#ew he's so precious and pure!
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haifoct · 2 months ago
Xiao Zhuo, Li Lun, and Ying Lei adventures at Tianxiang Pavilion incoherent ramblings.
Anyways, I was rewatching FoF (as one does), and episode 21 — on a rewatch, when you know damn well Li Lun is possessing Bai Jiu's body — is hands down one of the funniest, pure comedy gold episodes that the series has to offer.
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It's almost offensive how blatant they were about Bai Jiu being Li Lun here. Fashionista Li Lun woke up, and decided he's not going out in those EW clothes smelling of his cousins herbs. That vomit of every colour out there and a nest for hair are NOT sexy. All white for a dignified gentleman like himself.
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They point out the change in his outfit, and we don't question it because Li Lun (despite people here claiming he doesn't understand humans) knows it would be a big deal for a teenage boy to visit a place like Tianxiang Pavilion. Dressing more maturely feels natural, and Li Lun gets to slay in all white yet again.
Li Lun: Must change. Li Lun: No one will notice. They will think this loser is excited, good plan.
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Li Lun's face is priceless here. There are only two options: either Li Lun seeps through and is genuinely offended that this baby mountain god he remembers acts like this ("why crave attention from human? disgusting. ZHUO YICHEN LOOK AT ME"), or he understands the affections Bai Jiu holds for Xiao Zhuo-ge, acting his ass off even when no one is looking.
I like the first option as an explanation, because Li Lun DOES seep through quite often in this episode.
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It looks fun, he said, like a fucking IDIOT.
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"Oh shit."
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"Shit. Did Zhuo Yichen notice? Shit shit shit shit."
And he continued to fuck up. Those were small details, but I genuinely couldn't stop laughing at his loser ass.
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He tugged Xiao Zhuo's bells too hard, actually tugged Yichen back. His movements are harsher, stronger than Bai Jiu's. Bai Jiu tugs at Xiao Zhuo's sleeve or bells gently, and when it is in fact hard, it's usually Yichen trying to walk and Bai Jiu staying behind.
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"FUCK. I tugged too hard." LI LUN, YOU DORK.
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He tugged so hard Yichen's ribbon came undone. "I fix this. It will be alright it's part of my plan."
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Unfortunately, ribbon does not stay put anymore.
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Li Lun's honest reaction to this turn of events. No control over his face or strength whatsoever.
Ying Lei and Li Lun's moments have a very special place in my heart. They bounce off each other so nicely, and you can absolutely tell that Li Lun was having fun.
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His shit eating grin. Sometimes I wonder if this is what Li Lun did when he was a baby.
Zhu Yan: Let's see human world! Li Lun: sure! Zhu Yan: Yaaaaay! Li Lun: Yaaaaaay! Zhu Yan, at the gates to the human world, turning to his bestie: Li Lun, this so exciting — Li Lun? Li Lun! Li Lun, back at Kunlun: snoozes, sunbathing.
Li Lun entered the pavilion as we know it, and saved his Ge, not forgetting to be a massive dork about it.
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He once again pulled Xiao Zhuo real hard. Yichen went WOOOOOSH.
Well saved, Li Lun! Unfortunately, his precious Ge scolds him, but not without remembering to thank Li Lun for his hard work first.
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I know for a fact that this was Li Lun seeping through yet again. "If it weren't for me, Zhuo Yichen!"
Yichen was utterly hilarious in that moment too. He took a moment to catch his breath, like being touched by a bunch of women was the worst nightmare he'd ever experienced. He's finally free, the worst day of his life. They're comedic duo we deserve, I will never shut up.
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And I LOVE that Li Lun never forgets to hold his Ge by the...well, he does forget that he’s supposed to hold him by the bells, not Yichen’s fucking belt.
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Xiao Zhuo: What the — ? Bai Jiu usually holds the bell, why is he holding the belt? *confused Zhuo Yichen noises*
Li Lun is such a DORK. They share one braincell for the three of them. One braincell dream team.
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Previously, everyone ignored Ying Lei's attempts to high-five his friends, and isn’t it the cutest that Li Lun was the one to give him a high five? Although he was surely shocked to experience friendship: "*GASP* a high five from a friend?"
Well done, Li Lun! Thank you for your service, you little dork. I will never stop calling him that.
I just love the three of them together so much. It makes me happy that Li Lun got to experience what real friendship feels like, and these two were the perfect candidates to show him the light and welcome him into their home.
This episode is my comfort place now, a better world where they get to be friends and form a perfect one braincell dream team.
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nikethestatue · 10 months ago
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Chapter XVI
You Are the One
One time, Elain Marie Paige Archeron had everything she ever wanted. She had love. A love that was pure and clean and genuine. A love that did not ask for anything in return. The kind of love that was true, and kind, and forgiving, and protective. She couldn’t remember a time when she laughed as much as she did in the last three months. She recalled waking up every morning for the past three months and feeling lighter, like there was joy and a promise of good things. Now, in hindsight, she realised that it was because she was in love. But also because she was loved. No one’s ever loved her like that before. No one looked at her in the same way, like she was precious. Like she mattered. Like she was someone’s favourite thing in the world.
Only Elain Archeron did not hold on to that love.
She took it for granted.
She took the man who offered her his devotion and his loyalty and his unconditional, undeniable and passionate love for granted, never thinking that she’d ever lose him.
But she did.
She lost Azriel. 
“Remember, darling, that’s nature…simple biology,”
“Daddy, you aren’t going to be talking about how babies are made?” Elain sniffled, half amused, half horrified.
Her father smiled a sad smile and shook his head no.
“You have to remember that it’s the sperm that chases the egg. It’s the man who pursues the woman. Not the other way around. A man will chase and will not give up until he gets that sperm into the egg.”
“Ew, dad!”
“You are a big girl, my pretty rose. You know what I mean.”
Elain considered his words, and as graphic as they were, they also made sense. He was correct. 
“Love was invented to make nature more palatable,” he continued, “but biology never changed. It’s still about the sperm and the egg. Therefore, let him chase you. And if he doesn’t, then you’ll know the answer. But never chase a man, sweetheart. It’s his nature, his responsibility and his destiny to chase after a woman.”
She sighed and looked out the window.
It's been almost two weeks and Azriel hasn’t sought her out. The sperm hasn’t chased the egg. Azriel hasn’t chased her at all.
At first, it was just…silence.
For four days, it was silent. 
Her texts went unanswered. There were no call backs. She even went old school and sent Azriel an email! And that didn’t get a response either. 
She was ready to go all the way to Canary Wharf and be the weird girlfriend who busts into her boyfriend’s home and starts to demand answers. 
But he finally messaged her with a one word text: ‘training’. That’s all it said. No apology and no explanation. Not an ‘I am sorry for ignoring you’ or ‘I’ve been swamped with the team stuff’. No, she didn’t get anything other than ‘training’.
And so, Elain had changed her mind about trekking to Canary Wharf and waited. Training would eventually be over and he would be back. He'd return to her. Elain wanted to be an understanding girlfriend, who was going to support her man. She realised that he needed to get back into the groove of the game after his injury and get his body back in playing shape. Therefore, when Saturday came about and Arsenal was playing Luton Town, she dutifully turned on the telly and listened to the pre-game broadcast while Piglet raced upstairs and then came back with his red jersey, tossing it to her and urging her to dress him in it. He already knew what he needed to wear when Azriel was playing, and even though he made a mess in his cubby, turning it out and tossing all the other things on the floor, Elain thought that it was too cute how he got so excited and was behaving like a proper little fan. 
They watched the game, with Piglet sitting there, enraptured, and howling happily every time Azriel appeared on the screen. How Piglet recognised him, Elain didn’t know–she once hid under a blanket for 10 minutes, and her pug was wandering around in confusion, looking for her, never thinking to pull the blanket off. But here, he somehow was eagle-eyed and was spotting Azriel among the tiny players on the screen.
While Piglet was innocently happy to watch the game, hopping and rolling around, Elain’s mood was more subdued. She did take a photo of the pug and sent it to Azriel. When the game concluded, and Arsenal had won, she messaged him and said ‘Congratulations! Brilliant game’.
That’s what Eain got in response to her message from Azriel.
Angrily, she waited for more, but nothing else came.
Because if he’d responded, she’d confront him and give him a piece of her mind. What did she do to him?? She was a somewhat reluctant girlfriend, but she had the right to be reluctant. He moved like a freight train, but she was more cautious. Besides, she’s lived through many heartbreaks before and every single man that she’s been with has broken up with her. She never broke up with anyone–all the breakups were initiated by the men. And it looked like the pattern was continuing, unbroken. Azriel was also fed up with her and was breaking up.
That night, after the terse ‘thanks’ Elain closed her bedroom door, so Piglet wouldn’t hear her, and wept.
She wept for herself, for her lost love, for her stupidity.
She cried tears of anger, feeling rage sweep over her, cursing Azriel under her breath, calling him names. She was so angry. Angry at him for making her fall in love with him. Angry at him for making her feel. For having hope. Feelings and hope were things that she long ago placed in a place that she did not access and longed to forget. She hated Azriel Night for making her think that she could be loved, with a passion and devotion that Rhys offered her sister Feyre. She hated him for being even worse than Eris. At least Eris never offered her false hopes–he was what he was and she knew that going in. There would be no sweeping her off her feet by Eris. But Azriel…No, Azriel was gallant and strange. He courted her with ferocious intent and was not shy about showing her, and everyone around them, how much he wanted her. He loved her dog. He cooked for her. He cared for her. He cherished her. He joked, but he never pushed her into an uncomfortable place. She didn’t expect to find him and somehow, he landed on her doorstep. Literally. The old saying ‘it will happen when you least expect it’--well, it happened to her. She didn't expect him to sweep into her life and just overtake her whole existence. Because he did. And she hated him and herself, for allowing him so much power over her. She’d given him everything–her heart, first and foremost, but also access to her home, to her sanctuary and to her family. Even her father had accepted Azriel as an appropriate match for his beloved Elain. Elain was her father’s princess. She was the one he loved the most, and the one who gave him the most worry. He’d been lukewarm on Eris, despite Eris’s title and background. But Azriel–Azriel’d wormed his way into Sir Charles’s heart and Elain’s father came to like Azriel quite a bit.
But he never called. 
At some point, while operating like a zombie day in and day out, Elain couldn’t stand it anymore and swallowed her pride and messaged Gwyn Berdara.
She was mentally exhausted, thinking nonstop about Azriel and why he was acting the way he was acting. Unable to bring herself to reach out to him yet again, and receive yet another awful, one word answer, she opted for contacting Gwyn. She had no feelings about Gwyn either way–she’d only met her twice in person, and Gwyn wasn’t memorable enough for Elain to develop a strong opinion about her. But Gwyn didn’t respond to her either. Elain had sent a nonchalant sort of message of: Good morning! How are you? Just checking in to see how things are going with Azriel Night? I didn’t want to bother him as he is training and playing right now, but I am curious about your progress with him?
The message remained unread.
However, Elain Archeron did not need to wait for long to get answers to her questions. They came a day later, courtesy of the Daily Mail.
Another Mystery Woman for the Rackish Lothario?
Azriel Night,  Captain of Arsenal, never one wanting for female company, has been spotted at The Devonshire with a new companion. 
It seems that only a few months had passed since he was photographed on the streets of London carrying another woman in his arms following an attempted robbery. He’d been previously seen with the beautiful partner, now identified as Lady Elain Archeron, on more than one occasion. Hello Magazine even published a holiday spread of the lovely Archeron sisters and their partners in their Christmas edition. London society is still buzzing over the surprise marriage of Lady Feyre Archeron and Lord Rhysand Darling back in December, and over the budding romance between Lady Nesta Archeron, the Duchess of Velaris and Mr. Cassian Night (Azriel Night’s brother). 
By all accounts, the romance between the gorgeous aristocrat and Mr. Azriel Night was going splendidly and he’d been seen leaving her luxurious Russell Square townhouse, and even walking her pug, all through the month of December. However, it seems that their relationship is now on pause.
Mr. Night had been spotted dining at the upstairs restaurant at The Devonshire in the company of another woman. The yet to be named companion and Mr. Night enjoyed Sunday lunch at the Soho hotspot, dining on Roast Rib of Beef, all the trimmings and sticky toffee pudding. 
After so many trials and errors, will this one be the one to capture Azriel Night’s heart forever?
He was at The Devonshire on Sunday–the Sunday when it was Elain’s turn to cook Sunday roast. When everyone had come to her house for lunch. And by everyone, she meant–everyone. Rhys. Feyre. Her father. Nesta. CASSIAN. Cassian Night, who introduced her and Azriel, was at her dinner table, eating roast chicken and buttery peas. But his brother, Elain’s boyfriend, was on a date with someone else. 
A more awkward lunch couldn’t be imagined into existence, even by a talented writer.
Nesta was seething, smoke coming out of her ears. Cassian looked pained and uncomfortable. Rhys didn’t fare much better. 
But it was Piglet who broke everyone’s hearts. He sat by the front door for three hours–waiting for Azriel to arrive. He didn’t move. He didn’t eat. He waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
The whole family was here, and surely his dad would come as well. So he waited. He paced and then he lay on the floor, and he looked at the door, blinking his big brown buggy eyes.
Only Azriel never came.
It was a few days later, when Elain on on break between meetings and arranging dates that her phone lit up with a message. She looked at it and her face dropped. 
Gwyneth Berdara
Hi Elain! Things are going well, thank you for asking. How are you?
Elain Archeron
I am well, thanks! Forgive me for bothering you,
Gwyneth Berdara
It’s no bother! I apologise for not responding sooner. I had a presentation to create and it took all my energy and time! 😀
Elain Archeron
I can only imagine. I was just wondering how things are with Mr. Night? 
Gwyneth Berdara
We made the Daily Mail. Can you imagine? The one time we had lunch together. I can’t imagine spending all my life being hounded by journos
Elain Archeron
Oh, have you? I wasn’t aware that you were in the paper!
Gwyneth Berdara
😂 😂 I am suddenly a mini celebrity. Haha. I am only joking. But honestly? Don’t laugh, but we are mostly talking about football and working out. And hand to hand combat.
Elain Archeron
You are interested in hand to hand combat??
Gwyneth Berdara
I’ve been studying. Self-defence first, and then I got interested in other things. He is showing me some sicke moves! 
Elain Archeron
? Okay. I guess thank you for getting back to me. Let me know how it progresses.
Gwyneth Berdara
Will do. Also I didn’t realise the two of you were so close. He talks about you a lot. I know you were his matchmaker too but it’s like you are his GF or something.
Elain Archeron
Well, no worries. I am not. Thanks. Bye.
Elain was even more confused and upset about things after that bizarre exchange. Also, who used the expression ‘sicke moves’?
Professor Gwyn was into hand-to-hand combat? And Azriel was teaching her ‘sicke’ moves? Elain knew that Azriel was a fighter and grew up rough, but…what? 
There was no clarity around what was actually happening between Azriel and Gwyn after all that, and Elain only grew more and more anxious.
Another Sunday.
It was Nesta’s turn to cook and host, however, Sir Charles insisted that his daughters come to his house instead. And for that, Elain was grateful.
She was even more grateful to her sisters, who’d arrived without their men. She knew that they were lying when they said that both Rhys and Cassian were ‘busy’ on Sunday, but nevertheless, she was grateful to them. She didn’t think that she could handle another painfully awkward lunch with the handsome brothers who looked entirely too much like Azriel, and with her grieving pug. 
She was seated on the sofa, her legs tucked beneath her, her chin resting on her folded hands, as she looked out the window. It was raining. Rain. Rain. Rain. Endless fucking rain. 
She barely bothered today–her appearance was sallow and unkempt. She tied her hair in a messy bun, wore a beige jumper and a pair of yoga trousers–attire which was entirely inappropriate for Sunday lunch and not something she’d ever dare leave the house in. But she just couldn't bring herself to care. When the butler opened the door, he stepped back, lack of recognition evident on his face, before he quickly gathered himself and said, “Lady Elain, good afternoon. Please come in.”
Her father, and neither of her sisters comment on her appearance and the maudlin way that she moved around the house, with Piglet trailing behind her, his nose to the ground. No one was surprised when she went to her father’s study and curled up on the sofa, like she did when she was little.
“He’s lost weight,” Sir Charles noted, as he stroked Piglet’s back, while the pug lay unmoving in his lap.
“Two kilos,” Elain said, looking out the window. Expensive cars rolled down the street, taxis and stray pedestrians huddled under their umbrellas. Late January was miserable. Even the warmth of the fire in the marble fireplace didn’t make a difference. 
“That’s a lot for a pug,” her father commended. “Is he not eating?”
“He eats, but he doesn’t ask for snacks and mostly he just sits by the door,” Elain answered and wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks. 
“Elain,” he began saying, but she rose up swiftly and rubbed her eyes vigorously.
“I am okay, daddy,”
“No you aren’t,” he said sadly. “No you aren’t”.
She shrugged, like it didn’t matter. And maybe it didn’t. Nothing much mattered.
“Let’s go eat.”
Just then, a knock on the door informed them that lunch was indeed served.
At least life was predictable. Pleasantly predictable here, with her family. There were no treacherous men and no disloyalty.
Feyre and Nesta were already at the table, their expressions worried, even though they tried really hard to act normal. 
“Hi Piggy, come here little boy,” Feyre tried to summon the pug, but Piglet didn’t even look at her and just went to his bowl, sniffing disinterestedly at the chicken and rice offering. 
Once the wine was poured and the soup was served and the butler left the dining room, Nesta, who’s been clutching at her spoon like she was going to lunge at someone with it, snarled,
“I have to say something,”
“Don’t say anything,” Feyre warned. “Nesta. Don’t.”
“That utter arsehole,” Nesta ignored her youngest sister and clutched at her napkin until her knuckles were white.
Sir Charles winced, knowing that the lunch was about to descend into chaos.
“Girls,” he began with a sigh, but suddenly was interrupted by Elain.
Her voice was monotone and she spoke without inflection, staring straight ahead.
“If I die before Piglet,” she said calmly, while the rest of her family tensed and stared at her with apprehension, “show him my body.”
“Elain,” Feyre gasped. But Elain ignored her and continued,
“Bring him over to my deathbed. Allow him to smell me. He will understand death. He will understand that I was gone and that I would not be coming back. Allow him to mourn me. But do not attempt to spare him the sight of me and my death. He should know that he was not abandoned. He must know that I died, but that I did not leave him. He must understand that unlike others, I did not abandon him. Not like his first family and not like Azriel. He should not be waiting by the door for me to come back. Take him to the funeral and allow him to watch me be lowered into the ground so he understands the finality of it all. He must know that Elain loved him and did not leave him on his own. She was not like Azriel. She never lied to him.” 
What Elain had missed the most was the casual intimacy.
As another week passed and January was coming to a close, Elain’s life returned to its natural, if boring routine. 
She worked, taking on more clients–thank god for January and ‘resolutions’ and people wanting to couple up–and that took a lot of her time. She was grateful for the distraction, but the nights and the weekends were tough.
Most evenings, she cried herself to sleep, while remembering all the good things that she’d lived through with Azriel. He wasn’t dead, yet the fissure of emptiness inside her chest that was created by his absence really felt like he had died. There was something unsaid and unfinished about them, which bothered her like a toothache. It was a wound which she kept irritating every time she remembered something about him.
How he was so effortlessly sexual with her, and how his relaxed sensuality allowed her to feel free with her own sexuality for the first time in her life. To Azriel, she was beautiful. Always beautiful. Never awkward or chubby or clumsy or strange.
The way he would habitually slap her bum, every time he passed by her. Or pinch it. Or caress it. Or cup it in his large hand. At first it scandalised her. And then, she grew to love it. She grew to expect it. 
The way he strutted around after a shower in only a towel wrapped around his hips, showing off his incredible body…goodness gracious! That was something to behold! The way she learned all the details of his form, no matter how insignificant–his tattoos, the shape of his shoulders, the thickness of his biceps, how his neck was a touch too long for his body, but how that made him appear more graceful. She knew exactly how many abdominal muscles he packed–more than six, and definitely eight, and she knew the shape of his long strong fingers. His hair curled slightly in the back of her neck. His hazel eyes had more green in them than brown, and were peppered with black specks. He had perfect toes. The V of his hips could only be called vicious, because it was so sharp and pointed right at his…The one thing Elain never got to see. She never saw his member. Felt it, knew that it was worryingly large and thick, but she never saw it.
She supposed that she always thought that they’d have more time. 
She recalled how one time, they were in a restaurant. It was moderately busy and they were seated by the window. It so happened that there was no one at the table in front of them, or by their side. So what did he do? He parted her shirt on her chest, and when she thought that he’d just cop a feel–something he did often and without hesitation–he bared her breast completely and tugged on her nipple, while kissing her lips. She sat there, completely delirious with love and arousal, while he pinched and rolled her nipple in his fingers, while squeezing her bare tit in his palm. Just as the waiter approached, he tucked her back in and acted like nothing happened. 
She missed him.
Sometimes, she screamed into her pillow, a long, tortured scream because she…well, she missed him. There was nothing that could replace him in her life. 
She loved him. Loved him when they were together, and loved him now–perhaps even more than before. 
He rang her. 
It was a day like any other. A blustery wintry afternoon, only 5 pm and already pitch black outside. Though slowly, but surely the days were getting a bit longer. Just a little. It was early February and Elain just changed into her comfy joggers and a sweatshirt having just come back from walking Piglet. He hated being outside, especially when it was cold and drizzling, and thankfully, it was a quick walk and he did his business in record time.
For some reason, it didn’t register with Elain that it was Azriel’s name on the Caller ID. 
She’d become so used to his calls and messages that it seemed normal that he’d be ringing her. 
“Hello,” she said.
He seemed surprised when he said, “Hi Elain”.
Everything stopped. 
The moment she heard that voice, that achingly familiar, smooth, deep voice she felt her hands shake, and her heart beat wildly in her chest.
She threw her phone on the counter as if it burned her and then, with her finger trembling, pressed the ‘speaker’ button.
“Why are you calling me?” she demanded, her voice barely a whisper.
He didn’t answer right away.
“Why?” she asked again, and to her horror her voice was already hoarse and weak, and she sounded strangled. Because there were tears in her eyes and she was hyperventilating.
“How are you?” he asked softly instead.
How was she?
How dare he?
How was she?
She howled like an animal in her sorrow over losing him.
She cried.
She screamed.
She wondered what she'd done and why he just left her without an explanation? 
She didn’t eat.
She didn’t sleep or she slept too much.
“Fine. Brilliant. All good,” she laughed a dry, angry laugh. “I am sure you are doing well too, right? How’s Gwyn?”
He sighed, like the sound of her voice pained him.
“I didn’t like the way things ended between us,” he told her somberly, ignoring her question.
“Well, it was your choice, wasn’t it?” she reminded him. 
“I suppose?”
It sounded like he wasn't sure.
“What do you want, Azriel?” she demanded.
“How’s Pink?” he asked instead.
“What do you want to hear exactly?”
Did he want to hear about Piglet crying by the door?
Did he want to hear about Piglet avoiding any football on TV and barking violently for her to change the channel if he saw anyone running on a green field?
Did he want to hear about Piglet sitting and waiting for him for hours, day after day, hoping that his dad would show up?
“You abandoned him,” she accused him savagely. “I told you not to make him fall in love with you. I told you not to allow him to get attached to you. I explicitly told you that this would happen if he thought of you as his own.”
“I am sorry,” he whispered brokenly.
“You did it all. You hurt us, Azriel. What do you expect to happen now?” she questioned him, feeling her voice becoming hysterical. “Two brothers and two sisters together at Christmas. A third sister alone. A third brother who used to date the third sister is now with some random woman. Is this your vision? For all of us to play happy families? Like nothing’s happened. Like we didn’t exist. Like what we had didn’t matter??”
“He did matter,” he argued. “It does.”
She ignored him.
“Cassian and Nesta are dating now. Feyre and Rhys are married. Instead of leaving me alone–like I requested, over and over again–you made me fall for you. Fall in love with you. And then you tossed me aside.”
“You love me?” he breathed a shocked gasp.
“You said you fell in love with me,”
“You are unbelievable,” she cried out. He was always deranged, but now he was even more incomprehensible. What was wrong with him?
“My dog is screaming any time he sees Arsenal signage. My heart is shuttered. Is that what you wanted?” Elain broke down in tears. “Is that what you wanted?
“I never wanted that,” he argued quietly. “I never,”
“What did you think would happen?” she insisted, sobbing. “That I can just walk away?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, his voice devastated. “It all spiralled out of control…I didn’t want any of this.”
She wasn’t listening to him. 
She cried.
Cried for her lost love. Cried for the children she’d never have with him. Cried for the future they’d never have. Cried for not knowing what his perfect day consisted of. Cried for the Christmases they’d never celebrate together again. Cried for his touch and for his kisses and for him next to her in bed. Cried for the games she’d never cheer at. Cried for knowing that she’d never see him snuggling together with Piglet. 
She cried and Azriel listened.
She didn’t know how long it lasted–felt like an hour–and he didn’t say anything. He didn’t comfort her, but he didn’t ask her to stop either. 
At some point, Piglet came over. He looked up at her, watching her weep, and whimpered sadly, before curling himself at her feet.
“I am sorry, Elain,” Azriel whispered at last.
She quieted down, before telling him,
“I wanted to be your wife, you know. I wanted to build a family with you. I wanted to have your children.”
“I understand. And I am sorry.”
“I wish you happiness, Azriel. Even if you robbed me of mine.”
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salternateunreality2 · 1 year ago
MDZS/The Untamed/SephZack, Episodes 24-50 aka the end
Because I got too excited and barely paused long enough to scream at frens.
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Spoilers ahead:
After Red Lady finds Zack and begs for his help rescuing Cloud:
I WAS SO RIGHT ABOUT WEN NING BEING CLOUD He was stabbed through the middle and is now in a weird coma after being rescued by Zack. Peak Cloud right there. Just watch, homeboy is going to have an identity crisis/memory issues. BB CLOUD IS ALIVE!!!
After the midnight rescue and pivotal point where Sephiroth stands aside, allowing his beloved to pass with the remnants of the Wen clan:
Baby A-Yuan supremacy. I can't even think of a parallel for him in FF7 because I'm too busy wanting to pinch his chubby little radish cheeks.
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Maybe he's Nanaki. An expert at getting grown-ups to share snacks with him, who grows up into a surprisingly competent teenager due to all the ~trauma~.
Anyway, market scene in a nutshell:
Sephiroth: ...😐
Citizens: are you his dad? Do you not know how to sooth your child?! Are you an idiot?! Do you need HELP?!?!?!?!?!
Sephiroth: *bluescreen* *error.png*
Zack: trolololololol buy him something
Sephiroth: uh, ok
Child: *magnetized to Sephy*
Sephiroth: *equally as horrified and confused as when child was crying* *he literally never imagined himself as a dad* *but has been forcefully adopted*
Cloud: *violently emerges from his coma*
Zack: EYYY! SPIKE!!! MY DUDE!!!! *hi fives, shoulder bumps*
Cloud: I cOuLd HaVe KiLlEd YoU?!
Zack: False, I brought Sephiroth!
Sephiroth: ...
Zack: *shows Sephiroth around his hovel like it's paradise on earth*
Sephiroth: *looking at Zack like he's paradise on earth*
Red Lady: *gives Zack enough poison to tranquilize a bear*
Zack: Don't you fuckin dare go off and self-sacrifice!
Red Lady: Bitch, that's rich coming from you! Also, are you made out of pure red bull and spite?! How are you still awake?!!?
Things I am still not ok about:
Cloud being made into a puppet to kill Jin Ling's dad.
The one hundred holes curse. Just. Ew.
The remnants of the Wen clan ALL turning themselves in.
Grandma Wen dying.
Jin Ling being orphaned.
Zack thinking he needed to die to stop himself.
Sephiroth crying.
Sephiroth: *gets drunk*
Zack: This is the best thing ever.
Sephiroth: *proposes to his boyfriend by giving him chickens*
Zack: Look at this adorable city boy, not even knowing how to hold a chicken. I love him so much.
Sephiroth: *goes hog wild and does...GRAFITTI!*
Zack: PFFT! Y'know what, I'll carve my name too <3
Zack with his juniors aka ducklings is like a border collie intensely guiding them in the right direction as they bumble along.
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Lan Wangji's sword is named Bichen, because he has serious resting bichen face.
Also I heard that he has a long wang, so Long Wang-ji seems appropriate too!
The Lan clan should be the Lan, meaningful glances clan. There is so much staring deeply into each other's eyes. And the eyes of their crushes.
(I'm 49.9% sorry)
Best Hurt/Comfort boyfriend/husband angst moments:
Jin Ling getting stabby with Zack.
Zack making himself bait as if this was FF7 canon.
Everything that happened on the top of that cliff with the bloodbath and Zack's death.
Sephiroth giving Zack a piggyback.
When they visited Genesis and Zack's internal injuries caught up to him.
It was so heartbreaking to watch Zack gather himself to be the sacrifice yet again, huge "heh, the price of freedom sure is steep" vibes 😭😭😭
Then Sephiroth jumps in with a "No. No, you're not doing this alone this time." And Zack is so relieved and surprised and you really have to be looking, but his whole body just relaxes and lights up at the same time, like the weight of the world he puts on like a backpack is suddenly halved and 😭😭😭😭
Wen Ning/Cloud's arc is so wholesome. After all the, y'know, mind control and death stuff.
So proud of him for separating his identity from Zack's in the end, but never letting go of the loyalty. He recognizes and adopts A-Yuan like Cloud does with Denzel.
He's strong with Zack and becomes strong alone.
I do NOT feel as bad as the series wanted me to feel about baby-face incest filicidal murderer McGee. Sure, Angeal loved him, but Angeal was severely misled. If Angeal wasn't such a good guy, I'd feel completely delighted that McGee's boyfriend was the one who killed him. His good qualities were *checks notes* remembering one guy's name and not physically abusing his boyfriend or accepting his boyfriend's offer to die with him. Wow.
He can go kick rocks and stub his toe and get a major infection and die.
Genesis being a responsible uncle, lol:
Re: that scene with Bichen that's NOT in the live-action drama, but apparently is in the books...
Also, I now realize that the comment about riding one's sword was a translation CHOICE, not an accident.
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the5thcellar · 9 months ago
wanna know how old I am? old enough to have been RIGHT HERE on Tumblr when HP and the Deathly Hallows premiered and the hype over Emma Watson x Tom Felton reached its peak - that was when both of them were at somewhat of a career high as well (although sadly for TF it never went anywhere).
at that time TF had a girlfriend he was very serious about - he called her his Mrs and everything, always posted her on IG, said how it was love at first sight on set. funnily enough she was also called Jade.
I participated in the circus over the shipping by reblogging and liking and chiming in (lol always at the scene of the crime). there were people slamming Jade and saying malicious things about her (not me). AND SIMILAR TO WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW ... there was also suddenly a legion of Jade fans who came out of nowhere to defend her and insist her and Tom were the real deal etc. - mind you Jade didn't even HAVE much of a social media presence at that time.
fast forward several years and they broke up. fast forward a few more years and she's happily married to someone else with a kid now.
guess what's still going strong though? TF and EW's very precious friendship - evident through them hanging out over the years (privately as EW has said), their professed pure love for each other during the fairly recent anniversary special, and the fact that she personally penned the foreword to his memoir).
I'm not saying this is the same thing as L/N. I'm just using it as an example of how things aren't one and done as so many people are claiming.
Life goes to many many places.
I outlasted the anons who were all up in here talking about how TF and Jade were going to be together forever.
It took me 14 years.
I'm gonna outlast all of you too :)
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anerdwholovesdogs · 1 year ago
Spoilers for Jackson’s Diary Season 3 Premiere
I have so many thoughts
First, ITS BACK!
and Exer has fire! and Ron’s eating in the background XD
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And then my boy David :(
I knew this episode was gonna make me cry for David again, but he literally looks like he’s just given up. So now I’m sobbing
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Also this is so true for weather right now
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Exer thinking they’re besties and Jackson’s just like, “yeeeeaaaah”
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Seriously David is so tired. He’s lost his aura of happiness. Just looking at him makes me sad.
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The Ken tears up because David said he and the other detention kids helped. Look at his precious face!
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Then their reactions to Kevin. Ken and Jolie have a mixture of shock and anger and then there’s just pure murder in Timothy’s eyes
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And David and Jackson are in the back with no clue whatsoever of what’s happening
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Why his tongue doing that? Ew, it makes me so uncomfortable
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Then we all really hate him more than before. Like before he was Jolie’s annoying ex who we wanted to break his arm, but now he’s on the to be murdered list with William
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Exer’s face here. He’s in support of putting Kevin on the to be murdered list. Also poor David. :(
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Exer loses it. If I was him, I probably would have done the same, but this is not going to look good
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And I can’t believe Jackson’s already stopping writing in the diary, for now
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That’s it for now. I’ll probably go back and write my thoughts on past episodes or something like that, but seriously Paola has done an amazing job, as always!
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the-haunted-prince-au · 1 year ago
Chapter 3
Snatcher didn't know how to feel. There in the dinning room was the monster that haunted his afterlife the horrific beast that had an unpredictable temper and often took her anger out on others... Looking at him like he was some kind of small cute animal. He had forgotten how tame she used to be when she wasn't upset. No wonder she loved him THEY WERE BOTH DORKS! she was just a significantly prettier dork. Wait,? What was he thinking? EW NO he hates this woman! Doesn't he? YES! Yes he does stay focused! "Good mooorning My Prince!" She spoke in a sing-song voice. Yup definitely a dork. Snatcher hoped giving her the silent treatment would work because if anyone was gonna notice his voice it was going to be her! "Oddly quiet today my love? Are you feeling sick?" She got up out her seat and tried to hug him resulting in Snatcher letting out a startled hiss. "dang it!" He hadn't been human in 1000's of years and hissing was one of those behaviors he picked up in that time. "Oh my! Are you upset today? What did I do?" She said shocked from the sudden reaction "you touched me without my consent what did you expect to happen?" He muttered under his breath. God breathing sucked! "What was that My Prince?" Oh boy he could sense it she was getting mad! "Nothing Vanessa" he replied in a snarky tone "oh? What happened to the name Princess?" "Nothing I just think Vanessa suits you better" "buts thats my real name I thought you agreed to only refer to me as princess!" Snatcher Grinned "I take it back" "YOU PROMISED!" A spike of ice shot up almost impaling poor Salem "uhm breakfast is ready-" good he didn't need to eat but he wanted to have an excuse to stop talking to Vanessa. His enthusiasm only got bigger when he saw what was on his plate. "Bacooooon-" he was not immune to bacon... And he never was. However over a millennia of consuming the souls of the innocent leads to some unpleasant visuals at the table... Snatcher bit into a piece of bacon as hard as he could and started ripping it apart with his teeth and claws. Salem proceeded to leave the room as Vanessa stared in pure horror. Just the way he liked it. "My Prince... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???" "bacon" Snatcher responded with a smug look on his face. "MY PRINCE IM SERIOUS DO YOU NEED HELP??? IM GETTING HELP!" Uh oh! Uhh think of something! "Are you sure YOU don't need help?" Vannesa flintched. Nailed it. "Hehehe WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" Snatcher made sure to put on his creepiest smile as the lights flickered out.
"You know what I said!"
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Huh so he did still have some of his powers. Vanessa looked like she was about to snap. "LISTEN HERE YOU-" she then realized she was talking to her "precious little Prince" and backed down. She finished her breakfast in angry silence as Snatchers smug grin only got bigger. In that very moment he used his past selves body to verbally harass his abusive ex and get away with it scar free. He was ecstatic so ecstatic that he decided to take a walk around the village and maybe try another jab at Vanessa when he gets back. Poke the sleeping bear and all that jazz. "Hey everyone look it's Prince!" A swarm of children proceeded to corner him but not just any annoying children the village children "can you play us a tune on your fancy violin?" "OO OOH! How about you tell us a story!" "Yeah tell us a story!" Ignoring the sinking feeling in his gut (ew) Snatcher tried to mimic his old self. He just couldn't be mean to the children. "Sorry little ones I'm not feeling so well and I forgot violin back at the manor but if you all run along I'll be back tomorrow!" (Eugh! He'd have to remind himself to never speak like that again) "oki Mr Prince! Come on guys let's go play somewhere else!" The children left him alone and now could continue walking in peace- "you handled that well you highness"
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Crap. A young woman with poppy red hair, a large braid, and sun kissed freckled skin had noticed him internally gagging he prepared himself for more social interaction. "Hiii Ivy-" "dude that was the worst voice crack I've ever heard holy cow!" Oh yeah his voice used to crack when he was nervous. And apparently it still did curse this flesh vessel- "so how are you doing now that your back from that fancy law school!" "What" "your back from the academy? I thought it was obvious" she jokingly said. There was an intense moment of awkward silence. "OK IM GOING BACK TO THE MANOR NOW BYEE IVY-" he cringed as he heard his voice crack. There was no way forget annoying Vanessa he need to think about this. As he entered the manor he saw them. The flowers he had bought for Vanessa placed nicely in a pot. "I'm starting to think this isn't the right past"
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readyandnot · 2 years ago
ready rambles~
cruel vampire ex/quinn’s aftermath
spoilers under the cut
NEVER THOUGHT ID SEE THE DAY SO SOON: well where do i begin, let’s start with the first audio-
* so, we got a cute little call with sam and we really see the relationship between sam and will, it’s so sweet to see and how he talks to darlin about it; i’d love to see a will and darlin interaction soon!
* also, we GOTTA learn that nickname because you know damn well vincent teases sam for it constantly
* i LOVE the sudden shift of casual banter with sam to this serious nature of david and what’s happening now: i saw another post say this but i’m gonna reiterate it- DARLINS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN HOW TO HANDLE THINGS IS AMAZING- if darlin in the early days heard this, they wouldn’t have waited for david; and they definitely wouldn’t hold back like we’ve seen them do in the next audio- it’s so amazing to see their development and how they have regained trust in the pack and how they trust them completely
* WE LOVE A DEFENSIVE SUPPORTIVE DAVID CALLING OUT THE DEPARTMENT’S BS; i just KNOW that darlin was saying in their head, “yeah i can see angel’s appeal to him,” just so funny to me
* also i love that we got a last name from quinn, it makes so much sense given he’s sneaky like a fox. ugh.
* sam’s entrance was utter perfection. chef’s kiss especially with that time skip to him talking one on one with darlin
* sam being so protective over darlin is so beautiful. i love their relationship so much and how it’s blossomed. he wants them to have their justice and he wants to give it to them, but with darlin also evolved and saying it’s okay to save a life, GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH; they both have such beautiful caring hearts, they’re perfect for each other and have grown so much together.
* straight to the point sam as it should be, i love him for that.
* SO WE GOT A VOICE CHANGE IN THE BUILDING THANK YOU GBA FOR PROVIDING A WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE 👏🏻 and for making me despise quinn even more- also darlin’s got a thing for accents… i don’t blame them.
* quinn is such a piece of shit, the way he casually talks about frederick and what happened and the aftermath like it’s nothing, and how he talks about darlin’s intimate past with him (WHICH I KNEW HE WOULD DO) just proves how awful he is as a person and how low he’s willing to go just to fulfill his ego. i knew he’d talk about biting darlin’ and god it pissed me off because I KNOW that darlin felt so embarrassed and emotional having to hear that again and having sam, THEIR MATE, hear it from quinn.
* but i will say i love that frederick took sam’s last name because that is so fucking precious. i just wish we heard a little more about bright because they were effected too ya know?
* “sloppy seconds” is a term jealous people use, so quinn is definitely jealous of sam and darlin’s relationship, GET HIS ASS SAM
* quinn is so disrespectful, calling darlin a thrall and “his precious” like ew. stop it. and the fact that sam has to sit through the whole night and darlin just listening to his bullshit is so unfair to both of them.
* HE GOT THE ADDRESS BUT AT WHAT COST; god i just love that sam immediately hugs darlin because god damn they both needed it.
* DAVID HUGGING DARLIN AND REASSURING SAM HAS ME SO EMOTIONAL; it just shows how far they’ve all come and it makes me so happy to see the never ending support
* “let’s go home.” y’all that hits so hard.
* i really hope that new symbol doesn’t stay because quinn doesn’t get to stay any longer than he had to on both sam and darlin’s lives. it is really cool looking i will say.
* the cold hatred part makes so much sense, the pure rage has passed for darlin, it’s now just cold pure hatred that’s even more effective and lasts longer than rage.
* sam is not okay, he deserves comfort too and i’m glad darlin is giving it to him even when they’re falling apart.
* THE FACT THAT SAM SAW THROUGH QUINN SO EASILY- makes me love him even more, he’s not the type to fall for stuff easily, especially with him knowing how quinn was already, like he said, nothing that quinn could have said would have torn them apart, they’re too strong together for that.
* “you are my absolute priority.” do you hear me sobbing-
* IM SORRY HOURS??? i would be fucked up and i imagine they both are cause that is fucked up.
* this speaks for itself: “What I heard in all his rambling was the story of a good, kind person with an open heart trusting a man who promised to care about them, and him using that trust to hurt them. That is not a story that could ever make me think less of you. Just the opposite."
* sam’s comfort hits so differently, he just knows the right words to say and his presence oozes ease and comfort, he’s such a beautiful soul and matches with darlin so well. even when he is hurting he still finds a way to show darlin his love and support, i’m so emotional.
* the whole talking about biting, is so fucking beautiful. we finally have it confirmed why he hasn’t done it yet and it’s so valid. we also see him telling darlin why he hasn’t done it even when they asked BUT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT FROM EITHER SIDE. THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO HANDLE SOMETHING. they both have a way of understanding each other, darlin supportive of sam not ready to bite them, and sam not judging darlin for asking and for liking the feeling of it, it’s so fucking bittersweet yet beautiful to see this.
* “you’re my heart darlin.” WHY DOES SAM HAVE THE BEST LINES-
* he’s so protective over darlin, he wants justice for them so bad, and he will do anything to give it to them.
* ANOTHER CALL FROM DAVID??? i was so scared when i first listened to this i was like “oh god what now?”
* but luckily it was just an update- a horribly sad one but an update nonetheless. it’s so terrible to know that the girl suffered and died for quinn’s sick fantasy, we all know from adam and lovely how horrific that type of situation is. and that darlin and sam went through all of those hours just for that girl to be already dead. but like david said, that family has closure now, and we can take any good that we can get, even if it’s at the cost of trauma.
* of course quinn’s gone quiet after this, because he feels he’s won, but he hasn’t, i know david and will are going to see to that.
* I LOVE HOW WILL AND DAVID ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO SEE THIS BASTARD DEAD. just like david said there’s no doubt he’s guilty for everything, and i cant wait to see the justice carried out. just like sam said lol
* i am so so happy to see this chapter come to an end, we’ll get darlin getting their revenge at the end of the month most likely, and it’s going to be so satisfying.
* darlin’s evolution as a character has been such a delight to see. the fact that they are still so strong against everything quinn has done, and now has a solid support system to fall back on, it’s so beautiful. knowing that they can be themselves and fall apart just for sam and the pack to help put them back together. darlin is a strong beautiful person and character, and i know that they’ll only become stronger after this.
* sam is just amazing all around. the way his comfort is so easeful even when he needs it too, and that darlin can provide it to him as well is such a wonderful balance to see. his protective, defensive nature was awesome to see and i loved how his relationship with david has evolved alongside his with darlin’s. their relationship is so beautiful and so strong, it makes me so happy to see how far they’ve come as people together. i love sam so much and he’s definitely risen to be one of my top favorites over the last couple of months.
* david was awesome as always! we truly got to see a balance of him being david with sam and darlin, but then being the alpha when he was with the department and henry. his protective nature of darlin in this was wonderful to see, and i’m so glad we see how far their relationship has come as well. the hugs, the support, the love. gabe would be so proud of him right now, and i know darlin is so happy to be close with david again. same with sam because it’s nice to see the trust in these two men as they become more like family instead of acquaintances, it’s wonderful.
* quinn fox. ugh GOD I HATE THAT HES A GREAT VILLAIN. gba played him so well and it was nice to see a change in his voice, because it was perfect. his tone, his words and his all around personality was awesome to see. he’s such a great villain and probably my favorite villain; and i’ll be so happy to see his head on a spike. :)
* overall, this push was needed, and like it said “overdue” lmao but better late than never! i’m so excited for what’s next for darlin and their recovery over quinn and same with sam. i know that after he’s dead, that sam and darlin will be stronger people and in a stronger relationship because of it. they’re such a beautiful couple and can overcome anything together. what a wonderful three audio push. worthy of the wait, well done again redacted.👏🏻
i think guy is next??? because of that poll :( i hope huxley will be after guy because y’all know he’s my fav AND WE DONT GET HIM ENOUGH ANYMORE. at least with fl.
also- HOT BOI SUMMER IS COMING SOON FOLKS, for those of you who know the line up, i’m so excited and can’t wait to see who’ll get the ba. i have my predictions, but we’ll get there and i’ll make a post about that too.
if you’re still reading this, thanks for reading all of this shit lol i love talking about this and i love seeing people comment about it as well. love y’all so much and thank you redacted for another well done upload <3
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oflights · 2 years ago
for the drarry trope/scenario, may i suggest my most beloved one - (EWE) second chances? i’ve read about this playing out in so many different ways and it always always gets me. would love to hear your thoughts!
hi!! thank you for this! procrastinating packing to think about this, haha.
as we already know, i love when the second chances happen with some time between hogwarts (including 8th year) and meeting again. i love when they re-contextualize each other as adults, whether because work brings them together, or the teddy and andromeda connection, or mutual friends.
actually my favorite headcanon is probably the last one, because i think they can coexist on parallel lines in their lives professionally and even with teddy (though i absolutely adore teddy bringing them together) but when there's a gryffindor/slytherin pairing that paves the way...yes.
i guess my favorite progression is enemies-> wary acquaintances-> maybe friends-> lovers but tbh only the first two are important to me; you can swap the order of operations otherwise. the messiness of becoming lovers quickly and perhaps prematurely is always good to me.
harry is attracted to the ways draco's changed; draco is attracted to harry because he can finally see him in a new light that's not resentful or spurned. if there's already attraction, i love the idea that the second chance is actually about placing them in scenarios where that attraction is viable, it can go somewhere. it's sort of like going from being attracted to a celebrity (as a pure hypothetical, ignoring harry's celebrity) and your lives shifting around where it's not out of the question that something can happen. the attraction changes, then, becomes less abstract and more realistic. they let themselves feel things in a more practical, satisfying way than before.
i read this as pure getting together vibes but applying this trope to getting back together (my actual favorite) is sooo good. i really love playing around with the idea that the love can be there but the timing is off, or there are too many outside factors for it to work, and they have to call it and go through that pain to later get a good second crack at things. i love getting back together for them because of the layers of history and contexts, of the possibility of a third chance, and how precious that is; the stakes are higher because how many people get a third shot like that?
send me drarry tropes and i’ll respond with five related headcanons!!
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total-drama-atlas · 2 years ago
I was warned about ep5 being not so good
So anyway episode five time!!
Millie asking Chris to stfu about her possibly being dishonest? Girl I was liking you. Don’t tell me you lied my girl Priya she didn’t deserve that. Neither did my beloved lauren :((
New intro is seeming less bad hmm
Damien complimenting Priya and then she gets all flustered? That is ADORABLE
although the way they show Priya’s blush seems… off. I dont think realistically it would be that saturated on her skin tone, or that light. The color isn’t quite right for the red shade of her blush I don’t think, but I’m obv not an expert and I still think it’s cute
ZEE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I hope he’s a merger
the way zee was drinking his soda after pricking the side of the can was so funny for literally no reason.
Wayne and Raj are so stupid and adorable and I love them so much
now I see why Julia specifically said beans. this is peak comedy /s
“Ew! Are flirting with me over my farts???” “Yes, I am😏” ripper that was the one funny thing you have contributed so far. Other than the alfalfa male thing that was funny too
“So you don’t get eaten by the raptors.” “THE BASKETBALL TEAM?!? “ raj you are so sweet
Does chase not realize not everybody is a total asshole or??
The raptors are a downgrade from the total drama bears :/ glasses bear my beloved
Zee is so great y’all
WAYNE IS SO PRECIOUS “I just thought of something!” “Rajie, you can tell me ANYTHING. Anything you need to get off your chest about your feelings or who you are or anything at all. I am here for you and I care for you. I will never judge you.” (Confessional: “He’s telling me! I’m so excited!!) “you got any hockey tape?” (“Nvm”)
I didn’t notice Emma’s undercut… hmm…
MK is a schemer. She’s everything noah could be. I love her and would die for her.
Emma has every right to hate chase. He’s awful. I hope she gets to commit a crime at him
“I KILLED ZEE 😭😭😭😭” “sup” “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY ZEE 😭😭😭” “it’s fine bro idc”
Damien being a little bit of a nerd is so cute to me. I honestly love that for him
Ripper is so gross and not in the way that I can look past his brand of physical comedy and appreciate his character. it’s in the repulsive way
Then discussing how possible it would be for a raptor to open a door while one opens the door is a tiny bit funny
Bowie and I are on the same page here
guys MK’s jaundice is back I think
Priya is so sweet I love her “DAMIEN! You’re the love of my life!” “I am????” “NO BUT I WANTED TO SAY THAT TO SOMEONE BEFORE I DIE”
Wow they just. Blew up the mess hall. Wowzers.
Id ripper doesn’t leave this ep I will be SO upset
If Damien gets eliminated I am going to cry
okay but the reason is wholesome
not a good episode but at least I knew what I was getting myself into. I pity anyone who watches it without at least a warning of how awful it is
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pyroweasel · 2 years ago
🤡 (What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?)
I'll share this WIP line that will probably never see the light of day. You kind of need to know to appreciate it, maybe, but it still kind of makes me laugh. **"Don't fucking touch me - filthy little - do you ever bathe?” 
"I try not to," Peep chirps, and then with a fresh grin they reach both hands out in Hazel's direction - making grabbing motions as if threatening to touch his face."** 🎢 (Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?) Had To Be You, hands down. Mostly because it would so wildly fluctuate from 'this part is so easy let me publish four chapters in a row' to 'I've taken two months to finish this chapter and I still hate it.' It was a good time over all but boy was it a ride to get through. ✨ (Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉) I already did one do I have to do another...(jkjk) I think my long/run-on sentences are pretty well-crafted and tend to add exactly the sort of punch/affect I'm trying to manage. ⛔ (Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?) Oh I have so many of these. I wouldn't even try to list them, but I'll highlight one of my personal favorites. I once had a fic planned that was essentially Addison being assigned Captain on this massive ship who's sole purpose was to transport "precious cargo." Spoiler alert, the cargo was an imprisoned Trep. It was very saucy, very much meant to highlight Trep's abilities as an Imp and was not necessarily destined for a good ending. It would have been fun, I think.
💖 (What made you start writing?) I couldn't tell you, honestly. I've been writing since I was a kid, since before I even remember doing it. We still have one of the first 'books' I ever wrote. What I can say is it's just...everything to me. It's a distraction. It's soothing. It's a way for me to connect with my partner and my friends. When I'm really sad, or really happy, or hell I'll say it even horny, writing is there, you know? I can do anything I want in there. I can write anything I want. I can bring these characters that mean everything to me to life in my own words. I can put them through hell, or get them comfort, or find them love. I can explore the world's brightest themes, and its darkest. I don't know. It's how I get all the things inside out. I don't really have any other creative pursuits that I feel like I'm good enough at to do that, so writing is the way. 💌 (How do you feel about comments and feedback?) I love comments. I love to know what I did right, what resonated, what people are thinking about what could happen next. I also love expressions of joy/enjoyment like keysmashes and such. I'm sensitive to criticism though, even well-meaning criticism, which is purely a me issue but can make getting feedback/comments kind of stressful sometimes. Especially when I'm nervous about a write to begin with.
❌ (What's a trope you will never write?) Never is a strong word because there have been times I've dabbled in things I thought I'd never dabble in. And I honestly can't think of any specific one right now that makes me thing 'ew no never.' I don't enjoy most things centering around pregnancy, though. Little cute moments with pregnant characters is one thing, but I don't like to focus on it much. 👀 (Tell me about an up and coming wip please!)
I have so many WIPs....a few fan favorites in the works are more chapters for the reincarnation AU for Hazing, Fable finally gets to meet Keet's pets, that one chapter for To The Left where these two finally get down, and a scattering of other hazing stuff. 🤲 (Would you please share a snippet of a wip?)
Okay...let me dig one up here. **Home, he thinks - spitting the word in his mind even as his feet turn in its direction. A tiny townhouse he doesn't know the first thing about fixing. A ratty bed, a shitty TV, a computer that barely connects most of the time. The self-inflicted bare minimum because it has never really been his home - only a place for his pets. A place to land when he wanted to rest because where the hell else was he supposed to go? 
It's not his home, he thinks - bitter, angry, aching. 
It's not his home, he thinks - paused outside, glaring up at the shingles and the brick. Humans pass around him - souls whispering at a distance, arching briefly in his direction until they're far enough away to snap free. Busy, loud, and something stings at his eyes. 
He starts, turns, and there's Fable. This silly little human who resists his pull but somehow keeps finding him anyway. Who'd held him at his worst, and called themself his friend, and who's here now, again. Standing near his apartment, watching him with a turned head and a curious stare. 
"Are you alright?" 
Keet opens his mouth to answer - closes it again - and then finally, after a second, he says instead,
"What are you doing here?"**
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feminist-space · 6 months ago
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Tweet by Joseph Fasano:
"I first wrote this on the back of a student's paper, and two weeks later he turned in a paper about an issue he really cared about. It earned an A.
For a Student Who Used AI to Write a Paper
Now I send it back into your own hands.
I hear you. I know this life is hard now.
I know your days are precious on this earth.
But what are you trying to be free of?
The living? The miraculous task of it?
Love is for the ones who love the work.
-Joseph Fasano"
Second tweet by Joseph Fasano:
"For the record, I believe in stillness, contemplation, & not needing to "work" or prove anything in moments of pure being. Perhaps my poem is misunderstood by some. It's not about drudgery or homework. It's about learning a life lesson when you get addicted to shortcuts. It's saying that if you get too attached to that trick, you'll make similar mistakes when it really matters: love."
Reply tweet by Debora Ewing:
"this is so true, and gets to the heart of the Al issue: for WHAT are you trying to make your work easier? what are you going to do with the brain cells you didn't engage?"
Reply by Joseph Fasano:
Heart emoji. Candle emoji.
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(via the author, at the Ex Bird place)
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carlos-penavega · 7 years ago
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Out on the town with ‘Boys in the Band’ star Andrew Rannells: 
A decade or so before “Girls,” Andrew Rannells was doing “Grease” at Elmsford, NY’s Westchester Broadway Theatre. There, above the dinner theater’s clatter of silverware and the scraping of plates, he and the rest of the cast soldiered on till intermission, which often seemed endless. Blame the brownie sundaes.
“They would serve dessert at intermission, and the sundaes were very time-intensive,” Rannells explains. “If a lot of people ordered them, we’d get an announcement: ‘We’re holding for brownie sundaes!’
“But you know what?” he adds, with a wolfish grin, “It was fun! I was 21 and thrilled to be working. And that was the show that got me my Equity card.”
There’s no intermission, brownie-filled or otherwise, at his latest gig, “The Boys in the Band.” First performed 50 years ago — a year before NYC’s Stonewall Riots helped change the gay experience in America — Mart Crowley’s bitchy and biting drama is back. A starry revival opened May 31 on Broadway, its proudly out cast led by Rannells, Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto and Matt Bomer.
“I knew that this was something I would like to be a part of,” he says. “This play is not only a great depiction of how far we’ve come, but it’s a great depiction of friends, and your chosen family … There actually is a lot of love in this show.”
Speaking after a matinee in the Booth Theater’s fusty-looking lounge, the 39-year-old is warm, witty and — unlike the characters in the play — comfortable in his own, well-toned skin.
Rannells had never performed with any of his “Band” mates before, though he bumped into two of them several years ago at the city’s Pride parade.
“There’s millions of people just milling about and who do I run into but Matt Bomer!” he says. Bomer happened to be with Quinto and all three, along with their respective friends, ended up hanging out together. They’re planning to hit the parade together again this Sunday.
There were no Pride marches back in 1980s Omaha, Neb., where Rannells grew up. He knew from an early age that he was gay, and was pretty sure everyone else knew it, too. After all, he says, “I was a little boy who watched ‘Solid Gold’ every week and wanted to be a ‘Solid Gold’ dancer. And I would do very in-depth reenactments of ‘Grease 2’ and ‘West Side Story’ with my sister Natalie in our garage. I was a very theatrical kid.”
Even so, he waited until after high school, just before leaving for New York’s Marymount Manhattan College, to come out to his family. “No one was surprised in the slightest,” he reports. Better still, everyone was supportive.
Once in the city, the theater major skipped classes to go on open calls and auditions. Along the way, he held a string of jobs — coat-check clerk, health-club receptionist, server — but never for long.
“Sometimes, I’d last one night,” he says. One of his longest gigs was a three-month stint at Chez Josephine, on off-Broadway’s Theatre Row. Rannells was a lousy waiter (“there was a lot of yelling” from restaurant owner Jean-Claude Baker), but he got to sing standards with a pianist at the end of the night.
By 2006, he was singing on Broadway, having stepped into “Hairspray” as Link, the heroine’s pompadoured object of affection. He then rode that hairstyle through a two-year run (on the road and on Broadway) as Bob Gaudio in “Jersey Boys.” In 2011’s “The Book of Mormon,” Rannells — minus the pompadour — originated the role of Kevin Price, a clean-cut, perky proselytizer.
Soon after came HBO’s “Girls” and his scene-stealing turn as Elijah, Hannah’s gay BFF: all big emotions and short pants. What started as a recurring role evolved into a main one (and fan favorite) for the show’s final three seasons.
Not surprisingly, Rannells misses Lena Dunham and Allison Williams, his frequent scene partners, the most. Luckily, he says, “the show wrapped in September and aired in January, so there was time to come to terms with the fact that we were moving on.” A few months after the series ended, “a huge, huge box” arrived at his Chelsea apartment. It was stuffed with Elijah’s clothes, including a few bold-patterned sweaters Rannells knew he’d never wear in public again.
“Elijah had some bad taste,” he jokes.
His own style he calls “sort of classic and clean,” which explains what he’s doing in head-to-toe J.Crew: socks, pants, shoes . . . even that alligator shirt? He shakes his head. “Lacoste. Lacoste, for J.Crew!”
Rannells’ hair is something else again. “It is a little pompadour-y, yeah,” he says. “And it sometimes has a mind of its own.” To keep it under control, he swears by Kevin Murphy’s line of hair products: “They have this texturizing dust that’s kind of amazing. My hair is actually pretty fine, so if you put [the product] in at the root and run your hands through it, it makes it a little thicker and stand up.”
Given his predilection for the clean and preppy, Rannells surprised himself by choosing a bottle-green Paul Smith tux to wear to the Tony Awards earlier this month. “Initially, when I saw it, I was like, ‘I can’t wear this,’ and then I put it on and was like, ‘This is cool!’”
He and his “Boys” co-stars presented the Tony for Best Play, but Rannells was a nominee himself last year, for his heart-breaking turn as the doomed lover of “Falsettos.” So wrenching was that musical, set in the time of AIDS, that the cast members took turns meeting fans at the stage door.
No such problem so far at “Boys,” he says, where people come with “Big Bang” memorabilia for Parsons to sign, “Star Trek” paraphernalia for Quinto and “Book of Mormon” Playbills for Rannells. “Boys” finishes its run on Aug. 11, but Rannells is on the move. He just shot a pilot for cable’s Showtime and he has a memoir, “Too Much Is Not Enough,” coming out in February. If it’s anything like the excerpt published in the Times’ “Modern Love” column, it will be a wonderfully honest, poignant and funny account of a gay Nebraskan’s early years in New York. (The actor is currently single.)
And yes, Rannells points out, there are now Pride parades in Omaha, Neb. His widowed mother, Charlotte, even heads the local PFLAG chapter. But he’s quick to say that while America’s become more tolerant since the pre-Stonewall age, coming out is never easy — and should always be a personal choice.
“Do it in your own time, and don’t feel like you have to tell anyone anything until you’re ready to,” he says. “Surround yourself with people who are going to support you regardless of what your sexual orientation is, and you can have a beautiful life, filled with love.”
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ay4kshalatus · 3 years ago
important notice 📢
spoilersssss tua s3
drunk(almost)!five at bachelor's party surprisingly can sing!
his first song is on solo and dedicated to you!!
song: can't take my eyes off you
right. it supposed to be luther's moment with family bound but this drunkard want to let you know how much you make him feel like in cloud 9 just by existing.
you're so precious to him ok? like look at those eyes. full of hearts. his head over heels for you. drunk!five is like a man who admire his love under the window... and hisses whoever gets close to you.
and with coincidence, you watch him perform on second floor.
he sings while looking at you. yes the guys noticed it.
"pardon the way that i stare, there's nothing else to compare.", "five.." you don't know whether to squeal and giddy like a high-school girl who got their confession received by their crush or concern of his coping mechanism of their hopeless situation.
"the sight of you leaves me weak." [five], "hey, hey, hey! this is about me getting married- not to lovely dovely with your wife!" [luther], "i know your romance with y/n is pure and shit but ew five, you're getting cringier than before." [diego], "i think he won't listen to us with this state of his. he's so drunk in love." [klaus] with viktor still amazed, seeing this side of his brother even he witness it most of the time.
five doesn't give a shit about them and continue singing. he's such a dork. <3
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! -pamcake
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awesomesauce-abbie · 2 years ago
Hello hope I'm not bothering you but I saw a post of yours it was a billy hargrrove x reader and I liked it but I just wanna ask if you could do like reader works at a restaurant and really upset and tired because their having problems with a waitress and they constantly pushing sh*t on them and billy picks up reader and reader gets in the car and just says "drive please" and then the drive home is quit and they get home and billy just comforts them and being the protective bf he is, I hope you understand I'm writing this because I have trouble with a waitress and I'm a hostess (look it up for more info about being a hostess) and ya I just had a bad day sorry and you can do whatever to the end you want like h going to the restaurant later and confronting the waitress. Omg this is so long lol thx 🙏😊
A/N: I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with your job, I hope it gets better for you soon. I know this is easier said than done but try to push through the negativity and carry on your day as best as you can and I hope this oneshot will somehow help!
HardWork Pays Off Eventually
Billy Hargrove x reader
You worked at Burger Town, one of the few restaurants in Starcourt mall. If the bright yellow and red uniform with the burger baseball hats wasn't annoying enough, your coworker was a right piece of work meaning that she didn't actually do any. The only time Kimberly Price lifted a finger was when she was in the back with her press on nails or dancing to whatever was on the radio whilst you attended to the lunchtime rush of Hawkins by yourself. What was most infuriating was that her dad was the boss so Kimberly was always getting extra days off with nobody to cover her shifts and always got pay rises. She was only a few dollars short of earning exactly as much as her father, day by day you were regretting not getting a job at the local pool with your boyfriend Billy Hargrove. Despite his bad boy attitude, he was more than happy to teach the younger children of Hawkins how to swim or save them from drowning. He suggested you get a job with him so you could see each other every day but you had already accepted the job at burger town before he suggested it. Today made you absolutely regret applying more than ever.
You quickly served a table of three with a tired smile and a quiet “enjoy your meal.” You rushed back to the kitchen and started preparing the next meal before only to dash to the counter a few seconds later to take another customer’s order. You had to force a smile as you heard Madonna blasting from the break room. The queue was leaving the restaurant and was almost outside of Scoops Ahoy. You actually saw Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington stick their heads out a few times to see what was going on. You spent over an hour running around like a headless chicken serving food, cooking food and taking orders before things actually calmed down which gave you the chance to clean up tables and bin rubbish. Kimberly walked past you with her jacket and bag on. “Where are you going?” She scoffed, glaring at you as if you’d offended her just by existing. “I have a date with Patrick, I’m leaving early. Remember to lock up and clean up properly, anything that’s done wrong won’t make daddy very happy. Oh and your covering my shift with Ben Woods tomorrow. No way am I working with that nerdy little freak ew! Don’t forget to clock me out at the end. Try and snitch on me, well we’ll see who daddy believes. A bumbling idiot who got this job out of pure luck or his precious little darling of a daughter?” Kimberly giggled before strutting away. “We’ve got six hours and tomorrow’s my only day off!” You yelled after her but she didn’t turn back.
You’d left an hour late, having to tidy up everything as well as lock up. If Steve Harrington hadn’t noticed you struggling with putting the tables away, you’d likely still be there. You stormed out to the parking lot and saw Billy leaning against his car with a lit cigarette and there were three cigarette butts not too far from his feet. “What the hell took you so long, I’ve been waiting for over an hour! I was about to come in and find you. I thought something happened.” He was worried, annoyed and exhausted from his own day of work but you got into the passenger’s seat silently. Billy scoffed, throwing away his cigarette before getting in. “You gonna talk to me or what?” “Just…Drive please” you sniffled. Billy rolled his eyes before starting the car and drove to your house. His dad and Susan were out tonight and Max was at Hop’s house for a sleepover with El so he was spending the night with you.
The ride home was silent except for the quiet buzz of music from Billy's car radio. He noticed a few tears run down your face but for most of the journey, you faced away from him and didn't utter a single word. He parked in your driveway with a sigh and turned you, placing a hand on top of yours. “Please tell me what happened today. You've never been this late from work and you're usually pissy yeah but never crying. What happened?” You looked at him, drying your eyes as you tried to find the words. Billy leaned forward and kissed your forehead, cupping your cheek with his hand as he wiped tears away with his thumb. “I’m just tired, I had a really shitty day. Kimberly walked out six hours early and I had to do everything by myself again! I’m supposed to have a day off tomorrow but she dumped her shift on me instead.” Billy let out a harsh sigh and clenched his jaw, this wasn’t the first time you had complained about Kimberly’s laziness and he was sick of her upsetting you. “You need to leave that shit hole, there isn't anything at the pool right now but at least go work with fucking Harrington! At least I know he's not a total asshole like that Kimberly bitch” he huffed. “Though if he even thinks about hitting on you, the only thing he'll be eating is ice cream cus he won’t have the teeth left to chew!” You couldn’t help but chuckle and Billy grinned. “There’s that sexy smile” he kissed you before you both got out of the car. “I’ll help you out
Billy helped you write out a resignation letter as well as help you get your paperwork sorted so you could apply for another job. “If anything comes up at the pool, you’ll be the first to know. She won’t get away with this shit either, I know it’s hard but we’re gonna get out of this shit hole town. I’m going to take you to California, teach you how to surf. We’ll have our own place, the shit bird and her loser friends can visit in the summer. It’ll be perfect, I promise” he smiled, stroking your hair as you leaned against his shoulder. “Think the kids will bury Steve in the sand?” Billy snickered just at the idea and kissed your temple. “Yeah, maybe we’ll leave him there overnight for the fully beach experience” he chuckled before getting up and heading to the kitchen. You cuddled up together with a bowl of popcorn and watched The Terminator with a promise that Kimberly would be sorry for pissing you off.
The next day you turned up at work but Kimberly was there and so was her father? Kimberly was in tears, hr dad was red in the face and his eyes filled with anger but he calmed down slightly as he noticed you walk in. “Ah, sorry. I was meant to call. I had a dozen complaints yesterday from customers who said you were working alone. Kimberly is working her shift today so you can go home, she’ll be working as she should be and her pay has been cut so she’s earning the usual rate which she’ll be using to fix her car. I walked out the house to see the windshield smashed and the doors all scratched and dented” Kimberly merely sobbed at the mention of her car and was even more hysterical after you handed in your notice, she’d be picking up your shifts as a result.
You walked out to the car park, Billy was still there with a smug grin. “Her car? Seriously?” “Told you she’d be sorry for messing with you” he chuckled as you let out an amused sigh. “What would I do without you Billy Hargrove?” “Crash and burn obviously.”
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vcutparis · 6 months ago
OKAY WOW ....the jung family is such a shitshow. i take back all my suspicions off our precious grandma and leo oppar. we love you lots. double middle fingers up to all the neglect they showered upon their own kid. like uh huh YES SHOW M HOW IRRESPONSIBLE YOU ARE TO THE KID YOU BROUGHT TO THE WORLD???? AND 22 YO LEO HANDLED A 12 YO MUCH BETTER THAN U FUCKS. and its not like they did a good job lmao what the fuck is wooyo on? this is purely korean evil han twin case. no human decency as mingi said. no remorse infact hes pretending to not give a shit about even yeosang when he went missing i wonder how san and hwa handle him...ew like that is ur twin, the one u grew up with for atleast 11 years how the hell are u so disconnected.
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introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xxiii - defend you
ghost!yeosang × reader
genre : ghost!au
rating, warning : mature; crude jokes and filthy language
buy me coffee ?
a connection once had, broken with the expectation that the ending is final. but life has an odd proclivity of making attachments from detachments. in the end, we don't know what we lost until we look at what we have
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@cultofdionysusnet @sandsofire @kflixnet @pirateeznet
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@luvt0kki @aestheticsluut @stayatinykatsy @miaatiny @yukichan67 @maidens-world @wlv-asteria @bee-the-loser @junstulip @keinskpopcorner @donghyuckanti27 @axo-l0tl @aurora-tiny @cyber-innie @oddracha @dinossaurz @vcutparis @redzie02 @blackb3ll @mizumigi @jan-l @zoro-nanami-wifey @charreddonuts @angelicyeo @green-agent @teenyfinds @gxlden-bxbyy @that-irrelevant-ricecakeaddict @tinyelfperson @jenowithjaem @mayonnaisehoeshit @allisonleannn @raspberrysannie @surveilenceysystem @borahae-reads @watanabehan @boo-ven9eance @cosmolight @ateezourstars @potatos-on-clouds
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Hi Hi Hi. can you make me a Jason Todd smut?
i want something with fingering and oral
I would love a thigh-mounting too
Thank you❤
pairing: jason todd x fem!reader
warnings: smut → jason being smug little shit, teasing, oral & fingering (fem receiving).
word count: 794
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests are open🖤
request guidelines✨
smut night masterlist 💦
You hadn’t realised how long you were staring, but it wasn’t until Jason asked, “like what you see?”
“Oh, please, I’d rather get eaten by a shark than look at you,” you roll your eyes, walking over to choose a weapon to practice with. Jason huffs out a laugh, loving how easy it is to get under your skin. He stalks over to you and backs you into the wall, knocking your sword out of your hands with his. Your breath hitches, eyes darting to where your sword lay, trying so desperately not to look at him. You hate when he does this.
“Don’t act like you don’t like me, [y/n]. You make it so obvious,” he snickers, lifting your chin to force you to look at him.
“Well, I don’t.”
He arches an eyebrow up in blatant amusement. “oh?”
“Yes, so would you mind letting me practice now?”
“So your breath didn’t just catch in your throat just then? Or your cheeks didn’t blush?”
“Blush? Ew, I think you’re mistaken,”
Jason cups your cheek, his thumb caressing just down to your lips. God, those fingers. You gulp, your eyes innocently gazing into his. Your heart pounds in your chest so hard you can feel your pulse in your cheeks.
“Nervous, are we?”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you breathe out finally and pull him towards you. Your lips smash together, a breath of relief releases from the both of you. His hands roam your body, wanting to feel every inch of you under his fingertips. He feels you shudder as his hands explore up your shirt.
“Is this okay?” He asks. You nod, pulling him closer to you by his hips. Your pussy throbs with a craving you never thought you’d have. An amusing chuckle bubbles in his throat. He loves how much you’re letting go for him. His hand plays with your leggings, snapping the hem against you. You whimper and take his hand, pushing them into your panties.
He pulls away, his eyes filled with nothing but pure egotistical smugness.
“Please,” you whisper, eyes still closed. Your lips part as he teases your folds, running his finger up and down, collecting as much wetness under his fingertips as possible. Your knees buckle, and if it wasn’t for his other hand, which holds your hips, you would’ve fallen to the ground.
Jason kisses your neck, sucking delicately at the mellow skin. He breathes in your scent, a scent he’s grown to love ever since you joined the Titans. You bite your lip, too scared to let out even the slightest of sounds. Your body shudders once more as he circles your clit, a gasp breaking through your lips at the godforsaken pleasurable feeling.
“Jason,” you whimper. He chuckles against your skin, his breath sending more shivers down your spine. Slowly and tauntingly, he lowers his fingers to your entrance and gently pushes two fingers in. You instantly let out a loud moan, your hand coming up to your mouth to muffle them. His lips curl into a smug smirk as his finger continues stroking your clit.
“Fuck,” you breathe out, head tilting back to the wall. His fingers curl into what you perceived to be your g-spot, and you let out another uncontrollable pornographic-type of moan.
Without warning, Jason pulls away and sucks his fingers, humming at the taste of you. Now you remember why you hate him so much.
He drops to his knees, pulling down your leggings along with your panties. He kisses up your thighs up to your clit, placing the most delicate kiss onto it. Jason slides his fingers into you again, continuing where he left off. Only this time, his tongue flicks your clit. Your whining, grinding against his face as your hands pull at his hair.
“God, you look so pretty,” he mumbles as he looks up. His fingers work you harder, his tongue works you faster, wanting so bad for you to cum on his fingers.
“Jason,” the moan of his name is all you can muster up; body too overwhelmed with the pleasure that he gives you. You’re close. You’re squeezing around his fingers, clit throbbing in his mouth as he sucks deliciously. The fire starts to pool in the pit of your stomach, and before you know it, you see stars as you cum.
Your legs shake around his head, walls pulsating around his fingers in a way that makes him groan against you. He slows his movements, slowly withdrawing his fingers from you before sucking his fingers once again.
Jason stands up and kisses you. You didn’t care that you could taste yourself on his sweet, precious, teasing lips. All you cared about now was returning the favour.
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