#logan loves emily like she is his own and that might not be canon but it should be
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something-tofightfor · 4 years ago
Also 😂😂 I feel like the kid ask demands the following
OC: I want a baby
Din: oh my gosh. Steal one [thats what happened you can't tell me it didnt!!!]
OC: I want a baby
Billy: billy russo has left the chat
OC: babe?!
OC: I want a baby
Ezra: a baby baby?
OC: the alive kind
Ezra: a human baby or a small furry whiskered baby
OC: either or (I have never seen this movie. I got 5 minutes in and then riddle with guilt about all the things I Should be doing )
OC: I want a baby
Benjamin: i'm baby
OC: I want a baby
Jack: I'm gonna veto that /yeehaw OR
Jack: when the time is right
OC: I want to have a baby
Logan: we have to finish game of thrones
OC: seriously
Logan: do I sound like I'm kidding
OC: I want a baby
Javier: good for tax returns (I have also never seen this show asjdhdks)
OC: I want a baby
Caspian: I want us to go to sleep at a normal time. Guess neither of those are happening
OC: I want a baby
Ryan: we only have like $12 combined
These are all in good fun 😘 not meant to offend anyone who actually does want kids. Just... everyone knows we like, like 67% of this list bc these people are human trash fires. Who are absolutely not stable enough to raise small humans. Babies are great at derailing life 😂 or plots, but kids don't fix things. That said I DO appreciate so much how you and a lot of other writers have made it like, word of god that Logan loved Emily so much and that everyone stays true to "grumpy solitary traveler adopts a chaos child" as sort of Din's whole schtick
Real talk, the "i want a baby" text trend always makes me laugh. I didn't send one to my BF, and instead told him out loud one day, and his response was "I want an Amazing Fantasy 15, which costs less than a kid" and then proceeded to tell me that if I was serious it wouldn't be with him. (AF 15 is the first ever appearance of spider man and it's roughly a $200,000 book in GOOD condition, and a half million in GREAT condition) But as for the guys:
Din's is half correct; he wouldn't want you to steal a child, because then people would be after you, but I could see him telling you to keep an eye out for one in need. Billy peacing out ASAP and going no contact ... 10000000% accurate Ezra having a pet makes me feel all mushy inside because I feel like giving that man ANY sort of domesticity is such a good outcome for him. (i can't say much else if you haven't seen it, because I don't want to spoil the movie - but if you get a chance please watch!) Benjamin ... just wants to be loved and I feel like he wouldn't want toshare right away and if you saw my most recent post... he needs just as much care as a kid sometimes, so... you are not incorrect.
Jack i can hear him saying that he vetoes the idea. That's very Jack. I think he would have made a good dad - but I also think it would have changed him a LOT as a person, and I'm not sure that as a Statresman, it's the right time ... so the second half checks out, too. Logan ... oof. Yeah, that's about right, too. I can't see him wanting to share anyone he finally chooses to love like that; I truly think that he enjoys his lifestyle too much - and if he DID have a kid, he wouldn't want to have a nanny care for it - so he would HAVE to change. I DO though, think that his fears of being like Jim are totally unfounded, and that he could be a really good dad ... but it's not on his list of priorities. Javi and his tax returns, ahahaha. He seems like the type of that would have waited until the last possible second to fill out his returns. and all other important paperwork - but DAMN if he would use an advantage like that. I don't think he would have wanted to risk having a baby in Colombia - but he'd be just a little more open to it when his life calmed down slightly. I don't think that was ever in the cards for him - and there's SO LITTLE actual information available about the real Javi that it's hard to tell... but during the time of Narcos? Definitely not a good idea for him. Caspain ... poor man just wants to sleep after dealing with King Stuff all day, and I am right there with him. Ryan ... my version of Ryan and reader have considerably more than $12, but I still don't know about introducing a kid. Definitely not while he was traveling, because we see what happens to Cowboy and Ginny... and how miserable it made Cowboy. I agree with you about the trash fires. Wholeheartedly. I also think that they mean well most of the time (With the exception of Billy.) Raising children isn't easy, and I think that that's why so many of them in canon did not HAVE kids of their own (I know Caspian has one later) and instead focused on found family. You're right again when you say kids don't fix things, and it's not fair to use them to TRY to fix things or change someone. Logan being the Best Uncle Ever for Emily - and literally DOTING on her whenever he could SHOULD HAVE BEEN canon. I'm thankful, too, that so many writers decided that was the case, and are running wild with it. Her main male influence seems to have been William, which is a GD mess and a half... and I want to change that indefinitely. And as for Din and Grogu? Chaos child is the way I will address him from now on so thank you for that. And that grumpy man smiles ALL THE TIME under that helmet at Grogu, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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mksc77 · 5 years ago
Hi! Can I ask for Shandy, fluff, either 5 or 8? :D Thank you! 💜
Thanks so much for the ask, @allons-y--spaceman!
My Sharon is retired (by choice) and says “fuck” every now and then, sorry about it :).  She and Andy bought a house a couple of months after the event that didn’t happen.
The canon of Andy being an alcoholic is suspended for purposes of this chapter, and liberties have been taken with characterization, in general.
“Can we stay like this forever?”
After spending the morning cleaning, doing laundry, and starting a couple of large pots of soup, Sharon took a shower and settled on the couch with a mug of tea and her favorite blanket. CNN had been blaring all morning, but she'd heard enough about the administration's incompetence with handling the coronavirus threat to last her a lifetime. It was rainy and gray out, and the silence that fell over the room when she switched the input on the TV was a relief. After a few clicks, the opening credits of the newest version of Little Women were appearing on the screen. She'd seen it in theaters right after Christmas with a few friends, but she wanted to watch it again now that she could do so in sweatpants, wet hair, and no makeup.
Sharon startled when the doorbell rang, but she could tell by the way Poppy lost her shit that it was a delivery. She was generally a friendly dog, but for some reason, there was one FedEx delivery guy that made her go apeshit every time.
"Stop it, Poppy," Sharon sharply reprimanded as she pulled herself off of the couch. Poppy whimpered and gave Sharon the wounded “fine, get yourself killed” look of any loyal dog just trying to protect their human.  Sharon opened the front door and waved her thanks to the delivery man before kneeling and dousing the small box with Lysol. Raising two children had cured her of any germophobic tendencies she might’ve had at one time, but she wasn't taking any chances with this coronavirus mess. She saw Andy's car pull up and stop at the mailbox, so she put the box on the kitchen counter, washed her hands, and slipped into a pair of sandals before meeting him in the garage to help him bring in the groceries she'd asked him to stop for. He'd worked a half-day before Major Crimes shut down to work from home, unless they got a case, and Sharon had placed a grocery order that he could pick up without getting out of the car on his way home. Or so she thought. The first thing she saw through the back window was an ungodly amount of toilet paper. "Andy! What the hell?!"
"I know, but we could be stuck at home for a few weeks—"
"So you thought you'd buy a fuck ton of toilet paper?!"
Andy shrugged. "I saw people leaving the store with shopping carts full of it and thought I was missing something, so I went to get more."
Sharon rolled her eyes. "We just got a month's supply from Amazon yesterday, and we still had several packs left then. There will be people who really need it but won't be able to get it because everyone else is panic-buying."
"I didn't think of it like that..." Andy got out and started unloading groceries.  Defeated, Sharon joined him.
Once the car was unloaded, groceries were sanitized, and hands were properly washed, Andy got a spoon and went to the stove, practically salivating.  He'd picked up lunch for the two of them on the way home, but the aroma of the soup was too good to pass up.  Sharon shook her head and took his spoon from him.  "Nuh-uh.  I'm freezing that in case any of us get sick."
"But..." Andy looked longingly at the large pots on the stove.  "There's so much!"
"And we could end up with three sick people here, for all we know.  Or some of our neighbors might get sick and need some.”
“I guess,” Andy muttered, sounding much like Rusty had when Sharon had informed him that he wasn’t going anywhere unless it was necessary once he got home from work that afternoon.  UCLA was switching to remote lectures soon, and today was his last day going to the office of the law firm he was clerking for before working from home when he could.  “Did the kid finally come around on the self-imposed lockdown?” Andy asked, seeming to read her mind.
Sharon nodded.  “It took a minute for him to realize that just because he would most likely be okay even if he did get sick, that we might not be so lucky if he brought it home and passed it to us.”
Andy rolled his eyes.  “He didn’t understand that it’s not all about him?  You’re kidding.”
Once the groceries were put away and the overflow of toilet paper was stashed in the garage, Sharon opened the package that had arrived earlier.  It was the Chanel moisturizer she’d been expecting, and she twisted the cap off and sniffed the familiar scent she loved before putting it back on the counter.  She was surprised when Andy did the same.  She couldn’t quite identify the expression on his face, but she didn’t ask any questions and started unpacking their take-out.
Later that evening, Sharon and Andy were cooking dinner together when Rusty came home.  “Nuh-uh, wash your hands, put your clothes in the dry-cleaning hamper, and go take a shower,” Sharon instructed when he started to open the refrigerator.
“This is going to be a long ass few weeks,” Rusty muttered.
Sharon raised an eyebrow.  “Would you rather be safe or sorry?”
“I know, I know, you’ve already threatened me multiple times.”
On Sunday Morning, Sharon hummed and snuggled more closely to Andy when she woke up.  She hated what was going on, obviously, but she wasn’t complaining about the fact that he wouldn’t have to rush to get up and out of the house in the morning for at least a couple of weeks.  She slid one of her legs between his, taking in the lazy, early morning and the soothing sound of rain falling outside.  With half-opened eyes, Andy kissed her dead in the eye, probably aiming for her forehead.  Sharon put her hands on his cheeks and guided his mouth to hers.  
“Starting this quarantine off right, huh?” Andy murmured against her lips when it was evident that she had more than a good-morning kiss on her mind.
Sharon shrugged.  “What else is there to do?”  And someone’s going to have to convince Poppy to go out in the pouring rain to pee, and it’s not gonna be me.
Later that morning, Sharon and Andy cooked breakfast together.  Sharon made bacon and eggs for herself and Rusty, while Andy stuck to healthier things for himself.  Rusty stumbled to the coffee pot soon after 10:00 and made a face at the oatmeal Andy was doctoring up.  Sharon batted his hand away when he reached for a piece of bacon. “Just a second, everything’s almost ready.  Get some plates and glasses out of the cabinet.”  
“Fine…Oh, come on, you guys, can’t you keep your paws off of each other for half of a second?!” Rusty whined when Andy grabbed Sharon’s butt as he walked behind her.  “Social distancing, please.”
“Sorry, kid…Eh, no I’m not,” Andy replied, grinning at Sharon.
“Forget the coronavirus, I’m going to die from disgust before this is over,” Rusty muttered.
Poppy ambled into the kitchen and lay down at Sharon’s feet under the table while they were eating, having smelled bacon and knowing whom the pushover was.  As soon as Sharon felt the dog’s furry weight against her bare feet, she broke off half of a piece of bacon and slipped it under the table when Andy wasn’t looking.  He had been the one to find her and bring her home, and he couldn’t figure out how Sharon had managed to become the stray dog’s favorite human, and Sharon planned to keep it that way.
Emily facetimed while they were cleaning up, and Sharon quickly dropped the sponge in her hand and picked up her phone.  It had been less than a week since she’d last seen nineteen-month-old Marie, but she was already missing her like crazy.  
“Gammy!” Marie exclaimed, reaching her arms toward the phone.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Sharon crooned through the phone.  “Gammy misses you so much!”
Andy leaned over Sharon’s shoulder, absently brushing her hair back from her neck.  “Hey, wild girl!”
“Poppy!” Marie grinned.  Rusty leaned in long enough to say hello before going back to his own phone.  Sharon and Emily chatted for a few minutes with Marie piping in with random words here and there.
“You’re in a good mood, Mom,” Emily observed.  “You guys taking advantage of the quarantine already?”
A horrified look came over Rusty’s face as their better-than-usual moods and constant looks at each other that morning started to come together.  “Ew, Em, I have to live here!”
“Speaking of which, when are you going to tell us about your new boyfriend?” Emily barreled on.
“What?”  Sharon looked at Rusty, whose expression had turned to panic.  “What boyfriend?!”  Rusty was frozen, unable to speak.  Sharon looked back at Emily through her phone.  “How did you know?”
Emily rolled her eyes.  “Speaking of good moods, he’s actually had a few recently, and he’s suddenly been guarding his phone like Fort Knox.  My guess would be his ‘friend’ Logan that he used to talk about all the time, but hasn’t mentioned at all in a few weeks, probably to keep us from getting suspicious.  It’s not rocket science.”
Sharon looked at Rusty.  “Is this true?”
“Fine, but we are not playing twenty questions.  I’ll tell you what I want to when I want to.”  
“Of course we won’t—“ Sharon started.
“Hold on, Mom, I didn’t agree to this,” Emily interrupted.  “Now that the cat’s out of the bag—“
“I’m leaving now.”  Rusty went to the living room and started flipping through the channels on the TV.
“Poppy?” Marie asked, obviously wanting to see the dog, this time.  She had unintentionally named the dog with her toddler-tongue of “Papa” the day Andy found her and begged Sharon to keep her.  Sharon tilted her phone under the table to show the dog long enough for the toddler to be satisfied.
Sharon ended the call a few minutes later, and she and Andy finished cleaning the kitchen.  With a refilled coffee mug, Sharon curled up in the recliner and logged in to Emily’s facebook account on her computer.  St. Joseph’s was live-streaming mass for the time being, and she was enjoying being able to watch it in the comfort of her pajamas and not having to go out in the pouring rain.  The familiar scene of the sanctuary and the recorded piano music playing It Is Well With My Soul filled her with comfort.  
“You know, some people would take the break from mass obligation as an actual break,” Andy commented as he squeezed in the chair beside her.
“Oh, right, I should go ahead and tithe,” Sharon murmured in response to Father Stan’s reminder of remote methods of doing so, ignoring Andy.  She opened her bank app on her phone and transferred her monthly commitment.  When the service was over, she shut down her computer and rested on Andy’s shoulder.  Rusty had found How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, one of her favorites, on TV.
“Since when do you like chick flicks?” Andy whined in Rusty’s direction.
“I don’t, but Matthew McConaughey takes his shirt off a lot in this movie,” Rusty explained.
“Indeed, he does,” Sharon agreed dreamily.  “Ooh, Rusty, have you seen A Time to Kill? Mississippi summer, no air conditioning.  Talk about taking his shirt off.”
Rusty’s eyes widened. “No, but that’s next!”
“Oh good god,” Andy grumbled.
Sharon gave him an innocent look.  “What?  That’s not a chick flick.  Compromise.  Ashley Judd doesn’t look so bad in that movie, either.”
“Oh, yeah...I’m okay with that compromise.”
The first week or so of quarantine went by fairly smoothly, but after over two weeks of captivity, tensions were rising.  Andy was working from home, but even the paperwork had slowed down a bit, and having both him and Rusty underfoot all day was definitely taking some getting used to for Sharon.  Even though she was retired, she was usually gone a good bit during the week with volunteer commitments, doing things at church, and seeing friends and Emily’s family.  Being at home around the clock, especially with a needy, whiny husband and son, was a new experience that she didn’t care much for.  
“Andy, I closed the door for a reason,” Sharon said, exasperated, when Andy followed her into the bathroom one Wednesday afternoon.  Her annoyance rose when she spotted an empty toilet paper roll beside the toilet and a fresh roll on the back of it.  Was an inability to replace the damn toilet paper roll built into the DNA of men?  It drove her insane.  “But, while we’re in here, how about a teaching moment?  When you use the last of the toilet paper, the new roll goes here,” she explained.  “Not the back of the toilet.”
“I know, I know, you tell me all the time!”
“Well, it obviously bears repeating!”
A few minutes later, Sharon got her Yeti out of the cabinet and made a margarita.  One of her friends in the neighborhood had had the idea for them to take chairs to the ends of their driveways so they could see each other and talk without being exposed to one another, and seeing another human being in person who didn’t have a penis was long overdue.  
“What—oh, yeah, I forgot you guys were having a little hen party this afternoon,” Andy commented as Sharon sprinkled margarita salt over the top of her drink.  “And what is the purpose of this again?”
“Mo-om, I need to go to the store.  We’re out of potato chips,” Rusty complained from the pantry.  He’d been trying his hardest to find any excuse to leave the house for the last few days.
“Those aren’t a necessity, Rusty, and I’ll get some next time I have groceries delivered,” Sharon answered calmly.  She gave Andy a pointed look.  “What were you asking me, again?  Come on, Poppy, we girls have to stick together.”  Poppy looked lazily at her from where she was lying down near the window, soaking in the warm sunlight, but she scrambled to her feet when she saw her leash in Sharon’s hand.  Sharon hooked the leash to her collar.  “Want to go outside for a little bit?”  Poppy barked excitedly and wagged her tail.  Sharon kissed Andy on the lips and Rusty on the cheek.  “Love you guys.”
Sharon was a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time by the time she pulled a tailgate-style chair to the end of the driveway, but she was going to lose her mind if she stayed inside for another second.  Apparently, everyone else was in the same boat, as the other five had already started to gather.  Sharon situated the handle of Poppy’s leash under her chair and greeted everyone before sitting down.  She’d used the long leash so the dog could roam around the yard.  A couple of drinks and a long conversation full of laughs later, her mood had lifted considerably.  Which was a good thing, because as she approached the garage with Poppy, she saw that the dog had engaged in a toilet paper massacre at some point while they were outside.  Bits of plastic wrapping and toilet paper were everywhere. “Poppy!” Sharon chastised.  The dog looked up at her with the saddest of innocent puppy eyes.  “Oh, no you don’t, those puppy eyes are not going to work on me…Oh, god, who am I kidding?”  Sharon patted the top of her head and let her into the house.
Hearing the commotion, Andy came to the garage door.  “What—what the hell happened?  Were you not watching her?”
Sharon rolled her eyes.  “As long as she wasn’t near the road and I could hear her and had an idea of where she was, no, I didn’t keep my eyes glued to her every second.  This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t decided we needed to equip ourselves with toilet paper for the next twelve years.”
“Don’t try to pin this on me—never mind, it doesn’t matter.  Hey, kid!” Andy called into the house.  “You were just complaining about being bored, so we thought we’d help you out a bit.”  Andy got some trash bags from a shelf in the garage and separated a couple for him and Sharon.  
Rusty appeared in the doorway to the garage.  ‘Wha—okay, this is not what I had in mind.  Whose idea was it to get a dog again?”
After dinner a few days later, Sharon went out to the porch with her computer and a glass of wine.  She’d cooked dinner, so she’d left the responsibility of cleaning the kitchen to Andy and Rusty.  One of her nieces had gotten the idea to do a family video chat on Zoom after having to use it for work a couple of times, and while Sharon had been talking to other members of her family on the phone and FaceTiming a lot more than usual lately, she was excited to “see” everyone at once.  It took a few minutes to talk some of the technologically challenged ones through getting connected and switching to video, but before long, her siblings and their spouses and children were looking back at her.  Being in isolation was particularly problematic for such a loud bunch, and it took a few minutes of talking over one another just to get the greetings out of the way.
When Sharon saw Rusty join the chat, probably from his computer in his room, she knew Andy would be out soon. Sure enough, he appeared a couple of minutes later with a fresh glass of wine in his hand.  “Thought you might need a refill.”
“You read my mind.”  Sharon finished the last sip of her glass and placed it on the table in front of the swing before taking the other glass from Andy.  “This is why I married you.”
“I knew there had to be a reason.”  Andy kissed the side of her head.
“Whoa, now, we clearly should’ve set some ground rules,” Sharon’s niece spoke up.  “Rule number one, don’t be nauseating.”
“Good luck with that,” Rusty retorted.  “They’re either at each other’s throats or being gross.  There is no in-between.”
The next afternoon, Sharon and Andy took Poppy for a walk around the neighborhood.  As they approached their driveway on the way back, they heard the garage door from the house across the street open.  They didn’t think much of it until they heard hysterical laughter.  “What just happened?” Sharon called to their neighbors.
Becky held up a Corona beer can.  “Our daughter was telling us about some video she saw somewhere—the youtube, the twitter, I don’t know—but anyway, you put a Corona beer in the hooks inside of your garage door, then hit the switch to open the door.  As the door goes up and back along the ceiling, the beer will be upside down, so you follow it and chug it.  We joked about trying it, and our daughter laughed at us, so we had to it for real.”  Becky shrugged.  “We’re bored out of our minds, and that was actually pretty fun.”
Sharon shrieked with laughter, but Andy gave her a look.  “Don’t you get any ideas.”
“Too late.”  Sharon waved to their neighbors before they headed back to the house.  Andy didn’t drink that much, but, ironically, he would drink a Corona or two every now and then at the beach or a hot afternoon by the pool.  He drank just often enough for them to keep a stash in the garage refrigerator, a habit he was starting to rethink.  
Sharon pressed the button to close the garage door before getting two beer cans out of the refrigerator.  “Sharon, really—“
“Oh, come on, Andy, it’ll be fun!  You have to admit we’re running low on entertainment around here.”
“Oh, all right.”  
Once the beer cans were in position and popped open, Sharon pressed the button again to make the door rise and got in position.  She got a little on her face, but her beer-chugging skills from college came right back to her, like riding a bike.
Andy, on the other hand, didn’t fare so well. He coughed and sputtered as more got on his face than in his mouth, and he lost his footing and hit the ground as the last bit poured onto his face.  Sharon caught the last bit of hers in her mouth before looking down at Andy.  “Are you okay?” She managed to get out through choked-back laughs.  As soon as he nodded, she stopped trying to hold it back and started laughing hysterically.  
Andy glared at her as he stood up, rubbing his now-sore ass.  Her side of the “Corona Challenge” was mostly dry, as was her face.  “Wait, how did you do that?  You didn’t spill hardly any!”
Sharon shrugged.  “You didn’t know you were married to the kegstand queen of Theta?  You have to open your throat, did you never chug beer in college?”
Andy shook his head.  “Not much.  I tried a couple of times when everyone else was doing it, but I could never get it right…” He gave Sharon a leering look.  “I would love to see you do a kegstand.  Open your throat, huh?  That actually explains a lot.”
Sharon lightly jabbed him in the side.  “Andy!”
The next morning, Andy was still sleeping when Sharon slipped out of bed.  It was a little chilly out, but she needed some fresh air.  After changing into leggings and a sweatshirt, she brushed her teeth and looked at herself in the mirror.  She wasn’t as diligent about staying ahead of her roots since she’d retired, and last week’s canceled salon appointment had been disastrous for her hair.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d put on makeup, but she was still adhering to her morning and nightly skincare regimen.  As she applied moisturizer, she put more than usual on her chin, as her skin was irritated from Andy’s failure to shave every day.  With a mug of coffee, her book, and her favorite blanket in hand, she went to the back porch and settled in the swing with her favorite playlist playing from her phone. 
A little over an hour later, Andy came out to join her.  She smiled at him and marked her place in her book as he got comfortable in the swing beside her.  He’d been annoying the hell out of her for much of the last week or so, but she loved his disheveled and sleepy state when he had just woken up.  She extended the blanket to him and lay on his shoulder.  “Morning.”
“Morning.”  Andy lowered his forehead to hers and inhaled the scent of her moisturizer.  “I love the smell of that cream or whatever…Did I ever tell you about why I kept that stuff after…well, after all of the Stroh stuff?”  Even a couple of years later, he still couldn’t refer to her as being dead, even though it had been a ruse.  
Sharon shook her head.  “I do remember being surprised that my makeup and clothes and everything were still there.  I was dreading having to replace it all and getting a new phone and everything, but it was all still right there waiting for me.”
Andy nodded.  “Yeah…I couldn’t get rid of it.  Every night when I thought you were gone, I would smell that tube and call your phone to listen to your voicemail.  I couldn’t face life without you, and that was the closest I could get to you.  Same with your clothes.  Having enough closet space for once would’ve been unbearable, so I left everything where it was.  I would’ve done something about all of it eventually, but thank god I didn’t have to.”
“Andy…” Sharon cupped his cheek with her hand and kissed him.  “I’m sorry it had to be done that way, but if—“
“I know,” Andy assured her.  “We could’ve messed something up and tipped off Stroh if we’d known you weren’t really dead.  You were right, the fewer people involved, the better.”  They sat in silence for the next couple of minutes, listening to the music from Sharon’s phone.
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Andy kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer to him.  “Can we stay like this forever?”
“Hmm, fine with me.”  Sharon nuzzled into his shoulder.  “And if people don’t stop being dumbasses and going out when it’s not necessary, then we just might have to.”
This refers to a hastily-written “story” I wrote right after what didn’t happen—a lot of you probably missed it, but you just need to know that Sharon faked her death to keep Stroh from going after Emily or Ricky to distract her (we already know they thought he was after Rusty), and also so Stroh wouldn’t consider her when he was using his m.o. of spreading the LAPD too thin and she could be an extra body if backup were needed.
The part with It Is Well With My Soul came from M’s twitter, and the part about the roots didn’t--I was already planning to include that before I saw her video :)
Hope y’all liked it!
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years ago
So, Cracked has this theory about Gilmore Girls. I’ll link the video so you can watch it, but I’ll also summarize the theory right here and go into points that also back this up, that they didn’t go over. 
The theory is, that A Year In The Life is the only true Gilmore Girls canon and that 1-7 is all of Rory’s book, called Gilmore Girls. Now, you may be thinking “But, it came later...” Yes, but you need to remember that AYITL was Amy’s original plan for the final season. This is how she wanted the show to originally end and she didn’t even touch S7, the last thing she wrote for the main show was the S6 finale. So, it could very well be that this was her plan to set up and make fans think about.
People have called out that Rory and Lorelai in AYITL are so much different and worse than 1-7. That Rory went from being essentially perfect to a real human, who makes real fuck ups and can’t hold a job. Rory, as annoying as she was, seemed more real to me in AYITL than she did in 1-7. Lorelai, also, is moreso called out for her faults and is in some ways, a shit mother. She’s not supportive of Rory, she doesn’t call her out on her BS and she’s also a terrible girlfriend to Luke. (He’s not the best boyfriend either.)
So, when Rory decides to write the book anyway, she decides to change everything about her and her mom’s relationship. She gives them this awesome life, where they were able to eat out every night and where her mom made this great big sacrfice to send her to an awesome private school. She ends the book with her heading off on Obama’s campaign trail after dumping Logan, giving a very feminist ending. In this ending, she rejects becoming like Emily and Lorelai all at once (she won’t be a “trophy wife” and she won’t wait around for the man she loves to come abck to her).
It also might explain the whole Dean affair. Rory is ashamed of her affair with Logan and feels like she couldn’t shake him. So, she wrote herself learning more from a different affair and learning to let go. She writes Logan as her idealized version (the man he became after S5).
The video touches on this, but this also explains Rory’s views on Lorelai and Max. In reality, she hated it and didn’t want it to happen. It probably was a one night stand that ended badly. So, she wrote her idealized version. That her mother dated this teacher, but her own insecurities got in the way and it ended up having no emotional impact on Rory in the book...even though it did in real life.
Lorelai and Rory don’t appear to be as close in AYITL and I think that probably reflects the reality of what they went through. Maybe Rory got into Chilton but on a scholarship. So, Rory fantacized her rich, estranged grandparents helping out and got a way to picture seeing them. This would come right after her grandfather’s death and maybe she hated that her mom kept them isolated and she barely knew them, so she wrote a reality where they were all closer but still bickered.
She gave Luke and Lorelai the growth and maturity they needed, having them also learn from the breakup, something they never did in their real on-off again version. She also added in an idealized version of her own father, writing about him visiting often...despite him really only visiting once in awhile to have sex with Lorelai and she silently resented her mother for not pushing him out.
As for Jess and Dean, I think the stories were the same, minus the affair. I think she really did fall for Dean and she wished he had been a better boyfriend and tried to write him as a “safe” person, but ultimately, it came out as toxic and abusive because no one can excuse his actions. Maybe Jess got his act together quicker, but it was easier for her to write about him struggling,because it made her feel better as a person.
She would go to Harvard, by some miracle, and meet Paris, Doyle, etc. and she imagined what it would’ve been like to have had her as a rival in high school. She changed the school to Yale, once again to feel closer to Richard and to pretend she still had a good relationship with her mother.
After graduation, she didn’t really go on the campaign trail. She struggled. She suffered. But like I said, she wrote the idealized ending for herself, with the whole town loving her enough to send her off.
(When in reality...it seemed like the town didn’t care much about her in the revivlal and maybe that’s a reflection of how it really was.)
This all helped her cope with the reality that she was basically in her mom’s shoes, just older. And made her envision a life where she made better choices.
Far fetched...maybe. But I also think it makes sense.
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carynsilver · 6 years ago
Top 10 Favorite Characters
I saw @jandjsalmon​‘s post about the top 10 favorite characters, and that spurred @virtual-insomnia​ and I to do the same. Different from the favorite ‘ships list from last time, this wasn’t a “without description” post.
So, in no particular order, my favorite fictional characters:
Jo March -- I read this book so much as a kid, and Jo was the best! She was strong and unafraid to be herself, and she was a writer! Unlike a lot of people I know, I was never upset that she didn’t marry Laurie. I was only disappointed when she gave up on her writing, but she did end up an author in the end. :-) The Wynona Ryder version was good, but I’ve got to see those new adaptions that came out recently.
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Thor -- I love Thor so much that I’ve never even cared that I don’t really ship him with anyone. He is great all on his own. I will also forever claim him for Hufflepuff. He might be brave, but he’s also loyal, a good friend, supportive, a huge nerd, really smart (tree language as an elective, people!), and he takes care of people. I can’t wait for movie 4!
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Lorelai Gilmore -- I have loved this fast talking lady ever since my first episode of Gilmore Girls. The mother/daughter triangle Lorelai had with Rory and Emily was the most compelling set of relationships in the whole show.
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Xander Harris -- He’s funny, sweet, supportive. Never developed magic powers (save a miscast spell or two), but was willing to do whatever it took to save the world anyway. And he did it without a lot of recognition. He really was the heart of the Scooby Gang.
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Peggy Carter -- This chick doesn’t take crap from anyone, and she knows her own value even in the face of a world that doesn’t want to recognize it. Natasha and Carol are cool and all, but to me Peggy is the true BAMF woman in the MCU.
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Logan Echolls -- I’m a sucker for the reformed bad boy character, and Logan totally embodies that. He leapt off the screen back in season 1 as someone you loved to hate, but then became a character I just loved. His character growth is amazing. He just barely edged Veronica herself off the list. I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to watch the new season yet! Why do I have to wait on these other people?!
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Alanna of Trebond -- Add another for the BAMF chicks portion of this list. Alanna knew what she wanted, and she went for it, no matter what anyone else said. No female knights, no problem--just pretend to be a boy. If you need someone to kill an evil sorcerer, complete an impossible quest, or face down a god, she’s your girl! There wasn’t a Y/A section when I was a teen, but Alanna was there for me anyway. (Sadly, there were no .gifs of her--why don’t they make her books into a series or a movie already?)
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Adrian Ivashkov -- Another snarky, reformed bad boy. He was my favorite character in the Vampire Academy series, long before he had his own POV. I was so excited when he got his own series, and it did not disappoint. His character growth from the rich boy who doesn’t care to a loving, supportive partner and someone willing to fight for what he believes in completely sucked me in. He and Sydney were amazing together and felt more real to me than the high drama of Rose and Dimitri. I loved Sydney once she got her own POV in Bloodlines, but Adrian leapt off the page even as a minor supporting character, which is why he’s on the list and not her. (Again with books not having good .gifs, lol.)
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Steve Harrington -- I had no idea how much I would fall in love with the Stranger Things series. Great characters; great stories! But Steve is my favorite. Again with the character growth, and Dad!Steve is so fun. He’s also supportive of his friends and he will risk his life to save theirs, even when they treat him like crap. And when he realized he was being an ass, he fixed it on screen. Steve edged out my other ST fave, Billy Hargrove, only because I love Steve in canon and the reformed bad boy I love in Billy is more a fannon creation (though Season 3 did bring some of that to life... before he met his untimely end *sobs*).
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Bucky Barnes -- I really waffled on this one. Coming back to the MCU three times might be a bit excessive, but Bucky is just so compelling. Stories about friendship are just as important to me as stories about romance, and Bucky, IMO, is one of the truest friends there is. He was unapologetically Steve’s friend before Steve was cool, he went back to war for Steve time and time again, and he threw off 70 years of brainwashing with just a look at Steve. (Too bad Steve decided to run away to an alternate dimension instead of stay with his friend, but it seemed to me like Bucky even supported Steve in that.) Don’t get me wrong, I love the Stucky ship, too, but Bucky is a fascinating character either way, and I’m so excited about his show coming up!
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Honorable Mentions
Man, it was so hard to narrow down this list. A few characters that it was really hard to cut were Jughead Jones (if we were just talking Season 1, he probably would’ve been on the list), Penny Lane (ultimate scene stealer), Cath Avery (Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, read it!), Cordelia Chase (ah, the character growth!), Alex Manes (2019--too new to stand the test of time), Darcy Lewis (like Billy, my love for her comes more from fannon)... But, that just means there are a lot of good characters out there to enjoy. I hope I keep finding more!
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virgil-has-a-houseplant · 7 years ago
This was such an emotional roller coaster oh my gosh. I'm actually crying now. It felt like I finished a novel by the time I was done reading everything.
This is just so amazing. It has motivated me to one day post my own Emceit AU's.
I already screamed to you about how hilarious it is that Emile earned the respect of the inmates by knocking one of them out, but there's so much more for me to ramble about now that I'm done reading your post. Because of the amount of things I love about it, though, I'm just going to list my favourites!
Your characterization of literally everyone is extremely on point. I love how you made Roman seem intelligent, which something that, from my experience, most people don't do in human AU's.
There were so many little quirks that you gave everybody to make them feel unique and similar to how they are in their canon universe. The only one who felt even remotely out of character was Emile, but I'll admit that he's hard to write because you have to balance his eccentricity with reality. You still did a fantastic job writing him nonetheless. He still felt like Emile.
I didn't expect half of what happened to actually happen. I just. Holy crap. This could have been its own original story and I still would have read it! And if you would have written a full fanfiction instead of an AU post, I bet it would have gotten really popular. You aren't exactly a bad writer.
Patton spilling the beans killed me
Daniel kneeling on the table was even better
Also can I just say that I loved Emily (that was the one Picani married, right?) to pieces? she wasn't even that big of a character in all of this and I still feel like she could have been my favourite if this was a novel.
As I said before, that's only a really poorly-written and rambly summary of what I liked about your AU. There is so much more praise I could have given you. Thanks for sharing this with me!!
@xxladystarlightxx @fandomdiabetes @hisgujin Just a few people I think might appreciate this.
I'm definitely gonna reblog this to @picani-sauce haha.
Illusionist/Therapist AU
Here is my first AU for the ship emceit and platonic lamp/calm. This AU is heavily laced with quite a few warnings and I’ll give them below.
Warnings: Contains death mention, alcohol, kidnapping, sickness, injury, deceit, marijuana,
Deceit is the name used for the big shot illusionist D.C. Sanders or more widely known as Daniel Connor Sanders.
He had only been an illusionist for two years but he quickly rose in the ranks his tricks ranging from misdirection, to the art of escape, and even some ventriloquist action.
He was two faced, having the odd power to move one half of his mouth but not the other. He quickly learned make up skills and taught himself how to use different voices much to the delight of children.
His most famous two-face was a snake that he was most often seen wearing as he did his regular performance and tricks. Other ones he’s done are a tiger, shark, and wolf. He tried a walrus once and it didn’t go to well.
His full magician title was Deceit, Serpent of the East and he was quite the renown magician and illusionist on the east side of the United states, but that’s where his problems were stemmed from.
D.C. Sanders also had a family. A wife named Emily, and his two sons Roman (13) and Patton (10). As his name grew and grew, so did his ego.
He began distancing himself from his family. Going behind their back to spend time with the big shot magicians and getting into trouble with other women and men.
When Emily found out about it, she wasnt that shocked but she was firm in the fact that she wasnt going to raise her sons around that, and left him until “he could figure out what was more important in his life.”
Heart broken, Daniel turned to alcohol and marijuana for his troubles, but all it did was cause him his career and his name. Soon he was walking the streets, poor and homeless until he was caught in some lawless behaviour and taken to jail.
There, Daniel began working what he remembered of his tricks to escape, and some of them actually worked.
He had escaped a full three times before being told he would be put in solitary confinement for life unless he complied for his term.
Eventually Deceit had no other choice. Sorrowful, lonely, and penniless deceit stayed in the jail until finally he met Dr. Emile Picani.
Emile was a regular child but was always described as a little odd. When he became a highschooler, thats when his true sexuality was revealed to him, however his parents didn’t approve and told him being gay was illegal and evil.
Fast forward to college, he was about to graduate with a masters degree and become a therapist when he and one of his best friends decided to help one another out.
They both had parents that were unwilling to accept their sexualities and so to appease their parents they married.
Karen Grayson (now Picani) was lesbian and new that Emile was gay and accepted him for that, because neither of their parents would.
They solemnly sweared to take care of each other until one another could find the person they truly loved.
The ‘action’ was never committed, but they both decided on adopting two sons and a daughter. Logan (8 at time of adoption, 16 in present), Virgil (3 at time of adoption, 11 in present), and Veronica (age 6 time of adoption 14 in present.)
They lived happily together for the first four years. Karen had found her love interest first and they had been dating for around 10 months, but Karen had made a promise to Picani that she wouldnt leave him until he too had found a love interest.
Unfortunately, Karen got sick before any of that could happen and died three months later from a vigorous form of pancreatic cancer.
Emile had never cried harder in his life because he lost his best friend and the only person besides his sons/daughter that would accept him for who he was.
Shortly afterward, Picani’s house had been broken into after forgetting to lock the door and Veronica went missing at the age 12.
After multiple days of searching by the police, they were unable to track down the location of the daughter because the case itself had too lose ends.
Picani was unable to work due to the grief that struck him, but his eldest son Logan soon took it upon himself to do minor chores for work for his family until his father could work again.
Picani began to develop depression and insomnia as he slowly but surely began to crawl out of his grief.
Once he was able to work again he took up therapist jobs in nearby locations, and then sought out a third to help their small family out of financial debt.
It wasn’t long before they were stable again with Logan’s help.
Picani finally found a third job at the local prison and it was talking and consoling the inmates there.
His first day on the job, he wasn’t surprised that none of them wanted to speak with him.
That is until he recognized one of them. Daniel Connor Sanders, the Serpent of the east because je had taken hisnkids to see him before. As Picani had addressed him as he first saw his face. “Was…” Is all he replied back with.
As Picani talked with him, Deceit quickly revealed why he was there in the first place and unlike Picani, his hurt was self-inflicting while Picani’s was circumstantial. But nevertheless, they continued to talk every time Picani was on the job.
Deceit at first had no thoughts about the guy, thought he was handsome but knew he had a marriage already and the last thing he needed was another cheating held over his head.
Plus, Picani looked a little to soft for him anyways. At least that’s what he thought until one of the inmates accidently attacked Picani and he held his own pretty good. Up into the point knocking out the dude.
This earned Picani the respect of most of the inmates there and many more were open to talking to him. Including Deceit, who was becoming more interested in the guy as the days went by.
It wasnt long before Picani began sharing his past, causing deceit to reflect on his own life seeing as he could have had it all good and easy if he hadn’t done anything. But this man in front of him, had been to rock bottom countless times and not from anything he had done.
For a couple months they talked, until Deceit was dubbed able to serve a set amount of time in the community before he could be released again.
This put a damper on Emile and Daniel’s talk sessions because he was now out and about helping the community so he could get out of jail.
He worked so hard to get out, and it was almost all wasted on one particular night. One of his old illusionist buddies offered up a deal to perform a heist then he’d help him reclaim his fame back.
Daniel almost said yes, but shook his head no and left without saying a word, only wanting to get back to the wife and kids he loved so much.
Once he arrived at home Daniel found his wife had remarried and the new husband had sent the kids off to a modern boarding school. Disgusted by this action, deceit took his share of the divorce money that Emily gave to him and drove to the boarding school to fight for the right of his kids.
By this time, deceit and Emile had already exchanged numbers after having a few unintentional dates at the cafe down the street.
He texted Emile about what had happened in 1:30 am in the morning, and the therapist rushed to action. Leaving Logan in charge of Virgil, he rushed to the prison to gather all of Daniel’s paper work and called the warren to ask for a witness guard that had seen Deceit’s gradual change. At three am when the witness arrived at the prison, Emile and him drove up together to the courthouse near the boarding school in order to make it there before Deceit tried to take custody of his children.
They succeeded and the trial began.
Although the judge was opposed to Deceit being bisexual, the jury voted that Daniel could have custody of his kids back if he got a job, had two years of a clean record under his belt, and could get a big enough apartment to house two rambunctious boys.
Emile and Daniel counted this a victory for them and they went out to dinner to celebrate. That night Emile went home afterwards, but Daniel stayed since he was promised quality time with his kids before he had to go back to the town he lived in and begin job hunting.
The reunion with Patton and Roman was very emotional for him and for them.
Patton came running to him and practically begged to be taken from the 'horrible’ school.
Roman on the other hand was a bit more wary. At first angrily shouting at his dad for not being there, then quickly running to him after seeing him share his own tears.
It was a beautiful moment. And Daniel knew it was a step in the right direction.
The following days were very productive for Daniel. He had never tried harder to get a job in his life.
Emile offered his place for Daniel to live, just until he could afford the apartment he needed to buy.
While he was living there, Virgil and Logan were quite wary of the visitor.
Logan even had a close up with the old man and told him point blank if he ever double crossed his father, there would be no hesitance in killing him while he slept.
Daniel knew there was a reason for Logan not to trust him and thougjt it was better that way, for now. Instead, he tried to appease little Virgil with the magic tricks he could remember from memory.
It took Virgil a little while but, he opened up to him. And began to marvel at his hobby. He even began to teach Virgil how to do make up much to Logan’s dismay, but with Emile’s approval.
Finally after two months of searching, he was finally given a job as a bouncy castle operator. His work would be to rent, move, inflate, and deflate bouncey castles for parties at minimum wage.
Emile lightly teased him for it every once and awhile, but it was all in good fun.
Daniel also found another accidental job by performing some of his magic tricks for the children. A company that worked with the bouncy castle company quickly hired him as a small scale party magician which he was happy to be.
This time it felt like he was doing his hobby for fun.
Every other Saturday he would get a chance to see his kids and spend time with them outside of boarding school, and it only reminded him of how much more time it was going to be before he could actually live with them.
At one point, he had gotten a ticket while driving a used car he had bought and he almost lost his record he was trying so hard to keep clean, but the chief of police understood and let him off the hook.
It was the first time Daniel cried on Emile and the first emotional moment they shared together. Included was also their first kiss and Emile’s next words were completely priceless. “Yep…I’m gay.”
Finally, Daniel had enough money to start looking for apartments and he found the perfect one just down the street from Picani’s residence.
The boys were allowed to leave the bording school to travel with their father and check out the apartment they were going to be living in. Patton and Roman fell in love with it immediately checking out all the rooms and big closets they found in the apartment.
It was also the first time the two sets of boys met each other as Daniel and Emile went out to lunch like usual.
Patton found a fascination in Virgil and quickly did his best to befriend him. It didnt take long for Virgil to return that trust. Because they were at a mcdonald’s, Patton practically drug a shy Virgil to the play place and the two had a blast.
Logan was super surprised because Virgil had always been scared of small cramped tubes, but went in there for Patton.
Roman on the other hand was boisterous as heck and annoyed the crap out of Logan. One thing that stuck out to him about the boy, however, was Roman’s curiosity and ability to retain information easily. He actually listened unlike other children his age and asked thought provoking questions about the topic. But Logan still found him annoying regardless.
The next year went smoothly as Deceit began living in his apartment by himself, awaiting the day he could finally take custody of his kids.
It was during this time, that Emile and Daniel decided to make their relationship serious. With Emile’s parents out of the way, and Daniel officially divorced, they both finally felt they had found their other halve.
They continued dating, added some hot flirting into it, and maybe a little bit of naughty business, but overall it was pure relationship and they were content and having fun.
Just when it all seemed to work out however, there was a fire in Daniel’s apartment complex a couple doors down, causing the entire building to burn down.
By this time Daniel had only one month left to gain custody of his kids and he was frantic about finding another apartment. And that was the time Emile suggest they live together. The therapist had wanted to move for awhile, because the house still reminded him of Karen and his daughter’s dissappearance.
Daniel immediatly ageed and the two put their money together in order to buy a bigger house.
Virgil cried as he left the home he had come to love, but Logan assured him it was for the better. The eldest was now getting used to the strange ex-convict that his dad seemed infatuated with.
With only two weeks to go, Daniel heard news of Emily’s brutal murder by a fellow colleague who he used to work with. Someone who had broken into her house at night. Apparently she and her last suitor had gotten a divorce and the police suspected it to be a revenge killing, until the evidence pointed to not him, but a crime boss’s doings.
After seeing the damage done as shown by Daniel, Emile quickly noted how the room’s trashed looked much similar to how his rooms were when Veronica was taken from him.
Looking for answers, the two boyfriends quickly joined the hunt with the police looking for any clues to Veronica, if she was still alive, or the killer’s whereabouts.
While looking, Daniel’s two-year-period had passed and unfortunately slipped his mind.
About three days later when he remembered, Emile took Daniel up to retrieve his kids, only to find someone disguised as him had retrieved them for him.
Now both parents are emotionally distraught. While they are both out looking hard, two intruders show up in ski masks at their new house while they are away. Logan however was ready for him, deducing that the home was the next target and tried to fight them off. Virgil tried to help too, but got his leg broken and did his best not to get kidnapped while screaming in pain.
Logan almost lost due to a bullet clipping one of his shoulder blades. If it wasn’t for Roman who had stowed away in the van surprising the two attackers, Logan might have died that day.
Just as the attacking at the house was going on, Emile and Daniel found their way to the Crime Boss’s hideout and slip inside unnoticed. They find Patton in the cell alone with the biggest smile on his face, and after quiet exchange of information they found Roman had gone with the bad men to the house in order to help Logan fight them off. Patton had complete faith his father would find him.
Emile and Daniel took no time in exposing the hideout to the fbi, who quickly surrounded the area. With Patton safe in his father’s arms now, they were about to rush out of there back to the house, when they heard word from the chief of police that the crime boss himself wasn’t in the lair and was on the way back to their house to take care of 'problems’.
The fbi quickly took the Daniel, Patton, and Emile squad in a chopper and flew them back to their house, priority one.
They arrived just as the crime boss arrived and caught him before he could do anymore damage.
With a quick face reveal, he turned out to be the same person who told Daniel to go on a heist with him two years ago in order to get his fame back.
Emile quickly questioned him about Veronica, and the crime boss displayed an angry face stating only one word, “Alive.” Before he was carried out of the house and arrested along with the other two unconscious perpetrators. Daniel quickly decked him a couple times telling him to “never mess with my family again.”
Hugs were transferred between the different family members and even some tears shed as they all grew closer that day. Everyone got immediate medical attention and Patton would not leave Virgil’s side as he began to use crutches so his foot could heal.
Logan finally hugged the man that his father had loved for almost three years. And asked him private to propose before Emile could.
Daniel accepted quickly and began creating different ways to get Emile to say yes to marriage creatively.
On the day he was supposed to propose, little Patton accidentally spilled the beans at the dinner table and the whole surprise was ruined. No one could be mad at Patton though, because he was just too cute and excited for it to happen for his own good.
So Daniel proposed on the dinner table, actually climbing up over the dinner table to where Emile was sitting, crouched and gave his proposal speech.
Picani was crying at the end and quickly accepted, another passionate kiss held in front of the children, with Roman being the only one who wasn’t grossed out by the action.
While flaunting the engagement rings, the soon to be husbands got a lead into Veronica’s whereabouts, caught, but discovered she was nineteen and living on her own. She was captured but made an escape about two years later, and staying in orphanages and other places until she had the ability to live on her own. They kept contact but left her to herself, but not before Logan and Virgil could reunite with their sister again.
The wedding occurred four months later, with the primary colors being yellow and pink. After they said their vows and kissed, Emile surprised Daniel by picking him up and running down the aisle with him in his arms. Both of them laughing all the way. And finally…they were both happy.
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welcometotheocverse · 4 years ago
Who would be friends with - Regina Gilmore, Grace Kim, and Richie Gilmore? 🥺
Regina Gilmore
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Elliot would be friends with her I think, he might be a bit nervous because of his and Emily’s relationship ( Emily often very obviously prefers Rory because El sides with his mom and disapproves of how they treat her especially in s1) but once he figures out she’s nice and especially  because Friday Night Dinners give him hella anxiety he’d see her as a friend and family and probably bond with her pretty fast. I can see him lighting up when he sees her and forming a bond with her like he does with @randomestfandoms-ocs ‘s Sophie. Especially because they both go to Chilton. El would also be super supportive of her dating Grace ( since he and Lane are pretty close he’d probably know Grace too) and she’d probably be one of the first people he comes out to. 
Kit is also good at charming people and getting along with them ( he takes after his mamma) and would be pretty psyched he has an aunt that’s also his age. He isn’t thrilled about being at Chilton or the Friday Night Dinners ( he’s not academic like Rory so he has uh...less Emily And Richard Aprove..ness ( Kit: yeah that’s a thing now) ) but he’d love Regina and getting to see her. I can see them becoming friends.
Hope would  adore her and also since I get the feeling your Emily and Richard are nicer and we would merge verses in an xover I think it would actually lead to her reconnecting with  her parents sooner ;A;. ( in her canon it kind of ...yoyos as she’s mainly there to call them out on how they treat Lorelai) She’d very much try her best to get along with them for Hope as she does for Lorelai and Rory and be super supportive of her baby sister like if anyone looks crooked at her she’ll bring a house down on them omg. Also they have similar tastes from having grown up in the Gilmore household. Also the Power they would have together omg im here for it.
Amelia would like her because she’s family and Amelia’s a pretty kind kid. I can see her keeping in contact with Regina even as her own relationship with her grandparents is a bit on the rocks at times ( the wedding episode’s...gonna be rough for her) and she would be so interested in getting to know her and think she’s p awsome. She’d also support her and Grace and probably squeal when they get together. ( because it means Regina would be around stars hollow more often and she loves her and Grace and they’re happy ) 
Noah because he’s a good boyfriend to Rory and would get to know her family. Noah’s a pretty chill dude so he gets along with people easily and they both have hearts of gold. He would also know Grace since he goes to Stars Hollow High and would be happy for them. I’m not sure if he goes to Yale yet but I do know he visits Rory there and of course eventually  fall for Logan so I can see them being in the same circles at times and keeping in contact.
Grace Kim
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Elliot!: Elliot is close to Lane and would definitely be friends with Grace too. He might actually be closer to her than Lane because his whole thing is he feels isolated being one of the few not-straight ppl he knows of in Stars Hollow and he’d definitely be supportive of her dating Regina and be there to make sure she knows her happiness matters if Mama Kim doesn’t approve. 
Kit like Elliot would have grown up with her and gets along with Lane so he’d be friends with Grace too! They could bond over going heart eyes for Hartford socialites lol ( Regina for Grace and Tristan for Kit) and Kit would be supportive of her writing like a lot and sibling adopt her like he does Lane.
Lily since she grew up with Rory and Lane would know Grace and be friends with her. She’s a bit prickly but she’s incredibly ride or die and since they would have met as kids, Grace would pretty much be in her circle and have seen her when she was less so. 
Amelia would be friends with her since she considers Lane family and would think her writing is so cool. She’d be super supportive of her dating Regina since  she’d see her as family already. Also Amelia likes songwriting so I can see them bonding over that.
Noah since he goes to Stars Hollow High and would be in Rory’s ( and Lane’s) orbit. They don’t have too many interests in common but I still think they’d still be friends. 
Richie Gilmore
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Elliot! Listen I’ve thought about them being brothers a lot and it’d be so stinking cute. El is younger by a few minutes but they confide in each other and El would actually come around to support his decision to date Paris because yeah she’s mean to him and Brad but “you’re my brother Rich of course I want you to be happy.” El also has a pretty bitter view of Cristopher despite him being a soft aro ace fluff so they could bond over that. Also they both love Andrew’s bookstore and are into STEM careers. 
Kit would get along with him and support his as he does Rory. Kit’s a bit chaotic so I feel like who’s older wouldn’t matter lol but they’re brothers and Kit would be very ride or die for Richie. 
Lily since she grew up around Rory would see Richie as a sibling too. He’d be one of the few people she opens up to and would absolutely love him. Especially because he learns to cook from Sookie I can see them hanging out and bonding. He’ be one of the few people she isn’t angry/defensive around and they could bond over how much they hate their fathers. 
Sophia: Since she runs away from Harford around season 1 I can see her bonding with Richie. She had a pretty lonely childhood and had no siblings ( I mean Lorelai but hella distant for obvious reasons) and she bonds pretty quickly with Rory in her own canon. She’d probably be a bit jealous that her parents like him and Rory so much when her own relationship is strained with them but over all she’d see him as family. And she very much wants family. 
Noah because  he’s a good boyfriend to Rory Noah would make it a point to get to know Richie and I can see them getting along tbh. Noah’s a pretty chill dude and he needs friends who don’t really know him as “the Doose kid that had a meltdown” thanks to the town humor mill lol. They could be soft disaster boys together ;A;
Henry would love him as we’ve said before these two would wind up adopting each other. He ends up loving going to Andrew’s bookstore when he settles into the town so I can see them finding each other there and Henry just lighting up at seeing Richie. 
Hope would love him like she does Lorelai and Rory and be very much “if anyone so much as looks as this kid crooked I will end them.” She’d make it a point to encourage his dreams and ask about how he’s doing. 
Amelia would adore her big brother to pieces, thought she’d be able to pick up on his feelings about her being Luke’s bio kid. As far as she’s concerned he and Rory are his siblings no question. She also would admire the fact that he tells Lorelai and Luke to get it together because boy howdy do the arguments between those two give her whiplash sometimes. 
Here’s the Gilmore Girls Masterlist!
Send me one of your ocs and I’ll tell you which of mine would be friends with them
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welcometotheocverse · 4 years ago
🌟 for Elliot pls?
:D aaaah! I’ve had him in the brain a lot lately okay sorry this got long And also im rewatching rn so its sorta season 1ish.
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Elliot is Rory’s younger twin. He was given Christopher’s middle name. He’s mostly grateful it was the middle name.
He and Rory are super close. It was just the two of them ( and then Lane) The Twins That Read A Lot. Because they had each other they didn’t have much incentive to make friends outside of each other ( Elliot more than Rory) and extrapolating from the Pilot where Rory doesn’t seem like she has a lot of friends ( or any sans Lane) and is lowkey scoffed at for reading the assignment I’m gonna go with “other kids weren’t that keen on making friends with them either”
Rory’s the talkative one, he’s the quiet one. This is a bit of Rory also being protective of him/noticing when he looks overwhelmed and just...talking up a storm as is her wont and subtly getting attention away from Elliot. For a lot of the early season they’re not seen one without the other ( keeping in mind their arch is to learn it’s okay to have different dreams and even go different places ) 
Sorta shy and a bit more introverted than Rory. Once you become his friend however he pretty much would die for you and his face absolutely lights up when he sees you as opposed to his usual reserved nature and he talks to you albeit not as much as his twin ( unless hes super excited or talking about something he finds interesting then the resemblance kicks in lmao but thats the exception)  its like a switch ( seen with Rory, Luke, and Lane in canon and Sophie/Paige in their xover)
Likes hanging out at Luke’s. They both sorta enjoy... being quiet around each other. Elliot thinks he has a really calming vibe …when Taylor’s not there.
Ms Kim doesn’t like him because he’s a boy so he’s not allowed at Lane’s like Rory is ( honestly the feeling’s mutual bc “I’m pretty  sure locking you up for days and keeping you from school falls under child abuse also wtf” and lowkey the girls are like “lets just keep you not in the house” Lane might be closer to Rory but they still talk music together. She’s part of the reason his music taste actually started deviating  from  Lorelai’s and Rory’s.)
He doesn’t like unfair treatment of other people. It really gets to him. Examples are Ms. Kim to Lane and his grandparents and father to his mom. Later examples are Mitchum Huntzberger, and Marty. ( he’s pretty unimpressed with Marty and how his feelings for Rory make him act in general tbh but what he does with Lucy is just...it really bothers him he’s adamant that  Rory should tell Lucy the truth.)
Highkey  he has about zero patience for bad/toxic parents partly bc of his own feelings about Christopher and to an extent his grandparents that he keeps minimizing so they get projected on...everyone else with bad parents lol.
 Logan’s still a bit amazed that this shy soft spoken kid he met in his junior year went off like “He’s not your fucking property” when Mitchum went on his “You’re available when i say you’re available” tirade ( Elliot was ngl intimidated/scared of Mitchum who pretty much went “Who the hell are you??!” but Logan’s his friend and that wasn’t okay and he kept eye contact with the asshole until Logan diverted his attention back to him/the fight they were having and made sure he at least told Logan afterwards because “but he shouldn’t..” and “he shouldn’t have” and “No! No..it’s not Okay. “)
But also like constantly “it’s not a big deal” when it comes to his aforementioned feelings about Christopher and pretty much anything he might be angry about. 
Lowkey spends a lot of time Rory goes through relationship drama between “????” and “wowww dodged a bullet” Rory throws pillows at him for the latter because “If I’m gonna rant at you El, you could at least give me sympathy.”
He does have some insecurities about his orientation born out of just..f.eeling othered due to isolation and also some stuff he’s heard his dad say.
He figures out he’s asexual before he figures out he’s aromantic and has to deal with a lot of “Are you sure?” and “is that..is that normal?” from some townsfolks before he figures out Luke can scare them off and he lowkey spends a lot of time at the dinner during this time. Luke smiles at him and gives him muffins tho he’ll deny deny deny if you mention it.
A bit more sensitive than Rory like on the pilot episode when he notices Lorelai is worried about Chilton/having to ask her parents for money he stops at the base of the stairs and asks “is...everything okay mom?” and is kinda just in tune with how the people he cares about are feeling/picks up on things like that.
He...doesn’t super like his grandparents because of how they treat his mother.  Emily already made him a bit anxious because of her passive  aggressive nature ( he’s giving me some anxiety vibes tbh) and the fact that he thought the fact that his mom kept them away sorta ominous.  A lot of season 1 is him looking down at his plate and tensing with every “your mother’s golf clubs are in the attic along with the rest of her potential” and Richard’s “he ( Christopher) always was a smart one that  boy, you two must take after  him” and “as a maid with all your brains and talents” and it sorta...yeah he spends a lot of time looking at his plate and swallowing resentment. There are times where it gets better but overall he’s never completely at ease around them. He’s very quiet but civil around them even as he grows some affection and builds bridges with them along Lorelai and Rory. And I haven’t even figured out the fallout with the thing they pull at the wedding.
Emily at least once asked off handedly why Elliot wasn’t seeing anyone and I’m still figuring out if she says something like “that’s not normal” before Lorelai or Rory intervene.
(( Full disclosure Emily reminds me a bit too much of my own relationship with my mom and its really hard to write her favorably though I at least try to be fair. So Elliot is sometimes  a bit harsh on her and very in Lorelai’s corner when Emily and Richard are...less than nice. ))
Sort of a mamma’s boy. Rory and Lorelai have their special connection but so do Elliot and Lorelai. Rory was a bit more extroverted and would play/hang out with Lane while Elliot was perfectly content as a babie curling up with his mom and reading. It worried Lorelai a bit, how hard it was for him to reach out ( she never had that moment she had with Rory and Lane of “my kid has a friend” with him) but he always had Rory yknow so she calmed herself with that. Sometimes when Rory’s with Lane he’ll hang out at the Inn and work there. He somehow got in to Michel’s good graces ( “because you are quiet and unobtrusive”  and got him to teach him French 
Very tactile. When he’s getting nervous Rory will reach out and grab his hand or Lore will put her hands on his shoulder and he’ll calm down. He does the same when wanting to comfort friends or just wanting to show affection ( will lean on Finn and Colin a lot as he gets closer to them or accept that they’ll just throw an arm around him)
Meeting the LAD bridgade kids makes social events with his grandparents so much easier like ohmygod subparties with Logan Colin Finn and Rory  become lifesavers. ( its not so much the drinking as having someone you can laugh with while dodging your grandparents friends and the girl they told to look for you yknow)
He has more resentment towards Christopher than his sister and doesn’t see him with the rose colored glasses Rory sees him in their younger years. His absence hurts him a lot. He hides it well and is nice enough towards him because he loves Lorelai and Rory and wants them to be happy/have a good time but if you catch him on a bad day you might get a rant about how little Christopher knows about them and how little he was there  and “he just drops by, spends like a day with us and leaves yknow...it’s...and we’re supposed to be happy???” and the fact that he doesn’t wanna tell Rory or Lorelai bc he thinks it’ll upset them just  sorta...makes it worse.
And then at some point  Christopher pops off with “and how long are you gonna entertain this phase of his Lore, a boy his age should be dating” and while Rory’s making angry noises and Lorelai’s saying “Outside. Now” ( though they don’t know the twins are listening) he just gets...this thin unsurprised smile and...yeah it’s not great. 
Very supportive of people he loves. He’s constantly telling Rory through the Chilton years that she’s smart enough, more than smart enough to get through this and helps her study. He makes sure he tells Lorelai he loves her or hugs her if he can tell the dinners are a bit hard on her. Honestly a total cream puff. The resentment for his grandparents and father is mostly buried and comes out like when he’s upset/they do something that provokes it. Mostly he’s a really soft boy and kinda soft spoken, loves reading about science and space ( he balances out Rory’s preference for literature and history though they both like poetry and Elliot occasionally reads prose as Rory lets him infodump sometimes about science journals) and loves his friends so so dearly. Will get angry a la Beware The Nice Ones if you hurt them though the first thing he’ll do is comfort them/try to cheer them up.
He loves Stars Hollow but being the only aroace person he knows of there ( and fielding well intentioned “are you sures?” and “oh honey you’ll find someone someday”s and just..alot of early 2000s Star Hollow-ness ( “Hey kiddo you gonna bid on a basket this year?” “oh you’re getting handsome, gonna find yourself a girl for the starlight festival?” “is he..youknow?” is just...a lot? He wants to spread his wings and find his place/people like him/feel less isolated.
He still loves his town though as its his home and raised him his sister and in a way his mother. He visits while he’s at Yale ( the distance helps tremendously as does the ability to just...leave again) like Rory and says hi to Miss Patty and Gypsy and Andrew ( he loves Andrew omg. One of the few people who didn’t just assume he and Rory were always reading the same books) He helps the 30-Something gang find jobs/fine tune resumes  though im not including anything else form ayit and checks in how they’re doing bc..its still his town. They’re his family. “my nuts-o, extended...well meaning but sometimes overly invested and too-pushy-and-slightly-overbearing family.” even as he dreams of getting out a lot and once he does he...really likes it. He loves them
He goes to Yale because Rory goes to Yale (because again the whole Learning To Be Independent From Your Twin...kind of a slow process for him) and gets sibling-adopted by Finn and Colin  in a turn of events he’s pretty much confused over like im p sure they were like “hes ours now” and Elliot was like “im ...you’re...w..what?” and Logan who Knows Finn and Colin is like “don’t fight it” and lowkey adopted him too.
Im cutting myself off bc this got Long and im sorry lol
Thank you so much for the ask <3
send me a ✨ and i’ll tell you about a random OC
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