-handed exposition speeches. The capitalist and the socialite never rise above caricature, and there's a sentimental tribute to mother love. This is the first of only three films directed by Edward A. Blatt, and it's easy to see why there weren't more.
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wewerecore · 1 year
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 018 09/14/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay welcomed viewers back for another week of The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour. As Sudu spoke about Jake Something and Vincent Nothing's plan to deduce the identity of Giant Baba Yaga, Raven activated his soundboard and began to play the theme song from Dragnet. Raven claimed to have exclusive audio of Giant Baba Yaga being caught without the mask, and played a clip of Kramer from Seinfeld saying "Look away…I'm hideous." Sudu tried to power through these clips and threw out the question about if anyone, even UltraMantis Black, knows Giant Baba Yaga's identity. Raven said that's a good point and as a journalist he'll go ask him now, and before running off played a clip of Snagglepuss saying "Exit stage left!". Sudu tried to get the segment back on track before Raven returned to wonder aloud if Giant Baba Yaga knows who UltraMantis Black is under the mask, and he’ll ask her while he’s in the back. Sudu lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose before sending us to the show opening set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor vs. Tyler Brooks and Arson Krueger Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor defeated Tyler Brooks and Arson Krueger with a spin kick from Charlie on Brooks. (3:12)
- Following the match, Alex Taylor made his way to the commentary booth and was eventually followed over by Starboy Charlie. Taylor said folkstyle are in action later today and he knows there has been some concern that they might interfere in the match. Alex Taylor assures everyone that Kerry Morton has advised them to move forward, Larry Zbyszko is gone and while Marcus Mathers and Brogan Finlay are still healing, all the Southern Six members, and Starboy Charlie, are better than ever. As a show of good faith, Taylor said he and Charlie will be leaving the park grounds and CORE officials can lock the doors behind them.
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The Production (Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK) vs. T.Y. Shane and Parker Li The Production defeated T.Y. Shane and Parker Li with the superplex from CK on Li followed by a second rope moonsault from Dillinger. (2:29)
- The Production continued to attack T.Y. Shane and Parker Li after the bell. Dillinger hit an elbow strike to the back of Li's head and an elbowdrop from the top rope from Magnum soon followed. Fuego Del Sol ran out to the ring with a steel chair and The Production fled the scene.
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- We joined Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup. - After recapping the interview segment with Something/Nothing from last week where they unveiled their strategy to determine Giant Baba Yaga's identity, we were sent to a promo from UltraMantis Black. Mantis said that as they know, Giant Baba Yaga is contracted to have a match next week. But instead of Something/Nothing parading around a bunch of wrestlers that will prove nothing, why don't they make that match a Mask vs. Hair match next week on Defy TV. - Daphne Oz sent us to a promo from Sonny Kiss. Sonny revealed that next week the evaluation of the TrustBusters Reserve will continue as Invictus Khash will go one-on-one with Fuego Del Sol and Trench will also be in singles action. - We are then sent to live comments from Fuego Del Sol who said he was given this time to discuss his match next week with Invictus Khash, and no disrespect to Khash who is a formidable opponent, but Fuego wants to discuss The Production. Fuego said that he knows what it's like to be a young wrestler put in matches against far more seasoned and skilled wrestlers. It's very demoralizing to take matches you're pretty certain you are going to lose, but it's one way to grow and be seen. Fuego Del Sol said he's disgusted too see established wrestlers take advantage of those circumstances to hurt or injure their opponent because they don't see them as their peers. Fuego said if they want to keep pulling these stunts very soon they are going to have to try them on him.
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Queen Aminata (with Raychell Rose) vs. Xia Brookside Queen Aminata defeated Xia Brookside via submission with the Juicy Lock. (6:40)
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- When we return from break Jake Something and Vincent Nothing are in front of the commentary booth. Jake Something said they heard the challenge for a Mask vs. Hair match next week against Giant Baba Yaga. Jake Something said he has just made his return to Impact Wrestling, and not only would it be very humiliating, but he might even get fired if he shows up to the next Impact taping completely unrecognizable. But that Vincent Nothing is ready to take the risk and he'll put his hair on the line against Giant Baba Yaga's mask next week! With that Vincent Nothing produced a can of Rogaine and began to lather the foam into his bald scalp as an annoyed Sudu Upadhyay called for them to leave the area so they could get to the next match.
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folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) vs. The Potato Dumpling Gang (Cowpoke Paul/"Quickdraw" Shelby Wylder/"Cowboy" Cliff Rogers) folkstyle defeated The Potato Dumpling Gang with the ripcord clothesline from Bosby on Wylder. (3:16)
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- folkstyle shook hands with their opponents after the match before being attacked by three men that emerged from opposite sides of the crowd. The men proceeded to toss the members of folkstyle around the ring with a fair deal of ease and technique. This made sense when the men were later determined to be Kal Jak, a former Pac-10 wrestling champion with Oregon State, Madman Fulton, a two time NCAA All-American in Greco-Roman wrestling, and Levi Cooper, an All-American wrestler from Arizona State.
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- Sudu and Raven brought out Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels to join them for commentary. They were selected to share their first hand knowledge about The 37KAMIINA having lost to them in the semi-finals of Trios Kingdom. As they sat down, Titus Alexander made his way out. Titus called the two a distraction and was demanding that they leave. Alexander said they lost at Trios Kingdom, he's moved on and joined Black Generation International, so there's no reason for Blackwood and Angels to be here and they can go. Angels told Alexander that he might be done with them, but they actually like it here in CORE and they don't plan on going anywhere. Blackwood interjected that they are here to wrestle, not do commentary, so they will leave if Alexander will give them a tag match against any two members of Black Generation International. Blackwood wanted the match for two weeks from now; because next week just wouldn't be fair after the Trios Kingdom winners finish kicking Yutani, Bendito, and Emperador Azteca's butts today. Titus Alexander agreed and the two excused themselves from the commentary booth.
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The 37KAMIINA (MAO, Yuki Ueno, and Toi Kojima) vs. Black Generation International (Yutani/Bendito/Emperador Azteca) The 37KAMIINA defeated Black Generation International with the WR from Ueno on Bendito. (8:18)
- Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels came back out from behind the curtain after the match to join the fans in a standing ovation celebrating another victory by the 2023 Trios Kingdom champions.
- Before they could begin to sign off, Sudu and Raven were joined by Shaw Mason who was holding a cold compress against his neck. Mason said everyone knows that Kerry Morton was behind sending those three goons after them. Mason said he's sick of dancing around it and wants to cut the crap, next week he wants a match between folkstyle and Kal Jak, Madman Fulton, and Levi Cooper. And once they are done beating Morton's hired guns, they want a match against The Southern Six at the Bloomsburg Fair. Mason said it doesn't matter if there are four of them, six of them, or a baker's dozen; there's no shortage of wrestlers that want a shot at Morton and his crew so they'll have no trouble finding partners.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Mask vs. Hair: Giant Baba Yaga vs. Vincent Nothing folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) vs. Kal Jak/Madman Fulton/Levi Cooper Fuego Del Sol vs. Invictus Khash Also in action… Trench The Production
Upcoming Shows:
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Every Thursday from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST on Defy TV
CORE Pro #123 Preservation Act 09/28/23 Bloomsburg Fair - Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
01. TrustBusters Reserve Decision Match: Hyan vs. Trench
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sinfultray1408 · 1 year
Scene Comparisons: -4-
My Life With Chaplin: An Intimate Memoir by Lita Grey Chaplin with Morton Cooper (pg. 40-41)
Wife of the Life of the Party: A Memoir by Lita Grey Chaplin and Jeffrey Vance (pg. 26-27)
I was troubled, too, that very first day back, when [Chaplin] managed to dispose of Mama for a minute and beckoned to me. His smile wrapped itself around me.
"Have you heard of Mae Collins?" he asked.
I nodded. "Oh, yes." Everyone knew the popular actress.
"She's a close friend of mine, and I'm giving a birthday party in her honor this Friday evening at my home," he confided. "Would you like to come? There won't be any other children there, but you're getting to look eighteen more and more every day, even without the Flirting Angel makeup. You won't feel out of place, I assure you."
"Id love to come," I said, and began to talk about asking my mother's permission.
His eyes narrowed. "Let's - ah - not discuss this birthday party with your mother, shall we? This is to be a no-mothers-allowed party. It will be all perfectly proper, of course, but it will be so much more fun if you're not chaperoned."
"Could you steal out on Friday evening, early, and not be missed?"
"I - gee, I don't think so."
I saw Mama, directly behind Mr. Chaplin. He half turned and saw her, too. She must have gotten the drift of the conversation, because her eyes were blazing.
"My daughter has homework to do this Friday evening, Mr. Chaplin," she snapped. "As a matter of fact, she'll be having homework to do every evening for quite a number of years to come."
Mama steered me home.
One day at the studio I met Charlie coming out of his Loco-mobile town car. He was coming to work and was in a hurry. "Im glad to see you," he said. "I've been meaning to ask you if you'd like to come to a birthday party I'm giving for May Collins, a friend of mine. It will be at seven o'clock on Friday, and my chauffeur can pick you up."
"I would love to come," I said.
Charlie gave his familiar lupine smile and said, "I've been watching you when you haven't been looking. You have very pretty eyes, my dear.”
As I blushed, Charlie gave me a playful wink as his exit line and hurried off to his dressing room.
Friday night came, and Mama and I were dressed for the occasion. The doorbell rang and it was a Japanese chauffeur I had not seen before. He spoke little English. "I come for Missy Lillita," he said, and I was surprised he pronounced my name so well.
"That's my daughter," said my mother. "You mean Missy and Mrs."
"No, just Missy," he said. "That's my order."
Mama became upset. She asked the chauffeur to wait and closed the door. "What was Mr. Chaplin thinking? He knew that we had an agreement. Lillita would go nowhere without a chaperone. I’ll have to find out about this.”
She opened the door and told the chauffeur to go home. He had a look of wonderment on his face. "OK," he said. "I tell Mr. Chaplin I couldn't get just Missy," and he left.
The following work day Mama met Charlie in the studio yard. "I'm sorry about the other night," she said.
Charlie was angry. "And well you should be, Mrs. Parker. What possible harm could come to your daughter at a birthday party? I didn't think you'd apply this contract to social events and to me." When option time came at the end of the year, Alf Reeves notified us that Charlie was not picking up the option. Mama did not know what to think. Had she been wrong about her insistence on a chaperone?
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brn1029 · 1 year
This day in Classics of Rock…
March 28th
2013 - Hugh McCracken
American rock guitarist and session musician Hugh McCracken died of leukemia in New York City at the age of 70. He appeared on many recordings by Steely Dan, Donald Fagen, Billy Joel, Roland Kirk, Roberta Flack, B. B. King, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, The Monkees, Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, James Taylor, Phoebe Snow, Bob Dylan, Carly Simon, Graham Parker, Eric Carmen, Loudon Wainwright III, Aretha Franklin, Van Morrison, The Four Seasons, Hall and Oates, Gary Wright and Andy Gibb. Because of such high demand for his work, McCracken declined Paul McCartney's invitation to help form his new band, Wings after appearing on his 1971 album Ram.
2000 - Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page accepted substantial undisclosed libel damages from a magazine which claimed he had caused or contributed to the death of his Led Zeppelin bandmate John Bonham. Page's solicitor, Norman Chapman, told High Court Judge Mr Justice Morland that the feature in Ministry magazine printed in 1999 claimed Page was more concerned with keeping vomit off his bed than saving his friend's life, and that he stood over him wearing Satanist robes and performing a useless spell.
1992 - Ozzy Osbourne
Over a $100,000 (£58,800) worth of damage was caused at The Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, California, when Ozzy Osbourne invited the first two rows of the audience on stage. Several others took up the offer and the band was forced to exit the stage.
1976 - Phil Collins
Genesis began their first North American tour since Peter Gabriel left the band, appearing in Buffalo, New York, with Phil Collins taking over as lead singer.
1973 - Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin released their fifth studio album, Houses Of The Holy in the UK. The album title was a dedication by the band to their fans who appeared at venues they dubbed 'Houses of the Holy'. The cover is a collage of several photographs which were taken at the Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, by Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis. The two children who modelled for the cover were siblings Stefan and Samantha Gates.
1970 - Simon and Garfunkel
Simon and Garfunkel were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Bridge Over Troubled Water', the duo's only UK No.1. Only Art Garfunkel sang on the track.
1968 - Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd recorded a performance for the BBC 2 TV Omnibus - The Sound of Change show from Barnes Common, London, England. The special, which was produced by Tony Palmer, also featured performances by The Who, Cream and The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The show was later broadcast in September of this year.
1967 - The Beatles
Working on sessions for the new Beatles album Sgt. Pepper at Abbey Road studios in London, John Lennon recorded his lead vocal for ‘Good Morning Good Morning’, and Paul McCartney added a lead guitar solo to the track. Lennon had decided he wanted to end the song with animal sound effects, and asked that they be sequenced in such a way that each successive animal was capable of scaring or eating the preceding one.
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myth-city-comic · 5 years
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Volume 1, Chapter 3, Page 19
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“A Coffin for Spider-Man!” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #220.
Writer: Michael Fleisher; Penciler, Inker, and Letterer: Bob McLeod; Colorist: Bob Sharen
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big-gay-apocalypse · 5 years
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finally, a dorothy parker appearance in dc comics
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heroicadventurists · 6 years
2018 Best In Comics
What Culture's Top 10 Comics
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batboyblog · 3 years
If you're looking for some great must read mlm books, this is the list for you!
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Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Social Skills by Sara Alva
Silent by Sara Alva
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Hold My Hand by Michael Barakiva
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Alan Cole Is Not a Coward by Eric Bell
Alan Cole Doesn’t Dance by Eric Bell
Queeroes by Steven Bereznai
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by Nathan Burgoine
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
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Gives Light by Rose Christo
Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris Colfer
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
There Goes Sunday School by Alexander C. Eberhart
Lock & West by Alexander C. Eberhart
The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second by Drew Ferguson
Love & Other Curses by Michael Thomas Ford
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales
Tales from Foster High by John Goode
How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom by S.J. Goslee
Whatever.: or how junior year became totally f$@ked by S.J. Goslee
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan
Half Bad by Sally Green
Half Wild by Sally Green
Half Lost by Sally Green
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green
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Geography Club by Brent Hartinger
We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra
Middle School’s a Drag, You Better Werk by Greg Howard
Social Intercourse by Greg Howard
Totally Joe by James Howe
After School Activities by Dirk Hunter
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson
A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Straight by Jeff Jacobson
Haffling by Caleb James
The Red Sheet by Mia Kerick
The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune
A Destiny of Dragons by T.J. Klune
The Consumption of Magic by T.J. Klune
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A Wish Upon the Stars by T.J. Klune
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune
Flash Fire by T.J. Klune
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Every Day by David Levithan
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by J.C. Lillis
When Ryan Came Back by Devon McCormack
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Vivaldi in the Dark by Matthew J. Metzger
Life as a Teenage Vampire by Amanda Meuwissen
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller
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Hero by Perry Moore
Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
More Than This by Patrick Ness
Earth to Charlie by Justin Olson
Play Me, I’m Yours by Madison Parker
Here’s to You, Zeb Pike by Johanna Parkhurst
Junior Hero Blues by J.K. Pendragon
When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid
Jack of Hearts by Lev A.C. Rosen
Camp by Lev A.C. Rosen
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
My Awesome/Awful Popularity Plan by Seth Rudetsky
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
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Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez
Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez
So Hard to Say by Alex Sanchez
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
All Kinds of Other by James Sie
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Freak Show by James St. James
Ray of Sunlight by Brynn Stein
Imaginary by Jamie Sullivan
(In)visible by Anyta Sunday
The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis
366 Days by Kiyoshi Tanaka
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Suicide Watch by Kelley York
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Thanks to my friend @lostintrace for the art, each are characters from books on this list. If you want help picking out a book, hit my inbox!
Header: Red, White & Royal Blue (L) and Carry On (R)
Red: Jack of Hearts (and other parts)
Orange: Alan Cole Is Not a Coward
Yellow: Heartbreak Boys
Green: The Lightning-Struck Heart
Blue: Boy Meets Boy
Purple: Cemetery Boys
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
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warnings: nwh spoilers
not requested
It was bleak coming to this celebration, but he stomached the feeling so he could see you get your diploma. Your only family member there and you didn’t even know it, it brought tears to his eyes. He snaked through the crowd and found his seat within a sea of chatter, silently awaiting the ceremony. Your name took a while to be called, but when it did…
“Y/N Parker.” The announcer called you on stage and to walked across, grabbing your diploma and shook the hands of select admins while the crowd gave their round of applause. Peter smiled to himself, tearing up at your accomplishment and just wishing he could share this day with you. He imagined what this day would have looked like if everything was normal, if May was still here and he hadn’t broken reality, if you had a family to go home to. The celebratory dinner would have been filled with so much love and laughter, he hoped you’d at least have some friends to take you somewhere.
You waved to the crowd with a proud smile on your face and exited the stage, making your way back to your seat and sinking into it. At the end of the ceremony, Peter kept an eye out for you, just making sure you were okay. Soon, he saw you approach none other than Happy, who pulled you in for a big hug. Your brother found comfort in the sight, but anger, too. He just wanted to be there with you, but he left by himself with hot tears on his cheeks and accepted his choice, letting you enjoy the rest of this important day.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement // @sheridans-dynamos // @seraphinevalentine //
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jesslockwood · 3 years
SOUR | T. Holland
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Warnings: angsty af, swearing
Summary: y/n and tom broke up, and when tom comes around with his new girl 2 weeks later, y/n is sour. 
A/n: I was hesitant to post this due to everything going on with tom lmao but yk, fuck it lol. anyways lmk if you want a part two cause I this was pretty short and I have ideas! also I didn’t edit this much lol so sorry for the mistakes!
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His brown guilty eyes were enough to know that he moved on, in two weeks to be exact, after you broke it off. He was spotted recently with a girl he said he was just friends with, what a damn lie. 
You try to not let the tears out as you see them making their way on the red carpet of the movie premiere. He looked you straight in the fucking eyes, yet couldn’t even give you a heads up he was bringing a date tonight. You worked together for six months yet he didn’t have the decency.  
He betrayed you. He didn’t cheat but he betrayed you. 
You had even mentioned her by name before, yet he said you were paranoid and had nothing to worry about. What bullshit. 
She was just a new trophy for him, one that he’d put on the shelf later, or smash like it like you were broken. 
 It started out so sweet and innocent. You had met working together and had started dating under the radar, and you fell in love with him so quickly, even at his worst, but it didn’t matter. He moved on with you still in the picture and that’s what hurt the most. But he would never see or care about how much you hurt. He wasn’t sorry. 
Isn’t it funny how someone you thought could love you the way you loved them, was a damn traitor? 
He played all these twisted games with your mind, thinking that he felt the same way about you, or at least cared. 
God, you wanted to scream, she was sleeping in the bed you lied in and made with him. But she couldn’t care less, she got the prize, a shitty one at that. 
You didn’t get it, he couldn’t have fallen in love with someone that quickly, not after what you had. 
All you had done for Tom, it didn’t apparently matter to him, cause he’s dating her. He gave you his fucking word, that you were the one who meant something to him, you guessed he just used you.
She was gorgeous too, and she made you feel so small, unimportant and the paparazzi all turned to them, and barely any was paying any mind to you, the star of the movie. It sounded selfish but you put the blood sweat and tears into this movie, and all she had to do was walk with the man you put blood sweat and tears into, and she had all the attention.
He just had to bring her and was showing her off like a new trophy. God, you hated him. You hated him for hurting you like this. And yet, if he asked for you back, you would probably jump at the chance. 
He seemed so genuine and true when you had first met him. Brown doe-eyed, attentive and listening to every word you said like it was the most important thing in the world, then things got ugly. He would play all these twisted games with you, making you feel like nothing one moment, and then his everything the next. 
He even gave you his fucking word and a promise ring that he would always love you, But Isn’t it funny? He’ll never feel sorry for breaking you. 
Suddenly one of your friends, well tom’s brother, wraps his arm around your waist, whispering to you, asking if your okay, before the paps get a few snaps in of the moment. Harry starts leading you away from the commotion before you cried. No one had asked you that until today. Which kind of shell shocked you, because you weren’t and he was the first person who seemed to care.
Harry at the moment couldn’t care less about the out-of-character way his brother was acting, especially towards you. Yes, he loved his brother but hated how he was acting. He couldn’t see how he could treat someone as lovely as you like that. 
Tom didn’t even notice the way you were destroyed. He let you go, Harry couldn’t understand why because tom seemed so happy with you, until nearing the end of the relationship. 
“Thank you, Harry.” you sniffle, once reaching the inside of the building. 
“You shouldn’t be thanking me. I should be apologizing for my brother.”
You smile weakly at him. He wipes the tears from your eyes, before suggesting,
“After they have you up on stage for the thank you’s and stuff, we should just ditch this and go back to my hotel and get room service and raid my candy stash, if you’re up for it.”
“I’ll think about it,” you say with a more genuine yet sad smile.
“Let’s get in there, shall we?” he puts his arm out for you and you link yours in his. 
What you didn’t realize is that tom saw harry wiping your tears while doing an interview, and saw you link your arms together when he got inside. To say he was fuming doesn’t even cover how enraged he was. 
Once getting in, you realized you and tom would be sitting next to one another, something you truly wished you could get out of. 
“You’d better wish me luck.” You point to the seats. 
Harry got the bright idea to just take his brother’s spot. He wouldn’t care anyway, he had his new girl Zabrina. 
You and Harry had a small conversation about what both of you had been up to after he was Tom’s assistant for filming. You saw him almost every day when you and tom would hang out, harry being the third wheel. You had spent a decent chunk of time with him and definitely preferred the company over being alone, or with your ex.
“I can’t believe you dropped your SD card down the drain! Photos are your life, so you should have paid attention!” you laugh with him.
“Harry, You’re in my seat.” Tom interrupts, with a scowl on his face. 
“Can’t you just move down one? Y/n and I are talking here.”
“Tommy I can’t see from that seat!” Zabrina pouts like a child. 
“If she can’t see why do I have to sit there? I actually worked behind the scenes on this movie!” 
“Harry, don’t make me-”
“You know what! Harry and I were leaving after we thank everyone. So you two lovebirds can have the whole row!” you say venom seething from your mouth. 
“There you go, Tommy. Have a nice night you two!” Harry follows up, really sick of the attitude his brother was having.
Tom’s face turned red under the makeup he had on. He was enraged. His brother was betraying him. 
“Have a nice time, fucking around” he said, seeing red. he saw your face soften, from anger to confusion, to sadness. You didn’t think he thought so low of you.
“What the fuck tom! We aren’t-”
“It’s not worth it Harry, he’s not worth it,” you say sadly. Standing up, Turning to go towards the stage. 
That hit tom with a pang in his chest. He was just trying to get over you, to move forward. But maybe that was the problem. He just left you in the dust (peter parker is that you?) to navigate the way you felt over losing one of the best things you ever had. God, you wished you didn’t fall in love with him before he betrayed you. You wished he just would have thought it through before he ruined you. 
Your director motioned over to you and Tom to go up on the stage. 
“I’ll meet you outside, Y/n/n.” 
That was tom’s nickname for you. He came up with it and he was the only one who could call you that. You were his and he was yours. But yet he knew that long-distance was so fucking hard. He couldn’t put you or himself, so he found someone who was fine with the distance. Zabrina barely paid attention to him unless he wanted attention for herself, but he didn’t realize how he broke much more of you than the surface showed. 
“She’s really pretty, I hope she makes you happy,” you mention bitterly, hoping in a terrible way,  he’d never be as happy as he was with you. 
Before Tom, you scream out no one would make him happy as you did. Your director cut tom off.
After your director said thanks to everyone and the film started you grab your bag from your assistant, before heading to the exit, tom hurriedly tried to follow you, being caught by Zabrina, asking Tom to take a selfie with her, so she could commemorate her ‘prize’ when truly, Tom was using her as a rebound. 
“Zabrina, I need to talk to harry!” he whispers yells.
“Why? He literally is taking to your wretched ex?” she says with venom in her voice. 
Tom jogs around her, trying to get to you and Harry, While Zabrina dramatically calls after him.
He was too late, though, he saw you from the doors, you were already getting in your getaway car, with Harry. He ruined everything.
Harry and you were sitting in the limousine that was rented for you, before harry states, “He’ll be the one who crying, I promise you.”
“I always knew this is how He’d leave me. He found someone more exciting, and better than me. I was used a discarded like nothing.” you laugh through the tears.
“You’ll find someone who finds you exciting Y/n, and you’ll be their whole world.” he comforts you.
“Good for him I guess, but it’s like we never happened. Like what the fuck is that?” you ask.
“He’s acting like a damn sociopath.” harry shrugs.
You laugh at that one. 
“So what do you want to watch Y/n?”
“Would you hate me if I said legally blonde?”
“Not if we can watch fight club after.” 
“You have a deal, Sir!”
Tom however was stuck, watching you and him on screen. Reminiscing of how he fucked up. 
It was getting close to an intimate scene, probably his favorite one he’s ever done. All he could think about was someone else getting to touch you, and be with you, he wanted that but at the same time, he couldn’t deal with all the shit of being with you. The relationship was too good, so much that Tom thought sometimes he didn’t deserve someone like you. It was probably crazy of him for thinking like that, but he couldn’t bring you down with him, not when he was so fucked up. He wished he could be the one but he couldn’t so he just hoped you were okay.  
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secret-ssociety · 4 years
Behind the scenes
Pairing(s): Aaron Tveit x Reader, Les Mis (2012) cast x Reader
Warnings: This is just fluff. Like one curse
Summary: It is never intended for Enjolras and Eponine to fall in love in the original story, but a lot of things can happen when the cameras are turned off
A/N: I know everyone is waiting for more of the Let Me Down series but I have wanted to do this for a long time bc I am utterly in love with this man and I've always said I don't want to just write Peter Parker's stuff. Might make this several parts, who knows, I like things with parts.
requests are open!!
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For the first time in the whole day, silence fell upon the set of Les Mis, being only vaguely interrupted by the quiet chatter of everyone else who, unlike you, still had energy to talk. It's not like it was your fault, though, you had no idea of how much running around implied to play Eponine.
Huddled in a quiet corner of what had been built to be the Café Musain, you pushed your knees against your chest and hid your face between them, hoping to catch some rest before Tom decided he wanted to do a scene again. Was it maybe two in the morning? Three? You didn't even know anymore, you weren't allowed to carry a watch around your wrist and your phone was charging in your trailer, but the last time you had checked it was midnight and that had been a few hours ago.
Doing a movie, you had come to learn in your first few days of filming, was quite different from putting up a show. Interacting with your surroundings, going over scenes and even directing your eyes to a certain place while saying your lines was a world away from your common place on stage. You'd had to repress a loud squeak on your first day on set when you saw just how real everything looked, and when you started to try on your garments... you might as well have been a street urchin on Paris, 1832.
A small finger touched your shoulder timidly, waking you up from your fragile sleep and making you lift your head from its place. Your eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the light and you even had to squint a little to recognize Daniel standing next to you, looking just as tired, but with a small flame of caffeine dancing in the back of his eyes. Who the fuck gave the kid coffee? You wondered.
"How long do you think they'll keep us here?" he asked sitting next to you. From all your cast mates, Daniel was probably the first one you had grown fond of, but then again, so had everyone.
"Maybe not much longer, unless they want us to be here at noon tomorrow," you answered raising an eyebrow. Being the youngest person on the whole set, you could tell he was trying to hold his own like the adults, drinking coffee and doing his best to stay awake.
The problem with that, you knew, was that caffeine reacted differently on kids and adults: when an adult drinks coffee, it gives them energy for a long period of time, the caffeine is distributed in order to serve the body for good while. When a child drinks coffee, on the other hand, the caffeine gives them a rush of adrenaline that gets them jumping up and down and running circles around the adults, very much like Daniel was doing a while ago, thus burning all the energy they had acquired as fast as they had engorged it.
"You want to rest for a minute?" you asked him, stretching your legs so that he could rest his head on them. He shook his head tiredly, but didn't put up a fight when you grabbed his shoulder and started to lay him down.
Softly, you caressed his hair, while carefully trying to undo the tangles the dirt had made onto his hair to give him that street gamine I-live-in-the-elephant-of-the-Bastille look. In a matter of seconds, he was fully asleep, snoring quietly against the fabric of your skirt.
You heard some of the boys approaching, laughing loudly with cups of steaming coffee on their hands, and were quick to lift your finger up to your lips, to let them know of the resting boy that would be quickly awaken by their laughs. They apologized in whispers, handed you the cup they had brought for you and sat around you.
"Helena is trying to convince them to let us go to the hotel," Alistair commented, although he didn't look tired at all, more like he was amused by everyone else's exhaustion.
You sighed in relief against the cup, which was held close to your lips, making the steam hit your face in a warmth that made you aware of how cold your nose was. Only one gulp of the bitter liquid was enough to warm the blood flowing through your veins and take you back to life, you could open your eyes properly and the first the landed on was one of the most distinctive of your cast mates: Aaron Tveit.
Was there something special about him that made you think of his full name instead of just the first? Yeah, everything. He was the embodiment of the Enjolras Victor Hugo had wrote, the one that had been nicknamed Apollo by his friends. Maybe it was the way he held himself, somehow taller than everyone else, with that revolutionary fire in his eyes and walking around the set like he was actually going to get the people to build a barricade.
Wherever he happened to exist, you couldn't help but feel the presence of an olden god amongst mortals, the time go slower and light to travel in a bliss. There was just something so ethereal about him...
"He's talent, isn't he?" Alistair commented, having followed the direction of your eyes. "Among other things," Eddie joked, perhaps having caught on on the repressed smitten nature of your gaze. Stubbornly, you rolled your eyes.
As if saved by the bell, your director announced that everyone was allowed to go and get some rest, under the condition that you had to be back the next day before lunch. You were so tired, you almost forgot you were on your costume, being remembered by Eddie when you walked straight to the exit.
Up until that day, you had followed you stylist's skincare routine religiously every day after finishing filming, but once you found yourself in your sweatpants and Alistair's sweater, you simply poured water in your face and wiped all the makeup away with a paper towel.
Outside of your trailer, you found at least half of the Amis waiting for you to go grab some pizza while forming a wall to shield a newly caffeinated Daniel from your accusatory eyes. "I just left my cup unattended for a second!" George said quickly. You didn't know if you should laugh or yell at them, but you decided you were too tired to do either, so you simply took his hands and walk with the boys to the minivans the studio had hired for your transportation.
Eating pizza after having barely washed the makeup off of your face and only having a few hours to sleep after? You knew you were going to break out, but that was a tomorrow's problem.
Perhaps it was the magic that gravitated around Aaron that made you look back to see him, walking several feet behind the lot of you and clearly immersed on his thoughts. What you did next wasn't exactly a conscious decision, but it felt as natural as if it were.
"Hey, Tveit," you smiled, stopping before him. He looked surprised for a second, since he hadn't heard you approach him, but then smiled softly at you.
"Hello, Y/L/N," he said back, looking at you with those piercing eyes of him.
"We're going to grab a bite, wanna come?" You asked with a bright smile, one so cute that made it hard for him to say no.
"I don't know, it's late..." he said with half a smile.
"Did you know that pizza wasn't invented until the late half of the 18th century," you said, persistently, making him raise an eyebrow at the random fact, "that means all of our characters died without having ever eaten pizza. Shouldn't we, in order to honor them, do the things they never got to do?"
Aaron tried as hard as he could to fight back a smile at your argument. He had heard from the other guys about your occurrences and funny yet charming way with words, but he still hadn't had a chance to delight himself with it all too much. Maybe you were both too busy, maybe he wasn't as good as he liked to think to break the ice and Alistair had beat him to it.
He was practically convinced already, but still you added, "come on, Enjolras is still going to be here tomorrow morning... er, today a little less morning." You corrected checking the time on your wrist watch.
He was tired and not really hungry, but sill he nodded and followed you to the exit, where the rest of your friends cheered upon his joining.
Thankfully, the place Fra Fee knew was not too far away from the hotel, because none of you would have managed to walk too much after the day you'd had. Pulling a couple of tables together with the help of a waitress who pretended not to be a little starstruck, all of you sat down and ordered. You personally tried to ignore the way Eddie gave you his sit so that you would end up sat next to Aaron.
After ordering three large pizzas and some lemonade, and having grudgingly remembered that you couldn't order a beer or anything of the sort, you resumed your chattery. You soon found that, while you weren't the only theatre actress on the room, you were the only one who had never been on a film before. Still, that didn't mean your previous work had gone unnoticed.
"I was really excited to meet Y/N," Eddie commented on Daniel's side, "because I went to see her in The Phantom of The Opera, in London and I was" he made the gesture of his head blowing up, making you laugh.
"Yes, I knew I had seen you somewhere! You're Christine Daaé!" George exclaimed, interrupting the bite he was about to give to his pizza.
"Didn't you say on the first table reading that your dream role is Esmeralda, from the Hunchback?" Aaron perked up, making you blush a little.
"Esmeralda, Christine and Eponine," Alistair numbered, only giving you time to nod, "are you planning on becoming the Holy Trinity of French Theater?"
"I'll be able to say the Holy Trinity of French Theater died in my arms!"
You almost spilled your lemonade at the exclamation, unable to contain your laughs, very much like everyone else on the table. You didn't mean for your face to be as red as it was in that moment, but you couldn't help it when everyone seemed to be so interested in your past work. Despite attention being your line of work, you didn't know how to handle it that good.
It was when Daniel's adrenaline burnt off, as you had predicted, and he was found too tiresd to even keep his head up that you came back to the hotel, with the quiet company of Aaron, who had also offered to take the young boy back to his room. You were both in silence, though it was not an awkward one, it just wasn't necessary to talk to enjoy the other's company.
"We're getting a cow," he said suddenly, when you were approaching the entrance of the hotel.
"What?" You asked with a confused smile.
"We're getting a cow, on the set, tomorrow," he clarified grinning, "she will be there for the scenes of the barricade."
"Why would a cow be on a barricade?" You questioned with a laugh, opening the door for Aaron, since he was carrying Daniel, and receiving a little thank you in return. "Not that I'm complaining."
He laughed in return and followed you to the elevator, making sure neither the young boy nor the jacket he had put over him fell from his embrace. The cow thing had just been to start conversation and be able to ask what he really wanted to know, although he was a little pumped up about the cow.
"Do you want to do what Alistair said?" He asked curiously, "About being the Holy Trinity of French Theater, it is."
"I had never thought about it that way, but it sounds quite nice," you answer thoughtfully. "Though, I believe I would have to play Eponine on a stage, rather than a set to really earn that title."
"You're not liking movie making so far?" He asked somewhat amused, specially when you whipped your head to look at him with wide eyes.
"No! That's not what I mean," you talked so fast you nearly stumbled through your words, but the kindness on his eyes made you sigh and calm down. "This has been amazing so far and I would never underestimate the huge effort it takes to make one of these. I mean, I've only been doing this for a couple days and I'm already beyond exhaustion. And yet it has been wonderful, the set and the preparation and just seeing all the work it implies is... unbelievable."
You knocked three time on the door, to see Daniel's mother not two seconds later. Aaron had been worried that maybe she would be concerned and even a little mad at how late her son was coming back, but you had been texting her throughout the extra hours of shooting and to let her know you were going to take him to eat something before coming back to the hotel.
She kindly thanked you both, took Daniel (who was still sound sleep) on her arms and gave Aaron his jacket back, to then close the door. Without saying much, he walked you to your own room, prompting you to continue.
"Where was I? Oh, yeah! So filming a movie is... I'm running out of adjectives, but it's really great," he chuckled slightly, "but I don't think it can top the feeling of being on the theater," you sighed dreamily.
"On stage, there is no take two, the things you're doing can only be done once. There's..." your tongue ran through your lips, an action Aaron found almost mesmerizing, as you tried to find the words to describe the thing you loved the most in the world. "There's this feeling, when the show is about to start, the lights dim, the overture starts and you get goosebumps and you heart starts thumping at the moment you come on stage, there's something about that moment being unrepeatable and having the eyes of the crowd on you, the adrenaline is just... is like the identity line that divides the actor from their character disappears and in that moment you're not quite them, but you're not you, you're just..." you let out a breath at the inability to find the word and, for a moment, you worried you might have bored him with your rambling, but he had that bliss over his face, the one only a theatre actor knows and has, that told you he knew exactly what you're talking about.
The next morning, back on set and with your costumes again covering your backs, Aaron found himself so hypnotized by the sight of you rehearsing with Amanda his tea got cold and was utterly scared when Eddie's palm fell onto his back, dragging him out of his day dream.
"Is this the part when the Phantom is stalking Christine?" George asked jokingly, making Aaron roll his eyes.
For someone who made so much fun of him for becoming Enjolras, he had certainly developed Grantaire's mocking nature.
"She's really talented," the blonde man answered nonchalantly, drinking from his tea and making a face when he found out the drink was cold.
"I see," Eddie said handing him his tea, "are you seeing our dear Y/N under a new light?"
Was he? It would be a lie to say he didn't come back to his room with you occupying every single one of his thoughts, his heart fluttering who had managed to put his passion for theatre in words. Had his hands always became a little shaky around you? Yes. But today it was even worse.
Today, your voice giving life to Eponine's thoughts and emotions could make his cheeks blush or bring tears to his eyes in a matter of a second. Today, you walked around with a strange light over you, one that didn't allow him to look away while, at the same time, reprehended him for staring. Today, you were more than an artist, an actress. You were something more than human.
"Nonsense," he replied stubbornly, "I have always known how talented she is."
Before he could get a sarcastic comment or a snide yet friendly remark, the three men's chatter was interrupted by the two previously mentioned ladies rehearsing The Robbery, one of the scenes you planned on filming that day.
"It's the police! Disappear! Run for it!" Your strong soprano voice cut all chattery in one swift motion. "It's Javert!"
He probably held his breath for as long as you held the note. Once you opened your eyes, you seemed a little embarrassed at all the eyes on you, but Aaron didn't understand just what did you have to be embarrassed about.
Eddie shook his shoulder, "breathe, mate!"
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The Switch {p.p.}
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Summary: In World 824, you’re the incredibly famous and incredibly obnoxious Peter Parker’s assistant. In World 626, you’re the nerdy and Star Wars loving Peter Parker’s best friend. In both worlds, you manage to fall in love with him, but what happens when there is a glitch in the universe, and they switch places? 
Warnings: swearing, angst, 18+ in future parts, drugs, alcohol 
Pairing: college!Peter x reader, famous!Peter x reader
series masterlist
chapter 1 - stolen glances
World 824
You huffed as you stomped up the glass stairs, hoping he would hear you coming as you approached his bedroom door. You had your laptop tucked under your arm after responding to very angry emails about Mr. Parker missing yet again another interview. He had one in twenty minutes in downtown Los Angeles, and he still hasn’t come out of his room. 
You knocked loudly on the door, sighing deeply as you heard giggling coming from inside. You heard muffled chatter as you tapped your foot impatiently. 
“Peter!” you called, rolling your eyes when you heard a high-pitched squeal from Peter’s friend inside. “You’re going to be late!”
You heard some shuffling coming from inside as you blew a strand of your hair out of your face. Finally, the door opened partially, revealing Peter shirtless in the doorway with just a pair of gray sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips. You swallowed thickly, keeping your eyes on his face.
“Like what you see, darling?” he chipped, winking at you. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks but you cleared your throat and pointed at your watch. 
“You have an interview with KTLA  in twenty minutes. Get dressed,” you scolded, keeping your voice level so that it didn’t waver in his presence. Peter rolled his eyes. 
“Do I have to?”
“You can’t blow off a fifth interview in one week, Peter.”
“Why not?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Because then I have to deal with the backlash.”
“What’s so wrong with that?” he chuckled, eyeing you lowly. 
“Petey!” a voice squealed from behind him. “Come back to bed!”
“Just get dressed,” you muttered before turning on your heel and heading back down the stairs. Peter watched you for a moment before he shut the door to get dressed. He didn’t like making you upset. 
At the bottom of the stairs in his large Los Angeles mansion, you padded your way towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Your throat felt dry after talking to him and you had to steady your heartbeat. 
How you managed to end up as Peter Parker’s assistant was beyond you. Your dad knew a guy who knew a guy who somehow got you the job as his assistant. He was apparently looking for one ever since he moved to Los Angeles from New York City, and he said you were perfect for the job when you were interviewed. Probably because you were really good at organizing things, or just because Peter wanted to sleep with you, you weren’t sure. 
Either way you were just happy to get the job. 
It paid really well, and you got to live in a huge mansion in Beverly Hills. When you took the job, you wondered how bad could it really be. Peter Parker is loved by everyone who knows him. 
Apparently, they didn’t really know him. 
He’s portrayed in the news as this kind vigilante who goes out of his way to save kittens from trees, help old ladies cross the street, and stop real danger when it reared its ugly head.
He rose to fame when he was seventeen, revealing to the world that he was Spider-Man and taking over Stark Industries after Tony Stark died, leaving him as his legacy. 
The fame got to his head. 
You had to constantly making sure he wasn’t getting himself obliterated with alcohol every night, or at least not in public where the paparazzi could see him, and you had to make sure the paps weren’t seeing a different girl leave his house every morning. He was always getting into fights with people who tried to challenge him at bars or clubs. Since everyone knew he was Spider-Man, a lot of people questioned it and thought it was all staged for fame, so they tried to fight him and see how it went. 
It usually did not end well in their favor. 
But also making sure Peter was portrayed as this famous hero who had an anger issue was incredibly difficult when he was punching people in the face in a public club. 
You also had to make sure his famous black suit was constantly washed and pressed so it looked brand new for every public appearance. This job deemed difficult when he was coming back to the mansion soaked in blood with an appearance at the Grammy’s the following night. 
“Call me?” the poor girl asked Peter as she followed him down the stairs. 
“Probably not,” Peter said, now completely ignoring her existence. Defeat crossed the poor girl’s face realizing this was only a one night stand. The same thing happened all of the time and you started to feel bad for them. 
“There’s a car waiting out front for you,” you said to the girl with a soft sympathetic smile on your face. “It’ll take you wherever you want to go.”
The girl softly thanked you before leaving the house with her head down. 
“Do you have to be so mean to them after?” you demanded once she was gone, putting your hands on your hips. Peter shrugged his shoulders while chugging the coffee you had left him on the table. 
“It’s not like we’re dating,” he said nonchalantly. 
You rolled your eyes, knowing you’d never get through to him. 
“Come on, we’re going to be late,” you scolded. 
“I was just going to swing there,” Peter said. “LA traffic is a mess.”
“Again?” you groaned. You still had to show up for the interview and if Peter swung himself there that meant that you’d get there after he did, leaving plenty of time for him to say the wrong thing or act out.
“They love when I do that,” Peter grinned, unzipping his hoodie and revealing the black Spider-Man suit underneath. “Really gets the cameras going.”
You sighed while slipping on your heels. “Fine, just don’t misbehave until I get there, please. Someone’s got to clean up after your messes.”
Peter took a step closer to you. “You know I can swing us both right?”
“No way,” you laughed while shaking your head. “There is no way I’m letting you swing me across downtown LA.”
“Why not?” Peter asked, cocking his head to the side. “I’m pretty strong (Y/N), I can hold you.”
“Peter, I’m in a dress.”
“That makes it better.”
“You’re disgusting,” you said while rolling your eyes and heading towards the door. “Just please behave!”
“I always do, don’t I?” Peter said, winking at you as he followed you outside. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, Peter Parker,” you sighed as he shot a web towards a nearby tree and flung himself into the air, disappearing a few minutes later, swinging towards the city. 
World 626
You sat propped up on your best friend’s bed, skimming through the book you were supposed to have done for your history class tomorrow. Peter was scrambling around his room, searching for his notebook, throwing things around while you sat calmly on his bed. 
“It’s probably in your backpack,” you offered, not taking your eyes off of your book. 
“It’s not in my backpack,” Peter chided while tearing his closet apart. “Can you help me look?” 
You sighed, putting your book down and swinging your legs over the side of his bed. You walked over to his backpack and pulled out the blue notebook that he was looking for with all of his physics notes in it. 
“Is this it?”
Peter turned around, his curls a mess from frantically tearing his room apart looking for the notebook in your hands. 
“Where did you find it?” he gasped, grabbed it from you and placing it in his backpack. 
“Your backpack.”
“No you didn’t.”
“I saw you put it in there last night,” you chuckled. “I guess you just forgot.”
Peter shook his head with a light laugh.
“You’re a lifesaver,” he said while pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I know,” you said with a smile, and Peter rolled his eyes. 
You both made your way down the stairs of the dorm building and exiting onto the Columbia campus. The sun was shining as it was early September and New York still had a few days of summer left before the leaves started to change. You walked next to Peter as he was headed to his physics class and you had history. 
“Want to grab lunch with Ned and MJ later?” Peter asked while scrolling through his phone. 
“Yeah that sounds fun. I haven’t seen them in a while since classes started,” you pointed out. 
“I know, everyone’s been crazy busy,” Peter hummed in agreement. You caught a glance of him from the side as the sun hit him almost...perfectly. His brown eyes reflected flecks of gold in the sun, and his curls looked so soft that you had the urge to run your hands through them. 
You shook your head, shaking yourself out of those thoughts. Peter had been your best friend since high school when you met as awkward freshmen and you were placed as chemistry partners. You hadn’t had the slightest idea how to solve any of the problems, but Peter was patient and helped you through them. 
You just stuck together ever since. 
You’ve seen Peter grow into the young man he was at college now, and you’d be lying if you didn’t say puberty didn’t hit him like a truck. You also knew that being Spider-Man had its perks like the extra muscle on his biceps, but no one else was supposed to know about that, except Ned and MJ, so you kept your mouth shut while girls tried to faun over him. 
But Peter was just too shy to talk to any of them, and it made your heart swell seeing as he didn’t change at all, even with the change in appearance. 
“(Y/N)?” Peter said, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“Huh?” you sputtered, looking back at him. 
“I asked if you wanted to go to Flash’s party on Friday,” Peter laughed. “What’s got your head in the clouds?” 
“Nothing,” you said, feeling your heart quicken in your chest. “Um, yeah, Flash’s party. He’s hosting at his frat at NYU, right? I think MJ texted me about it.”
“Yeah, Ned said he’d get us in. I don’t know if I want to go to a frat though,” Peter winced. 
“Why not? It’ll be nice to see Flash again.”
Peter gave you a funny look. “I still don’t understand your friendship.”
“What?” you shrugged. “He was always nice to me!”
“Yeah but he was mean to me, doesn’t that mean you have to hate him via like...transitive property or something?”
You laughed loudly. “Transitive property?”
You continued laughing until you were interrupted by your arrival at your history building. 
“This is me,” you said in-between chuckles while earning glares from Peter. “You know I make fun of you with love.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Peter said, pulling you into a hug with a gentle kiss to your hair. “Whatever.”
You smiled, pushing him away lightly while waving goodbye as he headed off to Physics. At some point in your friendship, you and Peter got very cuddly with each other, reserving bear hugs and forehead kisses only for each other. You told yourself it was just platonic, but every time his lips touched your head, your stomach erupted into butterflies. 
“I always forget, are you and Parker dating?” a familiar voice asked from behind. You turned to see your friend, Harry Osborn, waiting for you in front of your history classroom. You rolled your eyes.
“No, we’re not dating,” you grumbled. 
“Sure looks that way,” Harry pointed out as you sat down in your regular seats next to each other. 
“We’re just really close,” you said and opened your laptop. 
“Super close,” Harry teased, grinning because he knew it got a reaction out of you. 
“Shut up,” you hissed, glad to see your professor walk into the room so that class could start and Harry had to stop talking. 
World 824
Camera flashes were blinding and you had no idea how Peter did this all the time. You were accompanying him to the premiere of his best friend, Will Langston’s, movie. Will Langston was a famous movie star, and naturally he became Peter’s best friend when they both realized they were A-listers. 
“Peter! Is it true that you’re going to be traveling back to New York to train with the Avengers?”
“Peter! Over here! Are you and Daphne dating?!”
“Mr. Parker! How is your Aunt?!”
Peter ignored the questions, per usual, and you stood on the inside of the red carpet, closest to the entrance of the movie theater and waiting for him to join you so you could accompany him inside. You had to admit that he did clean up rather nicely, as he was dressed in a traditional black suit and tie. His hair was gelled back, curtesy of his hairstylist, and his large and expensive Rolex shone brightly in the reflection of all of the camera flashes.
Once Peter had had enough time in front of the cameras he walked briskly over to you. 
“Ready?” he asked, extending his arm for you to hook. You stared at him hesitantly. Usually he brought a date to these types of things, but sometimes he didn’t. You just never expected him to want you to escort him inside. 
You knew you didn’t have time to wait around so you slowly grabbed onto his arm and walked with him inside. 
“Love, you’re shaking,” Peter whispered as you found your reserved seats for the viewing of the movie. 
“No I’m not,” you whispered back harshly. 
But you were. Your fingers that were gripping his arm were trembling because for some stupid and strange reason, being this close to Peter always made you nervous. You hated it. You quickly let go of his arm and smoothed out your dress as you sat down next to him. 
“Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?” Peter asked softly as he looked at you while patrons filed into the famous Chinese Theater. You blushed softly, thankful for the dim light of the theater. 
“You may have mentioned it in the car,” you responded, keeping your eyes on the screen. You felt Peter’s eyes on you, but you kept your eyes forward. He was always flirty, that’s just who he was. Lately, though, it seemed like he was dropping these types of comments more often. 
You didn’t like how it made your heart flutter. 
“You know this is a horror, right?” Peter whispered. You looked at him in alarm. You hated horror movies. 
“What?” you almost shrieked. 
Peter started laughing. “I’m kidding. It’s a comedy, I just wanted to see the look on your face.”
“That’s not funny!” you hissed, slapping his arm gently. He grinned at you with his perfect stupid teeth, and you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re the worst,” you grumbled. 
“Nah, you love me.”
“I really don’t.”
“Then why do you stick around?” 
You were a little taken aback by his question and you turned your gaze back to him, seeing the serious expression on his face. His brown eyes bore into yours, but before you could even think of answering, the lights dimmed even further and the movie began to play. 
You were left with your hands barely touching on the shared armrest between you and your heart beating wildly. Little did you know, his heart was beating as equally as fast. 
World 626
Music blared widely from inside Flash’s frat. You, MJ, Ned, and Peter were standing outside and waiting for Flash to come out to let you in. The frats had some ridiculous rule of only letting one guy in per a certain amount of girls, something they called the ratio. It was incredibly demeaning and sexist, but Flash insisted you didn’t have to worry about it.
You still worried about it. 
“Promise you won’t leave me alone with any of these guys,” you murmured to Peter as you watched Flash approach you. 
“I would never,” Peter said, placing a hand on your back. His hand made goosebumps break out on your skin and you had to inhale sharply to avoid visibly shivering at his touch. 
“Come on in guys!” Flash said excitedly while turning to one of his frat brothers. “They’re with me.”
Your group followed Flash inside while talking to him about NYU and how his classes were going. You had to admit, you missed Flash and his chaos. You even knew Peter missed messing with him. You could tell Flash was already buzzing, and the smell of vodka instantly hit your nose as you stepped inside of the beaten up old house. 
The music was so loud you almost couldn’t hear yourself think, but Peter’s hand on your shoulder kept you grounded. 
“If you guys want something to drink, there’s alcohol in the back room!” Flash announced over the music. 
“Want to get something to drink?” you asked, turning to Peter. He nodded as he followed you towards the room Flash pointed to. You grabbed a Truly from the cooler and Peter opted for a classic Bud Light. You made a face at him.
“I don’t feel like getting black out tonight,” Peter chuckled and took a sip from the drink. You shrugged in understanding as you opened your drink. You both headed back to the dance floor and spotted MJ and Ned. 
“This music is terrible,” MJ yelled to you over the bumping bass. You laughed. 
“That’s frats for you,” you yelled back. Ned and Peter were trying to talk about something, but the music was so loud you didn’t think they were getting anywhere. 
“Want to dance?” you asked MJ. MJ gave you a look as if to say seriously, but you took her hand and pulled her further into the dance floor. 
“Come on, MJ!” you pleaded. “Please!”
MJ laughed as you spun her around, dancing terribly to Bodak Yellow by Cardi B. You both began swinging your arms together, ignoring the people making out around you. Eventually, Peter and Ned made their way over to you both. The frat was getting more crowded, which made it more difficult to walk without having to elbow your way through. 
“Ned! Have you talked to Betty recently?” you asked Ned over the loud music. 
“Yeah! She’s coming to visit next weekend!” your friend yelled back. You smiled at him, seeing how excited he was to see her again. Betty ended up going to Harvard for school, and you knew they missed each other. You were also excited to see your old high school friend. 
“Hey guys!” Harry Osborn said, making his way over with a red solo cup in his hand. “I’m surprised to see you here!”
“Why’s that, Osborn?” MJ challenged. “Because you think we’re lame?”
Harry laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head. “N-No, MJ, that’s not-”
“Relax, I’m messing with you,” MJ laughed. Harry seemed to relax almost instantly as he smiled at her. You tugged Peter next to you and leaned up to whisper in his ear. 
“You think there’s something there?” you giggled. Peter looked at MJ and Harry, narrowing his eyes slightly and shrugging.
“Yeah, maybe in another universe.”
You laughed and took Peter’s hand, spinning him regardless of his protests. 
“Aren’t I supposed to spin you?” he asked. 
“We’re breaking gender norms in this house, Parker,” you laughed. Peter chuckled and took another swig of his drink. 
After a few hours of dancing to incredibly loud music and drinking with your friends, you started to feel the alcohol in your system. You were laughing with MJ as you tried to set her and Harry up, which MJ was not happy about. You thought it was hilarious though.
However, at one point, when the fifth guy to approach you tried to dance with you, Peter grabbed your hand and pulled you from the dance floor. 
“Peter, what-”
“Those guys are like predators in there,” he sighed exasperated once you were outside and away from the loud music. Your ears were ringing now that the music wasn’t directly in your ears. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked. “I was dancing with MJ!”
“(Y/N), those guys were trying to dance with you and you didn’t even see them! That’s so creepy!”
“I know how to fend off a stupid frat boy,” you said. 
Peter smiled. “I know...I know you do. I’m sorry, I just...got nervous.”
“What are you nervous about?” you asked, your voice dropping in volume as you stared up at him in the moonlight. Your heart began to quicken as Peter brought up a shaking hand to gently push a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
You both began to move slowly towards each other, your hands coming up to rest on his shoulders and his on your waist. You could barely breathe, and his scent was even more intoxicating than the alcohol. 
“There they are!” a very drunk Ned announced, causing you and Peter to jump away from each other. 
“We thought we lost you in that awful crowd,” Ned slurred. 
“I think we need to get him home,” Harry said, following MJ and Ned towards you and Peter. 
“Yeah, I can take him back to our dorm,” Peter said, giving you a quick glance before patting Ned on the shoulder. 
“Let’s go, buddy.”
You inhaled sharply as you watched them walk away to hail a cab. 
“(Y/N)? You coming?” MJ asked.
“Yeah,” you sighed shakily as you jogged to catch up with them. 
What was just going to happen between you and Peter? 
chapter 2 - uncharted territory
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queeen-goldfish · 3 years
5 Stages of A Heartbreak 1/5
A/N- I did something like this a couple of years ago but I got a little insecure about it and deleted my whole account... over one story. However I found some of the plot and decided to rewrite it. My lovely friend read it and gave me the confidence I need to repost it. I hope you enjoy it!
Category~ ANGST (my fav lol) 
WARNING (Triggers) - A tiny description of a Panic Attack 
Peter Parker Masterlist
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   “Please. I- I don’t have anything, just please don’t hurt me.” you pleaded with the robber who was currently holding you at knife point. How did you get in this situation? Lord knows, but no matter where you were, trouble was always around the corner. 
The man pushed his head back with a laugh, allowing the smell of alcohol to escape his mouth  invading your senses. “Come one now darling don’t give me that crap” the robber spat as he began to get close to you. "You were just asking to be hurt. I mean what sane person goes through an alley all by themselves in the middle of the night , huh?” he asked you, sliding the knife down your cheek causing a chill to run down your spine. He opened his mouth once again only to be cut off by a familiar voice,
“Hey now why wasn’t I invited to the hang out”  
’Oh thank God, it's Peter’ you thought to yourself. To afraid to move you stared at the multicolored brick wall accompanied by the rusted fire escape that looked too old to do any real good in any real emergency, 
“Spider-man?” The robber questioned looking around trying to place a location on the young hero. Spider-man gasped dramatically, “You know who I am? Who would have known I had fans around this part of town?” He asked sarcastically as he swung from the roof onto the alley floor. Seeing Spider-man getting closer, the robber placed the knife against your neck as a warning. “Woah now let’s not get too excited” he added as he put his hands up for the robber to see
“Yeah, well we were just having a little chit chat, weren’t we darling?” the robber asked you, adding pressure to his hold on you making you whimper against the pressure.
“Tsk tsk tsk” Spider-man responded walking closer to the robber “Now thats no way to talk to the lady now is it '' he asked shooting a web onto the robbers hand pulling him away from you. 
Seeing that he was in a losing battle,the robber dropped his weapon holding his hands up, “Wa-wait we can work something-” but before the man was able to say anything else he was swept off his feet and on the ground groaning in pain. Within minutes the robber was tied up and left for the clean-up department, a.k.a the police officers.
“Spider-man?” you called out. Your voice was raspy and you couldn’t control the tears that started to flow down your face with such ease. His full attention was on you, walking over slowly, he placed one hand behind his back and the other reaching out for you to grab, “Milady?”  As you placed your hands upon his, he swept you off your feet and into the air. At first your eyes were closed due to the spontaneous change in altitude, but once your body calmed down you opened your eyes. Face to face with the dazzling stars that illuminated the night sky. Looking down at the city lights you could tell Peter was taking you but it didn’t stop the question from leaving your lips, “Are we going home?” you asked your voice no higher than a whisper. Peter answered your question with a gentle squeeze but not a word was spoken until you two landed on top of your building's roof.
“Peter- I mean-” you cleared your throat a bit nervous,“Spiderman. Uuh- Thanks” you said, feeling the blush creep up your neck. You were used to speaking to Peter, but never when he was in his suit, it almost felt too- unreal.
Peter snatched off his mask from his face, searching your body with his eyes for anything out of place. Only then did you notice the way his breath was almost shaky, like the reality of it all just hit him. Any other day you would have looked away too afraid to be caught staring, but the way he stood there watching over you like it was his only reason to live had you memorized. The only thing that took you out of his trance was the crack in his voice as he grabbed your shoulders,  “I thought, I thought I lost you. I heard your voice but I didn’t think it was you- or- I, I don’t know but I just knew I had to come and then I did and he had a knife against your throat and- oh God '' he cried taking in a sharp breath. Placing a hand on his cheek you rubbed the tears away with your thumb. He put his hand over yours, caressing it ever so gently staring into your eyes. You tried to think of something to say, something that may ease the shock he had on his face but before you could even form the words he pulled you into a kiss, only coming up for air to look into your eyes and kiss you all over again. 
After a moment Peter stopped and looked at you for what seemed like forever, “I know this is sudden but-” Peter pulled a candy ring-pop from dropping down on one knee. You chuckled looking between the boy you’ve loved for so long and the sugary treat he held in his hand. “This ring pop is- well a little smashed up-” you both laughed at the statement, you couldn’t figure out if it was the adrenaline or pure happiness but you felt like you could run a mile. “- But I was hoping that you would still at least let me do my romantically cringy speech” you nodded and he chuckled nervously, “ Okay here it goes, y/n?”
“Emhmm” you tried to contain your smile with your hands but you were sure it could be seen from miles away. 
“Uh-huh” you said, egging him to go on. Suddenly his facial features changed like there was something wrong. “Peter you're scaring me what's wron-”
“You’re gonna be late?” he said drooping the candy ring pop looking around
“Peter what? What are you talking about'' Peter grabbed your hand pulling you closer to the edge, “Peter you’re scaring me what's going on”
“You have to wake up”
“What-” He shoved you off the building and as soon as you hit the ground-
“Peter!” You popped up huffing as you looked around only to meet face to face with your mother.  
“No it’s not Peter, it’s your mother. It’s about time you woke up” your mother yelled as she picked up the dirty clothes that were on your floor and placed them into a hamper. 
“Mom, you scared me! I think you just ended my life…. in my dreams!”
“Yeah, well if picking up your dirty clothes at this age is going to be a normal activity of mine, I guess my life ended ages ago. So you can call us even.” she said without hesitation while  taking the hamper exiting the room, “You need to be out of the house in twenty minutes!”
“Yes ma’am” You said sighing as you swung you leg off the bed 
I mean of course it was just a dream. Perfect Peter would never do anything that heroically romantic...Not to you at least. You guys had been friends for over 10 years- no, not just friends, best friends.So close that he feels the need to tell you every single detail about his crush, Ms. Liz freakin Allen. As if your love for him wasn’t already impossible, he goes and crushes on the rich ‘cheerleader’ with brains. Not to mention he talks about her all the time, even at this very moment! I guess you don’t mind his little rambles, or at least you pretend you don’t. It gives you an excuse to admire his features a little more. Like his mesmerizing lips that moved so elegantly as he talked. Making the most boring of subjects an entertaining sport. The way he casually bit his lip as he smiled or when his tongue would tease you with a quick game of peek a boo as they swept across his bottom lip. Or the way he just said your name so sweet like the morning dew on a summers day.You loved the way your named rolled off his tongue with… wait-
“Y/n!” Peter called, you looked up at him confused, why on earth was he shouting your name like that? “Y/n are you even listening?” Peter Parker asked, making your stomach drop a bit. Of course you weren’t listening; he was ranting about Ms.Perfect, but you didn’t expect to be quizzed on the subject.  
Giving a chuckle you pulled on your sleeve out of habit, “um of course, I just.. Zoned out for a second.. Or two” you explained looking down at your half eaten pizza. The school pizza didn’t look all that appetizing, but anything was better than looking into Peter’s eyes. That boy could read you like a book with no cover. You heard him give a small chuckle, that made the ends of your lips curve up. His soft laugh gave you the ability to look up at him. At the moment he was combing his fingers through his hair as he bit the side of his lip, something he did quite often to stop from smiling but his smile was almost memorizing. The way his smile could melt you from the inside out was almost scary. 
He looked back at you shaking his head jokingly, “Well I guess I’ll just have to tell you again won’t I? I was telling you guys that I finally asked Liz out” he said simply. It took you a moment to process his words. You were waiting for the punchline, the “Ha you should have seen your face”. Yet the only thing you got was the gut punching feeling in your stomach that made you want to throw up your half eaten pizza, and the breakfast you thought would have been devoured by now. It’s not that bad, keep it together just nod just do something just don’t- “Y/n?” All eyes were on you. Peter. Ned. Mj...Peter. You could feel the lump in your throat building and your breath begin to shorten so you smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath, and then another but it was as if your lungs had stopped listening to orders. 
You heard Mj grab her bag and grab yours too, “I just forgot me and Y/n have a project we need to work on-” she said handing you your stuff and pushing you towards the cafeteria exit
“What right now?!” Peter asked, you were still walking, afraid a tear would slip if you turned back now.You could hear MJ talking to him in a rushed voice. Something about a deadline and in a hurry.When she finally caught up to you she led you to the nearest bathroom and locked the main door.You leaned onto the bathroom counter trying to focus your breathing as she looked under each stall until she was satisfied no one was in there.
“I can't- I can’t” your chest tightened and the lack of air made your face feel like a thousand needles were poking at it. Panic attacks weren’t very foreign to you but they didn’t happen very often, however when they did Mj was the first to help you. To be completely honest she was the only one you were comfortable helping you in this state.
“I know I know, sit down okay just sit and look at me, just like last time remember”  You nodded as she took a deep breath and you tried to mimic her.She continued to do this until you remembered how to breathe. In between she would ask you silly questions to get your mind off the obvious. 
Once you were calm you sat there looking at the wall, “I knew he would never love me but it still hurts” You explained your voice cracking as the tears built back up. You and Peter had known each other for ten years and you guys were immediately besties. You caught feelings after two year.. And after all this time you finally get your heartbroken by Perfect Parker. “I was never going to be good enough...was I?” You sobbed into Mj’s shoulder. 
“It’s okay, let it out” Mj said, holding your sobbing body. One second you were fine, having a normal day with your friends, and in a blink of an eye your world came crumbling down. The only piece of dignity you had left, went out the window the moment you sat in the corner of this dirty bathroom crying your eyes out about a boy who would never think of you as more than just a friend. 
I heard a story about a girl who loved her best friend. She spent days watching him as if her feelings were nothing more than a friendship. Her heart tugged as she heard him talk about his new profound love. It made her stomach twist with the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about a girl she knew wasn’t her. The butterflies she once had, had grown into jealous moths ready to attack any sort of light left within her.Every insecurity she had was labeled as another reason her best friend didn't view her like he did other girls.I heard that she continued to smile as if nothing was wrong. She even laughed when the timing was right. I haven’t gotten to the end of the story yet..The girl does seem kind of stupid though huh…
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Chapter 2
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45 notes · View notes
cutie1365 · 4 years
A Kid from Queens Part 21
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Info: CA: Civil War Era. Tony Stark enlists his daughter to find the web slinging spider in Queens.
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, language. (I had aged up Peter so he’s 18.)
A/N: Flashbacks in italics as usual :) I know it’s been forever, motivation is hard to come by these days. This is the longest thing I’ve ever written, it’s long enough to break into two chapters but I know I haven’t uploaded in a while so Merry Christmas lol.
Any and all feedback is much appreciated! Please please if you could just leave a little message of things you like or what you want to see in the future it really helps.
Masterlist linked in my bio. Taglist in the reblog.
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- - - - - 🕷 - - - - -
“Y/N! Y/N! Over here!” You heard your name called as Happy opens the limo door. He extends his hand to help you to your feet.
“Stark, look over here!” The paparazzi screams were almost deafening as Peter exited the car after you. His mask hid more of his features while yours left little to the imagination, they knew who you were already, so no point in trying to hide it.
“Behave.” Happy pointed a stern finger at you.
“Don’t I always.” You feigned offense as your hand clapped over your heart, he raised a brow as your mouth turned up into a smirk.
“Goodnight Happy.” You chuckled, turning and stepping onto the red carpet leading to the venue.
“Who are you wearing?” You heard different questions screamed in your direction. This was a charity gala after all, not the fucking Oscars. Who cares who made your dress?
You slipped your hand into Peters, trying to calm him. This had to be overwhelming, all the cameras in your face, screaming anything they can to get you to look their way.
“Dr. Stark!” One voice called, gaining your attention. Few people addressed you with your appropriate title. You turned to see a young woman, who didn’t look like she’s been on the job for very long. She was holding her own though, against all these ruthless reporters. You thought you saw The Bugle among them.
“Dr. Stark, Glory Grant from the Times.” She smiled once you looked her way. You took a step closer to her, nodding at her to let her know you were listening and she could continue, “Can you tell us why this cause is important to you?”
“Of course, every child’s life we can save is like an investment into our and their future. They’re going to be the ones to take over the world someday. Who knows who will be the next Einstein, or Madam Curie...” You began with a smile.
“Or Y/N Stark,” She smiled. You laughed, shaking your head humbly.
“If we can do our part in donating and relieving some of the financial burdens off of their parents then it’s worth it. This organization not only helps families and children currently fighting cancer, but it helps look for a cure. A permanent solution to help end this disease.” You spoke from your heart.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark.” She smiled as she scribbled the last of your words onto her notepad.
“Are you new at the Times Ms. Grant?” You asked, taking another step closer to her and the barrier between the two of you.
“Yeah, I just started.” She smiled nervously.
“Can I borrow your pen?” You asked, and she handed you her pen and pad.
“That’s my work number. If you’d like to be added to the Stark Industries press board, give me a call. They’re the first ones we call about press releases and announcements.” You spoke as you scribbled it down, handing it back to her with a smile.
“Thank you so much Dr. Stark, but why are you helping me?” She furrowed her brows.
“Because it's a man's world, and we can help change that, one woman at a time,” You said, causing her to laugh, “You’re the only one here to actually address me by my title and not ask me about my outfit. I see a bright career ahead of you.” You nodded to her as you took a step back towards the middle of the carpet.
“Enjoy tonight,” she smiled, beaming at the new opportunity. You winked at her as you took Peter’s hand and led him along the carpet and up the stairs towards the venue.
“That was nice of you,” He squeezed your hand.
“I mean it’s effortless for me, but it will help kick start her career. I got this kinda third eye about people.” You smirked.
“That’s not a real thing.” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Sure it is. It’s not always perfect, but sometimes I can just tell when people are destined for something great. Like you, from the moment I met you I knew.” You turned towards him, taking his other hand in yours.
“You knew what?” He titled his head in confusion.
You leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, forgetting you were at the top of the stairs and still in full sight of all the photographers. You saw the flashes but you didn’t care. Peter’s identity was safe with his mask, and you wanted the whole work to know how happy he made you.
“That you’re a good person, and you’re gonna do big things.” You beamed up at him as you pulled away from the kiss, turning to lead him inside.
“So what else can this third eye tell you?” He asked curiously.
“It’s kinda like a gut feeling, to trust someone or not trust them. Like fight or flight, something’s not right kinda feeling. I just trust my gut, ya know.” You shrugged.
“I think I know exactly what you mean.” He said, and you turned to him with a raised brow before remembering your conversation from a week ago.
“Oh that’s right, like your spidey senses.” You chuckled, making sure to keep your voice low.
“My what?” His eyes went wide.
“You said you can sense when something bad's gonna happen. Although mine isn’t as specific and can’t be attributed to a radioactive spider.” You chuckled, walking to a secluded corner of the ballroom.
“Shh someone could hear you.” He whispered, you smiled, shaking your head, knowing everyone’s always drunk at these sorts of things.
Turning to face Peter, you raised your hands to straighten his bow tie. Your mind wandered to how great he looked in his suit. The feeling of butterflies swirling in your belly from the moment you saw him step through your door a few hours ago had barely worn off.
- - - - - 🕷 - - - - -
“Wow,” you both muttered as your eyes landed on each other. You’d never seen him all dressed up like this. He looked good, really good. You gulped, trying to push the dirty thoughts from your mind.
His hair was slicked back, not the mess of curls you were used to. He looked so grown up. You could almost picture him commanding a Stark Industries board meeting or standing at the end of an isle. Wait- slow down Y/N, jesus.
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He looked so natural, so dapper, and then he turns and gives you that signature goofy smile- there he is. It brought a smile to your face. How did you get so lucky? How could you have landed a guy as great and handsome as Peter Parker. Were the girls at his school brain dead? You would think everyone would want him. Kind, sweet, intelligent, respectful, and Christ he cleans up well. He was everything you’d ever dreamed of.
Have you just been staring this whole time? Jesus, Y/N say something, he’ll think you’re crazy, you thought.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, trying to compose yourself. He only nodded, still not able to formulate words.
You were wearing red. His red. No- not his red obviously, but the same color of his suit. And god he loved it. He felt like you were wearing a piece of him. Like he had marked you, you were his.
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“You look...” He trailed off, his eyes still wide. He cleared his throat and smiled, trying to compose himself. You could almost hear his internal monologue urging him on - Come on Peter, keep it together..., “You look... God Y/N. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. Of course that wasn’t the first time someone had told you that, but coming from Peter it felt different, “You look so handsome. Not your usual kind of suit, huh?” You smirked, causing him to chuckle as he pulled on his sleeves.
“I have your mask.” You smiled, still admiring him, holding the mask out to him.
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“Why doesn’t your mask hide your identity?” Peter asked, as the two of you watched more and more people file into the ballroom.
“Because people will know who I am anyway, and I’m not hiding.” You explained.
“How will they know?” He furrowed his brows, you shook your wrist in response.
“I don’t know anyone else with a custom blaster built into a bracelet. I’m also on the younger side, and pulled up in a ride with Stark Industries plates, so it wouldn’t take a genius.” You smiled, starting to recognize a few faces of regulars as you people watched.
“Do you always wear that thing?” He asked, holding up your wrist and examining it.
“No, I’ve got a watch for day to day wear that does the same thing. Dad may not give me a suit, but he won’t leave me completely defenseless. And it has come in handy.” You trailed off, remembering the not so fond memories of the last time you used it. Your ribs still ached if you thought about it long enough.
“Let’s hope you don’t have to use it tonight.” Peter said, craving one normal night without having to be a hero.
“Someone would have to be very ambitious to attack this place, they’ve got security out the wazoo.” You brushed off, praying tonight would go well.
A hush fell over the crowd as the charity president walked onto the stage and welcomed everyone. You felt Peter’s hand slip around your waist protectively as everyone pushed a little closer to the stage to hear. This part was pretty standard, basically a little speech to kick off the  night, a thank you for coming, and who to make all checks out to. Music filled the ballroom as the band began playing after the applause for the speaker died down.
“I’ll get us something to drink.” Peter nodded off towards the open bar.
You nod as he walks off and turn to admire the ballroom. Your eyes soon land on a familiar face.
“Dr. Strange,” You smile, greeting him.
“Dr. Stark,” He nods. You’d met a few times at these sorts of events. You hadn’t seen him for a while though, and there were rumors of an accident.
“How are you Stephen? I haven’t seen you since...” You paused to trying and remember, “Was it that benefit for the hospital a year ago?”
“Had to be, I’ve been... traveling.” He stated ominously. You glanced down to see the long thin scars along his fingers.
“Well it’s nice to have you back.” You smiled.
Peter now rejoined you at your side, slipping a drink into your hands- non-alcoholic of course, per May’s request. His other hand found its way to the small of your back.
“Peter, this is Dr. Stephen Strange.” You introduced him.
“Peter Parker,” He smiled, shaking the doctor’s hand. Something you couldn’t describe flashed over Peter’s eyes as they shook hands. Like a gut feeling he couldn’t quite place. For some reason his spidey senses were going off.
“Enjoy your evening, I need to check in at work.” Strange gave a curt nod and smile as he said his goodbyes. As he walked past you he dropped his voice to a whisper and spoke into your ear, “I like this one much better than the last.”
“Me too,” You whispered back with a smirk.
“So... how do you know him?” Peter asked curiously as the doctor excused himself to call the hospital.
“We run in the same circles, it’s a lot of the same people that come to these sorts of things. His hospital donates a lot of money to these causes and when he pisses off the board they send him to represent them as punishment.” You explained.
“This is a punishment?” Peter asked, dumbfounded.
“For a neurosurgeon it might just be,” You laughed, shaking your head, “I’m surprised he’s here.”
“Why?” He furrowed his brows.
“I heard he was in an accident not too far back. A bad one. I didn’t know he had gone back to work. Hmm...” You looked off to where the man had disappeared to.
“Care to dance, Parker?” You changed the subject, taking his hand into yours and placing your drinks onto the nearest table.
As the song changed to I Only Have Eyes For You by The Flamingos, he held you in his arms, swaying slowly. You were lost in him, hours could have passed, or seconds. As your bodies were pressed together you felt a sensation you could only describe as home.
“So has it been everything you dreamed it would be? These stuffy formalities for rich people to get drunk and spend money.” You chuckled as you looked up at him.
“It’s beautiful, but I guess, I mean it seems so glamorous from the outside.” He shook his head.
“Sorry to burst the bubble for you. It’s a little less Gatsby, and a little more, middle aged businessman doing coke in the bathroom.” You quipped.
Peter’s head immediately whipped towards the bathroom door where two men were emerging, one rubbing his nose.
“No way...” He looked back to you with wide eyes.
“You’d be surprised.” You chuckled.
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After a little more dancing and mingling you and Peter made your way out onto the deserted balcony.
“Are you cold?” He asked, as he leaned onto the railing next to you. You were hiding it well but he still sensed it.
“A little.” You chuckled, cursing those spidey senses for giving you away.
Peter slipped off his coat and placed it over your shoulders. You thanked him as you turned to admire the moonlit lake below you. It was so quiet and peaceful, untouched by the party going on just on the other side of the glass doors.
“Did you have a good day?” Peter asked.
“Perfect.” You looked up to him and smiled, and you meant it.
“Um, so, Happy told me that you don’t like to celebrate your birthday but,” Peter began to speak, nervously. Your eyes grew wide, how in the world did he know it was your birthday? That was the one day you liked to keep private and out of the press. Only the Avengers, Pepper and Happy knew when it was. “I wanted to give you this. Everyone deserves at least one present on their birthday.”
“Peter you didn’t-” You shook your head, before he cut you off.
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And don’t worry, Mr. Stark swore me to secrecy so I won’t go announcing it to the world.” He reassured you as he reached into his pocket to pull out a little box.
“I know it’s not much, and I’m sure you have a million other fancy things, but I wanted you to have this.” Peter opened the box nervously, revealing a necklace. It was a single pearl and diamond dangling from a silver chain. Simple, but beautiful. “It was my mothers. Aunt May said that my dad gave it to her on their wedding day.”
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Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand went over your heart.
“Peter, I-” How could you accept this? It was probably one of the last bits he had of his mother and he was just giving it away? You knew how much they meant to him, and he’d been through so much. With losing both parents so young and then his Uncle Ben not that long ago. Tears began to pool up in your eyes. Did he really care about you that much to part with something this important?
“Are you sure?” You asked softly.
“Of course I am. She would have loved you. She would have wanted you to have it.” Peter spoke, slipping the necklace on you as a single tear slipped down your cheek.
You turned back to him with a smile, he gently rubbed his thumb across your cheek to wipe the tear away. He didn’t know what to say- actually that’s a lie. He knew exactly what three words he wanted to say, but he thought it might be too soon and he might scare you. He absolutely didn’t want that. So he just smiled at you as you leaned in to kiss him.
You pulled away and wiped your tears, trying your best not to mess up your makeup.
“Thank you Peter.” You sniffled, chuckling at how silly you were being.
“Happy birthday.” He beamed as you heard the band strike up a slow song inside. He extended his hand to you, “Y/N Stark, can I have this dance?”
There was that goofy smile again, causing you to giggle as you placed your hand in his. He pulled you close, you rest your head on his shoulder as you both sway to the music. And for once in your life, everything was perfect.
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After everyone had said their goodbyes and they ushered you out of the venue, you and Peter began your short walk through the park to the Plaza Hotel across the street.
“Tonight was like a dream,” You said, as you swung your intertwined hands slightly.
“Haven’t you been to a million of these things.” Peter chuckled and shook his head.
“Yes, but I’ve never been to one with someone I love and it’s a very different experience I’ve learned.” You spoke, causing Peter to stop.
You turned to face him as you noticed his wide eyes, not believing the words that just came out of your mouth. It took him a minute to process. One, that meant you loved him. And two, that meant you were never in love with Thomas, since you’d been to these events with him before.
“Ok, you’re kinda scaring me now Peter,” You laughed nervously at his awestruck state.
“You love me?” He asked, and you answered with a nod and a smile.
He placed his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into a sweeping kiss.
“Am I dreaming?” Peter asks, pulling away, looking for any sign on your face that this was all some sort of joke.
“I sure hope not,” You chuckle.
“I love you too,” Peter beams at you, pulling you into another kiss.
- - - - - 🕷 - - - - -
“Woah...” You and Peter both mutter as you push open the door to your hotel room. Now this was fancy. You felt like you were in a room in Buckingham Palace.
You both walked around, inspecting the room as you dropped your coats. You saw your bags in the corner that had already been brought up. You ran your hand over one of the pillows on the huge California King sized bed as your lips morphed into a smirk and an idea popped into your head. You clutched onto the pillow with one of your perfectly manicured hands as you spun around, whacking Peter with it.
“Hey!” He yelped, eyes growing wide at what you’d just done.
“Come on Parker, let’s see what you’ve got.” You tossed him another pillow from the bed with a smirk.
“O you’re gonna regret this,” He stalked towards you. You kicked off your heels and jumped onto the bed, standing up on your knees.
He swung his pillow as you ducked, it just missed you. You took the opportunity to whack him again. He looked at you with wide eyes, thinking, How had he missed?
“What? Couldn’t see that coming, bug boy?” You laughed. Taking those few seconds to gloat had proved fatal as you felt his pillow attack your side.
“Oof,” You feigned pain as you dropped backwards until your back hit the bed.
“Are you ok?” Peter asked, worried, thinking he’d really hurt you. With his super strength he was never sure.
You waited until he was kneeling next to you to jump into action, according to your plan. You jumped up, pushing him back onto the bed as you straddle him, grabbing your pillow and smacking him a few times.
“Ok, ok, you win!” Peter cried out, forfeiting.
“Yes!” You threw your pillow up in the air in victory. Peter looked up at you, still on top of him with your hair now a mess, hanging all around your face. He cherished the genuine smile on your face. All he wanted to do was kiss you, you looked so happy.
You crawled off of him and back onto the floor where you extended your hand to help him up. As he placed his hand into yours and rose to his feet, you didn’t notice his left hand reach for the pillow. Before you knew it, there was a pillow lightly thrown in your face.
“Peter!” You squealed through laughter. He knew you were about to retaliate when you reached for your own pillow on the bed. But he was faster, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you away.
“Come on, truce?” He asked as you struggled against his arms.
“Fine, truce.” You said, shaking his extended hand as he let you go.
“Hungry?” You asked, reaching for the room service menu on the desk and flipping through it.
“Starving.” He said, reading it over your shoulder.
After you had called in the food, you walked over to explore the rest of the room.
“They said it will be about an hour.” You told Peter, as you pushed open the door to the bathroom.
“So what do we do til then?” He asked, but you didn’t hear him.
“Jesus, look at the size of that tub.” You exclaimed, and Peter came over to your side to get a look at it too.
“Wow,” He said when his eyes landed on the giant clawfoot tub, “Um we definitely have to use that.”
You turned to face him with a smile.
“Really? You’d wanna do that?” You asked, who knew Peter Parker was a sucker for bubble baths.
“Absolutely. And do they have those big fluffy robes like in the movies?” He asked, excitedly, like a kid on Christmas.
You walked over to the closet and pulled the doors open, revealing two robes as described. You pulled them out and presented them to him.
“Cool...” His eyes lit up as he felt the material between his fingers.
You started to run the water, adding bath salts and bubbles, knowing it would take a while to fill the whole thing. Your things had already been brought to the room before you got there, so you got to work taking off your makeup and letting your now messy hair down.
You tried to reach for your zipper, as your body cried to be released from this skin tight dress.
“Hey Pete,” You called, and he strolled in the bathroom, now only wearing his dress pants and no shirt... and the butterflies were back. God how could he look that good, you stared shamelessly.
“You called?” He smirked, breaking your train of thought.
“Oh um, can you help me with my zipper?” You blushed, knowing you’d been caught.
“Mhm, turn around.” He instructed, before his fingers found the metal pull tab and he slowly worked it down, revealing more and more skin.
“There you go.” He smiled, placing a kiss on your shoulder, his gentle action nearly making you swoon. “I think the water’s ready if you want me to turn off the tap.”
“Yeah, yeah go ahead.” You nodded. You watched him turn off the spout and slip off his dress pants until he was just in his boxers. He folded them and set them aside before looking up to you. You were still holding your dress against your chest to keep it up, as the back gaped open and the thin straps slipped down your arms.
“Do you need help with that?” Peter asked, pointing to your dress, thinking you might need help taking it off. You thought you could manage, but on second thought you might need help. It was a tight dress and your stylist had helped you into it. You only nodded in response as Peter moved behind you. He gently helped you slip your arms through the straps and pulled the fabric down your body. He gave the fabric a quick tug as it struggled to get past your hips. You were now exposed in front of him. The dress was too tight for you to wear any sort of undergarments. He took you in for a moment before shifting his attention respectfully to the red indentations down your side from where the seams of the dress dug into you.
“Does this hurt?” He asked, gently rubbing his fingers down them.
“Not really,” You shook your head. He reached out his hand to help you into the tub without slipping.
You sank into the warm water as Peter dropped his boxers and joined you. Your eyes went wide at the size of him, and you looked away, a blush slowly crept onto your cheeks.
He must have noticed because the next thing you knew, a splash of water was hitting your face. You looked back to him in shock, he was sitting back laughing. You flicked your hand through the water, splashing him back.
You moved to do it again, but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You knew it was a good idea, if the two of you started going at it again like in the pillow fight, it would lead to a mess and an expensive clean up bill.
“Do they always book rooms this fancy for the galas?” Peter asked, taking in the room once more.
“I don’t know, this was the first time I’ve accepted it.” You shrugged, following his gaze up to the gold crown molding and chandelier.
“Really? I thought you did this all the time.” Peter assumed.
“No, I don’t make it a habit of jumping into tubs with strange men.” You joked.
“That’s not what I meant, and I’m not a strange man, I’m your boyfriend.” He teased as he pulled you towards him. You chuckled and placed your lips onto his quickly before pulling away.
“Say it again.” You smiled. He furrowed his brows for a moment before smiling.
“I’m... your... boyfriend.” He said slowly, placing a kiss on either cheek between words, his lips landing on yours after his last word.
He now had his arms around your waist, pulling you close as your lips collided. When you broke apart for air, he looked down at the necklace around your neck and smiled.
“This is a dream right? I’m dreaming.” Peter shook his head with a goofy grin, not being able to believe his eyes.
“Does this feel like a dream?” You asked, taking both of his hands and placing them onto your breasts. He responded by crashing his lips onto yours, he groaned against your mouth as he pulled you closer.
“It’s nice to know you dream about me Parker.” You quipped with a smirk as you broke apart for air. He chuckled at your cockiness.
“All the time, baby.” He replied, and the pet name rolled off his tongue before he even realized what he said. God you almost melted at the sound. It was your turn to crash your lips against his and let out a moan as his hand traveled down to squeeze your ass.
A knock at the door pulled you both apart as you stared at each other with wide eyes.
“Room service!” A voice called, causing you both to let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
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The two of you sat at the dining table, both in your white fluffy robes with nearly dripping wet hair.
“God this is so good.” Peter said, stuffing his mouth.
“Mm, I know, I didn’t realize I was this hungry.” You said, doing the same. Who knew fancy hotels made burgers and fries this good.
You picked up a fry from your plate, waving it at Peter.
“Ready? Catch.” You said as you threw it across the table as Peter caught it in his mouth.
“Ok your turn,” Peter said, tossing one of his. You leaned to the side, nearly missing it, but catching it in your mouth. You thrust your fists in the air in celebration, causing Peter to chuckle.
The two of you ate and talked, before cleaning up.
“Ugh, I’m so full.” You groaned, falling back onto the bed, rubbing your full stomach, causing Peter to laugh.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Peter asked.
“Oo yeah, we should probably get out of these robes though.” You said, moving from the bed, not wanting to get it all wet.
“Here,” Peter said, moving to his duffle bag and tossing you one of his t-shirts. You slipped it on as he slipped on some boxers and hung up your robes. You glanced down at the Midtown Tech logo and smiled. The fabric fell down to the middle of your thigh.
“I like seeing you in my clothes.” Peter smiled as he approached you sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled you into a chaste kiss.
“Cafeul, soon all your sweatshirts are gonna go missing.” You said, making him laugh.
Peter sat with his back against the headboard, and motioned you over to him. You crawled across the bed and laid into his side as he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you close. He held the remote in his other hand, scrolling through options on the large screen.
“Have you seen this?” Peter motioned towards the screen.
“That’s my favorite movie.” You chuckled, smiling up at him as he immediately pressed start.
Peter absentmindedly played with your hair as the movie went on. As the credits rolled a few hours later you leaned up to face Peter.
“Thank you for today. As birthdays go, I gotta say this may be my best yet.” You spoke genuinely.
“Well it’s not over yet.” He stated after glancing at the clock on the bedside table.
“It’s not?” You smirk, as he pulls you closer.
“I think we were interrupted earlier.” He said slowly, a blush returning to your cheeks as you remembered the events that took place, or almost took place in the bathtub a few hours earlier.
“I think you’re right.” You whispered back, as you climbed onto his lap as his lips intertwined with yours.
You���ve kissed him before, that wasn’t new, but this time something was different. There was a hunger you couldn’t quite describe. His hands began to roam your body, trying to take in every inch of you. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, lifted you, and laid you down onto the bed as Peter now hovered over you.
You gasped at the sudden movement before smiling as Peter lowered his lips to yours once more.
“Y/N,” He said, making you stop and open your eyes, worriedly. Was he ok? Was this too much?
“I’ve never...” He began, nervously.
“That’s ok Peter, we don’t have to-” You tried to reassure him, but he shook his head.
“I want to, God I want to. I want to make you feel good.” He said, his hand traveling up your shirt and resting on your waist.
“Are you sure?” You asked, not wanting to push him into something he wasn’t ready for.
He nodded, muttering a yes as he brought his lips down to you once more, before pulling away.
“Are you?” He asked, making sure this wasn’t one sided.
“Absolutely.” You smiled, taking in the sight of him above you, reaching up to gently move a curl that was falling onto his face, brushing his hair back with your fingers.
And for the first time in your life, you realized why it was called ‘making love’. As much as the phrase made you cringe. As much as you hated when people said that, that was the only way you could think to describe what you and Peter just did. It was sweet but passionate. Peter was gentle yet ruthless in all the right ways. You figured it out together, through the giggles and moans. And as first times go, it was perfect.
For one night you got to be kids. Of course you were adults, just barely. But the two of you had more weight on your shoulders than most adults would ever have. You had responsibilities, that the safety of the city and the world depended on. But for one night, you got to be normal, you got to be kids. For one night you were free, and you cherished it, because neither of you knew how long it would last.
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