#exercise viewing / reading comprehension PLEASE
viensamoimoncher · 4 months
for a show with trailers, dialogue and hell, even taglines about how "memory is a monster"
a lotta people sure forget that, y'know
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platosworstnightmare · 2 months
So Iʼve noticed that articles like this
donʼt actually include any of Maris “inflammatory” remarks so I have decided to fill in the journalistic integrity that the BBC is apparently lacking by actually including what she said instead of just taking the universityʼs word for it.
Below is the email she was fired for, in its entirety, with no alterations or additions.
Trigger Warning: This email contains discussions of violence, loss of life, and humanitarian crises related to the Israeli-Palestine conflict, which some readers may find distressing. Please read with care.
Dear Students,
Disclaimer: Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this email are solely those of the Rector, independent of the University of St. Andrews. As the Rector, elected by and representing the student body, I am entitled to communicate my personal perspectives and understanding regarding the Israeli-Palestine conflict directly to the students who elected me.
Please note that the information contained in this email is accurate as of 21st November 2023, based on my research and the latest available data. However, the situation in the Israel-Palestine conflict is constantly evolving. Therefore, I urge you to seek the most recent information and exercise due diligence before taking any action based on this email's contents. It is important to stay informed through reliable sources as circumstances may have changed since the time of writing.
This message is not issued by the University, nor does it reflect the official policy or position of the University of St. Andrews. It should be read as an independent expression of the views held by me, in my capacity as an elected representative of the students. Any concerns or issues with the content of this message should be addressed directly to [email protected].
In this email, I will explicitly call for a ceasefire, reflecting on the poignant vigils recently held within our community and addressing the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine. These vigils have brought to light the deep sorrow and collective humanity that bind us together in times of crisis. It's imperative that we address the current situation with both empathy and urgency.
I will also take this opportunity to firmly condemn any form of bigotry or hatred within our community. Our collective response to the conflict, while rooted in diverse perspectives, must steadfastly uphold the principles of respect, understanding, and compassion for all.
In the last few weeks members of our community came together to reflect upon the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine while simultaneously mourning the loss of their friends, families, and community members. In two poignant vigils, student groups highlighted our collective grief and exemplified the humanity that binds us all.
On October 13th, members of the community solemnly commemorated the tragic October 7th terrorist attacks in Israel at the first of two vigils, honouring the lives lost in the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. Organizers read aloud the names of those affected, accompanied by the hopeful yet sorrowful strains of 'One Day.' The vigil culminated in a silent pier procession, symbolizing solidarity, and remembrance.
In early November, following weeks of genocidal attacks by the Israeli government against Gaza, a second vigil took place in St. Salvator’s Quad. Participants at this gathering mourned the significant loss of life and the profound impact on humanity observed in both Israel and Gaza since the October attacks. Additionally, the vigil provided an opportunity to outline the long-standing conditions faced by Palestinians and to share a comprehensive account of the conflict's history. Organizers at the vigil expressed their sorrow, imparted knowledge, and called for humanitarian action. One powerful statement from the vigil particularly resonated with me: “And now, with the cutting off of their electricity, their voices have been silenced... It is our responsibility to speak up for them.” This statement highlighted our collective duty to advocate for those who cannot represent themselves, to raise awareness about their situation, and to inform our peers.
While each vigil was organized by different student groups and focused on distinct aspects of the conflict, both events underscored a common thread of humanity: the understanding that every loss, irrespective of identity, is a profound tragedy. The recent escalations have indeed caused a staggering human toll with reports from human rights organisations indicate that in Gaza, over 13000+ people have been killed by Israeli forces, 70% of whom are children and women, and more than 27,400 have been injured in both Gaza and the West Bank. Over 1.7 million Palestinians have reportedly been displaced, with many fearing they’ll never be allowed to return to their homes. 4000+ Palestinians remain trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings, as relentless bombardments, decimated infrastructure including roads, and lack of fuel due to the ongoing Israeli siege (continuous since 2007) prevent rescue workers from reaching them. In Israel, there have been at least 1,200 fatalities, and over 240 individuals are held captive. It is important to note that the majority of these casualties in both regions are civilians.
We must continue to recognize and condemn acts that are internationally regarded as humanitarian and war crimes. These include practices such as apartheid, siege, illegal occupation and collective punishment, which have been observed in the treatment of Palestinians. It is also crucial to acknowledge and denounce the actions by Hamas that qualify as war crimes, notably the taking of hostages and deliberately targeting civilians, which I have and continue to do. These actions by any party contribute to the cycle of violence and suffering and are contrary to international law and humanitarian standards.
I wholeheartedly believe that the complexity and nuances of the situation are no barriers to calling out actions that harm human life and dignity. At the same time, it's essential to acknowledge the reasons behind these actions, understanding that they are rooted in decades of oppression and systematic mistreatment. This historical context is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the current dynamics and the resultant suffering. By recognizing this, we can better appreciate the deep-seated grievances and frustrations that have contributed to the current state of affairs.
Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire
These sentiments and the profound emotion expressed during our community vigils strengthen my resolve to advocate for an immediate ceasefire. While advocating for this ceasefire, it's crucial to emphasize the responsibility of Israel as the more powerful entity in this conflict. The relentless Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza must be brought to an end. While the release of hostages held by Hamas is undeniably important and necessary, it should not distract from the onus on Israel to cease its military actions that have and continue to cause significant human suffering.
A ceasefire should not only end active hostilities but also focus on critical humanitarian issues, such as ongoing efforts to rescue hostages. This includes a comprehensive recognition of the long history of mistreatment faced by Palestinians and the need for affirming and empowering their rights to freedom and stability. Only through such an approach can we begin to address the underlying causes of the conflict and pave the way for a future where both Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security. A ceasefire, by its very nature, requires all parties engaged in hostilities, without exception, to cease their military actions.
We must remind ourselves that despite our physical distance from the epicentre of the conflict, the devastation and loss of life impact us all as global citizens and as members of our respective communities, whether in this country or elsewhere. Our empathy and commitment to understanding these complex issues are crucial in fostering a more peaceful and just world.
I unequivocally condemn any form of bigotry, including but not limited to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, especially in the context of this conflict. We must stand united against any rhetoric or actions that perpetuate hatred and division. Our Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and other faith based as well as non-believing/secular communities, both in St. Andrews and beyond, share a common sorrow and many have also called for an immediate ceasefire. Importantly, condemning the actions of Hamas does not imply an indictment of all Palestinians, just as criticizing the actions of the Israeli government is not an attack on the Jewish faith or its adherents. Recognizing this distinction is crucial to ensure that our discourse does not inadvertently foster feelings of unsafety or marginalization within our community.
Final Thoughts
As we navigate these discussions, I recognize that some may disagree with the manner in which I have presented things here. While it's challenging to encapsulate the full nuance and the varying perspectives I've encountered in recent days without some contradiction, I want to be explicitly clear: my words are not intended to justify violence or dismiss the pain of any community. My aim is to highlight the potential for unity, solidarity, compassion, and action, ensuring that this does not come at the expense of anyone's safety or sense of belonging.
I must be honest about my stance, allowing myself to be guided by my commitment to preserving life and my firm stance against violence. Therefore, I take full responsibility for the sentiments expressed in this message, recognising my role as an independent voice and advocate for all students. While I acknowledge that some may not agree with my perspective, it is imperative to state unequivocally that peace is my guiding philosophy.
Further links and resources can be found here, these organisations are known for providing information, assistance, and advocacy related to the issues in the region. Amnesty St Andrews' Guide to Action for Gaza can also be found here, with more information on concrete actions we can all take to advance this call for a ceasefire.
In these times of grief and reflection, let us engage in informed and compassionate dialogue. Our goal should be to cultivate a narrative that fosters reconciliation and understanding, while also continuing to speak truth to power.
In the spirit of peace and humanity,
Stella Maris
University of St Andrews
College Gate, North Street,
St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AJ
IG: @Stella_StAndrewsRector
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vivisected-angel · 1 year
Interest list
Here you will find a fairly comprehensive (though, not even close to complete) list of general interests that i may or may not mention or interact with. Special interests are bold and italicized, hyperfixations are just italicized (includes current hyperfixations and past hyperfixations that i still have a strong attachment to), and other interests are left as regular text. This list may change. If any of these trigger you or make you uncomfortable, please block me or avoid interacting for your own wellbeing.
I know this list looks extensive, and you are not required to read it before interacting. However, note that i am not responsible for triggering you if you choose to ignore this and view my posts without reading.
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Markiplier, pinterest, otherkin, psychology (mainly fixating on my psychology), spirituality + religion, mythology, queer culture, kpop + jpop, visual aesthetics, harm reduction, drug culture, xenogenders/genderhoarding, eye, star, and spiral imagery, raccoons, jellyfish, music, writing, liturature, art, rope art, fashion, food, agere + petre (strictly sfw), exercise, dolls and figures, furry fandom, rhythm games, visual novels.
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The Ultimate Guide To Bypass Surgery Recovery & Aftercare
A major medical procedure such as heart bypass surgery throws up many questions in patients’ minds. Apart from the surgery, they usually worry about whether they can lead normal lives after the procedure. The good news is that those who undergo a successful heart bypass and pass the first month without complications have a survival rate similar to the normal populace. The recovery period varies depending on the type of surgery, the patient’s age, and general health condition. The heart bypass surgery recovery time is generally 3 to 4 weeks and patients can resume their normal activities after a month. It’s essential to make suitable lifestyle changes and take the medicines as prescribed to aid faster recovery. Let’s now explore and demystify the topic to let you know everything about heart bypass recovery and aftercare. A] 5 Crucial Steps To Ensure A Successfully & SpeedyRecovery After Bypass Surgery
Follow Medical Team’s Advice Your medical team will know your health condition better than any other person. It is important that you follow all the instructions ‘to the T’ to prevent any mishap while you are on the road to recovery. Please continue your heart, BP, diabetes, or any other medications. Do not stop them without consulting your doctors. Please feel free to reach out to them for any other health-related queries. Follow-up visits are scheduled after bypass surgery to check the patient’s heart condition and other vital health parameters. Ensure that you never miss or postpone any of these appointments. Check out the guide for bypass surgery to get a comprehensive view.
Incorporate Physical Rehabilitations Physical therapy and exercises are essential to regain your strength and facilitate faster recovery after bypass surgery. A structured cardiac rehabilitation program is beneficial to improve the functioning of your heart and lower the risk of post-surgery health complications. Several low-impact exercises are recommended by medical professionals to strengthen your heart and enhance its ability to process oxygen. This includes walking, jogging, cycling, climbing stairs, and some light strength training. The ideal frequency of exercising is five times a week. Every session can have a warm-up of 10 minutes, a workout for 15-20 minutes, and a cool-down for 10 minutes.
READ MORE….Best Cardiac Surgeon in Mumbai - Dr. Vishal Khullar
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naturalihealthcare · 1 year
Unveiling the Fast Track to Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide for a Healthier You with TropiSlim
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In a world where quick fixes are often sought, the desire for fast weight loss is pervasive. While there’s no shortcut to sustainable weight loss, adopting a holistic approach that incorporates healthy habits can pave the way for lasting results. In this extensive guide, we’ll delve into practical strategies for rapid weight loss, all while introducing TropiSlim, a product designed to support your journey. Please note that before starting any weight loss program or incorporating new supplements, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional.
Section 1: Understanding Fast Weight Loss
1.1 The Basics of Weight Loss
Weight loss is a complex interplay of factors, including diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. The foundation of any effective weight loss plan is a caloric deficit, meaning you burn more calories than you consume. However, achieving this deficit in a healthy and sustainable way is paramount.
1.2 Setting Realistic Goals
Fast weight loss is subjective and can vary from person to person. Setting realistic goals is essential for long-term success. Aim for a gradual loss of 1–2 pounds per week, which is generally considered safe and achievable.
Section 2: Building a Healthy Diet
2.1 Embrace Whole Foods
Transitioning to a diet rich in whole foods is a key step in the weight loss journey. Prioritize fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while minimizing processed foods and sugary snacks.
2.2 Portion Control
Understanding portion sizes is crucial. Consider using smaller plates to help control portions and prevent overeating. Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
2.3 The Role of Hydration
Drinking enough water is often underestimated in weight loss. Water not only keeps you hydrated but can also help control hunger and support your metabolism. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Section 3: Incorporating Exercise
3.1 Find Activities You Enjoy
Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s walking, dancing, swimming, or playing a sport. Consistency is more important than intensity.
3.2 Mix Cardio and Strength Training
A balanced exercise routine should include both cardiovascular activities and strength training. Cardio burns calories, while strength training builds muscle, boosting your metabolism.
3.3 The Importance of Consistency
Consistency is the key to success in any weight loss plan. Create a realistic and sustainable exercise routine that you can stick to in the long run.
Section 4: Prioritizing Sleep
4.1 Understanding the Sleep-Weight Connection
Adequate sleep is often overlooked in the weight loss journey. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and satiety, leading to overeating. Aim for 7–9 hours of quality sleep per night.
4.2 Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment
Establish a bedtime routine and create a comfortable sleep environment. Avoid screen time before bed and limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening.
Section 5: Managing Stress
5.1 The Impact of Stress on Weight
Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain by disrupting hormone balance. Explore stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to support your overall well-being.
5.2 Incorporating Relaxation Practices
Integrating relaxation practices into your daily routine can significantly impact your stress levels. Find what works for you, whether it’s mindfulness, reading, or spending time in nature.
Section 6: Introducing TropiSlim — A Natural Support
6.1 Understanding TropiSlim
TropiSlim is a weight loss supplement that harnesses the power of tropical fruits and plant extracts known for their potential to boost metabolism and support fat burning. It is essential to note that supplements should be viewed as a complement to a healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for it.
6.2 Ingredients and Benefits
Explore the natural ingredients in TropiSlim and how they may contribute to your weight loss goals. Ingredients such as [insert ingredients] are known for their potential to support metabolism and enhance fat burning.
6.3 Using TropiSlim Safely
Before incorporating any new supplement, including TropiSlim, into your routine, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. This ensures that the product is safe and suitable for your individual health needs.
Section 7: Celebrating Small Victories
7.1 Acknowledging Progress
Weight loss is a journey filled with ups and downs. Celebrate your achievements, whether they’re small improvements in your diet, fitness, or overall well-being.
7.2 The Importance of Patience
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a healthier you. Be patient with the process, and remember that sustainable weight loss takes time.
Embarking on a fast weight loss journey requires a holistic approach that encompasses diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. TropiSlim, when used as a supplement in conjunction with these healthy habits, may offer additional support. However, the key to long-term success lies in consistency, patience, and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
Remember, your journey to a healthier you is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Consult with healthcare professionals, listen to your body, and make choices that support your overall well-being. Fast weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about embracing a sustainable and healthier way of living.
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solhwellness · 1 year
Exploring Self-Care With Therapy: A Path To Holistic Well-Being | Solh Wellness
Taking care of one's mental health is more crucial than ever in the frantic world of today. Self-care and therapy are two effective strategies that, when combined, can result in a holistic view of well-being. Let's look at therapy and self-care to see how they work together to enhance your wellbeing.
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Understanding self-care: Nurturing your Mind, Body and Soul
Self-care includes a wide range of activities that advance your mental, physical, and emotional wellness; it goes beyond resting in the tub or booking a day at the spa. The following are some essential components of self-care:
Physical well-being: Maintaining physical health requires engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough rest. Engaging in enjoyable hobbies, such as yoga, hiking, or dancing, can uplift your mood and give you more energy.
Emotional Nourishment: Recognize your feelings and discover appropriate ways to communicate them. For emotional stability, try mindfulness or meditation, stay in touch with loved ones, and pick up a fun pastime.
Intellectual Stimulation: Engage in cognitively taxing work to keep your mind sharp. You may avoid boredom and keep your mind active by reading, learning new things, or solving puzzles.
Spiritual Exploration:  A sense of purpose and inner serenity can be gained from connecting with your spirituality, regardless of how you do it—through organized religion, time in nature, or solitary thought.
The Synergy of Self-Care and Therapy
Self-care and therapy complement one another to enhance your wellbeing in a variety of ways, such as:
Amplified Progress: Self-care practices may aid in reinforcing the knowledge and understanding acquired during therapy sessions. Activities that foster calm and optimism can assist the emotional work done during treatment.
Coping Mechanisms: Self-care activities show you how to integrate the practical coping skills you acquire in treatment into your everyday life.
Holistic Healing: Along with the all-encompassing approach of therapy, self-care attends to your needs on the physical, emotional, and cerebral levels. A well-rounded strategy promotes total recovery and development.
Self-Discovery: Self-care and treatment both promote reflection. Through self-care, you can gain crucial self-awareness that you can then apply in your treatment sessions.
Creating Your Self-Care and Therapy Toolkit
Set Realistic Goals: Establish the goals you have for your treatment and care. This could require dealing with particular issues, controlling stress, or enhancing one's self-esteem.
Tailored Approach: Customize your self-care routine to your therapy process. If therapy brings up difficult feelings, take into account self-care practices that provide comfort and support.
Consistency is Key: Consistent self-care routines yield the best outcomes, just as treatment necessitates frequent attendance. Self-care exercises should be a part of your everyday routine.
Open Communication: The self-care techniques you employ, please share with your therapist. They can provide you advice and make sure the activities you choose are in line with your therapeutic objectives.
Finally, a dynamic approach to therapy and self-care can result in substantial personal development. You start down the road to holistic wellbeing by taking care of your body, mind, and soul. A symbiotic relationship that can act as your mentor is created when self-care and therapy are combined. You should put in time and effort to maintain your mental and emotional health.
Solh Wellness has chosen a number of efficient self-help methods to enhance your mental wellbeing since we believe that mental health is significant. Goal-setting, mood analysis, self-assessment tests, journaling, and access to a huge library of instructive material are just a few of the services we offer. Use our comprehensive selection of self-help tools to take charge of your journey toward better mental health and personal development.
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nurewellness · 1 year
20 things to consider Health and Wellness to better oneself
Sustaining health and wellness is essential for a happy and meaningful existence. It not only improves our physical health, but also positively affects our mental and emotional well. Here are twenty considerations to enhance your overall health and wellness:
Regular exercise: Physical activity is necessary for keeping excellent health. Include at least thirty minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity in your daily regimen.
Dietary balance: A balanced diet is necessary to provide your body with the nutrients it requires to function effectively. Concentrate on consuming an abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.
Hydration: Water consumption is crucial for sustaining healthy health. At least eight glasses of water should be consumed daily.
Sleep is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Each night, aim for seven to nine hours of sleep.
Prolonged stress can have a harmful effect on an individual's health. Use stress-reduction practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga in your everyday routine.
Your mental attitude can have a huge effect on your health and wellness. Attempt to keep a positive view on life.
Taking time for self-care is vital for maintaining excellent health. Include things like bubble baths, reading, and massages in your daily regimen.
Keeping social relationships is essential for psychological wellbeing. Make an effort to spend time with your loved ones.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness practice can help reduce stress and improve overall health. Consider implementing daily mindfulness exercises.
Tobacco use is harmful to your health; abstain from smoking. If you are a smoker, create a strategy to quit.
Moderate alcohol consumption is acceptable for the majority of people. Yet, excessive alcohol use might have adverse effects on health.
Routine health examinations: Frequent checkups with your healthcare practitioner can aid in the early detection of health problems.
Sun protection can aid in the prevention of skin cancer. Wear sunscreen, wear protective clothes, and seek shade during peak hours. Routine dental examinations are necessary for maintaining good oral health.
Minimize screen time: Excessive screen time can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Limit your screen time and increase your physical exercise throughout the day.
Ineffective time management might result in persistent stress. Make an effort to effectively manage your time to reduce stress.
Cultivating gratitude can have a beneficial effect on mental health. Consider incorporating everyday acts of appreciation into your routine.
Acquiring new talents: Acquiring new skills can enhance mental acuity and general wellbeing. Consider taking a class or picking up a new activity.
Volunteering can have positive effects on both your physical and emotional health. Consider volunteering for a subject about which you feel strongly.
Ultimately, it is necessary to take pleasure in life. Make time for enjoyable activities and look for methods to incorporate happiness into your regular routine.
To lead a happy and satisfying life, it is necessary to maintain good health and wellness. You can improve your general health and well-being by adopting these twenty suggestions into your daily routine. Note that tiny adjustments can have large effects over time.
My name is Shini Sahni, and I am the creator and principal coach at Nu-Re Wellness. I am an expert in translating evidence-based knowledge regarding mental health and lifestyle medicine into effective advice. Both preventive mental health care and lifestyle medicine utilize therapeutic interventions as a key modality for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness, and hence they are complementary. We concentrate on identifying intervention points for our clients prior to a discernible decline in their mental or physical health. Please visit www.nurewellness.com  to schedule an appointment.
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buytheenhancers · 2 years
The Relevance of Nutritional Resupplyment During Workout
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Nutritional replenishment is the procedure of replacing the body's important nutrients to improve efficiency as well as enhance recuperation. Read more great facts on maxn fuze nutritional replenishment, click here. It includes refueling (carbohydrates), restoring (protein) and also rehydrating (fluids/electrolytes). Muscle glycogen is a power source for your muscular tissues during exercise that can be diminished by extreme task. The good news is, you can restore your muscle glycogen shops by consuming the best foods in the correct quantity. One of the most reliable means to do this is to take in carbohydrates right away after workout. It has been revealed that consuming a treat or meal within the 30-45 min home window after an endurance-based exercise session will rapidly restore muscle mass glycogen storage. You can shop here now. This is especially vital for athletes that have an additional training or competition intended in the exact same day. Eating a healthy protein abundant food within the post-exercise recovery window can help fix harmed muscular tissues and also advertise muscle mass protein synthesis. This is due to the fact that proteins can act as a fuel for your muscular tissues as well as additionally supply amino acids that sustain muscle mass healthy protein synthesis. Additionally, eating a protein-rich food within the post-exercise healing windows may likewise advertise general energy as well as protect against muscle fatigue. Sodium and potassium are the major electrolytes that are shed during workout. These 2 minerals are required to keep correct liquid balance and regular heart rhythms, nerve impulse transmission, as well as muscle mass function. They are likewise vital for the conversion of fats and protein to power. Nonetheless, they can additionally trigger severe problems if eaten in excess. This can be unsafe since the body will certainly not be able to manage its salt as well as potassium levels. Endurolytes are designed to fulfill the total demands of a vast array of athletic activities. They include moderate amounts of salt, chloride, as well as various other trace electrolytes to replenish your body's lost minerals. The exact dose of Endurolytes depends on the professional athlete's body weight as well as various other variables such as the climate and also active temperature levels. Athletes that shed more salt and potassium with sweat might need greater dosages of Endurolytes than those that shed much less. When the hydration as well as electrolyte replenishment are done properly, it can result in an overall better athletic performance by responding to getting too hot as well as maximizing your physical functions. It is very important to consume alcohol an adequate quantity of liquids and also renew your electrolytes throughout the whole exercise session to achieve ideal outcomes. It is also an excellent suggestion to consume water during as well as after an exercise session due to the fact that it can assist to cool down the body by getting rid of additional warm. This helps to stay clear of hypothermia and also various other issues that can take place when your body temperature drops listed below regular. Typically, refueling with carbohydrates is recommended adhering to comprehensive workout. One of the most helpful time to consume carb is during the 30-45 minute home window after a workout session and also the optimum quantity of carbohydrates need to be a ratio of concerning 2:1 carbs to protein. This is referred to as the anabolic window and is believed to support muscular tissue glycogen remediation. Please view this site https://www.wikihow.com/Know-if-You-Are-Ready-to-Have-Sex for further details.
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esglatestmarketnews · 2 years
Healthy Snack Industry ESG Thematic Report, 2023
A healthy snack generally offers increased nutrient intake, sustains energy levels, helps the body recover from exercise, and gives individuals plenty of healthy options in comparison with normal snacks. The food safety and quality has been a dominant factor to which stakeholders are giving importance. Companies in this market offer various programs and campaigns to showcase their quality and safety throughout their value chain abiding by frameworks and guidelines.
Read More @ https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/healthy-snack-industry-esg-outlook
About Astra – ESG Solutions by Grand View Research Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. - a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit @ https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/
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kwaamfan · 3 years
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April 2024 update: the following list is no longer being maintained. please view my neocities site to view the resources i would currently recommend to people who are interested in learning thai. there’s fewer resources listed but i used everything there when i was starting out and can vouch for their quality, and i think it is more useful to beginners who may feel a bit lost or overwhelmed looking at the following list.
Under the read more is a huuuuuuuge (70+) list of free resources I’ve compiled during my time studying Thai, with some resources on Isaan and Lao as well. I’ve organized it by alphabetical order for Tumblr but you can view by level, format, and content on Notion (you don’t need an account to view btw). Since I’ve been using Notion to organize and keep track of all these resources that’s also where you’ll find more notes and future updates. This list focuses on resources meant specifically for language learners and does not include native content made for native speakers.
101 languages - 100 different vocab lists, mainly presented in full phrases. Link also includes audio download, good for Anki flashcards.
Aakanee - Uses their own illustrations and has native speakers describe what’s happening in them, as well as native speakers telling stories. Recordings include transcripts. They also have Isaan and Khmer learning materials.
Active Thai - Interactive website that teaches Thai script by breaking down the alphabet into consonants, vowels, and tones that are taught in chunks.
Advanced Thai with Kruu Momm - YouTube channel for intermediate/advanced level immersion videos. A teacher on Comprehensible Thai as well.
ALG World - YouTube channel for recordings of AUA sessions. Uses Dr. J. Marvin Brown‘s Automatic Language Growth method (basically immersion/comprehensible input) to teach Thai.
AUR Thai Online - YouTube channel for immersion-based lessons.
Banana Thai - Her YouTube has lots of reading and writing help, but also short themed lessons and a podcast. She also has a website with paid courses.
Benjawan Poomsan Becker books
Thai for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Audio and Vocabulary (also has links to Memrise courses with the vocab/audio)
YouTube playlists with audio for all books except Thai for Beginners
You can also find the accompanying audio for her books on Spotify, Apple Music, and Napster
Thai for Beginners
Thai for Intermediate Learners
Improving Your Thai Pronunciation
Speak Like a Thai, Vol. 1: Contemporary Thai Expressions
Speak Like a Thai, Vol. 2: Thai Slang and Idioms
Clozemaster - Gamified cloze sentences to acquire language through exposure to vocabulary in context.
Colloquial Thai: The Complete Course for Beginners - .pdf, audio files. Very little Thai script, almost all transliterated.
Comprehensible Thai - Largely English free YouTube channel that designs comprehensible input material for beginner and intermediate Thai students.
CU Intensive Thai Audio - Audio files for Chulalongkorn University’s Intensive Thai courses. I use these files for listening comprehension practice.
Everyday Thai - Includes three levels of basic lesson plans with games, quizzes, and flashcards. Also has recorded conversations with transcriptions for listening practice, songs, and additional reading exercises.
ExpatDen -  Basically a blog aimed towards expats or people who want to be one, but hosts lots of information on language learning. Collection of my favorite blog posts:
Master post of free resources
List of all free downloads related to learning Thai
Women Learn Thai master post
List of Thai-English readers
Thai language cheat sheets
Connectors (with Thai, English, and audio download): starter pack, opening, filler
Tense (with Thai, English, and audio download): part 1, part 2
Thai cat cartoons transcripts
Forvo - Hear native speakers pronounce words. Can download audio (great for building Anki decks).
Free Lao Books - Free pdfs of children’s books in Lao and English to practice reading.
FSI Everyday Lao - Basically a beginner textbook with audio on the side.
Fundamentals of the Thai Language - Textbook of lessons in an online format. Dry but more extensive than most lesson plans. Has a number of helpful appendices (including idioms, family relations, cooking terms, etc.)
Glossika Mass Sentences: Thai Fluency -  Basically a bunch of example sentences, with the difficulty increasing across books. Unfortunately I haven’t found the audio for these books so better used as supplementary reading practice. Uses IPA transliterations.
Fluency 1
Fluency 2
Fluency 3
I Love Languages - Lessons are much vocab lists, with example phrases utilizing them. Mainly useful for its grammar section, which goes over adjectives, imperatives, pronouns, prepositions, etc.
Isaan Dialect | Siamsmile - Some background on the Isaan dialect, general differences between Thai and Isaan, and a short vocab list.
Isaan Language - In depth discussion on the phonological differences between Thai and Isaan. Has some vocabulary and grammar info too.
Khruu Peter - Teacher from AUA vlogs about daily life in Thailand, good for intermediate listening comprehension.
Langhub - Lots of lessons. Includes basic beginner/intermediate/advanced tiers as well as more tailored lessons (lessons for partying, university, the legal system, etc.).
Language Hut School - Very short videos (~2 minutes) by native Thai speakers teaching small grammar lessons, related phrases, etc.
Learn Thai Ping - Website that teaches you how to type in Thai. Lessons are broken down by phonetics.
Learn Thai Thaigomaster - Mainly advertises their Chiang Mai language learning school but has a good playlist on Thai basics (especially for grammar), some short clips sorted by each instructor at their school (I like to use for beginner level listening practice), and lessons meant to go with their book (which is pretty cheap).
Learn Thai with BoBo -  Vocab lists with audio at native and slow speed. Audio is easy to download and has Thai, English, and transliterated text - great source for Anki flashcards. She also has a YouTube channel where she covers topic specific vocab by presenting full sentences and breaking them down word by word.
Learn Thai with Shelby - Mostly short, weekly videos. Has stuff on Isaan, intermediate/advanced topics, love and relationships, culture.
Learning Thai with Bangkok Post - Bangkok Post articles with audio, Thai transcript, and English translation. Some key vocabulary from the article is presented after the Thai transcript and before the English translation; the audio also goes aver the vocabulary.
Lingo Hut - Has a lot of short lessons. Each lesson is basically a list of vocab, and they have games to help memorize them (flashcards, tic-tac-toe, concentration, listening games).
Lingopolo - Themed lessons. You can choose recommended lessons or pick whatever you want to learn. Recommends lessons based on previously known words and phrases. Audio based; pretty much presents flashcards and then quizzes you on them. After each “card” you can see how the word is used in example sentences, or see each word used if the card was a sentence/phrase.
Maanii Readers - Website where you can download the Maanii books as pdfs and audio of a native speaker reading them. You can also view each lesson in each book as interactive webpages (listen line by line, hover over words to view their English translation).
Mango Languages -  Conversation based lesson plans. Learn by building new sentences through given vocabulary. Also available as a mobile app. Paid but free through my local library. Check if it’s available near you here.
Memrise - Kinda like an online Anki but more modern UI with user-created flashcards. They have an app but I think you have to add courses on their desktop site first.
Pablo Roman - Has a playlist of recordings in Thai from aakanee narrating daily activities and routines. All videos link to the corresponding aakanee transcript.
Pick Up Thai -  Produces paid podcasts and books geared towards immersion (with some free samples), but they also have free blog posts explaining slang or other finer points of the language, as well as really cute wallpaper dictionaries. I like their page on translations of Thai memes and their listening comprehension page (includes transcriptions).
Picture dictionaries
Thai Picture Dictionary by Jintana Rattanakhemakorn
Thai Visual Dictionary by Collins Dictionaries
Read Thai in 10 Days - Best resource for learning how to read Thai in my opinion. azw3 (Kindle format), audio.
Riam Thai - Immersion-based lessons including beginner videos. A teacher on Comprehensible Thai as well.
SEAsite Lao - Comprehensive website full of lessons, vocab, grammar notes, reading and listening exercises, and cultural info on Laos.
SEAsite Thai - Very similar to SEAsite Lao. Old af website so not everything works, but a lot of the resources are still up. I mainly use this website to find sentences in Thai with audio for Anki flashcards.
Self Study Thai - Translations of articles with audio; has audio by paragraph or by line.
Slice of Thai - This website has a variety of information on Thailand including their food and their culture, but also has a great language section. It focuses on the sounds of the language, especially parts that native English speakers have trouble hearing through the use of spectrographs.
Speak Thai Easy - Mostly short videos giving tips, grammar explanations, and vocab. I really like her grammar videos.
Speak Thai Possible - Short clips meant to provide tips and improve pronunciation. Good resource for learning and understanding spoken, colloquial Thai.
Spoken World: Thai - Beginner book for self studying Thai. While transliterations are always provided, in my experience this book is way more effective if you learn how to read before using it. pdf, audio.
Study Thai Subs - Thai sentences and phrases from movies with the audio of the line and the English translation. Can be from original Thai movies or from Western movies dubbed into Thai.
Thai 2 English - Thai-English dictionary. Nice UI; includes example sentences as well as compound words or phrases a given term is used in. Gives the different meanings of a word, frequency of its use, and an explanation if the word is not directly translatable.
Thai Conversation Café - Mainly immersion videos; lots of food and daily life. Has some videos on reading and writing. A teacher on Comprehensible Thai as well.
Thai Growth Expert - Immersion based videos mainly teaching phrases; has content on improving pronunciation as well. A teacher on Comprehensible Thai as well.
Thai Language and Culture for Beginners
Book 1 (djvu)
Book 2 (djvu)
supplementary audiovisuals
Interactive website (can be glitchy)
Thai language | Omniglot - Basically gives an overview of the Thai language and script. Mainly useful for the plethora of links to actual language learning resources at the bottom.
Thai Lessons with New - Tons of playlists on vocabulary, grammar, speaking like a Thai/words in context, etc. I really like her grammar playlist. Puts Thai, transliteration, and English in the description.
Thai Notes - Has a reading/script course as well as lessons based on the Foreign Language Service Thai Language Course. Only the reading course has integrated interactive games/quizzes. Has some cool tools like a Thai typing trainer and a classifier finder, as well as some reading exercises.
Thai Reference Grammar - Book with lots of example sentences illustrating many different grammar structures. More extensive than the Smyth Essential Grammar book. pdf.
Thai With Grace -  Podcast for beginners. Also has a YouTube channel that covers basic lessons and vlogs in Thai with English and Thai subtitles to practice listening and immersion.
Thai with Mod -  YouTube channel mostly with short clips giving phrases used in a specific context (talking about COVID, ordering food, asking someone out, etc.)
thai-language - Best dictionary site. Has 70,000+ dictionary entries, 20,000+ audio clips, lessons, reference pages, and tons of reading exercises. Isaan words can be found here.
Thai: An Essential Grammar - Concise and simple book on Thai grammar. Beginner friendly and good reference material but I don’t like that the transliteration is emphasized more than the Thai script. epub.
ThaiPod101 -  Most lessons and features on their website require a subscription, but free users still have access to lots of vocab lists and pretty cheat sheets. Vocab lists come with audio for both words and example sentences, making it easy to make Anki flashcards from them, and you can hide romanization. They also have a YouTube channel with lots of high quality videos going over everything from consonants, conversation based listening practice, and vocab related to culture.
Transparent Language - Lessons basically introduces vocab and phrases then tests you on it. Uses a variety of games and exercises to help memorize. Paid but free through my local library. Check if yours carries it here (in US and Canada).
Understanding Thai - Former AUA teacher who focus on immersion/comprehensible input. Also has videos on slang. A teacher on Comprehensible Thai as well.
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jakka-ningen · 2 years
Digital Privacy for 🇺🇸 Protests
This isn’t my normal content, but I was once a CS student, and am still obnoxiously tech-aware. I understand, to some extent, how data-harvesting works and what it’s used for. I am aware of instances where subpoenas of data from commercially available tech products have been used to convict people in court. Each of us has a large data trail following us around, and, to my knowledge, some of that data has been used in recent years against citizens who fully believed they "weren’t doing anything wrong" or that they "had nothing to hide" in cases where basic rights were ignored.
That said, if you’re planning to protest and want to minimize your chances of harassment from powers-that-be, I urge you to consider making plans to increase your digital privacy. Some of these methods are more complicated and costly than others, but I want to present them in the hopes that even one of the suggestions can improve your chances of not being unduly punished for exercising your legal right to peaceful protest.
If this is too much information for you to read, concise suggestions are available in this Boston Magazine article. (They don't have information on burner phones, though. Still, DO please read their section on locking your phone with a secure PIN.) I just want to thoroughly go through the "what" and "why."
This is not legal advice, it is not guaranteed to be accurate or comprehensive, and it furthermore represents only one person's understanding of digital security, as compiled from multiple sources over multiple years. It may not be up to date, especially if it is viewed after any length of time from its original posting. Please use this as a jumping-off point to do your own research. No matter how strongly I word something, assume it is an opinion and not a fact. Do not use any information in this guide to break or circumvent any laws or in the service of breaking or circumventing any laws.
Leave your phone at home
Costs no money*, requires little setup.
Completely eliminates being digitally tracked (as long as you're not carrying other tech gadgets).
*People who rely on phones for basic utilities may have to acquire additional analogue devices, which will cost money and time. (For instance, a (non-bluetooth enabled) wristwatch, a medical ID bracelet, a paper map, etc.)
People who have never lived in their current city without a smartphone may not have practice navigating physical spaces without GPS.
People who normally rely on digital payment methods and don't have credit/debit cards may have to make plans to carry cash instead, which may be difficult for people who don't have regular access to banking.
People who need to contact others for a ride may need to ask a stranger or a store clerk if they can borrow their phone. (Believe it or not, this was a common question asked of cashiers before the early 2000s. Many stores had no problem allowing customers to make short phone calls on the company phone, but it might be a strange request nowadays.)
Turn your phone off at protests
Costs no money, requires the least setup.
The VAST MAJORITY of tracking methods are blocked when a cell phone is turned off. (Unless you are a person-of-interest to a major player like the NSA, this is probably sufficient to stop you from being tracked.)
Same as for "leave your phone at home," but on a temporary basis.
In order for this to be a useful privacy measure, one must take great care to keep the phone off until one is physically far away from the site of the protest. This means that people who need to contact others for a ride, but don't want to do as suggested above, may need to walk a considerable distance away from the protest before turning their phone back on.
Put your phone in a "Faraday Bag"
Equally secure to not carrying your phone, theoretically.
One must find and purchase this item, making it a non-zero cost solution.
Some online listings for speciality items like this misrepresent their capabilities. It is up to the purchaser to test the item thoroughly before relying on its use. (It could be counterfeit or just poorly made, in other words.)
Once more, in order for this to be a useful privacy measure, the need to physically remove oneself from the protest before taking the phone out of the bag and returning to normal use may prove challenging for those requiring a phone to contact a ride home.
Turn on "Airplane Mode"
Costs no money, ties for requiring the least setup.
I have been informed that Apple phones do not disable Wifi when Airplane Mode is engaged. If one forgets to also disable Wifi, phones may connect to available public Wifi hotspots, which may include honeypots set up by malicious actors.
I will freely admit that I am, perhaps, overly-cautious, but I am suspicious of trusting Airplane Mode to work properly on all phones. Computers are ultimately programmed by human beings, who are certainly fallible. I think it is far wiser to simply turn one's phone off.
If one uses their phone to take photos or videos at the protest, but hasn't turned off auto-sync with cloud services (Google Photos, iCloud, etc.), those photos may be accessible by companies who can be subpoenaed to provide them to a court.
DON'T DO THIS: Turn off wireless communications, such as Wifi, GPS/location services, bluetooth, etc.
None. This is security theater.
To be clearer, this will prevent apps from tracking users, but the operating system will still know their location, etc. Apple and Google can be subpoenaed and don't have spotless records at protecting the privacy of their user-base in cases like this.
See "Pros."
Additionally, the note about photos and videos from the "Airplane Mode" section also applies.
Keep using one's phone as normal, but at least use encrypted messaging
Pictures and videos sent to others using the same encrypted messaging service (which may include protestors' faces) will be encrypted, and will be more difficult for others to obtain via digital sniffing.
Messages sent and calls made through these services will similarly be encrypted and therefore more difficult for others to intercept.
The location of the phone will be known to the user's cell service provider as well as to any data-gathering apps (including social media, etc.) they have installed. This information can be subpoenaed in court.
Additionally, the note about photos and videos from the "Airplane Mode" section also applies.
Get a burner phone
Allows a person to leave their usual phone at home, while still having the ability to call others in case of an emergency.
Costs a not-insignificant amount of money and time, and requires research and tech knowledge.
If the person with the burner phone calls another person in the case of an emergency, the recipient of that call will have a record of having received the call from that burner phone, and the burner phone will have a record of having been at the protest, if it was in use at the time. This implicates your emergency contact as an accomplice to a protestor.
Doing this properly involves a number of steps. One must feel comfortable:
Navigating, without one's primary phone, to a place where pay-as-you-go, no-contract phones are sold. For instance, Walmart carries these sorts of phones through Straight Talk Wireless.
Purchasing a phone and a card representing "minutes" in cash.
Activating the phone using a payphone or courtesy phone (these exist at some airports reliably and at some gas stations unreliably) or at an internet cafe, college, or library with courtesy computers (even more rare than payphones).
Not allowing the sales representative to make an account with your identifying information. (To my knowledge, it is possible to opt out of making an account with Straight Talk Wireless, but they will almost certainly suggest it to you if you set up via phone call. I have no experience, so I could be wrong in either case.)
Setting up the phone in a way that is consistent with privacy practices (see this Reddit post for details, although note that its author uses somewhat rough language).
Turning the burner phone off and removing the battery and/or placing it in a Faraday bag before returning home, to work, or to any other location that is tied to your identity. (The Nokia 2760 Flip, available at Walmart as of this posting, seems to allow the user to remove the battery, which I would ultimately recommend. Its utility for anything other than calls and texting seems questionable, however.)
Feel free to reblog with any additional information I've missed, or corrections for incomplete or incorrect information represented herein. I'm not an expert amongst experts; I'm just someone with a passing interest in technological security.
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matthew5016512 · 2 years
Week 4: Perspective Drawing
Part 1:
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I really struggled in class to get my head around the relationships between the different construction lines and points in perspective drawing (Picture Plane, Horizon Line, Ground line, Station Point, etc), what the relationships between them were, and how manipulating them impacted the perspective created in the drawing. For this reason (and my apparent inability to comprehend the instructions in the online tutorial) my first attempt (above) was nowhere near close to matching the perspective on the instruction sheet.
I think it would have been very beneficial for the relationships (GL-to-HL Distance & SP-to-PP distance) and their impacts on the perspective to have been more explicitly communicated in the lecture!!! Less pretty pictures please and more in-depth dissection of how to do things!
Once I watched a few youtube videos and read through the online tutorial at home (also slightly less sleep-deprived at the time) it was a bit easier to figure out what to do and my second attempt was much closer, but still not perfect. To improve the (below) image it would have helped to make the distance between the GL & HL perhaps 1cm greater to raise the view slightly, making the angles to the vanishing points slightly steeper and getting closer to the target.
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Part 2:
I thought extending the faces would be a simple enough exercise, but it was actually quite challenging for me as I wound up with waaaaaaay too many lines trying to project all faces as well as the vanishing point lines. You can track my rapid descent into madness through the next few pictures before I figured it out (mostly). I think there is certainly room for improvement still, but I am satisfied with the final result...
Going ok...
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Going not quite ok... and down the rabbit hole...
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Recovery... (following much erasing and a few choice words)
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Final product:
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I found that filling in the lines from the original box which would show in the final one (with a box on each face) helped me to regain perspective. Blocking in those lines enabled me to rub a whole load out, and do it again over the top but in a more measured way so I didn't lose sight of what I was trying to get to.
Part 3:
I took what I learned in part 2 and immediately blocked in the cube in pen once I had constructed it on the paper. This really helped as I had to erase quite a few ellipses before I was reasonably happy and could go over them in pen.
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My biggest mistake was using a gel pen for the red (major) axis. I hadn't realised how slowly the ink dries and so was rather miffed with how much it wound up smudging and wicking under the edge. after the first line wicked I flipped the ruler like Robert had shown us in class to avoid the capillary action pulling the ink under the ruler, and it worked much better from then, but it was still super slow to dry.
I hadn't thought to flip the ruler before as I have not had any wicking problems with the fine liner pens. I think I need to get some coloured ones now to help with coloured details.
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Aside from the mishap with the pen the only thing that really caused me angst was the major and minor axis for the top face of the box. I wound up aligning them in line with the X and Y axis of the drawing as this mde the most sense to me given the Axis for the other faces are found by tracing back to the vanishing points. Looking at it now I think the X/Y axis orientation for the top is slightly off, and they likely need to be rotated slightly clockwise to align correctly with the true axis of the ellipse - the main problem being I can't for the life of me figure out how they could be found by construction - Hopefully someone comments with their solution?
Final product: (side view removed to focus on the important part of the drawing)
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Key Learnings: 1. Don't be sleep-deprived - it doesn't help comprehension - and read the instructions!!!
2. Understanding how things work is more than half the battle, and in this case at least jumping in and doing a messed up first version gave me a point of comparison to work from and helped me to visualise solutions
3. Putting in permanent lines with pen sometimes gives you more flexibility to try things without having to selectively erase or risk losing everything
4. Using tricks learn from others + having the right tools is critical to getting good results -
5. I need to invest in some coloured fine liners.
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therealieblog · 3 years
Body Positive Exercise and Joyful Movement In A Diet Culture World
I find exercise generally very enjoyable, and it helps me improve my life in a plethora of ways. It makes me stronger, more flexible, gives me more stamina, lowers my stress levels, helps me sleep better, helps me write more creatively. But... That being said, many people cannot afford to join a gym, or have a limited living situation that prevents them from exercising. Some people have physical limitations due to disabilities that might prevent them from exercising. Or maybe you just flat out hate exercise. That is valid. You own your body. What you do with it is YOUR BUSINESS. But... if you would like some advice on exercising/Joyful Movement using a body positive/intuitive model, then please read on. 
My preferred forms of exercise (or Joyful Movement) are workout videos in my  room, or long walks around town while listening to a podcast. As I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, you can move your body in any number of ways to get exercise or increase Joyful Movement in your day. Cleaning house, playing sports, walking the dog, dancing, yoga, doing laundry, interactive video games, all of these will get you moving. 
Diet culture tells us we must suffer to exercise and this is a lie.
Diet Culture tells us that we must push our bodies to their limits, because it is selling rapid weight loss, and so it behooves people with this agenda to promote intense, high energy, painful forms of exercise. I exercised this way for probably twenty years off and on before I quit. Now I just can’t do it anymore. And you don’t have to push yourself until you are a gasping, sweaty mess to add movement to your day. 
You are in charge of your own limits. You get to decide how many reps to do, how many minutes to exercise. You decide how long your walk should be. YOU decide when to quit. You don’t actually have to do every set of squats or every set of bicep curls. You can stop when you feel tired, or when you sense that your muscles are being pushed too far. 
Make sure that if you ARE doing a workout video that it is body positive. What does this mean? It means no talk about “burning calories” or “burning fat”. No talk about “slimming down” or “sculpting” your body. No talk about “lets get you swimsuit ready!” If you have a body, it is already a beach body. You don’t need to lose weight to go to the beach. Fuck that. 
It’s best if you choose workouts with alternate moves for lower impact if possible, as I’ve found those very helpful. I am old and have bad knees. You will not catch me jumping around. If jump-squats are horrifyingly difficult and painful, then just don’t do the jump part. If you can handle the steps and leg work of a workout, but the arms are too complicated or too intense, just don’t do the arm movements. Again, you are in charge. Not the instructor. 
Sustainability is very important. Many people who begin intense exercise regimes (almost always designed to get them to lose weight as quickly as possible) can only stick with them for a few weeks or months. Once the novelty wears off, and (like most human beings) we get lazy and don’t want to go for a miles long run at 6am like we did in the beginning, we start to slack off. Then beat ourselves up for slacking off. This is just painful and unnecessary. If you can’t see yourself doing this particular form of exercise indefinitely, for the rest of your life, then it’s highly likely that you’ll tank out within a year. I have been walking my entire life, and I enjoy it. It’s easy enough to not be prohibitive, but challenging enough to give me a bit of a workout. Walking is sustainable. Boot camp workouts? Less sustainable. 
Boot camp/blaster/high intensity workouts are geared toward the ever present diet culture goal of weight loss and the changing of the shape and size of one’s body. There is always a sense of urgency and intensity surrounding these types of work out videos because they are largely based in fear and self criticism. Intuitive Eating, HAES and body positivity are anti-diet, anti-purposeful weight loss, and therefore the intensity and push for perfection disappear when you take diet culture out of the equation. 
I no longer work out to change the size and shape of my body. And I fully believe that this should never be a goal of exercise. Exercise brings with it many benefits, if it is practiced for the sake of health and for feeling good, and not for the purposes of weight loss. Once you remove the relentless diet culture drive that surrounds exercise, you can free yourself up to see it as a means to improve your health and your life outside of your appearance. 
here is a more comprehensive list of things exercise does for us that isn’t related to being thinner or changing our appearance:
Increased cardio vascular health
Better sleep
Improved mood and improved self esteem
Increased physical strength
Increased flexibility
Increased mobility - ability to spend time with friends, go on hikes, play sports, run around at conventions or festivals etc.
So do whatever you want with your body. Move it. Don’t move it. Take a yoga class, or just stroll around the block. I changed the way I viewed exercise, which completely changed the way I engaged with it, and I am far happier now than I was when weight loss was my motivation. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch 17-Let Me Take An Elfie…
Summary: Christmas arrives in the Adler household and its full of laughter, giggles, and one huge gift that money simply can’t buy…
Warnings:  Bad Language words, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  So, like, I’m over 2020 and wish it was Christmas already. This chapter brings Riding On Part 1 to a close and I’ll be likely taking a little break from writing this to concentrate on some stuff I have going on Stark Spangled for the Birthday Party! I hope you enjoy!
This one is dedicated to The Evangers…you know who you are!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 16 Part 2
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 Monday morning rolled round and for the first time in ages Frank woke well rested. After their plan had worked, he and Fliss had played the recording back to Greg who had been torn between calling them a pair of reckless dumbasses, and being elated with what it meant. Whilst he was unsure the court would permit it as evidence, he was going to have “some damned fun filing it anyway” and then set about giving them the final coaching for the Child Welfare Department interviews on Monday.
To Frank and Fliss, this was the final thing they could do. The last chance they had to get their feelings across and make a good impression before it was then over to the courts. And whilst Fliss was still hopeful that Polland would sign the papers as soon as he realised they had him on tape, Frank wasn’t quite as optimistic. So it was for that reason that over breakfast on the Monday he found himself rehearsing his speech to the Social Worker, just had he had done 2 years or so prior.
He needn’t have bothered though because, as Greg had predicted, the Social Workers discussion with him mainly centred on practical things such as Frank’s new job and his role, what Fliss did for a living, their new home and a little bit of digging into her background which was done sensitively and compassionately. It was the same Social Worker from 2 years back, a dark haired lady called Sarah Kellet, which Frnak was glad about, and she’d smiled when she’d run through things, checking all the facts that Greg had provided her before simply stating that was all she needed.
“What, no soul-searching questions?” Frank asked, arching an eyebrow. She chuckled and shook her head.
“Not this time.” she smiled “It’s a little different Mr Adler. You already have formal Guardianship over Mary so this isn’t about whether you’re suitable or not. This is really just a fact gathering exercise about whether or not formally providing you with Parental Status would be in her best interests.”
Frank swallowed and Fliss gently tangled her fingers in his as Sarah looked at them and smiled.
“Don’t worry.” She beamed. “When I spoke to Mary before it’s clear she’s exceptionally settled, and she adores her new brother as she refers to him as. You’ve created a very stable and loving environment for her, you’re financially credible, not that that’ the be all and end all, and you have a home, family support…all of this will be evidenced in my report.”
“So, do you make recommendations to the court?” Fliss asked and Sarah shook her head.
“Not as such, I’m merely here to pull together a factual, comprehensive report on how Mary is.” She tapped her pen slightly “And it’s always a little easier in cases like this when the minor has been in the care of the applicant prior to it. But, I will be making it quite clear in my conclusions that from the CWD point of view it would be in Mary’s best interests for the court to allow the adoption to go ahead, regardless of Mary’s father raising his objections. Basically if comes down to it, we’ll be fighting your corner.”
Fliss turned to Frank who let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding and she smiled at him.
“So, that’s it.” Sarah shrugged. “I’ll send a copy of everything through to the courts and your attorney Mr Adler. All that’s left is for me to wish you both a Merry Christmas and I’ll see you at the hearing whenever that is.” They both rose, shaking her hand and then Frank held the door to the room open for Fliss. She stepped out in front of him, and turned to him smiling.
“That’s it.” She shrugged “We did everything we could.” “Yeah, yeah I know.” He nodded “I’m just relieved it’s all over. Well, for now anyway.”
“Yup, so let’s get on with enjoying Christmas.” Fliss beamed as they walked down the corridor to the little area at the bottom where Mary was waiting. She was sat, reading a book being supervised by another one of the social workers and looked up, smiling as they entered. The woman who’d be supervising left them alone after bidding them goodbye and the three of them walked out to the truck.
“Think your mom and dad will be ok with Alex for a little longer?” Frank asked as Mary bounced ahead of them slightly.
“Sure, why?”
“I thought we could take her for a pizza and bowling, just the 3 of us before we pick Evelyn up from the airport.” Frank said “Been a while since we went.” “Yeah, sounds good.” Fliss beamed “I’ll call mum and let her know.”
Of course Verity and Bill were only too happy to keep Alex. Sian and the twins had arrived earlier that morning and Verity told Fliss that Sian was enjoying Auntie cuddles whilst batting her eyes at Steve asking him if he fancied another. Steve’s response had been to choke on his coffee. They headed to the bowling alley, where Fliss and Mary found to their delight that the skittles were all painted like elves for the festive period. They had 3 games and as usual they whooped Frank’s ass, leaving him in a fake mood declaring Christmas was cancelled. No sooner had the words left his mouth, Mary had vaulted onto his back causing him to laugh and attempt to pull her off. Eventually he succeeded and dangled her upside down by her ankles, the girl shrieking as he swung her round before setting her down.
“She’s getting a bit big to do that with now!” he looked at Fliss, letting out a huff as Mary righted her sweater and climbed into the truck.
“Well, she is 10 in a couple of months.” Fliss smiled and Frank shook his head.
“Don’t remind me.”
Fliss chuckled as she climbed into the passenger seat and the 3 of them headed off to the airport to collect Evelyn. They stood in the arrival lounge, Frank’s arm tossed over Fliss’ shoulders and Fliss could tell he was a little apprehensive. This was the first time he’d seen Evelyn since she had admitted outright she’d bribed Polland to give evidence. He’d told Fliss he wasn’t sure how he was going to react, that he didn’t want to be angry, but he couldn’t help it. Fliss had simply told him that they’d deal with whatever happened when it came.
As Evelyn walked through the glass double doors, pulling a huge case behind her, Mary shot forwards to greet her and the woman bent down, giving her a cuddle. Once more it struck Frank just how different it all was to the first meeting they’d had just over 2 years ago and as he watched his mother gently smooth Mary’s hair back any anger he was feeling simply dissipated. He knew only too well after the events of the last few years, he couldn’t change the past but he could make sure history never repeated itself. He watched as Mary and his mother made their way over to him and he took a deep breath as Evelyn glanced up at him, her face wrought with worried anticipation. She opened her mouth to say something, and Frank knew full well it was going to be an apology so he shook his head.
“It’s done.” He said simply “And I don’t wanna waste a single second more thinking about it, ok mom?”
Evelyn nodded, and then in a sudden display of affection she moved to embrace him. It was a little stiff but Frank didn’t shy away, wrapping his arms around his mother in a gentle hug before he pulled away and took her bag off her.
When they reached Bill and Verity’s neither Frank nor Fliss was surprised to find that Verity had laid a spread on. She loved entertaining and so had taken it upon herself to pull together a buffet consisting of a selection of cold meats, breads, crudités, dips and savoury snacks along with a huge plate of her infamous brownies. No sooner had Frank walked into the kitchen he had a beer thrust into his hand by Steve who winked at him and he turned to Fliss a little sheepishly with a shrug.
“I’ll drive home.” She rolled her eyes playfully as she gently turned Alex so that he was against her chest, head raised slightly as he looked around.
“Oh fuck that.” Evelyn said, taking the red wine that Bill handed her as Frank gave a snort at his mother’s language, not that it surprised him, she’d always been quite colourful that way despite her proper appearance and professional demeanour “We’ll get a cab. It’s Christmas.” “See, she gets it!” Steve nodded to Evelyn who simply shrugged and took a sip of her wine before she set it down on the kitchen counter.
“May I?” she asked Fliss, gesturing to Alex and Fliss smiled.
“Of course, here…” she passed him over and Evelyn looked at the baby who broke into a gummy smile.
“He gets more like you ever time I see him.” Evelyn whispered, looking at Frank who smiled.
“Yeah, so I’m told” he shrugged, attempting an air of nonchalance but as Fliss looked at him smirking he knew he had failed. He fucking loved the fact his boy looked like him, it massaged his ego and he didn’t care one iota about how smug it made him appear.
After Mary, Charlie and Joel had eaten, the three of them headed upstairs to the movie room, arms laden with snacks as Bill put The Santa Clause on the large screen and the adults all settled in the living room. Evelyn asked if she could feed Alex and Frank obliged, handing her the baby and the bottle. There was a little more chat before Verity cleared her throat and addressed the huge elephant in the room.
“So, how did it go with the social worker kids?”
Fliss and Frank exchanged a glance before Frank smiled “Good, really good. In fact, she said in her conclusion they’ll recommend the adoption is processed regardless of any objections but, we’ll see. For now we’ve done everything we can so it’s down to the court in the New Year.”
“Oh, that’s…that’s great, that’s really….great.” Bill said, nodding as his eyes misted over and Verity stood up, moving to give Fliss a cuddle as her eyes had filled at the sight of her father’s emotions. Frank could feel the tears stabbing at his eyes too so, under the guise of nipping to the bathroom he took a moment and headed through the kitchen and out of the bi-folding doors, stepping onto the veranda which overlooked the landscaped garden and pool area.
Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn’t been out there that long when he heard someone behind him. A tumbler of scotch was pushed into his hand and he looked up as Steve clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Thought you might need that.” He said, as he set the bottle and his own glass down on the table, fishing in his pocket for his cigarettes. As he sparked it up he took a drag, blowing it out to the side taking care to remain hidden.
“Fucking 38 and still hiding the fact I smoke from my mum.” Steve snorted and Frank shook his head.
“Hate to break it to you Steeb but she knows.” He chuckled at the look on Steve’s face “She was complaining to Fliss about it the other day.” “No shit.” Steve muttered, “Oh, well, fuck it…”
Frank laughed again and took a sip of his drink before he asked Steve about the house he was purchasing just out east of Tampa. Steve explained the sale was going through now and they should be ready to move in towards the middle of January.
“Good.” Frank nodded “If you need a hand, moving and stuff, just holler. Lord knows you did enough for us, I’d be glad to help.” “Don’t worry you will be.” Steve smirked and Frank snorted.
“How’s Sian taking to the move? Fliss said she was a little apprehensive.” “Yeah, she was.” Steve shrugged “But she’s also excited. I mean of course she’s nervous to leave her family behind but she knows it’s too good an opportunity to pass up on, and it won’t be forever. Probably about 5 years or so and we’ll head back home.” “I wouldn’t bet on it.” Frank said, knocking back his scotch.
“Why’s that?” Steve asked, his voice coming out as a slight mumble as he held his cigarette between his lips so he could top Frank’s glass up again.
“Well-cheers-“ Frank nodded, taking the tumbler off him “-it’s like Fliss said, once this place gets it’s claws into you, you kinda grow to love it.”
Steve chuckled and dropped his now done dab end onto the floor under his foot before he bent down and retrieved it, slipping it into his pocket to dispose of later.
“So, Fliss told you that we got family coming out this New Year?” Steve asked.
“She mentioned one of her cousins…” Frank paused “Tabs was it?”
“Babs.” Steve corrected “We got 4, there’s Eva who’s married to a Police Officer called Ari, Jen who’s married to a lawyer called Andy and Amber who is married to Curtis…” “He the train mechanic?” Frank racked his memory and Steve nodded.
“Yeah, they all still live in Liverpool but Babs, the one that’s coming…she’s something else.” Steve snorted. “She lives in Australia with a photographer called Hugh. Well, I say photographer, he’s kind of a trust fund rich boy that plays at it, you know? Nice enough guy though, always happy to shout you on a night out.”
“So they making a special trip over or…” “They’re taking some kind of sabbatical, if you can take a sabbatical from doing fuck all.” Steve shrugged “6 month tour of the US starting here. She’s fucking great fun though. Her and Fliss are the same age and were thick as thieves growing up, used to get into all sorts of mischief.” He shook his head. “They once set fire to a bin on a park. By accident mind. They were pretending to smoke these hollow twig things stuffed with dried grass and when one set on fire Babs panicked and tossed it into the bin.” Frank snorted as Steve continued.
“The whole thing went up.” Steve chuckled “So they legged it and got followed home by an off duty copper. Dad and Uncle Ted went ballistic…
“Wait…your dad’s brother is called Ted?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, Bill and Ted.” Steve grinned. Frank looked at him, before the pair of them burst out laughing, and couldn’t stop. It wasn’t that funny, it really wasn’t, but the more Steve laughed, the more Frank did, and the more Frank laughed, the more Steve died. By the time Frank managed to control himself he had tears of pure mirth in his eyes and he wiped them as his laughter subsided and he managed to take a breath, clutching at his side.
“What you two laughing at?” Fliss asked, stepping outside.
“Your face.” Steve shot back.
“Twat.” Fliss narrowed her eyes at him and she turned to Frank who was still chuckling “And I don’t know what you find so funny…”
“Nothing at all baby.” He smirked, dropping a kiss to her head, “Nothing at all.” ******
There were sore heads in the Adler household the next day. They’d stayed at Bill and Verity’s till well past midnight, and had left Mary there as she’d passed out asleep with the twins in the movie room. After they’d managed to herd all the kids to bed, the adults had continued drinking and eventually called it a night when Bill had fallen asleep in his arm chair, dropping his glass of brandy all over the floor.
Fliss had stable duties that morning, and took off early even though she felt she was still half drunk and when she returned a few hours later Frank and Evelyn were sat at the breakfast bar, each nursing cups of coffee and looking half dead. Eventually they all managed to muster enough about themselves to shower, dress and head over to pick Mary up. Frank was low-key pleased to see Steve looked worse than he felt and after a quick coffee they set off into the little town to have a walk round the Christmas Stalls that had been set up before they grabbed a bite to eat and Evelyn started telling Fliss a few stories about Frank and Diane when they had been children at Christmas.
“I think my personal favourite will be the carol service when you were 6.” Evelyn looked at Frank and he groaned taking a sip of his soda as he leaned back in his chair “He has a lovely voice you know and that year he was selected to do a solo.” “We don’t need to hear this…” Frank started to protest but Fliss cut him off.
“Yes we do, go on Evelyn.”
“So his particular hymn was Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. And the line ‘God and sinners reconciled’ was proving a little tricky for him as he rehearsed.”
“I was 6.” Frank deadpanned.
“I’m well aware, it still doesn’t stop it being funny.” Evelyn grinned “So up he gets, sings out the song note and word perfect until he gets to this line and belts out ‘God and sinners dressed in style’”
Fliss snorted and Mary let out a howl of laughter.
“You’re such a loser” she looked at him
“Quit it or you’ll be getting no presents tomorrow morning.”
“Hey, do you remember that year grandpa sent us nothing?” Frank suddenly had a recollection and he looked at Evelyn who let out a loud laugh.
“God yes, you and Diane were disgusted!”
“Oh, the last year before he died-“ Frank started to explain as Fliss looked at him blankly “-well, he was clearly feeling his age and found that shopping for Christmas gifts had become too difficult. So he decided to send checks to everyone instead. In each card he wrote, ‘Buy your own present!’ and mailed them early. Only when we opened them, there was no check…he’d forgotten to enclose them with the cards.”
“So you all literally got a card with ‘buy your own present’ written inside?” Fliss laughed and Frank chuckled
“Yeah, which to be fair dad thought was hilarious but…poor Grandpa was devastated. He tried to blame Santa, of course, but it didn’t wash.”
“That’s because Santa isn’t real.” Mary looked at him.
“Yes he is.” Fliss sighed “I’m not having this debate with you again.”
“You said yourself the other day that Frank was incapable of organising anything because he was a man so how could one dude organise gifts for the entire world?” Mary looked at her and Frank turned his head slowly to Fliss.
“Oh, you did, did you?”
Fliss hesitated, before she sighed “Come on, your organisational skills at home are ridiculous.”
“Do our bills get paid on time?”
“Yes, but-“
“Has Alex died yet?”
“No…” Fliss laughed.
“Then we’re good!” Frank shrugged, his hand gently dropping to his son’s tummy as he lay asleep in the stroller parked next to him “I find your lack of faith disturbing. And if we’re being sexist, I know Santa is a man as a woman wouldn’t be able to hack driving a sleigh around for a night, not to mention the complete mess she’d make trying to park it…”
“Wow!” Fliss looked at him as he laughed, “Ok, buddy, I bed I can think of 5 reasons why I would jump at the chance to be Santa.”
“Go on.” He teased and Fliss held up her hand, counting on her fingers as she spoke.
“One, I could grow to the size of Hawaii knowing it’s simply all part of the job. Two, I’d simply be able to buy one big, black belt, and brass buckle, and be accessorized for life. Three there would be no reason to have my hair colour done. Four, everyone would be extremely nice to me, regardless of my behaviour and five, if people commented that my belly jiggled when I laughed I could hit them with my purse.”
“Six…” Evelyn picked up as Frank laughed “You would always work in sensible footwear”
Frank shook his head “She always is anyway, not like you wear high heels to ride horses in and muck out stalls…”
“Those boots hurt when they’re not worn in.” Mary jabbed back “I know.”
With a snort Frank leaned back and looked down at Alex “Buddy, you better hurry up and start talking, I need someone here to even out the numbers.”
After another hour or so, when it was dark, they headed home and Evelyn bid them all a good night, heading to her guest suite above the garage to read and relax, declining their offer to join them for a drink stating she’d had quite enough the night before.
Mary wasn’t far behind, the excitement of the last few days having wiped her out, plus as she reminded Frank and Fliss, the sooner she went to bed the sooner it would be present time. She headed off for a bath before she settled down with her book upstairs and an hour or so later Frank went up to took her in, finding her fast asleep with Fred curled around her head.
It wasn’t even 8:30 pm and Fliss and Frank were all set for the evening. Presents wrapped, kids settled, and Frank had just moved to grab them a beer each when his phone sounded in his pocket.  He glanced at the shitty Nokia he was being forced to use after smashing his Samsung against the wall and frowned.
“It’s Greg.” He said before he answered. “Hey man.”
“S’up, listen, you guys free if I pop in for 5? I got a Christmas card for you and I forgot to drop it off earlier.”
“Yeah, sure.” Frank chuckled. “Just come on round the back, gate and the door are open.”
“No worries pal, see you in 15.”
“He coming over?” Fliss asked as Frank tossed the phone down on the side.
“Yeah, just for 5 minutes. Says he has a card for us.” “A card?”
“Yeah, you know what Zara’s like. He’s probably had it for weeks and forgotten about it.” Franks shrugged, passing Fliss an open beer as they both crossed to the sofa. They settled down to watch the Christmas special of Brooklyn 99 and true to his word, Greg walked in 15 minutes or so later.
“Hey Greg, you want a beer?” Frank stood up, gesturing to the kitchen area.
“No I can’t stay, I just wanted to give you this before tomorrow.”
Frank paused and took the envelope off him. “This isn’t a card?” he frowned.
“No, it’s a little better than that.” Greg beamed as Fliss rose to her feet, crossing to where Frank was stood. With a frown, Frank turned the envelope over, opened it and as his eyes scanned the piece of paper he felt his mouth grow dry and his heart suddenly pounded so hard he felt it was going to thump right out of his chest.
“He signed the papers…” Frank whispered, swallowing as he looked at the document in his hands. “Lissy, Polland…he signed the adoption papers.”
“What?” Fliss breathed out as she took it from him, her eyes roving the wording before she looked at Frank, then Greg. “I- when?”
“I had a call earlier this afternoon saying they were dropping the objection.” Greg smiled. “Seems he suddenly had a change of heart when his Attorney told him he was on tape confessing to taking a bung and attempting to blackmail Fliss. I won’t tell you what he called him, it was a 4 letter word and ended in t…pretty sure you can fill in the gaps.” He nodded to the paper in Fliss hand “I asked him to hurry that through and it arrived about half an hour before I called. I wanted to give it to you in person.”
“So…we don’t need to go to court?” Frank breathed out, his eyes brimming with tears.
Greg shook his head “There’ll be a finalisation hearing in January but coupled with that and the CWD report it’s gonna simply be a formality. It’s as good as done.” “So, we’re…” Fliss took a deep breath “We’re gonna be her parents?”
Greg nodded. “Yup.”
Frank was struggling for words as he looked at his best friend before he pulled him into a huge bro hug. He stepped back, wiping his eyes as Fliss moved forward to hug Greg too, before they both walked him to his car.
“I owe you, big time.” Frank croaked and Greg waved him away as he opened the door to his Merc.
“I told you it would work out.” He shrugged, smiling broadly. “Merry Christmas guys.”
The two of them waved him off before Fliss turned to Frank, her tears falling down her cheeks “I can’t believe it…” “Me neither.” Frank spluttered and Fliss leaped into his arms, the pair of them laughing in sheer joy. Even thought they’d thrown themselves into the holiday spirit, neither of them had been able to shake that little feeling that a small, dark cloud was still following them. And now that was gone.
It was over. All over. And they’d won.
They headed back inside, both resisting the urge to wake Mary to tell her, deciding they’d leave it for the morning, but they absolutely did decide to crack a bottle of champagne open.
And then Frank had an even better idea, one that came to him on a whim as they walked back through their garden. Silently he disappeared into the little laundry room at the side of the kitchen and when he emerged, Fliss had her back to him so she didn’t see him deposit the 2 pool towels on the breakfast bar. He moved to where she reaching for two champagne flutes, and as she stood on her tiptoes, he wrapped his arms around her from behind causing her to jump a little.
“I can’t believe it.” Fliss whispered “I mean I hoped he’d back down but…”
“I know” Frank kissed her neck tenderly “Another huge Christmas Eve huh? Second one in a row?”
Yeah.” She sighed happily, her hands falling on top of his arms, rubbing gently. “You know last year I was so nervous when I found out I was pregnant.”
“So was I, and that was before you told me that bit of news.” He smiled, his chin resting on her shoulder. “I’d been trying to propose for ages. I was shitting my pants it was gonna go wrong or you’d turn me down.”
“Not a chance Sailor.” She turned her head to look at him. “You’re stuck with me.” He pressed a kiss to her lips and the pair of them stood in silence in their kitchen, lost in their own thoughts, simply looking out of the window over their garden which was illuminated softly by the lighting round the pool area. Eventually Frank remembered his original plan and he smiled to himself.
“So all the presents are wrapped, everyone’s in bed waiting for the big guy with the sack to arrive…” Frank muttered, his lips grazing her neck “The pool heaters have been on all day…what about a Christmas Eve dip?”
Fliss turned in his arms, arching an eyebrow “Would you merely be trying to get me naked Francis?”
“Yes.” He nodded and she giggled.
“Skinny dipping? On Christmas Eve?”
“You lost your sense of adventure Cowgirl?” he teased.
Fliss peered round him to where Alex was sleeping in the basinet and with a grin pulled back and whipped off her T-shirt. “Does that answer your question?”
Frank laughed and caught the top as she threw it at him, tossing it to the side as he grabbed the towels. By the time he caught up with her outside Fliss was on the edge of the pool in nothing but her baby-blue cotton panties and his eyes scanned up her legs and the rest of her body until they locked onto hers. She bit her lip as she stepped out of her underwear and Frank felt his cock twitch as she turned and coyly shot him a look over her shoulder before she descended down the mosaic tiled steps at the shallow end of the pool.  
Not wanting to waste a second more he threw the towels down on one of the sun loungers and reached over his head, grabbing a fistful of his grey t-shirt. He pulled it off before be quickly undid his belt and in one swoop yanked down his loose jeans and boxers.
Fliss dropped off the bottom step, her shoulders dipping under the warm water as she turned to watch Frank following her in, her eyes trailing up from his knees over his thighs, semi-erect cock which stood beneath that happy trail that led down his slim, flat yet ever so slightly soft stomach and up to his broad shoulders and strong arms. Her eyes moved to his handsome face, the stubble on his jaw line always gave him a more rugged look and his short hair was spiked up messily as it usually was at the end of the day.
Fuck, he was beautiful. 
And not just on the outside. Even before the events of the last few weeks Fliss knew her man was the most caring, wonderful and doting father and lover on the planet but since the issue with Polland had raised its head she'd seen a side to him that she had only ever caught glimpses of before. A softer, vulnerable side and it filled her heart with even more love for him for reasons she couldn't explain other than it just did. He wasn't afraid to show weakness to her, he wasn't ashamed to tell her his fears. Because they were a true partnership. And as she watched him crouch down so his body was submerged in the water, his eyes sparkling in the lights, she felt an unnerving spike of desire that was so strong it surged right from her toes up her body, leaving her slightly fuzzy headed, like she was drunk on love. 
Frank cocked his head playfully to the side as Fliss gracefully pushed off the ball of her foot and swam towards him before she twisted in the water slightly and brought her legs out in front of her. She wrapped them round his waist, settling herself on his lap as his large hands gently splayed on her back. Fliss nuzzled her nose against his chin, nudging his head back so she could chain soft kisses across his jaw line, her lips skating the bristles on his face as she gently nipped at his skin. Frank let out a soft sigh, his hands pulling her closer as she moved her affections down his neck, over his Adam’s apple before she gently sucked at the junction of his shoulder and neck, grinding down on him, her bare core slicking over his cock.
"Fuck, Liss..." he stuttered, pulling back to look at her, the water sloshing around them "What's got into you, huh?"
"Nothing yet." She purred back.
Frank looked at her, but before he could make a smart reply she’d dropped her hand from his shoulder into the pool and wrapped her palm around him making him choke on his words slightly as she stroked him with a few quick flicks of her wrist.
“Jesus, baby…” he managed to croak as her eyes locked onto his and a smirk curled on her lips. She leaned forwards, her teeth nipping at his ear and he gave a soft groan, his head falling back slightly as she continued to work him, her hand pumping up and down his now rock hard dick. And then she stopped, and he felt her mouth curve open and her breath was hot on his skin as she whispered 3 words that sent red hot fire coursing through his entire body.
“Fuck me, Sailor.”
He didn’t need asking twice. 
Fliss moved herself, guiding him to where she wanted and she sank down onto his length, his hands grabbing her hips as she took him in completely, a low, drawn out gasp escaping her lips as Frank hissed slightly as her walls clamped around him. He gave himself a moment, enjoying the feel of her before he thrust upwards, his fingers curling around her soft flesh as he drew back slowly, before pushing back into her deeply, rotating his hips. Fliss’ hands curled around his shoulders, her head tipping back, eyes closed in pleasure, the action causing her breasts to rise out of the water. Keeping his rhythm slow and deep he dipped his head, his tongue tracing a stripe down her cleavage, the salty tang of the pool water hitting his taste buds as he directed his attention to her nipple, flicking and sucking softly, all the time listening and feeling her reactions as she pushed down further against him, desperate for more. For whatever reason, Fliss was in a downright filthy mood and Frank had a feeling that slow and steady wasn’t going to be enough. He moved his mouth, nipping up her neck before his lips pressed onto hers, the kiss filthy as his tongue fucked her mouth and he pulled back as he began to back himself up to the side of the pool.
With a quick movement he turned so Fliss’s back was against the tiled edge, and he looked at her as she stared at him, her deep brown eyes wide with lust as he dipped his head to kiss her again.
“Turn around.” He instructed, his voice low and Fliss complied, moving off him and spinning in the water. One large hand slid up her spine to her neck and his fingers gently curled around her nape as he pushed her forwards slightly, before he slid both his hands up her arms and directed her hands to grip at the lip of the pool.
Fliss’ body was tingling with anticipation. Her palms gripped round the rough surface of the pool edge as she surrendered to Frank’s control, his chest pressing against her back, lips sucking at her neck.
“If this is too much, tell me…” he whispered against her skin. Fliss tilted her face round to look at him, seeing those ocean blues she loved shining with love and what looked like a slight glimmer of concern. And she knew why. Whilst their sex was hot, passionate, loving, it was very rarely rough because he didn’t want to push her too far knowing her past. But she wanted this, she needed it. She smiled at him, pressing her lips to his.
“I trust you.” She promised him gently and Frank kissed her again before he pulled away. His hands gripped her hips, lifting her ass up so her feet planted on the floor of the pool as he rose to his, the water lapping around his thighs as he buried himself into her with one swift movement. He pulled out slowly before he thrust back, bottoming out as she gasped, her head tilting backwards as he continued rocking his hips back and forth, slowly at first, his movements gathering pace until he built up into a fast, relentless rhythm, every drive into her jolting her forwards slightly as she braced herself against the edge with her arms, elbows locked to absorb the shock. Pants, whimpers, soft cries and the debauched sound of sloshing and skin slapping skin filled the otherwise silent night air of the garden and Frank dropped his eyes to the point where he was pounding in and out of his girl, the sight of where they were joined was hot as fuck and he let out a groan as he watched for a second, before his eyes flicked back up to Fliss. Her head was dropped between her arms, slightly twisted to the right and he could see her eyes were closed, jaw slack, full lips open in a silent cry.
As he continued his powerful, fast thrusts, his cock brushed occasionally against that spot inside and Fliss felt the coil in her belly beginning to tighten slowly, each time he hit it. Frank adjusted his stance and bent over, his right hand falling over hers as he too braced himself against the edge of the pool, giving a dirty grind and Fliss cried out loudly at the sensation.
“Fuck, right there…” she encouraged and Frank repeated the movement again, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he was fighting the urge he was feeling to cum.
“Liss, shit...” He gasped, his left hand dropping between her legs, coaxing her clit and after a few strong strokes Fliss arched her back, her head following as she let out a cry of his name as the world tilted on its axis, her orgasm rocking her to her very core. The feeling was too much for Frank and with a loud moan that rumbled from his chest he followed her right over the edge, his thrusts growing sloppy as he pumped through his own release before he stilled, his head bowing as he waited for the surge of ecstasy to dissipate.
Eventually the fog lifted enough so that he was able to bend his knees slightly, and with the arm that was curled around Fliss’ waist he turned them in the water. Fliss was near dead weight and went with him obligingly, his cock still buried in her as he pivoted and dropped down so that his back was against the wall of the pool and she sat on his lap, the water gently splashing around their shoulders.
Frank cradled her close, pressing a kiss to her neck as he gave a low hum of satisfaction, her head falling back against his shoulder, a smile flickering across her lips.
“You know…” Frank mumbled after a little moment of silence “Cowgirls will always be my favourite, even in reverse.”
Fliss gave a soft chuckle as she opened her eyes and titled her head to look at him. “I prefer sailors…” she smirked and he laughed, pressing his lips to hers.
“You ok?” he asked, as her hands fell over his arms, fingers softly skating up his wet skin and she gave a nod.
“Never better.” She affirmed.
“Good.” He kissed her temple. “You wanna get out or…”
“No, I’m good here for a while.” She purred and he smiled, his mouth dropping to her shoulder where he pressed another kiss to her skin.
Eventually Fliss reluctantly conceded that they probably should get out as Alex would want feeding again any time soon. But, not wanting the moment to end, Frank suggested that whilst she showered he could do the feed and light the fire-pit. Fliss agreed and after wrapping herself in a towel she kissed him again and headed upstairs. Frank dried himself off, located his T-shirt and shrugged it on, leaving the towel round his waist as he warmed a bottle for his now grumbling son. By the time Fliss came back down stairs in her plaid sleep pants and tank, Alex was just finishing up. Frank passed him over, and they both headed back outside. Once the fire was lit Frank scooted off for a quick shower and returned 10 minutes later to find Alex settled once more in the basinet, tucked snuggly under his Christmas blanket that was decorated with little Santa’s and trees, his eyes roaming the starry sky.  Fliss sat with her legs under a tartan fleece on the outside sofa, the bottle of champagne stood in the middle of the table in an ice bucket and either side of it rested two full flutes. With a satisfied sigh Frank sat next to her, reaching for his drink and resting his feet on the table as Fliss snuggled under his arm. The pair of them clinked their glasses together, shared another soft kiss and settled into a soft chatter.
It was cosy, domestic, loving, and everything Fliss had ever dreamed of having, but never in a million years thinking she’d experience, and as they sat talking and laughing, speculating about Mary’s reaction to the news of her adoption being tomorrow, she felt herself suddenly choked with emotion and she sat up, looking at her man.
“I think she’s gonna...” Frank trailed off, frowning at the look on Fliss’ face “Hey, honey what’s wrong?”
“Absolutely nothing.” She muttered, clambering onto his lap so she was straddling him, jolting the glass he was holding a little and sending some of the Moet spilling onto the patio.
“You sure?” he titled his head to look at her and she nodded, sniffing back her tears as she kissed him, her hands running through his messy hair.
“I’m just so happy Frank, I can’t stop thinking about how much I lucked out.” She whispered as she pulled away and Frank smiled against her mouth.
“I think I’m the one that lucked out.” He whispered, his spare hand reaching up to smooth her hair back slightly.
“Maybe we can agree we’re both lucky bastards” she grinned and he chuckled, his eyes locking onto hers.
“I can live with that.” He agreed.
For the second day in a row Frank and Fliss woke with hangovers, as post the champagne they hit the bourbon and didn’t go to bed until 2 am. Now it was half 6 and Frank wasn’t impressed that he was going to have to deal with a hyper 9 year old who was currently bouncing on his bed, a 16 week old and his mother with a headache and only 4 and a half hours sleep.
After they sat and opened the gifts in their stocking, Frank telling Fliss to leave the thin, flat box until she was alone, they headed downstairs. Frank grinned at Fliss as Mary bust into the family room and glanced at the presents which were arranged in a pile by the sofa. The three of them exchanged their gifts, Fliss being especially delighted with her Spa Day voucher from Mary and Alex, which Frank informed her Simon had also gotten one for Bonnie so they could go together. Frank had also bought her a few new pairs of riding breeches, signed her up for a year’s subscription to Kindle Unlimited, a few more items of clothing, a 3 Pandora charms in the shape of the letters, F, M and A meaning she had one for them all and a stunning silver and diamond necklace and earring set from Tiffany’s which Fliss gasped at when she opened. In contrast Fliss had bought Frank a new phone from Alex and Mary to replace the one he’d smashed against the wall, a few T-shirts and then cryptically told him the biggest gift from her was yet to come.
“You’re not pregnant again are you?” he leaned over and asked her semi-seriously.
“Fuck, no!” she spluttered and he let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. “It’s just a little big…you’ll see.”
Before he could press her any further, Mary gave a loud shriek as she unwrapped the hooded top that was decorated the same as her Gillet and grinned, jamming it on over her pyjama top. Frank laughed as she did a parade in front of them before she paused, looking at the door to the little room off the kitchen. Frank had covered over the door frame in wrapping paper as it held her big present and Mary looked at it, before she turned to Frank and Fliss, frowning.
“What’s that?”
“Dunno.” Frank teased “Why don’t you go through and see?”
Mary looked at the pair of them again before she ran over, her reindeer slippers padding over the floor and she tore through the paper, pushing the door open.
Frank curled his arm round Fliss, kissed the side of her head as they followed her into the room where Mary was stood, gaping around.
As a surprise they’d turned it into a little sitting room of sorts for her. Over the last 4 weeks they had meticulously emptied it of the crap that had been in there since they’d moved in and they’d completely re-decorated it. Frank had painted a pale yellow on 3 of the walls, the 4th at the back was papered with a huge picture of Monty in the pasture. Her show rosettes were hung on a trellis which Frank had screwed to the wall with plenty of space for more and on the shelving unit which housed a large, flat screen Tv, Blu-ray player and Android box were positioned a few photos of various family shots. To finish the room off, 2 huge bean bags were placed in the middle of the room which were big enough for Fliss and Frank to lie in (they'd had a lot of fun trying them out) and there was a small desk in the corner along with an office chair. But it was the electronic keyboard nestled in the corner of the wall that held the TV that caught Mary’s eye.
As Fred sauntered in and hopped up on a bean bag as if he owned the place, Mary walked over to the keyboard running her hands along it before she turned to look at the two adults, her mouth hanging open.
“We thought you might like a place to hang out or chillax or whatever it is you kids do now...” Frank smiled “You know, instead of always needing to go to your room when Rosie or whoever comes over. You can study in here too as well.”
“And trust me you'll want your own space once this monster starts crawling.” Fliss smiled, readjusting Alex in her arms slightly.
“I love it…” Mary gasped, looking around her eyes brimming “My own special living room…and a sort of piano.”
“Well, you keep up your lessons with Nanny V and we might, and I mean might, get you a real one” Frank smiled and Mary beamed at him before she shot over to the pair of them. Frank picked her up with a groan and kissed her cheek.
“Rosie is gonna be well jel.” She giggled and Frank laughed as Mary leaned over to kiss Fliss’ cheek.
“There’s something in the desk for you too.” Frank took a deep breath, setting Mary down on the floor. As she walked over the room, Frank moved, his arm hooking round Fliss’ waist as they watched her open the lid of the desk and take out the envelope. With a frown she pulled it open and her eyes widened as she looked at the detail.
“Is this…” she started breathing deeply, her gaze shooting up to Frank’s, her eyes filling with tears “He…”
Frank nodded, his own eyes pricking with tears “Yeah, he signed the papers Stack.”
“So, I’m…I’m adopted?” she stuttered.
“Not quite but…” Frank sniffed, “It’s about as good as done, yeah. Greg got those yesterday.”
As Mary looked back down at the paper in her hand, Frank spotted a tear fall from her face and then he frowned as he saw her legs starting to shake. In a flash he was by her side, catching her as she dropped to her knees. She wrapped her arms around his neck, the paper scrunching slightly in her hand as she buried her face into the crook of his neck and began to cry.
Frank pressed his face into her hair, trying desperately to keep his own tears from falling but failing miserably. Fliss was already gone, and she moved to walk towards them, dropping gently to her knees, Alex held safely in her arms.
“We’re gonna be a proper family.” Mary sobbed and Frank stuttered a laugh as he pulled back to look down at her.
“Mary, sweetheart, we already were.” His voice cracked and she nodded against his neck, before she started to cry again. At that point Thor walked into the room and pushed his nose straight in between Mary and Frank, licking her face and letting out soft little whines.
Mary giggled and grabbed his fur gently “Thor, get off you doofus…”
“Is everything ok?” a voice made all of them look up to see Evelyn in the doorway, wrapped in a dressing gown and slippers. Frank, who had momentarily forgotten he’d text her to come join them, looked up through his tears and nodded. Fliss took the paper out of Mary’s hand and held it out to Evelyn. She gently gripped it, her eyebrows raised slightly, and then her hand flew to her mouth when she read the writing.
“Oh, that’s….that’s fantastic!” she sniffed, “Really…”
Mary, whose sobs had now subsided suddenly pulled back from Frank and looked at Fliss, “We need to give Frank his present!”
“Yup, we do!”
“Yeah, what…” Frank frowned “I’m kinda scared about this you know.” “Oh trust me, you’re gonna LOVE it!” Mary grinned, before she stood up straight.
“Why don’t you let me watch Alex whilst you head out?” Evelyn smiled and Fliss handed him over to his grandmother before the three of them headed to the hallway. Fliss fished the garage keys off the hooks by the door and tossed them to Frank who caught them in his right hand.
“You’re gonna need those” she smiled. Frank arched an eyebrow as he shoved on his sneakers but didn’t say anything as they headed out into the December sun, making their way over the drive.
“Is something gonna jump out at me?” he paused, the keys in the door.
“No.” Mary grinned. With one final, suspicious look at them he flung the up-and-over door open and stopped dead as he looked into the now full space of the double garage, his mouth hanging open.
In front of him was a fairly large boat. It had a covered lower deck area which housed the main engine and cockpit and a large, open flat stern area with benches. It was old, and in need of a fuck tonne of work but Frank was absolutely over the moon.
“Holy…you…you bought me a boat?” he turned to Fliss who grinned and nodded.
“I suppose technically I bought us a boat, but…” she shrugged as Frank moved over to examine it. He ran his hands over the hull, which was sound enough considering the state the rest of it was in and he turned to Fliss, his handsome face splitting into a huge smile.  
“It’s a wreck, I love it!” he beamed and Fliss grinned as he took her face in both hands and kissed her “Thank you baby.” “Well I thought about getting a newer one but I know you’ve always wanted to do your own up” she smiled as he pulled away “Plus, from a purely selfish point of view, I’m kinda looking forward to seeing you full of grease again.”
He grinned and arched an eyebrow before he kissed her again and Mary made a gagging noise. He turned to her, playfully swatting at her head and the 3 of them made their way back to the house, Frank casting a loving glance at his newest prized possession before he pulled the door down and locked it.
They exchanged gifts with Evelyn over breakfast, both Mary and Alex’s piles in the living room were significantly larger when they finished opening the bags full each and then following a breakfast of pancakes and bacon which was made whilst dancing around the kitchen to various Christmas songs, Fliss and Mary headed over to the yard to see to the horses and sneak a quick ride in before they needed to head over to Bill and Verity’s.
Fliss opted to shower first so she could get Alex ready and once she was alone she took her time to open the present Frank had told her to leave until later. As she pulled off the wrapping paper she smiled to herself as she saw the Victoria Secrets box and lifted the lid off, gently pulling back the pink tissue wrapping. Biting her lip she pulled out the sheer gold negligee, which was beautiful and rather classy as well, before she placed it back in the box and headed into the bathroom.
Just as she’d finished dressing Frank walked into their room, Alex in his arms and he smiled, pressing his lips to hers.
“I opened it…” Fliss smiled against his mouth.
“Mmmhmmm” she affirmed “I happen to think I suit gold.”
Frank smiled “I’m sure you do.”
She grinned and took Alex off him before she headed out of the room, Frank watching her go before he stripped off his clothing and headed into the bathroom.
20 minutes or so later, dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a red and blue flannel button down, Frank wandered into the family room and stopped dead as he caught sight of Alex’s outfit.
“Lissy, what the fuck is my boy wearing?” Frank stared at the baby who was sat on Mary��s knee on the sofa, dressed in a green elf onesie. It had a black strip round the middle with a little yellow belt buckle detail, and the collar was red and ruffled. The legs were red and white hooped, just like tights, and on his head sat a red and green hat. As Frank stared at him in disbelief, Alex gazed up at his dad and let out a loud excited noise and waved his hands and legs.
“He looks cute, Frank.” Mary grinned, herself dressed in a white little blouse detailed with christmas patterns. Fliss walked over from the kitchen where she had been boxing up the sugar cookies she had made and grinned as Frank glared at her, pointing to Alex.
“He’s a fucking elf.” He deadpanned. “In tights.”
“Language.” Fliss slapped his arm lightly before she shrugged and gestured to her own Christmas sweater which depicted Santa stuck upside down in a chimney “It’s Christmas.” Frank shook his head. “He looks ridiculous.”
“Don’t be a scrooge.” Mary grinned and Frank shot her a glare, before he glanced at his son again, shaking his head. Alex seemed absolutely nonplussed at the fact his Mother had dressed him in the utterly stupid get up and Frank turned, shaking his head as Fliss smirked at him.
“Everyone is gonna laugh at him.” He pouted and Fliss snorted
“No they’re not!”
Frank knew he wasn’t going to win the argument, Fliss was as big a child as anyone when it came to Christmas, but he was damned if he was going to let his boy be the subject of ridicule without a fight. But whatever protest he had left died in his throat as at that point Evelyn walked back into the room, a few more gift bags in her hands for Fliss’ family and Roberta and let out a little chuckle.
“Oh my God, doesn’t he look adorable.” She clapped her hands and walked towards her grandson.
Fliss bit her lip, her shoulders shaking with laughter at the utter indignation on Frank’s face as he rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated growl as she slid her arms up round his neck. 
“Fine, just…whatever.” He sighed as she pulled his head down to hers, catching his lips in a soft peck. “Poor kid’s gonna grow up with a complex” he mumbled against her mouth “First the dinosaur outfit at Halloween, now this…”
“Well, so he doesn’t feel too bad, I got you a matching jumper.”
“Yeah Frank, you can put it on and then we can all take an elfie with your new phone, geddit?” Mary grinned and Fliss snorted. Frank pulled back and glared at Mary “Over my dead body.” “Can be arranged.” She retorted, and at that Fliss and Evelyn burst into laughter.
“Well that’s just mean.” Frank pouted and Fliss grinned, standing on her tiptoes.
“I’ll make it up to you later Sailor.” She whispered, her lips brushing his ear “I’ll let you decide if gold really is my colour for yourself…”
“Yeah?” he asked, arching an eyebrow, his hands dropping to her hips.
“If you wear the sweater…” “That’s…that’s blackmail.” He narrowed his eyes.
“I know.” She pulled back, turning to Mary and Evelyn. “Ok, shall we load the cars up? Mary you wanna ride with me or Frank?”
“Who’s goin’ to get Roberta?”
“Frank.” Fliss said “I’m taking Alex and Thor…and Fred.” She added as an after-thought. “Then I’ll go with him.” She nodded “That ok?”
“Sure.” Fliss smiled, her hand dropping to Mary’s head.
There was a sudden, excited bustle around the room as everyone moved to get their things together…and Frank went upstairs to change into his new elf sweater.
***** Chapter 18
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Does Run ep 119 fall into the period of Jikook's romantic separation/distancing you talked about? By hairstyles I think this is the time you marked as being 'not a couple'? Did I get the timelines right? Please dont get mad, but they seemed especially cozy+close this ep, and not just skinship (I know this is a subjective judgement and dif points of view are allowed). Just curious if you still hold to your theory? We see only tiny snapshots of time. Do you ever retrospectively change your mind?
Me right now. lol
Running away before I give in to the temptation to rumble on for pages. Lol.
Ahhh shit! Too late. lol.
First of all, it's not so much that questions like these irk me...
It's just I've never had to worry about being 'right' or 'wrong' in forming an opinion about anything or on any topic in my life.
I think the night is more beautiful than the day. I think both Trump and Biden are trash- but better Biden than Trump. I think formal education is a damn waste of time and money. I think a lot of things. But I've never had to worry about that I could be right or wrong about them.
I never assume, when I read people's opinions too, that they are right or wrong. I either tend to agree with it or disagree with it or get informed by it if I had zero opinion prior. I find it bizarre when people want to be right and stuff- especially in a community that is nothing but a swirling vortex of thoughts and opinions. Lmho.
You either defend your stand and give evidence to support it but even then we are just all making assumptions.
Also questions like these tend to put me in a position where I feel like if I should respond then I am not only 'defending' my opinions but challenging other's opinions with my opinions and treating my opinions as if they were the facts. But they are not. It's just one opinion against another.
Know what I mean?
I used to be comfortable doing that because I thought it was all friendly debates and discourse until someone drew my attention to it and pointed out to me that when I do that I come across as 'all knowy,' 'presenting my opinions as facts' and 'challenging other's opinions with my opinion'- which y'all are well aware is the case that has launched a thousand hate comments, privacy invasion, doxing, lies and operation boycott Goldy on ship street.
I don't think it's worth it.
Then there is the substantive issue: how these questions are framed. How should I put this...
I never said anywhere that Jikook were broken up during the On era because they were not acting 'cozy'. Who's theory is that? Who said that? I've never peddled the 'Jikook is real because of skinship or their interactions' theory. If anything, I try to distinguish between Jikook's couple moments and their skinship or mere interactions because neither of those two make Jikook real... to me.
If Jikook showing skinship and merely interacting with eachother to you is a determining factor as to whether they are real- it's not, to me. I've made this much clear over the course of my blogs. If it's your metric then it differs from mine and I can't 'challenge' it. Lol.
I have said, Jikook can interact zero in a content and I still could be able to tell if they are a couple.
Similarly, two people can grind on eachother and stick their tongues down eachother's throats and I still will be able to tell they are not a couple within the same group if they are not.
Am I wrong sometimes? Absolutely. Hell, I said JK was going to post for Jimin's birthday. He didn't. I got that wrong.
I do retrospectively change my mind on a lot of things. If say, in the future, Jimin announced he has a kid and is married to a het woman I would backpedal on my theory that Jikook is real. I don't think it's that deep.
If at any one point, I have reason to believe Jikook aren't together any more as a couple within BTS, or that one of them is straight, I would change my opinion about them being in a gay relationship with eachother.
Similarly, if I have reason to believe Jikook have broken up or distanced themselves from eachother at one point, I would say so and not run around the internet yelling Jikook gay, Jikook married.
There are moments, when I thought Jikook were together but they weren't and so I had to change my mind in retrospect too.
It seems to me, that to y'all, as long as I'm saying Jikook are together then I'm right and it's Amen preach but if I say I think they are or were not together at a point in their relationship then suddenly it's, she is a Trump supporter spreading lies about Jikook and dancing in the rain with convicted serial killers while trying to pass off her published work as Jikook fanfiction. It's all very interesting how some people's minds work...
For the record, I said Jikook were broken up within that period because they were not claiming eachother, reassuring eachother, exercising rights of claim and authority, speaking eachothers love language and all the other metrics I have time and again pointed out several times across my posts that they are the qualities that to me make Jikook a couple.
So do you see why I feel some kind of way when people come at me with the, 'they stared at eachother' 'they smiled at eachther' they touched eachother' argument? Y'all must have me confused a certain shipper on the block. Lol.
You tell me they look cozy and intimate, but then I go and check and they are still not claiming eachother or exhibiting any of the qualities that makes them a couple. Lol.
If I say Jikook is in a relationship, it's usually because I have reasons to believe they are in a relationship. If I say Jikook are not together, it's also because I have reasons to believe they are not together. It's really not hard maths.
I forego a lot of sleep to ensure I share my thought process on a lot of my theories and opinions. I have shared across several posts why I believe Jikook is real. I have shared a few of the metrics I use to decide on that opinion and I have shared my thought process on why I believe in certain moments they aren't together.
It's exhausting when I have to repeat that process each time because then it's not about you asking for my opinion on the topic anymore because I've already stated that, it's about you asking me to change my opinion on a topic based on your assessment and your metric and it just doesn't work that way.
Your assertion that Run 119 was filmed in the same era as On is valid I guess... but I have to disagree. I can't tell you exactly when that episode was filmed but if I had to share my two cents on it, I'd have to place it towards the middle of April this year or somewhere around that period. In my opinion.
I say that because Jimin debuted his jet black hair around 14th April when he appeared in a Vlive with RM. Again I do not know exactly when he got his hair changed but as of March 26th, he had blondish hair.
In his March 30th Vlive- the one where JK interrupted Jin's call, he had a cap on so chilee I'm not gonna argue on whether he had dyed his hair at that point or not.
Then there is Suga, who has blonde hair in this Run 119 episode. He had blonde hair from his birthday in early March and tweeted a bunch of photos of himself in blonde hair from March through to April 28th.
Yet in the JinMinGi Vlive on April 27th when Jimin still had jet black hair, Suga seemed to have a jet black hair too. Which means he could have had blonde hair around the time Jimin went black in early April and dyed it black in late April- but that's theory and that's just my assumption. We can know for sure if and when knew content is released which was filmed around that period.
Thus, I doubt if it was filmed during On era like episode 116 and 117- where you could see clearly, Jikook were having issues.
Just because a peice of content is released in succession don't mean they were filmed around the same period...
So yes I agree with you, we only see snapshots of their time and most importantly we see them in DISORDER. BigHit doesn't release content in chronological order as per when they film them- something I keep reiterating throughout my blogs.
And just as a tip for when you want to reconstruct the timeline for accuracy based on their hairstyles, I think you should look to their Live contents and not their prerecorded content. Their VLives and Youtube lives- actual lives not the prerecorded ones passed off as live streams lol, or even their live reactions to when they win awards or do interviews etc.
I think those are a somewhat accurate reflection of the timeline and helps fit contents in their right time period. But even that- it's still 60/40. But that's me. Feel free to use your own metric to access the timeline.
And the part about them seeming cozy within- On Era, I assume? Because that's when I speculated they had a break up?
I wasn't going to address it because it requires me to provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the timeline but I can't do that until a few more years from now when BigHit has released all or most of the content they have on that period.
I'm just gonna have to repeat myself, for the n>th time though and be intentionally vague about it lol - I had decided not to talk about that period again but I have to just because you make it sound like I would go full on frying pan wielding JK on your ass, step for step, for pointing out that Jikook seemed cozy and intimate within that speculated breakup period. Chilee, I'm not a villain. Lol.
I will not whoop your ass for saying that- but you'd have to answer a seven page query if you are an avid reader of my blogs, so clear your schedule. It's gonna be a long day. Lol.
Query: How do you expect Jikook to look like and behave if and when they are not together together?
I keep saying, at the bare minimum, Jikook are friends not enemies. You don't expect them to act like they never knew eachother during such times. But it takes a while for them to settle into that space when they both feel comfortable with being friends and during such period is when you notice them putting up emotional boundaries and distance between them.
Maybe its just because I saw Jikook as friends and got used to them as friends before lovers and so spotting when they are acting as friends comes easy to me? I don't know.
I think it's similar to how people who are used to seeing Jikook as friends can't seem to see past their friendship to seeing them as a couple.
Then there are those who've only known Jikook to be a couple or saw them as a couple first upon entering the fandom and so can't seem to see them as friends or even think of them as friends. It can be a trip for such people. Which one are you?
If you see Jikook as lovers all the time, really I don't. And I don't need the tensions and the silences to sense something is off. JK unable to check RM or anyone within the group when they are crossing boundaries with Jimin is enough tell.
Same way I don't need to the skinship and 'cosy' to tell if they are together. Jk putting up emotional distance with certain members within the group- all but Jimin, is enough evidence for me.
We don't have to all see Jikook through the same lens to enjoy them. And we don't have to agree on everything too.
We are different people, with different backgrounds and experiences. We can't think the same or perceive on things the same.
I keep saying, to me, there is a quality to Jikook that makes them more than friends. If I see those qualities in them, I believe they are a couple. If not, they are not. Those are the qualities I see only between Jikook and what set them apart from the other ships in BTS.
I see their friendship and I also see their other stuff.
And I notice, during certain periods that they lose that quality that makes them couples- for them to be a couple they need to be speaking eachothers love language, exercising certain rights and privileges over each other, claiming eachother, reassuring eachother yadda yadda yadda and a whole others that don't include them merely talking to eachother or engaging in skinship.
When I talk about Jikook On Era break up period, I'm talking about the period from the 21st to 28th February this year- or the period right before it.
Thats the period I noticed a drastic change in Jikook's interactions and even their personalities. It gave me the feeling that jikook had been through something heavy prior to that date. That period seemed more like the aftermath of a break up rather than the beginning of it as there seemed to be a drastic flip in their dynamics compared to any era before that. Especially late December or around the period when they filmed Carpool Karaoke.
They weren't doing any of the things I've mentioned above that to me make them a couple- they were just interacting and pretty much being civil- except for JK. He seemed more angry, less tolerant and very assertive against Jimin and the group.
He was being super self assertive and was asserting himself even against Jimin- something he has been doing a lot this year which I keep talking about.
Jimin didn't seem different to me at all to me in that period until April.
Why do I feel you are forcing me to talk about something I don't want to talk about? Lol.
I mark that period as significant not only because of the changes that took place in Jikook's dynamics but because it marks the genesis of the JK we are experiencing today.
Their interactions within that period were reflective of a consistent pattern of behavior they've exhibited around periods when they are not together- JK putting up boundaries, not claiming JM, JM trying to reconnect etc.
For instance, at Music Bank on the 28th of February, Jimin did that thing with Jin when he noticed JK interacting with Tae but JK didn't mind him or claim.
Contrast that with their moment on the 1st March, at Inkigayo, where JK literally teleported his ass to stand behind JM when he noticed JM had started his shenanigans on the stage.
Jikook started claiming eachother and acting as a couple again from then- they started reassuring eachother and doing all these things that to me mark them as a couple. Again, this is only an assumption, I don't have the comprehensive breakdown of the period- yet because there are new contents being released on a daily.
On 6th March, during Music Bank when Hobi hugged Jimin during their interview JK reacted strongly to that too in my opinion.
On 30th March, JK interrupted Jin's call to flirt and ask JM on a date- you could see them acting as a couple from that moment at Inkigayo on 1st March throughout to 30th March and their interactions were consistent.
Their interactions in the period before that was pretty much inconsistent and filled with a lot of Jump cuts- which I'm hoping future contents will help fill the gaps for me so I can build a comprehensive breakdown of that era- at least for my self. Iol.
It's just the way Jikook usually behave after these period. They go through a reconnection phase, where they constantly try reassure eachother and then eventually end up in a honey moon phase of a sort where you'd see them flirting up and down the hills, acting super touchy, hitting the red marks- making us and the others feel weird and super uncomfortable watching them.
It's also important to note that around the period of them reconnecting, JK had started distancing himself from Tae. He puts up emotional boundaries with the others and closes himself off to them when he opens himself up to Jimin.
I mean if I'm 'wrong,' and I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying if I'm wrong because of your two seconds clip of them acting 'cozy,' then I gotta ask what happened to JK in this period? Why was he putting up boundaries between him and Jimin in that period, and what set him on this self assertive path he's been on throughout this year- think about that while I hold on to my he went through a nasty breakup and had an emotional trauma that pushed him on a path to reevaluate and set his priorities straight theory. Lol
I think some of the content they have released so far within that period were filmed either closer to or far from when that break up happened- Run 116 and 117 would be the closest to that period so far- I just don't know if it was before 21st February or after it.
Run 100 and 101 would also have been filmed relatively closer to that period or immediately after it because Jimin was behaving in those Runs the same way he was behaving during the On Comeback Special VLive which was released on 21st of February- I feel the breakup would happened before this date.
In both those Runs and the On comeback special, Jimin seemed beat, humbled and subdued. He was trying to establish eye contact with JK during the comeback VLive, egging him on to talk about his looks, and putting boundaries between him and the other members. He seemed to be on his best behavior.
For instance, in the Comback he seemed like he was walking on eggshells around Kookie and didn't want to create the impression he was going out of his way to flirt with the others or portray himself as available and so when Suga touched his waist or back, he asked him to stop.
Similary, in Runs 100/101 behind scenes or something, when they were eating and he noticed Tae had food residue on his lips, he tried to help him clean it but panicked and stopped the moment he sensedJK lifting his head up- it seemed he didn't want to piss JK off in those two instances. JK for the most part just seemed serious and less tolerant of JM's bs within that period.
Juxtapose JM's behavior in these two instances with the events at Music Bank and Inkigayo where he was hugging Jin and acting extra around Kook- which to me seemed like he was looking for reassurance by trying to get JK to claim him but of course JK didn't do that.
Jimin likes being reassured by JK when he is feeling 'insecure.' And often, JK reassures him when he notices JM going through that. Jimin does the same for JK.
They are intune with eachother's emotional needs and they consciously go out of their way to meet them.
Take the recent MAMA speech moment when JM was giving a speech and he seemed like he need support- emotional support and back up. Jk turn fully and instantly towards him to let him know he was there for him. We've seen Jikook do this a countless times. I value these moments over them showing skinship or screaming eachother's names.
In the recent BE press conference red carpet moment when JM tried it with RM- did you notice JK's reaction? They both seemed like they were trying to piss eachother other off or make each eachother jealous during that red carpet moment.
JM with RM and JK with Jin. JK grabbed Jin's neck when he noticed JM intentionally acting all up close and friendly with his buddy buddy RM and the frown on his face. He didn't seem too amused with JM doing that...
- it's weird, I know, but it's also their way of reassuring eachother and expressing interest in eachother. Don't judge. It's Jikook- just look away, keep it pushing. Nothing to see here. Lol.
Had it not been for the live events around that On period, I probably wouldn't have noticed these things because the content from BigHit around the period were only showing glimpses of their interactions which again seemed like the aftermath of their breakup and not the start of it.
I think their ability to get to that space where they are each comfortable with relating freely and 'cozy' around eachother as friends depends on how soon they interact on cameras after they've gone through such periods.
If they film immediately soon after, or during, often the tension between them is much more evident like in run 116 and 117.
If they film much later from it, then you wouldn't even notice a damn thing at all. In my opinion. Especially, if you don't know the difference between Jikook as friends and Jikook as lovers.
You can never tell though if you focus solely on Jimin's behavior during such periods- because Jimin is just that guy. He doesn't bring the drama to work. He will smile sunshine through the pain and act like nothing happened. For JK it's different, in my opinion.
Jimin has a very high emotional intelligence quotient and seems to process emotions better and faster. JK is not like that. It is why I feel, he tends to put up physical and emotional barriers with Jimin and with the others sometimes when he is going through it.
They all process emotions at different paces. In my opinion.
I'm starting to wonder if y'all think Jikook is one sided at this point. Lol. Jikook is not one sided. Jimin is not the only one in their relationship. You can't focus on him alone to decide if your ship is sailing or in a good place- because guess what? Jimin can put up a show of it.
It's just as how Tuktukkers tend to focus on Tae rather than JK in determining whether they still have a ship or not. If they paid attention to JK for one minute, they would know their ship got lost at sea at debut.
I keep saying JM's 'the boy in love with Jungkook' persona is a facade. He loves JK through this facade but you have to look past it. I mean this is the guy who told Jin JK doesn't act a certain way around him, but backpedaled and said he was just 'saying it for content' when Jin called him out on it. Same guy Jk says, he intentionally acts cutes when he notices the cameras on him.
You gotta wonder what else he does just for content and for the cameras. Isn't this why people claim Jikook is fanservice?
You have to pay attention to JK too you know? They have different personalities, different ways of handling issues, different ways of loving and different ways of solving problems.
Jimin over expresses himself and tries to establish contact when he is at the recieving end of a freeze out. He did the same thing on stage with JK during Manila when he tried to have a conversation with Kook- to squash whatever issues they had been having but JK needed his space physically and emotionally.
Jimin was sat next to Suga chatting with him, asking him questions, laughing with him but the moment Suga touched him he snapped. He did the same thing in Dynamite MV reaction VLive when JK teased him with Suga. He snapped almost instantly and didn't seem happy with it- he doesn't want to be shipped with Suga and yet he is the one constantly going 'I miss Suga hyung' 'Suga and I are the parents and JK is the son"
In run 116, you could see him trying to interact with Kook even when Kook was clearly putting up boundaries with him. Had Kook not been closed off to him in that moment, we probably would never have noticed anything was off with them honestly.
And that hug JM gave Kook in the end, did you see him looking sideways as if he was doing something wrong? Compare that moment with the Siriux FM interview where he had his hands around Kook. He didn't seem- what's the word, scared.
And by the way, that moment was also filmed on the 21st of February in the US, the same day of their Rockefeller interview and the same day the On Comeback Special VLive was released- so do the maths? Was that the start of a break up or the aftermath of it?
Jimin was leaning forward in that period true, but was JK receiving and reciprocating his actions and matching them throughout that period? No. Or may be its debatable- you tell me. Lol.
Jikook behave in a certain way and give off a certain vibe when they are good and sailing- but not all such moments is because they are a couple. In my opinion.
When they get to that good space where they can be comfortable around each other, they sail as friends too.
It's just like, when they are not good and they give off bad vibes. But not all the bad vibes they give off is because they are not good. Know what I mean?
It's all up to how you perceive them and how much you understand of their dynamics I guess.
It is my understanding that, JK opens up to certain other members within the group while simultaneously putting up boundaries with Jimin when he is having serious problems with Jimin. From my observation of their interactions.
So I ask, within the period of 21st February to 28th, was he leaning towards this certain member he was suddenly BFFs with around the time of their break up or was he leaning away from him? He literally teleported away from him to be next to Jimin when they were getting back together and Tae didn't seem amused by that either.
It's Jikook, I get it. I think you need to pay attention to the way they interact with the other members within the group too? Because that's equally telling. Sigh.
It is my understanding that, Jimin is quick to anger yet quick to forgive and he sometimes glosses over things, puts a lot of energy and efforts into embellishing his relationship with Kook and presenting them as the perfect duo and the perfect relationship- which is something that I think psychologically induces the Kumbaya in a lot of Jikook shippers and influences them into thinking their relationship is perfect and kumbaya. But that's another topic for another day.
JK makes Jikook more real. To me.
I hear often, people talk about how Jimin is less touchy than JK and has personal boundaries within the group and how over the years, he has toned down on his touchiness with the other members because JK puts up a lot of boundaries for him around the members with the frying pans and what not, and would fume whenever Jimin or anyone crosses those boundaries...
But have y'all ever wondered the kind of boundaries Jimin put up for JK within the group and expects JK to uphold within the group when they are together? Hint: It's not JK's touchiness or lack of boundaries. Y'all be connecting the wrong dots. Lol.
Jk puts up physical boundaries for Jimin because that is important to him. Jimin put up emotional boundaries for JK because that is important to him. They overlap sometimes but those times are insignificant to me.
Jk's certain bonds suffer because of Jimin. And he stops respecting those boundaries when he and Jimin are no longer together and the moment they are back together, he puts those boundaries up again with those bonds- this is Morse code, if you catch on message me with it. Wink.
JM throwing his arms around Kook during a serious interview is not him claiming JK or reassuring him. JK yelling Jimin to the power Z is not him exercising right of authority over Jimin- lovers do that. Know who else does that? FRIENDS. Lol.
It's nothing Hobi doesn't do with JM or the other ships don't do.
Listen, I saw all the good bits and things that you saw in that period too and still I formed my opinion on that era the way that I did and have. And the new content from that era, Run 116 and 117 all follow the same pattern of behavior I noticed around that period and have talked about. So no, my view on that era hasn't changed.
Unless, your objective is to have me change my mind based on the 'wrong' timeline dots you've connected, then we would just have to agree to disagree. Lol.
If you believe Jikook were together during that period, I agree to disagree on it. Feel free to disagree with my opinion too.
Always ship Jikook in the way that makes sense to you. And support them while you are at it. Jikook is real. Bless you.
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russianwave · 5 years
Learning Russian Textbook Masterlist
Just a note that I have obviously not read all of these textbooks, so I can’t recommend particular ones off of this list and some you may find unsuitable. This is just a free list of textbooks that deal with learning Russian. Check the book descriptions as some have links to audio files.
I have put these under a read more so that the long list doesn’t annoy people. Just click to see through to the full list. It is assorted by year of publication. This range covers from absolute beginners right through to advanced/fluent learners of Russian. 
A new, practical, and easy method of learning the Russian language [1867] 
A Graduated Russian Reader (1891)
Hossfield's new practical method for learning the Russian language [1908]
Key to Hossfeld's new practical method for learning the Russian language
Russian Roots and Compounds (1911)
First Russian Book by Nevill Forbes [1915]
Russian Grammar by Nevill Forbes [1916]
Second Russian book; a practical manual of Russian verbs by Nevill Forbes [1916]
A First Russian Reader from Tolstoy (1917)
Russian grammar for class and reference use; a progressive method of learning Russian [1919]
Russian conversation-grammar (1922)
New English Russian And Russian English Dictionary (1930)
Anna H.Semeonoff - A First Russian Reader - Е. Р. Dutton & Сo. (1936)
Russian by V.N.Wagner (1938)
Teach Yourself Russian (1943)
Colloquial Russian (1944)
Exercises in Russian Syntax with Explanatory Notes (1945)
Elementary Russian Reader (1947)
Lila Pargment - Modern Russian reader for intermediate classes - Pitman (1953)
N.F.Potapova - Russian Elementary Course. Book II -Foreign Language Publishing House (1955)
Lila Pargment - Beginner’s Russian reader - Pitman (1957)
George Z. Patrick - Elementary Russian Reader - Pitman (1959)
Learning Russian [1960]
N.F.Potapova - Russian Elementary Course. Book I - К.Р.Schick (1960)
Dennis Ward - Keep up your Russian, an easy anthology with grammar commentary - BBC (1963)
Clayton L. Dawson, Assya Humesky - Modern Russian I - Harcourt, Barce & World (1964)
Clayton L. Dawson, Assya Humesky - Modern Russian II - Harcourt, Barce & World (1965)
Charles E. Townsend - Russian Word-Formation - McGraw-Hill (1968)
Charles E. Gribble - Russian Root List - Slavica PuЫishers (1981)
DTIC ADA117717: Text and Workbook in Advanced Russian Grammar and Syntax (1982)
S Khavronina - Russian As We Speak It - Progress Publishers (1989)
Colloquial Russian The Complete Course For Beginners [1993]
Ann Rolbin - First reader in Russian. Everyday life experiences of young Russian people - National Textbook Company (1996)
The new Penguin Russian course by Nicolas g brown [1999] (this is one I am actually using right now and highly recommend)
И.К.Гапочка - Я читаю по-русски. I read Russian - Русский язык (1999)
Colloquial Russian 2 [2000]
Joseph Mozur - An Advanced Russian Tabloid Reader - Slavica (2000)
Intermediate Russian: A Grammar and Workbook [2001]
Living Russian - Intermediate Grammar [2009]
Terence Wade - Using Russian. Vocabulary - Cambridge (2009)
E.Andrews - Russian Verbal Prefixes A Practical Grammar - Русский язык (2009)
Terence Wade - A Comprehensive Russian Grammar. Book - Wiley-Blackwell (2011)
Russian Verbs of Motion [2013]
Archive.org also has a zip folder of 99 or so books (with the ability to view the pdfs individually online too). Not listing all the book names, some of them are repeats of above and others are for learning Russian from a language other than English. It is possible to download the books individually but it’ll only let me post a link to the folder as a whole; https://archive.org/details/RussianLanguage/mode/2up
Here’s also a link to over 60,000 books of varying difficulty that are written in Russian with the intention being for something other than learning Russian (e.g. a history book written in Russian) : https://archive.org/details/booksbylanguage_russian
Here is also a collection of 4,000+ magazines written in Russian: https://archive.org/details/magazines_russian
If you have an issue with any of the links, then please send me a message and I’ll sort it out. If you have any recommendations let me know and I’ll add it in!
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