#excuse me while i lay down
flypug · 5 months
thread where your muse works in mission control and sully is the pilot who's always two seconds from death
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yautjalover · 3 months
Another reason why Yautja are superior to human partners is they can replace your heating pad for Shark Week. Just drop their giant hand on your belly and bring on the sweet relief from your uterus trying to destroy your insides. 😩
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gaywatch · 4 days
Came over to say I've thoroughly enjoyed the first Guardian stream! Priest is so ugh (affectionate) isn't she?
Also, since I'm tormenting everybody, had to show you this photoshoot of Bai Yu's as well~
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Looks an awful lot like book Yunlan doesn't he?
Tumblr user @wolfundermoon really just came into my ask and clocked me one out of nowhere
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noxclara · 2 years
Absolutely obsessed with how feral and violent Ellie and Joel can be in contrast with both of them being tender, caring and at times vulnerable the moment they are together
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just-a-confused-pan · 2 months
hello yes, i am currently watching e5 s4 of umbrella academy, and yes, I want to cry. not in the good way.
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catinasink · 15 days
f i nished watching ii16 . okay . i .
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fivveweeks · 2 years
do you guys wanna hear my insane hassel x brassius x reader plot of course you do strap in and let me talk shit;
so this is like, technically a sequel AU after the Hassel x reader and Brassius x reader (i’m working on it!!!) nsfw oneshots, where a year or two has passed and you return to Paldea for the longterm bc of your job. Obviously you don’t remember the one night stands that well bc they were for fun, hopefully the idiots are happy but it’s nunya business about some strangers’ love life, so you go about your own
and that’s when you’re in Mesagoza and a tiny fomantis crashes into you by accident. and it won’t leave you alone after you kinda calmed it down
so you’re like “Wait, what do I do now. Who’s pokemon is this-“ until someone comes running to you in the distance, yelling apologies and when he gets closer-
It’s Brassius. The guy with the funny green hair and dramatic personality and it takes you a second or two to recognize but it strikes a chord in your memory. And him too, apparently, when he skids to a halt and goes, “it’s you!”
cue spiderman-meme pointing. cue a quick conversation of sorta catching up and to refresh your memory before he drags you off despite your protest, fomantis attached to your head like some fancy clown hat. Ten minutes later you both stop before a cafe table where Hassel is - oh he remembers too - gaping at you both, but mostly at you to be honest
(“So I take it that the confession went well, huh.” you say, and the blush that lights up on his cheeks is a familiar, lovely sight)
you spend the afternoon with them bc they insist on treating you to lunch (and thank you for your accidental interference and to apologize for the trouble they put you through before, which you don’t mind tbh it’s actually kinda funny looking back.) they’re married for over a year or two now, which is great, hell yeah! you’re super happy for them, congratulations, jesus christ i cannot believe you both knew each other for over a decade, practically lived together and only confessed bc of the incident, what the hell-
and unfortunately, no matter what you three try, the fomantis just doesn’t want to leave your side
why don’t you take care of it for the moment? Hassel suggests, which Brassius immediately lights up bc that is a fantastic idea! what says you, my dear? so after a discussion of pokemon expenses (I’ll take care of it, Brassius waves his hand. no need to concern yourself over it) you sorta? kinda agreed to a weekly visit to Artazon or Mesagoza so you and fomantis can check in with them
and so goes the weekly lunch visits where you kinda learn more about the eccentric couple? turns out Brassius is an expert with grass types and you spend hours listening to him talk about fertilizer mixes and how much water and attention you should give to a fomantis (the species is unfortunately one of the more difficult types to look after, wow). Hassel is also good with advice whenever Brassius has to attend important events. you learn the right way to cradle grass pokemon like toddlers and weeks later Brassius takes you to Alfonada so your fomantis can pick a pot for sunbathing
(and throughout the time spent together you find it lovely to just watch them both interact. Brassius and Hassel are obviously smitten towards each other and all the little things they do are just really nice to observe quietly. Individually too, you can definitely appreciate watching them enjoying themselves and being good at what they do, like whoa Brassius looks really nice in that open-collared shirt and the way he sometimes rocks his smoliv in his arms and dances with his pokemon is really endearing and cute)
and then bc fomantis (you don’t give it a name bc it’s not technically yours but you might as well call it Big Baby from how clingy it is) starts to get acclimated you can probably start slowing down the visits to just once or twice a month. you’re kind of relieved that you’re getting the hang of this and won’t need to trouble Brassius too much now
except Brassius looks… a little moody? Upset? Disappointed when you both brought it up? or maybe you’re just looking too much into it?
but he doesn’t mention anything so your visits slow down in the end, and you take fomantis out to the forests and lakes to get enough exercise and sunlight, and honestly you’re just minding your own business but turns out god has other plans for you-
bc that’s when you stumble across a disturbed dragon habitat and now a Dreepy has accidentally attached to you.
deja vu, huh.
so now it’s Hassel’s turn to host the weekly meet ups bc turns out the man’s a dragon tamer, holy fucking shit, and rehabilitating a baby dragon is one of the most difficult things in the world without formal training. you do the same song and dance again and throw in outings to the wild where you both try to locate the scattered pod of Dragapults and Dragloaks. Brassius joins in when he has the time and somehow you three just start to have picnics together I guess. you’re not complaining tbh the both of them are a joy to spend time with
(and Hassel is really cute when he’s coaxing baby dragons? plus how calm he is when he’s calming down wild adults and knowledgeable he is in regards to the region and the care and concerns he has towards the endangered species- WOUGH he plays the guitar and piano too wtf is there anything this man can’t do???)
your schedule now develops into like, every one or two weeks you chill with either Hassel or Brassius and once a month or two the three of you hang out together. you hang until y’all actually find the dragon pod, but by now the Dreepy refuses to leave you so…
“I guess I’m responsible for a dragon and a plant now,” you shrug, not too upset. You’ve kinda warmed up to them by this point. you tell Brassius and Hassel they don’t have to keep paying for the expenses anymore, you’ll find a way to deal with it since you’re a trainer now. and they can free up most of their time now that they don’t have to keep babysitting you?
what you didn’t expect was to see the faint disappointment and crestfallen look on Hassel??? Like Brassius???? jesus, don’t be so sad, they can always grab lunch with you anytime, y’know, even if there’s no pokemon raising, just text you lmao they have your phone number anyways
which turns out to be the right thing to say bc now you’re getting invited to little art shows and outings occasionally now, and even dinners. that’s nice, you think, honestly they’re both lucky to have each other and maybe in some other life you probably would have dated either one of them but eh, you’re content where you’re at right now tbh, no biggie-
until a few weeks later they drop the bomb on you that they’ve been trying to hint at you for months now and do you want to date them, yes the both of them at the same time, Brassie looses his mind after our lunches now and HASS you TRAITOR says the man who blushes every time I bring them up when we k-
cue internal panic, some discussion about polyamory and expectations and stuff but… long story short, somehow you end up dating the both of them, now???
(you don’t find out one of them is a goddamn gym leader and the other an elite four until months later for some fucking reason, and you loose your shit inevitably bc NO WONDER YOU‘RE BOTH SO GOOD AT BATTLING, WHAT THE HELL)
(bonus chapter is where the both of them fuck you into the bed until the frame cracks, get that old men ass babey)
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A very rare Pokémon accidentally (gets spooked) poisons Gil, while he observed it and took some notes. and because this Pokémon is usually not here the berries and medication in the poke Centre are not helping him. Thena sees his notes and tries to find a antidote for him, while Gil’s health gets worse and worse by every hour!
It’s time for some drama and angst 😳
Thena ran her hand over the crescent moon in Teddiursa's fur. He was finally asleep after a harrowing couple of hours. She couldn't blame him for being upset, of course. He had been a mess of tears when Gil came into the medical wing for poisoning.
She had been at the ranger centre already to check in on her little cub, busy on a day of junior ranger duties. They had both been told that Gil was on the way back from the field with an undetermined cause of poisoning.
Dragonite had brought him in, carrying him in its arms and letting out distressed moans like a suffering Wailord. It hadn't seen what poisoned Gil; they didn't know if it was a pokemon, a plant, some kind of spore, a latent effect, an attack etc.
"Chansey," the nurse tending to Gil turned to her. The doctors had done all they could, and the Chansey and Blissey and Audino were administering antidotes and psn cures and pecha berries every half hour. They had even turned to using Heal Bell and Calm Mind on him, but nothing seemed to be working.
If anything, he just kept getting worse.
"Thank you," Thena whispered, nodding to the Chansey on its way to attend to the rest of the patients in the medical wing. Gil was privileged to have a private room, and she was grateful for it.
She stood, leaning over him to look at the continual damage the poison was doing. His lips had a bluish undertone, his skin was pale and sallow despite his high fever. The only reason his face wasn't contorted in pain was because he was sedated so heavily by not only medication but she had even asked Gallade to use Hypnosis on him.
"Oh, Gil," she whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she ran her free hand over his cheek, around his oxygen mask. She leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm sorry, Luvdisc," she whispered as Teddiursa turned to look at her, rubbing at its eyes. He was tucked into Gil's side. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"Ted?" he looked up at her with watery eyes.
"No, I'm afraid not," she sighed. Teddi looked at Gil and then up at her, holding out his paws to be picked up. "Oh, come here."
Teddiursa had actually put on a very brave front when Gil had first arrived in his condition. He was a junior ranger, after all, and so followed procedure. He notified the rest of his team, checked in with Dragonite, informed the scouting team of the approximate region where it happened.
Only when Thena had brought him in with her to see Gil had he broken down into tears, wailing into her shoulder.
She had told him he was being a very brave little bear. But every time she thought it, she dreaded to think that she might have to tell him that more and more. She might even be the only one to ever call him that from now on...
"Teddi," he turned his face from her shoulder to look at her, swiping his paw pads - careful of his long claws - against her cheeks. "Ted-Teddi."
Thena sniffled, letting him brush her tears away, "thank you, darling. I'm sorry, I won't cry."
"You're right, he will be," she agreed, no matter how out of reach that optimism truly was for her at the moment. She picked up Gil's notebook again.
They had all scoured it, looking for any clues as to what could have caused this. His condition was worsening because they couldn't narrow down the effectiveness of a cure. They needed more information.
His ranger team couldn't make heads or tails of his notes, turning to canvasing the whole route where he had been and collecting all the samples they could. Dragonite was heading that team, all of them with the case details in their ranger dexes.
Dragonite had left Thena the actual notebook, determined that if anyone had a chance of deciphering them, it was her.
Thena unfolded the little notebook again with a sigh. They had at least narrowed down the particular route within the valley where he was. He had drawn some truly horrendous pine trees, and a few blobs they had determined to be Oddish and Gloom. All of his notes were such a loose stream of consciousness, they weren't very coherent.
wild flowers!--pick some for Thena
Thena sniffled again but blinked her tears away. They weren't helping anyone.
There were a few musical notes drawn in the corner. The rangers had discussed which bird pokemon they could be referencing, but she had said that he would have just drawn the pokemon if that were the case. She was willing to bet that it meant it was windy wherever it was.
Pine trees and a lot of wind - as well as dense enough forest for Oddish and Gloom - indicated the north eastern cliffs, housing a lot of grass and bug pokemon.
someone DROPPED in to see me!
Gil loved silly jokes like that. They were stupid, and dumb, and by all the legends alive did she love them. She hated the idea that she would never get to tell him that.
Was it a Spinarak? Or even bigger--an Ariados? He hadn't been bitten, though. Maybe it was a poison sting, but they couldn't find any actual barbs in his skin when scanning him. Maybe it was toxic, but he wouldn't be incapacitated, he would be shaky and sick to his stomach and flushed with fever.
"Dropped in," she sighed, looking over the last filled out page again, and again and again. She hadn't stopped looking at it, until she was so frustrated that she wanted to start screaming.
There was a little drawing in the corner that looked like...well, it could look like anything. It could be a tomato berry, or a colbur or a babiri berry, for that matter. But they wouldn't be in that location, let alone high enough to fall on him. The little bumpy ball could be a Cascoon/Silcoon, a Ferroseed--even a Koffing or a Whirlipede would make some sense. Honestly, it could be a terribly drawn Quilfish or Goomy, they were desperate enough.
"Dropped in," she repeated again, running her thumb along the drawing he had made on the side of the page in the margins. It just looked like a blob on a stick, really--like a cattail blowing in the wind.
Dropped in; something had fallen down and spooked him, or he had spooked it. He had been able to write that note down, and sketch the thing before it attacked him, or he touched it, or whatever had happened. It wasn't Poison Sting, or Toxic, or even Pin Missile. All of those would have physical evidence on him.
What if it was something that dissolved?
Thena stood and leaned over him again. She tilted her head this way and that, looking for small details--constricted veins, bloodshot eyes, signs she could recognise when her pokemon experienced them. She run her thumb along his bluish lip before pulling his mouth open just a little. "Purplish tongue."
"Teddi?" Teddiursa rose from where he had been leaning against her in her visitors chair.
She opened the book, angling the drawing as right side up as she could guess it was drawn. "What does that look like to you, sweetheart?"
"Please, honey, just think," she encouraged, ruffling the fur between its ears. "If you saw this pokemon, what would it be?"
Teddiursa made a face. It wasn't like any pokemon it could remember seeing. "Teeeeeeeeeeed..."
Thena stayed crouched down, holding out the picture, "I think it's a bug, or at least a poison type. I don't think it attacked him--I think it was a defense mechanism. Maybe he tried to pick it up and it had effect spore?"
"Ted-Ted," the little bear tilted its head at the funny drawing. He was trying to determine if it was hanging down or standing up. "Teddi?"
"A what?"
Teddiursa jumped down from the chair, mimicking first a little ball, and then splaying out his paws and claws and flailing them. "Teddi!"
"Drops from the trees," Thena narrated as she tried to extrapolate what pokemon Teddiursa was describing purely from young memory. "It's a ball?"
"Ted!" he waved his paws around again.
"But when it drops, it opens up," she guessed, and he pointed a claw at her. "So it's not a Ferroseed, or even connected to a Ferrothorn."
"Teddi!" he continued, now spinning around on his paw.
"Spins," she groaned, searching through every pokemon she could think of in her mind. Kids these days had it so easy with their pokedexes right in their pockets or on their wrists. "A little ball that drops down and spins...spins?--Rapid Spin?"
"Teddi! Teddi...ursa!" her little cub described, miming and Explosion.
It used Explosion and Self-Destruct. They weren't looking for a poison barb, they were looking for a defensive pokemon. One that didn't have much attack power and relied on high trees for its habitat. It dropped down when frightened and could only defend itself in close proximity (no limbs).
Thena reached for Gil's ranger gear, calling Dragonite. "It's a Pineco!"
It asked if she was sure, which she could understand.
"It's a Pineco--it dropped out of a tree when he found it," she continued, looking at the drawing that was now so obvious: it was a bagworm. The little blob was the Pineco itself, but the other drawing was because Pineco wasn't the pine cone pokemon, it was the Bagworm pokemon. "Sometimes they can know Toxic Spikes when they're young. Toxic Spikes are proximity based, and they dissolve into the skin once they've made contact."
Dragonite let out a roar on his end, directing the rangers with it to the area with Pineco in the trees. It let out a softer howl to her before signing off.
Thena dropped her head, letting her tears fall freely. They had an answer--it wasn't a solution yet, but it was a hell of a lot closer. "Thank Arceus, thank Celebi, thank anyone out there."
"Teddi?" her little cub latched onto her ankle as she hunched over Gil's bed.
She sniffled and smiled, picking up her little bear and pressing kisses to his furry cheek. "You deserve the medal of honour, you brilliant bear, you."
"Teddiursa!" the cub laughed as she tickled him. He didn't know what he had done, but he was glad to see her tears fade.
"Audino?" the nurse for the next treatment poked its head in.
"Please," Thena waved in the Hearing Pokemon. "I just called Dragonite's team. I think it was a Pineco with Toxic Spikes that did this."
"Aud!" the nurse gasped, its ears fluttering and snapping its fingers(?) at the realisation.
"It makes sense, right?" Thena sighed, to which the medical assistant agreed. She nodded, "Dragonite will be back with a sample as soon as possible. But if we know it was Toxic Spikes, then-"
"Aud-Audino," the nurse assured her that they could use a more specified - effective - treatment, even before they started synthesizing the antidote. It went to Gil's equipment, making a few adjustments to certain levels of things (whatever they were). "Aud!"
"Thank you," Thena nodded as the pink pokemon left to alert her colleagues to the situation. Thena leaned all the way over the bed, pressing her tears into the shoulder of Gil's shirt. "Thank Eternatus you're okay."
Gil's eyes fluttered.
"Sh, sh," Thena cooed, not wanting to wake him if he was just going to feel awful.
He blinked at her, "hey."
Thena blinked as tears started streaming from her eyes again. "Hey."
Gil moved his eyes around a little (the most movement he could muster at the moment). "Is...am I dying?"
Thena shook her head, kissing his forehead, "not anymore."
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the-stove-is-divorced · 5 months
LETS GOOOO I UPDATED :D this took so long oh my goodness. Started this chapter. Had a writing crisis. Currently overthinking myself into a vortex and trying to dig my way out with a crowbar. It's 6k of words. Bon appetite. Snippet for your troubles:
Did you feel safer here, Alfred wondered, looking below. To see me, even from afar? Bruce right upon the roof, Bruce upon the tiles, Bruce upon the branches, even within the walls. Was he keeping Alfred in sight?
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thousand-winters · 2 years
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oblako · 1 year
the latest i love yoo episodes... i'm shaking oh my god
#x#this is about the fast pass episodes so#i love yoo fp spoilers#first of all yui makes my skin crawl WOW she is such a well-written antagonist#second of all ilyoo isn't horror but with yui sitting in this dark room sipping her tea smiling to herself like some kind of witch#and rand suddenly appearing covered in blood looking completely haggard#while kousuke is laying there unconscious in this awkward pose with an uneasy expression on his face after yui drugged him#it really could be labelled as horror like damn...#and the way yui positions herself over kou and places her hands on him like she's claiming her territory#like she's some kind of predator claiming her prey#while not allowing rand to even get close and touch kou's hand... jesus CHRIST that sent shivers down my spine 😶#and when she's like 'i love this look on you!' and the 'look' is nol's blood all over him like excuse me???#'red is your color i'd love to see you wear more of it' is she threatening murder now?????#seeing yui go full yui is terrifying and i love it#to see her manipulation on full display the half-truths the thinly veiled threats the gaslighting#the complete lack of concern for her own child...#the way she uses 'our baby' and 'my boy' and 'your son' to rub more salt into rand's wounds#calling him cold and neglectful honing in on his guilt#as if he's not been running from hospital to hospital all night making sure his sons are ok#like listen i have very little sympathy for rand. yui this yui that rand still made his choices#but knowing he had to deal with this for 25+ years really makes me understand more why he does the things he does#why he ultimately became an absent father for both kousuke and nol#because yui sees him getting close to either of them as an attack and takes it out on him or nol#so rand doesn't get close to anyone to keep those he cares about safe#and the rand/nol parallels in that?? this is exactly what nol has been doing!!#when yui says 'without me nobody would be by his side' we know nobody = nol and that's exactly it#without her manipulation kou wouldn't see his own brother as an enemy#without HER they could've been a team... so much pain and suffering could've been avoided.....gOD#there is so much to unpack in this episode alone the drama really is drama-ing#to think that this started out as a lighthearted little story and now we're getting into all this serious and dark stuff god i love it
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papabearbobbynash · 2 years
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lewis-h · 2 years
so apparently seb was in my town today ???
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Honestly Sass. I don’t know what my life would be like now, if it wasn’t for you.
It was your stories that made me fall more in love with Killer and Healer. It was ur kindness that helped me get a AO3 account when I was just another anonymous reader. You re-inspired my love for writing, your fics comforted me (when I was going through one of the hardest times of my life), and seeing u reply to any of my comments continues to put a big smile on my face (no matter the day).
My AO3 account has become a second life for me! I have made so many friends and met so many mutuals with similar interests. Which was something I never thought possible for me.
You… have made me happier. And I will forever be grateful for it. So thank you. Thank you, Sassiest Trixster, for helping me. 💜💜💜
(and that is my thoughts on u😊)
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Well fuck me. I...I have no words.
Honestly Gem, I'm so happy I met you through AO3, I always looked forward to your comments on any of my stories, I always looked forward to what you had to say and I just...
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send me a LONG (or short) anonymous (or not) message saying what you think of me
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pibsboots · 8 months
I've always had chronic fatigue. I remember being twelve, and an adult mentioned how I couldn't possibly know how tired they felt because adulthood brought levels of exhaustion I couldn't imagine. I thought about that for days in fear, because I couldn't remember the last time I didn't feel tired.
Eventually I came to terms with the fact that I was just tired, and I couldn't do as many things as everyone else. People called me lazy, and I knew that wasn't true, but there's only so many times you can say "I'm tired" before people think it's an excuse. I don't blame them. When a teenager does 20 hours of extracurriculars every week and only says "I'm too tired" when you ask them to do the dishes, it's natural to think it's an excuse. At some point, I started to think the same thing.
It didn't matter that I could barely sit up. It was probably all in my head, and if I really wanted to, I could do it.
When I learned the name for it, chronic fatigue, I thought wow, people that have that must be miserable, because I am always tired and I cannot imagine what it would feel like if it were worse.
Spoiler alert, if you've been tired for a decade, it's probably chronic fatigue.
Once I figured that out though, I thought of my energy as the same as everyone else's, just smaller in quantity. And that might be true for some people, but I've figured out recently that it absolutely isn't true for me.
I used to be like wow I have so much energy today I can do this whole list for sure! And then I'd do the dishes and have to lay down for 2 hours. Then I'd think I must gave misjudged that, I didn't have as much energy as I thought.
But the thing is - I did have enough energy for more tasks, I just didn't go about them properly.
With chronic fatigue, your maximum energy is obviously much smaller than the average person's. Doing the dishes for you might use up the same percentage of energy that it takes to do all the daily chores for someone else.
If someone without chronic fatigue was to do all the daily chores, they would take breaks. Because otherwise, they're sprinting a marathon for no reason and it would take way more energy than necessary. We have to do the same.
Put the cups in the dishwasher, take a break. Put the bowls in, take a break. So on and so forth. This may mean taking breaks every 2-5 minutes but afterwards, you get to not feel like you've run a marathon while carrying 4 people on your back.
Today, I had a moderate amount of energy. Under my old system of go till you drop, I probably could have done most of the dishes and wiped off the counter and then been dead to the world for the rest of the day.
Under the new system, I scooped litter boxes, cleaned out the fridge, took the trash out, cleaned the stove, and wiped off the counter and did all the dishes. And after all that, I still had it in me to make a simple dinner, unload the dishwasher, and tidy the kitchen.
It was complete and utter insanity. Just because I sat down whenever I felt myself getting more tired than I already was.
All this to say, take fucking breaks. It's time to unlearn the ceaseless productivity bullshit that capitalism has shoved down our throats. Its actively counterproductive. Just sit down. Drink some water. Rest your body when it needs to rest.
There will still be days where there is nothing to do but rest, and days where half a load of dishes is absolutely the most I can do. But this method has really helped me minimize those, which is so incredibly relieving.
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arobats · 5 months
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