#exclusionists are at it again everyone!!!!
rjalker · 3 months
how do you outright admit in your own words that you plan to "bully" aroace, non-SAM aros and aces out of the community and think this is proof that you're a good person and your exclusionist hate campaign is totally justified this time, really bro, it's for a good cause, they're dangerous invaders this time, we swear!!!!
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 3 months
Day 1 of shipping Noah and Jamie until Jamie admits exceptions exist
You disgust me. On day 2 I’m blocking you but today I’m shitting on you so hard.
You are an awful exclusionist aphobe. You do not belong here and this is not a safe place for you. I sincerely hope to never see you again and I hope that your blog is swallowed up by tumblr. Face me like a women and show your face. Hiding behind anon does nothing when I can still block you.
And for your information, yes I know exceptions exist, I’m saying stop assuming they exist for everyone.
I don’t have an exception and just never will. I’m romance repulsed and you genuinely make me sick
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Radqueers are a cult.
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I am a cult survivor, I have been one far before I was in the radqueer community. As a cult survivor, the radqueer community IS a cult. If you've never been in the community, and have only been an outside observer, it's understandable that you wouldn't realize this, but claiming radqueers are "just assholes" is a slap in the face to people like me who have been permanently traumatized by them.
Here is a commonly used model of how cults work:
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If you go through every single point in this, the radqueer community checks almost every one of them. People have already pointed this out many times before, however I will explain it again for people who haven't seen those posts.
(Skipping over ones that don't fully apply or that I haven't personally experienced. Most of these are pretty brief because I don't think anyone will read an entire essay for every point)
Rigid rules - radqueers force you to include everyone and everything, and never question what you're accepting lest you get labeled as "not a real radqueer" and harassed. You must accept any and all predatory relationships, or you'll receive the same treatment as "antis". If that isn't "rigid rules", I don't know what is.
Rewards and punishments - you coin a term people like, or make an "I love pro-cs" post? Everyone likes you, praises you, sends you asks telling you how amazing you are! You dare to question anything about the community? You get cast out, banned from servers, harassed, sent death threats, and doxxed.
Dependence and obedience - radqueers make their victims believe that this is the only community that will accept them. They say that every other community will hate them for their identity, and this is the only "real radinclus" community. This causes people to feel trapped there, or in other words become entirely dependent on the community for validation and support. They convince people that if they leave, or do anything wrong that causes them to be forced out, they'll have nowhere to go. This forces them into obedience for fear of being left all alone and being completely abandoned.
Deception - this one is very, very obvious. There's a reason why radqueers label themselves as "radically inclusive", "pro-consent", "pro-bodily autonomy" - they are not just saying these things because they don't understand what they mean. They're intentionally using uplifting, inclusive language that sounds really great and supportive to deceive people into joining them. This is also why they use emoji codes, so other radqueers will recognize them but people who don't know what radqueers are will be lured into their trap.
Propaganda - pretty similar to the above. They label everything as "radical inclusion" and tell people that they have to support all these things to be "truly inclusive". They make cute flags and emoji codes to make grooming, abuse, racism, ableism, and transphobia seem cool and fun, to further lead people into their trap. By definition, propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view". All these cutesy emojis, symbols, flags, and terms are propaganda.
Discourages access to outside sources of information - radqueers constantly say that all science, psychology, and medical information is "biased" and "bigoted". If you provide them with any information on how what they're doing is wrong, they pull out any number of excuses and then tell their "friends" how bigoted and exclusionist the source is. This makes it seem like radqueers are the only reliable source of information, and anything else is untrustworthy.
Insider/outsider doctrine - this is painfully clear with how they refer to everyone who disagrees with them as "antis". Even if you're just an outside observer, you pick up on this quickly.
All/nothing, good/evil, us/them dogma - once again, they refer to anyone who differs even slightly in opinion as an "anti" or "anti in training", and the second anyone decides to question why they're literally supporting nazis and blackface, they get labeled as an "anti" and "horrible person". They play the victim any time they get told that what they're doing is wrong, while crying and complaining about how much they're harassed and about how "mean" and "rude" anti-radqueers are.
Feeling chosen or special - radqueers very obviously convince themselves that they're so unique and special, which is why terms like transship or transhasapetcat exist. They want to seem really cool and special, and make completely normal things into obscure, "special" identities, like calling yourself translivesintheuk instead of just saying you wanna move to the UK. As someone who's been in their servers, they hoard identities like this because it makes them feel temporarily special and unique, which makes them convinced that what they're doing is right.
Guilt/manipulation - radqueers do this all the time. When someone says they aren't sure if they support something or not, radqueers immediately get all teary-eyed and upset, claiming that the person would be "basically an anti" if they decided not to support it. I've even seem someone cry and complain over being rejected by an anti-transnazi radqueer and claim that it was "ableist" that the person rejected them. Everyone defended and comforted the person who was rejected, immediately siding with them for fear of being "ableist", saying that it was wrong to be against literal nazis. This is very clear manipulation and guilt-tripping.
Phobia indoctrination - phobia indoctrination is where people in the cult make others terrified of leaving for fear of being hurt, killed, etc. As I've explained earlier, radqueers try to scare people into staying by saying that if they leave the community, no one will ever support or love them, and they'll never be accepted outside of it. People who went into the radqueer community after being anti-radqueer know firsthand how awful the harassment, doxxing, and death threats from radqueers are. People in the community who have doubts are very clearly too scared to leave, and people who don't have doubts have been convinced that no one will ever love them except for radqueers.
Anyways, I hope that this clears up how the radqueer community is a cult! Feel free to add on with your own experiences or additions, and please stop invalidating and shaming survivors.
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humunanunga · 29 days
Plurality, endogenesis and sysmedicalism.
Yeah no, I'm not done yet. Please bear with me for a word of caution.
So before making this post in reaction to seeing tulpa "systems" DNI, endo/endo-supporters DNI and non-traumagenic systems/supporters DNI across three fandom tags so far, I asked the systems I know if this was as Transmed But For Systems as it looked to an outsider. That was when I learned endo-exclusionists are called sysmeds.
Now, if you've been on Tumblr in the 2020s, you likely already know what plurality is. If you don't, it refers to an internal experience of living as multiple people who may take turns fronting– and together with whomever would be designated the "host," they are called a system. It used to be widely called split personality or multiple personality disorder, but as it stands currently, I don't think psychiatry yet recognizes a distinction between headmates, such as in plurality, and alters, such as in dissociative identity disorder (DID). The two can coexist, but not everyone with DID is plural, and not every plural has DID.
Which brings us to traumagenesis and endogenesis. Traumagenic systems or headmates, as the term suggests, have been caused by traumatic events, either acute or chronic, as is commonly the case with DID. Endogenesis, on the other hand, is a broad term for other causes. Tulpamancy, the deliberate formation of a headmate, is one example, but traumagenic systems can include endogenic headmates and vice-versa, and endogenic systems or headmates may also be caused by, for just one example, the same neurological processes that cause delusions or hallucinations. Which is to say, they're not making it up or following a trend, but the causes for endogenic plurality are more varied, and thus may simply not yet be as well-researched or as widely understood as another common cause.
So, how do you know whether someone's system is endogenic or traumagenic? Well, what if the systems themselves don't know if they're endo? What if a system who identifies as endo doesn't know they're traumagenic? How far would you be willing to invade someone's privacy to try to tell apart an endogenic system from a traumagenic system?
Before I continue, I myself am not plural, not to my knowledge. What I am is close to multiple plurals, both locally and across group chats. So I consulted them for this post:
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And now that we've hopefully cleared up some misconceptions, some presumptions maybe, I'll get to the point.
I have been on Tumblr since early 2012, late 2011. Years before I knew I was trans, I was here through the prevalence of transmedicalism, and the damage exclusionism did, keeping far more trans people in the closet than were protected from radfems, by repeating the same excuses transphobic doctors give to deny resources.
Bigots don't mistreat plurals for why you're plural, they mistreat you for being plural. Whether you've been mistreated for your plurality is not the fault of other plurals.
People of Tumblr, do not do that shit again with sysmedicalism. Do not reenact 2010s Tumblr. You would not be protecting anyone if you did this, you would be acting as someone else other plurals need protection from.
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Thinking about when time when I was in Reddit therian and otherkin communities.
Once time, I made a google slides presentation for myself with positivity about being C.A.R. kin, and every single being supported me except this one exclusionist guy. He called me controversial and had a whole argument with me in the comments.
He was very strict about who he saw as a valid otherkin and gatekeeped others to hell and back. It wasn't just with me and being an African nation, but he pretty much nitpicked everyone he saw. If there was anything about them that didn't match his perfect standard of being an 100% involuntary, monokin/very few kin, non-physical, completely serious, not seeking validation, mythical creature otherkin, he found a way to argue with you and tell you what he thought you should be. This man was in his 20s and talking to a bunch of experimental/new-to-kin teenagers about this stuff, mind you.
Later on, my and a fellow otherkin friend messaged a user that he was, once again, gatekeeping and invalidating. I believe it was because they were original species kin, but I'm not quite sure. Either way, they reported him and he was banned the next day (thank goodness).
When I was in Reddit spaces, this wasn't all that uncommon either. He was just a more extreme example. People did make fun of "tumblr kins", which I believe was a satirical/troll movement a couple years back that made fun of bizzare kintypes and experiences. But the same idea still stuck; sometimes, tumblr was known as the place with a bunch of fakers and confused teens with 50+ kintypes, which is extremely indicative of "faking" in reddit spaces.
I admit that I partook in it gatekeeping, too. Specifically in therian spaces: it was extremely common for young & new therians to come in and ask if they were a valid therian, and a few people would reply and tell them the usual spiel: "as long as you aren't controlling it and you dont think you're physically an animal and you identify as not with, then yes!!!!"
When I found the r/alterhuman subreddit instead of other big kin subreddits, I totally changed my views on who counted as a "real therian/otherkin/whatever-else-kin". If you identify as it, you are it, and only you can decide that for yourself. It's no one else's decision, because they aren't in your mind.
That's when I left Reddit and came over here.
I realized something that could have been useful years ago when I was experiencing impostor syndrome over my plurality.
If you think you're faking, what's the reason for that? Is it because you feel like you subconsciously chose to be the way you are? Is it because you got hyperfixated on the community you're in? Is it because you dont experience any of the common or "more serious" traits of your identity?
Chances are, whatever it is that's making you feel that way is actually valid. Gatekeepers will try to shape their communities into the perfect mold that their brain sees them as, or as the people around them have made it out to seem. In reality, the ideal community is completely subjective and imaginary. There is no one, no force, no ideology that can stop you from identifying the way you do. It's entirely mental, individual, and personal. Theoretically, I could put on any label that I wanted to right now, and no one but myself could stop me.
After I realized I could apply that to myself, I understood most of my imposter syndrome came from the fact that my autism clung to communities and made me subconsciously gravitate to them due to hyperfixation. I always tried to find reasons why that couldn't be true, but I realized I didn't have to do that anymore. I accepted that was essentially what was happening. If someone did develop their identity, subconsciously or not, due to a hyperfixation, that was valid. When I built my own moral compass and stopped gatekeeping others, I was then able to stop gatekeeping my own self.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
I'll preface this with saying that if you don't feel like dealing with this topic then feel free to delete the ask.
So I have a question regarding the "kink at Pride" debate. Isn't the most viable solution just having two events; i.e. one venue hosts an "all-ages" type and another separate one where everything is allowed?
I ask this because I recognize the contributions that people with kinks have made and I don't agree with the exclusionist mindset, but I'm one of those people who does have trauma surrounding kink. I hate feeling excluded because of that (after all, I'm queer and I've struggled just as much as the next queer person) and I want people like me to be able to participate just as much as those who helped make history. There are those who are able to reconcile their trauma, but many of us can't.
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. People on both sides tend to be very hostile regarding this subject... and that said I genuinely do understand the anger felt on the side of people with kinks since the talking point "kink doesn't belong at Pride at all" is an ahistorical and TERF based mindset. I just wished that the discussion around this topic was less toxic because I don't want to be exclusive to others nor be excluded myself, and unless I'm missing something it seems like the solution that would be beneficial for everyone is having those two spaces that accommodate both camps (if it is a common thing then that's good, but I've been to several areas and every event was only ever the mixed bag for lack of a better term).
hello there, i think my best answer for this question is this
it's totally okay to want to have all ages events and sections and aspects to pride parades and pride events- in my city pride lasts for an entire week and there are events specifically for kids, and elderly queer folks as well. often times during pride month there will be all kinds of celebrations and i think it's a good idea to have multiple kinds of celebrations
however, you really cannot remove the adult aspects from pride parades and other big main event pride festivals- there is free AIDS testing at a lot of pride fests, free condoms and dental dams, sexual education, other sex harm reduction education and resources, sex toy shops, info on safe gay/trans sex, information on safe kink practices, etc. removing those aspects of pride could be downright dangerous for some who rely on this type of harm reduction
i understand that you have trauma and that you want to express boundaries, that is good- if witnessing kink upsets or triggers you, it's okay to want to avoid it, but pride is going to have displays like that because it is in fact a protest. it is not family friendly, it never has been and it never will be- it spawned in response to police brutality that was happening within queer bars. it is designed to shock you and make you think.
pride is an event that has historically been kinky and included a lot of people proudly displaying that they live alternative lifestyles because they are heavily important to a lot of queers. the san fransisco pride parade is lead by the lesbian leather motorcycle club, Dykes on Bikes, and has been since the late 1970's.
i think it's very odd to focus on kink in specific when there are other traumatizing things that come up at pride- people discuss abortion, abuse, being arrested, beaten by the police, being denied rights adoptive rights and healthcare, and so much more. pride will always have something that will make people uncomfortable, because it is a protest in the street to talk about the brutal reality of our lives
again, as i stated, i am fine with children's, all ages, etc. pride themed events being held but main pride parades, festivals, etc. are in fact designed to be protests, meaning provocative and brutally real. they're not just for waving rainbow flags and saying "yay we love being gay!" it's okay to know your own limits and boundaries but i think that if you know that that's upsetting to you, you may just not be suited for an inherently political event, and that's okay. hope that helps, take care, stay safe
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beltsourcookie · 2 years
ovenbreak march/april 2023 update
by now a majority of people already are aware of what devsis did and it's clear that they will not change their mind on the update
making the cookie run hashtags and sending spam/memes will do nothing about this, if we want something to be done here are the followin things that can be done
uninstall ovenbreak immediately
leave 1☆ reviews on the appstore page, but please use critical and full sentences or else it will go to spam and be deleted
write a formal letter here https://cs.devsisters.com/en/cookierun-ovenbreak/form/others
dont know what to write?
heres my thoughts on what to say
normally in spring (march/april/may) devsis usually releases spring-related themed updates such as spinach, beet, cherry blossom
meanwhile in the summer they reserve that season for yogurca and ocean themed events
devsis should be AWARE that Ramadan is during March/April, they have the access to research in Korea
let devsis know that they INTENTIONALLY released a middle eastern bomb-themed update during Ramadan
again use FULL SENTENCES or else messages and letter will go to spam folders and trash, dont try to be funny, let them know this update is:
racist (exclusionists)
vile (heartbreaking)
hurtful to people who are celebrating Ramadan
ignorant (not researched enough)
evil (disappointing) on devsis's part to consider releasing this update during Ramadan
eventually devsis might also try to censor these words from their inbox, and try to find creative ways around these words (use what the pararentheses have provided *above)
**devsis is NOT a baby company, dont coddle them, theyre just as smart in dealing w these situations
they can and have taken leakers to court because they HAVE the power to do this
unfortunately, if they persist on continuing this update, it's not your fault that you didnt try hard enough
not everyone has the ability/time to write a formal letter, but please try to whatever you can
it really does matter and shows you care about whats happening if you do these things
again, memes/jokes dont help make the situation look like it's serious, it makes it look like petty drama to outsiders
if anyone says that *you* are racist for bringing up the subject, tell them theyre racist for acting like racial issues dont exist
hopefully devsis face the consequences for their decsions later on
apologies if a lot of the post feels vague, it's just to make it easier to understand
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Askbox/Requests will be open today, April 22 from 2pm-10pm EST, i will be ordering myself a fancy delivery foods at some point to keep me goin.
The askbox will remain open for the duration of stream and I'll get as many as I can done today, but I will not get to all your requests (usually its like minimum 400).
I'll be using the remainder for daily content til I run out again, which means your request will likely get done eventually so long as it follows the ground rules/instructions:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running this ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etsy store orders, twitch, tumblr, tiktok, instagram etc, everything. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in 5 i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search is your friend
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2pm EST
if the embed works it'll be here:
Donate directly through here or just type !dono in the chat to get the same link
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hostilemuppet · 6 months
The Twitter Drama AU Timeline
finally, after months, we finally have a timeline. this is not exhaustive (i tried to mainly include the super important parts, and some less important parts i thought were REALLY funny), and is probably only 75% accurate due to the non-linear nature we wrote the fic in to begin with, but it is better than nothing! updated as of chapter 10 (low hanging fruits)
12th March 2023: Tiny Diamond is born, Creek is his other dad, which is kept a secret from everyone except Guy and Creek.
November 2023: The events of Band Together, almost completely identical. Following which, Brozone get back together and start working on their reunion album. Now that Branch is in the spotlight, Barb is forced to acknowledge her ex girlfriend (one night stand) Poppy is a lot happier with a transfem butch, which sparks Barb’s descent into terfism. Val and Creek briefly see each other.
December 2023: John Dory gets his Twitter confiscated by Clay. Floyd gets his sex tape leaked (by Creek). Clay throws Viva under the bus for the first time. Clay accidentally gets Bruce accused of cheating on his wife, but they pin it on Branch, who just organised a fake breakup with Poppy because he was uncomfortable with all the smutfic. Riff leaves Barb’s band, and collabs with Creek but calls him an asshole. Velvet gets out of prison and writes a callout thread on Floyd. Floyd gets cancelled for the first time. Creek and Floyd start seeing each other in secret.
January 2024: Val publicly comes out as nonbinary and is kicked out of Barb’s band, then outs Barb as a nepo baby as revenge. JD tries to sneak back onto stantwt but is doxxed. Floyd tells Branch about his relationship with Creek; Branch is surprisingly fine with it as long as Creek is suffering, and boy does he suffer.
February 2024: A misunderstanding leads everyone to think Branch broke up with Poppy because he’s a gay man. He comes out as a lesbian but is immediately met with vitriol of both the exclusionist and transmisogynistic varieties. Barbtwt have a bone to pick with Hickory but he comes out on top. Clay throws Viva under the bus again but this time she's had enough, and releases an expose video on him and kicks him out of the pod. Viva and Floyd become BFFs.
March 2024: Dating rumours about Smidge and Poppy start, which Smidge does nothing to help. Barb accuses Smidge’s actual boyfriend of being a pedophile, and gets ratio’d. Creek and Floyd go public with their relationship.
June 2024: Guy Diamond gets into controversy after soliciting a camgirl and his family vlog channel goes on hiatus. Clay and Viva get back together, and Viva records revenge porn of him to “keep him in line”.
August 2024: Biggie gets into mild controversy that escalates into cancelation when he responds in character as Mr Dinkles. Clay and Vivas relationship becomes undeniably abusive, but they’re really good at hiding it.
September 2024: Floyd and Creek get married! Satin & Chenille have Velvet on their podcast. Guy Diamond gets cancelled after being outed as Pro-Life. 
15th December 2024: Floyd and Creek have twins, Brad and Angelina [LASTNAME]-[LASTNAME2-.
April 2025: Creek and Floyd drop all pretences of thinking they’re a healthy couple.
12th May 2025: Creek aborts his second egg. They would have been named Shiloh. Floyd is distraught and gets harassed on Twitter again for being Pro-Life.
August 2025: Creek and Floyd divorce.
September 2025: It comes to light that DJ Suki is stealing from her niece CJ.
December 2025: Creek and Floyd get back together. Val stops hiding their racism from twitter and get doxxed by KPop fans. They have to live with their mother.
January 2026: Harper starts drawing Bruce as a transphobic caricature, a skinny feminine twink.
February 2025: Viva stops taking birth control. Branch gets doxxed for the first time (by Cloud Guy). Dante starts stalking Branch.
March 2026: jdtwt find out that JD used to have a thing with Delta Dawn, and harass her a bit. The two get back in touch, and Delta tells JD that they actually had a kid together (Holly Darling). JD is thrilled about being a dad. Holly is initially apprehensive but eventually comes around. JD gives Delta Cooties (it’s okay, there’s a cure). Sky Toronto buys Twitter.Crimp gets run off the internet for uncomfortable roleplay with Tiny Diamond (pretending to be 14). Velvet gets cancelled for workplace abuse. Smidge starts queerbaiting by selling merch of referencing her and Poppy’s fake relationship.
April 2026: Tiny Diamond reveals he is not actually 14, he is physically 3 years old (but for our purposes he is functionally 9 because Trolls age weird). He loses all his OOMFs (CJ, Preiscilla, Keith (all approx 13)) and has his account suspended. Branch gets really jealous over Smidge and publicly shittalks her. He and Poppy “get back together” but set the “boundary” that any smutfic about either of them can only be Broppy (obviously not everyone follows this rule).
May 2026: Cloud Guy leaks Smidge’s miscarriage after being paid off by Barbtwt. Branch gets doxxed for the third time. Poppy demands Sky Toronto take action so he permabans Cloud Guy’s IP. Cloud Guy goes to live with his parents.
June 2026: Gust Tumbleweed is violently homophobic to Synth during an LGBT charity event, but faces no consequences because he starts flirting with his fellow straight male friends again. Poppy gets sick of Dante stalking Branch so she prepares to take matters into her own hands. Holly Darlin starts selling snake oil, from the same company that supplies for Satin & Chenille. Holly and Satin start dating.
July 2026: Satin & Chenille (both Creek’s exes) are invited to the Floyd and Creek household for dinner to ‘bury the hatchet’, where they witness blackmailable activities and force them both to come on their podcast and embarrass themselves (mostly Floyd).
August 2026: Demo falls in love with Gust after being flirted with for several months, breaks up with his current girlfriend (DJ Suki) and gets very VERY aggressively turned down by Gust. Dante sends a glitter bomb to Branch’s pod, so Poppy beats him up, but Dante calls the cops on her and she faces legal trouble. Harper starts drawing Creek as a trans man, even though Creek is a cis man, because she felt like it. It catches on. Biggie gets cancelled for something unspecified but really, really bad.
September 2026: Guy Diamond faces controversy for thinking Troll babies sleeping in beds causes Autism, which he got from Creek, who he used to date and is now interested in again. Clay starts nearing his brink wrt Viva and stays with JD for a bit. Viva finds an egg in her hair, which she soon loses (19th). Cloud Guy kills himself. Biggie overdoses while playing Overwatch. Veneer gets hit by a bus.
October 2026: Sky Toronto and Nova Swift get divorced (she leaves him for a trans Troll). Branch and Poppy get an egg, and Viva is the first they tell, so she manipulates them into thinking they’d be awful parents and she can take care of it for them. Viva uses the egg to convince Clay to come home.
31st October 2026: The egg Viva stole from Branch and Poppy hatches. Their name is Ha’Penny Hatch. Since the kid looks nothing like either “parents”, Clay figures that Viva cheated on him and finally goes grey.
November 2026: Harper deletes all her socials when her proship side account is found. Gust tricks Demo into thinking his feelings are finally returned, only to crush his heart again publicly during a subathon.
December 2026: BrozoneRonpa resurfaces. Branch accidentally says something offensive about Guy Diamond publicly, and Guy capitalises on the potential controversy, which leads to intense Guy VS Floyd beef (they are both interested in the same man (only Floyd is married to him). Nova Swift moves to Mount Rageous, leaving S&C in need of a podcast producer, and Fuzzbert is their only hope but expects a big paycheck.
January 2027: Guy Diamond reveals that Tiny Diamond is actually Creek’s son. Floyd goes to stay with Branch. Bruce finds out the real reason Clay went grey and his immediate plan is to fake Clay’s suicide and take him with him to Vacay Island. JD, Viva and Penny are the only members of Clay’s immediate family who don’t know he’s still alive. Clay’s funeral is livestreamed on Twitch. Holly Darlin’s newly rekindled relationship with her dad is halted in its infancy. 
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
most exclusionists have probably never had to ACTUALLY struggle to figure out their identity. like, i mean ACTUALLY struggle. not just being a little confused for a little while but figuring it out without much pain or hassle and after that point not really questioning again. and it fucking shows.
like oh i’m so sorry you spent a month slightly confused over your sexuality or gender, but then you figured it out and that was that. so now you think you’re the fucking end all be all of the queer experience and expect it to be that fucking easy for everyone. good for fucking you.
every night for four years, i was up agonizing over my sexuality. a lot of the times it was so painful i couldn’t breathe, just had to fucking keep going feeling like there was no end in sight to the NOT KNOWING. and some of y’all will truly never ever understand what that feels like but instead of acknowledging that you act like it should just be fucking easy for us.
5 years later, i’m not actually that much closer to figuring any of it out. but i’ve never been happier. you know what helped me get there? realizing that my worth is not dependent upon whether or not i have myself figured out, that i don’t need to have myself figured out in order to move forward with my life. and then, fucking THEN, gender came into the picture and sometimes i feel like i’m right back where i started.
last night, when i was outed to my mom, she was more accepting of my gender identity than most of the people in this “community”. my 60 year old mother who got confused when i said i thought i was a boy because “i thought you were asexual”, still managed to be more comforting and supportive of my journey with gender and sexuality, than any of the exclusionists who’ve come for me on here. my mother, who doesn’t know the difference between a trans man and a trans woman, still was able to tell me that my soul doesn’t change just because my gender might and that i have time to figure it out and don’t need to rush myself, whereas i’ve had hundreds of OTHER QUEER PEOPLE tell me to kill myself for being bi and a lesbian and a boy.
so fuck you. fuck you if you think that you know more about me than i do. fuck you if you think those years i spent in constant questioning agony, don’t matter because i just have to use the definition that makes everyone else comfortable. fuck your exclusionism, fuck your gatekeeping, fuck you forever.
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How do you find spaces that accept sex repulsed asexuality? I have never found any. Even here on this site I get anxious going into the tag for fear of finding anti sex repulsed content. But you found actual Pride that is accepting? How? I don't even want to celebrate Pride this year because I have never been accepted, even though I accept everyone else.
I'm very sorry you've had this experience T^T I should clarify, personally, I've never been explicitly made to feel unwelcome for being sex-repulsed – well, I have in all-straight settings, because that'll happen, and I get the occasional exclusionist comment, but in prides and whatnot for me it's mainly been that people are so busy celebrating their own sexuality in possibly very sexualised ways (again, for understandable reasons) to even consider people who are sex repulsed (and who also should be considered for understandable reasons, it's pretty much a catch 22)...
That specific pride (which happens in France where I live) was recommended to me by a coworker who's very involved in all forms of fights for human rights, and who wanted to check it out but wound up not having time to go. It's mainly run by POC communities, who are also obviously part of the groups more at risk of being marginalised in such events, so I guess that's the original premise behind the fact that they make sure their pride doesn't exclude anyone, and actually puts marginalised people who may also be marginalised within the LGBTQIA+ sphere at the center of the fight (going by the principle of "if you don't accept and support us and let the far right get to us, don't think they'll stop there, they'll get to YOU later, this fight should be for ALL of us").
I was very lucky to be recommended an event that resonated so much with me (despite my whiteassness, it really did, and it was very inspiring seeing people who have it so much worse in a lot of cases be so strong, though god I hope that's a valid thing to think and I'm not experiencing this all wrong), and I must admit I never hoped I could find a space like that either. But if it could happen in France I want to believe it could happen elsewhere. I'd recommend checking out LGBTQIA+ communities/associations in your area and especially their statements of principles, if they have any. That one pride's did not leave room for doubt and it didn't disappoint. I truly hope you can find something like that as well, and in the meantime, please stay strong! It can be very tough to navigate through and I'm very sorry again that you get anxiety about possibly not feeling welcome in spaces that should be for the whole community T^T I want to believe there'll keep being progress! But in the meantime I'll be around if you need to vent, even though it's not much probably TwT
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rjalker · 2 months
the aspec exclusionists are starting up with the "don't use the community tags unless you fit my exact definition of aromantic/asexual" shit again -.-
how many times do we have to tell these people that the split attraction model is optional, not mandatory, and that the aromantic and asexual communities are for literally everyone who identifies with them
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cardentist · 11 months
As a nonbinary/genderfluid biromantic, demiromantic asexual, literally every part of my gender identity and sexuality has been subject to the same "you could EASILY pass as cishet, so can you REALLY say you experience oppression when you could simply CHOOSE not to" and "you're not REALLY oppressed for being XYZ, you're only oppressed when people mistake you as cis fem/trans fem/gay/lesbian/any other identity we think is ACTUALLY important." My existence in online queer spaces has been hounded constantly by people trying to tell me what my lived experiences are and what they mean, shouting me down about how I can't speak about Insert Issue/Topic Here because sure maybe I'm queer (and to some, I don't even have the right to call myself that) but I'm at the bottom of the Who Is Oppressed More Hierarchy, I am only Oppressed in the way that sometimes I experience what they deem to be a different group's oppression. Not even my oppression is my own! I am too much of an "aberration" to find community and a place to speak amongst the general populace, and I'm too privileged to have a voice in the queer community, even about things that affect me.
And now, I'm watching that same rhetoric being used against transmen and transmascs. I remember when people on this site started really exploring queer headcanons for characters, everyone cheering "let's make X character gay! Y character is trans! Z character is a lesbian!" but if you dared to suggest "can Q character be ace?" you'd be met with "... that's boring." I remember how quickly ace exclusion devolved from "aces are boring" to "god, aces are annoying" to "when you think about it, aces aren't even really oppressed, so they aren't queer, so they should just shut up." And then it wasn't just aces, it was bi folks. And then it was enbies too. And now. Here we are.
This is the only site where people will blog about how "Gender is a sandbox! It's fucky! Men can be women, and women can be men! I'm a boygirl kind of girlboy! There are genders and sexualities in all sorts of shrimp colors you can dream of!" but in the same breath, they'll still act weird about he/him lesbians. They'll still claim that ALL masculinity is toxic. They'll still say that men are boring and annoying and-- Oh? You think that's kind of hurtful? You want to use this as an opportunity to talk about your own lived experiences and vent your frustrations courteously and privately on your own blog? Why do you have to make everything about you?! You're lower down the Who Is More Oppressed ladder because, wHeN yOu tHinK aBouT iT, no man can be oppressed for being a man! Even trans men! So you and anybody even vaguely masc aligned should just shut up and stay out of the conversation and let the queers who experience REAL bigotry talk!
... They could at least say something new instead of reusing the same rhetoric they've used for aces and aros and bi/pan folk and enbies and masc/butch lesbians and countless other queer identities.
All that to say, as someone who has been subject to all this for every part of my identity, I stand with you. Trans Unity! Queer Unity!
Context: [Link 1, Link 2]
I know Exactly what you're talking about !
I was around in inclusionist spaces 10 years ago at this point, before I'd fully crystalized what I Had Going On.
I Remember it being pointed out that ace exclusionists were stealing talking points from radfems directly, up to and including ripping off entire posts and just swapping out "trans women" with "asexuals."
I Remember people warning each other that normalizing these kinds of talking points, convincing people that that Mindset is a valid one, would then make it easy to swap out the Target of said mindset.
and it Has happened, over and over and over again. people are Always looking for the marginalized people that nobody wants to stand up for. that people don't understand, that people don't see as Needing support, that people already have negative feelings about even if they don't recognize Why.
it'll only ever stop when people examine the talking points Themselves and throw them out. when people are willing to stand in solidarity with people Regardless of whether they understand them or not.
if someone is trying to convince you that class of people As A Whole are undeserving of support, are lesser than, shouldn't have their voices heard or considered, Question It ! when they hold people up in Comparison to say that their pain is Lesser and therefore doesn't Matter, Question It !!
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heartbobs · 9 months
i think i’m a couple days late to finding out the exclusionists were on some bullshit again but hi if you don’t think people who are heterosexual and aromantic, and people who are heteroromantic and asexual are queer, unfollow me right now. fuck you.
someone is queer if they aren’t cisgender, heterosexual, and heteroromantic. cishet is three things, not two. stop pretending like sexual and romantic attraction aren’t two incredibly different things. because they are. and guess what? those are going to be different for everyone and mean different things for everyone. for some kissing falls under romantic. for some it falls under sexual. for some it’s not part of either.
and that’s beautiful!!! it’s as nuanced as we are. and that doesn’t make someone any less aromantic or any less asexual. and how someone else identifies doesn’t make you any less queer because how they identify has nothing to do with you.
sincerely, a very sapphicly romantic asexual
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alastor-my-love · 8 months
having nothing better to do, i want to tell you about how i went from anti-para, anti-ship, anti-radqueer exclusionist to pro-everything, radqueer and (practically) pro-contact views
a little outline of it all: exclusion antiship -> neutral to everything -> neutral but support all (but not trans)ids -> inclusionist profic -> inclusionist profic, who also supports all trans identities, but does not consider himself a radqueer -> anti-c radqueer -> void-c radqueer -> com-c radqueer -> (probably) pro-c radqueer
(exclusion antiship) in the beginning, due to strong pressure from others, i was an exception who did not even consider the chance and possibility that mspec homo could be valid
(neutral to everything) after which, after watching the mspec-homos and other guys for a while, i became neutral towards everyone
(neutral but support all (not trans)ids) again, after spending some time in the coo mspec homo, i began to “quietly” support them, without telling anyone about it
(inclusionist profic) after all, without paying attention to the community, i committed coming-out as an inclusion
(inclusionist profic, who also supports all trans identities, but does not consider himself a radqueer) then i learn a little more about transids and understand that the it is fucking me?? and at first was a little afraid, but after that i also caming-out as a (pro)transid (but not a radqueer because i was very afraid that i would not be accepted
(anti-c radqueer) after that, i still decided to read a little about radqueerness, sit in their community, chat with some of them and understand that i am radqueer. i did not support the idea of pro-contact at all and avoided them as much as possible, and often even her and pro-c guys
(void-c radqueer) after that i do a little research and accept myself as a radqueer with void-c views
(com-c radqueer) after which i just do a huge research and realize that i dont fucking have an exact opinion about contact and in general im rushing from side to side in this regard
(probably pro-c radqueer) and then... this is me now
ha-ha. im very bad at stories, but still—
i cant draw any conclusions from this, because i just became the real me, i became who i wanted to be. i became free
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weezeryuri · 1 year
did you do it? did you chase the ‘fake queers’ from the community? did you have fun recreating 2016 exclusionist discourse all over again? did you get it out of your system by wasting everyone’s time and being the most unbearable type of person possible
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