#except javi bc he’s just a little kid
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jilyandbambi · 3 days ago
Everything about how Coach Ben's Trial plays out just makes me feel so sad and devastated for all of them. I can't even hate them for what they did or are about to do. They're just kids, man.
Shauna is grieving and angry and postpartum and scared, and she's got nowhere to put any of that except onto Ben, the grown up--who didn't burn the cabin down but who did turn away from her when she needed him most. It's a powerful thing when you're that age and angry/sad/frustrated about everything (bc you're a kid) and to have a safe adult to be pissed at: an adult who cares but isn't perfect (no one is, and you're a kid so you're still learning to accept this), who let you down right at the exact moment you needed them to be the Grown Up with all the answers, and maybe their fuck up was only one of 254884113 things going wrong in your life at that point but you're 17--old enough to know that adults don't have all the answers and young enough that it still feels like they should, and when they don't, that's their fault too.
It's irrational, immature, and dangerous (Thy name is Shauna Shipman), which is what kids are, and what each of these kids are, to varying degrees; and why Shauna gets her way in the end.
It isn't their coach's fault that their plane crashed, that they starved for months, that they resorted to eating their team captain, that they let Javi drown so they could gut him and eat him, that Shauna's baby was stillborn, or that their cabin burned down. But they're kids and everything is awful and in between all the awful the adult in the room dropped the ball when they needed him, and now the trauma, and guilt, and shame, and pain, and rage has to go somewhere, and Coach Ben is a more tangible target than an invisible wilderness god. It doesn't matter that he clearly didn't set the fire and doesn't wish them any harm, the lie is too convenient.
If Coach Ben set the cabin on fire, Mari doesn't have to own up to the fact that she didn't tell the truth when she got back to camp, that she let the others continue thinking their coach was out there still hunting them.
If Coach Ben set the cabin on fire, there's no need for Travis to rock the boat and stand up for the only other person besides himself to be as disgusted and horrified at what the others did to his little brother.
If Coach Ben set the cabin on fire, Van (the only other person besides Shauna and Melissa to vote Guilty every time) doesn't have to worry about the others taking a second look at what her sleepwalking girlfriend could have been doing the night of.
If Coach Ben didn't set the cabin on fire, Tai might have to poke deeper at Van's insistence on his guilt despite all evidence to the contrary, and she might not like the answer. Add to that, if Coach Ben is innocent, then Nat was right to keep what she knew from the rest of them and Tai was wrong to collude with Shauna to her call her out in front of everyone, and maybe that makes Nat a better choice of leader than Tai would've been after all.
If the wilderness says Coach Ben set the cabin on fire, then maybe it's finally starting to speak to Lottie again, maybe she hasn't completely lost her connection to it after all.
And it's so, so fucked up because beneath all of them rallying behind this cruel, vengeful, childish decision to blame Coach Ben anyway is an understandable desire to have a say in all the uncertainty and turmoil that's taken over their lives by this point. That adolescent need for control--not just over your environment but your emotions, especially the negative ones--can make kids living in the best circumstances lash out. Here, with everything the Yellowjackets have been through and have already done, it was always going to have the worst possible outcome. And watching it all play out as an adult is just--ughhhhh. Heartbreaking.
Because that adolescent turmoil that makes you an angry freakshow who lashes out at the right people at the wrong times, or (more often than not) the wrong people at the wrong times--sometimes knowingly? That's normal. This is the time to be that way. You're supposed to have the space to get it all out and grow past it.
But the Yellowjackets don't and won't, and it'll ruin them, especially the ones that make it out alive.
Yeah, Shauna, taking your rage and grief out on Coach Ben feels good to you now; taking any action, even if it's clearly the wrong one, feels powerful and right in the moment, but it won't last. The rest of you lemmings letting her have her way for your own reasons feel justified for now, but that won't last either. By the time the full weight of what you've done hits you, it'll be too late. When the regret comes you won't know how to face it and you never will, and so you'll be stuck. You'll be 17 and haunted at 20 and 30 and 45, still getting in your own way and not realizing it until it's too late. You'll get older but you'll never grow up, and you'll never understand why.
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kiefromgingerland · 4 months ago
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
A/N: hii this is my first post so it’ll prob be shit, but it’s time someone fixes the lack of travis fics on tumblr </3
WARNINGS: switching between past and present tense, coach martinez, mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of child abuse, self-harm, mentions of death
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
he was hesitant to be affectionate at first. if you two weren’t close before you started dating, he was definitely awkward in the beginning of the relationship. if you were friends before dating, he’d probably be less awkward. he would still be nervous, but because he was worried about ruining your friendship. either way, it would take a while to get him to be affectionate.
he isn’t the making out type of affectionate, nor is he a fan of PDA. he probably holds your hand a lot, but that’s all the PDA you’ll get. when you’re alone, however, he is much more touchy.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
he would be the type of friend that’s bitchy, but he’s definitely not as on-edge with you. you. he feels like he can trust you, especially if you’ve been friends for a while. you were probably childhood friends, or became friends because of seeing each other soccer events that had both the girls’ soccer team and the boys’ soccer team.
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
travis doesn’t usually cuddle, except for when he’s exhausted. he’s usually tired, but it’s when he’s bumping into things and dozing off level exhausted that he’ll get more touchy with you.
he’s also clingy when he’s drunk or high.
he tries not to be so clingy when in the right state of mind, but when he’s exhausted or under influence, all those walls come tumbling down.
(probably because his father refuses to show affection with him or Javi, and rarely shows his wife any affection)
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
travis wasn’t getting his hopes up when you started dating. he assumed it would be a casual relationship that wouldn’t last very long.
however, when you two started getting serious, he realized that he did want to settle down with you in the future, which led him to letting his guard down around you. he was worried about getting serious or settling down with you, because of his father. he didn’t want to turn into his dad, and didn’t want to make you a victim like his father did to his mother.
if you do settle down together, he probably wouldn’t want kids because he was worried he would become like his father, but if you want kids, he would trust you. i can see him being the dad to a little tomboy girl.
(made the kids optional bc i am def not having those little shits)
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would never break up with you. not out of pity or fear, he just would never want to. if you two broke up, it was you. he would probably make it seem like you both agreed, but it’s just his protective walls going right back up.
f = fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he is terrified of commitment, but would try, for you. he wants you two to be forever, and he doesn’t want to lose you. he would probably propose after a while. he doesn’t want to move too fast.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’s the gentlest. he refuses to treat you like his father treated his mom. although you two might get into arguments fairly frequently, he is far from emotionally, verbally, or physically abusive.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
travis was never a hugger until you started dating. he gives good hugs, although it would be awkward in the beginning of the relationship or friendship. if you’re upsetX he’s the type of person who will kiss the top of your head or your temple if you’re shorter than him.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
he would be the first to say it, but it might take a while. probably six to seven months tbh, although it definitely felt faster to you. i don’t think it’s a “__ fell first, __ fell harder” type of relationship. he fell first, and fell harder.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
travis is a jealous person. he trusts you deep down, but it wasn’t obvious for a while. he’s a bit insecure in the beginning, but it’s soon more that he’s worried about the guy trying something than you cheating.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
surprisingly good kisser?? even if you’re his first kiss, he’s still a good kisser. he never even thought about having to kiss someone, it just came naturally to him.
he likes to kiss your forehead or temple. again, he wouldn’t do it for a little while, unless you were friends before. it’s a sign that he trusts you tbh.
he likes to be kissed anywhere as long as you’re the one kissing him. travis is fs head over heels for you.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he’s not bad around kids, just awkward. his father made him hate the idea of being a parent. the only kid who he’s very protective over is Javi because they’re trauma bonded.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he either wakes up late or very early. rarely ever an in-between. if you stay the night, you’ll probably wake up to him asleep with his arms tight around your waist. clingy sleeper !!!
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
won’t hesitate to stay up with you all night (not in that way, you filthy mind (well, not not in that way))
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he’s very slow to open up, but his decision to open up is very fast. he just needs to fade into it. the more you open up, the more he opens up.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
a lot of people and a lot of things anger him. he’s very easily angered, but by you? never. you could never make him mad, he loves you too much to harbor any resentment for you.
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers a lot about you. it’s pretty easy for him to remember things about you, but if there’s something he really wants to remember, he’ll write it down somewhere.x
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the morning after your first time together. you were in his bed, in one of his shirts. you were asleep, and he woke up early. it was still dark out, and smelled like rain. his father was out on a business trip (which was an obvious lie), and his mom and Javi staying with his aunt (also an obvious lie). he knew the reason his parents were both away was probably because of a serious fight, or legal issues, but you being there with him made him forget all about it.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he’s very protective of you. he won’t fight someone, he’s smarter than that. he’ll ruin someone. he can be a bit evil sometimes, but only when it comes to protecting you. if someone is a little too close to you, or is threatening you, he’ll frame them for something that will get them suspended or expelled. they won’t even know it was him, nobody will.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he knows it doesn’t take a lot to please you, but he tries hard anyway. he remembers anniversaries, and you two will probably stay at one of your houses all day, and skip school.
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
how easily angered he gets. you two would probably argue about his anger issues and refusal to open up before you knew about his home life.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he’s insecure, but doesn’t obsess over his looks publicly. he doesn’t tell anyone he’s insecure, he just keeps it bottled up.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
definitely. if you left him, he probably would never be fully whole without you. you were his first love, and soulmate tbh. if you die, he’d probably just stop caring about anything for a while. it would take him until the winter of his freshman year of college to go back to normal, but he would never get over it.
he’d probably make some friends at his college. i feel like they’d be very open people, so he’d trust them enough. they would persuade him to party a lot, and he would resort to drinking and getting high to try and forget you. he would tell his friends about you. they would be the ones to tell him he doesn’t have to forget you, and he can live happily while still missing you. he got better after that. he would still drink and get high, but not as much.
(i got a bit carried away, might make a fic about it 😈)
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he has scars. he has sh scars on his wrists, and scars from his father. after opening up to you about it, he would try his best not to relapse. he’d move out the moment he turned eighteen. he loves his mother and brother, yes, but his father made his house insufferable. even after his father died, he would still never see that house as a place where he was welcome. his mother also isn’t amazing to him, but she’s only a bit emotionally and verbally abusive. she doesn’t realize it, and they would make up when he was an adult and started visiting his family on holidays again.
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates a lot of things, but never you. there’s not a lot in specific that would piss him off.
z = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
like i mentioned earlier, he either wakes up very early or very late. you help him sleep better, though.
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skylandart · 6 months ago
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*cries* they’re parents.
Headcanons under the cut :3
Their daughter’s name is Adelyn Jones Garcia. It was Javi’s choice because they’d made a deal.
They had her when Amelia was 27 and Javi 26. Useless piece of information, but hey :3
Accidental child.
She’s got Javi’s eyes and Amelia’s hair. And a cute little dimple near the side of her lips. And a little spacing between her teeth because when her adult teeth were growing in, she used to push them aside with her tongue just for fun. She likes the windows between her teeth. She thinks they’re pretty (they are.) and she refuses to get braces. Ever.
She has the physical Rafkonian features. She’s got the antlers and stuff, but she lacks the entire “mind reading” capabilities, the way Amelia and Aiyon do, because she is technically half human.
She’s very annoyed about this fact when she’s in her teenage. Especially because her sibling gets the mind reading capabilities without the antlers and she thinks it’s the universe being unfair.
She was also bullied as a kid because of all this. And Amelia nearly committed homicide as a result— only Javi could hold her back. And Javi…. Javi made sure no kid ever bullies Addy ever again.
They don’t let aunt Izzy find out about this tho bc if she did some primary school kids are gonna get IT.
She loves dad’s cooking. But she loves uncle Aiyon’s cooking more. Those Rafkonian taste buds make an appearance when she’s in her teenage, and suddenly her love for every single weird thing on the planet spikes up, much like Amelia.
Poor Javi. He’s now got two weird girls to take care of :3
Everytime Addy is upset, Amelia makes her muffins— except, Amelia can’t cook. It’s Javi who does the cooking, but hush, Addy doesn’t need to know that.
Javi likes to dance with her. Both of them can’t dance, really, but it’s fun to watch them stumbling about. It always cheers the both of them up, no matter what’s been bothering them.
Almost half of their home movies collection is Javi and Addy’s weird dancing. Amelia just loves recording them.
Amelia and Addy gang up on Javi every snow season, peppering him with snowballs. It’s the cause of a world war every Christmas.
Addy takes after Javi in her musical taste. Javi saw that early on, and tried to put her in music classes, but she was more of a freelancer and class timings and all of that annoyed her very much, and in the end, after three years of tantrums, they were forced to pull her out.
Javi then decides to give her home lessons. It works out much much better, because Addy likes her dad wayyyyy more than any other random music instructor.
Amelia likes taking Addy on walks. It started when Addy was five and Amelia took her out of the house for fresh air, but it evolves into adulthood and becomes their mom-daughter bonding time. They gossip about everything under the sun on their walks.
Addy has fried uncle Ollie’s computers, headphones, fitbits, and every other technical equipment, at least twice, in her lifetime.
Aunt Izzy introduces her to all the “bad” habits at the appropriate ages.
But every time Addy and her friends do stupid things, Aunt Fern is their first point of call, because Aunt Izzy tattles to the parents more.
I have more but this list has already become so long so mayyyyybe I’ll do a part two.
PS: yes. Yes Javi gets dorky dad!glasses. And yes, Addy breaks them eight times when she’s smol.
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
fic ideas keep coming to me like visions of jeanne d'arc
transfem beckett, either castle clocks her right at s1 or castle keeps trying to get with her & she wants him too but there's smth holding her back, it's basically the show anyway except it's her trans. Alt, transfem beckett x esposito. Or maybe we keep the especkett that the show intentionally implied but instead of being the pre-series especkett or current especkett, it is a during-series caskett fic with a lot of past especkett. (I just love especkett & trans characters)
kanie, we need more kate/lanie fics, we need more femslash.
fatherless boys love jim, I want a fanfiction where esposito & castle spend time with jim or talk to him or get his advice bc he is castle's father in the eyes of the law & well he can be esposito's dad too.
ALSO WE DEF NEED SOME MARTHA/JAVI FICS. Huertas literally said he would love for esposito to be martha, joked that it would be a source of drama for the show. Yeah it's a little bit cracky, but it's also craic as in fun.
I have so many plot bunnies & little ideas & tiny things I want that are not big enough to be fics like that one fic I wrote where the extent of it is castle giving one of the other detectives champagne for, maybe they had their first kid or smth. Well & beckett staring at him lovingly & ryan or esposito (or even monty) coming up to her like heheheh she has a cruuuuuuush *jr high voice*
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thyknife · 3 years ago
it just hit me - you know the rich texan kid Jake hc going around? Family from oil money etc? Well. Take this dysfunctional dude with little to no baseline of being normal with affection bc his mommy (who loves him bt would really rather spend time at fancy brunch with The Girls) and daddy (distant dude, not abusive but sure as hell didn't know what he's doing) just throws money at him and call it Bonding. Then take a group of people who he somehow have gotten attached to and is terrified of losing now but don't know how to use words. I think you'll get a hilarious accidental sugar daddy jake and a very confused very (at first) offended group of people (except Javy who just watches from the sideline plus he's probably an Upper East Side kid) before the Explanation starts coming out and everyone is just OH he likes us holy shit okay. Great. But can he cut back on the Balenciagas.
WAIT. WAIT. Are you saying Jake is trying to buy off dagger team? Like, he’s throwing money and gifts at them, because he thinks he has to in order to receive love back?
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something-tofightfor · 4 years ago
Also 😂😂 I feel like the kid ask demands the following
OC: I want a baby
Din: oh my gosh. Steal one [thats what happened you can't tell me it didnt!!!]
OC: I want a baby
Billy: billy russo has left the chat
OC: babe?!
OC: I want a baby
Ezra: a baby baby?
OC: the alive kind
Ezra: a human baby or a small furry whiskered baby
OC: either or (I have never seen this movie. I got 5 minutes in and then riddle with guilt about all the things I Should be doing )
OC: I want a baby
Benjamin: i'm baby
OC: I want a baby
Jack: I'm gonna veto that /yeehaw OR
Jack: when the time is right
OC: I want to have a baby
Logan: we have to finish game of thrones
OC: seriously
Logan: do I sound like I'm kidding
OC: I want a baby
Javier: good for tax returns (I have also never seen this show asjdhdks)
OC: I want a baby
Caspian: I want us to go to sleep at a normal time. Guess neither of those are happening
OC: I want a baby
Ryan: we only have like $12 combined
These are all in good fun 😘 not meant to offend anyone who actually does want kids. Just... everyone knows we like, like 67% of this list bc these people are human trash fires. Who are absolutely not stable enough to raise small humans. Babies are great at derailing life 😂 or plots, but kids don't fix things. That said I DO appreciate so much how you and a lot of other writers have made it like, word of god that Logan loved Emily so much and that everyone stays true to "grumpy solitary traveler adopts a chaos child" as sort of Din's whole schtick
Real talk, the "i want a baby" text trend always makes me laugh. I didn't send one to my BF, and instead told him out loud one day, and his response was "I want an Amazing Fantasy 15, which costs less than a kid" and then proceeded to tell me that if I was serious it wouldn't be with him. (AF 15 is the first ever appearance of spider man and it's roughly a $200,000 book in GOOD condition, and a half million in GREAT condition) But as for the guys:
Din's is half correct; he wouldn't want you to steal a child, because then people would be after you, but I could see him telling you to keep an eye out for one in need. Billy peacing out ASAP and going no contact ... 10000000% accurate Ezra having a pet makes me feel all mushy inside because I feel like giving that man ANY sort of domesticity is such a good outcome for him. (i can't say much else if you haven't seen it, because I don't want to spoil the movie - but if you get a chance please watch!) Benjamin ... just wants to be loved and I feel like he wouldn't want toshare right away and if you saw my most recent post... he needs just as much care as a kid sometimes, so... you are not incorrect.
Jack i can hear him saying that he vetoes the idea. That's very Jack. I think he would have made a good dad - but I also think it would have changed him a LOT as a person, and I'm not sure that as a Statresman, it's the right time ... so the second half checks out, too. Logan ... oof. Yeah, that's about right, too. I can't see him wanting to share anyone he finally chooses to love like that; I truly think that he enjoys his lifestyle too much - and if he DID have a kid, he wouldn't want to have a nanny care for it - so he would HAVE to change. I DO though, think that his fears of being like Jim are totally unfounded, and that he could be a really good dad ... but it's not on his list of priorities. Javi and his tax returns, ahahaha. He seems like the type of that would have waited until the last possible second to fill out his returns. and all other important paperwork - but DAMN if he would use an advantage like that. I don't think he would have wanted to risk having a baby in Colombia - but he'd be just a little more open to it when his life calmed down slightly. I don't think that was ever in the cards for him - and there's SO LITTLE actual information available about the real Javi that it's hard to tell... but during the time of Narcos? Definitely not a good idea for him. Caspain ... poor man just wants to sleep after dealing with King Stuff all day, and I am right there with him. Ryan ... my version of Ryan and reader have considerably more than $12, but I still don't know about introducing a kid. Definitely not while he was traveling, because we see what happens to Cowboy and Ginny... and how miserable it made Cowboy. I agree with you about the trash fires. Wholeheartedly. I also think that they mean well most of the time (With the exception of Billy.) Raising children isn't easy, and I think that that's why so many of them in canon did not HAVE kids of their own (I know Caspian has one later) and instead focused on found family. You're right again when you say kids don't fix things, and it's not fair to use them to TRY to fix things or change someone. Logan being the Best Uncle Ever for Emily - and literally DOTING on her whenever he could SHOULD HAVE BEEN canon. I'm thankful, too, that so many writers decided that was the case, and are running wild with it. Her main male influence seems to have been William, which is a GD mess and a half... and I want to change that indefinitely. And as for Din and Grogu? Chaos child is the way I will address him from now on so thank you for that. And that grumpy man smiles ALL THE TIME under that helmet at Grogu, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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mxndoscyarika · 5 years ago
Folklore series: The 1 (Javier Peña x GenderNeutral!reader)
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Author’s note: I know, I know, this isn’t Red Sunsets...But this fic is based off of the MASTERPIECE that is Taylor Swift’s new album “Folklore”! I fell in love with the ethereal, yet emotional, songs and was inspired to write some fics based off of them. @mindless--ramblings​ and I screamed and cried over how well these songs fit the boys, and she’s doing the series with our beloved Frankie! Mine will be an assortment depending on the songs, so none of the Pedro boys are safe 😉 So just sit back, relax, and enjoy the emotional rollercoaster 😌 (and maybe grab some tissues).
Summary: You’re at Danny’s wedding reception with your spouse, and you see someone familiar.
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
| next song >
Warning(s): food mention, alcohol mention, angst
Song: The 1 by Taylor Swift (Folklore)
---And if my wishes came true
It would’ve been you---
The cheers and laughter of your family and friends engulfed you as you and your spouse meandered through the crowd. Being such a small town, it was hard to not become friends with everyone, and Danny was no exception. Despite the pang in your heart whenever anything remotely related to a certain DEA agent was mentioned, you’d grin and bear it. It was Danny’s special day, and you weren’t about to ruin his wedding.
Young children screeched and ran past you, drawing your attention to a table sitting near the edge of the room. They gathered behind a figure draped in flannel and tapped his shoulder.
Your breath left your lungs as the person turned in their seat, revealing a strong nose and soft plump lips. Even after all these years, you could recognize that profile in a heartbeat. Javier Peña, Laredo’s pride and joy. And your ex-fiance.
He smiled at the kids, and for a moment you were dragged back to the past.
It was summer, the trees laden with fruits and the meadows pleasantly warm. You smiled as the tall grasses brushed against your bare legs; foregoing your usual long pants, you’d opted for shorts. Both you and Javi had the day off from work, and like clockwork you fell into each other’s arms.
You were both much younger, the smile lines and crow's feet not quite settled in yet. Hands that were strong but not yet worn held onto yours as you walked through the meadow. The wildflowers of many shades of yellow, pink, and white spattered throughout the grass formed a Seurat painting for the birds that soared overhead. You smiled to yourself and ran your hand over a tall stalk of grass, the blade slipping between your fingers like water in a stream. If only...
“What are you thinking about, mi cielo?” Javi asked softly, lifting a hand to stroke your cheek. Umber eyes so dark they were nearly black gazed at you intently, searching for a clue.
Leaning into his touch, you replied, “Everything. Everything that we have. You, the sky, this meadow. And how I could live like this forever, if I had the chance.”
His eyes softened, the corners of his mouth lifting. “What if we could?”
You blinked, brows furrowing slightly. “What do you mean, Javi?”
As you intertwined your fingers with his, you felt the stickiness of his palms. In all your years of being with him, either as a friend or more, you’d only ever seen him get nervous a couple of times. Once when he had to give a presentation about his family, and another when he confessed his love to you.
Growing up with him, you got to see parts of his life that others didn’t. It was difficult to achieve a stable feeling of privacy in Laredo, but somehow you and he managed to do just that. As children, it meant late nights “camping” behind the house even in the muggy summer heat. In your teenage years, that meant late nights on rooftops and on the outskirts of Chucho’s ranch with beers and snacks. You’d sit by the fence and watch the moonlight reflect off the river, only to scoot behind some bushes when boats loaded with drugs trudged through.
As adults, it meant driving out to the middle of nowhere and simply being together. With university and then work keeping you apart, you’d both learned that the most important thing was to simply exist together. To be there for each other when it mattered, and cherish the time that you had. Even if it was just for a little while.
You gasped as he got down onto one knee, his chest rising and falling deeply. The bright sun highlighted the silky waves atop his head, turning the deep brown into a radiant ochre. He looked like a prince, his back straight and his shoulders broad as he finally met your eyes.
“Mi amor,” he began, voice like velvet, “mi cielo, you’re the morning sun shining through my window when I wake up. You’re the cool breeze in the afternoon. You’re the stars glittering in the night sky. Hell, you’re the entire galaxy.” His eyes shone with adoration as he looked up at you from his knelt position. “You’re my everything, Y/N. I know I’m not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I will do my best for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. The band was simple, but artfully wrapped around a sparkling gem. “Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
Tears dripped down your face as his words soaked in, filling you with a warmth reminiscent of late nights roasting marshmallows and cuddling by a fire. Unable to get the words out, you nodded urgently and held out your left hand.
Eyes shining, Javi slid the ring onto your finger. It fit you perfectly, as if it were made just for you. And it was true.
Then it all came crashing down.
You were in your dressing room when you found out. Your best friend had just put the finishing touches on your appearance. Although you were a ball of nerves, you were excited. You were going to marry your best friend, the one. Javi was yours, and you were his.
Or so you thought.
Seeing him again over a decade later drowned you in a wave of emotions. Part of you was still heartbroken. You’d really thought that you were going to be together forever, like you dreamed of as children. But then he left you, his family, and Laredo to go chase after one of many drug lords in Colombia. He may have been yours, but you weren't his.
The ring on your finger twinkled mockingly.
---And it would’ve been sweet
If it could’ve been me---
Permanent taglist: @cinewhore​ @randomness501​ @pedropascalisadilf​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @catfishingmorales​ @halfwaythereroyal​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @talesfromtheguild​ @tortles​ @ladamari68​ @theokatcov @snivellusim​ @starryluce​ @inked-poet​ @this-cat-is-dea​ @shewritesandplants​ @chews-erotically​ @thefandomimagines​ @emesispo​ @mindless--ramblings​
Folklore series taglist: none so far, bc I wrote this too fast and everyone was asleep 😂
Let me know if you’d like to be added to either of the taglists! 
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Which of pedros characters would be the best cook?
Lol ok see this is a tough one because we have evidence of the Man Himself admitting freely on multiple occasions that he is a shit cook and has no idea what to do in a kitchen so my answers are being swayed by outside influences.
Din is terrible. Like to the point that he has honestly never even TRIED. Why should he? He was raised in a tribe where other people cooked for him and then when he was finally sent out to go hunting bounties he could just eat ration bars/packs what have you and get all the nutrients he needed, no muss no fuss. It’s not like he ever had the opportunity to learn or experiment and what fun is that to do for yourself anyways. Of course, now that the little womp rat will be staying with him permanently, he’s going to have to learn pretty fast. Even he knows that babies need a little more than freeze dried protein.
Whiskey is surprisingly competent. You are actually shocked. With his bachelor playboy lifestyle you kind of assumed that when he said dinner at his place he meant “I will buy dinner and we will eat it at my place so we are closer to my bedroom where I will eat you for dessert”. Apparently that is NOT what he meant. You show up and he is actually cooking. Like with stove burners and an oven and everything. He laughs at your surprise and tells you that that surprise on your face is why he knows how. If it’ll impress a lady of course Jack Daniels knows how to do it. He does however have you for dessert. Baking requires a little too much discipline for him. And you’re just sitting there looking so pretty- as if anything else is gonna compare.
Javi is less shit at it but he’s faaaaaar from what anyone would claim was higher than a college dorm room level. He can do pretty much anything with eggs (except poach them. Which is fine with him because if god had intended him to eat runny egg yolks he wouldn’t have him cooking them in the first goddamned place.), and he can put together a mean sandwich. He can grill a burger, most of the time doesn’t incinerate steak, but the one thing he is actually proud of in the kitchen (not that he would ever say so out loud, but you can tell from the way he carefully makes this and then gently sets it in front of you, watching you eat it and waiting quietly and intently for your verdict) is his chili. It IS really good chili. Like probably the best you’ve ever had, and once his shoulders relax and he turns around to hide the pleased smile on his face at your compliment you ask him about it. It was his mom’s recipe. It’s one of the only things of hers he kept after she passed.
Oberyn is an amazing cook. Of course he is, you think to yourself as you watch him at work. Because what can’t this man do? It makes sense you suppose that cooking is something he excels at. He is famed the world over for his potion and poison making, and what are the culinary arts but another form of chemistry? Watching him handle all of the different pots and pans is like watching him train in the yard every morning- it’s a dance to him, he knows exactly where he wants to be and knows exactly how to get there in the most elegant, attractive, and dazzling way possible. You know he is showing off for you and Ellaria as you sit together in the shade, eating the pieces of fruit he hands over occasionally- you’re sure that there was no real reason for him to flambé that dish, but you’re impressed and more than willing to admit that the grin that lights up his face when he sees how impressed is stunning, that you can only bring yourself to roll your eyes and smile back at him. Your meal is excellent, the dessert tart and crisp, and when he takes the two of you back to his rooms both dishes taste excellent on your partners’ lips.
Ezra is worse than Din. He is the shittiest cook in any galaxy, on any planet in any of those galaxies. No one besides Ezra likes those chocolate protein/ration bars. They are disgusting and that might be the source of his complete lack of skill. He has horrible taste. That man has travelled near and far in every manner of ship and circumstance for his entire life and hence learned at a very early age not to be picky where his calories came from. He will eat anything- you think he must not actually be able to taste anymore. So when you asked him once when you were sick to make you some soup, he readily complied and you pretty instantly wished he hadn’t. He laughed at the face you made after one spoonful and didn’t take offense when, despite your greatest of efforts, you couldn’t eat any more of it. He slurped the whole thing down himself and opened a ration pack that wasn’t one of those awful chocolate things.
Max does not cook. Ever. Why should he cook when he has people to do that for him? When he could go to the best restaurants in the city and eat michellin star rated cuisine? He doesn’t make a habit out of taking you out to eat- that’s not really the kind of relationship you have- so when he does you know you’re in for A Night. He wants to make sure you’re well fed and have the energy for him to put you through all the paces he wants. Otherwise why should he be providing meals for basically a sex toy? He calls you into his office, he fucks you, he marks you up, he gives you a slap on the ass, and he sends you on your way. What you do for meals in between those assignations is your business, as long as it doesn’t involve another man.
Catfish is average. He has to cook, he can’t afford to be eating out constantly, especially with that new baby. You know that first time you were living on your own and you kept your meals pretty simple bc you were still feeling your way around not having them provided for you? You knew you wanted real food but were kind of limited to spaghetti and meatloaf and casseroles and maybe some dishes with chicken breast? That’s Frankie. He’s gotten better since he left the military, but he still has quite a long way to go. But he’s determined to keep learning. The kid deserves that much from him at least. And it’s pretty cute the way he sets dinner on the table in front of you, so very proud at what he’s accomplished. You don’t really care that you had pretty much the same thing four nights ago.
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lawrencegarte · 5 years ago
do twdgs2 (bitch.) and borderlands
❤ Favorite Male: if luke didn’t get stupid and fuck jane then it’d be a solid luke but like.......... uhhhh.................. man idk i guess it’s luke ❤ Favorite Female: oh it’s gotta be jane :) GOD GAG okay no i’m kidding it’s sarah. or clem but she’s a given❤ Favorite Pairing: luke n javi i don’t care if they’re not in the same game. luke and nick is cute in theory but nick’s an idiot❤ Least Favorite Character: JANE OBVI but shout out to uhhhh the whole entire cast of adults❤ who’s most like me: man i dunno. i’m stupid and bad with money so maybe luke but i would never fuck jane❤ most attractive: jane’s pretty alright looking❤ three more characters that I like: kenny...... uh sarita and..... oh christa and omid are in it for two seconds and while they’re technically two characters they have so little screen time and are in love so they count as one
i’m gonna do tales from the borderlands specifically just bc the channel i watched borderlands 1 & 2 on didn’t rly explore the world so i didn’t meet some characters and also my list would be
fave: handsome jack
everything else: idk
❤ Favorite Male: MMMMMMMMM i’m a vaughn stan at heart❤ Favorite Female: gortys... Babpy❤ Favorite Pairing: rhys n zer0 :^)❤ Least Favorite Character: NOT a big fan of YVETTE!!!!❤ who’s most like me: man i dunno... this question is too hard man uhh. gortys bc i’m also babpy❤ most attractive: jack’s sooooo handsome ❤ three more characters that I like: rhys, springs, handsome jack... tbh i like basically everyone tho. except YVETTE.
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wthjavi-blog · 7 years ago
hello u guys this is an intro post, i'm maline (she/her) and this is lil javi (him/his). here u can find his stats and over here there’s a few muse posts. under this gif of the dimple king u have a bit more of info on him !! sO please please hmu if you’d like to plot something or give this a like and i’ll go to you :~)
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ok so this dude. he’s peruvian and moved to town when he was 11 or 12. it was very hard to adapt at first because he was literally the latino kid who got made fun of due the way he talked or dressed, his family or how he had to walk 20 minutes to get to school from his place in the outsides of town. naturally, javi began to shut himself and worked hard to lose the accent but still couldn’t change how people felt about his financial status, his angry lookin face and scary heights. he heard the whispers and the looks thrown at his parents’ direction (which were all ignored by them) when they were in town but he proved he didn’t have the patience his parents wanted him to have. he quickly stained even more his reputation by standing up for himself and his family whenever anyone made a joke or said something hurtful about his culture or anything related. and it was because of that that he got the fame he still has til this day; do not mess with javi echavarria if you don’t want your ass whooped.
in school he had this kind of armor up where he’d assume everyone was a threat, but still managed to thrive in english class, discovering that writing made everything a little bit easier. it was often the plea used by his teacher to argue against his expulsion whenever he fought somebody in school grounds, forcing the principle to agree and grant the boy nothing but a suspention and a great deal of detention. his parents couldn’t hide the shame they began to feel at how their kid managed to get himself into trouble every week and he felt bad for that-- but well, usually, he did throw the first punch, but it wasn’t like he started it. he just had a lot of anger inside. outside of school, things were a bit easier for him and he made friends with kids in his neighborhood.
everything changed when, driven by motivation to do better in something he called futbol americano (american football) than most americans, he tried out for the school’s team, getting in and making history by being the youngest ever accepted. he was benched for a while but the first match he played in freshmen year, he secured his spot easily as a regular, being the fastest one in the pitch by far. the second he got the team’s jacket, it was set-- he was yet again the talk of the town. but this time, he was getting free meals from restaurants he went to, high-fives in the school halls and girls were asking for his number. it didn’t take long for him to try out for the soccer team, and there it was again-- another team he’d taken to championships and brought the trophy back home. just as easy, he was one of the most popular kids in school and had this incredible bond with his teammates. he didn’t have as much time for writing as he used to, though, and he knew that he could do anything but it wouldn’t give him the feeling that writing did. he turned out very insecure and self-conscious, and writing gives him a voice he never felt he had. 
so now he’s That Man that the whole school knows and loves; but knows nothing about. they know he’s great at scoring goals and touchdowns and there’s a bunch of great universities looking out for him, that he works at his father’s repair shop, that he hangs around with the whole jocks group but has friends of other cliques, that he writes like he’s inside your head and a few girls here and there that he’s been with. they do not know he’s bisexual or the deep works he has-- he wouldn’t want everyone to know how not that happy he is w his life. he tells himself his sexuality is not something to “admit” or that he has to “come out”, but deep down he’s afraid of what’d happen to his career in football and even more, what his father would think of him.
but basically he’s v closed and doesn’t make friends that easily, not that he’s timid or quiet-- quite the opposite. he just doesn’t share much with people, even with his friends, he’s just the type of person to eat away whatever he’s feeling and write about it in a way that he knows that he would never be able to express it vocally. he has a resting angry face?? yes he does but he is a sweetie and will absolutely talk to u no matter what u wanna talk about. except trump, he might pass that bc he gets too angry. he’s legit a comic book lover nerd who is always listening to music on his earpluds and either gets to class late bc he was sleeping or wakes up super early and goes around town running at freaking 6am. kill the bastard
this is too long already i am so so sorry omG i said i was gonna make this shot lmao so here’s a few conncections i’d like to see with this lil dude so if you see something that catches ur eye (and even if you don’t, we can brainstorm something!!!) please hmu and let’s talk !!
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rubysrevenge · 8 years ago
here i am, back at it again to talk about kate. more specifically, how out of character she felt to me in episode 5. i love kate, i’ll always love kate, but there were things that happened in the finale that irked me. first of all, completely ignoring david and showering javi in attention right in front of him? no. kate, please. like, i romanced kate (big shocker there, right?) and when she’s reunited with javi and david, she walked right past david and pulled my javi into a hug and the optional dialogue can give david some pretty obvious hints. plus, the fact that he’s all like, “kate! i’m so glad you’re--” and she brushes it off, not even bothering to ask him if he was okay or acknowledge him at all. like, i know that kate is scared of david and being around him makes her uncomfortable, but like, checking up on him isn’t gonna hurt anything. they really laid the ‘kate hates david’ stuff on really thick in episode and i’m just like??? why??? anyway, moving on, she completely ignores him all the way up til the fight in the garage. and that doesn’t make any sense to me. the way kate made it sound in ep4, she and javi were gonna pull him aside during the right time and place and civilly talk things out. kate, imo, always seemed really level-headed all things considered, so why wouldn’t she try to calmly talk things out? her stunt in the garage caught me way off guard and i wasn’t a fan. that whole situation could’ve been handled so much better. the kate in at most parts in ep5 wasn’t the kate they’d led me to believe. also the fact that, after the fight, which we all knew was bound to happen, and gabe agrees to go with his father, kate doesn’t even put up a fight about it. she was so adamant in wanting gabe to stick around and stay with her in earlier episodes, and now all of a sudden she’s totally cool with david running off with the stepson that she loves and cares for? wtf? what kind of sense does that even make? the kate telltale showed us prior would’ve done everything in her power to prevent that shit from happening. also, david running off and kate deciding to put richmond’s well-being before her own kid’s? no. that is sooooo out of character. like, i appreciate the fact that she wants to help the people of richmond, but you’d think that getting gabe back would be her number one, top priority. anyway, what it all boils down to is the fact that ep5 was incredibly rushed with horrible pacing and the writers were trying to squeeze all this stuff into a 1 1/2 hr episode when they should’ve made it longer and fit everything in better. the kate ignoring david thing was to help build up to the huge fight, kate snapping on david, kate letting gabe go without a fight, kate deciding to save richmond instead of choosing to go after her kid, all of that shit was just so the writers could have those 5 different endings. they also apparently felt the need for some HUGE CONFLICT between javi and david to make things INTERESTING for us when they could’ve gone about the entire thing differently. they could’ve figured something else out without making kate incredibly out of character in so many parts. so in short, i don’t hate kate, i blame the writers for making her do this shit. it isn’t the first time they’ve fucked up a good character to fit their own agenda, and it won’t be the last. so as far as i’m concerned, that shit doesn’t count bc that wasn’t how kate would really handle those situations and no one can tell me otherwise. they should’ve just hired me to do the writing for kate, honestly bc i would’ve done a wayyyyyy better job with her tbqh. telltale obviously doesn’t know how to write female characters, except for maybe clementine, and it shows. i mean, over all i was happy with the ending i got, but the entire episode as a whole could’ve been sooooo much better. like the fact that kate can lose her entire family and, if you romanced her, will straight up suggest starting a new family with javi. like, all of the garcias are gone except for them and they literally just lost gabe and david, and now she’s wanting to have a baby with javi? that’s not even giving her proper time to mourn! even if you manage to save kate and gabe, i don’t think it was really in character for kate to ask to start a family with javi (though it makes more sense than the other ending with her). but the fact that she even tells javi that she’s glad mari isn’t around to suffer through this shit and then suggests having a baby with him at the end of the episode?! such BAD writing, omg. soooo out of character. last thing, but-- the fact that they make her hate david so strongly kills me. like, even if she isn’t in love with him anymore, you’d think she’d have at least some small part of her that would care about him-- at the very least you’d think that she was be scared for him and worry about his well-being, even just a little bit, but nope. they wrote her so where, even after years of marriage, she absolutely hates his fucking guts. like-- it just doesn’t make any sense to me. she doesn’t even say any final words to him at his funeral just-- puts her wedding ring on the dirt pile, smiles at javi, and says, “let’s go!” like, can you not? why did they have to do this? why did they have to write her like this in this episode? like i said, i love kate and i always will, but most of the way she was written in this episode really rubs me the wrong way.
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castle-dominion · 1 year ago
7x2 montreal
ugh MORE plot heavy stuff? Oops I forgot to tag the last post with plot heavy.
the montreal episode or the toy store episode liveblog
Ooh gonna be a dead body obv
Yay he DID bring back derrick storm!
his face is so "ugh"
RC: I CAME here to talk about your books!
*calls her by her first name*
that is a LOT of money!
The masculine boring little handshake of welcoming back castle but still nice welcome.
RC: No, to find a needle in a haystack do we not first need a haystack?
KB: Yeah, but not a haystack full of nutjobs.
why would u wrap it in plastic wrap?
Love the hot cold esparish, lanie & javi are together again for now jksdfhkjsdfksl
RC: *jokingly complaining* Disappear for two months.
Samantha Williger: I had that sick feeling when he didn’t come home. I – you hope.
RC: ...
He made toys for a living, he was a decent man, but how much profit was he making? a ton or enough to live comfortably.
Beckett is wearing light stuff, Esposito is wearing a dress shirt & crap, nice grey, I love it, looks good on him, & ryan is wearing a nice suit. too nice. why must he always look so perfect? let your tie go sometimes man.
Soldier: Sun tzu said that!
VG: Mr. Castle!
Me: she sounds mad but is probably going to welcome him back with a huge hug
VG: >:(
RC: Did you hear that? Ringing off the hook?
He grabs GATES’ face and kisses her. In her shock he grabs the stack of papers.
Me: !?!?!?!?!
Pretty place tho, look at those raggedy anne stuff
Such an awesome kid man.
The hardest evidence to find is that is not there.
Leaving early? affair?
love how castle is just playing in the back. Ryan & castle are the same person
Esposito mad at ryan for mentioning castle.
(could clip)
Castle in s1 used to be so smart, figured out important stuff abt beckett's backstory... now he's just insane.
Ew poor alexis.
They’re interrupted by ESPOSITO’S phone ringing. Except instead of a normal ringtone, it’s LANIE’S voice repeating “hey sexy” over and over. BECKETT gives him an amused look & he laughs in embarrassment as he answers the phone.
girl you call him for WORK!!! (unless HE did it in which case: dumbass)
I love the way ryan leans over to look yk what? I might clip
(ryan SO looks like he's going to tease esposito as they're walking away.)
was that paisosa (passion) or preciosa (precious)?
also I always love lanie's glittery phone case. (she DEF called HIM specifically to embarrass him)
The door buzzes.
MR: Ah ha! That will be my date.
RC: Ooh, you have a date?
MR: Uh huh. Robert. We met at the grief counseling group when you were presumed … (she gestures to him)
RC: You – you picked up a man at grief counseling?
MR: Yes. Now I will thank you to go into the other room.
RC: Why?
MR: Because at the moment, our relationship is based on mutual loss and if he finds out that you have returned and are alive it would just – it will ruin everything.
RC: Mother, you realize I was on television this morning.
MR: Luckily Robert is a cultured man, he does not watch television. They only newspaper he reads is The Wall Street Journal, which thankfully, did not carry news of your return. So, go. Go. Go, go.
She shoos him away as the door buzzes again. He goes, reluctantly.
Sus phone call on his personal cell not the landline or precinct phone
does or doesn't seem like his style? couldn't hear & was typing during the captions so I didn't see.
Looks a bit like fenkins...
Love "walk with me"
That makes sense for the dinghy
clipping this scene here love love love (will comment too I hope bc I ain't commenting now)
Poor doggo
Castle *tries knob*
She gon be dead
Oh blood. Ofc she dead.
Looks odd tho
Me: trans
Alexis already smart geolocating stuff <3 no wonder she hires herself at rick's office.
Alexis walking in mad
yay interracial couples
Yay they get $250k just for being on honeymoon & watching TV.
Nice little treasure chest...
Yeah don't go alone.
"I'll go with you!" Love these two
RC: It’s Canada. How risky could it be?
NF, SK, & me: *canadian born*
RC: And need I remind you, I’m a grown man. I don’t need to ask your permission. That being said, please, please, please can I (c-can i go)?
Rick being insane.
The keys were never used tho? why would wally/joe stay here? Oh wait it's makeup place.
retired k9 dog?
Esposito sounded so happy to spend some quality time with the dog.
*all french accented*
GEORGE do you remember dgeorge & gjeorge from murdoch? ye
he looks are castle all sus like.
Which way does it go?
you could have said "No" & saved face, asked him to try doing both keys for you.
was castle....???? doing that to prank his daughter?
(or not spiders lol)
Love alexis' nails
she's so tall & sexy & beside her ryan is just there
Beckett driving ryan out there love it, I want more ryckett moments & more castito/espostle moments esp this season bc esposito is constantly distrustful of castle this season.
*flips the picture over a bunch*
"that thing" *boss looks at him angrily* KR: "uh, what thing ':)"
Back at the precinct but where is esposito still off to?
KR: Aside from our country outsourcing all its manufacturing needs to Asia, everything seems to be in order.
Oh THERE he is! & he has the doggo!!!
*everyone watching him*
Ryckett watching with big smiles
(why his pants so shiny?)
*ryan asks the dog to follow him to look at street cam footage*
the three most important people in my life, the three women I love most.
Nice jacket btw
Doggo <3 (I'm not even a dog person)
Where is he at?
Always <3
The way he sayd "kate what did I do" is just SOOOOOO GOOD
don't look for it don't find it don't don't he doesn't want you to find out. When did he record it tho? when?
I wish this detective was one of the regular background artists but idk if I recognize him. pls pls pls let me see my background lovelies.
Doggo runnin'! (a nun in a previous life XD)
Drugs? Drugs. What's this drug detective doing on homicide?
LT *petting the dog*
RC: I think I have a crazy theory for you.
Cut to JE: Well that’s the craziest theory I’ve ever heard.
I like how the picture is NOT very good, it is digitally enhanced & looks like my photos in pixlr when idk what I'm doing
Lol love the music & animation
Ellis has other work to do y'all!
Scrabbling, that's what scrabbling is. Dog run running dog fast fast! Ryan!
Esposito *knifes open the box*
Dog *is quiet*
JE *cuts open the doll easily!??? I work with fabric. nah. Well maybe, depending on how good his knife is*
*& that's a pretty nice knife, definitely the kind esposito would have*
Nooo dog! *flintstones running sound*
JE's voice is so deep sometimes
Castle don't GO there!
*searches B*
Beckett (no first name), bed bath & beyond, bedford falls (all caps), ingred behrens, liberty bell, bella, See? we don't know half these people yet they are in Castle's phone! He knows more ppl than are shown onscreen! (he doesn't have her desk phone in her contact?)
Oh no not the wife!
who is "they"?
she said cordinated not cowordinated...
"I brought you detectives up here, I figured you would no longer need me..."
Ryan *flips around the paper again*
*throws him across the piano keys* priceless.
Tory <3
Montreal AGAIN? Do you at least have your daughter w u?
oh NOT the end of the ep!
Take his word Castle. Take his word. Go home, live your life, know that it was ok.
RC: I know you’re involved. I know wh.. you know what happened to me. Who are you?
Don't ask "or what" with a gun pointed at you
Who is "we"?
I've heard of hollander's woods in fanfic.
Martha is right. Don't open the box. You have the closure of knowing SOMETHING happened & you CHOSE to forget.
but then like an alcoholic, beckett opened back up to her mom's murder.
KB: Oh, Castle. (she pulls away so she can see him) This is completely different. Whatever happened to you, you already knew the truth and you decided you didn’t want to remember it anymore. And as much as we wanted to know the answers, if you decided that then there had to have been a reason.
She's so right.
I was THINKING a month. that sounds about right. Are they going to plan it again tho?
Yay spontaneous marriage!
Or not
SHEA BREAKING UP W HIM oh no thank goodness
You can see castle isn't planning on forgetting this tho
WOohoo I love having some time before school starts for real! tho I should print off my practicum agreement thing. but there's CAASTLLE TO WATCH
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